#Triple h imagine
aritamargarita · 2 years
GOLDEN || 008
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now i welcome you back… you’ve landed at the golden train station destination, don’t forget your luggage when exiting the train yippee!
i hope you get a couple of laughs out of this…because after a certain point literally nothing is going to be funny anymore *WINK* you know, in both series, i think we just can't have nice things lol.
with this series of unfortunate events, i present to you [name]’s bizarre adventure. *lights dim, curtains fall*
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THAT MATCH MADE you feel pretty unsatisfied. All you can hope for is that this future Sable storyline can give you more than whatever you're doing right now. The night is still young, so there are many things waiting for you.
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You’re the last one out. The other three were already making their way down the hall by now.
You’re not exactly satisfied with that match from earlier. Truth be told, you wanted to wrestle with Chyna a little longer. Even though you were goofing around, you knew for a fact that Chyna had more than an irish whip in her arsenal.
You want her at her full potential! You’re sure she wants you at your full potential too.
If only you were put in a storyline with her instead of Sable, sigh..
You're not exactly alone back in gorilla either. As soon as you hit those curtains, Bret was leaning on the wall. "Done for the night?"
You look at him with a smile. “Yes.” You weren’t really impressed overall with your match, and you’d tell him this much. “If you were watching, don’t be surprised. I didn’t do much this time..”
Bret shrugs it off. “I still think you did something out there. That’s all that matters. Let me tell you a little secret,” He comes closer so that you can hear him a little better. “Shawn’s got a real big habit of making things all about him. Trust me, I know.”
The way he said it makes you raise an eyebrow. Now you’re really curious..
“..Still, I think you stood out tonight.” He continues.
“Couldn’t keep your eyes off of me, eh?” You tease. “I get it. Everyone seems to have that problem when they meet me.”
“Your name must be trouble, then.” Bret grins at you. “Causing it everywhere you go. By the way, what ever happened to watching me wrestle? Think it’s a little unfair if I can only watch you.”
"Listen, I wanted to tell you sorry. I kiiinda just wanted to go back to my hotel." You explain. “Other than make that one ringside appearance, there wasn’t anything to do, you know?”
“I guess I better back out of our bet, huh?” He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Don’t know if I can trust you to hold up on your end of the deal.”
Bret must think he looks really cool doing that. You’re almost flattered.
“Oh no!” You say, dramatically putting your hand on your chest. “Whatever will I do?!”
“Hmm. Could make it up to me.” He says. “What do you have planned tonight?”
“Nothing…but..” You cross your arms. “If you’re about to say what I think you are, I thought the whole deal was if I talked to your crazy friend?” You hadn’t seen Pillman the entire show, let alone the last show. “I haven’t even seen him yet..”
Bret shrugs. He didn’t have an answer at first. “Well, maybe the guy’s just a little shy. You might’ve missed him. I talked to him the other day and funnily enough, it just so happens he talks about you a lot. I don’t blame him, but if I were you, I’d check the match card for tomorrow.”
“You don’t blame him, huh..” Whatever that means. “And I’ll check. Now, what do you want from me?” You’re sure that Shawn must’ve been looking for you by now, especially since you fell back.
“You said you’ve got nothing planned tonight, right?” Once you nod your head as confirmation, he smiles. “We’re gonna grab something to eat.”
“Is that an order or a request?”
“Whatever you want it to be.”
You’re not sure how to take that, but if there’s one thing you like, it’s people who are forward with what they want from you.
It’s probably another thing on your imaginary list that Terry’s instilled in you overtime. Closed mouths do not get fed. He’s got a lot of good lessons..
“Okay, okay. That’s fine.” There’s something else that’s been killing you, so you just go for it. “When you mentioned Shawn making things all about him, what did you mean?”
Bret decided to put it bluntly. “If you really want to know, he’s just a smart ass. Guy thinks he’s at the top of the world these days. I’m surprised no one told you what happened last month..”
“Not at all.” What exactly happened?
“Last month, I lost the WWF Championship to him and not in the way you think. That asshole put me in the sharpshooter and the bell rung without me even tapping.“
Damn. That’s crazy. You couldn’t even imagine the atmosphere backstage after.
The only thing you can say is; “Wow.”
He chuckles, which makes you tilt your head. “You should’ve been there. I ended up ripping a chunk of his hair out.…can’t say it might not sound a bit anti-climactic in my words though.”
“And this was like a month ago?!”
“Yeah. You just missed it. Believe it or not, we were actually pretty good friends a while back.”
“Seriously?” Though you’ve only known them for a little while, they seem like they’re from such different worlds. Then again, opposites do attract.
“Seriously.” He nods. “My only advice to you right now is to be careful who you trust. You’re in the lions den. Personally, I don’t think it’s wise to stay there.”
If you leave the “lion’s den”, where else could you go? You’re fully capable of making a name for yourself, but the ladder may work a little different here.
There’s more questions you want to ask. Hundreds of them, even. But things are cut short when you see Shawn yet again sauntering down the hallway with his arms open.
“Heyyy, I knew something was wrong! Didn’t see ya’ behind us!” He chimed. “You know you’re apart of the group, what do people say these days? No one left behind? Because you’re apart of the group, you know?”
He placed a lot of emphasis on group. Something that makes you look at him in confusion and makes Bret raise his eyebrow at him.
“Man, I sure LOVE being with D-Generation X,” He continues. “You know, the group. Now if you excuse us, we’ve got somewhere to be!” Shawn slings his arm around you and tugs you down the hallway.
“Sorry.” You turn your head towards Bret with an apologetic look on your face. “See you tonight?”
Shawn’s really starting to get on your nerves with this. It almost makes it worse now that this ‘Montreal Screwjob’ put that slight sour taste in your mouth about him.
“I feel like I’ve gotta put a leash on you or something.” Shawn chuckles. “Always wandering somewhere else.” You want to find the sweetness in his words, but you literally can’t. You’re too pissed off with him dragging you away like that.
With you giving no response, not even a sarcastic one, he suddenly stops. You step away and just stare at him.
With what Bret told you, could you really find it in yourself to trust Shawn? Could you even trust D-Generation X as a whole?
Somehow, you feel like the only person you can trust is Chyna. But maybe that’s because you have an fondness for her.
"What?" He asks. "Why're you looking at me like that?"
You simply shake your head and continue down the hall. The locker room must’ve been only two doors down.
“Woah, woah!” Shawn yells, speeding up so he can catch up to you. “Hold on a second there..!”
You don’t slow down or say anything to him as you open the door and head over to your things to hastily pack them. You need to find a nice outfit and you’d much rather do it alone.
Chyna and Hunter give a look to each other before turning back to you in confusion. Shawn’s making hand gestures towards you, but they have no fucking clue what he means.
You shoot the other two a smile before grabbing your luggage. “Have a good night.”
“Yeah…uh, you too.” Hunter replies.
After his words, no one really says anything else to you. The three of them just watch you push past Shawn and walk out the door.
“Man, you must’ve royally fucked up that one.” Hunter muttered. You didn’t seem to be in a good mood at all. “The hell happened?”
Shawn waits a moment before finally gathering some words together. “Yeah, yeah. Listen, it’s for her own good. You don’t get it, she was talking to Bret. Shady business, guys! We’ve gotta follow her.”
“I don’t think you should do that.” Chyna recommends. “You should leave her alone.”
“That’s a good idea.” Shawn thinks about it for a moment. “Buuuuut that’s not gonna happen. ‘Cause what if she leaves us for the Hart Foundation?! She was talking to Bret earlier. Sounds like they’ve got plans. Plans for what exactly?!”
“Dude…” For a second, Shawn thinks that Hunter wasn’t on his side. “…Holy shit, you’re right. She might just leave us. The woman’s new, this may be a test drive!”
Chyna couldn’t believe that Hunter was feeding into this. Seems like you couldn’t have friends outside of them. The more overbearing they are, the more you’d want to leave the group, and she most definitely didn’t want that to happen. “You guys—“
She tries to be the voice of reason, but the other two just weren’t hearing it.
“Get the car ready!” Shawn yells, quickly grabbing his own stuff. “She’ll be gone before we know it, this is a mission we can’t fail!”
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You wanted to look nice. Not for any particular reason, of course. You think what you’ve scrapped together is good enough, so you pose in the mirror one last time for good measure.
This isn’t a date or anything. It’s just two co-workers hanging out in their spare time after the show. Yes, that’s right. Just two co-workers. It’s for business and whatnot.
Sure enough, the car ride didn’t entail anything that interesting. The two of you just sat in silence for the most part. Both of you were just focused on the road in front of you, with little small talk.
You didn’t know what to say. Neither did he. But there was a smile on your face that just wouldn’t go away as you idly drummed on your knee the entire time.
The thought crossed your mind to offhandedly mention how you almost cracked your head open when he called to tell you that he arrived. Just for light banter. You ended up not saying anything.
Finally getting there was different. The moment you two got out of the car was the moment you two could talk about everything in the damn world. At least he was nice enough to open the door for you.
You didn’t really know why, but you figured that you should get a feel for him, see what he likes to talk about..
This is really weird.
“Are you cold?” Bret suddenly asks. “If you want to, you’re free to use my coat.”
“No, I’m good.” You say. For some reason, this is genuinely making you nervous. Even though you’re hanging out.. “Thanks anyway.”
It is a bit chilly outside. Then again, it is December.
He opens the door for you again and you're suddenly hit with warm air. It feels much better. You just hope you don't start to feel uncomfortable with the heat by being there for too long.
It's not too much of a fancy restaurant, nothing five star or anything along those lines. It's just a local one in the town, you think.
It’s definitely not a Waffle House. This one guy in your life had a tendency to take you there at 2 in the morning and call it fine dining. By no means were you complaining about the food. The food is good. It’s just the idea.
The waiter greets you two. Bret’s the one that does all the talking as your eyes seem to wander off somewhere else.
You notice that it’s pretty quiet for the most part, though you can see people chatting away at tables.
Somehow, seeing people like just hanging around like this reminds you of when you were just like any other person. Right before you got into wrestling. It’s different this way.
The feeling of not being famous, you suppose.
It reminded you of that period of your life where you didn’t know what exactly you wanted to do. You guess you were at the right place at the right time because you got scouted in a strange way.
More than likely because you were nice-looking, of course. But you’re more than just looks and you demonstrated as such in your very first match.
Before you’re able to spiral in your thoughts any further, Bret has to tap you on the shoulder to get you to follow him.
“Whoops.” You mutter. And you follow right towards the dining room. Once you’re seated in a booth, the both of you are passed menus. “Ever been here before?” You ask, doing your best to make conversation.
“Nope. I just think it’s a nice change of pace. I’m the kind of guy who’ll eat fast food. But hey, I just said screw it, let me at least try to leave a lasting impression on a new friend.” Bret says, scanning over the menu. He wishes that the lights weren’t so dim in here…
“Ah. You and me both.” You too, we’re a victim of fast food. McDonald’s fries were too good to pass up. It’s like a tradition for yourself to go after every show.
Things are a bit different now. You want to try and get a better feel of the WWF’s schedule first.
On another note, it is safe to say you’re decently impressed. You just hope the waiters here weren’t as temperamental as Waffle House waiters.
“Hola! Oh shit, I mean, bonjour.” The waiter says in a terrible French accent. “I’m your waiter, Sèan, that’s right, don’t forget the apostrophe on the E, how may I take your order, eh?”
You don’t really comment on it, instead focusing on the menu. You’re not that hungry either. Somehow, that match had zapped away your appetite. Maybe you should just order ten cocktails and get drunk or something.
Actually, no, no. That’d be really embarrassing.
You lift your head up to give the waiter a smile, but once you do, it immediately falls.
…You look over at Bret, who was simply scanning through the menu unfazed. Did he seriously not know who this was?
Did his voice not give it away? You’ve gotta be kidding. This has to be some king of joke.
How did Shawn even nab a waiter outfit anyway? And most importantly, who glued that mustache to his face?! Is no one else pointing this out??
More importantly, he picked such a stupid name. Way to disguise yourself.
Still, Bret hasn’t noticed. But if he does, then you both more than likely are going to leave. While you’re pretty upset that he followed you here, you wonder how this’ll play out.
“Um..” You rub your temple. “Wow. Okay. Hi, Sèan with an apostrophe. Can I just get a water for now?” You start to wonder how in the hell he’s going to get access to the kitchen.
“Oui!” He gives you a thumbs up and you cringe. Honestly, you never thought you’d be in a situation like this in your life.
“Same here. I can’t figure out what I want for the life of me.” Bret says.
“You could get lost.” Shawn mutters, his eye twitching.
“What? I didn’t say anything, kind sir. You wanted the water?”
As Bret gives his response to him, you start to wonder why your life has to be this way. Out of all things that could've happened..why in the world would Shawn follow you?
He leaves and you take a moment to rub your face with your hands. For once in your life, you'd just like to meet someone who wasn't that obsessed with you. You have had plenty of bad experiences already.
Meanwhile, Shawn is slightly panicking. You definitely knew that something was up. He goes over to another table, holding up a notepad. “Guys, we have a dilemma. I call this: Code Alfredo.”
“That is a stupid codeword.” Chyna blatantly says behind her menu. And quite frankly, she thinks what they’re doing now is stupid too.
Hunter slightly leans down the menu that’s covering his face. “I’m totally for it, man. Don’t worry. What happened?”
“I think she knows! I’m gonna try and get access to the kitchen. These idiots don’t even know I don’t work here.” He chuckles. “Slipped right under the radar. Hell, you could get your own uniform if you wanted to, Hunter.”
“Always wanted to try my hand at cooking.” He says. “Guess I’ll get ready for my shift, heh.”
“If she sees the two of you, she’ll know something is up. And I don’t want her to think that I had anything to do with this.” Chyna says, lowering her menu. But she, just like you, wanted to see how it’ll play out.
Shawn just laughs. What makes her think she’s not going down with this ship?! “The hell do you mean?! You’re deep in it now! You definitely play a part in this.”
“Ugh.” She groans, waving her hand and bringing up her menu to cover her face once again.
“C’mon dude. We’ve gotta get you a uniform.” Shawn nudges Hunter to get up. “And you’ll never guess what I did, I asked a camera crew to come over and we’re gonna….”
And back at your table, things seemed to be the same as always. You just can’t believe Shawn’s even here.
You’ve gotta find a way to make the best of this situation, maybe even try and distract yourself from the fact he came. Easier said than done.
“So, uh.” You cough out. “I’ve heard stuff about some kind of award show called the Slammy’s. Know anything about it?”
“Yeah. Most of the Hart Foundation is going, so I’m obligated to go too. I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to go.” He admits with a smile. “Thought it was dumb. Especially since I’ve already won last year. Three times.”
“Three?” You’re surprised. He must be good, damn. “What did you win it for??”
He counts them out for you with his fingers. “Best Submission. Best Music Video. Believe I was Hall of Fame bound as well.”
“That’s a lot stuff. Pretty cool.” You smile. And it was. You originally thought that you couldn’t imagine being picked for something like that, but apparently, you did! “I got nominated, too. Least I think I did. I think it was Miss Slammy?”
“Then I know who my votes going to.” He immediately says. “No question.”
You scoff. “Oh, you…”
“By the way, it’s pretty common for you to bring someone to the Slammy’s with you. Did anyone ask you yet?”
“No. Not at all.” To you, you figured that was a given since you were new and all. No one really knows you like that.
“Guess this is my opportunity then. Are you interested in going with me?”
Suddenly, yet another waiter comes by and you groan.
This time, you can identify him as definitely Hunter. He has a stupid chef hat on, and his glued on mustache may have been falling off, but he can’t hide those blonde locks of his.
“Compliments of the chef.” He sets your drink down and you look at it. Gotta be some variation of soda. This isn’t water.
“Hey, uh. I wanted a water…” You say.
“My bad.” He swipes it back up, then turns to Bret. “What did you want, dude?” Of course, his customer service was really bad. But you can’t talk…
“I just wanted a water too.”
You’re not understanding how Bret hasn’t caught on yet. Maybe he’s not paying attention too well enough. You kept seeing Hunter’s eyes darting behind Bret, which struck you as strange.
“Hey. Did you know Shawn Michaels won the Slammy’s five times last year?” Hunter suddenly says.
“What—?” As Bret is talking, a circular tray is smashed on top of his head and he crashes down to the floor. You immediately jump out of your seat.
You’ve gotta be fucking kidding.
Shawn dramatically rips off his apron and ushers the cameraman to come closer so that they could get a good shot of this beatdown. "You think you're better than us?! Tell your little foundation to stay away from our new recruit!" He kicks him.
"Stop that!" You yell. The attention was on all of you as Shawn continues to kick Bret. In attempt to stop his assault, you jump on his back. The people surrounding you are just enjoying the show at this point.
Because you're currently trying to choke Shawn out, Hunter takes over and starts laying blows onto Bret. Chyna has to come out of nowhere in order to try and separate you from Shawn.
Once she lifts you off of him, you look behind you. "Oh my god! You too, Chyna?!"
Well, now you know for sure this restaurant wont be allowing you guys to come back.
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i'd like to give an explanation as to why she stopped having “a thing” for shawn so quickly.…..the answer is clearrrr, it’s absolutely raven’s fault…she will never see being the slightest bit clingy as a good thing again LOL.
ngl this chapter was a struggle thanks to motivation and tumblr breaking every 5 seconds. i wasn't very happy but i think it just needed a new set of eyes (aka you who's reading lmao) i thank you for reading, big things are coming!
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142 notes · View notes
heart4reigns · 1 year
OPERATION: TOGETHER, roman reigns and cody rhodes (i).
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next chapter →
warnings: cigarettes, curse words, fighting, alcohol
tags: love triangles, powerful girlboss (y/n), breakups, paul being a dad to the bloodline, triple h being a father-figure to you, inaccurate events and descriptions
"COME on, (y/n)." you shook your head in disagreement. "no, jey. i'm not going to lunch with you. i know damn well you're just gonna set me up again with your stupid fucking cousin." he immediately stood up from his seat. "i- i am not setting you up! it's just the three of us like usual. you, me, jimmy, and solo... trust me!" "and i know that you're lying." another plan failed. you walked out of the room, still having jey following you like a lost dog.
"please?" he asked. "jey, i'm sorry," you paused for a second, facing him. "i get it that you're trying to make things alright for us. but, we're done..." you continued. "i'm sorry as well, because i just hate seeing my favorite people not speaking to each other." you sighed in frustration. "that doesn't mean we can stop being friends, you know i'm still your number one girl." your sentence put a smile on his face. "love you, (y/n). you're like a sister to me." "love you too, listen, i gotta bounce. have a meeting in like 10."
you were alone inside the board office, waiting for your fellow colleagues to arrive. "booking suggestion for..." your heart dropped when you read the sentence. "roman reigns against cody rhodes." you continued your sentence. being the co-creative director for both smackdown (your ex boyfriend's brand) and raw meant that you could never escape him. you groaned in despair, putting down your papers. "morning, (y/n)." you looked up and saw your boss. "morning, paul."
the board meeting bored the shit out of you. you already knew what was going on. your mind was somewhere else; on the beach with your ex boyfriend, smiling together as you felt the breeze tingling on your skin. "ms. (l/n)?" your short daydream was cut-off by one of your colleagues. "sorry, you were saying?"
"i wanted to know your opinions on the booking." you hesitated a bit to come up with an answer. "i've had this conversation with ms. (l/n) before, she finds it brilliant." the retired wrestler backed you up. "thank you." you mouthed to him. he gave you a small nod, continuing the meeting. "so it's settled then, it leads up to wrestlemania next year." you signed the papers.
with the contract being signed, you knew that you were going to meet your ex boyfriend for work purposes. the thought of that made you want to throw up. the meeting ended, everyone was packing up their papers. except for you, you stayed behind, not wanting to leave work yet. "(y/n), you're not done?" paul (or triple h, depends on what you saw him as that day; a boss or a talent) asked. "i still need to sort some papers for the upcoming matches." you said, not looking up from your paperwork.
he saw your devastated expression. "i guess i'll stay a bit with you, son." it was a long-running joke that you were his 'son'. "thanks, dad." you rolled your eyes. "is it the reigns thingy again?" you nodded at him, being completely vulnerable. "it's okay to let your feelings get in the way. but you have to know your position, at your age? co-creative director? you're what my kids call, a 'girlboss'." you chuckled at his statement.
"okay, you got me there. let’s do this.”
needless to say, you spent the day trying to finish all your paperwork before showtime. “right, you’ll be okay with raw? i’ll take over smackdown this week, i can’t go tonight because i have dinner with externals. don’t forget to tell cody to come to the office!” you nodded at his sentence, waving goodbye to him. you went to the parking lot and quickly drove to the arena for monday night raw. you had 15 minutes to spare before the briefing, so you took your time to light a cigarette.
you missed the times where you were nicotine-free. you also missed having a passenger princess aka your ex boyfriend. the two of you broke up almost 3 months ago. some said it was a ‘mutual breakup’, but to you–it felt like he broke up with you. the reason? time. you didn’t have time for him and he didn’t have time for you. although you still yearned his touch and his voice, you couldn’t do anything about it. some also said that you’ve changed, into this ‘cold bitch from upstairs’ persona.
truth be told you were just going through it. you have never loved anyone as much as you loved him. it was hard for you to return as your usual self. not to mention, you were also close to his cousins (who were trying to get you back together). jey, jimmy, and solo–you wouldn’t trade the world for your friendship with them. they also kept you updated with roman’s life (without him knowing). you felt in peace knowing that he was happy.
the two of you met during a company party and you fell in love at the first sight. he was gentle, a people’s person, and funny. maybe you drank too much that night to end up in his arms, but it was all worth it. the more you saw each other, the more attracted you were to him. you just wished that you spared more time for him, but like the realist person you were–people come and go. it was a matter of time for you to let him go.
everyone bowed their head as you walked the hallway. people were intimidated by your power. being co-creative meant that you were practically in charge of everything. you didn’t really meddle with raw a lot, it was usually paul who took care of the monday night screen-time. but he had other things to do, so raw was a breath of fresh air for you.
you also grew comfortable being in control of smackdown, as that was your ex boyfriend’s brand. but maybe paul thought you needed a change. “shit, she’s here tonight?” you heard several whispers from the crew. “then we can’t have any technical difficulties or she might fire you.” the whispers continued. you didn’t mind being this ‘bitch from upstairs’ if it meant that people wouldn’t treat you like shit anymore.
“camera 6, go higher.” you spoke to the earpiece. “got it boss.” the crew replied. “and… rolling in 3, 2, 1. cue the music.” you continued. “welcome everyone to monday night raw!” the announcer said as the crowd went wild. “i trust you from here, i’m gonna see the talents.” the staffs nodded. “if anyone fucks up, they’ll be seeing me after this show.” your tone gave the crew goosebumps.
the talent locker room was filled with superstars messing around and getting ready for their showtime. you monitored them from outside, not wanting to invade any of their privacy. “(y/n)?” you looked up and saw becky. “god, it’s been a long time since i’ve seen you here, girl!” she hugged you. “hey becks.” you returned the gesture. “what are you doing here? where’s paul? never mind, i take it back. i’d rather see you here!” the two of you chatted for a bit, before her screen-time.
“you’re up in 5.” you reminded her. “okay miss bitch from upstairs.” you rolled your eyes at her comment. “shut up.” she chuckled in response. “see you, (y/n)! wish me luck!” with that, she left you alone in the hallways with your papers full of rundown and cue cards. the earpiece started to go off, “ms. (l/n), rhodes is here.” “right.” he didn’t have any fights today, only delivering his promo.
you knocked on the locker room door. “it’s unlocked!” you opened it, seeing cody with his duffle bag. “cody,” you paused for a second. “oh, ms. (l/n)!” he flashed you a smile. “how many times do i need to tell you to call me (y/n)? i’m younger than you.” cody’s smile didn’t fade at all. “you might be younger than me but you have a higher position, of course i’ll be polite ma’am.” he was probably one of the few talents that weren’t intimidated by your presence.
“what can i do for you today, (y/n)?” he took of his hoodie, revealing his white shirt. “the board, or just paul and i, wanted to tell you that you are wanted in the office. when are you free?” you asked. “i thought you were asking me on a date, (y/n).” cody snickered. you knew he was a huge flirt, but it was all just for fun and jokes. “i’m serious.” you stated. “i’m free next wednesday. what’s up by the way?” he asked. “we… have a contract for you and roman.” cody instantly stopped doing what he was doing and faced you.
pitiful looks came from him. “damn, (y/n). must’ve been hard dealing with heartbreak and still seeing the person who broke your heart almost every week.” you clenched your fist. “you don’t know anything about me, rhodes.” your tone was laced with venom. his gaze softened. “okay, i’m sorry. that was on me, (y/n).” he apologized, trying to diffuse the situation. “is that all? because i’m gonna strip down to my undies, unless you want to stay.” why the fuck is this guy not afraid of me? you thought. “i’ll text you the details tomorrow.”
the night ended with a blast. you were tired but still had to meet with the guards. “i want everyone out of the building by 3.” you were briefing the security guards. they all nodded in unison. “i’m trusting you with this, dongmin.” you stared at the head-guard. “and i won’t let you down, ms. (l/n).” you nodded at him and went to the parking lot, looking for your car keys. your attention diverted to a certain black-haired man leaning on his car. jesus, give me a fucking break, you thought.
the two of you immediately made eye-contact. “(y/n)!” he greeted you, as if nothing was wrong. “what the fuck are you doing here, roman?” your question caught him off guard. “i- i’m here to pick up seth. we’re getting dinner tonight.” he hesitated. “what are you doing here? i thought you were on smackdown-duty.” you scoffed at him. “you know i’m in control of both brands? i don’t need to explain myself to you, roman.”
silence filled the air. “you want to come and eat with seth and i? like old times?” you wanted to cry at his sentence. how could he act like nothing ever happened between us, you thought. “i can’t.” and to your luck, you heard footsteps coming behind you. “(y/n), (y/n)! you dropped your car keys in my locker room earlier! oh.” it was cody, with his fucking duffle bag again. the blond awkwardly stood in the middle of you two, not knowing what to do. “thanks cody.” you muttered, taking you keys. “what do you say, dinner?” roman continued.
“i can’t, i have plans with cody.” before cody could respond, you shoved him into the passenger seat. you blinked at him, signaling that he needed to comply with you. “so you and him?” you shook your head. “no, mind your own business.” you started your car and drove off, not wanting to interact anymore with him. cody was left puzzled as he just went to the parking lot to deliver your keys but he ended up in your passenger seat.
“great timing, i didn’t bring my car. thank you for driving me back to the hotel, (y/n)! you owe me something, i helped you!” “cody, for this once, please just shut up.”
roman was left speechless by your actions. he was also surprised that you’d let anyone in your passenger seat. the man felt his heart ached for a second. what was going on between you and cody? he thought.
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salemshotspot · 4 months
‘Say the weird thing’ they say as I start tweaking [I want to write steve austin x shawn michaels x reader or x triple h instead of reader sb but ik no one but me wants to read that]
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visionarystoryteller · 11 months
When The News Breaks//Love For Noella Levesque
*part of the ‘Love For Noella Levesque OC World*
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For the first 4 weeks, Noella was able to keep her job with AEW quiet. She checked in with her father at least once a week but kept quiet. Paul had started to become suspicious of her lack of night outs, and social media presence. She was quiet.
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Noella was sitting on the apron, Max standing in between her legs. She was playing with his scarf, fixing it around his neck.
“So how’s Piper?” Noella asks.
“Fat.” Max laughs. Noella giggles, loving maxs laugh.
“Oh stop Maxwell, shes well loved” she giggles. Max shakes his head.
“Then let me help well love you” Max smirks, his hands grabbing onto Noellas hips and squeezing. Noella swats at his hands giggling and turning red.
“Get out of here Max” she try’s to brush him off. You’d never know someone as confident as her at things would be as insecure as she was, but damn was she ever. Max watched her. Some compliments she took and seemed okay with but whenever Max said something like this, she tried to shut down. Any other time Max would become annoyed and walk away but with Noella he had become so paralyzed. Max worried instead of becoming annoyed. She had clearly never been treated properly, and that’s what annoyed Max more than anything. Max took a more relaxed route instead of pushing Noella.
“I’m kinda thinking smoothies and the best place I know is a few blocks from here, wanna come with me?” Max asks as he backs up some, his hands in his pockets. Noella took a breath, not knowing how Maxs comments always seemed to make her nervous. She was thankful he seemed to be able to read her and never push her.
“Sure that actually sounds good” she smiled shyly at him. Max internally sighs. Noella had him gripped in her vice. Max smiles and helped her down from the apron and pulled her in by her shoulders and walked with her close to him.
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Paul sat in his office when his door swung open and his father in law walked in with his IPad. Paul looked at Vince with question.
“Everything okay Vince?” He asks.
“Looks like we know why Noella went to Florida” Vince says handing Paul his tablet. There on TMZ was his daughter with a pro wrestler, Maxwell Jacob Friedman, at a smoothie shop. Paul chewed on his cheek. He didn’t peg his daughter as the type of girl to go somewhere just for a guy. Paul hands him back the tablet and takes a slow breath.
“I knew she wasn’t ready” Vince chides and Paul ignores him.
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“So you excited to let the world know you work for your rival?” Max asks as he drives them to the arena.
“Honestly yea, just not so much the backlash I guess” Noella says playing with the her straw in her drink.
“It’ll be okay sweetheart. If your dad can’t understand then it’s best to just keep your distance. Plus that just means you’ll spend the holidays with me instead” Max says. Noella giggles with reddened cheeks.
“You’re so sure of yourself Maxwell. How do you know I won’t just spend it with Austin and Britt?” Noella asks. Max faux gasps.
“And third wheel, yea nope sorry sweetheart, that’s not happening” Max states as he pulls into the parking lot. Noella looks over at Max with raised eyebrows. Max looks over at her and laughs.
“What sweetheart, I’m just saying.”
“So id be third wheeling with you and Piper instead?” Noella asks with a quirked brow. Max laughs loudly earning a giggle from Noella.
“More like piper would be shit out of luck and she’d be third wheeling” Max says leaning over the console and burrying his face in Noellas neck. Noella giggled again, Max’s nose tickling her neck. Noella tried to push his shoulder but he wouldn’t budge.
“Maaaaaxxxx, cmon you have a meeting with creative” Noella whines to him. Max pulls his head away from her neck but still kept himself close to her.
“I hate that you know my schedule, I can’t bullshit my way to skip them when you know about them” Max whines. Noella lightly smacks Max’s shoulder.
“Oh stop you love your job” Noella chides. Max chuckles nodding his head.
“I know sweetheart” he says unlocking the car. They both get out and head into Daily’s. When inside the building Austin and Britt look like they are chickens running with their heads cut off.
“Yo Cole what are you doing?” Max yells down the hall at them. The pair turns to look down the hall at Noella and Max, a relieved look coming across their face. The pair speed down to them.
“Where were you two?” Austin asks. Britt surveys the pair and giggles.
“Clearly smoothie run Austin.” Britt laughs pointing at their cups.
“Well shit Noe, replacing me” Austin sulks.
“Mhmm” Noella smiles. Max smiles triumphantly. Just then a shrill tone of Motorheads The Game, rings out from Noellas phone. Noella let it ring as everyone felt the tense air that had developed quickly near Noella.
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Paul sat in his office as the start of Smackdown, still trying to get ahold of Noella. Each call rang and rang then went to voicemail. After another failed call, Paul made his way out of his office to go and introduce the new GM. When he came back from introducing Nick Aldis, everyone gave him a sympathetic look. He furrowed his brows as he was stopped by an interviewer.
“Hunter, Hunter!” He stopped and turned to the interviewer.
“Any comment on your daughter Noella Helmsley becoming one of the new production runners with All Elite wrestling” they asked. Paul was stunned to his place. He quickly recovered.
“No comment at this time” Paul said walking down to his office. His phone tightly gripped in his hand he pulled up Noellas number and pressed call.
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25 minutes was longer than Noella thought it would take her father to call. Max was out doing a segment and then a match, so she sat quietly behind production, that was until her dad called her. Then the calls seemed to never stop.
“You can take it Noella” Tony Kahn smiles at her. She gives a sympathetic look.
“I’d rather not but I think I have too” she breathes out. Tony gives her a sympathetic smile.
“It’s okay go.” He urges her. She nods and gets up from production and makes her way out of the gorilla production area and walks the hall a little. Her phone starts to ring again and Noella takes a deep breath before answering.
“Hi dad” she answers as nonchalant as possible.
“At first I really couldn’t believe my daughter would just go down to Florida for a boy…that just doesnt sound like you…but then to be bombarded with being told my daughter is working in the rival company is beyond belief. So I’m going to ask this one time. Are you really working with AEW?” Paul gets straight to the point.
“Max happens to be an amazing wrestler, some of the best I’ve seen and yes I’ve been seeing some great talent these last few weeks as a production runner. Some that even you know and worked with. Someone saw I was ready and there was no way I was going to keep being told I wasn’t good at what I do.”
“No one said you weren’t good enough Noella Ann” Paul said with hurt.
“I don’t know your talks never really told me you thought I was, so wouldn’t know. You wouldn’t stick up for me to Vince, but I get it dad. I do. Just don’t expect me to be at any family gatherings for I know the McMahons will hate that. Max and Piper will be glad to have me” Noella almost chokes up at the end. At this point Max had been running from gorilla to look for Noella when he saw her leaning against the wall head looking down. He ran to her and quickly lifted her chin with his fingers, seeing the tears in her eyes and the phone stuck to her ear.
“Noella it’s not like that and you know it” Paul says feeling his daughter slip through his fingers.
“I do not even know my ‘sisters’ dad. I barely know you half the time…look I need to go. Bye” Noella says hanging up the phone. Noella felt numb, forgetting that Max was there until she felt his thumb on her chin.
“Hi Max” she sadly smiles up at him. Her eyes travel down Max’s body watching his chest still rapidly move.
“How was your match” she asks, this time her hand coming up to trace his middle pectoral line carefully. Max shook his head.
“Won like usual but I was worried when Tony said you went to take a call, said you looked a little scared. Was that your dad?” Max asks carefully. Noella just nodded.
“What can I do?” Max asks. Noella looks up into his eyes. The eyes that seemed to hold so much care for her. The eyes that seemed to haunt her in her dreams. She tried to take a deep breath.
“Just, I….i don’t know” she breathed out. Max nodded and pulled her into him. She was so numb that she didn’t even care if max was all sweaty from his match…she just wanted to feel something other than the utter disappointment she felt at having her dad be who he was. Max kissed the crown of her head and pulled her to walk with him to his locker room so he could get cleaned up.
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Noella ended up going back with Max to his hotel room, where she passed out on his bed. The dirt sheets and tabloids were all over Noella working for AEW and her being spotted with MJF, which wasnt as big of news as Noella betrayal to WWE and her father.
Max pulled up the blanket he always traveled with, to Noellas chin and kiss her head before going to lay on the other side. Max sat up in bed texting Austin and his mom. Austin knew Max was worried for Noella, he knew of her strained relationship with her father, he’d seen it on occasion when she was around him. His mom ended up face timing him.
“Hi hun” she smiles at him. He gives a small smile, seeing Piper laying behind her on top of the couch.
“Hi mom. Hi Piper” max says, Piper looks at him and meows. Noella rolls over and Max looks down at her and she blinks her eyes.
“Sorry didn’t mean to wake you sweetheart” Max says. She gives a tired smile.
“I heard ‘Hi Piper’ thought it was a dream, but this works too.” Noella giggles
“Maxwell who is that” his mom says as Piper meows again. Max pns his camera down at Noella.
“Noella. She ended up passed out on my bed but apparently Piper is what wakes her” he laughs. His mom smiles watching how Max looks down at her with adoration.
“Hi Mrs Friedman, Hi Piper” she shyly waves.
“You two behaving?” She chuckles out. Max and Noella both turn dark shades of red.
���Mom fuck off, not like that” max says. Noella moves closer to Max and leans her head on his chest to look at the video call.
“Mhmm, okay Maxwell” his mother chuckles. Noella giggles and watches as Piper walks in front of the camera and meows loudly.
“I’ll be home in a few days Pipe” Max says.
“Get some sleep you two” his mom says before hanging up. Max chuckles.
“Your mom totally thinks we’re banging” Noella yawns out. Max puts his phone on the side table before his hands delve into Noellas hair.
“Yea well as much as I’d love to pound you into this mattress, I need you just here more.” Max says quietly. Noella brings her hand up to his curls on the side of his head and plays with them.
“The ever cocky romantic aren’t you Maxwell” Noella chuckles out.
“Only for you Noella” Max says drifting off into sleep. Noella gives his pec a kiss and falls back to sleep herself.
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dirtywrestling · 1 year
D- Generation X - Masterlist
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💦 = Smut, 💖= Fluff, 🌩 = Angst, 🚫 = No Warnings
One Shot:
Bad Boys Club -💦
Summary: Simon is always on Vince’s good side but seeing how DX is running around causing chaos makes him want to switch sides and have some fun too. (Commission, 18+, Smut, Minors DNI)
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samijey · 5 months
ok meltdown over im going back to bed
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nevereverafter45 · 7 months
Live Fast Die Beautiful| D. Ambrose
Chapter 1 Introduction
Cincinnati Ohio, December 31, 2000
Paul Levesque was a man that rarely got surprised but when his high school sweetheart called him out of the blue to inform him that they had an almost 16-year-old daughter that needed her father.
He was surprised. Surprised, livid, and a little hurt.
He had thought that Lynette would have told him that she was pregnant and that he was the father, he would have given up everything to be a father to their child.
But he never gave her the chance too, instead, he dumped her and moved on to his wrestling and bodybuilding career.
A choice he made and a choice that made him happy for so many years and now he was in a run-down part of town walking into a local strip club where his daughter Jaycee was working, his heart broke as white-hot anger boiled up in his stomach.
His almost 16-year daughter was running clad in a plaid schoolgirl mini skirt and a white button-down shirt tied under her bust.
He couldn't believe that her mother would let her do stuff like this. That was the Lynette he knew.
"Can I help you?" She asked placing an empty drink tray on her hip as she neared the couple.
"Are you Jaycee?" Stephanie McMahon, Paul’s girlfriend, asked laying her hand on her boyfriend's forearm, her blue eyes on the blonde.
"I am, who are you?" She asked.
"I'm Stephanie McMahon. And this is Paul Levesque."
"Okay," Jaycee said she was unimpressed by her statement. Usually, when couples came in there she would have been taking them into a private room for the private show. Not she knew that was exactly what happened. Rosie and the other girls kept her in the dark about it. And she was almost thankful for it.
"I am your father," Paul said, finally finding his voice as he shrugged his leather jacket off before he stepped forward and wrapped it around her shoulders to cover her up.
"My father?" She asked with her laughter lacing her statement, "I don't have a father. My mother told me that my father flaked out on us when she was pregnant with me."
Paul shook his head folding his beefy arms across his chest.
"Can we talk about this somewhere private?" Stephanie asked, she could see some of the patrons looking at them almost interested in what was going on. She was taking it as if not many people were here to see Jaycee that she was just there to work and be a faceless pretty face.
"Yeah," Jaycee muttered, pushing her dirty blonde locks back. She went over to the bar and sat the tray down. She came back hugging her father's jacket to her body. "We can go into the dressing room, we are slow right now all the girls are out on the floor." She said softly, she dropped out of school and had picked up even more extra shifts to help cover her mother's ever-growing pile of medical bills.
The pile that gave her heartburn every time she saw it.
She curled up on the feather boa covered armchair. "How long have you been working here?" Stephanie asked, scrunching up her nose as she leaned against one of the makeup tables.
"About 4 months." She answered, "my mom's in the hospital with advanced-stage breast cancer. My best friend Rosie's uncle owns the place. He lets me bus tables or work at the bar to help pay the bills." She shook her head, she knew that was a lie she had been working there for over a year and whatever money she got went directly to her mother's pimp and he delegated what bills if any got paid.
Stephanie looked at Paul and saw the swirling range of emotions in his eyes and knew she had to be the one to carry on the conversation with the young girl.
"Why not look for Paul?" Stephanie asked.
"Mom told me he took off before she even got a chance to tell him about me. We have lived in the east end for as long as I can remember." She said, chipping some of the black nail polish off of her thumb, "about 2 years ago I met Rosie and her group of friends and they took me in and took care of me. They are my family." She played with a small star charm that hung on a silver chain around her neck.
"I am your family." Paul said his voice low and starchy with emotion.”We want you to come live with us.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” She asked, her eyebrow raising. Who the hell did this guy think he was? “Just because you say you are my father doesn’t mean shit. You haven’t been around for the last 15 years, what makes you think you will actually be around now?”
“Because I said so.” He said angrily.
“We said so.” Stephanie corrected.
“Who the hell are you to him?” She asked standing up leaving the baggy leather jacket on the chair.
“I’m his girlfriend.”
Jaycee shook her head, angry tears forming in her eyes as she folded her arms across her chest, “Why bother coming after me when it’s pretty obvious that you are going to marry her and have your own family with her.”
A family she could already tell she wasn’t going to fit in too. She would rather just stay where she was and try to survive.
“Excuse me.” She said stepping out of the back exit and going down the short flight of stairs.
Stephanie turned to Paul who who was frowning heavily. “You still want her to come to with us back to Stanford.”
“I do. I want her to have a good life and not be in this shit hole. If she ends up hating me then so be it.”
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aritamargarita · 1 year
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heyyy here's an attitude for you..id just like to issue an apology LOL. see what had happened was i lost my inspo and was like "ah fuck it" then i came back and rewrote it then i was like "ah fuck it" again.
writer's block can be pretty demotivating (well of course it is lol!!) but i just didnt wanna do anything at all booo. :(
this is 50/50 kayfabe again...i never found a common ground. segments and shit you know?? as i said this is a bit short so stay tuned for more. Just LET ME COOK GUYS.
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YOU JUST CAN’T believe Jeff found you in the locker room. The audacity he even has to show up! Well, you’re going to try and give him a piece of your mind anyway.
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At Jeff’s request, Debra nodded. “Yes. I’ll step out for a bit.” She gives you one last look before she made her way out of the room, closing the door behind her.
You wait for a minute, making sure that she’s truly gone before speaking.
“…I am one second from strangling you in this very room.” You warn. Jeff’s starting to feel nervous again. Was this really a good decision? Probably not. He can tell that you’re incredibly volatile. This is way too tense. “You know, no one can hear you scream.”
Truth be told, Jeff couldn’t even remember he’s been in a situation like this. Hell, he’s not even sure if he’s had one. He chuckled nervously. “I-I’m sure.”
You’re waiting for him to say something else, but it seems like he’s gone silent for the time being. “I thought you were going to talk to me?”
“I was. I’m just not sure what to say.��� Jeff admits. He feels like he’s walking on eggshells, and the moment he doesn’t answer or even ask a question in the way you wanted, he feels like you’ll attack at any moment. “And I know ya’ want some answers.”
You do. You really do.
“You just have to understand. Raven’s not good enough for you and you know it.”
Somehow, it’s always the same thing. Every single time. You can’t help but to roll your eyes. You don’t think that’s a good enough excuse for him to have ruined your match.
“Jeff, you say that every time!” You sound incredibly exasperated saying those words and you couldn’t help it. “He is good enough for me, he’s better than you ever could be, too! How could I ever love someone like you?”
Jeff’s pretty much speechless. How could you say those things so easily? It rolled off of your tongue with no issue whatsoever. No stuttering, no unease. Just like that.
“You’ve hurt Lita, someone who’s supposed to be your friend. Hell, you’ve even hurt Matt, your own brother. What’s it to say you can’t hurt me, huh?“
“I wouldn’t hurt you. I wouldn’t hurt you like you hurt me. If we’re talking about hurting people, we need to talk about that stunt you pulled earlier.” He says. “If I give you answers for what I did, you give me answers for what you did.”
And just like that, you already feel stressed out. You can’t help but to put a hand on your forehead. “You’re not going to understand why.”
“Huh, then I guess you won’t understand why I beat the hell out of Raven.” The tone of his voice makes you wince a bit. He sounds annoyed, an emotion you don’t think you’ve heard from him quite yet. “You don’t have a choice but to love me, [Name].”
“I do, and trust me, I wouldn’t pick y—“
He cuts you off, his expression souring. “You’re lying to yourself.”
Then he gets closer, which starts to break down your irritation. “Be honest, you love me. You would’ve loved if we did fuck when we were alone in the medic room and I’m sure you would’ve loved if that happened in the hotel room, too.”
Nevermind. Your irritation shoots up even further. Jeff’s words were coming off aggressive. You’ve never even heard him curse like that before, let alone even say something so vulgar.
“Oh, please!” You exclaim. “You know what I’d love the most right now? If you get the fuck out! Get out! Get out right now! Right now!!”
His words brought you to the edge and you hate how quickly he did that. You will never admit how easy it is for him to get under your skin, whether it be good or bad. Stupid excuses. Then he has the audacity to try and have an attitude about things? Just forget it. No more amends.
He just doesn’t understand. As of right now, everything is his fault!
“[Name], I know you’ve got your issues. But you can’t keep lying to yourself and I can’t keep giving you chances. I’m done being nice.” He reaches out towards you, you know that he wants to touch you, but he settles for just holding your arm. “I’ll make it so that ya’ never forget me. I got suspended for you! Doesn’t that mean anything..? Something for us?”
“You need to understand that there wasn’t ever an us!” You exclaim. He deserved that suspension. Before he could respond, you start to yell that ‘he has my arm!’ and scream in hopes of someone hearing. Your prayers are answered when Debra bursts into the room shortly after.
“What in god’s name is going on in here?!” She exclaims, nearly knocking the door off of its hinges. That woman was truly strong, it almost scares you. She looks in between you two and points a finger at Jeff. “You had better let her go! No funny business or else I’m calling my husband!”
That threat was enough to make Jeff let go and make his way towards the door. He gives you one last look. “Bye, [Name]. I hope you’ll remember what I said.”
“You got here quick..” You turn over to look at Debra.
In return, she gives you a nervous look. “Ha…what? Sweetie, you must be mistaken, I wasn’t nearby at all. It took me a while to get here! I forgot something and it just so happened…I wasn’t listening at all! I respect your privacy!”
If anything, that gave her away the most..
“But um, just one itsy bitsy question for you, dear. What’s this all about the medic?”
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You feel like you’re dying. You had to take a seat for a second in the hallway.
There’s too much happening right now. You just want to retire back into your hotel room. If you were lucky, no one would bother you for the rest of the night. You could watch sappy soap operas and finally relax.
But alas, you can’t. You’re going have to meet Jericho later on. You’ll give Hunter the call when everything is set up.
Jeff’s words still have you shaken and you can’t help but to put your head into your hands. This was all too much.
“[Naaame], there you are!” A cheery voice brings your attention upwards. There stands Stacy, who has a big smile on her face.
“Here to make fun of me?” You ask, setting your hands in your lap. “Well, hurry up. I’ve only got about 2 hours to live. Make it count.”
She quickly starts to frown, putting her hands on her hips. “What? Why would I do that? That’s just being mean. And what do you mean by two hours to live??”
“Austin’s gonna kill me. He just hasn’t found me yet,” You shrug.
Because you’re sitting down, the only thing you can see is Stacy’s midriff. You decide to stand in order to be level with her. “However, if you want to give me your last parting words, I recommend you do it now..”
“I don’t want you to die, who else am I going to take shopping after next Raw?” Stacy says, coming closer to bring you into a tight hug. “I know you’ve been tired and down lately, so I wanted to surprise you by taking you on a trip after the show.”
It’s not a surprise if she’s saying it though…
You still appreciate it anyway. You crack a smile towards her and she returns it, hoping that you’ll accept and be somewhat positive about it.
“Yeah...yeah, sure. I’ll go.” You give in easy since you know how much of a beggar Stacy can be. “Is Torrie going?”
“Nope! Just us, some R&R.” She reassures, letting you go. “I like spending time with you, so I’ll try and make it comfortable as possible!”
Stacy’s being oddly nice. It almost makes you feel uncomfortable. She’s ranting and raving about something else when suddenly, the sound of a familiar voice had rang through both of your ears.
It’s none other than Lita, who shoves her hands into her pocket. She’s since changed out of her referee gear and the sign of exhaustion is written all over her face.
“Lita!” Stacy chimes. “Hey! How are you? I’ve heard about Matt..are you—“
Lita narrows her eyes at Stacy. “Whatever. If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to [Name].” Of course, she didn’t add a please. Stacy’s oblivious enough to nod and give her a smile.
What is with people wanting to talk to you alone?! Nothing ever goes well when that happens.
“Oh, okay! I’ll see you soon, okay?” She rests her hands on both of your shoulders briefly before giving one last smile to Lita and walks away.
Lita returns an disingenuous smile, but it immediately falls into a sneer after she leaves. “…I can’t stand her.”
“I know. You told me.” You’re still on edge, especially because of what happened earlier. “So, uh, what happened with the match? Who won?”
“Jeff. Matt put his foot on the ropes but I didn’t see it. He’s really mad at me. Jeff wouldn’t even talk to me either. He was busy storming off somewhere, just like his brother.” She crosses her arms. “Jeff got suspended for what he did during your match, by the way.”
You already knew about that, so you don’t say anything.
“..Uh, listen. I never said those things about you.” Lita says. “Debra must have lied, I wouldn’t ever call you gross. I think you’re really cool. You’re better than Stacy is. As a matter of fact, you’re better than her and Torrie combined. You know this!”
Was she trying to butter you up or was she genuine? You’re not sure if you believe her. There’s been a lot of lying lately.
…You almost feel bad. Almost. Lita’s looking somewhere else, but turns her attention back to you. “I wanted to clear that up first, but it’s not why I wanted to talk. There’s something else on my mind.”
She starts to step a bit closer and you hold your fists up. You think she’s about to attack you, but she can only let out a sigh, muttering something under her breath.
You look at her in confusion before she repeats it one more time. “I want you to kiss me again.”
It was really sudden, yet you can’t find a reason to refuse her request. “Are you serious?” You ask.
Well, if she insists. Once you bring her in for chaste kiss, you can taste the mint on her lips. Lita doesn’t quite let you go either, pulling you closer so she could deepen it.
You then realize that you’re not only at work, but literally standing in the middle of the hallway. You hate to do it, but you have to push Lita away. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I..uh..wanted to see something anyway.” She runs a hand through her hair, and the atmosphere had quickly gotten tense. “I may have figured something out. I guess I can see why people like you so much.”
“Why’s that?”
“You’re not too bad of a kisser.” She admits.
Who would’ve thought. You instinctively your fingers onto your lips. Huh. “Thanks?” You feel kind of embarrassed now.
Lita only gives you a nod. “You’re welcome, I guess. I think I’m gonna go back to my room now.” That’s probably the best decision right now. She’s been through a lot tonight and so have you. “Want to come with me?”
“No thanks. I’ve got something to do.” As cool as it sounds to head back with her, you still need to meet up with Jericho, which is already making you a bit sick. You hate him.
“Alright then.” Lita strangely feels like she’s been harshly rejected, but manages to give you an actual smile anyway. “See ya’ later?”
“Bye bye.” You wave. It doesn’t take you long to slump back into your chair once the redhead takes her leave. Goddamn it, you can’t believe the night’s not even over yet.
…Well, at least Austin hasn’t found you.
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HOTEL ROOM // 10:30 PM
Sometimes you wonder if wrestling is really worth it. Is it really worth the money? Is it really worth the fame that comes with it? Is it really worth the excitement?
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. You adjust yourself on the loveseat, trying to at least present yourself as sexy. It’s a little hard and a tad bit uncomfortable. You wonder how Stacy and Torrie do it so easily...
You’ve never really done something like this before. It’s strange, most of the sensual stuff had happened in an alleyway or the medic’s room….which probably is crazy, but it happened! Even though you and Jeff didn’t get too far in the room previously, it was still pretty weird.
This confirms it. You hate your job sometimes. Especially when you had to do stuff like this. You tie your robe into a knot, maybe a little too harshly.
The door slams open, startling you from your spot. It’s Jericho, followed by cameras, of course.
You can’t believe you’re doing this. You force yet again another million-dollar smile onto your face as you watch him come in with not only both belts on his shoulders, but with two bottles in his hands.
The look of disdain crosses your face only but for a moment, but then goes away. Perhaps you’ll drink the pain away tonight.
“Hey, brought some alcohol. Man, this crap is really expensive!” Jericho complains, holding up the bottles. “For a champion like myself, it should be FREE!”
“Nothing’s free in this world.” You say.
“Sure, for the assclowns that aren’t Chris Jericho.” He fired back, slamming the bottles onto the table. “You’d better drink it, too.” He continues muttering on and on how much of a waste of money it was.
The crowd is definitely confused to say the least. Happy to see you in a segment, but confused. There’s no goddamn way you’d willingly do this! It’s Chris Jericho, for fucks sake. There had to be something up.
“You’re right and you know what? I’m gonna call room service and give them a peace of my mind!” This was only an excuse to try and call Hunter to let him know that Jericho made it. You shuffle out of your spot and head towards the phone.
"No need." Jericho holds up his hand. He's yet to set down his championships. "Let's just hurry up and get this over with. I'm sure this is what we've both been wanting for a while now."
You freeze up for a minute, but try to bounce back. You also ignore his last comment. “No, no, let me do this!” And you still go over and take it off the hook, doing your best to punch the right numbers in.
It picks up quickly, making you let out a quick sigh of relief. “Yes, hello? You come up here immediately. How dare you disrespect the one and only undisputed champion? Send room service right now! I want compensation.”
“Wait, what? Are you—“
His confusion makes you huff. “I said, you need to send someone up here immediately!”
“Oh! Alright, on my way then. Man, don’t blow a gasket, Nitro Girl..”
You knew he was blonde but you didn’t realize he was an airhead, jesus. Once you heard a click, you hang up the call. “They should be on their way up now to make it up to us. Until then, I think you have a point. Maybe we should—“
You can’t even get the knot fully out! You look down at your robe, which you tied way too tight. You quickly glance at Jericho, then you try it again to no avail. What the fuck, you don’t even tie your shoelaces that hard!
“You’re a putz.” He says, a mocking grin on his own face. “But it’s funny, so I guess you’ve got at least one redeemable quality.”
“Okay, you know what?” Plan be damned. Hunter will get here when he gets here. “Why’d you come here, Jericho? You could’ve said no. You could’ve even called me a slut for trying to sleep with you.”
“I could’ve called you a lot of things, but let’s get one thing straight. The only slut that I know of….is Stephanie McMahon.”
…You hate to do this, but you agree with a nod. “Fair.” If it’s one thing you two had in common, it’s the shared hate of Stephanie McMahon.
“You said you liked me. I want to know what you’d do about it. So far, I’m not impressed.” He motions to your robe, which was still stuck..
“This isn’t my fault.” It really is. You must’ve tied it too tight from your anger or anxiety. Or a combination of both. “I was distracted.”
“Distracted?” He repeats. “Not by me, right? Oh, what am I talking about, of course it’s me! You were clearly all hot and bothered by a champion coming into your room!!” You watch as he sets his championships onto the loveseat and plops down, throwing his arms onto the back of it.
Okay, you changed your mind. Hunter needs to hurry up. Like right now. You swallow your pride as you speak again. “Maybe, maybe not. That is for me to know and for you to find out.”
“So you admit you’re attracted to me?”
“I didn’t say all of that..” You sigh out. This feels like it’s completely gotten off track. Everything was a bust.
To your glee, there are a few frantic knocks on the door. “Oh, that must be room service.” You say. Thank god. “Go get the door, I need to find something to cut this open.”
You conveniently step away while Jericho stands up to go open the door. The sound of things falling doesn’t make you wince at all, but you still put on a scene as soon as Hunter literally LEAPS through the door and pounces on Jericho.
He grabs him to toss him over the loveseat and rushes over to start to laying in some punches.
As he’s beating the shit out of him, you feign surprise, grabbing one of the champagne bottles off the table. Hunter notices you and shuffles him to hold him in a chokehold so you can have your way with him.
This is exactly what the crowd wanted to see. You pop the cork off the bottle and dump it all over Jericho’s face, not caring if it hit his mouth or not.
“Ha! Drink it in, maaan!” You laugh. Despite you managing to get the liquid on his leather jacket, Hunter seems to share your smile as he holds up Jericho’s head upward.
And to top it off, you hold the now empty bottle like a baseball bat and swing, hitting Jericho right in his head.
Hunter lets go, a satisfied look on his face. “I’m coming for that title. You had better sleep with one eye open, Y2J.” His voice held venom, which would’ve scared you if you two weren’t in kahoots.
Hunter walks over to the titles that were now on the ground and lifts both of them up. He glanced over to you and lowers them. There was an almost unrecognizable tension in the room between yoy two, but neither of you knew exactly where to pinpoint it.
“…Hey, nice robe. Sad we didn’t get to see what’s under.”
You can only scoff and walk away. With the screen fading to black, it’s the end of Vengeance.
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by the way, it’s not only jeff. it wasn’t mentioned yet but raven is “suspended” too.. the beginning of heel jeff kinda starts here. now. dearest reader.. what do YOU want to see next from me?
and inevitably, steve austin will be ripping us a new one.
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trulyumai · 3 months
Being Away From Thou
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Pairing: Messmer x Reader
Request: hiii! could i request maybe protective messmer or like someone went too far with his wife? Love ur works have a grt day!!
Warnings: Blood, Violence
Synopsis: While Messmer is away, an intruder invades his keep.
A/N: Hello everyone! I apologize for no updates last week, I was so sick, but my updates shall be coming regularly now. Thank you so much for the support, comments, re-blogs!
The woodlands burned with fervor and ashen contempt. On and on, Messmers flames bit against the wind, carrying it further and more desperately towards civilization; towards innocent people led by the golden vows. 
The man himself did nothing but watch as the orange twists of flame embedded itself against his orbs, made home in the reddened iris’. 
With a slumped form the man held a crease between his brow. It was getting late, he couldn’t imagine how worried his little wife would be. 
So, with long pale fingers wrapped around his dutiful spear, he followed the muddy roads home. 
His back lit up against the blinking sky; the stars were swallowed whole with blackened ash and gray bubbles of smoke.
Fall was coming to an end and the cold weather made his legs stiff. It was much harder to leave a bed nestled in furs— with his darling girl molded against his form shivering pathetically. 
His arms would lay about her waist, rubbing soothingly to ease out each shiver that was let out. 
He could imagine now— her little frame draping across his. 
So soft, so desperate, so—
“Gods.” He cursed. 
His devotion held no bounds, even miles away the red knight could be so enamored with her. 
To want her. 
To need her. 
Messmer picked up his pace, it was getting too uncomfortable being so far away from such a woman. 
His woman. 
The girl hummed, her fingers found themselves busy amongst the kitchen. 
She chopped, she seasoned, she boiled. 
Lost in her tune, the weather was ceaselessly beating against the window pane. Droplets of water cascaded down upon the glass, blocking her line of sight towards the back of the house. 
Dusting her fingers across the cooked meat she tusked. 
“Not yet,” with a quick move of the hand the meat was placed back upon the rack; cooking slowly across the stove. 
All of a sudden, a bang sounded. It echoed through the little house and made the girl drop a wooden bowl that laid upon her delicate hands. 
Letting out a shriek the bowl rolled past her ankle, bumping into the lower cabinets where it splayed carelessly out. 
“H-hello?” She breathed quick— too nervous to let out a deep and guttural one. 
Turning towards the living space she was met with silence. The fire had burnt out, little sizzles could be heard from its desperate attempt to stay lit. 
The rain pelted against the walls— loud and harsh. 
Gulping, she made sure the bolt upon the door was in place, remembering Messmers words before his departure. 
“The door, darling. You mustn’t forget the latch. Double, triple check its placement upon the—“
She did nothing but stare up at him with lost, scared eyes. 
She hated to see him leave, especially so soon after his last mission. Little hands gripped harder onto the man’s forearm, nearly doubling the size and width of her own. 
“Wife,” the knight chastised.
“Is thou even listening?” 
“Yes,” her eyes rolled back playfully. 
“Check the door. I heard you, dear husband.” 
Two fingers found their way below her chin, tilting it upwards with a careful pressure. 
“I will be back in two days time, the capital has asked for reinforcements; thou will remain here. Safe.” His nails traced across her jawline, a shiver ran across the girl's spine. 
“I’ll miss you,” leaning into the man’s embrace she allowed her eyes to close. Her lashes fluttered with how warm the man’s palm laid. 
Messmer chuckled, it was deep— comforting. 
“I know, sweet girl.” Ignoring how the strings of his heart pulled at such an image, he removed his hand. 
If he stayed any longer— there would be no going to the useless capital. His mother would have his head, surely.
He could have said how much he’d miss her, how he loathes to leave her presence. 
Mention that he needed to kiss her frame every couple minutes or an itch would invade his mind. 
But he didn’t. 
He simply turned away, faced towards the erdflowers displayed upon their walkway. 
“Lock the door.” His armor clattered with each step he took, swaying with good measure. Not tearing her eyes off the tall knight she smiled.
“I love you!” She called out 
The man’s steps faltered. His head dipped with shame before he decided to look over one last time. 
“And I you,” turning his head one yellow iris glanced upon her form, before disappearing into the trees. 
That was two nights ago. She had been so anxious waiting, it nearly slipped her mind. 
She found little jobs here and there to occupy the time. 
Clean the floors, dust the walkway, water the plants that littered about the garden. 
Her hands kept busy so her mind could rest. It hadn’t even occurred that Messmer was late. 
Backing up from the door, her back bumped into an object- a person? 
Dirtied hands rose to cover her mouth, a muffled cry pressed against the trespasser. 
“Shhh, shh girl.” The man bent down, saffron colored teeth grazed her ear and the smell of something rotten hit her senses. 
“The man of the keep. Where is he?” The voice was gruff, she tried to place it- to remember who could hold such a hostile tone but nothing came. Her form shook as the grip tightened around her face, squeezing at her cheeks. After nothing but silence, one hand came around to press itself onto her stomach. 
“Oi love, don’t make me hurt you,” the barbarian teased, his lips still on the shell of her ear. 
“Mmmh- mm!”
“What was- oh… my apologies lovely,” laughing to himself the hand was removed from the womans mouth, a gasp of air was taken almost immediately. 
“He's, he’s not here.” Grabbing at her cheeks she rubbed them, soothingly trying to ease the sore red spots easing their way onto her skin. 
“You're lying.” He spat, already flexing his other hand that leered against the wall. 
“I'm not!”
The hand tightened around her stomach, with an unexpected shove the girl crashed onto the wood beneath her. Skin blisters around each knee in response, and her chin bled lightly against the scratchy surface.
The barbarian lay on top of her now, with an arm holding each of hers. The other hand began flexing in the hair of her head, pulling it back with a smug grin. 
“Lie again.”
Scowling against the pressure her eyes squeezed shut. 
Think, think, think!
Don't let him take you, don't let him- 
A jingle rang out. All heads snapped towards the front door, where the knob jiggled and wobbled against a strength. 
Not liking the newfound company, the tyrant stood quick, and with a pull began to drag the woman towards the back garden.
Blood from her chin seeped out imminently, it left a trail of maroon to be displayed against the surrounding brown.
“Stop!” Her nails dug into the ground, cracking against the material roughly. 
“Shut it!” Tugging harder he kicked the woman who began to resist, she cried out in response.
Loud, too loud.
The man glanced up, his eyes widened with fear and static crawled up his legs and arms. 
The lock lay busted, hanging on by a thread. It swung loudly, creaked with each shift it took. 
Reddened armor bursted across his vision, and he noticed, with much disappointment, that the man of the keep was a knight. 
The Flame Knight. 
“An intruder?” Messmer questioned, although it sounded more so like a statement.  His head tilted slightly towards the opposing man's direction. His gaze lowered, to see his little woman stare back at him. 
The blood was noticed first, then the marks. 
Until finally, his eyes squinted at the filthy hands lying about her like a casual occurrence. 
Messmers hands gripped tightly upon his spear, until blue veins popped out in rage, until the jagged metal dug into his skin. 
“Wife,” The flame called out. 
The girl in response looked upon him, shame embedded into her features. 
“Look away.”
And so she did. Her arms covered her ears pathetically to drown out the screaming, the crying that only seemed to get louder with each gushing blow. 
She heard the blood hit the ground, like spilling a mug of honeydew, it was heavy, unpleasant. 
Until finally, silence. 
It was only moments later that a light touch skirted across her back. Craning her head up, she saw her husband; on his knees in front of her. He looked angry, hateful even.  
Her bottom lip wobbled as tears spewed from her lashes, lazily adorning her cheeks and plopping onto her already ruined nightgown. 
The knight did not hesitate to lean over and grab her, shoving the woman onto his lap carefully before bumping his nose on her neck. 
Inhaling, the man could once again feel himself coming down for the second time that night. The anger slowly dissipated with each breath of honey and flowers that clung to his wifes skin.
“Welcome home, my love,” she whispered, voice weak and tired from the prior endeavors. Already she wanted bed, to rest until her husband kissed each bruise away. 
Messmer hummed and stood with the smaller woman in his grasp, already on his way to rest for the night. 
Not bothering to step over the body littering his living room his boot collided with a limb, it squelched with the action. 
With now bloody strides, Messmer took his time up the stairs, with each step closer to the bedroom his head ducked down, laying a kiss upon the girl's forehead. 
Already, she began to forget about the trespasser, the blood that lay staining the floorboards. 
For each kiss was so warm- so loving, it was hard to think of anything else.
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salemshotspot · 3 months
I’m half way through writing a Steve Austin x Shawn Michaels x Triple H fic and I cannot tell if it’s the best or worst thing I’ve ever written in my life
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riptides-n-roses · 3 months
dirty secret - seth rollins (18+)
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⛧ pair - seth rollins (architect era) x reader
⛧ warnings: unprotected p in v, biting, hickeys, trying not to get caught, cre@mpie, consensual sex, little hint of fluff, hate sex. (Honestly idk if this contains angst but i'll go ahead and add this as a warning)
⛧ he's an absolute cutie and i feel that he should have some smut written about him too; i will say right now that this is taken place around 2015 authority era. so imagine rollins in his architect character with the championship. :)
⛧ after seth rollins costed you a win for the championship, you've started to hate his guts and he hated yours too. but what if the two of you were hiding something...
⛧word count: 1.7K
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You were one of the top babyfaces of WWE and heavily adored by the audience. The way you competed against female superstars always caught their attention. You were insanely talented with your move-sets and your finisher (which was a double arm grab curb stomp.) However, The Authority took notice of this, including the WWE world-heavyweight champion, Seth Rollins.
One night, you had a match against Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship. As soon as you were about to hit your iconic finisher, Rollins came out to the ring, leaving you confused and distracted, not realizing that Nikki was rolled under the ring, and her twin sister, Brie Bella, disguised as her. You shrugged and went back to your match. However, Brie quickly rolled you over for the cover.
It was over. Nikki Bella is still the Divas Champion. After Nikki and Brie leave the ring to celebrate her victory, you sat in the ring with disbelief. But also, pure anger. You turned your attention to Rollins who was still watching you from the titantron, with a shit-eating grin on his face, proud that he prevented you from reaching a milestone you worked hard for. The audience roared with excitement as you quickly left the ring and made your way to Rollins, delivering a slap across the face. He was stunned as you left the arena.
Backstage, you were stopped by the Authority to ask you something.
“Y/N, we’ve been taking notice of you and your moves and we’ve got to say. You are talented.” Stephanie spoke, looking you up and down with a smile.
“Um…Thanks?” Your tone was full of confusion. “But, No Offense at all, why are you speaking to me about that?”
“Well Y/N…” Triple H chimed “You see, The Authority always does what’s best for business. And we’ve agreed that the newest member…should be you.”
Your eyes widened. You? A member of The Authority? You wouldn’t. You couldn’t. You’re already a loveable superstar with the audience. Why change that now for absolute power?
“I…I don’t know. I’m already happy with where I am. The WWE Universe seems to agree too. I wouldn’t give that away with all due respect. Besides, I refuse to be in the same group as Seth Rollins who’s literally ruined my opportunity tonight to be a champion.” You wanted to puke mentioning that name.
“We understand your frustration.” Stephanie replied. “But, it wasn’t our decision for him to prevent that. That’s why we’re here to bring an offer.”
“And what would that be?”
“You. In The Authority. If you join us, you can have any opportunity you could ask for. We’ll even get you your deserved rematch for the Divas Championship with any qualifications that you desire. All it takes is for you to do what’s Best. For. Business.”
Stephanie’s words seemed to give you some interest, your thoughts hypnotized with visions of you under the faction. You raised your eyebrows with excitement but also anxiety. Were you willing to give away everything you achieved just because you’ve always dreamed to be champion? Were you going to fall trap to their words? Were you…going to turn heel?
Before you could speak, an angry Seth Rollins storms in to where you and the Authority were, demanding an answer from you.
“What the actual hell, Y/N?” he yelled. “Do you not understand who you’re dealing with? I’m Seth freakin’ Rollins!”
“AND?! You think I care?” you screamed back at him. “You cost me the match I’ve busted my ass for. And for what? That should’ve been ME with the championship! And I would’ve been champion right now if it wasn’t for you ruining it you son of a bitch!”
Your words echoed all through backstage, the audience cheering, chanting your name around the arena. The Authority were shocked with your recent change in behavior. You’ve never spoken like that before and it shocked many. You and Rollins began to stare each other down, both of you delivering cold stares to each other’s faces. You shook with absolute anger while staring him down. You hated him. He hated you. But the WWE Universe seemed to grab an interest with this heated moment between you two, hoping an intergender match would come to be to settle your new feud with the heavyweight champion.
Another episode of Monday Night Raw had arrived. Tonight, you had a match with Paige to gain momentum to have your rematch with Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship. Seth Rollins, on the other hand, had a match with Randy Orton, after he betrayed him last week during a handicap match with Roman Reigns. The question was…where were you? And where was Seth Rollins? No one knew your whereabouts neither his. Anytime there was a text or call, neither of you answered. When Monday Night Raw started, Stephanie came out to make an address to the WWE Universe.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! Tonight, there’s going to be matches with superstars you all love and new opportunities to be brought to the table. But, there is a huge problem. Y/N and your WWE World-heavyweight champion, Seth Rollins- “the WWE Universe booed to his name, making Stephanie laugh a bit. “They’re not here! We’ve been trying to get in contact with the two superstars and nothing has been done now. However, that doesn’t mean any changes. The Authority is confident that Rollins and Y/N WILL be here tonight. We’ll do everything we can to have them perform. With that said, ENJOY THE SHOW!”
The WWE Universe, including the staff and locker rooms, were confused as to why you and Seth were missing. You never missed any day away from Raw before. So why tonight?
The truth was you and Rollins were at the arena. However, what no one knew was that you and Seth were in his locker room, leaving hot breathy kisses all over each other as you bounced on his hard cock.
“F-fuck Seth…” you moaned, your breasts jiggling with each thrust. Seth had a tight grip on your ass while the other hand was around your hip. His groans making you even wetter.
“Good girl. Take every inch of my cock like the slut you are.” He muttered, his grip on your ass getting tighter, white knuckles forming. He was enjoying how you took his length, his tip always hitting your spot with each thrust.
“Y-you know…The Authority’s not going to like this.” You whined, not wanting him to stop fucking you like this. His thrusts were deep and slow, making sure your walls will remember his shape.
“Oh, shut up. They’re not going to do anything. Besides, this will be our little dirty secret.” He replied, his face going up to one of your breasts, roughly sucking on some skin. You gasped from how he sunk his teeth into your flesh, leaving bite marks and hickeys all over your breasts – you were lucky to have ring gear that didn’t show your breasts or cleavage.
“Fuck, baby…” He groaned “Why haven’t we been doing this before?” His hands now grab your ass as he thrusts a little faster. You threw your head back, covering your screams with one hand so neither of you would get caught.
“You…You know I still hate your guts, right?” you giggled, making Rollins deliver a hard slap across your ass, earning a whine from your lips.
“I hate you too…but why do I love this so damn much?” He asked with breathy moans, “You’re still a little brat. Don’t forget that.”
“I could care less…fuck right there…You’re still an asshole”
“I know, sweetheart. Now be quiet and take this dick like a good little bitch.”
As much as you both hated to admit it, you both drove each other crazy, sexually and in a weird sort of way romantically too. But that would’ve been way too soon. Besides what would the WWE Universe think if they found out about your hidden relationship? Seth Rollins, a total heel who’s also a huge asshole. You, an adored babyface who deserves to be champion. You two could never let them find out. Not now and not anytime soon.
You lost your thought when you felt another slap on your ass from Seth, his thrusts getting sloppy. You knew he was going to cum. You hope he came inside of you, to remind you about your secret. Only he could fuck you this good and make you never want to stop things with him. You’d do crazy shit for him if you wanted to.
“Baby…I’m getting close. I’m going to cum in you.” He growled as his thrusts get faster, earning high pitched moans from your lips. He fucks you way too good.
“M-Me too…” You were shaking, desperately to cum your stomach tightening for release.
“I know baby…Remember we got to be quiet. We don’t want no one finding this out do we?”
You shut him up by pressing your lips against his – muffled moans as he came in your pussy, you following him, his arms holding your hips down tightly as he rode out his orgasm. His warm cum leaking out of you made you beg for more. You stayed on top of him, his cock still inside of your cunt as you looked into his eyes, he gave you that same cocky smile like he did that night.
“Fuck, baby…You drained me like that. I don’t know if I’ll have enough energy for my match tonight.” He laughed, leaving another slap on your ass cheek. You giggled as you wiggled your ass, your cunt throbbing from how sensitive you were.
“Same here…How are we supposed to tell everyone where we were?” You asked, your breaths were hoarse.
“We don’t. And this stays between us. Understood?”
“Whatever you say, asshat.”
You and Seth looked into each other’s eyes, with a stare down, heavy breathing coming from the both of you. As you laid your head in the crook of his neck, he played with some strands of your hair, admiring you.
“You know…I been meaning to ask you. Are you still mad at me for costing you a title match?” he mocked.
“Hmm…maybe.” You chuckled, surprised that he recognized that he was wrong for that.
“How about…I take you out for dinner and eat your cunt as an apology?” he offered “Besides, we need to get ready for our matches.”
“Hm…Sounds like a plan” You replied.
You raised your head and smiled at him before giving him another kiss
“Even though we’re supposed to hate each other, I actually like you.”
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visionarystoryteller · 11 months
New Start// Love For Noella Levesque
*part of the ‘Love For Noella Levesque OC World’*
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Noella sat on one of the equipment boxes, watching her father from a far, talking to her step grandfather, Vince. To say Vince made things worse from time to time was an understatement. Noella had been nothing but nice to the man, hoping to get into working production for the show with her father, but every goal he set for her got her pushed back further, always taunting her with ‘you do want to work production here right? Then do as I say’. That had been the saying for the last few years. And now she had an out. An out with a horrible fate of her already crumbling family relationship, but an out.
Noella had been in contact with one of her fathers old colleagues, and one her first crushes, Chris Jericho, for a few months now, him talking up an opportunity to be a production specialist within a different wrestling company, WWE’s rival, AEW- All Elite Wrestling. Chris and Noella had been in talks about the difference of things and how they needed someone with a brain and he knew how much she loved the behind the scenes of the shows. So here Noella sat another message from Chris, with the addition of his boss, Tony, asking if she’d thought further on the offer.
“Noella” her father’s voice punched through her. Noella locked her phone and looked up at her father and saw his disappointed look. Noella knew exactly what was coming.
“He already hired someone new for production. You weren’t ready for this Noella” Her father stated. Noella sucked her teeth and nodded at him, cleanching her phone a little to tight.
“M’kay” was all she could say. Paul gave her a look.
“Just work harder right? That’s what’s best for business” Noella swallowed out, getting off the equipment box. She was tired of this.
“I’m gonna go get some food, see ya later” Noella turned away from her father and walked down the hall. Paul was stunned. Usually Noella had some emotion to being told she didn’t get the job again…but she had nothing. Noella was simply tired of trying but being no good. To say Noella was his most difficult child to read was an understatement, she was independent. He swallowed his breath and made his way to his office. He knew two things though, Noella was ready and Vince was a hardass.
Walking down the hall, Noella pulled her phone in front of her and quickly dialed Tony’s number along with Chris’s, a conference call more or less. Noella made her way through catering, grabbing a pudding and water before sitting in the corner away from all the noise. The phone picked up and Chris yelled through at her.
“WELL WELL WELL MY FAVORITE LEVESQUE!” Chris yelled. Noella giggled and cleared her throat.
“So anyway can we meet in Jacksonville?” Noella gets straight to the point.
“Does this mean?!” Chris starts getting excited.
“I’m done. I’m coming in tomorrow. I’m better than this and it’s time I show myself that” Noella says.
“Well that’s great! We can talk more when you get here okay Noella. Drive safe” Tony says.
“Will do. I’ll talk to y’all soon.” She says.
“See you soon Levesque!” Chris yells hanging up. Noella hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath, looking around catering at all the wrestlers. Some had become some of her closest friends over the years of being her dad’s assistant. She’d miss some of them that was for sure, but she was tired of the games. She knew she could do this.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.
Later that night, Noella picked her things up early and headed to her dad’s office. Knocking a few times and walking in, she found her stepmom and step grandfather in the room as well. She mentally rolled her eyes. Every fiber of her being was buzzing to get the hell out of there, but she needed this.
“Noella, honey I was just about to have someone come find you” her stepmother had gave a smile. Noella tried to return it and nodded.
“Everything okay?” Noella asked.
“Yea I talked to Vince here and we think we found you something that you might like to do within the company” Stephanie smiles.
“With all do respect, I actually came here to offer my resignation. I will be done as of today. I just want to pursue something different. Maybe travel…might go see some old friends from college…I just want to find something that’s me” Noella spoke strongly. Paul looked at his daughter. something felt different.
“Are you sure kiddo?” Paul asks.
“Yea, might go and see Brie and Nicki while I’m at it, got some podcast they’ve been dying to get me on…I just need to be…” Noella says. Stephanie smiles at her and pats her shoulder.
“You’re a smart girl, I’m sure you’ll find it” Stephanie says. Vince was quiet but accepted her request without having to do a 90 day release clause. She was no athlete.
“I’m sure I will to. I’ll check in when I can. I’m meeting a friend down in Florida tomorrow, so driving out.” Noella says. Paul gets up and hugs her.
“Let me know when you’re safe” Paul says. Noella nods. Everything was about to change.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.
“I’m here to see Tony Kahn, my names Noella Levesque “ she smiles. The security guard looks at his iPad notes and nods.
“Alright ma’am, meet him in catering, just follow the signs posted on the walls” the guard says. She nods and they let her through the detectors and begins her decent to catering.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚. ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.
Noella was almost brought to tears when she was told that she had exactly what they were looking for. Tony brought up feeling like she was over qualified to do something as small as pro wrestling TV production. Chris was ecstatic for Noella. Having spent a good amount of time with her backstage, her following him around because she had about the biggest crush on him, and he loved watching her grow up. She had turned into a beautiful young lady that knew exactly what she wanted out of life, at least for the most part.
Noella ended up staying for the show that night to get a feel for where she was going to be at when she started next week. Tony had stayed with Noella for a little while before he went to production and Chris took over walking her around, meeting people and getting to see some older wrestlers she grew up with backstage.
Down the hall a little, Austin or Adam Cole and Maxwell, MJF, we’re walking when Austin spotted Noella. Austin nearly started stuttering, earning a look from Max.
“What dude?” Max asks looking at him.
“NOELLA ANN!” Austin yells down the hall. Chris and Noella look up and down the hall seeing Austin and Chris smiles.
“Go see him, think he may have missed his little sister” Chris bumps her shoulder. She laughs and nods. Austin was a one of Noellas bestfriends. He had worked closely with her dad and she was always there so naturally the two formed a friendship. She even formed a really good relationship with Britt, Austin’s longtime girlfriend. She starts walking to Austin and he smiles big at her. Max looked on with curious eyes until he finally realized who she was. She was a complete wrestling princess without wrestling and boy did Max think she was more beautiful in person. Austin pulled Noella into the tightest hug he could muscle, basically lifting her off her feet, paralyzed.
“A..us…t.i…n c…ant…br…” Noellla chokes out. Max hit Austin up side his head.
“She can’t breathe dude” Max says. Austin quickly lets up on his pressure and puts Noella down on her feet.
“Shit sorry Noe” Austin says sympathetically. Noella coughs for a second but waves of Austin.
“Christ Jenkins…tryna kill me, I know dad worked your nerves but damn” Noella fake pouts. Max has his eyes glued to Noella. He couldn’t seem to look away. This was Noella Levesque. He had seen her once with her dad when he had met with Triple H back in a time Max didn’t know if he’d stay with AEW…and she was even more beautiful now.
“Sorry Noe. I just can’t believe your here, wait why are you here?” He rapidly speaks. Max chuckles a little and Noella looks over at him. She had been so caught up that she forgot she saw Austin with another person. She smiles at Max trying to think of why he looked familiar but then remembered. Maxwell Jacob Friedman. She’d sorta met him once when he met with her dad about a year ago. He was cocky but she could also see right through that persona. She watched a few of his matches with her father, he was a great wrestler, but she also knew he was more creatively free here in AEW, then WWE. She knew they would creatively restrict him, so she was glad to hear that he had stayed with AEW. From then on, she tried to keep up a little on his career, no doubt forming a crush she didn’t realize she had grown up until this moment when she was looking at him. She could feel her cheeks warm and that was embarrassing to say the least. Austin looked at the two almost smiling like a Cheshire Cat at the two.
“Maxwell, this is Noella Levesque, Legend daughter of Triple H-“ Austin starts.
“And absolute beauty queen” Maxwell finishes out loud. Austin raises his brow at him almost comically.
“Maxwell Jacob Fridndman, I’m glad you stayed in AEW, creative in WWE wouldve made you dull, you have to good of a craft to waste. And thank you but I assure you I’m not beauty queen, can’t even say princess” Noella says looking at Max.
“Mhm you two cute” Austin says quietly, it going unnoticed by both Max and Noella.
“Well sweetheart, then you can be my queen” Max winks. Austin groans.
“Oh c’mon” he says, again the pair ignoring Austin.
“Smooth Maxwell, how many times has that worked for you?” Noella giggles. Max smirks, a little stunned himself.
“Well as full of it as I sound, I don’t usually say much to them when they’re around and about” Max says truthfully.
“Also true though” Austin pipes in louder this time and Noella looks at him with a little surprise.
“See and this dumbass can’t lie for shit” Max laughs.
“Trust me, I know, he tried to all the time” Noella laughs. Austin rolls his eyes.
“So what’s up with you?” Austin says.
“Left WWE. Vince stiffed me again with the dream position I wanted and there was no way I was letting that shit happen again. I had been in kahoots with Jericho for a few months already and a few weeks back he had Tony get ahold of me and he offered me my dream job here. So after a little convincing from Jericho about some things and Vince’s last stupid move with me, I decided might as well see if I can at do the interview…anyway long story short, I’m now working production here, and I’ll be able to run things” Noella smiles brightly at the pair. Max nearly swoons at her bright smile. Fuck was Max hooked.
“Shit that awesome!” Austin hugs her again, but not as tight as last time.
“Does your dad know?” Austin asks once he puts Noella down. Noellas face goes sour and Maxwell scrunches his brows and looks at Austin for a moment before moving in next to Noella and putting his arm around her and pulling her in.
“Even I know Noella wouldn’t be here if he knew” Max comments. Noella shrugs agreeing with Max.
“Max is right. I just said some bullshit like I wanted to find what was right for me.” Noella says, putting her head as close to being on top of maxs shoulder as she could. Max decided to move to the wall and slouch a little and pull her to lay her head on his now more level with her shoulder. Noella just reacted like it was natural and normal thing for her to do. Austin watches the pair…it was crazy how comfortable the pair were with each other. Max didn’t really enjoy people and Noella just a quiet person, already sick of being in some spotlight related to her family.
“Sorry…I’m just excited to see you again, so my footsteps in my mouth” Austin apologizes. Noella waves him off lifting her head from Maxs shoulder.
“Ya ya make it up to me with food” Noella says. Austin laughs and max chuckles.
“You got it dude” Austin says.
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myluvrrhea · 4 months
Wrapped in your arms | D.Priest
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Request — Can you write an imagine about reader and damian priest being friends to lovers where they are forced to share an hotel room and she ask him shyly to cuddle and he agrees and he plays with her hair and caress her cheek
Pairings — Damian priest x Fem!Wrestler!Reader
Warnings — None just fluff
Song for this fic — Light Shower — Melanie Martinez
I felt the exhaustion hit me as I entered my dressing room. I sat down on a the couch , steadying myself and gulping damn near my whole bottle of water. I soon heard a knock at the door thinking it might have been liv, or Iyo . So I responded.
“Come in!” 
But what I didnt expect was one of The Judgment Days members to come walking in. The archer of Infamy, Damian priest. He wore his classic Senor Money in the bank T-Shirt , with black leather pants and a black belt to match. I felt confused as Damian never really cane into my dressing room. Sure we were close, but he knew his boundaries and I knew his. We cared about each other’s privacy. That was That.
“Oh, Damian what are you doing in here?” I asked. The confusion evident in my voice.
“I know I never go into your locker room , but this is important. We have to room together. I mean we haven’t in the past but Hunter said something about “getting to know each other” or whatever . So why not just share right? Plus who knows maybe you’ll join the judgment day,”Damian replied a smile forming on his face after the last sentence.
I giggled a bit , trying to hide the blush that creeped onto my face. My nervousness was now clear as day as I began to fidget with my fingers. But nonetheless, I replied back.
“Hey if you want I could drive you there,” Damian spoke. 
“Oh yeah..sure,” I felt my hands sweat up as I spoke.
Damian gave me a smile and nod as he left my
Dressing room, phone in hand. I sighed as I thought aboit the interaction. What did he mean when he said we fit together? Discarding the thought, I changed into more comfortable clothes ,and began to pack my stuff and head to Damians rental.
Location - At the hotel
As me and Damian had arrived at the hotel , I found his presence to be comforting and soft. So unlike his onscreen character. It was safe to say we had gotten to know each other way better than we had before. Sure we had been friends for a little over a month , but that didnt mean we knew each other like we thought we did.
Our laughs got quieter as Damian parked into the hotel driveway. That was also the point where I got into deep thought. What did he mean when Triple H said we had to get to know each other? were already friends so why? And what did Damian mean when he said I might join TJF. I cleared my thoughts as I hopped out the car, leaving Damian in a confused expression.
When we arrived to the lobby , I found one of my good friends Rhea to be sitting on one of the couches. Once she spotted me a smile formed on her face.
Me, Damian , and Rhea talked for a while but me and Damian found ourselves giggling and laughing while talking to each other. I felt my face grow hot as he mentioned how well I was at wrestling. Telling me how he loved my gear and it made my beauty stand out. 
“Alright you two stop flirting with each other,” Rhea said with a smile.
“What I-” 
“No we weren’t-“ 
Me and Damian spoke over each other. 
Rhea giggled and began to get her stuff together.
“Whatever just check in. I’ll talk to you both later” Rhea spoke as she grabbed her keycard and headed to her room.
Next up was me and Damian. I was about to put my bags down when they slipped out of my hands. Into Damians. I looked at him for a quick second seeing a sly smile on his face, before checking in for our room and grabbing our keycard.
— In the hotel Room 
It had only been about 15 minutes since we checked in and unpacked our stuff, picking our beds and chatting a bit. Although it hadn’t been long, I had felt safe and comfortable with him. Telling him more about my past and things I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone. I felt safe.
I felt safe with him
“Hey Im gonna take a shower we can talk after, yeah?” Damian spoke. In which I nodded in response.
After he finished up in the shower, gotten dressed and ready for bed, we found ourselves i found myself zoning out as i looked at his features.
“Hey Y/N you there?” Damian asked. Small giggles leaving his lips.
“Oh yeah I’m fine.” I responded.
Damian tried believing me, but it was the way I looked at him which made him think differently.
“Whats on your mind chica?” He asked. 
“I was wondering if we could sleep in the same bed, I know it might seem weird but-“ I was cut off.
“So you wanna cuddle?” Damian asked with a sly smile.
“Yeah if thats fine…” I trailed off scared of him rejecting me.
Instead of answering, he stood up and laid facing my front. His arms wrapping around me. I felt my heartbeat pound faster as he got comfortable.
“Relax mariposa,” he spoke in a whisper.
For the rest of the night, I felt calm and safe as we laid with each other. One of his hands playing in my hair as he started falling asleep. Me softly snoring after him.
281 notes · View notes
mazikeenhyde · 8 days
Oh Baby, Pain is Pleasure FINALE - Part 1
I have had to split the Finale into two parts as it was just getting too long to post altogether, and I enjoy making you all wait…. 
Y/W/N – Your Wrestling Name 
Y/W/N/F – Your Wrestling Name Finisher
Part 1 Word Count - 4.5k (Hence why its in 2 parts!)
Tag List - @babybatlover @p0is0nl0ve @babiidee28 @darlingnikkisixx @commandershepardofthedas gooses-pond  rhiamaymay  scaraskzzs  (SORRY IF I MISSED ANYONE, IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED OR I MISSED YOU LET ME KNOW BELOW)
Oh Baby…Pain is Pleasure – Finale Part 1  
The stadium erupted into an overwhelming flood of cheering and chants from the many thousands of fans surrounding the ring. The barricades holding them back shook as they lept to their feet, signs which had been discarded in the air from excitement now lay on the floor amongst hundreds of sets of trainers, boots, high heels and the younger bare footed audience members. The once loved handmade card treasures, plastered with slogans and beloved wrestler’s names now trampled upon by wet footprints and washed out by the rain. 
The thunderstorm was now in full force, rain hammered down into the arena as thunder shook throughout, echoing inside that hellish cage. All hell had broken out inside the ring with every member from the opposing families in an absolute free for all brawl out with each other. 
Damian had Rowan up against the ring post as the two continued to trade blows with each other, their faces both semi blinded by the rain and fuelled with an anger which bestowed a look of utter discontent for any form of peace. These men were in it for pride, for love and for honour. Damian, who had now got one up and over a certain ramblin rabbit had climbed onto the second rope, pinning Erik against the post as he continued to hammer blow after blow to the head of the monstrous man. 
Finn and Dexter had somehow made their way out of the ring and into the gap between the steel framed cage as each of them were scrambling to pin the other one down long enough to secure any kind of balance. Dexter, who had made it back to his feet, grabbed Finn by the trouser cuff and launched him back into the ring whilst Dominik and Huskus were fighting tooth and nail across the mat, exchanging blows, kicks and punches. Again, neither one had quite managed to one up the other in such a well-balanced fight until I had run past in an effort to lock back up with Uncle Howdy, kneeing Huskus in the face and allowing Dominik to climb on top of him. 
Rhea and Abby meanwhile were tearing each other apart, feral and fearless as neither woman would let up or give in to their pain. 
With no referee inside and not one person willing to step back in line, it hadn’t taken long for management to act accordingly. Because if this war was ever going to settled, and they knew it needed to be, some form of control needed to be restored. 
The lighting colour scheme was quick to change, black and green lights flashed up across all the LED boards, glowing lettering plastered across each barricade…
Smoke bellowed through the doorways and down the entrance ramp as Triple H made his way into centre stage, shouting at the top of his lungs in an attempt to bring about some order of control. 
“ENOUGH!!!!” Paul’s voice was loud with a strong sense of authority, demanding his entitlement for respect. 
The audience’s heads turned between the stage and then back to ring as not one person stopped fighting and not one person from either side of the battle was willing to listen or stand down. 
“STOP!!!!” He screamed out again before his voice shallowed out, trying to control the fury that was making his blood boil. His emphasis on specific words made his statements land in the dark parts of the soul that could recognise fear… and when someone meant every word they said. 
“The next PERSON to move from where they are standing! The next PERSON to throw a punch or lay their HANDS on another will be SUSPENDED!” 
We all froze, eyes deadlocked onto each other, with barley the ability or willingness to blink, body parts shaking in anger and fury as we all listened for the next ‘commandment’. Rhea’s hand was wrapped tightly around Abby the witch’s neck with her opposing fist raised in the air, while the witch’s knee was inches from being lodged into Ripley’s rib cage. 
Damian and Finn were being held against adjoining ropes by Dexter and Rowan as the two monsters had only just gotten the advantage before Triple H had come out to ruin our revenge. 
Dominik and Husk had managed to brawl and in turn fall out of the ring to the floor, they were now trapped in between the gap of the cage and the ring post like Finn had been before with Dex, exchanging blows to each other before the interruption. Dom’s hand now pushing Husk’s face further into the ground as he allowed his body weight to ease onto him, building pressure. That clever boy knew he had him pinned and that he wasn’t going to be able move anytime soon. He smirked down to the feeble weakling under his grasp, enjoying the dominance he rarely got to feel. 
Meanwhile I had already retrieved a beloved Kendo stick that had been secured above from the top of the cage and I had climbed my way back to the top of the ring post, gripping the top of the frame while howdy had been in pursuit. I was ready to use an aerial advantage and take this fucker out but after stopping my grip on the steel frame was starting to slip out from underneath me. My desire to drive the weapon straight across the back of Uncle Howdy felt like a dream come true. Shame I hadn’t been able to finish the job…yet. 
“Back. Away. From. Each. Other” Triple H’s words were blunt and begrudgingly we did as we were told, though admittedly I was relieved to finally let go of the cage that I had been slipping out from. Damian and Finn squared up to Rowan & Dexter as they were released from their grasp before making their way over to our side of the ring. 
Rhea had released Abby and tossed her to the side before reaching down to offer a hand to Dominik and help him back into the ring, though the boy wasn’t quite ready to allow Huskus back to his feet. But he did eventually do as he was told after Rhea gave him one of her stern looks and upon doing as he was told, a sultry wink after as a reward. She leaned into his ear, covering her lips and whispered…
“Enjoying being the dominant one I see Dom Dom, you make Mami very… very proud”  
Dominik grinned, licking his teeth and wiping the blood away from a busted lip before placing a hand over his crotch, jiggling around his package to try and calm down the ever-growing tension between his legs. 
I however, standing strong, stood face to face with the prick before me. Uncle Howdy looked down at me, his height towered mine to a degree and his demeanour was infuriating. It felt like he genuinely believed he was better than all those around him, as if he was far better than I could ever be.  He laughed as he stepped to the side and returned back to his family with open arms. Their celebrations glinted at the idea they had won the first battle, like they had gotten one over on us. It felt almost rude, it felt offensive to see him walk away from me, and it made my blood boil, my skin began to heat up, my heat raced, so I spun around on the spot to react the only way I knew how, with violence! But a strong set of arms wrapped around me before I could take another step forward and pulled me back, whispering in my ear. 
“Easy baby, easy” Rhea’s breath was warm, I could smell the sweat on her tattooed skin, the blood from scrapes and scratches from the pre-war fight. Her scent radiated throughout my senses, and it was addictive. Goosebumps took over my entire skin as she pulled me back in line with the others, still keeping her grip tight across my body as we now stood together. The Judgment Day vs The Wyatt Sicks. 
“I feel like there must be some… confusion in the air? There must be some misunderstanding between you all as to who is in charge around here? Some people clearly don’t understand their role in this company. Some people… seem to believe they have the… Authority? To do as they please…when in fact they don’t have any. You all have decided to start a war that, whether you like it or not, is NOT going to end the way YOU ALL want it to” Paul’s voice was clear and precise, but he sounded calm, and that was the most concerning part… Until he wasn’t. 
“Your roles within this company are clear, they are set out. You do as you are told; you go where I tell you to go. You behave like the good little puppets on a string you were designed for, and you DO NOT DISOBEY” 
Each of us turned for a moment to face Triple H, breaking the death glares we had locked on to our opponents. A sense of concern and confusion as to what Paul was going to do next hung in the air, all I wanted was to get my hands back on Howdy, claim my championship and go home to rather unwholesomely fuck my lovers into next week.
“This war will be fought, and this war will end here at WrestleMania…” Triple H turned to the crowd as they all began to cheer and chant. “But… Y/N, you will not be in this cage, you will not be a part of it” 
My Heart ran cold as I threw Rheas hands off me and raced toward the front of the cage in shock, gripping onto the steel frame. The rest of Judgment days reactions, very similar to my own followed behind me as the Wyatts laughed hysterically behind us. We all began shouting our frustrations towards Paul, questioning what possible reason he had to kick me out of this Championship match I had trained so long for, worked so hard to get to?! 
Triple H raised his hand up to silence us and the crowd as the entire arena chimed in with the deafening booing and shouts of discontent. 
“SILENCE!” Paul demanded, turning his attention back to my direction. 
“Because…y/n… “ Paul smirked before raising the Women’s World Championship up from behind him, having secured it from a security guard to his right. 
“As Dakota Kai has now retired injured… YOU, will instead be fighting for THIS, against Abby the Witch, in an adjoining cage. I am declaring RIGHT NOW, that this match, is a Ten Man-Grand Slam all in one, no disqualifications, no count out, no holds barred, all is fair in love and war double caged firefly street fight. Abby the Witch & Y/W/N will be locked inside one cage, whilst Rhea, Damian, Dominik and Finn will be locked in the other with Erik Rowan, Dexter Lumis, Joe Gacy and Uncle Howdy. This match will run for 1 hour and to secure victory Y/W/N, Abby, you must PIN your opponent. Your families in the opposing cage must also pin their opponents one by one to secure victory. Once pinned, you will be removed. Once the championship has been claimed, once one team comes out on top over the other, only then will this war end. Now, if the hour runs out and the championship has not been claimed, you forfeit your right to it. No arguments, no complaints, those are the rules. Suck it up and move on. I am the puppet master, I am the boss, I am THE AUTHORITY!” Triple H commanded to us all. 
“Now a referee will now come down and unlock the cage. You will all return backstage, the battle commences in 20 minutes… Good Luck.” With the rain now finally clearing, Triple H bowed his head and looked up to the heavens, in respect for the loss of Bray Wyatt before moving to exit the stage.
The lighting returned to normal, and the standard WrestleMania music played out as we began to exit the ring one by one, security keeping a lengthy distance between the Wyatts and the Judgment Day. Fans desperate to get their favourites attention were scrambling over the barricades, leaning their body weights over in an attempt for a high five, but we were all far too distracted. 
Suddenly, Uncle Howdy halted and turned on his heels grabbing a microphone and smirking down at us from the other end of the ramp. 
“Y/N, I do wish you the very best of luck, you know as well as I… I am just the ghost of the man who saved this world but, who are you? You cannot hide from it; you cannot hide from me? The truth will set you free y/n…did you tell them?” Howdy’s words were playful and taunting as he pointed to each of my lovers standing just behind me. 
“I told them! I told them everything!!!” I screamed back up at Howdy. 
He chuckled and turned his back on me, whispering into the microphone before disappearing backstage, “but did you tell, the world?” 
Swinging the door open I rushed through and began pacing the centre of the room, nervous, anxious and fearful of what could happen if the world ever found out about my past. 
Social media had gone crazy, fans and viewers speculating and debating over whether this had become the greatest WrestleMania of all time, whether Abby the Witch or Y/W/N would become the new Women’s World Champion, how brilliant it was that Rhea would be fighting against a team of all men and that they knew she would beat their asses. But alongside all this there was also the debates over what my secrets were, how they could find out, and with these debates’ rumours had started to spread, like wildfire. Unbeknown to me, Liv Morgan was backstage hiding out, and she was fuelling that fire. 
I was in full panic mode as the others also piled in through the door, Finn entering last locked the door behind him and turned to face me. He took a brisk walk forward before grabbing me by my shoulders and slapping me straight across the face to break my panic. I stood in shock, as did the others, what the actual fuck was he playing at. 
Then, not more than a second later he pulled me in tight, wrapping his hands around my face, my neck, then one hand on my back as he locked his lips in against mine. A full make out session had my hormones come flooding in and my body temperature spiked. My inner core heating up as I felt an all too familiar tingle rise up between my legs. Finn pulled himself off me for a second and looked me dead in the eyes.
“We are going to win this war y/n. You will become champion. There will be absolutely no distractions in that ring, do you hear me!” His Irish accent purred across each syllable, even if he meant to be stern it just sounded beyond sexy to me. I nodded in response to his questions. 
“Good. Because no distractions works both ways and you being in this new gear well, it reminded me that I have been waiting to fuck you for far too long.” The other members of Judgment Day nodded in agreement, Rhea ran her tounge along her teeth, her tounge piercing clinking across each tooth. She turned to Damian who was smirking down at her. Dominik stood running his hand across a growing bulge in his tight black and white printed leggings and watched as Finn tugged at my black and pink leather strapped top, locking his lips back onto mine as he pushed me back onto the wall. His hand quick to prevent my head from hitting the wall before kneeling down and throwing my left leg over his shoulder, Finn began planting kisses up my inner thigh towards my panties, the heartbeat inside growing stronger with every inch he covered. 
I reached out and motioned a grabby hand towards Dominick who didn’t hesitate to race forward and takeover where Finns lips had been. Our tongue’s entwined in a deep desperation for each other as his hands began exploring over my chest, pulling down the front of my top to expose one of my breasts. Dom twisted and tugged at my nipple as Rhea came over to join, swiftly followed by Damian. 
She turned his hips, so his back was against the wall as Dom and I continued to kiss and Rhea pulled down on his pants, exposing his dick to the cold air. It bounced for a moment in its solid form but before it could react to the fresh air she began running her tounge along it and took it in its whole form to the back of her throat. Beginning to bob her head up and down Dominik’s knees became weak and Finn grabbed onto one of his thighs to support him, pressing him back against the wall. 
Finn tugged at my wrestling gear shorts, knowing full well time was not on our side to be able to fully undress. Instead, he tugged at the fabric pulling it to the side, exposing the mini black laced thong I had worn, hoping to finish off a championship winning night with a trip to our sex pit of a bedroom back home. 
Finns warm tounge moved its way up between my folds, the man clearly enjoying the fact I was already soaked down there as he began playing with my clit, his tounge reaching its peak before motioning backwards and repeating the movement over and over. My breath hitched in my throat as I broke the kiss off from Dominik, riding out the pleasure of my Irish lover between my thighs, desperate moans escaped my lips which only drove him to speed up. 
Damian reached out both his strong arms and positioned himself between me and Dominik, his strong legs fitting in the gap between Rhea & Finn who were both on their knees already, busy enjoying themselves. Lowering his black ripped jeans Damian took our hands and placed them on his dick as he leant back to the wall, exchanging make out sessions between myself and Dom as we both tugged, rubbed and fondled his cock together. Damian’s cock was something to behold, the sheer size and girth that man wielded made anyone’s insides turn to jelly. To this day I still say a prayer and thank the sex lords from above and below that I get to call him mine. 
It wasn’t long before the knot in between my stomach began to build, and my thighs began to shake as Finn bought me towards my climax. My grip on Damian loosening and Dom now taking over in full as Finn pinned both my wrists against the wall by my sides. His grip so tight on me small bruises had begun to form, but this only drove my inner sex goddess wild as she was dancing in the awash of my orgasm as Finn drove his fingers deep inside me, pounding three at a time with the inward curl that drove every inch of my body crazy, while his tounge punished my clit. 
“Oh shi..Oh sh..Finn, Finn, shh…shhii” My words were loud and broken as I took quick rapid deep breaths, riding out an all-time high that I had waited so long for it seemed like my body wasn’t quite ready for this flood of pure hormonal ecstasy. 
Rhea, Damian and Dominik all turned their heads to watch as I reached my orgasm, face fully flushed and legs trembling. Dominick followed quickly behind as my summit had driven Rhea to a desperation of her own and a few deep throated swallows later saw her lapping up the delicious cum shot Dom had gracefully given her. 
Finn was quick to drop my leg and rush to his feet, taking a fist full of my hair and dragging me over to the arm of the sofa. He threw me across and pulled at my hips raising my arse higher in the air for a better access point. He was quick to lower his wrestling gear leggings too as he didn’t hesitate to forcefully ram his rock-solid cock deep inside me, I was now wet enough he could easily bury himself. He began thrusting aggressively, pounding his cock deep inside of me as Damian ditched his hand job from Dominik, planting a final kiss on the boy’s lips and then moved to position himself in front of me, opening my mouth and easing in his cock to touch my tonsils. 
Surprisingly, something had clicked inside of Dom who had pulled Rhea up to her feet and had attempted to throw her over the foldup chair in the corner of the room, not far from where Finn and Damian were fucking me front to back. Rhea had smirked at his attempt and wagged her finger in his face before pulling him into a deep kiss and whispering in his ear, “Aye Papi, look at you being the dominant one.” She smirked and winked before finishing her sentence; “Beg me baby boy”. 
Dom grinned and got down on one knee, peppering her thigh with sweet intensive kisses as he began his pleas. Taking a handful of his hair she pulled the boy up to his feet and walked them both over, kicking the stool over and having Dom take a seat. Then Rhea placed one hand on Damian’s shoulder and had him remove his cock from my mouth before Rhea climbed on the sofa cushion in front of me and pulled me into a deep sensual kiss. Damian didn’t hesitate to lower Rheas black leather gear shorts and bury his cock inside of her. 
Dominick sat watching his four partners in front of him, his two girls being fucked intensely by his two dominant daddies. His dick was quick to harden up again as he reached a hand inside his crotch and palmed at himself, ever so loving the view. 
Between the four of us our moans and groans were loud, desperate and full of passion. They echoed throughout our clubhouse, through the hallways and out of the locker room. It was obvious to passersby what was going on, but no one dared comment. It had become common knowledge regarding the relationship between us all, whether people agreed or not, they were instinctively too afraid of Rhea, Damian and Finn to dare comment. 
 Both men now thrusting in unison, groaned deeply and reached out mirroring each other, taking a handful of their girl’s hair to arch our backs as they reached their penultimate high. A warm sensation filling our cores before releasing their grip on our hair and letting us go. A hard slap on my ass from Finn gave me the go ahead to stand up, Damian knew better with Rhea and stepped back allowing Mami to return to her feet on her own accord. 
“Fuck...” I said, turning my head and stretching out my back as I looked in the mirror to see my now full after sex appearance before noticing the clock which stated we had less than 5 minutes until we needed to be at gorilla. 
“Oh Fuck! Shit, look at me!” I stated trying not to laugh, Rhea was quick to grab my hand and pull me over to the dressing table stationed in the corner where she was fast in fixing my make-up, followed by her own. 
The boys all took a seat on the couch, fist bumping each other for a ‘job well done’ while we girls just laughed. 
Once Rhea had given me the all clear I stood up and began stretching out my arms and neck, readjusting my gear and doing all the final checks. 
“Hermosa, I would have thought Finn had stretched you out enough already, no?” Damian chuckled as Finn looked up and winked in my direction, biting his tounge. 
“Very funny…” I said, looking over to them as we all began to make our way out of the clubhouse. 
We briskly raced our way to Gorilla, as each member of the judgment day walked behind me, psyching up for the match ahead. One way or another, I would be walking out of WrestleMania as the new women’s world champion! They all believed in me, heck I believed in me, and I knew I could do this. 
But it was short lived as when we reached the backstage section with the rest of production team, everyone seemed to be looking over in hushed voices or concerned looks. 
Pushing past them all I followed behind Rhea and Damian, holding on tight to Dominik’s hand as Finn closed in behind us. Security were quick to cut us off as they blocked the entrance to the ramp. 
“What the hell? What’s going on?!” Damian was furious at their actions as he came face to face with one of the security guards, Rhea in a stand-off with the other. 
“I’ll tell you what’s going on…” Hunters voice boomed out from behind us as we all turned, Finn now leading our group as my grip on Dom’s hands became tighter with anxiety and he pulled me in close to his side. Behind him, lurked Liv Morgan who was wearing a devilish grin. 
“You four…” Hunter pointed to Rhea, Damian, Dominik and Finn, “are late, get to the ring now! The match is starting in less than one minute! Liv Morgan will be joining you; she will go 1-1 against Abby the Witch for the Women’s world championship”. 
“The Fuck man?!” Rhea shouted, pushing Dom, Myself and Finn out of the way. She stood head on from Hunter, the fire in her eyes burnt with fury. 
“The Hell she will!” Damian’s voice was loud as his voice filled the room. Finn stood staring down the boss in front of him. Triple H held up a hand in Rhea’s face, his persona calm and collected as he turned to face me, smiling. 
“And you y/w/n ...........” 
His words were blunt, cold and full of the authority he loved to push in everyone’s faces. 
“You're fired.” 
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Nonny, you're starting to make me blush!! I wrote a thing about Mikey saying "Itadakimasu" to his girl one night when he couldn't sleep. And I saw a post tonight about how Hanma would oh-so-definitely say that too. And my mind buzzed in and out for a while, and here we are. I hope you like my take on Hanma saying "Itadakimasu" to his girl <3.
I can't guarantee this is wholly proofed. If anything is too horrific, let me know.
Also, thank you to @mitsuyeaah for the brain candy idea for this. I know the account is archived, but here it is anyway: GRATITUDE.
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Imagining Hanma going down on you and uttering the phrase "Itadakimasu". 
It would fucking literally make your brain blurp out. But in those few seconds before you saw the white light, you hear him say it in a deep and gravelly voice. Dragging out each syllable, not breaking eye contact. Sticking his tongue out like he's about to eat the fuck out of a triple scoop cone from Thrifty (for you youngin's, Rite Aid) and smirking a little bit, his lips curling into that devious/evil smile just before his face completely disappears between your thighs. 
Oh? Sorry, you thought ... you thought he was going to go down on you right now? Aw, you're so cute. No, baby. He's not. He's going to bite your thighs and lick them to ease the sting that his sharp, pearly white teeth left behind. And then he's going to graze his soft, hot lips against your skin and make sure to breathe just heavily enough on you until you're practically shaking with anticipation/impatience for him to touch you where you need him to touch you the absolute most. 
His breath would tickle along your hip bone. He would drag the tip of his tongue across the skin just above the waistband of your pretty panties, pulling the elastic down a bit with his long fingers, dipping them in a little. Just enough to get your attention - like he didn't have your un-fucking-divided attention as it was. Dragging his dull (but well maintained) nails over your stomach and waist, hard enough that you can feel it but there wouldn't be too many marks. No, the marks will be left by his mouth, on the softest part of your upper/inner thighs. 
By now, he's marked up both sides of your legs. You're a complete mess and he's laughing at how much you're whining about what an asshole he is being. Is teasing you for this long really necessary? But he loves it. He loves making you squirm and beg for his mouth. He loves watching your body writhe around under his touch, watching your chest rise and fall rapidly as you try to catch your breath. It's intoxicating to him, knowing that you want him that badly. 
So, he slides your panties off and tosses them somewhere across the room. And then he dives right in, spreading your lips apart. In the least noticeable way, he flicks his tongue over your clit. It's just a little, just enough to make you jump and moan out his name. He wants you to keep saying his name like that, so he starts licking you in earnest, swirling his tongue around and around your overly sensitive clit. It's driving you wild and you're digging your fingers into his hair, pushing his face further into you. Raising your hips, trying any trick in the book to get him to plant his face deeper into your needy cunt. 
And he just loves that. He loves when you get impatient and try to take control. It makes him want to take you right then and there. But he won't, not yet. He wants to make you cum on his tongue first. He wants to feel your thighs shake against his cheeks and hear your muffled cries of his name as you finally clench up around him.
Once you've finished and released his head from the confines of your quivering thighs, he crawls back up to you, pressing his lips against yours. You can taste yourself on his tongue and it's so fucking hot. You're still trembling from the aftershocks and you can feel his cock pressing into your purple-blotched thigh, hard and ready. 
The way he looks down at you is such a perfect mix of self-satisfiction and utter desperation. He is starting to feel the need to plunge himself into your wet pussy and chase after his own release. 
And as you're wits come back to you, you smile sweetly at him, planning just how much you're going to make him regret making you wait for so long.
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Taglist ::: @kazutora-kurokawa @viburnt @arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82
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jals-stuff · 6 months
Any mashle character w/ an elder sister with two/three lines!!! kya...
hello anon! unsure if you wanted imagines or an actual story so I'm gonna just.. go ahead and... mhm. some of them are in multiple spots...
mashle characters with a double/triple liner elder sibling short headcanons!
warnings: lowercase to the max, poorly written
some of them would just always look up to you like you're their idol! everything you do is literally a blessing and you're so so cool, too. they want to be just like you one day, and as long as they aren't, it's all good because they can flex and be so proud to show you off to their friends! they always bring you up during conversations!
—finn, love, lemon, abyss, charles, lévis, domina, ryoh
then there's the "i'll be stronger than you one day, just you wait!" crew, that's actually proud of you but will never admit it. sure, you're a triple liner, suuuure, you have an INSANE amount of magical power, but it doesn't mean anything! yet when you're blissfully unaware of it, they gloat about how strong you are and how cool you look. kind of tsundere if you ask me
—wirth?, cell, abel, lance
there's the cute sibling rivalry thingie going on where you two fight alongside each other and they just keep count of how many enemies they've downed, kind of challenging you in a fun way
—margarette, mash, renatus, ryoh, kaldo, meliadoul, delisaster
some of them want to become stronger than you only for the sake of being able to protect you, because you're their dear family and they refuse to let you get hurt. besides, if anything ever happens to you, they want to be able to take over.
—rayne, margarette, mash, lance
some just acknowledge it, they're neither proud of it or pissed, they just accept that you're stronger. when asked about it, they'll say it's a great thing that such a strong mage is from their family!
—orter, carpaccio, milo, sophina, doom
Y O U E X I S T, T H E R E F O R E, I M U S T B E A T Y O U
—wirth, famin
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