#Transmetal 2 Cheetor
junryou · 1 year
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ask-the-toy-box · 1 year
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Don't you hate it when your own words are thrown back at you?
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tea-mew96 · 1 year
Cheetors design is making me think of his feral mode when he got power overload or as rattrap said cybertronian puberty
You must be referring to Cheetor's Transmetal 2 beast mode:
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Now that you mention it, the ROTB Cheetor design does have that cyborg look that you see in a lot of the Transmetal 2 designs, including this one. It also seems to have a similar color scheme to TM2 Cheetor.
Considering that TM2 Cheetor is when his really awkward teenager/cyberpuberty arc starts, it does make me wonder if ROTB Cheetor is going to have a similar teenage personality too. Would be a great choice in detail and reference if true.
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear Vector Prime, what would have happened if Dinobot 2 had survived and joined the Maximals on their journey back to Cybertron?
Dear Sempiternal Saurian,
In one reality, Optimus Primal was able to successfully rescue the cloned Dinobot from the Nemesis and carry him to safety, moments before Rhinox’s shuttle obliterated the ship’s bridge and foiled Megatron’s final gambit to win the Beast Wars. Initially, the jubilant Maximals believed that their old friend had somehow returned to life, but were dismayed to find that this was not quite the case. While this “new” Dinobot had indeed inherited some jumbled memories of his genetic template, he also bore the scars—both literal and metaphorical—of serving Megatron throughout the last third of the Beast Wars. Worse yet, he still carried the spark of Protoform X, itself a failed attempt to mimic Starscream’s immortal spark. Suffice it to say, the second Dinobot was a traumatized, empty shell—a living weapon bereft of purpose, forced to work alongside the same ‘bots he’d been conditioned to hate, and perpetually at war with himself as competing instincts vied for dominance. The Maximals quickly learned to give their nominal ally a wide berth, and none of them were particularly enthused when he declared that he would join them on their voyage home, in the hopes that he could find some kind of new purpose on Cybertron.
As in many of the timelines you know, Megatron slipped his bonds during their voyage back to Cybertron, conquered the planet with an army of mass-produced Vehicon warriors, and infected his captors with a paralyzing transformation virus. Thanks to his Transmetal 2 body, Dinobot resisted the virus, but was forcibly devolved back into a simulacrum of his genetic predecessor. Soon enough, Optimus Primal found him, Rattrap, Blackarachnia, and Cheetor; guided by Primal’s supernatural visions, the five ‘bots fled into the depths of Cybertron, and eventually encountered the mysterious Oracle. Dinobot emerged from the computer with a new, technorganic beast mode: a crimson Guanlong with steel-grey plumage, his teeth and claws could easily penetrate Vehicon armor. As he had never truly “known” Cybertron before the Vehicon apocalypse, Dinobot fought not for any kind of higher ideal, or to rescue the populace of Cybertron, but merely to survive; when the Maximals learned that Megatron had engineered the entire disaster and taken control of the planet, Dinobot decided that he hated Megatron more than he hated the Maximals and grudgingly stuck by their fledgling resistance movement, defiantly wearing a modified Predacon insignia for no other reason than to incense his creator.
Already torn between so many states of being, it should come as no surprise that Dinobot struggled to master the art of transformation. Because of this setback, however, the Rattrap of this timeline—who’d already taken a very real dislike to the “cut-rate knockoff”, and could now look down his nose at someone even worse at transformation than himself—never faced the same kind of crisis of conscience that many of his alternate selves struggled with, and learned how to transform by himself. When Dinobot found that “emotional still point” and unlocked his robot mode, he was a mighty warrior indeed: not only could his optics project a wall of telekinetic force to cover his allies and send enemies flying, but his mighty two-handed claymore could also open tectonic fissures and create localized earthquakes. Tormented by his own demons as he was, however, those moments of emotional lucidity were fleeting at best, and Dinobot spent most of his time trapped in beast mode: in his worst moments, the other Maximals had to physically restrain him as his old Transmetal instincts overwhelmed him and he reverted to a feral state of being. Even while trapped in beast mode, Dinobot proved an ambitious and cunning warrior, and he and Cheetor repeatedly butted heads over the position of leader while the Maximal leader was indisposed.
In this timeline, Dinobot’s warrior instincts and animalistic thirst for vengeance helped push Optimus Primal, already convinced that his mission was to revert Cybertron to its primordial organic state, further and further down the road of extremism. Thanks to his influence, by the time that Tankor’s true consciousness reasserted itself and made a play for power, Optimus had already discovered the Plasma Energy Chamber and used it to send an ultimatum to Megatron: leave the planet now, or perish. This time around, it was Megatron who had to go on the defensive; despite these minor changes in the timeline, the end result was largely the same—the clash between the Key to Vector Sigma and the Plasma Energy Chamber resulted in near-deaths for both Optimus Primal and Megatron. The other Maximals realized that their comrade had played a major role in Primal’s death and turned their back on him. While the other Maximals eventually revived Optimus and dealt with the strange Savage/Noble creature, a grief-stricken Dinobot, convinced that he had permanently killed the first being who had ever treated him kindly, buried his higher functions beneath his animal instincts and turned feral, indiscriminately roaming the empty tunnels and savaging any wayward Vehicons who deviated from their patrol routes.
Finally, after many cycles of exile, Optimus Primal—who had dedicated all his time to meditating in front of the Oracle and casting his own sensory net across the planet in the hopes of finding their most troubled comrade—finally reached Dinobot’s sleeping mind and pierced his layers of mental armor. In this shared dreamscape, a jumbled nightmare world of Transmetallized bones and a burning valley—Dinobot admitted that he had no idea who he was. Was he a warrior or a monster? A beast or a robot? A Maximal, a Predacon, a Decepticon? Would he forever toil in the shadow of his progenitor, desperately trying to live a life he’d never known? Or was he nothing but a freak of nature who concealed his monstrous nature beneath the veneer of an honorable warrior?
Inspired by his own recent voyage through the Matrix, Optimus offered his own opinion: just as the Matrix had chosen them to bring nature and technology together into a single, harmonious whole, so too was Dinobot more than the sum total of his origins. He was not the original Dinobot, nor was he Rampage; he was himself, a loyal ally and just as much a part of the Oracle’s grand plan as the rest of the Maximals.
It would take time before the Predacon warrior learned to channel Primal’s sense of balance into his own fighting style as he rigorously trained in private—aided by Primal’s occasional remote coaching sessions—and longer still before he worked up the courage to rejoin the Maximals. When he did, however, he returned not as Dinobot, but as his own ‘bot—he was now Preditron, a courageous and honorable warrior who combined his bestial instincts with the experience of two lifetimes lived. Preditron fought bravely alongside the Maximals in subsequent campaigns, stood by as they welcomed Botanica and Silverbolt into the fold, and made a courageous stand in the final battle against the Vehicon hordes.
Many centuries in the future, long after the Great Transformation that saw Cybertron reformatted into a technorganic utopia, young technorganic Cybertronians still whisper tales of the reclusive Last Predacon, whose immortal spark burns forever. When all else fails, it is said that the Last Predacon will emerge from his secluded jungle home to take young Cybertronians who struggle to master transformation under his wing, and teach them to find the balance within, as he once did himself.
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short-wooloo · 1 year
The one problem with Rise of the Beasts
And how it could be addressed
(ROTB spoilers under the cut)
This is honestly not really a criticism of the film, more just me being pedantic about what I would have preferred
Airazor dies, this makes me sad, she's my favorite Maximal, and she doesn't even transform the entire movie! Waste of Michelle Yeoh too
But, there are two ways this can be fixed
1. Beasts prequel movie/paramount plus TV series, in other words a live action remake of Beast Wars, dialog in rotb implies that there were other Maximals on earth, what happened to them?
2. Horseman of Death
Allow me to explain
See, in the Armada toyline, 4 Beast Wars Transmetals (Airazor, Rhinox, Cheetor, and Terrorsaur) were rereleased as Autobots and Decepticons, and the tie in comics for Armada/Energon had these four get captured by Unicron, who warped them into an xmen homage
The Four Horsemen of Unicron
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War (Rhinox)
Famine (Terrorsaur)
Pestilence (Cheetor)
And Death, aka Airazor
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(I actually own the toy this is based off of)
So here's my thoughts, obviously we haven't seen the last of Unicron, he'll probably be the overarching villain of this trilogy, so what if he resurrects Airazor as his Horseman of Death
I think it could work, Unicron loves taking people and twisting them into instruments of his will, and Airazor was already corrupted by Scourge
Obviously I would hope that Airazor would be saved by the Maximals and Autobots, but the key thing here is she's alive, she transforms this time, and Michelle Yeoh
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
In my SG Beast Wars some of the Maximals would have different names due to not having Beast modes. So here are the main Maximals by the begging of season 2, what their color schemes, would be and what toys they would be based off of.
Optimus Primal: Energon Rodimus colored like BW Transmetal Megatron.
Roadbreaker (Rhinox): Prime Breakdrown colored like BW Rhinox's rally toy.
Excellion (Cheetor): RiD15 Sideswipe colored like G1 Wildrider.
Rattletrap (Rattrap): Combiner Wars Groove colored like Cybertron Ransack.
Nyx: Cybertron Evac colored like Animated Wingthing.
Silverbolt: Prime Dreadwing colored like BW Sky Shadow.
Airrazor: Prime Starscream colored like BW Airrazor.
Ooo okay they'd be pretty!
Especially Cheetor/Excellion
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
So essentially in the original beast wars, Malina was a shy bullied student who, during a school trip the Natural History Museum, gets transported back in time around the time the Maximals and Preds landed on Earth. Through the show she becomes more adaptive and confident. At the end she goes back to her time now with the skills needed to face life. Like how in other TF media have That One Human Ally she's this for BW.
Since I hate Beast Machines I don't count that as canon. Instead my sequel would see the Maximals traveled back in time again, this ending up in Malina's time. We'd meet her family and more maximals and predacons. Barney the Purple Dinosaur escapes jail and starts shit again. The sequel ends with EVERYONE banding together to stop the Vox from taking over Earth. The epilogue introduces Cheetor as Alpha Trizer and Malina as "Monark" (an elderly immortal) recounting their stories to a group of Cybertronian & human children.
So How did Malina end up in her past? Well, during a school trip a couple of students thought it be funny to lock her inside a closet. While looking for a way to escape she comes across a beautiful butterfly pendant. But as she touches a bright flash freezes her on the spot. The effect only takes a second
What powers Malina has? The pendant gives her a suit befitting a superhero from the 90s rob liefeld not allowed. She can fly, use her wings as a shield, and send powerful bursts of energized wind. Basically it's the same as Animated
Does she have a Transmetal/2 Upgrade: Yes because why the boys should have all the fun?
Is she shipped with anyone: Cheetor (insert Inukag joke here). I thought it be cute if Cheetor had a friend round his age.
Are there things different in canon: the erasure of Beast Machines
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tfw-no-tennis · 9 months
beest warbs s2
andddddd ruth and i finished s2!!
new opening! which is mostly just clips from the s1 finale
ok i guessed that optimus would come back bc like, duh. but i was surprised that he didnt come back like, Instantly 
the new transmetal forms............................ugliy
sorry bhjsdkrhfjkasfk i dont like them....i cant believe im saying it but i prefer the cgi animals from s1 😩 it made sense! it tied into the premise of the show! now theyre just these weird shiny robo-animals...who also can fly and drive around and stuff...nah fam that aint it
cheetor doesnt even have freckles anymore 😭
also as the season went on the whole ‘energon shorts out robot forms, which necessitates beast forms’ thing was kinda quietly dropped, which doesnt make 100% sense since not that many characters got the transmetal forms
the funniest fucking thing is that the s2ep1 summary was literally just ‘terrorsaur and scorponok fucking die’ and THAT WAS IT hjdfksjkfjadfhjlad ruth and i saw that and were like HUH???
and honestly their deaths were so abrupt and unceremonious that i seriously would not have even known they had Legit Died if it hadnt been for that summary. i literally wouldve thought that theyd just end up going in a CR chamber and it wouldve been confusing as hell when they didnt come back lmaooooo
so yeah rip beta cuck and diet diet starscream lite i guess
ok and ep 2 was wild, with dinobot going on ANOTHER Shakespeare soliloquy spree, and then all that western stuff at the end??????
that was so fucking weird and hilarious. wtf 
also have i mentioned...i love dinobot. dramatic gay bitch 
also....new characters! silverbolt and quickstrike are here to quickly replace terrorsaur and scorponok lmaoooo
why does quickstrike have a southern accent when the south doesnt even exist yet as a cultural region
i love how immediately obvious it was that silverbolt was not gonna stay a predacon for long lmao
and then optimus primal returns!! looking wack as FUCK 
hvhakjdfnbskjdf sorry but i dont like his new look at all lmao. he looks weird as hell in both robot mode and “beast” mode, and im not into the whole flying snowboard thing...whats that abt
when dinobot rode around on rattrap vjhsdlfjkashdbhfjk that was so fucking funnyyyy
i cant get over megatrons new form w/the Evil Rollerskates™ thats just. so much lmaooooo but also mood bc if i could i would totally have built-in rollerskates 
did yall know i love tarantulas....that gay mad scientist bitch is hilarious
also i knew ahead of time that silverbolt and blackarachnia have a Thing but it was still soooo Much when they fought and then silverbolt refused to hit her bc shes a girl bsvdkjnfasndf
ok and the ep where dinobot goes back to the predacons...bro...and everything w/the golden disk too?? that was wild 
are they like. coming back? ever????? that was just It for them this season uhhhh so i guess we’ll have to hope they return in s3? omg
also quick shoutout to the infamous japanese dub of beast wars which accidentally made some canon gays by making airazor a dude. great job guys 
ohhhh my god when theres that alien ship thing and megatron is in it and then a big version of his face appears on the side of the ship? horrible
also i feel like beast wars megatron spends half his screentime sitting in various chairs...even when he went into that alien ship he ended up finding a big fancy chair to sit in
so yeah all that alien stuff was WILD. we still know so little abt them so im rlly interested to see if more will come up in s3 (im assuming at least a little since airazor and tigatron have to come back). like, are we gonna learn what theyre trying to do on earth? what they look like? etc?
ok silverbolt is always talking abt how blackarachnia is a good maximal on the inside and she just needs to embrace it etcetc, to me it feels like he’s a religious guy whos trying to get the girl he likes to accept jesus into her heart so they can be together hbvhajkdhbfhjksd sorry 
also silverbolt is hilarious. he’s like, a hammy simp. the way he talks is rlly entertaining lol
also theyve been namedropped a couple times so far, but what the heck is up w/the maximal council or whatever? they seem to be the ones in charge of the maximals (and presumably cybertron?), but we know literally nothing abt them...im curious
ooomg and rampage...everything w/rampage was sooo fucked like him being basically immortal is wild, and then he showed up and was tearing shit up all over the place, and then megatron fucking...removed his spark and was like You Work For Me Now. daymmmm that was so fucked up 
and he seemed to calm down after the first ep so i was like mannn i wish they would address the whole thing where megatrons controlling him - tho the maximals dont even seem to know abt it, they probably just think rampage joined them on his own. oof
and lbr even if they did know, they probably wouldnt be super motivated to free him since rampage attacked them previously, and likely wouldnt join the maximals even if given the choice
oh my god okay hold up i cant forget that DINOBOT FUCKING DIED i cant fucking believe it mate. GOD
i miss that gay moron 😔
also aside but the pre-human monkey people look soooo fucking janky hbvajkdhfjkhsdf god. so bad im sorry
oh my god and the whole thing w/the golden disc saying ‘sounds of earth...’ ruth and i saw that inscription earlier in s2 and ruth was like ‘oh isnt that a real thing, they sent out the Voyager probe into space w/a disc that has different sounds from nature and music and stuff on it called ‘sounds of earth” AND THEN THAT WAS EXACTLY WHAT THIS WAS...
i thought that was so cool, the fact that the golden disc could basically be used to look into the future...and then alter the future accordingly
its also super cool that the writers used something from REAL LIFE in the story in such a way. like, thats cool as hell, and idk much media that does so
especially bc beast wars is one of very few transformers series to not include any human characters (discounting the monkey pre-humans), so this is a really cool way to involve humanity without having any recurring human cast members
when dinobot nearly committed seppuku...uhm jesus bro
and then when he fought off all the predacons ALONE, and then FUCKING DIED...that was legit sad as hell...like he kept almost going into stasis lock but kept overriding it which was gonna kill him and AUGH
and then when the maximals show up as he’s dying...mannnn
and his last words - “and the rest is silence.” poetic and quoting Shakespeare until the literal end I see
basically that episode was fucking brutal but also really good. phew
AND THEN ITS FOLLOWED UP BY THE TRANSMUTATE EPISODE...ruth and i watched these two eps back to back in one night and afterwards we were basically braindead. that was A Lot 
the transmutate ep HHHHH where to even start
ok so transmutate...the whole story was just fucking tragic but also. TERRIFYING...
like this ep gave me the same vibes that i got when i watched the movie ET in like 4th grade and got scared as hell 
like, i am a Full Grown Adult and NOT ONLY THAT i had a job in a cadaver lab for like 5 YEARS so i generally am not easily scared but holy SHIT this episode legit unsettled me liiiike
the design and animation (and voice acting) on transmutate were like....terrifying oh my god. like, the way she(?) moved was so scary, with the slow movements and just, everything w/the neck/head....AUGH
and that like, pained screech she did ???? that was just horrible oh my god
anyways literally ruth and i spent this entire ep just like, cowering and yelling out of fear lmao. i went outside in the dark later and i swear i saw transmutate in the shadows. terrifying
in terms of the plot of the ep, that shit was fucked up. it basically amounted to silverbolt and rampage fighting over transmutate w/little regard for transmutate as a person, and ending w/her dying. which was fucked btw
and the fact that everyone was like ‘oh yea transmutate basically doesnt count as an alive sentient being’ was messed up bc they came to that conclusion very quickly and with only a small amount of data....messed up. also messed up is how the maximals suggested putting transmutate in like, a medically induced coma basically, bc she was a freak of nature. which may be true but STILL, that probably violates some ethical laws. arent yall supposed to be the good guys?!
also rampage trying to befriend and save transmutate was sad...especially knowing his circumstances w/megatron and stuff. just Ls all around
ok this cuts off abruptly but thats all folks ig vbajdkfbjksdf
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transformers-mosaic · 2 years
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Transformers: Mosaic #138 - "Denial"
Originally posted on April 23rd, 2008
Story - Matthew Simon Hessey Art, Letters - Cory Holmes
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: A Beast Wars strip set after “Code of Hero”. Will leave this to Matthew: “William 'Bill' Sutton is my Grandad, who unfortunately passed away a short time before I wrote this, and the whole experience of his passing was the inspiration behind this piece as I found myself pretty much going through what Rattrap went through here, although there were less robots for me 😉” This strip was updated shortly after release; the original version, which I can’t find, had hard-to-read black text in the red narration boxes. Matthew posted the full script for the strip to his deviantART; I’ve reproduced it below the break.
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Denial PANEL 1: (INSIDE THE AXALON. SIDE VIEW. TRANSMETAL RATTRAP IS WALKING THROUGH A CORRIDOR IN THE AXALON , HE HAS HIS HAND BEHIND HIM IN A ‘STOP’MOTION, TRANSMETAL 1 CHEETOR IS BEHIND, LOOKING CONCERNED) CHEETOR: Hey Rattrap, are you ok?  ‘Cause if you aren’t then you know, we could hang out or something, you know, to take your mind off of him. RATTRAP: No thanks kiddo, I’m fine. CHEETOR: Are you sure, ‘cause I now a great place where we could go shoot at Waspinator if you want. RATTRAP: Look spots. Just leave it. Ok? PANEL 2: (CAMERA IS ABOVE RATTRAP. RATTRAP IS IN HIS QUARTERS, LYING ON HIS BED, STARING UP AT THE ROOF, LOOKING EXTREMELY SAD) TEXT BOX (RED): Maybe I was a bit harsh on Spots den. Ah! I didn’t mean ta sound like I had somethin’ against him, it’s just, I can’t believe it. I just won’t believe dat he’s gone. It’s not possible is it? I mean if any of us were gonna bite da laser, I woulda bet all o’ my energon on it not being him. *Sigh* But he is, he’s gone. PANEL 3: (CAMERA IS IN FRONT OF THE DINOBOTS. ORIGINAL DINOBOT IS STANDING AT THE FRONT OF THE PANEL IN ROBOT MODE, TEETH BARING AS IF HE WAS SMILING. BEHIND HIM IS ORIGINAL DINOBOT IN ROBOT MODE, HE IS DEFINITELY SMILING, HIS SWORD ACROSS HIS CHEST) TEXT BOX (RED): Dats it! No more chopper face! No more lizard breath! He’s gone off ta join da Allspark, or whatever it is we do when we go offline… PANEL 4: (CAMERA SHOWS DINOBOT BLASTING THE GOLDEN DISC WITH HIS EYE BEAMS, THE DISC IS FULL OF CRACKS AS IT IS BREAKING) TEXT BOX (RED): But at least he went out like a true hero. ‘Cause dats what he was, Dinobot… TEXT BOX (RED): …a true hero. PANEL 5: (CAMERA IS ABOVE RATTRAP. HE IS LYING ON HIS BED, LIKE IN PANEL 2, EXCEPT THIS TIME HE IS SMILING) TEXT BOX (RED): Heh, good old chopper face, at least ya always knew where he stood TEXT BOX (RED): …most o’ the time anyways… PANEL 6: (CAMERA IS IN FRONT OF CHEETOR. CHEETOR IS SITTING SLUMPED IN A CHAIR IN FRONT OF THE COMPUTERS IN THE AXALON MAIN CONTROL ROOM , HE LOOKS UPSET, BEHIND HIM IS RATTRAP, WALKING UP A CORRIDOR, HIS BLASTER UP AGAINST HIS CHEST) RATTRAP: Hey kiddo! PANEL 7: (CAMERA IS IN SAME POSITION AS PANEL 6. CHEETOR IS NOW SAT UP STRAIGHT, SMILING, RATTRAP IS CLOSER TO HIM, HIS BLASTER STILL AGAINST HIS CHEST) RATTRAP: Wanna go do some pest controllin’ ? PANEL 8: (A STRIP ACROSS THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE WITH RED AND WHITE STRIPED WORDS IN IT) TEXT: Dedicated to the memory of William ‘Bill’ Sutton. Loving Father, Grandfather, Husband and one of a kind. He will be missed more than can be expressed in mere words.
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autobotmedic · 2 years
@rifleseye @convenientkeystorage​
{ y’all joke but cheetor’s (transmetal 2) design had his spark in his left thigh in bw
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why-its-kai · 2 years
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quick collection of pics of all my Beast Wars and Beast Wars-adjacent transformers ! (i do not have good lighting in here lol). rambling about everyone under the cut:
first we have my Dinobots! he is my fav BW character so he gets to go first.
2009 Universe Dinobot was my first toy of him, got played with a Lot so his joints have gotten pretty loose. I love him a lot!! special little guy. I bought him new at the time.
the pride and joy of my Beast Wars collection is definitely the first wave on-card 1996 Dinobot, even tho the packaging is pretty damaged. that was a VERY lucky find at a flea market.
2 summers ago I found the loose 1996 Dinobot at a garage sale just a little ways down the street from the flea market where I found the on-card version. he is a little damaged and missing the mutant head and half the toes on one leg/arm, but it's easy to hide behind the "spinning cyber-slash weapon" haha. very happy to have a second i can display in robot mode!!
1999 Transmetal 2 Dinobot II was found at a different garage sale (maybe around 2012-2013?) where I found the rest of my original Beast Wars toys.he's in rough shape with loose joints and the metallic paint flaking off but i can tell he was played with a lot which makes me happy to think about. he's the tan color variant!
next up are the Cheetors! the Beast Wars ones were both found at the same garage sale as Dinobot II.
1999 Transmetal 2 Cheetor is missing his gun & missile and suffering from the same flaky metallic paint problem Dinobot II has.
1997 Cheetor is miraculously complete with both weapons and is in very nice shape?! he is the green-eyed variant!
2008 Universe Cheetor was my first of him, even though his robot mode has weird proportions I do like the design this toy has even tho it it strays quite a bit from the original. I bought him new probably around the same time as Universe Dinobot. it's been a while lol
then we have the 2014 Generations Rhinox & Rattrap! they both came with comic books which i know i have somewhere in the other room haha. i really like how close they got to the original cartoon designs with these guys. i know i bought these two new at Walmart most likely but i don't really have clear memories of that time haha
and then after that we have Optimus Primal & Airazor!
Optimus is 2020 War for Cybertron: Kingdom and I bought him off ebay on a whim recently when i saw a picture of the toy and was super impressed with the design. he looks so good!?!?!? got him loose but with his weapons & instruction sheet.
1997 Airazor is from the same garage sale as the aforementioned guys, she is incomplete and missing her weapon but otherwise in lovely shape and definitely one of my fav Beast Wars toys. i only recently discovered i had been missing a step in her transformation to robot despite it being a very simple toy.
next are some Predacons, finally! (sort of! tho the Dinobots sort of count too!)
2013 Generations Waspinator is the same story as Rhinox & Rattrap: has a comic, got him new but i don't really remember much of that general time. absolute stubborn bastard to transform bc he had a very stiff joint on the abdomen i was terrified of snapping so i actually took the screws out to move it safely haha
2012 United Beast Megatron is actually a Japanese import! he's not actually a Predacon either, he's got Decepticon emblems instead. not totally sure if he's meant to be Beast Wars Megatron or someone else but he is a purple dinosaur and that's good enough for me. bought him new online around 2012-2013.
and last are actually Transformers Animated but I count them as honorary Beast Wars collection members haha.
2008 Blackarachnia is another one of my oldest TFA toys, got her new at the store around the time. I do have her grappling hook thingy but i don't like how it looks on her so i've always displayed her without it. she's a really great toy overall, they really captured her cartoon look perfectly!!
2009 Waspinator I also bought new at the store around when he came out, I do remember like actively waiting for him to be released and checking the toy sections at Walmarts and Target whenever i was there with my parents haha. i love his little vestigal arms!! but his joints became loose very quickly and he does have trouble standing and holding a pose without flopping over and one of his insect legs loves to pop off for no reason. Wasp can't catch a break.
and that's all of em! hope to do another photo collection like this for my TFA toys soon!
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Metal Jungle
BMW 04
Black Agent
by TransArt (2019)
This was a pre-order figure, and he arrived in August of 2021.
TransArt is 3rd party toy company who specializes in making Masterpiece style Transmetals Beast Wars figure.
Black Agent is supposed to be the Decepticon Ravage how he appeared in the season 2 finale of Beast Wars. 
Though not a Transmetal persay, but he was shared some elements with Transmetal Cheetor’s animation model.
Removing Black Agent (from this point on I’ll be referring to him as Ravage) you see the figure along with his accessories, two collector’s card; one being Ravage, and the other being Transmutate, TransArt’s first 3rd party figure.
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Collector’s Card:
Ravage’s collector’s card is a hard plastic instead of cardboard.
The front is an action pose of the Predacon special agent, and on the back are some stats. I love collector’s cards.
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The follow card (and I’m not sure if this was intentional or not) is the collector’s card of Transmutate, or Strange Friend for 3rd party purposes. 
on the front it’s a nice image of Transmutate, and on the back there are stats. ‘Nuff said.
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Robot Mode:
Ravage’s robot mode is fantastic. He’s basically a black & silver cat-bot.
The original Ravage was a Decepticon, now upgraded to a Predacon Ravage is ready to carry out the orders of the Tri-Predacus Council.
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His design is both simple and cartoon accurate. TransArt has really captured the look of Ravage’s 3d model and willed it into the physical world. 
Ravage has a decent range of articulation, however those thunder thighs do hinder his leg articulation a tad.
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A lot of details are relatively simple, and also has some shared parts with their previous figure of Transmetal Cheetor (which I don’t have)
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Ravage has got an opening mouth, revealing some silver painted teeth, and has glossy red eyes.
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Ravage’s guns are magnetic which attach to his legs, which are made out of metal. It’s a really cool feature.
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Considering he’s got some small feet I was a bit surprised that I pulled this off.
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‘Beast’ Mode:
Ravage’s beast mode is as half-assed a it could be. I mean his robot mode is already a cat, his beast mode is just Ravage on all fours.
His hands can be replaced with cat paws, and his head tilts all the way up. I guess it works, but this is just an added bonus.
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Ravage has a pair of closed fists, and open relaxed hands.
He also has two gun holding hands along with two guns.
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Another interesting accessory is a cassette tape. For those of you who don’t know, Ravage was one of Soundwave’s cassette warriors, and the Predacon version of transformed in the Beast Wars episode.
It’s tiny it looks good, and unpainted black plastic.
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Final Thoughts:
TransArt’s Black Agent (Ravage) is really cool, and I love it. Being a huge Beast Wars fan this guy was a must have. Considering it’ll probably be year before Hasbro/Takara gets around to the official one I am really happy with this guy. 
TransArt Black Agent is a work of art.
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Ravage stands a bit taller than Blackarachnia.
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tea-mew96 · 1 year
Greetings fellow Beastie Fan! Hope you're doing well! <3💕💕💕
Also, I'm not sure if you're into Pokémon but Primal's transmetal forms is like a Pokémon evolution XD
Thanks for popping in, I’m always happy to meet a fellow Beastie fan too!
I don’t follow Pokémon that closely but now that you mention it, Primal’s three forms do follow like a Pokémon evolution. You can see that same concept with Megatron and Cheetor too, since they also got 3 forms in the show.
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i-am-thornqueen · 2 years
I'm showing my age here, but I'm picturing were!Adrien looking something like Transmetal 2 Cheetor from Beast Wars (minus the metal bits, of course). Is that anything like your personal image of him or am I way off?
If you are showing your age by mentioning Beast Wars, then I am showing my age by admitting that that show was my lifeblood when I was younger. Also, developing a crush on Cheetor and Tigatron at a young age probably influenced some things in my adult life...
That being said, there is more inspiration from sexy werebeast furry art involved in my personal were!Adrien image than I really care to admit. ಥ‿ಥ
I do believe that my interpretation is only one among the many that every reader creates in their head. All personal images are valid. Let the fantasy take you where you wanna go.
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hasbr0mniverse · 2 years
Beast Wars Transformers 1999 - Maximal Cheetor - Function: Robotic Jungle Patrol - Subgroup: Transmetals 2 - Emerging from an explosion caused by Megatron's dangerous cloning experiments, Cheetor is experiencing some unusual growing pains. The lines between beast and robot have blurred, creating a new Cheetor even faster and more ferocious than ever before. but he must learn to control his new capabilities-instead of being controlled by them. Outfitted with a new high-powered missile launcher and leap-thruster, the new ultra strong and somewhat unpredictable Cheetor strikes fear into the circuits of all Predacons that he encounters.
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sulan1809 · 11 months
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Cheetor - Um leopardo muito impulsivo e veloz
Em 1996, a Hasbro anunciou a série Beast Wars, que inicialmente não agradou muitas pessoas por fugir dos padrões clássicos estabelecidos pelos primeiros anos da franquia clássica Transformers G1, no entanto, lentamente Beast Wars foi atraindo a atenção do público, consolidando-se como um clássico "bestial" no universo Transformers. Um dos personagens a se destacar foi o valente e impulsivo Cheetor, um integrante dos Maximals, e como o nome dele sugere, ele se transforma em uma chita, ou melhor, em um leopardo. Durante o decorrer da série, Cheetor sempre tentava provar o valor dele para o comandante dos Maximals, no caso, Optimus Primal, e ele é descrito como impulsivo, arrogante e jovial, o que nos faz lembrar de um certo personagem da série G1, Hot Rod. Um membro da facção Maximals, Cheetor serviu ao lado dos companheiros dele contra os Predacons, liderados pelo temido Megatron, na Terra pré-histórica. A natureza impetuosa de Cheetor foi assunto dos primeiros episódios da série, já que o desejo do felino audaz em provar que não era um jovem inconsequente, mas um guerreiro de verdade, levou Cheetor a se meter em diversas confusões repetidamente. No entanto, mesmo levando duras lições, Cheetor jamais perdeu o humor e o espírito jovial durante o desenrolar de Beast Wars...
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Na segunda temporada, ao ser exposto à uma onda quântica de energia alienígena, Cheetor recebeu uma atualização ao melhor estilo Transmetal, que adicionou asas e propulsores ao modo bestial dele.
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Na terceira temporada de Beast Wars, Cheetor recebeu uma nova reformulação ao correr inconsequentemente contra Megatron e Waspinator quando eles desempenhavam um experimento com Transmetal 2 durante uma noite tempestuosa, que resultou na criação de Dinobot II, a réplica perfeita do Dinobot original, no entanto, ausente de ética e honra. Inicialmente Cheetor teve dificuldades para controlar a nova forma bestial dele, sendo encorajado por Optimal Optimus, mas além disso, o personagem teve um novo desenvolvimento de personalidade, sendo mais maduro e centrado, em oposição ao jovem despreocupado de antes.
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Em Beast Machines, além de ter obtido amadurecimento, Cheetor estava em busca de uma conquista maior: a liderança dos Maximals. Quando Optimus Primal ficou muito obcecado em confiar no Supercomputador Oracle, seguindo cegamente as orientações da inteligência artificial sem questionar, Cheetor ficou muito frustrado acerca do fato de que o líder dele ainda o tratava como criança e passou a duvidar da capacidade do gorila tecnorgânico em liderar os Maximals. Cheetor teve até mesmo que assumir a liderança do grupo forçosamente, até que Optimus passou a reconhecer os próprios erros e passou a tratá-lo com mais respeito. Beast Machines chegou ao fim, com Optimus sacrificando a si mesmo para deter Megatron, e passou a liderança para Cheetor na nova era de paz de Cybertron.
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