#Tom Six
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ltcmdrpossum · 4 months
some of my fav Tom tweets while we're at it :3
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honorable mention because no context was provided
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horrororman · 6 months
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docteurmort · 3 months
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+ alternative color option✨
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Commission ✨
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cronengirly · 1 year
My toxic trait is that I think Human Centipede is good, actually. The first film manages to never sexualize its female leads despite having them nude and on all fours for 80% of its runtime
Dr Heiter's narcissism and god complex is exemplified in almost every shot he appears in. He's framed against the light in a way that makes him look like the glowing radiant god he thinks he is. The sets are lined with portraits of conjoined twins, we see his obsession in every aspect of his life.
Contrast that to Human Centipede 2, where Martin is clearly trying to emulate Heiter, obsessively seeking control in a life that's never treated him kindly. We move up a layer in this nested narrative, the first film is only a movie, and in turn the second film IS the schlocky gross out fest that people treated the first film as. The blood, gore, sexuality all taken to another level. The whole film is shot in black and white except for the literal shit spewing from the centipede. In a way, Martin represents a sickening reality while Heiter is this escapist fantasy.
Additionally, the centipede is explicitly called a phallic symbol in this film, which in conjunction with Martin's own tendency towards... Self mutilation, there's an argument that could be made that this is more about these self destructive tendencies and that the centipede itself should only be viewed as a metaph-
What the FUCK am I talking about
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mark-demolition · 4 months
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Current bros
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may8chan · 2 years
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The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) - Tom Six 2011
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 1 year
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 29, Round 1
Vote for your favorite:
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Propaganda under the cut.
Street Trash
Things in New York are about to go down the toilet.
"Body Melt (1993) ain’t here, so Street Trash is gonna have to pick up the slack! A liquor store owner finds a case of cheap, 60-year-old booze in his basement and decides to sell it. Tenafly Viper’s rad packaging isn’t the only thing killer about it though; unfortunate consumers are subject to melting like human-sized candles. What makes Street Trash special is its presentation. As characters die, their blood and innards spill out in shades of purple, blue, green, and yellow. Gory death scenes aren’t just gory death scenes, they’re colourful spectacles! Horrific eye candy!"
The Human Centipede (First Sequence) Their flesh is his fantasy.
"human centipede is the kind of body horror that should be exclusive to fucked up nightmares but instead someone made a movie (three of them actually) about it. you've got to respect that." "it would be funny"
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idontevenknow7878 · 2 months
why is tom six so fucking funny
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nationmckinleyscorset · 3 months
The time I'm writing this is 1:14 am and I have just finished the final movie in the most disturbing trilogy I've ever watched.
The human Centipede is one of my favourite topics because I like to figure out who watches it for enjoyment (because who the fuck do you think they are) and who treats it as an endurance test. I personally have only watched all 3 movies because after the second, despite vowing to never go near the movies again, I had to know just how much more twisted they could get (plus I like closure and can never leave a series alone once I've started it).
Perhaps the most disturbing part of the final sequence is that Tom Six (the director) included himself as a character in the movie, aside from the odd comment along the lines of this is so messed up, his character had a sick fascination with the whole thing. Are we really surprised? The man was inspired to make the series after thinking up the punishment for a criminal he had seen on TV. I find it worrying that, although Six has stated he has a very innocent soul and can't abide violence, he has thought out real world applications for his disgusting punishment.
Not to piss off any fans of the 3rd movie but I also despise the fact that the main character Bill was yelling so much that his character had no substance. I got that he was insane and had discriminatory ideals but had no reason to sympathise with his character (as in the 2nd movie where the man had been abused, not an excuse by any measure but at least some backstory and vulnerable moments rather than just screaming slurs at the top of your lungs and sexually assaulting the same woman repetitively).
You know the movie was twisted when, rather than coming away from it thinking "damn, that actually made me think about society" you go to Google and spend half an hour searching "what the fuck is wrong with Tom Six"
I do appreciate that Six has veered away from the severely graphic surgical scenes and extreme gore but think the racism, misogyny and various other disturbing, incorrect viewpoints were unnecessary.
We get it, you want to shock people, you've been doing it for years. In trying so hard to disturb people these movies are becoming predictable, besides the plot lines are becoming more obnoxious and the acting is becoming so over the top that it isn't believable.
Honestly Six needs to get over himself and stop taking pleasure in being labeled the sickest man on earth, the constant desire to shock audiences is becoming childish and because the same Storylines are being reused (for example starting each movie with a character inspired by the last movie) they're actually becoming less shocking, I could probably create a bingo card of things I expect to happen and they will. As a random example, "someone gets shot", "crazy person inspired by dodgy movie", "crazy person attempts acts committed in movie", "woman sexually abused", "barbed wire mentioned/used", the list goes on
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ltcmdrpossum · 4 months
hi tumblrpede, here are all the behind the scenes of THC that I found (from Tom's twitter)!!! ^_^
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agirlnamedbone · 2 years
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Ralph Jones, from ‘The Human Centipede 2′ Is the Film That Made Me Love Life for VICE
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cronengirly · 1 year
I think we should make a movie about the human pet guy and start talking about it as part of an unofficial trilogy with Human Centipede and Tusk
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horrororman · 1 year
💀☠️🎂 A Happy #horror Birthday to Tom Six 🎂☠️💀
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fizziepopangel · 1 year
The Human Centipede Trilogy (TW: mentions of gore, death, and SA)
The first sequence of The Human Centipede was released in 2010 with its second and third installments following closely behind in 2011 & 2015. Labelled as horror, slasher, and splatter, the writer and director of this trilogy (Tom Six) takes viewers on 3 separate journeys; each getting more disturbing than the last.... so much so that only the first movie was worth watching. And, yes, I did waste roughly 4 hours of my short little life watching all 3.
For anyone reading this who isn't familiar with the concept of The Human Centipede movies, the photos should give you an idea of the basic concept of the movies. This of course being that a string of people is surgically strung together mouth the ass, taking the phrase "eat shit" to a while new, sickening level.
Sequence 1: Believe it or not, the 2010 movie was actually good, and something I would and have recommended to those who think they can stomach it. This movie depicts a crazy German doctor kidnapping 3 tourists and sewing the strangers together to create one long digestive tract.... While the doctor's experiment works and he does end up with a functioning three-person centipede, his overall success ends with the tail end of the centipede unaliving himself and the front of the centipede dying from blood poising from the basement surgery (big surprise there, huh?), and the doctor himself being shot fatally by a police officer. While the doctor being unable to hurt anymore people was definitely a huge win, the two officers in his home also ended up being fatally wounded and leave the middle segment of the centipede alive, alone, and most likely on her way to a slow, painful death from dehydration, starvation, or eventually infection from being sewn to two different dead bodies. Despite the ending, overall, the movie was a solid, well shot piece of gore. If I were to rate the film, I would give it a solid 6.5 out of 10 and I wouldn't be opposed to sitting down to watch it again some time.
Sequence 2: A year after the original movie was released, the second sequence of the trilogy came into existence. This movie, while again written and directed by a mister Tom Six, followed a different storyline. As much as I went into this movie experience wanting to like it, there is very little to say about it that's actually good. This sequence actually takes place in a timeline in which the first movie was a movie that the main character (Martin) has an unhealthy obsession with. Martin, a man shy, mentally challenged little man suffering from abuse that had been ongoing since his childhood, falls in love with the idea of the human centipede and decides to study the film in order to make his own human centipede. I won't bore anyone with the details of each individual instance of Martin's crazed centipede extravaganza, but I will say that plot wise, the movie seemed lazily written, and I was sad to see that the movie was shot completely in black and white, which seemed to drown out most of the gore and splatter. On top of that, most deaths in the movie seemed to do little to advance the plot, only really done for the dramatics of it all... and the lazy writing in this sequence really used the "it was all just a dream" trope to wrap the movie up.... While the acting was decent, the style choices in this movie, the unnecessary deaths and crude behavior all seemed like a desperate effort to shock viewers into believing it was good horror because it was uncomfortably gross. Due to the poor stylistic choice and lack of a halfway decent plotline, this film ranks extremely low on my list of things to watch again , ranking at only a 2 out of 10.
Sequence 3: Although fully in color this time, this was arguably the worst thing I've sat through start to finish. After watching the first sequence and enduring the second, I felt obligated to watch the final sequence, and while I again started the movie with a bowl of ramen and an open mind, I quickly found that I would have a long hour and a half. Sequence 3 is centered around Bill Boss (played by the same actor who played the doctor in sequence 1), a cruel yet cowardly prison warden. Again, in this film universe, sequence 1 and 2 are bother purely fictional works pitched to Bill Boss by his accountant to rehabilitate the inmates, cut costs and crack down on prison violence. This leads to the idea that they may be able to make a human centipede with the 500 inmates within the prison walls to present to the governor when he visits the prison. When this experiment is completed, Bill proceeds to shoot and kill the prison doctor that helped them make their sick centipede and worm ideas a reality for being too excited to continue his work when he asks about the next round of surgeries without the knowledge that the entire thing had been shot down by the governor just moments before. His accountant suffers the same fate when the governor returns to the prison with a change of heart about the centipede idea being a permanent fixture in their facility, crediting Dwight (the accountant) for the idea. From SA to torture to murder over greed, to the 500 person centipede (and the caterpillar), there was nothing good within the near two hours I sat through it. It was stale, needlessly vulgar, and overall extremely upsetting to watch. After almost tapping out while watching the movie, I can say with full confidence that I will never be sitting through this again unless there is a hefty amount of cash on the line. there isn't a rating low enough to give this sequence an accurate rating.
Now, I know no one asked me to talk about this trilogy, but I had to. The movies were just too much to not talk about them. I thank everyone who read and enjoyed my late night ramblings on the movie, anyone who didn't can eat shit (see what I did there lol😂).
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