#Tora-san’s Shattered Romance
speedou · 5 months
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Tora-san’s Shattered Romance (Yoji Yamada, 1971)
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pocsuperheroes · 6 years
Hi can you tell me some Latona superhero’s from DC Thanks :)
I assume you mean Latina so all go off that but if I’m wrong I’m sorry. And sorry this took so long! 
The Question (Renee Montoya): Originally made to be a cop on Batman: The Animated Series but she migrated to the comics where she eventually became a superhero. She is also one of the most prominent lesbian superheroes in comics which has caused her family to disown her and caused trouble in her job. But she is nothing if not a survivor and BA. Victor Sage, the original Question, picked her to be his successor as he was dying of lung cancer. Renee has also had a romance with Batwoman.
I’d recommend reading
Gotham Central mainly Volume 3 Half a Life ( issues #6–10) where she is outed to the whole police station. 
52 (the series not the relaunch) where she becomes the Question
DC Comics: Bombshells (2015-2017) #45  onward. It’s an alternative universe but its a fun one. I mean Renee gets to fight Nazi’s what not to love.
I haven’t read but I’ve heard is good
The Question # 37
Question: The Five Books of Blood
Question: Pipeline
Detective Comics Annual # 11, 12
Batman Annual 27, 28
The Question # 37
Birds of Prey # 11,12
Convergence :The Question # 1, 2 
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More under the cut
Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz): She is a Mexican American who was traumatized after her friends were murdered. This left Jessica Cruz with anxiety issues which would make her role as a Green Lantern hard. Especially since she was forced to accept the ring, unlike most Green Lanterns who accepted it willingly. Even with such hardships she had grown into her role as protector of earth and has formed a strong connection with her fellow Green Lantern, Simon Baz.
Haven’t read but heard is good
Justice League Vol 6-8. (Forever Evil and JL Vol 5 for more context)
DC Super Hero Girls: Spaced Out this is definitely 
Green Lanterns: Rebirth She and Simon Baz team up to.
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Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez): She is from San Diego and found herself was submerged with the city after an Earthquake. Instead of dying she found that she could breathe underwater. Lorena then proceeded to help Aquaman locate other survivors and take down the man responsible for this a Scientist named Geist. Eventually, she became the second Aquagirl.
I’d recommend reading
Aquaman #15-20 [2004] This storyline is the first appearance of Lorena (specifically issue #16) and it has been collected in Aquaman (2003-2006): Sub-Diego 
52: #35-40 [2007] these issues are mainly about Steel (Henry Irons) but she helps.
Haven’t read but heard is good
Teen Titans #17-19 [2004]
Aquaman #26-28 [2005]
Teen Titans #34 [2006]
World War III: The Valiant [2007]
Teen Titans #69 and Teen Titans Annual 2009 where she officially joins the Teen Titans.
Teen Titans  #99-100 [2011]
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Fire (Beatriz da Costa): She has two main origins that I know of
#1 Her parents were surveyors of the Amazon River Basin. Due to this, she was born among a tribe of people known as the Ge and it was foretold that she would be given powers from the Sky Spirit. Her family was skeptical of this but when she turned 15 she got superpowers which she used to fight crime. She eventually became the head of the Brazilian branch of Wayne Enterprises. 
#2 She started as an amateur model in Brazil before becoming a showgirl, stage performer, and an undercover secret agent for the Brazilian government. An unusual career path to be sure. While working as a secret agent she was caught in a pyroplasmic explosion which gave her fire-based super-human powers
Regardless of the version, she is known for her long stint in the Justice League (mainly the Justice League International) along with her friendships/partnerships with fellow league members Tora (Ice) and Sigrid (Ice Maiden).
I’d recommend reading
Justice League International (1987-1989) #14 onward or Justice League International Vol. 2 and Justice League International Vol. 3 onward
Formerly Known as the Justice League (2003)
Haven’t read but heard is good
Justice League International (2011-2012) Vol. 1: The Signal Masters 
Super Friends #25
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Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders/ Kendra Munoz-Saunders): Okay there have been several Hawkgirls who tend to be reincarnations of the first one so it can be a little confusing. Kendra Saunders is the semi-reincarnation of Shiera Hall. Kendra was her Grandniece but when she committed suicide Shiera’s soul walked in but she retained no memory of her previous lives and refused to believe that she was Shiera. Then three years in one line of dialogue in “Hawkman #1” that Kendra’s mom had been a “beautiful Hispanic woman.” While Kendra Munoz-Saunders is from an alternative universe where she a treasure hunter has wings permanently grafted to her back. And she is definitely latina.
Many different kinds of media have embraced Kendra as Latina even though it was a rocky start. Such as DC Superhero Girls and the CW superhero shows.
I’d recommend reading
JSA Secret Files and Origins #1 
DC Comics: Bombshells (2015-2017) #58 onward. In this version, she was raised in a Mexican orphanage.
She makes several appearances in Birds of Prey my favorite is #104. It’s barely any screen time I just find it funny that after dealing with the Secret Six, Oracle gives her with a car a for her troubles.
Haven’t read but heard is good
Earth 2 #2 onward 
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Empress (Anita Fite): She is the daughter of Donald Fite, of the All Purpose Enforcement Squad (APES.), and his wife Oshi. Oshi was the daughter of a powerful Voodou priestess. Anita’s grandmother preformed a ritual where she asked the Oya, goddess of the wind, fire, and thunderbolts, to “sponsor” Anita and serve as her “Gros Bon Ange” (Big Guardian Angel).  Anita Fite grew up displaying considerable athletic abilities and learning Vodou from her mother and grandmother. Her mother was killed when she was young by the villain Agua Sin Gaaz. Anita would join the Young Justice team. However, she was written out when her father was killed and her parents reincarnated as babies that she would end up raising. Which isn’t weird at all…
I’d recommend reading
Young Justice #16 onward even if she ends up raising her own parents
Haven’t read but heard is good
She apparently made several minor appearances in the Wonder Girl miniseries in 2007-2008
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Wildcat II (Yolanda Montez): Yolanda Montez was born with meta-human powers due to the genetic manipulation and had retractable claws. Yolanda became the god-daughter of Ted Gran (Wildcat I), a close boxing friend of her father, “Mauler” Montez. She died but has made a come back on Earth 2.
Haven’t read but heard is good
Infinity Inc. #12 onward
she makes appearances in Earth 2
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Black Orchid (Alba Garcia): A former army private whose arms had been amputated during her time in a magical alternate dimension which gave her powers as Black Orchid. Currently, she is a member of both A.R.G.U.S. and Justice League Dark.
Haven’t read but heard is good
Justice League Dark (2011-2015) Vol. 2: The Books of Magic 
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Catwoman (Selina Kyle): Pretty I don’t have to give a backstory on this one. She is half Cuban (as confirmed by Catwoman #81), however, that regularly ignored. But I’m bitter and you can pry her being Cuban from my cold dead hands
I’d recommend reading
Catwoman (1993-2001) #81 
Catwoman (2002-2008) Vol. 1: Trail of the Catwoman onward. There is no mention of her being Latina but it is a good series (would have been better if she was confirmed, Latina)
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Wonder Woman (Maria Mendoza): The daughter of a local judge in Peru, she was an activist protesting against the brutal excavation of an ancient holy site.  The man in charge, Armando Guitez, wanted the power of the runes within the site to gain enough strength to rule the world. When he kills Maria’s father is she sneaks onto the site to get revenge but stumbles upon two runes. The second rune, one of light spirits, is accidentally shattered and she is whisked away by the Sun God of the Incan people. She was gifted with magical powers which she uses to defeat Guitez.
She came from a story written by Stan Lee and it’s not that good to be honest (you can watch Linkara’s review here: X) but I’m a sucker for her design and the idea of a Hispanic magical girl Wonder Woman.
I’d recommend reading
Just Imagine: Wonder Woman
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Ya'Wara: When she was a child her plane crashed in the Amazon Rainforest but she was saved by the Forest Mother who would then give her special powers so she could protect the forest. She became a member of the Tapirape tribe. She would later go on to join The Others, who wanted to gather the Seven Artefacts of Atlantis to keep them from falling into evil hands. They would split up the relics with Ya'Wara who took the Globe of Transportation.
I’d recommend reading
Aquaman #7 - The Others, Chapter One onward
Aquaman and The Others
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These are the one that comes to my mind and there are probably great (or better) ones that didn’t make it to the list. And a few of these characters I’m not super familiar with so there may be mistakes. Also, some of these are or have poor representation (‘big surprise’). Even so, I hope these helped you. 
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