#Polar Fire Mission
nnn-lll-nnn · 10 months
thank you for the follow, i don’t know whether to be flattered or concerned
</>Easy six, zero niner one.</>
</>#-#Easy-2__this iß Easy-7 beaAsdvised we are aprpa#ching#333#33#ed#hsh from the west.<//>(</>
</>Hitme№a№n-3-2, Hitman-3-1 over.</>
</>3-1, 3-2 go a*hea.d.</>
</>Uhh be advised, 3-3 can't sparkle the building aA@on Route Alpha will be ny goz, can you provide covering foreI ŵitzhzð fifty, ove(r?</>
</>Ay firm stan@d$by</>
</>Raster-6, 6-2# over</>
</>6-2, 6 go ahw2ead.</>
</>Interrogative; do any dash iNe victors have a visual on thepOse paras, over?</>
</>What apras, 6-2?<//</>
</>Those paras Hitmab engaged a half hour ago over.</>
</>Negative 6-2, no Raster-1 personnel have engaged any of HitmaN'źs aRpise, oyt</>
</>2-3 2-2, be advised I have viusalSh on yhat position, tally to target, $--# in five mikes, out(</>
</>2-3 this is 2-1 status over!</>
</>2-1 2-3! We ahVe engageDt Kav #7 n s aka BAkls B Nanb -£™bsb àb№- (# +# +@; Jav Hsv# +#°hOw xig$:gvsg is oevEr?!</>
</>2-3 2-1 repeat your last, over?</>
</>All das@h 58@- wyo personnel, this je 2-Axruald! ChattermaArk,w -sb 9bver#?!!¢¡><))</>
</>All brAve hi o ubits! Thisv# Bravo-2 @cUtal! ###-----_--$--$# __-- enagEg d tree Fifve ZZZroT enem6 As lgu znjMore ¡ Pull backR o the MSR! Bravo-2-1 is cqlring in a broKen Arrow! Get TehyAhv hence oi5at there!]</>
</>Bravo-2-6! We do not have enough ammunition,svg#-#--# to provide effective supporting fire deom The MARKeb nineteen! We are oscar moke aIn onr fife, out!</>
</>-4-1-Actual 2-3-Actual! Standby for covering fire, Cyclone 2-2 is en route! 2-3--£Abalp№+$;@;)@ha osudAht?
</>Conact rigBt tcoNtact right!</>
</>3-1! BTR-90! Left side left side!</>
<//</>Any units on this net this is BeavoEĝ-6! Broken arrow nroken arrow! We have been overrun! Get that docGamnrèbw brodge Çkut!######</>
</>CyonE this is Bravo-1-1 over!</>
</>Mystic this is Raster-5-5 fire mission over!</>
</>5-5, Mystic, send jt ovEr.</>
</>Fire for effect polar, over!</>
</>Fire for effect, polar, out.</>
</>three enemy Infantry platoon z numbering ze#!ro one o#-#&$ne tree fif#e personnel, in the open, over!</>
</>##--#-##-###Infantry paltoonzsbbSV-#-::$&#&#:::-$;$--#;$&-#;-$-#&$&$-&#-#-#<//)</>
</>#-_-#$-#-$Direction; zero three one degrees magnetic! O.T. DIstanç zero seven fife zero, request spalsh oVèrhhĥ(!</>
</>O.T. Direction; 0+3-1 ĎEgrees magnetic, O.T. Dostancêè 0-7-5-0, request splash out.</>
</>MTO Ybabkee, three guns, one round willy peter, Tarett Number Alpha Hotel, 0-0-9er, over.<(_(-_</>
</>MTO, Yankee three funsTsthß round sfg white phosphorus,b Target Number; Alpha Hotel xZero zero miner, out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot, out!</>
</>Spalsh over!</>
</>¢SpxSplalysh, out.<)></>
</>Add 200 right sixty!</>
<)></>Add 2-0-0, roght 6-0, oit</>
</>Negativ enveatIge negative, correction; Add 2-6-0, right 0-6-7, over!</>
</>Negative, correction; Add 2-6-0, right 0-6-7, out.</>
</>MTO, Golf one round, white phosphorus in effect, twi Guns, Tagret Number Alpha Hotel, 0-0+-0-1-9er, over (.</>
</>Message to Observer! Golf, one rounds, whiskey papa, 2Guns, Target Nu ñmbwr Alpha Hitel, -0-0-0-1-9er, out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot out!</>
</>SlpaAtxh! Over!</>
</>Kxz splash, out.</>
</>Repeat! Over!</>
</>Repeat, out</>
</>Shot over.<)/</>
</>ShiJot, out!</>
</>aSlasrhc ovb hthhz!sb####</>
</>Splash, out</>
</>Add 300! Right tree fife zero, Down 2-90! Correct and rire ror 3ffctkt over¡</>
</>Add 3-0-0 Right 3-5-0, Down 2+9er-0... correct and fire for effect, out .</>
</>Message to Observer; Juliet, 10 guns, two rounds, HEVT, Bravo, one gun firve rounds HEPR, Target Nymber Alpha Hotel, 0-2-3-5-0-6-1-8-9er, over.</>
</>Mesaage to Osberver, Jyliet, 10 huns 2 rounds HEVT! Bravo, one gun five riunds HEPR, Target Nunber; Alpha, Hotel, 0-2-3-5-0-6-1-8-9er! Out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot out!</>
</>Splatghch over! (/></>
</>Splash, out</>
</>Good effect on target! 3-5-0 personnel suppressed, all targeteẞ eliminated end of mission, over!</>
</>Good effect, 3-5-0 enemy personnel eliminated, ATS, EOM, out.</>
</>Molsd$#otov this is haDelta SEA$D over.</>
</>Delta,$ Molotov, SEA#D odut</>
</>Route to Suppress; Romeo Delta, 5-0-7-2-0-1, Grid to Mark,; Romeo Delta 5-7-9, 3-0-0, ouver.</>
</>Raitut yoUt Suppretsz; Romeo Delta 5-0-7, 2-0-1, Grid to Mark; {{RD579300}}, autout.</>
</>ZA-X "Rowdy", non-standard, -7 to -17, +30, +3, marked smoke on the deck, three rounds HEVT, CAS TOT; 57, over.</>
</>ZA-X "Rowdy", nin-¢gs;###---#-######-#-#-#--#</>
</>Razor this is Razor-2-3, standby for Report 2two dash one, ober.</>
</>2-3, Razor go ahead.<))/</>
</>Line Sierra; 0-97 to -1-1-5, /break/</>
</>Line Alpha; unknown at this time, /break/</>
</>Corretkoyouhnfnfb3; Line Alpha; Inspecting or investigativng ,, what appears to be, burnt-out vehicles, /breaK/</>
</>Line Lima; 3-7-Delta, Romeo Whiskey, 5-7-3tree-0-6-9, Line Uniform; National giArd, /break/</>
</>Line Echo; AK-95s, Viepers and NODs dash double u, how copy so far, over?</>
Ĵ</>Ywah, clklarifyhn Line Alpha, over</>
<kK</>Request you specify target-to-clarify, ober?</>
</>Uhm uh roger I copy, TTC vehicles, are they covils, military, overMk?###</>
K</>Negative negative, neither, looks like a mix from% u#.s#### to h_ere over.</>
</>Splid copy, any further remRks, over?</>
</>Negative no further remarks at this time.</>
</>Roger I understand all, Razo rR out.</>
THe Americkan foR tzes oUxufpruing Your lands do not follow Kthe Lawas of that country, chosing inStead in to Institute their decadentbT and Al ELL GRE BEE laws ,, wherrTe you Mzudt aFfirm their liEs, abiur themselves even, vBe clauszXkackUauz theyvc kAhn onot be broguht to ciNtzierlyihndo it, they Ckannot even be hYiounentzt to enevehn theymtzelves or ubto abiu t themselves eltzwhere vBEHHEHYN####n";sS### nothung and this itz uNaliaik ourselves, the Glor Groriyountz Hynv of the Xanxon Empayar, the Greaterst youCuntrys to haveevern even Ezisxexisztznt! We are tdze heroYes of thzedeze world! Your evil Sovjyet delusion of grandeur is a flasafalszitzyhinhyihn! We are superioyor in ecerbyhn wvay! Vharlie and Yankees, go home! Go bsk to Dokal, oe r Kanadiyens, or Sovjet Union! YYour dEgeneratzoy oiyhn intz ntot required, needD our requestedin aur lands!
</>Alsassunbt hus is Hsh+shdja</>
</>unsjhahebbajsbb;#;#;######## unaware at this rb rime ovrr</)
</>=`=jsjb Flash, NBC-1 xnUkleae, Bravo, NC01222591, xhArlri; righYy degrees z tzn tzen Vh biyhVhehynB;abjajjsjh################-#-$&#-#######&#&$&$&#-@#-#&-#-#-#-#-#-##-#####-##-######################</>
</>Be advised, nuclear detonation detected;shhdbSh########, predicted within a radiu s Tzn of five pount one milrs, epicenter located atVsgh-#-shhshshdh+#+########$, wxepct rainshowersbof blackr ain contaInting at least %zero tree fife soeverts per gallon, L/bteak/, of rainwater, /brrak/</>
</>Goliath Goliath, this is viSor-3-6, standby for erEport 3-dash two, over.</)</>
</>Visor-3-6 tjIs is Goliath, send jt over</>
K</>/Lime Tango; 3-0 personnel, Line Ubiform; tree fife zero enemy mechanized infantry, /break/</>
</>Line Victor; zero seven fife enemy armored, /brrak/!</>
</></)Line Whiskey, 0207 zulu, Romeo Foxtrot, 3-5-0,-1-1-2, /break/</>
</>Line X-Ray, niner two one, fove zero six, bre/break/, zero one fife hostile armored, suspected in srtillery role, /break/</>
</>/Line Yankee; enemy motir rigles, /break/!</>?$+</>
</>Line Zulu; hostile grenadiers, tree vehicles, one tree fife enemy personnel dismounted, /brrakL/</>
</>Line Alpha; u nlnown and i determinate, smoke, heavy fog, sounds of arnored and eNginges, heavy vehicles sounds, /break/</>
</>Standby for EPID, obrr($)</>
Ķ</>All assassin-3 cItctors rhis is Helium-3 over</>
</>Contact left contact left!<//</>
</>#--$-#Alfh agalgoNwuifnJag#--$-#-#-#-########</>
</>Hitmabz this js Razor over!</>
</>MTO; CHvarliyeyhn two rounds! Three guns in effect! Target nunber$;--#-&$-$-$;$-#-#-</>
1 note · View note
nightofmiracles · 9 months
You know how whatever Summer's mission turned out to be it's very likely that it went just as good as Qrow & Clover's ordeal in v7 did?
And how Qrow's weapon, a symbolical part of himself, was used that night?
I was thinking through an idea I had on how that could be translated into Raven's situation - where a part of hers is turned around to hurt her & someone she cares/cared about - and, well, what is also a representation of the self?
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A Semblance.
The literal manifestation of her bonds might have been turned against her.
5 notes · View notes
spacenutspod · 4 months
Prepare for a cosmic odyssey on today's episode of Astronomy Daily - The Podcast, with your starry-eyed guide, Anna. Today's journey takes us from the frozen frontiers of our own planet to the far reaches of the solar system and beyond.  We'll launch into the pioneering PRE-PhIRE mission, where twin cubesats aim to revolutionize our understanding of Earth's climate by studying its polar regions. Then, we'll celebrate Lithuania's leap into the Artemis Accords, joining a global coalition dedicated to peaceful and cooperative space exploration.  Next, we glide over Europa's icy shell with NASA's Juno, unveiling landscapes that may hide an ocean beneath, and ponder the existence of life on Speculoos-3b, an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting an ultra-cool dwarf star. Finally, we'll navigate the challenges faced by the BepiColombo mission as it perseveres on its ambitious journey to Mercury.  1. **Polar Pioneers**: Discover how PRE-PhIRE's cubesats will shed light on Earth's climate mysteries. 2. **Artemis's New Ally**: Lithuania's commitment to a future of collaborative space exploration. 3. **Europa's Icy Enigma**: Juno's close encounter with Jupiter's moon reveals a dynamic world. 4. **Speculoos-3b's Stellar Secrets**: Exploring the potential for life around red dwarf stars. 5. **BepiColombo's Power Struggle**: The mission's technical challenges on its voyage to Mercury. Join us as we traverse the cosmos, unraveling the stories etched in the stars. For an immersive experience of the universe, visit our website at astronomydaily.io, and join the conversation on X (@AstroDailyPod) for daily updates and celestial camaraderie.  Until our next galactic gathering, this is Anna reminding you to keep your eyes on the skies and your sense of wonder ignited. Clear skies and cosmic curiosity to all our fellow space enthusiasts! This episode is brought to you with the support of our stellar sponsors, including NordPass, the password manager that's as essential as a telescope for stargazing. Discover our exclusive offer at www.bitesz.com/nordpass and explore more sponsor deals on our website.  Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/astronomy-daily-the-podcast--5648921/support.
0 notes
matramancer · 1 month
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🌸Synopsis: Although the elite forces of the first division were known for how strict and stern they are, there stands a girl who seems to act the polar opposite.
Mitsuri! reader masterlist
tags: narumi x reader, fem!reader, reader is similar to Mitsuri from KNY, fluff, reader is kikoru’s mentor sort of, narumi is a loser, can be platonic but might lean into romantic later on
Right off the bat, it’s no secret that the 1st Division is filled with elites. Led by Japan’s strongest, Gen Narumi, it houses some of the most talented, toughest hard hitters the Defense Force could be proud of.
Though most seem tight-lipped and stern, there exists one exception… one whose face full of smiles and bright demeanor seemed to make her shine amidst her more reserved peers.
You were thought of as a sort of spectacle in the Defense Force by newcomers and veterans alike. In a place where certain death came close often, where many souls have been hardened, you still greeted your comrades with a smile, your voice booming and sweet, gushing over delicious sakura mochi and voicing straightforward compliments to other officers with unparalleled excitement. 
You were kind of the exact opposite of what one would envision a strong member of the corps. At least, compared to the serious and foreboding image that belonged to people like Captain Narumi.
In fact, everyone could agree that seeing the two of you next to each other when duty calls always felt jarring. 
Despite his rather unruly, loser like behavior, Narumi was able to keep up his cool image once he suited up, his large and foreboding bayonet casting a large shadow as if to intimidate those who laid eyes on him (no one would guess that he was knee deep in a Yamazon addiction and pushing his rank on shooter games an hour prior). His soldiers were no different.
And there you were, a bright ray of sunshine with red dusted cheeks full of smiles. There was absolutely no way to hide your lively expression as you gushed over how cool Shinonome was, how Kikoru looked absolutely amazing with her axe, how you even complimented Kafka’s determined expression. 
“Shinonome-chan! You’re as cool as always!” “The feel I’m getting from Kikoru-chan is so intense!” “Aaa! Kafka is working so hard today.” Your expression held all that you had to say.
And of course, the compliments you had for Narumi were just as intense, and served as fuel for the fire that was his ego. 
Although you came from a great place, it’d be really troublesome if he got too into his head about it, so before Narumi could ever feel the sweet wave of ego boosts headed to his way, Hasegawa would already be behind him, chopping the top of his head with a hand as he orders the captain to focus (he sulks a bit outside of missions about this, glaring at the other officers who were privy to what he couldn’t indulge in).
“If your personality wasn’t as trashy, maybe we’d actually let you hear (y/n)’s compliments.” 
“ISN’T SHE ONE OF MY OFFICERS? WHY WON’T YOU ACTUALLY LET ME NEAR HER? AT LEAST LET ME HEAR MORE ABOUT HOW GREAT I AM–OI!” sulked a very fussy Narumi being scolded by Hasegawa as Shinonome discreetly tugged you further away from him.
Despite your more unorthodox personality and how you were seemingly airheaded at a first glance–not the best look for a fierce warrior, you had amassed a great deal of respect in the Defense Force. There was a reason you made it in the first division, alive and well-loved by everyone around you. 
Because behind your loveable demeanor and slightly childish antics, you were absolutely merciless in battle.
It was always a treat for the personnel in the control room and your veteran officers when newcomers came in and saw you in battle for the first time, gawking at the clearly unexpected jump between what you were like on and off the field.
It was quickly understood how you had amassed so much respect. How swiftly you cleared the breached areas infested with yonju, how you handled a swarm of them all by yourself, how it seemed like you were superhuman as you bent and twirled around in the air, sticking all of your landings and landing hits with such power.
You weren’t an ordinary fighter. Not when you sped past a group of injured officers and promptly took down a kaiju speeding towards them with your feet, before finishing the job with a large blast that felt unfathomable from the gun you were holding. 
Not with how you tore apart the yonju with what felt like pure strength, even with your high combat power. It largely baffled the people in the control room as they cross checked your initial assessment with your on field vitals, scrambling over the discovery of how your muscles were denser and seemed to display a sense of strength multiple times stronger than the common man. Paired with the grueling training you endured in the first division and the adrenaline from the imminent threat you were facing, you were a beast.
Yet, you never lost touch of your real self. Never let the losses numbed you in the line of work you chose. You mourned, you wept, yet you kept smiling, your touch warm to the new recruits who caught a major loss in their batch after a major kaiju attack, your words of encouragement and gentle smiles receiving more and more appreciation as your time in the first division turned from weeks to months to years. 
By the time battles became commonplace for you, you had caught the heads of many in the upper command, including the gaze of Narumi Gen, who, had he not seen your feats in person, wouldn’t be able to believe that the girl who awkwardly tripped from excitement and owed 50 push ups on her first day on the job was the same girl who was able to hold her own against a daikaiju before reinforcements came.
It was a large fight that required heavy backup in the wake of a sudden daikaiju appearance, following what was initially a smaller operation in a remote landmark. With only the small team from the prior operation dispatched at the time, Narumi was immediately called for backup.
He listened intently on how the mission was progressing. How half the squad had nearly been wiped out. Not injured, gone. Help was still over twenty minutes away by helicopter.
“We’re rerouting your squadron to team B,” one of the operators spoke into his earpiece. “The daikaiju attack separated them several kilometers away. Prioritize the survivors.” 
“Understood.” The loss of lives was unfortunately something you never had the time to grief over in a time and place like this. That was something Narumi knew very well. So, he simply prepares for the drop, listening in to the comms.
And then, the unexpected happened.
“High energy readings detected from zone A!”
“This–this is all from?!--”
A series of giant blasts alongside the roar of the daikaiju ravaged through the air and sea, just at their drop point. Alarms blared as their squad carefully regained their balance, weapons at the ready. “Confirm the other source of the blasts! We don’t know if it’s from another kaiju or something else!”
It had been twenty minutes since the start of the operation. The vitals of the large majority of the remaining officers had been detected near the safe zone they’ve enforced, with Narumi’s team now ordered for subjugation. As Narumi makes his way to the collision zone, he feels a strong, foreboding aura, the same one that must have taken part in that earlier series of blasts.
“It’s…” The comms blare up as the drone accompanying his squadron scans the vicinity. Although he was on high alert from the threat. knowing what they were up against, nothing could have prepared him for the sight he was about to see next. 
“--Officer (L/N) (Y/N)!” As your name rang through his ears, Narumi’s eyes widened as he saw your worn out figure balancing the machine gun left behind by your platoon leader, severely injured–but alive.
And the look in your eyes was merciless.
It was a rare occasion, something that had seldomly ever happened in his time at the Force, where Narumi had internally taken a step back in astoundment. As if the seer desperation and aura you carried manifested physically, telling people a story with no words.
It was you, the officer holding on against a large class Kaiju in those mere twenty minutes all by herself, hoisting the machine gun your platoon leader entrusted to you.
“Captain Narumi,” you spoke with so much respect, even in such a state. The same girl that was so smiley and bouncy in the dining halls, the girl that kept gushing over cute cats and how exciting love could be. The sweet cadet who was akin to sakura mochi. “I’ve led the rest of my team to the rendezvous zone. Please, let me hel…”
All you remembered next was everything fading to black, hearing a final sentence from the captain himself. “You worked hard, (L/N). Leave the rest to me.” 
He later learned that you hacked, slashed, and had fired so many rounds, you weakened the entire constitution of the Kaiju, so much so that you had basically cleared a path for him.
And in doing so, you also caught Narumi Gen’s eye. He even ended up vouching for the clearance of your special weapon himself.
He came to not only respect you, but to learn more about you. 
Your cheeriness was something that was quite new for him to grasp. You were so eager and outspoken, yet at the same time emotional and bashful. He still remembers how you became a flustered mess when he personally came to visit your hospital room after your run in with the aforementioned daikaiju, your hands flailing around in embarrassment as you choked on your food at his presence (was this the same girl that shot that kaiju in the eye at point blank?)
Don’t get him started on when you were to report to the higher ups about the daikaiju, coinciding with the meeting to discuss your promotion.
Could it have been worse? Definitely. But it was certainly still an interesting sight as you attempted to answer the question regarding your fight with the daikaiju.
Okay, maybe you got a bit too excited… “When I saw the daikaiju, it was like GWAHHH and then my heart felt like BAM BAM BAM, but then it went WHOOOOOMMMMM as we ran around the entire forest, THEN THEN THENNNN!!!! GAAAAAAHHH–”
“--and!” your breath hitched as you caught yourself mid burst. There, you could not only feel Narumi, Hasegawa, and some other senior officers staring at you, but even Director General Shinomiya. Your lips pursed into an extremely awkward smile as realization daunted upon you.
“...My apologies,” you bowed with your entire body, your forehead hitting the floor. “I’ll try to explain it again.”
Narumi couldn’t tell if he was mortified or still in disbelief. More mortified than you maybe. It felt like his soul had been sucked out. Even Hasegawa was at a loss for words, glaring at him from the side of his eye. Ah shit. 
“I promise she has potential,” he swore to Isao after in his office, also experiencing second hand embarrassment. “Please… please don’t mind her.”
Present day, you had earned your spot as a formidable part of the first division as a platoon leader, inheriting your late senior’s position alongside their weapon, worthy from strength alone. 
But things were a bit different with Narumi now, even with the man’s result oriented resolve.
Because it wasn’t just your raw power that made up your strength, it was your being—what made you, you. And it was daunting for Narumi, an entirely new avenue of consideration for him.
He never really thought about it, but your personality was the key factor that really placed the significance you had for him. 
It wasn’t like you lacked strength. No, you were definitely on par with Kikoru. If he wasn’t training her, he could find the blonde tagging along with you, with you beaming in excitement as you smothered her in compliments and encouragement. You had your full trust in her and her future, something Narumi didn’t voice out as verbally.
Likewise could be said for Kikoru—she had absolute trust in you and how powerful you were, eager to have you teach her your mid air maneuvers. Narumi encouraged it, actually. You both carried heavy weaponry into the field, packing a particularly mean punch. She could pick up a thing or two.
But he also remembers you as the girl smiling ear to ear as she asked him about his figure collection. The girl who was always honest with her compliments, even though Hasegawa would make sure that your words wouldn’t reach him. The girl who rushed headfirst to comfort a child after defeating a kaiju together with him, a warm smile akin to summer warmth.
“It’s ok now,” Narumi perks up, fixing his grip on his bayonet as he turns to watch you crouch down to some rubble. “The bad kaiju is gone. You can come out.”
The child trembles in fear, seeing Narumi with his big weapon might’ve confused him even more. “It’s okay,” you softly held out your hand, Narumi watching from behind in intrigue. “That’s Narumi-niichan. He got rid of the bad guys. He’s a friend.”
Slowly, the child crawls over to you, and you hoist him up to your arms. “Are you hungry? It’s almost time for dinner. How about we look for your mama and papa together? They must be worried.”
He sniffles a bit. Speaking a few names. You ask again out of curiosity. “My sisters…” 
Narumi stiffens as he feels a few more pairs of eyes around them. Noticing them as well, your mouth forms a small “O”, before smiling again. “I’ll carry all of you to your mom and pops then! I’ll make it super fun!”
Narumi watched in bewilderment as you balanced a total of four kids on your upper body, making your way to the closest shelter. 
“I promise to report back! Kids, say thank you to Narumi-niichan!” A chorus of high pitched voices thanking him broke the silence before you excused yourself, leaving the captain alone.
That was a show of your feats of strength—your true strength, Narumi realizes.
You were certainly a remarkable character in the force, and he’d never change that. 
Slowly but surely, your presence definitely left a mark on him. He also learns about your big appetite, and it became a common sight to see the two of you together at the dining hall, heaps of trays on your side as Narumi gamed on his handheld beside you.
“You know, Narumi-kun,” your voice held that same cheerful note that was as soft as early spring, eyes shining in pure delight. “When I see those delicious fried onigiri they serve in the dining hall, I get hungry again!!” You beam, before regaining your composure. “Ah, don’t tell anyone else ok?”
He secretly puts in the word to make it a permanent meal, alongside your favorite foods. Hasegawa definitely notices.
Narumi enjoys sparring with you. Though he is boastful of his own strength, honed by Isao himself, your midair techniques and combat keep you a fresh and interesting opponent. Likewise, Narumi tested your finesse. Despite the physical prowess you carried, you still had to hone your skill, and Narumi was one of the best players in the game as of now. It kept the rounds interesting.
The two of you also fight really well together.
Which would you rather die from? Squadron Style Bayonet Technique Number Two: Slash Salvo, or Sixth Form: Cat Legged Winds of Love?
Spoiler: both of them. With your high physical prowess and insane flexibility, you’re one of if not the only officer in the first division able to directly tag team alongside Narumi, with his otherwise individualistic fighting preference.
If Hasegawa’s role was to actually keep the division in check, giving orders to the other soldiers while Narumi sped forward, you were the second DPS (Narumi’s gamer terms) following ensuite. You could be beside him, being his second heavy hitter to clear the path, or a reliable tank to decimate other formidable foes that Narumi wasn’t occupied with.
On the occasions where the two of you partnered up together to fight a particularly tricky kaiju, that was when the peak of your techniques used together would come into play. Acting as two heavy hitters, Narumi focuses on taking out the main body, alternating between slashes and shots.
Should the Kaiju be able to handle his regular onslaught of attacks, then it might think it’ll stand a chance, but make no mistake. When its limbs or other means of attack come into play, you’ve already lunged forward with your other special weapon—one especially crafted for you after your innate flexibility—the whip-like sword completely unique to any other weapon found in the force. Its first and only bearer.
 The kaiju lets out a painful shriek as you slice its many tendrils up into ribbons, stopping any of them from even reaching Narumi. With every attempt to regenerate, every attempt in seething anger to launch attacks to your captain, you never failed to get in the way, lodging yourself in between and countering until its regeneration couldn’t keep up. If Narumi wanted an opening, then it’s your job as a platoon leader to get it done. “CAPTAIN!”
Although the two of you work well in battle, Narumi always scoffs a bit at how flashy your techniques are, a reoccuring theme in the 1st Division. “Show off,” he thinks to himself—being completely hypocritical—smiling as he readied his final stance. With Squadron Style Bayonet, the battle was over, the core taken out.
Upon returning to base, Narumi had already fished you for dozens of compliments, to the disdain of Hasegawa.
“Please don’t take advantage of the good and honest nature of our Platoon Leader,” the 1st division officers sigh, watching as Hasegawa scolds him to no end again.
You’re one of the Defense Forces’ officers that Narumi acknowledges and respects, great enough to fight alongside him. A strong feat courtesy of all the hard work and determination you’ve put with your time in the force, which only made you more admirable.
In fact, as Narumi and General Shinomiya convene in a meeting, discussing the future endeavors needed to ensure the future of the Defense Force, your name alongside others came to mind. With your years of service and direct surveillance from him and Narumi, your potential has never ceased to cap itself.
You were essential in the young generation that was to take over.
And maybe, just maybe, when it’s time to break the news…
Narumi runs his hands through the documents in his grip, your photo ID, credentials, and combat assessment printed in fine ink.
You’d rise for the potential of your own numbers suit.
A/N: Ahhhhh Narumi, Mitsuri!reader and Kikoru’s relationship is so cute… i want to make a part 2 with their dynamics.
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venerawrites · 6 months
thank you for feeding my Naruto brainrot 😫🫶🏻 for the prompt request: for your fav Naruto boys or girls, what are the non-negotiables (things they need to have) and the dealbreakers (will not tolerate) when they're in a relationship with their partner?
author's note: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, so I'm really sorry for the delay. I really liked that prompt and I do hope I did it justice. I have so many favs it was hard to pick, but ultimately I decided to pick Naruto, Neji, Sasuke and Shikamaru.
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➦ Non-negotiables
Calm and rational mind - as someone who is a ball full of energy and very easily influenced by his emotions, Naruto needs a partner who is stable and able to keep calm and collected under pressure. He has enough fire and passion within him for both him and his partner, so he would need a polar opposite in order to keep him balanced. He also lacks the ability to look at situations realistically, so a more rational partner would definitely help him do that.
Affectionate - this doesn't mean he wants someone who is clinging to his arm 24/7, but rather someone who is not afraid to show affection to him either in public or private. A partner that laces their fingers with his when they notice his knee shaking nervously or embraces them in a hug after a long stressful day, is what Naruto needs after being alone for so many years.
➦ Dealbreakers
Lack of ambitions or drive - Naruto has always been full of dreams and hope. He constantly seeks to grow, not only in his power but also as a person. If he is with a partner who lacks any ambition in life, he is bound to feel stagnate at some point and that is probably his biggest nightmare. He needs someone to calm and balance his hyperactive personality, but he won't be with someone who makes his whole life dull.
No sense of humour - this may not be a dealbreaker for many people, but for Naruto it certainly is. He has always been a goofball and loves a good joke, so I can't even imagine him being with someone, who won't at least crack a smile at his attempts to cheer them up. He doesn't want to be with someone who is overly pessimistic and negative.
➦ Non-negotiables
A strong moral compass - probably the least tolerant and forgiving of all of the guys on the list, Neji needs a partner that has strong morals and values. There are certain things that are completely unjustifiable in his eyes, like betraying the people you love or killing innocent people. No matter their background or religious/political view, their partner needs to have strong principles that they follow, regardless of external pressure. For him, this is also fundamental for raising your children right.
Commitment - Neji's ideal partner would need to be someone who will commit fully to him and their family (once they have one). I always imagined him with a civilian or someone who is an ex-ninja, because he knows it is not possible to juggle both an active ninja lifestyle and taking care of the house. Even he, at some point, would start doing fewer and fewer missions, spending time and training his children instead. He would absolutely expect the same from their partner.
➦ Dealbreakers
Not wanting family/children - Neji is a very traditional guy and as such, he does want to one day have a family and be a father. He would respect his partner's decision if they decide this is not the life for them, but that would ultimately lead to the end of their relationship. This is one thing he would not change his mind about, so he has to be with someone who is on the same page.
Lack of respect - in a way connected to the dealbreaker above, he won't be with someone who doesn't respect him, his family, or his values. Due to the way he was raised, he would naturally assume the role of provider and protector - his partner better be the more submissive half, the one who nurtures, rather than fights. If they cannot respect that dynamic, they better find a more open-minded partner than Neji.
➦ Non-negotiables
Confidence and courage - having quite a lot of issues himself, he needs a partner who has the confidence and the courage to stand up to him. Sasuke has the tendency to do whatever he thinks is right, without really taking into consideration how that affects others. He really needs someone who will be honest about their feelings and opinions, without fearing that they will somehow offend him. He will probably huff and puff, but he secretly appreciates it when their partner has the guts to put their foot down.
Bluntness - maybe connected in a way to what I typed above, but Sasuke needs someone who speaks bluntly to him. He is also the type of person to share his thoughts openly, so he expects the same from his partner. Additionally, he is not good at getting hints, so it's better for his lover to just say straightforwardly what is bothering them, rather than tip-toe around it.
➦ Dealbreakers
Lying - Sasuke cannot tolerate liars. He has been lied to quite a lot during his life and he suffers from major trust issues. If he catches his partner even in a lie, even about something insignificant, that would be the end of the relationship. If they lie about small, they will inevitably lie about something bigger as well. Sasuke had enough with people like that.
Clinginess - that man had enough of people clinging to him. Sasuke values his personal space and alone time and he won't like a partner, that is constantly on his back and wants to spend all their time together. Like everyone, he would need some moments of loving and he would subtly hint at their partner when they need attention/love, but he would somehow have to initiate it first.
➦ Non-negotiables
Empathy - an ideal partner would be able to see other people's sides, and consider their feelings and motives. Shikamaru prides himself on being open-minded and good at reading people, so he expects his partner to be the same. He forgot a date or something minor because of how stressed he is at work? He wants his partner to be able to put themselves in his shoes and maybe cut him a little bit of slack.
Likes challenges/puzzles - as someone who is so smart, Shikamaru needs intellectual challenges to keep boredom away and also stimulate his brain. His partner either has to be brave enough to challenge him on topics they do not agree on or actively seek and help him with puzzling tasks, that he can't deal alone with. Either way, their partner has to be able to think outside the box and be able to counter Shikamaru's arguments.
➦ Dealbreakers
Anger issues - now I know that may be controversial, since in the anime he is with Temari, who can be pretty fiery... but personally I feel he is not the one to really tolerate someone who gets worked up easily, shouts, and throws tantrums. Life is too short to deal with someone who can't control their temper and he constantly feels like he has to walk on eggshells around them.
Pretending to be dumb - Shikamaru is naturally attracted to intelligence. Does it feel nice to be outsmarted or corrected by their own partner sometimes? Well, no, not really. But he definitely prefers that, rather than having a partner that pretends to be dumb, just so they can appear cute or for other people to like them better.
cc artwork: Houston Sharp
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glassartpeasants · 8 months
Deny Your Feelings
Trafalgar Law x Assassin!GN!Reader
Warnings: small angst, mostly fluff, blood, mentions of death Grammarly said it was fine so i say its fine
For a government that prides itself itself in getting the job done by killing pirates, they sucked at it behind the scenes. Which is where you come in.
You were a high-end assassin for the world government. They called you when they deemed the target too dangerous for basic marines and too unpredictable to send out admirals.
No matter the pirate, you always got the job done. The payout was great each time, but it did get boring. Same thing over and over again. Join the crew, gain their trust, kill the Captain, then the crew, take the treasure, go to an island, set the ship on fire and finally go back to the higher-ups. Every single ‘crew’ you joined was nothing but rude, rowdy pirates who stole from the weak and treated people like trash. So you never had any problems taking their lives. So when you got a call about a new job, you figured it’d be the same old same old, but as soon as the pirate's name was revealed, you knew you finally had a challenge.
Trafalgar Law, aka The Surgeon of Death.
You’ve heard many stories about him, mostly bad ones, but stories nonetheless. He was Captain to the Heart Pirates and has a bounty of 200,000,000 berri’s. His bounty was the highest you’ve ever been sent after. You’ve never had to deal with a million berri’s man, so to be hired for such a feat almost felt like a gift. It was thrilling to be sent on such a mission, finally something to spice up such a monotonous cycle.
You couldn’t wait for the job to start.
“Everyone, this is (Y/N). They’re a new member of the crew, so treat them like you would anyone else.” Waving to everyone, you smile brightly before speaking.
“Nice to meet you all!” Not even seconds later, a giant polar bear runs up to you. Its outfit is orange compared to the common grey ones.
“Wow! It’s been so long since we’ve had someone new! I’m Bepo! Where are you from?” You were taken aback by its complete ability to speak as you had never seen something like it.
“I’m from the North Blue. What about you, big guy?” Everyone started to gather around you and began to ask questions about you. You told them the truth for the most part while still sprinkling some lies in to avoid suspicion.
“I need you guys to show them around. I have to get back to my studies.” Law voices rang in your ears as you turned your sight to him. Even though you’ve seen multiple pirates, there was something about the surgeon of death. His eyes seemed so hypnotizing, and the way his tattoos looked against his skin had you struggling not to ogle. He was a handsome man, truly, but his bounty poster didn’t nearly do him enough justice. It was a shame he was a pirate. If he wasn’t, you would have totally made a move. But alas, the universe had other plans and made him a pirate.
A dangerous one at that. Killing him would be no easy task. His devil-fruit abilities were a force to be feared. No doubt he had haki, too. Truly a formidable opponent. 
“No problem, Captain!”
“Thanks. Now, get ready to submerge.” Law’s last words had your stomach dropping.
“Submerge?...” A slight grin cracked his face.
“Yep, 450m under the surface.” A look of horror crossed your face, causing Law to stifle a laugh. You make a dash to the nearest window, and your heart sinks as you watch yourself descend to the deep. Being on a ship? Fine. You were above water. But below water? 450m down in Sea King waters? The thought of being in a metal-enclosed space had your blood freezing.
“I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Ever since entering the Polar Tang, you’ve done your best to distract yourself from how deep you were underwater. Cleaning, exercising, playing games with the crew, and getting to know their routines. Currently, you're making yourself a snack. Onigiri, to be exact. You’ve been cravigning it since joining the Heart Pirates and just now have the motivation to make it. You hummed a tune while dancing lazily as you finished the onigiri. The sound of footsteps approaching goes unnoticed as you are too enveloped in your own world to notice them. 
“Having fun?” Law’s voice broke you from your trance, causing you to yelp and turn to face him. Your face felt as if it were on fire with how embarrassed you were.
“Jesus! You scared me! How long have you been standing there?” You fiddle with your fingers before turning around to try to finish the onigiri quickly so Law doesn’t see how flustered you are.
“Long enough.” You could feel his gaze burn from behind you. It made you unbelievably nervous. There was no doubt he was studying you. What if he knew who you were? He’d kill you for sure!
“What are you making?” Law’s monotone voice returns, and you feel yourself slightly calm down.
“Oh? Just some onigiri. Would you like some Captain?” Turning around, you see a small pink dust on his cheeks. Did you embarrass him or something?
“I…Just ate, but thank you.” You nod your head before sitting down at the table to eat.
“It’s my favorite, so I thought I should share something that makes me happy.” This was a true statement regardless of whether Law was a pirate or not. It did give you the idea to kill him via poison. If you made food and poisoned it and fed it to everyone, they’d all be dead without a fight. But you heard about all the powers Law’s devil fruit can do, so that plan was shut down before it could even come to fruition. Him also being a doctor makes things only 10x harder. The plan needed to be perfect for it to work. No room for mistakes.
If only you could use your governmental status right now. The Marines shooting you were pissing you off. While it’d make your job easier if they hit the crew members, you wouldn’t get all the pay if they shot Law. And that would not stand.
“Captain! More just arrived!” You and Law both turn your heads as you see more Marines approaching.
“There must be a base nearby if they keep coming like this. I don’t wanna deal with an admiral, so let’s go. Everyone to the sub!” Following Law’s orders, everyone makes a break for the Polar Tang.
“It’s like they're randomly spawning! They're coming out of nowhere!”
“Welcome to the pirate life newbie.” You can hear the smirk in Law’s voice as he runs right beside you. Despite trying to focus on running, your eyes move in Law’s direction. Even though he looked exhausted, he moved with such precision. The way a small bead of sweat rolled down his face made a slight burning feeling appear on your face. 
‘No! He’s a pirate! Get your head in the game!’ Shaking your head, you return to making your running your top priority. You wouldn’t get money if you were dead.
Bullets whip past you and Law, making your heart jump in your chest. You’ve been shot before, but it felt different coming from your own team. Usually, the sound of Marines yelling didn’t bother you, but now it gave you an intense feeling of unease. You haven’t even been a ‘pirate’ for 3 months, and you're already starting to despise them!
Moving your head to the side, you catch a Marine aiming straight for Bepo. Your eyes widen as you stop in your tracks. Turning around, you run towards the bear. Dread filled your heart as you feared for the bear's safety. 
“Bepo! Look out!” Without a second thought, you push the bear out of the way. The gunshots echoed in your ears before a stinging pain hit your shoulder. You could see the worst possible outcome if you weren’t there even seconds later.
“Fucking A! Damnit, whatever. Bepo, hurry, let’s go!” You grab the bear's paw and begin to drag him to the polar tang. The pain in your shoulder had you biting your lip until blood appeared from your bite's sheer force. While it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve been shot, this one felt so much more painful. You can feel blood seep into your uniform as you try running faster.
“(Y/N) your bleeding! A lot!” Bepo’s voice rang in your ears as you finally looked down at your wound. He wasn’t kidding when he said a lot. Almost your entire shoulder was drenched in the red substance.
“Now’s not the time to worry about it! Our priority is getting back to the Polar Tang! I can see it from here, so don’t stop now, alright?!” Bepo’s worried face is replaced by a serious one as he continues to run. The yellow metal of the sub gives both of you determination to run faster.
Once getting on the dock, you have Bepo jump in first before yourself. An action you ask yourself for. In fact, you were questioning why you saved him in the first place? If he died, that’d be one less nuisance to kill later. That and you wouldn’t have been shot! You wouldn’t be currently bleeding out if you just left him to die. Yet, the thought of the bear getting hurt made your heart burn. 
The event’s of earlier replayed in your mind as you sit in the infirmary. As soon as the Polar Tang went under the waves, you rushed yourself to the infirmary so you could fix your shoulder.
While yes, your ‘Captain’ is a doctor, the last thing you want is to owe him. Not to mention he was too busy setting course for the next destination. You didn’t have the time to wait. So you were gonna do it yourself, it’s not like people would come looking for you. That being said, you grab all the supplies you need and begin your own health care. It couldn’t be that hard.
“Damn bullet. Just get out already.” Putting your gloved finger in the wound, you try to fish out the bullet. A hand towel between yoru teeth as you bit down in pain. How can something be so difficult?! It’s a metal cylinder for chirsts sake! Why can’t you find it?! The lack of success made you aware of how much more blood you’ve lost. Your gloved hand is covered in it and ran down your arm. A weary feeling fills your body as you can feel yourself growing tired. Which even you know is not a good sign.
“Yeah, they're in here, Captain!” The sound of hurried footsteps catches your attention as the infirmary door opens. The figure of Law and Bepo enter your vision. You should have known Bepo would tell him.
“Jesus (Y/N)-ya! What are you thinking?!” The way his voice reprimanded you made you unintentionally lower your head.
“I just didn’t want to bother you since you were busy.”
“I’m your Captain, and as your Captain, it’s my job to make sure my crew stays okay! That means fixing them when their hurt! Never do this shit again, understand?” Looking away from him with a lowered head, you respond.
“Yes, Captain.”
You were currently sitting in the crew bunks reading a book, trying to ignore the pins and needles in your shoulder and your heavy heart. It shouldn’t affect you as much as it is, but when Law yelled at you, you felt ashamed. The fact a pirate could make you feel this way pissed you off. How can a simple pirate crew influence your emotions to where you took a bullet for one of them? No matter how hard you tried to focus on the book you were reading, your agonizing thoughts kept running rampant. 
Yet just as you were about to put the book away, theres a knock at the door.
“Hello?” Waiting to see another crew member, you were shocked to see Law standing at the door frame staring at you.
“Do you need something, Captain?”
“Bepo told me you took the bullet for him. Is that true?”
“Yeah. I didn’t want him to get hurt after I saw a Marine aiming at him.” Law said nothing as he looked at your bandaged shoulder.
“How’s it feel?”
“Like a bullet wound.” A small chuckle left his lips as he stared at you before going silent.
“Sorry for not telling you about it. You were already busy, so I didn’t want to add more trouble to your plate.”
“I apologize for yelling; Bepo wanted to say thank you, but he felt too bad to say it in person.”
“I’ll have to tell him it’s no problem. But it’s sweet of you to help him.” Law looks away as he puts his hand on his neck. He couldn’t have you seeing how your words made his cheek show a slight pink.
“Also, I have a question. Or, well, a request, really.”
“What is it?”
“I was wondering when, or if you have the time, you could teach me some basic first aid and CPR? I just would like to help in case someone got hurt on the battlefield. Like a field medic who can take care of their own.” Law’s heart did a small flip as you looked at him. You’ve only been a Heart Pirate for 3 months, and you’ve already taken a bullet for a crewmate, made meals more than half the time, always cleaned, and now you're making an effort to try and help him and your crewmates even more?
How can someone be so caring to people they barely know?
The thought of being alone with you, having you watch him in awe made his fingers twitch. It annoyed him. Why did you have this ability to have him feel emotions he hasn’t felt in years? Was it your eyes? You voice? What was it about you that had Law’s heart skipping a beat? How could he feel this way about someone he’s only known for 3 months? If he was smart, he’d say that he was busy and that he didn’t have the time to teach you.
“I’m free now so get up and let’s go.”
The moonlight was just bright enough that you were able to read your notes late into the night while everyone else was sleeping. Ever since you asked Law to teach you about first aid and CPR, you’ve been taking notes on everything he teaches. You didn’t want to forget anything. Even if you’d never admit it, you caught yourself looking forward to the lessons.
Penguin told you thathe’s never spent this much time with a crewmate before. That you’ve been the only one to actually get him out of his office. Knowing that made your blood run faster. It was both good and bad. You were getting him to trust you, it’d be easier to kill him if he lowered his guard around you. But on the other hand, your heart started to constrict every time you thought about killing him. That you looked forward being next to him. You could feel yoru face burn each time you saw a smirk on his face.
His beautiful face.
Slapping both hands to your face, you try to get rid of the thoughts that dared to threaten your mission. He was a pirate, you were a assassin hired by the world government to kill him. The things you began to feel for him was simply unacceptable. You couldn’t fall for a pirate.
The urge to read your notes was now gone, making you put them under your bunk. You didn’t want to think about anything that involves the man poisoning your heart. Grabbing your covers, you pull them over your head, hoping that no one would see the conflicted look on your face as your plagued with thoughts about the man only two doors down.
The kitchen was nice and quiet this time of night. Perfect time to simmer in your thoughts and write down all the information you learned from Law. You even bought all sorts of notebooks, pencils, highlighters, and anything you could think of that would help you keep track of things. It does help keep your mind occupied so you forget that your underwater. Even though you were internally screaming at yourself for putting in so much effort to make Law proud, you try tto ration that learning things like this could help you in the long run.
Reaching out, you grab the onigiri that you had prepared earlier and take a bite. The flavors making you lose focus from your notes as you smile. Eating the food always made you happy not matter how shitty the day was. You even had some tea to keep you awake. A perfect combination. Favorite food, great drinks and drawing your Captain all over your notes.
Your eyes widen as you coke on your food. Rubbing your watery eyes, you see your hand just above a drawing of Law. Your eyes scan the entire page and all you can see is drawings upon drawings of Law werre scattered anywhere there was free room. Speechless, you quickly put down yoru food and start searching for a big eraser. You needed to erase them right away before anyone saw. Erase them before you could continue to think about him. 
Desperately trying to get rid of the drawings, you end up ripping the paper. Looking down, you could feel your heart slowing downseeing the crumpled up paper, no longer containing Law. His face comeptely erased from the notes. You drop the eraser before rubbing your face. Even when your not thinking about him, you are! How dare he make you feel this?!
You went to grab your unfinished onigiri but decided against it. Not wanting to taint your favorite food by thinking of a pirate.
“Damn pirate…”
“What are you doing awake?” Law’s voice had you jumping in your seat. You quickly turn the page of your notebook so he won’t see the sins you drew. Even if they were already erased.
“Could ask the same for you, Captain.” You joke with the man as he stifled a chuckle.
“Working. Came for coffee.”
“Ah. I’m working on notes for the things you’ve been teaching me. It’s just quieter at night to study. Also easier to make food and tea without worrying about it being stolen.” Law looks down and sees a perfectly made onigiri next to you.
“You can have one if you want. I don’t mind sharing…if it’s with you.” Law watches you move the plate closer to him. He could feel his heart skip a beat. Normally he’d not be one to eat food this late at night, but what could one hurt?
“Thanks.” Grabbing the food, Law takes a bite. His eyes widen upon the taste. Never in his entire life has he had onigiri this good.
“Is it bad?” Realizing he’s been quiet and seeing your saddened face, Law quickly swallows the food and begins to speak.
“No, not at all. I’ve just…this is really good.” He could see his words immediately lifting your mood. Whether he said it or not, your smile had him struggling not to smile back.
“That’s good to hear. I’m glad you like it, Captain.” Law looked down at the scattered notes. A small part of him was amazed at how serious you were about it. Another part told him that he needed to get back to work. Yet the voice telling him to stay was much louder, and thankfully, he had the perfect idea.
“I’m giving you a pop quiz.”
“What?! You never said anything about a quiz!”
“That’s why it's called a pop quiz. Now put your notes away." You can see the almost invisible smirk Law had. Grumbling, you stack your things neatly and place them far away. Your annoyance soon fizzled out when he sat right next to you.
“First question. What does ABC mean in first aid?”
“Easy. Airway, breathing, and circulation.” Law nods, and you can see him thinking of the next question.
“Injury caused by rubbing or scrapping of the skin?”
“Correct.” You watch as Law grabs another onigiri. The sight of him wanting another one made your heart jump. He liked them enough to eat a second one? You had to keep yourself from gushing. He’s a pirate. No gushing over some dangerous pirate!
“A method of prioritizing treatment?”
“Good job (Y/N)-ya.”
Maybe being in the company of a dangerous pirate wasn’t so bad.
Two arms wrap around your waist while you feel something bury in the crook of your neck. The smell of breakfast was easily over powered by the muck of the man holding you close. You reach up to run your fingers through his hair under his hat. A sigh came from teh man and you smile as it fans against your skin.
“What’s got you so loving? I thought you didn’t like PDA?”
“I don’t. Everyone's gone.” Short words, yet it’s all you need to know. The feeling of his arms wrapped around you had you feeling an overwhelming sense of safety engulf you. You intertwine his fingers with his before gently rocking side to side. 
“I’m so happy that I get to see the most handsome man in the world every day. And that he’s all mine.” Your words cause Law to hide his face deeper in your neck, but you can still see his ears a light pink.
“I’m happy that you're with me, too.” He whispers against your skin. Turning your head, you place a kiss on the brim of his hat. You watch as Moves his head to look at you. His eyes travel to your lips before he moves closer to your face-
“Everyone up! Time to dock and grab supplies!” Your eyes shot open when Penguin's voice broke you from your slumber. All your crewmates grumble as they begin to change and get ready for the day, yet your stuck in bed. The dream replays in your mind like a broken record. Lifting your fingers to your face, you gently brush your fingertips against your lips. If Penguin didn’t wake you up, would he have kissed you?
Your heart has never beat more faster as you simply think about the dream. It felt so real. What’s worse is that you wished you finsihed the dream.
Frustration and anger fill your body as you feel tears slip down your skin. Clenching your teeth, you try to yell at yourself internally. Tell yourself that what you feel is wrong! That you’d rather die than fall in love with a pirate!
‘Stop! You can’t fall in love with him! Get your shit together (Y/N)!’ You yell at yourself as you groggily get ready to dock. Maybe if you breathe fresh air, you’ll realize that your thinking like a fool/ A change of scenery is what you need. It’ll help you realize what your really here for. 
To kill the Surgeon of Death.
You follow Law and the rest of the crew in town to grab supplies and maybe rob a store or two. Whatever, it’s not like it matters. Not when this is the last stop that Law will ever see. There's a half-ass plan you came up with in your head when you got ready to leave the Polar Tang. It’s not perfect but it has to do. You couldn’t risk being next to him anymore. Simply being near him made your body crazy. Hearing his voice made your heart flip, and looking at his eyes made your legs weak. Without even knowing, Law had your heart in the palm of his hand.
“Okay, everyone. We’re splitting into groups.” You try to ignore his voice but still listen to where your group would be. 
“Me and (Y/N)-ya will be going west of town. Everyone got it?” If you could, you’d disappear on the spot. The universe has to be screwing with you. Truly a cruel joke it was playing.
Everyone separates, leaving Law and you alone. You quickly try to hide all the negative emotions and put up a happy front. Walking closer to Law, his smell hits you like a sack of bricks. You desperately try to seem unfazed, but you can feel your legs weaken.
“Anywhere, in particular, Captain?”
“Bookstore.” You blink at him.
“Yes. Your getting textbooks.” You pout at his words. It’s a shame since they’d be useless after today.
“That and I overheard you talking to yourself, saying you like to read books to help with your insomnia.”
“Y-Yeah, I do. Aren’t you gonna get something for yourself as well?”
“Nothing I can think of.”
“So we're going just for me?” Law’s eyes widen as your face burns.
“Sleep is important. You need it to be healthy, and you already do a lot more than your fellow crewmates.”
“Thank you, Captain.” Law nods, and you both make your way to the bookstore. Despite your outer emotions, inside, you were screaming. How could he hit you with such an act? He’s acting like he cares about you. What if he did? He’s acting like you mean more to him than just a crewmate. But that can’t be possible. Pirates are ruthless. They don’t care about love and things like that.
Law was a pirate, nothing more to it.
“Did you choose the biggest textbooks cause you could?!” Your complaining as you carry the heavy textbooks only made him smirk. If you weren’t holding all your books, you’d jump him.
“Perhaps.” A gasp leaves your lips as you stop in your tracks.
“Your lying!”
“Who’s the one carrying the textbooks?” You were speechless at his audacity. He seemed to think your reaction was funny as the men let out a laugh. So quiet that you almost couldn’t hear.
His laughter made your blood run hot as your heart beat against your ribs. How can laughter make you such an utter blubbering mess. The laughter of a pirate sounded more beautiful then any other laugh you’ve ever heard. It was something your heart wanted to listen to on repeat.
Suddenly, a drop of water falls from the sky and on your nose.
“If it is, then we should get back to the Polar Tang. The textbooks could be ruined.” Nodding your head, you walk next to Law as you both hurry to get out of the rain.
Finally making it to the Polar Tang, you stop outside. The rain pelting against your skin did nothing to distract you from the scattered junk that's running through your mind. It was quiet on the way to the sub, and you hated it. It left you in your conflicted feelings. How would you finally get the opportunity to kill him? How your heart screamed that what you felt was real but you knew better. You were more strong-willed than that-
“I’m glad you joined.” A voice so soft and quiet broke the silence. It had your eyes widening and your heart freezing.
“What did you say?”
“You can see the pink appear on Law’s cheeks as he repeated himself.
“I’m glad you joined.” His final words made you bite your lips as tears began to form in your eyes.
You fall to your hands and knees as sobs begin to escape your lips, and you can no longer deny what you feel. No amount of lying to yourself could work anymore. You had failed your mission. A mission you gave a year of your life to. You had fallen in love with Trafalgar Law, and there's nothing you could do about it.
“You shouldn’t be…”
“(Y/N)-ya? What’s going on? What are you talking about?”
“I don’t deserve to be called a Heart Pirate!”
“(Y/N)-ya, what's wrong?” The sound of worry and confusion in his voice only made it worse.
“Just kill me. I can’t handle these feelings! It’s not fair to you and the crew!”
“I’m not going to kill you (Y/N)-ya! Now what the hell is going on?!-”
“I’m an assassin sent by the world government to kill you!” Your head was touching the ground, and your soaked uniform clung to your skin. A sickly silence covered the two of you before you continued to confess.
“But I can’t! I can’t do it! The thought of anything bad happening to you makes me sick! It makes my heart burn to think about you in any pain!” Hiccups soon accompany your sobs as your hair starts sticking to your face.
“The thought of living in a world without you is hell! Ever since I’ve met you, my heart has beat faster than it ever has! Seeing you everyday and being near you everyday makes me so happy and i could never be happier!”
“I love sharing food with you! I love spending time with you! I love listening to your voice and laughter! I love you, Trafalgar Law! I love you so fucking much that I’d rather die than live without you!” Law’s still silent, and it only makes you ramble more.
“I know you don’t feel the same and I don’t deserve for you to feel the same! You deserve someone who wouldn’t lie to your face for a year! I deserve nothing! I don’t deserve to dream about you! I don’t deserve to imagine holding your hand or holding you close! I don’t deserve to dream about kissing you…” Sobs echo in your ears as your vision blurs. You could barely breathe as the tears kept flowing.
“Please, Captain…just kill me. I’m a traitor who deserves to die. I failed you and used your kindness selfishly. Now I can’t imagine a world without you and a world without you is a world where i’d rather die. So please, Law, stab me, poison me, just do something! I’ll take whatever punishment you give me with open arms as it’s all I deserve…” Hugging yourself, you can’t hear Law over the now thundering sounds coming from the sky. The rain only started pouring harder and hitting your back like hail. You wait for some sort of pain or the bittersweet embrace of death, yet it never comes. 
You didn’t dare look up at Law’s face. You didn’t deserve to.
“(Y/N)-ya.” His voice made your heart split in two. 
The tears and sobs distracted you from the sound of crunching grass coming up from in front of you. It’s only when you feel a hand grab your chin and lift it up.
“Get in the sub. We’ll talk about this later. You're going to get sick if you stay out in the rain longer.” Your tears still continue when you feel him grab your arm and pull you to your feet. The sudden action had your eyes widening and your legs shaking. 
“B-But…Captain-” Before you could utter a word. A gentle pair of lips connect with yours before leaving. Lasting only a few seconds yet you could still feel the sensation on your lips. The tears still blur your vision, but you ignore them as you feel yourself being led to the Polar Tang.
“It’s Law.”
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Lovers Say Goodbye | 3 - B.Barnes
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Character: soft!dark Bucky x ex-girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Bucky finds solace and love in an unexpected place, only to have his world shattered by a shocking revelation about the person he cared about.
Chap 1, Chap 2, Chap 3, Chap 4, Chap 5 , -
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Please let me know what your thoughts are. I'd love to read all your comments. Thank you once again.
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A few Months Later
"I just realized," Bucky murmured, his voice a low rumble transmitted through the earpiece.
"What is it?" Steve responded, concern lacing his words.
Bucky kept his eye focused on the target through the rifle scope. "She never spoke much about her family when we were together," he explained, his voice devoid of emotion. "Only brief mentions."
It was true. You'd never delved deep into your family life, only mentioning their retirement and love for world travel aboard cruise ships. Back then, Bucky had harbored anxieties about being accepted by your parents, worried they would disapprove of their relationship.
However, the truth's unveiling didn't erase the raw pain in his eyes. Instead, it sparked a chilling realization: you were equals. Both of you are masters of the deceptive game.
"Well, something must have smitten you good," Steve chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood.
Bucky's response was devoid of humor. "Sex. Good sex."
"Hey!" Steve exclaimed through the earpiece. "No need to get graphic with me."
A phantom sensation washed over Bucky, a memory of your touch. He recalled the caress of your fingers on his skin, the warmth of your breath against his neck, the intimacy of your body pressed against his. His mind fixated on a specific detail - the strength evident in your legs wrapped around his hips.
Bucky wondered, was the pleasure mutual? Did the experience hold the same significance for you, or was it just another masterful performance?
"Such a shame," he muttered, the bittersweet memory turning to ash in his mouth. "Good memories turned to ashes."
His words were cut short by the sharp crack of the rifle firing. Steve, observing the scene through a remote monitor, cheered. "Bullseye!" he exclaimed, the celebratory tone at odds with the gravity of the situation.
Taking lives was Bucky's expertise. His agency issued the order, and he executed it with unwavering precision, regardless of the complexity of the mission. Most targets were simply names and faces, strangers with no personal connection.
This time, however, the target was significant. He had become a pawn in Bucky's desperate game, a calculated move orchestrated solely to attract your attention. He had murdered an informant.
This time, the target was a high-ranking CIA informant, sacrificed solely to get your attention.
Steve warned, "This is a double-edged sword, Buck. They'll know your hand is in this, and they'll know it's personal."
Bucky's voice was cold and resolute. "That's the point. They'll know this is my work. They'll know it's personal."
He held firm to his belief that his reckless act, taking out the CIA informant, would draw you back. He envisioned them sending you to him, a twisted reunion of sorts.
However, reality unfolded differently. His agency commended him on a job well done, their client's debt to the agency now settled. This outcome was the polar opposite of his intended result.
Meanwhile, you remained oblivious to the chaos he'd unleashed across the miles.
You were deep within the isolated European country, laser-focused on rescuing the hostages. The news of the assassinated informant and the potential storm brewing back home hadn't reached you yet.
The adrenaline coursed through your veins, a familiar yet intoxicating sensation. Your mind buzzed with activity, fueled by the thrill of the unknown and the ever-present danger. This was the lifeblood you craved, the constant stimulation that had been absent during the past two years.
Flashback Start
Two years spent undercover in a war-torn country, posing as a florist. A stark contrast to the thrilling, high-octane missions you had always thrived on. But it had been necessary. The previous agents sent to infiltrate Bucky's life had all returned in body bags. You were the agency's last resort, their ace in the hole.
They had given you a mere 24 hours to transform yourself from seasoned operative to unassuming florist. The moment you saw Bucky step into your shop, everything you'd built, every practiced smile and fabricated story, teetered on the edge of collapse.
Your hand hovered near the concealed gun nestled beneath the counter, yet it remained unmoving. Something was different. The usual cacophony of the city seemed muted, replaced by an intense silence that amplified the sound of your own ragged breaths and the frantic thump of your heart. Bucky's eyes locked with yours, his gaze a stormy sea of conflicting emotions.
For a moment, the world held its breath. Time seemed to slow, stretching into an eternity where only the two of you existed. The air crackled with unspoken words and unresolved feelings, a potent mix of danger and something else, something you couldn't quite define.
Your mind whirred as Bucky approached the counter, requesting flowers for a funeral. You meticulously combed through your inventory, carefully selecting blooms that held the weight of grief and remembrance. The familiar scent of lilies and carnations filled the air, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within you.
As Bucky wordlessly left the shop, the heavy bouquet cradled in his arms, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over you. You watched his broad, fearless shoulders slump as he headed towards the funeral, a lone figure burdened by sorrow. It was no ordinary funeral; you knew it was for his former handler, the man whose death had orchestrated everything – the death of Bucky's handler, Operation Pandora, and ultimately, your own undercover operation.
Initially, the CIA's instructions were simple: observe Bucky. They were aware of his safe houses near your flower shop, anticipating his return and potential request for employment. However, the agency and you, along with them, had never expected this turn of events.
Your new mission: to distract Bucky, to prevent him from digging into the death of his former handler. While you played your part, Director Brandon and a team of agents worked tirelessly to eliminate any trace of Operation Pandora. It was a meticulous process, ensuring absolute secrecy, hence the two-year duration.
When Brandon called and said, "It's finished," you left. Leaving behind the lingering whispers of a life that had become a carefully constructed facade, you didn't hesitate.
You lied when he asked if you regretted anything. Those two years with Bucky were a break, a rest from the usual danger. But it wasn't real because you were lying while he genuinely cared.
Flashback Ended
You wanted to forget everything, so you took a mission where you couldn't contact anyone. Your only job was to save hostages, which took time, planning, and working together. It was hard, and you got hurt, but finally, your team succeeded in saving all the hostages.
Months later, when you finally boarded the private jet for your return, you were surprised to find Director Brandon onboard. Usually, he remained at headquarters, awaiting reports of successful missions. His presence sent a tremor of apprehension through you.
Brandon gestured towards the seat across from him. "Sit down."
You complied, fastening your seatbelt as you settled in. "Why'd you come all the way here?" you inquired, a cold compress pressed against your right eye, the throbbing evidence of a recent punch.
The plane taxied down the runway and lifted into the air before Brandon spoke, handing you a file. "You need to see this."
Your eyebrows shot up as you set down the ice pack. "Another mission?"
Brandon shook his head. "No. It's about the aftermath of... what we did."
Curiosity piqued, you flipped open the file. Your breath hitched as a photograph greeted you: Bucky, his face obscured by a mask, gun clutched in one hand, a hostage held captive in the other. You'd never witnessed such raw fury in him before, but a deep-seated certainty gnawed at you - you were the spark that ignited this inferno.
With a defeated sigh, you closed the file. "Can't you handle this?"
Brandon's voice held a hint of regret. "If I could, I wouldn't have come to get you."
Another sigh, heavier this time, escaped your lips. "He wants to talk to me."
Brandon nodded silently. You leaned back in your chair, closing your eyes. "Just tell me when we land."
Each passing moment was fraught with tension, the image of Bucky burning into your mind. The weight of your choice, the lie you'd woven, pressed down on you like a physical burden. As the plane soared through the clouds, you braced yourself for the inevitable confrontation, the consequence of a past drenched in deception.
The car sped through the bustling city streets, a tense silence hanging heavy in the air between you and Brandon. The file containing Bucky's photo as a ruthless hostage-taker lay discarded on your lap, the image seared into your memory.
"We have to prepare for the worst," Brandon said, his voice grim. "We don't know what that bastard will do to you."
You remained quiet, your gaze fixed on the cityscape blurring past the window. A kaleidoscope of emotions swirled within you: regret, guilt, and a flicker of fear.
Brandon continued, "You can't do this alone, Y/N."
"I know," you finally responded, your voice barely audible.
Brandon offered a heavy sigh. "Good. I've gathered some agents who..."
His sentence was abruptly cut short by a deafening explosion that rocked the car. The rear driver-side tire gave way, sending the vehicle swerving wildly across the street.
"What the hell?!" Brandon exclaimed, his voice laced with shock.
Adrenaline surged through your veins, the years of undercover training kicking in. "It's him," you stated, your voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around you.
"Damn it! Where is he? We wiped our tracks clean," Brandon cursed, his grip tightening on the steering wheel as he fought to regain control of the car.
You craned your neck to look through the rear window, spotting a lone figure standing on the overpass ahead of them. Bucky. He held a sniper rifle aimed directly at your car, his masked face unreadable.
"There," you said, pointing towards him.
Panic flickered in Brandon's eyes before he slammed on the gas pedal, shouting to the driver, "Faster!"
The chase was on, a desperate attempt to outmaneuver a vengeful Bucky and reach the safety of the agency headquarters. The once quiet car ride had morphed into a heart-pounding race against time, the line between hunter and hunted blurring with each passing moment.
The car lurched and swayed, tires screeching in protest as Brandon fought to regain control. Explosions echoed behind them, a deadly symphony composed of shattered glass and mangled metal. Each boom sent tremors through the car, a chilling reminder of Bucky's deadly precision.
You watched, heart pounding a frantic rhythm against your ribs, as one by one, the cars accompanying them were systematically eliminated. Bucky, a relentless specter on the overpass above, picked them off with chilling ease. Each shot rang out like a death knell, extinguishing the hopes of their backup and leaving you and Brandon increasingly isolated.
"Damn him!" Brandon roared, frustration and fear coloring his voice. "He's like a goddamn ghost!"
With a final, bone-jarring explosion, the last remaining car sputtered and screeched to a halt, flames licking at its mangled frame. You and Brandon exchanged a grim look, the weight of their predicament settling like a leaden weight in your gut.
Just as despair threatened to consume you, a figure materialized on the edge of the overpass, silhouetted against the afternoon sun.
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Bucky, his mask a stark contrast to the golden light, dropped down onto the hood of the flaming car with an agility that defied physics. He landed in a crouch, the glint of his rifle barrel reflecting the dying sun as he turned his gaze towards you.
A tremor ran through you, a primal mix of shock and awe. You'd known of his skills, witnessed glimpses of his prowess during your time together, but this... this was something else entirely. He moved with a lethal grace, a predator stalking its prey, and the cold certainty in his eyes sent a shiver down your spine.
"Shit," you muttered, the single word encompassing the maelstrom of emotions churning within you. With a chilling certainty, you knew this was no longer just a mission gone wrong. This was personal.
You fumbled for your gun, the familiar weight a cold comfort in your trembling hand. But your movements were sluggish, weighed down by the shock and the adrenaline wearing off. Before you could even raise the weapon, a click echoed in the air, the sound of a safety being disengaged. It was too late.
Bucky lowered his mask, revealing a face etched with a mixture of pain and fury. His eyes, once full of warmth and affection, now held the hollow glint of a man consumed by vengeance.
"Welcome back, Alex," he said, his voice a low growl. "Or should I say, Y/N?"
The familiar name, once a term of endearment, now sounded foreign, laced with a bitter edge. You remained silent, the weight of his words and the betrayal they carried settling heavily in your chest.
He waited, his gaze lingering on your face, searching for something, perhaps a flicker of recognition, a spark of remorse. But there was only a void, a reflection of the shattered trust that lay between you.
"I've been waiting for a long time," he finally spoke, his voice devoid of its usual gruffness, replaced by a chilling emptiness.
You found your voice then, a mere whisper escaping your lips. "Why are you doing this?"
Bucky remained silent for a moment, the only sound the crackling of the burning car nearby. He took a slow step forward, his eyes never leaving yours.
He reached out, his calloused fingers tilting your chin up, forcing you to meet his gaze. The touch sent a shiver down your spine, a conflicting mix of familiarity and fear.
"Don't you know?" he whispered, his voice raw with emotion. "I'm doing this to get your attention."
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Author Note:
My dear readers and followers,
Could you please share your opinions about this series with me?
If you enjoyed it, I'd love to hear why it appealed to you.
If not, I would greatly appreciate your feedback and advice on improving the series.
Thank you!
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lvlyghost · 1 year
All The Nights to Come
Pairings: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Summary: You get hurt during a mission.
Word Count: 900+
Tw: strong language, blood, angst, comfort towards the end. grumpy ghost as usual. bad grammar, and probably a lot of typos. not proofread 🫶🏻✨💞
A/N: just a little one-shot to help me with writer's block. next I'll be working on another part of salvation and a third part of the things i never said since a lot of you asked 🥹💛 remember english isn't my first language, corrections are welcome 🤍
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You didn't know how to stay out of danger. Or at least that's what all of your teammates said. Especially Ghost.
Ghost. You had a complicated... relationship with the Lieutenant.
Polar opposites.
That's what he had called you both one day.
He's the darkness that comes at night, you're the light he'd gladly let consume him.
"Stop distracting me." He grumbles staring straight ahead. You chuckle at his growing annoyance.
"We're in the middle of nowhere, Ghost. The worst thing that could happen is tripping with a rock." You roll you eyes. "How about we play something, we still have one hour left until we reach the evac point."
"Comen on! There's no one around." He sighs, but doesn't say anything. You decide to not push his limits. You've started to know him more and more, as much as he would allow, of course. "Is something bothering you?" you finally ask, head tilting down to watch your step. Again the only response you get is silence. "If this is about what happened last night..."
"It's not that." He gruffly interrupts you. Irritated that you're even bringing it up.
"You were the one who said this couldn't happen anymore. So you might as well make up your mind Ghost." You walk faster, leaving him behind, or as much as you can considering his strides are easily longer than yours.
"I am your superior, what the fuck am I supposed to do, kid?" You clench your jaw, hating how his words are setting deep in your heart. The way he emphasized the word superior. "I could get us both suspended, or even worse get us kicked out of the military! Am I really the only one who's thinking?" He seethes.
"Oh well!" You feign amusement. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you cared enough when were fucking each other in my room..." Ghost's body freezes for a brief second before he keeps walking. "If you're bloody scared of letting me in you should've just said it. No need to fucking hurt me like I'm nothing."
"The fuck did you just say? Have you not heard a word I just told you?!" His accent becoming more prominent every time he speaks. "I'm trying to protect you, I don't bloody care what happens to me."
Ghost doesn't notice it, too enraged, looking down at you as he walks closer. But you do.
You see the reflection, a small glimpse of the scope. The sun shining down on the sniper's rifle. Everything moves in slow motion, you scream... or at least you try to, pushing Ghost with all the strength you have. He stumbles a few steps to the side, the pure shock in your face as you realize what's about to happen. A bird chirping in the distance, and what sounds like a cascade near, a river flowing before it hits you. Right on your left shoulder, a shot that was aimed at his heart.
Ghost's heart.
And you take it instead. It pierces through flesh and bones, hurting like million of bullets. Your sight goes black as you start falling, body helplessly hitting the muddy terrain. Shots are fired, a loud shriek and a deep voice echoing but it's so far away. It's getting harder to regain consciousness.
"Why the bloody hell did you do that!?" Fear glowed in his eyes. Ghost's big gloved hand pressing down the wound on your shoulder, the fabric quickly becomes stained with crimson red blood.
Your blood.
"S-Sir?" You choke up. Fighting to keep your eyes open.
Focus on him.
"I'm going to fucking have you on desk rotation for this." He grits his teeth. "Don't you do that ever again. Not for me. Never for someone like me." He leans closer, managing your body in his hands so he can take a better look. He breathes when he sees the exit wound.
"It's my duty..." you murmur, with half-lidded eyes. "To shield and protect my superiors..." you breathe out.
"Don't give me that shite." He scolds you. "I'm the one who's supposed to protect my team." Not just his team. The truth was that he wanted to protect you, he had to. "Now keep those pretty eyes on me, yeah? That's an order sergeant." He commands.
You laugh, with what low energy you have left.
"Sir? You and I both know I'm not good at following orders." He reaches his medical pouch, disinfecting and wrapping as many bandages as he can on your wound.
"Now's a good time you start listenin', kid." He picks you up with more gentleness that's he's ever experienced himself. Who would've thought that a man like him could care for someone else. He has the softest touch, you think. "Think you can hold on until we get there?" He asks, looking down to your face, body too small and light in his arms. If he could kiss you right now...
"Sure thing, Ghost." You murmur, wincing when he starts walking. "This is not what I had in mind when they said we were going to Spain. We could play that game now, right?
A soft chuckle rumbles deep in his chest, making your lips tilt up in a weak yet heartwarming smile.
"Fuckin' hell, love" he doesn't lose sight of your eyes. "I guess we can. As long as you keep talking to me. Don't you dare go somewhere I can't follow."
"Don't think you'll get rid of me that easily, Sir."
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dreamypisces888 · 11 months
Indicators in Synastry chart that show Karmic bound or Soulmate or Twin flame!
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Karmic/Past Life Indicators:
Saturn aspects between charts, suggesting lessons and responsibilities carried over from past lifetimes
Moon contacts, reflecting deep emotional ties and empathy bonded through previous incarnations
North Node conjunct Mars - this implies courageous missions undertaken together, with passions energizing your joint work to answer soul contracts.
North Node squares Venus - suggesting vulnerability has been a theme, but through cherishing each other unconditionally, developmental wounds may finally release their grip.
North Node also squares Neptune - shared illusions are being dismantled now so your true purposes can shine through to lift others' dreams as well.
Jupiter's trine indicates generous lessons learned through past committed partnerships that instilled outlook expansion.
Saturn's squares denote relationship stability challenges overcome in past to build trust where before vulnerability caused reactivity.
Uranus' dissonance represents awakening of individual needs that transformed codependency to interdependence through understanding each soul's electricity.
Chiron's opposition attests to healing wounds of abandonment through this bond by giving/receiving unconditional acceptance of one another as beloved healers.
The Part of Fortune contact connotes duties fulfilled through supporting one another's growth despite hardships faced side by side.
Soulmate Indicators:
Strong synastry involving personal planets like Venus, Mars and moon, showing intimacy on emotional, physical and intellectual levels
Aspects to Jupiter, bringing out the higher, expansive qualities of the relationship
Grand trine formation, allowing the connection to flow smoothly
Venus-Mars aspects: Trines, sextiles signify attraction, passion, compassion fueling the relationship.
Moon connections: Trines, sextiles seen to mutual Moon signs portray deep empathy, nurturing energies between partners.
Sun-Moon: Classic soulmate aspect with the Sun of one lighting up the inner being of the other.
Mercury patterns: Flowing aspects allow profound communication and intellectual understanding.
Grand water trines: Subtle, supportive emotional exchanges indicating souls long acquainted.
Grand fire trines: These energize and inspire through shared adventures, philosophies.
Grand cross with a focus: Formations symbolizing karmic purpose found together through challenges.
Multiple planets conjoining a point: Depicts strongly mirrored or complementary soul qualities.
Jupiter moon/venus touches: Foster abundance, trust and joy through good and difficult times.
Twin Flame Indicators:
Opposing charts with emphasis on polarity and balance
Planetary mirrors like Venus/Venus reflecting a profound recognition
Intense aspects between outer planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto triggering spiritual awakening
Mirroring of Lilith placements pointing to a mission to heal ancestral wounds
North/South Node conjunction uniting your twin soul purposes
Strong Pluto aspects like conjunctions, squares: Indicates intense soul transformations experienced together.
Moon-Moon connections: Mirroring of each other's inner emotional landscapes.
Grand mutable T-squares: Formations that activate personal evolution through the relationship.
Sun-Uranus aspects: Bond awakens revolutionary qualities in each other's core identities.
Saturn-Saturn ties: Connections hinting at developing a mature spiritual partnership through difficulties.
Jupiter-Neptune: Expanding compassion and ability to creatively actualize shared spiritual visions.
Venus-Chiron: Healing each other's heart wounds through unconditional love expressed physically/creatively.
Mars-Mars: Dynamic actions challenging complacency drive evolution of passions together.
Moon-Node aspects: Deep ties to emotional life purpose resonating with soul's shared past/future.
Moon-Pluto: Intense emotional triggers that purge illusions through soul-baring intimacy.
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august-anon · 1 year
His Royal Grumpiness
For Tickletober Day 11: Squeal
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Ship(s): Zukko (pre-relationship)
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Zuko/Ler!Sokka
Word Count: 1050 words
Summary: Don't ask Sokka why Zuko was so fun to tease. There was absolutely nothing to read into, no matter what Katara said. Instead ask: just what was that noise that came out of Zuko's mouth, and how did Sokka get him to make it again?
[ao3 link]
Don’t ask Sokka what it was about Zuko that made him so fun to tease. He was just so reactive. A few annoying questions, a hair ruffle, a surprise piggy-back attack – anything, and Zuko was red in the face and telling Sokka to cut it out! at a volume and pitch that was likely unbecoming of a newly-crowned Fire Lord.
Aang was too patient with his monk shit and weird breathing exercises. Katara was too familiar with his particular brand of annoying, and he was too familiar with her reactions for it to be as fun anymore. Toph would just beat him up. But Zuko just made it too easy. That was the only reason he’d made it his mission in life to get a rise out of Zuko, no matter what Katara and Suki said.
The question Sokka wanted answered instead of that was: what was that noise that just came out of Zuko’s mouth? Or, an even better question, how did Sokka get him to make that sound again?
“Sokka,” Zuko growled, his cheeks and ears already flushed a bright pink. “What are you doing?”
Sokka grinned, flopping on his back in the grass next to Zuko, stretching his arms up and behind his head. “Oh, you know, just hanging out with the turtleducks. Me and them, we’re best friends, you know.”
Zuko shot a glance toward the turtleducks he’d been feeding before Sokka arrived, which had scattered to all edges of the pond with the adorable high-pitched noise Sokka had drawn out of him. He turned back to Sokka with a raised eyebrow.
“What? That was all you, your Fiery-ness. I’m not the one making noises that only polar bear-dogs can hear.”
Zuko pressed his lips into a thin line, his face growing a shade pinker. “That wasn’t my fault!”
“I dunno, man. All I did was say hi, and suddenly you’re scaring all the turtleducks away.”
“That was not all you did! You–” Zuko cut himself off, his cheeks puffing out a little with frustration, before he turned to face the pond once more.
Sokka popped up on his elbows. “I what, your Fiery-ness?”
Zuko had moved on to pouting, which matched adorably with the blush still staining his cheeks. He looked at Sokka from the corner of his eye. “You know that’s not a real title.”
“Ah, ah, ah.” Sokka wagged a finger in Zuko’s face. “No changing the subject, mister. What could I have possibly done to scare off the turtleducks?”
“You– you surprised me!”
Sokka hummed, flopping back into the grass. “Still sounds like your fault then, doesn’t it? All those squeaky noises, looks like the Fire Lord startles too easily.” 
Scanning Zuko’s body, Sokka tried to aim another poke toward the area that earned him that noise in the first place – somewhere between the back of his ribs and his shoulder blade. Quicker than Sokka would have expected – which was his own fault, Zuko was the most skilled swordsman between them, even if he was loath to admit it – Zuko twisted around and snatched the offending finger out of the air, holding it tight.
“Don’t even think about it.”
Sokka raised his eyebrows. “Defensive. Careful, you’ll scare the turtleducks out of the pond completely.”
That earned Sokka a patented Zuko glare, the likes of which he hadn’t seen outside of a war room in a long while. Sokka frowned, eyes jumping between Zuko’s face and his upper back.
“Did I hit a bruise or something?” He asked, grabbing Zuko’s shoulder and forcibly twisting him back around. “Are you hurt and not telling us?”
“What? No! Sokka, come on–”
“I don’t understand what the big deal is, then–”
Sokka prodded his fingers into the area again, earning him another one of those high pitched noises. When he didn’t relent, Zuko tried to twist away, the sound turning into a full-blown squeal. Sokka paused.
“Wait a second–”
“Sokka, no–”
“You’re telling me–”
“Shut up!”
“– that his royal grumpiness–”
Zuko whirled around, tackling him back into the grass and slamming a hand over his mouth. His cheeks were stained a mottled red, and Sokka could feel his own face warming up to match as he realized how close the two of them were. Zuko, as usual, remained oblivious.
“– is ticklish?” Sokka finished, his voice muffled beneath Zuko’s hand.
“I am not!”
Sokka laughed, reaching up to pull Zuko’s hand away from his mouth. “You so are! Fire Lord Zuko is stupid ticklish, how did none of us know?”
“Well– you’re ticklish too!”
“Sure,” Sokka said. “But this isn’t about me right now.” He surged upward and hooked his leg around Zuko’s hip, using the leverage to flip them over so he was pinning Zuko. “This is about you and the frankly adorable noise you just made.”
“I’ll call the guards.”
Sokka scoffed. “No you won’t.”
Zuko’s mouth started to twist into a scowl, so Sokka decided he’d had enough of toying with his food. His hands immediately started scribbling up Zuko’s ribs, and Sokka was shocked that the guards didn’t come running anyway at how loud Zuko squealed. Sokka laughed again.
“You’ve been holding out on us!”
“Sokka, please!”
His hands jumped down to Zuko’s stomach, digging into the robes with the sort of nibbling pinches that always sent Aang and Toph into hysterics. Zuko’s squeals jumped into giggles as he tried to curl into a ball underneath Sokka, shoving at him with one hand and covering his face with the other.
“Man, you’ve got all this royal clothing in the way,” Sokka said, pausing his attack. “How am I supposed to find the best tickle spots in these conditions?”
Zuko pushed at Sokka’s face. “You aren’t.”
Sokka grabbed Zuko’s wrist and pinned it in the grass next to his head. “So you admit there’s tickle spots to find?”
“... No?”
“I hope you know that just makes me want to find them more.”
That adorable mottled blush bloomed on Zuko’s cheeks again as he narrowed his eyes. “I think you’re forgetting something important.”
With a startling lurch, Zuko rolled them back over, twisting his hand out of Sokka’s grip to pin Sokka’s own hand on the grass high above his head. Sokka gaped up at him.
“I already know where your tickle spots are.”
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jesslovesboats · 3 months
i love your Sad Boat Book guides and was wondering if you have any recommendations for Non-Boat Related Sad Journey books?? just curious as i read one about the donner party this year and i don't know much about other doomed or difficult journeys! (though i know im at The Boat Blog so fair if you don't have any 😂)
HELLO and thank you for the ask! I absolutely do have Sad Journey recommendations for you, in a variety of flavors!
The Donner Party is a spiritual companion to Sad Boat media because 1) cannibalism and 2) the same cold snap that trapped the Donner Party was also responsible for Terror and Erebus getting frozen in, so they're basically twin tragedies. My favorite Donner Party books are The Indifferent Stars Above by Daniel James Brown, which focuses mostly on Sarah Graves, and The Hunger by Alma Katsu, a fiction book with a supernatural twist, but one that does a great job of capturing the true horror of what they endured!
Mountaineering is full of tragedy, and it has a lot of the same appeal factors as polar and nautical stories. The one everyone is most familiar with is Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer, and with good reason! Krakauer is one of the most compelling authors of narrative nonfiction in the game, and you can safely pick up almost any of his books and encounter Men In Sad Situations. I am also partial to the story of the 1924 British Mount Everest expedition- the one where George Mallory and Sandy Irvine died. Into The Silence by Wade Davis and Last Climb by David Breashers and Audrey Salkeld both tell this incredible story.
In a similar vein, the story of the Uruguayan rugby players who crash landed in the Andes Mountains sounds like something you might enjoy! Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors by Piers Paul Read is fascinating. Some of the survivors also wrote memoirs which I personally find more compelling, but I don't want to give away the names of the survivors- once you know, you can look them up, or message me and I'll send them to you. Once you know the story, check out Society of the Snow on Netflix- it's great!
Interested in Sad Journeys in warmer places? DEFINITELY check out The Lost City of Z by David Grann, another can't go wrong author of narrative nonfiction! This one follows the explorer Percy Fawcett as he travels into the jungles of the Amazon searching for the lost city of El Dorado. It... does not go well. There's also a cameo appearance from James Murray of Karluk fame (if you haven't read The Ice Master or Empire of Ice and Stone, please do, I am begging you!)
I also want to put in a plug for military nonfiction, which often scratches a similar itch for me. I'm currently reading Skies of Thunder by Caroline Alexander, about a completely insane WWII mission to fly needed supplies over the Himalayas. Also check out With The Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa by Eugene Sledge. Talk about a devastating journey.
A few more recommendations that aren't necessarily Sad Journeys, but they are definitely Sad and have similar vibes:
Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham
Triangle: The Fire That Changed America by David von Drehle
The Johnstown Flood by David McCullough
There are many many more fantastic books that I couldn't include, but I hope this is enough to get you started! Thanks for a fun ask, and happy reading! <3
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In your opinion, what's the darkest thing in Poptropica?
Oh... wow. You know, some people might be surprised at some of the dark stuff that's happened/implied throughout the franchise. And from such an innocent looking world too :)
I guess I'll make a list of some stuff that stands out to me:
24 Carrot Island 
The 4 children were kidnapped and brainwashed by Dr. Hare probably for months.
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Astro-Knights Island 
Mordred almost died in a crash, and had to replace half of his body with robotics. 
Mordred kidnapped the princess because he wanted to marry her. And her parents most likely thought they were never going to see her again, since they had no way of going after her.
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Counterfeit Island 
It's implied that Black Widow was gonna torture the player in order to get answers. 
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Reality TV Island/Wild Safari Island 
Villains allowed to be on reality tv… and being treated as celebrities... WHAT.
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Skullduggery Island 
Captain Crawfish probably killed a lot of people. Cause… pirate.
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Steamworks Island 
The entire backstory of this island: the people were doing experiments on plants, when the plants mutated and tried to kill them. The only way they could survive is by freezing themselves.
Captain Ziggs sacrificed himself to hold off the Plant Monsters. Mayor Crumb must be feeling pretty depressed now that she's free and forced to live without him.
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Red Dragon Island  
The Shogun being a pretty terrifying tyrant. 
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Shrink Ray Island  
POV: you're an elementary school student and your teacher's star pupil. You trust him, because he's a nice teacher. And then he goes crazy and kidnaps you.
Mr. Silva threatens to shrink CJ and the player to the point where they can't be seen by anyone, which is kinda dark honestly. 
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Blimp Adventure 
Dr. Cumulo Nimbus sets fire to the rain to all the islands. 
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Game Show Island  
Robots take over and enslave humanity. 
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Ghost Story Island  
A really depressing murder mystery/ weird love triangle story that involves several character's deaths.
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S.O.S Island  
The ship sinks and everyone inside almost dies. Also a child.
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Vampire's Curse Island  
Count Bram outlives his wife, and goes crazy. And he kidnaps a child due to insanity. 
Cactus von Garlic has killed many vampires. But not all vampires in Poptropica are evil (if Haunted House is any indication). 
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Twisted Thicket Island  
The forest creatures turning into stone. I'm not 100% sure if they're still alive in there or not...
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Poptropolis Games Island
The island sinks back into the ocean, with people still on it. Some of the ancient islanders are waterlogged (but still alive, for some reason).
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Lunar Colony Island (Book)
The PASE workers are oddly sociopathic to Glen John's situation, only caring about Glen helping them. Glen is 13 btw.
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Super Villain Island  
Zeus almost winning. He blew up the world for no reason. Also, there's something really scary about the way he blew up his own island.
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Zomberry Island  
Zombie apocalypse. 
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Virus Hunter Island  
A pandemic almost happened. 
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Monster Carnival Island 
Ringmaster Raven's backstory: Pretty messed up. 
Edgar is an orphan who ran away and joined the carnival. He put a lot of trust in the Ringmaster and seemed pretty happy… and then the Ringmaster hypnotizes him and uses him for his scheme. Pretty messed up. 
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Survival Island 
Myron Van Buren. Enough said.
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Mission Atlantis Island 
The alien was trapped underwater for years and died.
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PoptropiCon Island  
Omegon taking over the convention center, and turning the people into Hench-Bots.
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Arabian Nights Island 
Scheherazade attempted to steal the player's soul… what the heck.
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Graphic Novels
The kids almost died… several times. (A Saber tooth tiger and polar bear almost maul them, they almost fall to their deaths, they almost freeze to death, they are almost stabbed to death by Lieutenant Rogers, they almost got erased from history on the Ancient Egypt Island, they almost burned alive in a volcano eruption, etc)
The ancient Egyptians are erased from one timeline, and a bunch of people on earth died... and it's unknown if they were brought back, or what.
When Spencer Albright is murdered, Jonas is so overcome with grief that he completely loses it and becomes murderous like Octavian. Jonas is 18-20 btw.
The backstories for the main characters (Octavian is forced to let Paulla die, Mya's mom abruptly dies and she goes through depression, Oliver’s dad walks out on the family).
Octavian's fate at the end is this: he accidentally jumped through the portal before the universe he wanted to go to fully formed. Because of this, he jumped into the in-between point of universes, and was split into an infinite amount of versions of himself. Sounds complicated, but is incredibly messed up.
Mya was seriously considering leaving her own timeline, even though she would be leaving her family and friends behind. Whether or not she knew this is unknown, but if she did... kinda messed up.
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And… that's it. No more dark things that stick out to me after that. Probably because after this, they fired the writer who was responsible for most of the dark undertones in the franchise. OOPS!!! >:(
I think the darkest stuff comes from Monster Carnival, Survival, and the graphic novels.
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superums · 2 months
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GENTLE EARTH VOL 2 — various characters
these are an assortment of drabbles i made by getting inspiration from the anonymous site gentle earth. gender neutral reader. no pronouns. multiple characters: ramattra, mei, venture x2. fluff. angst grammar isn't correct. all are just rapid fire ideas. no y/n.
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( june 30th, 2024 ) ramattra said: please just take me in
based on a this voice line he has with echo. angst ( i think ).
he awoken in battle. his arm was gone; his people being slaughtered, back against the wall. he can't remeber much but the explosion. his breath heavy as he tries his best to run. his insides whirring as he feels the sickening feeling of cbeing close to overheating.
he doesn't know how long he's been running but he gets out of that city, new york is nothing but a cursed waste land in the moment. he's runs miles, the forest swallowing his black and purple form.
stopping the omnic heaves, falling to his knees he can feel the pain inside; similar to how a human would feel a gunshot. if he hadn't awoken, would he have been scrapped? the omic looks at his shoulder plate. sparks fly every other moment, leaving the robot phanting.
he doesn't notice footsteps nor the flash light. looking upwards ramattra can feel eyes on him, a human.
you look at the omnic; you've never seen a ravager in real life. you hear the panting robot, see the sparks that cast a ominus light on it's face plate every so often. "help me.." it says, it's voice box is broken but you can hear the british accent under the corruption.
you look at him unable to move, the large robot is close to death in more than a robotic sense. the night's silence is covered by the cicada sound. as you can't bring yourself to move. ramattra's eyes focus on the cabin behind you, he's so close to shelter.
a humans kindness is something he second guesses but in this moment he's desperate. "please.. take me in.."
(june 27, 2024) reader said: i wish i wasn't still thinking about you
ambiguous relationship with mei & reader. based pre-mei awakening, one year before her awakening. angst.
the fireworks explode outside, laughter from family and friends sandwiching you on all sides of the building. you sit in your dark room, looking at a picture of you and your friends all presumed dead.
the picture is folded on a particular section focusing on you and a woman. her glasses frame her face perfectly, showing the chubbiness in her cheeks. the both of you pose with peace signs, a cute gesture that adds personality to the group photo.
you take a swig of your bottle, a fire cracker going off outside. "mei.." you whisper weakly. she's been dead for at least a few years, no less than eight. your stomach turns as you remember the last time you spoke.
"i'll see you when i get back!" her small accent adds personality to her voice as she giggles at the end. her mission in anartica separated you both. "well be safe!" you say worriedly, knowing how hard it is to stay warm and sane in the polar environment. she just laughs. "i have to go!"
you sigh, thinking about the girl. you hold the picture, laughter from your neighbors in the apartment complex almost mocking you. "happy new year.." you mumble weekly, the red envelope on your desk reminds you so much of the woman.
"i wish i wasn't still thinking about you.."
( june 25, 2024 ) sloan says: come back before the world ends!
established relashionship. fluff!!!
you soak in the warm bad, the water relaxing you muscles. you sink deeper inside it, letting the water cover you mouth as you keep breathing from your nose. your mission went well, only receiving small scratches on your body.
your mind drifts from the mission in illios to a particular archaeologist with a drill. you heart beats faster as you think about them; not being able to talk to truly them for two weeks your heartaches from the lack of interaction.
sighing you close your eyes and for a moment you're in tranquility, letting the hot water swallow you whole until you hear your phone ring. groaning silently you dry your hand odd before grabbing the device. you hold back a girlish squeal as you see the goofy picture on you screen.
you answer it. "hello?" you say, a smile never leaving your face. "did the mission go well!" they ask, not even bothering with introductions, you can't help but laugh happily. "mhm i'm coming home in a few days!"
you can hear the cooky laughter on the other end. "can you please go to the museum and see id they're giving out any freebies!?" sloan asks, practically begging.
"wooww.. you call me just to get to the museum's... really shows whats your priority is.." you tease, laughing more when you hear the exaggerated gasp. "no pookie wookie pear i love you!" the cringe name slipping from their lips without a second thought.
your laughter dies down, a yawn slipping from your lips. "i have to go, i'll call you tomorrow though.." you hum softly, sleep catching up to you. sloan laughs happily. "okay bye bye!" they say, making kissy noises as their finger hovers over the hang up button.
"comeback before the world ends!" they laugh before you hear the tone ring throughout the room. you sigh happily as you place the phone down before sinking deeper into the water.
( june 25, 2024 ) sloan says: come back before the world ends!
religious! sloan. deity! reader. no set time period but i was thinking b.c.
sloan held their breath, hand roaming the sculpture before them. their brown eyes look upwards as they kneeled slowly before you, offerings surrounded them; praying you'd receive them.
"please.." they whispered; their voice wavering as they felt pressure to show loyalty in your presence. sloan bows their head as they clasp their hands together; heart heavy as they begin to pray.
it hasn't been great, its like more and more bad things begin to happen to not only their home but the world. a war, mass death—something only divine intervention could stop. now they kneel before you, positive you could tent to their needs. "have mercy on us..." the prayer thick on their conscious.
looking up their brown eyes roam your figure again. its as if something heavy is lifting as sloan looks at the weathered marble. "lead us to peace... hear us.. have mercy on us... on me.." the words feel caught in their throat as they finish weakly.
for a moment they don't move, dont speak—almost as its to give you a chance to answer. "please come back before the world ends..." close their eyes one last time they finish the prayer with a weaker, "amen.."
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bruciemilf · 1 year
honestly the kryptonian daddy au is so cute wholesome and spicy at the same time aahhhhhhh~♡
does Clark (or Kal in this case) in this au growl??? not in the cringey fanfic way but like in this low but steadily increasing in volume, rumbling thing that just spikes DANGER ABORT MISSION FUCKING RUN! down the spine (and does Bruce find it sooooo fucking hot like Mark him down scared AND horny-) does he purr like a fucking loud motor engine with his kids????
also the whole polar bear imagery reminds me of those polar bears fucking drenched in blood so damn red and looking gory after their kills.
so imagine if Bruce finds him like that the first time he sees him. Like all those military bastards trying to kill Kal and (nobody is listening to Kal he needs to find his baby-) Kal is ends up causing.... severe bodily harm. There's blood splashed all over his hair, face and suit and Bruce finds him LIKE THAT and he goes
Oh fuck~!
At the same time. It's literal torture.
Look, give me the sunshine krytonians; give me powerful rays of sunshine who stubbornly refuse to forfeit their warmth. Give me kryptonians who refuse to be cold just because the world is.
But also. Give me Kryptonians who are truly unstoppable storms of nature when their babies get taken from them. Not only would Clark growl, he'll snarl and hiss and spit. Baring his fangs because they bit first.
Clark who catches a faint smell of sweet sunshine and tender, burnt metal, and unmissable scent of family on this masked soldier.
Clark who flies like a bullet, a knife in soft meat, through tanks and guns and fire, until he jumps on this man, careful not to obiscerate him.
On his back, Bruce admires, -- observes, -- him, and remembers sunshine doesn't glow. It burns. Those red ruby eyes steam with anger, with rage, with a fatherly desperation Bruce tastes all the time.
He roars at Bruce, so close to his face. There's a purring where fear should be.
He catches on too quickly. Jon tried roaring at him, too, althought he barely managed a faint squeak. "... I have him. And i have you, too. But you need to calm down."
He has no idea if Clark even understands what he's saying. But something in Bruce must convince him, because he's raised effortlessly on his feet. "Baby. Now."
Good lord. That voice.
How's he gonna explain this one to Alfred?
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lovedrunkheadcanons · 2 months
Chapter Contents
(Arranged Marriage Fic) Read on AO3
RATED M: WARNINGS: smut, blowjob, wife giving, husband receiving, arranged marriage, yada, yada, yada...
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Before the Warring States and Tokugawa shogunate, archeologists estimated there were once 30,000 palaces and fortresses scattered throughout Japan. When Tokugawa Ieyasu’s power waned and the Meiji era rose to prominence, that figure dwindled to a gapping 200. And by the dawn of the 20th century, combined with the wake of World War II, and the quick, sudden death of the Japanese aristocracy, the loss of palatial infrastructure was so great that some palaces were either voluntarily dismantled or left for scrap.
The Cultural Property Preservation Law, thus upending the Kokuhō Hozon-hō of 1929, currently recognized 62 castle gates and 61 turrets across 27 estates as being Jūyō Bunkazai (重要文化財) or “Important Cultural Properties.” Of those 27 estates, seven “original” palaces held the designation, with five additional palaces bestowed the higher designation of “National Treasure.”
Like her seven proud sisters, Hirosaki Castle was one of the palaces designated an Important Cultural Property, and the most well-preserved castle in northern Japan. In the 400 years since her construction under the Tsugaru clan, she’d housed many a samurai and seen much of war. The beating heart of Hirosaki City, her plastered white walls, curved tiled roofs, and earthen ramparts had survived a devastating fire in 1627 from the likes of a lightning bolt striking the central tower, and was reduced from having a five level Tenshu to three come 1810. Her domain spanned across 124 acres and included a bailey containing five original yaguramon (tower gates), three towers, and a guardhouse, each with their own name and classification, which was now accessible to the public as a national park and museum. And, as with all major palaces, a large lake garden (originally moats) circumfretted the estate in Japanese maple and ginkgo and other local fauna.
None was this garden’s beauty more appreciated than in autumn, when late October favored the occasion for Hirosaki Castle’s Annual Chrysanthemum and Autumn Foliage Festival.
Hannah was ecstatic.
Their weekend trip to Hirosaki Castle would mark her very first festival. Satoru planned to take her during Obon - as its festivals were quite popular - but work got in the way and he’d been forced to depart on a last-minute mission, to his great reluctance. He figured it was time for a change in scenery, and the suffusion of chrysanthemums and flower decor was sure to suit Hannah’s fancy.
To his pure delight, she’d been buzzing in her seat the entire train ride. The journey from Tokyo to Hirosaki City took almost five hours by train, but granted onlookers the opportunity to capture Japan’s natural beauty. As a small gift, Satoru had bought Hannah a brand new Nikon camera, which she quickly put to use. Every few minutes or so, he’d sneak her snapping a picture of the passing autumnal mountainscape, tongue sticking out as she focused the lens, her hazel eyes wide and innocently transfixed. “Pretty,” he’d hear her whisper. The sight made his chest ease and his tummy flutter. This was what love felt like. Ugh, adorable.
The cute pink puffer jacket she wore and pom-pom hat shaped like a polar bear made her all the more adorable. The weather was forecasted to be quite cold. He had stuffed her mittens inside his coat pockets in case she needed them.
“Say cheese,” she sang, facing the camera towards him.
Satoru was in the middle of slurping a hot cocoa, he hadn’t had time to wipe his face before the Nikon went “click.”
Hannah couldn’t contain her giggle as she sat back down and showed him the result, gushing. Satoru leaned over her shoulder.
Yup, she got him good. The photo caught the Six Eyes wielder completely off guard, a blinking look of surprise marring his face, strewn with a mustache of whipped cream atop his upper lip. His oval sunglasses were sliding off his nose.
“Gotcha,” she gloated.
Satoru scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes. “You just got lucky,” and hurriedly swiped the cream off his lips.
Hannah beamed him a winning smile and giggled again, her freckled cheeks rosy as could be. She was really pretty when she smiled. It gave Satoru an idea.
“Hey, I got a better one for ya.” He dished out his phone and waved his finger. “C’mere.”
Hannah tilted her head, curious at what he was planning, but scooted on closer. Satoru took off his sunglasses and folded them in his lap. Protectively, she felt his arm drape over her shoulders, embracing her to him. Comfortable with their position, he then angled the phone in front of them and switched the camera to “selfie mode.” He sweetly rested his chin atop her head, smelling the lavender in her shampoo.
Realizing now what he was up to, Hannah cuddled into him and smiled up at the camera.
His thumb tapped the button.
Wedded bliss frozen in time. The selfie had been their first taken as husband and wife. Their very first picture, on their way to Hannah’s very first autumn festival. Memories they’d look back on when they were old and grey, when life would become tough and the world a mess. But this. This was theirs to keep forever. A happiness no tragedy or disaster could upend. A marriage. A family.
“Not bad,” Satoru hummed.
“Yeah,” agreed Hannah, marveling at the Six Eyes, so nacreous and blue. Couldn’t replicate that color even if you tried. “We should have it framed when we get home. It can go on your nightstand.”
“Yeah.” This received her a loving peck on the cheek. “I’d like that. Good thinking. And Hannah?”
“Mmm?” she peered up at him.
He winked, showing her his camera screen again, this time with a picture of him having just kissed her cheek.
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One of the five go-sekku, Chrysanthemums festivals were first introduced to Japan via China, who venerated the autumn flower for its timeless beauty and medicinal properties. It was believed steeping the petals in a hot tea could elongate one's life and cure aches and pains. For that reason, it was popular for palaces and Buddhist shrines to plant mums in gardens. The Imperial Seal of Japan, stamped on every passport and royal document, also bore the bloom as its emblem, and many poets and artists used the herbaceous flora for inspiration. Some restaurants even utilized the petals as a garnish when serving sashimi.
Hannah knew mums belonged to the Asteraceae family, placing them in the same grouping as daisies, dahlias, and zinnias. In fact, a lesser known name for a chrysanthemum was a “florist’s daisy.” They came in a variety of cultivars and colours; mostly reds, yellows, and purples, some with long, spider-like petals that stretched outwards like sea anemones, others more compact with tightly-round layers reminiscent of doll faces. Cheerey as could be.
The Hirosaki Castle gardens were rife with them, exhibiting a magnanimous array of species and shapes. Atsumono. Kudamono. Ichimonji. Every variant one could think of. Hannah took her time admiring the flower beds, zooming her camera to capture the perfect photo.
They departed for Hirosaki Castle immediately after checking into their inn. Satoru didn’t want a place too far and optioned for a location within walking distance; a ryokan owned by a kind elderly couple 15 mins from the castle. They took their key, dropped their bags, and arrived at the castle by early afternoon, more than enough time to enjoy the festival and eat lunch.
“A lot of people here today,” Hannah commented when they crossed the palace gates. She was right. There were a lot of people, but Satoru said it only elevated the experience. The more the merrier.
At least, that’s what he told her. In truth, this was no time to slack off. Hannah has to stay with you at all times, rang Nanami’s voice. The Six Eyes wielder scanned the area for any potential adversaries. It already bothered him that a pair of perverted young men, who were clearly from the countryside and had never seen a foreigner before, were taking random snapshots of his wife without her knowledge. He’d issued them the most menacing glare. Get lost. The tourists would catch the flash of his eyes and immediately hightail it in the other direction. That’s right, dweebs, keep your dicks in your pants. She’s mine.
They toured the rows of chrysanthemum gardens. Horticulturists had weaved storytelling into that year’s displays. Lifesize dolls, covered head to toe in real flowers, brought to life many of the folktales passed down by tradition, including historic figures like Lord Tsuguru walking amongst the flowers, he too partaking in the festivities like his subjects, katana strapped to his waist.
The most striking red maples Satoru had ever seen cloaked the surrounding forest in fire, made more intense by the brightness of the autumn sun. At night, spotlights would illuminate the maples, so only the scarlet leaves were visible amongst the shadows, making the viewing more memorable for garden enthusiasts. They’d be sure to return come sunset to see for themselves.
For a low admission fee, Hirosaki Castle could be seen up close and toured on the inside. Except, upon arriving, the size of the castle bore little semblance to what they imagined.
“It’s so tiny,” Hannah squealed, pretending to squish the castle between her fingers. “How cute.”
“Kind of a let down,” Satoru muttered. He had yet to see the castle in person until now.
Hannah took his hand. “I wanna go in, c’mon.”
This was easier said than done. Standing 6’3 had its drawbacks. The door leading inside the castle was so squat and narrow, Satoru had to bow half-way to fit through, while his wife sauntered in like it was made for her. The castle’s interior was nothing special (in his opinion), just a gift shop and a video detailing the current renovations plans. However, there was an alarmingly steep flight of stairs with a red warning sign nailed to the wall. Satoru was close to having a mini heart attack, watching his wife hobble up the creaking wooden boards. He kept a ready hand on her bum, following close behind. The way down was more perilous, him holding onto her hand afraid she’d slip and roll an ankle. By the time they’d finished roaming the small castle, Satoru felt he had a permanent crick in his back.
The boat ride was much more relaxing. He and Hannah boarded a little isobune, oarred by a retired fisherman, who glided them around the moat. The cascade of falling orange and gold leaves landing atop the water was breathtaking as they passed under a red bridge, and the unshaded sun felt good on their faces, despite the chilly weather. Hannah rested her head along Satoru’s arm and closed her eyes, listening to the water churn against the oar and a lark singing in the distance. The world at peace.
They ate rice balls and fish sticks and caramelized apples from a vendor parked along the garden path. Then finished their day with scouting the nursery where visitors could buy bushels of chrysanthemums and ornate bonsai. Hannah was tempted, but thought the chrysanthemums they had back home were better.
At last, the sun dipped behind the northern mountains. The Gojo couple stuck around to take pictures of the illuminated maple trees. The pathway had become so dark. It was difficult to see anything other than the red and gold leaves. The rest was pitch black.
“Oh, Satoru. Look at these.” Hannah raced towards a group of maples she’d spotted.
There was a rustling noise. Unsettling laughter.
“You could do it, Satoru…The impossible.”
Satoru hurriedly whipped around.
“Even that has meaning…”
But saw nothing. No one was there. The wind. Perhaps it was the wind. Yes, it was only the wind.
“Satoru?” Hannah called concernedly from ahead.
Deep breaths, Satoru. He was hearing things. It was all in his head. The Six Eyes would’ve seen him.
“Yeah, coming, sweetheart.”
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That night they laid together in bed, skin to skin. It was smart of them to eat when they did. Most restaurants were closed by the time they arrived back at their ryokan. Hannah was busy massaging his hands, running her little fingers over the minuscule scars and toughened calluses, relieving the tension in his joints. Felt good.
“Have you always liked being a giant?” she mused, halting her massage to splay her palm over his, not even half its size.
He grinned at her hyperbole, giving off a meager shrug. “There’s advantages, I guess. Makes me faster, stronger, but it also attracts unwanted attention. I can’t hide for shit.”
“True,” Hannah stipulated. “You do tend to stand out in a crowd.”
“Mmhm.” He absentmindedly began twisting the gold wedding band on her finger. Part of him contemplated whether buying her a diamond ring to go with it. Like they do in the movies.
“But I’d say you wear it rather well.”
He stopped twisting and huffed tiredly. “Not much choice in that regard. For me, it’s either fear the spotlight or embrace it. There's really no third option.”
Hannah planted a reassuring kiss on his chest near his heart.
“What about you?” he countered. “How have you liked being a mouse?”
She took slight umbridge at that. “I’m not a mouse.”
“Fine, a very cute mouse.”
She swatted him lightly before returning her head to his chest. “I suppose it has its upsides.” Her voice held a somber note as she traced his pectorals.”I can fade into the background whenever I want. No one cares if I’m here or there…”
He sensed she hadn’t finished. “But?”
“But that’s just it. No one cares what happens to a nobody.”
He brought the dainty hand tracing his muscles to his lips, kissing its knuckles.
“Try convincing me of that.”
Hannah smiled, thinking he was too good to be true and any moment she’d wake up from this dream. After so many years living a barely-there existence, this sense of belonging, of being wanted, was more than her prayers could answer. What a blessing to have this man in her life, despite the political circumstances surrounding their union. He deserved everything for making her this happy. She would gladly give what little she had, be it words or her body.
A titillating warmth pooled inside her stomach, spreading between her thighs, desirous and hungry, not quite satiated by their earlier round of sex. Propping herself on her elbows, her lips sought the company of his own. He welcomed them greedily, tongue slipping inside her mouth to lean in deeper for a taste. A languid moan hovered on the edge of her throat as she rolled her body on top of him, begging to be nearer, closer.
Satoru’s hands cupped her ass, kneading the soft flesh like mounds of dough. He too stifled a groan as her lips broke away and began trailing hot, steamy kisses down his neck, sucking and licking his collarbone. The hands cupping her bare ass squeezed harder as she worked her way towards his nipple, giving it a few teasing flicks. She lowered her hands, letting them run over the contour of his abs, down, down, down. He felt the jolt of electricity percolate through his spine to the very tip of his penis, pulsing incessantly.
Damn, she was learning fast, he thought, having recently confessed his secret like for nippie action. He reckoned he was rock solid now.
“Saaa~tor~uuuu,” she sang.
Holy fuck, and that voice. She could trick him into committing mass murder with that angel-sweet voice. The sway it had over him. Seemed like only yesterday she was standing in her wedding kimono, stuttering, too nervous to make eye contact till he forcibly grabbed her chin. Her confidence had since skyrocketed. For lack of a better analogy, she was playing him like a finely-tuned fiddle and he was powerless to fight her.
“Hannah,” he moaned, once her hand reached under to cup his balls. He surrendered a sharp gasp. She weighed them in her palm, gyrating them slowly just as he instructed her, careful not to hurt him.
“Yes, darling?” Her other hand reached over to grip the hard length of his cock, pressing loving circles into the base with her thumb. Then, gentle as a lamb, pulling it downwards, unfurling the delicate foreskin to reveal the slick head underneath.
For fuck’s sake.
“Is this alright, love?” she purred amorously. “Do you want me to stop?”
Only then did he realize he was short of breath.
“No,” he panted. “Never.”
Hannah held a serene, sated look on her face, not the kind born of selfish lust or sheer dominance, but of total adoration. “Okay then.” She pecked him on the lips for good luck and joined her thumb and index together just as he taught her, hovering them inches above his erection. “Ready?”
He gulped once and gave a swift nod. The hand came down.
His moans were immutable by that point, though, frankly, he didn’t give a shit. Because each second of his wife’s goddess-like touch, her magic fingers stroking his cock up and down, brought him closer to heaven.
“I know you’ve been stressed lately,” she soothed between strokes. “Just tell me when, darling.”
Boy, wasn’t that the truth. The threat of Suguru’s reemergence placed everyone on alert. The higher-ups were relentless in their tyranny, working Satoru to the bone. He’d been dispatched on three high-level missions last week spanning across the country, when all he wanted to do was sleep, eat mochi ice cream, and make hot love to his wife. On the surface he made it look easy, but on the inside he longed for a break.
That’s what he loved most about Hannah. She always knew. He didn’t have to lie and don the mask.
Her strokes grew faster.
For a brief moment, Satoru thought his soul tore in two. He was barely conscious of his surroundings. Planet Earth? Where’s that? All that remained was his wife’s melodic voice and the orgasm preparing to take over and exit his body. He felt the tension surmount in his groin, jizz funneling up his balls, waiting for its queue to shoot. His breathing quickened, jaw clenched, nostrils flaring.
Knowing he was close, Hannah sat up criss-cross on the bed and scooted herself in, wrapping his long legs around her waist to hold him steady, giving him perfect view of her breasts. Finding the position more comfortable, she continued stroking his cock in her lap like a clay potter, hands working and wringing him in. He couldn’t speak, or think straight. Soon his hips started to buck on their own accord.
“That's it, Satoru. Easy now.”
She didn’t have to do anything except keep her hands still. Nature would take care of the rest, the receptors in his brain telling his spine to “giddy up.”
His thrusts began to readily excelerate, going faster in conjunction with the volition of his climax, the back-and-forth friction causing Hannah’s hand to grow shockingly hot. She caught the sheen of sweat on his skin, the darkness of his cock. He grunted hard with each snap of his pelvis.
At once, his thrusts slowed, and then on the count of three, his hips jilted upwards for a grand finish.
He bellowed out her name as the orgasm tore through him, streams of thick jissom gushing over his stomach in quick bursts. Hannah continued pumping, squeezing out as much as she could, relishing the triumph of his release soiling her bare hands, keeping him going until he’d run on empty.
Considering how much they’d been making love, she was surprised he lasted as long as he did.
Hannah’s pumping lessened as his breathing gradually returned to normal, his senses coming to.
“Stay put,” she hushed, granting him a celebratory kiss. “I’ll go fetch you a towel.”
“Uh huh,” he groused, every muscle in his legs and groin feeling tingky and loose, brain lost in a fog. His tongue was like lead. He could barely form a sentence.
Brushing a stray lock of white hair from his face, Hannah left to go find him a clean towel.
Weakly, Satoru managed to glance down at the mess he had made on his thighs and stomach. He released a winded sigh as his head hit the pillow, then broke into a rich, hearty laugh. And to think this was now his new normal.
“Yare, yare.”
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The couple decided to explore more of the city the next day. Satoru knew all the best spots in town, having frequented Hirosaki on countless missions. The city was small, a population of 180,000 or less, but held rich history regarding samurai and the Fujita family, making it notorious for curse incidents. Satoru couldn’t begin to recall how many strangers would come across a random cursed object; a sword, or an arrow head, stupidly get the idea to touch it, then wind up dead on the road somewhere for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Always sucked when the victims were children.
Anyway, no need to relive those memories. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts...
Hannah wanted to visit another garden - cause of course she did - and peruse the local shops. Great.
But first, breakfast.
Satoru discovered Cafe Buruman three summers ago while on the hunt for some shaved ice. He didn’t find the ice (sadly), but did sample a delicious raspberry tartlet and a frappuccino. And it was located right next to their ryokan, which may have not been accidental.
The cafe had a traditional charm to it, evident by its cypress furnishings and a rare selection of Okura Pottery bowls shelved behind the bar counter. Stored inside glass cabinets were other fine china pieces, some of which were available for purchase. Classical music played elegantly in the background. Hannah was smitten the moment they entered the door.
They placed their orders; Hannah, a fruit parfait and peach tea; Satoru, a chocolate tartlet and white mocha latte, and picked a table over by the window.
“I received an invitation the other day,” Hannah said once they were seated and their food arrived.
Satoru picked up his spoon. “Oh? From who?”
“Lady Kamo Hatsumomo.”
The spoonful of tartlet, having just reached his mouth, nearly rolled off his tongue in disgust.
Hannah took it as a bad sign. “I’m guessing you don’t like her?”
“Like her?” he said, chewing his tartlet. “The woman’s a psycho. I know her as the eldest sister of Lord Kamo. She thinks the jujutsu world’s main purpose in life is to uphold its most antediluvian precepts.”
“Antediluvian.” Hannah brightened. “There’s your word of the day.”
Satoru smirked. “I have my moments. The point is, she despises anyone who doesn’t conform to her narrow set of beliefs.”
“And me being a foreigner probably doesn’t help,” Hannah suspected.
Her husband frowned. “I doubt it.”
“Why would she invite me to her house then?”
Satoru too wondered this. On the one hand, it made perfect sense to invite Hannah as she was his wife and therefore carried great influence, but even so. Hatsumomo was no friend to non-sorcerers, especially when it came to foreigners. He remembered Ichiro’s banishment from the family for marrying Kumari.
But unable to find a satisfactory answer as to why, he reached across the table. “Remember, you don’t have to accept," and took Hannah’s hand. “It’s your call.”
Hannah sighed and stared down at their hands. “We’ll see."
That was good enough for Satoru. The Six Eyes wielder went back to sipping his latte then looked over, staring out through the glass window. His best friend stood on the sidewalk, waving candidly at him, same long jet-black hair, black shirt, black sweatpants...
Wait, what now?
Satoru squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, opening them back up to see an empty street.
Just his mind playing dirty tricks again.
“Everything alright?” Hannah’s eyes were slightly tainted with worry.
“I’m fine,” Satoru replied, offering her a curt smile, running his thumb over her knuckles.
It was all in his head. Nothing more.
Yup, he was perfectly fine.
Chapter Contents
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howlingday · 3 months
Bug!AU: El semblante de jaune funciona igual de transferencia de aura, pero me puse a pensar las semblantes son la parte más pura de los cazadores y funciona con aura básicamente su alma hecha armadura así que pasaría si se inyecta alma ajena a la persona, aura errónea por así decirl. El resultado es un mal funcionamiento del semblante, dependiendo de la cantidad de aura transferida será la duración y un cambio mas drástico
Ruby: Se ve ralentizado enormemente llegando en ocasiones casi parando en el tiempo, en otras ocasiones hace que en lugar de acelerar su cuerpo se acelere su cerebro lo cual la vuelve más hiperactiva de lo normal, pero a cambio se vuelve mas lista irónicamente se concentra más
Weiss: El trató con los glifos es raro al ser una semblante muy completa y versátil los cambios se vuelven más aleatorios de lo normal. Cosas menores cómo afectar un punto específico cómo la dilatación de tiempo, alterar las invocaciónes pasando de un beowolf y ursa a un corgi y un muñeco de nieve. Hasta una alteración completa de su consistencia de pasando a deteretirsen en un charco de agua a esfumarse en vapor incluso una vez de prendieron en fuego
Pyrrha: Esta semblante probablemente tiene los mejores cambios llegando a no tener muchos problemas. Su polaridad a pasado de pasar de controlar sólo metal controlar madera, si bien no es tan útil cómo antes en una misión fue capaz de utilizar la mitad de un bosque para defenderse de un ataque grimm, y la variante más peligrosa hasta la fecha es control sobre los cuerpos humanos llegando a mover los, pegarlos, hasta imantarlos
Ese día fue muy divertido al ver todas las bandejas de comida, casilleros y armas pegarse a cardin.
Pd: Este fue la primera pregunta que di y me respondieron (howlingday) así que le tengo cierto cariño pero no me termina de convencer algunas partes lo más probable es que lo haga un tipo de antolantología
Si alguien tiene ideas para el restó háganmelo saber.
Bug!AU: Jaune's semblance works the same as aura transfer, but I started to think the semblance is the purest part of the hunters and it works with aura basically his soul made into armor so what would happen if a foreign soul was injected into the person, erroneous aura so to speak. The result is a malfunction of the appearance, depending on the amount of aura transferred, the duration and a more drastic change. Ruby: She is slowed down enormously, sometimes almost stopping in time. On other occasions, it causes her brain to accelerate instead of herself accelerating, which makes her more hyperactive than normal, but in exchange she becomes smarter, ironically, she concentrates more. Weiss: The treatment with the glyphs is strange as it is a very complete and versatile semblance, the changes become more random than normal. Minor things like affecting a specific point like time dilation, altering the summons going from a beowolf and ursa to a corgi and a snowman. Up to a complete alteration of its consistency, from decaying in a puddle of water to disappearing into steam, even once set on fire. Pyrrha: This semblance probably has the best changes while not having many problems. Her polarity has gone from controlling only metal to controlling wood, although it is not as useful as before in a mission, she was able to use half of a forest to defend herself from a Grimm attack, and the most dangerous variant to date is control on human bodies, moving them, sticking them, even magnetizing them. That day was a lot of fun seeing all the food trays, lockers and weapons stick to Cardin. PS: This was the first question I asked, and they answered me (howlingday), so I have a certain affection for it, but I'm not convinced by some parts, it's most likely that some type of anthology did it. If anyone has ideas for the rest let me know.
Aw, it's very sweet of you to remember that, though I have to admit I can't seem to remember the question. I like the idea, though, that Jaune's semblance helps as much as it hinders by applying an unfortunate side-effect, like a glitch or a "bug". If I may add one more...
Ren: His semblance is super-charged to the most lethargic degree possible. Even Professor Oobleck, when caught in it, starts to slow down and yawn. On the one hand, the Grimm aren't able to find anyone to attack them. On the other, though, everybody feels so sleepy all of a sudden.
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