startreksetplans · 1 year
Set Blueprint Archive
The new version of the Set Blueprint Archive is now live. Covering set blueprints, CGI models, LCARS, concept art, panoramas, my reverse engineered blueprints and the physical models.
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The big new addition is the Physical Models section - various ships, stations, figures, and miniature sets.
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The history of the Archive can be read here - https://www.tumblr.com/startreksetplans/708365341243424768/the-set-blueprint-archive?source=share
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stra-tek · 1 year
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Facts about Captain Robau
This was a long-running thread on TrekBBS in 2008-2009, a riff on the "Facts about Chuck Norris" meme. And it had some gems (thanks to all TrekBBS members who participated):
The Kelvin's shields aren't for keeping weapons out... they're for keeping Robau in.
There are only two things that can cut diamonds: other diamonds, and Captain Robau.
Spock is constantly shouting in "The Cage" because he can't hear his own voice over the sound of how awesome Captain Robau is.
Sisko and Picard are arent really bald. They just want to be like Captain Robau
The Kelvin doesn't need two warp nacelles to create a symmetrical warp field. Captain Robau simply wills it to happen.
That God head thing in Star Trek V wasn't exiled to the center of the galaxy he went to hide from Captain Robau
That Borg didn't open a gateway to fluidic space to assimilate species 8472 they did to get away from Captain Robau
Captain Robau doesn't sleep. He waits.
Captain Robau doesn't use the transporter. He just leaps down to the surface.
The new Enterprise is being built on the ground because Captain Robau plans to lift it into orbit
Captain Robau can kill two stones with one bird.
When Capt. Robau was born, the only one in the room crying was the Doctor. Never slap Capt. Robau.
Captain Robau does simply walk into Mordor.
Captain Robau doesn't do pushups. He pushed the planet down and then pulls it back up.
In space, Captain Robau can hear you scream.
Captain Robau is hung like a Horsehead Nebula.
Captain Robau once used a crowbar to destroy Ceti Alpha VI. That crowbar later found its way to Black Mesa.
Captain Robau is immune to entropy.
When Captain Robau makes love, he causes a quantum singularity.
Captain Robau's bald scalp is considered an aphrodisiac in...oh, what's that place called? OH. Right.
The universe.
Zod kneels before Robau.
Captain Robau got drunk one night and relieved himself out in the desert. The spot in the desert is now known as the Grand Canyon.
Captain Robau CAN beam through raised shields.
A supernova didn't destroy Romulus, Robau did!
Robau doesn't wear sun screen. The Sun wears Robau screen.
The Great Bird of the Galaxy is the name given to Captain Robau's cock.
Captain Robau was deeply surprised that in VOY: “Threshold” everyone who went at warp 10 didn’t evolve into him. Then he realised, even at their most evolved potential, the Voyager crew are no match for Captain Robau.
Captain Robau never went to Starfleet Academy. He just showed up one day and flew the Kelvin out of spacedock. No one had the balls to question him.
Captain Robau decided to take up pottery one day. He named the result The Guardian of Forever.
Captain Robau told Pluto to fuck off and stop being a planet. It did.
Q used to have a proper name but Captain Robau slapped him so hard he forgot it.
The great barrier exists to protect the other galaxies from Captain Robau.
Stardate 0000.1 was the moment Captain Robau was born.
Sha Ka Ree is Vulcan for Captain Robau.
What does Captain Robau use for a condom?
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doctor-mccoys-sanity · 10 months
I don’t know if this counts as chronically online but i feel it when i’m using TrekBBS bc the format is SO OLDDDD
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
Each time I hear about Dr. Lucas I think back to the old 2000s episode parodies that Treknation* used to have
Lucas: who are you?! stop writing to me!! Phlox: sounds like someone needs another letter from their favourite pen pal.
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marlinspirkhall · 2 years
The star trek food cubes are haunting me again. I want to put them in my mouth.
So here are the theories on how to make them.
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[ID] Screencap from The Conscience Of The King shows Lt. Riley uncovering a plate of food cubes [end ID]
Tofu, diced.
Marinate in liquid(s) of choice (e.g, lemon juice). Cover with cornstarch. Add red, green or yellow food colouring to blocks as required. Roast and serve.
Suggestion: marinate the cubes in different flavours to correspond to their colours.
Prototype recipe
Melon, diced.
This one is low effort: Red cubes= watermelon, other cubes= melon. Allegedly, the original on-set props *were* dyed melon (but I don't have a solid source), so this may be the best fit.
Royal icing/icing sugar.
This one is just candy: make 3 batches of royal icing, one red, one yellow, one green, dice when half-set and leave to fully set.
Cake, fondant.
Possible, if we assume Lt. Riley was drinking milk in that scene from The Conscience Of The King (Pictured above). This one is also easy to make, assuming you don't object to fondant.
Jelly, cubed.
(Jell-O). Dishonourable mention; this one is too see-through for my liking.
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[ID] Screencap from Where No Man shows Kirk eating a green food cube, which looks blue here. [End ID]
Potatoes, Diced.
Roast Potatoes, Diced
This idea comes from CoolPete.com, and my first thought was "please don't put food colouring on the potatoes".
Cool Pete provided a photo of the finished results, and the natural colour of the potato offsets most of the food colouring to make them all look greener than intended. The red food colouring comes out the best. I suppose colour theory dictates that you should use blue food colouring on the potatoes in order to get green cubes, but don't quote me on that.
With this in mind, I'm going to tentatively suggest a horrible idea:
Roast Sweet Potatoes (Yams), Diced
In theory, the redness of the yams might allow the Yellow Food Dye to look more yellow, and make the red more vibrant. There's a greater chance that you will be able to use the green food colouring without it looking blue here, but use at your own caution, because the finished product may look oversaturated. Perfectly edible, but potentially unappetizing (the first bite is with the eye).
Closing Comments:
For uniformity of texture, tofu or melon seems to be the best way to go. If we are to believe that the "food cubes" in-universe are supposed to be fruit (according to that same trekbbs thread, they're placed in glasses in Journey To Babel), then watermelon and cantaloupe are begging for our attention, but we must ignore them, for melon alone does not a meal make!
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“I wonder if they were actually supposed to be some kind of fruit in-universe, too? IIRC, in "Journey to Babel" the copper aliens put them in their drinks, which seems a strange thing to do if they were supposed to be the 23rd century equivalent of tofu cubes or something.”
-Avro Arrow
This isn't the end, merely the beginning. I will test out a couple of variations of these meals and report back on which one I think is best.
My current hypothesis is that the tofu will allow for the most variation, as you can marinate it in naturally-colourful liquids of various colours. If it's colourful enough you could forgo the food colouring altogether, or marinate it in something colourless (like salted water) and then add seasonings and food colouring if you wish.
I intend to start by using tofu with diced potatoes as a side, though if I test out too many cube-shaped meals at once, my household will get suspicious, so I need to space this out over the course of a few months. I'm going to use the tag #Food Cube Trek, so filter it if that's not something you'd like to see.
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kari-izumi · 1 year
proship kys
I miss the old days of fandom, when we had to be creative with insults to avoid getting banned from the message board. I remember someone on TrekBBS insulting a popular ship or BNF in French and got away with it for weeks before Google translate existed, 12/10 move
This OTOH is dull and lazy. -2/10 :(
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fardell24b · 2 years
Snowflake Challenge #14
Challenge #14
In your own space, do the Fandom Wrap Challenge. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
What were your top 5 fandoms for 2022 based on the amount of time you interacted with them? 1.Daria 2.Star Trek 3.Star Wars 4.Spider-Man 5.Doctor Who
What were your top 5 fandom spaces (Discord, Twitter, etc.) you experienced fandom in terms of time spent? 1.AO3/FF.net 2. Tumblr 3. Twitter 4. Lawndale High/PPMB 5. TrekBBS
What are the top 5 things you did to contribute to fandom in terms of time? Did you write? Comment? Send positive energy into the universe? Create art? 1. Reading fic 2. Writing fic 3. Looking at art 4. Commenting on Fic 5. Creating Art
What were your top 5 most appreciated fandom contributions? (i.e. in terms of likes, kudos, reblogs, comments, etc.) (All still on Lawndale High/PPMB, as Beta reading hasn't happened yet. But you can click on my Daria tag: https://fardell24.dreamwidth.org/tag/daria)
Have a Top 5 List you'd like to share?? By all means! Forums other than Daria forums 1. TrekBBS: https://www.trekbbs.com/ 2. Alternate History: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/ 3. SpaceBattles: https://forums.spacebattles.com/ 4. Gallifrey Base: https://gallifreybase.com/gb/ (Registration required to view) 5. Jedi Council Forums: https://boards.theforce.net/
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
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mappinglasirena · 3 years
Hi - Just to confirm the TrekBBS thread about archiving set plans is indeed me. I run the archive and started the thread, but the archive has been collaborative - we all work together to find these set plan blueprints before they vanish.
I thought your badge looked familiar 😁
Thank you so, so much for the work you do! That is a truly wonderful repository you have built there, and you're doing an invaluable service for the Trekkie community, bringing people together for collaborative archiving!
If you ever need any Sirena-related materials, let me know, I have plenty 😋
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Well, if it's not hate, it sure seems like a ton of animosity is directed at him and the comic, something I just don't understand. So, he, for the sake of argument, doesn't write the characters or write the stories the way you and others want him to. I can see how that could be frustrating, but at the same time this sounds miserable and not particularly very fun.
Some critics here on tumblr come across as very vitriolic, obnoxious, and unhinged. Check out this exchange for example: https://kellodrawsalot.tumblr.com/post/688674541689536512/you-know-as-much-as-i-really-dislike-sonics
The OP even stated they didn't like Sonic's characterization, but that wasn't enough for them because OP dared criticize their behavior. I remember when I was aggressively attacked by a very prominent anti-IDW tumblr user simply for expressing how I didn't think Tails cowering in Sonic Forces was really all that bad, being completely understandable given the context. And before you bring up the actions of bad IDW fans, I don't condone those either.
Frankly, I don't see how saying it's just entertainment and if one doesn't like it, they should stop engaging with it makes me a "clown". By the way, completely uncalled for and not putting yourself in a good light. It's a perfectly valid argument, especially with how obsessed some on here act about it, instigating and perpetuating toxic drama. Moreover, some folks seem to make complaining about the comics and Flynn their entire personalities and circlejerk about it near-constantly.
As for "stanning" Ian Flynn, I have no doubt some do that, but those people aren't worth engaging with. The vast majority of fans I've ever interacted with admit the man isn't perfect by any means and is not above criticism.
Here's a post from the TrekBBS forums that I feel fits the situation:
"I agree with you. Sometimes they just don't know when to quit. It gets old. I was going through a rough patch in life at the time DSC premiered, I was glad to have Trek back, and I thought it was the best Trek in a long time. For me, it was something to take my mind off the Hell my life had become at the time...
... and some people here don't realize the other point of view. What's trash to them is treasure to someone else. Or they don't care. I think criticism is one thing. But to deliberately go out of your way to rain on someone's parade on purpose is something else. Especially once you know you're pissing people off and do it anyway. I never did that in the VOY or ENT Forums when those shows were going. My belief was, and still is: "Let the people enjoy their shows."
I think there's a distinction between coming on to talk about a show and coming on to just bully people. I think there's a distinction between offering constructive criticism and offering nothing but hatred and bile. And if someone is still hating a show five years after it premiered, that's five years of dedication to hatred. That's not normal. That's not healthy. I wish they'd stop turning DSC into a punching bag and face whatever it is that's making them use it as one."
One more from the TrekBBS forum:
"There's actually so much great TV these days. I find it better to spend time watching shows I like rather than stomping around online shitting on stuff. Latest example for me is the Halo show. I watched 2 episodes, had enough of that and done. Others are enjoying it and good for them. I watched Yellowjackets instead and loved it.
I really do need to give Discovery Season 4 another shot. I watched the first 2 or 3 and then just didn't feel compelled to go back, but it might have been due to my mood at the time as opposed to the quality of it.
To me, TV is not something sufficiently important to be angry about. It's all just entertainment."
@randomthefox you wanna take this? This is a lot to unpack.
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originallonemagpie · 7 years
Oh, great, that pic of jodie filming has got me a DCMA takedown on Tumblr, which turns out to be the second one this year - apparently sharing the ABC Who trailer in March got one, which I didn't know about, and a warning a third within 18 months will get my account terminated. Oh joy. So much for cheerfully publicising this Dr Who shit.
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startreksetplans · 2 years
The Set Blueprint Archive
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Archive : http://archive.frogland.co.uk/
I run a site called the Set Blueprint Archive. Its aim is to archive and make available the blueprints used to create the various sets of Star Trek shows and movies.
There is also an RSS feed to be notified of additions to the archive - http://archive.frogland.co.uk/plugins/rss/
It started back in 2014, I had found that several websites that once had images of set plans were returning "Error 404" - website dead. So I placed all the ones I had saved in archive and reached out to the TrekBSS community. They shared their images and the archive grew.
Since then, myself and many members of TrekBBS have sought out auction photos, book scans, and images from websites. Some of us have been fortunate to acquire original set blueprints and scan them for the archive.
Recently our efforts to preserve have widened the scope and added images of the CGI models and photos of the LCARS.
As extensive as the archive is, there are still large gaps. So I work on reverse engineering the sets using the blueprints as a start. These projects (Runabout Project, Voyager Project, and Galaxy Project) are released incrementally, with each PDF file under a creative commons licence.
Hopefully these resources can help with others with their own projects - fan art, fan films etc.
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stra-tek · 2 years
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Looks like Star Trek still can't get their ship sizes right. Source.
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tribblesoup · 3 years
Concept Art: "Star Trek: the Lower Decks"
Very special thanks to Tuskin38, for posting this link on TrekBBS forums.
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spockvarietyhour · 3 years
rereading old Jammer/St-Hypertext review’s of Extinction, harsher than I remember. I was more entertained by this silly episode than others even if we quickly disposed of the Xindi arc this ep in favour of an alien of the week episode 
He’s right that this is a recycled Voyager plot, and we don’t even bother to ask this seemingly organized civilization quarantining the planet anything about the Xindi.
It doesn’t fare much better behind the scenes either, via Memory-Alpha:
According to Trekweb, LeVar Burton went to the producers and told them he was "ashamed" that he had directed this episode.
Ten years after this episode aired, Brannon Braga called "Extinction" "one of the singularly most embarrassing episodes of Star Trek I've ever been involved with." ("In a Time of War, Part Three", ENT Season 3 Blu-ray special features)
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dgcatanisiri · 4 years
I know the etiquette on message boards is to avoid personal attacks and such, but there’s this one person on the TrekBBS message board, which is where I get most of the latest on new Trek novels, who basically keeps acting like ebooks are the only way to even interact with literature anymore, and in a topic that made a remark that, because of restrictions related to the pandemic, several publish dates are getting pushed back, it should mean that ebooks go ahead and release as presently scheduled and the print books just release later, and it’s like even the authors on this board gently correct this person...
...and honestly at this point I just want to remark to them “would you stop being such a SNOB already?!” But I know that starts getting into the realm of personal attacks and such.
Like I extol the virtues of physical media and all, but I get the value of digital downloads. Why can’t this person just GET that they may prefer this format, but that doesn’t inherently make it “better,” and that there are plenty who prefer the classic form? GAH!
*sigh* I needed to vent.
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tos-fanart · 7 years
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The Tribble With Troubles - TrekBBS July Challenge by Ptrope
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