#UK Army Chief
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The road to the next duty is the only straight one.
- George MacDonald
General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith was the youngest Head of the British Army in over a century, the longest serving Chief of the General Staff since the Second World War and the most senior Special Forces officer in Defence.
The son of a major-general, Carleton-Smith went to Eton and later Durham University to read history. He joined the Army 40 years ago in 1982 on a university scholarship and graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as an Infantry officer in the Irish Guards. 
He passed the SAS Selection Course in 1990 and served around the world with the SAS for most of the following 15 years in the Gulf, South America, Africa and the Balkans. Carleton-Smith was Commanding Officer of 22 SAS Regiment after 9/11 and commanded all Special Forces operations in Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan.
He subsequently assumed command of 16 Air Assault Brigade, the Army’s high readiness parachute intervention force which culminated in his command of all British Forces in Afghanistan during one of the war’s most intense periods.
Promoted to Major General as Director of Special Forces, he commanded all the United Kingdom’s Special Forces for 3 years which included implementing the strategy to defeat ISIS in Syria and Iraq. 
Prior to taking up the post of Chief of the General Staff, the professional Head of the British Army in 2018, he was Defence’s Director of Military Strategy and Operations which included directing the UK response to Russia’s invasion of Crimea and military support to Ukraine. 
General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith has also been Honorary Colonel of the Irish Guards and of Oxford University OTC and also been a member of the England Rugby mentoring team preparing the squad for the 2023 World Cup and Colonel Commandant of the SAS.
Photo: General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith, KCB, CBE (As Colonel Irish Guards) Portrait Sitting London. (Rory Lewis Photographer) London 2023.
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worldinyourpalm · 2 years
पाकिस्तानी सेना प्रमुख के दौरे के दौरान कश्मीर पर तीसरा अंपायर बनाएगा ब्रिटेन | UK would serve as the third umpire during the visit of the Pakistani army leader;
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ब्रिटेन भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप को लेकर भ्रम में
अर्थव्यवस्था और वैश्विक दबदबे के मामले में भारत द्वारा ब्रिटेन को अपने कब्जे में लेने के बावजूद, ब्रिटेन अभी भी भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप को लेकर भ्रम में है और पाकिस्तान की मदद से अफगानिस्तान-पाक क्षेत्र में खेलना पसंद करता है। 2021 में काबुल पर तालिबान का कब्जा इस यूके-पाक शैतानी नाटक का विनाशकारी परिणाम रहा है, जिसमें अफगान अल्पसंख्यकों और महिलाओं को इस्लामवादी भेड़ियों के लिए फेंक दिया गया था।
विभाजन के दौरान लाखों भारतीयों की जान लेने वाली उप-महाद्वीपीय हिंसा के बीच इंपीरियल ब्रिटेन से भारत और पाकिस्तान को स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त हुए 75 साल हो चुके हैं। आज, प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के नेतृत्व में भारत दुनिया के एक बड़े देश के लिए आर्थिक विकास की सबसे तेज दर के साथ ब्रिटेन की तुलना में एक बड़ी अर्थव्यवस्था है और पाकिस्तान आर्थिक बैरल के निचले हिस्से को खंगाल रहा है। इस सब के बावजूद, ब्रिटेन को अभी भी एक शाही शक्ति का भ्रम है और भारत के प्रति एक औपनिवेशिक मानसिकता है और अभी भी इस्लामिक पाकिस्तान और रावलपिंडी जीएचक्यू के प्रति पारंपरिक पूर्वाग्रह के साथ अफ-पाक क्षेत्र खेलता है।
दक्षिण एशिया में क्षेत्रीय ���्थिरता: भू-राजनीति और अन्य चुनौतियों की वापसी
ब्रिटेन के राज्य प्रसारक बीबीसी ने विदेशी कार्यालय के निर्देशों के साथ 2024 के चुनावों को ध्यान में रखते हुए भारतीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय द्वारा पीएम मोदी को क्लीन चिट देने के बावजूद 2002 के गुजरात दंगों को उठाया, पाकिस्तान और ब्रिटेन की सेना ने संयुक्त रूप से इंग्लैंड में क्षेत्रीय स्थिरता सम्मेलन की मेजबानी करने का फैसला किया है। अन्य बातों के अलावा तथाकथित कश्मीर विवाद पर चर्चा करने के लिए।
जबकि न तो यूके और न ही पाकिस्तान के पास जम्मू और कश्मीर के केंद्रशासित प्रदेश में कोई ठिकाना है, पाकिस्तान के सेना प्रमुख जनरल असीम मुनीर ऋषि सुनक सरकार के निमंत्रण पर 5-8 फरवरी के बीच विल्टन पार्क में 5 वें संयुक्त यूके-पाक स्थिरीकरण सम्मेलन को संबोधित करने वाले हैं। विल्टन पार्क ब्रिटेन के विदेश कार्यालय की एक कार्यकारी एजेंसी है जो स्पष्ट रूप से रणनीतिक चर्चाओं के लिए एक मंच प्रदान करती है। यूके के सेना प्रमुख जनरल पीएन वाई एम सैंडर्स द्वारा सह-मेजबानी किए जाने वाले सम्मेलन की थीम 'दक्षिण एशिया में क्षेत्रीय स्थिरता: भू-राजनीति और अन्य चुनौतियों की वापसी' है। सम्मेलन यूरोपीय संघ, ब्रिटेन पर यूक्रेन युद्ध के प्रभाव और पाकिस्तान के लिए विचार पर ध्यान केंद्रित करेगा, जिसने यूक्रेन को गुप्त रूप से आरएएफ विमानों का उपयोग करके हथियार और गोला-बारूद प्रदान किया है। यूक्रेन युद्ध में पाकिस्तान की दोहरी भूमिका को नहीं भूलना चाहिए क्योंकि 24 फरवरी, 2022 को मॉस्को में राष्ट्रपति व्लादिमीर पुतिन ने पाकिस्तान के तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री इमरान खान नियाजी का स्वागत किया था, जब रूसी शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति ने पड़ोसी यूक्रेन पर आक्रमण करने का फैसला किया था। चर्चा के अन्य विषयों में सूचना संचालन की भूमिका, युद्ध में साइबर हमला, दक्षिण एशियाई क्षेत्रीय स्थिरता, सुरक्षा चुनौतियां और कश्मीर विवाद पर एक अपडेट शामिल हैं.....
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
The leader of Yemen’s Houthi movement has urged the Arab world to mount mass boycotts of Israeli goods as he claimed US and UK missile attacks launched on his country were a sign of the impact of the Houthis’ attacks on Israeli-linked commercial shipping in the Red Sea.
In an hour-long address carried on Arabic media channels and suffused with religious rhetoric, Abdulmalik al-Houthi said it was “a great honour and blessing to be confronting America directly”. Overnight the US military fired another wave of missile strikes against Houthi-controlled sites, marking the fourth time in a week that it has directly targeted the group in Yemen.
The strikes were launched from the Red Sea, hitting more than a dozen sites, officials told the AP news agency, and came after a drone launched from areas controlled by the Houthis hit a US-owned vessel in the Gulf of Aden. In his speech on Thursday, al-Houthi claimed the only effect of the recent missile strikes had been to improve his army and navy’s technology, and he ridiculed Joe Biden as “an elderly man that has trouble climbing the stairs of an aeroplane yet is travelling 9,000 miles to attack those that wanted to stand by the oppressed people of Gaza”. He asked why countries that oppressed Gaza felt they had the right to label others as terrorists for fulfilling their religious duty to come to the help of Palestinians, a reference to Washington’s decision on Wednesday to give notice it intends formally to redesignate the Houthis as a terrorist group. He said the Houthis had been singled out because they were prepared to take practical steps to support the Palestinians, whereas the general position of the leaders of many Arab and Islamic countries remained lukewarm and weak. Al-Houthi insisted “nothing – not all the threats, the missiles, the pressure – will change our position”, adding the attacks on ships linked to Israel, or travelling to Israeli ports, would only end when the blockade on Gaza was lifted. [...]
The Houthis’ impact on global supply chains was one of the chief topics at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, an indication of how the Houthis have catapulted themselves forward as a geopolitical force. [...]
Houthi leaders have said their attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea will end as soon as the “Israeli aggression” in Gaza stops.
18 Jan 24
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What do you think of 2000AD comics?
2000AD is great, Judge Dredd is one of those comics you can just get really into at any point in your life, if you ever want a glimpse into UK comics scene it's always worth looking at, especially the Judge Death stories with Brain Bolland art.
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Okay, formalities out of the way? We've said Judge Dredd is cool?
Sit the fuck down and let me tell you about my favourite 200AD comic.
Let me tell you about:
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Look let me get into this. Most people know Kevin O'Neill because of his work on League of Extraordinary Gentlemen with Alan Moore. I know him most for Nemesis.
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Nothing comes close to the absolute insanity and creativity of Nemesis the Warlock. It is some of the greatest design work ever done and speaks volumes of the environment it was created in.
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Every panel, every scene has new and inventive characters, environment, objects. It doesn't stop surprising you with how it portrays everything. They mess with scale a lot, having huge sculptures of people as buildings or just making people tiny on Moebius inspired planes
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Have a look at this shot of Nemesis at his writing desk
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There is so much going on there it's fantastic. Anyway. Plot? Plot. Nemesis is the leader of the revolutionary army fighting Torquemada, who wants to exterminate all alien life so that only "pure" humans exist. Sounds pretty straightforward right?
Except Nemesis is a Warlock, he only does things in the most over the top evil way to combat him. And not in a "sacrifice your troops" evil way, but in a "haunt this guy and make him think I'm the devil so he does my bidding" way
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(I want a church organ with a "brimstone" intonation)
Nemesis also comes through a matriarchal society, and when they attack his family he does indeed go ballistic. I feel it's important you know what the females of his species look like.
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Any way thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about Nemesis, I highly recommend it it's an absolute blast.
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aimeedaisies · 4 days
King pays tribute to ‘heroism and sacrifice’ to mark 80 years since Arnhem
Monarch’s words spoken by the Princess Royal to remember troops who fought in Operation Market Garden
21 September 2024 5:57pm
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The Princess Royal is representing the King at the Arnhem anniversary events PA/Ben Birchall
The King has said the “heroism and sacrifice made by so many in the pursuit of peace” will never be forgotten as the 80th anniversary of a famous Second World War operation was commemorated.
The King’s words were spoken by the Princess Royal, representing the King at events this weekend marking the efforts of troops who in 1944 fought in Operation Market Garden, with the bold aim of ending the war that year.
The Princess, joined by her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, delivered her brother’s speech at a reception staged at the Airborne Museum Hartenstein in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands.
It is a former hotel that served as the headquarters of the British 1st Airborne Division during the Battle of Arnhem, part of the operation that aimed to push through the Netherlands and into Germany just a few months after the D-Day landings.
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The Princess met Geoff Roberts, 99, believed to be the only British soldier to travel to Arnhem for the commemorations this year PA/Ben Birchall
The Princess said on behalf of the King: “Eighty years ago, on this very weekend, Operation Market Garden was under way in this region of the Netherlands.
“An ambitious joint airborne and ground forces operation designed to seize crucial bridges to enable the advance into Germany, its ultimate aim was to end the war within a matter of months.
“The friendships made during those difficult days of September 1944 between the Dutch and their liberators continued after the war.”
“I saw this for myself five years ago when, as Colonel in Chief of the Parachute Regiment, I attended the 75th anniversary commemorations.”
The Princess met Geoff Roberts, 99, believed to be the only British soldier to travel to Arnhem for the commemorations this year.
Mr Roberts flew by glider into Arnhem during Operation Market Garden but was captured as the Allies retreated after their efforts. Immortalised in the film A Bridge Too Far, the Allies were thwarted by strong resistance from Nazi troops, and he spent the rest of the war in a German prisoner of war camp.
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The Princess Royal watches a fly-by at the Airborne Museum Hartenstein in Oosterbeek, Netherlands PA/Ben Birchall
The Princess continued the King’s speech, saying: “Tragically, despite the endless courage of all those who served in an operation whose renown echoes through the generations, the Netherlands had one more terrible winter to suffer before liberation finally arrived.
“Today, on this 80th anniversary, it is with a deep sense of gratitude and humility that we remember all those in the British, Allied and Commonwealth forces who served and died fighting for our freedom.
“Let us also remember those magnificently courageous members of the Dutch resistance and gallant civilians who endured so much during the Second World War.
“We will never forget the heroism and sacrifice made by so many in the pursuit of peace and liberation. My wife joins me in sending the warmest possible good wishes to all those taking part in this weekend of commemoration.”
On Sunday, the Princess, in her role as president of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, will attend the annual service marking the operation’s 80th anniversary at Oosterbeek Airborne Cemetery.
She will join around a thousand guests and will read a lesson and lay a wreath at the foot of the Cross of Sacrifice.
Earlier, paratroopers from eight Nato member countries, including the UK, the USA, Portugal and Spain, parachuted from 12 aircraft into Ginkel Heath, a nature reserve near the Dutch town of Ede.
Some 700 paratroopers took part in the jump, including the Red Devils, the British Army’s freefall parachute display team, as part of the commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem.
Turned into defensive battle
Among those to parachute into the occupied Netherlands were 1,900 allied airborne soldiers from Britain’s 4th Parachute Brigade.
The plan involved seizing key bridges with a combination of airborne and land forces.
But the airborne forces’ landing zones were around nine miles from the bridge at Arnhem, losing them the element of surprise and giving the German troops time to build blockades.
While the operation succeeded in capturing the Dutch cities of Eindhoven and Nijmegen, it failed in its key objective: securing the bridge over the Rhine at Arnhem.
A defensive battle was fought, which saw nine days of prolonged street fighting, until the order to withdraw was given on Sept 25.
More than 8,000 British soldiers were killed, missing or captured in the offensive.
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nanobreaker · 2 months
Bangladesh Updates
(Same disclaimer as before: I'm discussing the situation with relatives who are accessing Bangla-language media; I'm therefore unable to provide sources)
The military's Chief — who, by the way, is the husband of Sheikh Hasina's cousin (her government is basically one big collection of nepotism) — had a meeting with other high-ranking military officials. Apparently, what's come out of this is that the military said that they could not act in favour of the Awami League (the Bangladeshi government) and turn against the public
Army officials have also supposedly been instructed not to fire at protestors
We're getting this information from retired Bangladeshi military officers who now live overseas (e.g. in the UK, the US, Canada etc.)
Government representatives are claiming that they did not order the police to shoot at protestors
Sheikh Hasina is claiming that helicopters didn't fire at protestors and civilians — instead, the helicopters were spraying water
In solidarity with the protestors, Bengali business owners are boycotting law enforcement (e.g. the army, the Rapid Action Battallion, police officers etc.) and refusing to sell them goods in
Similarly, landlords in cities are evicting law enforcement and giving them three days to leave properties
Meanwhile, people living in cities are still living in fear of nightly raids. The government continues to insitgate internet blackouts in order to facilitate these raids
Students previously had nine conditions for negotiating with the government. They have now lowered this to one condition: for Sheikh Hasina to resign and give power to a third-party power
To date, more than 11,000 protestors have been arrested. However, this number is understood to be an underestimation
Those arrested are often being beaten and tortured in prisons
A lot of people have been kidnapped — we don't know what's happened to them
It is difficult to get an accurate death toll as the Directorate General of Forces Intelligence are taking paperwork from hospitals
The protestors are standing strong, conducting protests in their thousands.
Protestors are planning an indefinite, country-wide boycott starting on Sunday 4 August 2024 to pressurise the government economically. They ask that people:
Only shop between the hours of 11 am to 1 pm
Avoid driving rickshaws or cars
Avoid taking trains
Avoid paying gas and electricity bills
Avoid paying taxes or mortgages
Avoid opening, or going to, offices, banks, courts and schools
Avoid going out for leisure.
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athena5898 · 26 days
I have been collecting links and resources for and from Palestine as they have come in front of me over the past several months. Here is a full list of what I have so far. CW: Links talk about sexual assault, rape, violence, death, etc. You know genocide and colonization. edit: okay it won't post all of them so i'm going to reblog with the rest.
'Israel' releases detained al-Shifa Hospital chief, 49 others | Al Mayadeen English
"May Gaza burn": The flood of genocidal rhetoric from Israel's soldiers
About | Israelism
Germany: Parliament rejects proposal to stop arms exports to Israel – Middle East Monitor
The Failure to Protect Palestinian Cultural Heritage
Air Force Engineer Resigns as Dissent Against Gaza War Spreads in Military
Palestinian journalist describes torture, abuse at Israeli detention camp
Palestinians protest against Israel land theft in Kafr Qaddum
Fears rise for Gaza's starving children | The Electronic Intifada
British far-right and pro-Israel activists are fighting the Palestinian movement together | Middle East Eye
'Israel' commits horrendous massacre on refugee tent, over 20 killed | Al Mayadeen English
On October 7, Gaza broke out of prison | Gaza | Al Jazeera
The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza | Fault Lines Documentary - YouTube
US To Remove Aid Pier From Gaza Coast - ac.news
Gloom about the ‘day after’ the Gaza war pervasive among Mideast scholars | Brookings
Israel's use of bombs in 6 'emblematic' attacks likely violated laws of war, UN says
Running Amok | Mary Turfah
The destruction of press infrastructure in Gaza: A strategy to blind the public - Forbidden Stories
‘The grey zone’: how IDF views some journalists in Gaza as legitimate targets | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian
Exclusive: Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war | Israel | The Guardian
Exclusive: Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war | Israel | The Guardian
Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent | Israel | The Guardian
Israelis are celebrating mass slaughter in Gaza
Israel's skin bank raises ethical concerns on organ consent...
“Genocide Denial”: House Votes to Bar State Dept. From Citing Gaza Death Toll | Truthout
Biden Has Not Seen Pictures Of Beheaded Israeli Children, White House Says | HuffPost
A compound crime: Israeli army hits Gaza family, uses them as human shields, and runs over their mother
UK election 2024: Labour's non-Zionist Jews complain of 'disdain' | Middle East Eye
Israel announces largest Palestinian land grab in over 30 years | Middle East Eye
Israel turbocharges West Bank settlement expansion with largest land grab in decades | AP News
How Israel destroyed Gaza’s ability to feed itself | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
‘More horrific than Abu Ghraib’: Lawyer recounts visit to Israeli detention center
Inside Sde Teiman, the Base Where Israel Detains Gazans - The New York Times
Palestinian Released From Israeli Prison Describes Beatings, Sexual Abuse and Torture - Twilight Zone - Haaretz.com
PAST AND FUTURE PRESENT(S): No Palestinians Involved: An Open Letter to My Colleagues
Report: Israel demolished 318 facilities, uprooted 10,000 olive trees in West Bank this year – Middle East Monitor
The Luxury of Death | Institute for Palestine Studies
Pro-Israel tycoon gives Labour half a million pounds
We Spoke Up For Palestine and Got Kicked Out of the White House Pride Party | Autostraddle
The Rise of October 7th Tourism
IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive - Israel News - Haaretz.com
‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza
IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essential - The Lancet
IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israel turbocharges West Bank settlement expansion with largest land grab in decades | AP News
Palestinians recount abuse inside Israeli prisons
Silenced at School: NYC Public Schools Chancellor suppresses Palestinian voices – Mondoweiss
The Frankfurt Book Fair and multinational publishers are complicit in the Gaza genocide – Mondoweiss
On the Record with Hamas - by Jeremy Scahill
Sabra and Shatila massacre - Wikipedia
Sabra (character) - Wikipedia
‘Israel in collapse’: 46,000 businesses forced to close since 7 Oct
Israel war on Gaza updates: ICJ finds Israel in breach of international law | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
ICJ says Israel’s presence in Palestinian territory is unlawful | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable. - POLITICO
The end of Israel’s economy – Mondoweiss
Palestine and “Xinjiang” under Capitalist Rule: An Analysis from the Chinese Left | Chuang
One Name, Two Lists
Devil in the details: How HRW laundered Israel’s 7 October falsehoods
UK drops plans to challenge ICC arrest warrant request against Benjamin Netanyahu | AP News
Palestinian factions strike a reconciliation deal - will this time be any different? – Mondoweiss
Gaza live: UK won't challenge ICC on Netanyahu arrest warrant | Middle East Eye
Only a failing US empire would be so blind as to cheer Netanyahu and his genocide | Middle East Eye
“Oslo Is Over” - by Jeremy Scahill - Drop Site News
Kamala Harris responds to DC protests over Netanyahu visit
Pro-Palestinian protesters vow to push on at UBC, VIU encampments | CBC News
Israel’s Netanyahu dissolves war cabinet | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Travel to Israel declines from 533,200 in June 2023 to 97,700, June 2024 - The Jerusalem Post
'Horrifying' Israeli strike on girls' school in Gaza kills at least 30 | Middle East Eye
Remembering Eman Qamom – Mondoweiss
Canada set to revoke Jewish National Fund’s charitable status – Mondoweiss
Operation Olive Branch - Google Sheets
Israel privately pressures Biden admin to fast-track more weapons during Netanyahu visit - POLITICO
Living in a nightmare – Mondoweiss
As US Congress cheered for Netanyahu, protesters gathered to denounce him | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
After polio detected in wastewater investigators search Gaza for active cases : Goats and Soda : NPR
Despite UN appeal, US and UK don’t fund ‘critical lifeline’ to Palestinians | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Christian Zionism and the Unseeing of the People of Palestine – Institute for Christian Socialism
As the Games open in Paris: “Israel” out of the Olympics — Boycott colonial athletics! | Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Paris Olympics 2024: Key issues – Israel, Russia, Seine, hijab ban, workers | Paris Olympics 2024 News | Al Jazeera
All the Times Israel Has Rejected Peace With Palestinians
Violence of planting in Israel-Palestine - The Architectural Review
War on Gaza: How Israel is stripping Palestinian women of their dignity | Middle East Eye
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dirizia · 8 months
Bro thinks we're going to go to war for him lmaoooo
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All Along the Watchtower
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Pairing: Captain John Price x Fem!OC (3rd person POV)
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: some military jargon, mild angst, brief mentions of sexual activity in the past, brief mentions of violence
Summary: Sgt. Rory Sinclair with the Special Reconnaissance Regiment of the British army has been called on to assist with a joint US/UK operation. Quickly discovering that her Commanding Officer for the mission is a man she's met before...
A/N: Rory Sinclair is a dual citizen (both Canada and the UK) who's been living in the UK since she was 14. She is 28 at the time of this fic, Price is 32. This series is set in 2017 before the events of the first MW game. Rory's thoughts are bold and italicized, other italics are used for emphasis. Will also be available to read on AO3.
October 13, 2017 09:37 - Special Reconnaissance Regiment Headquarters, Stirling Lines, Credenhill, Herefordshire, United Kingdom 
Rory sat in her cubicle, grey plastic walls surrounding her, free of any personal items. Scouring hours of footage shot during a scouting mission in thermal vision, taking note of timestamps and important location details for her report, she couldn’t help but taste the acrid pang of jealousy. It was the duty of her and the other SRR operators in the office to painstakingly comb through reports and footage, collecting intel. The nerve center for army intelligence. Keyboards clacked and phones rang as information was filtered and passed along to where it was needed.
"Sgt. Sinclair."
A deep voice broke the monotony around her, it was one that few ever heard unless the powers that be deemed it so. She’d only heard it once before when her transfer to the SRR was approved. Spinning in her seat at her desk, she rose to stand, her hand raised in a salute as she stood at attention. "Colonel Rourke, Sir?"
Rourke, a man with decades of experience as part of the British army, stood at her desk. Brusque and stern, he was a bulldog of a man trapped in an office space. He would have been more comfortable leading a fleet of tanks rather than an infantry of analysts. "At ease, soldier." She relaxed, hands held behind her back as he continued, "I don't make a habit of personal visits, but I've just left an important meeting and I need your attention for a moment, Sergeant."
"Of course, sir."
“Follow me.” Leading her away from the bullpen she was sitting at and towards a quiet corner, a potted plant was the only company there. Free from prying eyes and ears, he turned his back to the rest of the room, and lowered his voice. "There's a joint operation happening between the Americans and the SAS, and they require our assistance. However, they're looking for boots on the ground experience, and a fair portion of the SRR operators currently available for missions of this sort of nature just don’t have that. But you –"
She nodded, her face falling somewhat. She'd only transferred six months ago and was still settling in. The SRR HQ provided a different type of work than she was used to, but she appreciated the change of pace it gave her, utilizing a different portion of her skill set. It also meant she was closer to her father rather than being half a world away in the middle of a war zone – but a soldier could only be at peace for so long. 
"I understand you were transferred here to clear the headspace, but I can’t think of anyone better suited. You have an impressive record, Sinclair. A real asset. You’ve a history with counter-terrorism, been in the thick of it, and I have a Station Chief with the CIA here who wishes to speak with you."
It wasn't a question or an offer. She had been selected. An honor bestowed upon her. There was no turning it down. Not that she would. Ambitious, career-oriented – she had no reason to say no. Walking past the cubicles of operators, it was a stark contrast to where she was less than a year ago. The ground no longer shook as bombs dropped overhead, bullets didn’t tear through the air or rip through kevlar, it was quiet here. Safe. She still played an important part in the war effort, but without the risk to life and limb. The blood no longer dripped from her hands, though that still didn’t make her clean. 
The colonel stopped outside a large meeting room and opened the door for Rory, directing her inside with his hand. The room was empty except for one woman with a coffee and a laptop sitting at a long table. Dressed in business casual clothing, she looked prepared for a day at the office compared to the soldiers around her wearing their uniforms. Looking up, her face serious, she tilted her head in Rory's direction but spoke with the Colonel, "Is this her?"
"Yes, this is Sgt. Sinclair."
Like a child being spoken about between a parent and a teacher, she was recognized as being there, but not as part of the conversation. Things had been set in motion, all of which she had yet to be made privy to. Rory was no stranger to working on a need to know basis, moving up the ranks meant for much of her career she often merely had to follow in the direction she was being pointed. This was certainly no different.
"Good to meet you," the American said with a nod of her head. "I'm Kate Laswell." Holding her hand out to the open seat beside her, she directed Rory to it. "Take a seat."
Appearing sure in her steps, even while the stress took hold, she stopped at the table and took a seat, exhaling her breath finally as she settled into the chair, still trying to hold the proper decorum expected of a soldier. 
"You can relax, Sinclair. It's just you and me." Laswell looked at the Colonel and the door quickly closed, leaving the two women to sit alone in the large, echoing, blank slate of a room. She sipped her coffee, her eyes shifting to the screen of her laptop before speaking again. "I assume the colonel didn't reveal much about what's going on here, did he?"
Shaking her head, the short choppy locks of her chestnut bob hovered around her neck. "No, not really. Just that you're looking for boots on the ground?"
"Not exactly. We have the boots, it's more so a certain expertise." Kate glanced over at the younger woman, her brow lifting. "Why's a soldier like you working behind the scenes?"
Rory stretched her neck from side to side, cracking her knuckles. A cigarette suddenly seemed like a very good idea to her. "It was suggested I take a transfer from the field after I completed my last tour.” Glancing over at Laswell, she noticed the woman had begun looking right at her, scrutinizing her. “I spent the last several years in Iraq during the civil war. Working with CIA, PMCs, whoever my unit was assigned with." Her eyes fell to her fingers as she started to pick at the hangnail on the edge of her thumb, the skin underneath as sore and raw as the memories.
"Off the books?"
She cleared her throat and returned Laswell’s eye contact. "Oftentimes, yeah."
Kate paused, her head tipping to the side. "Seen some things, huh?"
Rory tried to get a read on the woman, it was hard to get much from her face or her demeanor. There was empathy or at the very least some form of understanding. Was she a soldier in the past? Or just an overpowered cop like some of the other CIA agents she'd met? She scratched her brow, clenching her jaw. "Did some things too."
"Not afraid to get your hands dirty then." Laswell’s face never seemed to change, her mouth drawn in a straight line as she folded her hands on the table. 
"I did what was asked of me."
"Like?" The station chief seemed genuinely interested in her, trying to get a beat on her all the same. Both of them were in the process of figuring out who they were about to get into bed with. 
"Primarily I focused on targets of high importance to prevent further incursion from the insurgency. Assassinations, interrogations – been there, done that."
"Assassinations?" Kate's voice rose, her interest piqued.
"I”m SSC trained. Ran a fair few missions that left me in some nests in high towers."
"A sniper, huh?"
"Yeah. When needed."
Nodding, Laswell’s straight face seemed to break for just a brief moment into a nearly unnoticeable grin. "How many confirmed kills?"
"High importance targets? Thirty three. I lost count of the random sods," she said with a shrug.
Laswell sipped her coffee, unfazed, hearing news like that was just a walk in the park for this woman. "No stranger to deep recon then?"
"It's in the name,” Rory confirmed. “It's what the SRR does. It used to be part of the SAS, but broke off and focused on the intel part of things. It’s why I was specifically transferred here and not just put on leave. Command didn’t want to lose someone with my experience."
"You have some connections with intelligence?"
"I have friends at MI6."
"Good.” Laswell’s attention fell on her completely. “Well Sinclair, I have a friend who's running this op – he's SAS – and you sound like just what he's looking for. If you're up for it, of course." 
Rory contemplated the decision for a moment, she hadn’t thought she’d be back out in the field quite so soon, and considering the fact that none of the details of the mission were being revealed to her until she agreed to come, she assumed she was heading into some real shit. Her hands slipped from the tabletop and into her lap, a tremor shaking through them out of sight, before she nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that."
"Great." Laswell shut her laptop and scooped it under her arm as she stood, collecting her coffee cup in her other hand. "Come with me."
Her brow lifted. "Just like that?" She was well accustomed to the bureaucracy and strict measures the British army seemed to enforce, things didn’t just happen, not without cutting several layers of red tape and after being passed through multiple hands first.  
"Just like that."
She stood up and followed behind the Station Chief, keeping pace with her as they moved through the halls. Rory was in no position to argue, nor would she want to, it was nice not to be beholden to the rigidity of the chain of command. This was more cavalier. Very American. 
"So, you straddle the line between spy and soldier, huh?" Kate asked, her eyes kept forward.
"Sort of like you, I assume?" Rory asked with a sideways glance, her lips curving into a half grin.
"Sort of." Kate huffed out a laugh. "Yeah."
They turned the corner and headed down the stairs, the reverberations of their shoes on concrete bouncing off the walls. Once an RAF base, now the headquarters of the SRR and the 22 Special Air Service Regiment in the midlands, it was sprawling with large open fields. Out on the parade, a helo sat waiting, it’s rotor warmed up and the blades spinning. There was no time to grab her things, it was get up and go, the moment she said yes she was being tossed from the frying pan into the fire. The urgency was clear, she had likely already been transferred and meeting Laswell was simply a courtesy. 
Ducking under the blades, the shadow of each one cutting across the sun as it broke through the dense cloud cover above, Laswell pulled open the door of the helicopter. “Head inside,” she said with a tip of her head towards the waiting entrance into the vehicle, raising her voice to be heard over the engine. 
Rory climbed in and looked over at the row of seats, noticing another soldier sitting there, already strapped in. His face stern as he shifted, adjusting his hat, the overwhelming scent of cigar smoke drifting from him. Scratching at his cheek, his nails dragging through a thick fuzz of facial hair, he glanced over at her and then turned back to Laswell who took the seat across from him. "I assume this is the one, Kate."
"Yeah, John, this is her.” Laswell pulled on the front of her jacket as she sat back and got comfortable. “Sergeant Sinclair, meet Captain Price."
Rory's brow furrowed for a moment at the name. It was familiar, but she couldn't pinpoint how. Was it one she'd seen in a report? As she strapped into her seat, steely blue eyes measured her up before turning his attention to lighting the Villa Clara cigar he’d pulled from one of the pockets of his vest. 
"Nice to meet you, Sergeant."
His voice was deep, rumbling, and it stirred something in her. She was no stranger to appreciating someone’s timbre, but this was something different. He seemed so familiar, she couldn’t place how, but she knew it. Intimately. And then the memory hit her – the bathroom stall. Five years prior, one night in a bar. The sheer chance of them meeting like this damn near improbable. Her stomach dropped. Jesus. His face was nearly recognizable beneath the facial hair that hadn't been there the first time they met. His voice had become more gruff, lower than she remembered. The cigar he was currently smoking gave a clear indication as to why. Swallowing down the embarrassment that threatened to burn at her cheeks as she looked at him, gauging his reaction to her name - if he recognized her the way she suddenly did him, he didn't show it.
"Good to meet you too, sir," she said. Her gaze fell to her hands, remembering how it felt when he had held them. Trying her damnedest not to look at him, she preferred to appear nervous over the mission and not the man who had suddenly become her commanding officer. 
Tugging at the tactical vest he wore, Price tilted his head back, puffing on his cigar and looking out the window as the helicopter began to move, the inside shaking as they lifted up off the ground. 
There was no backing out now.
Laswell passed her a tablet, and started giving her the brief. “That is Igor Zorokov, Russian oligarch and alleged trafficker. Weapons, drugs, information…people.” Rory’s eyes locked on the screen, scanning through images of the man. Older, blond, in relatively good shape. Not the type someone might assume as a master criminal upon first inspection. “He has ties around the globe, but his stronghold is in Eastern Europe. Supplying several military coups with funds and weapons, he’s a dangerous man with people at disposal in his back pocket, and we have reason to believe he’s funding terrorist activities.”
“And we’re investigating him? Or taking him out?” Rory needed to prepare for exactly the type of mission this was going to be. Recon was one thing, taking someone’s life was another. 
“Erring on the side of caution. The Russian government could easily sweep just how far his global reach is under the rug if he’s brought to light, especially since it’s been beneficial for them. We want to find out who he’s funding and put a stop to the pipeline he has through his many ventures.”
Rory hummed, muttering, “Putting a tourniquet on before cutting off the arm.” 
“Exactly." Price's voice cut through the roar of the engine. "First stop is Kastovia, have a friend who’ll meet us there and get us into Russia undercover.”
“Nikolai?” Laswell asked.
It was clear these two weren’t just casually paired together for the mission, there was a long-standing relationship. Trust. She certainly understood how being a soldier who just so happened to have a friend who could get into the places they normally couldn’t would be beneficial, having an American ally even more so. 
“I hate to be a bother, ma’am," Rory spoke up, "but I’m not exactly prepared.” She felt damn right naked. Her duffel was down in the red brick complex below that was steadily getting smaller and further away. Her gear, her weapons, all of it was disappearing out of view as she sat there in her fatigues.  
“No need to worry about that, Sergeant.” Price replied instead, blowing out a stream of smoke. “Nik’ll have us covered when we land.”
All she had to do now was sit back and relax (as best she could) and try not to let her mind stray too far afield as the memories flashed before her eyes of the man who sat six feet from her.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
What do you make of the UK gov betting for the Invitus Games? I agree with your take about H&M ties to russia/china. I dont think H&M are working for them, but they could be useful tools to play with and disrupt the peace and trust of the brits for the BRF. Therefore I dont understand why the UK would want to bring IG there. Surely there are other ways to promote the army and the veterans than to bring H around.
I think it's Charles throwing a bone to Harry to help him out while simultaneously telling everyone to keep him out of it.
The way things are going - both financially and PR-wise - Invictus Games is a disaster. The financial reports show that the charity is losing money hand over fist and Harry (and Meghan) are doing nothing to help them earn or fundraise more money. From the PR, it's pretty clear that the Sussexes buy press coverage to focus specifically and exclusively on them because only their work is written about. If you want to learn about the actual competitors, you really have to dig for that information.
So there is actually zero reason for why the UK should bring Invictus Games back. Especially since Germany is trialling a national version that has nothing to do with the Sussexes. If Germany's national games goes well, many of the other countries are going to follow suit and do their own thing with their own national versions or throw more support behind their Special Olympics teams or just send their people to the US Warrior Games (which they've done before in the past).
Which means that logically, the only reason for the UK government to step up and host a lose-lose opportunity is if there was higher pressure from the UK military...whose commander-in-chief is father of the Invictus Games' "founder" and "patron."
It's top-tier nepo-babying.
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workersolidarity · 6 months
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[ 📹 The residents of Przemysl, Poland put to rest Damian Sobol, a Polish citizen and one of the foreign aid workers killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting a convoy of humanitarian aid trucks leaving a warehouse in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip on Tuesday, killing 7 aid workers, including Sobol, as well as citizens of Australia, the UK, Palestine, and a dual citizen of American-Canadian heritage.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇺🇳🇵🇸 🚨
The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) murdered more aid workers in 2023 than were killed in the rest of the world combined for each of the last 30 years, that's according to an article published by Turkish news outlet Anadolu News Agency.
According to Anadolu, as a result of the the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with Hamas's attack on Israeli military checkpoints and colonial settlements just outside the Gaza Strip, on October 7th, 2023, no less than 203 aid workers have been killed in occupation strikes.
Of those killed, 161 aid workers were martyred by the Israeli occupation army in just the last four months of 2023, while another 53 aid workers have been wounded in occupation strikes.
The data was originally investigated and published by the Aid Worker Security Database (AWSD).
According to the AWSD report, just since January of 2024, at least 42 aid workers have been killed, while another 24 others were wounded in Israeli attacks.
On Tuesday, a series of precisely targeted Israeli airstrikes hit a convoy of armored vehicles belonging to the aid organization the World Central Kitchen (WCK).
The convoy had just finished delivering food aid and were in the process of leaving an aid distribution warehouse in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, when an Israeli drone bombed each of the three vehicles in the convoy independently, resulting in the deaths of 7 WCK aid workers, including nationals of Palestine, Australia, the UK, Poland and a dual American-Canadian citizen.
Numerous countries have since condemned the latest Zionist atrocity, including the Israeli entity's closest ally, the United States, as well as Canada, Australia and several others, while Poland and Germany both demanded an explanation for the deadly attack.
By some accounts, the strike was intended to frighten foreign aid workers into suspending their operations in the Gaza Strip, exacerbating Gaza's severe famine conditions, which is rapidly spreading from the north of Gaza, into central Gaza, while even the south of the Palestinian enclave remains highly food insecure.
The strikes quickly achieved "Israel's" goal, with the WCK, along with several other aid organizations, including Anera, another aid organization responsible for delivering upwards of a hundred fifty thousand meals for Palestinians everyday, which also suspended their operations in Gaza for the time being.
In response to the attacks, the United Nations temporarily suspended nighttime operations in Gaza for at least 48 hours following the atrocity.
The Zionist entity, for its part, apologized for the massacre of the 7 foreign aid workers, claiming the strikes were caused by a "misidentification," resulting from "a war in very complex conditions," according to the Israeli army's Chief of General Staff, Herzi Halevi, who issued the apology.
Responding to intense international outcry over the slaughter of the aid workers, the IOF disciplined the brigade responsible for the "misidentification," sacking two Commanders, including the Commander of the Nahal Brigade, as well as another Commander within the same brigade.
As far as this reporter can investigate, this is the first major sacking of an Israeli officer since at least December 2023.
That's when a Commander with the 51st Battalion of the Golani Brigade was sacked after he "endangered fighters" under his command by disobeying direct orders to avoid entering buildings during "Israel's" assault on the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, where intense fighting took place against elite units with the Al-Qassam Brigades in early December.
Despite the latest Israeli war crime, the United States, led by the Neoconservative Biden administration, announced that it would not be changing any of its policies with regards to the Israeli entity, refusing to cut off munitions supplies and other military aid, choosing instead to let "Israel" investigate the incident itself.
As a result of "Israel's" Special Genocide Operation in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among the Palestinian population of Gaza has risen in excess of 33'037 Palestinians martyred, with over 14'000 children murdered and over 9'200 women killed, while another 75'668 Palestinians have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning on October 7th, 2023.
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royal-confessions · 8 months
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“The UK is so crazy to me. They just let royals like Kaye and Camilla become Colonels in Chiefs of the army without any training at all.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
[BBC is UK State Media]
Pakistan's powerful army chief has urged the country to leave "anarchy and polarisation" behind as two ex-prime ministers declared victory in an election that has defied expectations.
With most results in, independent candidates linked to jailed former PM Imran Khan have won most seats.
But Nawaz Sharif, another ex-PM widely seen as having the army's backing, has urged others to join him in coalition.
Officials have also rejected Western criticism of how the election was run.[...]
Mr Khan released an AI-generated video message rejecting his rival's claim and calling on supporters to celebrate. He has been jailed on charges of leaking state secrets, corruption and an unlawful marriage and his PTI party was banned from taking part in the polls.
About 100 of the winning candidates are independents and all but eight of them are backed by the PTI, the non-profit Free and Fair Election Network said.
On Saturday PTI chairman Gohar Ali Khan said the party would try to form a government and would start protesting on Sunday if complete election results had not been released by then.
Mr Sharif's PML-N party won 73 seats and he acknowledged that he did not have the numbers to form a government alone, but insisted he could remove the country from difficult times at the head of a coalition.
The PPP of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, the son of assassinated PM Benazir Bhutto, got 54 seats and the rest - the largest number of seats - were won by smaller parties and independents.
10 Feb 24
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laz-laz-ace-pilot · 7 months
So I got a response from my MP about the genocide in Gaza yesterday.
Some context; my MP is Tobias Ellwood, who is largely known for two things; being the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Middle East (this will be relevant later) and trying to save a policeman's life during an attack on Westminster. More recently though, he's been better known for trying to reintroduce conscription, describing his £90,000 salary as 'counting the pennies', running over a neighbour's cat, and trying to ban protests at his home.
Under increasing pressure, he sent out a generalised email yesterday in response to people calling for a ceasefire and well...
... Thank you for your email, I have received a large volume of correspondences on this matter and hope my response can set out my position in more detail. Firstly, you are right to highlight the appalling situation in Gaza caused by the Israeli Prime Minister’s cack-handed and ill thought out invasion. Hamas has lost its right to represent the people of Gaza – but this is not the way towards securing a two state solution. It has simply led to escalation. I warned Israel (after the barbaric attacks on the 7th October but BEFORE the IDF tanks rolled in) NOT to invade until there was a clear plan of governance and security for which any military operation can work towards that minimised the danger to innocent lives and ensured the removal of Hamas. I even wrote a plan that might be considered – published in Politico which I invite you to read: https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-gaza-hamas-uk-benjamin-netanyahu-we-need-a-plan/ The scale of collateral damage is shocking, and I’m pleased international voices (including the UK) are getting louder in criticising Israel. But the only country with the ability to alter Israel’s behaviour is the United States, and behind the scenes they are making their views heard but more needs to be done. On the question of arms sales, I’ve asked for more information on what is being sold. The call to block all arms sales is understandable – but it could have wider economic consequences. Licences are valued at £500m versus overall trade with Israel (including many businesses from Dorset) worth £9bn. Would such action in cutting arms sale alter Netanyahu’s behaviour? Or would we lose precious leverage in speaking and influencing privately? Away from Netanyahu’s appalling response - Israel is an important UK ally and rare democratic state in a troubled part of the world. It requires wise decision making to leverage our influence efficiently. I’d prefer to see consideration of halting specific military exports IF they are involved with IDF’s operations in Gaza. I am seeking clarity in what that is from my relevant ministerial colleagues.
UK funding for UNWRA has NOT been cut. I have checked with the Minister and there was a question raised about FUTURE funding – but right now there is no question of programmes stopping because UK money has been switched off. I have made my views clear. The speed in which threats to turn off future funding were made was ill-considered. Over 13,000 UNRWA staff work in Gaza. Involvement by a dozen with HAMAS (now being investigated by the UN Chief) should not jeopardise the critical work of the most senior UN agency working in such desperate conditions.
Finally, the call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Yes, I would like to support this. It’s where this terrible conflict must eventually go. But having been involved in a few cease fires, whilst serving in the British Army, could I spell out some issues which must be in place at the same time.
Cease fires are not something you shout from afar and they just happen.
A Cease fire is the title to a list of agreements BOTH sides have signed up to - that results in a cessation of fighting in order to give space for other activities to take place.
If BOTH warring parties do not support a cease fire (and conditions) – but are intent on continuing the fighting it will not happen. Both HAMAS and Israel are at present intent to keep fighting.
Fighting can be stopped by a third party/force which marches in the separate sides and enforce the peace. I suspect this is NOT what you are calling for.
The details of any ceasefire are almost always arbitrated by a third party / parties. And usually come after a number of rounds of discussions. Such discussions are happening in Egypt and Qatar – but to date little progress has been made.
Details of any ceasefire will include:
Time frames of commencement of ceasefire.
3rd party monitoring teams (UK might play a role here).
No fly zones, buffer zones, humanitarian corridors
Emergency procedures to quash any breaches by individuals seeking to see the ceasefire fail.
agreed incentives to help the cease fire last (outside funding/ hostage release /humanitarian support infrastructure repair) for activities to take place to build trust.
6. All the above supported by an international legal framework – usually in the form of a UN resolution. 7. Agreement on round table discussions to discuss the long term solutions. As you can see a ‘cease fire’ is simple to demand from afar – less simple to implement in practice. And easy to challenge Western governments about why one is not in place. It is worth remembering that such agreements are occasionally signed up to as opportunity for one side or both re-group and re-arm which is something we must be particularly weary of. I hope, if you have read this far – you will appreciate the context of an Opposition party – calling for a vote on a ceasefire. Perhaps it’s an important political statement. But as I highlight above there are practical implications, which, if I am honest are not discussed in detail. The discussion then boils down to an over-simplistic binary position on supporting the people of Gaza without consideration of the magnitude of obstacles to overcome if a meaningful ceasefire was to be introduced. I so dislike such binary and divisive politics, yet right now that’s how the debate on Wednesday is shaping up. We should be better than this. I will push for a cease fire in the context I’ve outlined above. I will think carefully how I will vote. If this is just about having another pop at the Government for political gain – I will probably stay away. The people of Gaza deserve better. I plan visit Rafah in the next couple of weeks. Thanks again for getting in touch. I apologise about the long response. There is nothing simple about conflict and indeed ending it.
Kind regards, Tobias
I just... I don't think I could write a more condescending, twisted or imperialist response if I tried. The bit about the not suspending arms deals, the 'explanation' of ceasefires/ cease fires, the grammatical and spelling errors. I've been trying to write a concise response for the last hour and I just can't. The only positive is that the growing pressure does seen to be getting to him.
There is another vote on a ceasefire today. Please keep pressuring your MPs. It is slow work but its getting there.
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aimeedaisies · 11 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in October 2023
02/10 As President of the Riding for the Disabled Association visited Avon Riding Centre, to mark its 40th Anniversary. 🐴🥳
03/10 Held two Investiture ceremonies at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
With Sir Tim As Patron of the Minchinhampton Centre for the Elderly, visited Horsfall House, Minchinhampton. 👵🏻👴🏻
04/10 In Cornwall Princess Anne visited;
Origin Coffee in Porthleven. ☕️
Camborne School of Mines at the Penryn Campus of University of Exeter, in Penryn. 🔨
St Ewe Free Range Eggs Packing Centre in Truro. 🥚
05/10 As Colonel of The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons), attended a Household Cavalry Medal Parade at Powle Lines, Picton Barracks in Wiltshire. 🫡
07/10 With Sir Tim Attended the Scotland vs Ireland Rugby World Cup match at the Stade de France in Paris. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🇫🇷🏉
09/10 As Patron of Livability, visited Livability Millie College in Poole. 🏫
As Patron of UK Youth, visited Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Activity Centre in Bransgore. 🧗‍♀️
10/10 Attended a Future of UK Food Systems Seminar held by Crops for the Future at the National Institute of Agricultural Botany in Cambridge. 🚜
As Commandant-in-Chief (Youth) of St. John Ambulance, opened the new Ambulance Hub in Castle Donington. 🚑
11/10 Held two investiture ceremonies at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
Unofficial, Sir Tim attended the opening of the New Zealand Liberation Museum, Te Arawhata, in Le Quesnoy, France. 🇫🇷🇳🇿
As Patron of Scots in London Group attended a Reception at St Columba’s Church of Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Attended a Blue Seal Club Dinner at the Cavalry and Guards Club in Piccadilly, London. 🤵‍♂️
12/10 As Patron of the Campaign for Gordonstoun, chaired a Cabinet Meeting at the Lansdowne Club, London. 🏫
As Patron of English Rural Housing Association, attended a Parish Council Rural Housing Conference at Eversholt Hall, Bedfordshire. 🏡
Visited the Aircraft Research Association in Bedford. ✈️
As Grand Master of the Royal Victorian Order, attended Evensong and a Reception at The King’s Chapel of the Savoy, London. 🎶
14/10 Sir Tim represented Princess Anne, Patron of the Wiltshire Horn Society, at a dinner on the occasion of their centenary. 🐑
15/10 As Member of the International Olympic Committee, and Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, attended the first day of the 141st International Olympic Committee Session in Mumbai, India. 🇮🇳
16/10 As Member of the International Olympic Committee, and Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, attended the second day of the 141st International Olympic Committee Session in Mumbai, India. 🇮🇳
Attended an IOC Reception at Jio World Centre. 🌏
17/10 As Member of the International Olympic Committee, and Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, attended the third day of the 141st International Olympic Committee Session in Mumbai, India. 🇮🇳
Visited the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Bombay 1914-1918 Memorial at the Indian Sailors’ Home, in Mumbai. 🪖
Attended a reception at the residence of His Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for South Asia and Deputy High Commissioner for Western India in Mumbai. 🌏
Unofficial Sir Tim attended a memorial service for Lord Lawson (former Chancellor of the Exchequer) at St. Margaret’s church in Westminster ⛪️
19/10 Hosted a Reception with the King, Queen and the Duchess of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace to thank those who contributed to and were involved with the State Funeral of The late Queen Elizabeth II and with the Coronation of Their Majesties. 🥂
With Sir Tim, As Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps attended the launch of the Corps History Book at the National Army Museum in London. 📚
With Sir Tim, As Patron of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, attended the Trafalgar Night Dinner at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich, London. 🤵‍♀️🤵‍♂️
20/10 Opened Cutbush and Corrall Charity almshouse accommodation in Maidstone.
Opened the Royal British Legion Industries Centenary Village, Greenwich House, in Aylesford, Kent.
As Patron of the Butler Trust, visited HM Prison Elmley.
24/10 Held an Investiture at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
As President of the English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth, delivered the Evelyn Wrench Lecture at Dartmouth House in London. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
25/10 In Scotland Princess Anne visited;
The International Society for Optics and Photonics Photonex Exhibition at Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow. 🔍
As President of Victim Support Scotland, visited the National Office-West in Glasgow. 🫂
Peter Equi and Sons Limited Ice Cream Manufacturer. 🍦
26/10 Opened the National Honey Show at Sandown Park Racecourse in Esher, Surrey. 🍯 🐝
As Royal Patron of the Security Institute, this afternoon attended the Annual Conference at the Royal Society of Medicine in London. ⛓️
With Sir Tim As President of the Royal Yachting Association, attended a 50th Anniversary of the Yachtmaster Scheme Dinner at Trinity House, London. 🛥️🍽️
27/10 Held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace. 🎖️
31/10 In Scotland;
As Patron of the Moredun Foundation, attended a Conference at Moredun Research Institute, Pentlands Science Park, in Penicuik. 🧬
As Royal Patron of the Leuchie Forever Fund, attended a Reception to launch Leuchie House’s new strategy in Edinburgh. 🏡
As Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh, held a Chancellor’s Dinner at the Palace of Holyroodhouse. 👩‍🎓
Total official engagements for Anne in October: 47
2023 total so far: 400
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in October: 6
2023 total so far: 81
58 notes · View notes
opencommunion · 8 months
"On 7 October and after, ZAKA served as a front for the Israeli army to launder false Hamas atrocity propaganda. The Haaretz investigation revealed that during the first days of the war – when the Israeli narrative concerning the nature of the Hamas operation was crucial to establish – uniformed soldiers from the Israeli army’s Home Front Command made many media appearances. 'But over their uniforms, they wore non-IDF vests on which the name ZAKA was emblazoned. Military officers who were informed about this blaring detail could not account for it,' the paper found. This gave the impression that claims coming from the Israeli army, an obviously biased source of information, were coming from a neutral third-party source. While even Israeli journalists were skeptical of claims by army commanders, including the false storyline that Hamas hung seven dead babies from a clothesline, the equally implausible claims made by Yossi Landau and other allegedly selfless ZAKA volunteers were largely reported uncritically in the US, UK, and Israeli press. The close relationship between ZAKA and the Israeli army is further illustrated by Haim Outmezgine, who is the head of ZAKA's 'special forces' and also a reservist in the Home Front Command's rescue unit. Outmezgine was one of several senior officials who made frequent press appearances wearing the yellow ZAKA vest. But he didn’t only play a media role; Haaretz notes further that according to some sources, 'he also played a central role in the association' between ZAKA and the Israeli army. He was 'in command of several sites starting from the evening of the attacks,' including the site of the Nova music festival in Re'im and the settlements (kibbutzim) of Kfar Aza and Be'eri. Outmezgine’s dual role in the army’s Home Front Command and ZAKA apparently led to the decision to deploy untrained, amateur ZAKA volunteers to collect bodies at these sensitive sites rather than army soldiers already well-trained for this purpose. The only soldiers the Home Front Command chose to use alongside ZAKA were from the Military Rabbinate's southern search unit, stationed at the Shura military base. Several army officers involved in the operation at the Shura base told Haaretz they had 'no explanation' for why the additional soldiers were not allowed to assist in the mission. One officer at Shura said that the inexpert way ZAKA volunteers collected the bodies 'made the identification process very difficult.' A volunteer who worked at Shura said: 'There were bags with two skulls, bags with two hands, with no way to know which was whose.'
But why were amateurs from ZAKA deployed to the most sensitive sites with the most bodies on 7 October, rather than highly trained soldiers from the army? One possibility is corruption. As both a member of ZAKA and the Home Front Command, Haim Outmezgine may have arranged for ZAKA to be deployed to Nova, Be’eri, and Kfar Azza to ensure the organization was at the center of events, and able to gain media attention and millions in donations. However, another possibility is that higher-level officials in the army, intelligence services, or Netanyahu’s cabinet wanted ZAKA deployed to these sensitive sites to make any investigation into the hundreds of Israeli deaths there as difficult as possible. This was crucial because it was the Israeli army itself that killed large numbers of its own civilians.
... This raises questions of whether ZAKA ... is a cut-out used by the Israeli army and intelligence services to justify Tel Aviv's massive military campaign in Gaza that many view as genocide, rather than an authentic volunteer rescue organization. Such a view is strengthened by the fact that, as Brad Pearce notes, ZAKA’s long-time Chief Operating Officer, Mati Goldstein, says on his LinkedIn profile that he is a 25-year veteran of the Israeli army, a current commander in the reserves, and someone who 'took part in many major undercover missions,' meaning he has been a trained spy. This connection could explain the praise ZAKA receives – despite its past controversies – from top levels of Israel’s military and political class, which positions it strategically in obscuring the truth of the 7 October events."
15 notes · View notes