#Trying to just get through this facking day
kalamity-jayne · 1 year
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mojaves · 6 months
people across the street have a huge dog that i think would 100% be able to jump over their garden wall at the front of the house if it tried. and then just. let it wander around anyway even though it has proven itself to be kind of aggressive!!!! and they don't care!!!!!!!!
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leewritestoomuch · 6 months
I’m sorry for all the requests but Dr.stone brain rot is killing me 😭:
May I order a headcanon (once facking again) where their s/o’s family was extremely poor in the past, so when Ryusui made currency they spent the least amount of money, rarely eating out of habit and trying to not make the same mistake their family did before?
If there was a Tsukasa part I believe that would only fuel his anger more for the rich and greedy ngl 😭
Anyways, if you do my request once again. Thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart! And remember to always take care of yourself pookie <3
- Sincerely, 🍙 Anon
Reader’s Family was Poor in the Past
Hi!!! Thank you for the request! :) and do remember to take care of yourself too! Sorry this is so late to when you sent this in 😭 there is so much in my inbox, I jump around.
I chose Senku, Gen, Tsukasa, and Ryusui for this.
Senku Ishigami
He wasn’t too concerned with what everybody was doing, but your behavior doesn’t go unnoticed.
He watched as you picked through almost thousands of drago and only spent a few, and it almost seemed like you were scared to.
Ryusui had practically thrown drago at you because you were nearby and he complimented you and gave you plenty of money, so why were you spending SO cautiously like you were down to nickels and dimes? (I know nothing about Yen so I don’t know if there is an expression equivalent in Japanese)
You have nothing to really save the money for, so why were you debating so hard over spending it on a shirt. You wanted the shirt, didn’t you?
Eventually, he’d found out from somebody that knew you that your family was poor. He had thought something like that must have been the case, but now he knows for sure.
He’d likely encourage you to spend a bit more. Either that, or he’d bluntly tell you there is no reason to keep the money so close to you anymore.
Gen Asagiri
If he had that much money, he’d be blowing it.
You had thousands of drago that Ryusui had just handed you. And you were clutching onto it like you’d be robbed of it and be left for dead without it if you loosen up just a little.
You hesitated to get cotton candy, despite how much you said you missed the taste.
He watched you and soon noticed your behavior was like those who were less fortunate to have to ration to survive.
You didn’t need to do that here, the money isn’t that important. At the end of the day, the hunters in the kingdom of science would bring home food rather people paid them for the meat or not.
The community doesn’t run off of money, so your behavior is unnecessary. So he’d probably talk you out of it.
He’d come stand beside you, talking to you softly.
“Money isn’t that important here. You don’t need it to pay for a house. And the beasts of people we have here do the hunting for us, and never once have they asked for money. Nor would they deny you food if you couldn’t pay. You can save some… but maybe spend half? Plus…” he leans in to whisper, “Ryusui would gladly pay for you if it ever came to it. I’m sure a man like him will never run out of money.”
Tsukasa Shishio
Dragos have been around for a while, but you’re still clutching onto them like it’s life or death.
Francois doesn’t make you pay them for food. The hunters (him, Hyoga, etc) don’t make you pay them for meat or anything.
So your behavior has got to be engraved into you.
He might be on the side of kingdom of science, but deep down, this rise of currency and capitalism bothers him.
watching you struggle to let go of money makes him angry.
The world they used to live in had brought you to this point, and that pisses him off.
He knows what that’s like. He fought for money. He became famous for money. All for money for Mirai. Just so his sister would live.
He had to pay people to keep his sister alive.
And old men paid for the rights to land and he had no grounds to even do anything about getting beat down by one for picking seashells. That man OWNED those seashells.
He doesn’t know exactly what you went through, but he’s got an idea.
He doesn’t say much, but he makes sure to give you plenty of food and he’ll buy things for you and give them to you.
Honestly he’s so sweet.
Ryusui Nanami
Spend money, get bitches. Yk. (This man would hate the word bitches for sure. But I had to say this. Like side note, but he’s an advocate for the word to be offensive when leaving a man’s mouth)
Ryusui gave you thousands of drago and stepped back. He expected you to spend it, give to the economy, etc.
But you held onto it like you were gonna need it soon.
He doesn’t really know what that’s like. He’s always had lots of money.
Well, once he had a smaller allowance, but even that would be a lot to most other people. He doesn’t realize this so much, not until he sees you.
He’s confused at first.
What else is there to do in life than get all that one wants when they want it? Get your money up, keep your money up, spend your money up. Yk. The 3 pillars to life. (This is not what they are)
He gives you more money.
But you try to deny it.
He insists. Then he watches you clutch onto it like you’ll need it all in an hour.
He probably goes over to encourage you. Telling you to see things how he sees it.
And then you probably explain why you just can’t. You’re scared you’ll end up like your family was as a kid.
He begins to see what you mean, and he’ll probably spend some money on you.
“Don’t be scared. There isn’t anything to worry about money about here. Even if everything had a cost soon, I’d pay for whatever you needed. And all these people would surely do you a favor even if.”
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moonlight-sonata99 · 1 year
Walk The Line
Carmen Berzatto x reader
A/n: is really a chapter to establish readers relationships:] it was fun. I wanted to try to capture the chaos of The Bear. Keyword being tried.
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No.1 No.2
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6 am
"Holy shit guys I'm sorry I'm so late, carm.." you say running to the kitchen and stuffing your things into the as you kept your eyes on him
"It's fine chef let's just get to work" he says pacing around putting things into the oven and the others are cutting up things as you put on your uniform
"Chef" a voice comes up next to you as you put on your apron "yea Sydney what's up?" You say fixing your hair and walking to your station "I need to work with Tina with cutting up the onion and preparing a stock afterwards"
"Uh..I'm pretty sure I'm not good with-"
"Here's a recipe" she says quickly ganging you a paper
"I-okay there we have it" you say looking at the paper.
"Okay, then I'll get to the onions and get to the stock, uhm after?" You ask stuffing the paper into your pocket, and she looks through his notes
"Just wait, get those done and I'll tell you. Thank you chef." She says quickly before running away as you get to cutting
"Sure chef." You say watching starting to cut the onions
"Fuck,I forgot these make me cry like bitch"
"Behind, behind" carmy says running behind you and Tina as you two turn back to look at him
"Jeff, you good?" Tina ask looking at him as he rushes to his office
"Yea!yea. I'm good just got something to do." He says rushing out
"He's been doing that alot" you say turning gaze back to the onions
"Yup, Jeff's busy." She says fixated on her own task.
"He's off doing uh..catering?" Sydney says butting in the combo
"No shit..for what? No wait I heard it was for a kids party. God help them kids are the fucking worst. Sometimes." You say shaking your head with a smile as Tina chuckles
"Wait, did he take Ritchie with him?" You ask, looking at Sydney as Marcus nodded behind her.
You sigh "if anything says kid-friendly it's definitely ritchie." You sigh out
"Fucking ritchie.." you say again as you imagine Ritchie cussing up a storm in a party.
As Tina begins to laugh besides you, you let out a soft laugh that begins to gradually build up.
3 pm
"It's really not funny. yo-if carmy finds this he's gonna freak the fuck out." You say pacing around the broken arcade machine that keeps replaying the theme song .
"Can somebody please call fak?" You ask, pulling out your phone and calling
"Whyd you ask if you were gonna do it?" Ritchie asked coming near you eating sandwich
"I don't- just because" you say looking away shaking your head
"Don't turn it off." You say pointing a finger at Ritchie
"Tina said not to, I forgot why." You say waiting with the phone at your ear.at the corner of your eye you can see him beginning to inch closer to the plug
"Ritchie-ritchie don't you fucking dare." You say looking him in eye as he stops
"Alright- damn just wanna help that's all"
"Yes I know! It's just if you fuck it up carmy will be on your ass. And mine too if he feels like it"
"Hello?" A voice at the end of the line
"Fak!Thank god you busy? We need help with the"
"What?No- this is carm," the voice says at the end of the, obviously confused. Your eyes widen as you look at the caller ID
'Shit' you mouth
"Oh-uhm, wrong person bye"
"Wait wh-"
You hand up as you look at Ritchie "we need to get this fixed before carmy comes back, call fak please!" You huff out, beginning to walk away sighing as Ritchie takes out his phone and begins to call fak. " also don't tell carm, have done it before he comes back" you say again before running back into the Kitchen.
"yea, yea…" ritchie says waiting for fack to pick up the phone.
9 pm
Only silence fills the air and the sound of cars coming by could be heard every now and then.
"fucking Choas of a day huh? " . / You ask in a soft tone as she looks at you and nods
"yeah" She responds, turning her gaze to the sky.
. " But … aren't you, Used to this type of Stuff?" you ask as you hold your Phone on your other hand -
I and you look at her awaiting an answer.
"Uh yeah.I am." She sighs. Her hand lands on her thigh as She seems to be in her thoughts. "sometimes it's just to..."
"Much?" you add finishing her sentence, as she nods.
" I'm not even a pro, but I feel you." You mumble softly, leaning back, closing your eyes to enjoy the peace and quiet even if it's just a few minutes.
" Damn you're getting really good at that." You gasped out wide-eyed, walking over to Marcus's table to look at him mixing some batter.
"Thanks," he says, looking up from some paper
"Is it because i don't help you anymore Or… " you say with a smile as he smiles as well
"No, no, no" he begins to say, laughing
"Just messing with you" you say "but seriously these two cakes you made before were delicious."
" Thanks, good to know, I'm slowly getting this recipe perfect then," he says, writing off in his notebook. You only stare. Before deciding to leave him be for a while.
1 am
"Fuck me my feet hurt." you breathe out as every wrapped up in the evening, a s your hands move the mop back anal fourth. .
"is that…" Marcus started as he mixed the dry ingredients " yea it's his job but he quote I had an "emergency" you explain sighing as you mop " Why are you here so damn late? "you asked, keeping your gaze on the floor, and Marcus only signed "perfecting these recipes chef" he said, scratching his beanie as you walked next to him to see the batch of pastries he had laid out.
"Wait, are those doughnuts?? Can i -" you gasped out, looking at the goodies in front of you
"Yes, but when there done. " he said, chuckling as you drooled over the doughnuts
"fuck yea" you cheered under breath as you continued mopping.
A few hours later you were able to finally try those doughnuts,
"Dude - these are fucking- " mouth full, you were unable to finish the se fence, seeing that the man was deep asleep. You covered your mouth, picking up a sticky note and leaving it on his beanie saying, " 5 Star"
With a little star next to the five. Putting away the remaining dishes or things that were misplaced by him.
"You're still here?" a voice from behind as you flinched
"Oh shit, carmy " you say, turning around to carry, setting down a bucket and a brush in hand. "forgot you don't go home " you chuckled Setting down the mop
" yea no- finishing up here for now," he says in a hushed tone, looking at Marcus, Your gaze follows his " he's dedicated to his craft, getting really good at it too." You whisper as you turn away, gesturing for him to let you help him. and he gave you the bucket beginning to scrub the floors.
"That's good, really good. He replies before doing the same.
"So, how have you been?" You say after a while of scrubbing as he turns to look at you.
" i 've uh been good, been running this restaurant for a bit, and Uhm, it's been chaotic as hell. '' Carmy replies with a small smile as you nod with a small laugh.
"That's good, i suppose," you reply with a smile, " and...?" you ask, shaking your head and looking at him with a questioning gaze.
"And that's it," he replies, shaking heal keeping his gaze on the floor.
" So like… nothing personal? no girlfriend?" " you ask trailing off and keep scrubbing as he stops for a minute to look at you.
"Okay, Okay i get it" You add lifting up your hand. "But tell me something im so fucking bored, and it so quiet in here." you say softly sitting on your knees as you let out a huff gazing into the empty kitchen.
"How did you Uh, Start working here?" Carmy asked, looking at the floor glancing at you every now and then to see your answer.
you grabbed the brush and began to scrub again,
" Think you know the answer to that, " you answered before stopping for a brief moment.
"But if we're being specific, I had uhm moved out of my parents' place after a large fight. long story. but yeah, I moved here to start anew. away from the bullshit my dad did, "you explained and noticed Carmy's eyes on you.
"he was well - is an alcoholic,I don't know, haven't spoken to them. " You say bluntly."Don't worry about it. I'm way past it. " You add you as he slowly returns to scrubbing quietly.
"im sorry, i don't, know why i just unloaded all of that onto you like a fucking idiot " you blurt out feeling a warm feeling in your chest. as you internally recoil
" It's all good" He softly says laying down.
"Yea....'" you mumble and it went quiet once again, the only sound filling the air was your scrubbing the floors.
"This is weird, but you're the first person I've told that to. " You say out of the blue, " i didn't have friends, so " you say, shrugging.
"Same. " he replies, "was a loner for most of school " he says sitting up.
"Yea, mikey told me'' you admitted "but then he would list all your achievements." Upon hearing this his gaze didn't leave Your face
 "It just… he never mentioned you." Carmy admitted and you stopped brushing for a moment. 
"Really? " . you breathed out , leaning on the floor with your palm and your.. gave turning to him in thought  "Huh"
The two of you Stared at each other before you turned away.
"That's fucking weird" you murmured as he mumbles a 'yea' before sitting down on the floor and sitting silently. 
Minutes went by as you two didn't speak. 
"I guess he had his reasons," you said softly. and nodded his gaze on the floor.
Carmy only let out a sigh
Biting your lip, you look at carmy, "he was good, y'know?" You whisper to him, carmys hand stopped moving as he turned his gaze to you. "I don't know anything about your relationship, so I don't wanna assume anything..." eyes looking at the suds that gathered between the cracks of the tiles,
"He was proud of you, that I do know." You add meeting his gaze and looking away to begin scrubbing again.
"Yea...I uh..thanks. thank you." He softly says, holding his brush still. As his eyes stayed on your form, having a dazed looked on his face
Turning to him, you nodded and smiled.
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Afternotes: don't worry if you feel like this is moving slow, I'm already planning to get things moving a bit quicker soon:>
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~ Chapter 6. 01 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
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I don't know how long I have been here. Every time I try to leave I can hear the old lady monster outside the door. I had also no idea if it was Day or night because all the freaking windows were taped black.
I really want to get out of here.
Who knows what other monster hides on this floor? I don't know if anyone would come and get me. Maybe Eun-hyuk won't let them.
I wouldn't blame him. It would be a suicide mission if they came up here. I'm not as much needed as Mister Han. So I'm going to have to get myself out here. I'm not that far away from the stairs.
If I can make a silent run for it I can close the door behind me. I haven't hurt the monster in a while so maybe she gave up looking for me.
Okay, easy.
Just sneak swiftly to the stair doors and then I'm good to go. Quickly I took some deep breaths before opening the door slowly. Through the ajar door, I looked and listened if something was there, but it was silent.
Without waiting any more I stepped outside and began to make my journey to the stairs with quick, but silent steps. With every noise I heard my head snapped over my shoulder scared the old lady monster would be behind me.
At some point, I began to think I was making up those sounds in my head because nothing was around me that could make them. I was relieved when I finally reached the stair doors.
Carefully I open the door making as little noise as possible. I could finally take a deep breath when I stepped onto the staircase and closed the door behind me.
Fuck, I'm happy that that shit is finely over. I looked around and saw that everything was still the same here. It didn't look like monsters were here recently. Good, the better for me.
With quick steps, I began to make my way downstairs. I just know that the moment I get down Eun-hyuk is going to give me a whole lecture about me staying on the main floor forever.
I can already see the look on his face when he's going to do it. I was on the third floor when my stomach turned and the ringing came back in my ears.
Before I could even brace myself or make a move. The third-floor door flew open and something bumped into me.
I felt myself hit the railing before stumbling over it. Now for the second time in just a few days, I fell down, but luckily for me, it wasn't as high as before.
A cracking sound rang through my ears when I landed on my left arm.
Holy shit that facking hurts.
I took some deep breaths trying to hold in the scream I wanted to let out when I wanted to move. My right hand was cramping from how tight I was holding my ax.
I try to concentrate on anything, but the burning pain in my arm. The distant sound of the building, the stains on the floor or wall, and the coldness of the ground I was lying on. It was soothing in a way, the cold against my skin.
"So weak." A frown came to my face when I heard someone walking towards where I was lying.
"You have always been weak." A pair of black Converse appeared in my view.
Slowly I looked up and saw myself, but her eyes were black. Just like in the dreams.
"Look at you, on the ground. Where you always end up." Great, now was not the time for this.
shaking my head I close my eyes trying to make her disappear.
"Go away," I mutter out.
I heard her giggle before I felt her squad down in front of me.
"You know I can help you. Just tell me what you want. Your desire and it will be all over." And I will end up like one of those monsters.
I shook my head opening my eyes.
"No. Never."
Another giggle left her lips.
"Oh, I'm not so sure about that. Sooner or later you will cave." Her giggles turned into a menacing laugh that got louder and louder.
Quickly put my right hand on my ear thinking they would explode if she would come closer.
My eyes shot open while I tried to catch my breath. My eyes wildly looked around trying to make some sense of where I was.
I was still at the bottom of the stairs.
Did I pass out and have a dream?
Closing my eyes I took a few deep breaths exhaling through my nose. I'm alone, it was a stupid dream. But my peace was quickly disturbed when I heard footsteps walking towards where I was lying.
Just like in the dream.
I push myself up on my right hand looking at the direction of the noise. It came from the main door in front of me.
Did they hear me?
Some relief washed over me when I saw who it was.
"Mi-na." My gaze stayed on Eun-hyuk while he kneeled down in front of me.
I could feel my eyes fill with tears and I could see that he saw that I was in pain.
"It's okay. You're safe now."
I nodded my head
"My arm. I fell on my arm. Something pushed me." I croaked out moving my gaze from him to it.
I could hear voices from behind him. If they see that my arm is hurt now and it will heal later they will know I'm infected as well.
Eun-hyuk seemed to have the same thing on his mind because he quickly to my broken arm and snapped it back in place without warning. I wanted to scream out, but he quickly put his hand on my mouth.
"Sorry." He mutters out.
I nodded my head knowing why he did it.
"Mi-na!" Ji-su came rushing out before kneeling down in front of me.
"Thank God you're okay!" She pulled me into a hug not letting me go for a while.
"I'm fine. Don't worry." I breathe out patting her back.
I could already feel my left arm healing. It still hurts, but the pain begins to subside slowly.
"Let's get her inside," Eun-hyuk spoke up making Ji-su pull away.
They both help me stand up before helping me inside the main floor. My eyes scanned the floor and saw everybody looking at me. But I didn't see Hyun-su.
Was he still upstairs?
"I'll take her to the office to see if she has any injuries," Eun-hyuk said to Ji-su.
She didn't protest and let him wrap an arm around my waist to help me walk. I know that I didn't need a check-up. This was just a way for him to pull me away from the others so that he could scold me.
When we were away from the others he finally spoke up.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
I thought that he would begin to scold me, but I guess he wanted to make sure I was alright first.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just some bruises here and there." I was waiting for him to say something else, but he didn't.
"Where is Hyun-su, and the others? Are they still upstairs?" I asked desperately wanting to know if they were okay.
"Everyone is okay. They arrived safely here on the main floor yesterday."
"What? Has it been this long?" Did time slip away from me that bad when I was upstairs?
"You were gone for a whole day Mi-na."
I guess I was.
That old lady monster really didn't give me another choice than to hide up there for so long. It's dangerous to be there for anyone.
"Eun-hyuk?" I mutter.
He let out a soft mm looking at my legs making sure they were okay.
"I..I want to go upstairs with Hyun-su when he needs to go." 
We came to a halt before he spoke up.
I shook my head looking up at him.
"It's too dang-"
"No. Mi-na look at which state you came downstairs."
I'm not hurt that bad.
"I was fine the whole time I needed to hide, but I didn't get hurt until the last minute. Next tim-"
"There won't be a next time because there won't be one. You're not going. Look at yourself, Mi-na! You look-"
"Weak." I finished for him.
I push away from him making his arm fall next to him.
"No, Mi-na that was not what I wanted to say." He started pushing his glasses back up.
I shook my head.
"But you were thinking it. Everyone always thinks that I'm weak, but guess what? I'm not." I said clenching my hands into a fist.
"My whole life I have been taking care of myself. I have been through more shit than you can ever imagine, so don't tell me I'm weak!" I yelled not caring if someone would hear me.
I gave him one look before turning around to walk away.
"Mi-na." I rolled my eyes at his voice.
"Hey, Mi-na!" I could feel my nails digging into my palm the more I heard his voice.
I could hear him walking closer, trying to catch up with me.
"Mi-na! Stop!"
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" In one swift move, I turned around with my hands stretched forward.
Within the next second Eun-hyuk flew backward landing on his back on the concrete floor.
"Oh my God," I whisper out looking at my hands to where he was lying.
What just happened? There is no way I just did that, right? I didn't even touch him!
I look at my hands scared of what the hell just happened!
My gaze went to Eun-hyuk when I heard him groan. Without thinking about my aching body I began to run towards where he was lying.
"Eun-hyuk! I'm sorry! I didn't know what ju-! I didn't mean to-!" I rambled kneeling down beside him.
"It's fine." He croaks out slowly sitting up.
"I'm sorry I don't know how. I don't what came over me. I would never hurt you on purp-"
" I know Mi-na. It wasn't you." My brows knitted together having no idea what he was talking about.
"Your eyes, they were black." He explained seeing how confused I was.
"So the monster inside did this, but I was here I saw what happened. I was angry at you, but I didn't want to hurt you." I explain feeling guilty about hurting him.
"Maybe you two intertwined for a second. It could feel your rage and you could adapt some of its powers." When he says powers it made me seem like a superhero.
Biting the inside of my cheek I nodded my head.
"I'm still sorry. Are you hurt?" He let out a chuckle rubbing the back of his head.
"I'll manage, don't worry about it." He began to stand up quickly followed by me.
"Do you still think I don't need to be locked up?" I question knowing we have to go to the group again.
"No," He simply said.
"But what if I get angry again? What if I do something worse than this?" I didn't want to hurt anyone.
Some people here are rude, but that doesn't mean I want to hurt or even worse kill them.
"You won't. This wasn't you in your normal state of mind. I know you're strong enough to hold it back if you need to." I nodded my head hoping he would be right.
I don't want to make the situation worse than it is already. He wrapped his arm back around my waist seeing I was still a little unstable, but maybe he also needed a little support. Seeing how I just made him fly across the room.
Silently we began to walk to the office. My right hand went inside my dress pocket feeling the rough edges of the photos.
A soft hum came from his lips before he looked at me.
"Here," I gave him the pictures making him confused.
Making sure I was okay to stand on my own feet at first, he let go of me before taking a better look at the pictures.
"What is this?" He asked confused and I couldn't blame him.
"That's one of the reasons that man wanted to go upstairs. Choi Yoon-jae. He's not normal, a killer in fact! These are just pics of me that he took, but there were others too. These pictures are the normal ones."
Eun-hyuk looked up from the pictures when I took a pause.
"There were pictures of little girls. Bruised, cut, just tortured until they were dead. You need to lock him up far away from everybody or even send him outside! He's a killer!" I croaked out hoping he would listen.
Seeing how he wants everybody to be safe it would surprise me if he let this guy walk free.
"That won't be necessary." My eyes widen at his words.
"Eun-hyuk he killed innocent kids! You can't just let him walk free! He cou-"
"He's dead."
A frown came to my face.
Did he try to run and when outside?
"Sang-wook, the man you went upstairs with. When he came back he killed him. Jae-heon told me why and showed me pictures on a phone. Pictures you just described, but he didn't tell me about these." He held up the pics making me nod.
"And Sang-wook? What happened to him?"
"He wanted to leave and die outside, but Jae-heon held him back. I guess he's somewhere on this floor."
I would like to thank him for what he did. Killing someone is not a good thing, but in this case, I'm thankful he did.
"Are you okay, Mi-na?"
I nodded my head,
"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Uhm do you know where Mister Han is?" I asked, hoping we could change the subject.
"He's at the back. It was his turn to guard." Right, they are still locked up.
Maybe it's good that he is there. That way Hyun-su has someone other than that asshole to keep him company.
"Thanks." I turned around when Eun-hyuk called my name.
"Mi-na wait, are you sure you're not hurt anywhere else? you can stay in the security room to rest if you want to. It's only me with sometimes Jae-heon, Mister Han, and Ji-su in there."
I shook my head.
"No, I'm fine," I explain before turning around to walk away.
I was honestly a little nervous not only to face Mister Han but to also face Hyun-su. I promised I would meet him downstairs safe and sound. I hope he isn't mad at me for breaking that promise.
When I turned the corner I saw Mister Han sitting there looking at the wall in front of him. I swallow hard before taking a step forward. When he heard my steps his head turned to me.
"Mi-na." His face brightened when he said my name and he sat up straight.
"Hey," I said softly standing next to him.
"How are you? I'm happy you're back. I thought something had happened to you or even left." I could hear the concern in his voice which made me feel guilty.
"I'm fine. I was just hiding from a monster upstairs and couldn't come down sooner." I explain giving him a small smile.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. Hyun-su told me you came upstairs with him, I was concerned for you." I shook my head quickly.
"I'm fine and back now." He grabbed my hand giving it a little squeeze.
"I'm happy you're back."
I smiled nodding my head.
"Me too."
I look at the cell door seeing it has been upgraded to make it stronger.
"Do you have the key? I need to talk to Hyun-su." I asked looking back at him.
"He isn't here."
A confused look came over my face.
"What? Did they kick him out?!" I asked panicking.
"No, don't worry. They have sent him upstairs to gather supplies and other stuff we need."
"I thought they would only send him up for emergencies."
Mister Han let out a sigh.
"I know, but Eun-hyuk said that we need things from there." My eyes widen at his answer.
"How can they do that?! Don't they know how dangerous it is up there?! Besides he isn't some animal they can use for their own personal stuff!" I could feel the anger grow larger the more I thought about it.
"I know, I have talked about it with Eun-hyuk, but he says it's necessary for our survival." Of course, he would say that.
I lean against the opposite wall taking a deep breath.
"Maybe it was a good thing he went." I looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?"
Mister Han looked at the cell door before looking at me.
"When you went missing he kind of turned into his monster. Well more like himself, but angrier."
My eyes widened when he said that.
"He firstly almost attacked Sang-wook thinking he had done something to you or left you behind. When you hadn't returned an hour later he got madder and restless. We looked everywhere on the first floor, but you were never found."
I can't blame them for not finding me. I'm happy they didn't come looking for me upstairs.
"Some of us thought that you maybe had left the building, so he wanted to go look outside for you. We stopped him because we all knew that would be suicide. So Eun-hyuk suggested that he could go upstairs and look for you while he could gather stuff, just in case you would have gone back upstairs." He explains making me nod my head.
I let out a sigh sitting down on the ground.
"He was restless when he was in here. I don't think he slept much." Now I feel more guilty for leaving everyone.
Everything was already hard for him and I made it harder.
"I'm so stupid," I mutter putting my head in my hands.
"Hey, this isn't your fault okay? Nobody could have known what would happen." Still, I felt guilty for making them go through that.
"The most important thing is that you're back." I look up at him laying my chin on my knees.
"Yeah, I guess," I mutter out.
It was silent for a second before we heard footsteps coming our way. I thought it would be Eun-hyuk who needed to talk to Mister Han, but I was wrong.
I look to my side before jumping up. Hyun-su stood there looking surprised at me.
"You're back."
Quickly he walked over to me and for a second I thought he would hug me, but he didn't.
It seemed like he held himself back at the last second.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I left. There was a monster and I needed to hide until it was gone," I mutter out.
His gaze stayed on me for a second before answering.
"It's fine. You're back now." After that, he walks past me putting his bag and weapon against the wall next to the door before taking the keys from Mister Han.
We watch as he unlocks it before giving it back. I wanted to stop him. I didn't want him to be stuck there.
It wasn't right and I hated that I couldn't do anything about it. The door closed shut making me flinch from the loud noise it made.
"Mi-na?" My head turned to Mister Han listening to what he wanted to say.
"At least one person has to be here to guard the door. Can you stay, I have to talk to Eun-hyuk." Even if they turned and escaped I doubt that door would hold them back.
"Yeah, sure." I gave him a small smile receiving a small thank you from him before he wheeled away.
I let out a sigh taking a seat against the wall where Mister Han was sitting. I wish I could make them see that he isn't dangerous.
Even if he would turn I don't think he would hurt any of us.
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
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Hey guys! This was a long freaking chapter! I normally make them shorter, but this just felt better than cutting it up in two! Also, Eun-hyuk deserved to be in pain for once. Sssh don’t tell anyone I said that haha.
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royal1asset-if · 2 years
Late Story Part 1
So hello guys this so so very very late, I know and I apologize for that.
School of mine is demanding and time consuming, I start from 7:00 A.M to 11:30 A.M. then my 2 sub is 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Plus I'm helping the fam in their jobs.
But I finally got the time to write this snippet.
So this Part 1 for now but don't worry after I find a free spot on my schedule I will write the 2 part.
So this snippet is "Luna" due to her being the winner of the last poll.
So in this scenario we will have MC in a bar with Serena and Elrick.
MC recounts the details(Bloody-ish?) of a kid bullying Nick in school.
And well let's see where the story goes 😉😉
(MC's POV)
You finally arrive at "The Bullseye", after a long day at work and your strength is sapped due to your trying to stop Luna from murdering somebody.
"That's why I want the children training and learning how to fight! the voice of your wife echoes in your mind.
"It's a shame that killing or even disabling that bully is not allowed!" you chuckle as you remember, your wife pouting.
Getting closer you can hear the jolly voice and lively music blasting out through the windows of the establishment.
You were just reaching for the handle and from you can smell the most horrid and morbid of smells.
You gag from the stench and turning around and taking all the clean and fresh air.
Gulping and filling your lungs before you will venture inside, you still have no idea why Elrick picks this place as his favorite bar.
You turned around and pushed open the door and the smell is even worse inside and you feel like your being punch in the gut.
You looked around and people are in a happy mood, musicians grinding and playing their instrument like there is no tomorrow, a waitress punching a patron due to being touchy and drunk person lying on the ground.
Yup, it's a pub alright and complete with the aesthetics.
You trek forward and looking for the familiar faces of your companion, Elrick and Serena ask you and Luna to have a get together but sadly Amelia and Conrad is unavailable.
Amelia being shy and preferring to help at the orphanage and that's a acceptable reason.
For Conrad not much, wanting to stay cooped up in his lab and doing experiments.
"Fack off!" those were the words you remember Elrick telling you before Conrad slams the door on his face.
You chuckle because you don't really understand why Conrad hates Elrick so much, sure Elrick is pretty obnoxious(Annoying very) but when you get to know the guy, he's a fun guy and you will always have a good time with him around.
Caught up in your thoughts, your foot trip on something and you started to fall forward, you put your arms in front of you to brace for the impact but a pair of hand caught you in their arms and swinging you around and dipping you low.
"Thinking about me?" a feminine voice ask you in a sultry voice.
You were still shook from the incident and it took you a while to recognized those captivating and manipulative eyes.
"I'm married you know!" she raised you up to your feet and chuckling.
"Now, now I didn't say anything and all I did was just asked you if you were thinking about me in a friendship manner of course!" she winked at you and grinning.
"Hays, still a heartthrob Serena?" you mimic her grin and crossing your arms.
"Well someone needed to be the face and image of the team and I do say who is much suited for the job than me!" she brags and pointing a finger to her chest.
You burst out laughing at her vanity and she glared at you and you stop.
"Got you!" she laughs and you laugh again.
"Woah woah, why are you guys laughing I haven't told any jokes yet!" a voice interrupts the mood.
"Oh great the fool has arrived!" she throws her arms in the air exasperated.
You look to where Serena is looking and you recognized those emerald colored eyes.
"Well it's better than being a slut!" Elrick finger guns Serena.
"Hey!" she protest and puffing her chest out.
Elrick walk closer to you and handed you a mug of ale.
"The man of the hour has finally arrived, you know Serena's horniness can be sense from where I was drinking and I knew without a doubt that she is preying on some poor soul!" he grins and clacking his mug with yours
You raised your mug in salute and drank it's contents, the ale it's pretty sweet and rich in taste at least the drinks in this place is good, it's just a shame that you keep forgetting it due the place is a mess and stinking of rotten piss.
"At least I got laid Elrick!" she retorts and flicking Elrick
He gasp and putting a hand on his chest.
"How dare you!" he points a finger at her.
"I have you know that got laid!" he tilts his head upwards.
You laugh at the banter between the two and Elrick snapped his head at you.
"What's so funny!" he says in a stern tone.
"Because that's the best joke I have heard the whole night!" you laugh and shake your head with Serena's laughter also accompaying you.
"So that's how is gonna be huh?" he took a swig and later chukling.
Serena calming and gathering her composure.
"So MC where's your wife?" she looks at you quizzically.
Your laugh died down and you feel all the tension and pressure from the activity you done earlier returned to your body as once.
"She will be here, she just needs to do something why are you plan!" you groan.
"Let me guess, Nick got bully and got into a fight!" she took the mug of Elrick and took a swig.
"How did you know?" you blurt out surprised.
Serena gulped down the mug and burping loudly.
"It's my job to know darling!" she rubs her mouth with her sleeve.
"Well I sense a story in there!" Elrick jumped onto a table.
"Attention everybody, may I lend your ears for a moment!" he shouts through the tavern and garnering the eyes of every patron.
"So we have here the most famous and know hero, give a round of applause to the Peerless Dragon!" he gestures to you and the room is filled with the sound of applauses.
You waved at everyone and giving them a beaming smile.
"Not only that our Dragon has a story to tell us!" he stepped down on the table and signaling you to take the stage.
At first you were hesitant but Serena and Elrick keep pushing and goading you.
So you shrugged your shoulders and gulped down your ale in one motions and jumped onto the table.
You taking the stage, the people started to holler and whistle at you.
"How's the mistress Dragon!" you hear Garry the barkeeper ask you.
"She's fine but I can't say the same about me!" at your quip, the people around you laugh.
"So anyways, you want a story but I can't seem to see that there is no enthusiasm around here!" you shaked your head.
The people started to slam their mugs on the wooden table and stomping their feet on the cobblestone ground.
"STORY...STORY...STORY...STORY!" they chant and their voice getting louder.
You raised your hand in the air and everyone became quiet.
"Very well a story you want and a story you get!" you cleared your throat and a magical spotlight looms over you.
"Our story tells about a pup who got bullied by other cubs and the mother defender her son very fiercely!" you used symbols but everyone know to which Wolf your pertaining too.
"Oh shet it looks like the the street will be running red tonight!" a patron hollers and everyone laughs.
You laugh because you can agree with how close that patron was to the truth.
"So let's begin!
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milo-kun · 6 months
Today is not a good day for my drawing mental health. I have been struggling for just over a year now and I'm kinda shocked at what I'm going through, im speechless as to what I see.
I've been asked many times why I often blame others or say it's someone besides me when I get this upset. And you know what? It's because I'm trying when others aren't. I tried to work, I tried to draw, and I tried to learn. I've been drawing since I was in 11th grade! I'M 33! Yet when I ask for help, I get the same old "practice, practice, practice." No shit Sherlock I've been practicing for 20 years!
I've been burnt out... no, you know what? im not burnt out. I'm burnt! My hands are burned, and they aren't healing. I have reached out to people I trust and people who i know think of me as an annoyance. So far, the only advice I got that was helpful wasn't even art advice! It was mental health advice! I got told to go slow, let the drawing happen, and dont let it get me down. That helped, but you know what didn't help? "I dunno, take time for yourself" "try something else, for a while" "when I get like this I take a break and build one of my gundams" "Have you tried asking for help?" "Have you thought about going back to school or taking some classes?" and "^^;".
I'm so burned from being told to "just do it, I did." im burned from being told its not that hard, to practice, im burned from being told to draw more. I DREW ALMOST EVERY DAY FOR 3 YEARS! AND PROGRESSED ALMOST ZERO! "Oh, but almost zero isn't zero~" Shut up! I don't wanna hear your success, I don't wanna hear how you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and did it. I DONT HAVE ANY BOOTSTRAPS LEFT! I BROKE THEM ALL PULLING MYSELF UP BY THEM! I don't wanna hear how hard it isn't, or to be told that the best time to try is now. I want someone to help heal my hands, I can't heal my hands myself because I need hands to heal my hands.
I have been left behind for years, and probably a decade of anger had finally come back and burned me. Anger, I wasn't even pointing at the people whom I care for. It was pointed in the direction to help push me forward because no one else was helping enough. "Don't compare yourself to others" FUCK YOU AND YOUR GOOD ADVICE! WHO ELSE SHOULD I PUSH MYSELF TO REACH? MYSELF?! FUN FACK IM ALREADY BESIDE MYSELF! I am filled with rage at how much the art and furry community had pushed me down and held me down. I'm not even a part of the community because of how left behind and exiled I am. Wanna know how I got some of my closest friends? You wanna fucking know? By them vouching for me! Am I grateful? Yes, am I angry about it? Also yes! Don't even get me started on streaming! It sickens me to watch some of my friends support others but won't even look at me. "Check out this amazing artist UwU" but won't support me? You come to my streams and watch quietly? Thank you, that means the world to me. No sarcasm there. You know what would help? Supporting, retweeting, reposting, helping me grow. Like you did for others, they got their success and are still praised to this day. "Have you tried taking to X?" Yes, I have, and they told me the same. Or better yet, no, I can't talk to them. They are so popular now they don't even consider me human.
I dont even name drop, I do everything as professional as possible, and I don't talk about who my friends are to impress people. I don't go talking about how I'm in this game or referenced in that comic or ANYTHING! I do what is best for everyone, and I have to light everything on fire for ANYONE to see im burning.
Oh, but we do support you, we supported you on patreon~ that wasn't support. That was stress. Look at me. I'm about to sound ungrateful! Making fun of me and abusing my ToS isn't support. Making me draw memes isn't support. Saying "I dunno just draw whatever this month" isn't support! It's degrading! If you're not gonna take my art seriously, why in God's name do you think I want to draw what you ask?
I've been left behind and surpassed by everyone younger than me. "It doesn't matter. Everyone grows at their own speed." Well, guess what? I have been growing for years now. Don't give me that shit. It's not helping ME grow. To sit here and watch people younger than me get the support I fought tooth and nail for without even asking makes me wanna throw up. It reminds me of how others want me to fail. They enjoy their luxury and free shit while I cry out to the void waiting for anyone who is interested in helping to help. "I did a great collab with X popular artist" "it was a honor to have X join me on stream" "X helped he grow and get better at art, id be no where without them" FUCK YOU I GET BLOCKED FOR JUST COMMENTING ON POSTS! No one stood up and said "hey Milo that might make you look bad," when I was just being truthful and honest. Like how I'd ask people to be with my posts and art. For fuck's sake the algorithm thinks I'm a bot on Twitter. THAT'S HOW SHOVED DOWN I AM!
One of my biggest feelings is "don't perceive me." I don't want to be noticed by senpai. I want to be helped and supported the same way others are. In the same way you helped someone get better and get enough money to work from home. The same way you partnered with a friend and helped his VN not fall to the wayside because of a friendship fall-out. I want support! I wanna feel like I belong! "Oh, but Milo, I didn't have that. I built my life with my own two hands." Good for you, way to go. That's something to be extremely proud of. No sarcasm. But have you ever heard of the saying "I crawled so you could walk" or "I went to war so you could study the arts"? Just because you suffered doesn't mean I have to, especially when im at a stressed disadvantage! I don't want to be some big-time person, I don't want only popular friends. Don't you dare blame me for your piss poor behavior in realizing you fucked me! I asked for help I asked for assistance and you poured gasoline on my burnt hands!
I'm not right, I never will be, but neither are you for pushing me down, laughing at me, watching me sink, and telling me to try harder when I was already underwater. With one last breath of air I dont dare call out for help, because that air is needed just to stay afloat.
To all who looked at me and said, "I dont know how to help." Thank you for your honesty.
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exanimateisacomic · 8 months
When Eliza met Luis
The stale circulated air seemingly dripped with misery and anguish. The yellowish haze from the fluorescent lights filled the space with a static buzz and was the cause of many migraines.
She hated it here, even without all these ailments, she truly hated this office deep down in her core. If she could remember who she was in life, she might’ve found the strength to flee this land of paperclips and grey carpets. But she doesn’t so she hasn’t and suffering she continues.
She made her way through the crowd that was ever present within these drywall enclosures. Everyone had desks that they could be sitting at, tolling away at their never-ending tasks given to them and yet here they were, stepping over each other and squishing past one another. And the shouting…
“Get that file to him!”
“That has to be duplicated and sent to her”
“That needs signatures and faxed to the northern offices.”
The words seem to drone on, pounding her temples and adding to her inner distress. She thought to herself ‘At least one’s said-‘
“Hey look out! Extra large Eliza is coming through!” Someone shouted over the chaos. Even though business needed to be done, it didn't stop many eyes from prying away from their work to look at the large demon just trying to get to her desk for her lunch break. There were a few chortles and some repeats of that nickname. Eliza pushed her glasses up her blunt hooked nose and used her hand to cover her face in shame until she was able to duck into an unused conference room. She couldn’t make it to her desk, not with the mob out there.
Luckily she had been clutching onto her meal from the cafeteria, a sad tuna salad sandwich, low-sodium chips, and a diet soda. Somehow it cost a whole day and a half of pay.
She pulled out one of the office chairs and sat at the conference table, setting out her food and getting ready to eat. On the wall opposite her was a TV that was muted, playing the headline that had been running for a few weeks now. About some rouge demon soldier who deserted from the army mid-mission and ran off with a ton of money and there’s a reward out for his death.
‘That would be nice, a big payout for some loser. It would be enough for me to get out of this dump’ she thought as he bitterly took a bite of the surprisingly bland sandwich.
They flashed his name once more as the talking head rambled on about this fiend. “Luis Lynch, such a crude name.” she muttered.
She took another bite just as thunder boomed outside, her attention was now drawn to the window where she could see the pain pounding at smudged glass.
"At least I'm inside."
His feet smacked the pavement hard, causing splashes to kick up and soak his faded slacks. He ducked into the alleyway and pressed himself against the wall behind the dumpster. His heart was in his stomach as he caught his breath.
His drenched green raincoat was the only thing keeping his rail-thin body dry and warm. all he could grab to put on was a faded yellow shirt, the slacks, and his boots. the shirt had the graphic text "FACK" plaster in a chunky font, distressed and falling apart.
‘How the fuck did they find me? I should’ve had another day at least.’ He thought to himself. He grasped tightly at the straps of the two duffle bags he had over his shoulder. Gripping on to all he could grab before the chase began. Raising his head to peek over the lip of the dumpster to see if his assailants were after him still. He caught sight of some fuck in uniform
‘Shit’ he reflexively reached for his service revolver from his shoulder holster and gripped the walnut grip tightly, thumb resting on the hammer. His mind was now a roulette wheel, spinning between fight or flight. He was never one for direct one-on-one conflicts and there were eyes all over looking for him, taking out this uniform would spell disaster. Glancing around him, he happens to catch sight of an ajar door leading into the unsuspecting building he was crouching near.
Flight it is.
Glancing over once more at the busy street, he saw the uniform's head face the other way. He eased out of his squat and slinked over and into the door. Direct conflict wasn’t Luis’ cup of tea, stealth was.
Eliza crumpled up her empty bag of chips, grabbed the rest of her meal rubbish, and walked over to the open bin that was over by the corner of the room. As the trash hit the bottom, the door swung open, slamming into the wall with a thunderous BOOM. eliza immediately dived to the ground, the conference table providing cover for her.
Luis looked around the empty room, seeing nothing but a long table in the middle of the room, a few chairs lining the sides of it, a counter with a TV, and a trash can in the far left corner.
‘Safe’ he thought as he tossed the bags onto the table, his gun slipping from his grip and landing with a THUNK and sliding onto the table, settling towards the edge but not quite toppling over. he didn't even notice as he was busy trying to calm himself down after the flurry of rushing through the door and slinking into this unused room.
Eliza flinched at the sound of the gun hitting the table and glanced up just in time to see it stopping just shy of the edge. The dark wood of the grip seemingly enticed her. She crawled over and slowly peered over the table to see the goddam fugitive from the news pacing around the opposite end of the room. He hadn’t noticed her, something she was just a bit surprised by, given how often he was singled out by her co-workers. Her stare shot back to the gun.
An idea popped into her head. She often had ideas like this but there was never any reason to act on them... until today.
Luis paced back and forth in a small spot, his hands running through his wet and greasy hair. He stopped and stared at the floor, rain dripping from his coat. He reached into his interior breast pocket for his smokes as he plotted his next move.
Taking a bent-up cigarette from the crumpled soft pack, he popped it into his mouth and snapped his fingers, the friction from his index and thumb acting like a flint as his thumb caught on fire and settled into a small flame similar to a lighter. As he raised his thumb to the loosely packed cigarette he heard the hammer on his gun cock back.
“There’s n-no smoking here sir…” a mature-sounding voice sad from the opposite end. “No, sorry. I meant Luis.”
His eyes widened in shock as he snapped his head over to see who had gotten the better of him.. and locked eyes with the stunning beaut of a demon. If it weren’t for the drab office outfit, he could’ve sworn she was an angel or actress. even though he'd been with plenty of women before, and yet she made him feel different.
“Oh wow, you're beautiful.” He muttered aloud as he snuffed out his thumb and raised his hands up in compliance.
Eliza froze for a minute, taken aback by the man’s comment. “You can't woo me that easily, Lynch!” she said, trying to hide her bashful expression.
Luis nodded “I wasn't trying to but good to know.” He was able to tell that his comment affected her a bit. he glanced over at the TV and saw the headlines about his desertion and subsequent chase. they flashed his bounty once more “Wait, that’s my bounty?”
Eliza flicked her eyes over to the screen and then quickly back to Luis “Y-yes, it is." She said. Suddenly feeling more confident, she continued “And in-in my opinion, I think they’re offering too much for a degenerate like you.“
Luis was taken aback by the woman's words, he hadn't said anything yet to upset her. This was hate that came from deep within her. He lowered his hand out in front of him “no, I mean that I stole way more than-“ He said
Eliza stepped forward, thrusting the gun towards him “No, no you don't get to interrupt me! I spent a lot of time in this shit hole either getting ignored for my contributions or getting harassed like all the other girls in this god-forsaken place and now you- you slinky, waterlogged creep! You listen to me! The way I see it I can shoot your sorry ass and drag you to the cops and get that reward, maybe then I'll-" The frenzy had begun to dull in her eyes. "I’ll… uh…” As she became lost in thought, she straightened her back, revealing her true stature of seven feet.
Luis looked up at her, a mix of fear and arousal running through his body, as she was looking for a conclusion. “Oh my, you're quite tall…" he muttered
Eliza didn't seem to hear him, her focus was on getting her thoughts together. “Damn, I had more I wanted to say but now it’s not there." she shook her head and brought her focus back to Luis.
"Regardless, I’m in control here and I want out of this goddamn life and you're gonna be the ticket to that!"
Luis nodded “Sounds reasonable."
Eliza couldn't hide her shock. "eh?" the way he just casually agreed with her really was out of left field
Luis slowly brought his hands down and picked the cigarette out of his mouth, the filter was now frayed and smushed from being in his mouth. "I mean, I get it. why else do you think I'd do something like abandon mid-mission, take an obscene amount of money from the army, and flee?"
She stared him down, her face turning into a scowl in thought. "I dunno, because you're weird?"
Luis shrugged "I mean, I am. but that isn't why." he pointed to his head "It's because I remembered." he said, grinning smugly.
She let out a gasp.
“I remembered who I was in my human life. They said it wasn’t possible for demons.” His smarmy smile with a missing front tooth was all she could focus on.
"You..." she shook her head "Liar, I'm calling bullshit!" she said, white-knuckling the pistol in her hand and now actively sticking the barrel in Luis' face.
He continued to smile as he spoke.
"I was quite the character in life. all I did was drugs, booze, and women. My parents all but wrote me off if it weren't for the support of my kid brother." he said calmly. "he'd always stick his neck out for me and believed I could be better. I really looked up to him. and he-"
Suddenly his smile faded and his eyes went misty.
"He was the target of the damnation mission I was on not too long ago."
Eliza slowly pulled the gun away from his face. She'd heard of these missions, hell she even had to file some of the processing files once or twice.
Demon soldiers go to the surface and cause the deaths of humans to harvest their souls to be used in places like her office.
"He was a sentimental guy. had a Polaroid of us framed in his house. I passed away not long after this was taken." he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a photo with one of the edges slightly burnt. he held it up to her.
She squinted at the photo, she then took off her large glasses so she could see better.
Luis was shocked once more at her beauty, being able to see her orange marmalade eyes.
Eliza’s vision finally came into focus, a shot of two young men in some living room. One was a nerdy type of guy with glasses that had thick lenses and the other was a strung-out beanpole of a guy, cigarette hanging off his lips, and a beer in his hand. her eyes looked over to Luis and back to the Beanpole drunk in the photo.
"Holy shit... so it is possible..." She muttered. Her grip relaxed as she let her arm fall to her side.
"By the time I remembered everything, it was too late for him. now he's somewhere in this realm of existence because of me. I couldn't continue my services knowing what I did. so...I ran."
As Luis looked back at the tv, that’s when Eliza grasped his jacket lapel and brought him closer to her, practically lifting him up in the air.
“Okay Luis, you’ve proved your point. But what’s gonna stop me from killing you?” She said.
“Uh-how about a date?” He said with a smile and a light chuckle
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whatib · 8 months
Current History is the Best Reality Show
I was born in the Bronx in the 60's, I've never voted. Never really liked either side but I definitely supported Democrats since Carter was elected, then the Democrats burned my country down from 2016 to 2020. I'll never trust a Democrat for the rest of my Life. Independent Forever! Clearly there was an underlying Hate inside that cult that I never knew existed. Stupid me I guess. But I don't condone violence. These people burned my country down because they lost an election? Are you kidding me? I've watched the System since the 60's. A guy from one team wins then a guy from the other team wins. It's a checks and balances System so that neither the Far Left or the Far Right take over Forever. They hold on for 4 to 8 yrs then it bops back and forth. It's been that way since day One, and it's worked so well that it built the greatest country ever, in the history of the world. Don't give me the racist Hate speech because African Americans gave birth to Americans, and a Black American became the President of the United States of America. (don't forget I supported Democrats at that time) On election day 2008, when I saw that big old black lady waving the American flag in Washington D.C. crying tears of what you can only call Emancipation….I balled my facking eyes out for hours that night. One of the best moments in that I've lived through. It finally happened. But The Constitution has held up for over 250 years, and it will for another 250 years if Democrats get back to behaving like civilized human beings instead of sore losers. We're into the 4th year of the Biden presidency and I still don't see any Republicans burning buildings down. Why? Because Republicans abide by the rules and they know they just have to regroup and try next time, and get out and Vote. They don't want to burn their neighbor's businesses down or harm other people.(and yes they have some crazies, but Democrats have crazies too. Believe me I've watched this country's clown show for over 50 years, both sides are Facked up. you're both literally psychotic with what you believe in) Republicans just want a President they support, so they wait and they Vote. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose. And now we're in a New World, a World full of Hate from every direction. If you say you don't like dog sh!t you'll get cancelled. It's a very wacky World. I'm just a bystander…watching this nutty World unfold…I'll tell you right now, the Alphabet people have taken over. Like I said I'm just watching this shyt happen and it's very noticeable to me that the Alphabet people now hold Powerful positions in every aspect of the World…from corporations, to small businesses, from entertainment to sports, to movies, tv, and commercials, and education and government…if you haven't noticed it, they are in Power in the United States….and why is that? Because Alphabet people only Hire More Alphabet people. An ingenious strategy and clearly it works. (hahahah I guess that's how the Traditional World also worked but now the Alphabet people picked up the skill and they're using it to their advantage) Whoever is leading them in their mission, is freaking brilliant. They have monopolized all aspects of Life in America. The "Traditional World" isn't just under siege, it's battling for survival, literally breathing it's last breath. I'm literally living through History. What's funny is that I can tune in any day that I want, to see this week's episode.
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
So Into You
How I Married Your Mother Part 3
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Not Beta’d, RPF. SMUT! Read at your own risk. Fluff, Angst, explicit sex,  pregnancy sex, nipple play,  Daddy kink, creampie, oral (m receiving), cowgirl, backshots, pining, family dinner, a couple of sweet surprises.
A/N: I posted my inspiration for this chapter here. This could be the last chapter. Maybe. Possibly. I love these characters.
Read How I Married Your Mother, Pt. 2. This is part of the How I Met Your Father Series found here.
NOTICE: I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘 
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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Chris roused you from slumber at 1 pm. You’d tried to outrun morning sickness by sleep, but it only worked occasionally. He had a cup of ginger tea.
“For my babies.” 
You sat up and drank. Realizing that what you’d been experiencing was morning sickness made sense. It was easing up a bit, but you were only 11 weeks and in the thick of it. 
It was two days before Thanksgiving, and you were set to fly up with Chris from Atlanta to his Massachusetts home and family that afternoon.
The nerves of meeting his family in person, and the uncertainty of your situation with Chris, were wreaking havoc on your nerves. You felt that you’d blown your chance forever with Chris when you turned down his proposal. He looked at your face and he knew. 
“C’mere, Angel.”  
He climbed back into bed with you and gathered you into his arms, which you relaxed into. He was so strong and every time he held you, you felt so safe. You were trying to hold in inexplicable tears.
“Tell me about it.”
But instead of talking, you just devolved into crying, holding on to him for dear life. He just held you back until you calmed down, kissing your tears away. 
You rested your head on his now wet t-shirt and absentmindedly rubbed his abs and happy trail for comfort. Your hand ventured lower, and you felt his cock move through his sweats. Suddenly, your queasiness disappeared. You peeked up at him, a side smile on his face, but his eyes were closed, so you kept moving your hand lower.
“What’re y’a doing?”
Chris was beginning to know you like the back of his hand.
“I know it’s been a few days. I’ve been selfish. You need some attention, baby?”
Your hand moved over his sweats and grasped his hard cock, squeezing, as you watched his mouth drop open.
“Y-you’re not selfish, Angel. You’re growing our babies. You need your rest.”
“You’re right. But you need your pussy, no?”
“Fack!” Chris whimpered a bit. It had been 6 days, not that he was counting.
“And you had to jack off in the shower? Shame. Look at that cock. It deserves something better than your hand. Right?”
You’d brought out his thick dick, now fully erect, tip swollen as you squeezed it and leaking pre cum all over your fingers. The sight of your tiny hand barely clasping his cock always did it for him. You held his lust filled gaze as you started to pump him slowly.
“Are you gonna tease me all day, Angel?”
That raised brow was a challenge. You smiled and went down.
“Oh my god, Angel. That mouth… fuuuuckkk!”` 
The last word was a plaintive whisper, and Chris’ hand cupped the back of your head as you rotated the tip of his dick in your mouth sloppily. Then you slid your mouth down his wide shaft, and watched as Chris’ face changed to a work of art as his mouth opened in a silent scream.
His dick jumped in your mouth and you felt a little shot of Chris’ cum on the back of your throat. Then he opened his eyes and looked down at you, a devilish grin on his face.
“You promised pussy. Get naked and ride me.”
Your pussy was more than ready.
“Say less.” 
You pulled your panties off and threw them on the side of the bed. Then you hurriedly climbed up to straddle Chris’ bobbing ten inches. He grabbed it and pointed it straight up, struggling to keep his eyes open and watch as your velvet, throbbing pussy enveloped him. 
“So so beautiful, angel.” 
He pulled his hand away and put his hands behind his head as he watched you take off your tank top and reveal your swollen breasts.  Chris’s mouth was wide open as he took your erotic beauty in. Your areolas were bigger with the swelling of your breasts and darker now. 
“So fucking hot, mama.” 
He licked his lips and met your eyes.
“Squeeze them for me. Play with them.” 
His husky baritone was gravelly and you could tell by the way his biceps were flexing that he was holding himself back. Your breasts were tender and he didn’t want to hurt you.
“My sweet, sweet Chrissy. You mean, like this?” 
The way you touched yourself while you clenched around him and rode his cock made him think you had superpowers. His face grew red and his eyes glassed with desire, but he kept them open.
“I want you to lick them for me.”
In an instant, Chris sat up, grasped your waist to move you up and down his dick.
“I’m so fucking lucky….” 
He kissed you tenderly before not so sweetly licking your nipples while looking up at you with those adorable baby blues. The sight was too much for your always over sensitive body, and your pussy started to convulse around him.
Chris smiled and gently, very gently, nipped a nipple with his teeth, mouth open and pearly whites wreaking havoc on your soul. That caused you to tumble over the edge and you came all over his thighs to the sound of his praise.
“That’s it, my beautiful angel. Cum all over your cock.”
He kept moving you up and down his pole, relishing the feel of you as you came, and then maneuvered behind you, his still hard cock inside you. You were tired, but determined.You cooed and arched your back, and relished the grunt he released and he started pumping again, seeking his own release.
You reached between your legs and grasped the base of  him. His stopped, cock literally throbbing inside you, breath hot against your neck, balls tight in your hand. You could tell he was trying to control himself, not wanting to hurt you.
“Fuck me harder Daddy. I won’t break.”
“Oh Shit, Angel.”
Chris bit your shoulder and then turned you over so that you were ass up and you arched it for him as he finally, finally pounded you out.
You answered each thrust with your enthusiastic agreement and when Chris palmed the globes of your ass and spread you apart, he had the pleasure of watching you cum all over his cock again, which sent him over the edge.
He moaned as he watched the cum he was pumping into you leak out around him until he couldn’t give anymore. He collapsed beside you and pulled you with him.
“I’m actually lightheaded.” 
His tired chuckle warmed your heart.
“You okay?” 
You turned around and looked up at him, concerned. Chris beamed down at you and kissed your nose.
“No. I’m in love.”
You grinned up at him and snuggled into him, not caring about the mess. And not wanting to guess if what he meant what he said. After all, it was yours mess and you were going to deal with it.
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“You know a ball cap isn’t a disguise?”
You whispered it to Chris as the first paparazzi began to follow you in the airport. You grasped his hand and ducked your head, Braves ball cap competing with his Red Sox. Chris looked at you and gave you a side grin as he sped up a little.
“‘S not intended to be one. We’re not hiding. Just not trying to draw attention.”
The pap called your name. Your full name. Your eyes widened as you looked up at Chris. 
“How do your families feel about your relationship?”
Chris had to gently tug on your arm to keep from confronting the vulture. You sighed and kept going toward the security line. Chris was worried about how you were taking the reality of being with him.
Meeting your mother had been high stress, and would have been disastrous if he had not insisted that you two work it out. Now, just two weeks later, you and he and your mother were in a group chat together. He already called her “Mom.” 
You had taken a leave of absence from your job and now you were flying up to meet his family. One of the biggest, unspoken things he knew was that you thought he wouldn’t propose again after you’d turned him down. He almost broke a thousand times, but he held to his plan. You needed to trust him that everything would be okay.
That was a tall order, especially for a woman pregnant with twins. Still, you continued to glow more and more each day and seemed as in love with him as ever, but your fear and uncertainty were evident. Especially to Chris.
You went through security and were ensconced in first class soon enough, on your way to Boston. You looked out of the window and ruefully asked for water when the flight attendant asked for your drink order. You were worried about meeting his family and what they would think.
Chris looked at you and grabbed your hand, squeezing it.
“Everything is going to be fine. They will love you.”
You caught the attendant glaring at you out of the corner of your eye, so you leaned in and kissed Chris, causing her to look away. You smiled back at him as he shook his head and chuckled, reading you like a book. It was a comfort to him that your spark was still there, that you still wanted to claim him without being sure of him.
You arrived in Boston the day before Thanksgiving and finally met Chris’ sisters and brother. They greeted you like family, especially Lisa. They all made you feel right at home and you beamed every time Scott and Chris were meatballs together. Your babies lucked up on family.
Chris’ house was amazing and his eyes followed you as you explored and looked around. He would change every single piece of decor if you didn’t like it. Luckily, you did.
That night, you excitedly whispered about your day and your impressions of everyone and everything, falling asleep mid sentence, Chris was a happy man and slipped into sleep right after you. He had been anxious for this, and you being content made everything worth it.
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The next day, as time for dinner neared, Chris looked out the window at an approaching vehicle.
“Our special guests are here!”
You were perplexed. You thought you were the special guest. You said as much to Chris, becoming a little vexed due to hormones.
“You’re not a guest, Angel. You’re home.”
What he said hit you and you were still in a daze as Chris opened the door and your mom and Kit walked in.
“Wouldn’t be a family dinner without the entire family, would it?”
Kit grinned at you when you stared at her over your mother’s shoulder as she hugged you. 
“You are rocking that fit, girl!” 
You just raised your eyebrow at her. You didn’t have time to talk, as it was time for dinner. You felt good, you had agonized over your outfit for today, a tan sweater dress and brown knee hight boots. Chris liked it enough to feel you up in the pantry and get caught by Shanna. She had just shaken her head and left you two in there giggling.
There was lots of talk and laughter as stories of your childhoods were traded across the table. Chris’s smile was constant and he was the most relaxed you’d ever seen. Boston was so evident in his speech that you felt like it was another version of him, the real Chris.
You felt the love, but there was something bothering you. They all would never really be your family. They would be only be your children’s. And that made you a little sad. 
After dinner was cleared, you sat on the couch with your head on Chris’ shoulder, fading quickly as football flashed on the screen.
At halftime, you were awakened and informed you were going on a family walk. There was a new person in the house, a woman with a camera. You were sleepy and confused.
Scott jumped in to say that it was an Evans family tradition that you take candid family pictures after dinner on Thanksgiving. You were in a whirlwind of perplexity, so you didn’t argue.
Chris was holding up your winter coat, already dressed for the chilly Massachusetts November day in hid own fawn colored coat that looked as if it were from one of his movie sets. It felt like a dream as you held Chris’ hand and walked off the back patio and emerged on a paved walking path well ahead of everyone else. You were grateful for a little privacy.
You looked around at the view and the leaves, the pond, and the everything. 
“This is gorgeous Chris. Your place is amazing.”
Chris sighed and shook his head. 
“Our place.”
It was your turn to shake your head.
“See? Now I have questions.”
Chris smiled at you, but kept walking. 
You were silent for a few moments, trying to collect your thoughts. 
“Well. I know I’m pregnant. And I know you love me. And I love you. But…”
Chris chuckled.
“I’m gonna let you finish, but you need to stop talking for a minute.”
He stopped and turned toward you. You were not easily deterred. 
“Chris. We need to talk about this. I can’t just move in here with you. Give up my life? Just because I’m having your babies? I know why you haven’t proposed again, and I don’t blame you. It’s just not right…”
“Be quiet.”
But you barrelled ahead.
“I get it, the feeling isn’t there for you like it should be.You’re not that into me, and that’s okay. You love me but you’re not in..”
“PLEASE, Shut up!”
It was a gentle command and when he saw your lips still moving, he pulled you in for a kiss. You slipped your hands into his coat and all contrary thoughts went out of your mind as he answered your fears without saying a word.
When he was done, you stood there, dumbfounded, as he stepped back and reached into his coat pocket.You had an out of body experience as you saw the entire scene from above. You were on one side of the pond and your families on the other. The photographer was recording everything.
When you realized what this was, you started crying before he pulled the box out of his pocket. It was a black Cartier box. You looked back at Kit, who grinned and waved at you.
When you looked back, Chris was on one knee.
You looked down at him and put your hands over your mouth.
“Angel. I did this all wrong the first time. It wasn’t the correct setting, and it led you to believe a lie. That I was doing this out of obligation. But before I knew you were pregnant, I knew I wanted this.” 
He brought the box up and opened it, showing you what was inside. The seven carat pillow cut that you tried on with Kit.
“I really like what you’ve done to me. I can’t really explain it, but I am so into you. Every time that I'm near you, I realize that you're heaven sent, Angel. I think you're truly something special. Just what I’ve always dreamed of. I want to be together forever with you.”
Chris’ eyes shined as he took a deep breath as he took the ring out of the box. He held it up as to make a point.
“Will. You. Be. My Wife? Will you marry me Y/N?”
All of your doubts vanished and you were caught up in the moment. 
“Yes, Christopher. I will marry you!” 
You grinned through your tears and Chris slipped the ring on your finger. You heard a cheer from the other side of the pond and Chris stood up and grabbed you, spinning you around, then put you down quickly, remembering your morning sickness.
You were enveloped by your family, happier than you remembered ever having been in your life.
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“And we got married just a week later, at the Massachusetts house. With everyone there.”
You didn’t share the naughty bits, but you were honest with your kids about your trepidation leading to your marriage with their father.
Wynn side eyed you in the mirror. 
“That wasn’t a ‘little convincing” mom, you were a whole scaredy cat.” 
Chris laughed.
“She wasn’t exactly a runaway bride, but it was a scary situation. Your mom really didn’t know me, but it was meant to be.”
“Ha ha, you’re a poet and you didn’t know it dad!” CJ exclaimed. 
 “Can we get a new jetski when we get to the island? The red one keeps breaking down..”
“Now hold on, we’ll look at it, I think it’s perfectly fine…:
You smiled to yourself, listening to your people chatter, hand over your stomach that held a secret surprise, 12 years after the first. 
You wondered when would be the right time to let them know.
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If you liked it and you know it, leave feedback! 😘
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blonde-toddy · 4 years
Random and Not So Random thoughts while watching Bridgerton: Season 1, Episode 8
So the finale is here.
And baby do we need some resolutions.
This one is titled "After the Rain"
I hope that's a good thing.
Couples montage then lonely Violet. She was blissfully in love with her husband, that's for sure. 8 facking kids worth.
Yes Simon and Daphne are a love match....but they are ripping my heart out right now.
Why are they being so cold?!?!
Way to reference the ruse Daphne. Ugh.
I'm glad that King Granville is here.
Yes push those assholes together.
That shoulder touch. See, irresistible. They are all about each other.
The very picture of devotion, indeed.
Benny and Eloise!!!!
She's wearimg that ugly neck thing again.
No Benny, she thinks Delacroix is Whistledown.
What?!?! Francesca is coming back.
Oh Marina you still pregnant.
Now you shipping Penelope and Colin. That's not weird or anything seeing as you were ready to trap his ass.
Something is amiss!
For Violet to be so wise with her sons, she's awfully thick when it comes to Daphne. I just don't understand.
Daphne is done done done with Violets advice.
I ain't mad at her.
Aww Portia is trying to finesse her way back in. Violet can't stand her.....
Okay Daphne! Let's just hand out all kinds of forgiveness today.
Oh shit. Sir Crane!
Daphne and Portia are GONE!
Ooooh her beloved is dead dead dead.
Yeah girllllllll. All that time you thought he abandoned you. And he was at war.....shit.
What a pill.
I'm glad Daphne has some kind of friend.
Daphne and Marinas storylines are kind of bizarrely parallel.
Jesus Eloise, wtf!
Awww she's trying to save her friend.
I don't think Delacroix is Whistledown.
Oh this is so uncomfortable.....Benny on the low shit.
That shoulder shrug was cute.
"Lock. The door "
Where you going Daphne....what you doing?
Your Graces.
Awww Daphne is still trying.
Damn Simon if she deserves it, step up and give it to her.
Will and Alice ❤
Aw shit Will took Featheringtons bait.
This can't be good.
The deed to the crib?!
This man is out of his mf mind.
Stop it with Anthony and Sienna already!
Simon knows Will is up to something..........
Oh shit he's still there.
Marina you better marry him.
You a damn fool.
Good luck.....you're missing tf out I think.
Right, Portia, right.
Oh she definitely still pregnant.
What are you looking for Daphne?
Ooooh she found the letters he wrote to his father.
And she's reading the mfs.
Oh man.
Yeah girl. It's fucking awful.
Here we go again with hoe ass Anthony.
Under the bleachers. Okay you freaks.
And Will throws the fight.
Featherington is so full of shit and those bookies know he played them. That is going to go horribly. I guaranfuckingtee it.
Simon knows whats up....but he's in no position to judge ANYBODY right now.
Daphne getting serious insight.
I appreciate the relationship between Daphne and Lady Danbury.
She needs someone to be straight with her.
She's giving that mother-in-law type advice and I love it.
You really out here judging him Simon.
Will fucked up but he's still right! Worry about your wife and your life! What's this really about?!
Oh Portia...don't get too excited.
That shits coming back around.
Breakfast together. Is this progress?
Daphne has a peace about her.
She ain't giving up on her man.
To Bridgerton House they go to see Dear Francesca.
Simon is so charming. He is duplicitous af!
Suddenly everyone is just cool with everything. Okay.
Must be the edibles.
Yes girl, look at your hot husband. He is impressive.
Um. Eloise. I think you're wrong boo.
Everybody doesn't have the advantages you have homie! I'm glad Penelope checks her when she gets on that high horse.
Simon with the kiddos just laying it on thick for my girl Daph. Teasing the fuck out of her.
Even Anthony looks all proud and shit.
Delacroix still finds away to shade Portia and it's hilarious.
He lost her mf dowry.
Yes Marina. The bun is still in the oven.
Hastings house is lavish af!
Gawd that picture.
This is not the end. No. No. No.
I share in the doctors exasperation.
Idk what the fuck has happened to Anthony to turn him on his head like this.
Ok mf! You know what, take Sienna to the ball.
Finally giving her the love she deserves from you.
Oh look at these assholes looking at themselves.
"You wound me."
She's light roasting him again and it's lovely.
Come on my babies. Get it together. Y'all are precious.
Also if I ever marry, I want a regal ass portrait like that.
She wants to dance with her man. Same, girl. I want to, and I want you to, too.
Oh we have classic bantering Simon and Daphne.
Come. On. Already.
Fix it.
Fuck....the way they look at each other.
Welp. Party time.
Noooo not one LAST dance.
Ok Will flexed for his baby.
Simon still looking all judgy. Man you better get your own house in order.
Eloise is a living doll, but she's not here for the fellas just yet....or maybe ladies. Or maybe nothing at all. We'll see with her. Just not yet.
I appreciate the evolution of her and Daphnes relationship.
Aww Mr. Finch.
Portia flexing. "The Duchess extended an invitation, personally." She made sure they knew how connected she was.
They're still roasting her wack ass husband though. But fuck him.
Yep he's fucked.
Wtf does Benny do at these balls?
Awe Colin and Penelope.
Penelope bout to confess.
Well Colin killed that. Like dead in the water.
Ya boy is going to Greece.
Sorry Pen. The confession must wait.
Shes devastated. Hell nah she ain't dancing.
Oh Eloise...now is not the time.
Eloise got all that tea!!!!
Hold up this footman looks cheeky. More of him maybe.
Anthony bout to scoop his lady......SIKE.
Sienna pitting an end to this shit.
Anthony you've let her down one too many times.
And Sienna apparently has no desire to put on airs.
Are you sorry though?
And wtf do you do now?
Toss the flowers. Check.
Aww she saved Whistledown.
What a peach.
Come on assholes. Look at y'all looking at each other.
And he still plans on leaving.
Lady Danbury out here dropping wisdom. Listen, Simon, listen!
I honestly do think it's different for them. I think it's different for everyone.
Oh Daphne, Violet is dropping hot ones this time.
What a fucking pep talk.
And now they dance!!!!!
Its that slo-mo smoldering stare for me.
More rain?!
Daphne letting that shit wash her worries away. Go girl.
I mean y'all are cute but this is Daphne and Simons moment.
Cheers to the cane of Lady Danbury.
Danbury put everyone out. Her matchmaking and scheming never end.
At least Simon stayed in the rain with her.
Look at them.....
She told him bout the letters!!!!
Idk man. This love confession is on par with "I burn for you."
She wants to stay with you and love you every day. Man you have a rider. Y'all have dragged each other through the shits. Y'all need this rain.
But there's this lovely thing called a choice.
You really just gonna let her walk away this time and NOT follow her?!
Fucking hell.
Meanwhile at Featherington house.
Oh fuck.
Lord Featherington is dead. I knew that shit was going to blow up.
Fuck. Poor Portia.
Daphne just chilling.
Oh. Ok. Here comes the Duke.
Oh come on Simon. Yes you do. You know EXACTLY what to do.
Nothing else matters when y'all tangled up in them sheets.
They are just so tender!
Yes! Take it to the bed.
Daphne kissing on Simons neck and wanting to give him pleasure and affection >>>>>>>>
A million times over. Its fucking hot. Look at her honing her skillset.
Ride the mf girl!
Ok then! Flip that ass!!!
Out here long stroking the fuck out of her. Got dang.
Oh now you bout to hit that ecstacy.
Is a "congratulations" or "good job" in order?
These beautiful assholes!!!!
I just love them.
All this build up for Simon to ejaculate inside Daphne....but so worth it.
Awww poor Penelope.....
Eloise is convinced Whistledown is Delacroix.
I do love Portia.
Her and Marina grew to an understanding I think.
Marina girl, I think you're making a wise choice marrying your baby daddys brother. Just saying.
Who tf inheriting the Featherington Estate? And have we met them?
Hyacinth is forever in my heart.
Simon and Daphne got that glowwwwww.
Awwe Anthony is all broken up over Sienna.
Ahh yes Anthony, a loving union is the problem. I'm ready for your drama Hoe.
Aha! I knew Delacroix wasn't Whistledown.
Ooooh Eloise!
And you saved her ass.
Really?!?! Pen?!
I can see it a bit.
Aww Daphne is having a baby!!! She got her wish!!!
Simon looks equal parts terrified and amazed.
Aw yall keeping the alphabetical name tradition. How fucking cute.
But you know what, I'm here for it and I find myself satisfied.
And also thirsty!
That's why I went right back and started the series right over again. Yes I did. And I'm proud of that.
Now I will start the books and obsess about season 2.
What a beautiful much needled ride during these times. I feel alive again.
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queen-bunnyears · 4 years
Chapter Four ~ Boxing Day
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader, Tom Holland x Reader (not at the same time)
Summary: Every year with Christmas Tom, his brothers, some friends and you rented a house in Scotland to celebrate the holidays and New Years Eve with a lot of friends. Last year’s christmas you and Harrison had something special going on, and this year he brings his new girlfriend. Chaos ensues.
Am I ignoring corona christmas lockdown in this fic? You bet your ass I am.
This is way too fluffy, but I am a big softy today. 
Wordcount: 2,1k
Warnings: alcohol, accidental slicing in a finger, cursing, kissing.
Chapter three - Epilogue 
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26 December 2020
“Morning dreamy, wanna have some tea?” The scent of strong tea hit your senses, and you slowly got up. Tom stood next to the bed, in his sweatpants and tank top, a cup of tea in his hands. His hair was wet, he obviously just had a shower. He looked good. God your brain should turn itself off.
“Yeah thanks Tom,” you took the tea from his hands, sitting up against the headboard you slowly sipped your tea. Tom sat down next to you, being unusually quiet. You set down your tea to ask him what was the matter, but his hands attacking your sides made it obvious. A scream escaped your lips as you tried to get away from his tickling hands. You were out of breath and laughing hysterically by the time you finally escaped. The plush carpet felt soft, somewhere in the struggle you had fallen off the bed. Tom’s head stuck over the edge of the bed, as he had managed to stay there when you fell down. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah, fine. I’m gonna get you back though,” you launched yourself back onto the bed, trying to tickle him, but he was way too strong for you, and moments later you were squirming again under his teasing tickling fingers. You were both laughing as you almost fell off the bed again. When you started to near the edge you decided to take him down with you, both of you tumbling off the bed into a heap on the ground. 
“What the fack is happening here?” you and Tom looked up to see Sam and Harrison standing in the doorway. 
“It sounded like someone was dying, of having the weirdest sex ever,” Sam said.
“So you thought let’s check?” Tom laughed. When the heaving of your chest had slowed down a bit you felt like you finally got some oxygen again. You got up and sat down on the bed again. 
“Don’t worry guys, I still have my clothes on,” 
“Well,” Tom said, eyeing you up and down, “Can you really call that fully clothed?” You looked down at your sleep shorts and big shirt and shrugged. 
“I am wearing a bra Tom, that is so much more than you could have asked for,”
“Yeah only cus you didn’t want to take it off last night, because you were drunk,” he shot back and you laughed. Sam cleared his throat. 
“Well we leave you to it then. Breakfast in thirty minutes, you coming to help y/n?” 
“Yeah I’ll be down in five,” you replied, scurrying off the bed to go to the bathroom. You grabbed your clothes, but you didn’t miss Harrisons pained look when he closed the bedroom door.
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“So, you and Tom having fun?” Sam said. You looked over at him. His face was awfully neutral. 
“What exactly are you asking Sam?” 
“Well, all I know is that you and Tom seem very close, much closer than last year,” He said, cracking an egg into the pan. You ripped the plastic off the big slab of bacon. 
“Well yeah, we have gotten a lot closer this year. I spent some time in Orlando for work when he was filming there so we saw each other a lot. And he came to visit me in New York, remember,” you said, carefully cutting strips of bacon, “Plus the summer holidays, but you were there right?” 
“Yes I was,” he said, “And Harrison? Have you seen him this year?”
“No, not really. I called him several times but we never really spoke,” you said. You resumed working in silence, and you started to wonder. Did something change with you and Tom? You had always been  close with him. The clowns of the group. But last year something had changed. After you let go of Haz you and Tom seemed to get closer every time you saw each other. You were so deep in your thoughts you didn’t notice you had cut into your hand until Sam took the knife out of your hand. 
“Y/n, you okay?” only when he asked you, you felt the stinging pain in your hand. A big part of your hand was red, and it was a miracle the bacon seemed to be fully clean. 
“Yeah I’m okay. Let me just,-” you put your hand underneath the tap, turning it on to let some cold water run over your hand. 
“I’ll call Harrison,” Sam said. Harrison was the one with a first aid certificate. Moments later he and Lily came into the kitchen. Lily quickly ran up to you, examining your hand. 
“I am a nurse, is it okay if I look at it?” she asked. 
“Yeah sure, it’s probably nothing big though,” you said. 
“It isn’t,” Lily said, taking the first aid kid from Harrisons hands, “But you were cutting raw meat, and it shouldn’t get infected.”
She put disinfectant on the cut and opened the plaster box. 
“Wait, do you guys really have dinosaur bandages in your box?” she asked. You snorted. 
“Yes, it’s my kit, and I noticed everyone gets happy when they get a dino bandage. So I got them, and trust me, it works like a treat,” Lily laughed with you, and wrapped your hand in some bandage. 
“Here you go, and be careful dear. You don’t want to cut your hand off,”she said, turning around and grabbing Haz his hand, “Come on Hazzi, let’s go upstairs, I wanna shower before breakfast.” 
Harrison stared at you, and then followed Lily. You cooked the bacon, put all the fresh bread rolls on trays. Tuwaine got into the kitchen and helped you and Sam set up the table. 
“Hey warrior, what did you do?” Tom was hardly understandable, his mouth stuffed with bread and nutella. He pointed at your bandage, and you felt your cheeks burn.  
“Cut myself while cooking,”
“She was completely zoned off,” Sam said next to you. You rolled your eyes.
“It was not that bad, I am fine,” you rolled your eyes to Tom, who looked way more worried than he should. “Really Tom, I am,”
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Boxing day was tv day. Every year a series or movie was chosen to watch, lots of spiked hot chocolate and snacks were prepared. Basically movies and day drinking. Harry had brought the collection of Sissi movies. Three long old movies, perfect for the occasion. All the couples shared couches, and soon you and Tom were left alone. You made do with a lot of pillows and a blanket on the ground. In between the first and second movie you had to go to the bathroom, so you got up. In the hallway you bumped into Harrison.   
“Haz,” you said, putting your hand on his arm. He looked up. “Can we talk?” you asked, gesturing to the empty kitchen. 
“Eh yeah sure?” 
“Are you okay Haz?” you asked, when you were in the kitchen, shutting the door behind you. When he didn’t answer you continued, “I feel like something is weird, if you get what I mean. Did I do something wrong?” At your last question he finally met your eyes. 
“No Y/n, no. I am the one who is acting weird. I don’t know,” he said, “Actually, I do know I think.”
“Then please tell me. I worry about you,”
“It’s just. I feel weird about you. Weirdly possessive. I shouldn’t but you know,” he let out a small breath, “You are a bit of a weak spot for me. I love Lily but I care about you and,”
He stopped talking and put a hand on your shoulder. 
“I am being stupid. I just want you to be happy. I made a choice and I am very happy with Lil but. I miss you,”
“Haz I,” you didn’t know what to say.
“I miss us being friends so I am angry at everyone here who is your friend,” he raked his hand through his hair, “I suppose that’s it,”
“We can be friends Haz, please,” you said, cautiously wrapping your arms around him in a hug. “Just contact me somewhere during this year. I would really appreciate that,”
He laughed in your hair. “Will do, I promise.”
“Now I would love to hug you a bit longer, but I really need to pee,” you said, breaking free from his arms. 
“Always the charmer aren’t you,” he replied, a big smile on his face, “Wanna have some extra spiked hot chocolate?” You nodded and walked to the hallway again. 
“Thank you for asking,” his face is flushed red, and you smile softly. 
“No problem Haz. I missed you,”
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The last two movies flashed by you. You wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what you had seen, it was all a blur. What wasn’t a blur was your mind. You were lost in your thoughts. Tom gently nudged your shoulder. 
“Hi, is everything alright?”
“Yeah just super tired. Like I-really-gotta-sleep tired,” you murmured, smiling sleepily to him. The booze, cooking and all your feelings had drained every last bit of energy from your body. Tom said nothing, but he scooped your body up and carried you upstairs. He put you on the bed, laying your pyjamas next to you.
“Go, sleep. Harry cooks tonight, he said something about pizza. You have done enough,” he softly stroked your hair. With a soft kiss on your head he left the room.
You woke up in a mess of blankets, pillows and your pyjamas that Tom put on the bed but you had drifted off before you could put them on. The door opened and you looked up. 
“Did you sleep well?”
“Like a damn baby. God I was so tired, how did you guys deal with me?”
“We love you,” he said laughing, easily catching the pillow you sent flying his way. “Did you talk to Haz? He seemed a lot more at ease,”
“Yeah we talked, he told me he missed being friends. Everything is fine now,” you told him. He stood in the door, and you sat up in bed. 
“Well, now we are here,” he said, “I have a Christmas present for you.”
“What? We never do Christmas presents?” you said, your mind was still a bit foggy from your sleep. 
“Yeah I saw something that I wanted to get you so I figured, let’s call it a Christmas present,” he rummaged through his suitcase, finally sitting down on the edge of the bed with a small wrapped box. He gave it to you. You softly shook the box. 
“It isn’t gonna explode right?” He shook his head. You tore the gift paper from the box. A small jewelry box laid in your hands. You opened the lid, and nearly dropped it. 
“Tom, this is beautiful,” you exclaimed. He let out a breath, the nervous look on his face disappearing. Inside the box was a pretty ring, one you had been fawning over at Covent Garden months ago. You had decided not to splurge back then, and had regretted it not even moments later. “From that day in Covent Garden right?”
“I bought it when you left. You were so sad that you left it so,-” you threw your arms around him. 
“Thank you so much,” 
You got out of the hug and took the ring from the box. It fit your pink perfectly. You looked up at Tom, to find him staring at you. 
“Tom,-” he pressed his lips on yours in a searing kiss. His hands flew to your face, and you were shook. Tom was kissing you? You kissed him back, but as abruptly as he started, he broke the kiss. 
“I am sorry,” he murmured, getting up and stumbling away, heading towards your door. 
“Get back here and kiss me again you asshole,” you said, getting out of the bed as well and taking large steps towards him. He met you halfway, your lips collided. If you thought the first kiss had been good, boy you were corrected now. Tom's lips seemed to melt together with yours, his hands seeming to find a weak spot in your neck immediately. When his tongue brushed yours you were sure you died and went to heaven. The world could come crashing down around you, and you wouldn’t have cared. 
You knotted your hands in his shirt. His touch felt like fire, igniting a warm feeling in your chest. He gently pushed you back until you hit the bed. You let yourself fall onto it, taking him down with you. The same bed you had been play fighting in this morning. But now Tom was kissing you and you never wanted it to end.
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countrymusiclover · 3 years
9 - Everything Life With You
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Part 10
Iron Stone masterlist
"Tony I'm fine. It's probably just a sprane." I complain to him as he carries me to one of his sports cars, he sits me in the back with him as Happy got in the driver's seat.
"Y/n I'm not gonna take the probably possibility as anything less than serious." He brushes some hair behind my ear, giving me the puppy dog eyes. He's been serious about taking me to the hospital which is where we are now.
Happy exits the waiting room with a wheelchair when he set me down, rolling me to the nurse desk. "Mr. Stark - oh my goodness. What do you need." The nurse exclaims as I tapped my right knee seeing my ankle a little swollen from all the pressure I put on it yesterday during the battle. "My girlfriend Y/n here injured her ankle. We need a doctor right now."
"Miss. L/n you're ankle is fine. Yes, it's sprained so please stay off it for a week. And you'll have to wear a boot as well."
I roll my eyes at him being dramatic once the doctor enters setting up the x Ray's on the computer screen.
Tilting my head on my shoulder I smirked up at my boyfriend who just crosses his arms over his chest wearing his lab tea shirt. "See I'm perfectly fine...now you can stop your worrying. Let's grab lunch" I pull him down to me kissing his lips, swinging my legs over the side of the hospital bed.
"America cheeseburgers sound good and then I want to-" I cut him off resting a finger to his lips. "Way too soon for us to have sex, Ton." He planted a kiss to my forehead smiling as we exited the hospital and heading for cheeseburgers.
I shift in the blankets feeling kisses on my neck and a hand combing through my hair. Last night was probably the best of my life. He definitely took it easy - that's what I remembered. I press my head deeper into the pillow, gently gripping it in my hands not wanting to wake up. The Avengers battle a month ago took a lot of me, mainly because Loki kept trying to choke me to death and I had some bleeding from my leg from the screw. Plus I don't feel like dealing with the press right now.
I sigh in relief when Tony wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me towards his chest. Thank goodness I just want to cuddle for hours.
"Y/n, baby..." I could hear the smirk in his voice. Uh, Tony not now.
Before I could fully figure out what was about to happen, his hands were running up and down my sides, tickling my hip and then trailing down to my feet until I'm almost crying with laughter. "Ah! T-Tony - please stop!"
He planted a kiss on my shoulder but still played with my feet, loving the sound of my giggles. He'd learned I was ticklish after Dummy the robot's arm brushed over my bare feet as I rested them on the stool waiting for Tony to stop tinkering with his like 9th Iron Man suit version he had.
"Ok, ok. I'm up!" I groaned, shoving him away from me. Apparently a little too hard, because Tony rolled off his side of the bed and hit the ground with a thump. My eyes shot open to squint at the brightness and see him laying on the cold floor. I covered my mouth with my hands to contain my laughter when he gets back into bed and pulled me towards him.
"Good morning," He smirked, and I just roll my eyes. Still, there were worst ways to be woken up, and I couldn't be mad at Tony. Especially in this moment with him smiling beside me, hair tousled and cuddling with me in the bed covers all day.
"Good morning, mean Iron Man" I teased sticking my tongue out, acting like a child with my boyfriend.
"Me? Mean? Why I never." He facked being hurt, and I smiled. I'm not sure how I had not developed a crush on Tony sooner, but I counted my lucky stars that I had fallen for this man. "Mmm hmm," I pursed my lips.
Tony was on top of me in a second holding me to the mattress. Hovering above me with a huge smile as I pulled the covers, his body touching mine. "Ah! Hi Tony, cuddle now." I make grabby signals with my hands, earning a laugh from him which to me is the greatest sound ever.
"Take it back." He growled playfully, and I bit your lip, meeting eyes.
"Nah, I'm good." I gave him a little half smile, and his eyes narrowed. He leaned down and kissed me slowly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. His lips trailed down to my neck, causing my breath to catch in my throat.
"T-T-Tony," I stuttered, eyes closing. I went to lean up by my elbows to kiss him. He grabs my hands placing kisses to them before pulling away. "Will you take it back now?" He teased tilting his to the side with a raised eyebrow.
"Ugh fine, Stark child" I huffed and leaned up, kissing him again.
"I love you 3000, you know that right?" His delicate brown eyes met mine and I smiled.
"Of course. I love you 3000 too."
My hands run up his bare chest to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss. He rolled over onto his back pulling me to lay ontop of his chest, the covers laying lazily over our bare bodies. I snuggled into his warmth wanting to stay like this forever. His freehand combs through my messy locks, while the other is intertwined with my right hand that rests on his chest.
"Sir, it's time to take your medication." But sadly our peaceful moment in disturbed by Jarvis. Tony and I both moaned in annoyance before he winces, his eyes shoot to his arc reactor. Lifting my head from his chest I gently lay a hand over it. Feeling the power radiating off, some dark veins still appear every so often around it when he doesn't take his medicine on time.
"Huh, he's right Ton. We have to get out of bed." I sighed heavily getting out of the soft covers, throwing on one of his Stark industries tea shirt and some gym shorts.
Tony throws his head back against the pillows running his hands down his face. "I hate when he's right. We were enjoying the moment!"
Finally he gets out of bed throwing on clothes, to plant a few kisses to my neck as I run my fingers through my knotted hair. Pepper doesn't need to see me like this, as we headed into his lab where the injunction kit is located. Truth be told I hate needles. Whenever I had to get one at the doctor I'd look the other direction, same with me ever donating blood. But here I am now helping my boyfriend inject himself with one.
"Forty-six..." Jarvis counts off as Tony injects the needle into his left arm. "U - Uh!" He grunts injecting himself a couple more times as I sit on a round rolling stool on the other side of the table. "Sir, please may I request just a few hours to calibrate. . ." I cut Jarvis off, handing him the needle again. "Sorry Jarvis but no. Forty-eight." Tony injects himself before exclaiming in pain, shacking his arm. "Uh Ow! Micro-repeatot implanting sequence complete." I set the kit aside in its case under the table. "As you wish, sir. I've also prepared a safety briefing for you to entirely ignore." I chuckled when he replied back to the AI. "Which I will. All right, let's do this."
Tony gets to his feet holding out an open hand for me, I let him pull me to my feet seeing Dum-E the robot wearing a hat. "Dum-E. Hi, Dum-E." The robot turned to us 'DUNCE' the hat says. "How did you get that cap on your head. You earned it." He lets go of my hand to smack his together getting the robots attention. "What are you doing out of the corner? You know what you did. Blood on my mat, handle it."
Crossing my arms over my chest I shift my knees feeling the soreness from last night's event. "Do you have to be mean to him all the time?" The robot nods my way as Tony comes to me, tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear. "I could not...but he accidentally shot a screwdriver at your head as you were taking your suit off. So he earned a time out."
Jarvis's voice filled the lab causing me to gasp at the information. "Sir, may I remind you that you've been awake for nearly 72 hours." He's been having nightmares again. "Anthony Stark you've been lieing to me!" Tony froze sitting the robots recorder down muttering under his breath. "Jarvis I'm this close to unplugging you. She wasn't supposed to know that!" Walking up to him I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, growling. "Do you not recall that I said I didn't want you lieing to me anymore. Alongside the fact that I have powers that can help you. If it's nightmares again let me help-"
"Mrs. Potts is here." Jarvis cuts in as Tony runs his hands through his hair. Placing the headset that controls the suits on his head, causing the suit to enter the living room space upstairs. "Y/n....huh" He sighs heavily his arms hanging down at his sides. I raise a brow at his nervousness, he's rarely ever like this unless it's a sensitave topic.
"I'm a piping hot mess. It's been going on for a while. I haven't said anything. Nothing's been the same since New York." I raise a hand cutting him off getting up in his face, raising on my tippy toes. "New York did change things but it doesn't justify you lieing to me. You can't think for one second that I'm not losing sleep, having nightmares and struggling over what happened!"
"You experience things... and then they're over, and you still can't explain them. Gods, aliens, other dimensions. I'm just a man in a can. The only reason I haven't cracked up is probably because you moved in. Which is great. I love you. I'm lucky. But honey, I can't sleep. You go to bed, I come down here. I do what I know. I tinker. I... Threat is imminent." His eyes become watery as his body shivers at the memories of thinking the last thing he heard was 'I want everything with you and I love you 3000.' from me while he did the best to save the world.
Stepping closer to his chest I wrap my arms around his neck and he bends his forehead to rest on mine. "There's a thousand people who want to kill you, I get that. But you're not alone, you're never alone Tony. I knew what I was getting into when I let you kiss me in front of the press after you revealed you were Iron Man. And I knew what I was choosing when I helped you make me an Iron suit, that all the bad guys would come for me-"
Tony finished in laboured breaths, breathing me in as I stare up to his eyes, ending our conversation with a passionate kiss. "I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without. That's you."
His muscular arms go around my small waist, deepening the kiss. I jumped into his arms causing him to hold me up by my thighs, carrying upstairs to his bedroom. I broke for air as my back hits the mattress "Tony, look at me." His brown eyes pour into mine. I cup his face in my hands as he hovered above me hands on each of my sides.
"But it doesn't matter because I love you. I want everything with you, Tony Stark." I leaned up to kiss him deeply again but he barely kissed back, holding a smiling on his lips.
He pulls me up to sit on the bed. My hair falls everywhere as I watched him pull out a tiny black box, getting down on one knee. "Y/n L/n, you're an amazing woman with how innocent you are, how badass you can be, yet how you hate being in the spotlight of the paparazzi in fear you'll embarrass yourself. So I'm asking to take everything with me. Will you marry me?"
My hands raise up to cover my mouth in shock, happy tears slip down my face. If someone had told me months ago that I'd win the heart of Tony Stark. The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. I wouldn't have believed them and called that person insane - which I guess you could say was Pepper. And now here he is asking me to marry me.
"Yes!" I exclaimed.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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pianoperson · 4 years
50 Reasons Why You Should Love Jonah Clemence
Because Jonah is loveable 😤
His name is very beautiful. It’s a common name but with a different pronunciation that just makes it suddenly 10000x more sophisticated.
He’s the Queen of Hearts. That’s a big sexy title.
He’s got gorgeous eyes that will pull you towards him like a magnet.
He’s got beautiful hair that managed to confuse the whole fandom as to what fucking color it is JDJSHHDJDJJD
Boi will spend all his money just for you (at least, you think he spent all his money until you stumbled upon his secret vault somewhere in Cradle because THAT MAN HAS TOO MUCH MONEY)
He loves sweets. Like, really really love sweets
Follow up on 7, get you a man who can satisfy your stomach and satisfy his own along with you because eating together is one of the best ways to spend time together 😌
Boi is strong enough to protect you, have you seen his third route CG?
You can make Jonah wear only a trash bag, and he will still look like the most beautiful human in existence
He’ll scold his colleagues for their eating/drinking habits. He cares about their health, man
Loves his brother so so much, get you a man who would support his family
Jonah is voiced by the lovely lovely Natsuki Hanae, facking music to the ears 😩👌
This man can sing, like he can sing for you if you want a lullaby 😭
This boi took his brother out of the house as kids to see the stars at midnight just to see his brother happy
Jonah’s fated to get drenched one way or another every time he visits the Lake of Tears HAHAHAHAHA
Boi would be all cute and blushy one second, and the next, he’s got you weak on the knees with his sultry voice and sexy sexy smirk
You think he’s an angel? Well okay, he can be, but beware when you get in bed with him, because he’s going to reveal his inner devil in the sheets 🤡
He has a hamster for a pet just because he thinks hamsters are cute. How precious is that?
BOI GIVES HUGGIES like among the guys in the game, Jonah’s the one who’s given the most heartwarming hugs to his Alice 🥺🥺🥺 ... that or the tunnel vision is intense DHDHHSHDHJD
Just. This line. “I didn’t know it was crime to be beautiful amongst you Black Army louts.”
HE CARES ABOUT THE HAPPINESS OF THE PEOPLE HE’S CLOSE TOlike in Edgar’s route, he’s all like, “is it strange that I genuinely want Edgar to be happy?” LIKE PRECIOUS BOIIII
Would eat proscuitto as he watches Kyle suffer at the hands of Edgar Bright
Jonah may call himself beautiful, but he lowkey hates it because it reminds him that he was bullied because the bullies found him cute please hold this man
He’s a tsundere but his tsun is so so cute like you just wanna poke him every time he’s tsun
Speaking of tsun, it’s funny and cute, but he’s insecure about being seen as weak or vulnerable and his tsun-ness is sort of a consequence of that so please hold him some more
Man is PRUDENT AND NOBLE AF like mm yes, drink that righteousness juice 😌👌
You try to make his Alice a hostage for him to not attack you? HAHA JOKES ON YOU, JONAH’S WAY TOO FAST FOR YOU TO KEEP ALICE IN YOUR CLUTCHES FOR LONG
He can AND will save you, he’s got dumb willpower that gets him through frankly anything
He smells good. What kind of scent, idk. But he smells good.
He’ll buy your cologne. Chances are your cologne is the same as his or the female version of it.
This man WILL say “I love you” unlike some guys............ I mean come on, actions speak louder than words, but hearing your man say “I love you” wouldn’t hurt, right?
He can’t do laundry, he’ll just spin his jacket just to remove the water out of it. Boi even dreamt once that he tried and failed to fold a towel LMAO
He’s a perfectionist *chef’s kiss* and will put in all his effort to anything
This man CANNOT lie to save his ass, like stan that honesty
This. Line. “Even if the entire world becomes my enemy, I won’t allow you to get hurt. I will keep you safe, no matter what.”
Jonah grew stronger from the boy who was bullied easily because he thought of the people who cared for him. 🥺🥺🥺
This man would boop your nose. You can boop his nose back.
This man would tire his poor horse travelling across the country just to make sure you’re not sick
Jonah would do anything to see your smile. In fact, this boi already made it his top priority to see your smile at the beginning of his damn route and put his mission of seducing Alice as second.
His smirk may be hot and his pout may be the cutest thing on earth, but it’s his smile that makes the whole world even brighter than the sun could ever hope to do. Just... God, the amount of times Jonah’s smile in his romantic made me feel so much happier during hard times.
BONUS: Jonah sometimes forgets that he’s human. Please help him.
,,,, it feels like there are still many more reasons to love Jonah Clemence,,,
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
Can you imagine running into one of Childe's ex's??!
Like she's FACKING BEAUTIFUL AND SKILLED. She and Childe still seems to get along, too.
A part of her still loves him, so she's totally being more handsy than normal with him. Long hugs, longingly gazing at him, hitting his shoulder when she laughs, MAKING SURE SHE ALWAYS LOOKS GORGEOUS WHEN CHILDE IS AROUND, saying she misses their time together in a "playful" way " You know. Those rainy days when you'd make me lunch? The cheese you'd put on my baked potato was gross. Yuck!" She laughs. " I miss you and your terrible cooking sometimes." She winks at childe jokingly. She claims there's something in his hair, as she gently picked through his locks. A soft Thank you leaves Childe's mouth. He gives her hus classic charming smile.
Childe can sense Y/N's jealousy. He hates to admit, but he really likes seeing his beloved jealous over him. The way they pout, roll their eyes, huff and stare down his ex makes his heart rate go up. The face they're making at his ex reminds Childe of an upset kitten. They can't truly be trying to intimidate anyone like that, right? Childe thought to himself with a laugh.
His ex finally decided to take her leave. Not before hugging Childe again and giving his cheek a fast kiss. She looks at Y/N and whispers. " Keep him close." And she walks off! ○.○ Keep him close? What? Bitch move!
I can only imagine how stressful it would be to see his fabulous, rich and powerful [staus wise] ex's. I'd probably get so stressed, I'd throw up.
I’d probbly slap that bitch- 😃
Imagine just ignoring childe all the way home while he whines as he tries to gain your attention again- “i already said sorry love- would you forgive me already?” KANJSJHSJ- make him sleep in the couch ☺️
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benichi · 4 years
I played Chou no Doku (so you don’t have to) - Mizuhito’s Route Part 3
I had planned for this to be the last part but I can’t cut everything down as much as I wanted to so the suffering shall end not just yet. Since I took such a long break I actually had to replay the latter half of the game cause my brain has rejected most of those memories to save at least a bit of the sanity I have left lol. But I promised to do this and I’m commited to see it through! I am the top Chou no Doku blog after all 😂 Also SPOILER warning. I put it under the read more last time but since it’s a thing they talk about constantly now I can’t do that anymore.
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When we left off the last time Majima and Yuriko were having a ... sensual? moment in the garden with some vegetables. Apparently their... activities left her feeling invigorated.
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After coming to the conclusing that that the vegetables made her feel alive (and definitely not the BJ instructions Majima gave her on a cucumber) Yuriko retreats to her room. While thinking about her brother she’s interrupted by a visitor: and who else could it be but Shiba. Mizuhito has also come to entertain said man (or rather to mark his territory) As usual the two men end up bickering like 5 year olds as Mizuhito tries to display how poor the family is doing in order to ward Shiba off. Since Yuriko tries to smooth things over at least a little bit her “brother” decides to run off to a Brothel once again.
Yuriko is irritated since he’s about to break his promise and ends up chasing him down. As I said this is like watching a bunch of children squabble.
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If only it were just siblings being dramatic.
Here’s where the magic happens. Yuriko spends paragraphs explaining that her brother is still her family - even if they’re not related by blood and so on.
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Can’t I just become a single old cat lady
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I love how she calls him Brother in the same sentence that’s supposed to sell me that she loves him romantically.
But one choice later she’s all over him and saying stuff like “I’ve finally caught him” I mean wtf girl you promoted him from family to Lover in under a minute. So they end up huddling close together and Yuriko once again has her “mmm gotta talk about smell” moment. I think this gives us a pretty good idea what the sax scenes in the original are like lol.
Shiba eventually stumbles upon them and is obviously not happy with what he’s seeing. He parts ways with Yuriko by whispering into her ear that this Brother of hers is her biggest flaw. I mean he’s dishing out the truth, let the man talk.
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I felt that.
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I’m gonna puke. Cue gross moment of “Ohhh I’m a bad big brother because I want to kiss my little sister” “Noo we can’t to that Onii-chan” “Aww let’s at least try to see if we feel ~g u i l t y~” like my dude wtf. Honestly this scene was gross imo because he totally coaxed her into this and she just kind of convinces herself that kissing him is so  a w e s o m e despite initially being totally against it like yikes.
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Voila, I told you.
Despite what one may think he doesn’t want to draw her nude yet. Since he makes such a big deal out of her being his ~innocent~ little sister Yuriko survived this encounter with her innocence still intact.
On the next day their Grandma pays them a visit to assess the current situation. Obviously the 1. solution to every problem in this game is either murder or getting hitched to someone that’s wealthy. Grandma proposes the latter.
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They can’t decline her proposals immediately to avoid suspicion but to the two of them it’s clear that they want to keep their “relationship” going. Or maybe it’s not so clear because Mizuhito starts acting like a jelly 5 year old again.
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Maybe it would help if you stopped calling him Brother with every breath you take.
Afterwards Yuriko models for him, but Mizuhito soon becomes distracted because he knows that even if they reject the current marriage proposals there will always be new ones incoming. He says that it will ~break him if Yuriko were to marry another Man (my dude let me tell you: you were just fine in the other routes I’ve played so far).
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This shit so stupid even the game can’t take all of it.
A few days later Kyoko invites the two for dinner at her house. When Mizuhito leaves the room for a bit and after Yuriko whines about that:
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Seriously why does everyone here have the mind of a child.
Kyoko takes the chance to tell Yuriko about the Geisha that her ... Brother... Lover?! what do I even call these two lol. The one her BroLover had been visiting frequently. Apparently she still posseses something that belong to Mizuhito and Kyoko wants to (find out if Yuriko and Mizuhito are facking) figure out how to relay this information to him. Obviously Yuriko with her 5 year old mind doesn’t want her lover visiting the Geisha so she asks Kyoko to keep it a secret.
On the way home we are subjected to another make out scene because Mizuhito got h*rny from Yuriko’s gaze. This scene is more “intense” to tell us that the frick frack is coming up soon but not quite yet.
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If I took a shot every time she says Brother or Family then maybe I wouldn’t have to suffer like this.
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I don’t know about you but I certainly don’t exchange gentle kisses with my older Brother.
After calming his raging... emotions Mizuhito says that they shouldn’t go too far since he thinks of Yuriko as special. Yuriko however feels “betrayed” by this like heavens forbid he didn’t rip her clothes off and bonk her in a dark dirty alleyway. How dare he.
In order to prevent Mizuhito from potentially bonking that Geisha who still has one of his “things” in a dark dirty alleyway instead Yuriko concludes that sending someone else to visit the Brothel is a great idea. She decides to ask Majima, her first love in case you forgot, and goes to visit him. When Mizuhito questions where she’s going in the middle of the night she comes up with the most convincing excuse ever:
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We’ll leave things here for now. So how will Yuriko’s first love react to this odd request? And how does this clusterfuck of a story end? You’ll find out in the (this time for real) final next part!
(The last part will definitely be up before Thursday cause I’ll be focused on Collar x Malice Unlimited then)
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