#Transformers 4
mochacoffeeumai26 · 1 year
•Metal and Flesh• (Orphan part 2)
(Before Transformers 4. Filler chapter)
Summary: As you grew older, you started to understand why your Autobot family had to remain in hiding. You hadn't seen Optimus ever since he was ambushed by humans, for now, you remain with Bumblebee.
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It had been a few years now that you had been with your metal family.
As you got older you started to understand and realise that there was a reason you all had to remain in hiding.
From what you've overheard from time to time, there was an incident in Chicago that had forced all Autobots to remain in hiding.
"Hi sisters-!" You thoughts were interrupted when you saw Bumblebee approaching you.
(Not me adding a meme)
"What's up, Bee?" You grinned and looked up at him. You couldn't help but notice that his radio sounded weird.
Bumblebee bent down to your level and gave you a frustrated look. "My...voice...the radio it's-....." Then, it was as if the radio completely stopped working.
"Again? Seriously, it's like these things don't even last long." You sighed and shook your head. This wasn't the first time you had to replace or fix Bumblebee's radio.
The autobot shrugged as if it wasn't his fault. You facepalmed before speaking, "Bro, you know I got no money, no education. Nada! It's hard for me to steal a radio out of a car everytime this happens."
You will admit, having no actual home or what is considered a "normal life" did make you feel left out and sad sometimes.
Bumblebee ruffled your hair with one of his digits as if to comfort you. You giggled before playfully slapping his servo away.
"Alright, alright. This is the last time I'm stealing from someone's car. After this, you're on your own, Bee."
Bumblebee nodded happily before transforming into his alt form.
You sighed and shook your head. "Sorry, bro. Not this time. Can't risk humans knowing about you. Remember what happened to papa...?" You mumbled the last part sadly.
Bumblebee immediately transformed back. You put your hands on his face plate. He gave you a sad look, he knew how much Optimus ment to you. No one really knows if he's still alive or not but everyone was hoping for the best.
"Anyways!" You smiled, "Stay here. I mean it, Bumblebee. Stay put. Got it?"
Bumblebee made gestures like he wanted to argue but with his radio broken, he couldn't say anything so he slowly nodded after a few seconds.
You had been walking towards a small town for about five minutes now. In the distance, you couldn't help but notice that there was a vehicle and a few girls on the side of the road.
Had their vehicle broken down?
"Uh... You guys need some help or something?" You asked as you approached them. The girls were slightly shaken to see you, it was as if you appeared out of nowhere to them. To them, it was odd that a kid younger than them just appeared.
"Huh? Oh, hey. Unless you know how to fix my friend's vehicle." A blonde girl replied.
"I can fix it in five minutes!" You grinned.
And so you did. The benefits of having a metal family who can turn into vehicles.
When they asked how to repay you, you just asked them for a radio for a car in a joking manner.
"Lucky you. I'm sure my dad has one in his barn full of junk. I'm Tessa by the way." The blond from earlier smiled.
"[Name]." You grinned, "You're a life saver. I really need that radio."
At least now wouldn't have to break into someone's vehicle and steal one.
"Dad!!" You heard Tessa yell as you walked behind her. Her house was honestly pretty nice in your opinion.
"Ugh, he's probably in the barn. Come on." Tessa motioned for you to follow her. While you were walking toward the barn, you cringed when you saw something that looked like it was supposed to be a robot security dog or something.
When Tessa opened the barn door, you saw a guy putting out a fire with a fire extinguisher, that must be her dad-
"What a first impression," You snickered.
You heard him groan in frustration before he turned to you and Tessa. "Oh, Tess, hey. Is this uh... one of your friends?" He spoke.
You were younger than Tessa by probably 3-4 years.
"Yeah. I owe her a favor; she just wants a car radio. I figured that you might have one in the bar." Tessa nodded.
"Okay. Hey, kid. I'm Cade Yeager."
"So... what do you do exactly, Cade?" You asked as you looked around the bar, there was a lot of "junk".
"I'm an inventer." Cade said as he looked around fora car radio.
"He uses junk to invent more junk." Tessa carelessly dumped stuff on the ground as she helped her dad search.
"Hey! We do not use the J word in this household."
"Your dad's got a point, Tessa. Besides, most of this stuff is actually useful when you know what to do with it or how to use it." You smiled once you found what you were looking for.
"Thank you! See? She gets it, Tess." Cade was kinda happy to know that you didn't have the same mindset as his daughter.
"Sorry I took longer than expected, Bee." You spoke as you finished replacing the radio.
Bumblebee didn't seem to be bothered. "What...were you up to...girl?" The bot looked at you as he 'spoke'.
"Well, I made a friend. And I met her dad. They were the ones who gave me the radio," You smiled and looked up at the Autobot.
Bumblebee ruffled your hair with his servo. You didn't have any friends, so seeing that you made one- or two, made him happy.
It made him happy to see you smile.
(This is unedited and rushed.)
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supernightboy08 · 10 days
“No that’s Optimus Prime”
- Drift
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Hey, how are you?
I've been reading some of your posts and comments and I saw that you were open to doing headcanons about Lockdown, could you do headcanons about what he would be like as a father? I see him being a good father who trains and educates his son or daughter, but I also see him as a father who does not accept less than perfection, always demanding that the child/teenager be great at everything (so toxic)
I really love your writing, I just don't understand how you do it, like, you just look at the character and think "hmm, I think he's like that" and something very perfect and unique comes out, I really admire anyone who can do that... Anyway, drink water and stay well ❣️
Hello! I'm good and I hope you are well too!
Thank you for reading my stuff and always popping into my notes. Thank you for your kind words, I am glad you like my writing!! I'm always happy when I see your name pop up.
Warnings: Toxic father, toxic parenting.
He had never thought about becoming a father, he was always too busy. He had better things to do and spend his time on than try to raise a small being from its initial stages of weakness.
However when he found out he was going to become one anyway, he decided to accept his responsibilities. It takes two to make a sparkling, and he's not the type to abandon something that he helped create. He decided to take sole responsibility of raising it, knowing he could do it best.
At first he disliked the little being. It was always so needy and vulnerable. He wished he didn't have to carry it around and feed it when he was busy. But after many years he began to grow a bond. Perhaps that's just what happens when you have something clutched to your side 24/7 for almost a few decades.
He had already planned out his Childs future. He knew exactly who the would become, what they could do and how they would help him in his endeavors.
When his kid became old enough to look after themselves, he began training them. He made them train with weapons; guns, swords and hand to hand combat. Then he taught them tactics, stealth and how to use everything to their advantage.
He taught them multiple languages, and how to navigate the ship in case he was busy with other duties. He also made sure to take his child on adventures. Any time he went to another planet to capture a creature, he would take his child. Often he would make the kid do the capturing, he believes they have to learn from a young age so that they can become a strong adult.
He's not comfortable when his child becomes emotional. Any time his kid begins to cry or get upset, Lockdown gets snappy. Emotions show weakness, and he won't allow that on his ship. He's not completely heartless, if his kid is really uncomfortable then he will let the kid off the hook and not let them do something they don't want to. But afterwards he will explain to his kid, that doing things you are uncomfortable with makes you stronger. Then he will expect them to do the task next time.
He may not be good at showing kindness, especially when his child is upset. But he is great at showing when he is proud. When he is proud he will shower his child with 'affection' and compliments. He will tell the child they are doing great and to keep it up.
His 'affection' is usually a pat on the back, or resting his servo on their shoulder.
He will give his child many gifts. It may not be gifts they want, but it's gifts. Said items include weapons, creatures/pets that have a sole purpose of protecting the kid, useful tools to help them on adventures and missions.
Lockdown knows sometimes mistakes happen. Sometimes the universe throws everything against you and you fail. However, he knows how to take what the universe throws at him and make it work to his advantage. He's done so much, and learnt so much he rarely makes mistakes. So he holds that same expectation with his kid. When they are younger and smaller he will allow them to make a few mistakes. But once they are old enough to know better, he will not accept failure. Not unless they have a reasonable and very good excuse.
He is very strict with his rules. And if his child breaks any rules they will be justly punished. There is no escaping the punishments, they must be completed. If the child tries to dupe the punishment, and Lockdown finds out, he will make the punishment's longer and harder.
Lockdown will not allow his child to do things he does not like. If his child wants to become something else, other than what Lockdown has planned for them, he will not allow it. If his child wants to go by themselves, and Lockdown doesn't think they are ready, then he will not allow them. There is no disobeying Lockdown, he has cages on his ship and he will use them if he has to.
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indoraptorgirlwind · 3 months
Drift my beloved <3
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Look at those beautiful optics!!!
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dispatchdcu · 8 months
Transformers #4 Review
Transformers #4 Review #transformers #comics #comicbooks #news #imagecomics #skybound #art #info #NCBD #amazon #comicbooknews #previews #reviews
Writer & Artist: Daniel Warren Johnson Colorist: Mike Spicer Letterer: Rus Wooton Cover Artists: Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer; Jonboy Meyers; Orlando Arocena; Sanford Greene; Andrea Milana & Annalisa Leoni Publisher: Image Price: $3.99 Release Date: January 10, 2023 Humans destroyed his arm. They shot his friend when the boy rushed to aid him. Can Optimus Prime save Spike Witwicky? Let’s…
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rizegreymon22arts · 1 year
Optimus Prime from Transformers 4 in Animated style.
Commissioned by JousimusPrime.
Support me on patreon to get acess to the PSD files, www.patreon.com/RZGMON200
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Transformers Age of Extinction(2014 Film)10th Anniversary
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dramamelon · 8 months
Hrm. Skybound spoilers ahead. (Not cutting Duke spoilers because I don't know who all else in my bubble is gonna read it or Cobra Commander.)
Got around to reading Duke #1. I'm still not a Duke the Character fan. He hits me like Optimus always has—better as background noise. 😅 However, uh, Hawk? 😳 Why you draw him like that, artist?
Also, Destro. Nice. Also also, reference to Zartan? Nice again.
Finally? Thanks to IDW, I have an appreciation for Rock 'n Roll nowadays. So, I'm intrigued! Interested to see what he and Stalker get up to in the hunt. (I'm not gonna hold my breath for an appearance of my infinitesimally minor fave Tripwire. 🤣)
Now, a cut for Transformers #4.
Well, it picked up a bit from #3, at least. Still a bit hokey in the storytelling department at the beginning, but it seemed to smooth out about halfway in.
Will I ever really care about Optimus? Not likely. Starscream being so gleeful about taking out squishies is beautiful, though.
Also, poor Skywarp. He gets no respect. *lol* Unfortunately, there goes my favorite of the current cast, put out of action for the time being? He wasn't exactly dead in that last panel we saw of him. Also also... does this mean Starscream likes Thundercracker better? I mean, he seemed quite stricken when Thundercracker fell back apart whereas he helped rather happily in tearing Skywarp apart to use his "Cybertronian technology." 🤣🤣🤣
We get some Jazz. Not a lot, but it's something. Really wish I could get a favorite Autobot to show up. Not a one of them in the current line up could be deemed such. 🙁 Although, must say I never expected to see something like pulling out Megatron's whole ass arm, including fusion cannon, and putting it on Optimus as a replacement. Not so early in a series, anyway. Good on Ratchet for that. And we've got Sparkplug with a possible energy sources for the Bots. Maybe I'll get an actual favorite around soon?
And we end with the one-armed Megatron, half-trapped in ice and otherwise heavily damaged, no sign of life. Yet.
Bumpy start, decent enough in the second half.
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newgroundstier · 10 months
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skybound tf is fun
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lesser-mook · 1 year
Imagine Dragons - Battle Cry Transformers Age of Extinction
One of the best things to come outta this movie is the music, good message
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cinemedios · 1 year
¿Cómo ver las películas de Transformers en orden cronológico?
¿Te encantan las películas de Transformers pero te confunde su cronología? ¡No te preocupes! Aquí te traemos la guía definitiva para ver las películas de Transformers en orden cronológico. 🎬🤖
Si eres fanático de esta popular franquicia de ciencia ficción y acción, es importante que conozcas que el orden cronológico de las películas difiere del orden de estreno. Aunque cada película está conectada y pertenece al mismo canon, seguir la historia en su orden cronológico te permitirá comprender mejor la evolución de los personajes y los eventos que conforman el universo de los…
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pk-tf0 · 11 days
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Eye contact
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th3e-m4ng0 · 1 month
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oughhhhh i put them all together with duck tape and autism
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jazzluca · 1 year
GALVATRON ( Voyager ) Movie Studio Series 90
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Nella corsa filologica del ripresentare i vari personaggi dei film che è la linea Movie Studio Series, non poteva mancare anche il più effimero dei Megatron visti sul grande schermo, ovvero quel GALVATRON apparso come antagonista non così principale ne L'Era dell'Estinzione.
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Se alcuni concetti per il ritorno di Meggie dopo la sua "morte" nel precedente Dark of the Moon sono interessanti, rielaborati anche da altre storie come ad esempio Animated, un po' meno è la resa finale del personaggio, con un ROBOT dall'aspetto abbastanza informe ed anonimo, con la sola caratteristica di avere un foro sul petto, questo per sottolineare il fatto di essere rinato senza una scintilla, ma questo è argomento più relativo al personaggio, che il problema del design concettuale però è quello di non lasciar trasparire poco o nulla della modalità alternativa.
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E anche quello poi è dovuto a COME si trasforma nel film,  passando da una modalità all'altra scomponendosi in una nube di particelle basilari di Transformium, ma il problema nel Voyager originale del 2014 fu quello appunto di dover stipare le parti della carrozzeria del veicolo dietro la schiena del robot rendendolo di fatto uno shellformer, cosa che invece lo SS qui corregge molto bene, con il robot senza avanzi evidenti ma al massimo solo con un po' il torso "ingrossato" ma nascondendo al meglio, appunto, le parti del veicolo.
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A parte quindi il torso cui s'intravede un pannello rettangolare dentro, il resto è davvero ben nascosto, con parte della carrozzeria ripiegata abilmente ai lati dei polpacci ed anche le ruote ben nascoste nelle gambe. E se nel Voyager originale, come accennato, tutta la cabina del camion era appesa dietro la schiena, qui invece si riesce pure ad avere una schiena movie accurate con tanto di "foro di uscita" rispetto a quello sul petto!
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E' anche ottimamente scolpito, sopratutto nell'intricatissima faccia, così come il grigio scuro principale è attenuato dall'argento e pochi tocchi di azzurro e arancio sparsi. Snodatissimo, con tanto di rotazione del bacino, lamenta invece non solo l'assenza della rotazione dei pugni, ma pure che questi siano un pezzo unico con gli avambracci, e pure un po' sguarniti a vederli da di sotto, con un po' di vuoto all'interno a malapena attenuato dalle lame solo accennate che si vedevano in azione in una scena del film
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Ed a proposito di armi, se il Voyager del 2014 aveva un bel fucilone con missile sparante, qui invece lo SS ha un pezzo di plastica vuoto che sostituisce in teoria il pugno, fedele all'arma esibita nel film, ma un po' svilente se si pensa ad un robot che si chiama Galvatron ed al cannonazzo che caratterizzava il primo detentore di tal nome... ^^'
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Un altro accessorio è una piccola batteria di missili che  però è per la modalità di camion, ma può sistemarsi sull'avambraccio, così come il cannoncino vuoto di qui sopra, volendo, ma sopratutto la batteria va collocata a riposo all'interno del vano del petto, e volendo ci stanno entrambi le armi lì dentro, ufficiosamente.
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Galvatron come altezza è abbastanza alto, non alto come ad esempio l'altro Voyager Megatron di RotF SS ma quando un Optimus Prime medio, anche se forse doveva ergersi quel paio di millimetri in più lo stesso, giusto per rispettare le scale ufficiali, ma diciamo che va bene lo stesso.
Se il robot quindi è fedele e giocabile, un altro punto a favore per questo modello va alla TRASFORMAZIONE, davvero appagante che riscatta il precedente omonimo shellformeresco, con il succitato pannello del petto che serve nascondervi la testa, mentre le braccia si protendo in avanti, piegate, e il pannello della schiena si abbassa rivelando il tettuccio che finisce sopra al muso del camion. Ma sopratutto le gambe sono assai interessanti, con i pannelli ripiegati sui polpacci che finiscono a diventare le fiancate della cabina del mezzo,  mentre si dispiegano le ruote nelle dovute posizioni.
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Il CAMION MOTRICE Frightliner Argosy risultante è davvero  ben fatto e fedele anche come proporzioni, a parte magari le ruote appena un po' piccole, ma per il resto è buono, anche come colorazione e dettagli dipinti... a parte solo quel MINUSCOLO dettaglio che è quell'accrocchio sulla parte posteriore che sarebbe i piedi del robot ripiegati alla buona! ^^'
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Davvero peccato che una trasformazione così ben sviluppata non siano riusciti a completarla al meglio lasciando i piedi quasi buttati là: visto che poi fra nella parte centrale ci sarebbe pure un po' di spazio, magari con altre cerniere e pannelli si potevano incastrare meglio, fermo restando che come Voyager non è neanche altissimissimo, quindi magari bastava un po' di plastica / budget in più da spenderci.
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Sebbene sia un bel pugno su un occhio, comunque, mi sento di perdonare questo errore, visto cosa sono riusciti ad inventarsi per la trasformazione in camion, così come nel summenzionato vuoto centrale riesce a trovare posto l'arma del robot, mentre la batteria di missili trova infine la sua dimensione nelle parti laterali dei serbatoi, citando così le scene del film, oppure sapientemente nascosta fra le ruote anteriori, chiusa dentro il pannello che era della schiena.
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Infine, complessivamente una buona resa del Galvatron di AoE, sminuito solo per il discorso del camion con il retro coi piedi avanzati, fermo restando che poi a monte magari il personaggio in se' non è stato resto al meglio, ma il giocattolo in questo non ha colpe. ^^'
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allzaur · 2 years
Transformers 4 Sharp turns Mini series 4 episode
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ihatebrainstorm · 3 months
requesting a prowl covered in blood ^^
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he's lost in the sauce (literally) :'(
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