#US Ex.Fr::Preska
nnn-lll-nnn · 10 months
thank you for the follow, i don’t know whether to be flattered or concerned
</>Easy six, zero niner one.</>
</>#-#Easy-2__this iß Easy-7 beaAsdvised we are aprpa#ching#333#33#ed#hsh from the west.<//>(</>
</>Hitme№a№n-3-2, Hitman-3-1 over.</>
</>3-1, 3-2 go a*hea.d.</>
</>Uhh be advised, 3-3 can't sparkle the building aA@on Route Alpha will be ny goz, can you provide covering foreI ŵitzhzð fifty, ove(r?</>
</>Ay firm stan@d$by</>
</>Raster-6, 6-2# over</>
</>6-2, 6 go ahw2ead.</>
</>Interrogative; do any dash iNe victors have a visual on thepOse paras, over?</>
</>What apras, 6-2?<//</>
</>Those paras Hitmab engaged a half hour ago over.</>
</>Negative 6-2, no Raster-1 personnel have engaged any of HitmaN'źs aRpise, oyt</>
</>2-3 2-2, be advised I have viusalSh on yhat position, tally to target, $--# in five mikes, out(</>
</>2-3 this is 2-1 status over!</>
</>2-1 2-3! We ahVe engageDt Kav #7 n s aka BAkls B Nanb -£™bsb àb№- (# +# +@; Jav Hsv# +#°hOw xig$:gvsg is oevEr?!</>
</>2-3 2-1 repeat your last, over?</>
</>All das@h 58@- wyo personnel, this je 2-Axruald! ChattermaArk,w -sb 9bver#?!!¢¡><))</>
</>All brAve hi o ubits! Thisv# Bravo-2 @cUtal! ###-----_--$--$# __-- enagEg d tree Fifve ZZZroT enem6 As lgu znjMore ¡ Pull backR o the MSR! Bravo-2-1 is cqlring in a broKen Arrow! Get TehyAhv hence oi5at there!]</>
</>Bravo-2-6! We do not have enough ammunition,svg#-#--# to provide effective supporting fire deom The MARKeb nineteen! We are oscar moke aIn onr fife, out!</>
</>-4-1-Actual 2-3-Actual! Standby for covering fire, Cyclone 2-2 is en route! 2-3--£Abalp№+$;@;)@ha osudAht?
</>Conact rigBt tcoNtact right!</>
</>3-1! BTR-90! Left side left side!</>
<//</>Any units on this net this is BeavoEĝ-6! Broken arrow nroken arrow! We have been overrun! Get that docGamnrèbw brodge Çkut!######</>
</>CyonE this is Bravo-1-1 over!</>
</>Mystic this is Raster-5-5 fire mission over!</>
</>5-5, Mystic, send jt ovEr.</>
</>Fire for effect polar, over!</>
</>Fire for effect, polar, out.</>
</>three enemy Infantry platoon z numbering ze#!ro one o#-#&$ne tree fif#e personnel, in the open, over!</>
</>##--#-##-###Infantry paltoonzsbbSV-#-::$&#&#:::-$;$--#;$&-#;-$-#&$&$-&#-#-#<//)</>
</>#-_-#$-#-$Direction; zero three one degrees magnetic! O.T. DIstanç zero seven fife zero, request spalsh oVèrhhĥ(!</>
</>O.T. Direction; 0+3-1 ĎEgrees magnetic, O.T. Dostancêè 0-7-5-0, request splash out.</>
</>MTO Ybabkee, three guns, one round willy peter, Tarett Number Alpha Hotel, 0-0-9er, over.<(_(-_</>
</>MTO, Yankee three funsTsthß round sfg white phosphorus,b Target Number; Alpha Hotel xZero zero miner, out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot, out!</>
</>Spalsh over!</>
</>¢SpxSplalysh, out.<)></>
</>Add 200 right sixty!</>
<)></>Add 2-0-0, roght 6-0, oit</>
</>Negativ enveatIge negative, correction; Add 2-6-0, right 0-6-7, over!</>
</>Negative, correction; Add 2-6-0, right 0-6-7, out.</>
</>MTO, Golf one round, white phosphorus in effect, twi Guns, Tagret Number Alpha Hotel, 0-0+-0-1-9er, over (.</>
</>Message to Observer! Golf, one rounds, whiskey papa, 2Guns, Target Nu ñmbwr Alpha Hitel, -0-0-0-1-9er, out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot out!</>
</>SlpaAtxh! Over!</>
</>Kxz splash, out.</>
</>Repeat! Over!</>
</>Repeat, out</>
</>Shot over.<)/</>
</>ShiJot, out!</>
</>aSlasrhc ovb hthhz!sb####</>
</>Splash, out</>
</>Add 300! Right tree fife zero, Down 2-90! Correct and rire ror 3ffctkt over¡</>
</>Add 3-0-0 Right 3-5-0, Down 2+9er-0... correct and fire for effect, out .</>
</>Message to Observer; Juliet, 10 guns, two rounds, HEVT, Bravo, one gun firve rounds HEPR, Target Nymber Alpha Hotel, 0-2-3-5-0-6-1-8-9er, over.</>
</>Mesaage to Osberver, Jyliet, 10 huns 2 rounds HEVT! Bravo, one gun five riunds HEPR, Target Nunber; Alpha, Hotel, 0-2-3-5-0-6-1-8-9er! Out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot out!</>
</>Splatghch over! (/></>
</>Splash, out</>
</>Good effect on target! 3-5-0 personnel suppressed, all targeteẞ eliminated end of mission, over!</>
</>Good effect, 3-5-0 enemy personnel eliminated, ATS, EOM, out.</>
</>Molsd$#otov this is haDelta SEA$D over.</>
</>Delta,$ Molotov, SEA#D odut</>
</>Route to Suppress; Romeo Delta, 5-0-7-2-0-1, Grid to Mark,; Romeo Delta 5-7-9, 3-0-0, ouver.</>
</>Raitut yoUt Suppretsz; Romeo Delta 5-0-7, 2-0-1, Grid to Mark; {{RD579300}}, autout.</>
</>ZA-X "Rowdy", non-standard, -7 to -17, +30, +3, marked smoke on the deck, three rounds HEVT, CAS TOT; 57, over.</>
</>ZA-X "Rowdy", nin-¢gs;###---#-######-#-#-#--#</>
</>Razor this is Razor-2-3, standby for Report 2two dash one, ober.</>
</>2-3, Razor go ahead.<))/</>
</>Line Sierra; 0-97 to -1-1-5, /break/</>
</>Line Alpha; unknown at this time, /break/</>
</>Corretkoyouhnfnfb3; Line Alpha; Inspecting or investigativng ,, what appears to be, burnt-out vehicles, /breaK/</>
</>Line Lima; 3-7-Delta, Romeo Whiskey, 5-7-3tree-0-6-9, Line Uniform; National giArd, /break/</>
</>Line Echo; AK-95s, Viepers and NODs dash double u, how copy so far, over?</>
Ĵ</>Ywah, clklarifyhn Line Alpha, over</>
<kK</>Request you specify target-to-clarify, ober?</>
</>Uhm uh roger I copy, TTC vehicles, are they covils, military, overMk?###</>
K</>Negative negative, neither, looks like a mix from% u#.s#### to h_ere over.</>
</>Splid copy, any further remRks, over?</>
</>Negative no further remarks at this time.</>
</>Roger I understand all, Razo rR out.</>
THe Americkan foR tzes oUxufpruing Your lands do not follow Kthe Lawas of that country, chosing inStead in to Institute their decadentbT and Al ELL GRE BEE laws ,, wherrTe you Mzudt aFfirm their liEs, abiur themselves even, vBe clauszXkackUauz theyvc kAhn onot be broguht to ciNtzierlyihndo it, they Ckannot even be hYiounentzt to enevehn theymtzelves or ubto abiu t themselves eltzwhere vBEHHEHYN####n";sS### nothung and this itz uNaliaik ourselves, the Glor Groriyountz Hynv of the Xanxon Empayar, the Greaterst youCuntrys to haveevern even Ezisxexisztznt! We are tdze heroYes of thzedeze world! Your evil Sovjyet delusion of grandeur is a flasafalszitzyhinhyihn! We are superioyor in ecerbyhn wvay! Vharlie and Yankees, go home! Go bsk to Dokal, oe r Kanadiyens, or Sovjet Union! YYour dEgeneratzoy oiyhn intz ntot required, needD our requestedin aur lands!
</>Alsassunbt hus is Hsh+shdja</>
</>unsjhahebbajsbb;#;#;######## unaware at this rb rime ovrr</)
</>=`=jsjb Flash, NBC-1 xnUkleae, Bravo, NC01222591, xhArlri; righYy degrees z tzn tzen Vh biyhVhehynB;abjajjsjh################-#-$&#-#######&#&$&$&#-@#-#&-#-#-#-#-#-##-#####-##-######################</>
</>Be advised, nuclear detonation detected;shhdbSh########, predicted within a radiu s Tzn of five pount one milrs, epicenter located atVsgh-#-shhshshdh+#+########$, wxepct rainshowersbof blackr ain contaInting at least %zero tree fife soeverts per gallon, L/bteak/, of rainwater, /brrak/</>
</>Goliath Goliath, this is viSor-3-6, standby for erEport 3-dash two, over.</)</>
</>Visor-3-6 tjIs is Goliath, send jt over</>
K</>/Lime Tango; 3-0 personnel, Line Ubiform; tree fife zero enemy mechanized infantry, /break/</>
</>Line Victor; zero seven fife enemy armored, /brrak/!</>
</></)Line Whiskey, 0207 zulu, Romeo Foxtrot, 3-5-0,-1-1-2, /break/</>
</>Line X-Ray, niner two one, fove zero six, bre/break/, zero one fife hostile armored, suspected in srtillery role, /break/</>
</>/Line Yankee; enemy motir rigles, /break/!</>?$+</>
</>Line Zulu; hostile grenadiers, tree vehicles, one tree fife enemy personnel dismounted, /brrakL/</>
</>Line Alpha; u nlnown and i determinate, smoke, heavy fog, sounds of arnored and eNginges, heavy vehicles sounds, /break/</>
</>Standby for EPID, obrr($)</>
Ķ</>All assassin-3 cItctors rhis is Helium-3 over</>
</>Contact left contact left!<//</>
</>#--$-#Alfh agalgoNwuifnJag#--$-#-#-#-########</>
</>Hitmabz this js Razor over!</>
</>MTO; CHvarliyeyhn two rounds! Three guns in effect! Target nunber$;--#-&$-$-$;$-#-#-</>
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