#Top Ten Lists
Repeat Repeat
For @sugarforsalt @i--heard--you--looking
Gentlemen, I have not a clue what my repeats are- I have monkeyed with Spotify sufficiently in the past that it no longer produces lists .
However, count on these :
Howlin’ Wolf
John Lee Hooker
Bo Diddley
Willie Dixon
Freddie Scott
Black Crowes
The Heartbreakers ( Thunders version)
Chuck Berry
Assorted Sound of Philadelphia
Sly and the Family Stone
Fania All Stars
Miles Davis
Chet Baker
and oh yeah: The Rolling Stones
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Top 10 Relationships in BL Dramas
@negrowhat's milestone celebration post made me wonder which my top ten would be. This is the list I came up with. (in alphabetical order because I could not possibly rank them)
1. Qi Zhang & Ye Guang (About Youth)
2. Pat & Pran (Bad Buddy)
3. Da-woon & Si-won (Blueming)
4. Mark & Vee (Love Mechanics)
5. Hira & Kiyoi (My Beautiful Man)
6. Nozue & Togawa (Old Fashion Cupcake)
7. Jae-young and Sang-woo (Semantic Error)
8. Seo-joon & Ji-woo (To My Star & TMS2)
9. Fighter & Tutor (Why R U?) plus
10. Akk & Ayan (The Eclipse) (they're not even in a relationship yet, and I suppose my feelings could change after the second half of the series, but I love them and their dynamic so much I had to include them.)
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kelptea73 · 2 months
Welcome back gamers today were going to be counting down the top ten best shades of grey so let's just jump right into it
At number 8 we have slate, the somber grey of the stone. She's up on roofs god bless and she's taking the raiinn. Slight blue tones but with the rain, folks slate grey
At number VII we have Spanish grey. En honor a que es gris español, voy a escribir esta parte en español. Desafortunadamente, no sé nada en español, así que confío estúpidamente en el traductor de Google. ¡Soy un idiota! ¡¡Yay!! Gris español para todos
At number 10 we have, *sighs* we have charcoal. Now I know what you're thinking, "that's not a grey, that's like, black or whatever", and yes! I agree! Precisely what I was thinking my good fellow. Alas, upon my research of searching 'names of greys' online, they assured me charcoal was a grey. So I shall air my grievances with everythinh to do with charcoal, right her right now, for your inconvenience. Put simply, it's entire existence is centered around its death. Of course, it was still spectacular. A spectacle to be sure, ablaze with passion and vervent worship of the energy it's giving to whatever cause. That is in the burning of wood, but here we have it's body not blessed with the returnal of ashes. Here we have a disgraced corpse. You it up and then drag it across a page. It scratches horrible as it tries to cling to any further life it can provide. It rasps horrible across the surface as it tries to give one last chance of legacy. It's horrible. It feels horrible it sounds horrible and whatever you can achieve with the humble pencil you can achieve with charcoal. "But," you interject, "it was first. Artists of time forever used this ancient technique to envoke their feelings and experiences. This enough should surely be enough to make you grace it with the amicable tone one would give politely to a respected figure who, despite your grievances, is a beloved member of the community." You're probably right, as you are with most things. Alas, the sheer abrasiveness of it is enough for me to loathe it. Charcoal grey folks. The embodiment of human power, the domestication of fire.
At number nine, we have gainsboro. Quite frankly, I don't want to say I hate any colour. Hating a colour is a fruitless endeavour, as the image of colours coming together to show something else is much greater than the sum of their parts. Let us play specific situations for stupid little arguments though, a game everyone is familiar. Paint. Imagine painting a room with gainsboro grey. Why would you do that to yourself like it's lifeless on its own. "Ohh but I live the minimalist nature of it, cleanliness is next to godliness and everything." I can understand the appeal of living in a hotel but that's your own home like, you're not going to have someone else changing your sheets for you but you're still going to have to suffer the same poor decor and cuck chair in the corner. Anyway. Gainsboro grey, kinda lame on its own.
Number 6\6 let's see here, getting to the more epic ones. This may be cheating but going to put amorphous grey here. It's more so a texture from what I can find but it's neat. It's like a ps1 texture spread out into a rug it's lovely. Give it up for amorphous grey she exists in multitudes
5 number, first of its name, cadet grey. Such a wonderful colour, a wistful coll toned grey. If I was painting a room a single colour I would much happily rather it to be enshrouded in cadets grey instead of the tyranny of gainsboro. Better than it in every single way, it's like mornings in winter, still full and dreary but with something to reflect upon.
Number 4, trout grey. I was wondering why I was spelling it wrong for ages typing this, there's a u. Not troat. Anyway. Troat grey, what is there to say other than it's epic. It's even hot a fish in the name that's the pinnacle, the summit, the holy peak of radical names. Troat grey reminds me of a classy trout showing you his studio apartment that he just got done up. He gestures to the record he's playing, the classic by Takao Uematsu, straight ahead. He tells you, "Yknow good chum, my cousin is on the front of that. Haha small world out there." "Your cousin's a salmon?" "yeah, it's a long story but he's a good man at the end of the day." "?" "?" see? A lot said, but nothing was spoken. He's a man of means and layers, such an intriguing figure.
Number 3, ash grey. Ash grey is famous and bewildering, she's enchanted us with her looks for eons. The embers twinkling in her hair as she reminds us what comes at the end of the day. Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust. Unlike charcoal, she's the result of something finished. No half measures. So silky and smooth. About the journey, not the destination. She will always be there for you once it's done. She's so famous in fact, that they made a whole series about her. She features much in the hit series dark souls, among many others I'm sure. A celebrity, yet she's so huble about it. A queen forsooth.
Number 2, anchor grey. You stare into the depths. That's anchor grey. Stalwart and strong. That's anchor grey. Conjuring up images of the pure weight and majesty that could hold a ship in place. That's anchor. The essence of all metal, and the standard it should all strive to uphold, anchor metal. Ever seen an anchor beached ashore? It's massive and unimaginably heavy. Should a something within a room be painted with such a grey, it would command attention. It ensures reliability. That's anchor.
And finally, number 1, we have Payne's grey. The grey that inspired this list in the first place, Payne's grey has taken hold of my imagination since I first encountered it in a watercolour paint set. "Payne's grey is a dark blue-grey colour used in painting. Originally a mixture of iron blue (Prussian blue), yellow ochre and crimson lake, Payne's grey now is often a mixture of blue (ultramarine, phthalocyanine, or indigo) and black, or of ultramarine and burnt Sienna. The colour is named after William Payne, who painted watercolours in the late 18th century, who most likely developed the colour while trying to produce a mixer that was less intense than black. Payne's grey was deemed an obsolete term in the early 19th century, but is still used by artists today." quoth the Wikipedia. Such beauty and versatility. It's beautiful AND useful, no one could ever hope to have the best of both worlds as does Payne's grey does. Function and fashion! Splendid colour
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thephilfactor · 1 year
Top Ten Tuesday! 10 Things I Won't Eat
Are you wondering how the title goes with that picture of a guinea pig? Read on! I’ve eaten some weird things in my life, but there are some things I just won’t touch. If I were to go on a reality show like Survivor or Naked and Afraid, I’d be fine with eating bugs and snakes. This may be tempting fate, but here are ten things I will never eat intentionally. 10. Mustard: I believe that this is a…
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mthomasapple · 1 year
10 things I know to be absolutely certain
List 10 things you know to be absolutely certain. 1. I know it to be certain that the wording of this prompt is a bit odd. Is this meant to mean “know to be true”? 2. I know it to be absolutely certain that there are many things about which I am far from certain. 3. I also know it to be absolutely certain that at least one of the things I know to be certain will annoy at least one person who…
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10 Essential Tina Turner Tracks
I will never claim to be Tina Turner’s biggest fan, but like so many of you, she’s been enough of a presence in my life for me to truly appreciate her for the person and the musician she was. I’d heard of Tina’s death in the car on my way home from work last week and I immediately went to my Tina Turner playlist to listen and to reminisce. I made a tribute Song of the Day post earlier of her The…
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newluddite · 1 year
Ten Best?
Occasionally I look for stuff. Wheels for my bike, or a coffee grinder most recently. When I do such some "10 BEST" list or other will inevitably appear.
I have some pretty detailed knowledge of some things. When I see a ten best list about something I know it has always, I mean ALWAYS, been total crap. Or if you prefer wrong or misleading. These lists are often generated by twits. Somebody assigned someone a "do this list" for today task. Experts are expensive so just grab somebody close.
I have see lists from people who should be experts, but those lists are just their personal favorites or good examples of a limited or highly filtered experience. Or they serve nobody by generating a price ranking of OK to pretty good stuff.
So two examples:
Bike Wheels. I am a serious, but only amateur road cyclist. I am not even close to competitive level, but do a few thousand kilometers a year to keep myself fit. I was shopping for new wheels for my bike and the inevitable lists appeared. This from a cycling website, so experts I guess. Somehow the ten best were actually a price ranked set of not cheap to very expensive wheels from the usual big players. So is cheaper better? If so why list a pair of wheels that cost $3k? Is the $1k wheel as good? There are sets for $500 are they any good? Are they not on the list because they are bad?
I know enough to know that list was of no help whatsoever.
Second Example, Coffee Grinders:
I like coffee. I have an espresso machine with a built in burr grinder. But if I want a small dose of one of my artisanal samples I can't use it. I bought a dirt cheap blade grinder to experiment with my new hobby of coffee roasting. My experiments were successful so now I want a proper one. Blade grinders are only good if it is all you have. The proper type is called a conical Burr grinder. Blades make a grind with particles of every size from dust to big chunks even whole beans. A burr grinder passes the grind between two burr wheels, big chunks will not pass through so it is far more uniform and consistent. That means better.
No top ten, or ten best should include any blade grinders, but they do because they are cheap. You can spend 20 bucks on a blade grinder like the one I got, or $2k!!! on a professional burr grinder. So the lists are once again price ranked selections, but all are on this ten best list.
I am still looking, but my birthday is coming up.
It gets interesting when I see lists of things I do not know about. Should I respect them or just roll my eyes as I know how other lists are made. Alternately I maybe should just learn about the subject to make my own decision. I think that may be best.
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ricardotomasz · 2 years
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about 5 Tips for Achieving Greater Success in Your Career
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on http://greaterandgrander.com/5-tips-for-achieving-greater-success-in-your-career
5 Tips for Achieving Greater Success in Your Career
Are you tired of feeling stuck in your career? Do you want to take your professional life to the next level? If so, you're not alone. Many people feel the same way, but don't know where to start. The good news is that achieving greater success in your career is possible, and it doesn't have to be difficult. Here are five tips to help you get started.
Set Clear Goals
Set clear, measurable goals. The first step to achieving greater success in your career is to set clear, measurable goals. This means identifying what you want to accomplish and setting a deadline for achieving it. For example, if you want to be promoted to a management position, set a goal to achieve that within the next year. Check with a trusted source, or even hire a consultant if necessary to help confirm your goals are moving you in the right direction.
Take Concrete Actions
Develop a plan of action. Once you have set your goals, develop a plan of action to achieve them. This means identifying the steps you need to take to reach your goals and creating a schedule to complete those steps. For example, if you want to be promoted to a management position, you might need to take a management training course or gain additional experience in a leadership role. You can ask the certified project managers at Greater & Grander to advise on the actions you are taking, and how to best achieve your dreams.
Networking Is Important
Network and build relationships. Networking and building relationships is a key factor in achieving greater success in your career. Make an effort to connect with people in your industry, both online and offline. Attend networking events, join professional organizations, and connect with people on LinkedIn.
Level Up
Continuously improve your skills. In order to be successful in your career, you need to continuously improve your skills. This means staying up-to-date on industry trends, taking courses or attending workshops, and seeking out mentors or coaches who can help you develop your skills. Check out Greater & Grander's consultation services to learn more about achieving your dreams.
Don't Risk It All, But Risk Enough
Take calculated risks. Taking risks is a necessary part of achieving greater success in your career. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. Whether it's taking on a new project, leading a team, or starting your own business, taking calculated risks can lead to greater opportunities and success in your career. Have Greater & Grander create a dossier or action plan for you, and your new endeavors.
In conclusion, achieving greater success in your career is possible, but it takes effort and determination. By setting clear goals, developing a plan of action, networking and building relationships, continuously improving your skills, and taking calculated risks, you can take your professional life to the next level. So, start making your career goals a reality today!
#Advice, #BrandConsultation, #BusinessPlan, #CompetitorAnalysis, #ContentDissemination, #DossierCreation, #Lifestyle, #MediaConsultations, #NonfictionEssay, #Organizing, #PostPromotion, #ProjectManagement, #Quotes, #TopTenLists
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jouru · 2 years
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10 in 2022 Video Games (My Favorites of the Year)
① God of War Ragnarök  ② Even the Ocean  ③ Pandora’s Tower  ④ Deliver Us the Moon  ⑤ Stray  ⑥ Deadly Premonition  ⑦ Sable  ⑧ Manduan  ⑨ Cosmic Top Secret  ⑩ Dark Void
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artsekey · 2 months
Woof! Netflix's Pluto is really, really good. I had no idea it was an adaptation of Astro Boy (though I did 100% clock the design as Astro-Boy adjacent when Atom showed up on screen). Definitely won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it feels like an eight hour long movie.
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The animation is absolutely top-tier-- as in I did not think Netflix would produce something so high-quality in animation-- and while the pacing may be slow for some, I feel like every beat is getting plenty of comfortable coverage. I'd say if you're a Sci-Fi fan, it's a total must watch!
[Also, despite being written in 2003, the deeper themes of the story are still... unfortunately... very topical.]
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qtubbo · 2 years
Top Ten Reasons To Décor
It is like a moment
it is the moment
lost in the world
heavenly delicious
extra ordinary
lame is not my name
Pet your dogs in pretty homea
redesign your home leaving no sign of your ex-wife
lights out
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gillianthecat · 2 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
Thanks for the tag, @midnight-sun16!
Da-woon — Blueming
Seo-Joon — To My Star (1 & 2)
Nozue — Old Fashion Cupcake
Ayan — The Eclipse
Tutor — Why R U?
Khai — Theory of Love
Hira — My Beautiful Man
Qi Zhang — About Youth
Cake — My Only 12%
Oh-aew — I Told Sunset About You and I Promised You the Moon
I just went with BL dramas to simplify things for myself. I'm not sure if individual shows count as "fandoms" – I feel like the genre as a whole is the fandom (with the exception of KP and maybe a few other shows) – but that's ok. I could never choose just one character from all of BL. And I suppose Ayan and Cake could get ruined by their endings, but I have enough trust in the characters and their shows to include them early.
Tagging people I haven't noticed doing this/tagged in this recently: @iguessitsjustme @benkaaoi @lena221bee @respectthepetty @callipigio @clairificusrex @littleragondin @veemark @shortpplfedup @thequeenofsastiel @poetry-protest-pornography PLUS all my Anons (you're welcome to send me your list on anon if you want). Of course only if it's fun for you, etc.
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 months
Honesty hours: I've been working a summer job at a bookstore for almost two months now. Here are the books I will discreetly shake my head at customers for buying. My literary red flags, if you will.
Anything tarot
Particular romance and romantasy novels that I've been told are basically just soft erotica (ACOTAR being the most popular)
Harlequins, which apparently still exist
Colleen Hoover
The Colleen Hoover merch we sell for some godforsaken reason
Heaven is For Real, When God Winks at You, and other theologically sketchy but inexplicably popular books. I'm always internally thinking, "oh honey, no!"
Giant stack of self help books combined with books from the business section. This suggests a very particular type of person. This type of person scares me.
Especially that one book we have about how to become a "superior man" (??)
More than one book by James Patterson. One book is forgivable; multiple suggests you follow him as an author
More than one book by Danielle Steel (same reason)
Parents buying their kids books that are just "Adult Thing: For Kids!" Like we have a picture book that's called "A Day at Dunder Mifflin" or the one adapted from the Dumb and Dumber movies and I'm like. Don't you think your kid would prefer something that's actually for them??
That guy who bought the collected writings of Lenin, the poetic writings of Mao, and a giant, thousand-page biography of Che Guevara all in one go. You okay there buddy?
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finelythreadedsky · 10 months
JSTOR Wrapped: top ten JSTOR articles of 2023
Coo, Lyndsay. “A Tale of Two Sisters: Studies in Sophocles’ Tereus.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 143, no. 2 (2013): 349–84.
Finglass, P. J. “A New Fragment of Sophocles’ ‘Tereus.’” Zeitschrift Für Papyrologie Und Epigraphik 200 (2016): 61–85.
Foxhall, Lin. “Pandora Unbound: A Feminist Critique of Foucault’s History of Sexuality.” In Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, 167–82. Edinburgh University Press, 2003.
Garrison, Elise P. “Eurydice’s Final Exit to Suicide in the ‘Antigone.’” The Classical World 82, no. 6 (1989): 431–35.
Grethlein, Jonas. “Eine Anthropologie Des Essens: Der Essensstreit in Der ‘Ilias’ Und Die Erntemetapher in Il. 19, 221-224.” Hermes 133, no. 3 (2005): 257–79.
McClure, Laura. “Tokens of Identity: Gender and Recognition in Greek Tragedy.” Illinois Classical Studies 40, no. 2 (2015): 219–36.
Purves, Alex C.  “Wind and Time in Homeric Epic.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 140, no. 2 (2010): 323–50.
Richlin, Amy. “Gender and Rhetoric: Producing Manhood in the Schools.” In Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, 202–20. Edinburgh University Press, 2003.
Rood, Naomi. “Four Silences in Sophocles’ ‘Trachiniae.’” Arethusa 43, no. 3 (2010): 345–64.
Zeitlin, Froma I. “The Dynamics of Misogyny: Myth and Mythmaking in the Oresteia.” Arethusa 11, no. 1/2 (1978): 149–84.
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emkini · 2 years
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Would like to thank taob by @hella1975 for giving me ample sketch inspiration over the last few days
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sunrisevariant · 1 month
yeah so i wasn’t ignoring your messages. yeah no that was a nice post you sent me. yeah yeah yeah. really cool art. but they gave mithrun a normal fucking eye again so i have to mentally go outside and chain smoke an entire carton of cigarettes in a torrential downpour now. yeah no it’s cool. yeah. yeah sure send me another cool cool cool
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