#U.S.House of Representatives
dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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An eventful coming week.
November 13, 2023
          Current funding for the government will expire on Friday, November 17 at midnight. Speaker Mike Johnson proposed a “laddered continuing resolution” on Saturday that was met by deafening silence. Well, almost. The White House called it “unserious.” But there was little evidence of legislative activity over the weekend with only five days before shutdown.
          A “laddered continuing resolution” has rightly been called “gimmicky.” It has never been used before. It probably won’t be used now. But since we will hear the phrase “laddered CR” for the next 72 hours straight, let’s take a look at the context and meaning of the proposed “laddered CR.”
          When Congress fails to pass a budget, it frequently passes a “continuing resolution” that keeps the government operating at existing funding levels until Congress can do its job. But Mike Johnson couldn’t pass a regular “continuing resolution” if his job depended on it. So, he has proposed a hybrid resolution that amounts to “kicking two cans down the road” at the same time. Let’s take a look at the possible options to see where Mike Johnson’s hybrid solution fits in:
Congress passes a budget on time (which requires twelve appropriations bills to pass). That is a good outcome but nothing to write home about. Passing a budget on time is, after all, one of the primary duties assigned to Congress in the Constitution. Republicans gave up on this option about six months ago.
Congress passes some appropriation bills but not all twelve. A partial shutdown results. This happened in 2018-19. Republicans gave up on this option about three months ago.
Congress passes no appropriations bills but agrees to a “clean” continuing resolution that funds the government at current levels for a set period. Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy agreed to such a continuing resolution in September and lost his job as a result. Mike Johnson floated this idea last week in a Republican conference meeting, but it was shot down before ever making it out of the GOP conference closed-door meeting.
Congress proposes a “laddered” continuing resolution that funds parts of the government for different time periods (here, through January 19 and February 2, 2024) at current levels.  This is what Johnson has proposed. The “laddered” continuing resolution does not include funding for Israel or Ukraine. Nor does it include cuts from current spending levels—a demand made by the most radical members of the House Freedom Caucus. See below.
Congress can’t pass a regular continuing resolution or a laddered CR, so it proposes a continuing resolution that cuts spending from current levels. This proposal was championed by the Freedom Caucus under McCarthy (but ultimately rejected). The proposal for “continuing resolution with cuts” may make a return under Johnson if he can’t get support for his “laddered CR.”
          The relative calm (and silence) over the weekend is disquieting. Either the chaos is so bad that no one knows what to do or everyone is confident that Congress will pass a “clean” continuing resolution. After all, what politician wants to be responsible for US troops not being paid during the Thanksgiving holiday?
          This story will dominate the news next week. Apart from the drama of “Will there be shut down or not,” the real story is that Republicans are simply incapable of governing. We need to get that story out to friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, and complete strangers.
Trump's statements on Veteran’s Day weekend echo Hitler and Mussolini.
          This next story may be upsetting for some readers, so let’s start with a shortened version, followed by a more detailed version. In short, Trump's unhinged statements over Veteran’s Day weekend became even more unhinged as he began to use epithets reminiscent of the hate speech of Hitler and Mussolini. Bottom line: Defeating Trump is a matter of national urgency and human decency. Do not relent in your efforts.
          The longer story is this: In statements at a campaign rally and on his vanity social media platform, Trump used words and phrases favored by Hitler and Mussolini as they attacked their enemies in the run-up to World War II. He said, in part,
We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections. They’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American Dream. [T] he threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within.
          See Washington Post, Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini. (This article is accessible to all.) The headline writers at The New York Times did not see the need to raise alarm about the historical antecedent to Trump's speech, writing blandly, “In Veterans Day Speech, Trump Promises to ‘Root Out’ the Left | New York Times.
          As usual, the rest of the Republican Party pretended not to notice that Trump had descended into Hitlerisms in his speech. Republican National Chair Ronna McDaniel dodged questions about Trump's speech by saying (a) she hadn’t read the speech and (b) wouldn’t comment on a Republican candidate involved in a presidential primary for the GOP nomination. See The Hill, RNC chairwoman dodges questions over Trump’s Veterans Day post. Coward!
          Comparisons to Hitler and Mussolini should not be made lightly, but they are appropriate here. For a superb (and unsettling) historical comparison, read Lucian Truscott’s Newsletter, This is how it begins - by Lucian K. Truscott.
          For those whose parents, grandparents, and family members suffered and died under Hitler and Mussolini, Trump's deliberate effort to model his language on theirs is unsettling, even traumatizing. Every American should be alarmed and concerned by this dark turn in the hate speech of a man known for his hate speech.
          Trump must not be normalized. He is not merely a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination—as he is frequently portrayed by major media. His plans are anti-democratic, unconstitutional, and despotic. Despite that fact, in a series of polls over the last three weeks, he has been presented as merely “another horse in the race” to become president—a characterization that is morally and intellectually dishonest. For Jennifer Rubin’s take on the normalization of Trump through polling, read on!
The threat to democracy posed by “normalization of Trump through polling.”
          Jennifer Rubin hits the nail on the head as she takes down the NYTimes poll last week that dominated three days of front-page coverage by the Times. See Jennifer Rubin in WaPo, Opinion  A wasteland: Political coverage ignores the threat to democracy. (Accessible to all.)
          Although Rubin covers themes I addressed last week, she brings her own style and clarity to the problem of normalizing Trump by reducing everything to the “lowest common denominator” in polling.
          Rubin writes,
Last week demonstrated the sorry state of political coverage in this country. The fixation on early, non-predictive polling and endless speculation that President Biden might step away from the 2024 race (contrary to all evidence) created an endless cycle of frenzied coverage, none of it informative about democracy, the issues or the threat of an authoritarian regime in a second Trump presidency.
          After discussing the yawning deficiencies in the Times’ poll (which are substantial) and reviewing the true state of the race, she indicts her colleagues in the news media for ignoring the threat to democracy and focusing on the horse race:
Many media outlets after Jan. 6, 2021, vowed to focus more on threats to democracy. (Occasionally, they do; but it doesn’t dominate coverage, as polling does). However, most are stuck in overhyped horse-race coverage and endless chatter over meaningless Republican debates. Americans deserve better. Our democracy needs better.
Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter
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captainconvey · 2 years
CDC Changed Toxicity Info on Vinyl Chloride Days Before Derailment
The CDC edited the toxicology profile for vinyl chloride, massively increasing the lethal exposure level and removing information about how the chemical affects children, just two weeks before the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio that spewed vast quantities of the chemical into the environment.
The CDC update changed the lethal exposure from 100PPM to 100,000PPM.
The lethal exposure level had remained the same for 43 years before the CDC decided to update the number just prior to the derailment, where highly toxic chemicals spilled or were burned off, leaving a chemical stench in the air nearly two weeks later.
In January 2023, the toxicological profile for vinyl chloride was revised from the original guidelines published in the Federal Register nearly four decades ago – on April 17, 1987, to be exact. While toxicological profiles are updated occasionally, users are alarmed by the odd timing. 
The CDC’s website page for vinyl chloride was recently modified as well. An archived version displays a longer, more detailed FAQ page before the changes were made.
Interesting how the CDC, which has spent years promoting a vaccine for a “deadly virus,” is now keeping quiet about the health and safety of Ohioans.
Note that the lethal exposure in Parts Per Million was increased 1,000 times more than its was just 2 weeks before the East Palestine, Ohio toxic train derailment!
Captain Convey Note
This was planned in advance.
In my opinion its another government false flag operation.
Timed to create another diversion from the news about joe biden leaving secret documents everywhere like cigarette butts.
Also Timed to create another diversion from the biden regime being responsible for the blowing up the nord gas pipeline.
Also timed to create another diversion from the U.S.house of representatives investigating joe biden and his son hunter biden.
The biden regime is corrupt and is the enemy of the people of the United States!
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anisanews · 3 years
Texas Population Swells With Census, Gaining Two More House Seats And A Blue Lagoon In Dallas
West Dallas transforms from industrial to a blue lagoon
Megatel Homes
I cannot let April close without mentioning the bulge in our state. Texas has grown since the last census in 2010, so much that we are now picking up not one, but two seats in the U.S.House of Representatives. And we are the only state to do so; five other states will each pick up one representative, while a handful of northern states lose some. The 2020 census has numbered the state’s population at 29,145,505 — which is up from 25.1 million in 2010. We gained more residents than any state in the last decade, so those extra cars on the highway are not in our imagination. The census also estimates the population gain is mostly comprised of Hispanics, which has grown by two million since the last census in 2010.
No wonder developers are going all out. Last week, the Dallas City Council approved a $1 Billion mixed-use project spearheaded by Megatel Homes, a Dallas/Farmer’s Branch-based developer, that will include not just thousands of homes, retail, and entertainment spaces just west of downtown, but also a blue lagoon with beaches and water features. The 50-acre development is planned to be adjacent to an existing Megatel townhome community, started in 2018, of about 200 homes priced from the mid $400’s.
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Five apartment complexes will surround the lagoon
Megatel Homes
The new Blue Lagoon phase with have more than 2,000 apartments in five separate complexes, all surrounding the lagoon and beaches..
“Our retail will include a first-class fitness center, a spa and yoga studio with several restaurants and an event center,” Megatel co-founder Zach Ipour told the Dallas Morning News.
Restaurant owners are being wooed from New York City and across the pond to open restaurants in the new development, said Ipour.
This newest phase featuring the lagoon will have more than 2,000 apartments in five separate complexes surrounding the lagoon.
“Phase one will have the lagoon and all the mixed-use development built first,” Ipour said. “Immediately after that, we will have our phase one multifamily building and build a public garage.”
If this gives any indication of size, the seven-story planned public parking garage will have more than 500 spaces.
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townhome living overtakes the prairie
Megatel Homes
What’s most interesting about the location of this development is where it sites: on an old industrial site once used for waste disposal of portable toilets. Talk about turning trash into treasure: instead of dirty porta potties, the area will have crystal blue waters and beach sand. Megatel is taking an environmentally friendly concept to what was once industrial land.
It is also pushing West Dallas from a former industrial wasteland into a vibrant, multi-use living environment stemming from the construction of the Margaret Hunt Hill suspension bridge across the Trinity River. The 15 acre entertainment destination, Trinity Groves, has a Restaurant Concept Incubator program, where chefs try new restaurant concepts. Recently the development expanded into apartments and additional retail space, creating a bustling new urban neighborhood close to, and south of, downtown Dallas. The 15 acre entertainment destination is located directly next to the Trinity River at the foot of the Margaret Hunt Hill Suspension Bridge.
from Anisa News https://ift.tt/3gWt36G
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lucanus-notebooks · 4 years
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John Fitzgerald Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), often referred to by his initials #JFK and #Jack, was an American politician who served as the 35th #president of the United States from January 1961 until his #assassination in November #1963. #Kennedy served at the height of the Cold War, and the majority of his work as president concerned relations with the Soviet Union and #Cuba. A #Democrat, Kennedy represented Massachusetts in the U.S.House of Representatives and Senate prior to becoming president. ✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️ https://www.amazon.com/John-Kennedy-Notebook-Journal-Diary/dp/B088B7NPGX/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=lucanus+kennedy&qid=1590299388&sr=8-2 ✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️ #johnkennedy #Lucanus #lucanusnotebooks #famous #people #notebook #journal #diary https://www.instagram.com/p/CAjz9w-AC8S/?igshid=128ux3ppeyv9b
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thenewsedge · 5 years
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WASHINGTON — If you wanted to tell the Ukraine story — and why President Trump is about to be impeached by the U.S.House of Representatives over it — you could simply use the words from Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani. “We’re not meddling in an election, we’re meddling in an investigation, which we have a…
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Perky - Julia Kent
Perky Julia Kent Genre: Contemporary Price: $3.99 Expected Publish Date: July 30, 2019 Publisher: Prosaic Press, Inc. Seller: Prosaic Press, Inc. One hundred years ago when I was young and impulsive (okay, it was five, alright? Five years ago…) I let my boyfriend take, let's just say...compromising pictures of me. (Shut up. It made sense at the time). Surprise! The sleazy back-stabbing jerk posted them on a website and, well, you can guess what happened. That’s right. I’m a meme. A really gross one.  You're seen the pictures. And if you haven't – don’t ask. And don't look! As face recognition software online improves, I get tagged on social media whenever anyone shares my pictures. You try getting a thousand notifications a day, all of them pictures of your tatas. So. I’m done. It’s time for revenge. Let him see how it feels! But how do you get embarrassingly intimate pictures of your jerkface ex who double-crossed you five years ago? Especially when he’s a member of the U.S.House of Representatives now?  Getting sweet between the sheets with a congressman is pretty much every political roadie’s dream, right? I’m one in a crowd. Except to this day, he swears he didn’t do it. Pursued me for months after I dumped him five years ago. Begged me to take him back. And I almost did it. Almost . I was weak and stupid and in love a hundred years ago. Okay. Fine. Five . But I still have the upper hand. Second chance romance has all the emotional feels, doesn’t it?  I can’t wait to punch him in the feels. All I need to do is sleep with him once, take some hot-and-sweaty pics of him in... delicate positions, and bring him down. That’s it. Nothing more. Pictures first. Revenge after. And then I win. At least, that’s how it was supposed to happen. But then I did something worse than sexting. I fell in love with him. Again . http://bit.ly/2LoXaFX
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designsthelimit · 5 years
Support Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763)
WRITE CONGRESS:  Use this link to write to your members of Congress about the bipartisan Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. Link: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/write-your-representative/#/48/ CALL CONGRESS:  Use this link to call in support for the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, Link: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/call-your-representative-about-the-energy-innovation-and-carbon-dividend-act/#/54/ #ClimateEmergency #CarbonTax #ActNOW #ClimateCrisis Sign up to get started with CCL. We’ll connect you with your local group, and provide you with information about the training and resources you need. Link: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/join-citizens-climate-lobby/ Facilitated by CCL Trainers, this webinar will not only teach you about Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s methods and visions but also inspire you to find your role so you can hit the ground running. Learn More at  https://citizensclimatelobby.org/new-member/#climateadvocatetraining Support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019, H.R. 763 in the U.S.House of Representatives. This legislation will drive down America’s carbon pollution and bring climate change under control, while unleashing American technology innovation and ingenuity. Citizens Climate Lobby
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newsvomit-blog · 7 years
Record number of Latinos running in crowded 2018 primaries
WASHINGTON — An unprecedented number of Latinos are running for office in the 2018 primaries, but crowded fields have toughened the challenge of getting elected for some candidates of color and women.Primary season kicked off with the Texas primary on Tuesday.Democrats turned out in droves for early voting in a year when the state has some of the most competitive congressional and statewide races.Democrats stand their best chance in years of regaining control of the U.S.House.
But the anti-Trump sentiment that is mobilizing Democratic voters has also crowded the field in several congressional districts where many Latinos are found.And Trump has inspired “outsider” interest, with people outside the political realm jumping into races.“The bar is even higher than I had anticipated,” said Mayra Macias, political director for the Latino Victory Fund, which works to get Latino Democrats elected to public office.The crowded field makes it that much harder to raise money for campaigns, already a challenge for many women and minorities.How much money a candidate can raise is often how national organizations track a race and is a factor in deciding whether they back a candidate.“It’s in the primaries where you have national interest groups that have the resources to really effect an election,” Macias said.
“With a couple thousand dollars you can really make an impact on some of these primaries.”Sylvia Garcia, a former state senator in Texas, was the early favorite to win the Democratic primary to replace retiring Rep.Gene Green in his heavily Hispanic Houston district, the 29th Congressional District.But there are six others also vying for the seat, including a wealthy health care executive, Tahir Javed, who has a lot of personal money to spend.Garcia and Veronica Escobar — a former county judge in El Paso, Texas, who is running to replace O’Rourke in the House — would be the first Latinas elected to Congress from Texas if they win their primaries and general elections.Things were made even more challenging for Garcia after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., endorsed Javed, upsetting Latino advocates who have backed Garcia, along with other Democrats and Democratic groups.Javed had held a major fundraiser for Schumer so his endorsement was seen as returning the favor.Why is @SenSchumer endorsing the opponent of @SenatorSylvia in a 77% Latino district when she has the support of incumbent @GeneGreen29 @BOLDPAC @emilyslist & @PODERPAC? Follow the $$ #ShameOnSchumer https://t.co/bYrJcn1bHtIn Massachusetts, state Rep.Juana Matias is seeking to become the state’s first Latina elected to Congress, but first she must get past 12 other Democrats in the primary.
The House seat opened when Rep.Niki Tsongas, a Democrat, announced her retirement.Macias, of the Latino Victory Fund, said Matias has “an uphill battle, and we see that in our Democratic seats” being sought by other Latino candidates.In Florida, the race to replace retiring Rep.Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican, has drawn nine Democrats and seven Republicans, including several Latinos.
The seat is considered a good chance for Democrats to pick up a Republican-held seat.In California, multiple Latinos are running in various races, but with a “jungle primary,” where the top two vote-getters move ahead to the general election, there is a fear among Democrats of splitting the Latino vote.Difficult as it may be to have so much competition, the number of Latino contenders could help draw Latino voters out for the primaries.According to the Pew Research Center, Latino turnout in 2014, the last midterm election, fell to a record low.While a high of 6.8 million Latinos voted that year, just 27 percent of the electorate showed up, compared with 31.2 percent in 2010.There are hopes for something different this year.Early voting in Texas, which ended Friday, is up in 15 major counties, with Democrats casting nearly 45,000 more votes than Republicans.According to the Texas Secretary of State, 465,235 Democrats voted early in the 15 counties, compared with 420,329 Republicans.It’s a trend seen in other recent elections.In Virginia, where the governor’s seat, the House of Delegates and other statewide and municipal offices were on the ballot last November, the Latino turnout was up 6 percentage points, according to analysis by the Virginia Public Access Project.The state elected its first two Latinas to the House of Delegates.A big unknown this election cycle is young people.
The Latino electorate trends young, with millennials making up some 44 percent of the Latino electorate.Although young Latino voters have not been reliable when it comes to turning out at the polls, Maria Teresa Kumar, co-founding president of Voto Latino, which encourages Latinos to register and vote, said she is seeing energy among younger Latinos this year.For a voter registration program in El Paso, Kumar said her group went to Texas with one full-time staffer and the hope of finding four to six volunteers.It got 15.The group also hoped to register 120 voters in two and a half weeks, but ended up registering 725 people.“It’s a markedly different state than when we first came in,” in 2010, Kumar said.“All these young people came of age in harsh conditions.”Kumar said there is a different level of activism in the state, some of it organized in opposition to the state’s immigration policing law, SB4.TEXANS representing on the eve of TX primaries! for those of you up for re-election and silent today, #watchoutforyourseat #HERETOFIGHT pic.twitter.com/eFlgf2YIVzKumar said those wanting to turn out Latino voters should “take our cues from what happened in Virginia and Alabama” elections won by Democrats.Kumar said getting younger Latinos accustomed to voting is critical for parties in the future because between now and 2020, “we are going to see a tsunami of young Latinos turning 18.”Lizet Ocampo, political director at People for the American Way, a progressive advocacy organization, said despite the tougher competition for Latino candidates, the additional candidates mean more people trying to get Latino voters engaged.Her group is hoping that that engagement filters to governor and legislative races, particularly in the state Senate where Democrats need five seats to take control of the chamber in the statehouse.“If there is any time to seize the moment when it comes to the Latino vote,” Ocampo said, “it is this year.”CORRECTION (March 6, 2018, 12:10 p.m.
ET): A previous version of this article misspelled the first name of a retiring Democratic congresswoman from Massachusetts.She is Rep.Niki Tsongas, not Nicki.
The article also dropped the first name of a state representative running in the Democratic primary to replace Tsongas.She is Juana Matias.FOLLOW LATINO ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM Source: NBC News.
Record number of Latinos running in crowded 2018 primaries was originally published on NewsVomit
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Steve Brodner
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House Freedom Caucus signals intent to block budget.
          To comply with its constitutional duties, the House should pass a budget by October 1, 2023 (or before, to give the Senate time to act on the legislation). To date, the House has passed only one of twelve appropriations bills necessary to keep the government operating after October 1, 2023.
          Last week, Kevin McCarthy told members of the GOP caucus that he believed it would be necessary to pass a “continuing resolution” to keep the government running after October 1. A “continuing resolution” keeps the government funded at the current year’s budget levels while Congress attempts to pass a new budget.
          On Monday, the House Freedom Caucus sent a letter to Kevin McCarthy saying that they will not support a continuing resolution unless it “address[es] the unprecedented weaponization of the Justice Department and FBI” and “end[s] the Left’s cancerous woke policies in the Pentagon.” See WaPo, House Freedom Caucus says it won’t support stopgap funding bill without conditions.
          The Freedom Caucus’s demands are widely regarded as code for “de-funding special counsel Jack Smith” and prohibiting the military from paying for travel expenses for soldiers who must travel for reproductive care.
          Democrats in the House are already positioning themselves to (rightly) assign blame to Republicans for a government shutdown.
          Sigh. Americans don’t deserve a government that lurches from crisis to crisis. Or rather, they deserve a government that is able to perform basic functions like passing a budget on time.
          We need not collapse the next two-and-half months of budget negotiations into today’s newsletter, but possible outcomes include a bi-partisan continuing resolution—which will likely spell the end of Kevin McCarthy’s Speakership. But in the end, Republicans and Democrats must come together to pass a budget.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
Whether or not you agree with the level of response the Biden administration has provided to those suffering in the fires, the pattern of using the media to establish a narrative that the administration is ignoring Americans when it clearly is not is almost exactly what happened with the East Palestine, Ohio, railway disaster in February 2023. Then, pro-Russian accounts promptly began to argue that the Biden administration was ignoring a disaster at home—when emergency personnel were on the ground immediately—in order to fund Ukraine’s war against Russia’s invasion.
Now, behavioral scientist Caroline Orr Bueno, a specialist in disinformation, noted that the X (Twitter) account that seeded the “Hawaii, not Ukraine” narrative was created just last month and that accounts associated with both Russia and China are amplifying the narrative that Biden has neglected Maui. It seems telling that the same right-wing “independent journalist” who went to East Palestine has flown into Maui to attack Biden’s response, showing up on Trump ally Steve Bannon’s “War Room.”  
Indeed, one of Biden’s strongest suits is his foreign policy initiatives, and as Republican presidential candidates have virtually nothing to offer on that front, some Republicans seem to be trying to use the Maui fire as a way to undercut Biden’s foreign policy triumphs. Increasingly, they are turning against aid to Ukraine as they back former president Trump, who boasted on Friday that he was “the apple of [Russian president Vladimir Putin’s] eye. Supporting Ukraine in its battle against Putin’s authoritarianism has been a key aspect of Biden’s attempt to protect democracy at home and around the world, and as the 2024 election approaches, House Republicans, at least, are reluctant to continue funding that effort.
Today the extremist House Freedom Caucus released a list of what it demands before it will agree even to a short-term measure to fund the government this fall; Ukraine funding is one of the things to which they object. 
[Letters From An American :: Heather Cox Richardson]
An idealist believes the short run doesn't count. A cynic believes the long run doesn't matter. A realist believes that what is done or left undone in the short run determines the long run.
- Sydney J. Harris
whiskey river :: @riskywiver
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Steve Brodner
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lucanus-notebooks · 4 years
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Rutherford Birchard Hayes (October 4, 1822 – January 17, 1893) was the 19th #president of the United States from 1877 to 1881, having served in the U.S.House of Representatives and as #governor of #Ohio. Hayes, a #lawyer and staunch #abolitionist, defended refugee #slaves in court proceedings in the antebellum years. ✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085RR65TP ✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️🌟✳️ #rutherford #rutherfordhayes #rutherfordbirchardhayes #usa #Lucanus #famous #people #notebooks #amazon #person #blankbook #diary #journal #lucanusnotebooks #blankpages https://www.instagram.com/p/B_MPnwKHPUl/?igshid=sqcdsputmw5z
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