#Kiyoshi Atsumi
tsun-zaku · 4 months
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没後40年 横溝正史 銀幕の金田一耕助 神保町シアター https://www.shogakukan.co.jp/jinbocho-theater/ 2021年
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davidhudson · 7 months
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Kiyoshi Atsumi, March 10, 1928 – August 4, 1996.
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I won‘t cry (Kiyoshi Atsumi: TV drama theme song) Enka
A one-episode TV drama broadcast on the TBS series. One of his works is "It's Tough Being a Man", and the director, Yoji Yamada, made it independent and made a series of films called "Well, it's Tough Being a Man". He fell in love with a woman, at the same time his junior man admit loving her. Atsumi, the main character, portrays a psychology that is difficult for Western men to understand: the woman likes her, and Atsumi likes the woman but rejects her. He's the kind of guy who's slow and patient.
This psychological drama was turned into a serialized film. Kiyoshi Atsumi was a man of many talents. I think Yamada is guilty of narrowing his possibilities.
泣いてたまるか(渥美清:TVドラマテーマソング) 演歌
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anamon-book · 2 years
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話の特集 1979年11月号 表紙=和田誠「渥美清」
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
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Meanwhile ... who could still picture a mashup of Lippy the Lion and Tora-San from the long-running Japanese film series It's Tough Being a Man, replete with Lippy's being one with the late Kiyoshi Atsumi's beloved happy-go-lucky heartbreaker?
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apicturespeaks · 1 month
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Tora-san's Cherished Mother, Yoji Yamada
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justicerikai · 5 months
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #92 Their relationship
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
TL note:
It’s tough being a man… is the title of a Japanese film series where the actor Kiyoshi Atsumi plays the role of the beloved “Tora-san”, a kind-hearted vagabond who is always unlucky in love. This is what Fumiya refers to when he goes like “Ah! Tora-san!”. Wikipedia article here.
Nakagami: ……..
Nakagami: (I lost everything.)
Nakagami: (I haven’t achieved anything once again, have I.)
Nakagami: (This is the world of a normie, huh…)
Nakagami: (And right as I was about to give it all up)
(Phone rining)
Nakagami: (I received a phone call from my former subordinate.) 
Torahime: “Sensei, where do you think I am now?”
Torahime: “I’m inside the Charisma House.”
Nakagami: !?
Nakagami: (Cha…charisma…)
Nakagami: (That’s right, it’s all this country- No, all that I have.)
Nakagami: (This is a critical moment.)
Nakagami: (Stick your beliefs…! Nakagami Soemon!)
Nakagami: Nicely done, conceal your identity and remain there.
Nakagami: You’ll be contacted by me in due time concerning the next plan of action.
Torahime: I’m glad… I believe you're in the right, Sensei. 
Torahime: I’ll be reporting on every single detail regarding them and how they’re doing.
Torahime: Leave the Charisma Observation to this very Torahime!
Nakagami: Yes, I entrust it to you.
Nakagami: (Is what we had spoken about, however…)
(Sounds of things falling over, getting broken and being smashed)
(Sarukawa and Terra beefing with each other)
(Amahiko chasing after Ohse)
Amahiko: Ohse-saaaaan!!!
(Fumiya nonchalantly riding his moped inside)
Iori: EEEH!? Fumiya-san why are you riding your bike inside the house!?
Fumiya: I can’t? Why?
Rikai: Obviously you can’t! STOOOP!!
(Everyone throwing a fuss over Fumiya’s moped)
Everyone: WAAAAAAAAH….!!!
Nakagami: “Hello? What’s wrong Torajirou-kun. Is something happening?”
Nakagami: “Hello? Helloooooo!”
Torahime: What is this…. Is this something that’s actually happening in reality…?
Iori: Watch out!
Torahime: Eh?
(The seven of them riding the moped and charging full speed ahead)
(Torahime laying down on the sofa)
Torahime: Uuughhh….
Iori: Are you okay?
Rikai: I’m truly sorry. This is how it’s usually like in our home…
Torahime: (Eeeh~... What kinda household is this…)
Iori: We let him get hurt again, Rikai-kun
Iori: Should we let him stay a little while longer until he gets better?
Rikai: ….
Torahime: (That’s right! Considering the job that Sensei left in my hands, this actually works out in my favor.)
Torahime: (It’s a convenient excuse to stay another night here.)
Torahime: (As long as I don’t reveal my identity I can make it work, I am the assistant of the great Nakagami sensei after all!)
Torahime: (Not a chance that this crazy bunch can find out the truth!)
Terra: Hey, you dropped your phone
Torahima: (Aaaah! Crap!)
Terra: You were talking to someone, right, everything ok?
Torahime: (He saw me! Crap!!!)
Torahime: ….! Ah, no…! It’s just…!
Sarukawa: Haah? Why aren’tcha spitting it out
Terra: Shady
Iori: The person you were talking to… could it be…
Torahime: (Hyeh!)
Iori: Your girlfriend?
Torahime: Eh?
Iori & Terra: KYAAAAA!!!!
Iori: He’s shaking! It’s so gotta be OMG!
Terra: He was talking to his lover!
Fumiya: What’s this what’s this
Amahiko: What happened
Iori: Like, listen here, this guy was talking to his girlfriend on the phone!
Rikai: G-g-g-g-g-g-girlfriend!?
Torahime: …Eh, you’re wrong. It’s not that. You’re mistaken, I don’t have one. 
(Everyone gripping Torahime while firing off questions)
Torahime: Wah, ouch ouch ouch!
Torahime: I’m injured!!! Wait! AAA!! AAAAAAA!!
Torahime: (What the hell!? Even though I’m saved!)
Fumiya: Ah, right, we haven’t asked for your name yet
Rikai: That’s true. I’m so sorry, we were all over the place. 
Amahiko: What is your name? 
Torahime: My name’s Tora-
The six of them: ?
Sarukawa: Tora? What is it
Torahime: (Crap, real name would be bad.)
Torahime: To, Tora… Tora….
The six of them: !?
Torahime: It’s Torajirou!
The six of them: TORAJIROU!?
Fumiya: Hm, where have I heard it before…
Torahime: (EEEH!? Don’t tell me he knows!? Did he seriously already hear it somewhere!?
Fumiya: Gotta be Tora-san
Torahime: Ueh?
Fumiya: Torajirou’s like the same name as vagabond Tora-san, right!
The six of them: OOOOOH!!! TORAJIROU!!!!!!!
(All of them jostle Torahime)
Torahime: Ah, it hurts, ouch! Wa-wait! AAAA! AAAAAAAAA!!!
Torahime: (Seriously what the hell!? Even though I’m saved!)
(Sound of a plastic bag)
Rikai: Ah, Ohse-kun, come over here, you haven’t greeted him yet, right?
(Ohse tries to run away)
Rikai: No running away now
(Rikai takes off the bag from Ohse’s head)
Ohse: !!
Rikai: Okay, now make proper eye contact with him.
Ohse: Ni…nice to meet you, I’m a shitty sore loser.
Terra: C’mon
Ohse: I’m Minato, sorry for polluting your vision. 
Torahime: …Ah, yeah
Ohse: Eh?
Terra: ? What’s wrong, Ghost-kun
Ohse: …..
Torahime: Aaaaaaaah then that’s enough for me, sorry everyone gonna rest up real nice in my room
Iori: Eh? Are you okay?
Torahime: Absolutely not okay!
The six of them: Ooooh, you sure you can do this? Don’t force yourself please
Torahime: Phew…
Ohse: ….
Terra: Anyway, let’s start prepping
Rikai: Preparing? For what?
Terra: For the Halloween party!
Fumiya: Yeah, the costume contest
Terra: Yep! Everyone’s joining, right?
Rikai: Do we really have to do this?
Terra: Of course we do~ It’s fun~ Well, Terra-kun’s gonna win no matter what though, ehehe☆
Amahiko: Terra-san, what will your outfit be this year?
Terra: A princess!
Amahiko: Waow
Fumiya: Wonder what I should wear
Sarukawa: Be a prisoner
Fumiya: Why
Amahiko: Amahiko won't cut any corners
Amahiko: A new performance that I wasn’t able to show at the Sexy Cup, do look forward to it!
Iori: You’re disqualified.
Amahiko: EEEH!?
Rikai: What kind of costume will you do, Iori-san?
Iori: Slave
Rikai: EEEH!?
Fumiya: You, Ohse?
Ohse: It’s a secret
Fumiya: Wah, seems like you got something dreadful up your sleeve
Ohse: Fufufu
Amahiko: Rikai-san, and you?
Rikai: This is referred to as cosplay right… How embarrassing…
Terra: What about Sarukawa-kun?
Sarukawa: Ain’t gonna do it, stupid! Halloween my ass, shit’s lame
Terra: Everyone’s participating!
Sarukawa: I won’t
Terra: You totally will!
Fumiya: Hmmm, but making a costume’s hard. What to do
Iori: Fumiya-san! Leave it to me!
Terra: Ah, that’s off the table, no helping others.
Iori: Eeeh~
Fumiya: Then, if it’s not from anyone here, can I get help from somewhere else?
Terra: Hm, in that case, sure.
(Fumiya leaving)
Fumiya: Alrighty
The six of them: ?
Sarukawa: Ah, that’s what he meant! That’s not fair, dude!
Rikai: Fumiya-san!
Torahime: ……I’m kind of seriously exhausted… I should rest a bit
The seven of them: Tora-saaaaaaan!
Torahime: ?
(They all march in)
Torahime: Ooh, ooh, woah, what is it? What!?
(Torahime being jostled)
Torahime: Ouch ouch it hurts! I’m still injured! 
Torahime: Wait, this is dangerous! Wah, wah, wah-
(Torahime rolling off the stairs)
(Torahime smashing into the handrails and wall) 
Everyone: TORA-SAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!
Nakagami: Hahaha! Ahahahahaha!
Torahime: “Sensei, this is no laughing matter. It was really awful.”
Nakagami: As expected from the Charisma’s, good that they’re full of energy.
Torahime: “I almost dies three times.”
Nakagami: “Any injuries?”
Torahime: “I’m full of them, my whole body hurts.”
Nakagami: “No, not you, I was asking if the Charisma’s were hurt.”
Torahime: “Eeh!?”
Nakagami: ?
Torahime: “Ah… no… I think they’re fine.”
Nakagami: ….
Nakagami: They’re the hope of our country, I’m glad they’re safe.
Torahime: “....That’s… nice…. yes.”
Nakagami: “Did your identity get revealed?”
Torahime: “No worries on that part, other people don’t remember my face at all, so.” 
Nakagami: That said…  we have met them face to face before.
Torahime: “Then Sensei, do you remember what I look like?”
Nakagami: Eh…  
Nakagami: ….
Nakagami: My apologies
Torahime: “It’s fine, Sensei! I totally don’t mind at all!”
Torahime: “If anything it’s because of my looks that I have been able to support Sensei as I have been until now!”
Torahime: “I’m happy! It's an honor!”
Torahime: “Don’t worry about how Sensei doesn’t remember the face of the assistant that has been by his side the entire time, because I don’t care either!”
(Torahime crying a little)
Torahime: “Ahahaha, ahahaha…………”
Nakagami: ….You’re a great help. You’re the only one that I can rely on at the moment.
Torahime: “...!”
Torahime: “S-Sensei…! Such words of…!”
Torahime: “Leave it to me. I will do anything for your sake, Sensei.”
Nakagami: Thank you, Torajirou-kun.
Torahime: “It’s Torahime.”
Nakagami & Torahime: ……..
Torahime: “Okay, it’s getting time to hang up. There’s a small matter I have to attend to.” 
Nakagami: Hm? What?
Torahime: “Uh, I don’t really get it myself but, on the night of the 31st everyone’s gonna hold a Halloween party.”
Nakagami: Halloween party!? The Charisma’s will!?
Torahime: “There’s a costume contest too.”
Nakagami: A costume contest!? The Charisma’s will!!!!!!!
Nakagami: H-h-h-h-how is this possible! Tell me all the details!
Nakagami: Who’s gonna wear what? Will everyone join? How long will it take---
Nakagami: Hm? Hello? Torajirou? Hello!!! HELLOOOOOO!!
Nakagami: Just when things were getting good!
Iori: Tora-san, what’s wrong?
Torahime: Ah, no, it’s nothing.
Fumiya: Called your girlfriend again?
Torahime: ………….
Iori: Halloween, huh. Wonder what kind of slave I should be.
Fumiya: Who’s gonna take the big prize?
Amahiko: Well, Terra-san is the most likely winner. He’s more fired up than he was before.
Iori: Seriously, Terra-san’s mega earnest Halloween party looks like it’ll be lots of fun.
Fumiya: Don’t lose, Amahiko
Amahiko: Of course, I’ll take ‘em all down
Fumiya & Amahiko: Hahaha
Iori: Well, goodnight
Fumiya & Amahiko: Goodniiiight
Iori: Tora-san, goodnight to you too.
Torahime: Ah, yeah, goodnight.
(Phone ringing)
Terra: …Eh? Again? Geez… Even though you promised… 
Terra: Yes…
Terra: Right, got’cha.
Terra: Yes, I love you too.
Terra: Eh?
Terra: That’s fine, I can meet you, when’s good?
Terra: ….
Terra: Only that day, won’t do…
Terra: No, it’s fine. I’ll manage somehow.
Terra: Yes, I look forward to it, I’ll see you
Terra: On the night of Halloween.
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柴又帝釈天 瑞龍の松 日栄上人 ご神木
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Shibamata Teishakuten and Zuiryu no Matsu 
Pine Tree of the Dragon
【Türkçesi aşağıdadır.】
Shibamata Teishakuten in Shibamata, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, is a place where visitors can feel the history and culture that has continued since the Edo period. The Zuiryu no Matsu (Pine Tree of the Dragon), which rises in the precincts of the temple, boasts a powerful and beautiful form, just like a dragon soaring through the sky, as its name suggests.
Age: more than 300 years old. Size: 5 metres high, with branches reaching 10 metres in width.
The Zuiryu no Matsu is said to have been planted by Nichiei Shonin, a famous monk of the Edo period. Nichiei Shonin rebuilt Shibamata Teishakuten and was revered by many followers. The pine tree he planted was named Zuiryu no Matsu (Pine Tree of the Dragon) because of the way its branches spread out as if it were a dragon soaring through the sky. This pine tree is a symbol of Teishakuten and deeply impresses visitors.
The Japanese film Otoko wa Tsuraiyo (Otoko wa Tsuraiyo) is set in Shibamata.
Speaking of Shibamata, one cannot forget the classic Japanese film Otoko wa Tsuraiyo. The film series ran for 26 years, from 1969 to 1995, with a total of 48 films produced. The character of the main character, Torajiro Kuruma, a.k.a. Tora-san, played by Kiyoshi Atsumi, is a much-loved national character.
Film set: Shibamata, where the film takes place, is known as the location of Tora-san's birthplace, Toraya, where many scenes from the film were shot. The scenery of Shibamata Teishakuten and the surrounding area continues to transmit its charm throughout the country through the film.
Sightseeing spots in Shibamata:
Shibamata Teishakuten Temple: the symbol of the film, with its Zuiryu pine tree and beautiful garden.
Teishakuten approach: lined with souvenir shops and eateries, this area offers a retro atmosphere reminiscent of a film set.
Tora-san Memorial Museum: a must-see for fans of the film, with exhibits on the history of the film and scenes from the filming.
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Tora-san's appeal:
Loving character: Tora-san is portrayed as a good-natured and humane character who has won the hearts of many people. His clumsy and sincere way of life resonated with many viewers.
Storylines with laughter and tears: the stories of romance with a different heroine each time and warm interactions with family and friends, with both laughter and tears, have been loved by many people.
It's a bit long, but I also love his thoughts on love. Below are three of his best lines about love that he talks about.
"Love is not something that burns you up, it's something that gradually warms you up." This quote expresses Tora-san's view on love. This quote expresses Tora-san's view on love, which teaches that love is not a temporary passion, but a warm feeling that slowly seeps into the heart.
"To love someone is to make that person's happiness your happiness." This line strikes at the essence of love. Tora-san says that wishing for the other person's happiness is the essence of love, and that this leads to true happiness.
"Love, you know, it's important to be considerate of the other person. It's not enough to be happy only for yourself." These words condense Tora-san's philosophy on love. He explains that love should not be self-centred, but that it is important to be considerate of the other person and to feel happy for each other.
These words of wisdom evoke Tora-san's warm and deep love for humanity and still resonate with many people today. Whenever you feel lost or troubled in your love life, remember Tora-san's words and you may gain some new insights and positive feelings.
Shibamata Teishakuten and the Zuiryu no Matsu pine tree that rises within the precincts of the temple are landmarks that symbolise history and culture.
And the film series Otoko wa Tsuraiyo, set in Shibamata, is deeply etched in the hearts of the Japanese people. By visiting this place, you can feel the world of the film and at the same time get in touch with Japanese traditions and humanity. Why not visit Shibamata? You will experience the beauty of Zuiryu no Matsu and the warmth of Tora-san's hometown.
The Zuiryu pine tree is an integral part of the landscape with the front of Teishakudo and is also important as a famous and giant tree that tells the story of the founding of Teishakudo Taikyoji Temple.
Zuiryu no Matsu (Ejderhanın Çam Ağacı) ÇAM
Shibamata, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo'da bulunan Shibamata Teishakuten, ziyaretçilerin Edo döneminden bu yana devam eden tarihi ve kültürü hissedebilecekleri bir yerdir. Tapınak bölgesinde yükselen Zuiryu no Matsu (Ejderhanın Çam Ağacı), adından da anlaşılacağı üzere tıpkı gökyüzünde süzülen bir ejderha gibi güçlü ve güzel bir forma sahiptir.
Yaşı: 300 yıldan daha yaşlı. Boyut: 5 metre yüksekliğinde, 10 metre genişliğe ulaşan dalları vardır.
Zuiryu no Matsu'nun Edo döneminin ünlü keşişlerinden Nichiei Shonin tarafından dikildiği söylenmektedir. Nichiei Shonin, Shibamata Teishakuten'i yeniden inşa etmiş ve birçok takipçisi tarafından saygı görmüştür. Diktiği çam ağacına, dallarının gökyüzünde süzülen bir ejderha gibi yayılmasından dolayı Zuiryu no Matsu (Ejderhanın Çam Ağacı) adı verilmiştir. Bu çam ağacı Teishakuten'in bir sembolüdür ve ziyaretçileri derinden etkilemektedir.
Japon filmi Otoko wa Tsuraiyo (Otoko wa Tsuraiyo) Shibamata'da geçmektedir.
Shibamata'dan bahsetmişken, klasik Japon filmi Otoko wa Tsuraiyo'yu unutmak mümkün değil. Film serisi 1969'dan 1995'e kadar 26 yıl boyunca devam etti ve toplam 48 film üretildi. Kiyoshi Atsumi tarafından canlandırılan ana karakter Torajiro Kuruma, nam-ı diğer Tora-san, çok sevilen ulusal bir karakterdir.
Film seti: Filmin geçtiği Shibamata, Tora-san'ın doğum yeri olan Toraya'nın bulunduğu yer olarak biliniyor ve filmden birçok sahne burada çekildi. Shibamata Teishakuten ve çevresindeki bölgenin manzarası, film aracılığıyla cazibesini tüm ülkeye aktarmaya devam ediyor.
Tora-san'ın çekiciliği:
Sevgi dolu karakter: Tora-san, birçok insanın kalbini kazanan iyi huylu ve insancıl bir karakter olarak tasvir ediliyor. Sakar ve samimi yaşam tarzı birçok izleyicide yankı uyandırdı.
Kahkaha ve gözyaşlarıyla dolu hikayeler: Her seferinde farklı bir kadın kahramanla yaşanan aşk hikayeleri ve hem kahkaha hem de gözyaşlarıyla aile ve arkadaşlarla kurulan sıcak etkileşimler birçok kişi tarafından sevildi.
Biraz uzun ama aşk hakkındaki düşüncelerini de çok seviyorum. Aşağıda aşk hakkında bahsettiği en iyi üç satırını bulabilirsiniz.
"Aşk sizi yakan bir şey değildir, sizi yavaş yavaş ısıtan bir şeydir." Bu alıntı Tora-san'ın aşk hakkındaki görüşünü ifade ediyor. Bu alıntı, aşkın geçici bir tutku değil, yavaş yavaş kalbe sızan sıcak bir duygu olduğunu öğreten Tora-san'ın aşk hakkındaki görüşünü ifade eder.
"Birini sevmek, o kişinin mutluluğunu kendi mutluluğunuz haline getirmektir." Bu cümle aşkın özünü vurur. Tora-san, diğer kişinin mutluluğunu dilemenin sevginin özü olduğunu ve bunun gerçek mutluluğa yol açtığını söylüyor.
"Sevgi, bilirsiniz, karşınızdaki kişiyi düşünmek önemlidir. Sadece kendin için mutlu olmak yeterli değildir." Bu sözler Tora-san'ın sevgi üzerine felsefesini özetliyor. Sevginin benmerkezci olmaması gerektiğini, ancak diğer kişiyi düşünmenin ve birbirimiz için mutlu olmanın önemli olduğunu açıklıyor.
Bu bilgece sözler Tora-san'ın insanlığa duyduğu sıcak ve derin sevgiyi çağrıştırıyor ve bugün hala birçok insanda yankı buluyor. Aşk hayatınızda kendinizi kaybolmuş veya sıkıntılı hissettiğinizde, Tora-san'ın sözlerini hatırlayın ve yeni içgörüler ve olumlu duygular kazanabilirsiniz.
Shibamata'da gezilecek yerler:
Shibamata Teishakuten Tapınağı: Zuiryu çam ağacı ve güzel bahçesiyle filmin sembolü.
Teishakuten yaklaşımı: hediyelik eşya dükkanları ve lokantalarla kaplı bu bölge, bir film setini andıran retro bir atmosfer sunmaktadır.
Tora-san Anıt Müzesi: filmin tarihi ve çekimlerden sahnelerle ilgili sergileriyle filmin hayranları için mutlaka görülmesi gereken bir yer.
Shibamata Teishakuten ve tapınağın sınırları içinde yükselen Zuiryu no Matsu çam ağacı, tarih ve kültürü simgeleyen simgelerdir. Shibamata'da geçen Otoko wa Tsuraiyo film serisi de Japon halkının kalbinde derin izler bırakmıştır. Burayı ziyaret ederek filmin dünyasını hissedebilir ve aynı zamanda Japon gelenekleri ve insanlığı ile temasa geçebilirsiniz. Neden Shibamata'yı ziyaret etmiyorsunuz? Zuiryu no Matsu'nun güzelliğini ve Tora-san'ın memleketinin sıcaklı��ını deneyimleyeceksiniz. Zuiryu çam ağacı, Teishakudo'nun ön cephesiyle manzaranın ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır ve Teishakudo Taikyoji Tapınağı'nın kuruluş hikayesini anlatan ünlü ve dev bir ağaç olarak da önemlidir.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Stars Plaza in Tokyo, Japan Asakusa is one of the top destinations in the Tokyo metropolis, millions of tourists coming to see the historic Sensō-ji Temple complex, from which quaint shopping streets stretch on for blocks, with many shops, restaurants, and temples boasting the "oldest of its kind" status. Asakusa's former Sixth District is a good example of this, as it was once at the forefront of cultural modernization, being the site of Japan's oldest movie theatre, skyscraper, and amusement park. The Asakusa Public Hall stands at the end of Orange Street, which runs between the temple complex and the Sixth District. It has hosted traditional kabuki stages, comedy shows, and classical concerts since 1977, so it may not come as a surprise that it is also home to a Japanese version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame called the Stars Plaza. Created in 1979, the Stars Plaza exhibits the handprints and autographs of celebrities associated with Asakusa, from actors to singers, rakugo performers to TV personalities, the number of which grows every year as the celebrities are honored at the Asakusa Performing Arts Awards held every March. The first ones to be awarded the honor included Toshiro Mifune, Hibari Misora, and Kiyoshi Atsumi. The Stars Plaza later went on to include more internationally recognizable figures like Tatsuya Nakadai, Takeshi Kitano, Machiko Kyo, and Nagaharu Yodogawa. Out of them, Mifune remains the only one to have his own star in Hollywood as well as his handprint in Asakusa. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/stars-plaza-asakusa
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photomuzik · 4 years
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doraemonmon · 3 years
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Tora-san -  男はつらいよ  Otoko wa Tsurai yo
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nctryzob · 4 years
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男はつらいよ フーテンの寅 (1970)
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ogradyfilm · 4 years
Recently Viewed: Tora-san, My Uncle
In Tora-san, My Uncle, the forty-second episode of Yoji Yamada’s long-running Tora-san series, the eponymous peddler surrenders the role of protagonist to his teenage nephew, Mitsuo (played by Hidetaka Yoshioka, who recently reprised the part in 2019’s Tora-san, Wish You Were Here). He remains an integral piece of the narrative puzzle, of course; he may be a bit older and wiser (though not by much), but he’s ultimately still the same boisterous, lovable buffoon. At this point in the saga, Kiyoshi Atsumi plays him as an almost mythical figure: like a mischievous trickster god, he seems to materialize out of thin air whenever a family member absentmindedly utters his name, sowing chaos and discord—which inevitably lead to catharsis, healing, and reconciliation. The film makes an effort to humanize him, as well, exploring his struggle to set a good example for his dear sister’s wayward son.
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The movie spreads its plot a little too thin (the “road trip” structure offers plenty of gorgeously photographed scenery, but slows the pace to an interminable crawl as both conflict and slapstick comedy take a back seat), but it manages to shine in its smaller pleasures. It’s fascinating to see how the characters and their relationships have matured along with the returning actors; Gin Maeda’s evolution into a stern father with a heart of gold, for example, is particularly compelling. Additionally, the thematic subtext is as solid as ever: Tora-san is a rebel to his very bones, always defying outdated social conventions and challenging narrow-minded attitudes. While Tora-san, My Uncle doesn’t quite rank alongside Tora-san, Our Lovable Tramp and Tora-san Meets the Songstress Again in terms of overall quality, when judged on its own merits, it’s a perfectly enjoyable domestic drama.
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anamon-book · 3 years
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八つ墓村 松竹株式会社事業部 原作=横溝正史、監督=野村芳太郎、出演=萩原健一・小川真由美・渥美清・山崎努・山本陽子 ほか
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Meanwhile, out on the vagabond road
LIPPY THE LION, embracing a new Tora-San-inspired approach: Oh boy, doesn't it just feel good to recognise how interesting things can turn out being, especially absent any cares in the world?
[In the obvious spirit of the hero of the long-running Japanese film series as starred Kiyoshi Atsumi, Lippy prefers travelling light, but this time wearing a backpack more than likely to make things easier on him. Yet still having a couple days' change of clothes and some pocket money, and a chivalrous heart of gold.]
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sunacof · 5 years
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男はつらいよ お帰り寅さん@ユーロスペース
“Tora-san, Wish You Were Here” at EUROSPACE in Shibuya, Tokyo
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