#Two Gifts From Almighty Sinnoh
Gift! Rei dismantles Team Plasma himself because he was bored and they were saying bad things about Emmet and the subway
Rei comes back with N and is like hey dad I adopted a new brother sign here please
and Emmet doesn't question it.
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roaringdargon · 5 months
I'll go ahead and drop this after sitting on it for so long for @spr-ingo. This is for "Alternator" (AU). A PLA AU based on Yu-Gi-Oh. Feel free to have fun with this idea if you want to do another version.
It is something that has been stewing in my brain for a while but has gotten a bit too big for me. I'll see if I write anything for it. So here it is. Have fun! What spurred this idea was thinking that Emmet would be pissed if some spirit kept possessing him to fight pokemon battles.
Nameless Warden AU
This is an au based of the original Yu-Gi-Oh plot. There was no chosen hero sent by Arceus in this timeline. Ingo is still accidentally transported to the past by unknown means. It's coincidental. He is without any prior memory. And is gifted the name Nobori(because it is convenient). Is this plot convoluted to get to a desired scenario? Yes!
In this universe Wardens hold a bit more blessed power in their assignments. The Warden bands(or other catalyst I am open to changing this) connect them to the blessed pokemon and act as a catalyst for Almighty Sinnoh's power. It's not game breaking power but it is things like the ability to be somewhat in tune with the land and its pokemon or predict the future. It's not important. The point is that these artifacts are a direct connection to the primordial powers. Which one is entirely based on who they believe in/ wish to commune with. It is very personal.
Nobori/Ingo is chosen by Sneasler and comes into possession of a sacred band. He is not as adept with the power that is bestowed upon him because he hasn't had as much time with the clan's religion, but he was the only accepted choice. He is still great at his job with his talents with pokemon and instincts so it becomes less of an issue.
Shit hits the fan while Volo spins his web. It is a trial with many injuries, but the Wardens are able to work together and calm the Nobles from their frenzy. Warden Calaba gets injured, her sacred band goes missing and Ursaluna is dying. Volo gets a hold of the item. And uses that to further tap into Giratina's power usurp the Almighty. He manages to frenzy both Dialga and Palkia which destabilizes the Wardens' connection to their chosen deity.
To summarize how the situation is solved: Ingo is less connected to Palkia than his other clan mates and was always more open to the idea of multiple higher beings as it just made sense. He realizes(through various means not touched upon) there must be a larger power other than space, time, and distortion. If he could appeal to this being he could have the power to stop this and possibly contain the distortion in a similar way to how Volo had detained the two Sinnohs. He is able to gain the approval and link to Arceus(a very hard being to appeal to. See Volo) and, through great effort, seals Giratina and the distortion world away using the power of his soul. Volo is seething, of course, that this Nobody has gained approval of Arceus and is using that power to seal them away.
Much like with the Pharaoh in Yu-Gi-Oh it is sealed with his entire soul and his name (which nobody knows not even him) is the key. Ingo's soul, now with amnesia x2, is sealed in his Warden's band artifact as a spirit. His true name is already unknown to everyone, but lore keepers erase his given one as well as many depictions of him from records as well just to be safe. Volo is definitely the Bakura of this plot and was similarly placed in the stolen Ursaluna artifact.
Ingo has been gone 4-7 years. I haven't decided.
The Future:
(warning: it/it's pronouns used briefly due to lack of knowledge. Evolves to they/them then he/him)
Emmet is given a strange box by an old friend of his brother's, Shauntal, who stated that she bought this in Sinnoh from an antique shop because that's just her hobby. They saw each other while at a party that Burgh dragged him to. She says she just feels like it should belong to him, which would be weird if it was not a completely normal thing for her to do. So he accepts with little thought. It's a puzzle box. Perfect he loves a challenge. He feels possessed(metaphorically) to solve it that night. Finds the strange band and wears it with no thought as if he has always had it.
After a while Emmet starts noticing that he is losing time. It's mostly on the Singles line when he is tired and the battles are boring anyway so he pays it no mind, but then It happens once on the Doubles and that is a step too far. He investigates his footage and sees that he is still battling, but with a strange slumped posture and a dour look. The strange thing possessing him is doing well. Even if it makes him look a bit feral. So he is being possessed. He knows that the only change to his person has been that item that was given to him. He doesn't really want to get rid of it for some reason, but it is interfering with his work. He visits Shauntal and demands she uncurses the object. She is surprised that there is such a strong spirit there in the first place. It was dormant and weak when she gave him the box. They must really like him.
They communicate with the spirit and determine that they are just as confused and aren't malevolent. Emmet sets some boundaries that they can stick around as long as it asks before battling in his stead. Heck he might even let them on some occasions like on the boring ass singles line.
TLDR Emmet gets a new spirit friend and learns how to be close to someone again. Slowly the spirit relearns who he is thanks to his new friend.
Also Cynthia uncovers some Hisuian artifacts, including a certain stolen one, so watch out for that.
That's the gist of it. There are other versions I was playing with, but this is the one I am liking the best now. Also so many ways that this story can continue that I haven't really thought of.
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rabbitholeresearch · 1 year
The Ancient Ancestor Of Alder Is...? A Theory
In Ancient Hisui, verses are scattered around, telling tales of an ancient hero.
"No claws nor fangs, no strength to claim— no man could hope to hold his own to mighty Pokémon. 
"But bolts of light rained down one day, ten times they fell, ten times struck true upon ten Pokémon. 
"Then to weak man did these ten turn, his strength to be, and all were blessed by loyal Pokémon. 
"Were not these bolts a gift to man? Were they not your almighty grace, great Sinnoh, paragon?"
–Old Verse#3
10 Pokemon seem to have surrounded the Hero at one point and, when all hope seemed lost, Great Sinnoh sent down bolts on the 10. These bolts seem to be the gift to this man as the 10 became his loyal companions for the days to come in what seems to be the battle for Celestica.
This Hero’s name is unknown to us, never seeming as anything more than an unnamed character for plot purposes. However, it is clear who it might be now as we continue forward.
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In the image above, we see two. The ancient hero and a former leader of the Diamond Clan. Now, the DC leader seems to be Maxie from the Gen3 villain team, Team Magma. The Hero on the right looks a lot like Alder. Which okay, cool, Alder’s ancestor. So funny. I don’t think so though.
I think they’re the same man. It is just a bit too strange to me that the Hero ALSO has what appears to be Pokeballs around his neck. I think we have a Futurama case on our hands. Alder might very well be his own ancestor, given the circumstances.
This is given to the Player with information throughout the games but it’s much more than that.
There are only four cases of amnesia regarding Time/Space travel within the Pokemon universe. This is through one portal only but to go back, let’s review what we know about the game Legends: Arceus.
As we are aware, as the Player, we are sent on a mission trip from Poke-God! Arceus wants us to fix the troubles that are happening in Hisui, which may have been caused by Volo trying to play God himself. More on that in another post.
In the later update/DLC, Daybreak, the Player is given the option to say whether or not they do remember their past. I am among those who chose Yes but let me know what option you chose in the comments.
With this information, it could very well change the course of the Player’s life after all is said and done. As we are aware, the Player is actually stuck in Hisui for the rest of their life. There’s no ending that results in them going home and that doesn’t appear to ever be the case.
With this option, we are telling the universe that because Arceus guided us, we were granted safe passage through time.
With this in mind, I’m actually going to refer to my beloved Pokemon game series, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. In this game series, the Player is typically a human who was transformed into a Pokemon with no recollection of how that happened. In most cases, it is through the power of a legendary Pokemon! In the OG game, we’re never really given an explanation as to why the player was transformed other than, “It is your destiny to save us from disaster.” In Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky, however, we learn that in protecting the partner in the dark world from an attack from someone trying to stop these would-be heroes, the power actually caused the Player to transform while traveling back in time and lose memories.
However, in a twist of events, the Player’s former partner is revealed to have retained ALL memories, as is one of the antagonists in the story.
Traveling through Space/Time doesn’t cause memory loss. It has been shown numerous times.
However, there is one case in which protective gear needs to be worn or the results could be catastrophic.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you, Ingo.
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This train man (whom of which my friend and I have realized that every character associated with trains in someway or form in the Pokemon Universe has their sideburns cut to represent the train of their hyper fixation choice) is the key to figuring out how Alder is the ancient hero.
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Ingo is said to have fallen into Hisui sometime before the Player has. He has no memory of his past beyond his name. As The Player travels a bit with him, allegedly having a chitchat with him, he remembers bits and pieces but they feel more foggy and out of reach. He even makes a quip in his dialogue on how Sneasler climbing up rocks is a hidden move of hers.
"What am I saying? Hidden moves? There are no such things in Hisui, surely... Yet I feel as though I was on the cusp of remembering something just now... Just who was I before I came to Hisui?”
It is clear that amnesia is a big factor in Ingo’s character, but not the Player. Again, in Daybreak, the option of the player admitting they remember their time before Hisui opens up this thought.
Ingo, my friends, is what is categorized as a Faller.
Going back to my earlier statement. There are only FOUR known cases of amnesia in the Pokemon series. Ingo is our most recent.
Another case would actually be two famous agents that are always here to help the player but more or less turns into the player helping them.
Looker and Anabel.
Looker is actually well known as the agent of Interpol who just can’t seem to catch a break, at least from the perspective of the Player. While he is a well-established man, he kinda has a comedic effect to him throughout the story, disguising himself as Team Galactic grunts, struggling to speak other languages to people who genuinely are asking him for help, and constantly begging to get food after a completed mission but then seconds later disaster strikes in the Alola region. Kind of hilarious actually. It made me love his character more in the anime series.
Looker in ORAS is actually found on the beach with no memory. Nothing but an Audinite. This is very strange so let’s look at Anabel.
In Sun/Moon, we meet Anabel, who is an agent of Interpol. She is an ally of Looker and Nanu, The Cat Man from Alola. That we are aware of Anabel met Looker and Nanu after falling onto a beach with no memory. In the battles we see her in with this, we learn that her partner is an Audino. Strange.
Anabel was actually found by Looker and Nanu shortly after a young woman, another Faller, had died due to Interpol using this woman as bait for Ultra Beasts.
So, what is a Faller? Well, it’s someone that fell through an Ultra Wormhole. These Fallers are found by Interpol to effectively lure in these beasts which are practically interdimensional aliens. I mean, look at Buzzwole and Guzzlord! If you told me those were Pokemon as a nonPokemon fan, I’d think you’re confusing them with Digimon somehow! They legit just look like Digimon. Not hating actually. I love them; Buzzwole is my king and I love him in my old fighting type deck I had before SM era GX cards got banned.
But then, who is the fourth case? That, is Lillie’s father.
In the Alola series of games, Lusamine is effectively the villain, having opened wormholes to try and gain some semblance of happiness. It seems to be more in response to her husband having gone missing. We learn in the postgame that he has no memories. He actually visits Aether Paradise and introduces himself. Lusamine just sort of accepts that he’s forgotten her and found a happy life and only bids him a farewell in the end. It’s kinda sad really.
It almost makes me prefer the anime version better.
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Actually no. It’s still weird.
Four cases in which Fallers exist in the Pokemon universe. In the games, the Player actually gets to travel via wormhole. How? Specialized suits that are meant to protect the Player.
With Ingo’s body worse for wear upon falling into Hisui, I can only come to one conclusion. Alder is his own ancestor, and he was with Ingo when the wormhole opened up.
Alder went back further and when faced with the hardships of Hisui, became a hero. He faced Pokemon in a way one could only imagine, given the guy’s personality overall.
"'Twas long ago he earned the name 'hero'... 
"He led his retinue, ten Pokémon, against the almighty unknowable. 
"In battle did his valiance proclaim at last the strength of humble humankind. 
"The great unknowable approved this feat, and to its domain of no place returned."
–Old Verse #10
It’s clear Alder made an impact on the people of Hisui, given how he is honored in the homes of clan leaders.
With that in mind, is there a possibility of him having influenced the first designs of Pokeballs? I mean, what better way to honor the hero than to try and make these strange balls he had on him that seemed to have some strange power in them! This question will likely remain unanswered for the years to come.
Unless Dialga gets mad and goes Primal Dialga on us and we have to go into the past in order to protect the sunrise, but that’d be crazy.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Research Links:
Looker Bio:
All Old verses:
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stratuscloudsurfer · 2 years
You know the joke that a cheezit would kill a pilgrim? That, but Melli with modern amenities.
First time using a shower? Transcendent. Ingo can't get him out and he's been in there for TWO. HOURS.
Hair conditioner? Skin care? Surely gifts from Almighty Sinnoh themself! Finally, the Great Melli can be as radient and silky-soft as he always knew he was.
MASCARA. This man has died and gone to heaven.
The trio and Melli go shopping and Ingo loses his boyfriend in Bath and Body Works, never to be seen again.
Lol YES I absolutely love this and you’re SO right
I imagine that Melli was a little wary of the shower in Ingo’s apartment at first because let’s face it, nothing is more intimidating than trying to figure out how to work someone else’s shower, especially if you’ve never used one before… but then after Ingo shows him how it works he uses up the entirety of their hot water in one go. It’s AWESOME. Like his own personal waterfall and on top of that the acoustics are amazing??? Ingo has to take a cold shower afterwards but he doesn’t mind because listening to Melli serenade him with his shower-singing was worth the trade off.
Melli would be absolutely transfixed by all kinds of beauty products. He and Elesa could spend hours at whatever the Pokémon version of Ulta is. The first time Ingo loses Melli in the department store, he freaks out a little and goes to customer service and asks them to make an announcement. A few minutes later, Melli shows up with no less than 10 bottles of nail polish, excited to show his boyfriend the pretty sparkly bottles of paint he found.
Now if he loses Melli in the store, he knows exactly where to find him.
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dragonofthedepths · 2 years
Wingfic time
I mentioned a while ago that I had a wingfic idea sitting in the back of my head, and after spending the last couple days throughly enjoying @manchasama's Wing AU I decided to take it out and shake it together so I could show it off for everyone to enjoy
So, wings are generally inspired by birds wings, but it's the pokemon world so anything goes. In the modern era everyone has wings, but in ancient Hisui they're really rare and having them is seen as being blessed the Almighty Sinnoh, which is a mark in their favor for both Ingo and Akari. Adaman and Irida have wings, and so do maybe one or two others (maybe Melli? :3 :3 :3).
When Lady Sneasler first showed up carrying an injured and unconscious man in her arms everyone was initially really wary, then she set him down and they noticed he had wings and there's a rush to get him to the medical tent.
When he wakes up he introduces himself as Ingo, and that's that. He doesn't remember anything about his past or himself and he fell from the rift, but he's got wings, he has an unbelievable talent with pokémon, and lady Sneasler picked him as her Warden immediately. So it's pretty quickly concluded that he's a gift from the Almighty Sinnoh, sent here to help the clan.
Ingo… doesn't really fly well though, his wings are far too short and small for that. It causes some small whispers of doubt up until the first time someone sees him in the tunnels, where his wings let him maneuver the tight turns and small spaces with incredible speed and grace. Then it just doubles down on the idea that he was put here intentionally to be Lasy Sneasler's Warden.
After Ingo's been there for a few years Akari falls out of the sky, and the clans are not happy about how the Galaxy Team (who does not have anyone with wings) treats her.
Day (319/100) of my #infinitedaysofwriting @the-wip-project
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crystalelemental · 3 years
I'd like to take some time and analyze what I think is one of the more interesting lore bits in Legends: the Old Verses.  I've seen people talk about them, but only to speculate on who wrote them.  Which, to me, isn't the most exciting aspect of these verses.  I feel like we all kinda know.  But I haven't seen any real analysis on the lore or its implications, so hopefully I'm not late to this party.
In total, there are 20 Old Verses.  The game doesn't mention much about them, with the only real hint being that the handwriting implies they are all written by the same person.  Beyond that, they just exist, and aren't listed in a clear sense of progression.  Look at the first three and you'll get an idea of what I mean.  That said, the verses tend to fall into two broad categories: personal, and mythological.  Either they focus on a broad mythological story, or they seem to be recounting a lived experience.  To start, we'll separate them out into mythological and personal.  Please note, I'm omitting ones that effectively offer nothing.  For my purposes, the ones offering nothing substantial to the analysis are Verses 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, and 18.  1, 6, 7, 8, and 15 are all old lore; we know what that is.  17 and 18 are about Enamorus, the “Love-Hate Pokemon,” which is neat but not relevant, while 13 is literally just a recipe.  Those three I believe exist more as an allusion to the author’s identity than to analyze with the rest.  As a final note, the number order of these verses seem...meaningless at times.  There’s no clear cohesion.  Stories are told through scattered parts, and my assumption then is that these are written chronologically during the author’s experiences.
Mythological Verses Verse 3: "No claws nor fangs, no strength to claim— no man could hope to hold his own to mighty Pokémon. But bolts of light rained down one day, ten times they fell, ten times struck true upon ten Pokémon. Then to weak man did these ten turn, his strength to be, and all were blessed by loyal Pokémon. Were not these bolts a gift to man? Were they not your almighty grace, great Sinnoh, paragon?" 
Verse 4: "Ten Pokémon, the ancient hero's loyal retinue— though these companions now are gone, their noble duty passes on to generations new. The people thank the ten descendants for their gen'rous toil by lining vessels built to last with water clear and choice repast before the arenas' soil."
Verse 10: "'Twas long ago he earned the name 'hero'... He led his retinue, ten Pokémon, against the almighty unknowable. In battle did his valiance proclaim at last the strength of humble humankind. The great unknowable approved this feat, and to its domain of no place returned." 
Verse 11: "'Let our wishes reach heaven's crown,' the people together vowed. So they and their Pokémon bore stone to the peak of heaven's mount. The people carved the gathered stones in shapes of Pokémon—the ten Pokémon that Sinnoh shone its almighty light upon."
Verse 19: "When first this land was formed, man and 'mon lived happily, sharing all that they could see, by kind acts born and warmed. One Pokémon then proposed that they should always ready be to help the humans should they need, and let their presence be disclosed. And that is why, to this day, not all Pokémon do flee when a human they do see—they leap out where tall grasses sway."
Mythological verses center primarily on one particular tale: the ancient hero and the 10 loyal Pokemon that followed him.  Verses 3, 4, 10, and 11 are all directly about this, and outline that the ten were struck by bolts of lightning, assumed to be gifts from Arceus, to give humans greater power.  Verse 3 notes that humans are largely powerless against Pokemon.  Verse 4 notes that these important Pokemon's descendents continue to carry on that duty.  Verse 11 is about how people carved statues of these ten in the Temple of Sinnoh atop Coronet.  We can see these statues, and from this, see that these 10 are the same ride Pokemon and nobles in the present day.  These are the descendants of the ancient Pokemon that fought alongside the hero.
Verse 10 is more about what they fought.  It makes allusions to "the almighty unknowable," but later references it as "The great unknowable."  I think that adjustment is significant.  Almighty is only used in reference to Sinnoh/Arceus.  Beyond that, Dialga and Palkia are only referenced as "mighty."  That this being was once almighty but is no longer, should signal it is not Arceus either, who remains almighty.  "Unknowable" is a unique epithet as well, not tied to Dialga or Palkia as "one who walks with time/space," nor to Arceus who is always "almighty Sinnoh."  That really only leaves one option left: Giratina.  Giratina was once considered an "almighty" being, but was defeated by this ancient hero.  Moreover, this verse ends noting that Giratina acknowledged the strength of this hero, and returned to "its domain of no place," effectively leaving the region to return to the Distortion World.  There's a lot to be gained here, but I'll go over this more later.
Verse 19 talks about how Pokemon and humans lived happily together, and that Pokemon resolved to always help humans.  This is in Canalave, and recounts the same tale.  However, two things are interesting to me.  One is its placement as the second to last.  The other is that chronologically, it's the first event.  This is before anything else the verses recount, but it's the second to last one.
Personal Verses Old Verse 2: "O you, who at the world's far-off end dwell, I know your wish—it is my wish as well.  My own beloved is now gone from me, departed to a place I cannot reach.  My old companions have left me behind, their faces faded into days gone by.  Still to my breast I clutch this hopeless dream, a futile wish for us once more to meet.  O you, who at the world's far-off end dwell, I know your wish—it is my wish as well.  But ours are cold and endless winter days, warmed only by memories locked away."
Old Verse 5: "Long and longer yet ago, Celestica was here. But folk and town alike, both did disappear.  In time, came new folk sailing, sailing 'cross the sea, called by their love for Sinnoh, great and almighty.  But diff'rent were the Sinnoh that each folk did hold dear, And bitter strife and angry war were always at the near.  'Celestica' they called themselves, the name not theirs to take. Yet claim it from the past they did, for tragic quarrel's sake.  So once again did our name live, though all our people gone. But even if the name endures, its heart does not live on."
Old Verse 9: "I set the bones of Pokémon adrift upon the river. I let my memories flow on, adrift upon the river. And to the ocean they will flow, perhaps around the world to go. How many bones in days now gone have I now set adrift from me? How many bones in days to come will I yet set adrift to sea? While every gift with which I part takes a sliver of my heart."
Old Verse 12: "Wintry... Austere... Brimming with strange power...  Certainly the land of Hisui bears some resemblance to Sinjoh.  Here, where the ancient Sinnoh people were born, I will spend an eternity... until the one with the mission appears."
Old Verse 14: "The fieldlands rush by underhoof as Wyrdeer carries me astride— Companions of mine run with us and Pokémon dash alongside. We come to stand where wind had swept and old days play before my eyes... The memories come running through, linking this place to times gone by. Time and space here blend together and enfold my heart as I remember."
Old Verse 20: "Once it shone upon us all, with all the warmth of welcome sun. But now we weep, to grief we fall, starved of light now it has gone. And some they go, despair withal, in search of it they reel and run. They quit their hearths, abandon hall, and leave our lands to be undone. And when they're gone beyond recall, this land will be a home to none. This land will only ever be a home to Pokémon."
As a totality, I think these verses recount the author's lived experiences, ranging from the loss of their people to their change to a new land to fulfill an obligation. Verses 2 and 9 are entirely about the loss of others; first their people, then their Pokemon.
Verse 12 talks about how the author has moved to Hisui for their duty to meet with "the one with the mission," while Verse 14 is an emotional acknowledgement that this region stirs familiar memories of their homeland.  They're settling into their new region.
Verses 5 and 12, however, are where things get interesting.  Verse 5 is, as far as I can tell, the only reference to the Celestica people, who we otherwise know absolutely nothing about.  What this verse tells us is that Celestica was the name of a place and people long ago, both scattered and lost to time.  Eventually, settlers from across the sea reached this old land, citing their reason for coming as "love for Sinnoh."  It also notes that these people were not unified, citing each worshiping a different Sinnoh.  And in their efforts to be seen as legitimate, attempted to claim the name of "Celestica."  The author then notes that "our name" endures, but the spirit and meaning of that name is no longer what it was.  "Our name” means the author is one of the Celestica people.
Which leads to Verse 12 having huge implications.  "Certainly, this land of Hisui bears some resemblance to Sinjoh."  The order in which they references these regions implies that the author has moved into Hisui, but their homeland is Sinjoh.  Which would mean that the Celestica people aren’t natively from Hisui at all.
Verse 20 is the last personal one, and it reads almost like prophecy by the end.  At first, it talks about something in present terms.  A warm light once shone upon the people, but that light has gone.  The author's final message is told in future tense; "When they're gone beyond recall," and states this land will only be home to Pokemon.  In this prophecy, humans will no longer have a place in Hisui.  What exactly happened isn't clear, but there are implications given the context of the other verses and current events.
Celestica and Almighty Sinnoh Let’s address probably the biggest thing I’m bringing up here: yes, I am saying that Celestica likely was based in Sinjoh, not Hisui.  The obvious connection is Verses 5 and 12, establishing the author as one of the Celestica people, and that they came to Hisui rather than being native.  But I think there are other components that suggest this as well, and I’m going to use the other big point here to argue it: I don’t think the Diamond and Pearl clans were the settlers referenced.
What was the purpose of the settler coming to Celestica?  “Love of Sinnoh,” right?  There are two places on the planet that deify Arceus in this way - Hisui, and Sinjoh.  But we know that the people who came from across the seas had knowledge of Sinnoh, but each worshiped something different.  While this implies Dialga and Palkia, and likely did include them, I do think there are other options.  Giratina also had a statue, and the Unown seem pretty critically important as well if you know the events of Sinjoh.
In HGSS, you go to Sinjoh, if you bring the event Arceus to the Ruins of Alph.  The Unown surround you, and transport you to Sinjoh, where you meet Cynthia.  She comments that these ruins blend Sinnoh and Johto influence, and the ultimate event is that Arceus, surrounded by the Unown, produce and egg of Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina.  This is the only time we see Arceus’ action as a creator.
Another notable piece of Sinjoh is that it is the only place with a clear sigil to Arceus.  Nowhere else in the world has a clear indication that Arceus even exists, this is the only space.  And it’s a clear sigil that acknowledges Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina as well, all in a location where the Unown are present.  Given this, it’s unlikely that anyone based in Sinjoh would have the wrong idea about who the primary deity is in this situation.  But there would be confusion in Hisui, where there are clear statues to the trio.  Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina all have or had direct depictions of themselves on Coronet, and that kind of concrete presentation would be much easier to mistake as the true form of Sinnoh than an ambiguous sigil on the floor.
The last piece is the Unown themselves.  If Celestica were based in Sinjoh, then it makes sense they have knowledge of the Unown, and likely included them in the grand scheme of their faith.  Which would make sense.  Arceus created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, but is only able to do so in the Sinjoh Ruins, with the Unown present.  And both conditions are significant.  If only the Unown were needed, it could’ve made the egg in the Ruins of Alph.  If only the Sinjoh Ruins were needed, the Unown would have no reason to stay around.  All of these components are required for creation, and I think this is something the Celestica people in Sinjoh knew about.  “Almighty Sinnoh,” in its proper form, likely isn’t a specific entity at all.  More likely, it’s the force of creation brought about through Arceus and the Unown’s cooperation.  What hints to this?
“All lives touch other lives and create something anew and alive.”  This is written in Solaceon, and is the only other location where the Unown and their script can be found.  Calaba reads this as helping each other, and she’s not wrong, but I think this carries significance to the faith as well.  Arceus and the Unown are also cooperating; their existences intermingle and create something anew and alive - the forces of the world itself.  This is demonstrated directly in Sinjoh, likely in the act that gave birth to the world itself.  Given these pieces, I think Sinjoh was Ground 0.  This would be considered the birthplace of the world, and perhaps the site itself could be considered “Almighty Sinnoh.”  The location seems to hold similar significance to creation, after all.
The Ancient Sinnoh People, and the Clans With all that in mind, it’s pretty clear why Celestica might be a big deal name, as the people who sat at the literal birthplace of creation, and held all the knowledge of every facet of this creation.  The last question is who, then, sailed to them?
I mentioned earlier, I don’t think the Diamond and Pearl clans were the ones who did.  There are two reasons for this.  One is that the name Celestica barely registers to them.  The major feat in Verse 5 was taking that name, yet neither clan claims it.  That seems decisively impossible if they were the ones fighting over it.  But at the same time, the name of Celestica is found within Hisui, in the flutes they use, and in reference to locations like “Celestica Trail” in the Highlands.  So clearly the name was claimed, and brought to Hisui.  But it would’ve been by people who understood the significance and wanted to reference that significance.  This could have been the Diamond and Pearl clans, but there’s one other piece to my assertion.
Mai directly tells you that they sailed to Hisui.  They’re not native to here.  The only places that know about Arceus or almighty Sinnoh are the people of Hisui, and the people of Sinjoh.  So to move around for that purpose, they must be from one or the other.  The Diamond and Pearl clans likely came from Sinjoh, in a sort of back and forth.  Celestica was in Sinjoh, another group came from Hisui to Sinjoh and fought over their beliefs, and the Diamond and Pearl clans returned to Hisui at a later time.  There is something to suggest this back and forth may have taken place multiple times throughout history.  The Solaceon Ruins are the best indicator.  Only someone from Sinjoh would know about the Unown and write in their script.  And those ruins are just as old as any, implying that the ancient Celestica people dispersed, and some may have come to Hisui, which further may have been a catalyst for the setters that then moved to Sinjoh.  As a final point of evidence, there is a location on Coronet with the name “Celestica,” that seems to be an ancient reference to them.  If the Diamond and Pearl clans came from across the ocean to claim the name Celestica here in Hisui, it seems strange that the name would be applied to this area, far removed from any other allusion to the people.
Again, this could all be ancient forms of the Diamond and Pearl clans.  That is possible.  But there’s a missing group that has no context or presence otherwise.
The ancient Sinnoh people.  This is the group we know the least about, and it’s referenced exactly one time by Volo upon his defeat.  He mentions the blood of the ancient Sinnoh people flows in his veins, and that he alone knew the truth and worshiped the correct god, presumably based on that knowledge.  After all, this Sinnoh blood seems to be a point of pride for Volo, so it’s likely that these people were significant, and held the records of Giratina and Arceus that Volo learned from.
Ancient Sinnoh would have been the perfect group to know about Dialga and Palkia, and not know about the full depth of what almighty Sinnoh is.  There was also a statue to Giratina, and the knowledge of the Unown from Solaceon, which may have been how they knew about Celestica at all.  But curiously, they also knew about Arceus.  Volo has records of its proper name, suggesting that the ancient Sinnoh people knew full well about Arceus itself.  And likely worshiped it, given that Volo follows in those footsteps, and feels this is what made him right.
But I think this all re-asserts my stance that “almighty Sinnoh” is not a singular entity.  Even those who worshiped Arceus itself may have been wrong, and not had the full understanding.  With their war across the seas, we don’t know the outcome, but we know two things.  The Diamond and Pearl clans are the only ones who returned, and Verse 20′s predictive tone implies that where they battled was left inhospitable.  Which tracks; there is absolutely nothing living in Sinjoh in HGSS.  The author, then, is likely looking at the conflicts between the Diamond and Pearl clan in Hisui as a recurrence of the conflicts of the past in Sinjoh, and predicting the same destructive end.
Deified Devil and Arceus’ Will The other facet of the Verses focuses on the ancient hero, and there is...a lot to go through.  As I mentioned before, Verse 10 states the hero fought against “The great unknowable,” which returned to its “Domain of no place.”  This has to be Giratina.  Arceus is not referenced in these terms anywhere else, and moreover, note that it is “The great unknowable.”  Arceus, when referenced, is “Almighty.”  Curiously, the “unknowable” is also called “almighty” at the outset, but is referenced as “great” later on, implying that it once held a higher status, but lost that status upon its defeat.  Arceus doesn’t lose its status as “almighty,” so this can only be Giratina.
Now here’s a question for you: when was that statue of Giratina on Coronet made?
Prior to the time of the hero, Giratina was a violent creature, who challenged Arceus.  Its sheer power and terrifying disposition may have been what gained it the title of “Almighty Unknowable” once, but following the hero’s actions, it was defeated and became “Great Unknowable.”  Verse 10 also tells us that Giratina approved this feat and left of its own accord.
Volo actually talks a lot about Giratina throughout the game, if you look for it.  The obvious lines referenced are in the post-game, where he talks directly about Giratina’s savage nature and how it was banished for its violence, the “unwanted child” of Arceus.  But this conflicts with the Verse already, which states Giratina was never banished.  Given the status of Celestica as the locus of all lore and the author’s status as a lorekeeper of Celestica, we can assume that the Verse is correct; Giratina was not banished.  So why do records Volo found suggest otherwise?
Moreover, Volo references two other things to do with Giratina.  In the Cobalt Coastlands, he talks about how you are reminiscent of the ancient hero, said to have done battle with “Almighty Sinnoh.”  Which is weird, given Verse 10 is pretty directly talking about Giratina.  No such record of the hero battling Arceus exists.  Volo even comments that this is strange, as the 10 Pokemon blessed by the hero would have no reason to stand against the one who gave them their strength.
The other comment is in the Coronet Highlands, when talking to Ingo.  Volo references the space-time distortion happened once before, and that this was the catalyst for the ancient hero’s rise.  Given that the space-time distortion currently is caused by Giratina, it seems to imply that the previous distortion was as well, when Giratina attempted to tear its way to Arceus’ domain.
The last two statements are interesting, because they imply to me that Volo knows the ancient history isn’t perfectly accurate.  He knew about Giratina, what it did, and where to find it.  But the fact that he believes it was banished is mistaken, given the verse.  Why?
My guess is that Giratina was deified after its defeat by the hero, given the presence of its statue on Coronet.  It could have been built beforehand, but Giratina was actively challenging Arceus at that point; why build a statue to honor something so violent?  It makes sense to destroy its statue due to its violence, but not to build once before it is pacified.  So the statue should have come after the time of the hero, and is placed on a higher elevation than Dialga and Palkia, overlooking the two as a symbol of its status.  But it no longer exists, and Volo’s records suggest it was demonized rather than deified.
I believe this is likely due to the ongoing conflicts between clans.  Dialga and Palkia remain as the center of the Diamond and Pearl clans, and their faith comes from concrete records in their statues.  It stands to reason that Giratina, too, may have had such a following as well.  But given its history, Giratina would be very easy to vilify, and as a result, shake the faith of that sect.  They could be cast as the group in the wrong, and over time lose their following.  That or they all died.  War is a thing we know happened, it’s possible they just outright lost.  But given that Volo’s records are erroneous, I think the former makes more sense.
But if that’s all accurate, it means Volo’s mistaken about one other thing, and that tracks with the events of the game.  Giratina doesn’t want to fight Arceus.  Giratina opened the rift, but at no point did it make any clear effort to break into Arceus’ domain.  Arceus isn’t even worried about it this time.  When it happened in the time of the hero, he gave power to 10 Pokemon and the hero came to stop Giratina; it clearly cared about that attempt.  But this time, all it says to our protagonist is “Seek out all Pokemon.”  At no point does Arceus ever ask you to solve the problem of the rift, or find the cause.  Harsh as it is, Volo didn’t even register as a threat.
That’s likely because Giratina wasn’t even trying to do what Volo expected.  Giratina does face off against the protagonist, after Volo has lost, but its what happens after that’s strange.  Volo describes it as “turning tail and running,” which...seems to be literal.  Giratina was between you and Volo fighting, and when the battle is over, Volo is facing away from you.  Giratina seems to have literally run from you.  And what does it do?  It makes itself very conspicuous in the Cobalt Coastlands, and then hangs out on your side of dimensions to be captured.  Volo states to Laventon that Giratina decided to protect the world instead after you defeated it, but this could just be when he learns that Giratina holds no ill will toward the world.  Most likely, Giratina was pacified during the era of the hero, and by this point is making a show of things by breaking open the distortion and then allowing itself to be caught by the protagonist.  You know.  Kinda like Arceus would want.
You’re seeking out all Pokemon, and this ancient deity figure that lives in an alternate dimension just happens to be playing along with some zealot who wants to break open time and space to get to god, then loses and sticks around to let itself be captured?  It just seems really convenient for the player, and for Arceus, that this went down as it did.  And considering Arceus didn’t even bother asking you about the rift, it seems likely that Arceus and Giratina had this whole thing figured out before you even got here.
Contradicting Points There are some pieces that contradict my analysis, and I’ll go over them here as a note.  I don’t have great answers, but I’ll try.
The biggest is the location of Celestica.  In the Unown Dex, Unown C is listed in “The stone pillars of Celestica,” and is found in the Celestica Ruins on Coronet.  I can’t really refute that this could be the true Celestica, especially since the Unown don’t lie and seem to have full knowledge, but I would say a possibility is that those who came from Sinjoh and established the Solaceon Ruins may have called this place home.  “Celestica” as a people may have been more spread out than just Sinjoh, where the author was based.
While Volo’s word is hardly infallible, it is possible that Giratina did become violent again, and you pacifying it caused it to finally want to protect things.  This does conflict with Verse 10, but it’s possible.  The missing link is just “What set Giratina into a rage enough to try again?”  And we can’t really know that.  Maybe something Volo suggested to it actually did rile it up again.  Maybe it was willing to fight if someone else pushed it to do so, and the ancient hero just impressed it with strength enough to back down on its own attempt.  But this wouldn’t necessarily explain why Giratina stuck around for the protagonist.  Sure, they decided to protect the world, but that doesn’t mean they needed to stick around and be captured, playing right into Arceus’ demands that you catch everything.
Lastly, the whole Diamond and Pearl clan thing.  It is very possible that the settlers were always just part of their groups, and there is something to be said for a parsimonious explanation.  Things fit, especially if the Shrouded Ruins were the basis of Celestica.  I cant refute that entirely, but hopefully what I’ve presented makes sense as a possible alternative.
Conclusions After 8 days, I think I’m finally done analyzing.  This started out a much shorter project, but I started playing through the game again and realized I had forgotten some of the implications in Mai and Volo’s dialogue in the main game, and had to add a ton of new thoughts.  Then there was checking the Unown Dex for things, and trying to find explanations of why the name Celestica shows up but seems to have lost significance.  It’s a lot.
But it was fun.  Hopefully you enjoyed reading, and feel free to share any theories of your own about the verses and the lore.  After all, Sinnoh lore is best lore, and there’s never too much discussion about it.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Headcanons for Melli in love? Because self important jackasses truly falling for someone for the first time in their live and thus suddenly being nervous and self conscious again and not knowing how to approach them in a genuine and vulnerable manner is my liveblood. Like, YES, FALL IN LOVE AND SUFFER YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT.
I knew this day would come. I stand by the fact he is a bottom, I said what I said. Also hopefully this is what you want, I’m happy to write more.
Asks are open.
- Oh how he hated you.
- First you’re an outsider that was sent to take away the almighty Sinnoh’s gift away from his precious noble.
- And then everyone takes a liking to you. (With a few expectations.)
- He loathed you.
- Arguing with you every chance he got.
- He is too good for this nonsense.
- Why should you be the one to help them?
- So why did he fall in love with you?
- That question weighed heavy in his mind.
- The pretty warden had fallen weak to the hero’s charm.
- And you weren’t even trying. That’s what made him more mad.
- Despite how much he argues and fights with you, you still so him kindness, you still ask if he is okay or if he needs anything.
- Of course he brushes it up but everytime you do his heart starts racing.
- He knows he is not the friendliest, especially to an outsider like you.
- But at least once a week you come to visit him.
- And he always looked forward to them.
- But he doesn’t know how to act.
- Oh how Melli swoons at any compliment you give him.
- How he melts when you touch his arm.
- Just thinking about you two, sitting under the moonlight, leaning in for a kiss….
- He quickly shakes his head. He is Melli, a Diamond clan Warden to Lord Electrode, he shouldn’t be this weak for an outsider!
- The realization of his feelings makes him twice as aggressive (bratty)
- Adaman is about ready to kill him.
- But Melli doesn’t know what else to do. How could he approach you?
- Do you even like him like that?
- O-of course you do! He is so great after all…maybe?
- He dreams of waking up next to you and doing a morning routine with you.
- He gives himself a pep talk every morning.
- “This will be the day, I swear it! I will go to them and ask them right then and there!”
- But the second he sees you smiling and jogging up to him he breaks.
- His face bright red, legs shaking, but he keeps up his snobby facade.
- Does his hair look okay? Is there anything in it? Is his beanie on right? Are there any stains on his clothes?
- While snapping at you with his usual ‘I’m so great.’ Speeches he messes with his hair trying to make it look better, fixing his beanie and brushing off his clothes.
- He wants to look good for you-
- FOR HIM! Good for him, and his confidence.
- Melli doesn’t know how to let all his more positive emotions of love out and onto you so he makes gifts!
- He makes gifts that are for you but you’ll never see them.
- From crafting you a matching beanie, some warm gloves, a scarf, a blanket, comfy socks, making bracelets and necklaces.
- Anything to get it out of his system.
- But it never works.
- You show up and all his emotions rush back ten fold.
- You probably only catch on when you complimented him and you told him something basic like ‘your hair is pretty, do something different?’ And then looked away.
- But from the corner of your eyes you spot how he hunches over a bit, face covered in a heavy blush, and like he was fighting a lovesick smile.
- “I, I’m glad even someone like you can spot minor differences, I did use new shampoo.”
- You’re confused on why he stutters.
- Melli cherish anything you give him, items or praise, it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s something form you to him.
- But oh does get jealous.
- He hasn’t even asked to court you, and here he is foaming at the mouth cause Gaeric of all people wish to speak with you.
- You’re the hero of Hisui. It’s natural people want or need to speak with you.
- Melli knows this but still can’t help but feel the jealously burn in his heart.
- He gets three times as snappy with Adaman because of this.
- Upset that his own clan leader gets so much time with you!
- As if it’s not because of the world almost ending-
- He uses the fact that his Skuntank likes you as an excuse.
- “Dreadfully sorry but my sweet Pokémon just ran over here, seems the dear has taken a liking to you.” His voice sounding so agitated.
- But in reality he couldn’t be happier cause he gets to see your heart melting smile and you babying HIS Pokémon.
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sexysilverstrider · 3 years
A Worshipper’s Demise (Slight Volokari)
Warning: Major Game Spoilers.  
  Once upon a time, there was a happy boy.
  He was not born in a life of luxury. He was not given golds and diamonds as an attempt of gifts. His life was normal. Adequate. Average at best. From the day he was born inside a small, frail hut, he was gifted nothing but love and care from his parents.
  The mother smiled dearly. Though face paled and body gnawing from inside by the delivery, not once did she care nor realize the moment she has the breathing baby in her arms.
  A name fit for a beautiful child. A prophecy in letters. A promise that the newborn in his mother’s arms would soar high until Arceus could hold his tiny hand.
  The baby fumbled weakly, eyes barely opened and tiny mouth popped the tiniest ‘O’ one had ever seen. The mother laughed as she held her bare child. She then felt a soft pat on her shoulders, bringing her attention from beloved child to devoted husband.
  Her husband, the father, only smiled wider. Tears were still present in his eyes. He cried and he cried, even more so when he saw such a dazzling smile on his strong wife. Kisses over kisses were given on her head. Quiet whispers of ‘thank-you’ and ‘love you’ resonated in their small little world.
  Their perfect little world.
  Before space forms its shape. Before time flows its course. One lone creature stood proudly and created all.
  Life was given breath on Earth. Fauna bloomed brilliantly on the once barren land. People and Pokémon roam about, though on different courses as their way of life and were far, far too different to seek cooperation.
  As time passed by, people then sought and relished on the one who gave them life.
  It was a name given in a dream. Unknown by whom it told to, but more and more people began to revere what they knew but never saw. The people lived and breathed at their unknown deity. Their crops. Their shelter. Their life. All were a sign of thanks from the one they bowed to.
  Ancient Sinnoh.
  They were the very first clan who witnessed the birth of the world. They were the very first who received the deity’s name as if it was a whisper from the magnificent Pokémon itself. As generations come and go, all who knew Arceus worshipped it with a heart so true and mind so clear.
  The small little boy was not an exception.
  He was still very young, but his mind had developed well enough to understand that there was a higher being. His parents always praised Arceus, whether by words or actions. The child only watched every prayer, every recital. Every time his mother talked about Arceus, it was nothing but compliments and adoration. Every time his father brought up Arceus, his eyes dazzled as if he had met the deity himself.
  Fascination and curiosity filled the young child. And as he grew older and older, he started to believe that all this miracle was truly a gift from Arceus.
  But alas, not everything given by the deity was a gift.
  When the child was old enough to waddle, he gaped in fearful confusion at the sight of his father.
  Last time he saw him, the man had two arms.
  Now, only one was visible while the other was wrapped in cloth. The cloth was drenched in something red, something sticky. The child couldn’t tell what it was, but the sight made his heart pound in a way he did not like. He saw his mother cry. He saw his father try to comfort his sorrowful beloved.
  The poor child didn’t know what pain was, but to see such colour drained from his father’s face, he could guess as much.
  “It’s alright,” His father spoke, “I am fine. I am alive thanks to almighty Arceus. What matters is that I am here with you and our son. I am fine, my dear.” His father kissed his mother again and again, comforting her as if she was the one who had lost an appendage.
  The child only watched with vision a blur.
  He remained confused and afraid.
  Arceus gives. And Arceus takes.
  Volo never understood that meaning when he was a few years older. Why would the almighty deity take when it had given? Was it toying with his kind? Was it punishment because the people were not being grateful enough? As common sense slowly developed in the child’s mind, those thoughts started to fill him, burning him with the need to know.
  Thoughts burst like a bubble at the tiny sound. Quickly he turned around, grey eyes then beaming at the sight of the baby Pokémon.
  “Hello!” he said. “Are you lost?” Kindness filled such a little boy as he stood up and approached the mysterious creature.
  Suddenly, memories of his mother’s warning flooded in: “Pokémon are terrifying creatures.” She would always say. “Yes, our beloved deity is a Pokémon, but those who reside the Earth think differently than us, so we must always be cautious.”
  Volo stood in his tracks, confused and nervous. Grey eyes saw as the little creature fidgeted. It then cried and cried, even more confused and nervous at the sight of his tall stature.
  Pokémon were terrifying creatures.
  But, like people, not all would hurt him.
  A genuine smile curled each corner of his lips. “Hello little one…” Carefully, he crouched down. One small hand reached out towards it. “I won’t hurt you. I promise…” Grey eyes gleamed innocently. A heart beat so rapidly as the mysterious creature looked at him with such caution.
  One breath. And another. And another.
  Grey eyes sparkled in glee as the creature waddled its way towards him.
  “Prii…” The Pokémon stretched out its little nubs and touched his palm. It still looked afraid, but trust slowly bloomed between them as the wind blew so peacefully.
  The child wanted to jump. Wanted to laugh. But he chose to just purse his lips instead, toes curling on the fresh ground as he stilled his excitement. Volo crouched perfectly still, letting the Pokémon tap his palm a few times before finally gripping his fingers.
  What a joyous day for a child to feel.
  After what felt like the hundredth heartbeat, Volo carefully reached out his other hand towards him. Oh, how he wanted to laugh to see such a small creature hop in his arms! He was delighted! He was excited! The little one did not have any friends who were the same age as him, so to have someone whom he could deem as one provoked such bliss.
  How can a Pokémon like this be scary, he wondered, thoughts a thrill and a cheer.
  His people once said that he was to watch what he said and thought.
  His questions were answered on a moonless night. Volo was now older, old enough to speak and hunt. As he slept peacefully with his friend in his arms, the poor child was shaken awake at the sounds of screams. His parents woke up first, quickly startling him awake in a fit of frenzied panic. Flabbergasted by the situation, Volo scooped his little friend and got out of their hut.
  What grey eyes saw next was something no child should ever witness.
  Black flames covered each area. Unbearable heat licked every living person. From the moment Volo got out of his hut, air was robbed from him. He tried to look at his surroundings. But all he saw was flame and soot. People of clan were running about. Creatures of black were chasing after them.
  In the dim light of haunting flames, Volo could see horns, ones that once reminded him of the devil in his clan’s stories.
  The scream of someone he knew so well shrilled into his ears. Before he could turn, he instead felt his body being thrown to the side.
  Thud! His left shoulder hit the ground.
  Fwoosh—BOOM! Something bright and inexplicably hot swooped so close to him.
  “ARRGH—!” A scream he knew so well prickled the tiny hairs on his body.
  His little friend rolled a few steps away, now crying and wailing. Grey eyes snapped open, but colours of dark and red only filled his vision. Quickly, Volo looked at the direction of the previous scream, only to let out a scream of his own.
  There, frantically staggering so close to the poor lying child, was his father who was enveloped in violent flames.
  Louder and louder the man shrieked. His good arm hit and smacked where the fire was licking him. The flame hit his right shoulder, all the way to the side of his face. He madly twisted left, then twisted right. The flame has slithered into his right eye, causing more shrieks to echo in the darkness of the night.
  Volo only watched in absolute stupor. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak. Grey eyes swallowed the entirety of his pupil as he witnessed the horror. He wanted to move. He needed to help!
  But alas, all he did was watch.
  He watched as his father screamed.
  And screamed.
  And screamed.
  And screamed…
  Embers of the flame hit the young boy’s leg. But just as he jerked his leg—
  An even heavier mass hit his leg, lifeless and on fire, finally emitting a piercing shrill that cracked the poor child’s throat.
  A howl followed suit, actually swallowing the sound of the child’s terrifying trauma.
  Arceus gives and Arceus takes.
  Those were the words that were engraved in his heart on the day of the fire.
  Why, he wondered, would a deity do such a thing? Did it hate him? Did it hate his father? Were his people not loyal? Did they not revere the Pokémon as the almighty?
  Where…Where did he go wrong?
  He was older when his surviving clan chose to seek shelter in a different land. There were so few of them. So many with scars and burns that would forever tell the tale. Those who had lost their loved ones slowly started to lose their sanity. And to Volo’s dismay, his beloved mother was not an exception.
  They were running out of food. They were running out of hope.
  A lone child tried his best to support his mother and himself. The tiny friend he made was still loyal to him, giving the boy a glimmer of hope that long died in the fire. But hope could only do so much. Prayer could only do so less.
  Every night he was awakened by the sound of his mother’s cry. Every day he had to prevent her from seeing such horrifying burns on her face. He would so willingly take water from a nearby river. He would so willingly find food for them to survive. He would so willingly protect his only family from any incoming wild encounters.
  He would not so willingly let himself cry in silence when his mother wasn’t looking.
  He was no older than a young teenager when his mother drew her last breath.
  As the poor child kneeled beside the grave he had made for her, the last light in a pair of grey eyes finally died out.
  If Arceus was all-loving, all- forgiving, then why, pray tell, was he suffering?
  That single thought haunted his living.
  The boy now lived alone, save for his Pokémon who remained loyal by his side. At night, he laughed out loud in the night sky. At daylight, he stared so emptily at the white clouds. His clan was already gone, be it dead or moved on in separate ways. Volo knew how to hunt. He knew how to survive.
  Sadly, he had forgotten how to love.
  He felt so hollow.
  Even with his little friend still very loyal by his side, Volo couldn’t find it in his heart to receive nor give affection. He still fed the tiny being. He still provided it shelter. Those were necessities, after all. Why would this little creature be punished like how he had been?
  It seemed only fair. Why would he be cruel and bias like his so-called lord?
  The length of such blonde, unruly hair had reached his chest.
  Mania spiraled inside such dead eyes. His smile was gone, burned to ashes like the remains of his father. Hope that once beamed beautifully died out completely the second he saw the ground that buried his cold mother.
  Why, why, why?
  That was the only question that haunted his living. Why would Arceus do this? Why would Arceus condemn him? Did he not worship him enough? Had his clan committed such unspeakable blasphemy that judgment fell so harshly upon all of them? Did he do something so atrocious that caused the great deity to be so unmerciful?
  Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY—?!
  A sharp pain broke him from his trance. Wide, grey eyes stared below, at his palm that was now bleeding after holding onto the edge of a sharp knife.
  All questions vanquished in a blink, now replaced with a single word that emptied his tangled mind.
  Slender fingers brushed his wound, quietly slathering the thick crimson across his palm. It hurt. It stung. But fascination bubbled where his heart should reside the more he toyed around with the crimson liquid.
  A gaping mouth twitched. Just the slightest.
  “Why…” A meek, weak voice echoed inside the empty cave. His mouth grew wider and wider, finally cracking a smile mirrored the mania in such dead eyes.
 How fascinating, was all that filled his mind.
  It wasn’t until his hair reached his hip that he found a new resolve.
  To his luck, he stumbled upon a group of travelling merchants. Or rather, they found him. Sprawling on the cavern floor like a corpse ready to be devoured. He vaguely remembered a middle-aged man approaching him, visibly concerned and probably afraid at the state he was in.
  In some twisted fate, Arceus decided that he was not ready to face it yet.
  Instead, his cruel deity figured that he should go and live. Go and give himself a second chance at life.
  Hah! he thought. After all, why would he think that such a lord would even care for him?
  That being said, he played along. Living in this vile world was cruel. Unbearable even. But he decided to play the saint. He decided to hold on to the role of ‘saviour’. After being forced to be saved by such merchants, Volo decided to return the favour by playing human.
  After all, this world wouldn’t last long.
  It seemed that he was not the only one who survived his ancestry.
  And oh, what joy he felt! This lady held such knowledge about their so-called lord. Persistence was one he so proudly admitted to, as Volo asked night and day about the lore of Ancient Sinnoh The woman seemed hesitant, even cruel at first, but he knew that humans were fragile creatures that would break at constant tenacity.
  There were 17 plates in this world that held Arceus’ power. If one were to obtain all of them, then maybe—just maybe—one could summon the great Pokémon and control its holy power.
  Oh, it had been a while since Volo felt…ecstatic.
  He wanted those plates. He needed those plates. Finally, if he were to achieve them, he could see this Pokémon and return the favour of all those years he suffered. Finally, if he were to achieve them, he could gain control and let it go through a dance of sheer hell, one that he had been dancing to even to this day.
  Finally, when he finally achieved them, he could wipe this unholy world and create a new one that fueled his satisfaction.
  It wasn’t until his hair had become long enough to reach his waist that he found the treasure he so dreamed of.
  “Ha, ha…” Mirthless laughter echoed the dark cave as he held the spooky plate in hand. “Haa…ha, ha…” How funny, he thought, that he wasn’t alone in the personal feelings he had against Arceus.
  Such a beautiful name. Such a beautiful creature.
  If this Pokémon also held a grudge against its creator, it seemed only fair that Volo should meet it. Besides, it’s great to make new friends, was it not?
  His dream was close. So close.
  And as the sky tore open and dropped a human from a time and space of the unknown, he realized that his dream needed sacrifices.
  “Oh, there she is!” Rei exclaimed, voice quite a glee at the arrival of the magical stranger. “Over here, Akari!” The boy waved one hand, ushering the dark-haired girl to come and have a conversation with them.
  A single grey eye moved to the direction of their encounter. Locks of luscious hair tucked in a way that hid his other eye, Volo observed as their guest came closer.
  Black hair was tucked and tied with a pair of curious hair adornments. Her stature was quite small, a height that actually reached his collarbone if she were to stand close. A smile graced her face, meek, nervous, providing such innocence that wretched his throat.
  She then stood before him. A sharp breath was held inside heavy lungs.
  Such deep, dark eyes shined brilliantly under the violent sun.
  They were hypnotizing. Mesmerizing. Filled with such life.
  He despised it.
  “Oh? What a curious getup you have there.” He despised it so much. “I can already tell you’re quite the character!” Attention now fully focused on the young woman, Volo flashed a mask of his perfect smile.
  Her smile was sweet. Too sweet.
  He despised it as well.
  “I’m Volo of the Ginkgo Guild,” He despised her, “the go-to choice for any of your mercantile needs here in Hisui!” He despised her so much.
  Akari only let out a nervous chuckle.
  He hated that sound.
  “Hello Volo. I’m Akari. Nice to meet you!”
  Such a simple introduction that she gave, yet it was enough to stir a feeling of unease that he long burned away in replacement of morbid curiosity.
  The corner of his mouth twitched. He kept his smile in place. He must.
  Seconds felt like hours, and after a perfectly practiced flow of a conversation, Volo managed to convince her with a Pokémon battle. He needed to test her. He needed to beat her.
  With a ball in hand—and remains of a heart piled up in his chest—he released his little friend and the two initiated the battle.
  Once upon a time, there was a happy boy.
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Ask game: The sun goes down, and it doesn’t come back up.
(send me the first sentence of a fic and i’ll write the next five)
There is no sudden strike of lightning heralding the end of the world, no sudden fracture as the rift begins its next phase. Night falls on a safe, content Jubilife, two clans whose tentative peace is starting to become friendship... and morning never comes.
The Diamond Clan insists that almighty Sinnoh has frozen them in time as punishment for some transgression, and the Pearl Clan, likewise, suggests that Sinnoh has locked the sun away, plunging their space into eternal darkness—for rejecting its gift of power to the Nobles, for the decision to make peace with their enemies. There can be only one way to atone: they retreat, threat of war rising once again, forbidding any contact with each other or the Galaxy that poisoned them in the first place into thinking peace was an option.
And when frenzy overtakes the Nobles—slowly, this time, by inches like the sea creeping ever-upwards and devouring the shore—they forbid anyone from curing them.
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Rei sets out and proceeds to wipe the freaking floor with Ghetsis or how ever you spell that loser’s name
doesn't even wait for the guy to stop monologuing he just immediately vaporizes him on the spot
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So genetically speaking, Gift!Rei and Gift!Akari are siblings but legally speaking, they’re cousins.
Unless Arceus wants to have legal rights (for some reason???) then yeah that's exactly it.
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So wait, which team did Rei beat, Team Galactic, Plasma, or all of them? Also now Emmet has a 16 then 18 year-old son now? How is Emmet able to do that and have two sons while Ingo is in Hisui?
Rei does whatever he wants and no one can stop him. If that means that he wants to stop every villain team either directly or indirectly, well, whatchu gonna do, huh???
Emmet already has grey hair so he doesn't need to worry about the stress showing at least.
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Do you have a master list of all your AUs or at least the tags?
No but I certainly should. Here we go, I’ll put them down below! I’ll make sure to make a more detailed post later describing each AU. (Tell me if I miss any because there’s a LOT.)
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I. This is funny too not gonna lie.
The image of Arceus having Anxiety because the train man who’s supposed to be watching Akari is so fucking feral and gets into so much shit is honestly hilarious. Arceus is like, in the middle of getting beat up by Emmet before he’s like “LOOK, I’M NOT SORRY!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I TAKE MY EYES OFF YOUR BROTHER?! I BLINKED ONCE AND HE DECIDED TO TAKE ON A PACK OF ZOROARK WITH HIS BARE HANDS!!!”
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Oh thank goodness
Because of that failed I was going to Advocate it to happen after 10 years/ reunion because it wouldn't deattract from the whole godchild thing from the past due to the raw hilariousness of Arceus going "I like this guy" *gives the man who is pissed at him a child. ( insistence it's a twin. no, it's no- I'm God is a twin. Akari also agrees with the twin idea)
Ingo: *sigh...what did we talk about consent?
Arceus: But I did not kidnap him through Space Time nor did I give him Amnesia by accident.
Ingo: Yes that is good but......??? Yeah I don't know why emmet's mad? like how else was he supposed to get a kid???? Like he loves Akari why this is a problem??? Like sure, it's abrupt. but BABY.
Arceus: I know. His rage is hilarious.
Unova going "holy shit the other twin got on the action too."
Emmet pissed as hell that he got dragged into this and Ingo forever remains unaware.
I still prefer the kids being twins, but your idea about Ingo slowly starting to agree with Arceus' messed up way of thinking is super funny not gonna lie. Ingo’s like Akari’s wonderful! An angel! My darling! Emmet should be grateful. What is he even complaining about.
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@scribesynnox​ @lovedbz1​
,,, okay so would now be a good time to mention I HC Ingo and Emmet as albino?
But anyways. First of all Emmet whipping his head around to give Elesa a Look of Vindication is fucking HILARIOUS omfg. Imagine Elesa like. pausing for a moment at the realization that Rei has immunities because of Arceus. And wonders, for a moment, what that means in regards to Ingo and Emmet.
Were Ingo and Emmet created by Arceus?!
(They were not. The immunities weren’t even from Arceus, it’s from Ingo and Emmet’s DNA. They’re Just Like That.)
Secondly Ingo isn’t an awful cook I just can’t imagine him living with Akari in the mountains and NOT learning how to cook. Man already learned how to embroider because he wants to best for Akari, he knows how to properly season his meals! He just has very American tastes so the types of foods he likes wouldn’t always correspond with the types of food native Hisuians enjoy. For example, raw fish is kind of a No Thank You for him.
(Although, Ingo admits that Hisuian sweets are pretty dang good.)
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