llewelynpritch · 2 months
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'Putin's Angel' #DeepAIGeneratedImage #PoliticalSatire
Fishy Rishi Artwork Llewelyn Pritchard 15 July 2024 
 ‘Boris Johnson tried to discourage or limit discussion in Parliament about Evgeny Lebedev for the following reasons:
1 i)  Coordinated complaints: Johnson and Evgeny Lebedev reportedly made simultaneous complaints to the House of Commons Speaker about Labour MP Matt Western's questions regarding Johnson's attendance at parties at Lebedev's Italian villa [2]. This suggests an attempt to silence or discourage further questioning on the topic.
1 ii)  Dismissive responses: When asked about the parties in Parliament, Johnson responded by saying he "simply fail[ed] to detect any crouton of substance in the minestrone of nonsense" that was spoken [2]. This dismissive language appears aimed at delegitimizing the questions.
1 iii)  Refusal to release information: Johnson refused to release details of the security service advice he received about Lebedev's appointment to the House of Lords, despite a vote by MPs compelling him to do so. He cited "national security" concerns as the reason [2].
1 iv)  Accusations of xenophobia: Johnson's spokesman described coverage of Evgeny Lebedev's peerage as "a tiresome and xenophobic campaign" [3]. This framing attempts to portray scrutiny of the appointment as discriminatory rather than based on legitimate concerns.
1 v)  Claims of Russophobia: When the House of Lords Appointments Commission advised against Lebedev's nomination due to security concerns, Johnson reportedly reacted furiously, claiming their advice was "Russophobic" [3].
1 vi)  Vague answers: When questioned about his meeting with Alexander Lebedev, Johnson provided vague responses, stating that "as far as I am aware, no Government business was discussed" [4]. This phrasing avoids a direct denial and limits further inquiry.
1 vii)  These actions suggest Johnson sought to avoid detailed scrutiny or discussion of his relationship with the Lebedevs and the circumstances surrounding Evgeny Lebedev's appointment to the House of Lords.
[1] https://bylinetimes.com/2022/03/07/government-didnt-record-minutes-of-meeting-between-lebedev-and-johnson/ 
[2] https://bylinetimes.com/2022/08/26/boris-johnson-is-trying-to-silence-questions-about-evgeny-lebedev/ 
[3] https://www.tortoisemedia.com/2023/06/26/mi5-visited-downing-street-to-warn-boris-johnson-against-evgeny-lebedevs-peerage/ 
[4] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-62308217 
2)  ‘Based on the available information, here are the key details known about Boris Johnson's meeting with Alexander Lebedev in Italy:
2 i)  Timing: The meeting took place in April 2018, specifically around April 28-29, when Johnson was serving as the UK's Foreign Secretary [1] [2] [3].
2 ii)  Location: The meeting occurred at Palazzo Terranova, a luxury villa in Umbria, Italy, owned by the Lebedev family [1] [3].
2 iii)  Context: This meeting happened shortly after Johnson attended a NATO summit in Brussels where Russia and security issues were discussed, and about a month after the Salisbury nerve agent attack in the UK [2] [3].
2 iv)  Circumstances: Johnson attended a party hosted by Evgeny Lebedev, Alexander's son, at the villa. During this event, he met with Alexander Lebedev without any officials present [1] [3] [4].
2 v)  Admission: Johnson initially avoided confirming the meeting but later admitted to it during a session with the Commons liaison committee in July 2022 [3] [4].
2 vi)  Official oversight: No government officials were present during the meeting, and Johnson did not inform officials about it afterward [2] [4].
2 vii)  Content of discussion: Johnson stated that "as far as I am aware, no Government business was discussed," but this phrasing has been criticized as evasive and falling short of an outright denial [2] [4].
2 viii) Concerns: The meeting has raised security concerns due to Alexander Lebedev's background as a ‘former’ KGB agent and the sensitive timing following the Salisbury incident [2] [3].
2 ix)  Surveillance: According to a Channel 4 documentary, Italy's secret intelligence service was monitoring the Lebedev villa at the time of Johnson's visit due to suspicions of potential espionage activities [1].
2 x) Controversy: The meeting has become a subject of political scrutiny in the UK, with questions raised about potential security risks and the appropriateness of a senior government official meeting privately with a former KGB agent [2] [3] [4].’
[1] https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jun/26/italy-was-monitoring-lebedev-villa-at-time-of-boris-johnson-visit-documentary-claim 
[2] https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/7/28/what-did-boris-johnson-discuss-with-alexander-lebedev 
[3] https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/06/johnson-admits-to-private-meeting-with-ex-kgb-agent 
[4] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-62308217 
[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N__zgNR0g_Y 
3) https://bylinetimes.com/2020/07/21/the-russia-report-what-has-boris-johnson-got-to-hide-by-refusing-to-investigate-russian-interference-in-brexit/ THE RUSSIA REPORT Puts Johnson on the Spot
‘The Missing Brexit Threat Assessment It has taken Parliament more than 14 years to recognise the true nature of the Russian President’s regime.
With the KGB-trained Putin now ensconced for life, conducting wars in Ukraine and Syria, and funding far-right parties across Europe to destabilise any institutions that can challenge his interests, this is – as the report makes clear in its remarks on MI5, MI6 and GCHQ – a deadly oversight. The lethal nature of the threat from the Kremlin should have been obvious with the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. A former colleague of Putin’s in the Russian security service, the FSB, Litvinenko had become a British citizen and was exposing Kremlin links to crime syndicates based in Spain when he was assassinated using a lethal and rare isotope of Polonium manufactured in a Russian state facility.
The attempted murder of the Skripals with the Novichok nerve agent two years ago was the culmination of a murderous campaign which led to up to 14 suspicious deaths in the UK, as reported by Heidi Blake and Buzzfeed News. The report contains a redacted comment on this.
But why has it taken so long? And why did Boris Johnson try to suppress this report? One can only conclude that, on several scores, it was embarrassing to him and those close to him.
Apart from the Lebedev and Temerko connections, Johnson had a wealth of other contacts with wealthy Russian oligarchs as Mayor of London. In the past few years, the Conservative Party has been a major beneficiary of donations from Russian expatriates. Meanwhile, several senior Brexit-supporting businessmen such as Jim Mellon and the Chandler brothers made extensive fortunes in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and some senior parliamentary figures, such as Jacob Rees-Mogg, still have major investments there now.’
Peter Jukes 21 July 2020
4)  ‘Johnson's actions and scandals during his time in office raise serious ethical concerns and potential violations of rules and norms. Here are the key points that can be substantiated from the given information:
4 i)  Johnson faced allegations of corruption and cronyism, particularly regarding COVID-19 procurement. There were claims of contracts being awarded to Conservative Party donors and those with links to the government, even when equipment delivered was unusable or of poor quality [5].
4 ii)  Johnson was found to have knowingly held illegal parties at Downing Street during COVID-19 lockdowns and repeatedly lied to Parliament about them. A House of Commons select committee report concluded that he misled Parliament multiple times regarding these events [4].
4 iii)  Johnson's government faced scrutiny over the refurbishment of his official residence, with allegations of seeking donations from a party donor to fund the renovations. The Conservative Party was fined for failing to properly report these donations [1].
4 iv) There were concerns about Johnson's appointments, including supporting MP Priti Patel despite findings that she breached the Ministerial Code through bullying behavior, and appointing Chris Pincher despite prior sexual misconduct allegations [1].
4 v) Johnson's tenure saw a decline in standards of public life, with two independent Ethics Advisers and even the Prime Minister's Anti-Corruption Champion resigning [5].
4 vi)  The "Partygate" scandal resulted in Johnson becoming the first UK prime minister found to have broken the law while in office [1].
4 vii)  Johnson's government was criticised for its handling of the Owen Paterson lobbying scandal, initially backing efforts to overturn the suspension of a Conservative MP accused of lobbying violations [1].
4 viii)  There were concerns about the abolition of DFID (Department for International Development) and subsequent de-prioritization of anti-corruption efforts in international development [5].
4 ix)  It's crucial to emphasize that in a democratic society, the principle that no one is above the law should be upheld. Any allegations of misconduct or corruption by public officials, including former prime ministers, should be thoroughly investigated through proper legal channels.’
[1] https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/06/uk/boris-johnson-scandals-intl/index.html 
[2] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-07/boris-johnson-legacy-defined-by-brexit-and-scandal/100769902 
[3] https://www.politico.eu/article/great-britain-boris-johnson-lobby-rules-corruption/ 
[4] https://jacobin.com/2023/06/boris-johnson-tories-prime-minister-covid-lying-corruption-conservatives 
[5] https://blogs.sussex.ac.uk/centre-for-the-study-of-corruption/2022/09/21/johnsons-legacy-corruption-and-anti-corruption-under-boris-johnson/ 
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/boris-johnson-nobody-above-law-must-never-allowed-had-pritchard-ma-ybr8e/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-zfae84s68jORKXFMd5hZEg07MSAR8uj4FRbVY4X6S9dprx4ZVvRDUI2EHlrA3GZaOpDu-NB_7Fcj/pub Boris Johnson: ‘Nobody is Above the Law’ This must never be allowed to happen again. ‘It had long been speculated that there was something so damaging in the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC)’s report into Russia's influence that Boris Johnson and his Vote Leave Conservative Government succeeded in suppressing it for nine months.
Now we know what that is and why the Prime Minister was trying to stop its publication right to the last minute by removing the whip from the newly-elected ISC chair Julian Lewis.’ Llewelyn Pritchard 15 July 2024 #JohnsonLies #PeopleDie #IgnoredIntelligenceAdvice #ActNow #TellTheTruth #BeTheChange #JohnsonsCoverUp #Conservatives #DemandPublicInquiry #CorruptToryGovernment #DefendDemocracy #UK
2.https://bylinetimes.com/2022/08/26/boris-johnson-is-trying-to-silence-questions-about-evgeny-lebedev/ 'Boris Johnson is Trying to ‘Silence’ Questions About Evgeny Lebedev. A Labour MP says the Prime Minister and his friend tried to stop him from asking questions about lavish parties held at the newspaper proprietor’s Italian villa. Adam Bienkov 26 August 2022  #Brexit #Trump #Russia #RussianInterference #DefendDemocracy
3.https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQWwuUCBi1ynN5Ld4Q55LY-O5IxFp3QWEVcgvDHM2_ctDO58U9CGIjvSlo0_16V6r0StB4wvQb-07gX/pub What did Boris Johnson discuss with Alexander Lebedev? How an answer to a parliamentary question may lead to an unfolding of a political scandal. David Allen Green Former central government lawyer and legal commentator 28 July 2022
4.https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vT9zi6-QRt4r_icw9o9fo8vEMjRLXsaoOrv5uenAaHmaxdX7ciuNtHw_p_LcbnQCOc0wgj0AwGeL9Nf/pub THE RUSSIA REPORT Puts Johnson on the Spot Peter Jukes 21 July 2020
5.https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/beyond-reasonable-doubt-boris-johnson-breached-evgeny-pritchard-ma-qs62e/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR_aNrigWYWvyJYoWjgEP6fo1MpN38OePuKSzPXcITokaLWjPvKp8oKgF4iXfl6RZVsMWl7kDUsjf_8/pub It is beyond reasonable doubt that Boris Johnson breached National Security at Evgeny Lebedev's villa Perugia Italy under Italian Intelligence surveillance by discussing UK government business with Alexander Lebedev. He made sure no UK government officials were present.
‘Boris Johnson's visit to Evgeny Lebedev's villa in Perugia, Italy, has raised concerns about national security due to the property being monitored by Italy's secret intelligence service, which believed it was being used for espionage purposes 1. 2 …’
6. https://youtu.be/OpEV9iILAv0 ‘Boris, the Lord and the Russian Spy: Dispatches’ will be broadcast on Tuesday 27 June at 10pm on Channel 4 and channel4.com' Pippa Crerar, Luke Harding 26 June 2023
7. https://lnkd.in/edGZBZw6 https://lnkd.in/eXbeVjys https://lnkd.in/exmujGj7 ‘Really historic step forward this afternoon as cross-party Senedd Committee (Local Govt and Housing) votes in favour of amendment that makes lying by politicians a criminal offence. This is incorporated in the Elections and Elected Bodies Bill and now goes on to next stage’ @Adamprice 16 May 2024 #ClimateJusticeValuations: #LeadersLie #PeopleDie #JailTime #ClimateCrisis
8. https://lnkd.in/edGZBZw6 https://lnkd.in/eXbeVjys https://lnkd.in/exmujGj7 A 'Truth Law' passed by The Senedd would make Wales the first parliament in the world to make lying by politicians a criminal offence. Eleanor Langford 29 April 2024
9. https://lnkd.in/eqGVxZux https://x.com/grantshapps/status/1783834086915834167 'The allegations of Russian malign activity in the UK are deeply concerning.  Anyone found guilty of assisting a foreign intelligence service will be held to account, The UK will never be deterred from backing Ukraine by Russia’s futile attempts to shake our resolve.' Grant Shapps MP for Welwyn Hatfield & UK Secretary of State for Defence 26 April 2024
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10. https://youtu.be/QkZzN3XHEPY  https://lnkd.in/e-cpmr6m https://lnkd.in/eux_nxvY  
'In a letter penned to the Commons Liaison Committee, Boris Johnson called the meeting in Perugia 'a social event', claiming , 'As far as I am aware, no government business was discussed.' BORIS JOHNSON'S KGB LINKS EXPOSED John Sweeney 29 June 2023
11.https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/boris-johnson-pressed-meeting-agent-while-foreign-pritchard-ma-znofe/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTsx5nwxUN-lQ7hBhRjSLBHAoVvf3vDZjJ-F3R0qtCdlrCQn_15lSMNqYwTx-wat6qVrlUqQZCynSJL/pub Boris Johnson pressed on meeting ex-KGB-no-such-such-thing agent while Foreign Secretary: Video, Transcript, Comments and Lord Geidt, Boris Johnson's 2nd Ethical Adviser clarified that he "could not be party to advising on potential law breaking" #AI #Perplexity Llewelyn Pritchard 15 January 2024 
12. https://lnkd.in/eRqvwxkZ  https://lnkd.in/e6gPkp5z  PREFACE Established facts by Independent Research 1969- with reference to: DAWN STURGESS PUBLIC INQUIRY formally established on 17 March 2022 Part 1/2 Llewelyn Pritchard MA
13. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/abuse-executive-power-uk-rus-shown-several-factors-pritchard-ma-u92xe/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSVEgtoJ_0xws-Z5VrdJ_x328-JZAPdV3FrSy0LTr9cX1EjVv2YQbGM1K3uDstyKCiM7Oj8IPdHHH04/pub Abuse of Executive Power by UK and RUS shown by several factors in Vladimir Putin's Russian interference supporting Traitor Johnson's Brexit Treason. For example, Traitor Johnson ignored intelligence advice on National Security; suppressed, delayed publication of the Russia Report; accepted Conservative Party donations from Putin’s ‘March of the Oligarchs’ @PeterJukes; held strategic meetings with Evgeny and Alexander Lebedev about his own and Putin’s ambitions and by his failed leadership that emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine with horrific consequences. #InvestigateRussianInterference #DeepAI #ChatGPT 3.5 #Perplexity #AI #ConstitutionalCorrosion #RUS #UK Llewelyn Pritchard MA 25 January 2024
NOTE ‘While Perplexity AI strives to provide accurate and reliable information, it is essential for users to critically evaluate the information obtained and verify it through additional sources when necessary.’ ‘It is always advisable to independently verify and cross-reference the information obtained from any AI system, including Deep AI, especially when dealing with critical or sensitive matters.’ ‘ChatGPT 3.5 is not a substitute for critical thinking or fact-checking, and information generated by the model should be verified using reliable sources, especially in situations where accuracy is crucial. It's a tool that can be useful for generating ideas, drafting content, or assisting with various tasks, but its responses should be treated as suggestions rather than definitive answers.’ 19 January 2024
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llewelynpritch · 4 months
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/beyond-reasonable-doubt-boris-johnson-breached-evgeny-pritchard-ma-qs62e/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR_aNrigWYWvyJYoWjgEP6fo1MpN38OePuKSzPXcITokaLWjPvKp8oKgF4iXfl6RZVsMWl7kDUsjf_8/pub It is beyond reasonable doubt that Boris Johnson breached National Security at Evgeny Lebedev's villa Perugia Italy under Italian Intelligence surveillance by discussing UK government business with Alexander Lebedev. He made sure no UK government officials were present. ‘Boris Johnson's visit to Evgeny Lebedev's villa in Perugia, Italy, has raised concerns about national security due to the property being monitored by Italy's secret intelligence service, which believed it was being used for espionage purposes 1. The visit is significant because Johnson, then the foreign secretary, reportedly attended a party at the villa without any government officials present and without informing the Foreign Office beforehand 2 …’
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llewelynpritch · 1 year
https://lnkd.in/eqB6fhnJ https://lnkd.in/e4xn_52F The focus and honesty of Mr Sunak’s response and any subsequent actions taken by the Tory government remains to be seen in complying with the ECHR request to respond about Russian interference in the 2016 Brexit election. Llewelyn Pritchard 29 August 2023
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llewelynpritch · 6 months
https://unitedforclimate.blogspot.com/2024/03/brexit-voters-trust-betrayed-likely.html UNITED FOR CLIMATE ECOLOGICAL, CLIMATE HEALTH TREATMENT FOR MOTHER EARTH
https://landprotectorshumanrightsmovement.blogspot.com/2024/03/brexit-voters-trust-betrayed-likely.html LABRADOR LAND PROTECTORS HUMAN RIGHTS
https://muskratfallscivilrightsmovement.blogspot.com/2024/03/brexit-voters-trust-betrayed-likely.html MUSKRAT FALLS CIVIL RIGHTS
https://labradorleadstheworld.blogspot.com/2024/03/brexit-voters-trust-betrayed-likely.html LABRADOR LEADS THE WORLD IN OPPOSITION TO HYDRO DAMS #BrexitVotersTrustBetrayed: Likely Compromises of Boris Johnson and David Cameron, Potential Compromises of Theresa May and Liz Truss by Vladimir Putin and his oligarchs in the context of Brexit 2016 addressing: 
Financial ties
Influence operations
Intelligence sharing
Policy concessions  
Engagement with Nicolas Maduro. 
Backgrounds and interactions of Johnson, Cameron, May, and Truss
Their connections to Russian oligarchs
Involvement in international relations.
Implications of Russia's interference in UK politics and the international response to these issues. 
Overall, it emphasises the need for transparency, thorough investigation, and caution in addressing these allegations.' #RussianInterference #EtonFoolsRussianRules #Kompromat #GamingTheSystem #Brexit2016 #TruthAndAccountability #HumanRights #ClimateJustice #PoliticalSatire #AI #OpenSource #Perplexity #DeepAIGeneratedImage #ChatGPT #FightingCostOfLivingClimateCrisisMeansFightingCorruptionUKCA Fishy Rishi Tiddly Trudeau Artworks Llewelyn Pritchard 16 March 2024
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llewelynpritch · 8 months
https://lnkd.in/ef_9R5Zshttps://bit.ly/42uVwGv ‘Putin’s Angel’ 'BRITAIN'S DISMAL DOSSIER ON RUSSIAN POLITICAL INFILTRATION ... AN ALTERNATIVE VERSION' Article by Bill Fairclough @BurlingtonFiles #DeepAIGeneratedImage #PoliticalSatire Fishy Rishy Artworks Llewelyn Pritchard 1 February 2024
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llewelynpritch · 8 months
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/boris-johnson-traitor-uk-quid-pro-quo-life-peerage-one-pritchard-ma-v3qze/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-gYu5s3VeGQOS0ZAlOpYfyIJP3XLe5Rqd2hd_nTehx__GprzNPkETyqxH7RxpyzTN6xBZGFK7wSBt/pub ‘Traitor UK’ "quid pro quo" life peerage for Evgeny Lebedev on the one hand is a working arrangement between Vladimir Putin's espionage-driven, overt strategic attack on the democratic institution of the House of Lords, London via "LondonGrad Laundromat," (alleged influence of Russian money in London). On the other hand, it is perceived as a strategy to let the Tories off the hook and advance Boris Johnson's ambition, as it represents a failed leadership in achieving the UK's exit from the European Union. #Perplexity #DeepAI #ChatGPT3point5 Llewelyn Pritchard 26 January 2024
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llewelynpritch · 8 months
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/whiter-than-white-tory-government-eton-school-russian-pritchard-ma-zmtwe/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vT9a3qqEcPFL1hqFgdFQESQiaUC920TRnbfKF2kVkrPTY3Lys_4f7VuVBQjUFW1BoU9vllZDZ3vaWib/pub 'Whiter Than White' Tory Government Eton School Russian Rules Political Satire #DeepAIGeneratedImage #Perplexity #ChatGPT3Point5 Llewelyn Pritchard 24 January 2024
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llewelynpritch · 1 year
https://lnkd.in/euibuNWu ‘It’s not those people coming from France that affect your life it’s those coming from Eton’ who as political leaders later in life use for example, an opaque, ‘smoke and mirrors’ Tory strategy to in effect, lie about the reality that ‘Levelling up’ is an empty Tory slogan and a semantic sleight of hand to let them off the hook. #AI #ChatGTP #Perplexity Llewelyn Pritchard MA 17 August 2023
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llewelynpritch · 1 year
https://lnkd.in/esN4Tdc Google Translate Amplification blogs Act Now! XR Humanity's Emergency Services Social Climate Justice Local STOP THE ROT - FREE RESOURCES UPDATED 29 July 2023 
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llewelynpritch · 1 year
Full title Preface: Established facts by Independent Research 1969- with reference to: DAWN STURGESS PUBLIC INQUIRY formally established on 17 March 2022 Part 1/2 Llewelyn Pritchard MA 
1. Boris Johnson resigned as Foreign Secretary 9 July 2018 the day after Dawn Sturgess died from Novichok poisoning.
2. The abrupt timing of Johnson's resignation is beyond coincidence and highly significant to help rebuild the integrity of the British political system for the following reasons:
i) Putin's calculated 'Seeds Of Discord and Division Russian Interference' in the EU Brexit Election 2016' took its evil, strategic effect as he sought to weaken UK's economic, social, political relationship/reliance with the EU and in particular, its military relationship/reliance with NATO.
ii) Putin's 'Russian Interference' was facilitated/enabled by his agents' 'quid pro quo' 'constitutionally corrosive' secretive meetings, parties and agreement with Boris Johnson then Foreign Secretary. #PutinCultivatedJohnson.
iii) Putin's 'Russian Interference' was further facilitated/enabled by his agents' 'quid pro quo' 'constitutionally corrosive' secretive meetings, parties and agreement with Donald Trump and his cronies. #PutinCultivatedTrump.
iv) Putin's ambition for Brexit as intimated by Marina Litvinenko, was synchronised by Putin with Johnson's own 'Brexit Seeds of Discord and Division' ego-aggrandizement ambition to be Prime Minister,
v) Johnson's unrealistic, personal ambition to be Prime Minister facilitated Putin's ultimately successful Brexit ambition.
vi) Putin's Alexander Litvenenko assassination and Charley Rowley, Sergei and Yulia Skirpals Novichok poisonings 'Fear and Terror Campaign UK' caused Johnson to flee the scene of the crime in a cowardly, treasonous and traitorly fashion.
vii) Theresa May rapidly appointed Jeremy Hunt as Foreign Secretary 9 July 2018 - 24 July 2019 most likely to cover up Johnson's cowardly, treasonous, traitorly resignation and the culpability of other Government officials.
viii) Since the above deaths and attempted assassinations, a secretive 'Tory Protection Racket' remains in place to cover Boris Johnson and cronies culpability.
ix) The 'Tory Protection Racket' as evidenced by Conservative MPs including Rishi Sunak choosing not to vote in favour of the Committee Of Privileges recommendations regarding Boris Johnson's behavior.
x) The 'Tory Protection Racket' as evidenced by Boris Johnson's DisHonourable honours list.
xi) Rishi Sunak's failure to defy convention and block Boris Johnson's DisHonourable honours list.
Recommendation: Boris Johnson's behaviour needs further independent and impartial investigation by the Dawn Sturgess Public Inquiry.
‘On 18 November 2021 the Home Secretary announced the Government’s decision to establish an inquiry under the Inquiries Act 2005 to investigate the death of Dawn Sturgess.
Dawn Sturgess was pronounced dead at Salisbury District Hospital on 8 July 2018. The post mortem indicated the cause of her death was Novichok poisoning.
The Inquiry was formally established on 17 March 2022.
The Inquiry has been set up to take the place of the Inquest, (conducted by the Coroner, Rt Hon Baroness Hallett DBE), in order to allow all relevant evidence to be heard.
The Inquiry is chaired by The Rt Hon Lord Hughes of Ombersley (https://lnkd.in/eFuSwbuy About).’
1. ‘Subject to paragraph 2 below, the Chair is to conduct an investigation into the death of Dawn Sturgess in order to:
a) Ascertain, in accordance with section 5(1) of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 who the deceased was; how; when and where she came by her death; and the particulars (if any) required by the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 to be registered concerning the death;
b) Identify, so far as consistent with section 2 of the Inquiries Act 2005, (i.e. 'No determination of liability (1) An inquiry panel is not to rule on, and has no power to determine, any person's civil or criminal liability. (2) But an inquiry panel is not to be inhibited in the discharge of its functions by any likelihood of liability being inferred from facts that it determines or recommendations that it makes.') where responsibility for the death lies; and
c) Make such recommendations as may seem appropriate.
2. That investigation is to take into account the investigations which have already been conducted by the Coroner (Baroness Hallett).’
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llewelynpritch · 1 year
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llewelynpritch · 1 year
https://lnkd.in/e6gPkp5z  Preface: Established facts by Independent Research 1969- with reference to DAWN STURGESS PUBLIC INQUIRY formally established on 17 March 2022 Part ½ Llewelyn Pritchard MA 25 June 2023 
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