#UMN law
riesenfeldcenter · 13 days
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Spines galore this week! Here are some highlights from our collection of Roman and Canon law. We love looking for repurposed manuscript pieces and these swirly hand-drawn flowers!
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lennysfridge · 9 months
so pre law is a not a major at umn, so what if she’s a criminal justice major in the pre law program?
and she can specialize later on in like the adoption area and childcare
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selfmadesaviour · 2 years
This is tough. I don't know what fandoms you're familiar with ahhh... Umn, anyone from 9-1-1. Anyone from DALLAS. And yeah... You might not know either of those shows, but I can suggest more. I just gotta know which shows you like first lol. xD
I do know 911! At least the first few seasons, but I don't know Dallas though, I'm afraid.
Other than that I have a load of fandoms; Law & Order (including SVU and OC), Grey's Anatomy (+ Station 19), Chicago PD + Fire (but not Med), New Amsterdam (s1-2), Throne of Glass and ACOTAR, MCU, Hannibal (NBC), Stranger Things, FBAA and probably like 4000 more I currently can't remember lol.
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yeli-renrong · 3 years
Forni’s Etruscan etymologies, pt. 2
puia ‘wife’ < *potnih2 ‘wife, mistress, lady’ (well-attested in Brugmannian, e.g. Gk pótnia, ʃkt pátnī-, Lith. patì ‘wife’, viešpatni ‘mistress, lady’) - allegedly via *punja > *pũja, which looks like something out of an exceptionally difficult Albanian dialect and really needs more examples to be promoted to a sound law, and feminine *-ih2 doesn’t seem to be present in Anatolian.
apa ‘father’ < *h2ep- (cf. Gk áppa, TA āp, Alb. apë, Arm. dial. ap’i ~ ap’u) - “This may be a nursery word, but sound correspondences are regular.” Maybe so, but it’s still a nursery word - although cf. the treatment of PN Attila for what people do with those. Readily loaned if ostentatiously ethnic American YA lit is any guide, which it isn’t, unless the Tuscan dice were made by some obnoxious Sandra Cisneros type - it’s not like politically motivated patronage was entirely absent from the vicinity of Latium!
papa ‘grandfather’ < *papa (cf. Palaic pãpa- ‘father’, Gk páppos ‘grandfather’ - as above
mini ~ mene ~ mine ‘1SG.ACC’ < *h1mene - seems reasonable, so it’s at least, like, half Mitian. This form totally disagrees with Anatolian (Kloekhorst’s *ʔmmúǵ / Melchert’s *ámmu- / *emú- > Hitt. ammuk); can internal reconstruction demonstrate which side innovated? Bizarrely, Albanian agrees with Anatolian here - *uǵ (cf. Hitt. ūk) > Alb. u-në.
mi ‘1SG.NOM’ - as above, but note that there’s no ego or uk form here, so either we have unlikely analogical extension or Etruscan branched off before the innovation of *eǵ ~ *eḱ ~ *uḱ ~ *eǵóh2 ~ *eǵh2óm.
en, e, ein, ei ‘not’ < *n̥ / *ne ‘not’ - if *VNC > *ṼC > VC as in etera and puia, why *VN# > VN? (Forni also lists nur-φ < *numr- < *h1n(e)umn, with a bizarre *-mn and *mn > mr as in Aχmemrun ‘Agamemnon’)  And this would require unpacking of a syllabic sonorant; cf. HLuw. na, Lyd. ni-d, Lyc. ne ~ ni.
-m, -um ‘and, also; weakly adversative enclitic coordinating conjunction’ < *-mo (cf. Hitt. -ma, Palaic -ma, Lyd. -(u)m, Lyc. me, TB mant, Old Irish ma ‘if’, etc.) - seems reasonable if the Lydian form can reasonably be connected to the CV forms elsewhere
mlaχ, mlac, malak ‘good, beautiful’ < *mel- ‘good’ or *mlh2-((e)k-) ‘soft’ (cf. Hitt. malisku- ‘weak, light’, Lat. melior ‘better’ or Gk malakós ‘tender, soft’, malakíōn ‘sweetheart, Lith. míelas ‘nice, sweet, dear’, Hitt. mīu- ‘soft’ > ‘gentle, pleasant, agreeable’) - an Italic connection here seems difficult enough that this isn’t too objectionable
husiu-, huš(u)- ‘child, young’ > *h2(e/o)ms- ‘to beget’ (cf. Hitt. hās- / hass- ‘to beget’, hāssa- 'descendant’ etc., HLuw. hasu- ‘family’, Luw. hamsa/i- ‘grandchild’, Lyd. eśa- ‘offspring’) - Forni says *homs-i- > *hũsʲ-, but what’s the outcome of *h2 supposed to be? Cf. apa < *h2ep- and other *h2-initial nursery words, although without direct evidence from Anatolian (or Indo-Iranian? or Albanian???) this could be mechanical reconstruction of *h2e for marginal but present *a. OTOH, see below.
ar- ‘to make, do’ < *h2er- ‘to prepare, put together, fit’ (cf. Hitt. āra ‘right, proper(ly)’ - Again, what’s the outcome of *h2 supposed to be - and why is the Hittite form vowel-initial? Wiktionary says the laryngeal was neutralized before *o (really?) and connects Gk. harmonia. Middle Persian ahlabōb and ard do not show initial h-.
sren ‘image, picture’ < *h1es-ri- ‘to be’ (cf. Hitt. ēsri- ‘image, shape, statue’) - Not an entirely ideal match. 
ais ‘god’ < *h2eis- ‘to seek’ / *h2eis-d- ‘to worship, honor, respect’ (cf. Oscan aiso- ‘god’) - I’m not sure why Forni wants the *-d- root extension here, but given the precise match with Oscan a loan can’t be ruled out - and, once again, what’s the outcome of *h2 supposed to be?
avil ‘year’ < *h2ei-u(-o)- ‘a long time’ (cf. Lat. aevus ‘period of time’ - -il is a productive suffix, so Forni segments this av-il, compares Etr. Uni to Lat. Iūnō for j > 0 / _u, and notes Lemnian avis. But surely an Italic loan can’t be ruled out?
There aren’t that many candidates for cognates here, and aspirates (aside from Tarχun < *-h2- and final -χ ~ -c), ś (aside from husiu ~ hušu), and z (speaking of which, if z was /ts/, why wasn’t nefts written nefz - or was it?) are entirely absent. Forni provides some tentative etymologies with these, though:
cauθa ‘sun, sun-god’ < *keh2u-to- (presumably something like pre-PIE *qəχʷta-) - no good sound law for the emergence of the aspirate
ceχa ‘above’ < *ḱed ḱr̥ (cf. Hitt. ketkar ‘on top’) - Forni objects to the loss of final *-r, but couldn’t this be vocalization? Between this and cauθa, maybe *d > *h1 followed by *HT > Tʰ; cf. IIr. *TH > Tʰ, sT > Tʰ in Tsakonian and some Spanish dialects, and Fortescue’s proposal for the emergence of ejectives from various clusters in Itelmen
farθ(a)n(a)- ‘to generate, beget’ < *perh3-i-tV- + Etr. -an - *p > f? Forni also lists fan- ‘to decree, declare’ + *bheh2-, far- ~ har- ‘inside, to enter, to penetrate’ < *per- (also trying to bring in peras ‘crossing’, but you can’t have both), and huš- ~ hus- ‘boy, child’ < *put-(s)lo- (not *h2oms-i-?) and if Etruscan is only para-IE it’s likely that it preserves contrasts that IE lost. But it seems like you’d need *forh3-tV- here for it to have any hope of regularity. (Surely not *f > *p in Proto-Indo-Etruscan > PIE, but *f is a good enough cover symbol for an unlikely correspondence in whatever form - if it pans out, maybe *pʷ.)
tuθi ‘community, people, village’ < *teuteh2- ‘people’ (cf. Hitt. tuzzi- ‘army’, Venetic teuta ‘civitas’, Umbrian tuta ‘town, society’) - an Italic loan can’t be ruled out, but the aspiration is difficult. Are there any other examples of *eu > u? Maybe *t(e)ut-h2- could work.
θui ‘here’ < *to-i, θu(n) ‘one’ < *to-no (cf. *h1oi-no- < *h1ei-), θar ‘there?’ < *tor (cf. Eng. there) with difficult *t- ~ θ- 
luθ ‘field’ < *lu-to- ‘mud, dirt’ (cf. Lat. lutum ‘mud, dirt, clay’) - but the meaning of the Etr. word is uncertain
Also, maru ‘magistrate / quaestor?’ ~ Lyc. maraza- ‘judge, arbitrator’, Mil. mara- ‘law’, Lyc. mere ‘laws (dat.pl.)’, Lemnian maras ‘a magistrate?’
For z, Forni proposes palatalization of velars and assibiliation of *d(h)u-:
ziv- ‘to live’, Lemnian sivai ‘he lived’ < *gʷi(e)h3-u- (also sval ‘alive’ > sval-ce ‘lived’ etc. with -al adjectivalizer from *-ol(o))
zin- ‘to make, produce’, Rhaetic t’inaχe < *ǵenh1- ‘to generate, produce’ (cf. Lat. gignō)
rasna ‘people?’ < *h3reǵ-no- (cf. Lat. regnum) - clearly incompatible with ica
ziχ- ‘to write / paint?’ < *d(e)iḱ- ~ Gk deíknumi ‘to show’
zusle ‘(sacrificial) animal / victim) < *dhu(e)s-lo- ‘wild animal’ < *dhues- ‘breathe’ 
zal ‘two’ < *du- (but whence -al, and what of the alternate form ez?)
No φ or ś, though.
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twsted-simp-writer · 4 years
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Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Songfic
The song I used is a Filipino song called Demonyo by Juan Karlos Labajo. I used the English translation in this one.
Did you know I wouldn't have liked you
If you had an ugly personality?
Days had passed since they left this world. Life continued on normally in Night Raven College. The students did their own things, attending classes, doing their work in their respective dorms.
It was as if he had gone back to those days. Shut inside his room playing games all day, rarely gaining contact towards other people except his little brother, Ortho. Isolated to the world, hiding from the reality present before him.
So dear, you don't have to wonder
Why I felt inlove with you
Standing beside the Headmaster who was carrying a cat, tied up with his so-called whip of love. He wasn't able to see you since his gadget is on his place, where his voice is live playing. By the time the Mirror of Darkness began to assess, it frowned. Their soul had no shape. Therefore, they do not belong to any dorms.
A human who can't use magic taken by the black carriage itself, to this academy. That was a first. He can understand the Headmaster's disbelief. The cat made a huge ruckus, almost setting the Mirror Hall on fire. Thankfully, Azul volunteered along with Riddle to catch the monster.
With the end of the entrance ceremony, he had guided the new freshmen to the Ignihyde Dorm for he was the Dorm Leader.
You are an angel who landed in hell
I'm the demon who will guide you
Back to heaven
In Idia's perspective, their first encounter was weirdly funny and awkward. He ran out of snack that night and decided to buy some wearing his lab coat.
Grim who lost in the rock, paper, scissors game had to buy drinks for the group. Being the worrywart you were, you soon went to help the monster in carrying the drinks. As the said monster walked down the dark hallway, he heard incoherent mumbling the end.
Idia who saw the monster wanted to touch him. He had no bad intentions bit seeing the intense look on his face Grim shrieked. The monster fell on the floor, unconscious. He fainted due to fright thinking he was the mad scientist whom Ace told from a horror story.
You heard Grim's frightened shriek and ran. Along the way, you bumped into him. Idia managed to catch you before you could fell on our butt. Deep inside, he was panicking. He didn't know what to do. His gaze landed on yours. His heart felt a thump as if he was hit by Eros' arrow at that moment.
Those eyes filled with curiosity as they take in his features. You gave their thanks before picking up the drinks and the unconscious monster. He watched your retreating figure while he held his chest. What was that he felt just now?
He met them once again at night where they first encountered. It was awkward at first and you are ended up separating ways without exchanging words. Idia wanted to slap himself. That was his chance yet he was too afraid he may scare them off.
While we're climbing
I fell inlove
With you
A certain robot noticed his brother's odd behavior, he was pacing back and forth talking to himself. He would occasionally shake his head before jumping to his bed and starts smiling like an idiot.
Ortho began to scan Idia and ran an analysis. So far from the results, it seems his brother is showing signs of being in love. Just the thought of that made this precious cinnamon almost want to leap in joy.
"Brother, are you perhaps in love?" His little brother's assumption made him froze and his smile fell. In love? With who? He suddenly thought of your smiling face.
Idia rolled his eyes. That can't be, Ortho must be overthinking things. He better check his system later.
"I'm not, Ortho. I might only be anxious because of something." And that something was you. He was still on denial. Every minute you would enter his mind out of nowhere.
"According to what I researched, when you're in love, you feel like it's not enough, you always think of them, you've been stressed lately" Ortho stated as he read the analysis displayed before him.
"Currently you're in the first stage of liking someone which is denial." Ortho happily announced as he clapped his hands. "I'm glad my brother is slowly opening up!"
Idia merely buried his face on his pillow. "Hmp noszh umn roub..."
The cute robot merely shook his head. His brother would realize it sooner or later.
What if you will suddenly be gone with me
When you give colors to my heart and feelings
He was intoxicated with everything about you. The way their eyes gleam in joy that was staring at his own, twiddling a part of their hair whenever they are nervous, shy or excited.
It seems Ortho may have been right, ever since he laid his eyes on you, he had his heart got stolen. He had gathered all of his courage to speak to you. After many days, you became close.
In his eyes, you were too perfect. Too perfect for him. They deserved someone better than him yet you were stuck with him. A shut-in who play games all day, not that popular, hates going out, not as handsome as the other students in this academy. Just what did you see in him?
Negative thoughts began to accumulate in his mind. Ortho seeing this became nervous. He may accumulate blot at this point. Yet you didn't care and fell in love with him. He felt like it was a dream when you two started dating.
Ortho was very happy by the news and called you sister-in-law which made Idia choke on his own spit.
It started slow but surely. Occasionally holding hands when you both find opportunity. At the end of their dates (mostly indoors), the two lovers would end up with red faces yet felt accomplished.
You are the princess that landed far away
I am the slave that will guide you
Back to the palace
That was the day he felt his whole world somehow stopped. The Headmaster had found a way for his lover to return back to their world. Of course, you would have to go back to your own world one day. He felt like someone took out his heart and shredded it into pieces.
On the day you would leave this world, you bid farewell to your fellow first year friends and acquaintances from the other dorms. Each dorm leaders gave you souvenirs as to remembrance and gave them thanks. With the exception of Leona who said he will not miss them but he gave you one. Even Malleus Draconia was also there to bid you farewell.
You were glancing at the doors of the hall, waiting for him. He was the last one who still hadn't talked to you. Meanwhile in Idia's thoughts as he hide behind the door, you were going to leave and the possibility of you returning in this world would be low.
Crowley tapped their shoulder and reminded them it was time to go. Casting a longing glance at the door, they manage to see him peeking behind the door along with Ortho who reveal himself and began pulling his brother.
You asked the Headmaster to just give them a moment. Without giving him a chance to respond, you ran to the door. Idia froze seeing this. Ortho who was waiting for the right moment, he pushed him. At the exact moment, you hugged him tightly. Idia slowly wrapped his arms around them.
Crowley watched this interaction with a doting smile. He began to mumble about how gracious he was, giving the two lovers their moment.
He held your hand staring at your eyes, desperate. Deep inside, they wanted to stay in this world permanently but they still have their family waiting for them back home.
You said something which Idia didn't manage to hear. He was too absorbed in his thoughts despite staring at them.
They glanced back to the waiting Headmaster who nodded. They shared a brief and chaste kiss before you slowly pulled away from him. He let your hands slipped away from his grasp as you ran back inside the hall.
He watched as you gave him a last glance before smiling, tears welling up in you eyes. Just seeing those eyes made his chest tighten. They went through the mirror swiftly. Idia silently prayed to the gods you would arrive to your world safely. Even though he is not that lucky, he hoped atleast they heard them.
While we're on our way
I felt inlove
Na-na-na, with you
With you
"Brother! I have news!!!" Ortho crashed inside the room. He began waving his arms in the air as to catch his brother's attention from the screen. Idia just blankly stared at the screen as he played.
He pouted seeing his brother was too preoccupied in the game.
"I guess you don't want to see (Y/N) again, brother?"
His hands that were holding the controller paused. The character he was playing, died and huge words GAME OVER flashed at the screen.
Idia bit his lower lip as he hugged his knees close to his chest. Just the thought of you made his heart ache and stomach churn.
"They're not here, Ortho. They went back to their world." Idia bitterly said as he tried to hold in the tears. Barely a week just passed since you returned, he felt so lost and heartbroken.
Ortho was silent for a moment before he smiled. He let the person waiting outside the door to silently enter.
"Idia..." A familiar voice spoke up behind him. Fear and Hope surged throughout his body. Was that what he think it was? Did the Fates love to torture him?
Turning around, his eyes slowly widened and glistened. Standing there at the door frame was you, in a casual outfit. His heart stopped the moment his eyes met yours. His throat became dry, his legs were shaking
You are an angel who landed in hell
I'm the demon who will guide you
Back to heaven
Without a care, tears that well up began to flow down to his cheeks. He ran and wrapped his arms around them, wondering if this was a dream. If it was, he would never want to wake up from this.
You gently smiled seeing the tears, wiping them with their thumbs. You held his face, caressing his cheeks. Idia nuzzle his head close to their warmth.
"I missed you so much..." He broke down as he clutched your hand whimpering, as if they will disappear any moment. He felt like he would go crazy.
"Is this real? Am I hallucinating?" They chuckled seeing his cute antics, mumbling incoherent words. Wrapping their arms around his neck and leaning close, their lips met. They shared a long, gentle but full kiss
Ortho discreetly left the room with a huge grin in his face and quietly close the door. He knew both of them need privacy and make up the lost time.
"H-How?" Idia dumbfoundedly asked as he slowly calm down. His lover giggled before pouting.
"You weren't able to hear what I said back then, didn't you?" They said, poking Idia's cheeks. He began to reminisced that day.
"I promised I'll come back." Idia heard it back then but he was too caught up in his thoughts. They knew he was distracted that day. He didn't answer except he brought them close to his chest.
While we're climbing
I felt inlove
With you
With you
Laying on his own bed, you stare at him with an apologetic expression on their face. "I'm sorry if it took too long..."
Idia held their cheeks as he absorbed their whole features. They had indeed matured a few years which made him think you had grown more beautiful/handsome in his eyes.
"I'll forgive you after you cuddle with me. Also, weeks had just passed..." He turned his head hiding his flustered face. Luckily, you were surprised at the difference on how time runs here and on your world.
"I guess the time flow is here is different from my world."
Idia brought their frame close to his chest. They were stunned but soon burst into fit of giggles. Staring at his eyes, filled with pure love, they pecked his lips and hugged him.
Idia lay his chin above their head in content. A soft smile crawl upon his dark lips. The Fates was somewhat merciful to him this time.
With you
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rvexillology · 4 years
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The US flag, but there's as many stars as % of police officers that we should allow to be domestic abusers at home.
from /r/vexillologycirclejerk Top comment: Hello, you seem to be referencing an often misquoted statistic. TL:DR; The 40% number is wrong and plain old bad science. Further researchers found rates of 7%, 7.8%, 10%, and 13% with stricter definitions and better research methodology. The 40% claim is intentionally misleading and unequivocally inaccurate. Numerous studies over the years report domestic violence rates in police families as low as 7%, with the highest at 40% defining violence to include shouting or a loss of temper. The referenced study where the 40% claim originates is Neidig, P.H.., Russell, H.E. & Seng, A.F. (1992). Interspousal aggression in law enforcement families: A preliminary investigation. It states: Survey results revealed that approximately 40% of the participating officers reported marital conflicts involving physical aggression in the previous year. There are a number of flaws with the aforementioned study: The statement doesn't indicate who the aggressor is; the officer or the spouse. This same study reports that the victims reported a 10% rate of physical domestic violence from their partner. The study includes as 'violent incidents' a one time push, shove, shout, loss of temper, or an incidents where a spouse acted out in anger. These do not meet the legal standard for domestic violence.The study is a survey and not an empirical scientific study. The “domestic violence” acts are not confirmed as actually being violent. The study occurred nearly 30 years ago. This study shows minority and female officers were more likely to commit the DV, and white males were least likely. Additional reference from a Congressional hearing on the study: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=umn.31951003089863c An additional study conducted by the same researcher, which reported rates of 24%, suffer from additional flaws: The study is a survey and not an empirical scientific study. The study was not a random sample, and was isolated to high ranking officers at a police conference. This study also occurred nearly 30 years ago. More current research, including a larger empirical study with thousands of responses from 2009 notes, 'Over 87 percent of officers reported never having engaged in physical domestic violence in their lifetime.' Blumenstein, Lindsey, Domestic violence within law enforcement families: The link between traditional police subculture and domestic violence among police (2009). Graduate Theses and Dissertations. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/1862 Yet another study "indicated that 10 percent of respondents (148 candidates) admitted to having ever slapped, punched, or otherwise injured a spouse or romantic partner, with 7.2 percent (110 candidates) stating that this had happened once, and 2.1 percent (33 candidates) indicating that this had happened two or three times. Repeated abuse (four or more occurrences) was reported by only five respondents (0.3 percent)." A.H. Ryan JR, Department of Defense, Polygraph Institute “The Prevalence of Domestic Violence in Police Families.” https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308603826_The_prevalence_of_domestic_violence_in_police_families Another: In a 1999 study, 7% of Baltimore City police officers admitted to 'getting physical' (pushing, shoving, grabbing and/or hitting) with a partner. A 2000 study of seven law enforcement agencies in the Southeast and Midwest United States found 10% of officers reporting that they had slapped, punched, or otherwise injured their partners. L. Goodmark, 2016, BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW “Hands up at Home: Militarized Masculinity and Police Officers Who Commit Intimate Partner Abuse “. https://digitalcommons.law.umaryland.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2519&context=fac_pubs
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WandaVision: On a Very Special Episode... Part 2 AU Remake
Pietro and Candance are pulled into the hex and are now happy residents of Westview.  But there is something more to just a visit with a long lost sister. Warnings: Spoilers from Episode 5 of WandaVision, uber cuteness of Billy and Tommy, and fangirling Pairings: Pietro Maximoff x Candance Wilson (OC), Wanda x Vision Words: 2266
It hurt, everything hurt. She didn’t know what was going on nor did she understand why she felt a warm summer’s breeze rather than the crisp autumn air. However, in her head she could hear someone repeat the phrase “Play your part, you’re no longer who you know you are, you’ve always been here in Westview, it is your home”. Sitting up on the soft green grass Candance looked around the strange town square. Everyone seemed to be going about their businesses. She could hear excited chatter, people weren’t paying her any attention, some of them did stop to stare at her, some of them pointed and whispered. She sat up and placed a hand to her head, she let out a soft groan an oncoming headache invaded her head. Looking down at her clothes she began to wonder just what she was wearing, however that voice in her head once again repeated the same phrase, telling her to play her part, she needed to keep things happy, hopeful, and no sorrow. “Pietro?” Candance whispered softly as she looked beside her and saw her boyfriend was sitting next to her, but wait he was staring up at the sky unblinking almost as if he was entranced by something. “Piet! Pietro!” Pietro snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at Candance with a small smile. His hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face. “Hey sleepyhead.” “Pietro, I was asleep?” Candance asked softly staring at him. “Wait, you let me sleep in public like some kind of spazz?!” she slapped him in the chest. “How rude, maybe I should find someone else to be my husband then.” Pietro shook his head. “I’m sorry princess,” he chuckled before he stood up and dusted his pants off. “Come on, we need to get going to find Wanda.” “Wanda? You never mentioned a Wanda.” Candance said before a thought invaded her mind breaking through the cloud that was covering her memories. “Wanda…Wanda is Pietro’s sister; she’s my best friend and she needs hel—What if Wanda is his ex-girlfriend?! What if he’s cheating on me?!” “Wanda’s my sister,” Pietro assured her. “We haven’t seen each other since she left home when she was 15, our parents had left us alone and I tried to keep her happy.” “Right, your sister,” Candance got up and stretched as she once again took note of her attire. She was wearing a pair of leggings under a short skirt with a top that revealed her midriff. She reached up and touched her head feeling that her hair was held up in a tight high ponytail with curls framing her face. She looked over at Pietro quietly and took in his appearance. Pietro was dressed in a pair of black jeans with a purple shirt and a black leather jacket over it. His hair was slicked back with a few strands out of place. What stood out the most was the strange necklace he was wearing. However, something else was wrong, Pietro sounded different, he didn’t have his accent. That was one thing that Candance remembered him having, and she also knew had a better sense of style. What was going on? “Come on babe, we have to go visit Wanda,” Pietro told her. “I think she lives around her somewhere.” “Umn, ok.” Candance fell silent and gave a soft squeak of surprise when she felt him lift her up and into his arms. “Pietro, I can walk on my own.” “How can I let you walk when we’ll be running?” Pietro kissed the tip of her nose and took off running. He took a moment to look down at Candance as he noticed she was holding onto him for dear life. Wait why was he carrying her? She had something to keep up with him, right? She’d been lent a pair of wings by Sam---wait no Candance couldn’t keep up with him. She wasn’t gifted with powers. Not like him and Wanda. She was a normal girl he met in Sokovia when Candance was volunteering at a farm. Candance tried her best to figure out what was going on, why was everything so strange? Why did her head hurt? Most of all why was everyone they passed unphased by Pietro using his power in public? Shaking her head to clear the thoughts she sucked in a breath and laid her head on Pietro’s chest as she let him carry her to wherever the mysterious Wanda lived. 
---------------------------------------   “Pietro and Candance were pulled into the hex,” Monica looked at Darcy and Jimmy with worry all over her face. She knew the two were capable of fighting but she also knew that Wanda would probably eject them from her world if they even tried talking to her. “Pietro?” Darcy asked. “You mean Pietro Maximoff? Wanda’s brother? I thought he was killed by Ultron.” “He was, but the technology used by S.H.I.E.L.D. brought him back, and he had been recovering with Clint Barton and his family.” Monica explained. “And what’s his relation to Agent Wilson?” Jimmy asked. “Agent Wilson, Candance is Sam Wilson’s younger sister and also a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent,” Monica said. “She and I are friends and I’ve had her help me out from time to time. She and Pietro are dating.” “Dating?” Darcy got a small smile on her face and looked at Jimmy holding out her hand. “Pay up Woo, I called it.” Jimmy rolled his eyes and pulled some money out of his pocket and handed it to Darcy. “So, Pietro and Candance went into the hex to bring Wanda out?” “No, Pietro might’ve ran inside the hex to save Wanda himself and if I know Candi, she probably went after him.” Monica shook her head. “But don’t count those two out, they might be the ones to get Wanda to stop the hex.” “Or she could kill them,” Darcy reminded Monica. “We’ve seen her angry and we don’t want to make her angrier. I---.” She heard Wanda and Vision arguing coming from the tv. She quickly walked over to it and looked at the scene unfolding. “This is new.” “New?” “Wanda and Vision don’t fight, and it looks like Wanda’s not cutting it out of her show.” Darcy said.
------------------------------------- Pietro sat Candance down in front of a house and looked at her with a small smile. “This is where Wanda lives,” he said in excitement. “I can’t wait until you meet her.” “Pietro,” Candance began and placed a hand on his cheek. “Something’s wrong, haven’t you noticed how everyone’s happy? And what happened to your voice and—ow, umn yeah I’m excited to meet Wanda.” “Did you hurt yourself?” Pietro asked almost immediately began checking her for any bruises. “No, I don’t see anything, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you while I was carrying you?” “No no, just a headache,” Candance assured him with a smile. “I’m fine, come on let’s go say hi to your sister.” Pietro nodded as he turned to ring the doorbell. He didn’t notice a figure hiding behind some bushes in the yard nor did he notice that Candance had gone to investigate. Candance for a second had regained control of her mind and looked around the yard, she reached into her…handbag and groaned when she saw the only thing in it was a squirt gun. Shaking her head she walked toward the bushes and got closer and closer until. A stray black cat leapt out of the bushes and hissed at her before taking off. Candance rolled her eyes before looking over her shoulder when she heard the front door open. She spun around and saw it, or rather her. “Wanda is here, so she’s sa---ow…” Candance fell to her knees and held her head before looking up with a small smile and got up as she jogged up to where Pietro was. “Wanda who is this?” Vision asked. Wanda looked at Vision before looking back at Pietro. She didn’t say a word and merely continued staring at him in disbelief. “Long lost bro gets to squeeze his stinkin’ sister to death or what?” Pietro asked and held open his arms for Wanda to hug him. “Pietro…” Wanda whispered before she hugged him tightly. Pietro hugged his sister with a small smile before looking up and took notice of Vision. “Who’s the popsicle?” Wanda stayed silent before noticing Candance standing behind Pietro. “Candance?” she whispered before shaking her head. There was no way that her brother was here let alone her best friend. “Wanda, I’m sorry for dropping in unexpectantly, but I wanted to see you.” Pietro told her before he turned and grabbed Candance by the hand and pull her inside the house. “I know you have several questions but first I’d like you to meet Cadence, we’re going to be married in a few months.” “Hi,” Cadence said as she tried to figure out where she had seen Wanda before. It was strange but for some reason it seemed as though they met before. “I’m sorry that we didn’t call but Pietro insisted on surprising you.” “No problem,” Wanda waved a hand and smiled. “Oh, um Pietro and Candance, this is my husband Vision.” “Vision huh?” Pietro looked Vision up and down as he raised an eyebrow. “Where did you meet him?” “At um, a party,” Wanda said quickly. “Vision and I have been married for awhile now, we’ve lived in Westview for years.” “Oh cool,” Pietro said. “So, I think me and bro-in-law should get to know each other, how about you and Candi go and get to know each other.” “Good idea,” Wanda said. “Follow me.” Candance followed Wanda into the kitchen, as she looked at her quietly before sighing. “So Wanda, you and Pietro grew up overseas and moved here when you were teenagers?” “Uh, yeah sort of, our parents are…” Wanda began and paused. “Our parents are no longer with us, but Pietro coming here after 7 years is kind of a surprise.” “I didn’t know he had a sister,” Candance laughed softly and shook her head before looking at Wanda as she walked forward and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Wanda, what’s going on? Why are we here? Are you ok what’s goi--.” “Candance are you ok?” Wanda asked narrowing her eyes as red magic began to circulate around her hands. “Yeah, I meant are you ok, I know how weird it is for Pietro to be here,” Candance said and let Wanda go. “I’m sorry can I have a glass of water?” “Yeah…” Wanda stepped away and went to get Candance a glass of water. She took note of the strange bag on Candance’s back. “So where are you from?” “Oh, I’m from Harlem, New York.” Candance said brightly and looked around the kitchen. “I was raised by my brother after our parents were murdered by gang members. I think that’s why Pietro and I bonded so quickly two orphans in this world with just our siblings.” “I see, and you’ve seen your brother?” Wanda asked pouring water into a glass before sliding it to Candance. “Hmn? Yeah, Sam is in Washington D.C. on business for a while,” Candance explained. “He and his friend are running our family’s restaurant.” “I see,” Wanda said as she began walking around to get behind Candance to inspect the bag she was wearing on her back. “So, your brother lives nearby, and you decided to come with Pietro to see me?” “Yeah, it’s a fun road trip before Pietro and I get married.” Candance began to giggle. “I think he wants to run off to Vegas to get married.” “I see,” Wanda managed to get behind Candance and reached for the bag before she saw Candance turn around. “Oh do you want me to take your backpack up to the guest room where you Pietro will be staying?” “No thanks,” Candance said and looked at Wanda with a serious look. “You’re obvious curious about what I have in this bag aren’t you?” “no no,” Wanda said shaking her head. “It’s nothing really,” Candance took off the backpack and opened it as she held up a piece of red fabric attached to a red sleeve. “A design I’m working on for Halloween, but you’ll have to wait and see what it is, since I want to keep it a secret from Pietro.” “Oh, I see,” Wanda laughed it off as she finally relaxed deciding that Candance couldn’t have been sent in to pull her from her life she had built with Vision. “Hey, we should go into the living room and see how the guys are doing?” Candance asked. “I’m sure they’re probably bonding.” “Right.” Wanda said and followed Candance out of the kitchen into the living room and laughed at the sight of Vision being held in a headlock by Pietro. “Pietro, Vision what’s going on in here?” “He attacked me,” Vision said. “Stop being a baby.” Pietro chuckled. “I thought I’d show bro-in-law some Sokovian self-defense moves. He’ll need to learn since he’s married to you.” Wanda rolled her eyes but laughed deciding to let Pietro have his fun. She did begin wondering if she brought Pietro back to life, but why did she bring Candance to her world too? Was it because she missed her best friend? PLEASE STAND BY
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There is this reductionist, ableist assertion among white liberals, stating that anti-Blackness can be fixed just by reading a book — that the source of all racism is clearly just not knowing any better, so all we need to do as white people is to share articles and form book clubs and shazam no more racists.
It makes the commenter feel better by signaling they are of the superior educated class; it demonizes rural people, poor people, and people who have suffered within power structures that tie education to generational wealth and property values; and it ignores the fact that the racists with the most power right now are all college-educated.
The assertion also serves as a weapon to tone-police activists, saying things like “they’ll never listen to you if you cuss or riot! you just need to be patient and teach them! if you can’t take uncompensated hours of your time to educate the people pointing guns at you, then you’re just making things worse!”
Half the officers complicit in George Floyd’s murder were students of the University of Minnesota, enrolled in the Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Deviance program. The program’s description on the UMN site includes:
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[Image ID: two screenshots of the course description from the University of Minnesota website. It reads, “Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Deviance. Our sociology of law, criminology, and deviance program examines the socially constructed nature of deviance, whose definitions of deviance prevail, and an understanding that links deviance to power in society. Sociologists seek to understand the relationship between deviance, social control, and the criminal justice system using scientific research methods such as statistical analysis, survey research, ethnography, conversational analysis, and content analysis. — Understanding Social Processes. Different categories of people experience deviance, social control, and the criminal justice system differently, and through the course of this program, you will begin to understand the social processes by which individuals are labeled as deviant or conforming. The results of sociological investigations of law, criminology, and deviance help develop new theories and inform — components, dynamics, and philosophical structure of criminal justice and agencies; enforcement and impact of law on social change and the rights of individuals; the science of crime as a social phenomenon; theories and structures of community corrections programs, and penal policies and practices; current trends in women's participation in crime and their treatment in the legal system; media representations or distortions of prevailing knowledge about crime and punishment”. End ID]
These cops were plenty educated and prepared to act.
Amber Hamilton is a PhD student in the UMN Sociology Department, and raised the public alarm both about the cops being undergrad students there, and about her department subsequently sending out an email directing staff and students not to discuss the matter.
“Stop rioting and go read a book” is a useless direction when anti-Black racism is baked into the academia that produces the books.
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[Image ID: A series of screenshots of tweets by Amber Hamilton, @ayeemach, June 5, 2020. “2 of the police officers charged with aiding and abetting the murder of George Floyd were previously students in the Sociology dept. at the University of Minnesota. Yesterday, my dept. sent the grad students an email requesting we stay silent if contacted by media. Y’all. (1/n) - My fellow grad students have issued excellent email responses to that request calling it out for what it is: an attempt to cover-up something that is politically unfashionable in this moment. 2/n - Our dept has a Law, Crime, and Deviance track that is actively marketed to students as a path to law enforcement. So this dept. is actively recruiting and training folks who go on to join the MPD and other law enforcement agencies in Minnesota and beyond. - If you actively market your courses to folks who want to be in law enforcement, you have to accept the consequences down the line. When those officers kill/abuse/main citizens, you can’t shy away from your role in that 4/n - Several of my grad school colleagues have realized that they were instructors/TAs for the two officers and are sick about it. But this is what it is. The Soc dept. has to stand in this and choose a path forward. 5/n - Either they can continue to actively market the LCD major as a path toward law enforcement or they can choose to divest from that practice. But what they can’t do is request my complicity and silence about their failures 6/n. - Last thing: this thread is going to burn bridges for me and I’m probably going to get emails about it. That’s just what it is. But I’m not going to stay silent about Black deaths and white complicity.” End ID]
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Gopher: When Adversarial Interoperability Burrowed Under the Gatekeepers’ Fortresses
For my latest podcast, I read my latest EFF Deeplinks post, Gopher: When Adversarial Interoperability Burrowed Under the Gatekeepers’ Fortresses.
It’s the latest installment in my case histories of “adversarial interoperability” — once the main force that kept tech competitive. Today, I tell the story of Gopher, the web’s immediate predecessor, which burrowed under the mainframe systems’ guardians and created a menu-driven interface to campus resources, then the whole internet. Gopher ruled until browser vendors swallowed Gopherspace whole, incorporating it by turning gopher:// into a way to access anything on any Gopher server. Gopher served as the booster rocket that helped the web attain a stable orbit. But the tools that Gopher used to crack open the silos, and the moves that the web pulled to crack open Gopher, are radioactively illegal today.
If you wanted do to Facebook what Gopher did to the mainframes, you would be pulverized by the relentless grinding of software patents, terms of service, anticircumvention law, bullshit theories about APIs being copyrightable. Big Tech blames “network effects” for its monopolies — but that’s a counsel of despair. If impersonal forces (and not anticompetitive bullying) are what keeps tech big then there’s no point in trying to make it small. Big Tech’s critics swallow this line, demanding that Big Tech be given state-like duties to police user conduct — duties that require billions and total control to perform, guaranteeing tech monopolists perpetual dominance. But the lesson of Gopher is that adversarial interoperability is judo for network effects.
When Apple’s App Store launched in 2008, it was widely hailed as a breakthrough in computing, a “curated experience” that would transform the chaos of locating and assessing software and replace it with a reliable one-stop-shop where every app would come pre-tested and with a trusted seal of approval.
But app stores are as old as consumer computing. From the moment that timeshare computers started to appear in research institutions, college campuses, and large corporations, the systems’ administrators saw the “curation” of software choices as a key part of their duties.
And from the very start, users chafed against these limitations, and sought out ways to express their desire for technological self-determination. That self-determination was hard to express in the locked-down days of the mainframe, but as personal computers started to appear in university labs, and then in students’ dorm rooms, there was a revolution.
The revolution began in 1991, in the very birthplace of the supercomputer: Minneapolis-St Paul. It was named after the University of Minnesota’s (UMN) mascot, the gopher.
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folkiefruit · 5 years
Hi! Law school grad here! The LSAT is a dumb test. However, it is determinative of getting a good scholarship typically. I would rec taking it in October and if you do real bad, in Jan/Feb. the test is three parts-reading comprehension (like the SAT), logic games (like wordy math games), and logical reasoning. Powerscore does good books on each section of the test, but I would rec taking a practice test to find which one you’re weakest at and then get that book. LSAC has old tests u can buy
so like October as in, 11 months before you'd be attending the law school? Cause I think the application deadline for UMN law is December 31 and that would be my preferred school
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eretzyisrael · 5 years
On November 1st-3rd, 2019, the University of Minnesota played host to the 9th annual conference of the radical anti-Israel campus group, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).
Each year, the SJP’s national leadership works with a different SJP campus chapter to organize the days-long hate-fest. SJP representatives from colleges all over the country travel to the conference to discuss Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel, network with fellow SJP students, and hear from dozens of professional anti-Israel activists.
Though NSJP and the conferences themselves purport to be “anti-fascist,” anti-racist, and progressive, SJP events have traditionally been breeding grounds for plain old anti-Semitism, using ancient anti Jewish tropes recycled to appeal to a young, ‘intersectional’ audience.
We’ve covered many examples of this type of behavior, including when:
In 2015, SJP at Northeastern University engaged in “dorm storming” and marched to the chant of “Long Live Intifada” (the bloody suicide bombing campaign directed at Israeli civilians).
Also in 2014, SJP’s annual conference featured South African BDS activist Muhammad Desai, who defended “shoot the Jew” chants issued at a BDS rally in Johannesburg.
Also in 2014, Vassar SJP began a social media campaign focused on the race of the crowd at a lecture there by Professor Jacobson, casting the appearance as an old white Zionist alumni intrusion onto campus, and then tweeting actual anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda.
In 2015, SJP students all over New York state hijacked #MillionStudentMarch and blamed Zionists for tuition problems.
Also in 2015, SJP students hijacked the BlackLivesMatter movement, protesting on California’s San Mateo Bridge and eventually causing car accidents.
In 2015, SJP students shouted down an Israeli professor during his talk at UMN law school.
In 2017, SJP at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne organized a “Smash Fascism” rally, and used it as an excuse to trash Zionism and attack Israel as a White Supremacist fascist country.
In 2018, SJP at UCLA tried to shout down a Lebanese Christian Zionist speaker, screaming “F**k white supremacy!”
SJP chapters frequently justify their members’ illiberal behavior by claiming that the crimes of “state violence, settler-colonialism, and imperialism” are those of which it considers Israel to be uniquely guilty.
Similarly, SJP frequently equates Zionists—those who support Jewish self-determination and ethnic nation-statehood in Israel—to “fascists, [and] white supremacists”.
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riesenfeldcenter · 11 months
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A mixed bag of letters and animals (featuring a couple of dragons!) from a beautiful 1525 book of Canon law. Someone please make these decorated initials into Bananagrams tiles.
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onionlaw · 6 years
About 5 weeks into law school. It’s as hard as everyone says, but my spirit still isn’t crushed yet. 
I’m also working on a podcast about studying law! I host with 3 other Minnesota law students from each of the three schools here (Mitchell Hamline, St. Thomas, and the University of Minnesota). I’m a 1L, there is also a UMN 2L, Hannah, studying environmental law; a Mitchell Hamline 2L, Anthony, who is working part-time and studying part-time, and a St. Thomas 1L, Mitch, who is studying part-time alongside having a family and a corporate job. (I’m Abby, a baby K-JD 1L at UMN.) We talk about why we chose to study law, how we ended up here, and current events, and interview other students and lawyers. Sometimes we do judicial trivia and improv. We aren’t funny.
Our most recent episode is Part 1 of a two part interview series with John Gordon, Exec. Director of the Minnesota ACLU. The episode before that is my personal favorite: we interviewed a 2L who is also a toxicologist who spent some time working on a commercial fishing boat, and started studying law, in part, to have more sway in environmental policy. Studying law is empowering sometimes, and we’re chasing that!
Still relatively new, but we get a little better with each episode. ASK US ANY QUESTIONS about law, law school life, or anything, AND WE’LL ANSWER IT ON OUR NEXT EPISODE. You can also send us hate mail, we’d like that. 
This is the Spotify link, but we also post to iTunes and stuff, and have most of the main social medias outside Tumblr.
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adaywithdaynen · 3 years
Day 3: 9/12/21
Sunday is a day of rest right? Nope, well at least not this Sunday. Today I woke up at 7:00. Gasp! After such a long night?! Unfortunately yes. I had to attend UMN’s Club Equestrian team try-outs. These were held in Stillwater at our practice barn. This is another hour and a half drive from my parents house. I had to be there at 10 so I left Cameron at 8:00. On my way out of town I stopped at Kwik Trip for a Green Machine. I then began my trek to Stillwater. The try-outs lasted about 2 and a half hours so I decided I was gonna try and catch a birthday party for my boyfriend’s brother and brother-in-law. I drove an hour there and we all ate tacos. It was a great time with his family whom I haven’t seen much of lately. To end the day my boyfriend and I went to dinner in St. Croix Falls, on my way back to St. Paul, at a Chinese restaurant. There I had mountain dew, lo mein, white rice, and sweet and sour chicken. YUM. I then drove the rest of the way to St. Paul and worked on some homework before bed. A very busy Sunday indeed.
Say hi to Wiki <3
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davidjjohnston3 · 3 years
Twin Cities 2008, binge-eating at Days Inn or so with the blonde girl in the old Midwest, getting lost driving around probably saw John Piper’s house, policeman cursing at me for speeding through gated townhouse neighborhoods, I said, “I’m a law student” (I was visiting for waitlisted UMN Law) - I hate that I ever did this to good men, instead of thanking him for saving lives
I listened to Airiel’s “In Your Room” and conceived “Gunner Miller” - gunner was a brutal term I wish I had never employed since I preferred “super-kids” from the 1990s like Bronx Sci, Stuy, Intel Competition, Kate / Faith wass always my super-kid daughter-wife(?) 3 years my senior and I looked askance when she said “sharks”
In GMX the boy moves from Maplewood / South Orange to Millburn which was always my dream in a way and I did this ‘cube within cube’ shot imagining them in the sedan together - ‘holo-silence-out’
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gettothestabbing · 6 years
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