#Trigun comparisons
mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
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sarcasticmothdraws · 7 months
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Idk how to draw the WWs differently. I just rely on vibes alone and it works mostly.
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mayfly-stampede · 2 years
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tsunosagun · 8 months
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hello can anyone hear me
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bobosbillionsknives · 5 months
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Concept sketch for a Knives planet gunsmoke figure set because I'm completely fucking insane and I'm losing my mind
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mine-loves · 2 years
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Trigun Stampede | s01e08
Vash - present and past.
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lemongogo · 1 month
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just saying .tbh
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vrronica-sawyer · 4 months
Ik the popular belief in terms of the Jesus and his disciples metaphor in Trigun is that Meryl is Mary Magdalene but I don’t see much there for that aside from Girl
To me it makes more sense that she’s Peter since he was the second disciple after his brother, like how Milly immediately believed he was Vash and Meryl took a while, and Peter is known for denying Jesus three times, again like how Meryl doesn’t think Vash is Vash for the first couple episodes
I think with Vash and Knives being inverses of each other and both having a group of followers if you’re gonna compare anyone to Mary Magdalene it’s Legato 🧍‍♀️
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archaicden · 1 year
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some recent trigun sketches ❤️✌️
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revenantghost · 1 year
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I love love love that every time before the ark, we only ever see Vash horrified and fighting against who he is. Which, honestly, is understandable when you've been traumatized by what you can do and don't understand anything about yourself! And the only thing fueling Vash before now was fear and anger in itself--the same thing fueling Knives.
But then it shifts, doesn't it? Because a man like him, a man like Wolfwood, is worth fighting for. It's worth finding faith in himself and a true love for humanity--fighting for it beyond just keeping Rem's dream alive. He's a long way away from self-love, if he can ever find it, but he's found love elsewhere to carry him through.
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lost-technology · 24 days
Trigun Maximum - What the Gender???!!! Okay, so I'm sitting here doing a re-read of Trigun Maximum Vol. 5 and I get to the last chapter. I am reading the print edition from Dark Horse - Japanese publication in 2001, English language translation publication in 2005 according to the back of the book. Anyway, I got a little confused by something I hadn't remembered that is apparently there: The page where Elendira is dumped out onto the ground from the Ark (and wants to gut the helmsman) Meryl says: "A transvestite?! (He has a nicer figure than I do...)" I had forgotten that because I believe that most people tend to refer to the Trigun Manga Overhaul fan-translation for that, which is here for that chapter: https://www.trigunoverhaul.com/TVol5Ch06.html and has Meryl saying: "A trans-woman?! (But she has a better figure than I do...)" One is official (comic-licensed), one is fan-translated (but is said to be very accurate, done as dedicated fans rather than people just paid for a task). I am wondering which is more accurate? Specifically, I am wondering if the latter one "cleaned things up" for the sake of modern sensitivities or if it really does carry more of the gist of the original. I mean, I found myself with a bit of confusion at that chapter when skimming Overhall and seeing Legato say "She saved me," when my Dark Horse book has "He saved me" which had led me to believe that Legato had been referring to Knives (Knives chose to spare him, by order) - while "She saved me" (referring to Elendira) completely changes the meaning. Legato *does* have one of his "fanatical" facial expressions there, thus leaving me confused as to whether he is surprised that Elendira the ("he" in DH or "she" in Overhaul) saved him or if it might have been "he" referring to Knives ordering him spared? I am not asking for people to cancel Nightow... (ugh, please don't). I don't even know if pronouns work the same in Japanese as they do in English (I heard that they do not). Having been alive in 2005 and having read the volume back around then (either that or I got it in 2006 or so, anyway, I was alive back then AND old enough to read a very bloody, adult-oriented manga), well, I seem to remember "transvestite" being a more common term then / the basic common before "transgender" "transwoman" and "transman" came into common usage. Not being a part of the trans community, I do not know if it was more "the accepted common term" then or if it was always a slur and I thought it used to be the common term before new terms were created? If my recall is accurate, "transgender" / trans - man/woman was coming into play then and "transvestite" was fading out as it was more often used in a derogatory fashion than as a descriptor. (I honestly do not know very much about the culture of the words, so forgive me if I am getting things wrong).* *There was a similar process that I saw in real time regarding what is now known as the R-word for certain disabilities. I was alive (a child) back in the 1980s when the word was actually a medical descriptor but was ALSO a slur and by about the 1990s other medical terms were used and "R" had become exclusively insulting. - It is one of those things that one must be mindful of when encountering old media. (I watched a Twilight Zone 1985 episode I hunted up having vaguely remembered it from my childhood on Youtube some time ago that treated the condition and a character that had it with sensitivity, but had his parents and medical staff using the term and it felt like a shock / I had to remind myself "that was the term back then"). I'm just left wondering about the bias DH translators might have had back in the day having been jumpscared by that when most of today's manga-readers are obviously reading Overhaul.
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bossladytae · 2 years
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Sakamoto Tatsuma (Gintama) & Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
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yuhi-san · 4 months
Saw a post of someone a while ago saying people need to stop calling knives an ecoterrorist since he is not because plants are power plants, not like, greenery.
So what does that mean for knives? Today it hit me.
Knives is PETA
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mayfly-stampede · 2 years
why is Vash distant with Meryl and Roberto?
(warnings: long post ahead, ep 5-8 spoilers, Trigun maximum manga spoilers)
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after saying they were friends
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after he insisted in looking them inside the worm and risked his life to save them
After all that…
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“They’re not my friends”
(Yes, that broke my heart too T_T)
what happened?
Well, we have to accept Vash has met and helped and saved A LOT of people in his life cause (SPOILER) he has lived many, MANY years.
In the manga, he meets a lot of people in his adventures and we don’t know if he sees them again (even though we know they’re worry about him and are waiting news from him). Rosa in TS is a reference to this. She met Vash time ago and talks with him like a good friend.
But Meryl and Roberto are just another two more he just met like many others before them. Have they done something important for Vash that makes them more special to him? …Not really.
Maybe in the car when Meryl is worried about Vash not eating in three days…and we know him, he could pretend to be asleep but actually is aware of everything. He could heard her…
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nevertheless he says goodbye to them really easily. Specially cause he is going to confront his older brother and doesn’t want anyone to get hurt, just like the friend he lost the day before.
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And now he is distant with Nicholas too (SPOILER) cause after he defended him, he killed Rollo.
Clean, one shot…Impressive.
Who is Nicholas really? Why is he following Vash?
What if getting Nicholas away from the reporters and letting him believe Meryl and Roberto are not special to him is the best chance to keep them safe?
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And when he reunites with them again, he is genuinely surprised and maybe worried like “I just got you out of my typhoon life and now you are here again??”
That reminds me all the moments in the manga when Vash recognizes he just can’t get rid of the insurance girls following him everywhere.
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He is under their supervision to avoid disaster…but that gives them more like a passive role where they are just there keeping an eye over Vash.
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at the beginning, the girls just follow him like Meryl stampede and Roberto are doing right now, and like Vash ‘23, Vash in the manga doesn’t interact too much with Meryl and Milly when they just met (he hides from them actually).
In 98’ anime, he asks them to stop following him when his situation was too dangerous for them.
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And even though they’re good fight partners, Wolfwood is the only one who can fight side to side with him, so they have more adventures together most of the time without the girls.
Maybe that’s why we feel a cold relationship with Meryl and Roberto, cause Vash is always fighting and running…
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And when Vash ‘23 sees them again he doesn’t have time to talk. He has to protect them and the other people in the sand-steamer, defeat the Bad Lads and then go back to help Nicholas, who actually does have a heart and has someone to protect, so he can’t be that bad…
And now that he knows they helped him in the sand-steamer all we can do is wait and see if their relationship evolves…
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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Trigun Stampede s01 || Vash + the reflection on his glasses
(edit: added one i missed)
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( @crazymadredfox​ thank you for the mention of this part!)
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I firmly believe that Vash has no idea what an insurance agent actually is and what little he does know has been so thoroughly warped by his experiences with Meryl and Milly that he is now too afraid to find out
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