#Twitter is going on and on about allegation that clearly aren't true.
the-l00ker · 9 months
I like seeing the difference between how people act on here compared to twitter.
Like on here people be like, "Here smajor fanart" and "I think he's a really neat dude" and "we love him! He's just a vibe tbh"
And on twitter it's, "HE CONTROL EVERY DECISION ON MCC AND I DIDN'T LIKE THIS ONE THING, KILL HIM" and "I swear if I ever see him" and "I know how easy it is to fake allegation of content creator, so I'm going to make a burner account for every single slightly famous mcyt person I know for a brief moment of fame. Tee Hee."
Tumblr is the best, yall are a vibe and don't get dragged into bullsh*t, and I appreciate you all for it!
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opinated-user · 11 months
Where did ILoveKim denounce Lily? (Also how long do you think it will be until Lily says ILoveKim was actually abusive, bad friend, or a bad person?)
on her twitter she very clearly said that LO wasn't part of her life anymore. speaking of them...
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that "fight with Vivziepop" is over Viv still hiring someone that KP accuses of being her abuser btw. anon, self send or not, is also right. if anything her relationship with LO was detrimental for KP in getting people to listen her side. this is why i said that KP was probably better never getting to know LO in the first place. she didn't "saved her career" nor she did anything significant to defend her. her presence alone was enough to taint her reputation in the eyes of the public because LO herself is not a respectable figure online, even if the worst allegations about her aren't as public knowledge as we would like it to be. i still don't know what that other anon was going on when they said that KP wouldn't have a career without LO, that is demonstrably not true. but coming back to the present, she just said she doesn't care about supporting a victim against her abuser because the victims stopped doing her betting. mmm, who that remind me of? someone that did something very similar recently, her name starts with P, but i just can't place it right now... *sarcasm*
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and what good does she think she did for KP? having her youtube channel sometimes promoted in a discord server? having a bad video about mental health where she laughs at her own wife recounting her sexual trauma? she didn't do anything, and yet she still wants to be seen like some kind of hero that did so much for no reward. it's frankly too funny, especially because... i'm going to get you on a little gossip, anon. LO, if you're reading, i want you to know this too. KP never liked you that much. a big reason why she stuck around for as long she did was because MO kept sweetening her ears about how much you loved to hear about her. she trusted MO, so she trusted you. if it wasn't for MO, she'd have dropped you a lot sooner.
she never liked you as much as you liked her. enjoy knowing that.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 8 months
Forever situations FINAL STATEMENTS
below are the following
Forever's apology video
the victims Statements
screenshot of the accusers curious cat account
Final thoughts and future of this account
Fucking baraze the shit that can happen when you take a 2 day break, let me tell you I was going through internet archive trying to proof what was true and what wasn't but after going on bake and coming back to this juicy piece of evidence from both parties its interesting to say the least
starting with Forever's apology video, because that's the one I wrote first
To summary: (though I insists you watch it on your own) forever states that during this time he did not have a large following and his Twitter was made up of friends, he admits to making inappropriate jokes with the alleged victim and that he meet with such victim but nothing sexual happened.
He States him and the victim were simply friends and nothing more, he explains he was kicked from the qsmp but still thanks Quckaity for the opportunity and states he still admires the creators he worked with to this day.
Secondly the Victims statements
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I am now fully aware of who the victim is but out of respect for both victim and forever will censore their name.
I can direct you to the account if you want to see if for yourself but I assure you its not hard, other people have post it uncensored that's why I don't feel too bad about hiding it here.
She didn't want to be involved, forever doesn't want her involved I will not involve her.
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Now this is..interesting screenshots from the accuser's curious cat account
For those who don't know curious cat is basically like Tumblr if it was only ask and nothing else, people link their Twitter to it and their follows can use it to ask questions.
Yesterday while going through their Twitter I found their curious cat account and found some um.. Interesting screenshots.
Now a part of me wants to say this isn't fair to do because these conversations are out of context, except they aren't its mostly just people asking questions and getting answers.
Also they calm their not an cellbit anti which I can confirm from these screenshots but a forever anti for questionable reasons.
Please note these were automatically translated by Google.
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Clearly stating their an anti
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Expressing why they dislike forever in two screenshot because this was taken on my phone in order to get it to automatically translate.
Don't worry I'll leave the link so you can check out the account yourself
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Encouraging hates against Forever
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Engaging in trash talk about forever and his past, also bonus the alleged Nazi video
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Forever acknowledging the video and apologizing.
I need to break this up in two I've ran out of image space
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i actually feel pretty bad for mhj after that press conference and I hope there’s some way for hybe to help everyone deal with what has probably been a traumatic time within the label. she seems genuinely unwell to me, just based off of the number of times she mentioned su!c!de or other people being worried about her doing that, seemingly including newjeans members and their families. That’s such an inappropriate emotional position for these girls to be in. I hope hybe gets a handle on this and stops letting it play out so publicly
Honestly, I'm not following this whole shit show super seriously - I see what Redditors and Army on Twitter say, but I'm not reading all the articles or emails, nor did I watch the press conference; I don't need to see who's right or wrong. My opinion of Hybe is already low, and it doesn't appear they did anything particularly awful according to the low bar set by corporate standards, so I don't particularly care about what they did - besides hiring MHJ, because everyone knew she was an egomaniac creep, but no one cares about asshole millionaires unless it blows up in their faces (usually, it doesn't - eg. SB - so Hybe was truly 'unlucky' here). But, yeah, Hybe didn't care she was a creep, and now they're paying for it - serves them right that their reputation is tanking, but the idols were innocent... (V is paying for it too - hope this serves as a lesson - sorry, not sorry).
So, yeah, MHJ is probably not wrong about everything. ILLIT is technically not plagiarizing NJ, but Hybe are riding out the NJ trend, the same way every group under SM sounds like NCT (albeit for different reasons), or BM sounds like BP... The album thing, I agree is bad, but does she want me to believe she cares about the idols' self-esteem or the environment or whatever?
The bottom line is, she's a manipulative weirdo who is trashing every young group under the sun (most of them of minors or young idols), keeps using the NJ members to draw sympathy towards herself (apparently they talked a grown-ass woman out of committing suicide??? that's emotional manipulation and would be child neglect if she were their actual mother), said Minji used to be prettier when she was younger (no comments), etc.
I don't give a fuck what Hybe did or didn't do, I would happily put her in jail for a little while - or better yet give her money to the idols she insulted for emotional damages. Let's have Bang PD do that as well, while we're at it. This whole circus is because he hired her and gave her power. He doesn't need all that blood money - add this to the million other disgusting things about him.
Like, she's clearly emotional unwell, but she's a terrible person so my sympathy towards her is limited. As to the claims that this or that person are worried about her well-being, and that she thought of committing suicide, there is 0 proof any of that is true - and this woman is a liar - and even if it is, it changes nothing for me, sorry.
NJ are in a terrible position right now, because of her, her alleged 'mother', and I fucking hope their parents aren't like the parents of the young boys MJ bought off to abuse - I hope they actually try to separate MHJ from them...
The golden group crashed and burned so fast. I'm sure they'll recover but atp it's hard to know how it will go - at least for me. All this hype about the next big thing and MHJ/Hybe have lowkey 'ruined' them already. This is unrelated but stans should shut up about predicting the future. Their chances are good - this isn't Fifty-Fifty - but, yeah... the endless parade of rookie ggs who are the next whatever, only to end up being 'replaced' by the next young thing in line for the throne is annoying. Stop pitting girls against each other.
I'm not sure Hybe has a say in what MHJ does right now. They can control their own responses but not hers... Hybe don't seem to be doing a great job of things, but I doubt MHJ is giving unhinged press conferences because they can help it.
TL;DR: MHJ and BHS can both burn.
Anyway, thanks for the ask!
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magic-can · 2 years
Yeah, there's usually actual mistakes/criticism within the misinformation and hate that makes it hard to have a discussion on, especially with people bandwagoning either side - especially on twitter that promotes toxicity the most. Not saying there aren't outright lies about dream (ex. transphobic, he underpaid artists, said the n-word, is friends with pewdiepie (not that cancellation by association is a good reason but I have seen that used), actual crimes, ect.).
But usually it's something along the lines of saying an actual offence by him and disregarding his apology/changed behaviour (defending the warcry thing, tyrone joke, his conservative past, defending his friend (and himself though I don't think people know he didn't initially say it) for saying the r-slur, the old mlg edit). Like digging up things from the past only works if it wasn't addressed already or they didn't change - and I'm sure some of the people who do dig into his past and share this information genuinely belives he didn't change, because why would they if they didn't watch his content and just heard about it off through word of mouth - some people are genuinely happy to recive news that it was addressed/some postive change was made that go against what they were told.
Or saying an offence by him and not knowing the context/timeline of events, like the pride month thing has so much wrong with how it's conveyed; he usually streams once a month so his fans expected maybe two streams at most, he had a stream on alt with no donations off because he wasn't partnered there and referred people to donate to his main, as well as when he did discord podcasts, he was doxxed that month and it was trending on twitter (very reminiscent of last week, it all started over a joke that become a controversy due to overreactions and him putting his foot in his mouth as well), and raised over 20k before the "end of the month when he only streamed because people called him out" - like yes, a main stream at the end of the month is shitty on paper, but that's omitting a lot of the context that makes this situation a lot less black and white. Him being more transparent by providing an update on when he planned to stream would've solved this allegation entirely but hindsight is 20/20.
I also think he (dream) has a wrong idea of what people mean when people say he needs a PR manager. He responded to this recently about how he doesn't want to come off inauthentic/robotic ect. But his tone does not come off well in text imo, he can mix up what he says on stream but it comes off more genuine, and it doesn't even have to be professional - just someone he trusts to say if something is going to be taken the wrong way, if he's being clear enough. He said on stream that "My fans give me more benefit of the doubt then I deserve and my haters give me no benefit of the doubt" - but his issue is that he doesn't use this logic and work around the fact some people will take his words in bad faith, he gave up in that regard to an extent. He is usually reactionary and lately has been trying to address things as quickly as he can which tends result in him going about it the wrong way.
He also said he understands that "there is criticism in hate" and visa versa and that he doesn't mind repeating apologies when things get brought up again. I really want him to put out a video or post that compiles everything with timelines and addresses everything again where he clearly takes accountability and clarifying whats not true (with a third party that's not controversial though), because at least there is easy access, I know a user here wrote a misinformation document that had links to counter the tumblr anti-dsmp document that went viral, but most people on an individual basis made up their minds already, something like that needs to be more public and widespread. Because no fan really cares if you dislike/hate dream, they just don't like the exaggeration of his "crimes" and the idea that they of all people wouldn't know his mistakes.
On the note of his toxic fanbase, I am biased in that I see adjacent fan bases be just as toxic that don't have lies or narratives about them go viral either (like that the person dream replied to was doxxed - they said themselves they were fine when they participated in his dox spreading, ect) - not that they aren't trash, they set him up a lot by jumping on people, even if some have good intentions w.r.t to fighting misinformation/exaggerations they are largely misguided in how they do so. But I do wish he would address his community more and I think that's true of most of his older fans at the very least, and to be fair he has improved a bit in that regard (not even close to the scale or clarity I would like but alas).
I'm hoping that after he face reveals and isn't paranoid about going outside that it would help him mentally (not that it's okay to speculate on such things but being isolated to a degree is never going to benefit mental health) and be less reactionary on twitter. From a fan perspective he seems to believe it's an equal lose-lose situation, which is sad and harmful that he thinks this when it's really never equal; because with him it's a lose-with-the-high-ground vs. lose-and-promote-more-hate-towards-yourself situation.
This was a bit of an rant/discussion so feel free to ignore, but I think Dream's internet presence is a good case study on things like bandwagons and misinformation and online criticism and honestly I really want him to continue to be better in general going forward so I like talking crit of him even though I do lean towards the defence in this.
If you don’t mind me asking, can you send me the debunking of the viral post? If you don’t feel comfortable doing that then that’s totally fine. If you are fine with it, you can just send me the post through DMs. But yeah, I think making a video of his own would also be a very good idea.
It’s funny that you bring up Twitter, because just the other day I was thinking about how Twitter’s algorithm is built to feed off of unhealthy arguments, because basically the longer you spend on the app yelling at each other the more money they get from ads. There’s also the fact that people tend to associate “both sides” and nuance as fence sitting when a lot of the times that isn’t the case, as you said, things aren’t always black and white. I definitely think that if Twitter wasn’t the way that it is, things wouldn’t be as intense as they are all around, and the misinfo would be much less prevalent.
I do wanna say though, that I honestly absolutely understand being wary of someone because of their current associations (I know people such as Markiplier have completely cut ties from Felix after the sheer amount of shitshows he’s gotten himself into, which I think is a good thing) ESPECIALLY someone like Felix. Maybe Dream just thinks Felix is an edgelord and not someone who straight up spreads hate (mainly because I’ve seen that mentality countless times) but it’s still worth raising an eyebrow at imo.
Anyway, I think a large issue comes with the fact that apologies on a mass scale are not universally accepted - which isn’t a good or bad thing, that’s just how it is. People online seem to think that if one person doesn’t accept an apology, no one can accept it, and vice versa. But that simply isn’t the case. You can make your choice on forgiveness while also respecting someone else’s choice on forgiveness (that is, if they’re in a position to forgive/not forgive).
Also, I didn’t know that he didn’t really go outside out of fear, that’s actually really sad. This extends to traditional celebrity culture too, but I really wish people would leave public figures the hell alone and respect their privacy. No one should have to worry about what would happen to them for just. being out and about.
I really don’t have good feelings about his perspective on a PR manager, bc while yeah they *can* make things less authentic depending on the situation, they can also be very helpful when planning things out and avoiding messy situations like the donation stream fiasco. Same goes for him being so reactionary and well, impulsive (that seems to be a reoccurring thing here, huh?). Again, his channel is MASSIVE - there’s a lot of pressure that comes with that and having someone to work with would definitely lift some of that off him and help him make better decisions, I just hope he realizes that.
I don’t wanna make this response extremely long but I do wanna say that the more I type this out the more I’m thinking about my personal biases and tendency to, as I mentioned before, be impulsive. No one is immune to jumping to conclusions/bandwagoning and I have done that. Even as someone who hates the black-and-white mindsets that dominate online discussions. Pobody’s nerfect, and people are naturally emotional - we just have to remind ourselves not to let initial emotions get the best of us.
Not that I don’t still have criticisms of Dream, but I’m able to think clearer now that I’m not acting on blind emotion and annoyance. You come across as a very thoughtful and insightful person anon, and we need more of that in the world.
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