#Hizamaru x Reader
foolish-spectre · 2 years
Driving Headcanons with the Touken Danshi (aka the Saniwa is fearing for their life)
Pairings: Touken Danshi x Reader (sorry I’m too lazy to type all of the pairings in this) uh... this can be taken as either platonic or romantic it’s up to you
Content Warnings: Potential car crashes/accidents and drunkenness because Jiroutachi, also allusion stripping because Sengo, threats of physical violence (road rage), swearing 
Word Count: 1327 words (ish)
Characters: Saniwa/Reader (they/them), Kasen Kanesada, Izuminokami Kanesada, Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, Tomoegata Naginata (non-binary, he/they), Heshikiri Hasebe, Kashuu Kiyomitsu, Shokudaikiri Mitsutada, Jiroutachi (transwoman, she/her), Mikazuki Munechika, Kogitsunemaru, Sengo Muramasa, Azuki Nagamitsu, Hizamaru, Otegine, Sanchoumou, Nagasone Kotetsu
A/N: Ok so I wrote this A WHILE AGO and I hate driving so I forced all the Touken Danshi mentioned here to drive with me so HAH, anyways drive safely and don’t be like these bozos! also omg this is over 6 months old jeez, also i might wanna do a beach episode fic/hcs with the touken danshi hehe
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(essentially Saniwa usually drives them around whenever they need to but some of the swords got curious and wanted to try driving themselves)
- Saniwa (Reader): 
    - Already knows how to drive and is the one teaching them how to 
    - Please send help 
    - “Why did I think it would be a good idea to let these swords drive….” 
- Kasen:
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    - Pretended not to be interested in driving but actually wants to learn 
    - Wants to drive elegantly and with poise, but has terrible road rage 
    - Fails the driving test and gave up 
    - “My driving will be as elegant and refined as me~”
    - 15 minutes later at someone who cut him off “YOU BASTARD ILL HAVE YOUR HEAD AND SERVE IT TO SANIWA-“ 
- Izuminokami: 
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    - Actually didn’t want to learn how to drive at first but then got into a competition with Mutsunokami on who could get their driver’s license quicker
    - Izuminokami is ok at driving but due to the competition aspect, he fucking floors it a lot 
    - Passed after 2-3 tries 
    - “I’m not letting that son of a bitch Mutsunokami win!” 
- Mutsunokami: 
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    - One of the first Touken Danshi to want to learn how to drive, is very interested in how the car works and often studies it 
    - You would think his enthusiasm would go overboard in this case but is actually a decent driver since he took the time to practice and learn about it
    - Passed on the first try, Izuminokami was pissed 
    - “So cool! Hey Saniwa can we look at this model please!” 
- Tomoegata: 
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    - Didn’t really care about it until Saniwa mentioned that they needed help driving around the rest of the Touken Danshi
    - Tried their hardest to get good at driving and basically tried thinking of it as a horse, took a little bit, is able to drive pretty well 
    - Passed on their first try 
    - “I will drive so that I can relieve the Saniwa’s burden of driving” 
- Hasebe: 
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    - Also did not care until Saniwa mentioned that they needed help and he immediately looked into driving lessons 
    - Ok he passed with flying colors on the written exam but on the practical exam, he has bad road rage 
    - It took like 3-5 tries for him to pass and would not concede until he got his license 
    - “If it’s for Saniwa, I’ll drive them everywhere!” 
- Kashuu: 
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    - Could not give any less of a shit, “Saniwa already drives me around, why do I need to drive when I know they drive me out of love~” but then wants to show his appreciation to them seeing as how they’re constantly driving them around and it’s getting to them since they’re anxious about driving 
    - Honestly he was scared as hell when first driving, was constantly afraid of accidentally damaging his car and other cars, so he was anxious, drives much slower out of fear, took a while to get used to driving, poor baby needs a lot of reassurance
    - Passed on first try 
    - While driving on the freeway “Wahhhh this isn’t cute at all!!!” 
- Micchan (Shokudaikiri Mitsutada): 
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    - Was also in the camp of wanting to drive and wanted to drive in a cool car (sorry Micchan we’re not that rich) and really studied hard with Mucchan on driving 
    - In the beginning, Acts like he knows what he’s doing, in reality he doesn’t know jack shit, takes a while but he gets the hang of it, is a pretty calm driver 
    - Passed on the 2nd try because he made some easy mistakes caused him to insta-fail 
    - “Hey Saniwa can we get this car, it’s so cool- what? It’s not in our budget?” 
- Jiroutachi: 
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    - No just no, you know why 
    - Booze and driving do not mix, mostly just gets you or someone else to drive her around (taroutachi is the one who learns how to drive lol) 
    - Is passed out drunk in the backseat 
    - “Drive fasterrrr~ hehehehe” 
- Mikazuki: 
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    - You would think that this old man wouldn’t be up to it but he’s actually interested in learning how to drive
    - However he drives like he’s in a Fast & Furious movie and Saniwa often fears for their life while in the car with him, yet while driving like in a car chase, he still keeps his calm demeanor 
    - Maybe it was to mess with Saniwa but somehow he passed on the first try 
    - He’s talking about how the earth turns to roads when it was once rivers “JIJI PLEASE WATCH THE ROAD” 
- Kogitsunemaru: 
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    - Wanted to learn how to drive in order for Saniwa to get some rest from driving (in reality it’s so he can have more time with them and so they can brush his hair) 
    - Was really confused on what he was supposed to do but after a lot of lessons, he became confident in his driving 
    - That being said it took him like 3 tries in order to pass 
    - “Anything for Nushi-Sama, but which direction do I go in once I reverse?” 
- Sengo: 
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    - Was also surprisingly interested in learning how to drive and was seen talking to the car??? (I’m in love with my car plays in the bg /j) 
    - Despite what others may think, he’s a natural at driving and you feel so safe in the car with him??? Saniwa could take a breather in the chaos with him that being said he often says he’ll strip in the car 
    - Passed on first try with flying colors 
    - “Fufufufufufufu, the car is obeying my commands, shall I strip? Why are you asking me to pull over?” 
- Azuki: 
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    - Mostly wanted to learn how to drive so he could drive the Tantous to get sweets and to get groceries without having to get Saniwa to drive him every time 
    - Thankfully doesn’t have road rage but he’s very slow, like too slow man, like driving 40 mph on a freeway type of slow, Saniwa was about to push him out of the driver’s seat and floor it for him, he’s just concerned for the children’s safety 
    - Passed after 2-3 tries 
    - After Saniwa tells him to please be within the speed limit “Think of the children Saniwa, I don’t want to accidentally shake them with my driving.” You almost get pulled over for driving so slow, Azuki
- Hizamaru: 
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    - Mostly just wanted to be able to drive his brother and you around, nothing else, so he put his heart into learning how to drive 
    - Did pretty well on the written portion but was too overly concerned on the road to focus, often Saniwa had to reassure him that he’s doing great 
    - Passed on his 2nd try, would have passed on the 1st try if he didn’t second guess himself 
    - “Maybe Anija will remember my name once I drive him everywhere!” Hizamaru baby….
- Otegine: 
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    - Huh??? Why are you asking a spear that’s only good at piercing to drive? Was really against it until he saw how much ‘fun’ everyone else was having and decided to give it a go
    - His driving is choppy and abrupt to say the least, Saniwa’s head hit the windshield a couple of times over how abrupt his stops were, he apologized every time 
    - It took him like 3-5 tries to pass but hey he passed! 
    - Screams this while on the freeway “The one thing I’m good is piercing, not driving!” 
- Sanchoumou: 
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    - Pretty chill about it and up to try anything so he was up to try his hand at driving 
    - Maybe a little bit too enthusiastic, almost crashed into another car but hey it’s fine…. For now, but is a quick learner and good listener so he should be fine… in theory 
    - It took him like 3-4 times but hey this bird can drive now! 
    - “Let’s see how fast this little bird goes!” You had to make him slow down before he got a ticket 
- Nagasone: 
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    - Was a little interested and was up for anything so he tried his hand at it
    - Pretty chill driver that made sure to listen to your instructions, honestly he comes off as a natural until you snap out of it when he runs over a curb 
    - Passed on first try
    - “I guess this counterfeit is good at driving too!” 
- After all of that however Saniwa never wanted to teach driving ever again and passes out
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
Hi, so glad you’re back and doing well! I’d like to request some Aquarium date headcanons with Tomoegata, Hizamaru, and Hasebe (romantic and separate). Love your writing and I hope you have a wonderful day/evening!
Thank you so much!! This was such a blast to write and I hope they make you smile <3
Aquarium Date With Tomoegata Naginata, Hizamaru, and Heshikiri Hasebe (GN!Reader)
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♡ When you asked him to go on a date to the Aquarium, Tomoe was very excited. He never experienced it before! His excitement might not be completely visible on his face but through his actions of asking a million of questions on what he is suppose to bring tells it all.
♡ He also... Doesn't know exactly what an Aquarium is? So you start listing off animals one would see there.
♡ "There are whales, dolphins, seals, jelly fish, penguins, and many more!"
♡ "What kind of fish are whales?" "They're mammals. They spit seawater into the air." "What about dolphins?" "Uh.. They are also mammals. They are really smart and can be taught tricks." "And penguins?" "I think they are birds-" "We're talking about aquariums, but none of these things seem to be fish..."
♡ The day of the date, Tomoe will make himself look the most beautiful he can. An outfit he normally doesn't wear with some black heels and makeup that could kill!
♡ He has to look his best for you!
♡ Bringing him to the aquarium is almost like bringing a kid to the aquarium for the first time. He will want to see everything with you.
♡ Every panel with information about the creatures inside, he will read out loud to you and quickly look around to try to find said creature. Often times calling you over to look at it with him.
♡ If it was up to him, he would spend hours at each one just taking in the view and asking all the questions he can about them.
♡ When it's time for the dolphin show, the two of you sit a little further away so you both don't get splashed. Even so, you can see Tomoe at the edge of his seat as he watches with awe as they do their tricks.
♡ "You're right... They are amazing creatures. I want to see one up close-"
♡ Your little laughter at his cuteness doesn't even catch his attention since he is so absorbed in the show.
♡ After the show, he will ask what animal is your favorite and ask about them on the way to their tank. He wants to make a photo of the two of you together with your favorite animal.
♡ When he finds out about the gift shop... oh boy.
♡ He will go to the dolphin section right away looking at all the cute merchandise.
♡ The it hits him.
♡ With the money he had saved up, he sneaks off and quickly goes to pay for the items he received.
♡ When you find him again, he has a little bag and spins his finger around to tell you to turn your back to him.
♡ You feel a cold sensation on your collarbone as you look down and see it's a small pendant of your favorite animal. When you look back up, you see he is holding another one of a dolphin asking you if you could put it on him.
♡ The couple can now match and always remember their exciting time at the aquarium. Tomoe never takes off his dolphin necklace (unless it's a dangerous battle where he refuses to let it see harm).
♡ The citadel quickly learns about all the facts he picked up at the aquarium. He tried to not be pushy but everything that even related to the beautiful creatures he saw, he instantly starts sprouting out everything he learned.
♡ Needless to say... He had the best time at the aquarium with you.
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♡ Hizamaru is another one that isn't too certain about what exactly an "Aquarium" is. With the help of his brother, Higekiri, and you he quickly learns.
♡ He thinks it would be fun to spend alone time with you! At first he was thinking about taking his brother with (just on an date and Higekiri is also there), but Higekiri saved you from that fate by telling Hizamaru that isn't how dates work-
♡ Unlike Tomoe, Hizamaru doesn't get super dressed up for the date. He wears someone casual with a jacket in case he gets cold or if you get cold.
♡ Higekiri totally helped him the night before with picking a casual outfit that looks nice so it looked like he dressed up a bit but wasn't trying too hard. Hizamaru was very oblivious to this fact and was just going to wear the outfit he normally does around the citadel until Higekiri stopped him.
♡ Bless Higekiri for giving Hizamaru a run down on how dates go because oh my... He was clueless.
♡ The day of, Hizamaru did his best to look as handsome as he could and praised you on your outfit. He didn't need Higekiri to know when someone looks nice, especially someone you really care about, you compliment them to the moon and back.
♡ He was very impressed by all the fish at the aquarium! He may or may not of commented on how some of them looked very delicious-
♡ He didn't read the panels too often unless it was an animal you showed interest in or he liked.
♡ If you got cold, he is wrapping his jacket around your shoulders and taking your hand in his gloved one to warm you up.
♡ Saniwa not getting cold on his watch ಠ╭╮ಠ
♡ Hizamaru really loved the penguins!! When they said that two of them were brothers that were born recently, he knew he had to get a photo of them and show Higekiri.
♡ Don't worry! He doesn't talk about his brother too much on the date. His mind is only on you!
♡ Anything you tell him that you know about the animals at the aquarium, especially the ones he showed interest in, he would never forget. He would gush to Higekiri when he got home about the date and how smart you are.
♡ Speaking of when the two of you are about to go home.
♡ He would sneak off to the gift shop and get you a penguin plushie with a bow on it. It would be super soft and about medium size for a plushie. Perfect for cuddling.
♡ "For anytime you get lonely and I can't rush to your side."
♡ He would end the date with a warm hug as thanks for bringing him along since he had so much fun.
♡ That night though, if you are comfortable with it, you might find yourself cuddling with the plushie and a Hizamaru, because he would just want to be close to you after such a nice time together on the date.
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♡ When you ask him to go to the aquarium together, he says yes... Of course. He is no fool. But as soon as you leave to do your other tasks, Hasebe is sprinting to learn everything about all the animals at the aquarium.
♡ He has to impress you!
♡ From all the interesting facts about all types of fish and sea animals, to how to impress your date, to "FLOWERS???"... He goes through it all.
♡ The day of the date... oh gosh.
♡ You start your day like normal. As you are finishing getting ready for your date, you hear a knock at your bedroom door.
♡ There he is. Hasebe in a perfectly ironed suit, a proud look with a blush, and holding a bouquet of roses that he totally didn't demand Fukushima to make him the night before.
♡ He was so proud of himself. He followed everything the internet told him and now his beloved was going to be so imp-
♡ "Why are you wearing a suit-"
♡ Heartbroken. Devastated. How could his life go on....
♡ After telling him that this type of date was more casual than that, he puts the large bouquet in your hands and slumps off to get changed to fit the date more accurately.
♡ When it was finally time, he showed up in something way more casual than the suit before it. He still wanted to be more dressed up to impress you though so he wore some khaki pants and a white button up.
♡ You were about to compliment him when he looked at you in awe and began to give you a million of compliments from how his heart soar when he finally saw you.
♡ When it was finally his time to get a compliment, you could see a prideful smile and a blush on his cheeks as he said, "I had to make sure to look handsome around you, Aruji."
♡ You could tell he was still a little nervous from wanting to impress you so badly.
♡ He was a big gentleman on the date! He opened all the doors for you, held your hand (he was so excited when you offered and took it right away), offered to pay for the whole date, and began to sprout off about all his interesting animal facts.
♡ What do you mean there are panels at the aquarium that already tells you all about the animals-
♡ Hasebe is a big picture taker. He isn't the best at it but he wants to take pictures of you everywhere.
♡ Each picture that was taken with the two of you, you could watch as he looked down at the picture with stars in his eyes from how happy he is.
♡ One section of the aquarium, you could walk under the water and see all the fish above. That was his favorite part.
♡ He stared up with his mouth parted as he looked at the school of fish pass by above, the sunlight through the water shining down upon him.
♡ When he heard a click, he looked back at you confused.
♡ How does he not know how cute he looks?
♡ Anything you showed interest in, he is writing down to always remember.
♡ Watching the seal show was another favorite event of his.
♡ The two of you didn't go home right away after because Hasebe wanted to treat you a nice dinner where the two of you laughed at everything and nothing at the same time.
♡ It will be a day that Hasebe will look back at forever (with his 1,000 pictures of you)
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Clingy S/O | Genji Bros
After 50 years, I'm writing again. I'm so sorry for not being able to write for a while y'all. I've been...blergh. ANON WHO REQUESTED THIS, IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT HGIUDHGUGHU
Warning: Nothing but cute shit, and sometimes man, you need soft cute shit. LEAH, BABY, DARLING I HOPE YOU LIKEY!! @10cm i know you love hiza, pls take some hiza hiza
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BOUNDARIES? WHAT'S THAT???? HIGEKIRI KNOWS NOTHING LIKE THAT. I joke though, Higekiri is like, a naturally physically affectionate person. Yes he'll cater his affection to your habits and ways and habits but in general, Higekiri is also...pretty....clingy
And you just so happen to ALSO be clingy as fuck? Hell yeah. Hige's gonna have a FIELD DAY. Along with saying shit like; "Aww, did you miss me that much, love? I missed you too~!" or "You just hugged me two minutes ago, no matter, I love it either way!"
Higekiri is also about surprise affection, most of the time he'll sneak up on you with a darling hug from behind and press a kiss to the back of your head/hair.
He loves it when you do the same to him! He doesn't jump or anything, he just...meLTS into your embrace? Hello???? It's oh so comfortable!
Oh and playing with your fingers whenever you two cuddle, admiring the differences between yours and his; comparing sizes, so on and so forth.
Listen Higekiri is the kind of clingy that the minute you come home he's already waiting for you at the door like a cat/puppy that you see in youtube vids. Or like he just zones in on the gate like he knows that you're about to appear. It's like...a psychic sense.
Oh but most of all, Hige Hige loves the fact you're clingy as shit. As said above, Hige is the same. If anything, you two just bounce off of each other's general lovey-dovey clinginess.
Hugs? Check? Cuddles? Check. Hand holding? My friend, your hand will never be lonely. ALL THE KISSES? NOTHING BUT KISSES YOU TWO ARE JUST KISSING IN PUBLIC LIKE NO ONE'S BIZ
Higekiri is also the cheeky little bastard who's just...holding your hand one sec and then using the said hand to pull you in close for a hug and a kiss and then when you two part he's just smirking.
"I just missed you, that's all~<3" bastard
Hiza on the other hand, isn't as clingy as his brother who lives off of physical affection. Oh no, he adores it too! He just goes at his own pace. Yes even after you two begin dating for a long time, there is this little dreamy look in his eyes and faint tinge to his cheeks whenever you two do PDA
It's not like he dislike it or anything. He has nothing but respect for boundaries and such. He doesn't wanna do shit to make you uncomfy but he also is the kind of person who caters his physical affection to how you are!
Hizamaru isn't as spontaneous as his brother when it comes to this, so it'll take time before he'll fully like....falls into the routine I suppose?
It's totally fine that you're clingy as heck though! He loves it! He's lowkey clingy as well, and as your relationship further progresses, Hiza's hand will always seek out yours.
Yes he does get all flustered whenever you surprise him with a hug from behind, stiffening just a bit before melting into your embrace like it's the most natural thing in the world.
Like Higekiri, Hizamaru will also happily wait for you to come home. He's a lot more attentive than his brother and honestly gives me some adorbs house!husband vibes but hey that is another story and while Higekiri bounds to your side the minute he senses your presence, Hizamaru is honestly kind of the same? Is a bit more timid though as he walks towards you, not at all rushing to your side like his brother but a languid roll of his hips and a bright smile - puppy like, you can say.
Oh my God man, the hugs. The hugs he gives you? So fucking warm???? Hello???? My sweet darling Hiza. Going back to what I said before, Hizamaru is lowkey pretty clingy and he doesn't realize this until after you two start dating. But instead of the physical clinginess that Hige has, Hiza's is more...verbally clingy? He's the kind of dude who just calls you while you're away just to listen to your voice and tell you that he loves you.
Daily reminders of the fact that he loves you, can't forget that.
Private cuddling though? That's when clingy Hiza Hiza shows up. He just...always has an arm wrapped around your waist or something and whenever you hug him from behind and wrap your hands and arms around his waist, Hiza will begin a habit of playing with your connected fingers; he, too, fascinated by your fingers.
Though Hizamaru may be shy about PDA with a rather clingy you, but in the end, Hizamaru adores it! He just melts into your embrace and touches like the most touch-starved man known to this world and honestly? It's cute as hell. You're his rock after all~!
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manbasgiri · 2 years
Welcome to the Touken Ranbu writing community! 💜 In celebration could I possibly request courting headcanons with a character of your choosing and maybe Sanchoumou (separately) trying to romance the saniwa? Hit me with that sweet sweet fluff please and thank you!
Hizamaru & Sanchoumou romance
notes. I loved writing this !! hope you like it.
reader. fem!saniwa.
word count. 1k+
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hizamaru decides to throw himself at something of his own, so he decides he's going to try to win over saniwa, someone he's already been harboring feelings of affection for.
hizahiza starts with small favors, helping with a certain task, covering saniwa when it's too cold and making them something hot.
it doesn't take long for him to realize that his affectionate feelings come to more than that.
Of course, he doesn't realize at the time that he's in love with you, he needs a little time to reorganize his feelings, so he's in love with saniwa, he took a while to believe that it wasn't unethical.
this time now knowing he's in love with you, he does a search in the magazines about romances, couples, wives (he borrows the midare and houchou magazines).
hizamaru starts massaging you when she is very tired, touching your arms and hands.
speaking of hands the first time he holds your hand, it was by accident that he walked away quickly, but you said you had no problem with that and went back to holding the poor boy's hand.
he knows you're very busy with all the work so he was afraid you'd turn down his date request, so he planned to have your date in his office, something more homely, but the two of you could enjoy the time. company and that you have at least an hour off.
he planned everything, like a little aperitif, background music, he even took freshly picked flowers, now all that's left is the dating request.
"Eh..Aruji...no, (y/n), lately the only thing I can think about is you, so many in training, in missions, I know this may seem a little irresponsible, but that's not how I mean it... you don't get out of my head, I want to be yours. .. do you want to be mine too?"
so, saniwa accepts to be hizamaru's girlfriend?
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This guy is a first class frailder, if before him wants to have some feeling for you, he already left you breathing by devices, imagine when he realizes that he is in love with you.
sanchoumou will call you by pet names, whether you like it or not, if you like it he won't stop and if you don't like it he will keep doing it, the true meaning of winning through fatigue.
he likes a lot of physical touch, before he realizes he's in love, he'll give hugs, pinches on your cheek, but after he realizes RUN, your saniwa heart won't take so much cuteness.
small touches on the back of the neck, massages, unintentional holding hands, making you lie on his lap or shoulder to rest a little from work, hugs for more than 9 seconds.
this man will conquer you so fast you won't even realize you're smiling silly when you look at him.
before leaving for a mission he goes to your office to give you a kiss on the forehead, as if he was saying that he would return well and soon.
for his date with you, he's like hizamaru doesn't want to disturb your work, but will make you get out of the office and get some fresh air.
your meeting was under the cherry tree, he asked no one to go there and enjoy the flowers while he was with you (especially jiroutachi).
sanchoumou had a picnic with you, held your hand the whole time and took a bouquet with your favorite flowers, all that was left was the dating request.
"for some time now you have become the light of my darkness, so i really wanted to know if you accept to be my girlfriend?"
so, saniwa accepts to be sanchoumou's girlfriend?
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
hiii! are the request is still open? if still open, I wanna request for the halloween prompt which is ❛ you alright? you look like you’ve seen a ghost. ❜ with hizamaru?😳 also, with gender neutral reader pls, thank you!!
Requests are still open!
HALLOWEEN || ❛ you alright? you look like you’ve seen a ghost. ❜ - Hizamaru
prompt list
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As night fell the blue haze of day lifted to reveal the stars. Most times, night would mean the chattering around the citadel would fall silent as everyone began to get ready to bed. Tonight was one of those exceptions. Tonight was Halloween and everyone was still celebrating the holiday. It warmed your heart yet also brought in panic-stricken chills up your spine. You should be with the tantous, trick or treating. However you made a foolish promise that had been plaguing your soul the whole day.
Days prior, Nikkari had come to you on the topic of making a haunted house. You were all for the idea! However the conversation didn't end there. He began to express his worry, something you only now question was sincere, about if no one shows up to participate. Beinging a kind-hearted fool, you promised to go. You should of taken back your word when you saw that sinister smirk on his lips as he left... Oh, why did he enjoy to torture you.
You tried so desperately to not let others know how badly you hated to get scared, especially jump scared. You enjoyed the rare horror movie on occasion but an actual haunted house? With real people to scare you? Oh no no no.
Nikkari had gone all out from what you have seen on the sidelines. You would of wished to catch a glimsp of what was actually going on inside to prepare yourself but someone hired bodyguards to prevent anyone from peeking into his work. No matter how much you begged Nagasone and Kogarasumaru to just let you look inside, they didn't budge. Hell, even Himetsuru was helping inside to make it as spooky as they could.
Why did they have to torture you like this?
Nikkari had explained to you that he was going to open the house once the moon sets in the sky and he wanted you to be the first one to go in. Of course he did.
You were fiddling with your sleeve and biting your lip as your eyes were locked between the part of the citadel the haunted house was going to be held in and the sky. The time ticking down slowly yet too fast for your liking. How were you going to handle going in there all alone? Why did you have to be the first one to go in?
So deep in your thoughts, you didn't hear the sound of steps behind you, getting closer and closer... Until-
A squeal left you as your body jumped and you faced the voice. Was it Nikkari coming you get you? Did he have a bigger plan to start scaring you right where you stood and have you running throughout the whole citadel in fear?
As your eyes locked on the ones in front of you, the fear started to evaporate. Besides looking slightly demonic, it was a sword you found comfort in. A calm person who often checked in on you when you were having stressful moments within the citadel.
"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Hizamaru, who was dressed up like an oni, questioned. His expression was clear with concern as he placed a hand on your shoulder to check if you were truly alright.
"I-I'm fine, Hizamaru. You just happened to scare me a little," You let out a breathy sigh as you put a hand over your heart to calm it down, "Nice costume, by the way."
Although you offered words of an answer to why you were so frightened, he seemed to still be very concerned about your wellbeing. He didn't want to push why you were so on edge so he changed the topic like what you were veering towards.
"Thank you! Aniki(Older Brother) wanted to dress like an angel so I decided to match him and be an oni... Though it's mostly just a mask and some makeup he put on me." He informed with his voice faltered when he talked about his own costume.
Hizamaru always admired his older brother, Higekiri, so much and could talk about him for hours about how amazing he is. Once the topic changes to him, he seems to clamber up. Perhaps overtime, he can become confident in who he is as well.
"Aruji~" A far off voice called out to you, your hand instantly grabbing at Hizamaru's sleeve as you turned to see Nikkari's red eye shining in the dark, "It's time."
You couldn't even respond to him before the one bit of color in the black darkness faded out of existence. Leaving you with your own fear and Hizamaru. You didn't even realize how tightly you were holding onto the sword next to you as you stared in the darkness until you felt a gloved hand over yours. It was warm, despite the fabric covering it, and you felt the chilling fear start to melt away as you looked up at his warm gold eye.
"Want me to come with you?" He asked, "It seems like a fun thing to do together."
You couldn't help but stare up at him in awe for a few seconds. How could a sword be so nice? You didn't know how well Hizamaru would do in such a spooky adventure but you had heard that his brother had slain demons in stories... So perhaps he also had those abilities?
Wait, why were you even thinking that? Did you think Nikkari would hire actual demons to come scare you?
No no. Even Nikkari wouldn't do that... Right?
Either way, being scared with Hizamaru wouldn't be as bad as being scared all alone. Plus, you wouldn't mind having Hizamaru see that side to you.
"I would like that, Hizamaru." For the first time since the moon rose into the sky, you smiled.
His hand entwined with yours as he returned the smile. Leading the two off into the darkness to experience a new type of scare. A type of scare you face together and laugh about when you exit it all. One where even in the dark, you have a friend with you to cherish along the way.
Eyes linger in the dark as they watched the pair enter hand in hand.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
First Kisses: Higekiri, Hizamaru, Kogitsunemaru
Dedicated to @10cm​, Leah, @blossom-cherry​ and my rp partner on discord. First kisses are GOOD
Knowing Higekiri, even if you two are not dating, this kiss is gonna pop outta nowhere. Hige does like keeping you on your toes after all...for...better or for worse.
One of his favorite things to do is to watch you. Not in a creepy way, but whenever he’s assigned as your attendant for the day, he’s in your office and he just...enjoys looking at you. You’re a sight for sore eyes and honestly, he cannot deny these budding feelings he has for you. Besides, it’s the little things. The way your face contorts cutely (at least in his eyes) whenever you work on something difficult, how your fingers move, so on and so forth!
And then he...just....kisses you. Like he makes you look at him first but bam. He notices how stressed you look and he doesn’t want that on you! Kiss happens. It’s a quick peck on the lips and when he parts, a smirk dances upon his lips.
“There, now that’s the master that I know and love.”
When you finally come back from heaven (or hell, idk where we’re going) you are met with the most sly of smirks from the blonde man. “Did you like it~?”
Asshole. How fucking dare he. You weren’t ready! Neither was your heart! Your poor heart!
“Your lips are soft, master.” chuckles out the blonde, a dangerous sort of glint in his eyes.
So then you pull him into a kiss, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and giving him a TASTE OF HIS OWN DAMN MEDICINE
When you two part, the kiss passionate and tongues toying with one another, there is a stripe of saliva connecting you two. His pale cheeks flushed, breathing heavy, eyes blown. “Mmm, do you truly want more? You might regret it~”
This kiss won’t happen until you two are dating. Especially not in public either. Lord help him if Higekiri or anyone else sees. His poor heart, dead, it gave out. Bye bye.
Hizamaru may act all prim and proper than his brother, but perhaps a little bit is rubbing off on him? Oh no. He has thought about it many times, maybe tried to plan it? If he could....at least.
He won’t lie and say that he hasn’t thought about kissing you many times on this first date, his hand holding yours and walking through the streets. It’s almost a little too crowded for his tastes, he wanted to find a place where you two could just...exist.
So when you two stop by a park, on a bench, feeding birds with seed or something, Hizamaru would always be found staring over at your lips.
How would they feel against his? Would they feel nice? how thE FUCK DO PEOPLE KISS? DO THEY JUST ASK? ASKING IS GOOD RIGHT????
Panic mode engaged, he don’t notice that you noticed the fact that he was staring at your lips with this red as fuck face. How cuteeee.
When you call him out on it, it’s only then does he break out of his thoughts, his stutters and face oh so red. He begins to make excuses, apologizing over and over again for thinking such...indecent thoughts. Not as indecent as like naughty or anything but whoooo boi, his heart cannot handle this.
“M-May I kiss you?” he blurts out after seventy apologies in a row. He stares down at his hands, avoiding your eyes. “I-I-If it’s okay.”
You nod, and you two meet halfway for this kiss.
It’s awkward, teeth clacking against each other, and no one is sure where to put their hands, but when you part HIzamaru’s blush does not fuCKING LEAVE. It’s sweet and soft and satisfying to see him like that. Hizamaru gulps down his nerves, unsure of how to proceed. But he loves that feeling, that intimate sensation of being connected. So when he turns back to you, he whispers, “May...may we kiss again?” and he’s determined to do better!
Like Higekiri, it is most likely that his kiss will come out of nowhere. But, it will be after you two have officially started dating...most likely. There is a chance he may randomly kiss you outside of a relationship but he had his morals. He won’t do that in public, and certainly not around Mikazuki. Hell no.
This kiss happens sweet and soft, during a lax day with warm weather. He asks you to brush his hair again, holding the comb you gifted him some time ago. “Dearest master, will you comb me again?” he questions to you, and of course you do!
His head in your lap, your fingers in his hair, letting the teeth of the comb gently graze his scalp, not at all harmful but welcome; an itch needed to be scratched. You swear, he’s always content but he looks even more at peace now.
Maybe it’s because you two are dating? You two are able to show your love out in the open like this? Where everyone knows that you are his and his alone? Ah, he could spend forever like this!
But honestly, you two are comfortable like this. And your eyes cannot help but wander down to his lips, his curled into a such a sweet and relaxed smile, his eyes closed shut. Maybe he’s falling asleep???
So then you just kiss him. You just fucking bend down, a kiss to his cheek, you think he’s asleep. He won’t notice!
And then he turns his head and your lips connect.
“Ah, did you want to kiss me?” Kotsitunemaru knows that you wanted to kiss him, he may have his eyes closed, but he’s a smart man. He pulls you back down for a proper one.
It’s gentle, yet hungry. Perhaps lustful? Maybe in a sexual way, maybe more so in an intimate way. Kogitsunemaru adores existing in the same space with you, and when you two part, he smirks, having held your head to keep you there. “You do know what you are getting yourself into, right, dearest?
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toukenramblings · 3 years
if you're gonna leave the water for the air
dedicated to leah because she inspires me fufufu. also @10crm pls have some of ya mans. also highkey inspired by my love of fairytales...
Warnings: Uh...blood....don’t worry its hurt/comfort
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Cherry against sunlit gold.
Deep red, dripping into the waves and fading into the foam – into the nothingness from whence it came.
You stare at the man with wide eyes, between his face and the human legs he now sported. He is still wet from the waves, bare and yes you would have run away but…
The crimson that dips into the ocean like how he once swam, alarmed you, gathered your attention and refused to let it go.
“What…happened to you?”
The previous expression he held – so happy, so innocent, so proud – falls. There is a thin line pressed to his lips, and he curls his legs closer to his chest, his hands trying to hide the streams of blood that ooze out of him. He opens his mouth, to try and explain but words do not appear.
You stare at him, unsure of what to say. Where had his voice gone? Yes…he had difficulty forming words before, but this? When he tries to speak and nothing comes out? It made no sense to you. You kneel beside him, pulling out a small aid kit from your pocket, bandages and salves at the ready. “Let me help you, Hiza-“
He shakes his head, almost inching away; you quickly grasp his wrist, gently, running your fingers over his own and bringing them to your lips, a kiss upon the digits.
Like how he would always greet you and bid you fare-thee-well, at the secret little tide pools that only you two knew. It’s only polite for you to return the favor after all.
Hizamaru’s cheeks flush bright red, deeper than the blood you attempted to clean and cure. He buries his face in his hands, a gesture you have become accustomed to over the kisses you two share and experiences you two held. You can only chuckle softly; even still, he remains the cutest.
“Why are you even here, Hizamaru? Why…do you have these legs?” you gestures to them, hesitant to further…look.
So smooth, you want to run your hands up his skin, to see what expressions he could make and-
Now was…not the time.
He pauses, flinching when you two lock eyes. Hizamaru had removed his hands from his face by then, fiddling with his digits.
He presses his lips against yours, and perhaps that is enough to convey everything.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Hihi! Reading about hizamaru has awoken my love for that mint green head 💚 may I request hc or AU of first date with him? Thank chu!✨🌸
@10cm pls enjoy some Hiza Hiza~!
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Hizamaru wanted to die.
To suddenly drop dead and rot in the ground.
Hands clammy, heart thundering faster than any sort of hoof beats, and the sudden urge for the earth to take him growing stronger and stronger with every passing second – standing outside your room, hands shoved into jean pockets and fiddling with a familiar patch of cotton and silk and gold.
Ah, yes.
A thumb runs over the stitched fabric, a faint smile slowly blooming on to his lips as he traces the characters of ‘beloved’.
He can do this, he thinks.
His heart stops when he whirls around to find you. Dressed to the nines, fitting the spring season – shoulders bare and legs on display – the bright golden sun shimmering on those orbs that shine even more heavenly than the jewels of a crown; he almost passes out.
“Ah! Belo-“
“Hiza?” your ringing melodic voice breaks him out of his reverie, cheeks blossoming with a rose red. “Are you alright?”
“I-I…” Hizamaru begins to say, tongue twisting around over and over, words escaping his brain and leaving through his ears.
What could he say that has not already been said?
That he loves you?
That every day whenever he sees you, that his heart stops beating? And his words dash away faster than a fucking rabbit?
That his heart is revived every time he lays his eyes on you?
“You’re enchanting.”
That he just wants to kiss your fucking breath away whenever he wants to? But never has because he’s so scared, he never kissed anyone before! Let alone dated anyone. How do kisses work? How do lips work????
The silence is awkward, but you can tell that words are a struggle for the TouDan, who stares down at the wooden floors – socks shuffling against the wood works.
It was soon your turn to nigh fall to the floor in utter shock.
This first date was heading off to a good start.
He wanted to hold it.
Your hand, that is.
The city’s hustle and bustle, golden lights against silvery stream-lined buildings and chitter and chatter of people die whenever his own amber orbs zone in on your palm.
He would not lie that he has not imagined your hand in his, what it would be like.
Those nights when you two would stay up late to watch the stars – the night he wished about a shooting comet that you could be his and his alone? That he could be forever yours?
The wish came true in the end.
But that night was a night that he realized he is enamored with you, with the specks of sparkling stars reflected in your eyes against the inky blackness of the sky, an ocean of whirling emotions. Your hands brushed against his that night, and he thought he would have a heart attack.
But now is his chance, right?! He could finally hold your hand!
If…he can.
Yet again does he reach out a hand towards yours, walking alongside you on those concrete streets of marble; and yet again do they fall.
You two stop by a window, staring at the treasures within – but they pale in comparison to you.
“What’s wrong, Hizamaru?”
The man jolts again, a faint blush dusting his cheeks as he stares back down at the ground.
What could he say?
You only let out a soft smile, as you have noticed his eyes wandering to your palm every now and then – since you two have gotten to the city in fact! “Here,” a gentle smile tugs your lips upwards, holding out your to his. “It’s okay, I would love to hold your hand, Hizamaru.”
His own hues light up as his gloved hand finds your, yours fitting in his just…perfectly.
It’s warm.
So, god damn warm.
Not because of the shimmering sun in the sky.
Not because of the heat that is slowly rising.
But your hand that melds with his, a perfect puzzle piece if he says so himself.
Now what was it that Higekiri told him to do again?
Don’t fuck this date up?
Hizamaru clears his throat, cheeks oh so rising in color. “P-Pardon me.”
And his lips are pressed to your knuckles.
You almost pass out for the second time today.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
:shy: have you done dating hizamaru hc's before? he's my main squeeze & i love your writing😖
I know I should be doing my essay but Hizamaru go BRRRRR. Anyway welcome to this hellhole, if you ever want more Genji bros or Hiza Hiza in general, lemme know! I’ll drop everything for ya!
Warnings: I don’t give Hiza a lotta love, please enjoy these headcanons.
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Hiza hiza is close with Higekiri yes and honestly Hiza is not....distant per say? He loves his brother oh so much, yes, but around you he keeps cordial and polite. He talks often of his brother and because they’re almost joined at the hip if you need to find one you just need to find the other. Hizamaru isn’t all that publicly affectionate with his brother and will give headpats to the other swords he’s close with and you as well! It’s honestly rather cute to see him become a little awkward as he’s giving out affection.
But lord the day he finds out that he loves you? Oh man he panics. Higekiri is found laughing oh so hard that his sides hurt and Hizamaru is sputtering and stuttering and trying to hide his red face, please help him. But you always give him such a sweet smile whenever he comes back from missions and always praise him and the way you smile lights up his heart and the way you go about your day with a cute little pout whenever you’re doing some kinda difficult task, and then there’s this one time you two stayed up late watching the stars and then your hands touched and - oH NO.
So Hizamaru avoids you for like a week. He goes on extra missions, actively dashes away from you. He does this to collect his thoughts. What are these feelings????? What the hell??? Who allowed him to feel such a thing????? Why??????????????????? He’s so confused. He’ll talk to Higekiri and MIkazuki and others about it but there is a possibility that they’re not gonna be much help....at all...maybe. In the end, Hizamaru may have to go with his own gut to solve this.
Even though I say this, it might be you that has to confess first. Despite how rough Hizamaru is in a way, he is shy. But if he has to confess it’s during one of your star-lit nits, you had most likely cornered the man; wondering why the hell he was avoiding you. He can see the sadness in your eyes and Hiza just pANICS. “I-I love you, master!” he would suddenly blurt out after you had explained why you were upset and after he spilled out apology after apology. “I apologize for avoiding you, truthfully I did not know what to do with these emotions. But...my feelings for you are true, I am in love with you!”
Then you pull him into a kiss and Hizamaru flat out faints. CALL 911
Hizamaru gets super embarrassed whenever you use nicknames for him. He’s a little confused at first, wondering and panicking that you’re changing his name. But letting him know that they are just terms of affection for him he’ll melt. He’ll start calling you things as well! “My love” “My beloved” being a favorite of his.
So Higekiri is going to either constantly third wheel you two on dates or tease ever living SHIT out of you two. There is no between. Don't worry! He supports you two with his entire heart! If anything he’s just soooo happy that you two got together!
“Now now brother, I do expect you to treat our master well...or else...”
“W-What?! Elder brother, I would never-!”
“I’m just kidding~<3″
Hiza hiza isn’t all that physically affectionate? He’ll adjust it to your tastes and needs but HIzamaru prefers simple hand-holding above all else. Maybe a peck on the check as he sees you walk by on your way to your office and most of all...Higekiri must not see him give you a cheek kiss. He will never hear the end of it from his brother.
Y’all, don’t get me sTARTED on HIzamaru’s affection in private. He’s suddenly always and shyly asking to hold your hand or just pulling you into his lap to hold. He can be himself here! He can hold you and kiss you at last!
Also lap pillows are legit his favorite thing. He loves resting his head on your lap and letting you comb through is mint locks with soft fingers. He would do the same to you! Honestly I think that HIzamaru just loves it when you play with his hair in general!
If you have a fear of bugs and spiders, expect Hizamaru to immediately be by your side the MINUTE he hears you scream bloody murder. He’s summoned his blade now with a flick of his wrists and will not hesitate to cause some fUCKING PROPERTY DAMAGE. WHO THE FUCK DARES TO HURT HIS BELOVED? OH A SPIDER?? GOOD FUCKING BYE B I T C H so the bills start racking up whenever hizamaru and higekiri try to murder bugs
To him, it’s the little things that you do that make him fall deeper in love with you. The snores you let out, the furrow of your brows and the way you chew on your pencil, so on and so forth HIzamaru tends to watch you with a sense of admiration and turns away flushing whenever you catch him. Thus, I believe that if you two are napping together and he’s still awake, he tends to watch you for a while. You look so at peace in his arms, without stride or worry...he wants to shoulder all of your burdens if he can.
Speaking of cuddles, Hizamaru may adore being da big spoon but he loooves being the lil spoon too! It’ll be embarrassing yes and he’ll flush as you wrap your arms around him but listening to your heartbeat???? Hello???? B l i s s.
There are times...because of his multitude of names and titles, that Hizamaru does not know who he is. Higekiri takes it in stride, knowing who he is and is proud of it but HIzamaru is a little more insecure than his brother. Hizamaru knows some things of course: He is a TouDan, and he is your lover. But Hizamaru is his own person as well. The fact you gave him life and allowed him to express himself in whatever he wants? Amazing. Perfect. He couldn’t be happier.
Honestly, no matter where you two are...to Hizamaru you are perfect. You two could be lying around in bed on a lazy day and he could be the happiest man in the world. As said before, it’s the little things. Besides he keeps a picture of you two in his omamori, tucked into his shirt right over his heart. It’s his treasure.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
NSFW Headcanons | Higekiri, Hizamaru, Uguisumaru
Warnings: We going to hell y’all, let’s go. Me projecting? More likey than you think. Bottom sword agenda. I thank the blog @toukenra for their genji bro brainrot and ideas.
Both Genji bros are rather feral (see, fangs) but Higekiri is much softer than his little brother. There are times during the do when his instincts take over. Nips here and there, all for everyone to see.
  Yes he will leave hickies, yes he will be a smug little shit if someone notices them on you. Will also be smug if someone asks about HIS hickies. Cheeks will light up for a moment before smirking, “Ah, my darling did quite the number on me. Isn’t it lovely?”
 Higekiri is loud, there is no doubt about that. There have been one too many times of Hizamaru running into your room because he heard his brother screaming and then he screams in return because no.
  Is Tsurumaru levels of horny and kinky, it’s just Tsurumaru 2.0. Super easy to tell if he’s in the mood. His hands will brush against yours, drifting down to your sex, pinching your ass.
 He is also an ass man, and pinching or slapping said ass is a surefire way to tell he wants to be FRISKY. Slap and pinch his ass, he’ll let out a little needy whine that makes you want to pin him down and make him sob from pleasure.
   Also while he can be rather forward, he turns into a blushing mess if you try to do the same to him. Give him some of his medicine, he’ll die for a moment and then will get RIGHT BACK UP TO TEASE YOU MORE. It’s a teasing competition.
  Higekiri lets out the prettiest moans when he bottoms for you. He loves it when you pin him down and take what pleasure belongs to you. Whispers of praise falling from his lips. “You feel so fucking good, master~” “Please, please don’t stop.” “Do you see what you’re doing to me, love? How good you make me feel?”
·  Yes all sword bois have praise kinks, Higekiri prefers giving out praise.
·  It’s also pretty easy to convince him to bottom for you, he’s willing to do anything to get into your pants.
·   Tie him up in shibari. Please. Do it for me. He looks so pretty with red rope contrasting his pale skin and light-colored eyes and hair, with a deep blush accenting his cheeks, eyes blown from pleasure.
After care is cuddles. Nothing but cuddles. He’ll clean you up yeah but most of the time he’ll want nothing more than to pass the fuck out with you in his arms; pressing sweet kisses to your forehead and rocking you to sleep. Falls asleep first though.
  Will also love teasing you in public, will not hesitate to fuck you in a broom closet.
 Innocently comes to you with a question or a favor, and then pull out some lingerie or a toy from behind his back with the sweetest of smiles: “Will you wear this for me, darling?” DON’T CARE WHO IS AROUND.
 Man having Higekiri top is something else. Loves overstimulation to a high degree and loves it when you deny him pleasure and he’s just doing nothing but rutting against you, oh so desperate. But when he takes control? Sweet praises singing from his lips as he plows into you, nothing but marks decorating your entire body? His hands gripping yours, pinning them away from your face so he can hear you scream his name?
 “You’re taking my cock so well, love. Look at you, I wish you can see the way you look.” He whispers as he drags you into his lap, now facing a mirror. “Don’t you look so pretty like this? So fucked out for me?”
 Remember when I said that the Genji bros are feral af? Yeah uh, Hizamaru got all of those feral genes. He’s going to make you everywhere. Chest, neck, thighs? All of em. Nowhere is safe from him and his fangs. If someone asks about your marks, expect Hizamaru to choke on air and flush; he can’t help it! He loves you so much that he lost himself!
· Is also really into biting and loves it when either of you suck each other’s fingers. Maybe has a bit of an oral fixation. Say goodbye to walking if you give him hickies though.
  Will bottom but it will take some convincing. He’ll be a sweetheart on the bottom, tending to your needs before his own. His mouth will always want to be connect to yours though, either kissing or just licking and biting your skin.
·  Isn’t as loud as his brother in bed, soft moans and gasps leaving his lips. A bit louder on the bottom though, cheeks flushed and drool coming out of the corner of his mouth, fangs glistening in the dim light.
It’s somewhat easy to tell if he’s in the mood. Hizamaru’s eyes will darken with lust when he looks at you for a moment, and then flush red and turn his head away, embarrassed with the naughty thoughts in his head. He might avoid you for a while, not having much confidence to go up to you and desperately ask you to bang. You have to gently coax him to do so.
 I say that but the minute he notices that you desperately want him as well? Oh honey, you’re not seen for a while. He will drag you two back to your room, cheeks still aflame before trapping you against the wall and taking you right then and there.
  Weak to you having something naughty under your clothing and letting him be the only one to notice.
·         He won’t tease you in public, it’s up to you for that. Whisper those naughty little things into his ear and make him weep.
Loves begging, bottom or top. “Please, please, let me cum! Please!” “Do you love it when I make you feel like this, master? Show me then. Beg for it.”
· He does love hearing your voice in bed, but will gag or (or himself) if it’s too loud. Most of the time will use your mouth on his to muffle each other. Won’t say no to gags though. Use that information as you will.
Scratch up his back, drag your nails across his skin. Mark him. Make him yours; whether on top or bottom. Hizamaru will shyly admit that he loves it when you mark him back for everything he does to you.
If he bottoms, will try his hide his moans from you. Tie him up. Pin him down. Drink in his moans like its air.
·  Very very much into oral, giving mostly. Loves it when he can see exactly what he does to you. Could spend an eternity between your legs and tasting your cream.
· Will be very shy if you give him oral in return. Again covering his mouth, but the way your eyes darken? Oh man, he may cum right then and there. Also the easiest to overstim.
  Cuddle bear for after care. Will wash you up and isn’t as lazy as his brother but does take him a moment to leave your side because he loves you and don’t wanna go!
 This man is so into body worship. Your body will be nothing but covered in hickies when he’s done with you.
Sure he doesn’t mind if they are showing to people but honey, he marks you UP. There are marks only he can see and worship, tongue running over your skin as he traces over each hickey he forms. It’s a map that he made on your skin, only for his eyes. People may try to find that treasure, but who is the one who found it in the first place and keeps it safe?
If you have scars or tats, expect him to always be kissing them. The first place his kisses is your heart (other than lips) and then wherever else. It’s poetic what he does to you.
Worship his body in return. His body is covered in golden scars from being repaired so many times. He moans and turns into a soft mess, hands tangling in your hair or gripping your shoulders.
 Comparing him to the Genji bros (Higekiri loud or Hizamaru quiet) Uguisumaru is somewhere in the middle. Sometimes letting out soft moans that could only be heard in the room, other times a gasp that echoes in whatever hall you two are fucking in.
Yeah he doesn’t mind public sex, he’s actually rather teasing. He’s a lot more subtle than Higekiri though. Sure he won’t pinch or slap your ass but there is some way that his eyes wander over yours, soft whispers only you can hear, and promises of a good night. And then he just goes back to doing whatever the fuck he was doing without a care in the world. RUDE.
Like Higekiri, he won’t mind using toys. But there is no way you are allowed to cum in public. He’s the only one allowed to see you cum and come undone.
 Don’t wanna admit it, but jealous sex is something he likes.
  Yeah praises don’t stop when he’s on the bottom honey. “You make me feel so good, master. Come here, touch me~” “Will you let me touch you, my most wonderful beloved? Please? I just want to make you feel as good as I do.”
  Your hands always have to be laced together during sex. No matter bottom, top, oral, cuddling, all the hand holding.
Always has aftercare prepped and ready before hand. A bottle of water, a soft damp towel to clean you, and clean sheets.
  Yes Uguisumaru is going to fuck you or have you fuck him on top of your desk. No he has no shame about it. Why would he? You are the one he loves.
   Loves it when you two suck on each other’s fingers.
  If someone notices a hickey on him, given to him by you, he beams. “Ah yes, they wanted to decorate my body just as much as I have done to them.”
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
Hello!! May I have some genji brothers and child saniwa headcanons? Rewatching the genji bros musical reminded me how much I love them,,, Thank you very much 💖
Genji Brothers with Child Saniwa (GN!Reader)
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♡ The Genji Brothers are two sides of the same coin. One side is the easy going, have fun brother and the other is the worry wort brother.
♡ TO BE FAIR, Higekiri maybe is a little... TOO easy going.
♡ "Ani, where is saniwa?" "They said they wanted to cook me something so probably cooking." "WHAT"
♡ Higekiri sometimes forgets how easy it is for a child to hurt themselves but quickly learns when they fall one day and start crying.
♡ He instantly felt bad and wrapped them in his arms to console them.
♡ After that, he is more careful and won't let the saniwa get away with just doing anything.
♡ Still pretty easy going though because he knows with experience, they will learn. Plus, life is suppose to be fun and full of adventure.
♡ Hizamaru HATES seeing his saniwa crying.
♡ If they are hurt, Hizamaru is playing doctor and putting on a show until he can make them stop crying and laugh.
♡ But he is also weak to the saniwa's crying and puppy eyes-
♡ "Aruji, no cookies before dinner. You won't eat your dinner then....... I guess one wouldn't hurt-"
♡ Higekiri and Hizamaru would stay with the saniwa until they fell asleep. Often times reading a book to them and acting out the scenes together.
♡ That probably keeps them up more than anything though....
♡ Hizamaru has a thing for horror stories so if the saniwa really wants to hear one, he is going to obey their wishes.
♡ Higekiri probably will find himself under the covers instead, trying to get away from the story...
♡ Higekiri often forgets Hizamaru's name and will sometimes tease the Saniwa by acting like he also forgot their name.
♡ Their little pout just kills Higekiri every time.
♡ He would hug them. "I'm just kidding~♡ I could never forget you!"
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Henlo everyone! Call me Vy and I’m here with a new Touken Ranbu Blog! I caved and so here I am! I cannot wait to start writing again but first, rules~!
1.) I am 18+ and sometimes I will write NSFW shit but be warned, I ain’t that good at it. It doesn’t mean I won’t do it, it might just be slow and I will have exactly 0% confidence in it and I apologize in advance yo.
2.) As much as I adore Yagen and Fudou and I would die for them, I will have to decline to writing any sort of romantic headcanons for the tantous. Platonic headcanons are a-okay!
3.) Polyamory is also good in this house. I also will be referring to the reader as gender neutral by default unless you tell me in the asks what gender you wish for them to be.
4.) I am no expect in Touken, so I am using the wiki and animes to infer their characters. I apologize if the writing is not up to snuff but we also interpret the boys differently and that’s a-okay~!
5.) I am a college student and I have a job, so writing will be slow around the weekends and I tend to update things at my own pace. All I ask for is your patience dears!
6.) I will only write character x reader. Rarely will I write character x character unless I’m feeling up for it.
7.) Limit your characters to around 3 please~!
That is it my darling Saniwas! I cannot wait to hear from you all~!
Important Links
My Writing | The closest thing I will make to a masterlist lmao
Vy’s Chat Records | Personal talks yo
Sin Bin | Where all the NSFW stuff goes
ao3 account
Love Letters | Where the love letters go
Chaotic Citadel Correspondences | General writings of the citadel and the crazy shit that happens.
[Unreal] Heart(s) | Iwatooshi and Imanotsurugi angst
Ootachi Yamatonokami Yasusada THING
TouMyu + Gou Bros
Clingy Fem!Saniwa | Hijikatagumi
NSFW Mutsunokami HEadcanons
House Husband Azuki
Russian Saniwa: Tsuru, Izumin, Mutsu
Hori floof
Sword breaking fic
House Husband Hizamaru
Kiddo Saniwa | Tonbo, Kasen, MIcchan
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