elcorreografico · 2 years
Kicillof participó de la reunión del Consejo Directivo de CAME
#Economía #Política #Empresariales #PBA #MardelPlata | #AxelKicillof participó de la reunión del Consejo Directivo de #CAME
El gobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, participó el martes último de la reunión del Consejo Directivo de la Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME) en la ciudad de Mar del Plata. Fue junto al ministro de Producción, Ciencia e Innovación Tecnológica, Augusto Costa; y, en representación de la entidad gremial empresaria, su presidente, Alfredo González; el…
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pionia-milly · 1 year
Watch "Dad is UNRELIABLE! 【Dudoo Little Kanai】" on YouTube
Chinese father and daughter's relationship
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raccoon-pizza · 1 year
126 底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ ffb4-fh9K) 2023/07/22(土) 14:08:40.12 ID:jUo5DItP0

127 底名無し沼さん (ブーイモ MMab-tLQE) 2023/07/22(土) 14:38:52.32 ID:DU4pLbf7M

128 底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ dfed-ucip) 2023/07/22(土) 15:43:44.73 ID:bHYXKcPK0
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rj100789 · 1 year
Watch "Dad is UNRELIABLE! 【Dudoo Little Kanai】" on YouTube
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charmlifegems · 2 years
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Today is a fresh start, a new beginning. I am ready to embrace the day with a positive mindset and a grateful heart. I choose to let go of any negative thoughts or worries from the past week and focus on the present moment. I am capable, I am strong, and I am worthy of success. Let's make this Friday a great one! #FridayMantra #FreshStart #PositiveMindset #GratefulHeart #LetGo #PresentMoment #Capable #Strong #Worthy #Success #GreatFriday #friday #FridayMotivation #PositiveVibes #FreshStart #NewBeginning #GratefulHeart #LetGo #PresentMoment #Capable #Strong #Worthy #love #nevergiveup https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKyA--ucIP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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afro-impact · 2 years
Civil status in Benin: Here is the new procedure for obtaining a residence certificate
Civil status in Benin: Here is the new procedure for obtaining a residence certificate
Formerly issued by the district or village chief, the issuance of residence certificates is now the prerogative of the agents of the National Agency for Personal Identification (ANIP). The neighbourhood chiefs will only play an intermediary role in the process. The new issuing procedure was explained this Tuesday, November 15, 2022, to the Communal Units of Identification of Persons (UCIP) of the…
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gdsradio7 · 3 years
Empresarios de Mar del Plata piden "responsabilidad individual" para evitar cierres
Empresarios de Mar del Plata piden “responsabilidad individual” para evitar cierres
La Unión del Comercio, la Industria y la Producción (UCIP) de la ciudad de Mar del Plata pidió hoy “responsabilidad individual” a los ciudadanos y llamó a “redoblar los esfuerzos” para evitar el cierre de locales y pequeñas empresas, y “para que ningún trabajador más pierda su trabajo”. “La segunda ola (de la pandemia) que afecta a nuestro país ha generado situaciones de angustia y temor en los…
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ucips10 · 6 years
Welcome all to this blog!
This is a blog dedicated to my original characters of a book in progress called "Classified". It takes place in a world much like our own, a world that has happiness and sadness. Light and dark are common things in any world and so are they in this book.
It will tell us the story of four different people, all with their own pasts and destiny. All four have their own story to tell, their own different views. They are unique and yet they are a team.
Meet team 10, a special spy/assasin form of the organisation U.C.I.P.S. <i> , United Criminal Investigation and Prevention Squad, </i> and this book and blog will be dedicated to their stories
Peter Williams, age 17 also known as Agent 101 (fc: Freddie Highmore)
Elina Night, age 21 also goes by Agent 102 (fc: Nina Dobrev)
Jake Underhill, age 19 and goes by Agent 103
And Jason Clay, aged 23 who is known as Agent 105 (fc: Milo ventimiglia)
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astolfofo · 3 years
𓆩ᛗⱥꞩⱦēɍꝑīēȼē𓆪: ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ᵃˡᵇᵉᵈᵒ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
I wrote this in Ventiffin’s comment section  check their channel out they got pog playlists https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCip-UxFXtvZPjDBb_X7eW7w
It’s not the best writing out there, but like I’m kinda proud of it 
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“Where do you think you’re going? We’re not done yet.”
Why were you so stupid? Just why??
You heard Albedo’s footsteps slowly making their way towards you. His feet crunched the snow, and blood was dripping from his sword.
You swallowed and looked down at the ground. Hard. 
Every second stretched out to an hour… the dread was building up in your gut. Suddenly all you wanted to do was bolt, to blend in with the snow, to magically disappear somehow.
You knew that wasn’t physically possible though.
Roughly, Albedo grabbed you by the chin and forced you to look at him. Your eyes widened in fear, and the hopelessness of your situation just got a lot worse. 
He was absolutely fucking livid. Every part of his face was etched in anger or fear. Or maybe a little bit of both. You tried to pull away, but Albedo firmly kept you in place.
“If you ever think of leaving again, I’ll make death seem like a blessing to you. Don’t ever think about leaving me. I’ll make sure I’m the only thing you ever think about. Ever.”
Home is where you are supposed to feel the mos comfortable right?
So when Albedo said this was now your home… why did you feel so… nauseous?
Maybe it was…. Because..-
Suddenly a surge of pain went up your leg.
You looked down, horrified to see both of your ankles bandaged up, and your knees bandaged up too. 
What the fuck?
How long were you out for? 
Where the actual fuck was Albedo?
You nervously glanced around the room, to find drugs for numbing the body, sleeping drugs, and…
Hold on…
You looked down to see dried blood on the floor. The metallic smell of it hung in the air. It seemed like… as if… maybe?
You looked at a broken shard of glass on the floor. Oh boy, you were wounded up badly. But what concerned you more, was how you didn’t realize there was a bandage on your arm, stained a dark sanguine red. Quickly, you unraveled the bandage, to find several deep cuts which managed to spell out Albedo’s name.
The bastard had marked you while you were unconscious.
It genuinely made you question how many other things he did to you while you were passed out.
It seemed like you didn’t need to, because at this exact moment, Albedo had happened to enter the room. He stared at you indifferently for a couple of moments.
How was he being so calm? You were fighting down the urge to kill him right there.
“Albedo. Talk. Now. What did you do to me while I was out?”
Albedo shrugged. “Not much. You nearly gave me a concussion before I had to give you several kinds of drugs to keep you still.”
This just infuriated you more. “That doesn’t explain why half of my limbs don’t function now.”
“That’s because you tried to escape, you fought back, and you’re just misbehaving right now. Of course, I had to make sure you’d never escape again. It’s been the fifth time already.”
“You fucking-”
“As I said, I’ll perfect you. Right now you are like a wild, angry animal. I wasn’t expecting you to behave, however even I have limits.
Eventually, one day you will cave to my ideals.”
“You…I’ll never be what you want.”
“That fate is not up to you to decide. It’s kind of cute how you think you have a choice in the matter.”
Slowly, he walked towards you. “You’re the one and only. Even if you’ll never understand my love, it’s fine. As long as you’re with me, we’ll be happy together. Forever, and forever.”
He ran his fingers through your hair. It was so soft, just like the snow outside.
“Shh…. don’t cry, darling. I’ll take very good care of you.”
He held you close, and kissed your tears away. 
“You know there’s no escape from me.”
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stedory · 4 years
Cute & Romantic Cross Stitch Patterns - Art Embroidery Pattern Ideas - Finished Cross Stitch (Part1)
The Cute & Romantic Cross Stitch Patterns - Art Embroidery Pattern Ideas Finished Cross Stitch ( Part 1 ) ,  Handmade 10 Years Ago. 
 The Cross Stitch Handwork Products And Video      By DL Art Channel
 © DL Art Channel           2020
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christian-cardoso · 5 years
Los comercios celebran el aniversario de Mar del Plata con muestra fotográfica y distintas actividades
Los comercios celebran el aniversario de Mar del Plata con muestra fotográfica y distintas actividades
Hasta el 10 de Febrero se realizará una muestra fotográfica itinerante. El viernes 7 en el Centro Comercial Playa Grande y el sábado 8 en Güemes habrá actividades musicales gratuitas.
En el marco del 146 aniversario de Mar del Plata, la Unión del Comercio, la Industria y la Producción (UCIP) de Mar del Plata junto con la Secretaría de Cultura del Partido de General Pueyrredon realizarán en los…
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elcorreografico · 5 years
Intensa agenda de Fernanda Raverta y Augusto Costa en Mar del Plata
Intensa agenda de #FernandaRaverta y #AugustoCosta en #MardelPlata
A 48 horas de haber asumido, el ministro de Producción, Ciencia e Innovación Tecnológica, Augusto Costa, y la ministra de Desarrollo de la Comunidad, Fernanda Raverta, estuvieron el fin de semana en Mar del Plata donde mantuvieron reuniones con diversos sectores vinculados a la industria, el comercio, la gastronomía y el turismo.
Durante el mediodía del sábado, Raverta y Costa visitaron el Parque…
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drbarreto · 7 years
6 pasos para tratar la cetoacidosis diabética en niños y evitar el edema cerebral.
6 pasos para tratar la cetoacidosis diabética en niños y evitar el edema cerebral.
Paso 1: Realiza el diagnóstico con los siguientes criterios:
Glucosa > 200 mg/dL
pH > 7.30
Cetonemia mayor de 0.3 mMol/l o Cetonuria > 80 mg/dL
Cuadro clínico: deshidratación, polidipsia, poliuria, polifagia, respiración de Kussmaul, deterior neurológico variable, dolor abdominal.
  Paso 2: Establece la severidad del cuadro clínico:
pH < 7.3 o HCO3< 15 : leve
pH < 7.2 o HCO3 < 10: moderada
pH <…
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lastnews-espana · 2 years
Periodistas fieles a los valores del Evangelio. Por Javier Navascués
Periodistas fieles a los valores del Evangelio. Por Javier Navascués
Rafael Ortega es periodista y Catedrático Extraordinario de Medios de Comunicación de la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. Doctor en Ciencias de la Información por la UCM. Fue director del Congreso y Jornadas Católicos y Vida Pública. Actualmente es presidente UCIPE (Unión Católica de Informadores y Periodistas de España). Nos habla de esta institución. Háblenos de cómo nace la UCIPE y…
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gdsradio7 · 3 years
Piden aplicar en Mar del Plata el programa "Buena Cosecha" que busca erradicar el trabajo infantil
Piden aplicar en Mar del Plata el programa “Buena Cosecha” que busca erradicar el trabajo infantil
La Unión del Comercio, la Industria y la Producción (Ucip) de Mar del Plata solicitó al Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social la implementación del Programa “Buena Cosecha” para erradicar el trabajo infantil y proteger el trabajo adolescente. El Programa incluye la creación y/o fortalecimiento de espacios de cuidado y contención (Centros Buena Cosecha), destinados a menores de 18 años…
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Proponen promocionar los 43 fines de semana restantes del año
Proponen promocionar los 43 fines de semana restantes del año
La iniciativa la impulsa la Unión del Comercio, la Industria y la Producción. Apunta a compensar la caída de turistas en temporada. La Unión del Comercio, la Industria y la Producción (UCIP) solicitó promocionar los 43 fines de semana restantes del año, para compensar la caída de turistas de esta temporada estival. Luego de una temporada con una caída en la afluencia turística, desde la entidad…
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