#Tree Man: 😊 Rose: *Is scared*
A lovely date
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A lovely date
Fandom Ikemen Prince
Pair Chevalier Michael x Tala Amouzgaar
Part of Mayday Heyday hosted by @olivermorningstar and @lorei-writes
Thank you so much  for hosting such an original event I was so happy to have joined in. 🤗😊
This is my gift for the darling @m-mmiy. 
I really do hope you will like this work, but above all I wish is for my portrait of your OC to be faithful enough to the picture you have of her. 🤗😊
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It was a nice day, spring approached fast in Rhodolite in a much more gentle way she was used to.
The birds returned from afar told tales of exotic countries' wonders chirping excitedly waking ever so softly the animals from the hibernation of the winter whose chilly breeze still lingered in the air like the snow still present on the hilltop that was slowly but constantly melting under the tepid rays of a sun getting each day warmer. 
It seemed like a dream to her, familiar and strange at the same time.
The coming of season was nothing new to Tala but the sensations blooming in her heart like a rose surely were.
She shot a glance at him, the source of that feeling walking unfazed by her side.
Chevalier Michael a brutal beast for anyone but her the only man that before her heart captured her mind with his cleverness.
A genius admired and feared alike she would have never got tired of talking to. 
A source of everlasting knowledge whose discussion never failed to thrill her mind. 
In that instant he shot her a glance while his pale lips twitched upward in a light smile rare like the desert rose and like it breathtakingly beautiful. 
A gift for her alone to admire making her heart beat faster at the sight of his sky blue eyes glimmering with happiness. 
"Do you like spring ?"
His voice as cool as ever not revealing any emotion even though she could perceive the slightest hint of curiosity coloring his tone.
"I neither like nor dislike it."
"That's a peculiar answer."
"It's merely a season there is no need for me to favor it more than the others."
A shadow clouded over his features almost as he was genuinely curious to know her better but bad at communicating his desire he retorted to avoid speaking at all.
"I have to admit it's quite nice here."
Sun returned to his gorgeous features dripping over his smile.
"How so ?"
"It's less humid than in other countries I visited." 
They resumed their strolling basking in each other's presence, speaking no words for there was no need to. 
Suddenly something emerged from the bushes to cross their path.
Even with her expression hidden from the brown veil he could perceive her smile reaching to her amber eyes glimmering brighter than the sun as a small duck approached her. 
A jolt of warmth filled his heart at the endearing sight of the girl he came to grow fond of petting the small animal humming in delight as more ducks crowded around her for a chance she didn't deny them to be caressed by her delicate fingers. 
Noiselessly he accommodated himself under a tree far enough to admire her and avoid scaring away the ducks but he had just sat on the grass when a duck approached him only to pick on his leg.
He stared dumbfounded at the creature looking into his eyes with open defiance before walking confidently toward him. 
His bravery was rewarded as he stretched his long fingers to caress his feathered head so tiny in comparison to him and yet brazen enough to have him fascinating hom for reasons oddly resembling her/ that girl that caught his mind and heart.
It was the first time an animal approached him willingly it was strange but not unwelcome. 
The endearing sight sudden and warm like the spring rain her eyes crinkled with affection as his hand that so often were drenched in blood and calloused from holding swords  were now petting such a tiny creature delicately because there was gentleness underneath them.
A fresh breeze whistled among the garden guiding the ducks back in the luscious greenery where they came from.
It was like a dream if not for the tender smile he offered her as they resumed their pleasant date.
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andreafmn ¡ 11 months
Collision | Chapter 20
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Word Count: 3.1K Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life is at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same. Chapter: 20/? A/N: your eyes do not deceive you, that's right, two posts in one day. Where is my prize? 😅😅 but I am very surprised at myself that I was able to post both Twilight stories. Also, don't hate me for that ending... My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts  or buy me a coffee to support me and my love of writing Follow 😊 -> TikTok • Instagram • Business If you’d like to be tagged in this or any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post! Please check if you’re tagged in the story, I’ve reached the limit of tags on Twilight again it seems. 😅
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Chapter 20
Time moved weirdly when you were stuck in the same routine. Days muddled together, only certain events sticking out. There were no beginnings or ends. There were only moments awake and moments asleep. That was how (Y/N) could tell that time had passed. When she was conscious, she could see that things had changed.
Her life consisted of work, school, Paul, her friends, and her family. There was nothing more. There was nothing less. Simply the same cycle, over and over again. It was good enough in the beginning. The semblance that things were getting better made her want to believe it.
But time was not kind to lies. As the seconds passed, the harder it was to keep her cracked façade whole. She could smile, she could laugh, she could enjoy life as it happened to her. Still, there was something that was always missing. A gaping hole in the middle of her chest that she covered every day.
(Y/N) had to believe that things got better. Even if at that moment it felt like things would turn worse, she needed to believe that they would change. She was getting everything she had dreamed of, everything she had worked so hard to obtain. And yet, there was a sadness inside her that didn’t allow her to enjoy it.
Two months had passed since the last time she had cried for them. Eight weeks since her eyes had dried and the pit had opened inside her. Since she had rid herself of the idea that they were ever coming back… that he was ever coming back.
She thought over the words she had told Bella. She needed to take a first step; any step that would make the life she was living real. She owed it to herself, she owed it to her mother, she owed it to her brother, she owed it to every person that had been beside her through it all.
“What’re you doing in my room, Paul?” (Y/N) was startled as she saw her friend’s reflection in the mirror before her. She had been focused on studying; her head engrossed in her books all afternoon. “Is everything okay?”
“Not exactly,” Paul responded “Jacob Black is going through his first shift and he’s freaking out. Won’t listen to anyone, not even Embry.”
“Where is he?”
“He’s in the woods with Sam and Embry.”
She followed the boy out of the house and into the darkness of the forest. Why they needed her help, she did not understand. (Y/N) was the least versed in the supernatural world. But if there was something she understood it was feeling scared and overwhelmed by it. It was an all-consuming implosion of the mind. Everything they had known as reality became a rose-colored canvas over what was truly happening.
Far into the trees and away from the town, Sam and Embry stood before a giant russet-furred wolf. The animal moved from side to side, his eyes far away and scared. The boys tried to calm him, lifting their arms in a show of peace. But it did nothing to calm the poor boy that was stuck in his wolf form.
“Guys, step away from him,” (Y/N) called as she closed the distance between her and the wolf. “He’s scared.”
“Paul, I told you not to bring her here,” Sam seethed. “She could get hurt. Again.”
“He did nothing wrong,” she reprimanded. “Just get away from him, please.”
They quickly did as told, leaving the girl and the wolf. But she could still feel her brother’s cautious stare following her every move. (Y/N) was tentative in her steps, showing Jacob no sign of danger. She stared into the brown of his eyes, trying to connect with the scared boy beyond the animal.
It had only been a week since he had confronted (Y/N) regarding Embry. He had taken her by surprise, wondering why his best friend had suddenly started to avoid him and Quil, and had started hanging out with Sam’s group. She had done what she could, but the boy was too angry to stand reason.
He had rapped harshly against her front door, his knuckles beating against the wood loudly. She had been studying, far too focused on her books to know who it could have been at that hour. It was late at night and her mother had left only two hours before to work. And there was no chance that it had been Paul or Embry since they were out on patrol that night.
She sauntered down the stairs, fear clutching at her limbs as she walked. There was no reason for anyone to be knocking on her door that loudly. It made her tremble, but she was smarter than to allow fear to overtake her.
“Jacob?” (Y/N) had called out in surprise as she swung open the door. “What are you doing here at this hour?”
“Look, (Y/N), I have nothing against you ‘cause you have always been a good friend to me,” he sighed. His eyes were red, telling her that he had been crying. “But I need to know what your brother is doing. It was weird when he took Jared, even weirder when Paul joined. Now, he’s changed Embry as well.”
“W-what do you mean he changed Embry, Jake? He was there at your birthday party last month.”
“But he wasn’t really there, was he?” Jacob continued. “He’s been avoiding Quil and me in school. He comes up with excuses or doesn’t even respond when we call to hang out. And he barely said a word to me other than ‘happy birthday’ at the party. And now, we see him hanging out with your brother and his weird gang.”
“It is not my place to talk about what happens with Embry, Jake; what happens with any of them for that matter,” she tried to explain calmly. “All I can tell you is that he definitely is not in a dangerous gang like it’s rumored. My brother is not a dangerous person.”
“Then, why can’t Embry talk to us, huh? Why is he clearly under instructions to not talk to his friends or even to his mom?” Jacob exclaimed. “She’s been asking us nonstop what’s happening with her son, and we have nothing we can say.”
“Jacob, I understand how frustrating this must be. But I can’t say anything. It’s really not my place.”
“So, what? You’re just gonna let your brother keep taking guys from the rez and making them turn their backs on everyone they know?” he said, his voice rising slightly. “It’s not right, (Y/N), and you know it.”
“I wish I could tell you what is going on, Jake, but…”
“But it’s not your place to tell. Yeah. I got that,” he scoffed. “If there are any more guys that are taken from their families because of your brother, it’ll be on you, (Y/N).”
“No one has been taken from their families, Jacob,” she replied defensively, biting down on her tongue to not anger the boy further. “They’re always free to come and go.”
“Yet they’re not free to talk,” he seethed. “I can’t believe you don’t see what they’re doing, (Y/N). You’re smart enough to know that something’s not right.”
“I’m sorry I can’t be of more help, Jake,” she sighed. “But I can promise you that your friend is safe.”
“It doesn’t matter much to me that he’s that safe when he can’t even say hi to me in the halls.”
“No, it’s fine, (Y/N). It’s not your place.”
He had left her house completely infuriated. So angry that he wouldn’t even return her waves when they ran into each other in town. And she understood his anger. Someone had come between him and his best friend. They had ripped away a relationship without a single reason.
But now, he would understand the why. Now, he would be in on the secret.
(Y/N) reached her hand out, showing Jacob that she meant no harm. Her movements were slow and calculated, always in sight of the brown wolf. She was letting him know he was okay, that he was safe.
“I know you’re scared, Jacob,” she spoke softly and calmly. “I bet you’re stressed too. Nothing that is happening is making sense.”
Jacob let out a huff in response, his eyes searching her over.
“I promise we will let you know everything that’s happening,” she continued. “But the first thing we have to do is get you back in human form. And I’m gonna help you with that, okay?”
The wolf’s head nodded, his pacing stopping dead in his track. He walked toward her outstretched hand, his snout bumping against it. He nuzzled into her, his pained eyes begging her to keep talking.
“You need to calm down,” she told him. “Center your mind and think how it feels to be in your human form. You have to focus and keep calm.”
It seemed her voice was what he needed to do the trick. The wolf stepped back and closed his eyes. She was almost sure she could feel the air changing around them as Jacob focused. And then, it all happened swiftly. One second, the russet-colored wolf towered over them. And the second, Jacob was covering up his naked body with his hands.
“Uh, is there a chance any of you brought a change of clothes?”
“Here,” Sam said as he threw the boy a bag of clothes. “There are many things you’re gonna have to learn now.”
Jacob disappeared behind a tree to get changed, running to shield himself from the others. (Y/N) had no idea what it was like for the body to go through that shift. But she could begin to imagine how disconcerting it would be to have your body turn into a massive wolf after an angry outburst.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” Paul said as they waited outside of Sam’s house as Jake was informed of everything. “We should have you over every time a new kid shifts. You’re good at calming them down.”
“I guess I can understand how it feels to not feel in control of your own body,” she sighed with a smile. “But I’m glad I could help with Jake. Just last week he was grilling me over what you guys were doing.”
“we’re not doing anything wrong.”
“Not in the eyes of the town, Paul. People think that you’re a dangerous gang that is corrupting the boys in the reservation.”
“Eh, I’m used to it,” he shrugged. “Not many people thought I was a good guy before. I doubt I could change their minds now. And, honestly, I don’t care what people think of me. Just you.”
“Well, then, you’re lucky I like you, kid,” she laughed. “You would be very sad if I didn’t.”
“I really would,” he said, making her laughter die in her throat. He was too serious. Too serious for the playful tone she had spoken with. “I couldn’t live without you.”
“Paul, what’re you…?”
“I’m serious, (Y/N),” he continued as he took her hands in his. “You’re the most important person in my life, (Y/N). I would die without you.”
“You’re important to me too, Paul,” she smiled softly. “But where is all this coming from?”
“I just… gods, I just need to tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
As Paul opened his mouth to speak, the door to the back slid open, Jared and Embry tumbling out. They wore playful smiles on their faces and were holding plates of food in their hands.
“Yo, (Y/N),” Jared called. “Jake’s asking for you.”
“We’re sort of in the middle of something here,” Paul muttered through gritted teeth. “He can wait.”
“We’ll talk later, Paul,” she smiled as she put distance between them, her heart beating a million miles a minute. “I’m gonna go see what he needs.”
“But (Y/N)…”
“Later,” she called from the door.
(Y/N) had an inkling of what Paul was going to say. She could feel it deep in her bones. The past three months had been perfect –too perfect, she guessed. The last thing she wanted was to break things off with Paul, to put distance between them. But she knew that it was what would be best for them both.
As she walked into the house, she allowed herself to push down the thought. To forget that sooner rather than later, she had to push him away. To forget that the start of her poorly mended new life crumbling was nearing. Nothing good lasts. That much she knew.
Jacob was waiting for her at the dining table, a look of shame plastered across his face. He was shaking slightly, the weight of the new information heavy on his shoulders. And she could see what he truly was. A boy that had his whole life ripped from under him.
“Hey,” she called out softly. “Jared said you wanted to talk to me.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled softly, his head snapping toward her voice. “I owe you an apology, (Y/N).”
“No, Jake. You were angry. I understand.”
“But you didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of the anger,” he continued. “You were protecting Embry, protecting all of them. And I was pretty mean to you.”
“You don’t even make the top five, Jake,” (Y/N) laughed as she sat beside him. “But, if it makes you feel better, I accept your apology. Even if there’s nothing to apologize.”
Jacob remained quiet for a second, his gaze falling onto his hands. “Your brother said I can’t see Bella,” he peeped. “I know it’s to keep her safe, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to. I can’t just abandon her right now.”
“I understand that, Jake. But this is only for the time being,” (Y/N) tried to help. “You need to learn to control the phase. If something makes you snap when you’re with her…”
“I know. Sam told me… all of it,” he sighed. “What if I imprinted on her? She’d be allowed to know everything then, right?”
“You can’t force yourself to imprint on someone, Jake. It doesn’t work like that.”
“Not that we know of,” he smiled, hopeful. “I’m gonna try and I’ll be the first.”
“Jake,” she called as the boy jogged to the front door. “Jake!”
“Thanks for the talk, (Y/N)!”
And the next second, he was gone.
“Maybe delusion runs with the shifting gene,” she said to herself.
(Y/N) used the moment to leave Sam’s house, though. She needed to escape that conversation that Paul was sure to want. Things were changing once more and she was not ready for it. The last thing she wanted was to lose her grasp on the reality she had forged for herself. She had crafted it to the most minuscule detail and she couldn’t let him ruin it.
She ran to her home, locking herself in her room. She could feel panic building inside her. As the reins she held on her façade slipped, she could only feel the dread that was underneath. The (Y/N) from six months before was trying to claw her way out. To make her feel the same pain and sadness, making the hole in her chest grow.
But she couldn’t let it. She couldn’t let any of it out. She had to keep every last ounce of those emotions buried deep inside, locked away with the memory of him. It was the only way she would survive. The only way all of that heartbreak would have been worth it.
Instead of spending the night studying as she had planned, (Y/N) crashed on her bed, succumbing to a tiredness she didn’t know she had. She had only planned to rest her eyes for a second, not to completely fall asleep.
She was walking down a path she had come to hate, but one she still knew like the back of her hand. The road to perdition, she had branded it in her mind. She could see the bridge as she walked, begging her limbs to not keep moving. She never wanted to be back there, much less when he wasn’t there.
But the closer she got, she could make out that there was a figure standing there. A figure she had done so much to forget about, even if she never wanted to. Not really.
“(Y/N),” he breathed as she stopped in front of him. “God, how I’ve longed to see your face again.”
“Carlisle,” she said, her voice breaking as tears burned in the back of her eyes. She couldn’t walk to him. Too scared that he would disappear if she did. “Where have you been?”
“Being a coward, I guess,” he replied. “I have missed you, my love. So much more than I could ever tell you.”
“Then, show me,” she commanded in a whisper. “Show me how much you truly have.”
Carlisle extended his hand and she gladly took it, sighing happily as the coldness enveloped her. He pulled her over the treaty line, making her body crash into his. He placed one hand on the low of her back as the other cradled her cheek. His amber eyes looked intently into hers, the warmest smile he could muster spread across his lips.
“Kiss me,” she whispered and Carlisle obliged.
He pressed his lips softly to hers, love slipping past his mouth. It was just as she had remembered it. Just as cold, just s perfect. It was what she had been missing for months. A true connection of love and passion. Her hands traveled up his chest, feeling. He felt so real.
“I miss you, Carlisle,” she cried as they parted, his thumb wiping away the tears that fell. “Why won’t you come back?”
“I’m right here, my love.”
“No, you’re not,” she sighed defeatedly. “This is only a dream. I know it is. Because you’re not actually here.”
“But I am, (Y/N),” he smiled. “You can feel me. You can see me. You can hear me. Who’s to say that I’m not.”
“No, Carlisle,” she said sadly, taking a step back. “If you were here, I wouldn’t be able to wake up.”
She stood on the railing of the bridge, making sure she was past the treaty line. She looked down, the river angry and rushing, rocks piled up everywhere.
“What are you doing, (Y/N)? Get down from there.”
“I can’t do this, Carlisle,” she sobbed. “Not even in my dreams. Because when I wake, you won’t be there, and I’ll be right back where I started.”
Without another thought, she let herself fall, and she waited for the crash.
But it never came. She woke up in a sweat a second later, clutching at her racing heart. The beginning of the end, she thought. She could feel herself crumbling, and it scared her. 
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