sinasonaalaemi · 16 days
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mi en olin mi li alasa e nasin sin unpa. kama wile la mi kulupu unpa kepeken jan wan ante pi mije wawa lawa. alasa ilo la jan ni pona li lon li toki e ni: "o esun e mi pi mije suli". taso la wawa suli ona li sijelo ona ala. ijo ante ona pi sijelo ala li wawa a.
mi kama lukin e ona la mije ni li suli sewi li suli sijelo tawa mi tu. noka en luka li kiwen suli. esun pona a, taso ijo ante li lon esun ni. mije suli li pana e kiwen tawa mi tu. kiwen li sama kiwen pi pona sijelo tawa lukin, taso kiwen ni li lili mute e sijelo. mi tu li kama lili sijelo a (li kama ala lili tenpo). ni la mi tu lili li sama pipi tawa jan wawa ni.
tenpo ni la kama lili li open taso. mi en jan olin li tawa poka ante mije. mi pilin e luka wawa ona.. ante la mi kama sona e ni kepeken tenpo lili: suli sijelo mi li sama ala ona pi tenpo poka pini. mi ken pilin e insa sijelo. mi kama lili a. mi wile lon sewi supa lon ni: mi kama e ni: lawa mi li lon ala anpa tawa lawa pi mije suli. mi ken ala sike e sijelo ona kepeken luka tu mi. mi luka e sinpin sijelo taso. suli mije la monsi li lon weka. mi pana e uta mi tawa sike lili loje pi sinpin sijelo.
taso la selo pi mije suli li pana e telo. ni li nasa e kon. mi nena e sijelo ona. luka en sijelo li kama wan la anpa ona li pana e kon nasa tawa mi tan sewi mi. ni li pona a tawa nena mi. mije suli li lukin e mi la ona li pilin e ni: mi wile lon insa lupa. ona li poki e mi kepeken luka kepeken tenpo lili. mi kama lon insa poki. ona li pana e luka ona tawa poka a sijelo la poki lili li kama lon. mi lon insa pi ni tu. linja sijelo li lon poki li lon ale. mi tawa e sijelo mi la linja li poki e mi li pini e ken tawa tan pakala mi pi wile tawa. mi awen kama lili la ale sijelo li lon insa poki. mi nena e kon ona taso. ale li seli. linja la mi ken ala a tawa. ona li kiwen e sijelo ona e luka ona la poki li wawa.
mi kama pilin e ni: mi weka ala tan poki lon tenpo kama, taso ona li luka sin e mi li weka e mi tan poki pi kon nasa. luka ona li suli tawa sijelo mi. luka ona li sike e mi li len e ale sijelo. lawa mi taso li lon ala luka ona. ni la mi ken lukin e ni lon sinpin: ona li pilin wawa. sinpin mi la mi pilin wawa unpa. mije suli li lukin e ni. ante la mi lukin e sinpin ona la mi lukin e ni: ona li lukin e palisa unpa ona. mi lukin e anpa mi. palisa mije li lon insa len, taso ona li kiwen la mi ken lukin e suli ona. mije suli li weka e len la palisa kiwen li tawa sewi kepeken tenpo lili. ona li jo e jan olin mi kepeken luka ante ona. ona li pana e noka pi olin mi tawa insa palisa. ni li pana e pilin suli ike tawa olin. lupa li lon pini palisa la noka olin li kama lon insa. olin li lukin tawa e noka ona li wile weka e noka tan palisa, taso palisa li wawa ike. mi lukin e sike unpa tu ona. mi ken lukin e ni: olin mi li tawa insa pi sike wan. mi tawa ona ante.
ona li lon insa sike li lon insa ike. olin li alasa weka tan sike la ona li tawa wawa e sijelo, taso ni li moku taso e wawa olin li pona pilin tawa mije suli. mije suli li mu e pilin pona ona. olin li wile a weka, taso mije suli li kute ala. mi lukin e ni la mi tawa wawa e sijelo mi. palisa o moku ala e mi. taso alasa weka li musi tawa mije. toki pi mije suli la "moku pona a.... ni la ona nanpa tu o kama..."
mi wile ala a la mi mu suli. mi toki e pilin ike mi. mi lukin ante e wile ona kepeken tenpo lili. ike la alasa li kama e ala. nanpa wan la ona li pana e lawa mi tawa insa palisa la mi pini ken kalama uta. olin mi li lon insa sike la ni li pona pilin tawa mije la mije li lon poka pi pini unpa. ni la telo unpa li lon insa palisa li lon ale. palisa li moku e mi li pana e mi tawa insa pi sike ante. mi lukin e telo suli. ale ona li walo li seli a. mi kama lon insa telo. mi nena e kon la nasa kon li wawa suli la ni li pakala e lawa mi. lawa mi li kama pilin unpa taso li pini ken pilin ike.
open la mi ken kute e alasa weka pi olin mi pi sike ante, taso kalama li pini la mi sona e ni: olin li pini jan li kama telo unpa. sona pona mi la mi kama sama.
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keroushi · 6 months
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2024/03 Azabudai Hills Spring - 麻布台ヒルズの春-
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worldpostday · 2 years
Visit the "POST FOR PLANET'' stamps exhibition opened at the UPU HQ.
"POST FOR PLANET''stamp exhibition opened at the UPU HQ is 82 stamps from around the world dedicated to sustainability.
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Facing them are 72 photos of UPU staff celebrating the beauty of our nature.
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These beautiful panels will please the eye as we approach World Post Day.
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procon-lang · 2 years
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epicdogymoment · 3 months
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[remembers this drawing] godddd i miss this.....
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httpsryu · 1 year
muse? pt.2
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pairing: kang haerin x fem newjeans!reader
summary: getting a new member way long after debut and before a comeback isn't really the best idea to haerin
category: enemies-to-lovers(ish?), kpop idol au
genre: slow burn (kinda), angst, and fluff
warnings: a bit frustrating and A LOT of jealousy
a/n: thank you all for the love of pt.1 of muse!
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"Up at the end is your room." Minji looks back at you, checking if you're still catching up.
You let out a nod, trying once again to grab a duffle bag from the taller's hand but yet again; she pulls it back from your reach.
"I got it, Y/N." She smiles back at you, knocking on the door at the end.
Not long after a few seconds, the door opens shortly which revealed a specific cat-eyed female. She only stares at the eldest member before trailing her eyes down to her hands full of the new addition's luggage.
"Haerin-ah, your roommate is here." Minji says, having Haerin step aside to let the both of you in.
Following closely behind Minji, you try your best to ignore a certain girl's gaze.
"You'll get along great with Haerin." The taller gently reassures you before turning to look at the other girl in this room. "Haerin, please help Y/N fit in with the room."
Haerin only swiftly nods, walking back to sit on her bed.
"Once you're done with unpacking, meet us down at the practice room." Minji smiles once more, giving you a small touch on the shoulder before exiting the room and closing the door behind her.
"Your side of the closet is empty." Haerin unemotionally says, pointing at the big wardrobe in the middle. "And I'm sure you understand where your bed is."
You quickly nod, smiling with the oh so charming eyes. "Thank you so much!"
Haerin seems...a little bland, to be honest?
"Practice starts in 30 minutes." The other gives you a heads up. "I'd start unpacking if I were you."
"Right! If you don't mind, would you help me unpa-"
You couldn't even finish your sentence as the cat-eyed girl walks out the room.
Geez. What the hell is up her ass?
With a silent sigh, you can only sit on the unfamiliar ground before unpacking all your clothes and belongings alone.
The feline-resemblance female tries to cool her anger down, constantly taking small sips of water in the kitchen. She doesn't want to be in the same room with a stranger. Better yet; the new "add-on" to NewJeans.
What in the world was Min Hee Jin thinking when she chose to add you in the final solution? Haerin is positive she could never fathom the idea of it.
How good could you even be for their CEO to request you personally? Why couldn't you just stay at SM instead of ruining her and the others' careers?
With a frustrated and clearly upset expression, Haerin dumps out the remaining water from the glass before leaving it in the sink.
"All I have to do is grab my phone and cap while pretending she's not there." The cat-eyed mumbles to herself, reaching her hand out to turn the doorknob of her room.
However, she halts upon hearing laughter coming from her room.
"Y/N, if you ever need anyone to talk to or help, feel free to come to me!" Hanni's voice from inside leaves Haerin's eyebrows to furrow.
With a confused expression now, Haerin pushes the door open, grabbing both you and Hanni's attention.
"What's going on here?"
The Vietnamese female smiles, her arms wrapping around your waist to pull you in closer by her side. "I was just helping our new member unpack before practice starts."
"She's my roommate, why are you helping her?" The raven-haired honestly has no clue what irked her to say that, especially in front of you where she deliberately walked out upon you asking for help.
Hanni makes a side-eyeing face at the way her member is acting strange. "Chill! She was struggling on making her clothes fit in the space."
"Well, I can take it from here." Haerin shortly responds, her eyes gazing intently at the other's arm around you. "You can go ahead and start heading to practice, the van is already out waiting for us."
Hanni can only pout, releasing her grip on you. "Kang Haerin, you really are in a bad mood today, huh."
Before the feline-like female could open her mouth to defend herself, the Vietnamese stomps out her old room, not forgetting to bid a goodbye to you and NOT Haerin.
"She was already helping me." You simply state, turning back around to continue unpacking the rest of your clothes.
"Well, sounds more like you two were goofing around instead of doing what needs to be done." Haerin responds, a bit aggravated at the fact that you seem to like being with Hanni more than her.
You couldn't help but make a face at the tone of her. "There is something called multitasking, you know."
"There is a time in which we need to get to practice, Y/N." She replies, kneeling besides you to help with unpacking.
The silence between you two was unbearable and you can't help but to hate being near your roommate based off of the first impressions.
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Being at another company's practice room was never a thought for you. You had always figured you'd be at SM forever. Who would've thought you'd be standing here at HYBE's infamous black practice room with the members of NewJeans.
"It's so big here, I feel like I could get lost if I was here by myself." You say, looking around the halls while following behind your new members.
Danielle turns around, beaming happily. "We could never leave you by yourself here!"
"Thanks Danielle." You smile back, leaving the Australian to gasp quietly at your cute eye-smile before turning back forward.
Haerin rolls her eyes from behind, trudging slowly after you. She wishes you WOULD get lost in here and never come back.
"I bet it's way different here compared to SM, huh?" Minji asks from the front.
You let out a hum in response. "Very. But I like it here already compared to being at SM."
"I'm glad!" Hanni excitedly says, linking her arms with you. "We can't wait for you to perform with us. You deserve it, Y/N."
Haerin wonders how long you've been at SM to suddenly drop the company and come over to HYBE, most importantly debuting into a group that has already debuted. Aren't you afraid of what netizens would say?
The female wonders how someone could be so selfish to their own-being. She could never leave everything like that and attempt to something even bigger.
"Surely, if Min Hee Jin CEO personally requested her, she for sure deserves to be on stage with us." Hyein nods, looking at you with a certain admiration. "I give props to you, unnie!"
Haerin gazes at you intently, wondering what's going on in your head right now. She's sure you could feel her looking upon you, she sees the way you sort of side-eyed her before replying to the youngest.
"Thank you, Hyeinnie." You could only laugh in response, however, there's pressure rising upon your body at the younger's words. "But don't expect much from me."
Wrong move.
Haerin can't help but to let out a quiet scoff, however, it doesn't get past her members nor you.
"Haerin-ah?" Minji calls out, turning around to face the feline-like female with a stern face.
Haerin hums in response.
"Is everything alright?"
Getting a nod in response from the introvert, Minji could only sigh, letting it go. But she knows something is wrong with Haerin. Can't quite put her finger on it but she KNOWS.
"Lets go guys! Practice is waiting for us!" Hanni breaks the slightly risen tension, pushing Danielle and Hyein into the practice room.
Minji waits for you up ahead, a small smile on her lips. You tilt your head at the leader, wondering what she wants to speak to you about.
"Minji, is there anything you want to say to me?"
The oldest looks at you with a gentle look. "I know it's terrifying to be placed suddenly into a new place, a new team, and a new environment. I understand very well. I hope you don't overwork yourself and just enjoy it. And if you ever need someone to listen or talk to, I'm here as a leader, your member, a friend and family."
Minji's face falls into shock as tears slowly fall from your eyes. "Oh! I-"
"-Thank you for those words." You bow towards her, the feeling of pressure levitating off of your shoulders and you can't help but to feel grateful and lucky for getting this opportunity. "I promise I won't let this team down."
Haerin once again give you one last look before clenching her jaw and proceeding to walk past both Minji and you.
"Let's get to practicing, shall we?" The older smiles, disappearing off into the very dimly lit room.
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Because it's your first day as an artist under HYBE and as a member of NewJeans, you knew you had to work extra hard. Extremely hard.
Being back at SM, you didn't know when you would or wouldn't debut. Ever since the age of 6, hope continuously kept getting broken which led to motivation getting broken as well. You still worked hard but not as hard as you have to work now.
But just now, when you made a mistake during ETA, you suddenly feel your whole world crumbling down. The pressure you had back at SM taking over your entire body and you just want to huddle your knees to your chest and sob with no care in the world.
Haerin couldn't help but roll her eyes as she walks away to drink from her water bottle. There is no way the trainee that Min Hee Jin specifically requested just messed up on the most easiest move throughout the whole choreography more than 5 times already.
This is honestly just a waste of time in Haerin's head.
"I'm sorry." You immediately turn around to face the others and the dance instructor. "I don't know what happened..."
Both Danielle and Hanni are in awe at how your eyes look so sad yet beautiful at the same time.
"Y/N, it's okay!" Hanni reassures you, coming up to hug you in comfort.
However, Minji doesn't fail to notice how a specific feline-like female could only huff in frustration. The leader gets it; she does. She understands how Haerin, being one of the best dancers in the group could get irritated at something small like this. But, Minji feels that Haerin should give you a chance, after all; it is your first day.
"How about we take the rest of the day off, girls?" The dance instructor suggests, giving you a warm smile. "Let Y/N get used to this environment."
Everyone nods immediately, agreeing with the older woman.
"Great. I'll see you all tomorrow then."
Minji, being the oldest and brightest in the team, she has the perfect plan rolled up her little sleeves.
"Let's throw a small welcome party for Y/N."
Hanni notices a specific look in Minji's eyes; a little trick is getting played.
"Hanni and I will get the food while Hyein and Jihye will get the party supplies. Haerin, I want you to keep Y/N accompanied."
This has got to be some sick joke at this point.
"You've got to be kidding me." Haerin whispers to herself.
Minji smiles, leaving the cat eyed female twitching in frustration. "Haerin-ah, you're older than Y/N by three days. You two will get along just fine."
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To say getting along was an understatement.
"Hey, can you accompany me to the cafeteria?" You ask, finally standing up after arranging your half of the dorm. "I can't eat alone."
Haerin looks up from her phone, for a minute; you would think she's contemplating about accompanying you. However, she just looks at you with an unreadable expression and goes back to what she's doing.
"The others will come back with food."
"Minji said that you'll accompany me though..." you can only mumble to yourself, having the other let out a short deny and sigh before leaving the room.
Haerin does not understand why she cannot absolutely stand you AT ALL.
Leaving the dorm, the feline-like female uses the elevator to the nearby convenience store. She's only going for vitamins and a refreshing drink. Surely, it would not take long. Leaving you by yourself will be just fine.
With a hum of content to herself, she nods while leaving the elevator to go into the store.
Within the second of entering the convenience store, she gets stopped by a few snacks up at front. Her mind suddenly thinks about you. Without hesitation, she picks out a couple of bags to put into her basket.
Meanwhile, your mouth hangs low while staring at the closed door in shock.
"Did she just leave?" You ask to yourself in surprise.
Never in your years of being at SM were you treated like this. And you were a trainee.
With shoulders hanging low in regret and now inconsideration on taking up this offer of debuting, you can only walk out your dorm room to go to the kitchen to find anything to eat.
Examining the many counters of the pretty big kitchen, you hear the beeps from the door's keypad being dialed in. Shortly after, the door opens which reveals the member that left the dorm earlier.
"Eat it or not; doesn't matter to me." Haerin could only say, placing the bag on the kitchen's island countertop.
Before Haerin could get the chance to leave, you cross your arm in frustration “Why are you like this?”
The cat-eyed female looks shocked for a second. She stares at you in complete silence before opening her mouth to say something.
"Look, I dont know how things worked around at your previous company but here we dont mess around during practice, it would be great if you stopped being a nuisance to others.” 
“I havent even started my official day as a NewJeans member. How could you judge me already?” 
“if you dont want me to have a bias, at least stop messing up on the choreography every step."
This has got to be the exciting yet worse day for you.
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october 1, 2023; publishing date
haerin doesn't know what to do about her hidden immediate love for y/n hehehehe
part 3 is coming soon!!
taglist: @ilovekimminji
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adhdo5 · 11 months
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Purchase today, at your whim, a 5.5"x8.5" watercolor or a classic Pencil Doodle On Graph Paper for a relatively small amount of US dollars
I WILL DRAW: your OC. Your TTRPG or Balding Gate or Minecraft Roleplay character. Your favorite guy from your shows as long as she won't get me killed. Robots to some extent. Minecraft guys. Creatures. Aliens. Furries/anthros. Gore/body horror. Love and endearment. Possibly more -- just ask!
I will send you any pictures that you request of the image, and if you buy a painting and feel like sending me your address+the shipping cost I'll mail the physical copy to you if you really wish
10% discount if you commission a StarCraft character, an SCP character, c!Ranboo, or c!Technoblade. sina toki pona tawa mi la sina kin li ken pana ala e mani pi mute sama a! (sona sama pi toki pona li lon anpa)
up to two characters, waist up only
proship shit, gore of minors, etc fuck off; no real people you don't know; no NSFW/fetish, sorry; reserve the right to refuse service for other discomfort
no resellage, no crypto/NFT/web3, keep my name ~roughly in vicinity, please negotiate any AI/ML use
tenpo lon la sina ken kama jo a e sitelen ni kepeken mani pi suli mute ala! sina ken esun e sitelen pi kule mute e sitelen pi kule ala kin. sitelen kule li lon lipu pi suli 5.5"x8.5"
mi ken sitelen e jan musi mute! sina musi toki la mi ken sitelen e jan musi sina! mi ken sitelen e jan soweli, e jan ilo, e jan monsuta; mi ken sitelen e olin; mi ken sitelen e pakala sijelo. kulupu esun o pakala ala e mi; wile sina o pakala ala e wile mi ni; ni tu li lon la mi ken sitelen e jan musi ale!
mi pini e sitelen ni la mi pana e sitelen ale pi wile sina kepeken ilo; sina wile jo e sitelen kule lon la o pana e sona pi ma sina e mani tawa ni
LAWA MI: mi wile ala sitelen ni: jan lili li kama pakala. kin, sina wile e sitelen pi jan lon la, ona o sona e ni: mi sitelen e ona. kin, mi wile ala sitelen e unpa. mi wile ala sitelen tan ijo ante la mi ken toki e ni li ken esun ala. o awen e sona pi nimi mi. o pana esun sin ala. o kepeken ala tawa nasin mani ike. sina wile pana e sitelen tawa ilo la o toki tawa mi lon open
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how do i say gay oral sex in toki pona
it might be more helpful to put this in the context of a sentence. let's try this one: "my girlfriend and i are having gay oral sex." there are a few ways you could translate that! you could translate "having ... oral sex" as a transitive verb ("i'm orally fucking my girlfriend") or you could stick more literally to the english and keep it intransitive. i like the first option better, so let's go with that. "unpa" in toki pona means sex, and "uta" means mouth, so "oral sex" would be "unpa uta". "girlfriend" is usually translated as simply "meli" (female) but you could also do something like "jan olin meli" (female love-person), which i prefer. so, "my girlfriend and i are having oral sex" could be "mi unpa uta e jan olin meli mi." however, that doesn't state that it's *gay* oral sex! to do that, you'd probably want to say "my girlfriend and i are both women", which would be "mi en jan olin mi li meli". ("mije" is male, and "tonsi" is non-binary.) because you're saying here that your girlfriend is female, you can remove the "meli" from "jan olin meli". so, here's how you would say "my girlfriend and i are having gay oral sex":
mi unpa uta e jan olin mi. mi en jan olin mi li meli.
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mi wile ante e nimi mi tawa "tundratundra". taso ilo unpa li lanpan e nimi ni. ni la mi pilin ni:
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fasole-dulce · 10 months
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sinasonaalaemi · 1 month
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"mi tawa tomo sina. mi lukin pakala e sina. sinpin li kama ko."
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keroushi · 6 months
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2024/03 Azabudai Hills Spring - 麻布台ヒルズの春-
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worldpostday · 3 years
Get a sheet of stamps to promote healthy eating for the Trolls Food Heroes campaign.
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UN stamps promote healthy eating for the #TrollsFoodHeroes campaign. Act now to learn more. To purchase these and other United Nations stamps, visit the UNPA website at http://unstamps.org
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kasilitawa · 1 year
kalama musi "Planet of the Bass" lon toki pona
kalama ni li musi a! tan ni la mi ante e ona tawa toki pona
sina ken kalama uta e ni:
oni ale ona li seme kalama li pona la pilin ike ala tawa musi luka suli lon ale pimeja la kalama anpa lon li moli ala meli li mije pona unpa! mi wile a o pini e utala kute pi kalama ni sijelo la o musi ilo li jo e mute jan ale o tawa!
mi ken ala pini kalama e ni a
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hehehehehehehe unpa
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fioras-resolve · 2 months
pakala pi ijo unpa mije li musi unpa kepeken pakala tawa ijo unpa mije. ni li ken kepeken pali pakala suli, sama ni: kipisi, telo seli, utala luka, jo pakala, palisa lon lupa, wawa ilo, anu utala noka. jan pi jo pakala li ken jo e musi unpa tan wile pilin pakala, li ken jo e musi pilin tan apeja unpa, anu sona pi ni: ni li pona tawa jan lawa. mute ni li ken pakala e jan lon tenpo suli.
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