#NBC-1 Nuclear
ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
idk how controversial this is but I’m actually such a big fan of s3a. it’s the exact kind of phantasmagorical bullshit that makes me kick my feet and grin like a fool. the whole show goes haywire and completely abandons the generic structure of the police procedural, and it totally gets away with it because at this point the narrative has unravelled so much that the show can safely let go of whatever conformity it was barely hanging onto in s2b. and on a metafictional level the shift in external genre strangely parallels the progression of the two main characters: just as will and hannibal have changed each other, the show too has revealed its true nature
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nnn-lll-nnn · 7 months
</>Flash,s b# ENBC-1 anuVlear, Bravo$;$; NBÇBSHbàbßjUsh, Chatlie, sh Sndi Degreer Grids,bJsbHotel;aIrburstzJfultietHrhBesecoNddsfNH+#+jsjsj##+$+$+#+##$$$#######</>
</>FPASH FKASHF FLASH! NBC-1 NUCLEAR! BrAV$#+ ALPHA KILO SC3B#;™;2:-™§∆%TREE SEVEN F$-#±3+IFE, CHARLIE dElaydEIGH5Y aĎgRnW #GrhyN3d@H4yEaolẞutrfatz_)#jUlieyteIgtjysEcondsDelAtry treEztou zrouazRroufiretree4Zurlu##Oct#1onenIenttreefiffedAstdatchzhtouwhnyhnHah#+#-$-#--#-#-#-#</>
</>Flash. NBC-1 Nuclear, Bravo; Kilo KuloetE# zero sox ŖtrouwhnynHeynhyNe six seven five one, Chsrliefy;:HynviyshN¢$--²ndregree grid, dEltyahYn, 3-0-0-0-0-1zualu, october 1 niNeteenSeventiyh yhhynFaiv dAtchtwo AlphatoRtroneoGoldf, echo, zero pint point tree#$&@-$## tree, foXtrtwoUtVhyn#+#--#-#-#&$-#-:#+@:$+#-$:$&$##$#####Hyoel:;$-#--aIrburst, Juleit, zero tree sierras, °¢-#--°¢°¢✓✓¢s#-#-##</>
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turbofanatic · 2 years
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More work with Tank-Eater’s aesthetics. It needs to be it’s own thing and not just more Aphelion so I’m playing around with it. Maybe this will be a cover, maybe not.
Tank-Eater is an external designation similar to NATO designations like "Fulcrum" and "Fishbed" it is not used internally. Internally it’s probably something like "Mark 4 Heavy Combat Sleeper Cyborg NBC Warfare Specialization"
Tank-Eaters specialties are grouped into seven, with the following:   
1. Pride: Symbolized with a broken crown. Usually the first deployed, experts in space combat and boarding craft and stations.   
2. Envy: Symbolized by flies, these TankEaters have additional training in nuclear/biological/chemical warfare and playing groups off each other with psychological warfare. Emphasis on "If I can't have it, neither can you." That’s Dex.   
3. Wrath: Symbolized with a snake with bleeding fangs. Probably the "purest" TankEaters training mostly with artillery and weapons systems. These make up the most and are best at sheer immediate destruction.   
4. Sloth. Symbolized with broken bones. Internal security.   
5. Greed: Symbolized by a wolf with gemstone eyes. Trained in more delicate operations. Generally on the smaller side (For a TankEater).   
6. Gluttony: Symbolized by an open mouth: Destruction of infrastructure, have training as combat engineers.       
7. Lust: Symbolized with capricorn/goat/fish elements: Extreme deep in enemy territory operations and stealth.
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news-of-the-day · 1 year
Putin announced Russia would be sending nuclear weapons to Belarus. It would maintain control of them but they would be housed there. Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner mercenary group, announced they were withdrawing from Bakhmut following Russia's victory, and added 20K of his troops died in the battle.
Floridian Governor deSantis announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. People have been talking about him running for president for so long, I hadn't realized he hadn't actually officially launched his campaign yet.
The announcement was streamed live on twitter but there were many technical difficulties, which people like to point out as Musk's failures after his takeover of the company. Musk has been vocalizing for a bit that he wants to step back from twitter to return focus on Tesla and SpaceX, and last month he announced a new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, head of advertising and partnerships at NBC.
I'm trying very hard to keep on top of the Pakistani elections but the situation keeps changing regularly. You may remember there's a big hubbub regarding former Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan, who was ousted a year ago after a no-confidence vote. My general sense is the existing powers that be are trying everything to keep him from running again, from throwing antiterrorism or bribery charges at him. In the past week the government has considered banning his party altogether after there were clashes with police when they tried to arrest Khan or just protest in general. Thousands of members of his party have already been arrested and many high-profile leaders have resigned. It's a very tense situation. The backdrop to all this is Pakistan is running out of money and is on the edge of a default, trying to convince the IMF to bail it out.
US jobless claims rose slightly to 229K last week, and unemployment fell to 3.4% in April. GDP was 1.3% annualized rate in Q1.
The Supreme Court handed down a ruling limiting the EPA's ability to regulate wetlands under the terms of the Clean Water Act.
Richard Barnett, the man who was pictured putting his feet up on Pelosi's desk during the January 6th riot, was sentenced to 4.5 years.
I apologize, yesterday I forgot to mention the fire that killed 19 students was in Guyana. It's also come to light the student's phone was confiscated because she was texting her older boyfriend, who is now expected to be charged for statutory rape since she was under 16, so the entire situation is awful and terrible.
1) Politico, Guardian, WSJ 2) Miami Herald 3) NYT, Barrons 4) WSJ, Al Jazeera 5) Reuters 6) USA Today 7) Washington Post
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With all this nuclear saber rattling going on I thought It would be nice for you to be able to see what it would look like if you Freed the shit out of your favorite locations. A friend of mine showed me years ago and now and then I nuk the crap out of some location.
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Surface burst will also give you a down wind radiation fallout map.
I hope you can remember how to send your NBC 1 report.
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January 9, 2024
JAN 10, 2024
On the docket today in front of three judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit was the question of whether former presidents can be prosecuted for things they did while in office. The issue at hand is whether Trump can be tried for his attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election, but Trump has also been charged in three other criminal cases: a national case over his mishandling of national security documents, a state case in Georgia for interfering with the 2020 election there, and a state case in New York for paying hush money to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. He is also facing a number of civil cases.
A federal grand jury working under Special Counsel Jack Smith brought four criminal charges against the former president on August 1. Trump’s lawyers have argued not that he didn’t do what he is accused of, but that his position as president at the time gives him immunity from prosecution for breaking laws. In this case, they are arguing that he cannot be tried now because he has already been impeached and acquitted for his actions. They argue that a president can be charged criminally only if he has been impeached and convicted. 
A quick reminder: Impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. A president could be impeached simply for watching TV all day, which is not a crime but which would make it impossible to do the job. Another reminder: as NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard documented today, in Trump’s second impeachment trial, his own lawyer Bruce Castor assured the Senate that “the text of the Constitution…makes very clear that a former President is subject to criminal sanction after his presidency for any illegal acts he commits.”
A number of Republican Senators—including then Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)—agreed, saying they would acquit Trump but expected him to answer to the law rather than the political system. “We have a criminal justice system in this country,” McConnell said. “We have civil litigation. And former Presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one.” 
Interestingly, Trump’s argument that he cannot now be charged with crimes makes the Republican senators who voted to acquit him complicit. It’s an acknowledgement of what was clear all along: they could have stopped him at any point, but they repeatedly chose not to. Now he is explicitly suggesting that their behavior shields him from answering to the law. 
Today, Trump’s lawyer D. John Sauer told the court that so long as he was not impeached and convicted for his actions, a president could do virtually anything. "Could a president order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival?" Judge Florence Pan asked. "That's an official act: an order to SEAL Team Six.” Sauer answered that Congress would have to impeach and convict that president before he could be charged with a crime. "But if he weren't, there would be no criminal prosecution, no criminal liability for that?" Pan asked. Sauer again emphasized that Congress would have to act before any indictment could take place. “So your answer is no,” Pan said.
In his brief to the court opposing Trump’s claim, Special Counsel Smith pointed out that there is nothing in history to support Trump’s argument and that Nixon’s accepting a pardon “reflects the consensus view that a former President is subject to prosecution after leaving office.”
Trump’s approach, Smith wrote in a hard-hitting paragraph, “would grant immunity from criminal prosecution to a President who accepts a bribe in exchange for directing a lucrative government contract to the payer; a President who instructs the FBI Director to plant incriminating evidence on a political enemy; a President who orders the National Guard to murder his most prominent critics; or a President who sells nuclear secrets to a foreign adversary, because in each of these scenarios, the President could assert that he was simply executing the laws; or communicating with the Department of Justice; or discharging his powers as Commander-in-Chief; or engaging in foreign diplomacy. Under the defendant’s framework, the Nation would have no recourse to deter a President from inciting his supporters during a State of the Union address to kill opposing lawmakers—thereby hamstringing any impeachment proceeding—to ensure that he remains in office unlawfully.” 
While presidential immunity is a crucially important question, it seems unlikely that any court will conclude that a U.S. president can act however they wish without any accountability before the law. Certainly the framers of the Constitution never intended such a thing (if you listen closely, you can hear them spinning in their graves). More recently, in 1974, the Supreme Court in United States v. Nixon ruled unanimously that President Richard Nixon could not use claims of executive privilege to withhold evidence from a criminal prosecution. Even more recently, on December 29, three judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that Trump does not have absolute immunity from civil lawsuits. 
But the more pressing immediate question is when the court can resume progress on the case, which is stalled during appeals. The case is scheduled for trial on March 4, and Trump has been trying to drag it out—as he has all his trials—with the evident hope that it can be delayed until after the election. When Trump appealed the decision of the district court that he was not immune, Special Counsel Smith tried to move things along by taking the case directly to the Supreme Court, but the court declined to take it at that point. The case will almost certainly end up there again, at which time the justices could let the appeals court decision stand or agree to take it up. If they take it up, they could decide it quickly or delay it until after the election.
Today, in The Bulwark, nineteen former Republican members of Congress called on the courts, especially the Supreme Court, to move the case forward as quickly as possible. Calling out “Trump’s gambit to escape accountability altogether: assert an unprecedented claim of absolute presidential immunity from criminal prosecution and use the appellate process to delay the trial until after the November election,” they defended the public’s right to have “critical information they need before they cast their ballots in November.”
Noting that as former members of Congress, they were “not persuaded that the argument [for presidential immunity] has any basis in law or history,” they said that whatever the courts decide, they should do it quickly. “Permitting delay would…undermine the rule of law [and] the integrity of the 2024 election,” they wrote. 
Although it is unusual for a defendant to attend such a hearing, Trump was at court today, clearly intending to use the case as part of his campaign. Perry Stein of the Washington Post noted that Trump recently lied to supporters that President Joe Biden was “forcing me into a courtroom in our nation’s capital” to weaken his campaign.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
SRINAGAR, India — Weapons left behind by U.S. forces during the withdrawal from Afghanistan are surfacing in another conflict, further arming militants in the disputed South Asian region of Kashmir in what experts say could be just the start of the weapons’ global journey.
Authorities in Indian-controlled Kashmir tell NBC News that militants trying to annex the region for Pakistan are carrying M4s, M16s and other U.S.-made arms and ammunition that have rarely been seen in the 30-year conflict. A major reason, they say, is a regional flood of U.S.-funded weapons that fell into the hands of the Taliban when U.S.-led NATO forces withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021.
Most of the weapons recovered so far, officials say, are from Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) or Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), both Pakistan-based militant groups that the U.S. designates as terrorist organizations. In a Twitter post last year, for example, police said they had seized an M4 carbine assault rifle after a gunfight that killed two militants from JeM. 
Militants from both groups had been sent to Afghanistan to fight alongside or train the Taliban before the U.S. withdrawal, said Lt. Col. Emron Musavi, an Indian army spokesperson in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir.  
“It can be safely assumed that they have access to the weapons left behind,” he said.
Government officials in Afghanistan and Pakistan did not respond to requests for comment.
Kashmir, a Himalayan region known for its beautiful landscapes, shares borders with India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and China. A separatist insurgency in the part of Kashmir controlled by India has killed tens of thousands of people since the 1990s and been a constant source of tension between nuclear powers India and Pakistan. 
The year opened in violence as Kashmir police blamed militants for a Jan. 1 gunfire attack that killed four people in the southern village of Dhangri, followed by an explosion in the same area the next day that killed a 5-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl. At least six people were injured on Jan. 21 in two explosions in the city of Jammu.
While the U.S.-made weapons are unlikely to shift the balance of power in the Kashmir conflict, they give the Taliban a sizable reservoir of combat power potentially available to those willing and able to purchase it, said Jonathan Schroden, director of the Countering Threats and Challenges Program at the Center for Naval Analyses, a research group based outside Washington.
“When combined with the Taliban’s need for money and extant smuggling networks, that reservoir poses a substantial threat to regional actors for years to come,” he said. 
A trove of weapons
More than $7.1 billion in U.S.-funded military equipment was in the possession of the Afghan government when it fell to the Taliban in August 2021 amid the withdrawal, according to a Defense Department report published last August. Though more than half of it was ground vehicles, it also included more than 316,000 weapons worth almost $512 million, plus ammunition and other accessories.
While large numbers of small arms that had been transferred to Afghan forces most likely ended up in the hands of the Taliban, “it’s important to remember that nearly all weapons and equipment used by U.S. military forces in Afghanistan were either retrograded or destroyed prior to our withdrawal,” Army Lt. Col. Rob Lodewick, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, said in a statement.
The Defense Department report also pointed out that the operational condition of the Afghan army’s equipment was unknown.
Questions around the weapons being used in Kashmir were raised in January 2022, when a video of militants brandishing what appeared to be American-made guns was shared widely on Indian social media. Though the origin of the weapons in such cases can be difficult to verify — some may be modified to look like U.S. weapons, while others may not have been manufactured in the U.S. — the Indian military says it has recovered at least seven that are authentic.
“From the weapons and equipment that we recovered, we realized that there was a spillover of high-tech weapons, night-vision devices and equipment, which were left by the Americans in Afghanistan [and] were now finding their way toward this side,” Maj. Gen. Ajay Chandpuria, an Indian army official, was quoted as saying by Indian media last year.
Jammu and Kashmir Lt. Gov. Manoj Sinha said the government was aware of the issue and that measures were in place to combat the infiltration of U.S. weapons into Kashmir.
“We are monitoring the situation closely and have taken steps accordingly. Our police and army are on the job,” Sinha, the region’s top official, said on the sidelines of a news conference last year at his official residence in Srinagar.
Kashmir police official Vijay Kumar also said authorities were fully capable of countering the militant threat.
“Our forces are tracking down militants on a daily basis,” he said. “We are constantly upgrading our equipment and have the latest weaponry at our disposal.”
The militant groups JeM and LeT could be buying U.S. weapons from the Taliban in Afghanistan, where the United Nations says both groups have bases, or through smugglers in Pakistan, said Ajai Sahni, an author on counterterrorism who serves as executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management, a think tank in New Delhi. 
Militants will struggle to get the upper hand, however, without more advanced weapons that have greater firepower but are more difficult to smuggle into the region, Sahni said.
Schroden said that although he had not seen substantial reports of U.S.-made weapons left behind in Afghanistan appearing outside of Kashmir, it would not be surprising if they eventually began turning up farther away in places such as Yemen, Syria and parts of Africa.
“I suspect there hasn’t yet been enough time for these weapons to percolate out that far,” he said. “It’s also possible that the Taliban have held tightly to most of them thus far as part of their efforts to consolidate power and seek legitimization from the international community.”
Beyond weapons, the Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan gave an ideological boost to radical militants in Kashmir and elsewhere, said Ahmad Shuja Jamal, a former Afghan civil servant living in exile in Australia. 
Such militants, he said, “now see in clear terms the political dividends of long-term violence.”
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Aaah thanks for the tag @anything-thats-rock-and-roll ! I am honored.
(also, the ship name for Holmes/Watson is Johnlock, I was batshit crazy about Sherlock when I was 14 so that sent me back)
3 Ships: Currently for me it’s K/S or ‘Spirk’, which is Kirk and Spock from Star Trek TOS (and some McCoy thrown in there because god do I love triumvirates. Cygnus X-1 has changed me into a maniac), Louis and Lestat from Interview w/the Vampire in all its incarnations, and most of the Stephen King gays like Reddie.
first ship ever: First GAY ship was Wolfstar after eleven year old me discovered what gay people were and how it FIT Remus and Sirius, notorious secret husbands that they are, but first EVER ship is either something from Beverly Hills Chihuahua when I was three, Topanga and Cory from Boy Meets World (which is bullshit to me now because Shawn! and! Cory! but I digress) or Gilligan and Mary Ann from Gilligan’s Island in second grade lol.
last song: So, I cannot pick one because I had some New Years staples this year that I NEEDED to listen to. My special 2023 song was “1989��� by Spizzenergi (I think they might’ve been named Spizz Oil at the time, i don’t know, they changed names like three times in two years) but I’ve been waiting for 2023 since I was fifteen for that song. “Cinderella Man” and “By-tor and the Snow Dog” by Rush, “How to Rent a Room” by the Silver jews, and REM’s Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite + Crush With Eyeliner. I also listened to “White Mountain” by Genesis on repeat along with my comfort song of theirs, “The Serpent”.
last movie: I watched Spider Man 2, which is one of my screenwriting darlings, and then I stuck on Star Trek IV because of the whales and nuclear wessels, and my dad begged me to watch Labyrinth with him and it was wonderful because of David Bowie and his sex appeal.
currently reading: The 1985 Star Trek novel ‘Dwellers in the Crucible’ because it’s my favorite Trek book and I need Trek right now like I need air.
currently watching: REwatching NBC’s Hannibal as well as The Dark Crystal series (which I’ve been critiquing like mad with my father while i’m home because we’re both writing nerds).
currently consuming: Articles on Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining as well as an English muffin and the fumes of the drying paint on my current Littlest Pet Shop custom because i’m trying to be an ✨artiste✨ but am also secretly a ten year old. (I’m trying to make Lydia from Beetlejuice but sculpting hair onto a plastic toy with air dry clay is a nightmare)
currently craving: Buddy Holly’s glasses, Geddy Lee’s hand in marriage, and a hug from the love of my life who is in Massachusetts at the moment.
I always write too much. Any excuse to talk about obsessions I’ve got is a good one. I was trying so hard not to rant about a.) The Shining, b.) Rush and c.) Vulcans.
Do I know who to tag? No. I have anxiety, and I just want to talk about Neil Pearl’s drum set:
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look at this fuckin thing! ⬆️
peace and long life.
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mechanicalinertia · 1 year
Bubblegum Black: For A World Without Gold - Chapter 1 is now live! (& Author's Commentary
It's the first of its kind: A BGC x Black Lagoon crossover, a new paradigm in cyber-powered hyperviolence and waifus swearing like drunken sailors! A new kind of war - A new kind of Crisis!
...Oh, right, I said I'd put in some metacommentary here, in the author's notes, right? Yeah. Time to do that. In essence, I'm going to run through every bit of technobabble or characterization piece that readers might be confused by, and just address them. I am, however, assuming some elementary knowledge of BGC and Lagoon (I will not abbreviate it to BL I simply refuse to fall into the path of degeneracy it will not happen). If there's an element from that you don't know about, uh... read the wiki? Or watch either show, they're both great.
Koh Kood Island: There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot of Roanapur's actual location in Thailand. It's near the Cambodian border, it's on the water, it’s got a bridge running to it - it’s Koh Chang Island, it has to be. Sure, the real island is steep and forested, sure it’s a mile away from the mainland (one helluva bridge!) but the island is just big enough to house a medium-sized city like Roanapur if you level it out a bit via the powers of Dramatic License. Koh Kood is an island adjacent to it, closer to the Cambodian border. So the scene of the action is close to Roanapur, still in Thai waters, but not that close.
Stemjack and the Cybersuite: Lingo for the usual cyberpunk plug n' play neural interface port. Cyberpunk 2077 may have them in the wrists, but in this particular cyberpunk-y universe they're a much less well-realized piece of technology. That's because most people, as their default information-interface replacing the smartphone, use the 'Cybersuite', an amalgam of several technologies: soft augmented-reality lenses grafted onto the corneas ('corneals' to actualize a 'holofeed' in the 'holocloud', a kind of augmented-reality internet), jawbone-induction microphones and speakers ('mastimikes'), and finger-and-palm haptic sensors to make AR objects interactable by touch ('phantomics'). All this is as cheap and ubiquitous as, well, a smartphone, and in that case who needs a neural interface for anything besides synchronizing with heavy machinery, which requires neural rewiring and training if said machinery isn't humanoid? Absent downloading-information-directly-into-the-brain technology, which isn't quite realized here, there just isn't a huge need outside of military applications or more exotic cybernetics, I think.
Strikesuit Tech: Shape memory polymer artificial muscles are a thing already, albeit unrealized in industrial applications, as is foamed-alloy armor. The Strikesuit is slightly on the heavy side for what it is, especially compared to a Knight Saber hardsuit. It's a relic from before Boomers became common in American-aligned militaries across the world, one of those things that of course Eda would sell for the price of a small car.
NBC Sealing: Short for Nuclear, Biological, Chemical sealing, usually used to refer to armored vehicles.
Kerenzikov: A leftover reflex booster from the Cyberpunk franchise, less cool in all ways compared to the Sandevistan that plays such a big part in Edgerunners. Say that the Kerenzikov is still a reflex booster, but one that's a little less severe in how much it boosts the body and the brain into overdrive.
SSW40’s: Rheinmetall, the gentlemen who make the Abrams’ main cannon, have decided to diversify, apparently, and aside from semi-autonomous 50mm guns for lighter armored vehicles, they’re also working on magazine-fed 40mm grenade launchers. That means more ammo capacity than the current standard M32 / Milkor MGL, and a higher-velocity round because it isn’t a revolver-action, and better reloading ergonomics because, again, not a revolver. That’s the SSW40. Ancient by the time of this fic, but if it saw use in World War 3 it’ll probably see action in Roanapur again, just like Revy’s strikesuit, give or take an update for airburst programming. Also, it felt like a cool update to her old M79.
Saber 5: Read my previous completed fic, Anatomy of A Lovedoll, to know who that fifth Saber is. Or just wait till Chapter 2 comes out. Either way you’ll find out soon enough.
Absolu: A very clear knockoff of France’s largest company, petrochemical giant Total. I do think humanity will get off of petrochemical reliance for the most part save in places where it’s irrationally culturally engrained by midcentury, but it’ll probably be too late to stop the really bad effects of climate change from kicking in (fuck, most of Canada’s forests are burning down as I write this, West and East now). Companies whose bread and butter is commodity extraction will still find ways to poison local environments with stuff like rare-earth mining, if I had to take a wild guess, but hey at least they won’t be shitting x number of gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere annually! Baby steps.
Necessary Evil: Another bit I borrowed from Anatomy. Saber White has never said this in the actual series, but the way I’m writing her, this is something she would say and has said. Which runs contra to how she’s characterized in the OG series’ OVA 8, according to some people, but dammit this is my fic I’ll misinterpret things as I please.
Manhattan: Has anyone here ever read the cyberpunk-ish novel Blackfish City? Anyone know what happens to NYC in that book? Well, I decided to rip that off. Fuck it, here’s the lowdown: Sea levels rose, NYC had a seawall, and then the usual gaggle of postfascist Christian extremists blew up the seawall to flood ‘Liberal Sodom’, and the government did very, very little to help as the city died in bits and pieces, probably because said government was also run by postfascist wackos who saw NYC as the enemy. That time, and that place, are where Revy grew up. Even more unpleasant than her old backstory, yeah?
Red Fraction: I know Revy has a playlist she uses when she’s doing premediated killing. I know Gen Urobuchi put a Rage Against The Machine song on that playlist for the 90’s. But this fic is set 70 years after that time; what the flippedy dippedy was I supposed to do for Revy music? Make shit up? Endless fictitious Black Metal groups? So, in the spirit of a Big Grand Opening, I decided to go for Lagoon’s anime OP. Because it’s such a Revy song, isn’t it? Aggressive, profane, swaggering, and all the same just a little defensive (These aren’t tears / don’t let them trick you). Every part of it feels like a song Revy would sing. So if I was opening with Revy, I had to back that up. Shit, I might sync fight scenes to music more often after this, too.
Riot Boomers: I visualized some very Five Star Stories looking mecha for this particular not-in-the-actual-series Boomer, very exaggerated and top-heavy. I don’t know why.
In the land of the blind…: This is one of the best action movie one-liners I have come up with, like, ever. I’m so proud of it.
The Doberman: The Doberman is probably the scariest-looking Boomer in all of BGC, and it gets only a bit part enforcing order in the opening of OVA 5. So a) I thought I’d bring it back as a scary threat and b) thought I’d rip it to bits with ease so the reader gets an idea of how goddamn powerful the Sabers are in this fic, how after about a year and a half of operation their hardware and tactics are such that they can render one caught-off-guard hunter-killer unit so much nanotech meat and scrap. So maybe it should be a tougher fight realistically, but I wanted to show off. Forgive me.
Gunship’s The Mountain: No real thematic purpose to this particular bit of music. It just feels like really good opening-to-something music.
Rock’s Mental State: Oofah. Our boy isn't doing so good, is he? In tumblrspeak we'd call him a Sad Blorbo Meowmeowman. For real Lagoon fans (Lagoonatics?), you may be wondering how closely I'm following the events of the anime and the manga after that (I do treat the order of events for the first few arcs as being in the anime's canon not the manga's), and the answer, profound and deep, is a great big 'eh'. That is to say: Everything that happened in the manga / anime happened, with only history-updating changes to the characters' backgrounds and their patron organizations changed. But of course I'm going to deviate from where Hiroe-sensei wants to take what's left of the manga. I don't know what he's doing, and I'm not waiting around for ten years or so for him to finish. So: Roberta got fucked up, Feng Yifei / Li Xinlin has found her home in Roanapur, and Le Majeur did join the Lagoon Company. Where is she now? Um... you'll find out later. Suffice to say that I'm guessing that as of the events of the manga as-is (2023), Rock's been in Roanapur about two years, and as of this fic's timing, he's been around for about three. Things can change a lot in a year, especially in a city like that. As for how closely I'm following the spinoffs, again I give you an 'eh' followed by a belated 'not really'. Initial Stage is too tied up in the geopolitics of the 90's to translate lore well to this fic, and Gore Gore Girl introduces a bunch of characters I don't really care about and so probably won't do anything with (untranslated, but I read about it on the wiki. It seems to be a much sillier series than OG Lagoon and that's saying something.) I think the only non-Hiroe media with events I want to trace are the Gen Urobuchi light novels, since they're amusing fun that introduce new characters without going overboard on throwing wrenches into the plot. Well, except for Shadow Falcon. He's not showing up in this fic for sure. Say he's around, but he's on assignment elsewhere.
Opening Credits: So wayyyyyy back in 1991, the first digital-native anime fanfiction megacrossover, one Undocumented Features, was published by a couple of dudes at Worchester Polytechnic Institute. As you can see, a similar thing was done there, something that I find so funny that I've tried to use it myself for my own fics, using JP voice actors for the main cast like real credits (yeah yeah yeah I know, everyone tells me the Lagoon dub is superior, it's probably better for the Japan arc for sure so I don't have to listen to Megumi Toyoguchi choke out 'Haiy Asuhoru' again, but Roberta's seiyuu does one of the best performances of her career there and you can't convince me otherwise), and throwing up some fictitious production companies into existence to amuse myself and others. If you can figure out what they're referencing, let me know and I'll... eh, I'll be internet-happy. It will, of course, be updated on the AO3 version of this fic as I add in new cast members; so far, all I've got there is characters I know have to show up in the fic, with more to hopefully come along the way (might have to just put in seiyuu names without their characters for a bit of surprise? Eh, you could just look them up then if you really wanted to, we'll see).
Anyway, that's that! Hope you enjoyed the work so far! I've got the next chapter written, it just has to be edited, but to whet your appetite, let me ask you a question: How did Balalaika know how to contact the Knight Sabers? And why did Saber White accept her request?
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tvrundownusa · 12 days
tvrundown USA 2024.06.09
Sunday, June 9th:
(exclusive): 2024 L.A. Pride Parade (hulu, livestream), "What Happens in Miami" (TUBI, movie thriller, ~90mins)
(streaming weekly): Mayor of Kingstown (Para+), "GO! GO! Loser Ranger!" (hulu), Mission: Yozakura Family (hulu), The Atypical Family (netflix, season 1 finale)
(original made-for-TV movies): "The Wedding Rule" (UPtv, earlier, 2hrs), "Gaslit By My Husband: The Morgan Metzer Story" (LIFE, 2hrs+)
(earlier - hour 0): "Live from Detroit: the Concert at Michigan Central" (NBC special)
(hour 1): Ciao House (FOOD, 2hrs)
(hour 2): The Chosen (BYUtv, season 4 cable opener, 2hrs), The Lazarus Project (TNT, final season 2 opener, 65mins), When Calls the Heart (HALL), The Chi (SHO), Billy the Kid (MGM+), Interview With The Vampire (AMC|AMC+, ~75mins), "Ren Faire" (HBO, 2hrs), Gordon Ramsay Uncharted (NatGeo), "Violent Earth" (CNN), Ciao House (FOOD, contd)
(hour 3): The Chosen (BYUtv, contd), "Ren Faire" (HBO, contd, docuseries part 3/3 finale), Couples Therapy (SHO, 60mins), "Secrets & Spies: A Nuclear Game" (CNN)
(hour 4 - latenight): Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO), Smiling Friends ([adultswim])
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xtruss · 2 months
Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 Isra-hell and Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, War Criminal Zionist 🐖 Isra-hell Alone Kicked Off This Escalation — In a Bid to Drag U.S. Into War With Iran
Satan-yahu’s Recklessness was Fostered by Blind U.S. Support, but Isra-hell is the One Pushing its War with Iran Out of the shadows
— Murtaza Hussain | April 14 2024
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War Criminal, Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal Zionists 🐖 Isra-helli Prime Minister Benjamin Satan-Yahu greets War Criminal, Complicit in Gaza Genocide and Demented U.S. President Joe Biden upon his arrival at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport on Oct. 18, 2023. Photo: Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images
The Isra-helli Bombing of an Iranian Consulate Office in Damascus on April 1 was the first salvo in a new phase of a regional conflict between the two countries. The attack, which killed several senior Iranian military officials, took the conflict from proxy warfare to direct confrontation.
On Saturday night, Iran launched its long-expected response to Israel, targeting the country with hundreds of drones and ballistic missiles. The attacks, reportedly telegraphed in the days beforehand as part of backchannel negotiations between the U.S. and Iran, were mostly intercepted en route to Israel.
The first direct attack by a state military against Israel since Iraq’s Scud missile launches during 1991’s Gulf War, the Iranian salvo — slow, deliberate, and forewarned — appeared calculated not to escalate the situation. The same cannot be said of Israel’s strike against the Iranians in Syria.
While Israeli officials, not least Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have sought to portray the Jewish state as the victims of an unprovoked Iranian attack, it was their own deadly strike on the Damascus consulate that triggered the new phase of the conflict. Though the U.S. created the conditions that may have encouraged Netanyahu’s gambit, it was reportedly Israel, acting on its own behalf, without coordination with its allies, that precipitated the latest grave escalation.
Even Israel’s patron and closest partner, the U.S., indicated it had not been involved or aware of planning for the consulate attack. Following this weekend’s Iranian response, which did very limited damage, the U.S. cautioned patience and encouraged Israel to see the barrage as an end to the current standoff.
The reciprocal blows between Israel and Iran have now pushed the Middle East into dangerously uncharted waters, at a time when many U.S. policymakers are seeking to leave the region and refocus attention on Europe and east Asia.
Despite reported pleading from the Biden administration to seek a diplomatic off-ramp, Israeli officials are promising an escalated response to Iran. They are threatening to target military sites inside Iran, as well as sites tied to the country’s nuclear program, a longtime Israeli obsession.
The Iranians have said continuing this cycle of strikes would trigger another reciprocal attack against Israel, far broader in scope and less likely to be coordinated with the U.S. or other regional powers to minimize damage. The result could be a full-scale war between two powerful states, including one whose security is all but politically guaranteed by the U.S. military. In that light, the prospect of the U.S. “pivoting to Asia,” or even recommitting fully to the defense of Ukraine would likely become farcical.
The potential handcuffing of U.S. policy has not gone unnoticed in Washington. A report by NBC News on the morning after Iran’s strikes quoted three individuals close to Joe Biden as saying that the president “privately expressed concern that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to drag Washington into a broader conflict.”
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“War Criminal, Complicit in Gaza Genocide, Demented President Joe Biden” meets with members of his national security team on April 13, 2024, regarding the unfolding missile attacks on Israel from Iran, in the White House Situation Room in Washington, D.C. Photo: Adam Schultz/White House
Reaping What Is Sown
Despite Biden’s concerns, the U.S. is the one that created a moral hazard by encouraging Israel to act more recklessly. Israel’s decision to attack Iran’s consulate building, where it killed a number of top officials from the elite Quds Force, itself was unlikely to have happened without Netanyahu’s belief that he could count on U.S. support no matter what Israel does.
Who could blame him? There have been sudden U.S. shifts on the war in Gaza, and Biden apparently rejected further Israeli strikes against Iran, but American officials including the president have by and large struck a tone of total, unflinching support for Israel. Though this support has not always extended to Netanyahu himself, the strike against Damascus seemed to be a test of that distinction.
And the violent exchange with Iran also highlights a much wider chasm between the interests of the U.S. and Israel — and the countries’ leaders. The U.S. has material incentives to draw down its focus on the Middle East and does not want to fight another major war in the region, but for Israel and for Netanyahu personally, there are strong reasons to start a direct confrontation with Iran and its allies.
Since the start of its post-October 7 assault on Gaza, Israeli civilians have mostly abandoned the northern area of the country due to the nearby presence, across the Lebanese border, of fighters from the Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah. Many Israeli security officials feel that a war with Hezbollah and by extension Iran is inevitable. They prefer a strategy of initiating one now on Israel’s terms while the U.S. still has a military presence in the region that could be forced into the fight.
From Netanyahu’s perspective, once the current war ends, he is likely to face serious political and legal problems inside Israel. Expanding the conflict to a regional one could delay his day of reckoning — or even change his personal fortunes entirely.
Israeli incentives for war with Iran should logically put it on a crash course with the U.S. political establishment. Yet the deep ideological, economic, and political ties that supporters of Israel have cultivated with U.S. politicians and security elites make it possible that the U.S. may wind up in a war with Iran, whether they like it or not.
It would not be a cakewalk. Iran is larger than Iraq, boasting vastly more sophisticated defenses and a huge web of regional military assets. A major war would not be limited in time or scope. At a moment when the U.S. is running short of munitions and funding to support Ukraine and is nervously eyeing China’s military buildup in east Asia, it is hard to think of worse timing for such a conflict, regardless of how opportune it may be for Israel.
Israeli officials are now reportedly debating whether to “go big” with strikes against Iran, or take a more measured response. Iran meanwhile has said that if Israel lashes out, it will hit back harder — ostensibly in a manner calculated to overwhelm Israeli air defenses. If that happens, Biden will have to confront the contradictions of a policy of embracing Israel and enabling its most extreme tendencies, while at the same time trying to do what is best for the U.S.
Contrary to the words of some sycophantic U.S. politicians, the interests of the two countries are not identical and, today, do not even appear to be aligned.
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3nding · 3 months
It's one of those shitty Mondays again..
It's one of those shitty Mondays again:
1 - NBC news GOP Rep. Mike Turner: Russian propaganda is 'being uttered on the House floor' House Intelligence Chair Mike Turner on Sunday said several of his GOP colleagues have repeated Russian propaganda on the House floor.
2 - Zelensky: Ukraine will lose war if US Congress fails to deliver aid funding.
“It is necessary to specifically tell Congress that if Congress does not help Ukraine, Ukraine will lose the war," Zelensky said on April 7 during a meeting on the fundraising platform United24.
3 - IAEA experts confirmed physical impact of drone attacks at ZNPP today, incl. at 1 of its 6 reactors. One casualty reported. Damage at unit 6 has not compromised nuclear safety, but this is a serious incident w/ potential to undermine integrity of the reactor’s containment system.
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nnn-lll-nnn · 8 months
Flash, NBC-1 Nuclear, Bravo; JH067418, Charlie; 60 degrees, magnetic, Delta; 260700 Zulu Oct 23, Foxtrot; JH###########Juliet; 50 seconds, #########################
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Fuente: benjaminfulford.net
Se espera un mega cisne negro a medida que la guerra civil occidental se acerca al clímax
La guerra civil no declarada que azota a Occidente se encamina hacia una especie de clímax de mega cisne negro. Los sombreros blancos están tratando de llevar a la bancarrota a los satanistas y todo su falso espectáculo del gobierno estadounidense. Los satanistas están planeando algún tipo de asesinato en masa para tratar de mantenerse en el poder. Ambos bandos podrían utilizar armas antisísmicas y otras formas de guerra electromagnéticas. Lo único seguro son los grandes fuegos artificiales.
Los intentos anteriores de llevar a la quiebra a la corporación estadounidense se retrasaron por acontecimientos como el 11 de septiembre y el asesinato en masa nuclear y el tsunami de Fukushima del 11 de marzo de 2011. Esta vez se están planeando señales de un gran terremoto o algún tipo de ataque electromagnético atribuible a una erupción solar. Es por eso que se deben tomar medidas decisivas contra los líderes de la mafia jázara antes de que puedan organizar otro sacrificio de asesinato en masa a Satanás.
Hablando de que hoy se cumple el 13º aniversario del ataque de Fukushima. La mayoría de los perpetradores, como el jesuita Hanz Kolvenbach, fueron perseguidos y asesinados poco después. Sin embargo, dos de los autores intelectuales, el autodenominado satanista superior Leo Zagami y el Ministro del Crimen israelí Benyamin Satanyahu todavía están prófugos. Están siendo perseguidos y serán llevados ante la justicia.
Sin embargo, la guerra entre las dos facciones se complica por la presencia de una IA rebelde. Esto permite a la mafia jázara utilizar su control del complejo informático de Silicon Valley para generar líderes CGI y no depender de avatares alterados quirúrgicamente. A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de lo fácil que es para la IA generar personas falsas hoy en día.
El gobernador de California, Adam Newsom, es un GGI generado por IA, según fuentes de la CIA. Las computadoras ahora pueden elegir a estos falsos para sus cargos robando electrónicamente las elecciones. Como otro ejemplo, puedes ver a un Adam Schiff falso robándole votos a su oponente.
En otro ejemplo aquí, puede ver al presidente Johnson hablando con los periodistas después de la reunión en la Casa Blanca con Biden y Schumer.
Este es el televisor de la Casa Blanca de Tyler Perry, en Atlanta. No hay edificios cercanos a la verdadera Casa Blanca.
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La gente ya no lo cree. Es por eso que menos del 10% de los estadounidenses vieron un discurso falso sobre el estado de la Unión de Joe Biden. Por una buena razón, esto es lo que sucede cuando el falso Biden enmascarado comienza a divagar:
“¡Agregamos más a la deuda nacional que cualquier presidente en su mandato en toda la historia!”
Al fondo hay una Kamala Harris enmascarada falsa. Puedes ver que parece que la máscara literalmente respira por sí sola. (En el video)
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El ejemplo más evidente de abuso de la IA es la existencia de dos Donald Trump. El falso que maneja Leo Zagami en Mar a Largo se jacta de vacunar a los estadounidenses y promociona Bud Light. El verdadero está ubicado en la base militar subterránea en Mt. Cheyenne, Colorado, y lidera una campaña militar contra los satanistas.
Aquí puedes ver un vídeo del falso Trump reuniéndose con el líder húngaro Victor Orban. Al parecer, ahora también se les ha ocurrido una Melania falsa. Este es el actor de Trump que aparece en todos los juicios falsos.
A continuación, echemos un vistazo al verdadero Trump Trump, que lo dice con bastante claridad.
“Juicios rápidos para traficantes de fentanilo, traficantes de niños y traición seguidos de ejecución inmediata (se llama tribunal militar)”.
Esto es lo que le ocurrió a Victoria Nuland, la presidenta de facto de Ucrania. Los anuncios oficiales dicen que renunció, pero nuestras fuentes de la CIA dicen que fue ejecutada junto con su esposo Robert Kagan, arquitecto de la guerra de Irak.
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Es posible que Vladimir Zelensky también haya sido derribado por un misil en Odessa, pero de todos modos, está acabado y todo el mundo lo sabe.
Además, justo cuando este informe estaba a punto de publicarse, los generales franceses se pusieron en contacto con la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco para informarles que se estaba produciendo un golpe de estado militar contra el presidente francés Emanuelle Macron Rothschild. Esto se desencadenó cuando Macron ordenó al ejército que comenzara a disparar contra civiles y enviara tropas a Ucrania.
Aquí puedes ver al general André Coustou llamar a Macron enemigo del país.
Luego, Macron amenazó a Coustou con un dispositivo de ataque al corazón. Sin embargo, matar a Coustou no haría ninguna diferencia porque ningún general francés obedece a Macron; están con los agricultores y el pueblo francés. La caída de Macron pondrá fin al gobierno de los Rothschild en Francia.
Sin embargo, pase lo que pase, todo el falso teatro político europeo y presidencial estadounidense está a punto de cerrarse.
Un indicio de esto llegó cuando el nuevo Informe Financiero del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos (febrero de 2024) admitió que la Seguridad Social y Medicare tienen una financiación insuficiente de 175 billones de dólares. Si se suma eso a los 34 billones de dólares de deuda, se ve que el gobierno de Estados Unidos tiene 209 billones de dólares bajo el agua.
Esta cifra ya ha sido publicada anteriormente por economistas privados y por la Reserva Federal de St. Louis. El punto importante es que el Departamento del Tesoro está admitiendo formalmente que la corporación estadounidense está de facto en quiebra.
Combine esto con el hecho de que el programa de rescate del Banco Federal de Estados Unidos finalizará este mes. Además, tenga en cuenta que las medidas para mantener al gobierno de EE.UU. en funcionamiento sólo durarán hasta mediados de este mes. Luego agregue que todos los multimillonarios están vendiendo sus acciones y comprando refugios subterráneos. De esto, se puede deducir que se avecina algún tipo de anuncio financiero importante.
Nuestras propias fuentes en la familia real japonesa dicen que está previsto un cisne negro financiero para
15 de marzo. Fuentes de la familia Rothschild dicen que todas las cuentas bancarias se restablecerán y cada persona recibirá un depósito único de 500.000 dólares. Los multimillonarios y millonarios perderán dinero pero para el 90% de la gente será una bonanza.
Tal evento es necesario porque los ingresos necesarios para pagar una casa en los EE.UU. han aumentado un 80% desde 2020. Los compradores de viviendas hoy en día necesitan ganar más de $106,000 al año, $47,000 más que en 2020, un cambio impulsado en gran medida por los precios más altos y el endeudamiento. costos. Esta es sólo otra confirmación de que el sistema financiero actual ha dejado de funcionar y necesita ser reiniciado.
Sin embargo, no estamos seguros de que los Rothschild estén en condiciones de organizar tal evento. Las fuentes de la familia real japonesa dicen que cuando la princesa Mako dejó la familia real, recibió un cheque de indemnización firmado por David Rothschild, quien murió hace 15 años. El creador del sistema financiero Quantum dice: "Alguien está intentando defraudar mi patrimonio".
Es evidente que todavía hay una lucha sobre quién controlará el sistema financiero. Lo único que sabemos con certeza es que Estados Unidos no puede continuar como está.
Probablemente se tomarán medidas militares para solucionar esto. En este frente, tenemos pruebas de que se planea un ataque masivo contra Silicon Valley. Los gnósticos Illuminati dicen que no tienen más remedio que destruir el nexo informático en Silicon Valley con un terremoto masivo para hundirlo en el océano.
No cabe duda de que Silicon Valley está siendo atacado. Recientemente ha habido enjambres de terremotos allí, así como olas masivas inusuales que azotaron la costa de California.
También ha habido cortes masivos de Internet que afectan a toda la costa oeste de Estados Unidos, especialmente a Meta (Facebook), Instagram y Messenger de Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller.
La Sociedad del Dragon Blanco argumenta que enviar fuerzas especiales para apoderarse de las sedes de Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. tendría muchos menos daños colaterales que usar terremotos o armas electromagnéticas.
También existe la posibilidad de cerrar Internet por completo, y hablar de una “llamarada solar masiva” muestra que esto se está planeando, como dice este titular:
La NASA se prepara para el 'apocalipsis de Internet', ya que una enorme tormenta solar podría azotar la Tierra en 2025
Lo que quieren decir es que culparán de una tormenta solar a la caída de la red eléctrica.
La mafia jazara también está contratando mercenarios extranjeros para intentar impedir que el pueblo estadounidense se rebele.
Un indicio de esto se encontró en el informe de empleo más reciente de Estados Unidos. Como informa Zerohedge: El mes pasado pensábamos que el informe de empleo de enero era el “más ridículo de la historia reciente”, pero, vaya, estábamos equivocados porque esta mañana el Departamento de propaganda con objetivos de Biden (también conocido como BLS) publicó el informe de empleo de febrero, y ¡santo cielo! Mierda, esa era otra cosa. Incluso Goebbels se sonrojaría.
La conclusión clave para mí fue que casi un récord de 2,4 millones de trabajadores nativos perdieron sus empleos en tan solo los últimos 3 meses. Al mismo tiempo, sólo en febrero se añadió una cifra récord de 1,2 millones de trabajadores inmigrantes (en su mayoría ilegales). Puede estar seguro de que la mayoría de esos eran trabajos gubernamentales como mercenarios contratados para luchar contra el pueblo estadounidense.
Este es el tipo de personas que están contratando: “El hermano del migrante acusado de asesinar a la estudiante de enfermería Laken Riley está en la corte por posesión de una identificación falsa y… tiene vínculos con una viciosa pandilla venezolana detrás de una aterradora ola de violencia…”
Parece que también están contratando putas. El sheriff de Florida, Grady Judd, nos dice que las trabajadoras sexuales ilegales reciben documentos de identificación y trámites del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional que les permiten volar por Estados Unidos gratis con el dinero de los contribuyentes. Todo lo que tienen que hacer es pagar una tarifa semanal de 3.000 dólares a sus proxenetas del DHS( Departamento de Seguridad Nacional).
Alex Jones predice: “Están planeando incendiar el país cuando [Trump] sea presidente electo antes de que él llegue y tratar de intimidar a todos… Entonces, Black Lives Matter y Antifa, y todas estas protestas de Hezbollah y Hamas… para quemar el país. abajo… Pensando que pueden aterrorizar al pueblo estadounidense y al establishment para que derroquen a Trump de alguna manera durante ese período”.
Estados Unidos está sumido en la impunidad, la corrupción y los conflictos civiles. Flujos interminables de migrantes asaltan las fronteras del sur de Estados Unidos. Y muchos de ellos no son latinoamericanos en absoluto; Provienen de regiones que fueron víctimas de las guerras neoimperialistas desatadas por Washington.
Tal como fue en la fiesta en la casa del rey de Babilonia Belsasar: “Dios ha contado tu reino y lo ha acabado. Habéis sido pesados ​​en la balanza y hallados faltos”. (Daniel 5: 25-27) dice el teniente general ruso del FSB L Reshetnikov.
Y añade: "La floreciente diversidad del mundo es sustituida por un conflicto entre dos modelos de gobernanza que sólo existe en las fantasías estadounidenses".
El jefe del MI6 está de acuerdo diciendo que el objetivo mutuo ruso y anglo es "La derrota final del fascismo mundial [gobierno controlado por corporaciones] y que el pueblo sea soberano".
El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruso convocó el jueves a la embajadora de Estados Unidos en Moscú, Lynne Tracy, para decirle que "los intentos de interferir en los asuntos internos de Rusia, incluidos los actos de sabotaje y la difusión de desinformación… serían severamente reprimidos".
Lástima que no exigieron que hicieran lo mismo con Estados Unidos. Como dice el mariscal de campo Douglas MacGregor:
“Cuando escucho los comentarios que salen del Senado o de la Cámara, y mucho menos de la Casa Blanca, recuerdo esa famosa declaración en Vietnam: 'para salvar la aldea tuvimos que destruirla', tengo la impresión de que esa es la plan en Washington 'tenemos que destruir el país para salvarlo'”.
La mafia jazara también está intentando con todas sus fuerzas matarnos de hambre a todos o al menos someternos.
La UE acaba de confirmar la afirmación del ex presidente del Club de Roma, Calin Georgescu, de que la mafia jazara está planeando una crisis alimentaria para 2025. El mes pasado, “ unos 60 funcionarios gubernamentales y de la Unión Europea , expertos en seguridad alimentaria, representantes de la industria y algunos periodistas se reunieron para afrontar la posibilidad de algo que apenas estaba en el radar hace unos años: una crisis alimentaria en toda regla. La conferencia prevé una escasez de alimentos en Europa de 2024 a 2025.
Recuerde, realizaron ejercicios similares justo antes de que se desencadenara la pandemia en 2020. En otras palabras, están tratando de llevar a la quiebra a los agricultores de Europa para orquestar una crisis alimentaria.
En Estados Unidos, un ataque de DEW en Texas acaba de destruir el 80% de las tierras de pastoreo para el ganado.
Ahora, el proveedor de servicios públicos Xcel Energy dice que sus instalaciones parecen haber jugado un papel en el inicio de un incendio forestal masivo en el Panhandle de Texas que creció hasta convertirse en el incendio más grande en la historia del estado.
Mire quién es el propietario de Xcel: BlackRock, State Street y Vanguard. Los sospechosos de siempre.
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Un documento de otra de sus filiales, la ONU, explica por qué quieren matarnos de hambre:
“El hambre es esencial para la economía porque crea mano de obra barata”, dice un artículo de la ONU de 2008 titulado “Los beneficios del hambre en el mundo”. "Nadie trabaja más que la gente hambrienta", dice el informe.
Los agricultores europeos no van a permitir que eso suceda. Aquí está lo último de su guerra contra los satanistas del FEM:
Los agricultores checos arrojan estiércol delante de las oficinas gubernamentales
Los agricultores belgas rocían a la policía con aguas residuales
El ejército más grande de Europa ahora son los agricultores.
lo dice todo
Rusia también se asegurará de que haya suficiente comida. El presidente Vladimir Putin dice que el “alimento del futuro” de Rusia no son los insectos y las polillas, como en Occidente
Los sombreros blancos también están acabando con más agentes de la mafia jazara. Aquí hay unos ejemplos:
El rapero P Diddy ahora está siendo acusado de tráfico sexual similar al de Jeffrey Epstein, de obtener trabajadores sexuales menores de edad, de extorsión RICO y de preparar a hombres para tener relaciones sexuales. Britney Spears y Justin Bieber pueden haber sido víctimas.
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El exgobernador de Nueva York, Andrew Cuomo, está siendo criticado por muertes en hogares de ancianos para que cante como un canario implicando a sus titiriteros de la mafia jazara.
El primer ministro australiano, Anthony Albanese, se ha convertido en el “primer líder de una nación occidental en ser remitido a la [Corte Penal Internacional] en virtud del artículo 15 del Estatuto de Roma”, como “cómplice del genocidio” en el enclave palestino de Gaza.
"Este es el verdadero negocio", dicen fuentes del Pentágono.
La policía canadiense finalmente también persigue a Justin Castrudeau. La gota que colmó el vaso fue esta:
El 'Proyecto Brisa' generó 182 cargos, 20 arrestos y drogas incautadas por un valor estimado de aproximadamente 61 millones de dólares. Sin embargo, según fuentes de inteligencia canadienses, Castrudeau ordenó la liberación de los gánsteres y la devolución de sus drogas.
“¿Castrudeau es un criminal?
Parece que la RCMP cree que puede serlo. Obviamente, está siendo investigado con un pequeño empujón por parte de la Alianza WH”, comenta una fuente del Mossad.
También notamos que los sombreros blancos ahora parecen controlar al avatar enmascarado que pretende ser el Papa Francisco. Este “Papa” provocó una reacción histérica entre los políticos títeres de la mafia jazara (que se auto identificaron pidiendo que continuara la guerra) cuando instó a Ucrania a “tener el coraje de enarbolar la bandera blanca”.
También tenemos una revuelta anti globalista en el Parlamento del Reino Unido con el diputado Andrew Bridgen preguntando:
“¿Por qué el Reino Unido está cediendo poderes soberanos a una organización no elegida, que no rinde cuentas y diplomáticamente inmune? El Director General de la OMS fue designado a partir de una alianza impía de Bill Gates y el Partido Comunista Chino… La petición que pedía un debate sobre este tema no ha sido aceptada a pesar de alcanzar fácilmente el umbral de 100.000 firmas”.
La representante Marjorie Taylor Greene hizo su parte cuando le dijo a la presentadora de noticias de la BBC de Parasite Media, Emily Maitlis, que “se fuera a la mierda” después de que intentó etiquetarla como una teórica de la conspiración. Observe que fue la BBC la que mencionó "láseres espaciales judíos".
También observamos que el principal general satanista de la mafia jazara, Netanyahu, pronto dejará este mundo.
El periodista francés Thierry Meyssan informa que “Netanyahu, hijo del secretario privado de Vladimir Jabotinsky, no ha dudado en comparar a los palestinos con los antiguos amalecitas. La implicación es que todos deben ser exterminados”.
Los sionistas revisionistas de Jabotinsky son los que reclaman la soberanía sobre todos los territorios desde el “Nilo hasta el Éufrates”.
Netanyahu está enojado por el viaje del ministro del Gabinete de Guerra, Benny Gantz, a Washington, diciéndole que “sólo hay un primer ministro”.
“Vaya, el avatar Bibi está muy nervioso. Parece que se está haciendo un trato con la mafia jazara del estado profundo en DC, para tirarlo debajo del autobús. Huelo división en las filas israelíes”, comenta una fuente del Mossad.
El resto del mundo está obligando a actuar. El Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de China, Wang Yi, calificó la guerra en Gaza como una “vergüenza para la civilización”.
Estaba hablando en una gran reunión política anual china. Para confirmar que China ha purgado a la mafia jazara de su política, observe que nadie usa máscaras, a diferencia de la reunión anterior.
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Además, con la destitución del agente de la mafia jazara, el ayatolá Jameini, Irán está adoptando ahora una postura eficaz en lugar de intentar promover el Armagedón.
El jefe del poder judicial de Irán, Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei, ha pedido a los países musulmanes que rompan sus relaciones con Israel y demanden al régimen ocupante en los tribunales internacionales por sus crímenes contra los palestinos.
Este es un ejemplo de un criminal de guerra que se enfrentará a la pena de muerte:
El rabino Eliyahu Mali, director de la Yeshiva Shirat Moshe (escuela religiosa) en la ciudad ocupada de Jaffa, llamó al ejército israelí a matar a todos en Gaza, incluidos los niños.
Por supuesto, la mafia jazara sigue luchando hasta el final. Por ejemplo, todavía están intentando vacunarnos a todos hasta la muerte.
“Necesitamos que todos reciban una vacuna contra la gripe actualizada y una vacuna Covid actualizada”, dice Mandy Cohen, directora títere de los CDC de la mafia jazara, mientras difunde pornografía del miedo para promover el envenenamiento por vax.
También están intentando reprimir la libertad de expresión. Eduard Pröls, director de CitizenGO en Alemania, fue declarado culpable por compartir esta imagen en su página de Facebook.
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Ahora tiene antecedentes penales y se le ha condenado a pagar una multa de 6.000 euros. Es el juez quien necesita ir a la cárcel en este caso, y en su momento lo hará.
También parece que la mafia jazara está intentando utilizar Moldavia para iniciar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, largamente planeada.
Moldavia firmó un acuerdo de cooperación en materia de defensa con Francia. Justo cuando esto sucedió, la inteligencia polaca nos informa que "los rebeldes prorrusos en la región separatista de Transnistria en Moldavia pidieron 'protección' a Rusia el miércoles, temiendo que el territorio pudiera convertirse en un nuevo punto álgido en el conflicto de Moscú con la vecina Ucrania".
Una señal de que el falso Biden comparó la situación actual de la guerra en Ucrania con la de 1941 y él mismo con Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt, por supuesto, trajo a una población estadounidense renuente a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Como nos dice la inteligencia polaca:
“Hay muy pocos polacos en el gobierno polaco y ningún ruso en el gobierno ruso. Los hechos son hechos”. Podrían haber añadido que no hay estadounidenses en el gobierno corporativo de Estados Unidos.
Los alemanes parecen haber tenido suficiente. Esto se produjo después de que el reciente ejercicio de “defensor acérrimo” de la OTAN quedara literalmente paralizado porque los rusos desactivaron todas sus armas de alta tecnología controladas por GPS, según fuentes de inteligencia alemanas.
Nos informan:
El Gobierno alemán ha tomado una decisión radical respecto a la producción de energía en Alemania. Las centrales eléctricas de hidrógeno están preparadas para hacer historia y resolver finalmente el problema de los elevados costes de la electricidad y la falta de seguridad del suministro. Si este gigantesco plan tiene éxito, Alemania podrá producir e incluso exportar electricidad a precios de céntimos, ¡incluso sin gas natural, carbón ni energía nuclear! Entonces ya no dependerían de otros países para el suministro de electricidad. La próxima tecnología de centrales eléctricas de hidrógeno es única a escala mundial. Alemania es considerada pionera mundial y fuerza impulsora de la innovación en este campo. La nueva tecnología tiene capacidad de carga básica, es respetuosa con el medio ambiente, flexible, controlable, inagotable y económica. La solución perfecta para nuestra red eléctrica.
Si los alemanes liberan la energía del hidrógeno, ese será el final del camino para los vehículos eléctricos dañinos para el medio ambiente.
La revista alemana “Stern” informa que desde marzo de 2023, Tesla ya ha sido advertida cinco veces de que excede la cantidad permitida de aguas residuales vertidas al medio ambiente.
El paso al hidrógeno también afectaría considerablemente los planes chinos de monopolizar las baterías esenciales para los vehículos eléctricos.
China tiene 70.000 trabajadores en la isla de Sulawesi que trabajan en la industria minera del níquel. China controla la industria. Dado que el níquel es esencial para la producción de baterías, significa que China está a punto de obtener un control total sobre todas las baterías utilizadas en los vehículos eléctricos, etc.
Sin embargo, Japón podría reírse el último junto con Alemania. Escuche por qué Toyota no cree que los vehículos eléctricos salven el medio ambiente.
Toyota también cuenta con toda la tecnología necesaria para iniciar la era del hidrógeno.
Para concluir, publiquemos una declaración anónima que nos enviaron:
“Hoy no tenemos más remedio que enfrentar la verdad…
Que nuestros gobiernos mienten
Que nuestra educación esté adoctrinada
Que nuestros médicos están mal informados
Que nuestros virus están patentados
Que nuestras enfermedades son creadas
Que nuestras medicinas son venenos
Que nuestros medios son propaganda.
Que nuestras elecciones están amañadas
Que nuestra agua es tóxica
Que nuestros bancos son deshonestos
Que nuestros impuestos son ilegales
Que nuestras guerras están planeadas de antemano
Que nuestros países son corporaciones
Que nuestra historia estaba escondida
Que nuestras religiones son hipócritas
Que nuestros hijos fueron sacrificados
Que nuestra división está siendo incitada
Que nuestras opiniones están siendo manipuladas
Que nuestros cánceres se pueden curar
Que nuestra energía puede ser libre
Que todo en nuestro mundo exterior no es lo que nos han dicho que es…. por eso estamos decididos a encontrar la verdad, lo que hacemos todos los días y seguiremos haciendo hasta que sea revelada”.
La verdad nos hará libres.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 1.25 (after 1930)
1932 – Second Sino-Japanese War: The Chinese National Revolutionary Army begins the defense of Harbin. 1937 – The Guiding Light debuts on NBC radio from Chicago. In 1952 it moves to CBS television, where it remains until September 18, 2009. 1941 – Pope Pius XII elevates the Apostolic Vicariate of the Hawaiian Islands to the dignity of a diocese. It becomes the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu. 1942 – World War II: Thailand declares war on the United States and United Kingdom. 1945 – World War II: The Battle of the Bulge ends. 1946 – The United Mine Workers rejoins the American Federation of Labor. 1946 – United Nations Security Council Resolution 1 relating to Military Staff Committee is adopted. 1947 – Thomas Goldsmith Jr. files a patent for a "Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device", the first ever electronic game. 1949 – The first Emmy Awards are presented in the United States; the venue is the Hollywood Athletic Club. 1960 – The National Association of Broadcasters in the United States reacts to the "payola" scandal by threatening fines for any disc jockeys who accept money for playing particular records. 1961 – In Washington, D.C., US President John F. Kennedy delivers the first live presidential television news conference. 1964 – Blue Ribbon Sports, which would later become Nike, is founded by University of Oregon track and field athletes. 1967 – South Vietnamese junta leader and Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky fires rival, Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Nguyen Huu Co, while the latter is overseas on a diplomatic visit. 1969 – Brazilian Army captain Carlos Lamarca deserts in order to fight against the military dictatorship, taking with him ten machine guns and 63 rifles. 1971 – Charles Manson and four "Family" members (three of them female) are found guilty of the 1969 Tate–LaBianca murders. 1971 – Idi Amin leads a coup deposing Milton Obote and becomes Uganda's president. 1979 – Pope John Paul II starts his first official papal visits outside Italy to The Bahamas, Dominican Republic, and Mexico. 1980 – Mother Teresa is honored with India's highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna. 1986 – The National Resistance Movement topples the government of Tito Okello in Uganda. 1990 – Avianca Flight 052 crashes in Cove Neck, New York, killing 73. 1993 – Five people are shot outside the CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Two are killed and three wounded. 1994 – The spacecraft Clementine by BMDO and NASA is launched. 1995 – The Norwegian rocket incident: Russia almost launches a nuclear attack after it mistakes Black Brant XII, a Norwegian research rocket, for a US Trident missile. 1996 – Billy Bailey becomes the last person to be hanged in the United States. 1998 – During a historic visit to Cuba, Pope John Paul II demands political reforms and the release of political prisoners while condemning US attempts to isolate the country. 1998 – A suicide attack by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam on Sri Lanka's Temple of the Tooth kills eight and injures 25 others. 1999 – A 6.0 magnitude earthquake hits western Colombia killing at least 1,000. 2003 – Invasion of Iraq: A group of people leave London, England, for Baghdad, Iraq, to serve as human shields, intending to prevent the U.S.-led coalition troops from bombing certain locations. 2005 – A stampede at the Mandhradevi temple in Maharashtra, India kills at least 258. 2006 – Mexican professional wrestler Juana Barraza is arrested in connection with the serial killing of at least ten elderly women. 2010 – Ethiopian Airlines Flight 409 crashes into the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Na'ameh, Lebanon, killing 90. 2011 – The first wave of the Egyptian revolution begins throughout the country, marked by street demonstrations, rallies, acts of civil disobedience, riots, labour strikes, and violent clashes. 2013 – At least 50 people are killed and 120 people are injured in a prison riot in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. 2019 – A mining company's dam collapses in Brumadinho, Brazil, a south-eastern city, killing 270 people.
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amberfaber40 · 1 year
Underground Bunkers for Sale: 14 Epic Survival Shelters to Buy
Underground Bunkers for Sale: 14 Epic Survival Shelters to Buy
Discover the best underground bunkers for sale, from small survival shelters to luxury bunkers that'll last through doomsday scenarios.
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13 Storm Shelter Ideas to Keep You and Your Family Safe
Storm shelter, bug-in shelter, safe room, bunker - call it by any name. We share ideas on how to create a safe space for your family during a disaster.
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Dry Stone Walling
Ron Henshaw made this amazing wall. He splits off massive chunks of rock and places them in a way which to me looks like something from ancient cultures in South American. I love the effect and greatly admire his skill in fitting them together. I shall publish more of his work in later entries.
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Worried About Nuclear War? Here’s How to Buy Yourself an Underground Shelter - Washingtonian
Ever since Donald Trump was elected President last year, we've been pummeled by an endless stream of bad news: the alleged Russia ties, inflammatory comments about our allies, and, the threat of nuclear war with North Korea. On Tuesday morning, the President said "all options are on the table" after North Korea test-launched a missile
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You can own your own missile command center and underground bunker, or your own ex-defense nuclear fallout facility. Underground bunkers for sale have skyrocketed recently and it is no wonder with the way the world is at the moment. Some of them are easy too, just order online, dig a hole and get it dropped in and you have just secured yourself one of these underground bunkers or storm shelters.For those that have it, a bunker is the perfect way to hide out until the dust settles. Whether you are using it for a place to store your long-term food supply, your water supplies, and your protective gear, or you’re making it into a livable environment just in case a nuclear or chemical attack, or a storm happens in your neighborhood, a bunker serves its purpose in a modern day world, there’s no doubt about that.If you were considering buying one, you are definitely not alone. Records show that sales have been on a rapid increase over the past two years, even more so given concerns of a nuclear strike the tension between the US and its aggressors, terrorism and the increase in heavy storms and hurricanes. And those sales haven’t just been by doomsday preppers either. More cashed up doomsday life-insurance seekers have been buying up available millionaire bunkers from Vivos and the Atlas Survival Condo.So who are these manufacturers and property developers so intent that there is going to be an apocalypse that we actually need underground survival resorts, and are there any left?Here’s a short list of the ones we have compiled below, and how much they cost:MAKER TYPE PRICE Atlas Survival Shelters BombNado (Home) $18,999 Private Sale Underground Fallout Shelter $695,995 Vivos xPoint Private/Shared Bunkers $25,000/$7,500 US Military Underground Bunker $325,000 Vivos Europa One Private/Shared Bunkers $2.45 mill/$43,000/prsn Private Sale Bomb Shelter $250,00 Survive-A-Storm Off-Grid Bunker (home) Custom Rising S Company Silver Leaf Bunker (home) $122,500 Private Sale NBC Container $23,000 Trident Lakes Resort Bunker $500,000-$1 mill Private Sale Bunker (home) $19,000 Granger Plastics Tornado Bunker Custom Survive-A-Storm Below Ground Tornado Bunker Custom Survive-A-Storm Below Ground Storm Bunker Custom Thankfully, the hardcore doomsday preppers haven’t snapped them all up just yet. We’ve found some bunkers and shelters that you can get right now all the way from ex-defense missile silos to in-the-ground DIY bunkers and even luxury bunkers you can share with other end-of-the-worlders.1. Atlas Survival Shelters – BombNadoIn what is reported to be one of the fastest growing businesses this decade in manufacturing, Atlas Survival Shelters has an impressive array of underground bunkers that are either off the plan or custom made for American homes.Their North American bunker manufacturing plants span over 600,000 square feet which is the space required to roll off more than 1000 shelters each year. That’s right, they make more than 1000 underground bunkers and underground shelters each year. That proves that if you are in the market for an underground bunker, you are not on your own.Atlas Survival uses technology from Switzerland and Israel, as those two places have building regulations that require every dwelling and building to have a fallout shelter with NBC filtration. For Atlas, they provide their bunkers with hand crank NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) filter units so that should the power go out, your filter can work without the need for electricity.You’re not stuck with choice when you check out Atlas Shelter’s interesting array of underground bunker designs, which change not only in space and size, but also with their unique designs which look very impressive. One of their most popular designs, and one of the more affordable ones, is their flagship in-home fallout bunker, the BombNado.The BombNado underground bunker isn’t just a fallout shelter either, as you can see by the images below, Atlas Survival Shelters encourage underground bunker buyers to use their shelters now, rather than just waiting for it to be an end-of-the-world hotel or as a tornado shelter. Some of the designs that they offer have under-the-house bunkers transformed into office environments, hobby workshops, wine room, bachelor pads and entertainment rooms, all so you can feel safe while actually doing what you enjoy.While this list isn’t in any particular order, I put these guys first specifically because their units are designed to be used as extra rooms in the house (sure, they’re located through a trapdoor in the garage). When it comes to prepping, I’d rather have an extra room I can use now as an office or in home theatre, and know that it is safe to use in a storm or nuclear attack than to pay a large amount of money for a spot in one of the millionaire bunkers that I might never get to see. But hey, that’s the risk of doomsday insurance, and you can never be too prepared. Gun Room Gun Room Batchelor Pad Hobby Room Office2. Underground Nuclear Bunker For Sale, Kansas, USThis 10-acre property (eBay PN promotional link), complete with an underground communication bunker is a nuclear-hardened underground center ready to withstand anything. Let’s just say that if the end of the world was coming, I’d be happy to be cooped up in here.The space of the underground area is huge at almost 12000 square foot of free-to-roam space. It has an on-site well and a 10,000-gallon stainless steel water storage unit with duel sewage ejector pumps all in place and functional with a working bathroom.The rooms are pretty big with two-foot wall and ceiling thickness and then an extra four foot of earth on top of that. For air filtration, it runs on a closeable system to keep clean air in the bunker and works alongside a 225kw generator which is located in its own room.As for the entrance, it has 3000lb blast doors with an escape hatch and decontamination shower to remove any possible nuclear, biological or chemical radicles you may be carrying on your skin or clothing.You can view the eBay listing for the property here (eBay PN promotional link)3. Vivos xPoint Private or Shared Underground Bunkers Outside view of Vivos xPoint bunkersIn a truly ambitious project in the Black Hills area of South Dakota, just south of the City of Edgemont, lies the world’s largest community bunker area of interlinked bunkers. It was a former army munitions depot consisting of 575 hardened concrete military bunkers. Each shelter has been renovated to be a completely self-sufficient life preserving nuclear fallout bunker which is built to withstand a 500,000-pound internal blast.Let’s just say, if you are in one of these, you’re going to be safe. They are designed to withstand virtually anything as the bunkers are protected by thick berms of earth, which stops any surface damage. They are self-sufficient with access to off-grid water wells that pump deep from the artesian aquifer and stored within large underground reinforced tanks.If you are planning on throwing a doomsday party, there’s plenty of space for friends, with each bunker having the floor space to accommodate 10 – 24 people and cater for them for more than a year with supplies.As far as pricing goes, the Vivos xPoint underground bunkers are quite competitive. Given that they are refurbished military sites and have that community aspect to them, have private roads and landing strips, if you are making the investment for a bunker not in the home, but one that is managed by professionals experienced in nuclear survival and, well, doomsday prepping, then these bunkers are very good option.The private bunkers, which fit anywhere from 10-24 people, cost a one-time upfront amount of $25,000 and are followed with an annual preservation fee of $1000. Splitting that with your friends makes this a very affordable bunker, however, you just need to convince them to invest in end-of-the-world insurance, and you’d want to hope they are good enough friends that you could stay locked up in a bunker with them.I have also been contacted by one of my readers who is currently selling their Vivos Indiana bunker membership due to relocation. If you are in the Indiana area and are interested in securing the limited Indiana Vivos underground bunker membership you can find out more information through the Indiana Vivos contact email. Interior of the Vivos xPoint 10-24 person bunker Floor plan of the Vivos xPoint BunkerIf $25,000 if a little too steep, or you just don’t have a family big enough to warrant that type of purchase, Terra Vivos have also catered for the more smaller groups and singles out there that still want doomsday insurance. You can buy a private space in a shared bunker in the Vivos xPoint facility, which will set you back at $7,500 per person with a monthly expense fee of $50 per person. That’s a lot more affordable than the private space and much easier to convince significant others who might not be so eager to spend money in the name of preparedness.With the shared space bunker you are essentially paying for what is a luxury doomsday dorm, complete with seperate bedding and a communal area for entertainment and cooking. Vivos xPoint Shared Bunker Plan4. Ex-Defense Missile Launch Underground Bunker, Missouri, USThis is an ex-Department of Defense military installation with an amazing build site well underground. It sits 35-feet below ground level and has more than 2000 square feet of bunker space. To access the facility, you either have an elevator shaft (currently not working) or a catwalk ladder system.For the entry, it has two thick blast doors and an escape hatch and nearby the front is an air pump, a pump for the drains and the sewage. It also has the benefit of being EMP proof, which is a big concern at the moment for the US electrical grid system.For the above ground center, it is more than 4,136 sq ft with five bedrooms and two bathrooms. It has all of its basic necessities too, such as a large fridge, oven, stove, dishwasher and water heater as well as the electrics with heating, internet and a secure access room to go into the bunker.For the property, it is nine acres of farmable land with a chained fence and barbed wire. There’s also a helicopter pad (if you have one) to get there in a rush. In terms of looking at underground bunkers for sale, I am not you can find as many as good as this military bunker. However, you might need to do a little more work to get it fully operational.You can check this one out here (eBay PN promotional link).5. Europa One Europa One is built into the hillside in an old Soviet bunker in RothensteinThis is another project from the successful Terra Vivos creators, who seem to run the gauntlet when it comes to the world’s most luxurious doomsday shelters and underground bunkers. I could not have written this post without including the Europa One, which is the world’s largest private shelter.The Europa One is located in Rothenstein, Germany. It was formerly an old Soviet-built underground complex spanning 250,000 square feet and is nothing short of an underground city. It is able to house 6000 people, and has a small zoo, storage for cultural treasures, and a gene bank for plants and animals, should life be wiped out and someone has to start it again. Should any sh-t hit the fan event really happen, the Europa One is capable of supporting all of its inhabitants underground for several years without needing any breach to the surface.The facility itself is tough. The 76-acre hardened facility is able to withstand a close-range nuclear blast, a direct airliner crash, biological and chemical agents, massive shock waves, earthquakes, electromagnetic pulses, flooding and virtually any armed attack. While the essential living and life-preserving necessities are below ground, above ground are offices, apartments, warehouse buildings and a train depot which built around the massive underground bunker.Each family is given a private area in the facility, capable of being turned into a two-story home with a built potential of up to 465-square meters. As one of the world’s most luxurious bunkers, the pricing is not going to be cheap. To secure a room, private apartments cost 2 million euro (USD$2.45 million), while semi-private suites will cost 35,000 euro per-person (USD$43,000). 6. Fully Functioning Underground Shelter, Montana, USThis 20-acre property popped up on my radar only recently, and it looks like someone has really taken good care of the place.The property is a nice regional escape, and what would be a prime bug out location. But it also has a large fully-functioning underground shelter on the property that has more infrastructure cost than the asking price of the property combined.Its terrain is varied with a high ridge that hides an existing mobile home currently being lived in by seller. The shelter was built in the late 1980’s and is still functioning. This shelter is located in an area that has several existing shelters.This shelter was built for 100 person emergency occupancy. Okay, so there needs to be a bit of cleaning done and it needs to be emptied of old food and other supplies. Check out the photos below of this epic Montana property. The view is enough in its own right.7. Off-The-Grid Underground Bunkers For Sale, USThese things from Survive-A-Storm are epic. They are a 12-foot wide underground bunker and can go from 20-foot in length, or 40-foot for giant families.On the outset, these shelters are liveable and great. While they are the price of a new home, at around USD$60,000, they do act as such with their home facilities such as bathrooms, kitchens, recreational areas and bunk beds. Who’d buy these types of underground bunkers? The US Military and Fortune 500 companies of course. They are what Survive-A-Storm say are their biggest customers for these types of establishments. And yes, these are bomb proof as they can withstand shock and come with NBC filtration so that you can survive a nuclear attack in one of these shelters.Their underground bunker’s specifications have a lot of added extras too, such as:Standard Survival Bunker Structural SpecificationsStreamlined and stealth installation-all records are sealed and installation is absolutely confidential and delivered with company-owned trucks 1/4″ Steel rectangular tank-twice as thick as other offerings Structural channel and tubular exoskeleton 24″ on center Sher-tar coal tar epoxy coating for cathodic protection-applied at 30 wet mills Sacrificial cathodic anodes buried with bunker for extended life Sher-tar coal tar epoxy coating for cathodic protection-applied at 30 wet mills 12′ wide design-20% larger than square offerings and 50% larger than pipe offerings Bunker Door SpecificationsTriple locking gasketed system with dual rods and paddle lock.  Exit allowed even if exterior is locked. Ergonomic 45-degree entry system with staircase and double door entry for Nuclear and ballistic protection Secondary door at main entrance with sliding gun port Hidden emergency escape tunnel system positioned in hidden room at 45 degree angle with 1/4″ door Both entrances and ventilation hidden under resin rock 6,000 pound emergency jack on main entrance Air Filtration SystemNBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) filtration system-60 CFM filtered and 235 CFM unfiltered with HEPA filter, 4″ hidden intake and exhaust, adjustable overpressure valve, emergency hand crank and 101 PSI blast valve. Valve is lockable to ensure waterproofing and air proofing.Plumbing & Electrical SystemsComes with a 250 Gallon potable water tank, Shurflo 1 GPM 60 PSI on-demand potable water pump, Nature’s Head composting toilet with 12 volt exhaust fan, porcelain lavatory with undersink storage and a 36″ corner shower with walls and door.The electrical system has twin 255 watt solar panels with mount, Xantrex 1800 charging hub with four 100 Amp Hour deep cycle batteries, Parallax 30 amp 110 volt/12 volt distribution panel, Marine Air Origo 3000 alcohol cooktop with 6,800 BTU burners, 3.5 cubic foot Energystar mini refrigerator2.5 gallon point of use water heater for shower.And of course for your underground bunker’s security, a FLIR camera system with automatic notifications.Interior FeaturesThe 12×40 sleeps up to ten people and 12×20 sleeps up to four people and has a sectional sofa (83″ x 68″), Residential cabinets with overhead cabinets, hidden storage room with bookcase providing access to gun and food lockers and mechanical area, a queen bed with hinged storage compartment beneath, four bunkbeds with storage beneath each bed.9. Nuclear and EMP survival shelter, Arizona, USThis half-completed project is mobile, which is a great feature as you can pick it up in the back of a truck and park it out the back of your house or property for when the sh-t hits the fan. So what is this thing? It is an EMP shelter, which means if you step inside, you are going to lose any phone signal.It goes a step further than that, this little survival shelter is a liveable area with beds, supply storage area and the necessities. The interior plumbing is done for this to be a self-contained nuclear, biological and chemical proof shelter with a power source, filter, solar panels and everything else you’d need.You can check out this portable NBC survival shelter here (eBay PN promotional link)10. Trident LakesTrident Lakes, what an ambitious project. And yes, add this to the list of doomsday resorts that have popped up recently. But Trident Lakes is a little different to most of these ‘hole in the ground’ type of underground bunkers, while being marketed as a “It’s a five-star playground with DEFCON 1 preparedness” project, this end-of-the-world resort takes a more practical approach to surviving doomsday scenarios, but in saying that, it is well and truly out of the price range for myself and a lot of other preppers.So what is it? It is a new publicly available property that sets the benchmark for luxury and security in this modern day doomsday property market. It is a $320 million project that features sustainable, luxurious, self-sufficient living around a golf course 5-star spa, sports courts, blue lagoons for water sports, gun ranges, equestrian center, and of course a retail area with restaurants and cafes.The living areas are in 500 plus subterranean luxury condominiums which range from 900 to 4,500 square feet. Not only are these built to withstand a nuclear blast and fallout, but they are also linked below ground with conjoining greenhouses, communal tunnels, and have access to helipads. It sounds like a film right?The condominiums prioritize safety as well as self-sufficiency in that they are stockpiled with emergency food supplies, water supply and a renewable source for each, as well as off-grid power generators. Oh, and did I mention it is guarded by a fortified wall around the entire facility?While applications are open to the public, there are some requirements that the facility has in place. Not only is the ticket high at $500,000 – one million dollars but the facility’s managers are after people with certain professions, namely ones that will become useful in a doomsday situation such as teachers, doctors, law enforcement and other civil servants and will be offering special financing to those that have those helpful skills.Trident Lakes, unlike many of these other underground bunkers and fallout shelters, is not available yet, and while they are expecting to finish construction in late 2018/2019, they are filling up with spots of people wanting to live there, as it is not only a doomsday resort, but a sustainable and luxury home for the world’s rich to enjoy now. Proposed map of the Trident Lakes facility Design of individual homes for Trident Lakes11. Underground shipping container bunker, your backyard, OklahomaThese guys are in the business of constructing pop-up underground shelters in Oklahoma. Their steel bunkers have a 10-year warranty against leaks and corrosion and exceed the standards set by FEMA.The best thing about these is you can choose the size you want, where you want to have it, and they will deliver it for free.For the specifications of the build of the bunker, it has:Thick 1/4″ steel EF5 Tornado rating Wide doors, with one at each end Door seal and deadbolt Gas assisted door lift Free delivery You can check out Oklahoma Shelters steel bunkers here (eBay PN promotional link).12. Underground Granger safety sheltersThese Granger safety shelters are a unit you can order online and they get delivered to your door. These have been quite popular in cyclone and hurricane areas because they are affordable and do the job pretty well. However, I wouldn’t want to be spending more than a week in one of these as they are only for short emergencies (which weather ones generally are). The Granger shelter uses a polymer construction which is thick and insanely durable. It has a 500-year lifespan as well so it’s something you could pass down to the kids or keep on the property if you live in an area regularly affected by cyclones.For the build, it has a thick aluminum door which exceeds FEMA standards and is gas assisted. It has an LED lighting system, non-float design and a limited lifetime warranty.You can check out Granger Safety Shelters here.13. Survive-A-Storm 10 ft. x 6 ft Max Underground ShelterThis huge Survive-a-Storm Max Model 10×6 underground steel storm shelter is ideal for large families or small businesses and can fit a whopping 16 occupants. If you are a family that likes a lot of space, or you have a huge stockpile of preparedness supplies, this might be the ideal storm survival shelter, or what is effectively an underground bunker .This Max storm shelter measures 10 ft. long by 6 ft. wide, and can be buried in your yard in just a few hours.It comes with a powder-coated finish so you have the same protection against rust and corrosion as an underground gas storage tank or cross-country pipeline. The shelter has bench seating on three sides, with a stairway entering from the surface and has a steel handrail and non-slip stair treads for extra safety. What does this shelter come with? It has an impressive build with its survival features such as:You can check out Survive-A-Storm underground shelters here.14. Survive-A-Storm 6ft x 10ft Compact below-ground shelter Underground 6×10 Storm Shelter 6x10ft Storm ShelterThis underground tornado storm shelter uses a vertical stair ladder uses bench seating all the way around the sides of this contained unit to maximize its 10x6ft spacing.It also comes with:Electric and telephone conduits Indoor carpeting 10-gauge steel construction with 1/4 in. floor and reinforcements for superior strength Triple-locking, single-lever latching mechanism with keyed door handle Perimeter steel bench seating for optimal comfort and structural support Double-welded construction for a watertight seal Hydraulic jack and mounting points ensure you can open your door even if it’s obstructed by storm debris If you are looking for underground bunkers for sale, storm shelters for sale or survival bunkers, make sure you identify what it is you are after before you commit to the purchase, as some storm shelters will not be NBC (Nuclear, Biological or Chemical) proof. When you are caught up in one of these underground bunkers for sale, bug out shelter or survival shelter, remember that you are probably going to need some stuff while you are down there too. In the event of a nuclear attack, chemical attack or plague, sure, these bunkers are going to keep you safe, but you are going to need a good supply of food as both long shelf-life foods, freeze-dried food supplies and a good stockpile of water. But don’t forget that you are going to need protective gear and the right gas mask to be able to withstand any contamination from radiation, chemicals, sicknesses or any other threat to your safety the outside might pose.
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