#Tyler divorce lawyer
memento-rory · 20 days
✭ 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞.
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✭ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and tyler keep meeting in unexpected places.
✭ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: erm tyler may be a lil ooc. 😗
✭ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: ~3k.
✭ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: cc!reader. i literally love this little freak, so i had to get more out for him. this fic is very silly, but tyler is a silly guy, so it works out. enjoy! 💚
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Roblox. Everyone and their mothers were playing it nowadays, and all of your social media, your text chat, your comment section were chock full of your fans pleading for you to finally start playing it yourself.
You’d seen a ton of videos of your friends playing it — specifically the Koury sisters — and it had always looked so fun. You reached out to Kalynn and Weston to see what servers they’d recommend, and they’d given you a list of all their favorites and what performed well, which was equally as important as you having fun since you were starting to get big.
You sat down at your desk, booting up Roblox. Once you created your account, you were immediately launched into the avatar customization. For a while, you debated picking the silliest options you could find, but you ended up creating an avatar that looked like a mini version of you with a cute little outfit that you’d wear irl.
You hopped into a couple different games, just getting a feel for the controls and how different servers work. After you decided you’d figured it out well enough, you started to film.
“Okay guys, you finally wore me down — today, we’re playing Roblox, and I’m about to find me a man.” You grinned mischievously at the camera, before clicking on a server called Neighbors, a 17+ server where you get paired up with strangers to chat in a little house.
You opened every conversation in the same way, saying, “I’m looking for a man. Tell me why you think it should be you.”
You found a couple people who made you laugh, bantering with them for a few minutes before moving on. All of it was going to make for really good content. You realized why everyone was playing Roblox. Shit was fun.
Your video was starting to push an hour without editing, probably about forty minutes with editing, so you decided to do one more round before calling it quits.
“Alright, y’all. It’s my last chance to find a man. Wish me luck.” You said, clicking ‘skip’ to move onto the next person.
You were matched with a user named Dr_Poop50. Their avatar was the standard Roblox avatar.
“Oh, this guy is giving me nothing to work with.” You told the camera.
“Okay, well, that’s rude.” A deep voice came from the user, and you covered your mouth as you realized you weren’t muted.
“Look, Dr. Poop, I’m trying to find me a man, and I’m sorry, but I’ve got nothing to go off of here.”
“Oh, damn! Okay!” He let out a little chuckle.
“Tell me why you think it should be you.”
“Well, I’m 6’7, for starters.”
“Meh.” You shrugged, sounding disinterested, but giggling at the offended sound he made at that.
“I’m really good at ping pong. How ‘bout that?”
“Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. I can’t be seen with someone who’s bad at ping pong.”
“I’m also rich, just by the way.”
“And you couldn’t even spare a couple bucks to customize your avatar? I’m supposed to believe you have money, looking like that?”
“Keep bullying me and I’m gonna fall in love with you.”
You muted your mic for just a moment. “Chat, we got him.” You grinned, before unmuting, “Do you wanna get Roblox married?”
“Fuck yeah. Can’t believe I have a new Roblox wife.”
“We’re gonna have soooo many Roblox babies.”
“I draw the line at babies. You’re gonna have to get a Roblox abortion.”
You clicked your tongue at that. “You can’t Roblox police Roblox women’s Roblox bodies.”
“Fine. Then I’m gonna get a Roblox lawyer and serve you Roblox divorce papers.”
“Good luck with that. How are you gonna get a Roblox lawyer with no Roblox money?”
“You’re stuck with me forever, babe.”
“At least let me sign a Roblox pre-nup. Can’t let you take me for all I’m Roblox worth.”
“…Which, again, doesn’t seem to be a lot.”
He let out another laugh, the sound honestly kind of giving you butterflies. He had a nice voice. “Ouch, dude.”
Truthfully, this guy matched your energy so well that you didn’t really want to stop bantering with him, but your video was already too long.
“I can’t Roblox take this anymore. I’m taking the Roblox kids and moving to Roblox Montana and you’ll never Roblox see me again.”
“Nooooo!” The guy yelled quietly, and you left the game, giggling to yourself.
About two days later, you finally finished editing the video and uploaded it to your channel.
I Met My Ex-Husband on Roblox!
When you checked back in on it after a few hours, you realized the comments were flooded with several different versions of the same thing.
> writingsbyzuzu: (Y/N) AND HANSUMFELLA? my worlds are colliding
> bobthebuildersimp: no way you just met hansumfella and had no idea
> drfreaky: (y/n) met hansumfella and married him in a matter of minutes… what’s it like to live my Dream
Who is Hansumfella? You thought to yourself, your eyebrows furrowing, And why is everyone freaking out?
You had to figure this out, so as soon as you had some free time, you sat down and looked up Hansumfella on Youtube. Your eyebrows shot up as you noticed he had just uploaded a video, just moments before yours had gone up.
I Got Married AND Divorced in Roblox…
In the thumbnail was a screenshot of your avatar surrounded by hearts, with what you could only assume was Hansumfella’s face on the left. Christ. He was handsome as fuck. You supposed that’s why his username was what it was.
You clicked on the video, watching it all the way through. He’d met almost all the same people you had, including someone who lamented how they’d missed their chance with “some girl running this place like an episode of the Bachelor” to him.
Hansumfella commiserated with them, before addressing his audience. “We’re gonna find this girl and we’re gonna fuckin’ win the Bachelor.”
And find you, he did. It was kind of endearing to watch his perspective of the silly conversation the two of you had. He looked like he was genuinely having a good time, which made you feel even better about the whole interaction.
You scrolled down to his comments and they looked almost identical to yours.
> drfreaky: can’t believe you let (Y/N) go like that, man
> writingsbyzuzu: this is CRAZY how do you meet (Y/N) and not realize it’s (Y/N)!!!
> bobthebuildersimp: (Y/N) scored the bachelor of all bachelors
You wondered if Hansumfella read his comments, if maybe he was doing the same thing you were right now.
As if on cue, you received a notification from Twitter.
@HansumFellaLIVE has followed you!
You didn’t waste a second before following him back. Shortly after, another notification came in, this time letting you know that Hansumfella had tweeted at you.
@HansumFellaLIVE: @yourusername miss you wifey 😔
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you, immediately feeling the butterflies return to you. You sat for a second, wondering how to respond. Your viewers knew you to be pretty flirty (hence the Roblox Bachelor video), so you decided to play it up for your mutual audience.
@yourusername: @HansumFellaLIVE your kids miss their daddy… and so do i 😏
A week came and went, and you hadn’t heard anything else from Hansumfella — or Tyler, as you learned from his twitter account. It didn’t bother you, really. He was a stranger, just as much as you were. Meeting for five seconds on Roblox didn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things.
Anyway, you needed to film your next video. With the news of Omegle potentially shutting down for good, you decided to return to it one final time for your viewers.
“Alright, guys, since my last relationship didn’t work out — RIP my marriage to Hansumfella — I’m on Omegle to give it one last shot.” You told your viewers.
As Omegle loaded up, you stared at the bar where you were meant to type in your interests. “What should I put? …TikTok, maybe?”
You did exactly that, and met only a handful of normal people, trying to flirt with people clearly of age, and asking for relationship advice from people who clearly weren’t. It was going really well, and you were just about to bring the video to a close, but realized you had time for one more interaction.
You couldn’t believe your eyes as the next person appeared on your screen.
Tyler was staring at you, his mouth agape, but he looked delighted. He pointed at you, and you mimicked his expression, pointing back at him.
“No fuckin’ way,” Tyler laughed, leaning back in his chair, “It’s my wife! How are you? How are the kids?”
“Oh, they’re just perfect,” You answered him sarcastically, playing into the bit, “They keep asking me when daddy’s coming back home from the store. I keep telling them there’s a milk shortage so it’s taking you a long ass time to find some.”
“Don’t blame this on me,” Tyler smiled at you, chuckling, “You’re the one that ran off to Roblox Montana. I was just trying to do right by y’all.”
“All I’m saying is that you should have fought for us.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“You’re right, you’re right.” Tyler held his hands up in surrender. “What can I do to fix this?”
“Come home to us.”
Tyler clapped his hands together, nodding his head. “Daddy’s comin’ home.”
You couldn’t help it — you broke at that, letting out a cackle, which made Tyler start laughing too.
“This is fuckin’ nuts,” You shook your head in disbelief as your laughter died down. “No way I’m running into you randomly again. What are the odds?”
“I don’t know, but they seem to be in my favor.” Tyler grinned at you. You felt your cheeks heat up at his flirtatious statement, though you couldn’t be sure if he actually meant it or if he was just playing it up for the camera.
“My viewers are gonna eat this shit up.” You told him, letting out another laugh as you spoke.
“No, for real,” Tyler nodded, “Literally everyone has been all up in my shit asking if we were gonna start collabing.”
“Dude, same! My comment section, my twitch chat, my fuckin’ twitter mentions. It’s, like, all I see.”
“Maybe this’ll hold ‘em over until the next time we run into each other.” Tyler said, sitting up a little straighter, “If you do actually want to collab, I mean.”
“You wanna collab?” You asked, a little surprised. You weren’t expecting him to actually want to work with you past the silly bit between the two of you.
“Yeah, dude,” Tyler chuckled at your surprised expression. “You’re funny as fuck, and obviously we share an audience. Could be fun.”
“And good for your channel,” You teased, “You just wanna use me for my numbers,”
“Fuck, you got me.” Tyler released a heavy sigh, throwing his hands up in mock frustration.
“All good,” A mischievous grin spread across your face, “I just wanna use you for your numbers too.”
“I knew you were a gold digger, before I even Roblox married you, I knew it!” Tyler immediately got back into character, almost whisper yelling as he pointed an accusatory finger at his camera.
“Yeah, and what good did that do me?” You mimicked his actions, scowling at your camera, “Not a single cent in Roblox child support!”
You and Tyler dissolved into giggles again at your stupid bit. Once you’d calmed down again, you were about to tell him you needed to move on for the sake of your video, but he started asking you questions about yourself, so you indulged him. Every time there was a lull in the conversation — which wasn’t really all that often — he would start up another one, almost like he didn’t want to stop talking to you.
“Tyler,” You finally said, feigning disappointment at him, “You’ve completely ruined my video. I can’t put any of this out.”
“I know, I know,” Tyler held his hands up, smiling softly, “Guess I just like talking to you or whatever.” He made a big show of rolling his eyes, but that sweet smile stayed on his face.
Heat rose up in your cheeks again, and you shook your head, laughing a little. “We can keep talking, I’d just rather do it somewhere that isn’t Omegle.”
“That’s fair.” Tyler chuckled, nodding slowly. “Give me your phone number.”
Okay, direct. You liked that.
“Why, so you can post it and dox me?”
“Oh my Goddd,” Tyler groaned playfully, throwing his head back. He told you his number instead, and you put it in your phone.
“Tell the kids I miss them.” Tyler said wistfully as you geared up to end your recording and get off of Omegle.
“Tell ‘em yourself.” You spit out, disconnecting with a giggle.
You and Tyler ended up texting at almost all hours of the day for the next week or so. The two of you made a plan to post your Omegle videos at the same time, to maximize your joint slay, as Tyler had said.
Your video goes up with the title I Saw My Ex On Omegle?!
When you got the notification that he had posted his version, your eyes went wide at the title.
I Interviewed My Celebrity Crush on Omegle…
The thumbnail was a screenshot of you with all of your features blurred, but your room was clearly visible behind you, giving you away to anyone who was familiar with you.
You decided to sit down and watch his version, curious to see what he kept in and what he didn’t. Of course, the original bit made the cut, and you couldn’t help but laugh as you watched it back.
Tyler had kept a lot more in the video than you were expecting. A good portion of the conversation you’d had made it in, but it was mostly just questions he had asked you and answers you’d given him. It definitely played out like an interview, hence the title of his video.
You scrolled down to the comments, blushing as you read all of his viewers squealing over him calling you his celebrity crush. Obviously he was just playing it up for his audience, there was no way he had a crush on you for real, right?
The comments of your video looked almost exactly the same, asking you if you’d seen the title of his video or all caps statements about how much they loved the two of you together.
It wasn’t long before you got a text from Tyler to discuss the reception of your videos.
> from: tyler
>> Hey wifey
>> Looks like people are really fuckin with the new vid
>> Where should we bump into each other next?
You felt yourself grinning at the message, excited to potentially work with him again — strictly professionally, of course.
“Alright, y’all, we’ve got a real good stream lined up tonight.” You grinned, putting your headphones on. “I snagged an invite to the SDMP. Let’s go annoy all of your favorite creators.”
As soon as you spawned in to the SDMP, your chat erupted with demands to find different creators — though most of them were just demands to find Tyler — and you giggled at the scrolling text.
“Guys, calm down! I literally just got here. Let me get settled in!” You told your chat, as you wandered through the server, marveling at all the nice houses and builds.
As you wandered into the residential area, a familiar voice drifted into your ears.
“There she is!” Tyler said as he made his way over to you, “There’s my wife!”
You turned to look at him, eyeing your camera with fake annoyance before looking back at your screen. “Babe, where are the kids? It’s your weekend.”
“They’re fine.” Tyler answered, “They’re with the nanny.”
“I didn’t think you could afford a nanny.” You teased.
“I shelled out a little extra so I had someone to watch ‘em while I make things right with mommy.” Tyler replied, chuckling quietly. “Please, take me back. Let’s build a house together and live happily ever after.”
You muted your mic for just a second to say, “Chat, what do you think? Should I take him back?”
Hundreds of variations of YES! flooded your chat.
“I wanna live in a mansion.” You told Tyler, and his skin started to jump up and down in excitement.
“Fuck yeah,” Tyler laughed, “I’ll give you anything you want, wifey.”
“Let’s have another baby.”
“…Anything but that.”
You and Tyler spent hours gathering supplies and building a house together, just shooting the shit like you had been for days.
Truthfully, you had a hard time discerning what was actual flirting from him and what was being played up for his stream, but the longer you spent together, the more real it all felt.
When it started to get late, you decided to end your stream, but stayed on the server for just a little while longer before bed. Tyler had opted to do the same, mentioning he wasn’t quite ready to head to bed yet either.
“I forgot to tell you,” Tyler started offhandedly, “I’m gonna be in LA next week. I’d love to see you, if you’d be down to chill. You could show me your favorite lunch spot.”
You paused your building, your skin growing warm at the offer. “Like a date?” You chanced to ask, and you heard Tyler’s laughter in your ear.
“Yeah, like a date.” Tyler confirmed. “Unless you’re not into that. I just thought we were vibing, but I didn’t know if it was just for show or—”
“No, no, I’m super into that.” You interrupted, smiling.
“Fuck yeah,” Tyler breathed, “Because I’m super into you.”
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a/n: my @wyattjohnston winter fic exchange fic for @senditcolton (whose writing i am OBSSESSED with - praise you like i should made me see the light on matty t) 🥰 i’ve never written for tyler seguin and my only familiarity with him was him showing his own headshot to get into the arena which immediately made me love him lol. i had fun writing this one and i hope you enjoy!!!
word count: 12.1k
tw: drinking , fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving), dirty talk, hangovers, mild cursing
summary: new year’s eve in las vegas gets out of hand when you meet tyler, a gorgeous stranger in the club
After your divorce papers are signed, sealed, and delivered - on Christmas day no less, leave it to your jackass ex to find the only lawyer in the entire Fort Worth area willing to work on a national fucking holiday - your best friends appear at your front door with suitcases, bottles of champagne, and round trip tickets to Las Vegas, leaving on the 27th.
“No,” you tell them flatly, arms crossed over your flannel shirt, hair in a three-day old knot on top of your head. “I’m not in the mood to go anywhere, much less Vegas.”
You hadn’t even taken your parents up on the offer to pay for a plane ticket back home to New York for the holidays. It was too much to face them after your marriage had imploded and getting the third degree from your relatives wasn’t exactly something you wanted to do. Spending the holidays alone had seemed like a better option, even if the day had been a little lonely. But a spiked hot chocolate and a string of Christmas movie classics had kept you from getting too depressed.
“Honey,” Nora says, in her Christmas sweat set, the cartoon Grinch blazoned across the front giving you a nasty smirk, a patient smile on her face, “now is exactly the time to get away. You just shed a hundred seventy five pounds of jackass, you need a distraction.”
She muscles past you and nearly drags her rolling suitcase’s wheels over your bare toes. You pull your foot back and lean against the wall as Katie and Nic follow her inside, a makeshift parade to celebrate your divorce. Nic at least has the decency to shoot you an apologetic look as she passes, whispering, “I tried to get her to settle for a little trip to a spa, you know, manis, pedis, massage. But you know Nora…”
“Never Takes No for an Answer Nora,” you finish when Nic trails off, smiling a little despite yourself. Nic gives you a little smile and bumps your hip with hers.
“Seriously though,” she says as you close the door behind her, “if you really don’t want to go, Nor will understand.”
You sigh and shake your head. “No, I…it’s probably good for me to get out of town,” you admit reluctantly. It’s been a depressing few months, full of anger and tears and tense phone calls and curt emails. You’re tired of being sad, of being angry, but mostly you’re tired of being in the same city as your asshole ex-husband. Even though you moved out of the house you shared and into an apartment, the entire city holds reminders of your relationship. Now that the divorce is official, you’re starting to wonder if staying in Fort Worth is the right move. Your friends and your job are here, but the risk of running into Jason is astronomically high and maybe a change of scenery would be good. You rub at your forehead - that’s a problem for the new year.
The girls leave their suitcases in a pile in your front hall. Two pairs of Nikes and a pair of Ugg platforms join the suitcases and you’re pulled into a pile on your couch - the college tradition for a broken relationship. Back then it had been cheap wine coolers and binge watching The Bachelor. Now, Nora hands you a bottle of champagne, cheers when you pop the cork, and drops her head to your shoulder after you take a huge gulp. You drape your legs over Katie’s lap and rest your cheek on the top of Nora’s head. It’s not the way you thought you’d be spending the holidays, but you’re so grateful for your friends.
“In about an hour, we’re going to start helping you pack,” Nora says, taking the second bottle of champagne from Nic and swigging from it. “But right now, it’s time to tell us every single negative thought you’ve had about Jackass Jason and didn’t want to say before.“
“Have to cleanse the energy,” Nic says, “by putting all his negative traits into the air and I’ll light some sage.”
“Sage?” You lift an eyebrow, warm and cozy in the cocoon of your friends.
Nic digs into her giant purse and pulls out a wad of sage, tied up with white string. She beams. “Sage! It’s very cleansing.”
Katie cackles a laugh. She kicks Nic’s thigh lightly and grins, “never change those hippie ways, Nicky.”
“Pass me a lighter,” Nic holds out her free hand and wiggles her fingers. Nora drops a well used plastic Bic onto her palm and you lean in to cup your hands under the sage bundle. The last thing you want is ashy smudges on your couch.
It takes two tries, but eventually Nic manages to get the lighter to catch and she holds the flame to the top of the bundle. It immediately starts to smell of the burning herb and smoke rises to the ceiling when she blows out the small fire. You cough a little, the scent of sage stinging your nose. Nic rolls off the couch and begins to wave the stick around, explaining what she’s doing as she goes.
“So, we’re getting rid of all of Jason’s negative energy and karma,” she waves the stick and you wince when a little clump of ashes falls to the carpet and then sigh when Nic’s bare foot grinds them further into the fibers.
“Jason never lived here,” you point out reasonably, the bottle of champagne lighter in your hand as you take another drink. Your chest already feels lighter and less knotted with grief and anxiety.
Nic looks at you like you’re an idiot and you feel strangely chastened, taking another swig from the bottle. “Honey, his negative energy and toxicity was absorbed by you and all the stuff you took from the house. We have to just, like, get his energy out of here.” She cocks her head at you, squints, asks, “would you consider cutting your hair? Hair holds onto a lot of trauma.”
“No!” You yelp, hand flying up to clutch at the knotted mess on top of your head. “I thought you were the ones to talk me out of breakup bangs when he first left? Now I’m supposed to cut my hair?”
“Just a suggestion,” she says, even as the other two chime in from the couch to encourage a change in your hairstyle. Nora mentions a bob and you resist the urge to kick her.
With a roll of your eyes, you say firmly, “I’m not cutting my hair. Let’s move on from this.”
Nic nods and finishes sageing the apartment, leaving a faint haze of smoke in the air and you’re honestly very grateful when she puts the bundle in a ziploc bag and stashes it back in her purse. “Okay,” she beams, dusting off her hands, “bad energy officially cleansed. We can move onto the fun part!” She drinks from the bottle that you’ve mostly emptied on your own and before you can ask what the fun part is, you’re being pushed into your bedroom and the girls are rummaging in your closet for your suitcase.
They work in coordination, while you’re sitting stupid in the middle of your bed, to throw your skimpiest clothes into the opened suitcase. You watch as a colourful array of fabric is tossed from your drawers and wonder what, exactly, they have planned for the trip.
“This one, for sure,” Katie’s voice is muffled from deep in your closet. Her hand appears, the mirrored minidress you bought and wore for the Eras Tour swinging from its hanger. The mirrors sparkle under the hi-hats in your room and throw discs of light onto your bedroom walls.
“What are we doing in Vegas?” You ask finally, pulling your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. “I mean, I love that dress, but can’t this just be a chill trip? Like what if we just got tickets to see Adele? And I can cry to her music?”
“Absolutely not,” Nora shakes her head and Katie shakes the dress at you again. “We’re going to get you to forget about the jackass and the divorce one way or another. Whether it’s drinks or dick, that’s your choice, but you deserve to let loose after taking care of him all these years.”
“Besides,” Katie pipes up, “how good do you think we are that we could get last minute Adele tickets? That shit was sold out months ago!”
Tears prickle at your eyes, your nose burning a little. Divorced at 27 isn’t exactly how you pictured your life going after meeting Jason in college, getting married at 22, and supporting him all throughout his time in law school, but you’re beyond grateful for your girls.
“No dick,” you murmur, a shaky smile on your face. “I’m not ready for that, but drinks I can do.”
The trio cheers and starts tossing more clothes into your suitcase.
The next day is spent nursing your mild hangover and repacking the drunken mess you’d all made of your suitcase the night before. Once you’re packed to your satisfaction - mirrored mini dress and platform heels included - you run out for a quick wax before meeting the girls for a manicure.
“I meant to say it last night,” you say watching your crusty old gel polish disappear into dust, “but let me know what I owe you, for the flight and hotel and everything. I’ll Venmo you.”
Nora waves you off, apologising quickly to the manicurist when she complains as Nora’s hand is ripped away. “Don’t even worry about that. I used miles for the flights and -“
“The guy I’ve been seeing?” Nic cuts in. “The hedge fund guy, Mark, he’s treating for the hotel suite.”
Katie’s eyebrows shoot up along with yours. Clearly she didn’t know about the hotel connect. “Whoa,” she grins, “Nicky with the high roller! Hold onto him with two hands.”
Nic blushes. “He’s really sweet too.” She continues talking about him for a few minutes until she stops herself and looks at you with wide eyes and an apologetic expression. “Oh god, I’m so sorry! Here I am rambling on and you’re going through -“
“Oh my god, don’t do that!” You cut her off. “I’m okay! I want to hear about the guys you’re dating. Just because I’m single again doesn’t mean I want death to love for everyone.” You snort a laugh that sounds a little forced even to your own ears. The girls share a look that you hate, but continue talking about the dates they’ve been on and the mediocre sex they’ve been having. Truthfully, you tune them out a little bit, cranky about the divorce, about the trip that was sprung on you, and embarrassingly enough, jealous that they’re having sex at all.
Even before Jason started the divorce proceedings six months ago, it had been nearly eight months before that the last time you had sex. You should’ve realized he was seeing someone else on the side because there was no way he had gone that long without sex. And yet. You’d been caught off guard by the cliched texts found in his phone, the lacy thong found in his car, and the divorce petition delivered to you while he was “working late.” Thinking back on it, you feel supremely stupid.
Now that the paperwork is signed and you’re officially, legally single again, you’re just glad you didn’t have kids or anything really significant to fight over. It’s almost a blessing that the process wasn’t as drawn out as it could’ve been.
You make a conscious effort to push all thoughts of Jason from your mind and try to be in the moment, a task made easier once you’re in the air en route to Vegas and then actually in the city itself. It’s both like the movies and not, colorful and loud and a little sketchy. But you immediately make twenty bucks on a slot machine in the airport, so you figure that’s a good omen for the trip.
The first four days of the trip pass in a blur - all you can eat buffets, drinking, dancing, spas, too little sleep, and too much gambling. You’re up nearly three hundred dollars after being down almost a thousand the day before, so that’s cause to celebrate with drinks. Not that you really need an excuse - you’ve had more alcohol in the last four days than in the last four months. You’re exhausted, but you’ve also laughed more than you have in a year and your face hurts from smiling. The entire city has a numbing effect on your lingering emotions and you feel yourself starting to rediscover who you were before the Jason of it all.
“Time for the mirrorball dress!” Nora singsongs, dancing around the suite in her plush robe. It’s New Year’s Eve and the city feels even sparklier than usual. The streets have been packed with people and the casinos are at capacity - apparently there’s a hockey game tonight too, so the sports bettors are having a field day. You’ve been going to different hotel bars and clubs the past few nights, but tonight is the big night out before you fly back to Texas tomorrow night.
The entire Strip is shut down to traffic for the night and you’re planning on going to TAO for dinner and dancing since it’s inside the Venitian, where you’re staying. It’s a major splurge, but fuck it, you’re about to get alimony from your corporate lawyer ex-husband. You still have Jason’s credit card, so you’re fully planning on putting dinner on his tab, before he realizes that the card is in your possession. For all the little details Jason remembers, he’s surprisingly bad about his finances.
For now though, you dig your hand into the pillowcase that had been full of the little shot sized bottles of alcohol four days ago and is now mostly empty. You groan when you pull out a little bottle of Pink Whitney, the pink lemonade vodka is your least favorite drink. You knock back the shot while the girls cheer you on, all three of them already in various states of tipsy. It honestly feels like you haven’t been completely sober since you left Texas.
Nic blasts a classic 2000s playlist while you’re getting ready and you dance around the huge suite, feeling light and floaty.
It’s complete chaos out on the Strip, even though it’s barely after 7. You could’ve gotten to the restaurant directly through the hotel, but you decide to walk outside for a bit to see what’s happening. It’s chillier than you expected, so by the time you get to the restaurant, you’re more than ready for a drink and dinner. You fill up on sushi and expensive drinks, gossiping about people you knew in college, spilling some more of the more extreme details of Jason’s cheating when you’re finished with your third TAO-tini.
“FUCK HIM!” Katie shouts in the middle of the restaurant, drawing attention to your table. You giggle and shush her drunkenly, waving a hand to get her to lower her voice. “No,” she shakes her head, only marginally quieter, “you really are so much better than that douche. When we get downstairs, we’re finding a man and you’re fucking him!”
Nic giggles and leans a little sideways in her seat, “new dick to cleanse Jackass Jason from your vagina!”
You flush with embarrassment as more people look over, but thank god the waiter comes by with the check. You toss Jason’s platinum AmEx onto the little dish and grin wickedly as you tell the girls, “dinner was on Jason.” They cheer and Nora laughs, “I should’ve ordered another drink!”
Once the bill is paid, with a generous 30% tip added, you traipse downstairs into the club part of the restaurant. The lights are low and the music is loud, plenty of people already drunkenly dancing just three hours before midnight. Nic and Nora join the fray immediately while you and Katie detour off to the bathroom quickly where you fix up your makeup and fluff up your hair, inspecting your face in the mirror. You look tired, but there’s a spark in your eyes that you hadn’t noticed was missing in the last year of your relationship with Jason.
“I’m serious,” Katie says, her solemn tone betrayed by the slight slur to her ‘s’. “Pick a guy in here and I will make sure you fuck him. You deserve a little fun.”
“I have been having fun,” you assure her, your reflection grinning at hers. The alcohol is making your brain pleasantly fuzzy, thoughts drifting away as easily as they come. “I don’t need a man right now,” you continue. “Even for the night. I just want to dance.”
“Okay!” Katie chirps, grabbing your hand and pulling you back out into the club. “Let’s dance!”
And you do. You find Nic and Nora and for a handful of songs, the four of you are jumping and screaming and having a blast.
Sweaty and thirsty, you break off from the girls and wobble towards the bar, weaving in between the throngs of people. The line for the bar is two or three people deep, so you settle in for a wait, looking around the room and people watching. The crowd seems pretty typical for New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas, but your gaze lands on a group of men and your heart skips a beat.
There’s at least four of them huddled together, maybe five, and you know you’re drunk, but you didn’t think you were drunk enough to be seeing double. You blink and they come into sharper focus - not seeing double, just two incredibly handsome, dark haired and bearded men. Another dark haired man with no beard and a curly haired blond man. They’re all in slacks and white button downs in various states of unbuttoned, like they came from the office or something. They don’t look out of place in the club though, with drinks in their hands and the way they’re grouped together.
They’re laughing and shoving at each other, like overgrown frat boys, and you can’t look away. You’re captivated by the way they hold themselves, clearly confident in their bodies. Even in the dark of the club, you can see the faint outlines of ink through the white fabric of one of the guys’ shirts.
You’re still staring like a creep when the tattooed guy turns and looks directly at you, making and holding eye contact. A little gasp slips from your lips and your stomach flips, the familiar and nearly forgotten feeling of arousal sparking to life in your stomach. His friends shove at his arms, laughing. You blink and look away, feeling shaky and not from the alcohol. A faint flutter between your legs has you pressing your thighs together. “This is stupid,” you mutter to yourself. Ten seconds of eye contact shouldn’t have had you reacting like this. Yes, it had been a while since you last had sex, but jeez.
You rub your fingers over the bridge of your nose and nearly jump out of your skin when a deep, unfamiliar voice says, “what are you drinking?” right in your ear.
“Oh!” You turn, stumbling just enough that a hand shoots out and grips your elbow to steady you. A warm, broad hand. Attached to a tanned, tattooed forearm. Attached to a broad chest barely covered by an obscenely unbuttoned white shirt - tattoos and chest hair exposed and making your body react. Attached to the dark haired man you had made eye contact with. You blink up into warm brown eyes and ignore the way your stomach clenches up. His thumb brushes against the inside of your elbow and your skin feels like it’s on fire.
His mouth, full lower lip and thinner upper lip surrounded by a neatly trimmed beard and moustache, quirks up at the corner. “In case I wasn’t clear,” he says and you can hear the laughter in his tone, “can I buy you a drink?”
A faint smile touches your own lips and you nod. “Double vodka cranberry,” you say, voice a little raspy from screaming along to the music.
Mystery Man nods, smiling, “good choice. Come with me?” Without waiting for an answer, he slides his hand down your forearm and laces his fingers with yours to pull you behind him while he uses his broad shoulders to muscle past the crowd around the bar. When you reach the bar, he does a quick maneuver, dragging you in front of him so you’re sandwiched between the bar and his chest, heat pouring off his body. He leans forward a bit, pressing against you, and catches the bartender’s attention. Your entire body feels too warm, the thin fabric of your thong growing damp from the solid mass of his chest against your back.
“Double vodka cranberry for the lady,” he orders. “And double scotch on the rocks for me.”
His forearms come to rest on the bar top, trapping you in the circle of his arms. The alcohol is lowering your inhibitions and your intrusive thoughts win out and you arch your back a little, pressing your ass into his crotch, turning your head to look back at him. He wears a shit eating grin on his face.
“I don’t usually let strangers buy me drinks,” you say, heart pounding in your chest. He doesn’t feel like a threat, doesn’t feel like someone you should be afraid of. You lean a little closer to him, something crackling in the air between your bodies.
Something flitters across his expression, but you’re just this side of drunk and can’t manage to identify it before it’s gone. “Tyler,” he introduces himself, trailing a finger over your arm and up to your shoulder where he plays with the thin silver strap holding your dress in place. “Not a stranger now.” Goosebumps lift on your arms as his fingertip twists in the skimpy strap. His gaze is searing, flickering from your eyes to your lips to the hint of cleavage exposed by the draping of your dress. Your nipples tighten under the fabric, pinching almost painfully.
You offer up your own name in return, taking the drink directly from the bartender when he returns. You sip at it and it tastes stronger than a double or maybe that’s just Tyler’s proximity that’s clouding your senses.
He takes a sip of his own drink and leads you away from the bar, giving you another opportunity to watch his back muscles move under his shirt as he works his way through the crowd. A gym rat, you think, with the way he’s all lean muscle and quiet strength. He’s muscled, but not disgustingly so.
“What are you doing in Vegas?” He asks, when you’re alone again, just off to the side of the bar. You can see the girls out of the corner of your eye, staring at you with matching ‘you go, girl!’ expressions on their faces. You giggle a little.
“Celebrating,” you reply vaguely, taking a sip of your drink and fluttering your lashes. You’re flirting, you realize. You haven’t flirted with anyone since Jason. The bubbly feeling in your chest expands and you smile up at him.
“Huh,” he laughs warmly, “what do you know, me too. And the only thing my night was missing is a pretty girl.”
Alcohol fuels your confidence, along with the hungry way Tyler’s gaze takes in your body, and you reply, “good thing you found me then.”
Your gaze lingers on the notch of his collarbone, the dusting of hair over his chest, the dark lines of his tattoos. Your cunt gives an enthusiastic throb and you swallow heavily.
Tyler leans in a little and you catch a whiff of spicy cologne mixed with the scotch on his breath. This isn’t his first drink of the night either. “Would your friends mind if I monopolized your time tonight?”
Biting your lip, you look over at the girls. Katie is moving her hand near her mouth in the universal sign for blowjob and Nic is giving you the biggest, most encouraging puppy dog eyes. Nora flashes you a double thumbs up, spilling some of her drink in the process. A laugh huffs through your nose and you look back up at Tyler, “no, I don’t think they’ll mind.”
“Good,” his smile is adorable, his hand lands on your waist, and you completely forget why you told Katie you weren’t interested in a hook up tonight. “Want to dance?”
You’re not quite sure how it happened - one minute you were dancing with Tyler, one of his arms wrapped securely around your waist while your hips gyrated against his pelvis, the hard bulge of his cock obvious every time you moved and the next minute you found yourself pressed up against a wall in the VIP section of TAO, with Tyler’s tongue deep down your throat and his hand sliding up the side of your thigh, fingertips playing at the hem of your dress. Your hands are fisted around the collar of his shirt, pulling him as close as you can while you moan into his mouth and cant your hips towards his, spreading your legs a little to encourage his hand’s exploration.
His fingertips make contact with the soaked fabric of your thong and you whimper, knees going weak. Tyler’s lips turn up in a smile against yours and he uses more pressure, finding your clit easily through the fabric until you have to pull back and gasp for air, your head thrown back while you pant.
“Jesus, baby,” he mutters, kissing a trail down your jaw and over your throat. “You’re fucking soaked.” He sucks gently at your pulse point, your heart hammering in your chest.
He slips his fingers under the fabric, rough pads of his fingers catching against your slick folds. “Oh my god,” you mutter, grinding against his fingers. “More, please, Tyler.”
He obeys, thumb catching on your clit and middle finger teasing at your entrance before sliding inside easily. A whine catches in your throat and it feels so good, too good. Between the alcohol and the lust and the months long celibacy, you’re at the edge of an orgasm in less than a minute, dripping around Tyler’s fingers before you can even process that you’ve come. White spots dance in your vision and it could be the strobe lights or the searing pleasure from having your clit rolled between Tyler’s thick fingers.
“Good girl,” he grins against your neck, beard and teeth scraping against your skin. Your face already feels rubbed raw with beard burn, but you don’t want him to stop. “Think you can do it again?”
Truthfully you think that you’re so worked up and horny you could come just from Tyler looking at you, but you nod and squeak out a yes.
Tyler bites a mark against your collarbone and drops to his knees, wedging his shoulders between your thighs and forcing them apart. He looks up at you from between your legs, dark eyes even darker with lust and a wicked grin on his face, “hold on, baby, gonna make you see fireworks for the New Year.”
You laugh at the corny line, choking off into a prolonged moan when he buries his face between your legs and presses his tongue flat against your cunt, the wet heat of his tongue pressing your damp thong into your sensitive clit.
You’re beyond thankful for the darkness of the VIP area and the loud music because you can’t contain the noises that Tyler’s drawing from your mouth. You tangle one hand in his hair - fuck, it’s so soft - and hold his face up against your cunt. The other hand reaches blindly for the magnum bottle of champagne you’d been sharing. Technically it’s the second bottle and it’s more than half gone when you tip it up to your mouth for a drink.
“I - ah! I don’t usually doooooh my god, right there - this,” you gasp, writhing over Tyler’s face. His nose is pressed against your clit and his tongue is flat against you, licking with purpose. You grind against his face, making sure the tip of his nose rubs against your clit.
“What,” he pulls back with a wicked grin that only grows when you whine and try to push him back in place with your grip on his hair, “get your pussy licked?”
The bottom half of his face is glistening in the strobe lights and you feel the blush rise on your chest knowing that your body did that to him.
“Um, yes,” you admit quietly, “and the whole, uh, stranger in a club thing too.”
His smile turns a little soft, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Happy to be your first then,” he kisses the inside of your thigh and lifts your leg so it’s draped over his shoulder and you’re spread even wider for him. You’re impossibly exposed to him and all it does is make you wetter. Tyler tilts his head back a little and opens his mouth, you instinctively pour some champagne into his mouth, the both of you laughing when it splatters onto his face and shirt, making the white fabric nearly see-through. He wipes a little at his face, fingers scraping at his beard, and he shrugs. “Was gonna get all wet and messy anyway.”
He holds his champagne covered fingers up to your face and you lick at his skin, sucking his fingertips into your mouth and letting them rest on your tongue for a moment before he pushes them a little further past your lips, until saliva is dripping down his palm.
Tyler’s head is back between your legs, a strong hang gripping at your thigh, his lips wrapped around your clit. He sucks at the swollen bud and your leg kicks out, the heel of your platform smacking against his back with an audible thunking noise. He grunts into you and you moan an apology, his fingers falling out of your mouth so you can take another gulp of champagne. The bubbles fizz on your tongue and burn going down.
He buries his wet fingers into your cunt, curling and pumping, and you bite down hard on your lower lip to keep from screaming. Not that anyone would hear you with how loud the music is in the club. You grind your hips against Tyler’s face and feel him smile, the coarse hair on his face scratching against your inner thighs when you subconsciously try to close your legs around his ears.
“Gonna kill me,” he pulls back and mutters, nipping at the junction of your thigh. You jolt when his hands squeeze at your asscheeks, the scrape of the sequins on your dress adding more overwhelming sensation. He adjusts your thigh over his shoulder, his other hand trailing down your leg and wrapping around your ankle. He pulls back a little and you whine at the loss of sensation. “I like these,” he says, his fingers tapping against the sparkle of your platforms. “When I fuck you later, I want you to keep these on.”
You laugh, about to deny that this is going any further than the club, when his mouth is back on your cunt, tongue stiff and warm as he licks at your clit. All thoughts are gone from your head, aware only of the pleasure Tyler’s giving you. His hands are all over your body, fidgeting from your thighs to your ass and back again, calloused fingertips ghosting over your skin and making you shiver.
You close your eyes against the pleasure building in your body, tears pooling at your waterline. How the fuck did you go this long in life without realizing that you’ve never had a satisfying orgasm? And some random, gorgeous man in a club in Vegas is the one to satisfy you over and over? It’s a shame this is a one night thing.
Sunlight streams in through the windows and you screw your eyes shut tighter, nausea rolling your stomach even though you haven’t moved. It’s like an ice pick is stabbed into your temple, the throbbing somewhere deep in your brain a harsh reminder that you’re not 21 and immune to hangovers anymore.
You press your lips together and lift your hand to rub at your temple, trying to keep your movements as slow as possible so you don’t vomit. Something hard and sharp knocks against your brow bone and you crack one eye open to see what the hell it could possibly be since you don’t remember putting any jewelry on last night. A huge twinkly diamond ring stares back at you from your finger.
The ring finger.
The left ring finger.
Your eyes fly open and you ignore the wave of nausea and shooting headache to look around the hotel room. The unfamiliar hotel room. The sheets slide down your chest, exposing you to cold air and making you shiver. Your nipples pebble from the cold and you look down, eyes widening at the little bruises and bite marks scattered over your chest and stomach. You’re naked under the sheets save for a pair of black boxer-briefs looped around one thigh, like you tried to put them on last night and got tired halfway. The fabric is soft and worn and they’re absolutely not your underwear.
“Fuck!” You yelp, gaze landing on Tyler’s prone form in the bed next to you. He’s flat on his back, one arm thrown over his face, the other out to his side with his fingers curled in your direction. “Oh my god!”
His chest is bare, tattoos a stark contrast against the white sheets and his tan skin. He’s got purpling bruises on his chest and stomach too, marks that you must’ve left on him. Marks that make a trail from his collarbone over his pecs, down his stomach, barely hidden by the sheet that rides low over his lap.
If you’re half wearing his briefs, he’s definitely completely naked from the waist down too. Before you can comprehend the thought, you wonder if you left marks lower on his body too.
Your head is moving around like it’s on a swivel, taking in all the details of the room that you’re pretty sure is Tyler’s. There’s a black suitcase in the corner and your dress is a shiny pile on the floor. Your thong tossed over the lampshade on the bedside table. You can’t find your shoes, until you notice them at the foot of the giant bed, left in a haphazard pile and you remember, faintly, Tyler’s words from last night - “When I fuck you later, I want you to keep these on.” They look like they were discarded in a rush, one ankle strap not even fully pulled from its buckle. His clothes are everywhere, tossed in a trail from the door that speaks to how fast you were trying to get him naked.
The hangover is clouding your brain, making it feel like your head is stuffed with cotton, and you haven’t even begun to consider what the ring on your finger means. Maybe it was just a joke? It had to have been a joke.
Tyler shifts, grunting a little in his sleep, and reaches his hand out in your direction like he’s trying to find your body. His movement startles you.
“Ah, fuck!” You yelp, scrambling out of the bed, legs all tangled in the sheets. The briefs slip down your leg and tangle around your ankle. You kick your leg wildly, the black fabric going sailing across the room with the force of your kick. Frantically, you yank at one of the blankets crumpled at the foot of the bed and wrap it around yourself like a toga. Your hands shake a little.
Tyler stirs and blinks sleepily, stretching his arms over his head, giving you a show with how the black ink of his tattoos move. His gaze is unfocused when his eyes finally open, landing on your blanket-wrapped form. A slow smile graces his lips and he rasps, “hey, morning.” There’s a smudge of your dark lipstick on his cheek, partially hidden by his beard. A bruise is sucked into the underside of his bearded jaw and you notice, for the first time, the ragged red nail marks on his shoulders and biceps. He looks like he was attacked by a feral animal - and it’s a jolt to the system when you realize that feral animal had to have been you.
You can’t even find words, mouth gaping open and shut at him like a fish. Now that you’re standing, you finally stop for a second to take stock of your own body. Sticky between the thighs, sore like you’ve never been sore before - in a pleasant, well taken care of way. Your inner thighs feel raw and you know that when you look later, you’re going to find beard burn on the sensitive skin. You can already feel it on your chin and cheeks.
“What is this?” You hold your left hand out to him, the gaudy ring - because now that you’ve gotten a better look at it, it’s not a real diamond, thank god. It’s cubic zirconia or something cloudier than a real diamond and it’s a huge oval, spanning the entirety of your knuckle - glinting in the early morning sunlight.
Tyler squints at you, rolling onto his side before sitting up, either unaware or unconcerned that he’s completely naked and the sheet pools low enough in his lap that you can see the trail of dark hair leading down to his dick and the hair at the very base of him. You try to keep your eyes from looking, but he reaches a hand up and rubs at the back of his neck, making his bicep pop and the sheet move around and you’re only a woman, you can’t help yourself from looking. Your clit throbs between your legs, clearly remembering what happened last night even if most of it after getting eaten out in TAO is a little fuzzy to your brain.
“It’s a ring,” he replies simply, looking like his brain is trying to come back on-line too. He shifts his hand and his eyebrows lift. “Oh, shit. I’ve got one too.”
Your gaze lands on the band on his left ring finger. It’s yellow gold, or something cheap that looks like yellow gold, and you hate that your immediate thought is that it looks good on him. The band contrasts nicely with his skin and he spins it with his thumb, your eyes tracking the rotation.
A little chuckle slips past his lips and you blink at him. He takes in your expression and laughs outright. “Come on, you can’t possibly think we what? Got married last night?” His laugh is warm and too familiar for someone you’ve known less than twelve hours. “That’s a Vegas cliché if I’ve ever heard one.”
You shake your head. “Right, no. Yeah, I’m just being stupid. It’s just—“ you hesitate, glancing around the room again, avoiding looking at him, noticing the - oh god - four condom wrappers discarded on the floor. No wonder you’re so sore. The tenting of the sheet in his lap isn’t doing much to hide his morning wood, the shape of him obvious even with the quick little glances you’ve been sneaking. Four times. It’s a minor miracle that you’re not walking bowlegged.
Tyler stretches again and looks around for something - his clothes, his phone, who knows - while clearly not caring that the sheet is covering next to nothing. “Hey, do you see my phone?” He asks, drawing your attention back to his face. “Just wanna check the time.”
He’s remarkably chill and you’re starting to feel a little crazy for overreacting so much to silly rings bought in a drunken haze. There’s a phone on one of the little decorative tables in the corner of the room and you’re not sure if it’s yours or his, but when you pad across the room to get it, you step on a piece of paper, crumpling it under your heel. Leaning down to pick it up, you fall back on your ass in shock when your eyes land on the words at the top.
Clark County Marriage License
“You okay?” Tyler asks, sounding concerned.
“No,” you manage to squeak out the word around the block in your throat. There in black and white - your name and Tyler’s. Tyler Paul Seguin, apparently, if the document is to be believed. You feel your stomach lurch when you see the date on the license. Last night, New Year’s Eve.
How drunk had you been?
Who the hell had let you get married?
You’re so caught up in the implications of the piece of paper you’re holding that you don’t realize Tyler’s out of bed and squatting next to you, wearing his briefs, thank god.
“Whatcha got - oh,” he cuts himself off, reading the words over your shoulder. “Oh. Shit. Wow.”
He sits down on the floor next to you and you look over at him, eyes wide. “We actually got fucking married in Las Vegas,” you breathe, chest tightening in panic.
“I mean, maybe we didn’t?” He says hopefully. “That’s just a license, doesn’t mean we actually did it.” He taps his fingers absently over one well-muscled thigh, an irregular beat that you somehow sync your breathing to. With a huge effort, you drag your gaze away from his fingers - long and thick and the last you remember, stuffed up your cunt and dragging an orgasm out of your body - and steady your breathing. One hand presses against your chest, fingers digging into your skin like you could reach in and squeeze your heart back into a normal rhythm.
The phone on the tabletop starts buzzing and Tyler reaches up to grab it - “mine,” he says, glancing at the screen and jabs his finger to silence the alarm. He reaches his hand back up on the table and comes back with a handful of Polaroids. He splays them out like a deck of cards and you look at them. “Huh.”
Each picture is blurry as hell, but they’re unmistakably wedding photos. You’ve got a little fluffy veil on. Tyler’s shirt is unbuttoned past is sternum, but tucked neatly into his pants. He’s got you dipped back at the waist, kissing you dramatically. You’re on his back, holding a bouquet of flowers in the air as you kiss his cheek. He’s holding you, chest to chest, one large hand splayed over your bare back, your hand slid underneath his shirt. The Little White Wedding Chapel sign behind you and Tyler in one photo makes what happened last night unavoidable.
“I think we got married,” Tyler states the obvious and you burst into hysterical, gasping laughter. He looks at you, concerned for a beat before starting to laugh himself. It’s not funny at all, but if you don’t laugh, you think you’ll cry.
Once you catch your breath, you hiccup a little noise that sounds like a sob and carefully put the license up on the table. Tyler watches you and then glances back down at his phone, wincing at the time. “So, uh, hate to get married and run, but I have to go,” he taps his phone screen. “I’m on a flight to San Jose in an hour and I really can’t afford to miss that.”
You catch a glimpse of his lock screen and it’s a picture of him cuddling three dogs, which makes you feel marginally better because at least it’s not a woman that he’s cheating on and any man that has his dogs as his phone screen can’t be a total sociopath. A little bit of the knot in your chest unravels.
“San Jose,” you repeat, finally catching onto what he said. “Is that where you live?” You ask the question realizing you know nothing about this man that you’ve married. You didn’t even know his last name until five minutes ago. Oh god. You’re going to have to manage a time difference while filing for divorce. Your thoughts spiral out. Can you even get divorced in a state that’s not Nevada? You should know this, you’re probably the divorce expert in the room. He isn’t giving off divorced man energy, but do you give off divorced woman energy? You hadn’t thought about that and now it’s all you can focus on.
Tyler laughs a little, drawing your attention and stopping your panic attack. “No, thank god. I’m, uh, not to sound conceited,” he says sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck, “but you really didn’t recognize me?”
“Should I?” You frown, studying his face. Maybe he looks familiar? But in that way that most dark haired white men look alike. You’re almost positive that you’ve never seen him before.
“Fuck,” he mutters. “This is awkward. But I play for the Dallas Stars, the hockey team? We played Vegas last night, San Jose tomorrow.”
You cock your head at him, this new information sinking in. Dallas. Just thirty minutes from your place in Fort Worth. You’ve obviously heard of the Stars, you don’t live under a rock, but you’ve never been to a game, never cared about sports enough to learn any of the players’ names. It would be a weird thing to lie about, but - “prove it.”
“Prove it?” Tyler repeats incredulously. You nod. He frowns and looks like he’s trying to make a decision. After a second, he huffs a little laugh to himself and mutters, “well, it already worked once,” before unlocking his phone and typing away on the screen. A second later he holds it up next to his face, a Google search open on the screen. A headshot - Tyler’s headshot in a green jersey - looks back at you. He grins wryly, “proof enough?” The search bar at the bottom of the screen shows that he typed in ‘tyler seguin dallas stars headshot’ and misspelled his own name as ‘tylor’ - you don’t know why, but it makes you bite your lip to smother a laugh. The little typo is endearing.
You look back and forth between the screen and Tyler, long enough that he starts to genuinely laugh. “C’mon,” he teases, putting his phone down on his thigh, “you’re a tougher sell than security at the arena.”
“Okay,” you offer him a tiny smile, “I believe you. I’m just, um, a little overwhelmed. I don’t do this kind of thing.”
“Can’t say I’ve ever done it before either,” he replies, shoving a hand through his hair. “I’m going to be on the road for a bit, west coast swing, but if you put your number in my phone, I’ll have my lawyer start working on the paperwork.”
He coughs a little awkwardly. “The divorce? Or annulment? Divorce though right? ‘Cause we obviously slept together,” he gestures at the condom wrappers, “so we can’t just sweep it under the rug. Like Ross and Rachel in Friends.”
“No!” The word slips out before you can stop it and Tyler frowns.
“We can annul it? My knowledge of ending Vegas weddings is pretty minimal.” He pauses and then as if to reassure you, says, “my knowledge of ending marriages in general is pretty limited too.”
“No,” you chew at your lip, “it’s still a divorce. But, fuck, this is mortifying. A second fucking divorce before I’m even 28. Good fucking job with your life.” You mutter the last bit more to yourself than to Tyler, tears welling up in your eyes. That would be the last thing you need, to tell your family and friends about this whole debacle. Literally a week after your first divorce is finalized, you go out and get married again. Drunkenly. In Las Vegas!
Tyler’s eyebrow lifts and he doesn’t ask the question he so clearly wants to ask. You scrub a hand over your face, nausea returning but you’re not sure if it’s the hangover this time or the way he’s looking at you.
“What if,” he says slowly, studying you carefully for a reaction, “what if, we just…didn’t.”
“Didn’t what?” You shift, the floor uncomfortable under your sore ass. The blanket wrapped around your body isn’t the softest and you’re starting to sweat a little despite the cold air pumping into the room. Tyler’s presence next to you is becoming distracting, the movement of his chest muscles, the rasp of his voice. Your body wants more of him.
“Didn’t get divorced…” he tilts his head at you, keeps looking you in the eye, even after your jaw drops and the blanket slips a little. “We could, I don’t know, just -“
“Stay married?” You finish for him, eyebrows up in your hairline. He nods, shrugs - why not? “Oh my god.”
Tyler’s phone vibrates on his thigh and he glances down at the alarm. It reminds you that you have no idea where your own phone is and you really, really need to talk to the girls. He jabs at the alarm again and looks apologetic. “I really do have to go,” he gets to his feet and holds out a hand to pull you up. A spark shoots up your arm when his fingers clasp around yours. He doesn’t let go right away, his thumb rubbing against the backs of your fingers. “Think about it,” he looks at you more softly than you think he really should be in this moment. “You said you don’t do this kind of thing,” he continues, “but new year, new you?” The tiny smile he gives you sends your heartbeat into overdrive and this cannot be good for your health.
“Drunk married in Vegas would be a really new me,” you reply faintly. His hand finally falls away from yours and you’re mildly concerned to realize that you miss his touch. Your fingers flex at your side.
His smile doesn’t waver and he reaches out to brush a piece of hair off your cheek, fingertips lingering on your skin. “I’ll be back in Dallas in two weeks. Think about it, I’ll take you to dinner and we can just…go from there.”
He says it so simply, like it’s nothing. Strangely enough, you do feel calmer than you had a few moments ago, Tyler’s steady calm rubbing off on you.
“Okay,” you nod, repeating yourself. “Okay. I’ll…two weeks.”
Tyler grins a little wickedly. “At least we know we’re good together in bed,” he teases, kicking at a condom wrapper with his bare foot.
A laugh startles out of your chest and you find yourself nodding in agreement. “I, ah, definitely agree with that,” you murmur, your entire face flaming with heat.
One Year Later - New Year’s Eve. Dallas. TX
Tyler greets you at the door, suited up and bouquet of flowers in hand. “Hi, Mrs. Seguin,” he grins at you.
“Mr. Seguin,” you laugh back, leaning in to loop your arms around his neck and kiss him soundly, nipping at his lower lip. When you pull back, you’re breathless. “Don’t you know it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?”
His hands roam up and down your back, catching in the fabric of your sparkly white minidress, sliding up under the hem to knead at the flesh of your ass. He grins wickedly when his hands don’t find any fabric covering your ass. You smirk at him and wink, giggling when he pinches a cheek.
You lean into his touch with a contented purr. If it wouldn’t make you late for your own party, you’d pull him inside the house for a quickie. You’d already had sex this morning - a wedding present, according to Tyler when he’d given you back to back, mind numbing orgasms with his tongue and dick before you’d returned the favor with a blowjob that had rendered him speechless for twenty minutes - but you would never get enough of being in Tyler’s arms.
“Does it count as bad luck if none of the guests know they’re coming to a wedding?” He asks, eyes twinkling with mirth. “Or a vow renewal, technically.”
The last twelve months have been a little insane and honestly, looking back, you don’t think you’d have it any other way.
After getting dressed quickly, Tyler had found your phone wedged in the cushions of the hotel room’s armchair. The battery was nearly drained but your screen was lit up with more than a hundred texts in the group chat with the girls and nearly as many missed calls. When you had finally called back, all three had shrieked that they were twenty minutes away from reporting you missing. You’d kept the little surprise of legally binding matrimony to yourself, but had admitted to the girls that you’d spent the night with Tyler and that he lived in Dallas and that you were going to see where it went. The flight home was full of whispered shrieking and more questions than you had honestly had answers for at the time. The gaudy engagement ring was buried in the bottom of your toiletry case, acting like the tell-tale heart, blood rushing in your head every time you thought about it.
When you got home, you’d shoved the ring in your jewelry box, determined not to think about it, but found yourself absently running the pad of your thumb over the underside of your ring finger when you let your mind wander to Tyler.
After Tyler had returned to Dallas from his two week road trip - during which you’d basically internet stalked him and spiralled out quietly about not filling for a divorce right away - you’d finally decided to give it, give Tyler a chance. He’d texted nearly every day he was gone, sending stupid jokes or a picture of something he thought would amuse you. Worst case scenario, you filed for divorce and went through the process all over again. By the time Tyler took you out for dinner at a quiet dive-y taco place in Fort Worth where you could actually hear each other, both of your memories of the wedding night had returned, although yours were coloured in a hazy film that made the whole thing seem like a fever dream.
The little ceremony had been officiated by an Elvis impersonator, another Vegas cliché, a fact that you’d learned when Tyler had found another Polaroid in his wallet when he was on the plane to San Jose. You’d cracked up when he finally showed it to you in person - Elvis in the middle, clearly past his prime, with you and Tyler on either side of him doing your best air guitar? Maybe?
“I think I’m trying to do an Elvis hip swivel,” Tyler had laughed.
“Whatever it is, it looks like we’re both mid-seizure,” you’d nearly snorted your drink out of your nose. Looking at the photographs was fun now, a little warmth building in the pit of your stomach, not the tight, nauseous coil of anxiety that you’d experienced when you had first seen them.
Other wedding details were still a little hazy, like where you had picked up the rings or what exactly the ceremony had consisted of, beyond being declared man and wife and being told to kiss and cement your “burning love.”
(What you remembered and what Tyler made sure you didn’t forget was just how good you were in bed together. The four condom wrappers on the floor were not an anomaly with Tyler.)
He’d gotten you tickets for games, right up against the glass so he could skate by you during warmups and tap his glove against the glass to capture your attention. After a few games, once you’d decided to really commit to the relationship and were official within your friendship circles, he picked up the habit of blowing you a kiss, grinning when you’d blush.
He’s really good at his job and you’re only a little surprised to find that you actually love watching him play. It’s horrific watching him get hit or tossed into the boards, but when he scores a goal and celebrates in a big hug with his teammates you’re always the first one on your feet, screaming your head off.
You’d brought the girls to a game early on in your relationship and all three of them had been surprised at how comfortable you were in the arena and how quickly you’d picked up the rules of the game. It was hard to explain that you weren’t just trying to make a regular relationship work, but a whole marriage. The stakes were just a little bit higher than usual.
The league had a break for the All-Star Weekend in early February and Tyler had surprised you with a trip to Mexico, where you’d soaked up the sun and gotten to know each other better, giving him all the sordid details about your divorce and sharing stories from your childhoods over icy margaritas and more tacos than your body knew what to do with. He’d told you about his early career, his misbehavior in Boston and how much he loved being in Dallas. The long weekend was slow and lazy, leaving so much time for the two of you to really talk and get to know each other. The experimental sex in a hammock on the beach was the icing on the cake.
After that, it was like a switch flipped and all you wanted to do was be with him. Truthfully, you sometimes forgot that you were thrown into the relationship with a marriage and settled comfortably into dating Tyler, folding each other into your lives, moving in with him, telling him you love him and hearing him say it back, cheering him on when Dallas made it all the way to the Western Conference Finals before being bounced in seven games by, of all teams, the Vegas Golden Knights.
Summer break meant a road trip to Whitby to meet Tyler’s family. A drive that should’ve been two or three days took nearly a week because you kept making random stops to see the silliest monuments advertised on the highways. You’d nearly killed him driving through Illinois, convinced this was the end of the relationship and you’d have to pull the trigger on the divorce, and then he had surprised you by stopping at a corn maze and getting lost in it with you almost immediately. Your stomach had hurt from laughing with him and making out like teenagers.
The trip to his hometown had been beyond fun, getting Tyler to show you his childhood haunts and seeing all the baby pictures of him with his mom telling you stories too.
On the drive back to Dallas, halfway through Oklahoma and in the middle of the night, while you’re pulled over on the side of the road to look at the stars, Tyler asked you to marry him. Again.
This time you had the moment committed to memory, the way Tyler’s hands had been shaking slightly with the black velvet box popped open in his fingers. The way Tyler’s speech rambled, like he hadn’t prepared anything or had forgotten his words just as he started talking, explaining how your relationship had started in an unconventional manner, but he couldn’t picture his life without you now. The way you’d started crying almost the second he had turned to you on the hood of the car with that gorgeous ring glinting at you in the moonlight and how you hadn’t stopped until he’d slid the ring home on your finger and kissed you like he’d never kissed you before.
Over the months, the wedding plan shifts and changes, from a summer wedding so you can have a real ceremony and party, the whole nine yards, to what it actually ends up becoming - a quiet inside joke with the two of you in order to keep your anniversary date, a New Year’s Eve party for your closest family and friends to be surprised at midnight when you and Tyler recite your vows.
It’s much easier to plan a party in six months than it would’ve been to plan a wedding.
Jamie Benn, Tyler’s best friend and the dark haired man in Vegas you had initially thought was just you seeing double, is tapped as the officiant, getting ordained online and getting really into his role, not knowing it’s basically all just a front. He just loves that he’s the only one in on the secret, constantly wearing a shit eating grin any time any of your other friends discuss wedding plans for a summer wedding that’s not going to happen.
“I can’t wait to see everyone’s faces,” you admit, hooking your hand in the crook of Tyler’s elbow and letting him lead you out to the car. He does a double take when he notices your hand.
“What’s that?” He taps on the ring nestled on your ring finger. Your original wedding ring from a year ago had been replaced with a real diamond, still an oval, but smaller and more tasteful. But that’s not what you’re wearing right now.
Your lips twist up in a sly smile. The huge, gaudy cubic zirconia is back on your finger, your second engagement ring tucked safely in its box in your drawer. “It didn’t feel right to get married without it,” you admit, flexing your fingers against his arm so the fake gem will sparkle.
Tyler’s laugh is contagious. “Everyone’s going to ask about it,” he warns you.
“Let them,” you shrug. “I want to wear my original ring on my anniversary.”
Hours later, when the surprise has been pulled off and Jamie announces that Tyler may kiss his bride, you fall into your husband’s arms, kissing him with all that you’ve got.
Fireworks go off outside the venue, the countdown to midnight at less than a minute.
“Happy anniversary, wife,” Tyler grins against your lips, quiet enough that only you can hear him.
Around you, the countdown continues, seconds ticking away until it’s January first.
“Happy New Year, husband,” you whisper back, laughing when he dips you back dramatically.
The party continues well into the early hours of January first, you and Tyler having had the foresight to rent out the venue for twice as long as a normal party. You spend the night flitting between dancing with your friends and cuddling up against Tyler’s side, tucking yourself under his arm and wrapping your arm around his waist. Your cheek is pressed against Tyler’s side, the wrinkled fabric of his button down soft under your skin. Your fingers play with the buttons, slipping them from their holes one by one until his shirt is more unbuttoned than not.
Tyler smirks down at you, his hand rubbing an arc over your hip, rucking up the fabric with each upward stroke of his hand, exposing your thigh inch my inch. “Undressing me already, wife? Can’t wait for the wedding night?” He winks at you and you laugh into his chest.
“I think that ship has sailed,” you murmur, sliding your hand under the unbuttoned shirt and over the smooth skin of his stomach, ridged muscles dancing under your touch. You yawn a little, the weird combination of overtired and wide awake making your brain buzz.
Tyler holds you close and leans down a little to whisper in your ear, “want your anniversary gift?”
“Mmm,” you hum, “I thought I already got my gift this morning?”
“That was a wedding gift,” Tyler teases. “This is an anniversary gift, and no, it’s not in my pants.”
You giggle and look up at him, resting your chin on his chest. “Shame, I like what’s in your pants.”
“I’ll give you that later,” he promises, dropping a kiss to your forehead. “Come on, I stashed it in the coat closet.”
He tangles his fingers with yours and leads you off, getting stopped every few feet by someone else who wants to gush about what a great surprise the party was. “Just couldn’t wait another minute to marry her,” Tyler grins in response every time, making you laugh at his side, the inside secret of your Vegas marriage a warm fizz in your chest.
When you finally escape off to the coat closet, you try to loop your arms around Tyler’s neck and lift up on your toes to kiss him. He obliges you happily, cupping the back of your head and giving you a searing kiss before pulling away. You whine, “I thought we were sneaking off for a wedding night quickie?”
“I literally told you that your gift wasn’t in my pants,” Tyler laughs, kissing your cheek. “Why would you think I wasn’t being serious?”
Your hands find their way underneath his shirt again, fingertips digging into the muscles of his back, and drawing yourself closer to him. “Because I wanted you to be kidding,” you reply. “A little coat closet quickie would be a fun way to start the year.”
“And normally, I’d agree, baby. But I think you’re gonna like this gift,” he leans forward and reaches behind you, giving you the opportunity to press your nose against his collarbone. When he pulls back, he has a fairly large, flat wrapped package in his hand.
“What’s that?” You ask, taking the gift from Tyler as he leans back a little, shoulders resting against the wall, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. The package is lighter than you thought it would be.
He nudges your foot with his, “open it.”
“I didn’t get you anything,” you chew at your lower lip. Neither of you had really discussed the fact that it’s your anniversary or gift giving and now you’re a little embarrassed that you hadn’t thought about it. You sway a little on your feet, fingers ripping a little at the corners of the paper until it crumples under your touch and the corner of the gift pokes through.
Tyler shakes his head. “Don’t care. It’s kind of something for both of us anyway,” he says and you wait for the little joke, the tease that you can let him unwrap you later, but it never comes and that’s how you know your husband is about to make you cry with whatever this gift is.
You can feel Tyler watching you as you pull back the paper - leftover Christmas wrapping that’s so clearly been wrapped by a man, too much tape and messy folds. God, you love him - and expose a frame. It takes you a second to process what’s behind the glass, but when you do, you hiccup a little gasp and tears well at your lash line.
Behind the glass is your marriage license with last year’s date and your pair of wobbly signatures. The Polaroids you’d taken that night surround the license and you trace trembling fingertips over the image of you kissing Tyler on the cheek.
“Tyler…” your voice cracks on his name and he gives you a soft little smile.
“This year his been batshit insane, baby,” he leans into your personal space and cups your cheek, rubbing his thumb over your cheekbone. “But I’m really glad you’re the one I drunk Vegas married.”
Tears are sliding down your cheeks and you nod, “I’m really glad you’re the one I drunk Vegas married, too.”
His laugh is muffled by all the coats surrounding you, but it’s warm and it feels like home. He pulls you into a hug, the frame smushed between your bodies and digging into your stomach, but you don’t care. Tyler’s hand curls around the back of your neck and you wipe at your eyes with the back of your wrist, black mascara smudges streaking across your skin. You giggle a little wetly, “I’m such a mess, oh my god.”
“Everyone will just think you dragged me off so you could have your wicked way with me,” Tyler teases, smirking at you.
“Coat closet quickie for the newlyweds,” you reply, grinning. You settle the frame on the floor, the back of it leaning against your leg, and really wrap your arms around Tyler’s neck, pressing a kiss against the hollow of his throat. The spice of his cologne invades your nostrils and you press your nose harder against his throat, enveloped in his warmth.
Tyler rests his chin on the top of your head and hums, rolling his hips against yours lazily so you can feel the bulge behind his fly. “I could give you a real quick one, just to make sure you don’t have to lie,” he ducks his head to whisper in your ear, kissing at the hinge of your jaw. His hand slides down to graze your ass and you’re nearly ready to say yes, suddenly desperate for him, when a loud bang on the door has you jumping back, heart pounding from the shock, nearly cracking Tyler’s chin with your head. The frame bounces off your leg with your movement, falling to the floor with a little clatter that you hope isn’t broken glass.
“Fuck!” He yelps and you clap your hands over your heart, gasping. “Jesus, who is it?”
Jamie’s voice is choked with laughter as it comes through the door. There’s a slight slur to his words too, as he shouts, “stop fucking on everyone’s coats, we’re doing body shots.”
Your jaw drops open and Tyler rolls his eyes at the interruption. He bangs on the door with a hand and shouts back, “fuck off! I’m trying to spend some time with my wife.”
“Actually,” you say slowly, a little smirk forming on your face, “body shots could be fun…”
“Yeah?” Tyler lifts an eyebrow at you, palm flat on the door.
“Yeah,” you confirm with a wicked grin, “you know I like the way champagne tastes on your skin.”
Tyler’s eyes shut like he’s in pain and your gaze slides down to see the bulge in his pants grow. “You’re a fucking menace and I’m so fucking glad you’re my wife,” he mutters, grabbing you around the waist and hauling you out of the coat closet, nearly knocking Jamie over in his hurry, your shrieked giggles drowned out by the music from the party.
The next morning, afternoon really by the time you finally open your eyes, you wake up with half of your body draped over Tyler’s completely naked one. His hip and thigh is securely wedged between your legs, his morning wood hot against the outside of your thigh. One of your arms is in the sleeve of Tyler’s button down, the rest of the fabric draped over your back like a blanket. The hangover pounds at your temples and the sunlight blinds you and it’s such a deja vu moment you almost think you’re back in Vegas, right until the moment Tyler’s hand twitches against your lower back and he rubs his bearded chin against the top of your head. You melt against him, sighing happily.
“Anniversary party slash vow renewal every New Year’s Eve?” Tyler rasps against your hair, sliding his hand up your spine.
You hum into his skin, “as long as you get me electrolytes and a greasy breakfast on January first, I’m in.”
“How about a headache relieving orgasm first?” Tyler rolls you gently onto your back, already kissing a path down your body. You shiver with each brush of his lips and your legs fall open for him to slot himself between them. He rests his chin on your hip bone and looks up at you with a soft look in his eyes that doesn’t match the hungry smirk that curves his lips.
“What?” You ask, angling your neck to look at him, raking a hand through his hair, making it messier than it already was. There’s a little streak of glitter against his temple and you brush your thumb over it, wiping the smudge away.
He shakes his head a little. “Just thinking about this past year,” he lifts one shoulder in an awkward shrug. “How fun it’s been, how glad I am that we did the surprise last night.”
“Getting soft on me, Seguin?” you tease, poking at his side with your foot. He wiggles away a little from your touch, ticklish even though he won’t admit it.
“You know I’m anything but soft for you,” he laughs, nipping at your skin. “Let me prove it.” He presses a kiss against your hip bone and then lower and then there’s no more thoughts, just you and Tyler and the rest of forever stretching out in front of you.
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grabowskibeepboop · 2 years
*Wednesday's and Xavier's arranged wedding*
Pugsley(he's the officiant, Idunno why): If anyone objects to this wedding, speak now or forever hold your peace!
Wednesday: No you don't.
Enid: But... I thought we loved each other!
Wednesday: We do. But my father dared me to go through with this, and I'm not a quitter.
Xavier: Divorce is still an option! I have a really good lawyer.
Wednesday: So do I.
Pugsley, happily: I am your lawyer!
Wednesday: Yes... And you're not getting paid.
Pugsley, sadly: Awe, you never pay me!
Wednesday: You have mom and dad's half fortune, that's more that enough.
Tyler: Oh my god, can you just say man and wife already? I'm invited to the honeymoon!
Everyone: ...
Wednesday, looking a Xavier: ...
Xavier: ... What? You think you're the only one having a secret affair?
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snowviolettwhite · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad. This is a preview of the first chapter of my upcoming 911: Lone Star fan-fiction.
Working Title:"little boy don't you cry the child in you is still alive, daddy can you die from a broken heart."
It is beautiful autumn day in the city of New York, and the 2010 homecoming week for the Manhattan school districts.
The fourteen-year-old and ninth grader Tyler Kennedy Strand who goes by Tk is riding high.
The beginning of high school has started out great for him. He joined the school marching band playing the drums. His mom and stepdad have been taking him to the ice-skating ring to prepare for hockey try outs the are happening in a few weeks. Tk wants to join the baseball team in the spring too, so his dad has been taking him to the batting cage and park so they can practice and spend time together with him. He is still super good friends with Tommy and Mikaela from the middle school, but it is no longer play-dates. They aren’t little kids anymore.  
They hang out now and went to see Twilight in movie theatre last weekend and then played video games.
His divorced parents, Gwyneth Morgan and Owen Strand have been civil with each other for the most part and have even started allowing him to take the subway without an adult and got him his first cellphone. It is a blue and black flip phone with a little tiger charm. It is nothing fancy, he can call and text.
His parents have set rules to allow him more independence as he is growing up and becoming a young man. It annoys him sometime because it feels likes he is being babied compared to his peers. He understands he really does and does not really blame them; he knows where they get it from but the does not make him feel any better. His mother being lawyer knows how messed up the world is and tries to help those struck by unfairness of it. His father sees tragedy every day and there are some days where he can’t save anyone.
They want to protect him, they know how he is, he knows how he is. Tk was and is still sometimes a clingy shy sensitive child, he is friendly and outgoing once you get to know him but bringing him out of his shell is hard work. He is embarrassed by it and tries hard to not to be so needy and dependent on his parents or teachers, everyone needs support, and everyone has their own issues. So, what if he is not best at reading social cues or needs to take some special classes or it takes a little longer for him to reach certain milestones or needs more support and structure than other kids his age. But no matter how many times he is told how much he is loved he still feels like a burden and like maybe he is being lied to. He won’t ask for help, if you want to Tk to tell you what is wrong you must force it out of him.
If Tk wants to take the subway by himself he just needs to have his cellphone with him, updates his parent and is home before dark or tell them where he is. Which is better than nothing, given how overprotective his parents are Tk thought it would be a long time before he could ride the subway by himself.
He got even got his first boyfriend Alex and has had his first kiss. Tk is planning to ask him to the homecoming carnival, today. Alex is seventeen and Tk looks at him the stars looking at the sun. He is so cool. He rides his motorcycle and skateboard to school. He brings Tk along for the rides sometime with him gripping tightly on his waist.
Alex is an artist, painting and drawing in oil and watercolor. Tk could watch him paint for hours and did, his friends covered for him. He models for Alex, Alex asks if Tk could model for his paintings. He calls Tk beautiful. He tells him Tk you’re so beautiful. You are like a priceless piece of art, my beautiful handsome smoking hot boyfriend. The words paint blushes across the younger boy’s face, his cheeks glowing rosy pink and red. Nobody had ever spoken about like that to Tk before.
Tk starts sneaking at night by climbing out his bedroom windows and down the fire escape. Alex would be sitting on his motorcycle waiting for Tk to climb down the ladder and then they would drive off. Alex took him on his first date. He went to his first high school party. Tk really likes Alex, he is love with him.
“Tk, Tk it is time to wake up and get dress.” Owen says gentling shaking his shoulder.
No pressure - @paperstorm @wheelerthefroghere @anewkindofme
@whataboutthefish @hopelessromanfic @serendipitous-magic
@bunny-lou @mylesimeblr @unsurpassedtravesty
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kittytiddycommittee · 12 days
The polo wearing thing is really a curious one. I really dislike wearing things that don't have a collar - I think I look more chubby in them. I do have a lot of regular t-shirts in which I like how I look, but when I can wear a polo, I actually prefer it. I never thought I could look like a douche in a polo! But I get which type you mean. Rich kid, daddy's favorite (or his disappointment), arrogant, studies business economics because he wants to become a boss as soon as possible. Ugh.
His name is Kyle, or Tyler, or Hunter. He's wearing boat shoes, khaki shorts, a pink polo that he's a little bit insecure about despite more than one instance of "ironic" drag with his buddies at high school football games. He drives an F250 with a spotless leather interior and custom sound system that he got for his college graduation. There's a Down To Fish sticker on the back window and he calls himself "country" even though he grew up in a 4000 sq ft house in a gated golfing community. His lawyer father will downsize after the divorce. They try to bond over golf because neither he nor his father were taught emotional intimacy. He thinks he can talk a lesbian into a threesome and musicals are "kinda gay". He drinks whiskey neat for the aesthetic not because he actually likes it. Anchorman and 40 Year Old Virgin are peak comedy. He's either weird about eating pussy or he's absolutely gagging for it but doesn't want his buddies to find out. Oakleys.
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justinmitchellfan12 · 1 month
Part 94 of the mercariana/ MERCMAIA love story with tons of smut warning ⚠️ of mercedes varnado grande X Ariana grande and mercedes varnado grande X maia Valencia of the mercmaia love story
The continuation of the same day of July 10 of 2046 and the continuation of maias and mercedes one year anniversary amd Desmond has asked mercedes a question " when you marry our daughter at some in the future in 6 years, are you and your soon to be wife maia going to have kids says Desmond " yes me and my girlfriend will have kids someday in the future after we get married on the 6th year sir says mercedes " how many kids will you guys have when you two get married someday on the 6th year says mandy " me and my girlfriend will probably have either 1 or 2 kids after we get married on the 6th year mom says maia as they watch the first match on the tron in their shared locker room
And then mercedes gets up off of her girlfriends lap " where are you going baby girl says maia " I'm going to use the bathroom baby says mercedes as she goes towards the bathroom " where did your girlfriend amd her wife meet sweetie says Mandy " my girlfriend met her wife at one of her wife's concerts and they dated for 6 years and my girlfriend and her wife have been married for 16 years and then then my girlfriend fell in love with me when we met at the bowling alley mom says maia " did your girlfriend and her wife have a really bad argument at some point sweetheart says Mandy " you'll have to ask my girlfriend cause I don't know what argument they had but you can ask my girlfriend when she gets done using the bathroom mom says maia
And a few seconds later as mercedes comes back from the bathroom and she sits back on her girlfriends lap amd she wraps her arms around her girlfriends neck " my mom jas a question for you baby girl says maia " what is your question ma'am says mercedes " did you and your wife have an agreement a while back after you met our daughter and since you started dating our daughter which we approve of says mandy " me and my wife had a very bad argument that lead to me staying with my girlfriend for a few months and when I paid my wife and kids a visit at some point amd we had another argument and it nearly lead to a divorce but me and my wife made a deal to have our marriage last 6 more years and at the end of last month, I didn't want to go home to my wife but I had to even though I wanted to stay with my girlfriend says mercedes
" you never really wanted to go back home to your wife did you says Tyler Herro " no I didn't and I love your sister more than I do my wife Tyler says mercedes as she looks at her girlfriend and she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and maia kisses back " I love you with all of my heart baby says mercedes " I love you with all of my heart too baby girl says maia " you two are such a cute couple and I hope you two get married once you get a divorce from your wife on the 6th year mercedes says Desmond " I appreciate what you said and I have a divorce lawyer and he'll give me the divorce papers on the 6th year sir says mercedes " what is the name of your divorce lawyer says mandy
" his name is David o'conner ma'am and he helped me divorce my ex wife Pamela rose Martinez who cheated on me with someone else who she never told me who she was cheating on me with says mercedes " how many times have you been married mercedes says Desmond " I was only married to my ex husband for 6 months, 20 years with my ex wife ,so this is my third marriage with my current wife and before I forget, I had a relationship with bianca belair and that relationship only lasted 4 months cause she wouldn't fully satisfy me says mercedes
" let me guess, your girlfriend satisfies you to the fullest and I'll just say this, I think you two should wait to make love until you and your girlfriend are married says mandy " with all due respect ma'am, me and my girlfriend make love almost all the time and we're both fully grown women ma'am says mercedes " I agree with you on that baby girl says maia as she wraps her arms around her girlfriends waist " I won't argue with you cause I know you two do whatever you two want but when we head back to the penthouse, do we have our own showers in the guest bedrooms says mandy
" yes, there are separate showers and bathrooms in the guest bedrooms mom amd both me and my girlfriend have the queen sized bedroom of our own says maia " you got that right babe says mercedes as she gives her girlfriend a sweet and loving kiss on the lips and maia kisses back " you two love kissing each other all the time Don't you guys says Desmond " yes we do and you know I can't keep my hands off of my girlfriend when I'm next to her sir says mercedes " I respect that and I have one more question for you says Desmond " what Is your last question that you have for me and you don't have to make it your last question, all of us will be continuing our conversation with each other sir says mercedes " you're used calling me sir aren't you mercedes says Desmond " I am sir says mercedes
" why were you only married to your ex husband for 6 months says Desmond " that was back when I was figuring out my sexuality, like if I was gay or straight and then I fell in love with my ex wife and my ex husband told me that if I want to be with someone who makes me happy then I should be with someone who makes me happy and he is still my friend to this day sir says mercedes " what is his name says mandy " his name is sarath ton ma'am and he designed my gear back when I was in wwe but now I have someone else who designs my aew gear for me says mercedes and then they continue theor continue and then after the first match is done, mercedes gets off of her girlfriends lap to go do her backstage promo
" dont forget your aew women's championship baby girl says maia as she grabs her girlfriends championship from the coffee table and she hands the championship to her girlfriend and mercedes grabs her championship from her girlfriend " thanks for handing me my championship baby says mercedes " you're welcome baby girl says maia and mercedes outs the aew women's championship on her shoulder " who did you beat to become the aew women's champion mercedes says Mandy " I beat willow nightingale to become the aew women's championship and if you'll excuse me I need to be in character to do my promo ma'am says mercedes as she leaves the shared locker room to go do her promo " how long does a promo take sweetheart says Desmond
" it doesn't take long to do a promo dad and besides my girlfriend does really good promos says maia and then 5 minutes later as mercedes comes back into the shared locker room after doing her promo " how was your promo baby girl says maia as mercedes grabs her phone on the coffee table and she sets her championship back on the coffee table and she sits back on her girlfriends lap with her phone in her hand " my promo wen really well and I'm going to posts the pics on my Instagram account baby says mercedes as she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and maia kisses back and then mercedes logs onto her Instagram account and she posts the pics on her Instagram posts
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(Theses are the pics that I have of her with the dress cause I forgot to add the pics to my gallery when she did the promo backstage)
" what do you think of my posts baby says mercedes " the pics of you with the dress that you have on is so very sexy and very gorgeous baby girl says maia as she makes her girlfriend blush yet again and maia loves making her girlfriend blush a lot " you love making me blush every time don't you baby says mercedes " oh I absolutely love making you blush cause you are even more sexy when you blush baby girl says maia as she makes her girlfriend blush even harder
and then after maia retained her tbs championship against mercedes Martinez, she grabs her tbs championship from the ref, she attacks mercedes Martinez with the tbs championship once knocking mercedes Martinez to the mat and the audience start booing maia and maia doesn't care if the aew audience boos her and she then gets out of the ring and then a couple seconds later as maia shoots the middle finger to everyone in the audience and then she heads backstage and she is sweaty and a few seconds later as she is now backstage and she heads back towards her shared locker room to rejoin her family and her girlfriend and then Hikaru shida confronts maia
" I'll challenge you for your championship someday but once your girlfriend becomes two belts mone, tell her I want to face her for the aew women's championship way later on like in Norfolk Virginia says Hikaru shida " I'll let my girlfriend know and actually you already have a match against me for my tbs championship on Friday says maia " I forgot that I was facing you this Friday for your tbs championship and promise that you won't severely injure me after the match cause you know we are friends for real amd not enemies okay says Hikaru shida " I make no promises but I'll go easy on you this Friday says maia
" I know you'll do anything to keep that tbs championship but I'm going to try to beat you for the championship but if I lose you to then I'll move on have a normal match against someone else says Hikaru shida " sure thing and I gotta go cause my girlfriend amd my family are waiting for me in the locker room says maia " I wish you luck in our match this Friday says Hikaru shida as she walks past maia amd maia heads towards the shared locker room and then maia arrives back at the shared locker room and she enters the locker room " I loved that you flipped everyone in the audience off with the middle finger baby says mercedes as maia goes towards her girlfriend " I'm glad you loved what I did out in the ring baby girl says maia
" are we going back to the penthouse sis says Tyler Herro " we'll head back to the penthouse once I shower and once I shower, we'll all head back to the penthouse " did you and your girlfriend drive here in your blue Ferrari says lamelo ball " no, my personal driver Britney Cooper harper drove me and my girlfriend here lamelo says maia " do you pay every one of your staff money sweetheart says Desmond " I pay my staff money dad says maia as she goes over towards her suitcase and she unzips her suitcase and she puts her tbs championship in the suitcase and she grabs her clothes that she had on before and maia goes to take a quick shower as mandy asks mercedes a question " did you and your girlfriend already go on your one year anniversary date says mandy
" me and my girlfriend already went on our one year anniversary date this morning to a few different places and we had lots of fun and I want her to propose to me on the 6th year and have it better than how my wife proposed to me says mercedes " where did your wife propose to you says Desmond " me and my wife were in Paris for my birthday a long time ago and she proposed to me on top of the eiffel tower sir says mercedes " well let's hope our daughter does it way better than your wife who you are currently cheating on says mandy
" I do not regret cheating on my wife with my girlfriend but what my wife doesn't even know that I'm cheating on her or when I'm lying directly to her face ma'am says mercedes and a few minutes later as maia comes out of the bathroom with the clothes on from before and mercedes looks at her girlfriend and she bites her bottom lip as she sees how sexy her girlfriend looks in the buttoned shirt and the pants " you ready to head back to the penthouse baby girl and you guys as well says maia and mercedes gets up off the couch as she still has on the outfit
" I see that you still have your outfit on till we get back to the penthouse baby girl says maia as she seductively whispered to her girlfriend making mercedes get a bit horny at what her girlfriend said and mercedes goes towards her girlfriend " you do know that I have nothing on underneath my outfit baby says mercedes as she whispered in her slutty voice to her girlfriend and they both grab their suitcases " do you want us to meet you guys back at the penthouse says Desmond " go on ahead and we'll meet you at the hotel parking lot says maia " sure thing sweetie says Mandy and then maias family left the locker room as maia and her girlfriend mercedes has some privacy " oh I know you have nothing on underneath amd when we get back to the car and I know you're soaking wet between your legs , im going to eat you out real good in the car
And I'm going to make you cum so hard before we reach the hotel parking lot baby girl says maia making mercedes very wet between her legs " you'll have to take off my outfit in order to eat me out in the car on the way to the hotel daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend as they grab their suitcases and they both leave the locker room " oh I'm going to take off your outfit and I'll eat you out so very hard while you scream and moan at the top of her lungs in the car slut says Maia " oh I fucking love it when you eat me out real good daddy says mercedes as they head to leave the building as it is 8pm
" oh and before I forget, Hikaru shida wants to challenge you for your tbs championship in Norfolk Virginia in a few weeks baby girl says maia " that can wait, what I want Is for you to eat me out real good in the car before we both have to be quiet in our penthouse bedroom while your family is around and asleep daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend " once we get in the car, I'll immediately eat you out real good slut says Maia " oh I fucking love it when you talk dirty to me daddy says mercedes " oh I know you love it when I talk so dirty to you and I'm going to talk real dirty to you during sex when we get back to the penthouse slut says Maia as they both exit the building and they head towards the car
" I want you to talk so very dirty to me when we get in the car and your personal driver Britney Cooper harper doesn't mind if both me and you fuck in the car right daddy says mercedes as they are almost to the car " oh I'll talk so very dirty to you in the car and you can ask my personal driver baby girl says maia as they both arrive at the car and maia opens the trunk as mercedes sets her suitcase next to the back of the car and she goes towards the drivers side and Britney Cooper harper rolls down the window " is there something you want to ask me ma'am says Britney Cooper harper " you don't mind If my girlfriend eats me out in the car right says mercedes " I don't mind and I'll keep my mouth shut love says Britney Cooper harper " sure thing says mercedes as maia closes the trunk and both maia and her girlfriend get in the car
And maia closes the car door and then she turns her focus to her girlfriend who is so very horny " I want you to get on my lap and grind my bulge whore says maia with dirty talk to her girlfriend making Mercedes bite her lip as she gets in her girlfriends lap directly on her girlfriends slightly hard bulge and maia feels her girlfriends wet spot in between her girlfriends legs " you get so very soaking wet for me Don't you whore and I fucking love it when you become so wet in between your legs slut says Maia with very dirty talk to her girlfriend making Mercedes get even more horny and even more wet and she starts grinding on her girlfriends bulge as Britney Cooper left the parking lot as she is driving towards the hotel
And then maia is now very hard in her pants and mercedes stops grinding on her girlfriends now very hard bulge and maia grabs her girlfriends hips and she lays her girlfriend on her back on the seat and maia rubs her very hard bulge on her girlfriends soaking wet covered pussy as mercedes moans in pleasure and maia slides her left hand down towards her girlfriends covered pussy and maia rubs her girlfriends wet covered pussy as mercedes moans loud in pleasure and then maia slides her hand down towards the bottom of her girlfriends aew dress outfit and maia pulls her girlfriends dress up towards her girlfriends waist as mercedes unbuttons every button on her girlfriends shirt and then maia places her hand on her girlfriends soaking wet pussy and maia feels how wet her girlfriend is between her legs
" finger me daddy says mercedes as she begs her girlfriend to do so " oh I'll finger you so hard and real good whore says maia with more dirty talk to her girlfriend making Mercedes eyes turn very dark with lust and desire as maia starts fingering her girlfriends soaking wet pussy as mercedes moans her girlfriends name out loud in pleasure " how horny are you whore says maia as she fingers her girlfriends pussy even harder and faster " I'm so very horny daddy says mercedes as she moans so very loud and it doesn't take long for mercedes to reach her orgasm " fuck I'm about to cum daddy says mercedes as she lets out a sexual moan
" cum for me whore says maia as she continues to finger her girlfriend even harder and then a few seconds later as mercedes busts as she cums so hard on her girlfriends fingers and on the seat and maia then sucks the juices off her fingers and she moans at the taste " you taste so delicious slut says Maia as she gives her girlfriends pussy a hard slap making mercedes moan loud in pleasure " who does your pussy belong to whore says maia as she goes towards her girlfriends throbbing wet pussy " my pussy belongs and only belongs to you daddy says mercedes as she pants a little heavily " how far are we from the hotel Britney says maia as she licks her girlfriends pussy as mercedes moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her pussy
" we're about 20 minutes from the hotel boss says Britney Cooper harper " I'll pay you 250$ when we get to the hotel says maia as she bites the sensitive spot making mercedes buck a little as she moans in pleasure and maia attaches her lips very aggressively onto her girlfriends pussy making mercedes scream very loud at the top of her lungs as she loves how aggressive her girlfriend is and maia aggressively eats out her girlfriend so very hard and fast making mercedes scream and whimper very loud at the tip of her lungs like a little girl and about 15 minutes later as maia makes her girlfriend reach her orgasm very quickly a 2nd time
" please make me cum in your mouth daddy says mercedes as she moans very loud in pleasure " oh I will whore says maia as she goes even deeper on her girlfriends pussy abd then a few seconds later as mercedes busts as she cums even harder as she moans even louder and maia swallows every bit of her girlfriends cum and she pulls away from her girlfriends pussy and licks the leftover cum and maia cleans her face as they are 5 minutes from the hotel and maia pulls her girlfriends dress down and she buttons her shirt back up and mercedes sits back up in the seat and she gives her girlfriend a kiss and maia kisses back
" will that hold you off till we are in the bedroom baby girl says maia " yes baby and I'm still horny and I really want your dick inside of me and I'll try to keep my hands off of you in front of your family who are waiting outside the hotel for us babe says mercedes " don't worry, I'll satisfy you to the fullest when we are in the bedroom and do you mind if I give my family a tour of the penthouse baby girl says maia as she straightens her girlfriends hair " you can give your family a tour of the penthouse and I love you babe says mercedes " I love you too baby girl says maia as they kiss once more and 5 minutes later as they arrive back at the hotel and Britney Cooper harper parks the car in the parking spot and she turns the car off and maia pays Britney Cooper harper 250$
" where does your family live if I may ask says mercedes " my family and both me and my wife live here in Buffalo new York ma'am says Britney Cooper harper " how far do you live from the hotel says mercedes " about half an hour away from the hotel but I have a hotel room for tonight and I'll give my siblings, parents and my wife a call in my hotel room ma'am says Britney Cooper harper as all three get out of the car and maia goes to the trunk of the car and she opens the trunk as her personal driver heads towards her own hotel room and maia grabs her and her girlfriends suitcase and maia closes the trunk and mercedes grabs her suitcase as maia grabs her suitcase and they head towards the entrance of the hotel where maias family is waiting inside the hotel lobby and then both maia and her girlfriend mercedes enter the hotel lobby
" we've been waiting in the lobby sweetheart says Desmond " follow me and my girlfriend to our penthouse hotel room dad says maia as both her and her girlfriend mercedes head towards the elevator as maias family follows them and then all of them arrive at the hotel room door and maia grabs the room from her pocket and she unlocks the door with the hotel room key " I'll take mine and your suitcase in the bedroom baby says mercedes " sure thing baby girl says maia as she unlocks the hotel room door and they all enter the room amd maias brother Tyler Herro closes the door and mercedes takes both suitcases to the bedroom as maia gives her family a tour of the penthouse " this is a lot of blue furniture sweetie says Mandy
" me and my girlfriend picked out this penthouse together mom amd over there where those glass doors are is the balcony that has a veiw of the city, the kitchen, the living room and let's head down the hallway and I'll show you guys where you'll be sleeping for tonight says maia " where will your family be sleeping for tonight sweetheart says Desmond " you and mom will sleep in the first guest bedroom to my right and lamelo, you and your brother will take the other guest bedroom and both me and my girlfriend have our own bedroom and are you guys hungry says maia as mercedes joins the group in the hallway
" did you show them where they'll be sleeping babe says mercedes as she stands next to her girlfriend " I showed my family where they'll be sleeping and are you hungry baby girl says maia " I am baby says mercedes " let me go fix everyone including you and me something to eat baby girl says maia and then almost an hour later as everyone ate and they head towards the guest bedrooms as both maia and her girlfriend head towards their queen sized bedroom and then maia amd mercedes enter theor bedroom " by the way, do you still work at the strip club baby girl says maia
" I've never left that job and if I'm not with you or watching your matches is when I'm at the strip club doing stripper stuff and that's why I brought a half of my stripper outfits babe says mercedes " who is your boss currently when you work at the strip club baby girl says maia " Denise is my boss and she owns every strip club in every state and on Friday I won't be with you cause I'll be working at the strip club that's about 2 hours from this hotel babe says mercedes as she sexually struts towards her girlfriend " what days do you still work at the strip club baby girl says maia as she bites her bottom lip as she how her girlfriend is sexually strutting towards her " Friday, Saturday, Tuesday amd sometimes Thursday daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend as she stands very close to her girlfriend
" do you have to work tomorrow after you meet my personal drivers family baby girl says maia as mercedes grabs her girlfriends bulge making maia moan low in pleasure " I go to work at the strip club tomorrow at 3pm giving me enough time to meet your personal drivers family daddy says mercedes seductively whispered to her girlfriend as she squeezes her girlfriends almost now very hard bulge as maia has chills when her girlfriend stands so very close to her " you give me the chills when you stand very close to me slut says Maia as she moans low in pleasure " and I live giving you the chills and lock the door so no one comes barging in on us fucking daddy says mercedes seductively in her girlfriends ear as she nibbles on her girlfriends earlobe making maia get very hard in her pants
And then mercedes pulls away and she sexually struts towards the bed as maia bites her lip as she sees her girlfriends ass jiggle a little and maia locks the door and she unbuttons her shirt and unbuttons and unzips her pants as she goes towards her girlfriend as she takes off her shirt and pants as she is now in her sports bra and boxers and mercedes bends down towards the edge of the bed " fuck my ass and claim my ass daddy says mercedes as she pulls the bottom of her dress halfway up past her ass and very soaking wet pussy as maia takes off her boxers as her very hard huge thick 30 inch dick springs up as she gets behind her girlfriend
" oh I'll claim your ass but you'll have to be quiet so no one hears us fucking whore says maia " trust me I'll cover my mouth if I get too loud daddy says mercedes as she backs up a little amd she rubs her girlfriends dick in between her ass and then maia smacks her girlfriends ass so hard a few times as mercedes keeps herself from moaning real loud and maia smacks her girlfriends ass some more as mercedes covers her mouth as she muffles her loud moan and then maia grabs her girlfriends hips " lean on the bed with your elbows whore says maia as she watch her girlfriend lean on her elbows on the edge of the bed and before maia slams her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends ass, she goes towards her suitcase to grab a bottle of lubricant
" are you grabbing the lubricant to make more easy to slam your entire dick inside of my ass daddy says mercedes seductively " that's what I'm going to do whore says maia as she grabs the bottle of lubricant from her suitcase and she goes back towards her girlfriends ass and she opens the lubricant bottle and she pours some lubricant on her dick and on her girlfriends ass including the entrance and maia oils up her dick amd her girlfriends ass and she closes the bottle and she sets it on the end of the bed and she then slides her lubed up dick all the way inside of her girlfriends ass as mercedes moans low in pleasure " this is your first time fucking me with your family around correct daddy says mercedes as she grips the bedsheets a bit
" that's right whore says maia as she starts pounding on her girlfriends ass so hard and roughly as mercedes bites her lip to keep herself from moaning so very loud and maia smacks her girlfriends ass some more as she leaves a few red handprints on her girlfriends asscheeks as she continues to pound her girlfriends ass even harder and faster as mercedes tightens her grip on the bedsheets as she covers her very loud moans with her hand and about 12 minutes later as maia pulls her dick out of her girlfriends ass " get in the bed and I want you to give me a real good blowjob whore says maia as she watches her girlfriend get fully in the bed " oh I'll give you a real good blowjob daddy says mercedes seductively as she motions for her girlfriend to get in the bed and maia gets on the bed
And maia leans back on her elbows and she spreads her legs apart to give her girlfriend access to her huge thick very hard 30 inch dick amd mercedes goes towards her girlfriends huge thick dick " I love how huge your dick is daddy says mercedes as she kisses the tip of her girlfriends dick as Maia bites her lip to keep her moans real low as her family doesn't hear them fucking during sex and before mercedes sucks on her girlfriends oiled up dick, she leans further down towards her girlfriends balls as she grans her girlfriends dick with her hand
and mercedes licks her girlfriends balls as she strokes her girlfriends oiled up dick as Maia moans low in pleasure and then a few seconds later as mercedes licks her girlfriends dick as Maia moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her dick " your tounge feels so fucking good licking my dick whore says maia as she moans low in sensation once more and then mercedes sucks on the tip of her girlfriends dick as Maia almost moans loud in pleasure but not loud enough for her family to hear and mercedes starts sucking on her girlfriends dick at a fast pace as maia bites her lip to keep herself from moaning so loud as she watches her girlfriend give her a real good blowjob " I fucking love it when you give me a real good blowjob whore says maia as she moans slightly loud in pleasure
And mercedes continues to give her girlfriend very fast and rough sloppy blowjobs and maia is loving every bit of it and maia pushes her girlfriend even further down on her dick as mercedes sucks even deeper on her girlfriends dick as she still continues to give her girlfriend a sloppy blowjob as she sucks even faster and harder on her girlfriends dick and maia gets closer and closer to her orgasm as she covers another one of her loud moans with her hand and mercedes goes even deeper on her girlfriends dick as she now has her girlfriends entire dick in her mouth
and mercedes motions for her girlfriend to deepthroat her so hard and fast and maia grabs the side of her girlfriends head and she starts deepthroating her girlfriends mouth and throat real hard and fast as maia continues to bite her bottom lip to keep herself from moaning too loud and about 4 minutes later as maia reached her orgasm and she tries to hold on a bit longer but she busts as she cums hard in her girlfriends mouth and throat and mercedes swallows every bit of her girlfriends cum and she pulls away from her girlfriends dick and she licks the leftover cum from her girlfriends dick
" I want you to eat me out so hard and claim my pussy daddy says mercedes as she lays on her elbows and she spreads her legs wide apart giving her girlfriend more access to her very soaking wet pussy " oh I'll claim your pussy whore and I'm in charge this time says maia " yes daddy says mercedes as maia leans towards her girlfriends soaking wet pussy and she bites her girlfriends sensitive soaking wet pussy Making mercedes moan her girlfriends name real low and maia slaps her girlfriends clean shaven and very soaking wet pussy Making mercedes moan slightly loud in pleasure
" let's fuck till 3am daddy says mercedes seductively to her girlfriend as maia slaps her girlfriends soaking wet pussy once more a couple times " oh we'll fuck till 3 in the morning whore says maia as she licks her girlfriends soaking wet pussy as mercedes moans in sensation at the feeling of her girlfriends tounge licking her pussy " your tounge feels so fucking good licking my pussy daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure as she slightly grips the bedsheets and mercedes puts her legs on her girlfriends back as maia aggressively attaches her lips onto her girlfriends pussy making mercedes cover her very loud moan with her hand and maia aggressively eats out her girlfriends pussy at a very rough and fast pace and mercedes continues to her her mouth as she is loving how aggressive she us being eaten out by her girlfriend
" you eat me out real good daddy says mercedes so good daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " oh I've gotten real good at eating you out whore says maia as she eats out her girlfriend even harder and rougher as mercedes reaches her orgasm as she covers another loud moan with her hand and mercedes feels her stomach start to tighten due to the build up of her orgasm " fuck I'm about to cum daddy says mercedes as she moans slightly loud " then cum for me again whore says maia as she goes even deeper on her girlfriends pussy while eating out her girlfriend even harder and faster and then mercedes tries to hold on a bit longer but she busts as she cums so hard as she covers her very loud moan with her hand and maia swallows every bit of her girlfriends cum yet again
And maia pulls away from her girlfriends pussy " just how horny are you for me whore says maia " oh I'm very horny for you daddy and I want you inside me daddy says mercedes and Maia gets to her knees and she puts her dick real close to the entrance of her girlfriends wet pussy " how badly do you want me inside you whore says maia as she makes her girlfriend beg to be inside of her " I very badly want you inside of me daddy says mercedes as she begs to her girlfriend and after 4 minutes of mercedes begging her girlfriend, maia aggressively grabs her girlfriends hips making mercedes slightly moan loud yet again but not loud enough for her girlfriends family to hear and she is loving how aggressive her girlfriend is during sex
" I am loving how aggressive you are with me daddy says mercedes as maia slams her entire dick inside of her girlfriends pussy and maia covers her girlfriends mouth to cover her girlfriends loud moan successfully " oh I know how you love it when I'm aggressive with you during sex and who do you belong to whore says maia as she pulls her hand away from her girlfriends mouth " I belong and only belong to you and you only daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " that's right cause you belong and only belong to me whore says maia as she leans down towards her girlfriends as she still has her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends pussy as they do the Modified coital alignment technique and mercedes wraps her legs around her girlfriends waist as she has her hands on her girlfriends back
And maia smashes her lips onto her girlfriends lips as they aggressively French kiss with tounge as maia pounds on her girlfriends pussy at a very hard and very fast pace as mercedes moans through the kiss as she digs her nails in her girlfriends back as maia continues to pound her girlfriends pussy at an even much faster and harder pace as mercedes successfully holds in her moans as they continue to aggressively French kiss with tounge and about 20 seconds later as mercedes scratches her girlfriends back as maia continues to dominate her girlfriends pussy even much harder and much rougher as maia gets closer to her orgasm
" do you want me to cum inside of you whore says maia as she thrusts even faster and harder inside of her girlfriends pussy as mercedes holds in one of her very loud moans as she scratches her girlfriends back even harder " I want you to cum inside of me daddy says mercedes as she continues to hold in one of her loud moans and then a few minutes later as maia quickly reached her orgasm, she busts and she cums real hard inside of her girlfriends pussy and then maia calms down from her orgasm and she then flips them over making her girlfriend be on top of her in the cowgirl sex position " I want you to bounce on my dick while I grope your tits whore says maia as she gropes her girlfriends tits " with pleasure daddy says mercedes as she starts bouncing on her girlfriends dick at a very fast pace as maia moans in pleasure
" bounce on my dick even harder and faster whore says maia as she sexually grabs her girlfriends nipples and sexually pulls her girlfriends nipples as mercedes moans in pleasure " as you wish daddy says mercedes as she bounces even harder and faster on her girlfriends dick as they both moan in pleasure and then mercedes leans down towards her girlfriends lips as maia squeezes her girlfriends tits real hard making mercedes hold in a loud moan and mercedes smashes her lips onto her girlfriends lips as they aggressively French kiss with tounge once more and maia aggressively grabs her girlfriends hips as mercedes moans in pleasure through the kiss
then a few hours later as it is now 12:30am as they both cummed so many times in many different sex positions as they both are now very sweaty with very messy sex hair as they both fuck for 3 more hours till 3 in the morning and they do the reverse cowgirl sex position as maia has her hands on her girlfriends shoulders as maia has her hand on both sides of her girlfriend and mercedes slides her girlfriends entire dick all the way in her stretched out and very sore amd swollen pussy and mercedes then starts bouncing on her girlfriends dick once more at a very fast pace and mercedes still continues to bounce on her girlfriends dick
as Maia gropes her girlfriends tits once more and then a few minutes later as mercedes gets off of her girlfriends dick and she does the rider sex position and she she sticks her girlfriends entire very hard huge thick dick all the way inside of her ass as they used up half of the lubricant bottle and then mercedes starts bouncing on her girlfriends dick yet again as maia watches her girlfriend bounce on her dick as she moans in pleasure " keep bouncing on my dick till you make me cum in your ass whore says maia as she holds in a loud moan then 2 hours later as it is now 2am as they have an hour left as they both cummed a few more times
as they do two more sex positions and they do the doggy style sex position as maia grabs the bottle of lubricant and she pours what's left of the lube on her dick and on her girlfriends ass as well as the entrance and then maia throws away the empty lube bottle in the trash can next to the nightstand and then she arches her girlfriend down towards the mattress " do you love how I am dominating you but very quietly whore says maia " I am loving how you are dominating me daddy says mercedes as maia slaps her girlfriends very sore ass yet again making mercedes muffle her moans into the mattress
so no one hears both her amd her girlfriend moan during sex and maia slams her entire dick all the way inside of her girlfriends very stretched out ass and she immediately starts pounding her girlfriends ass at a very hard and fast pace as mercedes bites her lip as she holds in a very loud moan as maia continues to pound her girlfriends ass even much harder and faster as her balls slap so hard against her girlfriends very sore and swollen pussy as mercedes moans slightly loud in pleasure " fuck my ass even harder and faster daddy says mercedes as she moans in pleasure " oh I'll fuck you so hard and good whore says maia as she pounds on her girlfriends ass even much faster and Eben more harder as mercedes bites the pillow to keep herself from moaning so loud
And then a few minutes later as mercedes hits her orgasm as she busts as she cums so hard on her girlfriends dick and her legs and maia feels the warm juices on her legs as she continues pounding her girlfriends ass very rough and very hard as she slaps her girlfriends very sore ass a few more times making mercedes hold in another one of her loud moans and then they both get on theor side and maia lifts up her girlfriends leg and she slides her very hard huge 30 inch dick all the way inside of her girlfriends very sore pussy and then lots of thrusting later as they both cum one last time together and they both finish having sex as they are both even more sweaty and they both catch their breaths
And they both cuddle as they passionately kiss " I love having almost quiet sex with you with your family around and you know I'm used to moaning so very loud and screaming at the top of my lungs babe says mercedes " I know you love it when I make you do that but we had to be real quiet tonight and when my family isn't around, you can be as loud as you want baby girl says maia " that's what I want to do when we have sex again maybe later on at the strip club when I go to work at 3pm baby says mercedes " what is your boss's last name baby girl says maia " her last name is Richard's and do you want me to show you a picture of what my boss looks like babe says mercedes " show me a picture of what your boss looks like baby girl and how many strip clubs does your boss own in the united states baby girl says maia
" she owns about 3,950 strip clubs and she's worth about 20 billion dollars and let me get my phone show I can show you a Picture of what my boss looks like baby says mercedes as she gets up and she grabs her phone from the nightstand and she goes to the gallery to find a Picture of her boss Denise richards amd mercedes finds the picture and she shows her girlfriend a picture of what her boss looks like
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" what do you think of my boss baby says mercedes " your boss is so sexy but not as sexy as you baby girl says maia as she gives her girlfriend a kiss on the lips and mercedes kisses back " good Save and I'm always a very sexy person to you and only you babe says mercedes " is your boss married baby girl says maia " she's married to a guy named Aaron phypers and she's been married to him for 25 years baby and do you want me to introduce you to my boss when you come to work with me in a few hours at 3pm and I have enough time to meet your personal drivers family baby says mercedes and about 4 minutes later as they both catch their breaths " let's go take a shower and head straight to bed after cause we'll only get 5 hours of sleep baby girl says maia
" um babe, we've gone the whole day with sleeping cause we have sex almost the whole day to the next day baby says mercedes " that is true and since you'll be going to work in 12 hours, we'll both get a few hours of sleep baby girl says maia " sure thing and I love you babe says mercedes " I love you too baby girl says maia as they both kiss once more on the lips and they both get out of the bed amd they grab some clean clothes from theor suitcases and they head towards the bedroom " can I tell you something baby says mercedes " what do you want to tell me baby girl says maia
" it was so hard trying to keep my loud moans in when your family in both of the guests bedrooms and I don't want to do that again babe says mercedes " I know baby girl and we won't fuck when my family is around again at some point amd will that work for you baby says maia " I can work with that baby says mercedes as they both enter the bathroom and about 14 minutes later after their shower, they both get out of the shower and they do their Hygiene and skin care routine and maia puts on a clean pair of boxers and a sports bra and mercedes puts on one of her girlfriends hoodies and they both leave the bathroom and head back into the bedroom
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treyvoncarter · 1 month
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NAME: Treyvon Carter AGE: 34 SEXUALITY: Bisexual OCCUPATION: CEO of Habitat for Humanity NEIGHBORHOOD: Masonboro FC: Tyler Lepley
Treyvon grew up in South Hills as the youngest sibling of four children. He wasn’t planned and well, his parents made sure to let him know that. From day one, all he was to them was a financial burden and so, he did whatever he could to steer clear of his parents in order to avoid the verbal abuse that was thrown his way. That usually meant he was walking around with the neighborhood kids or playing a game of basketball at the park. Regardless of what he was getting into, he rarely spent any of his time at home. 
He grew up relatively fast. Despite having parents and older siblings that could be there for him, they weren’t and so, he learned early on how to take care of himself. In fact, he managed to get a job mowing lawns in carriage hills and if he wasn’t doing that, he was helping housewives unload groceries or whatever it was that they needed. The money he earned was money used for school clothes or food, so that he wasn’t putting his parents out. In fact, the only thing he really ever went home for a place to bathe and sleep. Otherwise, he was out doing his own thing. 
The older he got, the more independent he was and the less he came home. He started joining sports and other after school activities so that he had a reason to stay out, not that his parents ever cared or reprimanded him for his lack of time at home. The less he was home, the less they had to take care of him financially. So, on top of the chores and other things that he did for the wealthy people in Wilmington, he was also playing basketball, baseball, and was even in key club where he spent a lot of his time volunteering. Those things all kept him busy but he would have been lying if he said that his first girlfriend and high school sweetheart didn’t distract him from those things. 
Falak, as far as he was concerned, hung the moon and he didn’t care what anyone else thought about the two of them. All he knew back then is that he wanted to be with her and that she was the only person that he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. The two of them made it through a lot, especially with her parents finding any and every way they can to separate the two of them. Even so, they always managed to find ways to spend time together. His heart was dead set on marrying her and so, after graduation, he proposed. He was so sure that she was going to want the same thing that he did but unfortunately for him, she didn’t and he ended up getting his heart broken. 
Devastated, he decided on taking a break from Wilmington and accepted a scholarship at Florida State University where he pursued a degree in law. The man never really wanted to become a lawyer but wanted to continue to help people in need, as he once was. While in college, he continued to play baseball, which is how he got his scholarship in the first place and worked full time in between classes as a bartender. All of the money he made, he saved and once he graduated with his masters degree in law, he moved back to Wilmington and began his work at habitat for humanity, where he worked his way up and eventually landed himself in a CEO role. 
Everything seemed to be working out for him, even to the point of where he found someone else to fall in love with. Someone he was sure was the one for him but maybe he should have learned the first time. The two of them got married after six months and he realized that the woman really didn’t want him but the wage he was making. Frustrated with the realization and heart broken once again, Trey filed for a divorce from the other and did whatever he could to move on from the disappointment that proved to be his love life.
Now, he resides in Masonboro in a cabin that he fixed up himself and continues to do what he can around the community to help the less fortunate. 
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
Hello, favorite writer. There is no rush for you to write it, take your time. You could write about laurel and reader teacher , who were married and live together in Jericó BUT they get divorced Because reader finds out about her plan to end up with outcasts (reader knows that Marilyn is laurel and accepts it), frequent arguments, jealousy on the part of both and etc. Laurel denies divorceHe doesn't plan to lose his reader and he tries to manipulate her so that she forgets about the divorce and everything is forgiven. Reader is not left. One day Laurel goes to visit a reader in her classroom but she sees someone Professor talks with reader very close and flirts with her, reader doesn't realize that laurel is there and that they are flirting with her. Laurel is enraged and when she goes to enter, she meets some Pupil or Larissa and has to force a smile. Reader is not paying much attention to the teacher who approached him and realizes that Laurel is in the hallway and sees that Laurel is uncomfortable about something, so Reader goes to save her from that moment and finds an excuse to end the conversation she was having. Laurel thanks you In his own way and leaves, reader smiles discreetly. And she calls her lawyer to find out if she continues with the divorce proceedings and the reader rethinks it again, she still loves her and a lot. She doesn't know what to do. He says that anything tells him. After that day's work, the reader returns to her house but sees the greenhouse still with light in the distance. She doesn't care, she knew that Laurel was staying More time taking care of her plants, she smiles discreetly about that habit that the redhead has and before getting in the car, she takes one last look at the greenhouse and sees Larissa turn into Tyler and Wednesday heading to the greenhouse. Curiosity wins you and you will see what happens. You can't believe what's happening, you run to stop her before it's too late. You face laurel and she shows herself Calm down and he approaches you, he pricks you with a strong sedative. And the next day, you wake up in the hospital, you find out that Laurel escaped and I sign the divorce paper.
Yessss!!! Here it is!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes :)))
I love you, crazy deranged Laurel
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill/ Laurel Gates x Fem Teacher! Reader
Warnings: angst, bad choices
Word count: 3,503
Summary: You can’t take it anymore, you just discovered that your wife is not who you though…
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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“That is to say, I have married someone who doesn't exist, fantastic,” you said furiously, about to start breaking things.
“Doesn’t exist? I must be a mirage,” your wife answered you, visibly annoyed.
You didn't want to have done it, but by an evil wish of fate, you discovered how Marilyn Thornhill, the woman you loved, whom you had married, was not who she said she was.
“You know exactly what I mean, don't try to fool me with your tricks,” you said, without giving rise to any response.
“I'm still the same, (Y/N). Nothing has changed.”
“Everything has changed Mar… Laurel, whatever. Do you think I'm going to overlook the notes I found in your notebook?”
“I'm the one who should be angry, you've been spying on me,” she said hissing. You laughed outrageously.
“Damn! You are an idiot! I have not spied on you. You left your notebook open, you fucking psycho, and be thankful I didn't call the sheriff right now.”
“Call him, come on, hand over your wife so that she spends the rest of her life in jail,” she challenged you. You loved her, and you didn't want anything bad for her, but you certainly were about to take the phone.
“You want to kill innocent teenagers, what am I supposed to do?” You asked rhetorically. “Fuck, Laurel, you fooled us all! You fooled me!”
“You will never be able to see beyond your nose. You know the history of my family, you know what your dear friends from Nevermore did to my brother! What am I supposed to do?”
“Learn to forgive? Forget your disgusting family?” You said defiantly. Bad idea.
The redhead suddenly grabbed you by the chin, hurting you, not like she usually did.
“Don’t, you dare, to insult my family,” she whispered dangerously, her eyes full of anger.
You pushed her away roughly, feeling some fear for the first time.
“I want the divorce,” you said, with tears in your eyes. That situation was unforgivable, or so your hot mind thought.
“What?” She asked, shaking her head.
“What you heard. I'll talk to my lawyer tomorrow.”
With those words, you left the room, taking up residence in the living room temporarily. You could be very sure of what you were doing, but your eyes did not want to do anything but cry. Two years of your life, deceived, in love with a ghost, with a person who didn't even exist. You couldn't be worse.
The next day there were no words, no looks, nothing. You kept your promise to call your lawyer, you had met him after work.
The first thing he asked you was if you really wanted a divorce. Your wounded spirit said yes, but your heart begged you not to.
“Well, have your wife sign this and we'll start the paperwork as soon as possible,” the man said, with a cold attitude, as if he didn't know how painful it was to do something like that.
You nodded and left the office, looking at the paper with tears in your eyes. You'd be lying if you said you didn't think to talk to the sheriff. Everything you read was dangerous. Poisonous plants, enslaved monsters… It seemed like a real horror novel. In a deep corner of your mind you thought that she would not be able to do something like that. Your common sense, unfortunately, was convinced that she was capable.
“Are you going to sign it? I'm going to be late for work,” you said while you put on your coat.
“We work in the same place, (Y/N),” she told you dryly, looking askance at the horrible paper.
“Have you read it?” You asked, impatient, taking your car keys.
“I'm not interested,” she said, getting up.
“What doesn't interest you? Well, look, I'm not in the mood for your nonsense. Sign it or it will be worse,” you said, going out the door.
Every minute that passed the divorce sounded worse in your head. You loved her, it was impossible to deny it. Not even such serious events could make you stop loving her. Your head ached from so much thinking about it. You even turned to say something to your wife, just before you realized she wasn't by your side.
“Shit, damn you…” You huffed, hitting the steering wheel with your head.
The classes were especially hard that day. Marilyn, rather, Laurel wasn't there to cheer you up. She didn't stop by your class to see you, she didn't text you. She just wasn't there.
“Hello, (Y/N), can I come in?”
Grace, the Nevermore art teacher poked her head in the door. She was a pretty young girl, and you would be lying if you said you didn't find her attractive.
“Yeah, sure…” You sighed, faking a smile.
“Larissa has asked me to give you this,” she told you, handing you some papers that overwhelmed you.
“More paperwork? What happens now?” You asked. You hated paperwork. And every white page with black ink reminded you of your impending divorce.
“It's because of the curfew, we all have to sign it,” your co-worker explained, leaning on your desk.
“Bullshit...” You whispered, scribbling on the paper.
“Hey, I hadn't noticed how beautiful your handwriting is,” she told you smiling, taking one of your scripts.
“My handwriting? I don't know, I've always had the same one.”
You thought you heard something in the hallway and immediately turned your head. You didn't see anything. Grace moved her hand up and down in front of you.
“Hey, come back, (Y/N).”
“Sorry… I thought… Nothing, it doesn't matter,” you said, shaking your head.
“Tonight we are going out to have a drink,”  she started some kind of strange proposal.
“Tonight? But there is a curfew,” You said raising your eyebrows and showing the paper you had just signed.
“That's why Nevermore will be safe. I feel like we don't know each other well enough. Oh, you can bring your wife, of course,” she said, looking away from her when she mentioned the redhead.
You weren't in the mood for hints, but it was pretty obvious that she was trying to hit on you. You weren't interested. Your heart belonged to Marilyn, to that Laurel woman she claimed to be.
“I don't know, I'm a little tired, maybe another time,” you said, getting up. “But I won't say no to a coffee, I think I'm going to faint,” you joked, to reduce the tension.
She nodded, visibly disappointed, but she followed you out of the classroom.
“That's why I think you should go, it's such a romantic place, I'm sure a bit of the mountain air will feel great on you.”
Larissa was in the hallway, next to a nervous Marilyn. Of course that type of conversation was not the most appropriate at that moment.
You felt sorry for her. She surely was playing tough. You knew how much she loved you, even though she knew you were an outcast, even though she should hate you. Your heart was too soft and you reacted to that Marilyn in distress.
“Sorry, sorry,” you said, kissing the redhead's cheek. She looked at you with wide eyes. She probably wasn't expecting that reaction.
“(Y/N)” Larissa said, smiling. “I was talking to Marilyn about that hotel in the mountains, you should ask her to take you there.” After that comment, she winked at you and turned around, walking down the hall again.
“What are you doing?” The redhead asked. You looked at Grace, indicating that she would go without you.
“Nothing, you seemed in trouble,” you said, cooling your tone a bit.
“Do you care? I thought you didn't care anymore.”
You rolled your eyes, but you remained pensive. She wasn't Marilyn, she was Laurel and she had horrible things on her mind, but even so, her eyes didn't change, they kept attracting you the same way as before.
“Please don't start with that again,” you said, crossing your arms.
“You seem to care more about that idiot Grace. Now you finally have a free way, right?” She told you with a certain rancor. You wondered how she could have come to that conclusion if she wasn't even there, but with her anything was possible. That noise you heard in the hallway was no coincidence.
“Do not say foolishness. I'm not interested in Grace,” you said, following her stupid game of jealousy.
“Whatever you say,” she said, avoiding looking at you.
You sighed, exhausted, feeling how your feelings were much stronger than your conscience. That piece of paper you left at home deserved to be burned. You had less and less desire to part with her. You cursed her, you couldn't stop loving her.
“Hey… Laurel…” you murmured, making sure no one heard you. “Regarding the divorce…”
“I'm not going to sign in,” she said, pursing her lips. “I refuse. Sue me if you want.”
“Oh, please… you haven't even let me finish the sentence,” you said placing a hand on your forehead and shaking your head.
“Finish it,” she told you, blinking rapidly.
“I was going to tell you that I don't know if I want to do it…” You said softly. Her expression immediately relaxed.
“I don't want to,” she said, approaching you and caressing your cheek. “(Y/N), I know I've made mistakes but…”
“I love you,” you finished the sentence for her. The redhead nodded, tears in her eyes.
“It's what I was going to say,” she whispered, kissing you tenderly on the lips.
“Wait,” you interrupted, placing a hand on her chest. “If you want this to work, you have to promise me something.”
“Whatever, my love,” she said, taking your hands and squeezing them intensely.
“I don't know exactly what you're up to, but I want you to forget it, please. Do not do anything crazy, I beg you.” While you spoke, you rested your forehead against hers.
“Okay, (Y/N), I promise…”
Things were looking up. It couldn't be said that you had reconciled, but you went back to sleep in bed with her. The conversations were dry and boring, but you had hope that you could fix it, to turn the page and forget everything that had happened. How innocent you had been.
You were going to go home after a hard day at work. The conservatory was lit. Marilyn was surely there, taking care of her plants like she used to. You looked at your watch and snorted. It was late, not a normal time for her to be there. Your relationship was still not quite right, and you decided not to go looking for her. You both needed your moments to reflect.
You were going to leave when you saw something strange. By the conservatory door were two people who shouldn't be there.
Wednesday Addams, the most sinister student you ever had was one of the two. It was not possible. That same day she had been expelled. You had no idea why. You were willingly oblivious to all the strange things that happened there.
Beside her was Principal Weems. Now that was weird.
You didn't give it too much importance, it seemed like a coincidence or a hallucination due to lack of sleep. What you saw next was not a hallucination at all. Larissa stopped being Larissa. She was transformed into a town boy, Tyler Galpin.
You didn't understand anything, absolutely nothing. Wednesday seemed to be saying something to Larissa, or Tyler, and right after, they slipped into the building.
Suddenly an atrocious fear ran through your back. There could be no other person but Marilyn inside the old building. Weems, and a student who had been asking about things that were none of her business. You began to tremble and you feared the worst. You had to know what was going on, so you cautiously approached.
There was nothing to be heard, only what sounded like whispers. A scream confirmed to you that something bad was happening in there. Something very bad.
“My name is Laurel!”
That voice was unmistakable. She couldn't be screaming her real name, something was very wrong, very, very wrong.
You walked in abruptly, just as your wife was hitting young Addams with a shovel.
“But what are you doing? Have you gone crazy?” You asked, kneeling next to Larissa, who was lying unconscious on the ground.
“(Y/N), this is not a good time,” Marilyn hissed. She didn't seem the same, her eyes didn't convey any kindness, only evil, anger, hate.
“What have you done?” You asked horrified, getting up from the ground. “I can not believe it…”
It was obvious. She had lied to you. She had broken her promise.
“(Y/N)…” She whispered leaving the shovel on the ground. “You should have gone home.”
“That's what you would have liked,” she said, swallowing, a little scared. Her look was not like always, she was frightening. “Can you explain to me what you have done?”
“Calm down, (Y/N), it's okay…” She whispered, smiling in a strange way. Her voice suddenly changed to a reassuring, soft, innocent one….
“What? You knocked Larissa unconscious and you hit Wednesday. How is nothing wrong? You are with your evil plans again right? I should have assumed you were lying to me. I shouldn't have trusted you.”
“Don't dramatize, (Y/N), it's just a day of sacrifices and then a lifetime for us alone,” she told you, trying to convince you. Of course you were not easy to convince. You shook your head, pulling your phone out of your bag.
“I'm not going to let you, I'll call the sheriff,” you said, furious, disappointed.
“You will not do it. You're never going to give me up, you love me…” She said smiling, slowly approaching you.
“Of course I'm going to do it. You've lost your mind, Laurel.”
The redhead grabbed you by the waist. Her breathing and her tone of voice were calm. She seemed completely oblivious to everything, unhinged. She was lost and she no longer had a remedy. You moved to get her to let you go.
“Let me go,” you said, getting even more nervous.
“Calm down, (Y/N)… Don't be nervous. Everything will be fine,” she told you, cupping your face with her hands.
“No, Laurel, this has gone too far. I thought about giving you another chance, thinking you could keep your promise, but now I see you can't do that for me. This is no longer fixed.”
Tears started running down your cheeks as you stopped moving.
“You love me, (Y/N), I know you love me…” She whispered to you.
“I may love you, but I can't let you get away with it. These people are innocent, they have never done anything to anyone.”
You try to dialogue, try to make her come to her senses. It was your last card. If you couldn't get her to think again, you'd have to arrest her, turn her over to the police.
“Nobody from Nevermore is innocent. They deserve to disappear,” she told you, returning to that dark tone.
There was no other choice, you would have to do the right thing, even if it meant a sea of pain, even if you could never see her again.
“You don't leave me any other option Laurel…” You said while you unlocked your phone.
The redhead didn't move, she just looked at you with a certain anger, with hatred. Soon her expression changed again and she leaned towards you, kissing you deeply.
“I wish it could have been otherwise, (Y/N),” she told you, her eyes shining.
You kissed her back, in a desperate attempt for your kisses to make her come to her senses, that she would leave everything and be able to save herself.
You widened your eyes terrified when you felt a sting in your neck. You could only see a syringe being withdrawn.
“What... have you done to me?” You asked, noticing how your words turned thick.
Everything around you was spinning. You couldn't make out anything. Everything was a blur and your legs gave way, causing you to fall to the ground.
You only saw her red boots. Pathetically, you dragged yourself up and grabbed her ankle, with a pleading look.
“Laurel… Please…”
Everything went black.
“No!” you yelled when you woke up.
It was already daylight and there was no sign of Laurel, nor of anyone known. It took you a while to realize that you were in a hospital bed. You had no idea what had happened and it terrified you.
“Oh, you're awake, how are you?” A nurse said as she entered the room.
“What? Where I am? What happened?” You asked disoriented.
“Calm down, you're fine, in the hospital,” she told you, pointing something in a notebook.
“Tell me something I don't know. What happened in Nevermore? Everyone, everyone is in danger, I have to…” You said, trying to get out of bed.
“Eh, eh. Stay there still. You can't move until we check that everything is okay.”
“But, but…”
“I told you to stay there. Everyone in Nevermore is fine, don't worry.”
“Alright? What happened?”
“You will not believe it, but it turns out that Laurel Gates had not died, she was still alive.”
“Uh-huh…” You sighed, pretending you didn't know.
“I am not very clear about what happened, but I have heard things about a dead pilgrim, or something like that.”
You shook your head, impatient to know the fact that you feared so much.
“Has she been arrested?” You asked, pretending it was just an innocent question.
“Unfortunately, no. She has escaped. The entire Vermont police are looking for her. I hope they find her soon,” The nurse sighed.
A part of you was saddened. She was gone, she had run away from there, and she hadn't even bothered to take you with her. Another part of you felt a deep, miserable relief. At least they hadn't caught her, she had managed to escape from it.
“Try to rest and don't think about it. Do you want us to call someone?”
You shook your head. There was no one to call. You were alone, Marilyn, your Marilyn was not with you, and she would never be again.
“Okay, I'll come in a while to bring you something to eat. The police will come this afternoon to take your statement,” she said kindly, leaving the room.
“Brilliant. You're an idiot, Marilyn... Or laurel... Or whatever,” you said. Your eyes were no longer capable of crying anymore.
On the table there was a bag with what looked like your clothes and things. You reached out and opened it, desperately searching for your phone.
It still had battery, but there was no trace of any call, not even a message. You snorted and put the things back on the table. A folded piece of paper fell to the floor.
You picked it up and checked what it was. It was the pre-divorce agreement. But it was not possible. That was in your house, you didn't have it with you that night. You opened it and to your unpleasant surprise, there was a new signature next to yours.
She had signed it with her false identity. Marilyn's name could be read on the scribble. It was a hard blow for you. After all, she thought it would be for the best, that you had the right to live a carefree life.
An enormous sadness ran through your senses.
“Is it what you wanted?” You sighed, while your tears fell on the paper. “Fuck you, I'm not going to accept it.”
You took the paper, ready to tear it into a thousand pieces. You could feel bad about loving a murderess, but you didn't. You loved her, and just thinking that you would never see her again made you feel terrible pain. You were about to rip it unreadable, but the back had a series of numbers that you swore weren't there before.
“What is this?” You said while trying to decipher that message. “Could be…”
You picked up your phone and opened your GPS app. Those numbers were familiar to you, they had a recognizable structure.
You entered the figures in the mobile, and soon you got a result.
“Damn… Those are coordinates…” You said, looking at a place that seemed to be in the middle of the forest. It was not a coincidence. It was even poetic. The two sides of that paper were your two destinies. The face and the cross of your soul. Accept the divorce and forget about everything that happened, having to explain to the police that your wife was a murderer. Or run away with her, who was waiting for you somewhere in the woods.
Hot decisions were bad decisions, but after a minute of reflection, you came to a conclusion. You looked up from the paper and looked out the window, from which you could make out some trees.
“Crazy deranged woman... I'm going with you...”
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houseofbrat · 1 year
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I have a demitasse of tea that I think I will spill here. Disclaimer: I cannot vouch for the complete veracity of this we will just have to see if it plays out in time...
Notice that until the past couple of months, the awards she bought were recognizing her and Harry together and now they are all just recognizing Meghan alone This is allegedly the ILBW's intentional strategy to begin marketing herself as a solo act, i.e. it's one more preparatory move towards unloading Prince Harry.  We've gone into overtime on my March 2023 prediction, but I'm still on a DivorceWatch for the near future and you can see how she may be laying the foundation now. She's got Todge admitting addiction, and anger problems in his book as well as to Oprah. She's had People Magazine name her kids as Prince and Princess. She's going overboard trying to get the only bit of work that she did last year, the podcast, recognized and rewarded.
These two are reportedly not living together nor have they been together in many weeks. But as usual, Meghan is over-egging the pudding as the evidence the Royal Family holds against her is vast and goes back decades.  In my opinion, Big Daddy Chuck will help Harry when it comes to divorce and separation procedings, but only in a private capacity and only through lawyers. Harry will never be trusted again, nor will he be welcomed back and restored as a working Royal. If he does go back to the UK sans-Meghan, and I think he will once she has fully discarded him, he will interact with his family only in a private capacity and will probably be tucked in a cottage somewhere in the country where he will always be closely monitored and kept out of the public eye.  That's just my prediction.
Moving on. There's some gossip going around about the Tyler Perry.... Rumor has it that he was indeed on the outs with Meghan at the time that he asked her and Todge to leave his house a few years ago because of her abuse of his staff. However, in the intervening years, she apparently spun that story, making it sound like she was somehow the victim there and then proceded to give him the doe eyes and tell him a ton of sob stories about how awful the racism was that she experienced in the UK. He is by all reports a very kindhearted and empathic person, and whatever she said, he bought it, hence the new support for her that first emerged on her last birthday. Well, Tyler has reportedly found out about whatever shady dealings the ILBW has dealt because his presence at the Christening was not the happy party replete with gospel choir that Meghan has told her press outlets that it was. He apparently learned something upon arrival or shortly before arrival that had him fulfilling the bare minimum of his godfatherly duties during the ceremony and getting the Hell out of there afterwards. This is also allegedly why there are no pictures of Tyler partying on at the spiritual event of the 21st century: the Christening of Princess Lilibucks. I predict that if any pictures exist of this event, only formal shots from the ceremony will emerge.
Some people have asked me what I know about the Gettys, and this is why I've heard: the Getty family got wind of something about Meghan that was allegedly manipulative and creepy enough that when they told Getty, he was like, "Yeah that's fucked up," and so he ended their transactional relationship. So there's that.
Again, Meghan's recent deluge of awards have all been centered around her podcast. I heard that this is because Spotify is or was also allegedly not buying a second season of Archetypes. They did comment on social media about her Gracie Award, but there is still no commitment to Archetypes 2: Stereotypes Rebranded. She's drawing attention to it to try to force Spotify's hand into another season. Will this work on Spotify? Well on one hand, we saw that they posted a grammatically incorrect comment on the Twitter announcement... but we also know that they know the real stats, that she is AWFUL to work with, and so I doubt she's been worth the trouble. We'll have to see . There is no financial reward to be gained from it... Gracie award or no, there's no reason for them to subject themselves and their staff, who reportedly called the show "Stereotypes" in-house because they know the real definition of Archetypes, to another season of that shite. But still Meghan needs money coming in for the future. Ill-fitting clothes, bronzer, and and another new face just aren't gonna buy themselves.  This is ansituatjkn though of Meghan needing Spotify more than Spotify needs Meghan. It'll be interesting to watch how this pans out.
That's all I got, and again... take this tea with at least a grain of salt.
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skippyv20 · 1 year
From 2 months ago Reddit,  it interesting…..
I have a demitasse of tea that I think I will spill here. Disclaimer: I cannot vouch for the complete veracity of this we will just have to see if it plays out in time...
Notice that until the past couple of months, the awards she bought were recognizing her and Harry together and now they are all just recognizing Meghan alone This is allegedly the ILBW's intentional strategy to begin marketing herself as a solo act, i.e. it's one more preparatory move towards unloading Prince Harry. We've gone into overtime on my March 2023 prediction, but I'm still on a DivorceWatch for the near future and you can see how she may be laying the foundation now. She's got Todge admitting addiction, and anger problems in his book as well as to Oprah. She's had People Magazine name her kids as Prince and Princess. She's going overboard trying to get the only bit of work that she did last year, the podcast, recognized and rewarded.
These two are reportedly not living together nor have they been together in many weeks. But as usual, Meghan is over-egging the pudding as the evidence the Royal Family holds against her is vast and goes back decades. In my opinion, Big Daddy Chuck will help Harry when it comes to divorce and separation procedings, but only in a private capacity and only through lawyers. Harry will never be trusted again, nor will he be welcomed back and restored as a working Royal. If he does go back to the UK sans-Meghan, and I think he will once she has fully discarded him, he will interact with his family only in a private capacity and will probably be tucked in a cottage somewhere in the country where he will always be closely monitored and kept out of the public eye. That's just my prediction.
Moving on. There's some gossip going around about the Tyler Perry.... Rumor has it that he was indeed on the outs with Meghan at the time that he asked her and Todge to leave his house a few years ago because of her abuse of his staff. However, in the intervening years, she apparently spun that story, making it sound like she was somehow the victim there and then proceded to give him the doe eyes and tell him a ton of sob stories about how awful the racism was that she experienced in the UK. He is by all reports a very kindhearted and empathic person, and whatever she said, he bought it, hence the new support for her that first emerged on her last birthday. Well, Tyler has reportedly found out about whatever shady dealings the ILBW has dealt because his presence at the Christening was not the happy party replete with gospel choir that Meghan has told her press outlets that it was. He apparently learned something upon arrival or shortly before arrival that had him fulfilling the bare minimum of his godfatherly duties during the ceremony and getting the Hell out of there afterwards. This is also allegedly why there are no pictures of Tyler partying on at the spiritual event of the 21st century: the Christening of Princess Lilibucks. I predict that if any pictures exist of this event, only formal shots from the ceremony will emerge.
Some people have asked me what I know about the Gettys, and this is why I've heard: the Getty family got wind of something about Meghan that was allegedly manipulative and creepy enough that when they told Getty, he was like, "Yeah that's fucked up," and so he ended their transactional relationship. So there's that.
Again, Meghan's recent deluge of awards have all been centered around her podcast. I heard that this is because Spotify is or was also allegedly not buying a second season of Archetypes. They did comment on social media about her Gracie Award, but there is still no commitment to Archetypes 2: Stereotypes Rebranded. She's drawing attention to it to try to force Spotify's hand into another season. Will this work on Spotify? Well on one hand, we saw that they posted a grammatically incorrect comment on the Twitter announcement... but we also know that they know the real stats, that she is AWFUL to work with, and so I doubt she's been worth the trouble. We'll have to see . There is no financial reward to be gained from it... Gracie award or no, there's no reason for them to subject themselves and their staff, who reportedly called the show "Stereotypes" in-house because they know the real definition of Archetypes, to another season of that shite. But still Meghan needs money coming in for the future. Ill-fitting clothes, bronzer, and another new face just aren't gonna buy themselves. This is a situation, though, of Meghan needing Spotify more than Spotify needs Meghan. It'll be interesting to watch how this pans out.
That's all I got, and again... take this tea with at least a grain of salt.
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somedayonbroadway · 2 years
You’ve already done something similar but “I’ll Be Home For Christmas”
I’ll Be Home For Christmas is quite possibly the only Christmas song that makes me cry and I was getting a bit emotional while I wrote this. Let me know if you wanna see a bit more of this story! I had fun writing it.
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Once upon a time, Christmas Eve was Jack’s favorite night of the year. He’d be the first to admit that his childhood hadn’t exactly been something to brag about. Addicted mother, abusive stepdad, dead brother, the whole nine yards. But Christmas Eve had always washed that all away when he was young. His mother would pretend that they were a whole, normal, loving family. She would tell Jack to open up one gift on Christmas Eve and then they would decorate cookies for Santa Claus, hoping that this would be the year he might come.
It didn’t matter that deep down, Jack had always known there would be no more gifts for him beneath the sad, dead Christmas tree. He could at least dream that night that things could turn out different.
When he held his child in his arms for the first time at fifteen years old, he vowed he’d never disappoint the kid on that Christmas morning. He’d spoil the boy rotten, he didn’t care if he had to hold down three jobs to do just that.
And now here he was, looking down over a city that he hated, on Christmas Eve, wondering where everything had gone so wrong. Maybe it started when he’d knocked up some girl he hadn’t even known the name of at first. Maybe it was when he’d promised to marry her even though they made each other miserable. Maybe it was when he’d told his son that he would never ever lie to him. Maybe it was when he had started kissing other people behind their apartment building. Maybe it was when he’d decided he wasn’t happy and quit his job without telling his wife or maybe it was when his ten year old son found him with a lawyer he’d met at a coffee shop.
The divorce had been brutal. Jack lost just about everything he had. None of it would’ve hurt so much. Things were just things. But his son… his son was too much for him to lose.
When the judge made his final decision, they’d gone out to find him, but Tyler James Kelly was nowhere to be found. Eleven years old and gone in New York.
Just thinking about it made Jack shed a few more tears for his baby boy. His little Racer. He remembered setting Tyler on his lap while he opened up a new set of pajamas every Christmas Eve. He remembered dressing the boy for bed and watching him fall asleep before he set out gifts beneath the tree. He remembered watching the wonder in the boy’s eyes as he rushed towards those gifts and he remembered holding the boy tightly as they danced around to cheesy Christmas music.
Jack used to go all out for Christmas. He used to get a tree and lights and pillows. Now he was in an empty apartment, up on the tenth floor. The ceiling was leaking and the lights didn’t turn on. Jack had a few candles lit but he was sitting in a crummy chair, watching the snowfall outside. He could see some families through the windows, eating Christmas Eve dinner and laughing, dancing, and listening to music. He bit his lip as his mind involuntarily thought about the possibilities.
The police told Jack four years ago that the probability of Tyler surviving out on the streets alone wasn’t high. He wondered if his baby was already gone. He could picture him in his head, curled up, purple and blue with no one to hold him. He wondered if he was still out there, all alone, scared, wondering if someone would come to find him. He went over it in his head every night. His therapist told him to let go, to come to terms with the fact that Tyler James was gone.
It was the most ludicrous thing Jack had ever heard. He’d stormed out of that session faster than he’d left anything else before. Sometimes he tried to imagine that his son had found a new place to stay, somewhere warm with lots of food and a bed for him to sleep in. Sometimes he wished that if he couldn’t look after his son, that someone else would.
The boy would be fifteen now. Just as old as Jack had been when he’d held him for the very first time.
When Jack’s phone rang, he was snapped out of his thoughts. He needed a distraction, anything to make these images in his head stop. “Hello?” he answered in a hushed voice. He was sure if he talked any louder, his voice would break. Not that it mattered, as he was expecting a machine.
What he got instead, was a young voice. “H-hi,” the voice said. “I-I’m with… um… I’m with the news. I’m calling to take a survey if you have a few minutes?”
With a small scoff. “You’re with ‘the news’?” Jack challenged. “You sure?” His Brooklyn accent was thick. He cleared his throat to try and get rid of it.
“N-no— listen, will you take the survey or not?” the kid asked.
With a small sigh, Jack nodded. “Sure, I will take a survey. What do you want first? My bank information or my social security number?” he teased.
A small laugh came through the speaker. “I mean, your bank information would be wonderful, but we can start easier maybe? Like… like, do you celebrate Christmas?”
Once again, looking over the city, Jack bit his lip. “I did…” he admitted.
“Okay, and when do you start celebrating during the year?” the person asked.
Swallowing hard, Jack answered, “Normally the day after Thanksgiving.”
The boy hummed in response. “Oh, me too! What a coincidence!” It sounded sarcastic, so Jack squinted a bit. “What is your favorite Christmas tradition?”
Jack shook his head. This wasn’t helping. “Look, kid, I don’t have time for prank calls, okay—?”
“Wait! Wait, just one more question! One more question,” the boy insisted quickly. Jack sniffled and waited. “C-can I come home?”
The whole world seemed to stop spinning at that question because Jack didn’t understand what was happening. He stood up and looked around, wondering if he was dreaming. “What?” he whispered.
The person on the other end of the line sniffled and let out a shaky breath like he was trying not to cry. “Daddy… Can I come home?”
Jack stopped breathing for a long moment because he knew he had to be dreaming. He shook his head, trying to snap out of it but he couldn’t quite get over the shock. “T-Tyler?” he whispered. Something in his chest pinged with pain when he thought about this being some random trick, some prank where the people on the other end didn’t know any better. But he couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down his face at the mere idea that any of this was real.
A knock came at his door and Jack jumped at the noise, dropping his phone out of instinct. He looked out the window and then back to the door, hesitantly opening it.
There stood a beautiful blond boy outside the door with these crystal blue eyes that tore Jack’s heart in half. He was wearing sweatpants and a few sweaters, his gloves torn through at the fingers. “H-hi, Dad,” the boy breathed.
Jack’s mouth hung open in terror and relief. He took a small step to the boy and shakily brought his hands up to the child’s hair, grasping it in his hands and running thumbs over the kid's face to make sure he was real. “Tyler?” he breathed again. The boy grabbed one of Jack’s wrists and held it gently, moving it so he could kiss Jack’s palm. His nose was freezing. Jack shook his head. “I-I d-don’t care if I’m dreamin’, just don’ lemme wake up,” he begged. “Tyler James?”
The boy finally looked up at him. “A-actually… I go by Anthony now. Anthony Higgins…” There was no doubt in Jack’s head. This was his child. This was his Tyler James. It only took a moment for Race to slouch forward a bit and rush into his dad’s chest, hugging him tightly, not only to reassure him, but for warmth. Jack almost lost his footing at the impact, but he gripped at the child, closing his eyes and letting this happen, letting himself believe that this could be real. “Y-you still give the best hugs,” Race whimpered. “I tell everyone that my dad gives the best hugs, ya know?”
Jack didn’t even think of letting go. Anger tried to build up inside of him but the worry shoved it aside, the astonishment subdued it and the love that he held for this boy killed it completely. “Is this real?”
The boy in his arms sniffled and pulled away enough to look up at Jack. “I really hope so,” he muttered. “I can’t keep doin’ this… it’s so stupid—!”
Jack shook his head, taking his son’s cheeks between his hands. “Hey, monkey,” he whispered. “What? What happened? Where did you go?” he nearly sobbed. “Why didn’t you come back? Why didn’t you call me to come get you sooner? Why did you leave me like that?”
The boy sniffled. “Can you please just hold me?” he whispered.
The request was so small that Jack had no choice but to abide. He hugged his son tightly in his arms. The boy was freezing. “Daddy’s got you,” he promised quietly. “I’m right here…”
The boy all but clung to him. Jack just closed the door behind him and scooped the boy up, carrying him to the couch and rocking him back and forth, letting tears stream down his face as he wrapped a blanket around the child’s shoulders. The kid was freezing. So Jack cuddled up close to him, trying to warm him up. Race giggled a little bit, but they were watery laughs.
He was terrified to ask where Race had been for these past few years. So he didn’t. He just held him, not understanding what had just happened.
And Race just closed his eyes and fell asleep in his dad’s arms, like everything was normal. Nothing was. Nothing was normal, nothing was familiar anymore. But Jack wouldn’t give up this moment. Not for anything.
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Heterosexual Parents
Cheryl and Justin Tran
Lily and Kenzõ Sano
Susan and Seo-Yun Moon
Rachel and Michael Macedo
Linda and Trevor Rhee
Charlene and Charles Bubble
Melissa and Nathan Sparkler
Claudia and Spencer Jagels
Janet and Gregory Coffey
Judith and Darius Burdette
Bernice and James Berger
Martha and Jason Sweetz
Regina and Holden Van Dew
Polly and Lucian Marlowe
Leonora and Henry Ekins
Ava and Titus Teaford
Vera and Ivan Borisov
Dahlia and Dante Crook
Lorie and Kenneth Salts
Lucia and Giovanni Capello
Aikara and Ritsu Miyamoto
Barbara and Atticus Madler
Eden and Jarvis Linnet
Marjorie and Caleb Crisper
Sharon and Peter Janzer
Imogen and Gideon Blue
Victoria and Lucas Lacelle
Isadora and Porter Paratore
Charlotte and Edward Paratore
Sandra and Andre LaMane
Aylin and Nicholas Carbine
Ashley and Gordon Naron
Dina and Dewey Decko
Priscilla and Andrew Pearlette
Isobel & Preston Brightwind
Geraldine and Glen Gibbsite
LGBT Parents
Catalina and Natalia Gonzalez
Lisa and Gloria Gaffner
Roxanne and Erin Forestier
Uma and Penelope Taplin
Thora and Jane Pagels
Mitchell and Noel Prickler
Tessa and Iris Welling
Sylvia and Sheila Froning
Avery and Logan Zill
Cole and Stuart Glover
Eddie and Chris Lacer
Ethan and Gavin Balliet
Andrew and Ronald Kidwell
Zachary and Levi Heers
Liam and Asher Crowding
Travis & Cameron Nelligan
Susan & Monica Gooseberry
Gerald & Dylan Nutbrown
Marissa and Leona Turmeric
Divorced Parents
Zelda Zilles & Freddy Valois
Piper Citrus & Douglas Zahler
Felicity & Tommy Axtell
Geraldine & Timothy Turcaz
Brianna & Andrew Berrien
Seraphina & Dominic Marrone
Tamara & Percy Purnell
Marsha & Ross Ebonite
Diana & Alexander Zhōu
Audrey & Maxwell Juneberry
Carmelita & Diego Romero
Alexandra & Johnny Blackberry
Selena & Earl Glowez
Other Residents
Anastasia Novikov
Shannon Twist
Bertha & Ernest Crumble
Nancy Zheng
Lila Wonderstar
Edith Prism
Janice Timmons
Karen Gim
Tammy Cho
Stephanie Song
Renee LeGrand
Evelyn LaMane
Fiona Lavergne
Régine Cardoux
Tracy Timmons
Teens and Children
Clover Tran
Ozzy Tran
Enzo Moon
Prudence Sano
Tyler Zahler
Cory Sparkler
Alan Jagels
Darcy Valois
Sapphire Rhee
Sage Rhee
Mackenzie Macedo
Ruby Marlowe
Ginger Gonzalez
Genevieve Gonzalez
Chloe Bubble
Joey Bubble
Trish LaMane
Harley LaMane
Praline Coffey
Lena Welling
Elijah Welling
Zelda Froning
Kendra Burdette
Jessica Burdette
Zaria Burdette
Fiona Heers
Calliope Snowflake
Juniper Blue
Tiffany Van Dew
Topaz Van Dew
Bijou Carbine
Delilah Naron
Lemon Javins
Mona Kulkarni
Ophelia Davern
Elodie Ekins
Posie Lacelle
Jameson Paratore
Luna Chen
Phoebe Teaford
Esme Berger
Eloise Ollinger
Leona St. Cloud
Alexis Miyamoto
Roxy Capello
Lizzie Zant
Willow Forestier
Wendy Lacer
Desmond Decko
Esther Janzer
Luanne Junebug
Dion Marzel
Julianne Inglett
Heather Salts
Hudson Taplin
Blake Balliet
Mabel Pagels
Axel Crowder
Jasmine Crook
Marco Crisper
Samuel Linnet
Rebecca Madler
Lexi Daffron
Shawn Dasinger
Dariel Farson
Ryan Canright
Dimitri Borisov
Margaux Nelligan
Kate Kidwell
Dexter Axtell
Logan Turcaz
Jacques Berrien
Yvette Marrone
Tobias Purnell
Athena Pearlette
Vincent Ebonite
Nathan Gooseberry
Maxwell Nutbrown
Maxine Zhōu
Isla Brightwind
Juliet Turmeric
Grace Juneberry
Amaya Romero
A.I. Blackberry
Pepper Glowez
Ingrid Muse
Kylie Spize
Agatha Glover
Patty Perrin
Opal Sourtwist
Elio Zill
Mandy Tunesong
Betty Crinkle
Dorcas Cloudberry
Finn De Glam
Zoe Sweetz
Gina Gibbsite
Josephine Joynes
Lola Jentzen
Luca Barone
Kevin Prickler
Haylie Sweetbutton
Brielle Thames
Cheryl Tran = Baker
Justin Tran = Comic Book Writer and Illustrator
Lily Tran = Lawyer
Kenzõ Sano = Business Owner and CEO
Polly Marlowe = Mayor
Lucian Marlowe = High School P.E Teacher
Rachel Macedo = Lawyer
Michael Macedo = Lawyer
Linda Rhee = Doctor
Trevor Rhee = Doctor
Zelda Zilles = Music Producer
Freddy Valois = Fashion Designer
Claudia Jagels = Judge
Spencer Jagels = TV Producer
Piper Citrus = Juice/Smoothie Bar Owner
Melissa Sparkler = Weather Host
Nathan Sparkler = Dentist
Charlene Bubble = Socialite
Charles Bubble = Real Estate Developer
Catalina Gonzalez = Chef/Restaurant Owner
Natalia Gonzalez = Chef
Nancy Zheng = 7th Grade Teacher
Shannon Twist = Hair Stylist
Bertha Crumble = Candy Store Owner
Ernest Crumble = Candy Store Owner
Edith Prism = Middle School Principal
Anastasia Borisov = Dance Teacher
Gloria Gaffner = Romance Self Help Book Writer
Lisa Gaffner = Scientist
Susan Moon = Nail Salon Owner
Seo-Jun Moon = DJ
Crazy Treats
Moon Mani
House of Styles
Hair 2 Dye For
LaMane Books
Mademoiselle Renée’s Theater
Sweet Snowflakes
Sugar Hills
Hecho Con Amor
Fiery Rockets
The Sparkle
Pizza Pizzazz
Chamber of Imagination
Black Fruity
Funk N Fresh
The Lotus Dragon
Athena's Eye
Game Space
Rain of Petals
Purple Brew
Miss Anastasia S Dance Studio
0 notes
gibbinlaws2 · 6 months
Making Divorce Easier: Selecting the Best Lawyer in Tyler
Divorce is undoubtedly one of life's most challenging experiences, marked by emotional turmoil and complex legal proceedings. In Tyler, Texas, navigating the divorce process can be overwhelming, but having the right lawyer by your side can make a significant difference in easing the burden and achieving a favorable outcome. This article aims to guide individuals through the process of selecting the best divorce lawyer in Tyler, offering insights and practical advice to make the journey smoother and less daunting.
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Understanding the Importance of Legal Representation:
Before delving into the specifics of selecting a divorce lawyer, it's essential to recognize the critical role that legal representation plays in the divorce process. A skilled and experienced divorce lawyer serves as your advocate, guiding you through the legal complexities, protecting your rights, and striving to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.
Assessing Your Needs and Goals:
Every divorce case is unique, with its own set of circumstances, challenges, and objectives. Before selecting a divorce lawyer, take the time to assess your needs and goals for the divorce process. Consider factors such as child custody arrangements, division of assets and debts, spousal support, and any other issues that are important to you. Understanding your priorities will help you find a lawyer who can effectively address your specific concerns.
Researching Potential Lawyers:
Once you have a clear understanding of your needs and goals, begin researching potential divorce lawyers in Tyler, Texas. Utilize online resources, such as legal directories, lawyer websites, and review platforms, to compile a list of potential candidates. Pay close attention to factors such as experience, expertise, reputation, and client testimonials.
Seeking Recommendations and Referrals:
Word-of-mouth recommendations can be invaluable when searching for a divorce lawyer. Reach out to friends, family members, or colleagues who have gone through a divorce and ask them about their experiences with their lawyers. Personal recommendations can provide valuable insights into a lawyer's communication style, professionalism, and effectiveness.
Evaluating Experience and Expertise:
When considering potential divorce lawyers, prioritize those with extensive experience and expertise in family law and divorce cases. Look for lawyers who specialize in divorce law and have a proven track record of success in handling cases similar to yours. Consider factors such as years of practice, caseload, and any specialized certifications or training in family law.
Assessing Reputation and Client Satisfaction:
Reputation is a key indicator of a lawyer's professionalism and effectiveness. Conduct thorough research to assess each lawyer's reputation within the legal community and among past clients. Look for lawyers who are known for their integrity, empathy, and dedication to client advocacy. Avoid lawyers with a history of disciplinary actions or complaints filed against them.
Meeting with Potential Lawyers:
Once you have narrowed down your list of potential divorce lawyers, schedule initial consultations with each of them. Use these meetings as an opportunity to discuss your case, ask questions, and evaluate the lawyer's suitability. Pay attention to how the lawyer listens to your concerns, provides legal advice, and communicates their strategy for handling your case.
Assessing Communication and Compatibility:
Effective communication is crucial in any attorney-client relationship, especially in the context of divorce proceedings. Choose a lawyer who communicates clearly, listens attentively, and keeps you informed about the progress of your case. Additionally, assess whether you feel comfortable discussing personal matters with the lawyer and whether you trust their judgment and advice.
Discussing Fees and Payment Structure:
During your initial consultations, inquire about the lawyer's fee structure and payment options. Understand how the lawyer charges for their services, whether it's hourly rates, flat fees, or contingency fees for certain cases. Discuss any potential additional costs, such as court filing fees or expert witness fees, to avoid unexpected expenses later on.
Making Your Decision:
After meeting with potential divorce lawyers and considering all relevant factors, trust your instincts and make your decision based on which lawyer you feel most confident and comfortable with. Remember that selecting the best divorce lawyer for your case is a significant decision, and it's essential to choose a lawyer who has the experience, expertise, and dedication to effectively represent your interests. Conclusion
In conclusion, selecting the divorce lawyer tyler, requires careful consideration and research. By assessing your needs and goals, researching potential lawyers, seeking recommendations, evaluating experience and reputation, meeting with potential lawyers, and discussing fees and payment structure, you can make an informed decision that ensures the best possible outcome for your divorce case. With the right lawyer by your side, you can navigate the divorce process with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that your legal rights and interests are being protected every step of the way.
0 notes
heythere-depression · 8 months
Okay 12 days in and I’ve realized I’m problematic as hell, I need to be alone for a while but I keep surrounding myself with guys, I hooked up with a guy on Tuesday, his name is Tyler and he’s a new dad who hasn’t had sex in a year and still lives with his baby’s mom because he didn’t want them to be homeless because her mom kicked her out and they’re broken up but he misses his family but also just needed release. I listened to him and suggested that he and his BM need to reconnect and to bring up reading an erotic book to help get her in the mood. I was completely upfront with him that I wasn’t in the headspace to be with anyone but I did want to see him again, he said he would but I hope they get back together.
First, I also needed it and I see a pattern which is that I date guys with awful life situations. Second, that’s not the craziest thing that’s happened to me this week.
I can’t believe I was vulnerable with Allen. I talked to him about how Marcy told me that he said he might marry Kat, and so I asked him and he said he might, he just wants to get divorced from Morgan, which is how he told me how they met, and how he married her in a panic for BAH but realized he didn’t need to do that because he had Marcy listed as a dependent. So now he’s trying to divorce her, and it turns out that she wasn’t all that great with Marcy, and when he asked if she would miss her she actually said no. He said that opened his eyes and honestly, good because she sucked and made shit way harder for us the first summer Marcy spent with him. Now he’s stuck giving her $600 a month until she signs the papers, and she’s been served so now he’s just waiting.
So I told him that I knew he got married because my lawyer found out and told me, I didn’t say it was because I caught him in a lie and kept it to myself. I told him how hard I took it and how crushed I felt, and he apologized for all of it, he was concerned with ending up at the barracks and not have a good place whenever he has Marcy. I told him I didn’t know that, because I didn’t. I assumed he was over me, and never talked to him about it.
He said he was really, really struggling when he got to Virginia without me and Marcy, and he just wanted us back. But he didn’t fight for me in the way I needed him to, and I have don’t think I would’ve forgiven him. I talked to Johnny about it, and frankly, he gave me a reality check of Allen eventually leaving me when Marcy grows up because he probably would’ve gotten tired of waiting for me to forgive him but wanted to stay in Marcy’s life. I wouldn’t have gone back to school, graduated and found my job that I’m finally getting better in.
So I told him that Marcy said that she she told him I miss him and he responded that I didn’t again, and he told me that when she brought it up, he didn’t say that that again, he just told her what we said we’d say before, that we miss each other as friends and that we love her very much.
Then I said that she wasn’t wrong, and I couldn’t get the words out that if he married Kat, he and I will never have a chance in the future, and he understood what I was trying to say and he said he’s happy now and wants me to find happiness too. I told him that I wasn’t trying to encroach on Kat’s territory or anything, and he said that she’s really secure in their relationship and so is he, and that he wants us to be friends again.
And that hurt so much. It felt like it really was the final nail in the coffin more than when we finalized the divorce. And that comment about how they feel secure in the relationship made me so mad because I was secure too until he cheated on me.
I know I wasn’t any better. But I didn’t keep up a facade for over a year. He called me things that I’ve internalized and still have anxiety about now, and it’s been hard to work through it.
Enter the many digital guys I’ve flirted with when my confidence was down. I even found a guy I used to hook up with in August before I met Levi, and this dude was cute, rich and knew exactly what he would be doing, had his own house and sex swing! I was psyched I found him because I ghosted him accidentally when I thought I didn’t save his number, but it turns out I couldn’t remember if I did save it or not because I couldn’t remember his name anyway and I was distracted with Levi at the time. He was happy to have bumped into me on a different app, and now I have his number saved.
His name is John lol he’s the exact opposite of Johnny, and I didn’t want to call him Johnny either. All I know is I’m definitely going to hook up with him again. So no I have to tell Tyler that I can’t hook up with him again because I don’t want to stop him from being with his family, which is true. Dude was wildly open with me and his brokenness and he should be trying with her, not fucking me.
Speaking of Johnny, prior to John, Tyler and Allen, I told him, that I still really liked him and I wanted to work things out with him but he needed to stay sober, and also needed to get himself together, and that I need to do the same. He was surprised I said that, and he told me that he wants a life with me, he wants me back and everything, but logistically, he need time to make it happen, time to get a better job, and his own place. He’s only four months into sobriety and he has no idea where he’ll be in the next year, but wants me in his life, so I told him that he can take as much time as he needs because I also need time to be ready for anyone.
It’s worth noting that I’m sexting a guy in California that I met on tumblr back when I felt lonely and ignored by Allen. He won’t tell me his real name, which I bet I could find out but I don’t really care, he just told me it starts with a B. He’s great, was psyched when we found each other again and we send each other things a LOT. So that’s four guys I’ve had some kind of relationship with come right after I told Johnny that I missed them.
I think I’m a sex addict.
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dead-blog69420 · 10 months
Uhhh random brba oc stuff idk I need to put them somewhere 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
So like idk I made him one day cus I was bored and he's like just this troubled teen fella and Saul is a big father figure to him cus his own dad was abusive. He's like bff's with his friends Chelsea badger and Pete
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She's miles best friend. She also grew up somewhat troubled and her and miles bonded in highschool. They're a *little* on and off but mainly cus neither of them can get layed lmao. Chelsea dosent have many friends besides miles. She was a little close with Jane after they met in a rehab facility but they stoped talking afew months before Jane died
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dateing Saul that's like his whole thing tbh. He's like 20 but still in HS cus he's really stupid and Francesca does NOT vibe w Saul dateing him idk he dosent rly have lore. He loves Nirvana and is definitely one of the anoying fans, constantly trashes on Courtney love 💔
(this is a horrible drawing it's all I have on my phone)
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Hes a lawyer and mainly does probono cases. He embezzles money from his law office. He met Howard in divorce court (he was representing the wife Howard the husband) and they had a..... 🥰🥰 silly fella moment in the court bathroom. Cheryl quickly found out and filed a divorce lmao.
Eventually people found out about the embezzlement and Jake got arrested, Howard was his lawyer
(once again only pic I have sorry)
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f1rstresponder · 1 year
Full Name | Tyler Kennedy Strand Aliases / Nicknames | TK Species | Human Citizenship | American Date of Birth | December 11, 1993 Occupation | Paramedic, firefighter (formerly) Gender | CIS Male Sexual Orientation | Homosexual
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TK was born in December 1993, to Gwyneth Morgan and Owen Strand. He grew up in Manhattan where his dad, Owen, was the Captain of Station 252, and his mom was a lawyer. Despite their full-time jobs, they were there for him, and up until he was 7 years old, TK considered them to be a happy, stable family. On September, 2001 (9/11) Owen Strand and his crew were present at ground zero as the buildings came down. A total of 343 firefighter's lives were lost that day, 14 from Station 252. Owen started drinking after the tragedy and often times after the tragedy, he would stay late behind at the firehouse, burying himself in his work up to a point where he even missed TK's birthday. His absence led to arguments with Gwyn, and TK spent years listening to either harsh whispers or loud yelling. Their divorce wasn't just Owen leaving Gwyn, but it was a father leaving – abandoning – his family, and it was the first of many scars on TK's soul. While his dad had been emotionally distant for a while already, the divorce finalizes it. TK stays with his mom most of the time and mostly only sees his dad whenever he has a weekend off. As TK grows older, he's allowed to choose which place to stay at, but with two workaholic parents, he mostly ends up being alone anyway. TK applies to be a fire fighter when he's 18 and 2 years later he's a dual certified FD-medic.
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No matter when a thread takes place, unless discussed/plotted otherwise for AU purposes; TK is an addict and has been struggling with addiction since he was a teenager. He used prescription pills (mainly opioids such as oxycodone) and heroin, sometimes combined with alcohol. In most canon (divergent) verses he'll be recovering and sober. He's been in and out of rehab several times, the last one being in California where his mother brought him to after finding TK in a drug den in New York. Years later, TK relapsed and overdosed, after which his dad found him and saved his life. He's been recovering since and his sobriety is something he takes very seriously.
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