storyloungeblog · 23 days
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Sherlock Staffel 2: Ein Meisterwerk der modernen Krimikunst
Die zweite Staffel von *Sherlock* hat die Messlatte für moderne Krimiserien erneut höher gelegt. Diese Staffel, bestehend aus drei spannenden Episoden, bietet alles, was das Herz eines Sherlock-Holmes-Fans begehrt – brillante Deduktion, tiefgründige Charaktere und atemberaubende Spannung.
Fesselnde Handlung
Jede Episode der zweiten Staffel ist ein eigenständiges Meisterwerk, das die klassischen Geschichten von Arthur Conan Doyle auf kreative Weise in die Gegenwart überträgt. Von der ersten Begegnung mit einer mysteriösen und äußerst intelligenten Frau bis hin zu einem finalen Showdown, der die Grenzen des Verstands und der Moral testet, bietet diese Staffel eine packende und tiefgründige Erzählung.
Die Beziehung zwischen Sherlock Holmes und Irene Adler ist ein zentrales Element dieser Staffel. Ihre komplexe Interaktion ist nicht nur von Intelligenz und Scharfsinn geprägt, sondern auch von einer tiefen emotionalen Spannung. Sherlocks Faszination für Irene und ihre gegenseitigen Machtspiele sorgen für einige der faszinierendsten Momente der Serie.
Moriarty: Der Erzfeind
Jim Moriarty, Sherlocks Erzfeind, zeigt sich in dieser Staffel von seiner brillantesten und bedrohlichsten Seite. Seine Pläne sind komplex und unvorhersehbar, was die Spannung bis zur letzten Minute aufrechterhält. Moriarty ist der perfekte Gegenspieler für Sherlock und stellt dessen Fähigkeiten auf eine harte Probe.
Moderne Technologien und klassische Ermittlungen
Ein weiteres Highlight der zweiten Staffel ist die geschickte Integration moderner Technologien in die Ermittlungsarbeit. Von Smartphones bis hin zu komplexen Datenanalysen – Sherlock nutzt alle Mittel, um Verbrechen aufzuklären. Diese Kombination aus traditioneller Detektivarbeit und modernen Werkzeugen macht die Serie besonders spannend und relevant.
Visuelle und akustische Brillanz
Die visuelle Ästhetik und das Sounddesign der Serie sind herausragend. Jede Szene ist sorgfältig komponiert, um die Spannung und das Drama zu verstärken. Die Musik untermalt die emotionalen Höhepunkte perfekt und trägt maßgeblich zur Atmosphäre der Serie bei.
Die zweite Staffel von *Sherlock* ist ein Muss für jeden Fan von Krimiserien und modernen Adaptionen klassischer Geschichten. Sie kombiniert brillante Erzählkunst, tiefgründige Charakterstudien und moderne Technologien zu einem unvergleichlichen Fernseherlebnis. Lass dich von den spannenden Fällen und der meisterhaften Inszenierung fesseln!
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Erlebe die spannende zweite Staffel von Sherlock jetzt auf Prime Video!
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cristianoshn · 4 months
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dailynewsicon · 1 year
Get ready for an exciting show at Netflix Tudum 2023! Suhana Khan, Agastya Nanda, and Khushi Kapoor shine in "The Archies" at Sao Paulo, Brazil.
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shinelikethunder · 4 years
Listen, if the conversation happening around third-party AO3 apps were any of the following, we’d be cool:
“this app doesn’t even offer useful features in exchange for ads/subscriptions, it just looks like a skeevy cash grab”
“this app may be misleading users into thinking they need an ad-ridden app to access something they can already get for free”
“authors are bound by the ToS to keep their work strictly noncommercial, so it’s pretty fucked-up that third-party app developers can monetize all they want”
“monetizing this shit could draw the ire of corporate legal departments, and creators and/or AO3 could end up in the crossfire”
“does this app respect edits and deletions? does it bypass access controls on NSFW and archive-locked works?”
“wait, this random app is collecting login credentials?”
“whose ire will be drawn towards AO3 if Apple decides this app isn’t bowdlerized enough for their tastes?”
But that’s not the conversation you’re having, is it? That’s all secondary. Y’all are talking as though any third-party viewer app whatsoever is somehow “stealing” your work by existing. You know, the way an RSS reader is “stealing” your blog when it requests the full text of a post. Or the way you “didn’t consent to have your work taken out of context” when someone views your Tumblr posts in the Washboard app. Or the way Discord’s auto-embed previews are “stealing” fanart. Any online RSS reader is probably running ads to cover its server costs, btw. What are the ethics of that?
And once it’s been framed as “stopping content thieves,” apparently that end justifies absolutely any means of takedown, regardless of the actual nature of specific apps. Brigading, finding the dev’s personal accounts and harassing them there, doxxing, review flooding, sending spurious DMCA notices about apps that aren’t even hosting content, tugging Mama Apple’s skirts and pointing at the exact content AO3 exists to protect as reason to nuke it for Purity Crimes... what the fuck, guys. What moral high ground could you possibly hope to occupy by tattling about all the icky, nasty porn on AO3, all to force an arbitrary takedown of an access point you find dodgy for unrelated reasons? I sure as fuck didn’t consent to having my fic used for that.
Do you have any idea what kind of chilling effect this all has on fans who might want to create third-party apps with actual, useful additional features? Because y’all aren’t exactly drawing distinctions between the sinners and the saints, here--you’re at “see AO3 app, burn it to the motherfucking ground.” Right now, one of my Discord servers has multiple members completely reassessing whether/how to share fandom-related coding projects and how to keep their identity firewalled, so they don’t get fucking doxxed if some underinformed moral panic lumps them in with whatever witches are getting hunted next week. Is that likely to happen to fans trying to contribute helpful extra functionality, noncommercially, out of their own pockets if necessary? I don’t fucking know! I realize the vehemence of this incident is mostly driven by the monetization, but the way y’all are talking sure isn’t giving me faith in your willingness to even consider that distinction.
Just... take a step back. Be willing to make distinctions and articulate the boundaries of your wrath. Consider what you’re actually objecting to. Consider analogous cases. Ask yourself if whatever you’re saying goes for them, too, and if not why not. Fan, as the old saying goes, is a tool-using animal--consider which tools your condemnation applies to before you put it on full blast. Also, you know, put the fucking pitchforks down and take a step back from whatever the mob mentality is telling you would be totally proportionate and justifiable as a response. It doesn’t have a great track record of holding up the next morning.
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ms-sakurai · 5 years
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The Ritz London, I’ve got you now and I’m not letting go of you
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trashcan-inc · 7 years
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Sketchdump of actor ANDREW SCOTT because I saw 'Denial' in cinemas yesterday and Andrew Scott is an Iconic Boy™. I should probs draw him as Moriarty sometime soon? (Also i'm so happy bc this is one of many attempts since last year and I finally drew him gOOD✨) #myArt #art #drawing #creative #andrewScott #jimMoriarty #sherlock #pridemovie #jamesBond #actor #artistsoninstagram #illustration #fanart #fanartist #bbcsherlock #mormor #fandom #tumblrfandom #sketch #sketchbook #cartoon #cartoonist #characterdesign
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Week 4: Digital Community and Fandom
This week we discussed Reality TV, specifically its digital communities and fandoms, and explored the role of reality TV’s cultural contributions to public spheres. Concerning one of this week's readings, Graham T., & Hajru, A. (2011, p. 4) explores the enhancement of reality TV connecting its social aspects as digital communities, specifically fandoms. These citizens use hashtags concerning a reality TV show to engage in intimate discussions with one another about social issues, such as sexism. Similarly to one of the readings, a video that I found during my research, 'Life after reality TV, is about a television producer that presents her perspective on reality TV programs, including the pressures that reality TV stars face, during and after the show has aired.
Video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9JxhugIFsc&feature=emb_logo
Digital Publics & The Public Sphere
The public sphere is the space where people can interact; where public opinion is formed; where citizens deal with matters of general interest and express and articulate their views (Sakariassen 2020).
The Public Sphere and Reality TV 
The public sphere has been apparent through Reality TV as there has been an opportunity for reality TV stars and fans to interact across media platforms such as through podcasts, conventions, cameos, etc. With an ongoing rise of social media, fans of popular entertainment programmes continue to be engaged in new and innovative ways across several platforms as part of an ever-expanding interactive economy. Reality TV also creates Digital Publics; The British reality TV show ‘Love Island’ exploits new forms of digital media to encourage multi-platform consumption of content by its fans. 
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Image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=love+island+uk&rlz=1C5CHFA_enAU915AU916&sxsrf=ALeKk02knYiiXsJQ5swmfdbWGRRvO2rF4w:1622105683839&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkwMrIvunwAhUCA4gKHZP8CZAQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1434&bih=748#imgrc=fuIo0KTJaz-YxM
Another Reality TV show that encourages audience engagement and participation and digital publics are, ‘Married at First Sight’. The hashtag #MAFS can create spaces for people to discuss important social issues such as sexism, attitudes to women and the role of marriage in contemporary society. There is a clear correlation between the changing landscape of mediated sociality and the public sphere concerning reality TV shows. MAFS has certainly triggered political talk and social issues concerning sexism in the public sphere. 
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Image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=married+at+first+sight+australia&rlz=1C5CHFA_enAU915AU916&sxsrf=ALeKk01KahMtN9eLtNq_WAdik2LM6SScew:1622105753621&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjb5e3pvunwAhUL4XMBHVl7BhkQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1434&bih=748#imgrc=tg04P2ivzr0pIM
There have been increasing opportunities for reality stars and fans to interact across the social media landscape (podcasts, conventions, cameo, etc). Reality TV creates digital publics for an everyday political and social talk. 
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Image source: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/mafs-bec-exclusive-exposes-truth/id413046628?i=1000517835470
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Image source: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/49-married-at-first-sight-2021-cheating-scandal-new/id1523979167?i=1000508653158
Twitter Hashtags & Twitter's History
In the early phases of adoption following its launch in 2006, Twitter had almost none of the extended functionality that it does today. 
Public communication is made possible by Twitter’s hashtag functionality: by adding a keyword preceded by the hash symbol ‘#’ to their tweets. Hashtags have proven remarkably important in providing a shared space for a community of interested users. These users do not need to be Twitter followers of each other to engage with a topic of common interest, from tracking the unfolding of breaking news events (e.g. Bruns et al. 2012; Bruns & Highfield 2012; Hughes & Palen 2009; Sarcevic et al. 2012) through engaging with political campaigns (Bruns & Burgess 2011; Larsson & Moe 2014) to participating in shared audience activities (Highfield et al. 2013; Harrington 2014). 
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Twitter hashtags such as #ausvotes for the 2010 and 2013 Australian elections, #londonriots for the coordination of information and political debates around the 2011 unrest in London, or #wikileaks for the controversies around Wikileaks aid the development of ad hoc publics around specific themes and topics. Some much longer-term hashtag communities also exist (including, for example, the #auspol community for discussion about Australian politics). 
Axel Bruns and Jean Burgess. Twitter Hashtags from Ad Hoc to Calculated Publics [Ebook]. Retrieved from http://snurb.info/files/2015/Twitter%20Hashtags%20from%20Ad%20Hoc%20to%20Calculated%20Publics.pdf
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firesnap · 3 years
EmeraldDuo is on the TumblrFandom's top ships for this week??
How does this keep happening.
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I remember watching a commercial for the premier of The Secret Life of the American Teenager at the cinema when i was in the fifth grade. I was super excited for it to come out bc the trailer was genuinely really good. And i watched that show till the very end. It got super ridiculous but also super good, i think its the closest the US might get to Degrassi. I remember the french horn, taking the pregnancy test in the school bathroom, ashleys entire bizarre arc, Anne coming out as gay, and most of all i remember Ricky in the episode with his father. And how i had never seen a male victim of CSA. I know theres not a #tumblrfandom for secret life and there definitely wasnt one when i was watching it. And it probably would have been a mess but a part of me really wishes there had been. One of my favorite parts about consuming media is looking at it critically. And by god if secret life was a brand new show. Boy would it have meta on it. It was by no means perfect but damn was it trying to do something different. I feel very much that the books and shows ive watched have made me, even if i can barely remember them. And secret life was one of them.
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dailynewsicon · 1 year
Indecisiveness reigns in the battle between Tamannaah and Vijay Varma in "Lust Stories 2." Experience the conflict of lust and love on Netflix.
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e-l-forever · 7 years
fully enjoying my most fulfilling and beautiful manga ship Touken on tumblr, right next to Tokyo Ghoul’s TumblrFandom™
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chaotickn1ght · 7 years
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bipperjason · 6 years
sweeney: hey everyone pirellis elixir is piss
pirelli: i came out to have a good time and im honestly feeling so attacked right now
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superlamma-blog · 8 years
Person 1#: I hate you.
Person 2#: I hate you too.
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