#Trevor x oc
quimera-cami · 2 years
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Trevor's daughter.
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desserttrollystreats · 8 months
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I totally didn’t make an oc named Sara for self indulgent reasons . Now it’s time to draw Trevor
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sais-matters · 1 year
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Shamelessly self indulgent Trevor x OC mood board.
(None of these pics are mine, please DM if you know the artists and I’ll credit them)
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nobitchs-world · 4 months
Me after explaining the multiverse of different people and characters where I have different ocs in my head to my sisters
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fr4nkoce4n · 8 months
𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏! ʲᵃᶜᵏ ʰᵘᵍʰᵉˢ
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in which jack comes home in a bad mood after getting eliminated from the playoffs but his two girls are always there for him.
song- watch you sleep. - girl in red
jack felt off, almost empty as he pulled into the driveway of his home. a frown was displayed on his face, after getting eliminated from the playoffs. his team had played a good game, but not good enough.
he opened his car door grabbing his bags and keys, making his way to the front door and opening it with one swift movement.
he dropped his bags to the ground and looked around, no one to be seen, the tv was turned off and all that could be heard was the song here comes the sun by the beatles.
it was his 4year old daughter, matilda’s favourite song, she would try her best to sing along to it, not able to even get the words correct. it always brought a smile to his face.
he made his way into the kitchen without trying to disrupt anything. he stopped from a distance as he saw his wife with matilda propped up on her right hip, dancing and singing around the kitchen as she was making something.
jack leaned against the frame of the window and just watched, a look of happiness spread across his face.
you had had a big night, from watching the game, to trying to make dinner, to trying to make matilda stop crying. the crying was never ending, and for what reason? she could never figure it out, tilly was now 4 but she was just always crying. and when you couldn’t make it stop you felt like a horrible mother.
at this very moment you had matilda on your hip and you were trying to distract her so she would stop crying. you danced around and even started singing before she stopped crying.
it was rough when jack had to go on a roadie, meaning you had to put in that little bit of extra effort around the house.
you weren’t going to lie, it was a little bit relieving knowing jack wouldn’t have alot of hockey to focus on after losing tonight. you sure felt bad for your husband though.
“need a hand?” jack spoke up and took matilda out of his wife’s hands and pulled her in for a hug, “dada!” matilda cheered and dug her head into her dads neck.
“hey tills!” jack greeted, placing a sweet kiss on his daughters forehead.
“im sorry about the game jack.” you spoke and gave your husband a peck on lips.
“it’s okay, we tried our best.” he sighed, you could tell he was upset about it all.
“i need to finish dinner, could you go give her a bath?” you ask quietly.
“of course.”
jack carried matilda to the bathroom and turned on the bath tub. he grabbed out the basket full of tillys bath toys.
“which ones do you want tonight?” jack asked as he spread them out along the ground.
she picked up her favourite ones and placed them in the bath gently, as if they had feelings.
“good pick.” jack smiled picking up the rest of the toys and putting them away.
once the bath was full jack placed matilda in the bath and she played in there while jack washed her.
as her daddy put shampoo into her hair she looked up at him, she easily noticed that he wasn’t as talkative as he usually was and looked like he was sad.
“daddy?” she questioned.
“yes tilly baby?”
“do you have a boo boo?” she sat up in the bath and jack stopped massaging her scalp with conditioner.
“no honey, why do you ask?”
“your sad, what’s wrong daddy?” she frowned. “is it because you lost?”
“yes baby.” he sighed.
“it’s okay.” she placed her hand on top of his hoping to turn his frown into a smile.
a smile broke out on jack’s face, “thank you. can i ask you a question?”
she nodded gently.
“why do you get so upset all the time darling girl?” he asked curiously.
tilly looked like she was about to start crying again, “i miss you daddy.”
jacks heart swelled but also dropped, he wished that he could be there all the time for his girls.
“im always with you, in here.” he poked her little chest gesturing to her heart. “but baby, you need to stop getting so upset, it’s really hard on mummy, she feels bad when she can’t make you feel better.”
“do I make mummy sad?”
“not sad, she just feels like a bad mummy.” he sighed, knowing tilly most likely didn’t understand him anyway.
“she’s not a bad mummy!” she sort of yelled.
“she’s not. now come on, let’s get you dry and changed and into bed gorgeous.”
jack changed her into her pyjamas and placed her into her big girl bed pulling the blanket over her.
she closed her eyes straight away, but just was jack was about to shut the door she spoke up. “daddy?”
“i wont cry tonight so mummy feels better.”
“come see me if you want me baby.”
he left a gap in the door and made his way into the kitchen, his amazing wife had made his favourite meal, spaghetti bolognaise.
“ugh it looks and smells amazing baby.” he placed a kiss on your forehead and sat down next to you to eat.
you both dug into your food and ate up.
“im sorry you didn’t make it through to the next round.” you spoke quietly.
“it’s okay, I want to be here more for tilly, do you know why she cries so much?” he questioned his wife, she shared a look with him.
“no clue, I can’t get a peep out of her when she’s crying.” you frown.
“she said it’s because she misses me…” he sighed, he felt horrible. “i knew i would be a horrible dad.”
“hey hey hey, no your an amazing dad, tilly loves you, she wouldn’t want any other dad in the world.” you grabbed your husbands hand. “and I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my husband.”
you grab your husbands hand and drag him to tillys room and open the door, she is laid in her bed peacefully, “sometimes when your on a roadie i miss you so much so i come in here and watch her sleep. she looks exactly like you jack, and she calms me.”
jack remembered when tilly was first born, he would stay in her room for ages and watch her sleep because he was so worried something would happen to his girl.
but now, like his wife said, it was calming.
the way her little chest moved up and down as she breathed, the way she would move around every now and then and the way she would cuddle her snoopy teddy which had a devils jersey on it.
“we made her.” jack spoke softly.
“yeah. we did.” she grabbed jacks hand and leaned onto his shoulder.
this moment was the only moment he ever wanted, who cared about making it to the next round when he had his two girls at home?
they were all he ever needed.
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miranita · 9 months
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last art of 2023 🌾
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lee-laurent · 2 months
June Bug - Trevor Zegras
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Summary: June keeps a big secret. Trevor wonders why June Hughes stopped talking to him.
content: pregnancy, mentions of unsafe sex, angst, casual relationships, arguing, premature birth, fluff
wc: 3.5k
notes: cliche ahhhhh plot, but i've had this written for like a year. finally finished it and decided why not add it to the blog
"Are you doing okay, dear?" Ellen asked, watching as her daughter struggled to isit up on the lounge chair.
"Yes, Mama. Just trying to get comfortable," June sighed, setting her book down on her baby bump.
"Well, the boys should be home soon with your snacks. Just call me for dad if you need anything."
"Thanks, Mama," Jane gaver her mom a tight-lipped grin. She knew her parents were still a bit disappointed in her for falling pregnant at 22, but they were there for her nonetheless. She was hoping once the baby came, their relationship would start to go back to the way it was.
"JUNE BUG! We've got your pickles!" Luke shouted, sliding open the door to the patio. June groaned, pushing herself up on her elbows. She smiled up at her younger brother, tilting her head towards the table next to her. Luke laughed, placing the jar of pickles down for her.
"How's baby Hughes treating you?"
"He likes to kick me in the ribs and make me have to pee every fifteen minutes."
"Sounds like a blast. Just so ya know, Jack actually told me and Q that's proud of you."
"That's nice of him. But I'd appreciate it if he said it to my face. Oh, and didn't pretend that I'm not 7 months pregnant."
"You've still got me and Quinnifer. And Mom and Dad. Mom's been shopping for baby clothes. She's excited to have you at home again."
"She wouldn't have to live at home if she'd just tell the baby daddy," Quinn commented, joining his siblings in the backyard.
"It's fine, Lukey. He's just telling the truth. But I can't ruin his career like that. He's got a lot going for him right now. Plus, Mom siad I don't have to do anything that I don't want to."
"I know, Mom. But it's her fault that I can't even invite him here. He's gonna think we hate him or something," Jack loudly complained to his mom.
"Jack, just tell him that it's a family only vacation. It's going to be his way until June figures out what she wants. We shouldn't stress her out right now. It's not good for her or the baby."
"But Mom," Jack whined.
"Jack Rowden Hughes. That's enough. Go spend time with your siblings."
Jack shook his head, stomping up to his room. He slammed the door and called back his best friend.
"Mom says it's a family only vacation."
"Why? It's not like she's losing June this year. Isn't she moving back in with your parents?"
"Yeah, it's hard to explain. I'll see you when Cole and I come to visit."
"Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye, man."
"Bye, Z."
"Please stop kicking Mama. She's trying to relax," June muttered to her stomach, rubbing a hand over where her baby decided to continuously kick her. The baby didn't listen, kicking even harder. "You're just like your dad, huh? You never listen."
June's pregnancy so far had gone fairly smoothly. But as soon as she hit the seven month mark, the baby decided that she needed to be sitting down or sleeping at all times. If she wasn't sitting, she was puking or feeling lightheaded. She had had to convince Ellen to let her come to the lake house. She wasn't allowed on the boat and spent most of her time lounging on the back patio with a book. She felt bad as Jim and Ellen had forbidden the boys from bringing any friends over this year, since June hadn't announched her pregnancy to anyone except her family and her best friend. She still hadn't told anyone the story of how she ended up pregnant, but her family was aware of who the father was. Her oldest and youngest brother were supportive, albeit a bit angry with the dad. Her twin, however, was pissed with her and not the dad.
"June, dear! Oh my goodness, are you okay?" Ellen exclaimed, listening as her daughter threw up for the tenth time that morning.
"Mama, I messed up."
"Junie, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything."
"I-I'm pregnant."
Ellen was silent for a few seconds, before she noticed her daughter was sobbing. She quickly wrapped her into a tight hug, rocking her back and forth.
"Oh, June. It's going to be okay. Do you want to tell me what happened?"
June shook her head, burying her face in her mom's neck.
"Does the dad know?"
June shook her head again.
"Is it someone at your school? I'm sure if he's in California, we can still get ahold of him."
"It's Trevor, Mom."
"Trevor? As in Trevor Zegras?"
"Yes," June squeaked out before she started sobbings again.
"It's going to be okay, love. Everything will be fine."
June stood in front of her three brothers. Jim and Ellen had wrangled them into the living room, promising to be there for June in case anything went wrong.
"What's going on, June Bug?" Quinn asked, flashing her a small smile.
"June has some exciting news."
"You're moving to Jersey?!" Luke exclaimed.
"No, Luke. I- um, I'm pregnant."
"You're what?!"
Jack remained silent.
"Who did this to you? Huh? I'll beat the shit out of him," Quinn threatened.
"You'll be doing no such thing. He- he doesn't know. And I'll be keeping it that way."
"Who? Who's the dad?" Jack finally spoke up.
"Um..." June turned to her parents for reassurance. Ellen gave her a nod. "It's Trevor."
"Zegras?! You slept with Zegras?!" Jack shouted. "There's no fucking way! I told you to stay away from my friends, June! But you didn't listen, did you? And now look where you've got yourself. God, you're such a dumb slut, June."
June placed a hand over her mouth, tears threatening to spill.
"Jack! Do not speak to your sister like that!" Jim's voice boomed, pulling the attention off June and onto their very angry father. "We are going to support June in her decisions. If June wants to keep this a secret, then we will all be keeping it a secret. Is that a understood?"
"Yes, Dad," Quinn and Luke mumbled. Jack, however, shook his head and disappeared to his room.
Jack's solution to this problem was just pretending that it never happened. He acted as if June wasn't pregnant, because to him that was the easiest thing to do. Although he wouldn't lie and say that he wasn't beyond pissed when he found that June was moving back in with their parents in Michigan instead of going back to California to even attempt to get support from Trevor. Keep the secret from his best friend was killing him, but he knew that his parents would actually kill him if he did let it slip. Because everything revolved around June now.
Trevor was blissfully unaware of everything happening in the Hughes' family world. Sure, he was confused as to why he couldn't come to the lake house. And he was confused why he hadn't heard from June in months, especially because he thought that maybe they liked each other. They spent almost every day together while she was at school in California, but one day she went home to see her parents and she didn't come back. He'd reached out a few times, but received radio silence and gave up. And when Jack told him she wouldn't be returning to school after the summer break, he was left alone with no idea what happened to the girl he liked.
"Can I buy him a Devils jersey?" Luke smiled, placing a hand on his sister's stomach.
"No, he'll be a Canucks supporter," Quinn retorted,
"He'll be staying far away from hockey, thank you very much," June sneered, moving her brother's hand to where her son continued to kick.
"Damn, Baby Hughes can kick!"
"Yeah? Imagine that while you're trying to sleep," June laughed.
"No wonder you're always so grouchy," Quinn joked.
"Now, if you two are done bothering me, Baby Hughes wants pickles."
"This is like your third jar of pickles since we got here."
"Shh. The baby gets what baby wants."
"That's actually so gross," Luke cringed as June ate half a pickle spear in one bite.
"Mmm. It's so good. You just don't get it, Lukey."
"Nasty," Luke walked back off into the house.
"Quinn! Come play pool!" Jack shouted from inside.
"Call me if you need anything, Junie. Hope your pickles are as good as you imagined."
"Thanks, Quinn. Love you," June smiled.
"Love you too, June Bug."
June lay in bed, scrolling through her social media. All her friends were on vacation, drinking cocktails, and taking hot bikini pics. She was in bed, drinking water, wearing her brothers' clothes because they were the only non-maternity clothes she had that still fit. She was just about to turn off her phone and attempt to sleep, when a notification popped up on her screen.
Hey, June. Jack said you're for sure staying in Michigan with your parents this year. I was wondering if you wanted to come visit when Jack came. You know, see you one last time.
Fuck. Trevor had stopped reaching out months ago. Why did he decide to text her now? She was considering blocking his number, but morally that felt wrong. She was already hiding his son from him, blocking him just felt even worse. Even just thinking about what she was keeping from him made her feel sick. Even if it was her body, it was his kid too. It takes two to tango. Suddenly she felt bile climb up her throat, juimping from the bed, running down the hall to the bathroom she shared with her brothers.
She held her hair back with one hand, her other clutching the toilet bowl. She couldn't tell if it was the baby not liking her dinner or her guilt of not telling Trevor, but everything felt wrong in that moment. She began to cry, not just from the vomiting but the stress that receiving that text had on her.
"Fuck. Are you okay, June?" Quinn asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. June didn't answer, just sobbing harder. "Junie. Shh. Is Baby Hughes doing alright?"
June nodded.
"Then what's going on, June? Was it dinner? I noticed dinners havent been sitting well with you."
"It- It's Trevor."
"What about Trevor? What did he do? I'll kick his ass."
"He didn't do anything, Quinn. It's me. Why didn't I tell him? What's he going to think when he sees me with a baby in a couple months? I have to tell him. Do you think he's still awake? I should call him."
"Woah, June. Calm down. You're not thinking rationally right now."
"No, Quinn. I need to tell him."
"You're not listening!"
"Shh. You're gonna wake up Mom and Dad."
"June, baby, what's wrong?" Ellen asked from the doorway.
"She wants to call Trevor and tell him," Quinn replied.
"Oh, Junie. If you're sure that's what you want, go give him a call. Should I tell Jack?"
June shook her head, "Only after I talk to Trevor."
June sat with her phone propped on her desk in front of her. She sat so that her bump was hidden from the camera.
One. Two... Three. She clicked the FaceTime button. It only rang three times before Trevor's face took up her screen.
"Holy shit. Hey, June. Long time no see," he smiled.
"We need to talk."
"Woah. Okay? What's going on, Bug?"
"I- um, you remember last time we hung out?"
"Yeah, of course I do. Jamie was out, we had the place to ourselves. I-"
"I'm pregnant."
"Wh-what? Is this a joke?"
"No. Look," she stood up, fitting her swollen stomach into frame.
"There's- I... How?"
"We didn't use protection? I don't know. That's usually how that happens."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was going to, I-"
"That was seven months ago! You're seven months pregnant? And you didn't think to tell me? Jack didn't think to tell me?!"
"Don't," June gulped, "Don't blame, Jack. I- I kept him from saying anything
"I'm getting the next flight out."
"What?! No! No! Don't do that! Trevor!"
"June, don't you dare tell me what to do! I... We need to talk in person. Figure this out."
"Trevor," she sobbed, shaking her head.
"Too late June. I'll see you in the morning."
"Trev-" he hung up. "FUCK!"
June sat the island in the kitchen, her leg bouncing violently. Trevor was supposed to arrive any minute and she just wanted the world to open up and swallow her whole.
"Stress isn't good for you or the baby," Ellen sighed, making her daughter a smoothie.
"Luke, can you get me more pickles?"
Luke grabbed the half empty jar from the fridge, sliding it across the counter to his sister. Without taking her eyes off the door, she bit into one. Praying that Trevor had changed his mind. Praying that he wasn't about to walk through that door. Praying that-
Knock. Knock! KNOCK!!
Jack opened the door and a very disheveled looking Trevor walked in immediately. His eyes met June's and she started to cry, dropping her pickle back into the jar. He wasn't even sure what to say. What do you say to the mother of your child when you didn't even know she was pregnant until a few hours before?
"Trev," her voice wavered, tears falling down her cheeks.
"It's okay, Junie. Shh, you're okay," Quinn whispered, rubbing her back.
Trevor just scoffed, dropping his duffle bag on the floor. He made his way into the kitchen, standing across from June. He had fury in his eyes and it made her shake even more.
"How could you keep this from me, June?!"
"I... I didn't want to ruin your career, Trevor. I didn't want us to be a burden. Something else for you to worry about," she sobbed.
"I deserved to know! It's my baby too! I-" he pulled at the roots of his hair, "I can't fucking believe you. You've done some stupid shit, June. But this... this takes the fucking cake. How... how far along are you?"
"30 weeks. I-"
"30 weeks. You've kept my child a secret from me for 30 weeks?"
"I- I didn't know until I was a month and a half. I was going to tell you and then..."
"Then what? You decided you wanted to be my saviour? I didn't fuck need that! I needed the girl that I fell in love with to-"
"You love me?"
"That's not the point, June! Oh my fucking God!"
"Let's all calm down, please," Quinn sighed.
"I-" June was cut off by a sharp inhale. She gripped her stomach and the room fell silent.
"What's wrong, Bug?" Luke asked worriedly.
"It hurts! Mama, it hurts so much," she wailed. Another sharp pain and she felt liquid trickle down her leg.
"Shit! Look what you fucking caused, Trevor!" Quinn snapped, helping his sister off the stool she was sat on.
"My hospital bag isn't here," she sobbed, "It's too early! He can't come yet!"
"We have time to get your bag, love. If your water just broke they'll just send you home. You won't be dilated enough for them to do anything," Ellen tried her best to mediate the situation.
"It's too early! He isn't supposed to come yet! He can't! I'm not ready!"
"June, you need to calm down. Let's get you on the couch," Jim offered.
Trevor was in shock. He had just found out he was going to be a father and now the baby was coming. He had caused so much stress that his son was being born a month and a half early. God, he wasn't ready to be a father. But June needed him right now, so he'd have to man up.
"I need new pants," June cried, allowing her brothers to move her to the sofa.
"Luke, go get your sister some sweatpants."
"On it."
"Trevor sit with June. And don't argue anymore, we don't need this baby coming out in the house."
Trevor cautiously sat on the cushion that June wasn't laying on. He placed her feet on his lap, rubbing gingerly at her shins. She narrowed her eyes at him, but stopped when the pain started again. His eyes widened and he gave her a hand to hold while her body tensed.
"Are you sure it's too early to go to the hospital, Ellen?" Trevor asked.
"They'll just send her home, Trevor. They aren't going to waste a bed on someone that'll be there for at least 24 hours."
"24 hours?!" June gasped, "I can't do this for 24 hours!"
"At least 24 hours," Jack pointed out, getting a stern look from his parents.
"Let's try walking around, Junie. That'll help speed up the process... according to Google," Trevor offered. Luke and Quinn had left to drive home and get the hospital bag. Jim and Ellen were trying to give the couple some space. And Jack, well... Jack was sitting on a chair facing the couch, judging every little move Trevor and his sister made.
"But it hurts."
"I know, June. But if we want our baby to come then we should try moving around."
"I heard sex helps," June offered.
"Hell no!" Jack spoke up, narrowing his eyes at Trevor.
"Let's just try walking," Trevor offered sheepishly.
"We're back!"
"Finally! Can we go now, Mom?"
Ellen nodded, "Why don't you and Trev go? We'll meet you there once you've got a room?"
"June. You two need to learn to work as a team. Go."
Trevor threw the bag over his shoulder, helping Quinn get the carseat installed correctly. June sat in the passenger seat, texting her best friend updates. She couldn't believe her son was coming already.
"Ready, June?"
"I've been ready," she rolled her eyes, tapping away at her phone.
"Right... let's go then."
The car ride was awkwardly silent except for a few moments where June would gasp from the pain. Once they'd settled into a room, Trevor decided to talk.
"I, uh, I'm sorry for freaking out, June. I just... I'm scared."
"I was scared at first too. I guess I forgot that you were just learning. And going through the same thought process I did. I just... I shouldn't have kept this from you."
"You shouldn't have, but I can forgive you. Especially once I've met our little guy," he smiled.
"Not sure he'll be so little. Nurses said I look like I'm 9 months," she giggled.
"Do you think they'll take him to the special room for babies?"
"The NICU?"
"Yeah, that."
"Depends on how he's looking. But they said he's measuring above average. Maybe him coming early is a blessing to my body."
"Maybe," Trevor laughed.
A nurse knocked at the door, "You ready to push, Mama?"
June nodded, gripping Trevor's hand a little tighter.
"Is he okay?" June asked worriedly, watching as the nurses and doctor placed him down.
"He's fine," Trevor reassured her.
"You've got a 5 pound baby at 30 weeks, Miss Hughes. Quite impressive," the doctor smiled. "He's looking healthy, but we'll just take him to run a few tests. Just to make sure everything is developed alright seeing as he's premature."
"Can I hold him?"
"Of course you can," the nurse grinned, placing the baby on June's chest.
"Trevor, look at him."
"I see him, Junie. I see him," he wiped his eyes, not wanting to cry in front of June.
"He's perfect."
"He is. Just like his mom."
June blushed, handing the baby to Trevor before the nurses took him to run some tests.
"Can we come in?" Quinn asked, knocking on the doorframe.
"Come in," Trevor smiled. He was sitting shirtless in a chair, the baby on his chest. June was fast asleep, light snores leaving her mouth.
"How's Junie doing?" Jack asked, shocking everyone.
"Good. She's good. She, uh, she needed a nap. So Beau and I are chillin."
"Yeah. Hughes family meet Beau Quintin Zegras."
"Quintin?" Quinn felt his eyes water.
"Yeah. June insisted on it," Trevor chuckled.
"Can I hold him?" Jack was quick to ask, looking Beau in awe.
"Sure. Just wash your hands."
"Okay. Okay."
"Hey, Junie. How're you feeling?" Ellen asked, stroking her daughter's hair.
"Tired. But isn't Beau just the cutest? He got Trevor's blue eyes and I don't think I could possibly love him any more than I do."
"He's adorable, love. The perfect mix of the two of you. How'd the doctors say he's doing?"
"They said he looks like a full term baby," she giggled, "He's big and strong. And figured out how to eat pretty quickly."
Ellen laughed, "Glad to hear it. We're gonna head back to the house soon. I thought maybe you and Trev would head back to the actual house. He don't have a place for Beau to sleep here."
June nodded, letting her mom press a kiss to her forehead, "We're all proud of you, June. So so proud of you."
"Thanks, Mama."
"You ready?" Trevor asked, reaching out to hold June's hand.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
"Let's do this baby."
"Flight 335 to Anaheim is now boarding!"
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goldfades · 5 months
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ. NHL MASTERLIST !
♡ fluff ✪ angst ✧ suggestive
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𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐦 𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐬
⇨ trevor zegras¹¹
soft launch ♡ instagram!au | y/n soft launches her and trev's relationship. |
friends (with benefits) ✪♡✧ | trevor had always hated your guts. you never knew what for, maybe it was your close friendship with his best friend, or maybe it was because he was jealous of you. that was until, he kissed you, of course. |
sloppy kisses ✧ | request: "CONSENSUAL recording with Trevor because they’re long distance? 🩶 " |
⇨ jamie drysdale⁶
butterflies ♡ | no one has ever made you feel the way jamie did. every day, jamie convinces you more and more that he loves you in different ways. |
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𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬
⇨ adam fantilli¹¹
lets compare hands! ✧ | adam fantilli with a size kink |
⇨ kent johnson⁹¹
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𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐣𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐬
⇨ jack hughes⁸⁶
everyone wants you, but i don't like a gold rush ✪✧ | y/n had always been in love with jack since she was a kid, but he had always chosen everyone else but her. |
in losing grip, on sinking ships, you showed up just in time ♡ | when you and jack had parted ways, somehow you both knew you'd meet again somehow. |
⇨ luke hughes⁴³
betty ✪ | a small incident at luke's draft party causes a whole lot of drama you never expected to happen. |
worst (best) first "date" [requested] ♡ | request: kind of have a specific request 🫣 im an ohio state fan so it also kinda pains me that i love luke hughes since i hate umich 😭 my request is reader being an osu student and long term devils fan, so when she goes to a devils game in columbus her friends dare her to make a sign for luke during warm ups that says something along the lines of “can i trade you a hat for a puck?” so when luke gives her a puck, she throws him an ohio state hat w her phone number on it. and he finds it really funny and actually ends up messaging her (and then you can end it how you want. fluff, smut, wtv) thank you <33 |
stress reduction [requested] ✧ | request: "shower s-x with luke hughes help" |
⇨ nico hischier¹³
olive theory ♡ | you and nico have only been dating for 6 months but both of you are convinced you've found the one, and a certain theory proves you right. |
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𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐬
⇨ quinn hughes⁴³
you are in love ♡ | 3 times that quinn wanted to tell you he loved you, and the 1 time he finally did. |
cowboy like me ✪ | you and quinn were destined to fail from the beginning. |
the big C [requested] ✧ | "quinn hughes x equipment manager reader smut? maybe it’s the start of the season so the reader is helping him get all his gear fitted and situated and she’s calling him “cap” and “captain” and he ends up feeling some type of way" |
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𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬
⇨ andrei svechnikov³⁷
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 4 months
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“I think I’m in love”
Summary: Trevor is having a hard time being away from you while he is with Team USA for the Men’s World Championship. Seeing his teammates and crossing paths with other teams with their significant others only intensifies all his feelings.
Warnings: use of pet names (babe, baby), angst, worry/anxiety, overthinking, fluff, I think that’s it
Word Count: 1.34K
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It had only been 72 hours since Trevor had left the United States and he was truly miserable. He felt as if every where he looked when he was off the ice there was a couple. It was nearly impossible to not run into someone he knew from the league, just to be introduced to their significant other. “Seriously since when did everyone had their significant other with them.” Trevor asked Matt Boldy as he laced up skate. “Trevor, I think you’re over reacting. It just seems that way to you because your girl isn’t here.” Matt stands to walk off to the ice. Trevor shakes off his thoughts, or tries to shake off his thoughts.
Trevor wasn’t playing well, his focus was off. His heart really wasn’t in it at all. Cole and Luke had taken notice of how he was struggling and were off talking on the side in between drills.
“Do you think this has something to do with his girlfriend?” Luke asked Cole watching Trevor completely miss Brady for the passing drill. “I’m sure it does. I noticed him watching different couples when we were eating last night. I had to remind him it’s rude to stare. I also noticed Z hasn’t smiled like normal since we got here.” Luke couldn’t answer Cole as Trevor skated up and it was their turn to skate. Trevor’s head was lost in his thoughts when Coach dismissed practice. “Let’s go Z! We’re done” Luke yelled out.
After changing and heading back to the hotel the three boys were piled up in Trevor’s room. “Alright man talk. What’s going on with you? You look like you lost your long time pet or something.” Cole said flopping on his back next to Trevor. “I just miss her a lot. She couldn’t or wouldn’t come for some reason. And I’m worried we will grow apart. And, and” Trevor started to stutter over his words. Feeling a knot in this throat forming. Tears forming in his eyes. The pain in his chest that he wrote off as acid reflux earlier started hurting a bit more when his heart raced harder. “And what?” Luke pushed.
“God. I think I’m in love with her and I didn’t tell her. She doesn’t know.”
“What do you mean she doesn’t know?” Cole and Luke ask at the same time. The two boys share a look with each other then look back at Trevor. Trevor shrugs as if it should be the most obvious answer. “We haven’t told each other yet. She’s different you guys. I want to take care of her and provide for her. I look at her and I think about a future. A future where I don’t live in an apartment with in walking distance from the arena I practice and play in. It’s a future where I live in a house big enough for however many children she wants. With a yard so those kids can play outside instead of always being stuck inside. I don’t think about when I can get her naked in my bed. Actually she’s never been naked in my bed. I’ve never seen her naked. But for fuck sake I am in love with her.”
Trevor ran his hands through his hair and exhaled.
“I have never been this serious about anyone. I will go to hell and back for her. I think I am already in hell being this far away from her but that’s besides the point.” The last part earned a laugh out Cole and Luke. The two boys completely baffled by Trevor’s admission about his feelings for his girlfriend. He has always been an open book about most things but never about his feelings.
“Trev, I think it’s time to be honest with her. You need to let her know how important she is to you before she feels neglected.” Cole says giving Trevor a firm grip on his shoulder. “It’s late, we’re going to head out and get rest for tomorrow. Think about telling her and how you want to tell her before you just call her and yap it out there. If she’s endgame, plan it out.” Cole gives Trevor a quick hug before heading out of the room. Trevor feels better letting it all out but he can’t help but mope in loneliness, wondering what you’re doing back home.
While listening to Trevor, Cole was working magic. He had already purchased you a ticket through the US Hockey foundation for a flight. Explaining how down Trevor has been in just the last 72 hours and that he believed you could potentially be the cure all. You were shocked. Confused at best. You kept asking Cole if Trevor had put him up to it. Cole kept assuring you that Trevor has no idea that you have a flight out in the next couple of hours. He asked you, more like begged you, to not say anything to him either. By the time Cole got you your ticket and you had woken up you had 5 hours to pack and get to the airport to be on time for security.
As you were getting ready to turn your phone off Trevor’s face illuminates the screen. He was calling. You quickly decline and shut the phone off. ‘Better safe than sorry’ you tell yourself as your boarding the plane.
When you didn’t answer and then the next calls for the next 14-15 hours. Trevor’s mind was reeling the worry he felt set in deep making him sick, he needed a trash can multiple times. He couldn’t focus anything a while the team was at practice. Trevor ended up leaving practice early from being so sick and his inability to focus on anything. He isn’t one to really leave early, usually he would ride the bench until the end of practice but he couldn’t make himself do it. His anxiety over your safety was much too high. The panic was really starting to set in now that he was alone. Trevor had started thinking of all the possibilities of what could have happened.
1) You had starting ghosting him, he was gone and you realized you didn’t want him.
2) You were in the hospital for some reason or another.
3) Your ex-boyfriend came back around.
He was beside himself with all the thoughts running through his mind. Trevor laid curled up in a ball. Physically sick, a few tears shed, worrying over your well-being when there was a knock on his door.
“Guys I’m really not in a place for—“
“Baby?” Trevor’s voice cracked just as it did when he was going through puberty.
His knees buckled and he all but collapsed down on to his knees wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. “Babygirl. I love you so fucking much. I don’t know how you’re here but I’m glad that you are. I was… I was so worried something happened to you or you were leaving me when you didn’t answer your phone. I just. Fuck. I love you. I’m sorry I never said it before now.” Trevor still on his knees down in front of you, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist.
“T. You..you love me?” You choked out wearing a huge smile on your face. He looks up at you from where he is at on the floor. “Yes baby. Today, tomorrow. Next week, the rest of your life if you’ll let me.” His eyes shining from new tears threatening the fall as your tears weren’t stopping. “T stand up so I can kiss you silly boy.” He quickly followed what you said. Grabbing his cheeks softly and pulling his face to your’s until his lips are just close enough to touch when you speak. “Trevor Zegras, I love you more than you understand.” He groaned in response pulling you into his room. Before the outside world could be forgotten Cole had to run and yell “you’re welcome Zegras” from the room door until he was acknowledged. All Trevor wants to do is lay in bed holding his precious girl, and tell her how incredibly grateful he is that she is there in Ostrava. He can’t wait to have his chance to show her off to everyone tomorrow.
authors note: hi I’ve been sitting on this for a while. I didn’t have a chance to finish the ending for a while and I didn’t go back and read over the actual story part so if it’s bad I’m sorry don’t hate me don’t judge me it’s been like a month
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lecsainz · 9 months
anything with Trevor Zegras I’m begging girl!
parings: trevor zegras x hughes!reader
summary: that one where you're jack hughes' twin sister and post about your relationship with trevor on insta.
an: I've been working on this smau for TWO days because tumblr kept deleting everything I wrote when I hit return? I have no idea what was going on.
( last work || go to main masterlist )
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liked by yourroommate, your_ex and 108 others
ynhughes I say yes, obviously 🙄
trevorzegras fuck , I'm so in love with you.
yourbestie wait WHATS THAT??!??
⤷ ynhughes u already know luv
⤷ yourcollegebestie you didn't tell us, you sneaky!
⤷ ynhughes I did tell you! I called you seconds after we had our first kiss.
⤷ jackhughes WHAT?
⤷ lhughes_06 It's been a while, jack, relax.
⤷ jackhughes how did you know and I didn't??? I'm her twin!
⤷ lhughes_06 I'm the favorite brother 🤩.
⤷ ynhughes actually, it's quinn.
⤷_quinnhughes I KNEW IT.
trevorzegras OMG, you're my girl.
⤷ ynhughes and you're my hockey player.
⤷ jackhughes stop with this sweetness. ynhughes stop being bitter, jack.
jackhughes can’t believe that u aren’t single anymore.
⤷_quinnhughes me too.
⤷ lhughes_06 same.
⤷ ynhughes you guys are jealous 😤
yourcollegebestie your ex liking the post 😅
⤷ yourbestie lol 😂
⤷ ynhughes going to block him now, I forgot about him 🥴
⤷ yourbestie he's going to want to fight trevor.
⤷ yourcollegebestie he's calling the UMICH football team to help.
⤷ yourbestie 'cause no UMICH guy can date you now that you were my exgirlfriend.'
⤷ lhughes_06 that guy was a suck, I warned you.
⤷ ynhughes well, that's why he's an ex.
edwards.73 now it all makes sense why she didn't want to hang out with us anymore, ditching friends and parties for a MAN.
⤷ markestapa what a letdown y/n/n 🤧
⤷ ynhughes he's not just any man, he's MY MAN.
⤷ lhughes_06 what do you mean you guys hang out without me and with my sister?
⤷ lucca.fantilli she's cooler than you.
⤷ lhughes_06 NO SHE AREN’T.
⤷ rutgermcgroarty yes, she is!
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liked by yourbestie , lucca.fantilli and 189 others
ynhughes weekend at the lake house with the ice boys.
rutgermcgroarty jack having more photos than her boyfriend 🤣.
⤷ ynhughes he's the favorite brother of the week.
⤷ lhughes_06 u said that I was.
⤷ ynhughes that was before you ate all of my chocolate stash.
yourbestie and no photos for us to make memes of them?
⤷ ynhughes unfortunately, none.
trevorzegras 7 million smiles, and yours is my favorite.
⤷ ynhughes I love you, ice man 🩵
jackhughes I want a credit for the photo I took.
⤷ ynhughes I want credit for all the non-hockey photos you post then 😙
yourbestie miss you girls 🤧
⤷ yourcollegebestie you should have come too 🥺
⤷ ynhughes let's go out just us next summer 💃💃💃
markestapa you don't post a picture with us.
⤷_quinnhughes we're more important 😎
edwards.73 are you holding a hamster?
⤷ ynhughes yessss, his name was mr. bernard.
⤷ rutgermcgroarty aww, how cute.
⤷ lhughes_06 what an ugly name.
⤷ jackhughes ugly guy is you, not the mr. bernard
⤷ ynhughes and that's why my favorite brother is jack, not you, luke.
⤷ jackhughes thanks sis love you too, y/n/n.
private account
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liked by edwards.73 , markestapa and 302 others
ynhughes missing hawaii and my boy who's now all about hockey. why did I start dating a hockey player anyway?
trevorzegras cause you love me.
yourroommate still can't believe you guys traveled in secret.
jackhughes stop kissing my twin sister.
⤷ trevorzegras sorry, jack, but NO.
_quinnhughes mom sends kisses and asks how's college.
⤷ ynhughes sent a thousand back to her and tell her that college is amazing (I cry every night 😅
yourbestie how is it possible you don't look bad in ANY photo??
⤷ ynhughes LOOK WHO'S TALKING, I've never seen a bad shot of you.
lhughes_06 stop making me feel alone 😭
trevorzegras missing those vacations too
⤷ ynhughes i missing you more 😕
yourcollegebestie stop stalling and let's go out now, we're already late for the party, pretty!
⤷ ynhughes putting on my heels now!
normal account
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liked by jackhughes , hockeywags and 54,789 others
thehughesgirl at least he plays against my brothers, but that's the least of it.
comments were limited
trevorzegras you are art, you are the stars and the sky, you are everything.
⤷ thehughesgirl I’m so in love with you.
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311 notes · View notes
equallyshaw · 11 months
that one hurt | trevor zegras
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zegras x oc hughes.
warnings: angsty, swearing, self doubt, and self belittling in a way. but, sweet ending (:
word count: 2.1k (longer than i anticipated lol)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
molly hughes, older twin sister to jack, glared at trevor as soon as he walked in and slammed the front door. trevor did not acknowledge her after the loss that evening between them and dallas stars. she crossed her arms as she leaned against the kitchen counter, watching as he walked right past her and to their bedroom. she sighed, cleaning up the rest of the kitchen after baking some cookies and heard trevor walk back in. he was going on and on about a harmless habit she did, "how many times do i have to fucking tell you about this shit? huh?! jesus fucking christ." he screamed at the girl. she froze in her spot, as trevor grabbed his keys from the counter and slammed the front door again. her hands quickly covered her mouth, as she let out a sob. she'd never been yelled at like that before, in her entire life. she'd made sure she was always in peoples good graces and always put the needs of others before her own needs and wants. she felt betrayed and felt as if her whole being had been stripped.
she quickly made her way over to the bedroom and grabbed a bag, throwing clothes and a bag of toiletries in there. she had one place she wanted to be and one place only.
molly pulled up to the townhouse alex had gotten in santa monica, and she saw alex sitting on the front step waiting for her. he stood up as she turned off the car, meeting her to grab her bag and give her a hug. he rubbed her back softly, as she cried into his shoulder. alex looked to molly as a sister and was beyond pissed at trevor, and was ready to tear him a new one if one of her brothers hadn't already gotten to him yet. alex took the bag from the back seat and let her walk inside first. "im-im sorry for just barging in like this, al. i didn't know where else to go." she said sighing as she made her way to the kitchen. "don't mention it molls, you're family. im always gonna be here for you." he said smiling and pulling her in for another hug. he kissed the top of her head, as she calmed down a bit more. "did you tell your brothers?" he asked softly and he felt her shake her head. "nah...you know one of them would be flying out here even if they have practice or a game tomorrow.." she said giggling just a bit. alex knew that to be true. "well good thing i dont have work tomorrow so lets make some pizza and watch the office?" he grinned, pulling back and heading to the freezer. "frozen pizza session? dont have to ask me twice." she hummed preheating the over and taking out two pans. the two worked in unision, opening the pizzas and placing them on the cooking sheets to go in. "do you have any seltzers?" she quesitoned opening the fridge and saw her favorite brand, "oh would you lookey here." she grinned taking it out and opening it. "its like you knew i was coming." she hummed chugging just a bit. "well if i didnt have it, we all know youd chop my head off." and she saluted him with a knowing smile.
the two spent the night watching the office and finished off both pizzas and molly with a few seltzers. the two passed out on the couch for what seemed like hours before molly awoke to her phone ringing with her brothers contact popping up. "hello?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes and seeing the sun begin to rise. "oh thank god you're ok!" jack said rubbing his tired eyes and molly heard luke sigh in the background. she looked over at alex who was sound asleep and she headed over towards the first floor powder room. she turned on the light, chuckling to herself as she saw just a tiny bit of tomato sauce on her chin. "wanna tell me why you turned off your 360 location missy?" jack demanded and molly rolled her eyes. "you have us worried sick - not to mention mom and dad calling us at 2 am asking if we had heard anything and then you've got trevor als-" she cut him off, "oh he was worried as to where i was? im sure he could give two shits jack." she said pinching the bridge of her nose and sitting down on the covered toilet. "whats that supposed to mean?" he asked taken back a bit, "maybe you should call your so called bestie back and asked what he said to me last night and see if you can put the pieces together as to why i turned my location off and left the house." she spat, and heard jack whispering to luke to call him. "he said something that really hurt me jacky and i-i had to leave. im with alex, im ok. i proimse, im just very upset with trev." she said softly, her lip quivering. "oh lovey, im sorry. what did he say? just so i know what to scream at him." he added the last part, causing her to giggle just a bit. "um-- its stupid." she hummed, trying to downplay the situation. "lovey it cant be that stupid if it made you turn off your location so nobody could find you and it cant be that stupid if it made you go stay with alex. just tell us molls." luke said butting in and molly sighed.
"i just have a weird habit and i knew trevor was in a bad mood and i did it anyways and so its my fault that he blew up at me. its my fault he screamed at me." she said feeling a few tears fall out. "he yelled at you?" jack said in disbelief. trevor didn't have a bad bone in his body, when it came to molly. he looked at her as if she hung the stars and the moon, and never had any inkling to hurt her. "that son of a bitch." jack breathed as he took lukes phone from him and marched into his bedroom. "there is no reason why he should have yelled at you loves. none. i don't care if he was angry or upset at the game, he shouldn't have screamed at you. don't make yourself feel as if it was your fault. we all have our habits, and knowing you its a dumb one and one that did not warrant his outburst." luke said trying to comfort his sister. molly nodded, "thanks lukey. its just, nobodys ever yelled at me before like that." she whispered and luke's heart broke. he knew how sensitive she was and how hard she worked to make sure nobody ever got upset with her. "damn he's really going in on trev right now." luke said hearing the shouting coming from jack's room. "oh lovely, well im gonna go back to sleep. its 5 am luke, yall are nuts for calling me." she giggled and luke chuckled. "goodnight lovey, sleep tight." and she thanked him.
it was around 11 am when alex and molly heard a knock on the front door, and mollys eyebrows crinkled. she sipped her coffee, before digging back into her sandwich while alex went to go see who it was. "seriously?" she heard alex's lack luster enthusiasm, "i know shes here. i want to see her." she heard trevors familiar and ever recognizable voice. "listen man, i dont really feel like yelling at you right now so please just leave." alex said and trevor wouldn't budge. "the three of them have already screamed at me and picked me apart for the better part of the morning. please, i dont need anyone else to add to that." trevor said with a hint of exhaustion in his voice. molly sighed, walking towards the front door and stood next to alex, "its fine al." and alex nodded and eyed trevor before he walked back into the kitchen. "outside. now." she said pulling the door shut behind her. "what the fuck do you want trevor?" she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest. she saw his under eyes darker and exhaustion in his eyes, and the look of pure regret and guilt written across his features. "im so sorry molls, i really am. there is no excuse for what i said or did and especially me leaving. i shouldn't have left and i shouldn't have said what i said. you know that i didn't mean it lovey, please. tell me what i can do to get your forgiveness?" he asked pulling her in close by the hips. "first off, you can take your hands off of me." she said pulling them off of her, "and secondly, you can leave. im not ready to speak to you yet. you hurt me trev, that one hurt. especially since you know its the most harmless habit of mine." she said setting her boundary.
trevor knew it would be hard to get her forgiveness, but he was also happy that she was setting boundaries because he knew that her being her, it was hard to do. even though it hurt him, he understood why she was. "nobody has ever yelled at me like that before. and i will not allow it to become a norm in it either." she said taking a step back. "so please, just go. ill talk to you when im ready." she said and trevor nodded softly, a lump forming in his throat. "alright lovey." he said taking a step in front of her, and placing a soft kiss on her temple. "ill be at home waiting." he said looking into her green eyes, and she nodded watching him leave.
it was two days later and alex was off for a small road trip, so as molly hugged alex goodbye she decided she did not want to be alone and lonely in the house. she cursed herself at 'caving' quicker than she liked but trevor was also her person, she missed him. over the past 48 hours she thought about the situation, thought about what she wanted to say to him and she ran it over with alex who supported her wholeheartedly. she drove down from santa monica to newport, and savored the hour and a half driving down the coast with some alred's coffee. she pulled up around 2:30 in the afternoon and saw trevor outside with jamie, pulling their surfboards off of trevors car. good, molly thought. hopefully a surfing session did some good and helped him refocus. jamie smiled widely as trevor walked passed him, once he saw molly's car pull in front of the townhouse. trevor turned around to shut his car door and saw molly's car parked, and quickly made his way over towards it. "molls?" he called out and molly rounded the back of the car, coming face to face with the hockey player. shes smiled sweetly and then waved towards jamie, who just like trevor still had their wetsuits on. "ill be inside, im gonna go get settled." she said softly to trevor as she walked passed. "call me later if you wanna get dinner." jamie said to trevor and trevor nodded and jamie left. the hockey player quickly jogged inside, looking for molly.
she stood in the doorway of their bedroom, cream hydrangeas in a crystal vase sat tall on her bedside table. a new joan malone candle stood in front of it, and saw a small card with them as well. she smiled softly, walking over towards it setting her bag on the bed. she opened it, and sat down on the bed. the letter contained everything that trevor could never get out on his own, the letter explained everything that he wanted to say but knew he'd be too flustered to say it correctly and in the way he envisioned. trevor paused at the door and saw that she was reading the letter he had written once he'd gotten back from santa monica. molly's lip quivered, and she looked up towards trevor. he quickly found himself kneeling in front of her, grabbing hands that reached out for him. "youre not losing me trev, i promise you that. i love you way too much trev, youre pretty much stuck with me for life." she hummed, giggling a bit. he smiled widely pulling her in for a kiss. his hands softly grasped her cheeks, pulling her closer. after a few seconds, they pulled apart before going in for more.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
hope you all enjoyed! if you did, please like and reblog -- i appreciate it (:
random tags: @zegrasworld @hugheshugs @itsnotgray @slafgoalskybaby @zegrasbabyyy
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wintfleur · 5 months
ꔫ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ PRETTY GIRLS B-DAY! — Stella Hughes AU!
au masterlist - you can find everything under #👩🏻‍🎨 ͡ ꒱ Stella Hughes!
﹕─┈ pairings ( Estella Hughes oc! X Rutger McGroarty )
°. — summary ( it’s our favorite girls birthday !!! )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I hope you guys enjoy this!!! I honestly forgot for a while that me and Stella share a birthday so I was stressinggg to get this out on time !! Hope you guys enjoy 🩷 )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
edwards.73 added to their story !
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[caption: big smiles for the birthday girl @/stellahughes]
stellahughes replied to your story ‘look at those 2 studs 😻’
adamfantilli replied to your story ‘THOSE ARE MY GLASSES YOU BITCH’
rutgermcgroarty reacted with ❤️
lhughes_06 reacted with 🔥
Lilybaileys reacted with 😍
luca.fantilli replied to your story ‘birthdaygirlbirthdaygirlbirthdaygirl’
markestapa added to their story !
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[caption: it’s pookies bday!!! @/stellahughes @/edwards.73]
stellahughes replied to your story ‘ily pookie ty 💋’
edwards.73 reacted with 🥳
lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘to much touching in this picture I don’t like it 😑’
carmenbarlowe reacted with 💃
Lilybaileys replied to your story ‘your arms look good or whatever 🙄’
nick_moldenhauer reacted with 🔥
tyler__duke5 replied to your story ‘STELLAAA 🥳’
luca.fantilli added to their story !
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[caption: 20 looks good on you Stells]
stellahughes replied to your story ‘wow my tits look great 😻’
rutgermcgroarty replied to your story ‘holy fuck’
Lilybaileys reacted with 🍼
carmenbarlowe reacted with 🍒
lhughes_06 reacted with 🙅‍♂️
markestapa replied to your story ‘Pookie is high af’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘why does my sister look higher than a kite fantilli?’
Lilybaileys added to their story !
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[caption1: my wife is 20 today] [caption2: we’ve always been those bitches mhm 💋]
stellahughes replied to your story ‘SEXIEST WIFES EVER 💋’
rutgermcgroarty replied to you story ‘MY girlfriend is turning 20 😽’
carmenbarlowe replied to your story ‘the way you are serving the same look 🤭’
markestapa replied to your story ‘you look good ig’
lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘should have posted the one where you both ate shit and fell 👎🏻’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘I miss the skater era’
luca.fantilli reacted with 👯‍♀️
carmenbarlowe added to their story !
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[caption1: my birthday girl ] [caption2: missing summer camp with u rn 🥹 ]
stellahughes replied to your story ‘I love you shnookums 🫂😽’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘CAMP MENTION ‼️’
Lilybaileys replied to your story ‘fuck camp and fuck that hot counselor 😖’
lhughes_06 replied to you your story ‘WHOS THE COLOR WAR WINNERS ??? NOT YOU 🗣️’
rutgermcgroarty replied to your story ‘she’s so cute I can’t’
markestapa replied to your story ‘THE FITS 🔥’
adamfantilli replied to your story ‘that was the best Christmas party everrr’
trevorzegras added to their story !
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stellahughes replied to your story ‘CRINGEEE BUT ILY’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘high school musical is our thing wtf’
jamie.drysdale reacted with 🩷
colecaufield replied with ‘tiny Hughes isn’t so tiny anymore 💔’
leocarlssoon reacted with 🥳
_alexturcotte replied to your story ‘you dropped her right after that rip’
dixiedamelio reacted with 😍
jackhughes added to their story !
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[caption: happy birthday butthead, love ya!❤️]
stellahughes replied to your story ‘I love you to assface 🙄’
trevorzegras reacted with 🧢
rutgermcgroarty reacted with 🤍
colecaufield replied to your story ‘STELLURRRRS’
_quinnhughes reacted with 😂
lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘find your own nickname 👎🏻’
carmenbarlowe replied to your story ‘too darn cute omg’
carmenbarlowe replied to your story ‘I WAS TALKING ABOUT STELLA NOT YOU’
_quinnhughes added to their story !
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[caption: happy b-day stink, can’t believe ur 20 🤍]
stellahughes replied to your story ‘stop ur gonna make me cry :(‘
stellahughes replied to your story ‘but bro why the stink, that nickname needs to die 🙁’
colecaufield replied to your story ‘LETS GO STINK’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘STINK 🥳’
trevorzegras replied to your story ‘STINKK ‼️’
_alexturcotte replied to your story ‘STINK STINK STINK 🗣️’
rutgermcgroarty replied to your story ‘she’s so cute pls 🤍’
Lilybaileys replied to your story ‘she’s so cute I wanna eat her face 😡’
carmenbarlowe replied to your story ‘BABY STELLA AHHH ☺️’
lhughes_06 added to their story !
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[caption: good job on making it to 20, didn’t think you would💔]
stellahughes replied to your story ‘UMM HELLO WTF IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN ??’
_quinnhughes replied to your story ‘when the fuck was this Luke? Thats my home ???’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘LUKE??’
luca.fantilli reacted with ❤️‍🔥
rutgermcgroarty replied to your story ‘BABE???’
Lilybaileys replied to your story ‘I see two hot things in this picture 😏’
carmenbarlowe replied to your story ‘why did you just stand there like an idiot 🤨’
trevorzegras replied to your story ‘OMG ASBDJ HER FACE 😭’
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liked by jacob_truscott20, tyler__duke5, umichhockey, and others
🏷️ stellahughes
rutgermcgroarty; Happy birthday to my favorite girl, the funniest, prettiest, most intelligent woman I know. I’m forever grateful for you Stells and everything you do for me, your love and support is what i cherish most. I love you so much pretty girl 🩷
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liked by arberxhekaj_, dylanduke25, nicolassturniolo, and others
🎵Where’d All the Time go? - Dr. Dog
stellahughes; spot the difference!
view all 4,657 comments
📍elblue6 my sweet girl 🩷
stellahughes I love you mom 🩷
stellahughes thank you!!!
username happy birthday Stella, hope you had a great day!
stellahughes thank you! I did 🫶🏻
username happy b-day!
username happy birthday!
username stopp she was the cutest kid ever :(
rutgermcgroarty I love you
rutgermcgroarty you’re so pretty
rutgermcgroarty prettiest girl in the whole word
rutgermcgroarty you’re perfect, marry me?
stellahughes ilysm, come back so I can give you a big kiss :(
trevorzegras so do you like it…
umichhockey Happy birthday to our favorite Hughes!
_quinnhughes 🤨
lhughes_06 nahh wtf
tj_hughes13 rude
_alexturcotte stop growing up i hate it 🤨
stellahughes okay I’ll try…
simonnemec17 happy birthday stell ❤️
stellahughes thank you sims 🫶🏻
jamie.drysdale happy birthday stella! Hope you had a great day ❣️
stellahughes miss you jams sm :(
stellahughes THANK YOU ADAMM 🫶🏻
carmenbarlowe BABY STELLA BABY STELLA 🗣️
nicohischier happy birthday Estella ❤️
stellahughes thank you Nico 🤭💋
markestapa happy birthday Pookie, so proud of you 🩷
stellahughes ily mark ty 🩷
luca.fantilli happy birthday stells
stellahughes ty luca 💋
colecaufield HAPPY BIRTHDAY STINK 🗣️‼️
stellahughes NO DONT START.
edwards.73 you’re growing up so fast please slow down 😭
stellahughes I’ll try just for you 🩷
stellahughes miss you gav ❣️
gabeperreault44 happy birthday Stella!
stellahughes thank you Gabe 🫶🏻
stellahughes TY TY LEO
_willsmith2 happy birthday old lady!
stellahughes ty will😒
_willsmith2 np 😄
stellahughes I LOVE YOU MOLS 🩷
_quinnhughes happy birthday sis! Miss you 💙
stellahughes I miss you more quinny :(
nick_moldenhauer STELLA 🫶🏻
stellahughes NICKK 🫶🏻
stellahughes I got all six!
ryan.leno_4 MILF
stellahughes MILF
_eliaspettersson happy birthday stells 💙
stellahughes thank you elias!!!! 💙
bboeser happy birthday Stella!
stellahughes thank you Brock ☺️
lhughes_06 you used to be so cute, what happened?
stellahughes look who’s talking
jackhughes no why is this making me emotional
stellahughes because im your fav 🫶🏻
barzal97 Happy birthday Stella!
stellahughes OHMYGODHSJDDN
stellahughes thank you mat! 🤭
jackhughes thank you @/barzal97 now my sister is screaming and giggling
williamnylander HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESTELLA check your mailbox😄
stellahughes WILLY ⁉️
_connorbedard Happy birthday Stella!!!
stellahughes thank you con! 🫶🏻
_slafkovsky_ happy birthday hviezda
stellahughes thank you juraj ❣️
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( this took me forever omg I hope you guys like it! )
hviezda = star
°. — taglist ( @cixrosie @toasttt11 @bunbunbl0gs @lovings4turn )
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teapopp · 6 months
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Thank you :)
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chloe12801 · 1 year
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Text post dump with Trikey, Framar, and Tranklin? Frevor? What do we call them lmao
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peachhcs · 4 months
can we get any this from Sammy and Will at world I just need my broken heart to be fix for one moment
night out in prague
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
a night off in the city leads to the usa men's team heading into the city for a much needed night out.
1.4k words
as promised, here is some of samy and will at worlds before they broke up because i said i would still write about their happy moments in between the sadness to get a small break from the angst :)
au masterlist
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will's gaze stuck itself to samy as she walked towards him with a drunk smile spread across her lips. she wandered off towards the bar an hour ago taking shots with some of the girlfriends of the guys with will keeping a watchful eye on her a few tables away. he enjoyed seeing her get along so well with the others despite their age difference to some of the other players on the team.
the blonde forgot his conversation he was having as samy reached his side. he quickly smiled down at her, "hi."
"hi. miss anything exciting?" the girl wondered, tucking her head into will's shoulder since he was her height sitting in the booth.
"not really. enjoy your shots?" will chuckled lightly when samy eagerly nodded.
"so good. you should've done a round with us," the brunette always got more touchy whenever she got drunk. her fingers reached to will's curls to play with them and the action had the boy flushing.
he loved the feeling of samy's fingers in his hair, but being around everyone else while she did it was still something the boy was getting used to.
the other guys at the table hardly even noticed, but it still sent a blush across will's cheeks nonetheless.
"i'm hungry," samy mumbled as she leaned more into her boyfriend. his arm wrapped around her waist basically keeping her up against him.
"wanna leave soon?" will wondered.
"no, i'm okay. don't wanna pull you away," she hummed towards the guys still in their own conversation will stopped listening to.
"i don't mind. i was thinking about leaving soon anyway," the blonde said.
"are you sure?" samy never wanted to pull her boyfriend away if he wasn't ready to leave. she didn't mind hanging around longer as long as she probably started drinking water instead of more alcohol.
"yeah, i'm sure. don't worry," the hockey player beamed up at her. his smile was hard to ignore knowing he was being serious, so samy returned it.
"okay, as long as you're sure. i'll say bye to luke," the younger girl caught sight of her brother a few tables down.
the middle hughes saw his sister walking towards him, smiling a bit, "what's up little hughesy?" poor samy would never escape that nickname, especially whenever she was around her brothers since they were always "hughesy" before her.
"will and i are gonna leave. just wanted to let you know," the girl told the older boy.
"leaving already?" cole wondered from beside luke.
"yeah, i think those rounds of shots did me in," samy chuckled lightly.
"i can tell. your cheeks always get red whenever you have a lot of alcohol," luke quickly squeezed samy's cheeks which instantly made her pull back.
"shut up. you're the same," the girl poked her brother's flushed cheeks. he just rolled his eyes while the others laughed.
"have fun back at the hotel. don't be too loud," trevor teased earning an eye roll from samy and a gagging motion from luke.
"god, do not say that shit around me about my sister. gross. text me when you get back," luke shook his head in disgust.
"you're such a baby. see you," samy pinched her brother's arm before finding her way back to will who finished paying their tab.
"ready?" the blonde hooked his arm around samy's waist again. the girl nodded, so the two hurried out before anyone could stop them and drag them back in.
the city slowed down once night hit besides the few cabs driving through the streets and people wandering back home from the bars much like samy and will were doing. prague was so beautiful at night, too. the girl's gaze was glued to the buildings with incredible architecture that reached into the sky.
"i could stay here forever," samy mumbled.
"you and me both," will hummed, his hand going to intertwine with samy's
"do you ever wish you could stay in the countries you travel to forever?" the youngest hughes' gaze fell on her boyfriend. from the side he was stunning. his curls started growing back out after his last haircut and his entire face in general was just to die for.
"yeah, sometimes. i wish we'd get more time to explore," will's own gaze flicked across the impressive buildings and night sky.
"i don't know if i've said this, but i really like traveling with you. it's really fun and it's been super awesome cheering you and my brother on," samy felt will's hold tighten on her hand. he met her gaze with a smile, stopping them on the sidewalk for a moment.
"i'm really glad you're here. it means a lot that you came out and i hope we can continue doing this," the two exchanged warm smiles before their lips were on each other's seconds later.
will's told tightened on samy's hips as their kiss deepened. the streets of prague were practically empty, so the couple used that by their advantage to kiss under the starts as cheesy as it all sounded. samy's fingers tugged at the curls on the back of will's head making him kiss her even harder. they practically lost themselves in one another.
"you're so beautiful," will mumbled when they finally pulled apart for air.
"i love you," samy hummed earning a large smile from her boyfriend.
"i love you more," the blonde placed one more kiss to her lips before making them continue walking to the hotel.
the rest of their walk was spent in comfortable silence. the two gently swung their connected hands back and forth until reaching the hotel. the front desk nodded to them as will dug out his key card to take them to their floor.
once will kicked their door open, samy stumbled in. she tore her heels off, falling back onto the bed with a happy smile painting her lips. the blonde chuckled seeing her sprawled out across the bed, quickly plopping down beside her as the two began staring at the ceiling. 
"be honest with me. are you signing when we get back?" samy wondered because she saw the news headlines and all the circulation about will, gabe, and ryan possibly signing. the couple hadn't talked much about it since they lost the ncaa finals as will kept it pretty sparse around her and everyone else. 
because of samy's slightly intoxicated state, she didn't pick up on the hesitation in her boyfriend's face nor the way the smile faded from his lips. she just assumed he didn't hear her or something. 
"i'm not sure," his answer finally came. 
"i feel like there's so much speculation going around. i mean, i'd be happy for you either way," the girl shrugged, a light smile tugging on her lips still. 
she missed will's hesitation again because he just rolled over so he was on his side and samy met his gaze. "i know you'd be happy for me either way. i think you're my number 1 supporter," the boy chuckled. 
"well, after your family, i hope i'd be. have i ever missed any of your games when you were close to or in michigan?" the brunette raised her eyebrow. 
will's smile faltered a bit, but again, samy didn't notice. her hand reached up to caress the boy's cheek as he leaned into her soft touch before kissing the inside of her palm. his gesture had samy giggling before pulling him into a real kiss against her lips. she fell back against the bed again as the hockey player sort of hovered above her so he wasn't completely crushing her with all of his body weight. 
the two continued making out until will pulled away knowing it was late and samy was intoxicated so they couldn't take it further. she pouted though when his lips left hers, "why'd you stop?" 
"it's late, we should go to bed. i got practice in the morning," the blonde chuckled. 
"when has that ever stopped you?" the girl teased some making will blush. 
"maybe when you're not drunk, yeah?" he grinned, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek instead. 
"fine," the boy rolled off of her back onto his feet where he reached his hands out to help her back up. 
the couple exchanged warm smiles before samy started towards the bathroom to wipe her makeup off and get ready for bed. fifteen minutes later, they were ready for bed in their pajamas or in will's case, pajama pants and no shirt. samy flicked the lights off before crawling into his side, snuggling into her boyfriend's extended arm. 
"i love you, sleep well," samy hummed into the boy's chest. he smiled even though she couldn't see it. 
"i love you, too," he placed one last kiss to the top of her head and then quickly knocked out for the night, soft snores filling the hotel room. 
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toasttt11 · 6 months
my big sister
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October 1, 2022
Julianna had on Luke’s Michigan jersey and was sitting by the class ready for the first home game of the season. Emma her best friends sat next to her wearing a Michigan jacket and beanie.
Luca was skating on the ice and he was looking at the stands trying to find his parents when he saw a face he knew. Luca quite literally tripped on the ice barely catching himself from falling, he was so distracted seeing Julianna he wasn’t even paying attention to skating.
Adam who was next to his brother gave him a weird look but shook it off.
Luke smiled seeing his sister and her best friend, he waved happily at her and Julianna smiled fondly and blew a kiss to her little brother.
Michigan won 4-3.
Julianna and Emma walked down the stands and to the outside of the locker room seeing other family members and significant others waiting outside.
Luca’s eyes widen seeing Julianna outside the locker room and realized she had to know someone on the team. Adam and Luca walked over to their parents hugging them tightly.
“Oh! Julia is here i want to introduce you to her!” Adam spotted Julianna and smiled towards him family wanting them to meet his tutor.
“Oh definitely.” Julia smiled wanting to meet the girl that Adam seems to care for.
Adam led them over to Julianna and Luca’s eyes widen dramatically as he realized that Julianna was Julia.
“Juli!” Adam smiled as he called out her name, Julianna’s head snapped over to Adam and she smiled softly and raised a slight eyebrow seeing Luca.
“Hello Adam.” Julianna smiled and warmly accepted his hug, “You must Mrs and Mr Fantilli.” Julianna smiled and held out her hand towards them.
“Just Julia and Giuliano please.” Julia smiled shaking her hand gently, “Adam has told us a lot about you.” Julia and Giuliano have heard a lot about his tutor, “Oh and this is our son-“
“Luca.” Julianna gently cut them off gaining three surprised looks that she didn’t see because she was looking at Luca giving him a small smile, “We have a class together.” Julianna looked back to Adam and his parents.
Luca blushed realizing she knew who he was.
“Annie!” Luke called out to his older sister jogging over to her.
Julianna’s face lite up even more and she was immediately wrapping her arms around Luke as he quickly hugged her. She swayed back and forth with her baby brother who is already taller than her.
She pulled back from the hug cupping his face gently and Luke happily leaning into her touch, “Good game Moosey.” She gave him a soft proud smile and Luke proudly smiled.
Luke looked over and saw Adam and Luca with their parents, “Adam, Luca.” Luke nodded to them both, He knew she was tutoring Adam.
Luca looked between the two and at first he thought maybe they were together but then he saw all of the resemblance between the two and quickly realized, “Are you guys related?” Luca questioned making Adam also turned to the two and look at the two curious.
“She’s my big sister.” Luke proudly told them all wrapping his arm around her shoulder, He narrowed his eyes at Luca seeing him look at his older sister.
Luca paled slighty and realized the girl he has been crushing on for the last month is both his little brother’s tutor and his teammates sister.
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