#Tools for Strategic Planning
jichanxo · 10 days
oh god, i miss you (song/tl)
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kakief · 1 year
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4cconsulting · 2 years
7 QC Tools - 7 Quality Tools | Process Improvement Tools | 4C Consulting
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In today’s customer-centric market, quality is an integral factor in the growth and sustainability of any business. Businesses go the extra mile to provide the best and excellent customer experience to ensure customer satisfaction. Hence, efficient quality management which has the highest impact on customer experience is one of the most essential features for any business.
Introduced by Kaoru Ishikawa, the seven basic tools of quality also known as 7QC tools are very effective in quality management and quality assurance process. So, businesses who want to ensure competitive and excellent quality of their products and services can utilize the proven 7QC tools for strategic plan for quality improvement.
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List Of 7 QC Tools
List of 7 QC Tools Are under mentioned as follow:
Cause and Effect Diagram
Cause and Effect Diagram also known as Fishbone Diagram helps in identifying the potential causes of an effect or a problem. In addition to sorting ideas in respective categories, it also helps in understanding the areas of opportunity through effective brainstorming. Fishbone training empowers you to identify the potential cause in the problem.
Control Chart
Control charts are used to study how the processes have changed over a period of time. Further, by comparing current data to historical control limits, one could lead to the conclusion about whether the process variation is consistent as in under control or unpredictable as in out of the control due to being affected by special causes of variation.
Pareto Chart
Pareto Chart is based on the 80/20 rule where it shows the significant factors that have the highest impact on the identified problem.
Check Sheet
Check sheet is a structured process which helps to collect and analyzing data. It is an effective tool that can be for a variety of purposes.
Histogram is commonly used a graph that shows the data and its frequency of distribution to help users identify each different value in a set of data occurs.
Scatter Diagram
Scatter diagram shows the relationship between two important factors i.e. pairs of numerical data, one variable on each axis to demonstrate the relationship.
Stratification also known as a flow chart or run chart is a technique that separates the data gathered from a variety of sources so that patterns can be seen i.e., the path an entity has taken through a defined process.
Utilizing the 7 QC tools in six sigma or quality management process helps in taking a systematic approach to identify and understand the risk, assess the risk, control fluctuation of product quality and accordingly provide solutions to avoid future defects.
The 7 QC tools are structured and fundamental instruments that help businesses improve their management and production process for achieving enhanced product quality. From assessing and examining the production process, identification of key challenges and problems to controlling the fluctuation present in the product quality and providing solutions for prevention of defects in future, the easy to understand and implement, 7 QC tools are very effective. Some of the major business benefits of 7 QC tools are listed below.
Provides a more structured path for problem-solving and quality improvement
Easy to understand as well as implement yet extremely effective
A scientific and logical approach for problem-solving
Follows the 80/20 rule i.e. gain 80% result with 20% efforts
Improve the quality of product and services
Helps in identifying and analyzing problems during the process
Fishbone training aides in root cause analysis and problem-solving
Encourages team spirit and fosters a healthy culture
Identifies roots cause and solve it permanently
Enhance customer experience and customer satisfaction
Based on the data-driven process and customer-centric approach, 7 QC tools implementation is one of the most effective processes that too in the shortest amount of time.
4C team of certified professionals has provided 80+ implementation of 7 QC Tools and 120+ 7 QC Tools Training. By solving 200+ quality problems, 4C has empowered clients to reduce the 80% cost of poor quality.  To accelerate your quality management process and reduce your cost of poor quality, contact our experts now.
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Lab 916: Your Partner in Crafting Winning Amazon Strategies
Introduction: Lab 916's Expertise in Amazon Strategy
In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, Lab 916 stands as a beacon of expertise, providing businesses with tailored Amazon strategies to succeed in the competitive marketplace. With a deep understanding of Amazon's algorithms, trends, and best practices, Lab 916 helps businesses navigate the complexities of selling on the platform and achieve their goals.
Strategic Planning with Lab 916
Lab 916 takes a strategic approach to Amazon strategy development, focusing on optimizing product listings, implementing competitive pricing strategies, leveraging advertising tactics, and fostering customer engagement. By customizing strategies to align with each client's unique objectives and market dynamics, Lab 916 ensures that businesses can maximize their potential on Amazon.
Optimizing Product Listings for Maximum Visibility
A crucial aspect of Lab 916's Amazon strategy is optimizing product listings to enhance visibility and drive conversions. Through meticulous keyword research, compelling product descriptions, and high-quality imagery, Lab 916 ensures that each product listing is optimized to rank higher in Amazon search results. By improving the visibility and appeal of product listings, businesses can attract more customers and increase sales.
Implementing Competitive Pricing Strategies
Lab 916 assists businesses in developing competitive yet profitable pricing strategies tailored to their market segment. By analyzing competitor pricing data, market trends, and consumer behavior, Lab 916 helps businesses set prices that maximize sales while maintaining healthy profit margins. Additionally, Lab 916 provides guidance on leveraging dynamic pricing tools and promotional strategies to stay competitive on Amazon.
Leveraging Advertising Tactics for Enhanced Visibility
Advertising is a key component of Lab 916's Amazon strategy, aimed at increasing product visibility and driving targeted traffic to product listings. Lab 916 utilizes Amazon's advertising platform to create and optimize sponsored product ads, sponsored brand ads, and sponsored display ads. By strategically targeting keywords and audience segments, Lab 916 helps businesses maximize their advertising ROI and generate sales on Amazon.
Fostering Customer Engagement and Loyalty
Lab 916 emphasizes the importance of fostering strong customer relationships to drive long-term success on Amazon. Through proactive customer service, timely responses to inquiries and feedback, and strategies to encourage positive reviews, Lab 916 helps businesses build trust and loyalty with their customers. By delivering exceptional shopping experiences and maintaining positive seller ratings, businesses can enhance their reputation and drive repeat purchases on the platform.
Conclusion: Achieving Success with Lab 916's Guidance
In conclusion, Lab 916 serves as a valuable partner for businesses seeking to excel on Amazon. With Lab 916's expertise and strategic guidance, businesses can optimize their Amazon strategies and achieve success in the competitive e-commerce landscape. By leveraging Lab 916's insights and best practices, businesses can unlock their full potential on one of the world's largest online platforms.
Introduction: Lab 916's Expertise in Amazon Strategy
In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, Lab 916 stands as a beacon of expertise, providing businesses with tailored Amazon strategies to succeed in the competitive marketplace. With a deep understanding of Amazon's algorithms, trends, and best practices, Lab 916 helps businesses navigate the complexities of selling on the platform and achieve their goals.
Strategic Planning with Lab 916
Lab 916 takes a strategic approach to Amazon strategy development, focusing on optimizing product listings, implementing competitive pricing strategies, leveraging advertising tactics, and fostering customer engagement. By customizing strategies to align with each client's unique objectives and market dynamics, Lab 916 ensures that businesses can maximize their potential on Amazon.
Optimizing Product Listings for Maximum Visibility
A crucial aspect of Lab 916's Amazon strategy is optimizing product listings to enhance visibility and drive conversions. Through meticulous keyword research, compelling product descriptions, and high-quality imagery, Lab 916 ensures that each product listing is optimized to rank higher in Amazon search results. By improving the visibility and appeal of product listings, businesses can attract more customers and increase sales.
Implementing Competitive Pricing Strategies
Lab 916 assists businesses in developing competitive yet profitable pricing strategies tailored to their market segment. By analyzing competitor pricing data, market trends, and consumer behavior, Lab 916 helps businesses set prices that maximize sales while maintaining healthy profit margins. Additionally, Lab 916 provides guidance on leveraging dynamic pricing tools and promotional strategies to stay competitive on Amazon.
Leveraging Advertising Tactics for Enhanced Visibility
Advertising is a key component of Lab 916's Amazon strategy, aimed at increasing product visibility and driving targeted traffic to product listings. Lab 916 utilizes Amazon's advertising platform to create and optimize sponsored product ads, sponsored brand ads, and sponsored display ads. By strategically targeting keywords and audience segments, Lab 916 helps businesses maximize their advertising ROI and generate sales on Amazon.
Fostering Customer Engagement and Loyalty
Lab 916 emphasizes the importance of fostering strong customer relationships to drive long-term success on Amazon. Through proactive customer service, timely responses to inquiries and feedback, and strategies to encourage positive reviews, Lab 916 helps businesses build trust and loyalty with their customers. By delivering exceptional shopping experiences and maintaining positive seller ratings, businesses can enhance their reputation and drive repeat purchases on the platform.
Conclusion: Achieving Success with Lab 916's Guidance
In conclusion, Lab 916 serves as a valuable partner for businesses seeking to excel on Amazon. With Lab 916's expertise and strategic guidance, businesses can optimize their Amazon strategies and achieve success in the competitive e-commerce landscape. By leveraging Lab 916's insights and best practices, businesses can unlock their full potential on one of the world's largest online platforms.
#Introduction: Lab 916's Expertise in Amazon Strategy#In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce#Lab 916 stands as a beacon of expertise#providing businesses with tailored Amazon strategies to succeed in the competitive marketplace. With a deep understanding of Amazon's algor#trends#and best practices#Lab 916 helps businesses navigate the complexities of selling on the platform and achieve their goals.#Strategic Planning with Lab 916#Lab 916 takes a strategic approach to Amazon strategy development#focusing on optimizing product listings#implementing competitive pricing strategies#leveraging advertising tactics#and fostering customer engagement. By customizing strategies to align with each client's unique objectives and market dynamics#Lab 916 ensures that businesses can maximize their potential on Amazon.#Optimizing Product Listings for Maximum Visibility#A crucial aspect of Lab 916's Amazon strategy is optimizing product listings to enhance visibility and drive conversions. Through meticulou#compelling product descriptions#and high-quality imagery#Lab 916 ensures that each product listing is optimized to rank higher in Amazon search results. By improving the visibility and appeal of p#businesses can attract more customers and increase sales.#Implementing Competitive Pricing Strategies#Lab 916 assists businesses in developing competitive yet profitable pricing strategies tailored to their market segment. By analyzing compe#market trends#and consumer behavior#Lab 916 helps businesses set prices that maximize sales while maintaining healthy profit margins. Additionally#Lab 916 provides guidance on leveraging dynamic pricing tools and promotional strategies to stay competitive on Amazon.#Leveraging Advertising Tactics for Enhanced Visibility#Advertising is a key component of Lab 916's Amazon strategy#aimed at increasing product visibility and driving targeted traffic to product listings. Lab 916 utilizes Amazon's advertising platform to#sponsored brand ads
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jobsbuster · 3 months
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Strategic Planning Frameworks: Tools for Business Success
Strategic planning frameworks like SWOT, Porter's Five Forces & PESTLE analysis provide indispensable tools to analyze your market. Use them to identify opportunities & craft strategies. #strategy #businessgrowth
In the ever-evolving world of business, the bridge between ambition and achievement is often built on the foundation of strategic planning. This vital discipline is more than simply charting a course – it aligns a company’s unique strengths with emerging market opportunities. Strategic frameworks are at the heart of this process, providing indispensable tools that offer structured pathways for…
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marketxcel · 9 months
Understanding Market Assessment: A Key to Business Success
A market assessment is a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of a particular market to understand its dynamics, opportunities, demand, and competitive landscape. It involves gathering and analyzing data to provide valuable insights into the market’s size, growth potential, trends, and forecasts.
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mypoodleisgucci · 9 months
Navigating Digital Transformation: Avoiding the Pitfalls in Your Association's Journey
Digital transformation is more than a buzzword. It’s a crucial process that impacts every aspect of an association. But what happens when this transformation is rushed or mismanaged? Often, the result is complexity, expensive but unnecessary tools, and insufficient growth. This issue is one I come across again and again in my consulting work, but also as a member and volunteer for several…
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singing-telegram · 1 year
Anyone looking to make a proper Scooby-Doo adaptation please remember:
Fred is the charismatic face of the group and the strategizer. Later adaptations made him a massive himbo who chugs respect for women juice and those have become necessary parts of his character.
Shaggy is cowardly but also incredibly resourceful; let us not forget his skill at ventriloquism. Make Shaggy the skill monkey, who every episode mentions some weird skill he has that's previously unmentioned; that'd be an amazing running gag. Also, bring back the dry humor Casey Kasem injected into the og character.
Scooby is Shaggy's best friend, the other half to his two-man comedy routine. Independently of Shaggy, Scooby is also prone to be a bit mischievous and just kind of a little scamp. Play up both of those things.
Velma is the smart nerdy one, who also had a really dry sense of humor. I don't know why she was turned into the "I'm surrounded by idiots" character because, while as I stated, she always had a dry sense of humor, she was never mean to her friends and never talked down to them, or anyone else. Bring back the chipper Velma from like Witch's Ghost or Zombie Island. Let Velma be a little cutie pie. Also keep her as a lebian
Daphne was... originally really just "The Girly One" but later adaptations have fleshed her out, like making her essentially the muscle of the group, which is just amazing and should continue. She's also been cast as the oddly resourceful one. Shaggy is the skill monkey, Daphne is the one who has a tool for literally any job. Human Swiss Army Knife, which again, would be an amazing running gag.
Have Shaggy and Daphne bounce off-the-wall ideas for a plan together, Fred steps in to ground them, while still using their ideas, and incorporating Velma's theories about the case.
Make references to Flim Flam and Hot Dog Water
A Scooby-Doo adaptation should not be difficult, and must be done with love.
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rahul-shl · 2 years
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coltona927 · 2 years
Google searches will reveal tools and programmes that may be useful while creating a company strategy. These can be used as a manual for drafting the strategy or they can draw information from already-existing websites. Many entrepreneurs who are not familiar with the framework of a business strategy can generate their strategy more rapidly with the use of business plan software.
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freeexceldownloads · 2 years
Annual Workforce Planning
Download complete excel template for annual workforce planning with examples. Workforce planning is essential to find current resources quality, compare with the objective of the business or organization and conduct gap analysis. Post which, a roadmap or plan for sourcing can be done. This model comes with dummy example for users to understand what to fill in the model. Understanding Workforce…
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jobsbuster · 3 months
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elkian · 2 months
It's interesting watching the Dungeon Meshi anime after reading the manga pretty recently. There's lots of fun 'that's a surprise tool that will help us later moments' (not to mention spotted all the WL motifs!), but there's more.
Some stuff I blipped over on the initial read - partly due to the story starting out as a light-hearted Monster of the Week comedy and partly likely due to my own general obliviousness - has caught my attention.
One is how Laios engages with the other party members: when Marcille is down about not being immediately useful, he's the one who jumps in to support her, citing his knowledge of her unique skillset and the strategic value in her holding back for the moment. He has a high level of respect for his party's skills in general (I wonder if part of the monster mania is a bit of compensating for not getting to show his stuff sooner?), and a strong understanding of their synergy.
Further, as I'm watching the Living Armor episode, something has finally pinged in my conscious mind: Laios is smart. It's overshadowed a bit, I think, by his Monster Special Interest (a thing he is expected to be knowledgeable in, which also leads to the dragon expert bemoaning lmao), and his general role of being either The Weird One or experiencing Consequences of eating things recklessly. Which ig is all Monster Special Interest-related at minimum.
Anyways, combining my observation of Laios' understanding of Marcille and Chilchuck's skillsets, and how to best implement him, I realize in this episode that Laios is a very skilled tactician, and strategist. We've also seen him make detailed analyses and decent plans in the manga. I think this all ties into him being the sort of de facto party leader - not only is he strongly motivated on multiple levels, but the others trust him to analyze situations and formulate viable plans accordingly, taking their strengths and weaknesses into account. Heck, when the party gets species-swapped, he makes almost immediate note in their first battle of how quickly he loses stamina, and connects that to Senshi's behavior that he's observed in the past.
Sorry for not noticing sooner, Laios.
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obsidian-pages777 · 23 days
Pick a Card: Career Guidance from Pallas Athena
Top Left (Pile 1) , Top Right(Pile 2) Bottom Left (Pile 3) ,Bottom Right (Pile 4)
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Pile 1: Current Challenges and Obstacles
The Tower: This card suggests that significant changes or disruptions may be occurring in your career path right now. Pallas Athena's message here is to embrace these changes as opportunities for growth and transformation. Trust in your wisdom and strategic thinking to navigate through any obstacles that arise.
Five of Pentacles: This card represents financial challenges or feelings of lack. Pallas Athena reminds you to tap into your resourcefulness and inner strength during difficult times. Remember that setbacks are temporary, and with perseverance and strategic planning, you can overcome any financial obstacles in your career.
Channeled Key words:Resilience and Adaptability
Action Steps to consider:
Embrace change and consider exploring new career paths or industries that align with your skills and interests.
Seek opportunities for financial stability through budgeting, saving, or exploring alternative sources of income.
Focus on building resilience and adapting to changes in the workplace environment.
Consider seeking support from mentors or career coaches to overcome obstacles and navigate challenges effectively.
Pile 2: Guidance and Wisdom from Pallas Athena
The High Priestess: Pallas Athena's message here is to trust your intuition and inner wisdom when making career decisions. Quiet your mind and listen to the subtle guidance from within. Your intuition is a powerful tool that can lead you toward the right path in your career journey.
Ace of Swords: This card represents clarity of thought and new opportunities. Pallas Athena encourages you to approach your career with clear intentions and a strategic mindset. Stay focused on your goals, and be open to seizing new opportunities that come your way. Trust in your ability to manifest success through your intellect and determination.
Channeled Key Words:Networking and Relationship Building
Action Steps to consider:
Explore careers that involve intuition, spirituality, or working in fields such as counseling, coaching, or holistic healing.
Consider opportunities in education, research, or intellectual pursuits that allow you to leverage your analytical skills and strategic thinking.
Pursue roles that involve clear communication, writing, or public speaking, where you can share your insights and wisdom with others.
Embrace leadership opportunities where you can use your intuition and intellect to inspire and guide others toward success.
Pile 3: Opportunities and Potential
The Empress: This card symbolizes abundance, creativity, and nurturing energy. Pallas Athena's message here is that there are abundant opportunities for growth and success in your career. Embrace your creativity and tap into your nurturing instincts to cultivate a fulfilling and prosperous career path.
Ten of Cups: This card represents emotional fulfillment and harmony in your career life. Pallas Athena reminds you to prioritize your emotional well-being and seek fulfillment in your work. Follow your heart's desires and pursue career paths that align with your values and bring you joy and satisfaction.
Channeled Key Words: Continuous Learning and Skill Development
Action Steps to Consider:
Explore creative industries such as arts, design, fashion, or entertainment where you can express your artistic talents and creativity.
Consider careers in fields related to nurturing and caregiving, such as healthcare, counseling, or social work, where you can make a positive impact on others' lives.
Look for opportunities to create a harmonious work environment or start your own business venture where you can cultivate abundance and prosperity.
Pursue roles that prioritize work-life balance and prioritize emotional well-being, such as remote work, flexible scheduling, or positions with supportive company cultures.
Pile 4: Pursuit and Manifestation
The Magician: This card represents manifestation and taking action to create your desired reality. Pallas Athena's message here is to harness your innate talents and skills to manifest your career goals. Believe in your abilities and take decisive action toward your ambitions. With focus, determination, and strategic planning, you have the power to manifest success in your career endeavors.
Six of Wands: This card symbolizes victory, recognition, and achievement. Pallas Athena encourages you to celebrate your successes and accomplishments in your career journey. Be proud of how far you've come, and continue to strive for excellence with confidence and grace. Your strategic thinking and perseverance will lead you to even greater heights of success in your career.
Channeled Key Words: Self-Reflection and Exploration
Action Steps to Consider:
Take proactive steps to pursue your career goals, such as networking, furthering your education, or acquiring new skills relevant to your desired field.
Consider entrepreneurial ventures or freelance opportunities where you can take control of your career path and leverage your unique talents and abilities.
Set clear intentions and goals for your career and take consistent action toward manifesting your aspirations.
Seek opportunities for recognition and advancement in your current career path or explore avenues for professional growth and development that align with your long-term objectives.
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a prompt: thick-as-thieves (and handsy) mates, johnny and reader.
When aches and pains strike, turn to giving each other remedial massages - far more efficient than a foam roller, and a useful skill to have since there's no room to pack one on a mission anyway.
And somehow, these sessions always conveniently take place in a common area. In front of ghost.
And the sighs and moans and vocal exclamations of relief and thanks? Just being grateful buddies - surely not trying to troll and get a rise out of him (while gaz tries to hold back his laughter).
Or perhaps ghost gets desperate - he's got muscles locked up tight and he’s getting desperate for relief, so finds himself asking for help. Obviously they only too happy to help - and surely if he’s going to need to strip they're more than happy to relocate to personal quarters.
A/N 1:  ooooh this was a challenging ask! I do not have the confidence to properly write for Soap yet, but I tried and I hope you like it <3   I don’t know if you wanted this to be so horny, but I feel like, you, Miya, know the vibe of this blog by now, so I like to believe you knew what you were getting into.   
A/N 2 (the real A/N):  I know you requested this a millennium ago, and I am SO sorry it’s so late but in my defence, I am truly and unconditionally a piece of shit.  18+ only MDNI
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
At least your involvement in all of it starts innocently enough.  Johnny’s groans and whines and wincing every time he bends over or stands or sits or breathes tug at your heartstrings—you hate seeing your happy, horny puppy of a friend constantly in pain.  So you offer to work his joints for him, work on some of that tension in his back, in his shoulders, offer some sort of comfort. 
What you don’t know is that, while his pain is genuine, it’s also a ploy.  
Your relationship with Johnny is…strange but it works. You fuck each other on occasion, because you realise the need for a healthy outlet for stress relief (you tell yourself that the orgasms are a bonus!).  You leave it at that and you don’t try to search for meaning and deeper feelings where none exist.  You do love each other, but you’re friends first and foremost, that’s the rule.
Besides, you know who Soap really wants.  Everyone on base knows who Soap really wants, except, it seems, the object of his desire.  And by the time you figure out that you’re being used as a tool in the ploy, it’s too late…and you find that you don’t actually mind the means, when you finally figure out Johnny wants as the result.  It’s the same thing you’ve wanted for so long, but been too shy to ever say aloud.  So you play along.  
And so when you give Johnny your “remedial massages”, you don’t question him on why they need to be at the ass-crack of dawn in the gym.  The preferred time for the Lieutenant to use the gym, in fact, the only time he does.  You don’t question why, somehow, Ghost is always around when you’re twisting and contorting Soap’s muscles to aid him stretching, why the groans that leave Soap sound surprisingly like the ones he makes when he’s inside you, why winding up Ghost seems to have made your sex life with Soap infinitely better.       
But you’re in on the joke now.  And far be it from you not to appreciate a well thought-out strategic manoeuvre.  
And you are succeeding because you do wind Ghost up—that much is clear.  You see his body tense, fists clenching at his sides, while he watches the two of you with narrowed eyes.   It’s almost Machiavellian, you realise, Johnny’s plan. 
If you keep following his cues and try to decipher the real meaning behind the shallow words he says, it almost certainly leads you to exactly where you need to be.  Helping him stretch his legs, with your hands dancing over his thighs, his eyes wide and attentive and glossy with his arousal.  Rubbing his shoulders with your breasts pressed tight against his back and his low groans in sync with the knots you work in the muscles.  It all just works. All with Ghost as your witness.
Until Ghost decides he’s had enough.  
Until a series of events that starts with Gaz rolling his eyes at your latest iteration of the melodrama—Soap working on your back for a change, drawing low, breathy moans from you as you relish in the feeling of his warm, hard palms on your lower back—and ends with Ghost watching the two of you in rapt attention. 
It’s electrifying, the feeling of Ghost’s eyes on your body.   You can almost feel it, the way Simon’s gaze moves between your bodies, his eyes tracing the grace of Johnny’s movement, always belied by the sheer bulk of him, but always present, always drawing attention to nimble fingers and a surprisingly agile frame.
It’s the same series of events that leads you to where you are now.  Watching them, with your hand busy in between your legs.  
You have strict instructions not to.  Your Lieutenant warned you, Johnny made you promise not to touch yourself until they could touch you.
But it’s not your willingness to blindly follow instructions that got you this far. 
Besides, your Lieutenant’s too busy getting his dick sucked.  And Johnny…well Johnny’s got his mouth too full to protest.       
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