#Tomoegata Naginata x Reader
foolish-spectre · 2 years
Driving Headcanons with the Touken Danshi (aka the Saniwa is fearing for their life)
Pairings: Touken Danshi x Reader (sorry I’m too lazy to type all of the pairings in this) uh... this can be taken as either platonic or romantic it’s up to you
Content Warnings: Potential car crashes/accidents and drunkenness because Jiroutachi, also allusion stripping because Sengo, threats of physical violence (road rage), swearing 
Word Count: 1327 words (ish)
Characters: Saniwa/Reader (they/them), Kasen Kanesada, Izuminokami Kanesada, Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, Tomoegata Naginata (non-binary, he/they), Heshikiri Hasebe, Kashuu Kiyomitsu, Shokudaikiri Mitsutada, Jiroutachi (transwoman, she/her), Mikazuki Munechika, Kogitsunemaru, Sengo Muramasa, Azuki Nagamitsu, Hizamaru, Otegine, Sanchoumou, Nagasone Kotetsu
A/N: Ok so I wrote this A WHILE AGO and I hate driving so I forced all the Touken Danshi mentioned here to drive with me so HAH, anyways drive safely and don’t be like these bozos! also omg this is over 6 months old jeez, also i might wanna do a beach episode fic/hcs with the touken danshi hehe
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(essentially Saniwa usually drives them around whenever they need to but some of the swords got curious and wanted to try driving themselves)
- Saniwa (Reader): 
    - Already knows how to drive and is the one teaching them how to 
    - Please send help 
    - “Why did I think it would be a good idea to let these swords drive….” 
- Kasen:
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    - Pretended not to be interested in driving but actually wants to learn 
    - Wants to drive elegantly and with poise, but has terrible road rage 
    - Fails the driving test and gave up 
    - “My driving will be as elegant and refined as me~”
    - 15 minutes later at someone who cut him off “YOU BASTARD ILL HAVE YOUR HEAD AND SERVE IT TO SANIWA-“ 
- Izuminokami: 
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    - Actually didn’t want to learn how to drive at first but then got into a competition with Mutsunokami on who could get their driver’s license quicker
    - Izuminokami is ok at driving but due to the competition aspect, he fucking floors it a lot 
    - Passed after 2-3 tries 
    - “I’m not letting that son of a bitch Mutsunokami win!” 
- Mutsunokami: 
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    - One of the first Touken Danshi to want to learn how to drive, is very interested in how the car works and often studies it 
    - You would think his enthusiasm would go overboard in this case but is actually a decent driver since he took the time to practice and learn about it
    - Passed on the first try, Izuminokami was pissed 
    - “So cool! Hey Saniwa can we look at this model please!” 
- Tomoegata: 
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    - Didn’t really care about it until Saniwa mentioned that they needed help driving around the rest of the Touken Danshi
    - Tried their hardest to get good at driving and basically tried thinking of it as a horse, took a little bit, is able to drive pretty well 
    - Passed on their first try 
    - “I will drive so that I can relieve the Saniwa’s burden of driving” 
- Hasebe: 
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    - Also did not care until Saniwa mentioned that they needed help and he immediately looked into driving lessons 
    - Ok he passed with flying colors on the written exam but on the practical exam, he has bad road rage 
    - It took like 3-5 tries for him to pass and would not concede until he got his license 
    - “If it’s for Saniwa, I’ll drive them everywhere!” 
- Kashuu: 
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    - Could not give any less of a shit, “Saniwa already drives me around, why do I need to drive when I know they drive me out of love~” but then wants to show his appreciation to them seeing as how they’re constantly driving them around and it’s getting to them since they’re anxious about driving 
    - Honestly he was scared as hell when first driving, was constantly afraid of accidentally damaging his car and other cars, so he was anxious, drives much slower out of fear, took a while to get used to driving, poor baby needs a lot of reassurance
    - Passed on first try 
    - While driving on the freeway “Wahhhh this isn’t cute at all!!!” 
- Micchan (Shokudaikiri Mitsutada): 
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    - Was also in the camp of wanting to drive and wanted to drive in a cool car (sorry Micchan we’re not that rich) and really studied hard with Mucchan on driving 
    - In the beginning, Acts like he knows what he’s doing, in reality he doesn’t know jack shit, takes a while but he gets the hang of it, is a pretty calm driver 
    - Passed on the 2nd try because he made some easy mistakes caused him to insta-fail 
    - “Hey Saniwa can we get this car, it’s so cool- what? It’s not in our budget?” 
- Jiroutachi: 
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    - No just no, you know why 
    - Booze and driving do not mix, mostly just gets you or someone else to drive her around (taroutachi is the one who learns how to drive lol) 
    - Is passed out drunk in the backseat 
    - “Drive fasterrrr~ hehehehe” 
- Mikazuki: 
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    - You would think that this old man wouldn’t be up to it but he’s actually interested in learning how to drive
    - However he drives like he’s in a Fast & Furious movie and Saniwa often fears for their life while in the car with him, yet while driving like in a car chase, he still keeps his calm demeanor 
    - Maybe it was to mess with Saniwa but somehow he passed on the first try 
    - He’s talking about how the earth turns to roads when it was once rivers “JIJI PLEASE WATCH THE ROAD” 
- Kogitsunemaru: 
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    - Wanted to learn how to drive in order for Saniwa to get some rest from driving (in reality it’s so he can have more time with them and so they can brush his hair) 
    - Was really confused on what he was supposed to do but after a lot of lessons, he became confident in his driving 
    - That being said it took him like 3 tries in order to pass 
    - “Anything for Nushi-Sama, but which direction do I go in once I reverse?” 
- Sengo: 
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    - Was also surprisingly interested in learning how to drive and was seen talking to the car??? (I’m in love with my car plays in the bg /j) 
    - Despite what others may think, he’s a natural at driving and you feel so safe in the car with him??? Saniwa could take a breather in the chaos with him that being said he often says he’ll strip in the car 
    - Passed on first try with flying colors 
    - “Fufufufufufufu, the car is obeying my commands, shall I strip? Why are you asking me to pull over?” 
- Azuki: 
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    - Mostly wanted to learn how to drive so he could drive the Tantous to get sweets and to get groceries without having to get Saniwa to drive him every time 
    - Thankfully doesn’t have road rage but he’s very slow, like too slow man, like driving 40 mph on a freeway type of slow, Saniwa was about to push him out of the driver’s seat and floor it for him, he’s just concerned for the children’s safety 
    - Passed after 2-3 tries 
    - After Saniwa tells him to please be within the speed limit “Think of the children Saniwa, I don’t want to accidentally shake them with my driving.” You almost get pulled over for driving so slow, Azuki
- Hizamaru: 
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    - Mostly just wanted to be able to drive his brother and you around, nothing else, so he put his heart into learning how to drive 
    - Did pretty well on the written portion but was too overly concerned on the road to focus, often Saniwa had to reassure him that he’s doing great 
    - Passed on his 2nd try, would have passed on the 1st try if he didn’t second guess himself 
    - “Maybe Anija will remember my name once I drive him everywhere!” Hizamaru baby….
- Otegine: 
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    - Huh??? Why are you asking a spear that’s only good at piercing to drive? Was really against it until he saw how much ‘fun’ everyone else was having and decided to give it a go
    - His driving is choppy and abrupt to say the least, Saniwa’s head hit the windshield a couple of times over how abrupt his stops were, he apologized every time 
    - It took him like 3-5 tries to pass but hey he passed! 
    - Screams this while on the freeway “The one thing I’m good is piercing, not driving!” 
- Sanchoumou: 
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    - Pretty chill about it and up to try anything so he was up to try his hand at driving 
    - Maybe a little bit too enthusiastic, almost crashed into another car but hey it’s fine…. For now, but is a quick learner and good listener so he should be fine… in theory 
    - It took him like 3-4 times but hey this bird can drive now! 
    - “Let’s see how fast this little bird goes!” You had to make him slow down before he got a ticket 
- Nagasone: 
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    - Was a little interested and was up for anything so he tried his hand at it
    - Pretty chill driver that made sure to listen to your instructions, honestly he comes off as a natural until you snap out of it when he runs over a curb 
    - Passed on first try
    - “I guess this counterfeit is good at driving too!” 
- After all of that however Saniwa never wanted to teach driving ever again and passes out
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
Hello there! I really liked the hcs you did a while back on the swords comforting their s/o after a nightmare. Could I make a similar request, but with Hasebe, Kashuu, and Tomoegata (separate of course). I enjoy your writing very much, hopefully you're doing well! ~♥
Hasebe, Kashuu, and Tomoegata Comforting their s/o after a Nightmare (GN!Reader)
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♡ Hasebe would be making his nightly rounds before he went to bed, it was his job to make sure the citadel was safe and most importantly, his saniwa was safe.
♡ Passing the saniwa's bedroom, hearing rustling instead; he didn't think too much of it. Probably getting more comfortable in their bed to get well deserved sleep. Thank the gods he was there to keep them safe and tend to anything they needed.
♡ It was when he was starting to walk away, he heard murmurs in the chamber, pleading no's and the rustling become more fierce.
♡ Hasebe's thoughts went a mile a minute as panic sent into overdrive, nearly dropping his lantern he was carrying with him on his walk, he ran back and opened with a loud bang as he yelled into the darkness, "ARUJI??"
♡ The bang and Hasebe's worried scream quickly woke the saniwa in a panic (as well as most of the citadel, probably). Their face stained with tears and their body refusing to calm down, shaking like a leaf trying desperately to hang on to the branch.
♡ Hasebe would waste no time from throwing aside his light and running over to his dear saniwa, embracing them in the tightest hug imaginable.
♡ "I am so happy you're okay!" His face would be buried into their neck but anyone could tell from his shaky voice that he was as close to tears as they were.
♡ If they confess that they were having bad nightmares, Hasebe would listen intently and not say a word until they were done explaining as far as they were comfortable. His hand still holding onto theirs throughout it all.
♡ Hasebe would also confess that he also had plenty of nightmares since becoming human and gaining the ability to dream. They were very bad at first, about his old master Nobunaga... Then the nightmares would transform into his saniwa where he would be left behind once again, no matter how much he showed his masters he loved them.
♡ "They have gotten better lately because... I trust you, aruji. I hope you trust me too and know I will not leave your side."
♡ Hasebe would offer to stay by their side until they fallen asleep, even offering to go steal a book from someone to give a little tale so they can dream to a story. If they ask him to just stay with them... His face would go scarlet... but he wouldn't say no.
♡ He would slide in beside them, nervous to touch them or make them uncomfortable. As they rest their head on his chest, he would find his arms hovering over their body for a little while before gently setting themselves down and rub their back in soothing circles. A smile on his face as he watches them slowly drift back to sleep... in a more peaceful dream.
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♡ Kashuu's room would be fairly close to the saniwa's due to being one of the first swords in the citadel (if not the first). Kashuu would already be asleep by the time the scream erupted from their room.
♡ Normally, Kashuu would be someone fairly hard to wake up. Not because he was a heavy sleeper... no, they would fear the wrath of Kashuu from waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
♡ The scream shook Kashuu awake, causing him to bolt up... eyes still trying to realize the surroundings before him. His sword was quickly grabbed as he ran to your room as fast as he could, knowing others would quickly follow.
♡ The scene before him, after he opened the door, was his saniwa bend over trying to catch their breath as sweat coated their skin. More footsteps followed behind Kashuu. The look of panic they gave Kashuu was all he needed for him to close to door slightly and turn to the crowd that came, anxiously trying to look inside to help their master.
♡ "Go to bed everyone, it's alright. It was just a spider." He made a shooing motion to them, not even caring for their retorts before closing the door. Leaving the enclosed room to be just him and his master.
♡ His silent footsteps found its way before his master as he gently dapped their forehead to clear of the sweat. His long, beautiful nails, brushing against hair as he pulled it slightly back so it didn't get in their face.
♡ "Focus on me. Nothing else or I'm going to get jealous." His tone was serious yet also playful. His ruby eyes looking down at his master with compassion. When they finally looked up at him, he gave them a little wink.
♡ "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
♡ Even if they wanted nothing more to curl up into themselves, Kashuu's gentle hand grabbed them and lifted them up. Slowly leading them to the washroom where he took extra care in cleaning their face and brushing back their hair. All the while complimenting them. Their breathing slowed as they focused on Kashuu's delicate care.
♡ "You don't have to talk about what happened, it seemed serious. I also get nightmares so if you do need to talk, I'm here."
♡ His eyes wouldn't look into the mirror as he did the last finishing touches to clean them up. Saniwa knew that confessing such a thing was a big step for someone like Kashuu.
♡ "Let's get you back to bed so I can finish my beauty sleep." He would offer to do a face mask for them before going to bed, making sure they knew that no matter how bad the dream was... they were cared for and safe where they were currently.
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♡ Tomoegata arrived late into the night where the sun threatened to soon arise before him. The mission was tediously long but he wanted to make his master proud, even if he was slightly disheartened that he would not be able to talk to them before he had to rest for the night.
♡ He was going to just drop off the report to their office before heading to bed.
♡ Not bothering to announce his presence, he opened the door to the study to leave the paperwork on the desk that laid in the darkness of the room.
♡ It was only when he got closer, about to drop the papers, did he see that there was a figure in the darkness. Their head laying on the desk, sleeping quietly.
♡ He turned on the light, realizing his precious master had fallen asleep at their desk... with tears?
♡ Tomoegata quickly dropped the papers and rush over beside them, shaking them slightly to wake them.
♡ The first thing they saw when they opened their blurry, wet eyes was a figure crouched beside them so they were eye level... A face of concern of a Naginata sword.
♡ "Aruji? Are you hurt? Are you sick? Should I carry you back or get medical help?"
♡ Tomoegata Naginata is a man with no history to his name therefore he does not experience dreams as often as the other swords. At least none that he would be able to remember.
♡ They slowly sat up, their back aching from how they laid. He was there helping and brushed away the tears with his sleeve.
♡ Explaining that they just had a bad dream would earn them a confused look. "What is that? Is that like a fainting spell?" His innocent, bewildered question would honestly make anyone laugh.
♡ "It's when you dream, or picture something while you sleep, that might be connected to something in your past or something that you fear that makes you emotional to the point of... crying, as you saw."
♡ His mouth would be agape as he listened. Asking how he cures their bad dream so he can ensure you sleep peacefully.
♡ In the end, after answering his, very cute, questions. He would make the two of you tea as they sat outside to enjoy the fleeting moment with the stars and the moon. The tea being pleasantly warm against the more chilly air around them.
♡ "I may not understand much about this world or humans... But whatever you require, please let me know and I will do anything to help with these nightmares, aruji."
♡ Him being overly concerned and trying to understand exactly what happened warmed their heart to the point that the nightmare was becoming a fleeting memory like the stars above.
♡ "You're enough as is, Tomoe. Thank you. I think I can sleep after this tea and talking to you."
♡ "No matter what time is it, if you have a bad dream, I will listen and make you all the tea you desire."
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Can i request Hasebe, Tomoe and Kashuu reacting to child!Saniwa asking if they can go to their PTA meeting or watch them during a sports festival at their school pls ?
Oh my god.
Sports festival saniwa...oh my god. @rexcaliburechoes REXY HI PLS TAKE DIS FOOD
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Heshikiri Hasebe
Hasebe isn’t...all that good with kids? He can tolerate them and as he gets closer to the master, he’ll begin to cherish them. They are still his master, no matter how small they are! Sure it’ll take some getting used to but like...he can handle it....he thinks?
One day they shyly ask him to attend a festival at their school a handwritten invitation given out to him. “I-I trust you...” the little one would say, small little hands gripping the paper to the point it may rip - head bowed as they hold it out to him. Hasebe can’t say no! They are so brave to ask him and he’s flattered really.
When the day of the festival comes, Hasebe had researched what they are like beforehand. He is prepared for the hot sun with copious amounts of water, a hat, bento boxes, so on and so forth! He’s uber prepared! No way is anything bad going to happen!
He cheers the loudest whenever the kid is competing in an event or performing a show like in a cultural festival. He’s taking pictures of how cute they are. He’s going to show EVERYONE back at the citadel how fucking pROUD HE IS OF THEM.
If the kid is doing something like cross country, I think Hasebe would be at least a coach for them. He’s pretty damn fast too, and honestly he’ll be rather damn proud if the kid says that Hasebe’s speed inspired them to start running track. Will he cry??? pROBABLY
If there’s a PTA meeting to attend, Hasebe will honestly dress rather formally. He wants to make a good impression! A sweater vest? A suit? Who knows?! Maybe he’ll slap some glasses on there? Lord knows Hasebe will look good as hell with square frames.
He probably has evidence that the saniwa is a good little kid. He has fucking receipts. Don’t even think about talking bad about this kid in front of him. He’ll counter every point. “They are small and young and yes mistakes do happen, but they will come back from it in the end.” and if the kid has any problems at school, Hasebe will do his best to help them!
Okay but this is a personal headcanon that makes me cry, if the fact that this lil Saniwa is bringing Hasebe along to these events means that they care about him a lot and trust him even more than the rest of the TouDan makes him cry a lil? They are so young after all, gods know that they should not be in a war like this. They need to have a better life and HAsebe knows this. So when the meeting or festival is over, I think the lil one will dedicate a trophy or a drawing towards Hasebe. It’s not much, but this little one cares about him oh so much.
Hasebe found crying when they get home to the citadel.
Tomoegata Naginata
Tomoe is even harder to crack than Hasebe. Yes he’s a faithful attendant but children? What is that????? He has to ask for help and freezes whenever this little one asks him for something like affection. He isn’t all that good with it. But as he starts becoming closer to the kid, his affection is a little more known. He won’t hug them suddenly like Kashuu would but like Hasebe, he’ll give them a head pat in public.
It’s a cultural festival that Tomoe is invited to, a colorful invitation in the hand of the little Saniwa who hesitates. But they want him to come. It’s with their best handwriting, practiced over and over again to get it right. Tomoe remembers seeing evidence of that - the spare sheets of paper and how the little one didn’t want to let him see what in the world they were writing. He accepts of course, he cannot disappoint the Saniwa!
Like Hasebe, he researches what culture or sports festivals are, coming to the event oh so prepared! Water, hats, lunches, money, so on and so forth! Damn fUCKING RIGHT HE’S GOING TO MAKE SURE THIS LIL KID IS SAFE DURING THIS EVENT.
Tomoe has a fine appreciation for the arts, and if the saniwa is an artist or is in a play, damn right he’s going to applaud them. Yes maybe they had budding talent, or maybe they have not talent at all - but he is happy if the little one is happy.
He’s supportive in whatever they do after all! Damn right he’ll stick by their side through thick and thin.
If they play games at the festival, Tomoe is found carrying all of their prizes or just winning them for the little one!
At a PTA meeting, Tomoe is wearing a suit. He has brought a stack of files and is more than ready to listen to whatever this teach has to say about the little one. They labeled him as their guardian after all! Tomoe has to keep up appearances.
Like Hasebe, the naginata could go on and on about how great the little one is. Yes he will say that the little one has some faults but like, listen...he cares for this kid. For every fault the little one has, they make up for it with something they do - a smile or a hug for someone!
If they are struggling, Tomoe will do everything to help them. Math, literature, you name it! He’ll be right there by their side, hovering over their shoulder as they work. He will scold them yes but it’s gentle and reward them with a soft smile whenever they do well.
When did Tomoe catch these emotions? Who tHE FUCK KNOWS?
Kashuu Kiyomitsu
If Kashuu is the saniwa’s starter sword, he’ll be close with the little one for sure. He’ll keep them company through thick and thin and he always does the little one’s nails and keeps them all pretty and happy. Hell they’ll have matching clothes! Damn right they will! Kashuu is not about to let this little one be alone. He knows what it’s like in a way, to be discarded and lonely - so he’s determined and driven to not let the little one feel the same!!
Kashuu-niisan is a bit of a gossip so when he finds out that the little one wants to take him to their festival, of course he’ll be the first to know! He wil happily say yes! He will be raring to go! He will do research on what they are first and of course he’s going to bring a SHIT TON of sunscreen. No way are either of them going to suffer skIN DAMAGE T O D A Y. of course it’s important to keep hydrated too and he asks horikawa to teach him how to cook so he can make lil snackies for the saniwa.
Honestly he hates going outside and being under the sun. He is under this parasol as he watches the little one run about. Of course, Kashuu will always hold their hand as they walk about. He’s not letting this little one out of his fUCKING SIGHT.
Honestly the fact that the little one has labeled Kashuu as their legal guardian makes hm want to sob? Yes Kashuu is a bit...high maintenance and loves being pampered but the love and adoration of a little one - who is growing up all too fast mind you - is something....new to him? It’s comforting in a way, and it gives him another reason to always come home to them. It’s a little selfish, ti know that this child still needs him compared to Okita who threw him away when he was useless. Thus, Kashuu has a habit of trying to almost...take Hasebe’s spot as the attendant at times?
Anyway back to happiness: Kashuu watches the little one like a hawk but knows when to have fun. Half of the time he does get a weee bit distracted here and there - looking at cute clothes or spotting something that the little one likes! Maybe he’ll drag them around to a little festival stall or something to get food or buy things for peeps back at the citadel? Who knows?!
At a PTA meeting, of course Kashuu is going to dress to the nines! A lil flashy but it’s most likely some kinda suit. Maybe a floral suit? Fuck yeah. Who the hell knows. Like black suits are fine and dandy but like...where’s the variety???He’s going to look like a DAMN MODEL
Whatever the kid needs, Kashuu will be there. He isn’t as perfect as Hasebe or Tomoe at like the normal school stuff but that doesn’t mean he can’t try! He does and can and will try to help damn it! He’ll ask for Hakata to teach him math if he gotta.
No matter what, Kashuu is going to want to be there. If the kid is suffering in school, he’ll hold their hands and walk them to school or do whatever he needs to for them. He’ll hold their hand during the meeting and he may not have receipts like HAsebe or Tomoe to show proof that the kid is going great but but Kashuu knows the lil one is doing amazing.
To Kashuu, it’s the little things that make the little one adorable and his desire to protect them just...grows stronger and stronger. They smile at him and work so damn hard that it reminds him much of Okita - how he kept on going despite his illness. He would be damned if this little one falls. He’s going to do everything to prevent it.
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manbasgiri · 2 years
may I request Tomoegata Naginata x reader who is kinda shy so if they hug or do anything and someone walks in they push or something and panic saying a bunch of random excuses that make no sense
Tomoe with shy saniwa
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notes. I love him !! hope you like it.
reader. fem!saniwa
word count. 164
tomoe knows you're shy, so he understands that at times your face will look like a pepper and burn with shyness.
in his own way, he finds these scenes cute "focus tomoegata now it's time to focus on work, not how cute saniwa is when she's embarrassed and talking nonsense"
when you have a lack of affection and go ask him for a hug, just being the two of you is all quiet, but when someone shows up BAAAM your face got hot again.
It's not that you're ashamed to be seen in Tomoe's arms, it's that someone caught you in such an intimate moment that it left you off guard.
tomoe doesn't get mad about it, because he even feels a little embarrassed when someone shows up and he's petting saniwa (most of the time it's shizukagata who appears looking for him).
over time you may even feel less embarrassed if you are caught off guard, but that facial flush will always be there.
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regret-roulette · 3 years
In Memory
Notes: Idk why but whenever I read the letters the touken danshi send you it makes me feel like they don’t see you as you see them. They speak about their former masters with such fondness (well most of them, anyway) and it makes me wonder and feel like: would they say the same about you? Will you ever compare?
Summary: Anyone could give them orders. You were nothing special and once you could no longer do the job, they would replace you.
Master. Saniwa, protector of history.
The only place my legend can truly be forged is at your side.
When I return to the citadel, wield me to protect history, and write my story.
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Ah. What a strange feeling to have at that thought. A mix of shock and disbelief at what the naginata stated so matter-of-fact, like he was commenting on the warm weather of the Citadel. To make memories and history at your side, to have you shape his story and not people from the past. For so long you thought that your existence to the Touken Danshi was temporary. A fleeting life no different from the ones that simply passed them during their time as a sword. An existence that just about anybody could fulfill for their story was already forged and well known to the world. You didn’t actually wield them in battle, fight side by side with them on the field—you gave orders and they followed. Anyone could give them orders. You were nothing special and once you could no longer do the job, they would replace you. Would they even notice that someone replaced you?
Somehow, you convinced yourself that they wouldn’t. A meaningless, fleeting existence to distribute orders and who it was didn’t actually matter. Because they wouldn’t remember you anyway, nor anyone in the same position you were in. The only memories they held close and cherished were the ones of the creators and some of their previous owners. Ones who wielded them, fought with them, and maybe even died by their side.
And who were you to think you could ever mean anything like that?
“Master, I have returned with the tea.” Tomoegata’s voice snapped you from your stupor.
“Oh. That was quick, thank you.” You replied.
The screen slid open and the tray in the naginata’s hands clattered to the ground with a resounding crash as its contents shattered on the floor. You jumped at the noise and shattering tea set, nearly shocked out of your wits.
“Tomoegata? Are you—”
You moved to stand, to make sure that he hadn’t hurt himself. It was unlike him to be so clumsy, he was meticulous to a tee. But before you could get up, he was in front of you with his hands pressing against your shoulders gently, urging you to sit back down.
“Master, are you alright?” Tomoegata’s voice strained, and you looked up at his face, confused.
What was he talking about? He was the one who just dropped everything. If anything, that was your line. Before you could voice that thought, his hands moved up and cupped your face gently as his thumbs brushed away at your cheeks.
“I should be asking you that, you could have cut yourself on the tea set.” You said and placed a hand over one of his. Intent to tug it away so you could stand up and help clean up the mess, but his hand wouldn’t budge.
“You’re crying.” Tomoegata whispered with a frown.
You froze momentarily. Were you? When did that start? What could you even get emotional over? Did it have to do with the Touken Danshi not remembering you? That was stupid and something you accepted awhile ago, why would that bother you now?
“I am?” You tried to force out a laugh, but it only made the frown on Tomoegata’s face worsen, so you stopped.
“Was something troubling you, did you receive bad news?” He finally let go of your face and gently grabbed your hands in his instead.
The naginata looked over to what you were working on, and you felt the way he stiffened. You glanced over to the pile of papers and to see his letters to you scattered about on top. The reason for the depressing thoughts, but nothing to cry over!
“Did I.. upset you?” He turned his attention back to you.
In those eyes you saw the momentary fear that he was the reason for your distress. His hands, which still clung to yours, tightened their hold on your own.
“No!” You frantically tried to fix the situation and by now some of the Touken Danshi came due to the commotion but backpedaled just out of eyesight. You could still see their shadows through the screen. “It’s not—you didn’t do anything or say anything to upset me! It’s the opposite!”
The naginata blinked.
“Opposite?” He echoed.
You glanced away, unable to look him in the eye. These emotions you harbored weren’t pretty, but you accepted your position and role here long ago, yet somehow you still felt upset. And it was because it still upset you that you felt embarrassed and ashamed.
“When you.. what you said in your letters, they meant a lot to me.” You felt your throat tighten and tried to swallow past it. “All the others already have their precious memories and masters. I already know that I’ll never be as important or even memorable to them. So what you said about being the one to write your story and place in history I..” You trailed off.
Your nose burned, and tears blurred your vision, and you rapidly tried to blink them away. By the Gods, why were you getting so emotional over this? You knew it already!
“Sorry, it’s silly and stupid and I’m not asking for any of them to remember me but—oomph!” Whatever you had to say cut off when Tomoegata let go of your hands in favor of wrapping his arms around you and yanking you into him. One of his arms wrapped around your waist and the other pressed gently to the back of your head.
“I cannot speak for the others, but you are the master who forged me and my creator. I am honored to even stand by your side whether you wield me at all, and the memories we make are ones I will never forget. Not now, not in a thousand or even ten thousand years. There is nobody who can replace you.”
You struggled for words, but they wouldn’t come. Only the onslaught of tears at something you didn’t realize you were so desperate to hear. The Touken Danshi were the ones you loved, and you did your best to lie to yourself and say that you didn’t mind if they didn’t remember you. That it didn’t hurt knowing you weren’t as important to them as they were to you. But it was just that, a lie.
Latching onto the naginata like a lifeline, you pressed your face into his shoulder and cried out into it. Someone would remember you, remember that you fought. And maybe you wouldn’t make history like the famed creators of the other swords, but it was more than enough for you that Tomoegata would remember you.
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
How would Kashuu, Houchou and Tomoegata react to an official who tries to woo the saniwa?
Time Government Official tries to woo Saniwa (GN!Reader)
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♡ Kashuu and the Saniwa were at the Time Government HQ to drop off the recent supports for the HRA Invasion research. Normally such paperwork would either be mailed in or an official would come to the citadel to get it themselves.
♡ Due to the gravity of the situation, such documents were required to be delivered to the HQ right away in case it could help make a breakthrough on such an awful event happening.
♡ Kashuu was the sword assigned to be Saniwa's personal bodyguard for this trip... You can never be too safe now a days.
♡ However there was one thing he didn't plan for...
♡ A man with long, curled, black hair that was shaved on the left side and green eyes lit up when he saw Saniwa appear with their paperwork.
♡ "Angel, if you told me you were coming today, I would of dressed up nicer for you." He commented to the Saniwa who looked almost taken aback as Kashuu was.
♡ "Do you know him, aruji?" Kashuu whispered. A ping of anger rushing through his gut as he heard the way he spoke to his master.
♡ "He is just an official I have talked to a few times... We aren't close."
♡ Not close, huh? Meaning that Kashuu didn't have to be nice.
♡ "You really should of dressed up nicer. You came into work looking like that? This isn't time be in your lounge wear... I see stains all over that poor white shirt."
♡ It was now time for him and the Saniwa to look at Kashuu in shock. All the while, a proud smile on Kashuu face. He wasn't sure exactly what it was but the way he talked to his saniwa irked him beyond belief and wanted to make it stop right then and there.
♡ "Since we are in a busy situation, something you clearly don't know about since you are living the good life while aruji puts their life on the line, we will be going. Enjoy the paperwork." He took the folder out of their hands and slide it over to him.
♡ His hand gently grabbed Saniwa's and lead them out. Part of him felt shame for letting such an ugly emotion out in front of someone he held so dear to him... But he couldn't help it. He couldn't just stand there and watch that.
♡ "You still think I'm a pretty sword... Right?" He whispered to them.
♡ "Of course I do. I also know you have emotions Kashuu. I won't leave your side just because of that."
♡ "Better not. I want to be the most loved. So I can't let that guy steal you away from me."
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♡ Houchou heard there was a visitor at the door asking for his saniwa. Being the nosy tantou he was, he walked to the front of the citadel and opened the door.
♡ He was greeted by a Time Government Official with rough golden skin, short, straight, blond hair and brown eyes. He held a platycodon bouquet in his hands and a shocked expression when he saw it wasn't the saniwa that opened the door.
♡ "Oh hello. Is (Y/N) coming?"
♡ (Y/N)? (Y/N)!? How dare he use your name so casually like that!
♡ "Why do you need aruji...?" Hanchou asked, as he put a gummy bear into his mouth and sharpened his gaze at the man. He was trying real hard to be intimidating... but he is a little too cute for that.
♡ "I was going to ask them out on a date. These flowers are for them." He grinned. "We never talked before but I wanted to strike up my chance with them."
♡ Hanchou looked behind him to make sure that no one was close before he drew his attention to the stranger in front of him. "Aruji is sick right now..." He lied and gave a sad face. "But I can give those flowers to them for you!"
♡ He thought it over for a few seconds before finally giving in and gave the bouquet to Hanchou. "Please let them know I'm hoping they recover soon and to come to the HQ if they want that date-"
♡ "Uh huh." After getting the flowers, Hanchou closed the door in his face and skipped down the hall to Saniwa's study.
♡ Looking over the flowers to make sure there was no note that could out him about what he had just done.
♡ Before he even got to their room, Saniwa was making their way down the hall to go to the front door.
♡ "Aruji!! Aruji!!!" Hanchou cheerfully squealed as he ran up to them, holding the large bouquet out to them. "I got this for you!! Do you like them?"
♡ You couldn't help but blink for a few seconds before leaning down and admiring the beautiful flowers. "These are lovely, Hanchou. How did you get them?" They asked as they took the flowers and hugged the small tantou.
♡ He quickly returned the hug. "I saved up my allowance to get you a gift!" Hanchou smirked into their shoulder as the saniwa thanked him. No one needed to know Hanchou little secret.
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♡ A time government official made her way into the citadel to discuss something important with the Saniwa. Tomoegata was currently the assigned attendant to the saniwa, so it was his job to guide any guests to the meeting room and make sure saniwa knew of the unexpected guest.
♡ When Tomoegata arrived to his saniwa's office to tell them of the news, the saniwa was flustered over the sudden visit. Clearly not told beforehand at all. He told them that they would meet them in the meeting room after he made tea for everyone.
♡ The tray was set with three cups and a pot full of chamomile.
♡ "Please excuse me." He called out as he opened the door and pulled in the tea cart. Only to witness the girl with short, wavy, black hair and brown eyes be drawn very close to his saniwa and touching their arm.
♡ The Saniwa looked very uncomfortable. Tomoegata's mouth was left agape from the scene before him as he walked over to the table and put the two cups very far apart.
♡ "I will ask you to unhand my master since they clearly are uncomfortable by your advances, miss." His tall form stood over her and casted a shadow over her.
♡ It looked as if she was debating it before slowly moving away and to the seat with her cup.
♡ Tomoegata gave a look to ask if his master was truly okay... only receiving a shaky nod in return. He decided that tea, in the end, was not needed for the discussion.
♡ "It seems my aruji is not feeling well today. What is it that you came here for that was so important you didn't give notice?" He asked. His voice firm and strict. Something normally Tomoegata didn't do since he knew the people around him were more experienced and he had much to learn.
♡ "Ah... Did I really need a reason to come see their cute face?"
♡ "Yes. As aruji's face is not there for your pleasure. If you have nothing to discuss, please follow me to the exit. Now."
♡ His brows furrowed as he gestured to the doorway, away from his saniwa. You could see the wheels in her head turning as if trying to figure a reason to stay and flirt more with her crush. Clearly not being a fan of this Naginata... She decided it was best to retreat for now.
♡ Before Tomoegata left to show her the way, he poured his master a cup of tea. "Please take all the time you need, aruji. I will return quickly to heed any call you may give."
♡ His sharp gaze returned once more when his eyes landed on her and walked in front to lead her away from the one he held dear. He would never admit it to anyone... But that was the first time Tomoegata felt true anger. He didn't realized it until the moon rose in the sky and he talked to Kokindenjunotachi about what occurred in the afternoon.
♡ He learned from his soothing words that those emotions were rather normal and sometimes were called jealousy. A part of him was scared that he could hold just burning emotions inside him that clouded his mind... but the other side made him feel like he could float on a cloud from understanding another part of being human and could connect closer to his Saniwa.
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
Hi, so glad you’re back and doing well! I’d like to request some Aquarium date headcanons with Tomoegata, Hizamaru, and Hasebe (romantic and separate). Love your writing and I hope you have a wonderful day/evening!
Thank you so much!! This was such a blast to write and I hope they make you smile <3
Aquarium Date With Tomoegata Naginata, Hizamaru, and Heshikiri Hasebe (GN!Reader)
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♡ When you asked him to go on a date to the Aquarium, Tomoe was very excited. He never experienced it before! His excitement might not be completely visible on his face but through his actions of asking a million of questions on what he is suppose to bring tells it all.
♡ He also... Doesn't know exactly what an Aquarium is? So you start listing off animals one would see there.
♡ "There are whales, dolphins, seals, jelly fish, penguins, and many more!"
♡ "What kind of fish are whales?" "They're mammals. They spit seawater into the air." "What about dolphins?" "Uh.. They are also mammals. They are really smart and can be taught tricks." "And penguins?" "I think they are birds-" "We're talking about aquariums, but none of these things seem to be fish..."
♡ The day of the date, Tomoe will make himself look the most beautiful he can. An outfit he normally doesn't wear with some black heels and makeup that could kill!
♡ He has to look his best for you!
♡ Bringing him to the aquarium is almost like bringing a kid to the aquarium for the first time. He will want to see everything with you.
♡ Every panel with information about the creatures inside, he will read out loud to you and quickly look around to try to find said creature. Often times calling you over to look at it with him.
♡ If it was up to him, he would spend hours at each one just taking in the view and asking all the questions he can about them.
♡ When it's time for the dolphin show, the two of you sit a little further away so you both don't get splashed. Even so, you can see Tomoe at the edge of his seat as he watches with awe as they do their tricks.
♡ "You're right... They are amazing creatures. I want to see one up close-"
♡ Your little laughter at his cuteness doesn't even catch his attention since he is so absorbed in the show.
♡ After the show, he will ask what animal is your favorite and ask about them on the way to their tank. He wants to make a photo of the two of you together with your favorite animal.
♡ When he finds out about the gift shop... oh boy.
♡ He will go to the dolphin section right away looking at all the cute merchandise.
♡ The it hits him.
♡ With the money he had saved up, he sneaks off and quickly goes to pay for the items he received.
♡ When you find him again, he has a little bag and spins his finger around to tell you to turn your back to him.
♡ You feel a cold sensation on your collarbone as you look down and see it's a small pendant of your favorite animal. When you look back up, you see he is holding another one of a dolphin asking you if you could put it on him.
♡ The couple can now match and always remember their exciting time at the aquarium. Tomoe never takes off his dolphin necklace (unless it's a dangerous battle where he refuses to let it see harm).
♡ The citadel quickly learns about all the facts he picked up at the aquarium. He tried to not be pushy but everything that even related to the beautiful creatures he saw, he instantly starts sprouting out everything he learned.
♡ Needless to say... He had the best time at the aquarium with you.
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♡ Hizamaru is another one that isn't too certain about what exactly an "Aquarium" is. With the help of his brother, Higekiri, and you he quickly learns.
♡ He thinks it would be fun to spend alone time with you! At first he was thinking about taking his brother with (just on an date and Higekiri is also there), but Higekiri saved you from that fate by telling Hizamaru that isn't how dates work-
♡ Unlike Tomoe, Hizamaru doesn't get super dressed up for the date. He wears someone casual with a jacket in case he gets cold or if you get cold.
♡ Higekiri totally helped him the night before with picking a casual outfit that looks nice so it looked like he dressed up a bit but wasn't trying too hard. Hizamaru was very oblivious to this fact and was just going to wear the outfit he normally does around the citadel until Higekiri stopped him.
♡ Bless Higekiri for giving Hizamaru a run down on how dates go because oh my... He was clueless.
♡ The day of, Hizamaru did his best to look as handsome as he could and praised you on your outfit. He didn't need Higekiri to know when someone looks nice, especially someone you really care about, you compliment them to the moon and back.
♡ He was very impressed by all the fish at the aquarium! He may or may not of commented on how some of them looked very delicious-
♡ He didn't read the panels too often unless it was an animal you showed interest in or he liked.
♡ If you got cold, he is wrapping his jacket around your shoulders and taking your hand in his gloved one to warm you up.
♡ Saniwa not getting cold on his watch ಠ╭╮ಠ
♡ Hizamaru really loved the penguins!! When they said that two of them were brothers that were born recently, he knew he had to get a photo of them and show Higekiri.
♡ Don't worry! He doesn't talk about his brother too much on the date. His mind is only on you!
♡ Anything you tell him that you know about the animals at the aquarium, especially the ones he showed interest in, he would never forget. He would gush to Higekiri when he got home about the date and how smart you are.
♡ Speaking of when the two of you are about to go home.
♡ He would sneak off to the gift shop and get you a penguin plushie with a bow on it. It would be super soft and about medium size for a plushie. Perfect for cuddling.
♡ "For anytime you get lonely and I can't rush to your side."
♡ He would end the date with a warm hug as thanks for bringing him along since he had so much fun.
♡ That night though, if you are comfortable with it, you might find yourself cuddling with the plushie and a Hizamaru, because he would just want to be close to you after such a nice time together on the date.
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♡ When you ask him to go to the aquarium together, he says yes... Of course. He is no fool. But as soon as you leave to do your other tasks, Hasebe is sprinting to learn everything about all the animals at the aquarium.
♡ He has to impress you!
♡ From all the interesting facts about all types of fish and sea animals, to how to impress your date, to "FLOWERS???"... He goes through it all.
♡ The day of the date... oh gosh.
♡ You start your day like normal. As you are finishing getting ready for your date, you hear a knock at your bedroom door.
♡ There he is. Hasebe in a perfectly ironed suit, a proud look with a blush, and holding a bouquet of roses that he totally didn't demand Fukushima to make him the night before.
♡ He was so proud of himself. He followed everything the internet told him and now his beloved was going to be so imp-
♡ "Why are you wearing a suit-"
♡ Heartbroken. Devastated. How could his life go on....
♡ After telling him that this type of date was more casual than that, he puts the large bouquet in your hands and slumps off to get changed to fit the date more accurately.
♡ When it was finally time, he showed up in something way more casual than the suit before it. He still wanted to be more dressed up to impress you though so he wore some khaki pants and a white button up.
♡ You were about to compliment him when he looked at you in awe and began to give you a million of compliments from how his heart soar when he finally saw you.
♡ When it was finally his time to get a compliment, you could see a prideful smile and a blush on his cheeks as he said, "I had to make sure to look handsome around you, Aruji."
♡ You could tell he was still a little nervous from wanting to impress you so badly.
♡ He was a big gentleman on the date! He opened all the doors for you, held your hand (he was so excited when you offered and took it right away), offered to pay for the whole date, and began to sprout off about all his interesting animal facts.
♡ What do you mean there are panels at the aquarium that already tells you all about the animals-
♡ Hasebe is a big picture taker. He isn't the best at it but he wants to take pictures of you everywhere.
♡ Each picture that was taken with the two of you, you could watch as he looked down at the picture with stars in his eyes from how happy he is.
♡ One section of the aquarium, you could walk under the water and see all the fish above. That was his favorite part.
♡ He stared up with his mouth parted as he looked at the school of fish pass by above, the sunlight through the water shining down upon him.
♡ When he heard a click, he looked back at you confused.
♡ How does he not know how cute he looks?
♡ Anything you showed interest in, he is writing down to always remember.
♡ Watching the seal show was another favorite event of his.
♡ The two of you didn't go home right away after because Hasebe wanted to treat you a nice dinner where the two of you laughed at everything and nothing at the same time.
♡ It will be a day that Hasebe will look back at forever (with his 1,000 pictures of you)
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
That three great spears ask was adorable ! Can i request the same thing but with Shizukagata, Tomoegata and Iwatooshi pls ?
Naginata with Child Saniwa (GN Reader)
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♡ Out of all the naginata, Iwatooshi is the one that is the most confident because he actively spends time with the tantous and is bonded by the hip to his brother, Imanotsurgi. 
♡ Iwatooshi is going to be the one that guides Shizukagata and Tomoegata to how to bond with a child, especially when their master is that child. 
♡ There will not be a time where they are on the ground around Iwatooshi. One bicep/shoulder for his favorite little brother and another for his favorite little master. 
♡ May also... Toss them into the air-
♡ Shizukagata and Tomoegata will have to do a lot of learning from their fellow naginata but this is brand new for them! For two swords with no past, they had never interacted with a human child before. 
♡ Tomoegata is the one that is most willing to learn... Shizukagata tends to watch from afar, afraid. 
♡ Tomoegata will be right next to Iwatooshi, writing down notes and being very clueless about the whole endeavor. 
♡ Tomoegata doesn’t understand that children can become very emotional and will try to reason with them instead of listening to their woes and comforting them. Almost like he is trying to be an advisor to an adult human. 
♡ However, even he gets a hang of it... He will still be a little strict. He would be the type of guardian that reads so many books on how to raise their child “right”, that he misses a little context clues that there is more to raising a child than what could be written on a page. 
♡ He cares a lot about their wellbeing!
♡ He is the one that will plan their meals (with a bunch of vegetable, because their kid has to grow big and strong!) and be the one directly in charge of their lessons. Perhaps even arguing with Hasebe from time to time who wants to take over the lesson plans. 
♡ As strict as he may be, he quickly learns the power of puppy eyes and falls victim to them. 
♡ Tomoegata and Iwatooshi take turns reading to the saniwa at night. Iwatooshi reading to both them and Imanotsurgi. Most times it is fairy tales! He gets very into the act and will use different voices and might even stand up and act out the scenes... He doesn’t do very well with actually helping the two fall asleep.
♡ Tomoegata, on the other hand, will read the most boring stories to a child. From very long novels that goes pages to just describe a door to history textbooks. Needless... Falling asleep is pretty easy around Tomoegata. 
♡ Shizukagata takes a long while to come around and spend time with Saniwa.
♡ He is Terrified of child saniwa. He fears that he would hurt them by accident. He would hate himself forever if he even accidentally scratched a millimeter on their soft skin.  
♡ His heart always swells when he watches his saniwa play with the tantous and wakizashi. How could their saniwa be this cute??
♡ The day he saw them fall and start crying, all fear left his body and he rushed over to help. Anxiety still present in this body as he shakingly wiped away their tears and picked them up, to gently comfort them and bounce them in his arms. 
♡ It is only when he brings them back to the infirmary to patch their wounds did Shizukagata realize what he just did. Panicked that he did more harm than good, wondering if he scratched them or maybe held them too tight to hurt them.
♡ They are fine, of course.
♡ Only when Tomoegata showed up and praised his good work did he calm down.
♡ Hanging out with the three becomes a new activity between the group. From board games to movie nights. 
♡ Iwatooshi and Shizukagata enjoying their contagious joy. Tomoegata being the one that enjoys the three smiling from ear to ear but making sure the playtime doesn’t last all night and making sure everyone gets to bed at a reasonable time. 
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