#Tolerating each other is the most affection they'll show lol
alicornze7 · 2 months
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Can’t do lineart for anything today so have some doodles instead:>
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hcs for Wednesday showing affection because she's Wednesday or Wednesday showing affection because she's an Addams (idk if that makes sense lol)
No, it totally makes sense! I personally think that when it comes to affection, the Addams side take control most of the time, especially if it comes to physical affection. I headcanon that Wednesday will only show Addams affection to her partner and partner only. The other Wednesday affection is mostly threats and bickering, but also giving advice on how to dismember a body and telling someone she tolerates them. But I sense we want some Wenclair affection so here is this!
These are all after she's not near as touch starved
Needs to be close enough to reach out and touch Enid whenever she wants
100% places her hand at the small of Enid’s back in crowds
Has to be holding hands or at least brushing arms when they walk
Hand kisses for days
Also cheek kisses
(Mostly because she can't reach Enid’s forehead)
When they sit next to each other
Wedneaday is 8/10 times playing with Enid’s hand
What I mean by playing is:
Lacing fingers, caressing with her thumb, drawing random patterns
Words are her 2nd love language
She'll lay cuddling with Enid and just tell her how her smile illuminates her heart, her eyes are the deepest of pools and Wednesday's wishes to drown in them, that her voice is a sweet mixture violins and haunts of the dammed, that her touch sets Wednesday ablaze and she will gladly die by her fire
Enid melts everytime
If Wednesday is busy with writing
She'll periodically either say something overly nauseating to enid
Or she'll just reach her hand out in a silent request for enid to come over to her
She'll grab her hand and Wednesday will just shower her arm in kisses (much like Gomez)
100% calls Enid: my sun, my love, darling, love, my light, my sunshine, my wolf, in either Spanish, English, Greek, or French
100% loves to say sweet nothings to Enid, examples:
Enid working on homework? Wednesday will come by and tell her how she adores her
Enid in class at her seat? Wednesday will lean over and tell her how she would kill for her
Enid eating lunch? Wednesday is already next to her telling her how she worships the ground she walks on
Enid studying in library? Wednesday will tell her how incredible Enid Addams sounds
Will come up behind Enid just to wrap her arms around her middle and nuzzle her face in between her shoulder blades
Curls up in Enid’s arms when she wants to read
Every once in a while
Her emotions go crazy and her old touch starved ways sneak back up
Enid will stop everything just to cup Wednesday's face and either wipe her tears away or kisses them
Then she'll make Wednesday talk about how she's feeling
And they'll sort through her emotions together
And why she's feeling this way
If Enid is caressing Wednesday's face
Wednesday loves to turn her head and rest her lips on Enid’s wrist
So she can feel her pulse
She loves Enid’s heartbeat
She'll rest her ear against her chest and listen to it all night
Or she'll randomly press her hand over her heart
Just to feel the beat
ALRIGHT! You've convinced me to write a nauseatingly cute fic of Wednesday showing affection for her girlfriend Enid, stay tuned!
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n0heart · 1 year
How long do you have your nipples done? How was your experience with pain, healing and sensation in general.
i got them in april 2022.
did they hurt? fuck yeah they did, a lot. my pain tolerance with needles (tattoos/piercings) is THE WORST so that could totally be a factor, but i'm certain that if you ask anyone about their nipple piercings they'll probably tell you the same. they hurt A LOT but!!!!!!
but!!!!! the actual process of the needle going through the nipple lasts for...a minute and a half each one. not even kidding. they hurt and they hurt BAD but it's incredibly fast. if you're in good hands (like i was) then trust me, it's done in no time.
healing process mmm 🧐 the jewelry i got was titanium (i still have titanium btw but slightly larger), it's THE best material you could probably choose for any piercing, it makes the healing process way shorter and it's widely tolerated by...almost every body, even the most sensitive and/or allergic one.
i was told by my piercer that i couldn't sleep on my stomach for AT LEAST a month, which was torture lmao but they healed super fast (everything i've gotten whether that was tattoos or piercings has always healed in just a few days 😌)
by the next day my nipples were no longer IN PAIN but they were sore and i could feel the material of my clothes which was weird. i haven't worn bras in years, and the weight of my boobs did not affect the pain of the piercings at all.
i've always had super sensitive nipples and that hasn't changed, if anything i think they're more sensitive now. which i don't always love tbh. they're tender and i try not to be too rough with them because it hurts and not in a pleasurable way 🥴
all in all i'm SO HAPPY with them, i hated the way my tits looked before, but ever since i got my nips pierced i've been in love with them. they're so pretty and hot and cool and i love showing them to everyone 🥺
p.s. they never really stop HEALING. which i've learned to accept but it sucks sometimes. and i thought it was my body at first but i saw other people complain about the same soooo yeah, i gotta live with it. they crust often or randomly bleed, but it's fine i'm used to curating them for a few days when that happens lol
enjoy two pics from when i first got them
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liliallowed · 3 months
crimsondust headcanons:
there's sometimes a brief glimpse of genuine attachment there. whether it's Stockholm syndrome or their mutual self hatred that fuels them to stick tougher like glue is up for debate.
crimson is terrified of their mask slipping but he already knows they like him. he knows and will exploit that weakness until there's nothing left.
they know it. they know he knows and they still keep up a facade. as does he.
dust often flirts with them and is often even the one engaging in advances which usually confuses or flusters crimson for a brief moment before they regain composure.
crimson sometimes acts sadistically out of boredom and other times they're nurturing soft and almost ALMOST kind when he's sick or just depressed.
they both have mood swings and due to the soul bond it affects BOTH of them. they'll both be grumpy or annoyed even if they're far apart.
they WILL know if the other is in danger. both WILL show up to the rescue. crimson because they love him and dust because an unscheduled death would mess up his plans he has in store... and the soul bond instinctively makes him confuse crimson as "his kill(???)" it's like a twisted version of datemate but his LV also fks it up aswell so it's a mosh mash of feelings he doesn't want nor like to have... and his passionate hatred for them. if crimson is in danger he'll be there. only he's allowed to kill them.
they can transfer LV into each other's soul when they're near each other. not very practical for crimson but it's very effective at pacifying dust when he's about to blow crimson up to smithereens... he'll just slump down a lil and glare at them.
crimson can use telekinesis. not bones though.
dust can access crimson's saves and fucks with their save files constantly.
dust also has a higher tolerance to liquid DETERMINATION. it might burn him like acid but it won't melt him.
most timelines they're the only ones hanging out in the underground but sometimes dust kills them so far back and soul bonds them there AGAIN (crimson is too intrigued to refuse lol) just to anchor them that far in the past. so each time they die THE WILL come back at a time HE'S set.
crimson will probably have a strange tendency to tackle him or just hug him when they aren't stabbing him.
they like the fuzzy weird feeling!
dust does not. he wants to rip out his soul (at least a part of him does, the other part is kinda appreciative)
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saebyeoked · 3 years
could you write some dating saebyeok hcs? fem reader??
sure! i think a few other people requested this on my old blog too so i hope they find this lol
dating kang saebyeok headcanons
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i like to think that if you had a younger sibling you'd meet saebyeok through them— just imagine being at the playground with your sibling and meeting her because they decided to play together or something
if you don't have younger siblings i can imagine you meeting her on the bus or on the street. you don't know how to talk to her but you end up doing it anyways because you think she looks cool
you two become friends pretty quickly and you spend a good amount of time together, usually at your house
she comes off as cold but you realize that she's actually just a big softie with a really good poker face
after a while you realize how you're actually falling in love with her. your heart pounds whenever you look at her and if you ever see the corners of her lips twitch as if she were about to smile you feel like your chest is going to explode
saebyeok actually felt that way about you before you fell for her, which embarrasses her a lot but she'd never tell you how long she had feelings for you after you got together
you're the one who asks her out on a date and you pick up food and go stargazing with her. you spend hours sitting in the dark staring up at the stars
"i love the view" you'd say
"me too" saebyeok would reply to you
of course you thought she was talking about the stars, but when you looked at her you noticed she was staring at you as she spoke
after about a week of flirting after your first date together, you ask her to be your girlfriend and she says yes
you're the first person she's been in a real, genuine relationship with and it scares her a bit. she wants to be the best for you but she worries that she won't fit your expectations
saebyeok isn't the biggest pda person, but if you are, you'll hold hands like this
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she will tolerate holding hands and a light hug here and there but she prefers to avoid it. she just doesn't like pda, it makes her worry that you'll be in danger
since she's in debt and has people after her a good amount of the time, she'll make sure you're safe and would prefer if you wore some sort of face covering in public with her. she worries that they'll do something to you to get at her
you reassure her that you can take care of yourself, and while she knows that, she still worries
saebyeok ends up moving in with you after a few months of dating because you both want to spend more time together
at first she stays in the guest bedroom but after you insist she sleeps in the same bed as you she finally gives in
she will cuddle up to you because in private she really enjoys physical affection. it makes her feel safe and protected if she lays her head on your chest while she tries to sleep. she'll really enjoy listening to your heartbeat when she does it as it makes her realize that you're actually with her
if you prefer being the little spoon then saebyeok will enjoy being the big spoon. she'd do anything to make you happy and she knows that whenever you lay in her arms you always get a huge smile on your face and she always wants to see you smile
sometimes you'll both lay on your side facing each other, and you'd hold onto her hands as you looked into her eyes
she'll fall asleep first, because she knows in your home she's safer than she was at her old one and she relishes in that
while she sleeps you'll take the time to admire her features and count her freckles. you've learned that it's impossible to put a number to them but it doesn't stop you from trying
she'll definitely have a soft spot for watching movies and tv with you so that's what you'll spend most of your days doing. you'll show her your favorite movies and she'll look at you more than the screen but she won't tell you that
saebyeok wants to feel loved, and you give her exactly that. she loves how you'll pay extra attention to her and pack her lunches if she's going anywhere for a long amount of time
you'll even praise her and tell her how good she's doing so much that it makes her face hot, but she loves how much you do it since it makes her feel good
she probably wouldn't say "i love you" often, but she would be the first to say it in your relationship. it's embarrassing for her to be open with her feelings, but since you're one of the only people she knows she can actually trust she'll try to say it more often since it makes you happy (she can tell because of the massive smile on your face)
her love languages are acts of service and quality time. she doesn't mind physical affection in private but i wouldn't say it's a love language of hers
she loves being able to buy you gifts, small things she knows you'll enjoy. charms for a bracelet, crystals (if you're into it), pieces of jewelry like rings or necklaces. none of it will be incredibly expensive but you're always grateful for it. you know this is how she shows you she loves you and you feel a bit guilty about it since she's already in debt
even if you tell her to stop buying you things she won't so don't expect her to
she will spend a lot her time with you, either sitting in silence or just talking. anything is fine with her as long as you're there with her
if you're a student, she'll try your best to help you with your work even if you tell her you don't need any help with it. she wants you to know she cares and loves about you in any way she can
when she does say "i love you" you always know she really means it. she'll give you a true smile whenever she says it and it means the world to you to hear it from her mouth
she will learn how to cook your favorite meals and will research things about your favorite shows to let you know she loves you
it's the little things that really show her gratitude and admiration for you honestly
also cheol loves you and loves how much you care about his sister. he'll embarrass her a lot because he saw how she acted whenever she came home to him before you got together, face reddened and a light smile on her face
you're happy cheol likes you and you play with him a lot
saebyeok loves seeing you play together as you're the two most important people in her life. you'll play tag with him and always let him win, you'll play hide and seek or whatever he wants just to make him smile and she knows more and more that she's in love with you
when it came time for her to meet your parents she was nervous but she wouldn't let that shine through
before she meets your parents she'll do a good amount of research on your culture if you aren't korean, partially out of curiosity but also because she worried that they wouldn't like the fact that you're in a wlw relationship. she thought if she knew stuff about it it would benefit the both of you. you told her not to worry about it
you came out to your parents and you feared they would be against you loving women but they didn't care, so you would hope them meeting your girlfriend would let them realize how beautiful sapphic love is
your parents ended up loving her, and by the end of the night they'd take her into the family for the most part. they would hug her and tell her how happy they are that you finally found someone perfect for you
saebyeok was incredibly happy to hear it and as the two of you walked back to your shared apartment you noticed the smile on her lips never faded
as your relationship progresses she'd warm up to you more and begin telling you verbally how she feels about you
she would love everything about you and she's so grateful that you stumbled into her life, helping her get past her debt and help her family in any way you can
she'll eventually tell you that she's from north korea and you'll listen intently to her story about her parents and her brothers journey
she doesn't want you to pity her, but you insist on helping her get her mother to south korea
she would worry that you wouldn't like her anymore after finding out where she's from, but the only thing you did was hug her for as long as she needed
onto a less sad topic, saebyeok is a really great kisser
she might not be incredibly experienced but she's a fast learner— bonus points if you were each others first kiss
she's the type of person to put her hands on each side of your head to kiss you some days, and on the others she'll sit her hands on your waist and pull you as close to her as possible
her kisses are always gentle and warm, each time you kiss her you feel yourself falling more and more in love
overall, saebyeok would be a really amazing girlfriend. she loves and cares for you so much and is so happy that she has you to look out for her <3
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