#Top Box Packaging Design Company
Packaging Design Company Utilizing AR and VR in Packaging Prototypes
In the fiercely competitive business landscape, the first impression can often dictate the course of a brand's journey towards success. This is where a packaging design company like Saypan steps in, transforming ordinary products into memorable experiences through innovative design and strategic branding. This blog delves into the crucial role of packaging design companies and highlights how Saypan, a leader in this field, masters the art of packaging to elevate brands and captivate consumers.
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Innovative Branding & Packaging by Saypan - Learn More @ https://saypan.in/our-services/
The Importance of Packaging Design in Today's Market
Packaging design transcends mere aesthetics; it serves as a critical communicator for the brand, conveying values, promises, and reliability. In today’s market, where consumers have endless choices, packaging becomes an influential factor in decision-making processes. It not only protects the product within but also communicates directly to the consumer, making it a powerful marketing tool. Effective packaging design can:
Boost Brand Recognition: Distinctive designs stand out on crowded shelves, making a brand easily recognizable.
Enhance User Experience: Thoughtful packaging improves usability and customer satisfaction.
Communicate Brand Values: Eco-friendly materials and innovative designs can reflect a brand’s commitment to sustainability and creativity.
Drive Purchasing Decisions: Visually appealing and informative packaging can influence buying behavior and increase sales.
Why Saypan Stands Out as a Top Packaging Design Company
Saypan has carved a niche in the packaging design industry by combining creativity with market insights to craft packaging solutions that not only look great but also resonate with target audiences. Here’s why Saypan is considered a top choice for brands looking to make a significant impact through their packaging:
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Expertise and Experience
With years of experience, Saypan’s team of designers and strategists possess the expertise required to handle diverse challenges in packaging design. From understanding the nuances of material selection to anticipating consumer trends, their comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of packaging are meticulously planned and executed.
Customized Design Solutions
Recognizing that each brand is unique, Saypan offers tailored packaging designs that align with the brand’s identity and market goals. Whether it’s a luxury product or a household essential, Saypan’s designs are customized to enhance the product's appeal and functionality.
Commitment to Sustainability
In an era where sustainability is increasingly important, Saypan prioritizes eco-friendly packaging solutions. By using sustainable materials and processes, they help brands not only meet regulatory requirements but also appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
Technology and Innovation
Leveraging the latest technologies, Saypan brings innovative solutions to the table. From 3D printing prototypes to using augmented reality for visualizing designs, their technological adeptness allows for greater creativity and precision in packaging designs.
The Saypan Design Process: A Closer Look
Saypan approach to packaging design is methodical and client-centric, involving several key stages:
Research and Analysis: Understanding the market, competition, and consumer behavior to inform design decisions.
Concept Development: Generating a range of concepts based on the research findings and client brief.
Design Execution: Refining the chosen concept and developing the full packaging design, including graphics, colors, and materials.
Prototyping and Testing: Creating prototypes to test the design for functionality and appeal.
Production Oversight: Overseeing the production process to ensure that the final product matches the design specifications.
Case Studies: Success Stories from Saypan
Saypan portfolio boasts several successful projects where innovative packaging design has led to increased brand visibility and sales. For instance, a recent collaboration with a cosmetic brand involved developing a unique dispenser that not only preserved the product more effectively but also provided an enhanced user experience, leading to a significant boost in customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.
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The Future of Packaging Design
Looking ahead, the role of packaging design companies like Saypan will become even more integral as brands navigate the challenges of a digital-first world where packaging needs to be both shelf-ready and online-cart-worthy. Innovations such as smart packaging, personalized designs, and augmented reality experiences represent the future of packaging, and companies like Saypan are at the forefront of these developments.
In conclusion, the impact of a well-designed package on a product's market success cannot be overstated. As a top packaging design company, Saypan continues to set industry standards with its innovative, efficient, and sustainable design solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations. For brands looking to make a lasting impression, partnering with a seasoned packaging design company like Saypan is a strategic step towards achieving business goals and creating memorable consumer experiences.
Contact us
Phone : +91 96657 20007,​ +91 87672 11111​
Email : [email protected]
Website: https://saypan.in/
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mgsmarketingca · 5 months
The Art and Science of Professional Website Designer: Crafting Digital Masterpieces
In the vast and ever-expanding digital landscape, the role of a professional website designer has become increasingly pivotal. A website serves as the virtual storefront for businesses, making a lasting impression on visitors and influencing their perception of the brand. In this blog, we delve into the art and science of professional website designer, exploring the skills, qualities, and expertise that set these designers apart in their craft. At the core of professional website design lies a deep understanding of both aesthetics and functionality. These designers possess a keen eye for design principles such as layout, typography, color theory, and composition, allowing them to create visually appealing websites that capture the essence of a brand. For more details visit our website: www.mgsmarketing.ca
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neil-gaiman · 2 years
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I found myself having, not exactly an argument recently, but a highly opinionated conversation with someone who did not believe my assertion that once upon a time there were official Hello Kitty vibrators. With the aid of the Wayback Machine, I found this article, and thought the world at large might enjoy it too...
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Here's the text of the article:
The history of the Hello Kitty vibrator
By Peter Payne October 4, 2004
Sanrio is one of the top character licensors in the world, having more or less created the business model of doing business by creating something that doesn't really exist and licensing its use to other companies. Sanrio produces nothing -- all their characters, like the Little Twin Star, Minna no Ta-bo, Bad Batz-Maru, exist as legal entities and nothing more. Their most successful character, Hello Kitty, or Kitty-chan as she's known in Japan, is now now thirty years old.
One of the many companies that license Sanrio's characters for their products was a Japanese company called Genyo Co. Ltd. Genyo made a wide variety of products, from bento boxes to children's toys to chopsticks, many with the Hello Kitty character on them. They scored big in the late 1990's with an off-the-wall hit, a series of Hello Kitty toys which featured a different Kitty figure from each of Japan's 47 prefectures, each representing something the prefecture was famous for. (The figure from Gunma Prefecture, where we live, represented a wooden kokeshi doll.)
In 1997, Genyo designed a product that would live in infamy: the Hello Kitty vibrating shoulder massager, which really is a shoulder massager (trust us -- it says so on the package). Sanrio approved this design without batting an eye, and the product enjoyed modest sales in toy shops and in family restaurants like Denny's and Coco's. It wasn't until 1999 or so that people began to catch on to the fact that the Hello Kitty massager had other potential uses, and with amazing speed, they started popping up in adult videos in Japan. The next thing anyone knew, they had changed into a cult adult item, sold in vending machines in love hotels -- after all, what self-respecting man wouldn't buy his girl a Hello Kitty vibrator when she asked him for one?
The emergence of the Hello Kitty vibrator as a cult adult item caused friction between Sanrio and Genyo, and Sanrio ordered the company to stop making the units. Genyo refused, since it had paid a lot of money to license Kitty for their products. There seemed nothing Sanrio could do, since they had approved the item for sale (see the official Sanrio sticker on the boxes). The answer came when the Japanese tax authorities raided Genyo on suspicion of tax evasion. It seems that some creative accounting was going on between the president of the company, a Mr. Nakamura, his vice president, and the owner of the factory in China where the units were made. All three were arrested, and Sanrio had the excuse needed to yank Genyo's license. They seized the molds used to make the vibrators and destroyed them.
And so, the sad, weird chapter of the Hello Kitty vibrator is at an end. The last of the Kitty vibes are gone, so now what will the world do for wacky comic -- and sexual -- relief?
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lilbittymonster · 18 days
Day 5: Stamp
Read on AO3
Kugane’s market district was just as vibrant as she remembered, the streamers and paper lanterns swaying in the sea-blown breeze as people milled about a well-worn memory. No one stopped her to thank her for some heroic deed or another, no one stood gawking at her from a corner in awe, she was...just another patron of the market. It was freeing in a way she hadn’t been free in a long time.
She slowed her pace, taking the time to really look at all of the stalls she was passing. A blue wooden box propped up with two bamboo brushes caught her eye and she carefully wove her way closer to inspect it.
“Finest calligraphy supplies this side of Thavnair!” boasted the saleswoman behind the counter.
“Hello, are those inks in that box, or just brushes?” Kitali asked her in Doman as she approached.
“Yes, these are both inks and brushes,” the woman smiled. “There are full colour sets here, and traditional black here.”
“Could I see the colours?” Kitali asked.
Delicately, the woman lifted the box from its place and handed it to her, cover open. Nestled inside were eight uniform sticks of various pigments, all stamped with a gold dragon. Kitali bit the inside of her cheek to hold her amusement at bay. Surely no one could accuse him of heresy should she send him these…
“How much for these?” she asked.
“For the ink and the brushes, 300 gil.”
“And this is just the ink and brushes, no stone?”
“Correct. If you would like to pick out a grinding stone as well, we have plenty to chose from. Come, see what we have over here.”
She beckoned Kitali with a hand to the other side of the stall where there were several small stones laid out, ranging from plain dishes to intricately carved dishes with fitted lids. Most were the same flat black stone, but a couple had bits of shell and wood inlaid into their design, two even having what looked like gold.
A small round dish, roughly the size of her palm, with a large crescent moon dotted with inlaid shell sat nestled between two much larger stones almost the size of tea saucers. Gingerly she plucked it from its seat, and to her delight it had an actual lid over the well. Perfect for keeping little paws from stepping into wet ink.
“How much is this one?” she asked.
The shopkeeper quickly consulted a list behind the counter. “That one? 65 gil.”
Kitali fished out her small coinpurse from a pocket and counted out her total.
“Would you like this wrapped as a gift?”
“Yes, and preferably something that can be shipped,” Kitali said as the woman pulled out a sheet of thick paper. “It’s a gift for my husband.” The word still felt so strange to speak aloud, this small secret.
“Ah, how lovely! How many years?”
Kitali thought for a moment. “By the time this reaches him, it will be one year.”
“Congratulations,” she said warmly as she plucked the box and brushes from their resting place. “He has used inks before, yes?”
Kitali shook her head. “Not that I know of.”
A small white card was plucked from a stack and placed on top of the ink box.
“Instructions for him, then. Thank you so much for your patronage, miss, do come again!”
Kitali clutched the parcel against her chest protectively as she walked off, content with her find but still taking the time to circle the markets in full. She wasn’t needed to discuss financial matters with the East Aldenard Trading Company representative. She could enjoy her homecoming in peace, however bittersweet it was.
At a leisurely pace, Kitali slowly wandered back towards the ijin district to wait for Alphinaud and Tataru to conclude their business. Lyse and Alisaie were sitting some distance off at one of the tables sharing a plate of what looked like takoyaki. Lyse noticed her coming down the stairs and waved her over, sliding over to make room on the bench.
“Ooh, what’s that?” she asked, nodding at the package.
“A gift,” Kitali said simply.
“Who’s it for?” Alisaie asked around a mouthful of dough.
“A friend in Ishgard, I promised them I’d send a souvenir,” Kitali said evasively, hoping the thinned truth would satisfy them.
It did, and their conversation turned back to wondering over the delights of the city while Kitali looked on, amused.
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zaksdolls · 8 months
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The Skelita Howliday doll has been on sale on Amazon (at fluctuating prices) so I gave in and bought her as a birthday gift for myself. As I scrolled through the reviews I was concerned that she would arrive in a mangled box and damaged. Thankfully, she turned up pristine!
The packaging is quite nice. I very much like the skull winged butterflies. It's a shame that they are not really used anywhere else besides the fabric print of the dress.
Anywho, I've already complained enough about the doll's design and I'm sure there are plenty of reviews out there so I'll go quickly!
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Yes, very nice details on stand base. Good. I was surprised when I realized it's a saddle stand. I've had to stick a wad of putty on the saddle to keep Skelita in place lest she falls out.
Now she topples over stand and all! X'D
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I was happy to see the skullettes in the flowers have all this sculpted detail! Unfortunately, the painted detailed are a bit off.
The headpiece is made of a harder plastic and is hollow with an open back.
At first, I thought, "Oh, nice. It's much lighter than the first adult collector Skelita's headpiece!"
But then I remembered that I actually really dislike when companies cut corners by neglecting the backside of their toys and products. All angles should be taken into consideration.
Especially on a collector doll.
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Shoes are nice. I like the detail of the sole and flowers.
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Itty bitty skullette beads.
And another skullette with sculpted details. A nice touch.
I'm honestly surprised to see a total of six bracelets and a necklace on this doll. They don't have much in the way of painted details, but I'll take what I can get.
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Skelitas used to come with a plastic piece in the shape of the standard Monster High torso to help clothes fit on her boney frame. Now she comes with this. Undergarments I guess? ;P
The ruffle and sleeves are made of the same stretchy fabric and covered with some gold glitter. The sleeves' edges are secured with an overlock stitch while the ruffle is left raw.
Beginning to fray.
The dress's skirt fabric is that thick plasticy fabric that kind of feels like paper. I do not care for this fabric in the least.
(I was trying to capture the stiffness of the fabric by scrunching it in the photo.)
After disassembly, I washed her and her clothes. The purple stretchy fabric began to stick onto itself during the washing process. Perhaps the glitter adhesive reactivated with the water and/or the heat. Thankfully, I was able to separate it all again. The top portion of the skirt ruffle folded over during washing and I actually prefer it this way.
Happy accident.
I was able to bring down and relax the sleeves with some added (light) heat. Thank goodness because I did not like how those sleeves looked from factory.
I also took it upon myself to straighten and quickly style her hair with a half ponytail.
For a collector doll, I expect some styling from the company but she came with nothing.
Here she is:
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The more I look at her, the more I appreciate her. The colors are nice and are pretty cohesive. There are some nice details and she's a "pretty" doll.
However, for this being a collector doll priced at almost 50USD and knowing that Mattel can and has done so much better in terms of design and materials, I'm very disappointed.
But for what I actually paid?
She's okay.
Either way, I'm very happy to have her.
In truth, I would like to buy another one. Either for fodder, or to keep one as factory and another customized. Will only do that if she drops considerably in price.
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mecachrome · 8 months
no wait please go on more about oscar’s winning mentality… and most of all whether/when you think there will be tension of a fracture with lando because i’m sure it’s inevitable 🤧
hi anon!!! :') haha okay well this might be an annoying hot take but the reality is that i don't think there's such thing as a "winning mentality" in the first place T__T or idk how you meant it (and of course please feel free to elaborate if you'd like!) so i apologize sincerely if i'm completely misinterpreting your question, but for me personally what i appreciate from oscar is rather certain qualities he possesses / has been said to possess that i believe put him in a favorable position to better attain an optimized performance threshold, if that makes sense, which maybe sounds pedantic and many would argue is essentially a winning mentality but i still try to be careful with how much i correlate driver intangibles with outcome-based hypotheticals because i find that many fans + journos + team personnel alike can be eager to perpetuate an ideal of a "mentality monster" or "a future wdc" as though either construct is delineated by the same universal qualities when imo that simply could not be further from the truth…
…i've started and deleted like 5 paragraphs about car/driver/team development & the service ecosystem of professional sporting industries & human tendency toward recency bias and arbitrary pattern recognition but much of this is most likely not relevant to your question at all so let me try to be a bit more brief LOL.
the short of it is: motorsport and f1 in particular are interesting because all professional sports are entertainment products that rely on human unpredictability, but the level of agency its primary actors are privy to and the degree to which certain intangibles (e.g., mentality, drive, Wanting It, Dawg/60 as i say when talking about hockey, and in some sports even individual marketability) are upheld as competitive instruments vary widely per the nature, construction, contact level, global reach, etc. of each sport. with f1 the "front-stage" end product is of course the race package media companies are contracted to present to a global audience, but its primary actors (drivers) occupy a unique position in that they are both the vehicle facilitating that product but also occupiers of another, both figurative and literal, Vehicle that is in itself its own end product, only designed and manufactured in a back-stage black box. and so most of the time in sports, the entertainment is not only the product itself but also the discussion generated around the product, which is then enhanced by the exchange of external data and anecdote, but the problem with f1 is that this sort of end-product inception and the inherent secrecy of car development makes for third-party analysis of the sport that is equally complex and limiting… as in, f1 fans are constantly being inundated with soooo so much data because it's literally a sport built on relative numbers, but all of that data is pretty much useless without proper contextualization—sure, you can look at public telemetry all you want, but you can't really present an informed conclusion on certain approaches or styles or deficits unless you also identify nuances of both the car's inherent characteristics and its specific set-up during the session. which is also how i feel about evaluating driver mentality!!!
basically i think there's no such thing as a meaningful "winner's mentality" at the top level of any sport because everyone wants to win, inherently, and without this ambition you wouldn't be in f1 to begin with. i also think the adjacent idea of a mentality uniquely crafted to becoming a winner is in itself a vague concept for f1 because there's less of a binary quality to performance than compared to other true team sports (yes you technically lose every race you don't win, but it doesn't explicitly count against your season record). in this case i'll define it as becoming f1 wdc… which of course we all know is contingent much less on driver influence than on team direction and development, and again is why i dislike the practice of saying x or y is "wdc material" because that's a very meaningless metric at the end of the day.
god okay i know i never shut up about andrea (SORRY AGAIN.) but personally i really love the way he talks about oscar because i think he understands this relativity very well, and that a driver should develop specific, identifiable, and objective actions in order to support the optimization of their processes (and thus performance!) rather than to achieve any specific outcome (winning). that is to say… i guess honestly, my idea of a "winning mentality" is simply not having a marked preoccupation with winning in the first place, because what matters most is being able to consolidate the right now of what you can control in order to support the later of what you will achieve, and letting the results speak for themselves instead of getting caught up in the idea of needing to or wanting to win (when that should already be a given). which i do think oscar embodies! some astella quotes:
“I don't look how far we can go. I just look [at] what do we have to do now to go as far as possible?" (qatar press con)
"For me what is important is just a sense of journey. The results take care of themselves, so what you really have to focus on is, every day, try to be better than yesterday." (speedcafe) 
"I'm not one that works by targets or expectations. I really work by process, by identifying what's the right approach, what's the right vision, and then let results come to you. [...] Let's not think about the results. Let's just think about ‘how do we deliver performance projects in this many areas of the car, such that we can be innovative, such that we can be fast in developing, but also developing at a pace that is sustainable over time?'" (btg)
My God… That's Oscar Piastri's Music!!! anyway i guess what i'm trying to say is that i don't really think there is any true characteristic a world champion must have because it is less about the characteristic itself and more about how it interacts with other characteristics and the way a person manages this sum total—take the idea of "consistency" for example, which is often liberally applied to drivers without any temporal/material granularity. do we mean over an entire career or a season or during a single race length? do we mean consistency in terms of race craft or qualifying pace or a specific metric like race starts and reaction time? being consistent is good if it means that you're consistently getting high positions relative to your competitors, but it can also veer into an overly conservative approach. so to me everything requires a very finetuned balance of raw pace, consistency, adaptability, and a healthy capacity for self-reflection, and it's why i really liked the way andrea talked about how oscar had natural speed as a rookie but also took this incremental approach to his weekends by working toward his maximum session over session, because pushing the limits in fp1 is useless if you're still navigating and identifying new areas of opportunity. but of course this then also relates back to the timeline of adaptability and how everything in motorsport is = the faster you can "adapt" (within a weekend but also over the course of a season) the higher your stock is, so this gradualism must also be well-managed. and the thing is that a driver's capacity to adapt as they move onto newer categories and face new technical regulations is something we as outside observers cannot truly predict or project even though we all love to try!!!
there is a whole spiel about defining what adaptability even means in motorsport here but i'll spare everyone. i think it's very fair to say that oscar is a generally adaptable driver (in that he can get up to speed with the technical components of a new car quickly, that every championship he won in his junior career was in a new chassis, that he has an ingrained "awareness of what the opportunities are" when driving and the "capacity to self-recognize where there is more to come from either himself or from the car," and he so far has shown marked improvements over the length of a race weekend that reflect positively relative to rookie expectation), and it can be assumed that his most pronounced weakness from 2023 will be much better mitigated now that he has crucial track experience in hand, since tyre degradation is expressly something simulator work cannot fully prepare you for. but at the same time i really reject any notion that ~now that he's not a rookie + because he's an adaptable driver + his mentality is sooo much better than lando's (when again it is about the Sum Total of characteristics and not how one specific characteristic is reflected in previous wdcs) his pace will immediately match/challenge lando's~ because first of all, no, and second of all the quantitative mystery is still, how much of that race-pace deficit can better management annul for oscar (or conversely how much of it is simply inherent to him)? so there are too many variables… and anyone who tells you they can predict that is lying!
also re: Potential 814 friction…!!!!!! i guess again as i always say there are really too many variables to make assumptions here... and i think it's hard to imagine, actionably, what a fracture would even look like for them, since lando and oscar are both people who manage the on/off-track separation well and i honestly don't really foresee any huge professional fallouts even if they do have to fight for positions on-track more frequently. but like andrea said, if oscar wins before lando then it means (unless it's a truly fugazi win lol) that mclaren has a car capable of winning, and i again reject this idea that lando is so mentally weak that he isn't capable of being motivated by that, and equally it is actually a Good Thing for a team to have "two #1 drivers" so long as that relationship is well-managed... will they even have two #1 drivers next season (i.e. will oscar really be that much closer to lando)? and if so will it be well-managed? that i cannot tell you!!!!!
honestly teammate dynamics are not something i'm ever confident in extrapolating much from because there are so many contingencies to Who wins first / does anyone even win at all (X to doubt) / who outperforms whom (and how do we measure that) / who "leaves more on the table"... all of that stuff......... but it is definitely a very interesting question. and i will be eager to witness how their relationship develops based on the mcl38's performance next season and of course its performance relative to rb/merc/fer!!!
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hillbilly---man · 6 months
what is your favorite part of a grocery store to organize, and why? i wonder if people who do your job like giving the best spots to their favorite foods or if it’s like, the size of something that makes it more or less a pain in the ass
Ahhh I love this question!
[To clarify my job in case anyone is new here or confused: I sit at a computer in an office and design planograms, the diagrams that grocery stores use to stock their shelves and standardize where items go]
At work, I've got several sections assigned to me (box dinners/mac & cheese, baking needs, Asian, flour/meal/coatings, sugar, pasta sauce, and a whole bunch more). So whenever it's time to redo one of those sections, either as part of a whole store remodel or to cut in a new item... I get to do it.
It's hard to choose a favorite section. I like doing the bottled juice section because there are always things getting removed and added. It's more interesting when I get to change the products! Box dinners are fun too for the same reason.
I also had to create a huge Asian aisle for a store several weeks ago and that was kind of fun.
We had some existing planograms for Asian foods, but nothing nearly as big as what this one particular store was asking for. It was a lot of work (I have to pull the list of all the Asian items from the warehouse, run the sales numbers, pick the products based on high sales and variety, decide where on the shelves the items go, and then send for approval)... But it was fun having that kind of creative control. Most of what I do is finding space for a new flavor of cheez-its so it's a big change.
For similar reasons, I also really like when I get instructed to do one-off special displays. I had to design planograms for a Tampico rack and a new bread aisle recently.
I don't normally get to favor things I like when designing the planograms, sadly. Usually they want certain brands to be in a certain place: the store brand along the right/bottom, the most popular brand often eye level and to the left, premium stuff in the middle and to the top. But every section is a little different. Sometimes, if two items are the same brand and have similar sales, I might give the one I prefer an extra facing though. 😈
[Quick definition: A "facing" is basically an instance of an item on the shelf. For example, if you're looking at the soda aisle and there are two rows of 2 liter orange fanta (which would look like two bottles sitting next to each other, with several lined up behind them) that's two facings]
Sizes are a pain in the ass! If I have a lot of products and a very small section (4 feet is our standard "small" size) then it's so hard fitting them in there. We are supposed to make sure there's at least one full case worth of product on the shelf at a time, which is tough when items are bulky or come in huge cases. This is why sometimes I'll joke that I'm the only person in the world happy about shrinkflation; when these companies make their packaging smaller it makes it easier for me to fit more products in the planogram.
On the flip side, if a planogram is HUGE (24 ft is a big one we have often) and I don't have very many items... It's easier but a different challenge. Sometimes I have to try to find items that would fit there. For a while, we had Yoo-hoo in our juice boxes section because there was so much space and the warehouse quit stocking a bunch of Capri-sun flavors. I guess I can just give everything a ridiculous number of facings, but that's lazy and it looks bad. Plus, if the products don't sell well you run into the problem of them expiring because the stores have to stock too many to fill the shelves.
This got really long lol. You can tell I'm really into this stuff hahaha
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puppyguppy · 2 years
You stare at the box.
You bite your lip, fidget your weight between your feet, and blink at the box. You had put the box on the table, but you’re not sure if that’s right – if that’s where it should go. If that’s where you want to do this. The bed would make much more sense; it’d save carrying all the unboxed contents then to the bed. But, as much sense as that makes, something about it just feels way too soon. Because what if – there was a chance you wouldn’t even like what was in the box. And then, dumping all that onto the bed, into your nest, with pre-heat simmering low in your belly – well. The whole reason you even had the box was to help with your heat.
The very real possibility of starting off the week with a bad nest kept the box right on the table. Unopened. Still taped up. Discreet, but addressed to you.
There was no mistake.
The box was yours.
Which, of course it was, you’d ordered the damn thing. Clicked on some ad on some website during a moment of weakness, of morbid curiosity. And then, as a joke (you’d told yourself, anyway), gone ahead and filled out the little questionnaire. Some were multiple choice, such as designated second sex, or what your preferred mate would be (which shouldn’t have been as hard as it was to fill out, but you’ve never really given it a whole lot of thought). Were someone ever actually interested in you, like seriously so, you wouldn’t let something like their second sex get in the way of a potential relationship. As it was, you’d selected Alpha, because that was just…natural. Easiest. And then there were the fill-in-the-blanks. Questions about what scents you enjoyed, and which you despised. In the end, it asked about your own scent, which felt a bit weird, considering such a thing shouldn’t matter.
You were on a website for a company that supplied care packages to help alleviate the effects of going through a heat or rut alone. 
It wasn’t a dating site.
You’d triple-checked.
Right before saying fuck it, and jumping off the deep-end with a single, damning right-click. 
“Maybe the couch…?” You mutter to yourself, one arm curled almost protectively around your middle, propping up the elbow of your other arm, so that you can run a thumb along your bottom lip. In thought, in hesitation, in…anticipation.
Whether you liked it or not, you were opening that box.
There was no reason not to.
Either it would achieve its intended purpose and provide some much deserved relief, considering the last few heats you’ve suffered through, or it’d all just end up in the trash. No big deal. You’ve survived all your other heats with minimal help, surrounded by nothing but your own scent, and maybe a t-shirt or two from those you could consider friends. So…maybe it was just that you kind of, really, wanted it to work.
Would be a waste of money, otherwise.
“Okay. Okay,” you drop your arms and nod to yourself, determined and courageous. The way your toes wiggle in your socks give away the nerves, though. “Couch it is.” Before you can sike yourself back out, you pick the box up and quickly shuffle on over to the sofa in the space you’d designated as your living room.
Technically, it is also the dining room. And the office.
And some extra storage space.
The bedroom, at least, is only a bedroom. One of the few little luxuries you manage to afford. 
You settle on the middle cushion, criss-cross applesauce, with the box a decent weight in your lap. You give the perimeter a tentative, cursory sniff, but only come back a little surprised at how well sealed the contents are. The only scent coming through thus far is the dull, familiar one of cardboard and packaging tape. And the slight tingle of neutralizer.
Slowly, carefully, you start to pick and peel away at the tape. You could have, should have, grabbed a knife, or a pair of scissors, at the very least, but – if you got up to get them now, you might chicken out. So, bitten and blunt fingernails it is, until your fingertips are tacky and the top of the box is free. You don’t mean to, but you hold your breath. Your fingers curl around the lip of the lid, and while they work their way up and under, you sink the point of a fang down into your lip. A vein in your mouth pulses with the quickened beat of your heart. It’s so stupid, to get so worked up over something like this, but then –
The lid is off of the box, and dropped down onto the cushion beside you.
You still don’t breathe, but you do peer down into the package’s innards. You weren’t exactly sure what to expect other than fabric, so the sight of a striped sock with a kitty paw on it is…surprising, to say the least. Adorable, amusing, and – ah. It’s kind of hard to laugh without breathing, without inhaling, and the scent that smacks you right between the eyes does so with the force of a freight train. It sends a hard shiver from your head all the way down to your toes, and collects saliva on the center of your tongue.
Fuck, fuck, holy fuck it’s good.
It’s so good.
It’s something floral and dark, with a smoothness to it; invigorating, yet all the while relaxing. Enticing in its coziness. You don’t realize you’ve closed your eyes until you’re blinking them back open. The base of your spine itches, and your thighs clench, and - and that sock is bunched up right beneath your nose. That should be gross, and it is, it is, but it could also be worse, because the sock seems clean, just heavily scented. And, it’s not like it doesn’t make sense for a sock to be in there. After all, ankle glands are a thing, and they work just as well as all the other glands. Still, it takes an embarrassing amount of effort to drop the sock, and start to sift through the rest of the contents.
There’s a couple of shirts; a dark gray tank top and a low-cut black tee with long sleeves. Then there’s a pair of what could either be sweat pants or pajama pants, covered in…spiders. Itsy, bitsy, black spiders, with yellow eyes, and again, you can’t help but chuckle. Digging a little deeper, you find the other sock, a light gray scarf, and last, but definitely not least, a throw blanket. It keeps with the whole monochrome theme (excluding the socks), a soft gingham slashed through with a bright, baby blue. All in all, not bad.
Not bad at all. 
The exact opposite of bad, actually.
You’re only regret is having not been brave enough to just upturn the entire box onto your bed, because now you have to gather each and every item up in your arms, and make a happy, hasty retreat to your bedroom, which just seems way too far away with the way your body is now thrumming, blood silently screaming to nest, nest, nest! You manage though, because of course you do, and realistically, it’s not a far or hard walk at all.
Though, it is a little bit wet. Slimy and sticky and warm, and only getting warmer, down between your legs. You’re still in pre-heat, so nothing hurts – yet. You have plenty of time to build a nest and enjoy it, before you lose your mind to it all. To the desire, the hunger, the need, the ache; the loneliness, and now…the fantasy.
“Thank you, kind, smelly stranger,” you whisper with a little laugh, just as your knees meet the mattress of your bed. There’s a fleeting flicker of guilt; it almost feels wrong to be doing this, using a stranger’s scent to get off for a whole week. But then, you realize, it’s really no different than watching porn. Whatever Alpha stuffed that box full of their belongings had done so willingly. Consentingly. Caringly. So, you let that feeling go as you set about pushing and shoving, folding and tucking, wrinkling and kneading everything into place, items both old and new. In the end, you make a haphazard circle, but the shape doesn’t matter nearly as much as the feel does. The smell.
And it’s only then you realize why that website might ask for your own scent. 
You’d left it blank. But, as you slowly sink down into all your hard work with a purr, you can’t deny it. You smell good together. You and this Alpha. So much so that you find yourself nosing even deeper into it, into your own pillow and a stranger’s shirt, nuzzling nose, cheek, neck. Your toes are wiggling again, stretching and flexing, curling in utter delight. When your hands start to move, it’s with minds of their own; one to smooth up under your shirt and along your chest, thumbing around a nipple, while the other slips straight down between slick thighs.
Your scent is a bit of an…acquired taste. You don’t smell bad or anything, but depending on who you asked, opinions ranged from ‘household cleaner’ to ‘fancy dessert’. Personally, you always thought you drifted somewhere in the middle, like a lemon drop or something. But here and now? Together, you smell like lemon and vanilla, lavender and coffee – like tiramisu and a latte. You want to bite down on it, lap it up, ‘it’ being the stranger’s neck, an Alpha’s scent gland, your Alpha – at least, the Alpha that had anonymously decided to take care of you for the week. 
Alas, your pillow will have to suffice. As will your fingers, until too soaked and too frustrated, you will have to trade for a shirt and a toy. There’s no neck, and there’s no knot, but still, still. While picturing a hundred different hot, beautiful ways this Alpha could look, could sound, could touch – call you ‘mine’...
It’s, admittedly, the best heat you’ve ever had.
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the-enzyme · 3 months
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My June 2024 toy haul got here a few days ago! I'm super happy with all these, particularly the FFVII stuff, the Code Geass light up illustration and Leon of course!
From top left to lower bottom right: Avico Models ChoiPla Smart Daughter EOS/Shikkoku Plastic Model Kits x2; Kamio Japan NARUTO Shippuden A4 Single Clear File Sasuke Uchiha / Dancing; Maisendo NARUTO Shippuden Clear File Itachi, Sasuke; Square Enix Final Fantasy VII STATIC ARTS Mini Cloud Strife Non-Scale Pre-painted Figure; Good Smile Company Nendoroid Resident Evil 4 Leon. S. Kennedy Non-Scale Figure; Square Enix Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Photography Sticker 11Pack BOX; Plum MODELING SUPPLY Glasses Accessory II 1 (Clear) + II 2 (Smoke) Plastic Model; License Agent TV Anime "Black Butler: Public School Arc" Acrylic Stand Design 01 Sebastian Michaelis.
I'm also super happy with the Sasuke and Itachi clear files, although I keep complaining that I need to stop hoarding those! It's hard to stop when it's my favorite characters, in outfits I'll never get to see them in, otherwise. Lol! Also got my first Sebastian Michaelis merch in what seems like an eternity. I don't know if I should be worried, or super happy that we have new Black Butler stuff. DX I got two tiny plastic model kits, but this time I have the full intention to build one. So I got two of the same, also because the black ones were the only ones left in stock. It seems the other colors are now available again. So, if I can afford to, I will get as many of these as I can. They are pretty adorable, and inexpensive. I want to actually try building some, not just hoard because they look adorable in their tiny packaging! (:
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littleacebee · 1 year
Day 3 of Podcast Girls Week: Angst or Fluff. Pick your poison.
I.M.O.G.E.N. helping Hartro with important presentation as any AI definitely would
Hartro took a deep breath. She had to do a vey important presentation in front of Managers Committee and her preparations weren’t going as good as she wanted. Durek, one of her supervisors, told her recently that even though her 3D designs and creative drawn boards are very unique, it’s not necessarily what Managers Committee might want to see. So she decided to try and do simple digital presentation. Of course it wasn’t going as smoothly as she hoped and now she had barely started presentation and only few more hours to finish it.
“Everything is going to be alright.” She muttered to herself trying not to fall into despair.
She saw out of the corner of her eye her art supplies. Oh, she could see in her mind the colourful board she could make for this occasion. She could even use colour changing glitter she haven’t had chance to use yet.
“No. I will do this.” She stated firmly focusing on screen in front of her. Empty slide stared at her mockingly and she stared back at it with anger.
“Your order has arrived.” I.M.O.G.E.N. said suddenly and delivery tube opened with a quiet ping.
“I haven’t ordered anything.” Hartro said confused.
She walked to the delivery tube and took out a big package. She carefully opened the box worrying if Trexel didn’t finally decide to take revenge on her for restricting him from Cosmic Lounge. She found inside colourful markers, glue, tapes in different patterns (including one with little charts), feathers, Stellar Firma logo confetti and much more.
“I.M.O.G.E.N. I don’t remember ordering this.” She said looking further into the package and seeing more and more art supplies. “Also I thought I already used all my cards for- Oh my Board, is it limited edition Stellar Firma kit for making charts? Oh, I always dreamed about it.”
She picked up a small box and looked at it with complete adoration on her face.
“It will perfect for my presentation! The Committee has never seen a chart so perfect!”
Hartro moved towards her desk with new found energy. However her enthusiasm disappeared as soon as she saw screen of her computer.
“Ah, yes, no chart drawing for this one.” She could feel bitter taste of disappointment in her mouths.
She sat down on the chair with a heavy sigh and put chart making kit on the side.
“Employees of Stellar Firma are required to use ordered supplies in order to not waste company’s assets. Why are you not using them?” I.M.O.G.E.N. asked.
“First, I didn’t order them. And second, I have to make this presentation in digital format like everyone else.” Hartro sighed and send a longing look at art supplies.
“Managers Committee always complains how every presentation is exactly the same. It happens so often they actually created a game to check how many times they see the same thing. It is very entertaining to change their game and see if they notice anything. So far no one did.”
Hartro raised her head interested. Art supplies looked more and more tempting.
“But Durek said they won’t like colourful board.” She said with a hint of sadness in her voice.
“Durek got a lowest rate in his time. Twice. I would advise any aspiring Line Manager not to trust him about this presentation.”
Hartro looked at the screen and plain boring slides. Then she turned to chart making kit on her desk and box of art supplies. She could feel fresh motivation running through her. Her mind was bursting with new ideas incorporating new supplies.
“Okay, it’s time to do it Hartro style!” She exclaimed and left computer behind.
“Playing Hartro Straight To The Top Playlist.” I.M.O.G.E.N. spoke one last time and office was filled with sound of paper, markers, glitter and energetic music.
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f-shipping · 11 months
Top 4 Ways To Save Time and Money Through Proper Packaging at Logistics Services In Dubai
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It is more crucial than ever to reduce company expenses since prices are rising as a result of inflation, supply chain issues, and labor shortages. By using the right packing strategies, suppliers and retailers withlogistics services in Dubai may guarantee increased cost and time efficiency. Here are four quick ways that altering how you package your shipments might help you save time and money.
When planning your supply chain, packaging is sometimes disregarded. But it plays a crucial role in maintaining both customer happiness and a sustainable profit margin. Your chances of receiving a damaged or delayed cargo, which is expensive for you and invariably results in lower customer satisfaction, are reduced if you package your shipments correctly and quickly. 
There are a few strategies to make sure your packages are correctly wrapped, including:
Not leaving any voids in your packaging. Empty space is an ineffective use of space and can allow items to move during travel, harming them.
Always position the object in the box's center, leaving about 6 cm between it and the side walls.
Shipping many items inside of a bigger product using separators for increased efficiency.
Use a strong seal to shield the package from weather (moisture) damage. Additionally, this will assist guard against the loss of items in transit.
Invest in good shrink wrap, and fasten items with care. 
During the logistics services in Dubai weight and breakage frequently go hand in one. The number of pallets required per truck may be calculated with the aid of the appropriate weight for the various shipments. Some strategies for lightening your shipments and improving their effectiveness include:
Obtaining precise measurements through the use of vendor boxes, packaging that is standard size, or choose and pack in boxes for different sizes. By selecting the proper sizes, you may comply with regulations and avoid any carrier fines. 
Using lightweight or weight-efficient packing to reduce shipping expenses.
Using well-designed packaging can make moving your packing easier and preserve your inventory more effectively (for example, when packaging is piled on top of one another during transit).
Businesses frequently utilize the same size package types for a variety of shipments to streamline the process during logistics services in Dubai. Although this appears to be a terrific approach to streamline and improve your shipping process, you could be missing out on longer-term cost reductions that are more significant. 
Dimensional weight pricing is one strategy for lowering weight and dunnage. This pricing strategy refers to setting a package's price based on volume as opposed to size. This might assist you in selecting the appropriate-sized box for your product and lowering your shipping expenses as a whole.
This is a crucial step in the procedure to lower claims, lower the number of missing shipments, and much more. Correct labeling guarantees that the contents, destination, etc., are accurately documented. You may appropriately label your shipments in the manner listed below:
Using high-quality label materials produced on industrial/commercial printers, clearly identify the sender and recipient addresses on the contents of the box.
Place the label where it belongs on your packaging. Never place the label for an LTL shipment on top of a pallet; always place it on the sides.
For tracking and visibility purposes, make sure the tracking number is distinct and apparent.
Utilizing a third-party logistics provider (3PL) like Focal Shipping might help you improve the efficiency of your shipping process given the number of variables to take into account. Call or stop by Focal Shipping to find out how we can assist you in choosing the best packaging options for your shipments so that you may improve revenue, satisfy customers, and save time.
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The Future of Smart Packaging: Insights from Saypan
Box Packaging Design: Why Saypan Stands Out as the Top Choice
In the competitive world of product marketing, box packaging design holds a pivotal role in brand recognition, customer attraction, and ultimately, product success. As businesses continually strive to differentiate their products in crowded marketplaces, the importance of innovative and effective packaging solutions cannot be overstated. Saypan, recognized as a leader in this arena, has set new standards in packaging design, blending creativity with functionality to create unforgettable customer experiences. This blog post explores why Saypan is considered the top box packaging design company and how it leverages design to add value to its clients' products.
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Innovative Branding & Packaging by Saypan - Learn More @ https://saypan.in/our-services/
The Importance of Box Packaging Design
Box packaging design is much more than just creating a container for a product. It involves a strategic blend of aesthetics and functionality aimed at enhancing the consumer experience, reinforcing brand identity, and improving product visibility. Effective packaging design serves several crucial roles:
Protection: It ensures the product’s safety during transport and storage.
Communication: Packaging conveys essential information about the product and brand, speaking directly to consumers at the point of sale.
Differentiation: Unique packaging sets a product apart from its competitors on crowded shelves.
Sustainability: Modern packaging solutions also consider environmental impact, aligning with consumer values.
Saypan Approach to Innovative Packaging Solutions
1. Consumer-Centric Design
At Saypan, the design process begins with a deep understanding of the target consumer. By researching consumer behavior, preferences, and trends, Saypan creates packaging that appeals directly to the intended demographic. This approach ensures that every design element, from color schemes to typography and structural design, resonates with consumers and influences buying decisions positively.
2. Brand Identity Reinforcement
Understanding that packaging is often a consumer's first physical interaction with a brand, Saypan crafts designs that embody and reinforce the brand’s identity. Whether it’s through the use of iconic brand colors, distinctive shapes, or innovative opening mechanisms, the packaging designs are always a true reflection of the brand’s core values and message.
3. Technological Innovation
Saypan is at the forefront of incorporating technological advancements into packaging design. From augmented reality experiences to QR codes that link to interactive brand content, the company integrates modern technology to enhance user engagement and build a bridge between physical and digital consumer interactions.
4. Sustainability Focus
In response to growing environmental concerns, Saypan prioritizes sustainability in its design process. Utilizing recyclable materials, reducing packaging waste, and designing for product lifecycle extension are just some of the ways Saypan contributes to eco-friendly packaging solutions that appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
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What Sets Saypan Apart?
Expertise and Experience
With years of experience in the industry, Saypan’s team of designers and strategists are experts in turning packaging concepts into market-ready products that excel in both form and function. Their comprehensive understanding of market trends, consumer psychology, and retail dynamics makes Saypan a leader in the field.
Collaborative Process
Saypan values collaboration not only within its team but also with its clients and stakeholders. This collaborative approach ensures that every aspect of the packaging design is tailored to meet and exceed the specific needs of each product and brand.
Always on the lookout for the next big thing, Saypan is committed to innovation. Whether it’s exploring new materials, experimenting with cutting-edge designs, or integrating technology in novel ways, Saypan leads by example in the packaging design industry.
In conclusion, Saypan’s success in box packaging design stems from its unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. By focusing on the needs of both the product and the consumer, and constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in packaging, Saypan continues to be a beacon of excellence in the design world. For businesses looking to elevate their product presentation and brand perception, Saypan is undoubtedly the top choice.
Contact us
Phone : +91 96657 20007,​ +91 87672 11111​
Email : [email protected]
Website: https://saypan.in/
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We’re Back: A Dinosaur Review
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Man, it has been a while! I know I meant “Blind Box Month” to end in February, but then a ton of stuff happened, I caught Covid, and just general life chaos that’s kept me away from writing. Now that I finally have the energy to do it, though, let’s get back into reviews! This week, we’re looking at a line focusing on dinosaurs rampaging and those that hunt them down: “Dino Strike Hunt!”
Ok, so what exactly is this? Well, first, let’s look at the company that makes it. I first became aware of Zuru when my wife started collecting their Mini Brands line, a blind box series of tiny versions of real-world products that are in scale with the average doll. Each container has five items in it, and it’s a fun line we’ll probably talk about some other time. Zuru does a ton of different types of toys, such as robot animals, plushies, and most relevant to this review, multiple blind box items. Due to past experiences with them, I went into this with some good expectations, so let’s see if my optimism was rewarded or if it was dashed against the rocks of reality, like my dreams of getting a date in high school.
“Dino Strike Hunt” focuses on dinosaurs rampaging and the vehicles designed to stop them. Each box contains one vehicle or dinosaur that comes disassembled and has to be put together, with the dinosaurs having more soft plastic parts than the vehicles. It’s a pretty straightforward idea aimed at kids who like vehicles or dinosaurs.
Now, I tend not to focus on packaging, choosing instead to look at the toy itself. This is one of those times I’ll make an exception, though. Like most blind boxes sold by Zuru, the package is a ball with two tabs on opposite ends of the ball. Opening it is a feat that is definitely made easier with longer nails. I trimmed mine before opening one of the packages, and that was a decision I regretted almost immediately. Upon removing the tabs, the package falls apart into five slices, like an orange. Each slice has a foil cover on it, and removing that foil reveals a piece of whatever you’re building. It’s a fun little package, though it does result in some wasted plastic.
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Finally, all those hours of peeling fruit have paid off!
The toys themselves are a mixed blessing. Like I said earlier, you can end up with either a dinosaur or a vehicle, and there’s no way to tell which you’re getting until the package is opened. The vehicles tend to be fun little toys where you snap together the five parts to make a neat little stylized military vehicle. The dinosaurs, on the other hand, can be the biggest pain to assemble. The vehicles are all harder plastics, so attaching everything is really easy. The dinosaurs tend to have softer plastics, usually in the limbs, which makes pegging them onto the body a challenge. If the peg on the body can’t be forced into the soft plastic limb in just the right way, the limb will fall off after a very short time. Getting the limbs on there sometimes requires a lot more effort than it should, and seeing the limb fall off after that can drive a man to dark places at the bottom of a bottle.
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It was around this point that I began experiencing some regrets. Later would come the drinking.
A part of the toys that I really like is the little action feature they have. For the vehicles, this can be something like a grabbing claw or a firing projectile, and for the dinosaurs, it’s button-triggered moving parts, which they use to break out of restraints. The vehicles come out on top here due to the aforementioned issue with attaching the dinosaur parts. If a part isn’t secured just right, it moving in any way will detach it. Picking the dinosaurs up became far riskier than it needed to be. There was something just sad about watching the part I spent God knows how long fighting just fall off for the fourth time.
The toys honestly do look fun. The dinosaurs look like the kind you see in "Jurassic Park” and the vehicles look like they came from a 90’s cartoon. I can safely say the looks are the strongest point here. Unfortunately, as great as the toys do look, the issues with the dinosaurs weigh on me, like a backpack loaded with text books I will use all of once but still paid for.
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Helicopter: fun. Pterodactyl, a bit tricky to assemble, but came out alright. Dilophosaurus: punishment from Toy God.
Now, would I recommend “Dino Strike Hunt?” Honestly, no. The issues I had with the dinosaurs are a real turn off for me that I know would be really frustrating for kids. The vehicles are great and kids would like those, which is why I would instead recommend some of Zuru’s other blind boxes, which are just the snap-together vehicles. All the fun of the vehicles with none of the frustration of trying to attach an arm to a peg too big for it. “Dino Strike Hunt” and Zuru’s other blind boxes can be found at most retail stores that sell toys, usually tucked away in the back of the toy section. They tend to run for about $5-$8 depending on where you shop. The packaging does work great as an Easter surprise, so don’t be afraid to try some of their other blind boxes instead of this one. This is JS signing off and wishing you Happy Toy Hunting!
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hyunsoolgc · 1 year
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Hyunsoo did not waltz into the audition ㅡ more aptly, he crept in, silently peeking his head around the corner when his turn rolled around. Apprehension still flowed through his mind as he presented the idea for his character. The concept came together in a meticulous effort of his slumped over his desk, incessantly tapping his pen. He would make no comment on how long it took him to conceptualize the painfully common sounding name. What he did not expect after finishing his presentation he would be asked to give another.
His gaze travel to the side, his mind searching for the channel its creation, Choi Jihoon, happened to be on. The staff details the prompt rather succinctly: to act out a scenario in which he gives a presentation for a new packaging design but more than several things go wrong.
He asks himself what the more outgoing and quirky character would do in such a situation and determined the enthusiastic intern would not allow a moment to go to waste despite stumbling over his words and slipping out a few awkward chuckles. He is far more extroverted than Hyunsoo ever hoped to be. The sort of small role that still left an impact throughout the show via reference is what he aimed for. ( He still much preferred the prospect of more serious roles but lighthearted would have to do for now as a rookie actor. )
"Today, I'm presenting our idea for the packaging b-but... It looks like it's... not there." There is a newfound glimmer in his eyes and he is suddenly wearing a smile. It becomes forced and nervous as he pretends his boss is staring back at him just as nervously.
"Actually... This is the perfect chance to, instead, present to you an even better idea that could also end up going on the box! My dad said to never let an opportunity go to waste." The volume and speed of his voice increases the more excited he becomes. Hyunsoo ㅡ No, Jihoon is determined to sell the higher ups on his brilliant idea at all costs.
He clears his throat, making little time to procure something from his pocket and presenting it to the board room. It is meant to be a crude drawing of his character's own cartoon character.
"Meet Soong the monkey. As you can see, he has a red hoodie with a banana on the top of his head. Very cute, right? If the company has a recognizable character to sell, you can get a lot of people buying into the product. Royalties would still have to go to me, of course, ( 30/70 ) but think about the profit and marketability of this. Hats with bananas, shirts with bananas, a plushie version of Soong. Then a giant statue in the front of corpㅡ W-wait I'm not finished!"
Hyunsoo soon pretends to be escorted out by one of the employees, pushing back on someone pushing him. Once he reaches the door, he presses himself against it before turning back ㅡ now himself. He takes a bow to the director and quickly takes his leave before he overstays his welcome.
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crazed-reviews · 2 years
Review: "Vesperia" Fashion Doll from Playmates Toys
So, I'm currently down with a torn ligament in my foot, so I bought Vesperia to play around with while I heal. She arrived today, and I decided to review her!
Vesperia was first teased in January of 2022 on the Zag Store's Instagram story, and was officially announced the next month, in the February issue of the Toy Book. She released in March in Europe, and in the U.S. on August 1st.
I was pretty impressed by this, since Vesperia debuted in the episode "Queen Banana", which aired on May 28th, 2021, so she was designed and released less than a year after her introduction into the show. I will say though, I find it quite amusing that her U.S. release was after the season 4 finale of Miraculous aired, where... well, I won't give it away, but if you've seen the finale, I bet you'll get what what I'm talking about.
Onto the doll!
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Vesperia has the new package design I briefly mentioned in my post about the U.S. Bunnyx. The package has the rainbow pattern that's been all over the season 4 merchandise, and the updated Miraculous logo, with a yin-yang symbol as the 'o' instead of a ladybug pattern.
The back, instead of the standard back that all of the previous dolls had, the new package design is specific to each character, with an image of the character on the left, and information on the right, including their civilian name, superhero name, Miraculous, Kwami, superpower, and transformation phrase, as well as a short blurb about the character. I like this in theory, but both Vesperia and Lucky Charm Ladybug's have some wrong information on them, which I'll get into in another post.
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Right out of the box, Vesperia comes holding her spinning top, and with her Bee Miraculous next to her. Unfortunately, unlike Queen Bee, she does not come with her Kwami, Pollen. I suppose if you have both, they'd have to share. I do wish she came with her, though.
I also found a little catalogue pamphlet tucked into the box next to her feet! I love when toy companies do this. It's neat to look through, especially many years down the line when all of the items are no longer available, it's cool seeing what had been available at the time. I believe Vesperia, Lucky Charm Ladybug and her scooter, Talk and Sparkle Ladybug, and the movie dolls come with it. I may do another post just about the catalogue.
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Like all of the Playmates Miraculous hero dolls, Vesperia has a one-piece suit with separate shoes. I think it's pretty accurate to Vesperia's suit in the series, except she doesn't have the gold stripe down the front or the gold 'V' at the top. Lucky Charm Ladybug has a similar issue, where she doesn't have the zipper-like black stripe down the front with the ladybug charm at the top. While it looks odd on Ladybug's simplistic suit, Vesperia's suit has enough going on with it that it looks fine without it.
Her hands are also bare, but I've come to get used to it with the Playmates dolls.
Design-wise, I find it quite interesting how Vesperia looks more like a wasp than a bee, especially considering she has the bee Miraculous. At first, I thought it was just me, until I read the Playmates description for her, which calls her "waspish" and that her suit is wasp themed.
She has 15 points of articulation, with movement at her:
Double-jointed elbows
Wrists (which only swivel)
Double jointed knees
Her neck can only move side to side, which seems to only be an issue with this initial wave of U.S. Vesperia dolls, it isn't supposed to be so limited. I also find my particular doll seems to be on the looser side. She isn't loose, she can still hold a pose, and isn't floppy, but isn't super tight, either.
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I really like Vesperia's face! I think she bares a great resemblance to her character in the show, even down to the orangy shade of her lips!
Vesperia has blue eyes, orangy peach lips, and and a large black and yellow mask.
My particular doll has a few imperfections in her paint, but it doesn't bother me too much.
She has blonde and black hair tied back into a braid, with two sections of her bangs sticking out, and two blonde sections twisted back. Unfortunately, my Vesperia's bangs are cut pretty short, and slightly choppily.
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Here's the back of her hair. It's actually super soft! I haven't had any other Miraculous dolls with hair this soft! The only parts of her hair that aren't soft are her bangs, which are gelled, and the cut end of her braid.
She's also *very* bald. Her hair is only rooted around the edges, since it's intended to remain in the braid. Despite being so thinly rooted, she still has a pretty thick braid!
I noticed she has little black pieces of loose hair near her bangs and the end of her hair, where her hair was cut. I guess it's cut after being styled, that's interesting! They dusted off pretty easily.
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And here's her (slightly crooked) Miraculous, the bee comb, in her hair. It isn't actually a comb, it's a clip, which is why the (overexposed) end doesn't actually go in her hair. It kind of looks like it's floating. It's the same mold as Queen Bee's, but is painted differently. I do wish it had the antenna(?) it has in the series, but it looks fine, and does it's job.
I was a bit nervous about clipping it into her hair, not wanting to mess up her hair, but the top of her braid isn't super tight, so I was able to easily get it in. In fact, I think I could actually get it out without messing up her hair as well!
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Her shoes are so cool! Instead of the regular boot mold, Vesperia has a new shoe mold. The ankles go up higher than the regular boots, which I think really helps. My biggest issue with the Playmates shoes is that the doll's ankles are almost always showing. With Vesperia, her ankles are almost always covered?
And do you see that? Her shoes have painted details, and she's a U.S. release!! With the Playmates Miraculous line, many of the dolls have painted details on their shoes when they first release, but they're usually removed for the U.S. release. Vesperia got to keep hers, but I'm unsure for how long she'll keep them. I recommend purchasing her sooner rather than later if the painted shoe details are important to you.
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Lastly, she comes with her spinning top. It doesn't actually spin, but it does have a string with a loop so she can hold it, as well as a hook on the top itself so you can either hook it to her finger, or hook it onto the string's loop so she can wear it around her waist.
Overall, I'm very pleased with Vesperia, and I'd give her a solid A. While she has a few issues, none of them are too glaring to me, and will most likely be fixed with later waves, if they will be an issue for you. I do wish she came with Pollen, but her face and shoes really make up for it. I definitely recommend her!
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arigafoods009 · 2 hours
Ariga Foods Luxury Diwali Gift Hampers: Elevate Your Festive Gifting
Diwali, the festival of lights, is a time for joy, celebration, and sharing love with family, friends, and colleagues. In the corporate world, this is also an occasion to express gratitude and strengthen bonds with employees, clients, and business partners. One of the best ways to make a lasting impression during the festive season is through luxury Diwali gift hampers. These thoughtful and indulgent hampers symbolize elegance, appreciation, and prosperity, making them the perfect choice for corporate gifting.
At Ariga Foods, we specialize in curating luxury Diwali gift hampers that stand out in terms of quality, presentation, and taste. Whether you are looking for Diwali gift hampers for corporate or company gift ideas for employees, our selections are designed to elevate your festive gifting experience and leave a lasting impression.
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The Essence of Luxury in Diwali Gift Hampers
When it comes to corporate gifting, nothing speaks more to sophistication and appreciation than a well-crafted luxury Diwali gift hamper. At Ariga Foods, we take pride in curating gift hampers that reflect these values. Our hampers are filled with premium-quality dry fruits, nuts, seeds, gourmet chocolates, and other indulgent treats that are perfect for celebrating the festive spirit.
Each item in our hampers is meticulously selected to ensure the highest standards of taste and presentation. Our ingredients are 100% natural, with no added preservatives, making them a healthy yet luxurious treat. From California almonds to exotic cashews, our hampers are packed with wholesome, flavorful options that symbolize health, prosperity, and abundance—ideal for festive gifting.
Why Choose Ariga Foods for Your Corporate Diwali Gift Hampers?
Tailored Corporate Gifting Solutions: At Ariga Foods, we understand that every corporate client is unique. Our Diwali gift hampers for corporate can be tailored to suit your business needs, budget, and recipient preferences. Whether you want to impress clients or reward employees, we provide customizable options that reflect your brand's ethos.
Elegant Packaging: Presentation is key when it comes to luxury gifts. Our luxury Diwali gift hampers come in elegant, eco-friendly packaging that adds to the grandeur of the festive season. The beautifully designed boxes and baskets are reusable, making them not only a treat for the senses but also a sustainable gifting option.
Quality You Can Trust: At Ariga Foods, quality is our top priority. We handpick every product that goes into our hampers, ensuring that you receive nothing but the finest items. Our nuts and seeds are dry-roasted without oils, while our sweets and chocolates are made from premium ingredients, offering both taste and health benefits.
Corporate Gifting in Noida: The Ideal Gifting Choice
Noida has become a hub for corporate activity, and businesses are constantly looking for company gift ideas for employees and clients that reflect their values. Luxury Diwali gift hampers from Ariga Foods make the perfect choice for businesses in Noida looking to impress during the festive season. Whether you're a startup or a well-established company, giving these hampers shows that you care about quality and appreciate the importance of meaningful gifting.
Not only do our luxury Diwali gift hampers offer a wide range of gourmet delights, but they also provide a unique and memorable experience for your recipients. With options like premium dry fruits, roasted nuts, and delightful chocolates, these hampers ensure that your corporate gifts stand out and convey a message of goodwill and appreciation.
Elevating Your Festive Gifting Experience
Festive gifting is an art, and luxury Diwali gift hampers from Ariga Foods elevate this experience by combining the essence of tradition with modern elegance. Whether you're looking for Diwali gift hampers for corporate purposes or seeking company gift ideas for employees, our hampers are crafted to impress.
By choosing Ariga Foods, you ensure that your festive gifts are more than just a token—they become a statement of quality, care, and sophistication. Make this Diwali truly special for your clients, employees, and business partners with a hamper that represents the best in luxury, health, and taste.
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