romaniasweetromania · 9 months
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rudyroth79 · 10 months
Știri: Festivalul Internațional de Film Studențesc CINEMAIUBIT, ediția a 27-a (12–16 decembrie 2023, București)
A 27-a ediție a Festivalului Internațional de Film Studențesc CINEMAIUBIT va debuta marți, 12 decembrie 2023, la Sala CINEMA a UNATC, un spațiu proaspăt renovat și redat publicului. CINEMAIUBIT este un eveniment tradițional al UNATC și al spațiului cultural și educațional din România, fiind locul unde au debutat unele dintre cele mai cunoscute nume ale cinemaului românesc contemporan. Festivalul…
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semnebune · 2 years
„Ce este cinematograful?” de André Bazin (vol.2)
„Ce este cinematograful?” de André Bazin (vol.2)
UNTAC PRESS, editura Universității Naționale de Artă Teatrală și Cinematografică „I.L. Caragiale” din București, și Editura Polirom lansează la ediția din acest an a Târgului de Carte Gaudeamus un text fundamental pentru estetica filmului: volumul al doilea al proiectului Ce este cinematograful? de André Bazin. Evenimentul va avea loc la standul Editurii Polirom: duminică, 11 decembrie, de la ora…
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carlosguitar35 · 10 months
Global Conference / Romania Exchange @ UNATC (Part 4)
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This was our final presentation for the conference, where a week's worth of collaboration between UNATC and LASALLE.
Soundpainting was the perfect medium between all disciplines. It was really eye opening how different art styles were able to cohesively prepare a performance like this. I was quite glad that Dr. Tim was able to teach us this form of composing as it really forced me to open my horizons. Thinking in textures and emotions rather than a certain key signature, style or tempo.
There was a point during rehearsals we were trying out improvised dance with improvised music. Daniel was the dancer and my role was to react to his movements. I initially had struggles as I was too caught up with the structure of the music rather than letting it flow. Things finally clicked when I turned off my theory for a bit. When he would gently move his body downwards, I would mirror his movements using the notes on the guitar. When he started replicating death and was moving erratically. i attempted to mirror that with dissonance and a chaotic structure, to an extent even wailing with the guitar. It was quite a breakthrough for me and even Dr Tim was curious with my thought process. This is still something I am unable to command and control, but I believe it something I can add to my own craft.
The final performance was a rendition of a tale of two cities, where lovers would meet every year between. With each passing year, the music would change from more harmonious and structured, to more frantic and chaotic. I am personally honoured to have been part of this project and I felt there was a change in my perspective of how music could actually be performed and how it can interact with other disciplines outside of the music theater norms.
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We Have Made It To Alec Hair Appreciation Saturday, Gente!
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And here is one of my favorite Alec hair moments when he taped an alumni talk for his alma mater Caragiale Academy of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography, or UNATC, in Bucharest.
HIS CURLS! Don't they look so soft? Like you want to twirl one around your finger to check? My eyes keep getting drawn to the the curve of his bicep, also very compelling, yes? Yes.
I might post, or repost, the YT video for Media Monday because he is just visually heart stopping in it.
Thanks for reading, you all! Talk to you tomorrow!
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sssssssim · 6 years
de la 9, pe Digi24, e Padurea Spanzuratilor
recunosc, spre rusinea mea, ca nu am vazut filmul pana acum. dar stiu, de mica, ca e unul dintre cele mai bune filme romanesti. criticii l-au pus pe locul 2. 
merita vazut, evident. mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata. 
si de ziua .Ro, perfect timing.
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cornellazia · 2 years
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Remainder (chroma flush) #aftermath #chromatica #remainder #chroma #flush #setlife #colours #reminder (at facultatea UNATC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDNIExjRhv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nkp1981 · 3 years
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Alec Secăreanu during an interview for 'Alumni UNATC' , 2020
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waterandtime · 3 years
De fiecare dată când ascult sau particip la o conversație despre facultatea de actorie sau despre meseria asta in general, mi se strânge stomacul ca un ghem și am emoții. De ce?...nu știu să-mi explic. Dar știu că e de bine. Știu că "frica" asta dovedește entuziasm profund.
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romaniasweetromania · 2 years
“N-am făcut la nimeni rău, n-am vorbit pe nimeni de rău. În viaţa mea mi-am văzut de treabă și nu am avut suflet rău” (Mitică Popescu)
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rudyroth79 · 8 months
Știri: „Ziua UNATC” – 30 ianuarie 2024
Marți, 30 ianuarie 2024, începând cu ora 11.00, la Sala „Ileana Berlogea”, Universitatea Națională de Artă Teatrală și Cinematografică „I. L. Caragiale va sărbători Ziua Universității și a patronului său spiritual, Ion Luca Caragiale. În acest an, în care UNATC sărbătorește 74 ani de existență în formula actuală și 190 de ani de la înființarea primei forme instituționalizate de învățământ teatral…
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eyesnare · 5 years
#Repost @laura.pop.i with @make_repost ・・・ Talking about teasers, I realized I never shared Monster's teaser with you! Here it is. It's been more than one year that it's been out in the world. #monster #Monstrul #shortfilm #teaser #animationshort #animation #2danimation #filmmaking #film #animationfilm #stopmotion #water #underwater #family #anxiety #adolescence #comingofage #unatc https://www.instagram.com/p/B5WIFkOgEcE/?igshid=wp1rqrq1e66h
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carlosguitar35 · 10 months
Global Conference / Romania Exchange @ UNATC (Part 3)
Trip To Sinia!
We went to the town of Sinia as part of the cultural exchange programme procured by UNATC. Mr Thomas was kind enough to accompany us and be our guide. One of the highlights of the trip for sure!
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Peles Castle
The biggest take away from this experience, aside from the luxury of being a tourist and seeing new things, is really seeing the cultural heritage of Romania. How does the historical context affect how art is expressed. There have been numerous artists, composers from days of old from Romania. There's a rich history where even the current creatives in Romania draw from. This history is something exciting, filled with both the great highs and the harsh lows of the country. I believe this reflects how as people the Romanian's express their art. Much of the sentiment of current Romanian's is that they blame communism for how Romania as a country fell off from it's golden ages of castles and kingdoms. This is something that can be felt when I was in UNATC working with the students.
I ask myself how can I can take this phenomenon and learn from it? It's something I've yet to fully understand but I believe Singapore in comparison is still a young nation. Hopefully one day we can reach the heights of art that Romania currently has.
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Waiting for our train to Sinaia
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Old vintage railway system
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View of Sinaia from Monastery
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Inside of Orthodox Church
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Murals inside Monastery Orthodox Church
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Armory inside Peles Castle
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View from train on the way back to Bucharest
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This seems to be a request for an alumni interview for a graduating class of Alec’s alma mater, UNATC I. L. Caragiale.
I have no idea what he is saying, obviously. I tried to translate the questions at least but the syntax seemed all wrong, for some reason, using Google translate. 
Hence, I am posting for the visual because HOW LOVELY does he look here? His beard seems to be growing along enthusiastically but his hair is why I can look at this for, like, many times. 
I am obsessed with the errant curls at the top. They change throughout the interview as he messes with them. About halfway through they finally settle, and then mostly sticky up in the front, a little. His hair looks like it grows pretty fast and I love it the most when it starts getting out of control and he has a halo of curls, all haphazard and unstyled. Or the unstyling is the style.. 
When I first saw this I remember being kind of surprised he looked so casual since alumni speeches of any kind  in the US, whether in person or online, seem to be pretty formal? But then I looked a few of the other alumni and they all seem to be dressed casually. 
This looks like he just stopped by for the filming since it’s some kind of office?  So he is just au natural here, no lighting, no makeup, and he looks absolutely stunning omg. 
The date says December of 2020 and it made me wonder how he’s doing after so many months of social distancing and lockdowns. I miss his smile but, again, after viewing a few alumni clips, it’s not that unusual. :-)
Just want to say there is an open offer for translation by ANYONE who speaks Romanian! I can work with the print interviews; just not the audio ones.
Enjoy your Alec for the day! 
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thehalfcentennial · 6 years
Have You Ever Seen A Play In A Language You Don't Understand?
Have You Ever Seen A Play In A Language You Don’t Understand?
No? Well, I strongly recommend it. To be honest, I read the English version of  ‘Horses at the Window’ by Matei  VISNIEC (please see further credits below) only a few hours before I saw the actual stage show. Actually scanned the 10.052 words is more accurate. (Thanks to this woman Ester who only seems to be alive late at night.)
Damn.To be even more honest, I didn’t like very much what I…
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mesagerulneamt · 8 years
La drum cu... Răzvan Enciu
La drum cu… Răzvan Enciu
foto UNATC
Pietreanul Răzvan Enciu a intrat în lumea actoriei pe ușa din față, fiind selecționat încă din anul I de facultate să facă parte din distribuția filmului ”La drum cu tata”. În această peliculă, rolurile principale mai sunt interpretate de Alex Mărgineanu, Ovidiu Schumacher și de actrița de origine germană Susanne Bormann. Momentan, Răzvan Enciu joacă în trei spectacole de teatru în…
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