#Trent dies off screen
abovethemists · 1 year
Things I want out of the finale:
1. Greyhounds win over West Ham
2. Colin gets to kiss his fella after said win
3. Some sort of Ted/Rebecca moment where they get to acknowledge how much they’ve meant to each other over the past 3 years. Does not need to be romantic.
4. Roy as head coach
5. Roy/Keeley back together in some capacity because I’m still mad at the show for breaking them up in the first place and then basically doing nothing with it all season.
6. Richmond himbos making it nearly impossible for Ted to leave as he realizes how beloved he truly is.
7. Dr. Sharon appearance
8. One more off the wall Bumbercatch line
9. Beard/Jane final break up.
10. Everyone to be happy and get what they need, even if it’s not what they want.
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ell-alexanderarnold · 11 months
trent request based on the song hurts so good by astrid s
Hurts So Good
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Summary: Y/n and Trent’s situationship has been going on for almost a year, is it a situationship worth saving? Y/n is unsure…
Warnings: Kind of cheating idk, cursing, SAD
Note: Most of my angsts have good endings I’ve noticed… so I decided to give this one a sad ending 🤭
You were in your bed ready to go sleep after a day filled with thoughts and emotions. You couldn’t stop thinking about him. It’s been weeks and to you it feels like years since you last saw him. You didn’t know what happened really, you two just stopped talking. And now you’re facing the consequences of not being as close to him as you once were, you are lonely without him. Trent, who always makes sure you don’t feel alone and proves to you that you are loved. He does not linger around your house no more. It’s empty without him.
Liverpool once again got one more win in their unbeaten run, and you were happy but you were even more happier for Trent.
You stared at your phone screen, seeing the number you are so familiar with, fighting the urge to not press ‘call’ but you listened to your mind playing games. Maybe he won’t answer after a game, it was late too but you couldn’t resist it. You listened to the signals and finally he picked up.
”Hello” Said the voice that you’ve not heard in a while.
“Hi, I’m sorry if I bother you I… just wanted to congratulate you on tonights win, you played very well” You began, fidgeting with your fingers as you waited for an answer.
“Thank you so much, did you watch the game?” Trent wondered.
“Oh yeah I did” You explained, feeling how the conversation died a bit and you sighed knowing what you’ll have to ask.
“When will I see you again, Trent?” You mumbled, only hearing the silence from him almost as you caught him off guard.
“I don’t know Y/n but it’ll be soon, I promise” He spoke up and you heard a big sigh coming from him.
Trent felt a knot in his stomach, he knew what he’d done and he knew you wouldn’t forgive him. But he thought it was best to just push it aside and find another solution, which was to keep seeing you as usual without messing up.
It was quiet on the phone, you felt like you were talking to a ghost until he finally uttered
“I love you Y/n, I’ll see you soon alright love?” He said in a raspy tone, and the words made you fall into his trap even more without knowing it.
“I love you too Trent, sleep well” You ended and it stayed silenced for a minute before you both hung up.
The emptiness was still there but filled with hope, hope that you will see him again soon. You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t want to sit and wait for him to tell you that he misses you and that he needs you.
You needed the thinking to stop or the thought of Trent to stop. The only thing on your mind was that night in Spain last summer, and it were all you could think about. How he looked at you from across the room, how his brown eyes were glued on yours so perfectly and of course the hookup you both had. It was hard to move on from there after knowing that you two lived close to each other and started to see each other more often, then it became every two days.
And each day your crush got bigger and bigger, until now, you are convinced that you’re in love with him or maybe just in love with the idea of him.
Another day goes by and you’re still thinking about what he said to you over the phone.
“I love you Y/n, I’ll see you soon alright love?”
The words kept repeating in your head. If he loved you why would he suddenly stop talking to you? Why would he stop calling every night to say that he misses you?
It’s becoming more and more alone in your apartment, you miss having Trent around. He would come to you every time after a hard day to just talk about his feelings, things that bothers him and you’d understand what he’s feeling. But nowadays he doesn’t show up.
As you were lost in your thoughts you heard a knock at your door, it was late and you didn’t want to expect anything but as soon as you opened your door, you saw him. You felt how your cheeks hurt from the big smile plastered on your face.
Trent entered and hugged you, you were in his arms again. His perfume, his gentle touch and just his presence was everything for you in the moment.
“Trent!” You gasped in surprise, he chuckled and let you of you to take off his shoes.
You led him to your sofa where you sat down with him, not believing that he’s actually with you.
“I’ve missed you, Y/n. I’ve missed you so” Trent expressed whilst you laid down in his arms. The both of you were quiet, you just took in seeing each other after such a long time.
“How have you’ve been?” Trent asked and took your hand.
“I don’t know honestly, it’s been lonely without you. Where have you’ve been?” You asserted, wanting to know why he’s been so distant.
“It’s been a very tight schedule, you know with all the games and that” He simply responded.
“Hmm okay” You hummed, confused because he’s schedule is just the same as before. He always has time for you in his “tight schedule” but now there’s none apparently. Has he given that time to someone or something else?
You rise up to go and get yourself some water, a sudden wave of anxiety hitting you. After all this time away from Trent you wonder if he even wants something to do with you anymore.
As you took a sip of your water you walked back to the sofa and sat down beside him. Trent looked like he was hiding something, but you couldn’t figure out what. He’s always been like that, mysterious it’s like you’re dealing with a puzzle trying to figure out where every piece should be.
“Why did you show up tonight?” You wearily asked, searching for a way to find out why he’s avoiding to see you.
“I missed you and I want you, it’s been a long time eh?” He simply responded but you could see. There’s something in his eyes, he’s keeping secrets.
“Wait, you want me?” You hesitated, knowing that Trent does not like to bring up whether you should make it official or not. Every time you’d bring it up he would shrug it off and tell you that he wants to keep it slow but it’s been a year now. How long is this going to last?
“I do want you Y/n but it’s complicated.” Trent sighed and you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Why is it complicated? We’ve got everything” You pushed. You two did have everything, almost.
“Yes but I feel like we still need to prove it” He said.
“Prove what? What is missing for you?” You challenged and you could feel how the conversation was drifting away, turning more into an argument.
“Nothing” Trent lied and sighed, got up from your sofa moving to your bedroom. You followed him, you could see that he was upset with the situation.
“Then what is the problem!” You blustered and your voice cracked, Trent turned around to face you and rolled his eyes at you crying.
“Are you seeing someone else?” You cried, looking at him with disappointment because you knew he was hiding something.
“I’m not Y/n why would you assume that?”
“Because you’ve been acting differently, you’ve been avoiding me, you never text me anymore. I’m not hearing anything from you!” You told him and laughed in disbelief.
“I’m not seeing anyone, just give me time Y/n” He argued and walked up to you, wrapped his arms around your waist and pecked your forehead with his soft plumped lips.
“I’ve given you time, I’ve given you all the time in the world. Still you need more” You wept into his chest, feeling how his embrace comforted you at the same time as you were mad at him.
You wanted to trust him, to believe him that he wouldn’t have been with someone else behind your back. Because you two were sure how you felt about each other. Together or not you were his and he was yours, no one could take that away from you.
Trent began to move your body side to side to cheer you up, you giggled but you were still upset.
“Hey, what about you coming to my place tomorrow and we’ll watch a movie together” Trent considered and looked down at you with his puppy eyes, and once again you fell into his trap.
You hummed in response and let go of him, he walked to the hall and you were trailing behind him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow 7pm, don’t be late” Trent expressed and was all set to leave.
“I won’t” You said, and now you two stand there by the door with nothing to say. You looked at him, and something was still not right. You promised yourself to trust his words, he said he needed time. That’s what he said, he didn’t say he was seeing someone so you couldn’t just assume that but you still did.
“Y/n, come here” Trent broke off the silence and he wrapped his big arms around you. You sighed and before you could say anything he leaned in to kiss you. You felt butterflies in your stomach and your cheeks went red, he really could take away all your worries with just one simple kiss.
After he left you looked around your surroundings and everything reminded you of him. You stared at the sofa, imagining him still being in your presence. Your shirt smelt like him, that perfume that always smells so comforting and smells like Trent.
The worst part is that every time he leaves, it makes you want him even more.
Further another day waiting for you as you got ready to see Trent. You kept staring at the clock hoping that you would see 7pm on it, but the time stood still.
Ever since he left your house yesterday, you hadn’t stopped thinking about the conversation you two had. About him seeing someone else, it was just stuck in your head. And again you kept thinking if he said that he loves you, why would he see someone else?
As the clock started to near 7pm you got ready to leave your apartment and took on your puffer jacket and your shoes, checking your natural makeup look one last time in the mirror before stepping out of the door.
You decided to walk to Trent due to the short distance between the two of you. A few months ago he would follow you back home after you’ve been at his place, and he would make sure you got home safe. But now he’s stopped doing that. He doesn’t even meet up with you in the middle of the road anymore just because he can’t stand waiting one more minute for you to approach his house.
It was dark and chilly outside and you couldn’t wait to get to Trent, he that always makes sure you’re warm and safe in his arms.
Your hands were in your pockets because of the cold and you took out your hand to open his gate, you walked slowly towards the door noticing that the light’s out when you’re approaching it.
You knock, and you knock again. No one’s opening the door. You stand there, thinking that he’s maybe busy at the moment or doesn’t hear you knocking. But it’s starting to get more cold and you pick up your phone to call him.
“Y/n❤️” is calling…
Trent looks over at his phone and shrugs the thought of you off until he remembers…
You can’t stand waiting no longer as you open up his front door, it’s dark in his living room and you reach for the light switch wishing you actually never did because of what your eyes is seeing.
Seeing his hands on her thigh made you sick to your stomach, your entire body froze. You couldn’t do or say anything at the moment. Trent hasn’t even noticed you standing in the corner watching, until you decide to take a step forward.
“Oh I understand why it’s why it’s complicated” You noted and watched Trent and the girl next to him turn their heads drastically to your direction.
Trent quickly took his hand off her thigh and she looked at Trent then walked out of the room, stormed past you with her intense perfume that gave you a big headache immediately.
You still stood there, you could hear the silence crying, and Trent looked over at you with glossy eyes knowing that he’s darkest secret has been revealed. The one he tried to hide you from, to protect you from with the knowledge that it would absolutely break you.
“Tr..” You couldn’t even stand to say his name.
“I’m not even surprised to be honest” You whispered as a tear left your eye, Trent stood up and walked towards you but you took a step back.
“Y/n I can explain…” He started but you easily cut him off.
“Nah it’s alright” You said and your voice was breaking, Trent got closer and tried to hold you but you put up your hands and froze again and now you were fully sobbing. You never ever thought you would not want his touch but here you are, not even wanting to see him.
“Guess you really didn’t think I’d find out” You sobbed, not knowing what to do. You wanted to leave his house as soon as you could but your eyes were filled with tears and your vision was blurry.
“Y/n I- I’m sorry this is the biggest mistake I’ve ever done please just listen” Trent explained while he was trying to get eye contact with you, but he didn’t find that look that would tell him that you’re forgiving him.
“Why would you even do that Trent? If you know how I feel, why? Please just tell me” You cried and began to make your way back to the hall to leave.
“I’m stupid I know, is just that we’ve been so far away from each other all the time and I missed you and I didn’t know what do to” Trent stated as he cried, begging you to stay.
“Oh my… I can’t. I literally live 10 minutes away from you! You could just tell me that you want see me” You snapped and opened his door, it was even more cold than before and it was raining, you stood waiting for him to say something but he didn’t.
The rain was pouring down on you, you were absolutely drained. Not only drained from the rain but also from this night. You couldn’t believe that it was happening to you, and you kept asking yourself why you’re even this hurt if you two aren’t even together.
Because Trent was everything to you, why would he not be? Everything about him was so special, so beautiful. It was everything you liked in a person the night you met him. He has treated you like no other has ever treated you before and it made you feel loved and worth something. But now when he’s thrown all of that trust you had for him away you don’t know what to do.
So many promises he made, every one was just added to the bunch of lies that you couldn’t see. You was blind by his lies and his love, was it even love? Everything he’d say or done to you made you think if he even meant it or cared about you in the first place.
When you finally approach your apartment after walking the most painful walk you’ve ever done in your life, you enter the door. Completely ice cold from the rain, you throw your jacket on the floor and then you go into the bathroom to shower.
You sat on the floor, looking up at the water that falls upon your skin. You could see your phone lighting up in the dark, multiple times and you could also see who was calling.
You sighed and continued to wash out your conditioner before stepping out of the shower. You put on new clothes and tried your best to forget about everything that happened, but it wasn’t possible. In fact it was stuck in your head. That image of him sitting in his couch with somebody else, when it was supposed to be you.
You check your phone and you see hundreds of missed calls and texts from him seeing that he’s outside your door, and you can’t believe how he thinks that he can just try to fix everything like that.
Despite of what he’d done you still open the door. There he stood not even wet from the rain and you felt like an absolute idiot for letting him come in.
“Just wanted to make sure you got home safe” He began and you walked away from him, continuing to do your skincare after the shower.
He followed you, he could see that your whole body was exhausted from this evening and what he’d done to you.
You stood in front of the mirror applying your moisturiser and you could see him standing by the door watching you.
“I never meant to hurt you Y/n, and I know you’re hurt. And I’m never gonna forgive myself” Trent admitted and tears started to well up your eyes as you walked past him to get to your bedroom.
It didn’t matter how many times he told you that he’s sorry, you were still shattered and convinced that you do not do such a thing when you two know how you feel about one another.
“Tell me, what it’s like to have someone who’s always there for you? ‘Cause I wouldn’t know.” You mocked and a frown immediately appeared on his face.
“Y/n you know how fucking busy I am” He snapped and you rolled your eyes at his audacity to say something like that when you know there’s been plenty of time for him to see you.
“That’s not true.” You responded and now you stood facing him, he watched you brush your hair and his eyes followed every move you made until you walked past him again.
“Yes it is for goodness sake!” He scoffed, making you more and more angry wishing you never let him in.
“Guess you used your fucking time for someone else then, don’t come running back to me when she’s leaving you too” You shrugged and went to sit down by the sofa. It was all quiet again, the only thing that broke off the silence was you sniffing and Trent sighing. He sat down next to you and tried to tuck on strand of hair behind your ear but you pushed his hand off.
“You’re pretty when you cry, you know that right?” He whispered and took your hand, making small circles with his thumb which you didn’t know comforted you.
“Don’t start, please” You sighed and looked away from him.
“Start what?”
“Just don’t say things like that.” You told him.
“Why not?” He challenged and you started to lose your mind, your emotions were bubbling over and you decided to get up from the sofa, indicating for him to leave.
“Fuck, just go home please” You said, wearily and he stood up, walked up to you and now you were standing face to face. Your lips inches away from each other.
You thought if you two were meant to be, you would’ve been by now. But you weren’t and it was only for you to accept it.
“I see, it’s only when you’re about to lose someone that you pay attention.” You scoffed and laughed a little, how dumb can he be? Thinking you’ll forgive him just like that with his petty apology-kisses.
Trent understood and he knew. He knew he has lost you forever. He’s never going to find someone like you, someone who has that twinkle in their eye. Someone who cares for him like you do, love him like you do, he’s never going to find you in another person.
He wanted to kiss you, of course he did and you did too but there was no spark between you two to kiss anymore. It has died, that spark is gone probably far, far away from the two of you.
“Y/n I want you to know that I loved you, and I still love you. I will probably love you forever” He confessed.
“No, you will not Trent” You muttered wanting nothing but for him to leave.
“I’ll wait for you” He added and his voice broke and he started to cry, you rolled your eyes at him.
“Don’t please.” You ended and now you both stood there. Once again the conversation went quiet and you could feel an extreme wave of emotions washing over you, memories with him, meeting his family for the first time, everything was almost like a recap of what you’ve been through together. And now it comes to an end? Just because of him, going behind your back.
He slowly opened the door, whilst you tried not to break down in tears but you failed. It hurts so good but too much for you to handle. You really loved him but at the end of the day, loving him has consequences.
“Wait Trent” You blubbered and he turned around with tears running from his eyes. You went to hug him one last time. You both sobbed, knowing it was best for the both of you to end on “good terms”.
“I’m so sorry my Y/n, I love you so” He cried and his head laid on your shoulder, not wanting to let you go.
“I don’t want to let go” He whispered.
“You have to” You uttered and let go off him, your eyes were filled with tears and so were his, but you couldn’t be with him any longer.
“I love you, please don’t think of me. Focus on the football and your family. Know that together or apart I’ll be your biggest supporter T, cheering on you from the sidelines.”
You ended and he looked at you one last time with his mesmerising brown eyes.
It’s been months since you last saw Trent. You’ve been working a lot and you’ve been doing better since you stopped seeing him. But when you feel alone, the thinking starts again. You miss him one day, another day you’re not. It goes in waves, but you know better than to start talking with him again and then experience the same thing all over again.
As you were getting ready for your first date since you met Trent, you were searching for a specific purse. You found it, you hadn’t used it for almost a year and you also found a lipgloss you’ve been missing. While you continued to emptying it, you found a piece of paper.
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Without noticing tears started to fall down on your cheeks. You know who’s handwriting it was and you knew exactly which night it was written on. The night you two met, he must’ve put the letter in your purse when you didn’t see. You never opened it when you searched your bag last year because you thought it was just a receipt.
Everything came back to you. That night in Spain, late nights at his house, everything just came back. It has ruined your entire mood, forcing you tell your date that you can’t make it. And at this point, after all these months it makes you wonder.
Are you getting over him or just pretending to?
Let me know your thoughts 🫶🏻
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formulalfc · 6 months
could you please make the request about trent and uni student reader where she’s struggling a long fic x (sorry forgot to specify before lol)
I'm Here Now
Trent Alexander Arnold x Reader
tw- none really, exam stress
The last few weeks of university were really hard for every student, tests, essays, quizzes, you name it. But you were really determined to do well on your upcoming exams having studied so hard over the year.
You spent every day sitting in your boyfriend's office, typing away trying to get all your work done so that you could finally relax after a long year.
But as your final week got closer, your routine went out the window and you were now pulling all-nighters to try and get everything done. You allowed yourself maybe an hour sleep, curled up on the sofa in Trent's office, and then you were up again going through notes.
Trent had been away on international duty for the past few days but was due back today and yet you hadn't even remembered. So engrossed in your work and so out of sorts with what day it is you had no idea your boyfriend was coming home today.
You were currently really struggling with this particular essay you were doing, it was a hard topic and your lack or rest was starting to catch up with you.
The words on the screen started to look jumbled and like they ddint make sense, you screwed your eyes in an attempt to make things clear again but you just couldn't focus.
Tears of frustration started pooling in your eyes, fuelled also by your lack of sleep. You were so close to finishing everything being able to relax and now you just couldn't concentrate.
What started as a few tears were starting to turn into steams of them, sobs racking through your body as you cursed yourself for not looking after yourself better as you were now paying the price.
Due to your uncontrollable tears, you hadn't heard your front door open and close as your boyfriend came in and you hadn't heard him call out your name.
Trent was confused at your lack of response and assumed that you were studying with headphones on or something but when he opened the study door he see you there crying and his heart near enough broke.
As you caught sight of your boyfriend its like you were finally ready to let it all out, now finding it hard to breathe as you cried.
Trent rushed over to you and lifted you from your chair, gently sitting down on the sofa with you cradled in his lap.
You had stuck your head into his neck and were sobbing into him as he cooed down at you telling you, "You're okay baby, you're okay. I'm here now, I'm gonna make it all better okay?"
Your cries eventually died down as you snuggled further into him, finally feeling content in his arms. And soon enough you had fallen asleep in the arms of your boyfriend, who stared down at you in worry.
He could tell from your face that you had worn yourself down, and he felt bad knowing that he wasn't here to stop you from beating yourself up over silly exams.
But he felt better now knowing that you were here, safe in his arms, where you always should be.
Your boyfriend carried you down the hallway to your shared room, slowly managing to peel the covers back before he placed you onto the bed and tucked you in.
He left for a moment to get you a glass of water and some paracetamol for when you woke up, knowing that you would have a headache after all those hours you spent at your computer.
When he got back you seemed to be tossing and turning restlessly without him by your side. And so he quickly dumped the things on the side and stripped down to his boxers, turning off the hallway lights before moving into bed behind you.
You lay still as Trent pulled you close to him and wrapped his arms around you, knowing you could rest now and that you could worry about your essays in the morning.
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scaryscarecrows · 4 months
“I’m sure that by now most of you have become aware of the events at Arkham Asylum.”
Antoine’s voice is hoarse, going in and out a little. He hasn’t slept, not really. Sure, Mark got a power nap out of him, but that’s about it and it wasn’t enough. He looks like shit, too, all washed out and with eye bags big enough to take on a cruise.
“Batman do that, sir?”
“Yes and no. Before I continue, I want it clear: Batman is now considered a level five threat.”
“We can take him. Right, boys?” A cheer goes up. “Just tell us where he is, we’ll bring his head back in two hours.” 
Ha. Trent disagrees. Bastard’s got clown morals with Bat-bullshit, if he’s still alive–and he probably is–‘taking him’ is going to be a real bitch. It’s doable, probably, it’s just going to be difficult, especially with their best resource on both Batman and Joker being at death’s door.
Antoine’s smile is wintery and the cheer dies down, gives way to an uneasy silence. Trent can’t blame them for that. He’s usually the nice one. Nice is relative, but still.
“What you’ll be up against isn’t Batman anymore,” he says. “Now, I’m sure you all attended the briefing regarding the Joker’s death of TITAN poisoning.” Pfft. Trent knows damn well they didn’t, but that’ll keep them from jabbering. “Before that incident, the Joker supplied hospitals with tainted blood, and apparently gave Batman a transfusion as well. The cure didn’t take.” 
He turns to his laptop and taps a few keys. On screen, the footage Jimmy managed to get from the boss’s helmet earlier on Halloween looms large. Trent shudders. He’s seen some shit in his day, but that–a laughing, maniacal Batman attacking with full intent to kill–is in the running for his personal Top Five WTF. Thankfully, Antoine only lets it play for a few seconds, but those few seconds are enough to quiet the skeptical mutterings.
“That’s what you’re up against now. He will kill you, without a second thought. He has already killed Scarecrow–”
“Shit, we work for Richardson now?”
“No. The Arkham Knight dispatched her before the asylum blew up.”
At least that one stuck. Last thing they need is that vindictive little monster blaming them for what happened to Scarecrow.
“For the moment, we are going to continue as we were. I want drones sweeping the city, checkpoints manned, and watchtowers fully operational. If anybody sees anything, you call in immediately and you wait for backup. Don’t be a hero, your insurance does not cover facial removal.” There’s a smattering of nervous chuckles that Antoine does not join in. “Patrols: minimum of four, do not let each other out of your sight. Someone has to piss, you all go. Someone falls in one of those damn potholes and breaks an ankle, you all come back to base as a group. Understood?”
“Good. Any questions?” If they have any, they don’t ask them. Antoine closes his laptop, disconnects it, and turns on his heel. “Dismissed.”
Trent steps in fully as they file out. A few of them flinch, but most of them just keep moving.
“You look like shit,” he says bluntly. “Mark’s right, you need sleep.”
“I’m fine. Anything?”
“Couple of false alarms.”
“So no.”
“Damn.” Antoine runs a hand through his hair. “Any change with the boss?”
“Still out. Look…what are we going to do, if he…doesn’t…wake up? Batman’s Gotham’s problem, right?”
Antoine just laughs, a little bitter, and starts towards the door.
“He only got maybe a quarter of the mines. We pull our men out and blow this city to Kingdom Come, see him walk that off.”
God damn.
“You’re sure?”
“My orders are to put the bastard down, whatever it takes.” He turns towards the back hallway. “Check in with the Arkham troops again, make sure they don’t need any further supplies. Did you send them a COBRA drone?”
“Yeah, earlier.”
“Good. Keep me posted.”
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
SAN FRANCISCO -- The Democratic mayor of San Francisco is pushing a pair of controversial public safety proposals on the March 5 ballot, including one that would require single adults on welfare be screened and treated for illegal drug addiction or else lose cash assistance.
Mayor London Breed also supports a ballot measure that would grant police more crime-fighting powers, such as the use of drones and surveillance cameras. In November, she'll face cranky voters in a competitive reelection bid.
San Francisco is in a struggle to redefine itself after the pandemic left it in economic tatters and highlighted its longstanding problems with homelessness, drugs and property crime. Opponents say both ballot measures are wildly out of step with San Francisco's support for privacy and civil liberties and will only hurt the marginalized communities the city prides itself on helping.
But Breed, the first Black woman to lead San Francisco, said at a January campaign stop that residents from poorer, Black and immigrant neighborhoods are pleading for more police, and recovery advocates are demanding change as more than 800 people died of accidental overdose last year — a record fueled by the abundance of cheap and potent fentanyl.
“They said San Francisco makes it too easy for people to access and to use drugs on the streets of the city and we need to do something a lot more aggressive,” Breed said at Footprint, an athletic apparel and shoe store that has been repeatedly burglarized.
While Breed's name isn't on the presidential primary ballots going out now — San Francisco uses a method where residents rank mayoral candidates by preference a single time in November — the two measures she's pushing are. They serve as an opening salvo for her reelection campaign as she faces off against fellow moderates who say her approach to the city's problems has been weak.
Violent crimes are low in San Francisco, but the city has long struggled with quality-of-life crimes.
Breed said rates of retail theft and auto smash-ins have declined recently, thanks in large part to strategic operations by city police. Similarly, police have stepped up enforcement of drug laws, including by issuing citations to people using drugs in public as a way to disrupt the behavior and an opportunity to persuade the person cited to seek help.
But she said San Francisco needs to do more.
If approved by voters, Proposition F would offer another way to compel treatment, by allowing the city to screen single adults on local welfare for substance abuse. People found to be abusing illegal drugs would be required to enroll in treatment if they want to receive cash assistance from the city, which maxes out at just over $700 a month.
Opponents say coercion doesn't work and homelessness may increase if the measure passes. Drug addicts are not criminals, they say, and there are not enough treatment beds and counseling services as it is.
A crackdown on drugs is reminiscent of the failed war on drugs that disproportionately harmed Black families, said Chris Ballard, co-executive director of Coleman Advocates, which pushes for improvements for Black and Latino youth in San Francisco.
“There are more ethical ways to address the issue aside from punitive measures, and that’s the proper way to take care of a community, to show true support,” he said.
Yet Trent Rhorer, executive director of the San Francisco Human Services Agency, which provides cash assistance and employment services to low-income residents without dependent children, said the current situation is in conflict with the agency's mission: to improve lives.
“To give someone who’s addicted to fentanyl $700 a month, I don’t think it helps improve their lives,” he said. “In fact, I think it does the opposite.”
Compelling treatment has become more acceptable in Democratic California, despite angst over the potential loss of civil liberties, as visible signs of homelessness and mental illness, fentanyl addiction, and unsafe street behavior surge.
Last year, several counties rolled out an alternative mental health court created by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, former mayor of San Francisco, to fast-track people with untreated schizophrenia and related disorders into care, and in March voters will take up a statewide mental health proposition that some say will increase involuntary treatment.
Rhorer said the welfare program for single adults — which serves about 9,000 people per year — already asks applicants about substance abuse, with about 20% self-reporting an issue. A data check with the Department of Public Health revealed that almost one-third of recipients have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder, he said.
The ballot measure would replace that question with a more rigorous screening test that would be verified by an addiction specialist. If substance abuse is found, Rhorer said, the specialist and applicant would agree on treatment options that include residential care, a 12-step program, individual counseling and replacement medication.
There is no requirement that the person be sober, only that they make good-faith efforts to attend their program, with the hope that “at one point a light bulb will go off,” Rhorer said.
The measure calls for the city to pay the rent of those accepted into the program for 30 days or longer to avoid eviction. About 30% of the people who fatally overdosed in 2023 were homeless, and more were living in subsidized city housing.
Besides authorizing drones, cameras and other modern technologies, Proposition E would reduce paperwork so police have more time to patrol. It would also allow police to pursue more suspects by vehicle, and not just in cases of a violent felony or immediate threat to public safety — a policy store owner Michael Hsu learned of the hard way.
Hsu has had his Footprint store broken into multiple times since he took over in 2020, most recently on Jan. 1. Police arrived as the suspects were leaving but could not pursue them because no lives were at risk. Hsu, who lost about $20,000 in merchandise and damage, called that discouraging.
“You’re sending the wrong message to these criminals,” he said.
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webslingingslasher · 5 months
hiiii - 🤍 here
but you know what i love more than the theme? CHAPTER 2!!!
first of all, christine. i liked her at first, then she annoyed me bc why is she fucking the guy trouble wanted to fuck. especially KNOWING they were hooking up? fuck off. even tho trouble didnt care it pissed me off djfjkdjkd
THE BEGINNING MENTION OF TRENT MADE ME SO EXCITED bc i read the prologue and had NO idea what was going on. like? are trouble and trent secretly hit men? what is going on. I WAS SO EXCITED AND YOU DELIVEREEDDDDDDDDD. peter RISKING IT ALL FOR TROUBLE ON LIKE, DAY 2 OF KNOWING HER is so real. and he acts like he doesn't care. puh-LEASE!
NFDJKHDSHFJKSHJ NO J IM SO FUCKING EXCITED ADHJSAHDFDKSHKJFSDH IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! THE KISS? ARE YOU INSANE? IT LEFT *ME* BREATHLESS. I WAS SCREAMING. I STILL AM FDHJKFHSJDKHFJDS AHHH BABY TROUBLE AND PETER🥹🥹🥹 im crying. reading this knowing how far theyve come makes me cry bv its fr BABY TROUBLE AND PETER. i love that shes always been delusional. she's just like me <3
SPEAKING OF ETHAN - peter wanting trouble so much he fr gets annoyed at ethan for thinking hes trying to get with her??? ARE U INSANE. I KVDJSKLFJKS. thats his brother for life but he wants trouble so bad, suddenly he cant think straight and is like puffing out his chest when ethans there. i giggled at the taylor swift mention. djsjkfksl
trouble high is my fav thing. its also making me think ab intox kink with peter but i wont go there rn
her not needing a trip sitter is so iconic but peter was def watching her every move incase she needed one and would pretend he wouldn't.
“Want my advice? Parker is your best bet.”  why was this so hot. im so down bad. like. its shocking. im obsessed
also using rice water bc of christine now.
ally is the cutest bestie.
“Funny. When I asked she said she had no plans.” 🤭 if you saw my face when i read thidshsjkshdjf
“She’s cool. You know, witty, kind, pretty…”
“She’s difficult and entitled.”  I SCREAMED J. I SCREAMED. i wanna film live reactions to me reading the next chapter bc i swear i screamed and giggled and threw my phone across the wall twice (the screen cracked but there's a screen protector so its okay)
“You saw her first, it’s only fair.” It’s tiny, and it’s a microflash, but Peter grinned. HAJGHJGFDKSHSAJKHJSKAHGJ
ethan saying she wants water and her being like omg i do! SO CUTE.
I could write a thesis statement on peter doing that shot with trouble vs ethan saying no. and i think i will. he's SOOOOOOO- DHJFSJKSHDS
him calling her princess🤭🤭 changing my name to princess brb. he was actually talking to me, j. you got it confused. he wasn't talking to trouble <3. me <3.
i hope trent dies. can we kill him later? just a lil poisoning in the cathedral hall, nothing major <3
him saying she isn't totally insufferable🥹🥹 bare minimum i know but from peter thats basically an "i love you"
“You’re a fucking dick.” 
“Yeah, and you just wanna stick yours in her.” If he wouldn’t be at grounds of expulsion from the frat, Peter would’ve laid him the fuck out right then and there. “Shut the fuck up, Simpson. Just leave it alone.” He does, and throws the door open before parting you with a middle finger.  I CRIEDDDDDD
him calling her freshman after ignoring her after kissing her hurt my feelings but then he breathed or smth the next line and i was like ahh <3 forgiven.
i could go on and on and on but '‘big brother season.’  made me dfjkksd
- 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
this actually makes my heart SWELL UP cause like... wow. this means the world. im over here giggling and throwing my laptop at the wall w this!!!
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josiewrites · 1 year
In Your Head
The Orange Cassidy/Kip Sabian feud hasn’t left my head since it happened, and now yall are gonna be in it with me. 
Tag List Babes:  @writtingrose , @munsinner , @rubyred1980 , @letmebeawesome , @unlikelywrestlingfan , @rollynchwhore , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @demonqueen29 , @auburnwrites , @baysexuality , @elitehoe , @wwenhlimagines , @omg-im-such-a-masochist , @seeingstarks , @damnnhausen , @xladyxfatex , @himbos-hotline
“Jesus, really?"
Orange turned his attention to Chuck's voice, even though he knew Chuck was busy with Trent. His eyes followed Chuck's gaze, landing on the monitor in the back, displaying the match that was going on. 
Kip's match. 
It took him a second to recognize it, but once Kip finished pulling the elbow pad on, he felt a heat bloom in his chest. The feeling only grew as the silver haired Brit pulled off the elbow pad and threw it to the ground, an empty parody of his own stance. He turned towards the screen fully as he watched Kip land his own version of his Orange Punch, pin his opponent, and sit up after the three shooting a thumbs up. 
His gaze slid over to Trent, who was still bristling over the match. "Something you want to tell us, Cass?" Trent's dark eyes burned into Orange's chest as he stood, taking a strong step forward. 
"What?" He tried to keep his voice level and nonchalant, despite the white hot emotion roiling in his chest. 
"Don't 'what' me, Cass," Trent spat, stopping just barely toe to toe with Orange. "First our match, now this?" He threw a hand towards the screen as Kip and Penelope posed in the ring. "What's up with you two?"
Orange sighed, hands taking up their place in his pockets. "There's nothing up," he said, holding Trent's gaze levelly. "He wants my belt, and he's doing everything he can to get in my head." His eyes flicked quickly over to Chuck, hovering between them to try and keep the peace, and back. "And I know damn well you'd be pissed if I went easy on you."
Trent's eyebrows knitted together skeptically, then shrugged. "Yeah, you're right." Out of the corner of his vision, Orange saw Chuck visibly relax. "He's just been really weird about you lately."
"That's a word for it," Orange mumbled as Chuck and Trent walked back to catering, trying to convince himself that he told Trent the truth, despite the heat in his stomach.
Orange slammed the door to his locker room, the doorframe rattling with the force. He took a deep breath, trying to get his adrenaline to subside. He knew Chuck and Trent would be gone already, as much as he appreciated the assist. Things had been…strained with them this past week, because he'd been in Orange's head.
Kip. Fucking. Sabian.
Even just thinking his name made Orange's blood run white-hot, and he threw the backpack onto the couch in annoyance. His stomach swirled with emotions. He wanted to hit Kip, make him bleed, make him hurt, make him-
A knock cut through the roiling haze of Orange's mind, two sharp raps at the door behind him. Confused, Orange turned back to face the door, hand resting gently on the knob. The only people that might want to see him after the match were gone, so who could this possibly be?
After the knocking came again, his first thought was Tony. He sighed, recalling how he pushed the referee during the match. Hoping he wasn't going to be fined too heavily, the apology died on his tongue as he opened the door. 
"About time, my sweet Clementine."
Looking into the hazel eyes that had taunted him for weeks, Orange's hands clenched into fists unconsciously. "Coming to beg for another shot?"
Kip smirked, huffing out a small laugh as he puffed his chest out slightly. “Oh hardly,” he chided, his accent lilting slightly. “And don’t be like that,” he quipped as he pushed his way into Orange’s room
Orange looked him over appraisingly, noting that Kip was now wearing dark jeans and a gray tee shirt. “Can I help you?” That unbothered tone giving way to slight annoyance. “Shouldn’t you be off in your hotel room, having Penelope lick your wounds?”
Kip turned and looked back at Orange, a wicked smirk on his face. "And what of you, my boy? Shouldn't Chuck and Trent be giving you a victory party?" He winked and made an obscene gesture. 
Orange rolled his eyes and huffed. "Even if that was a thing," he said pointedly, "which it's not, things are rough with us."
Kip bat his eyelashes in mock innocence. "Oh dear," he said, his voice saccharine as he stepped towards Orange. "Did I do that, little Clementine?"
Orange bristled. "The door's right here," he said, gesturing to it.
"Hmm, yes," Kip said, "I suppose I've overstayed my welcome. Very well." With a quickness, Kip planted a small peck on Orange's cheek. "Until next time, old boy."
That was it.
Orange pushed the door shut in Kip's face. "Care to try again?" His normally cool detached voice took on a deeper tone, and it made the pit of Kip's stomach quake. 
"B-beg pardon?" Kip asked, turning back towards Orange, who had managed to get incredibly close. 
"That's right," Orange said, putting his other hand on the door, effectively trapping Kip between his arms. "Beg."
Kip flushed, mouth hanging open in stunned silence. "I…I…"
"What's wrong?" Orange asked, leaning towards Kip. "You were all talk before." His face was now a hair's breadth away from Kip. "Do something," he challenged.
Kip's heart raced slightly as he looked Orange in those stormy blue eyes. Letting out a shaky breath, he leaned in and pressed his lips to Orange's, waiting to be pushed back as he shut his eyes. 
Orange blinked, stunned at Kip's sudden movement. The Brit's lips on his were soft, and Orange found himself relaxing into the kiss before pushing for dominance. One hand fisted Kip's hair as he pushed him back into the door. 
Kip gasped into the kiss, and Orange took that opportunity to slip his tongue inside Kip's mouth. Kip melted into the kiss, and he found his hands instinctively going to Orange's chest. He'd touched him before, but there was a different feeling this time. He could feel the warmth radiating from Orange's toned chest, and his fingers danced along his pecs.
Using his free hand, Orange grabbed Kip's wrists and pinned them above his head, breaking the kiss momentarily. "Well?" His voice was husky as he released Kip's hair, still pinning his wrists.
"Fuck, Clementine," Kip breathed, his chest rising and falling rapidly. 
"Are you asking?" Orange said teasingly, hooking his thumb into his pants pocket, pulling on it slightly to expose the flesh of his hip bone peeking out above his waistband.
Kip, for the first time, found himself speechless. There was no way, the blonde had to be joking.
"I…I…" Kip stammered, his wrists still pinned above his head. His heart raced, and he felt his face grow hot.
Orange smirked and released Kip's wrists. "Nah," he said, his unbothered tone returning. "You haven't earned it yet." He pulled the door open, and the stunned Brit walked out. "Oh, and Kip?" 
Kip turned back to look at Orange, his throat dry. "Y-yes?"
Orange winked. "Maybe next time. Try a little harder."
Kip flushed at the remark, and Orange just pulled the door shut with a confident smirk.
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Nineteen things I noted about CR2E109 “Frigid Propositions” and the Talks Machina about it :
I know, it's long, but you know why ? BRIAN IS OUT OF HIS CAGE
A wild Brian appears !!!!! At last !! He pushes Ashley while saying "pardon me, you beautiful yet dangerous woman", and, yeah, fair.
Yeaaaaaaah YASHA GETS A TATOO !! "It's been a long time since you've allowed yourself to be an canvas for beauty" I'm crying at those words.
Yasha and Fjord going shopping are the most socially awkward team ever. Even Caleb can do better (because he knows what he wants : high-quality paper & ink).
D&D is high-fantasy. For example, in 2020, you could go to the restaurant and eat ceviche in your D&D game.
HAHAHA ASHLEY REFERENCING THE INFAMOUS REN FAIR COIN STORY. Travis : "Oh, fuck ! No ! That's personal. Don't you bring Ren Fair into this !" I love her
The shop is amazing, the oops stone and the celebones will definitely serve for fuckery. Also love that Matt didn't realize he described what reeeeeally resembled an invisible dildo until he looked at Laura and the others started giggling.
They just bought the entirety of this shop's oops stones and celebones stock ; that plus Beau's entire cart of fireworks... they're set to go to the North, babyyyyyyyy !!
Now it's Beau and Jester talking about loves, awww. Beau really has lots of people concerned for her love life.
WHAT ?? Yasha's hair is changing too ??? She's going back to white (which is SO HOT)
Caduceus : "Patience is fine, but it can curdle into apathy."
AEOR LORE MY BELOVED these wizards tried to kill the gods and the gods said "you pissed off us so much that we will bring you down and it will take 3000 years for historians to find your traces". Hearing all the lore after ExU Calamity is so much fun. Also I need to rewatch ExU Calamity
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Oh fuck, they're in town for 2 seconds and Trent Icky Thong already clocked them
The winner of cosplay of the week got the honor of Laura commenting "Not gonna lie : that's hot !" and she was RIGHT, hot damn !
Awwwww, Matt saying Vilya coming home to Keyleth was kind of a gift to Marisha made my heart melt !
I have missed Dani's sighs of suffering : "Brian..."
Oh fuck, the revelation that Matt was thinking Caleb or Jester for that Disintegrate spell that Vokodo did not avoid... That would have been HORRIFYING. I agree with Dani, the rest of the Mighty Nein would have murdered Artagan on sight if Jester had died with no real immediate possibility of bringing her back.
Two questions Dani asks Marisha after every game : "Did anyone died ?" and "Did anyone make out with anyone ?". Like Laura says, these are the important questions !
Gotta say, I missed Brian & Dani so much ! The lack of background music is weird, I hope they fix that in the next Talks. The editing team is having so much work to do, with the green screen and the post-prod ads, but the spirit of Talks Machina is the same, and that's all that matters.
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godhoodandgirlhood · 2 years
I will now spew my shitty opinions on the internet yet again, but this time TOTAL DRAMA (Gen 1 edition :])
these are opinions. don't get mad.
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Ezekiel: during his elimination episode, I was pissed at him, but by the time total drama drama drama drama drama island hit I wasn't that upset tbh. He didn't deserve to go feral, and his issue was fixable (unlike some other bitch up for elimination that episode >:^( ) stop the Zeke abuse y'all
EVA! 😍😍😍😍😍: I love her and my whole world revolves around her. I would be nothing without Eva. If you don't stan Eva get off my page (/hj). Live, laugh, love, Eva. Friendly reminder we wouldn't exist without Queen Eva. She is so girlboss she literally ate a goalie net, broke records, and did stunt work on the side. Everyone bow for our queen.
Noah: don't hate me, but he gets too much hype. I still love him and think he has some of the best oneliners but he is so dry other than that. A fucking chicken without seasoning. This sounds hypocritical based off my Eva opinion, but Noah was in three seasons and Eva was in only one. Noah's only plot relevance was being cynical and sarcastic, being sus of Alejandro, and simping for Emma, yet he has a million and one stans.
Justin: I preferred it when he didn't speak.
Katie & Sadie: I also would prefer it if you didn't speak.
Tyler: wasted potential in season 3 and was also eliminated too early in season 1. I wish we could have seen the lyler breakup on screen, probably because of Alejandro or something. Anyways, sign my petition for a Tyler queer storyline.
Izzy: I hope they make the execution legal again for her and only her. Firing squad, stoning, anything just to get rid of this godforsaken MENACE. Worst member of team e-scope and it's literally named after her.
Cody: call the police girl you are in severe danger!! File a restraining order, beat her up, ANYTHING BRO YOU ARE A VICTIM. But also you're a worthless simp who is literally the most accurate depiction of a teenage boy on total drama other than like Noah. Also, this boy is literally abused. Neglected. Someone give this boy a hug (Not you Sierra get tf away).
Beth: don't care, didn't ask.
Courtney: SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. I have an intense hatred for Courtney. For the majority of her time on the show I wanted to wring her neck and replace her blood with acetone. Btw boyfriend kisser isn't even that much of bop and is one of my least favorite songs.
Harold: fetishists stan Harold. He fetishes Leshawna and doesn't fucking leave her alone. Don't play pirates with him.
Trent: worst rep of ocd I've ever seen in my whole entire being. Also boring as he'll and I hope he gets stepped on.
Bridgette: she lost me after season 1 but before her venture to superhell she was nice I guess.
Lindsay: please give this girl a single brain cell omg. It feels so wrong to applaud her for doing something remotely smart because SHES SO FUCKING STUPID. She probably doesn't even know simple addition dude. Get rid of the dumb blonde stereotype before I bite your skull.
DJ: the second the animal curse started, I took DJ's six feet height and buried myself in it. I passed away. My soul still lingers to haunt the ho who did this to best boy.
Geoff: god, shut up
Leshawna: black stereotype PERIOD. She's good but oh my god she's a racist stereotype
Duncan: eat dirt and die bitch.
Heather: literally is racist and stuff but okay. I'll take a stiletto heel and stab this absolute loser in the throat damn.
Gwen: I hope the cyan hair dye seeps into her skull and she fucking dies.
Owen: if the man doesn't stop burping and farting I will find his home and burn it, cake it in asbestos, and make him inhale the toxic gases. When he's dying on the hospital bed, I'll stuff a baby down his throat and punch him in the face.
Sierra: jail. Now. Criminal. It is illegal for someone this fucked up to exist. Exterminate this pest at your earliest convenience.
Alejandro: you're a fucking donkey. Now eat some shit and die Al.
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reidandweep · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Reader (female)
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A/N- Much like Adam Driver, I have been a huge fan of Matthew Gray Gubler and criminal minds for years. With quarantine, I decided to re-watch the show from the beginning and I had some inspiration. My writing tends to take a while but if you have any requests or idea for Spencer Reid, please send them my way.
Word Count- 6286 words
Warning- Angst, mentions of violence and torture, fluff, tears, and the usual criminal minds details.
If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? -William Shakespeare.
“Good morning my lover and friends. As of 8:45 am, yesterday morning, four bodies have been found across the Washington State area. Locations confirmed to be Pomeroy, Baker City, Salem, and Mill Creek. All victims were very similar in physical appearance; Caucasian, red hair, brown eyes, approximately 5ft 4’.”
Garcia swiped her tablet to display family photographs of the victims on the screen. The team watched, in the debriefing room, as they scanned through their own tablets; reading through the details. Spencer’s eyes flittered over the images as his fingers scanned across the words in his paper file; still adamant on not working with technology like the rest of his team.
“What about the cause of death? How were they found?”
Garcia shivered at Rossi’s question.
“It’s not a pretty image. Each victim was dismembered at the elbows, knees, neck, and stomach. Further cuts were made vertically down the stomach and across the face, arms, and legs. Not deep enough to cut through bone, but deep enough to bleed out. Where the unsub cut our victims, he then sewed them back together.”
Emily looked up at Garcia.
“Are you saying the lacerations were made before the victim’s died?”
“Precisely. Each autopsy report came back the same with the cause of death pointing to the direction of blood loss; specifically, from the throat.”
The team looked at the new images before them. Multiple pictures appeared on the screen, showing the bodies of the victims. The pictures showing the women laid out in the same pose, thick thread holding together the pieces of their corpses. All had their eyes closed, except one.
“Garcia, the last victim, zoom into her face.”
Garcia did as Spencer asked.
“Her eyes are closed.”
Spencer nodded, glancing towards JJ as she spoke.
“Meaning that he felt remorse for this murder.”
Derek scrolled through the pictures on his tablet.
“The other three victim’s eyes are open, indicating that he wanted them to look. To watch what he was doing, whatever it may have been.”
Spencer looked across the table at the questioning faces.
“So, what changed between the third and the fourth victim?”
Hotch stood from his seat, indicating the others to grab their belonging.
“We can discuss further on jet. Wheels up in thirty.”
Being greeted by the local police department in Clagstone, Spencer and the team began their investigation into the murders. Spencer did not know what it was, but the stitching on the bodies felt familiar. Like he had seen them before.
Looking up from his files, Spencer watched as Derek walked into the room, ending a call with who he could only presume to be Garcia.
“Garcia has just completed background checks on our latest victim. Lily Trent visited local film screenings at the Southview Centre religiously, to watch horror movies in particular. Seems like the girl loved anything horror and Halloween; according to her roommate and her computer history. It seems that are other victims did also.”
Spencer stood from his seat and walked towards the whiteboard at the back of the room. Writing down the details Derek stated, his brain began to filter through the relevant information needed.
“Halloween is ranked the ninth most celebrated holiday in the world. With different interpretations of the holiday occurring according to country and culture. Wearing costumes at Halloween did not even become an occurrence until 1585, with the first instance recorded in Scotland.”
Derek chuckled at Reid’s excitement. He knew the boy loved Halloween.
“Well it all looks like they were pretty huge fans of the holiday and horror films. Maybe our unsub was too.”
Spencer looked down at the photos in his hand, scanning his memory for any correlation.
“Maybe, it’s not just horror, but a particular film. If all the victims were presented in a certain way, maybe the unsub is trying to replicate what happened to a character in a particular film.”
Derek crossed his arms over his chest.
“I’ll call Garcia to search through all the victims search history to see if any particular horror films come up in each one. Do you know of any films that the unsub could have replicated?”
Spencer shook his head.
“I can collate his actions to hundreds of films but, the method of torture and look of the victims, I can’t think of one horror feature that pinpoints all that the unsub has done.”
A thought unexpectedly popped into Spencer’s mind. Derek cocked his head at the sudden halt from the resident genius.
“But I know someone who might.”
“The importance of genre in film alters many of the other aspects. The characters and their narrative arcs, the music score, cinematography, the edit, and so much more. Sometimes genre even dictates the director who signs onto the project. Dennis Dugan would not have a directing career if Adam Sandler stopped making comedy movies. Because that is what he directs. He doesn’t direct comedies; he directs Adam Sandler comedies. Which, in my opinion, are a whole genre on their own.”
The class chuckled.
“Genre plays a part in everyday life. Sometimes, your day will be led by romance, or grief, or action. There may be drama, or comedy, or even silence.”
The class looked on in concentration as Y/N walked across the floor. If someone who did not attend the college walked past the classroom, they could’ve presumed that she was a student. She looked young enough.
“It controls the way the characters talk, act, and move. How the plot thickens and pushes forward and…”
The doors at the back of the auditorium opened. Y/N looked up at the sound of the intrusion to see figures that she could not recognise, and one that she did.
Clearing her throat, she continued.
“And how it even ends. We shall leave it at that today. What I want you to do in the meantime is research a genre in particular and come up with examples that counteract the stereotypes that have been enforced upon the genre itself. Hand it in to your professor first thing Monday morning. Thank you.”
Y/N watched as the students collected their things and filtered out of the room. The figures waiting till she was only left before they walked down the steps.
Coming to a stop in front of her desk, Y/N crossed her arms and waited. Spencer stepped forward with a crooked smile on his face.
“Hi Y/N.”
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle.
“Long time no see stranger.”
Spencer’s cheeks burned at Y/N’s words. The team shared looks between them at the unfamiliar display. They had seen Spencer blush at people before, but not for a long time.
Spencer cleared his throat, preparing himself to act professional.
“This is Dr Y/F/N Y/L/N. Y/N travels across the country to guest speak at different universities on her topic at hand. She specialises in film studies, more importantly the focus of characters and genres. If I can’t connect the unsub’s actions to a film, Y/N most definitely can.”
Y/N smiled at Spencer’s praise.
“Nice to meet you all. So, what are you here to talk to me about Doc? Obviously, you’re here on a case and if you are asking for my help, I’m guessing it’s going to be pretty gruesome.”
Spencer blushed at the nickname; caught off guard by the word slipping of her tongue.
Sending a raised look towards Reid, Hotch began to explain why they were there.
“Were looking into a case of connected murders. All victims were found to have been mutilated and tortured in the same way. As well as showing resemblances in their physical appearances. With research, we’ve found that each victim was particularly fond of horror films and Halloween. We would just like for you to take a look and see if you could recognise if the ways in which they were harmed stemmed from a film in particular.”
Y/N nodded her head.
“Of course, anything to help.”
She reached for the files from Spencer’s hands, ignoring the tablet pushed in her direction by JJ.
“Sorry, I prefer to use paper. I only really use technology for my lectures or to watch films if they cannot be purchased in physical form.”
Derek smirked, shooting looks to his team, as his eyes landed on Spencer. He never thought he would meet a technophobe like Reid.
Y/N scanned through the pictures and documents, looking in detail at the lacerations at hand. She identified the similarities between the victims, as her mind swirled through the images and characters from the films, she knew held similarities.
“What were the names of all the victims?”
Emily looked towards the woman.
“That information is classified.”
Y/N did not blink at her abrasiveness.
“Were any of them called Sally?”
The team looked perplexed at her question.
“No. Why that name in particular?”
Y/N continued to scan the pages as Rossi questioned her.
“Because the unsub isn’t replicating anything from a horror movie. The unsub is replicating the physical appearance and staging of a character from an animated movie. A Disney one to be more specific.”
A light bulb flickered in Spencer’s mind as he stared at Y/N in realisation. The hair colours. The stitches. It made sense now.
“The Nightmare Before Christmas.”
“The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993 American stop-motion animated musical Halloween-Christmas fantasy film directed by Henry Selick and produced and conceived by Tim Burton. It became a cult classic during the early 2000s with orchestral concerts occurring every year to celebrate the spectacle of the film.”
Spencer indicated for JJ to change the monitor as he and Y/N stood in front of the team to explain the information.
“Originally, the story began as a poem written by Tim Burton. Both narratives follow the protagonist, Jack Skellington, into his journey to Christmastown, and how he tries to make Christmas his own. The character in question that your unsub is replicating is the love interest of our protagonist. Created by Dr Finkelstein, Sally is a ragdoll-esque character whose body is covered with stitches to keep her together. The form in which all the women were found is identical to this scene in the movie.”
The screen changes to show the scene in question; paused at the precise moment to prover her point.
“All red haired, all Caucasian, all eerily the same. The stitches are exactly the same and the pose in which they are in the pictures are also.”
“We now know which film our unsub is mimicking, but how can we produce a distinguished profile of our unsub? All we can say is that between his third and fourth victim, he suddenly began to feel remorseful of his crimes.”
Y/N looked towards Spencer, waiting for him to speak as he knew more details about the case.
“Garcia checked into the victim’s computer histories and found that all four victims attended a horror convention in the Washington state area over the course of the past month. The convention in particular runs every other weekend, focusing on different horror films to highlight. However, they always make an exception for one film; The Nightmare Before Christmas. Whilst reviewing receipts for the tickets, they were all brought through the convention’s website, which is run by its board of organisation every year. Up until recently, the board has held the same members.”
Derek tapped on his tablet to the convention’s website.
“Last month, the website released details stating that a distinguish member was no longer part of the board due to unforeseen circumstances.”
It suddenly dawned on Y/N who Derek was talking about.
“Dean Faulkner.”
Spencer whipped around towards Y/N.
All eyes laid on her as her breath increased.
“You know him?”
Y/N nodded at Hotch.
“I guest spoke at a panel with him a few years back at a separate university. We were both there, amongst others, to talk about the works of a genre that are expertise were in. I was there to basically provide loose ends for what they could not answer. Dean’s specialised area was horror. The whole time he spoke about what he described as the true villains of horror and of the world.”
Y/N gulped, her mouth going dry.
The wheels began to turn in the team’s heads.
Spencer stepped closer towards Y/N in assurance, seeing that her thoughts were becoming overwhelmed. He quickly stepped back after he realised what he had done.
“He went on a raging tangent about the damsel in distress and the final girl. Going on and on and on about how women are weak and would never be the last one standing if faced against the monsters in real life. How they manipulated the men and made the monsters seem worse than they truly were. The only time he spoke positively about women was when we finally calmed him down and, during a Q&A session, a student asked him who the perfect horror movie character was. He said Sally because she was forgiving and would do anything for Jack; even if that meant falling apart and being sewn back together. I tried to justify that the film does not necessarily fall into the genre of horror. But he rebutted saying that it most definitely did, because of the fact that Jack’s dream did not come true.”
The room was silent for a second, taking in the information.
Suddenly, Y/N grasped the pen from Spencer’s hands. Her finger scribbling across the whiteboard.
“I need to know the names of the victims. Get Penelope on the phone and tell me the names.”
The team shocked at her erratic movements, sat in silence.
“Do you want to capture this guy?”
Spencer licked his lips and repeated the victim’s names.
“Susanna Cole, Alice Dawes, Liberty May, and Lily Trent.”
Y/N swiftly wrote the names on the boards. Each name below the other. Underneath the last name she wrote the letter Y.
“Can you ask Penelope to track any females with the first name beginning with Y who have purchased a ticket to the next convention?”
Derek quickly began to type to her. The rest of the team looking on in disbelief.
“There were twenty-three purchases, but with cross referencing with the similarities in the other victims, one matched. Her name is Yasmine Driver.”
Y/N wrote the name on the board. Circling all the first letters of each name, it became clear there was another connection with the victims.
“Their initials spell Sally.”
Y/N nodded at JJ’s disbelief.
“Reid, when is the next convention being held?”
Spencer diverted his attention to Emily.
“Their schedule every two weeks, so that would make it… tomorrow.”
The team swiftly moved into action.
“JJ bring together the police force for a debrief. Derek and Rossi, go to the convention centre and question the board about Dean. Ask them how often he visited and if they have any knowledge of the victims visits to the convention. Spencer and Emily, contact Penelope for Faulkner’s address. Once you have visited the home, if he is there, bring him in. We’re going to try and catch him before he gets close to his goal. I will locate Yasmine and bring her to the station for safety. We don’t know how far he is going to go and what the end goal of his fantasy is. But we are going to stop him.”
The team swiftly did as they were told, leaving the room with only Spencer and Y/N behind. Just before the door shot, Hotch leaned back in.
“Thank you, Dr Y/L/N, for all your help. If possible, could you stay here with JJ and look through the documents? You know this guy more than we do, so any more information that comes to mind, please let us know.”
Y/N and Spencer watched as Hotch left the room, the door shutting behind him.
As the silence engulfed them, Y/N and Spencer were hyper aware that they were now alone and had been for the first time in weeks.
Spencer swiftly walked towards Y/N and embraced her in a tight hold. Wrapping her arms around the slender man, Y/N breathed in his scent.
“I’ve missed you.”
Y/N chuckled at Spencer’s muffled words, as his head rested on top of her own. Pulling back, Y/N slowly released Spencer, letting her hands drop to her sides.
“I’ve missed you too Doc. We can catch up later, I will be waiting right here. Now, go and save the girl.”
Spencer chuckled at her words but did as Y/N said. Throwing her a smile, Spencer quickly walked out the room, leaving Y/N behind.
Y/N sat in the room, looking over the files as the time passed, waiting to see Spencer return with the rest of the team. A knock on the door startled her from her search.
Looking up at the door, Y/N saw JJ walk into the room with two cups of coffee in her hands. JJ outstretched the one hand, placing the cup in front of Y/N, as she took a seat and began to sip at her own.
“I didn’t know how many sugars you took so I estimated.”
Y/N smiled at the woman’s kindness.
“Thank you. Have you heard anything from the others?”
JJ sat up in her seat as she watched Y/N look over the documents. Her fingers moving across the pages ever so quickly. Her hand that wasn’t tapped continuously on the table in a rhythm.
“Spencer and Emily located Faulkner’s home, but it was vacant. They’re looking around the premises for clues for where he may be; as we speak. Hotch and Derek just called saying they are on their way down with Yasmine now.”
Y/N nodded at her words. Glad to hear that the girl was safe, but the main priority now would be to locate Faulkner. She wanted to truly help them, before anyone else could get hurt.
JJ grabbed her tablet and began to search through the files for any missed out information. Silence befell across the pair, until JJ could not help but ask what they had all been dying to know.
“How did you and Spencer meet?”
Y/N had been waiting for the question. She had seen the looks the team had shared throughout the day. The questioning gazes towards the pair.
“Spencer and I were both guests speaking at the University of California a few months ago. He must have finished his lecture early as he was wondering the halls when he came across the class I was teaching. I was stood on the desk, encouraging the students to do the same. Spencer thought I was a student causing trouble whilst the professor had left the room. He ran in sprouting facts about the percentage of people who fall and severely hurt themselves whilst standing on tables. Telling me that I should get down before he reports me to my professor.”
JJ chuckled at Y/N’s story.
“Sounds like Spence alright.”
Y/N giggled in agreement. As she spoke, Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the memory of their first encounter. JJ noticed the smile on the woman’s face. She knew what that smile meant.
“So, I told him that he better stay there to catch me, just in case I fell, as I was trying to teach my students about the importance of character actions, and how doing something as simple as standing on a desk can amplify the tone of the scene. Like in the film Dead Poet’s Society. Spencer finally realised that I was also a guest speaker and he actually stood there for the next 40 minutes of my lecture. I didn’t need to stand on the desk that long, but I wanted to see if he would stay. Once the lecture had finished, he apologised for jumping to conclusions. I apologised for making him wait for 40 minutes in case I fell. He told me I didn’t make him wait; he chose to. We’ve been in contact ever since.”
Just as Y/N finished her story, the door to the conference room opened once more. Looking towards the door, Y/N watched as Hotch entered, followed by Yasmine. The young woman looked scared, but unharmed.
Y/N stood from her seat, unsure of what to do as Hotch insisted for Yasmine to take a seat.
“Do you want me to leave?”
Hotch nodded his head.
“We shouldn’t be long. The rest of the team are outside in the bullpen. You can go ahead and join them. JJ and I will take it from here.”
Y/N nodded her head, leaving the room. She watched as Hotch and JJ questioned spoke to Yasmine through the glass, before she turned and walked down the corridor to find Spencer and his friends.
Turning the corner, Y/N failed to stop herself before bumping into a tall figure. Looking up to apologise, her eyes suddenly widened at the familiar face. Before a sound could leave her lips, a blunt force knocked her out cold.
Spencer and the team discussed where Faulkner could be when Hotch strode into the bull pen.
“How did it go?”
Hotch walked towards his team, ready to answer Derek’s question.
“It seems that Faulkner had been stalking the victims for some time. Yasmine detailed seeing him turn up at the conventions, even though he was no longer allowed. She had previously complained about his behaviour to the board before his dismissal. Stating that Faulkner had sexually harassed her. Rossi, did anyone at the convention mention anything about Faulkner that we don’t know?”
“It seems that Yasmine wasn’t the only one. The other board members went into detail about why he was fired. It turned out that all of our victims, including Yasmine, had filed lawsuits against Faulkner for sexual harassment. The charges were ultimately dropped and never recorded to keep the convention’s reputation clear. But they fired Faulkner and banned him from being able to attend any further conventions. Taking away the Nightmare Before Christmas dedicated stand was just a coincidence. They felt that the convention needed something new as they had been celebrating the film for over eight years.”
Just as Hotch was about to declare what the next step would be in finding Faulkner, JJ burst through the ball pen.
“Guys, you have to come quick.”
The team, in shock, watched as JJ ran back towards the conference room. All quickly on her heels. Entering the room, she took control of the laptop, streaming the image to the projector.
Spencer could no longer breathe as he looked at the image on the screen.
The screen showed Y/N tied to a chair and bent forward; clearly in pain. Her surroundings empty and dark.
Suddenly a voice was heard.
“I sense there's something in the wind. That seems like tragedy's at hand isn’t there Dr Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
The team watched in horror as Dean Faulkner yanked Y/N’s head back, her body letting out a strangled cry at the pain caused by his actions.
Spencer felt sick, he felt like he was watching himself when Tobias Hankel had held him captive.
“Emily, call Garcia to track his location. We don’t have much time.”
Emily did as Hotch told her to. Talking as quickly as she could on the phone.
“She can’t track it; he’s re-routing the IP address every thirty seconds.”
“She needs to track it. She needs to find her now!”
They all jumped at Spencer’s outburst, watching as tears filled his vision and his hands began to shake.
“Spencer, you need to calm down, we are going to find her. He can’t have taken her far.”
Spencer took in Derek’s words. Taking a breath, he looked back at the screen as he tried to distinguish any recognisable features of where she may be.
Faulkner moved his face to rest against Y/N’s hair, smelling the tresses. She tried to pull away only for him to yank her back again.
“Why did you kill them Dean?”
Faulkner let go of Y/N’s hair. Walking to her side, he grabbed her face in a vicious grip. Yanking her to look at him.
“Why? They ruined my life, everything I ever worked hard for. You all did.”
Y/N looked at him in confusion.
“I did nothing to you.”
Y/N’s breath increased at the vicious look he sent her way. Her eyes flickered to the camera, knowing that Faulkner was streaming what was happening to Spencer and his team. She had to find a way to tell them where she was.
“You made them question my authority. My position. My integrity as a member of the board. You ruined my reputation by belittling me in California.”.
“That’s because you know nothing about horror Dean. You think you know everything about it, but you don’t.”
Spencer couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Why was Y/N taunting him?
“Garcia’s looking to see if there’s any abandoned properties around the area that he could have taken her to.”
Spencer didn’t even acknowledge Emily’s words.
Faulkner reeled back at Y/N’s taunt.
“I know everything there is to know about horror. I’ve seen it all. I’ve lived it. I’ve created it. Ask me anything about it, I know the right answers.”
“But you don’t. You have an idea of horror, your own idea, that is wrong. You believe that women are the reason you lost your job and became the monster that you are. But they’re not. The reason you’re a monster is because of your sick and twisted fantasies. You made those girls feel small and weak, didn’t you?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
The team watched in apprehension.
“Garcia, the location, we need it now.”
Rossi looked between the screen and the phone in Derek’s hand.
“I can get the area he’s holding her, but not the specific building. The whole town is basically abandoned. She could be anywhere from a shop to a house.”
“Keep looking.”
Spencer chewed on his lips. He had to think rationally. If the unsub was upset about the changes and losing his job, what could have been the last straw?
“Derek what was the film they replaced Nightmare Before Christmas with at the convention.”
Derek and Spencer shared a look.
“Cabin in the Woods.”
Spencer ran across the rooms to the files at hand.
“In the location that Garcia has tracked her too, there are three cabins, all within a walking distance of the other.”
The team began to rush out the room, transferring the livestream to a tablet so they could monitor Faulkner and Y/N.
“You’re weak Dean. You’re just like all the horror movie villains. Ghostface, pinhead, jigsaw, all of them. You feed of fear and feeling in control. But the only thing you have in common with them is that you’re not going to win.”
Faulkner scream in rage. Pulling Y/N’s head back, he punched her in the jaw. Striding to the camera, he pushed his face to the lens.
“The party’s over!”
Spencer watched in horror as the feed went off.
“Hotch we have to hurry!”
Hotch sped up the car. Quickly arriving to the location, the team split up into pairs, taking a cabin each to inspect. Hotch and Derek, Rossi and JJ, and Spencer and Emily veered off to their targeted locations. Spencer followed Emily, trying to stay calm, as he slowly walked into the cabin to find it empty, when suddenly a gun shot was heard. Looking in the direction, the pair ran to the cabin that Derek and Hotch had been assigned. The rest of the team already there, looking into the cabin in shock.
“No, no, no, no. Y/N.”
Spencer pushed in front of them, tears pooling in his eyes as he a waited to see the horror before him. He looked in disbelief as Y/N stood from her position on the floor, the gun dropping from her hand as they shook. Faulkner laid a few feet away, in a pool of blood, no longer breathing.
Y/N looked towards the team. Raising her shaking hands towards Spencer.
“I didn’t want to kill him but he was going to shoot whoever walked through the door.”
Spencer rushed forward, grabbing her in a bone crushing hug. His hands stroking her hair as he soother her cries. Leading her out of the cabin, he allowed his team to sort out the rest as he continued to calm Y/N down.
The movement of the team were a blur as ambulances and police cars came. Taking them to the hospital as they sat in the waiting room as Y/N was checked over.
Spencer sat in the waiting room, his leg bouncing up and down with nerves.
Derek excused himself from the groups conversation as he went and sat next to Spencer. Clapping him on the back, Derek squeezed Spencer’s shoulder in re-assurance.
“She’s going to be fine pretty boy.”
“Physically, she has a concussion, bruising along her jawline, and needs stitches on her forehead. Mentally, I don’t know how she is going to handle this. When I suggested asking for her help in the case, I didn’t presume the risk of her being hurt. I should have.”
“Spencer, listen to me. We would have done everything to make sure she lived okay. She not only saved herself but she also helped save Yasmine and this team. Any one of us could have been shot if she had not thought fast and got the gun out of his hands. You know, better than anyone, how to help her deal with this.”
Spencer took in Derek’s words, nodding his head in appreciation, as he leaned against his friend in a comforting hug.
“Probably wasn’t the ideal way to introduce your girlfriend to the team though.”
Spencer stuttered at Derek’s teasing.
“We’re profilers Spencer. We’ve all noticed how you’ve been happier these past few months and seeing how persistent you were for us to consult Y/N, it gave us all an idea why. Seeing you together only confirmed our suspicions. So, how long has pretty boy had his pretty girl?”
Spencer chuckled at Derek’s words. Ringing his hands together as he spoke to Derek.
“Tomorrow is actually our six-month anniversary. She was going to be flying back today so we could celebrate; unless I got called on a case.”
“We can still celebrate.”
Spencer looked up as Y/N walked through the waiting room, fresh stitches on her forehead and an ice pack resting in her hands.
“The nurse said that there was no internal damage. That my body will just be sore for a few weeks. My concussion is light, so I am alright to travel home.”
The team gathered around to check on her. But her eyes could not leave Spencer’s as he rose from his seat. Spencer walked forward slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. Carefully he cupped her face in his hands, and to the surprise of Y/N and his team, Spencer bowed his head and placed a careful kiss on Y/N’s lips. Slow, protective, and full of love.
Pulling back, Spencer wrapped his arms around her as he looked at the beaming smiles of his teammates. Y/N couldn’t help the blush across her cheeks or the giggle that followed. Soon, everyone was chuckling at the pair.
“I would like to thank you Y/N. From the entire team. Your actions saved a young woman’s life, and what could have been one of our own.”
Y/N smiled in appreciation at Rossi’s words.
“You’re Spencer’s family. I would do it all again if I had to.”
“Statistically speaking, around 2,000 people a day are reported missing in the US. Approximately, 600 of those would be reported or considered kidnappings. It is highly unlikely for you to be put in a situation like that again.”
Y/N looked up at her boyfriend.
“I never thought I would say this, but your talk about me being kidnapped again is really attractive.”
The team laughed at the girl’s statement, seeing Spencer become physically embarrassed.
“Just to inform everyone, the jet will be ready to depart in forty-five minutes. As I was informed that today you would have been heading home, Y/N we have sent for your belongings to be collected; you can fly back with us.”
Spencer smiled at Hotch in gratitude, the older man knowing he would have only worried if she had flown home alone.
“Thank you, Mr Hotchner.”
Hotch let out a brief smile.
“Call me Hotch. Your part of Spencer’s life, that means your part of this family.”
It had been an exhausting few days for the team, and it showed, as they all were sporadically asleep throughout the jet. Silence encompassed the steel capsule, with only the sound of sleep filled breaths being heard.
Y/N laid fast asleep, with her head on Spencer’s shoulder, as the boy genius sat up wide awake. Looking down at the woman next to him, all Spencer could imagine was what could have happened if they weren’t quick enough. How many days he would have lost with her. All the things he wanted to tell her.
As though she could sense his deep thoughts, Y/N slowly awoke, rubbing her eyes as a yawn escaped her mouth. Blinking her eyes rapidly, she waited till she was fully conscious before she spoke.
“What time is it Doc?”
Spencer jostled out of his thoughts to check the watch on his wrist.
“It’s 2:36 am. You’ve been asleep for approximately 3 hours and 22 minutes.”
Y/N quickly sat up in her seat, wide awake.
Spencer turned towards her in worry, wondering what had made her so alert.
“What wrong? Are you feeling nauseous? Do you need some painkillers, as your due to have…”
Y/N grabbed Spencer’s face and placed her lips flush against his own. Their mouths moved in unison, as Spencer’s own hands moved to circle around her waist, bringing their bodies as close as they could be in the small space they had. They hadn’t kissed since the hospital, and before then it had been weeks. Spencer never realised until then, how much he truly missed her touch, her taste, her as a whole.
Coming to a point where they both lacked breathe, the pair pulled apart. Their eyes fluttering open as Y/N’s hands caressed Spencer’s face. Her one hand travelled to his hair, feeling the tresses that had grown since she had last seen him. She looked at him in a way no one had before. Spencer shared the same expression.
“Happy six-month anniversary Spencer. I love you.”
Spencer looked at Y/N in disbelief.
“Before you start spouting of facts about transference and how I am probably only saying this because you saved my life, you’re wrong. Because then I would be telling Hotch and Morgan the same thing.”
Spencer couldn’t help the watery smile that graced his face. For the second time in the past day, his eyes filled with tears. But this time, they were good.
“I’ve known I have loved you for a long time. For five months actually. I knew I loved you when we made pizza in your apartment and we ended up burning it, so we ordered one instead.”
Spencer laughed at the memory. It was the first time Spencer had initiated their make out. He had watched her cooking, in his apartment, and he had never found her more attractive than he did seeing her in his home.
“I knew that whilst you were spouting of facts about the invention of the pizza that I loved you and that I could listen to you forever. I love you Spencer.”
Spencer pulled Y/N closer to him as he rested his forehead against her own. The pair basked in each other’s presence.
“Past surveys show that men wait just 88 days to say those three little words to their partner for the first time, and 39 percent say them within the first month. Women, on the other hand, take an average 134 days. You knew after 31 days that you loved me. I knew after our first date that the way I felt when I was with you is a feeling that I could not even describe with my vast vocabulary. I knew after 8 days that the way I felt was stronger than liking you and that was a frightening thought. But its scarier to think what could have happened to you yesterday. That I could have lost you without you ever knowing. I made that mistake before. I will never make it again. I love you too.”
Y/N couldn’t help the smile and giggle that overtook her. Spencer, feeling high of the serotonin that was coursing through his body, couldn’t help his laugh either. Soon the pair were a giggling mess, unaware of the team who had all begun to awaken whilst the pair were talking.
The team congregated to the back of the jet, allowing the couple to stay in their own bubble.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen him truly happy.”
The group nodded at Emily’s words.
JJ smiled as she watched her best friend rattle of the possible movies that he and his girlfriend could spend their anniversary watching as she recovered. Her smile growing even wider at Y/N’s enthusiasm to watch the film’s in their original language. None of them could miss the look of adoration beaming between the pair.
“Yeah, it really has.”
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. -Lao Tzu
A/N- It isn’t the best but I really enjoyed writing this one.
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Some People Wrap Their Lies Around a Cocktail Glass | Damian Wayne
Come. And Be My Baby
✦ pairing — older!Damian Wayne x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 3k
✦ fake dating AU
✦ summary — you need to cover up the fact that your boyfriend broke up with you a week before your step-father’s Christmas party, and Damian needs a date for his father’s New Year’s ball. Both of you are experts at pretending, what could go wrong?
✦ warnings — some angst (very light, blink and you’ll miss it), mentions of alcohol, a little awkwardness, fluff.
✦ author's note — thank you for reading this mini series! Most things had to be improvised because I couldn’t follow the plan I had for this story due to health issues. I hope you like it.
✦ mini series masterlist
Turning the TV off, you found your own reflection ridden by guilt on the black screen.
You forgot to tell your mother you had plans for New Year’s that didn’t involve your father. You could blame Travis in your head and convince yourself that the stress of your fight with him had clouded your judgment, but it was far from the truth.
His attitude hurt, but you found it hard to feel too upset about it. Damian had been a good distraction which was a problem in itself — said problem would bother you furthermore if he hadn’t been so perfect at playing his role.
And now you would have to impress his father. Well, his siblings too, even if he wanted to act like he didn’t care about anybody from his family.
You really needed to talk to your mother.
There was no chance you would find your mother at home. Leonard liked to welcome the new year out of the country. Calling home would be easier, you could leave her a message with a maid.
Contacting your father first would open the possibility of your mother finding out from him and you knew better than doing something like that to her.
As if the universe was on your side, your mother didn’t pick up the phone and the perfect middle ground came to your mind.
Leonard answered at the third ring, calling you by your nickname as he greeted you.
“My mother isn’t answering her phone. Is everything okay?”
“She’s at the spa.”
“Oh. That makes sense.”
“Did you need anything?”
You sighed. “Not exactly… but now that you mention it, I could use your help.”
“Is your father treating you badly?”
“No, no. It’s about Damian.” Before he could assume anything, you clarified, “He isn’t treating me badly either.”
“I’m all ears.”
You toyed with the tv remote, tracing the spaces between the buttons with your fingertip. “I… first, I need to tell you something,” you started, unsure. “But you have to promise mom will never find out.”
Leonard hummed. “Are you finally confessing that Damian isn’t your boyfriend?”
You winced. “Is it that obvious?”
“No. Harry told me about your fight with Trent.”
“Travis,” you corrected him.
“Him, yes,” Leonard dismissed the correction. “You didn’t have to lie to us, you know?”
“Mother was happy to know I was dating somebody,” you mumbled, “but Travis chickened out.”
“And Damian didn’t.”
“So? What’s the issue?”
Shifting, you rested your head on the arm of the couch. You felt like a teen again, telling Leonard about your day and the drama in your friend group. “I think I like him. I don’t know, I’m confused.”
“Give yourself time to figure it out.” It sounded easy coming out of his mouth.
“I wish I could. I have to get ready in like two hours to attend a ball with him, and I’ll have to pretend to be his perfect girlfriend like he pretended to be my perfect boyfriend.”
“You’ll do great,” he said gently. “You’ve pretended to enjoy events before.”
“I’ve never pretended to be perfect.”
“Because you don’t have to. Treat it like you used to treat the events you attended us. Why was that so easy to do?”
“Because I wanted you to look good.”
“Do you want Damian to look good?”
“There’s your answer.” Good ol’ Leonard, always so patient with you.
“Will you help me get a new identity if I mess it up?”
He snorted. “Anything you want. Always.”
“I’m guessing you can tell my mother to call me?” You tried your luck, “Or let her know I won’t visit my father…”
“You’re not getting out of that one.”
“Fair enough,” you laughed softly.
Later, as you were getting ready, a question filled your mind — did Leonard imply Damian and you would be a good couple or did you imagine that?
You jumped upon hearing the doorbell. Taking your clutch from the coffee table, you checked yourself on the mirror one last time.
Opening the door, you found an impeccably dressed Damian. His aftershave hit your nostrils immediately, mixed with his cologne.
“Ready?” he asked.
No. “Yes,” you assured him, watching him step backward to give you space.
You felt his eyes on you as you locked the door. Your eyes locked with his when you turned around, but neither of you said anything.
“My siblings might be too much to handle at first,” he warned you.
You shifted to look at him as he drove. “Is that a good or a bad thing?”
“I’ll let you decide once you meet them.”
“Oh, you’re cruel.”
He almost smiled.
This time the drive was shorter, and if Damian was nervous, he knew how to hide it to perfection.
His wall crumbled rather quickly. His eyes were fixed on the butler, gaze softening as he was greeted. You heard him refer to the butler by his last name, and introduce you.
“Please call me Alfred, miss.”
“Thank you, Alfred. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
The old man smiled at you, bowing.
A commotion behind Alfred interrupted the butler himself who moved to the side. A blue-eyed man grabbed Damian by the shoulders and pulled him into a tight hug.
Damian inhaled sharply, patting the other man’s back a few times. “Richard,” he whined, “you’re ruining my attire.”
“Don’t worry. Jason isn’t even wearing a tux.” Hearing Damian scoff, Richard let go of him.
You stifled a laugh, watching Damian fix imaginary creases on his blazer. He sent you a glare, mouth twitching as he saw you pursing your lips.
“Hold it! You brought at date?!”
Standing straight, Damian introduced you to Richard as his girlfriend. You extended your free hand in a polite gesture that Richard almost found insulting.
You too were pulled into a hug. And welcomed to the family. “I can’t believe this!”
“Richard,” Damian gritted.
Ignoring his brother, the man hugging you said, “Call me Dick. Dami refuses to do it for whatever reason.”
You hugged him back, wondering if this was what Damian meant by too much. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dick.”
Dick shuffled, quite excited as he attempted to guide you towards the reception with an arm around your neck. “Come. Everybody will be happy to meet you.”
“Hey!” Damian exclaimed. “She’s my girlfriend, I should be the one introducing her!”
God. How many times would he call you his girlfriend? And how many times would you be able to take it?
Dick smiled, withdrawing his arm off you. “Of course.”
Damian lightly shoved Dick as he took your hand. His eyes found yours once again, silently asking you if you were ready. Gripping his hand, you lied by assuring him you were.
Two men and two women were in the living room. You recognized Jason immediately thanks to Dick’s comment about his lack of suit.
Chatter died down as four pairs of eyes fixed on you and Damian. You weren’t sure if they were shocked because Damian was there or because he had taken you with him.
“Hello,” Damian greeted blandly.
Jason snorted. “Definitely not a clone.”
The other man stood up, smiling at Damian. “Welcome home, Dami.”
“Thank you… Tim.”
Tim’s smile turned even brighter. He introduced himself to you unprompted, and he did a better job at hiding his surprise than Dick.
Everybody did, in fact. Jason winked at Damian as he congratulated him, Stephanie said she was happy for the two of you, and Cassandra stared straight into your soul before giving you a small smile.
Just when you thought things would go smoothly, somebody else entered the room and your stomach dropped.
Bruce stood in front of you and Damian, seemingly at a loss of words.
“I’m glad you could make it.”
Damian have his father a curt nod. Seeing his eyes deviate toward you, he opened his mouth to introduce you.
You were quicker. It was only fair, he hadn’t made you introduce him to your mother and he had already done the work with his siblings.
Bruce wasn’t interested in hiding his shock upon hearing you were Damian’s girlfriend. “You didn’t say anything about a girlfriend at work.”
“I didn’t find it appropriate,” Damian explained with ease.
“We should have dinner next week so we can get to know you better,” Bruce suggested, eyes solely on you.
“O—of course, sir.” What were you getting yourself into?
“I wish we had more time tonight,” Bruce continued, “but our guests will be arriving any moment now.”
Bruce was proven right as Alfred announced the arrival of a few guests.
Throughout the night, Damian watched you charm people he had never cared for and people he had once struggled to have in his pocket alike.
He felt you lace your arm with his and follow the pattern of his steps to walk in sync with him.
He heard you laugh with his siblings and gossip with Stephanie as if you had known them for years.
He became aware of the warmth of your palms and the coldness of your fingers as you danced.
And he couldn’t bear it.
Damian slowly slid his arm off yours and excused himself.
You decided to give him space. He would’ve asked you to go with him if he wanted your company.
It was clear that you weren’t the only one who was overwhelmed, and at the end of the night, he was the one who needed to look good. He deserved a break.
Damian roamed the main hallway, so familiar yet so foreign. Nothing had changed except for him and said changes weren’t unwelcome.
In hindsight, the only unwelcome thing he could find was how much he was dreading the end of the night.
He found his way back to the living room and stood in front of the window. He could see a couple hiding behind Alfred’s perfectly trimmed bushes, presumably making out.
Not many minutes passed before he heard approaching steps. He should’ve expected Dick to follow him.
“I didn’t think you’d show up,” Dick broke the silence. “But I’m glad you did. And I’m glad you brought your girlfriend with you.”
Humming, Damian continued staring at the greenery. “I always keep my promises.”
“And secrets, huh. We wouldn’t have known you had a girlfriend if you hadn’t come.”
“I suppose not.”
“You okay? I know you don’t want to be here, but—“
Damian interrupted him, “I am not uncomfortable here. Surprisingly.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my little brother?”
Damian tore his eyes off the window and glared at Dick.
“You know I’m joking.”
Sighing, Damian nodded. “I’m not used to… this.”
“Care to be more specific?”
“Not really.”
Dick stayed silent, respecting Damian’s line. The two of them enjoyed a silent moment together, staring out of the window.
A snicker blurted out of Dick as he caught sight of the couple Damian had spotted. Both were doing a poor job at fixing their attire.
Damian huffed a laugh, sharing an amused look with his brother.
“We should go back before Bruce starts the toast.”
Damian motioned for his brother to lead the way.
He took his spot next to you, snaking his arm around your waist. You leaned into his touch, feeling his steady breathing.
He didn’t give a single sign of being upset, so you asked him in a whisper, “Everything okay?”
“Don’t worry,” he answered in your ear.
You fought against the shiver the gesture sent down your spine.
Leaving Wayne Manor was harder than you expected it to be. You would never judge Damian for wanting to be away from his family, he had his reasons, you simply didn’t share the sentiment.
You managed to fit easily with them, and what marveled you the most was how little you had to pretend to be somebody else.
The sight of your building saddened you. Everything would be over in a few minutes, just what you had wanted the day before, and you weren’t looking forward to it.
Walking down the hallway in silence, you were about to say good night as you approached his door when Damian asked, “Can you come in for a little bit?”
You nodded, not ready for the night to end. “Sure.”
Damian unlocked his door and allowed you to get in first, turning the lights on as he entered the apartment behind you.
“Do you want anything to drink?”
You shook your head. “I drank enough already.”
He shed his blazer, going straight to the point, “Travis was right.”
His comment took you aback. You didn’t expect this from Damian. You didn’t even want to believe it. Deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt, you asked, “About what?”
“You should have been with me from the beginning. And I hadn’t even...” He made a face, as though the right words were escaping him. That was a first. “I can’t tell you I love you. Not now, that would be insane. But I’m pretty sure I’m halfway there.”
He undid his tie, speaking still, “I can’t pinpoint the exact moment when I started falling for you, I just know it makes all the sense in the world.”
Damian never imagined his life going like this. Romance wasn’t on his list of priorities when he left the manor. Or ever. He wanted to know himself properly, to be his own person, to finally let go of the bottled-up resentment.
He liked to think he had accomplished those things, and he had done so on his own. He was proud of that — of himself.
“You made the bad days worth it without even knowing,” he continued talking. You had never heard him speak this much. “The days in which I believed there was nothing more to myself than what everybody wanted to believe, mostly. You didn’t know a damn thing about me, and if you did then you never showed it. I was just Damian, your neighbor.”
He shushed so you would shut up. He wasn’t done. “I was just Damian to you even tonight, surrounded by people who only see me as an extension to my father.”
“I like being just Damian. And for a while, I thought that was it. We’re good friends, we feel comfortable around each other… but the fact that you are gorgeous was never going to help my case.”
He stopped you before you could say anything. Almost desperate as he said, “I didn’t offer to do this because I wanted you to like me, or because I wanted to know how it felt like to be your partner. I need you to know that.”
“I also need you to know that the only reason why I’m telling you all of this is that I wish I didn’t have to lie when I told my family you were my girlfriend, because I wish you could truly get to know my father… because my family likes you and you like them, and it feels good.”
Getting rid of your coat, you let it fall onto the couch beside you. “Can I talk now?”
“You don’t have to say anything.”
You nodded. “But I want to.” When you were sure he wouldn’t interrupt again, you spoke, “I don’t know what’s going on. I mean, I’m not blind, you’re handsome, and I like spending time with you...”
“But?” he asked, impatient.
“There’s not a but. Let me finish!”
He motioned for you to go on.
“This is new. And I’m... confused?” You shook your head. “Not confused. Maybe surprised?” Chuckling, you messed with your hair. “I was going to distance myself from you for a little while to figure things out. And now I feel like I wouldn’t bear it.”
He swallowed loudly. “I can give you space if that’s what you need.”
“No.” It wasn’t what you needed, it couldn’t be when you felt the most comfortable around him.
Damian sat down, watching you. He liked doing it, following the movement of your lips as you spoke, and the way your hands seemed to have a mind of their own.
“I like being just Damian,” he repeated. “But I would love to be your Damian.”
Flushed, you admitted, “I like the sound of that.”
“Would you like to be my (Name)?” he asked softly.
“I would love to.”
“We can take things slow,” he assured you, eyes dancing all over your face. “I don’t want to pressure you or myself.”
You sat next to him. “It’s fine by me.”
Damian softly smiled. He placed his hand on top of yours, gripping it as his warmth eased the coldness of your fingers.
You returned the smile. “What a week, huh?”
“Eventful,” he conceded, scooting closer to you.
“At least we had an exciting end of the year.”
He playfully narrowed his eyes. “Is the Venn diagram between your idea of excitement and your idea of anxiety a perfect circle?”
You elbowed him on the side. “It wasn’t that bad.” Turning to look at him, you added, “Was it?”
Shaking his head, he stared at your lips as he whispered, “Should we make it more exciting?”
You licked your bottom lip, lightly leaning in. “It’s only fair.”
Damian left the playfulness to the side and captured your lips between his. The kiss was short and chaste, a perfectly acceptable first kiss between people who hadn’t known what they felt for each other until a few days ago.
But you soon remembered that it didn’t have to stop there. That you didn’t want it to. So you kissed him again, and Damian allowed you to set the pace at first.
Withdrawing his hand from yours, he wrapped his arm around your neck and brought you closer, prompting you to place your farthest hand on his shoulder as you tilted your head.
You felt him smile against your lips before the pressure of his mouth on yours became harsher.
Thankfully, you wouldn’t need a new identity. You liked yours very much.
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Card games and heart games
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Summary: After years together you find Trent lacking love and affection, countless arguments over and over again leads to you deciding to leave him thinking it will be easy…
Warnings: Cursing, Toxic relationship, Toxic Trent, Toxic Reader, sad Trent (Let me know if I missed anything)
Note: This may be a little bit darker than my other angst idk but I’m really proud of dis, please share your thoughts and feedback ❤️‍🩹
“Why you so damn hard to talk to?” You asked him as you two just came home from a night out, which was ending exactly how you thought it would.
“Can we talk about this in the morning Y/n, please” Trent sighed and took off his shirt, exposing his broad shoulders and your eyes catches his tanned abs.
“No not this shit talk in the morning if we’re gonna talk we’re doing it now” You debated, clearly pissed off and annoyed by him.
“Save it for another day, goodnight Y/n” He simply ended, making you feel weak in the argument.
Trent went to bed and you down the stairs to sit outside by the garden.
You sit there for a while, debating with your thoughts wondering how it even got like this. It used to be easy until Trent became more cold to you and you took your distance from him. If you ever missed each other you never told it, you two would show it through sex or making one jealous by being out more or getting more handsy with a stranger in the club. And it has been going for months if you’re being honest with yourself. The point where you realised was earlier this week, when Trent was gaming.
Trent’s been avoiding you all day because of the arguments that keep on going, you hear him shouting at his mates that he’s been playing video games with all day. He doesn’t even realise how late it is or how loud he has been, he only tries to shout everything out.
You knock at the door and opens it slowly, you figured that he’s no longer talking to his friends and decides to pull his headset off. You sit down at his lap whilst he’s eyes are glued to the screen.
“Thinking of taking a break anytime soon?” You inquired as he moved his head when you blocked his sight.
“Hello” You went on, no answer from Trent.
“Fuck! Y/n can’t you see I’m busy” He snapped, throwing his controller against the screen and you flinched, surprised by his actions.
“Trent calm down!” You growled and got up from his lap quick and grabbed his hand to get him out of the room that he’s been in all day.
“Get off me Y/n” He spoke and you dragged him to your shared bedroom.
You both sat down at the edge of the bed, you could see his face frustrated and you took his hand which he declined.
“Trent?” You questioned.
“I need to be by myself Y/n, just go” He mumbled and you could feel your whole body sank at his words. He didn’t want to take your hand nor be with you. You’d understand if it was because of the argument but you only wanted to comfort him.
You left the room that night not knowing that would be the reason why you two are still fighting. You are still hurt, he rejected you and to be rejected by your lover was one of the things that hurt you the most. You’ve only experienced it now and in the beginning of your relationship, when things were going slow. But eventually you got closer and Trent became more comfortable and open with you.
You wanted nothing but to go upstairs to him and cuddle him till he couldn’t breathe but you knew that was something that you could only fantasise about. Because in the reality it is not like that, in reality it’s a warm loving relationship that turned into a cold love towards one another. You wanted to fix it, you would do anything. Anything for it to be like it once was.
It started to get cold and you decided to go back inside, unsure if you’d even want to sleep in the same bed as him.
You eventually walks up the stairs and into your shared bedroom. You can hear Trent’s heavy breathing as you lay down in the bed. His breathing is like a lullaby, almost sending you to sleep until you hear a voice spoke up.
“Have I told you lately that I love you” Trent somnolently spoke and crawled up closer to you, you could feel his warmth against your skin.
“Trent it’s late, but no I guess not.” You whispered and felt his arms around you, which was a rare touch to you nowadays.
“I love you” He says.
”I know” You respond.
“How do you know?”
“I can see it, now go back to sleep my boy” You implied, falling asleep after hearing no response from your lover next to you.
Waking up to Trent next to you always feels like a dream…or it used to feel like a dream. Now you don’t know what’s this day is going to bring. A day where you can be happy with him? A day filled with small arguments? You could expect anything really.
The Saturdays usually looks the same for you every week. Trent leaves for training early and you stay in bed for a while after waking up.
You go downstairs and fill up the kettle with water for your tea. It was sunny outside so you sat down and enjoyed the morning sun whilst Prince and Koba played in the garden. The dogs attention are immediately turned to the sound of the door opening, Trent is home.
You went inside with your finished breakfast and left it by the kitchen, Trent approached you.
“You went out with the dogs?” He asked you.
“First of all good morning” You greeted as he rolled his eyes.
“Yes I did. I made some tea, want some?”
“Nope, I just want you” He teased and you turned around to face him, smiling.
You didn’t know how he could give you so much pleasure and cause you so much pain at the same time. Loving him makes you so confused sometimes, he has good sides and bad sides and you know both of them.
“Hmm, then I have nothing to give you” You shrugged and walked to close the door to the garden. Trent stood still, training kit still on and you figured that he was going to shower.
You wanted to step outside of the house today so you got ready to go out for shopping alone. It was nice to get some alone time but you feel like that just adds on to that you’ve been alone lately. Because of Trent’s actions and words you’ve taken your distance and he could see that. He could notice when you’re around him that you prefer not to be. If he joins you when you’re in the sofa watching tv, you get up and leave after a few minutes. It did hurt him, but you couldn’t be around him when there’s been a big fight. Just to look into his eyes would disturb you. And when you find his eyes, something dies each time. It could be a certain memory or your love to him. Too keep falling in and out of love with him was something you never thought you’d do.
But it’s Trent. Trent could always make you fall in love with him over and over again. You hated that his love was so powerful and pure that he could win you over so easily. You sure loved it too but it was like you couldn’t pull yourself out of it.
You came home around 3pm and went upstairs to drop off the bags in your closet. You took off your makeup as well and changed into your silk pyjamas. It didn’t took long until you heard Trent shout your name from downstairs.
“Yes?” You shout back and stopped what you were doing to hear him properly.
“Can you come down for a second” He shouted as you got out from the closet, down to the living room where he sat.
“Come here” He indicated and you sat down beside him, not too close to him as you usually are.
“I want to apologise for last night” He began and fidgeted with his hands.
“It’s fine” You simply answered and shrugged your shoulders, he read your response and perceived it that you were still angry.
“Are you still angry?” He pushed as you rubbed your eyes, showing that you were tired and didn’t want to fight.
“I said it’s fine Trent” You declared.
“I can read you” He murmured.
“No you can’t fucking read me.” You snapped and met his brown eyes.
“I don’t want to fight, please Y/n” Trent sighed.
“Same here” You wearily responded and Trent moved closer to you. The both of you didn’t say anything to each other, you rested you head on his shoulder and sighed because of the situation.
“It feels like I’ve forgotten to be your lover” Trent revealed and drawn small circles on your thigh with his gentle fingers. You hummed in response, taking in what he just said.
The fact that he admitted that he had not shown you his love lately made you sad. And eventually you felt more alone on his shoulder, one small tear escaping from the corner of your eye.
”You have never look at me the way you looked at that girl last night” You cried.
“I just stood there watching, do you know how much it hurt Trent” You mumbled.
“I never meant to hurt you baby” Trent said.
“Stop saying that, it makes you sound like an asshole” You scoffed and got up from the sofa with Trent slowly trailing after you.
“You can’t say that when you were doing the exact same thing” Trent defended but you didn’t buy it. You would never get intimate with somebody else in the club but Trent. But when he does it, it’s okay.
“Trent you’ve done it multiple times over the years whilst I’ve done it maybe twice” You debated and now you both were in your shared bedroom.
“It won’t happen again Y/n for fuck’s sake I’ve apologised and said sorry” He fumed and you didn’t even want to talk to him anymore. Your head was in your hands as you sat down on the bed, trying to come to your senses.
You were preparing to go to bed, tired and exhausted from fighting with Trent for hours. Your eyes were red from all the crying, all you wanted was to sleep and wake up in the morning hoping that everything will be as it was before the cracks. You understand that isn’t possible and probably will never be.
You lay down in the bed as far away as you can get from Trent. You both couldn’t stand the sight of each other, you even felt that you can’t sleep in the same bed as him. Something just doesn’t feel right.
When Trent’s fallen asleep you get up quickly from the bed and sneak out of the room, hoping that he wouldn’t hear you. But of course he did.
“The fuck, where are you going” Trent wondered as you stood in the hallway, ready to leave.
“I’m sorry but I can’t stay here anymore Trent.” You prompted and Trent’s eyes widened.
“You’re being cruel Y/n” He said with his head faced down.
You thought that he isn’t worth all the tears you’ve been crying and that now after all these years he’s only out to break your heart.
You were taking on your jacket, crying at the same time as Trent stood there watching you. He couldn’t force himself to do anything, he couldn’t process that you were actually leaving him. He knew you couldn’t do it but he also knew that if it would happen at some point, you’ll come running back to him despite his doings.
“You know you’ll need me Y/n” Trent stated as you opened the front door.
“That’s bullshit” You answered and sniffed, walked out to your car.
“You’re saying our love is bullshit now?” Trent exclaimed and his voice cracked.
“Yes I am” You replied and stood by your car waiting for the fight to come to an end, it felt like it would go on forever until Trent’s dark words from his dark mind left his mouth.
“Go fuck yourself” He scoffed and cried.
“Fuck you!” You mocked and Trent turned around to get back inside.
You realised that you haven’t even packed your things which meant that you needed to get back in, the chaos was going to start again. You thought it was better with that than Trent inviting you to sit there silently in his sofa with nothing to say.
You walked back to the front door and opened it slowly, took your shoes off and then sneaked upstairs to get to the bedroom. Trent wasn’t there so you could take your time and collect all of the stuff you needed.
You could now hear Trent downstairs crying and groaning, it made your heart shatter even though it was you who caused it. You couldn’t stop the guilt that was going through your head, ending up with you going downstairs to him.
He must’ve not noticed when you walked back in and was surprised that you were still there.
“Is this about tonight?” You asked him as you sat down and watched him cry.
“What do you think” He whispered.
“You’re too needy Trent.”
“I thought we were done fighting” Trent said as he laid down in the sofa, drying his tears.
“This isn’t a fight Trent, don’t be so sensitive” You mumbled.
“I’ve been trying so hard, you know” Trent revealed and sighed.
“I know baby” You sniffled and moved closer to him, laying your head on his chest. You missed the feeling of loving him so much that you couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like if you suddenly one day stopped loving him. Laying on top of him hearing his breathing, comforted you.
“Please Y/n stay with me, you know I can’t cope without you” Trent said and pecked your head.
”The way it is now I can’t promise anything, I just don’t want you to take me for granted”
“I don’t” He cut you off.
“Yes but you have been lately” You continued as Trent leans in to kiss you.
“I’m sorry my Y/n, I love you” Trent spoke between kisses.
The kiss was passionate and it was emotional as well. After everything, every little fight, every flaw, there’s always that spark that comes and goes that makes it impossible to leave him. No matter how much you want or try to leave him, go and live another life without him, you’ll always end up in his arms…
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thevalleyisjolly · 3 years
The thing is, I think we have to distinguish between Caleb’s personal character journey and the narrative arc of the Cerberus Assembly/Empire, both of which Trent plays a role in, but not in the same way. 
Caleb’s personal character journey heavily involves Trent as a central antagonist, and honestly, I do believe that just in terms of emotional character development, Caleb’s already resolved that particular conflict.  When Trent messaged him in his head, and Caleb was able to honestly tell him that he wasn’t important and that there were bigger things than him, that was his moment of emotional climax.  Trent, who’s haunted him for so long, is no longer the most important thing in his life, and he’s able to say it to him and mean it.  As an emotional character journey, that catharsis has been reached.
On the other hand, there’s the narrative arc of the Cerberus Assembly/Empire, which is closely tied to Caleb’s personal character journey but should not be conflated with it either.  Because let’s be honest, while Trent is one of the central antagonists within the institutions of the Assembly and the Empire, he’s not the only one.  Almost every Assembly member is guilty or complicit in a multitude of crimes, and Dwendal is more concerned with his ego trip than what’s best for the people under his rule.  There’s a danger in figure-heading Trent as the sole or primary source of evil in the Empire, because he’s not!  If Trent gets killed or ousted, someone else will replace him, and all the people who knew what he was doing and ignored or enabled him are still there.  Perhaps Astrid will replace him, and alright, maybe she won’t put any crystals in kids’ arms, but she’s probably going to keep the Vollstrucker program running.  Or perhaps his replacement does get rid of the Vollstruckers, but all the other Assembly members who stood by and let him do his thing, they’re still there.
Even if there had been a big fight against Trent, it wouldn’t magically resolve all the rot inside the Empire.  And that’s something that both Caleb and Beau have been very invested in throughout the campaign!  Rooting out corruption, making sure no more children get hurt, making the Empire a better place.  But there is no quick fix to that, it doesn’t work like “Trent gets prosecuted/dies and snap!  The Empire is all good now.”  It takes time, and allies, and a concerted effort.  It could very well be its own mini-campaign.
I get wanting Caleb to have a rest, to be able to move on from his life and never have to deal with Trent again.  Let someone else take care of Trent!  But even though he’s emotionally arrived there, he’s still invested in the wellbeing of the Empire, of the people in the Empire.  He’s spent a significant chunk of the campaign telling people that he wants to cut out the rot in the Empire, that it isn’t vengeance so much as no more children on the pyre.  And I think conflating that with “take down Trent” misrepresents both the magnitude of the situation and Caleb’s own motivations.  Taking down Trent is certainly one part of cutting out the rot, but it’s not the whole of it by any means.  Not to mention, after the catharsis of Caleb telling Trent that he’s not important, it once more centralizes Trent as the big enemy of the narrative, when it’s clear that the problems in the Assembly and the Empire do not begin and end with Ikithon.
And ok, alright, "realistically,” a group of adventurers is not going to singlehandedly take down a corrupt government or institution.  That isn’t the way the world works, and powerful people get away with shit all the time.  This could be something to explore in a future campaign or in your own home campaign, etc etc etc. 
...But you want some kind of resolution for this conflict.  The Assembly has been one of the earliest introduced and longest running conflicts in this campaign.  They torture children and turn them into soldiers.  The war which they helped instigate affected two nations, and more personally to the Mighty Nein, Veth’s family.  Even the current Somnovum arc links to the Assembly and Vess De Rogna - if she didn’t sabotage Lucien’s ritual (which also inadvertently resulted in Molly), he probably wouldn’t have seen what the Somnovum really were. 
So much of the campaign has been affected, directly and indirectly, by the Assembly.  Even if it isn’t realistic for the Mighty Nein to tear the whole thing down, there’s a confrontation that’s been building across the campaign, and whether that’s a battle or a political take-down or some kind of calling to account, that’s a thread you want to be able to tie off in some way.  There are lots of threads which can be left dangling or open ended.  Tharizdun is a whole big issue that the Mighty Nein are certainly not going to solve by themselves.  Aeor is a great place to revisit for oneshots - find out what caused the corruption in Caduceus’ grove, learn more about the origins of dunamancy and the Beacons, hang out with Devexian and discover more about Aeor itself!  But the Assembly has been such a central figure across the campaign that you want to see the Mighty Nein address that conflict on-screen, and you want to see how they do it.  And that’s emotionally and practically a lot more than an epilogue wrap up can hold.
TL;DR There’s a difference between the role Trent plays as a primary antagonist in Caleb’s personal character journey, and the role Trent plays as one of many antagonists in the Assembly/Empire.  Caleb achieving emotional resolution in his personal character journey doesn’t mean that his campaign-long motivations have been satisfied, or indeed that the conflict with the Assembly has been addressed to an extent that matches its impact on the characters and the campaign.
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the-lady-bryan · 3 years
some observations i’ve made recently about my kid and power rangers
for context: i own the following on DVD - MMPR 1-3 (including the Alien Rangers arc), Zeo, Turbo the movie, Turbo the season, In Space, Lost Galaxy, RPM, Mystic Force, MMPR: The Movie (1995), Power/Rangers (2017), that one weird Live Show that they did back during MMPR days
also, my kid is 7.
SO! Power Rangers Official has been uploading entire seasons and recently added ALL of MMPR S1 to Youtube. They also have at the time of writing this, the Megaforce and Jungle Fury seasons steaming in full and on a loop. They’ve got a good portion of Dino Thunder posted as well, and some other seasons, too. Well, when I’m sick and too lazy to pull out my DVDs i just hit up Youtube or Dailymotion (for the episodes i can’t find on youtube) and watch Power Rangers to make myself feel better while stuck in bed with a cold or stomach flu or whatever’s wrong with me.
well, my son’s decided to climb up in bed with me and curl up and watch it with me.
last weekend and earlier this week, i’ve been sick with a wicked cold after getting over an even more wicked stomach flu that lasted about 5 days. so i’ve been watching A LOT of Power Rangers recently. as a result here’s a bunch of cute things my kid does that i’ve noticed...
the moment he hears “After 10,000 years I’m free!” he comes running into the room from wherever he is in the house. kid literally drops whatever he’s doing and runs in to jump up on the bed and settle in.
he loves the zord fights more than anything else
he tries to physically fight goldar. i have to keep him from punching my monitor or throwing my laptop because he really hates that guy and wants to hit him so badly every time he fights the red ranger. when it’s on the TV, he will get up, slap the TV, shout “bad doggie!” and then get back on the bed.
he shouts “oh no!” every time the putties, tengu bird things, cogs, and other henchmen show up. he does this without fail every time.
when it’s putties, he also starts making the same noises they do and then giggles about it.
when the zords are animals he’s like “raaaaaawwwwrrrrr!” when they’re cars he’s like “VROOOOOOOM!”
after Tommy, Kat, and Co. give their powers to TJ and the rest in the Turbo season, he refuses to watch the rest of the season. i have tried to get him to finish watching it with me, but he throws a fit, gets up, and leaves. or he’ll slam my laptop closed before storming off. it really makes him mad.
he doesn’t get mad about In Space for some reason though despite most of the rangers being the same people from the rest of Turbo.
he annoys me while watching the 1995 movie until i begin quoting Ivan Ooze dialogue at him. after which he shouts “hiyah!” and pretends to karate chop my arm. he does this for the whole damn movie after ivan ooze first turns up. if i don’t play along, he slams my laptop closed or turns off the DVD player in a huff.
he will watch the 2017 movie but only because he likes the music. when there’s not music playing, he goes off and colors or something else. the moment music he likes comes back on, he comes back to watch.
also from the 2017 movie, he likes billy the best, and will carry around the blue ranger figure he stole from me. (he also stole my pink and red rangers from this movie, too. but he only carries the blue one around.) he gets really upset - like full on ugly “its the end of the world” cry with snot everywhere - when billy dies and i now have to skip that part and go straight to the part where he’s alive again.
he only watches RPM for the zord fights.
he’s not fond of Lost Galaxy or Mystic Force.
he yells at Mesagog during Dino Thunder. his favorite thing to yell is “BAD DINO!” and swat the tv or my computer with his coloring book like he’s swatting a bad dog for pissing on the carpet or something. he will also sometimes yell at Trent when he’s evil. when he yells at trent, it’s unintelligible shouting. after trent is no longer evil, he will sit and say sometimes “i’m not doing anything bad”.
he now also says “i’m not doing anything bad” during MMPR where tommy is the white ranger. - i think he’s come to associate this phrase with all white rangers at this point.
every time Tommy is shown in the opening credits for Dino Thunder, he claps his hands and shouts “YEAH BOY!” and then goes back to whatever it was he was doing once the open credits are done.
Dino Thunder specifically - if he looks like he’s not paying attention, he actually is. and if i turn off the episode or pause it, he gets mad and yells until i turn it back on/unpause it. then he’ll go back to looking like he’s ignoring the thing.
he doesn’t care much about Samurai, but Ninja Steel is one that makes him lose his shit. he fucking loves those ninja stars.
what we’ve seen so far of Dino Fury - the moment he sees the T-Rex zord in the opening, he’s right there, nose to the screen, clapping excitedly. he also tries to use my broom as a sword while the episodes are on. this has caused a broken window and quite a few lumps on my head when i haven’t been able to get it from him fast enough and replace it with a much less deadly wrapping paper tube.
even in seasons where Alpha in any form is NOT there (so everything post-zordon era) when robots are shown other than zords and megazords he shouts “ai-yai-yai!” - this was fine... until seasons with lots and lots of robots as bad guys.
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widogastsweb · 3 years
Trent ickithon dies off screen to chronic liver disease
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educatedinyellow · 4 years
For the vidder meme: 26 and 32 :)
Yay, thanks so much for asking! :)
26. Share three of your favorite vidders and why you like them so much.
1. Oh, this is tough! First of all, I’d like to raise a glass to one of my favorite vidders, humansrsuperior (HRS1812 on YouTube), who vanished off the internet along with all their vids some years ago. This is a depressingly common phenomenon among fan vidders, and *many* of my favorite vids live only in my memory. Some of my favorite of humansrsuperior′s vids included: Two hilarious BBC Sherlock ones dedicated to celebrating The Coat, both set to 1940s swing music, they were swishy bundles of pure joy!; an incredible multi-layered puzzle-box of a vid called “I Don’t Know,” which I gushed about over here; a hilarious behind the scenes Dr. Who vid celebrating Karen and the Babes; a couple of fantastic BBC Sherlock character studies called “Mind Palace” and “Hello” (the latter of which had the most perfect character song for BBC Sherlock that I’ve ever heard -- the fanvid is gone, but I’m going to link you to the official music video for that song because the music’s excellent AND it’s got creepy-cute stop motion animation, I think you’d enjoy it!); and she also made a seduction-by-deduction charmer of a S1 Sherlock vid set to the velvety song “Show Me What You’re Made Of.” Gosh, so many wonderful vids. I did not know her personally, but she added so much to my S1-S2 Sherlock experience. She is missed!
But moving on to favorite vidders whose work is actually still available...
2. I only recently discovered Rhoboat’s vids, but I am bowled over by this vidder’s talent, and she has such a pleasing variety of vids in her catalogue, both in regards to source material and musical style. She can do funny, she can do intense, she can do heartwarming. She knows when to hold back from directly matching lyrics to images and when to go for it. She’s great at editing action. Her visual storytelling is so confident and fluent, and there’s originality in her vidding voice and in the concepts she chooses to create for -- she just makes a lot of vids that I’m interested in watching. I love her stuff. Let me share some personal favorites:
One of the best Ritchie Holmes vids I’ve ever seen: Poker Face [remastered]
The Wallace & Gromit song of eternal devotion that we all deserve: Wherever You Will Go
Okay, even though I personally like J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek movies, this is the most hilarious, clever, and on point hate-vid for them I ever hope to see!: Star Trek: This is a Trent Reznor Song
A BAMF, punchy-in-more-ways-than-one Agent Carter vid where we party like it’s 1941: 1941
A kinetic, feel-good vid for A League of Their Own: Va Va Voom
An intense, action-y and angsty vid focusing on the relationship and parallels between Bond & Judi Dench’s M (I love the split screens! & the scorpion under glass! well played): Supremacy
A pitch perfect crossover vid in which the events of Joss Whedon’s Firefly/Serenity and the Star Wars spin-off Rogue One take place in the same universe: House of Mercy
A bracing sea shanty of a Master & Commander vid: Leave Her, Johnny
And if you’ve ever wanted a Red Shoes horror vid -- and I bet you have! -- congrats, here it is: The Red Shoes (1948) - Toxic
And she has many more vids in her catalogue! To sum up: check out her YouTube channel or her tumblr @rhoboat77, she’s great.
3. Di Wey is an older vidder (by which I mean, a lot of her work that I love is 7-12 years old). If you go back as far as a decade plus, she was working with older technology and lower quality footage, so her vids don’t look as sharp and clear as many more recent vids. But that doesn’t matter. Her editing is so joyous, & her songs so insightful and fun. She made a lot of vids that are really dear to my heart, including:
My favorite Granada Holmes vid, it’s just so full of energy, love, joy, panache, the whole thing (”you never returned that call,” rotfl!!): Read My Mind
A great vid examining the Martha/Ten relationship (Doctor Who). It’s insightful and captures with such clarity the way the many bad things in their dynamic co-exist and are powerfully interwoven with the good things, and it’s one of those rare vids that’s ABOUT a ship without being either shippy or anti/bashing. It’s about saying: this relationship will never work, but it’s still important, without being the only important thing either, and anyway I love Martha and this vid: Foundations
And now that we’ve done the angst, please accept the floofiest goofball geeky-sexy chic Ten vid, its charm is probably visible from space: I Am A Scientist
This constructed-reality fake trailer for a Sherlock/Who episode crossover is still satisfying to watch: A Study in Time
Oh hey it’s my favorite Eleven character vid, sweet! Focused entirely on his first season. She chose a really great song for the Doctor, it just GETS the most important things: Eleventh Dimension
Okay, thank you very much for letting me ramble, I’m done now! Since this got so long, I will save question #32 for a separate post. I appreciate getting to play the meme, thank you <3333
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