#observation post
i do wonder what the air is like up there on the high horses that the lonely are sat upon. it must be thin, as it seems to be making them forget things. especially their own behavior.
for our new and returning students, the lonely have been around for quite some time, and they will let you know. they will also tell you how much they know and how important their thoughts are because of it. but it wasn’t the current proprietors who built this reputation. no no. the current cannot match up to the original. nor can they match the level of authenticity their page once held. now, they claim they need to respond to those who they view as tearing down a fandom they believe themselves to be the queens of. they need to stand up to these troublemakers and provide facts . to debunk the lies. they have made their blog’s personality all about pointing fingers and placing blame on other bad actors, while refusing to acknowledge what they have become. they are a shell of their former selves. a joke. long gone are the days of thousands of interactions with their posts, or of being seen as a pillar in their fandom, or even of being a source of actual information. they were once even a frequent target of those who they now call friends and openly post with. poor them. victims always.
in days past, they posted horribly offensive commentary on past girlfriends of the actor who they claim to be fans. namely, of her looks. ask them, and they never did that. now, they are friends with the mods who were creating edits of the actor’s now wife portraying her as a literal child. but that is just fine by them. they are all on the same side now. it’s in the name of cleaning up the fandom. however, you won’t find evidence on their blog of their vile behavior and former comments; no, that's because they deleted it all in order to hide the evidence. they’ll claim it never existed.
it does. i’m sure their new friends have the proof, too.
these two groups who have now merged, they do not only create burners, send anons, and send hate to others, but they send it to themselves too. please sympathize with these blog mods who are victims of this online meanness. if you don’t feel for the victim, for them, you are a monster and that’s your burden. you are also delulu and just want this actor to pick you. they had thousands of interactions in months and years past but now get less than a handful of likes. all of these current likes and notes come from the former enemies but now friends blogs. they post nothing about the actor they claim to be here for. they post no news, nothing about his projects other than the widely reported pap photos. they have sources but know nothing about upcoming projects. claiming you have a photo does not insider-info make. they just want to tear down the other side.
they claim to have sources such as pics of the couple’s house. other sources that want to talk about his private life. but they will not tell you or show you. their new friends have the floorplans of a house that is where the actor is from, so they do too. a new friend travels to the area and it is definitely not there for the actor, but to question it means you'll be made fun of relentlessly. that magazine article is definitely going to happen. this fall. maybe next spring. there is no way they would get false info. they are too experienced. they know all and are the voice of the fandom. don’t you dare question them.
do you want to know where your following went, lonely? you pushed them away. you insulted them. you are arrogant, rude and lost all credibility to have those nuanced conversations you so desire. you made your personality to be about prioritizing getting a rise out of the other team. you, and I mean both of you, have become a laughing stock, blocked by so many.
you have me blocked, but everyone knows blocks don’t mean anything when screenshots fly around within minutes. feel free to call me names. to send your burner accounts after me. you have become a joke. looking forward to your next post and its three likes from yourself and your “friends”. or your reasoning for now being friends with those who spoke so horribly of you.
how disappointed queen and mrs potts must be with you and what you have made their account become.
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nnn-lll-nnn · 11 months
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keymintt · 3 months
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too much // not enough
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proselles · 3 months
you know what i think is really cool about dungeon meshi? the fact that it really handles the whole 'how our food is made' so gracefully. in this day and age, we've become so disconnected from how our food is produced and distributed that the thought of how our food is obtained brings disgust to many people (and for the big industry farms, it honestly should! but im referring to our existence as omnivores in the food chain). marcille acted ridiculous whenever the thought of killing a monster for food is brought up, but honestly, she's a great model for how many people nowadays react whenever they have to truly think about what they are consuming/are brought to a meat farm.
senshi shows the characters (and us, the audience) about the process of making food in a respectful, genuine way to the creatures he has used to produce nourishing meals. by explaining the nutrition and benefits of each creature, he creates and healthy relationship between the consumers and the meal they have. the show really brings a new dimension of respect for each of our meals. truly the bob ross/marie kondo of cooking.
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sensualnoiree · 1 month
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1st House: The Helm This is where your spiritual energy and identity take the spotlight. The 1st House governs your appearance, personality, and vitality—the essence of how you project yourself to the world. It’s your steez, your approach to life, and the first impression you make on others. The 1st House is all about beginnings, the mask you may unknowingly wear, and how you come to know yourself on a deep authentic level. The captain of this ship is the ruling planet of the zodiac sign residing there.
2nd House: Gate of Hades Your values, self-esteem, and ability to attract wealth are all tied to the 2nd House. This is where your personal resources, possessions, and financial matters come into play. The foods you eat, your saving and spending habits, and your sense of self-worth are all part of this house. It’s where your style and material wealth are rooted, reflecting how you value yourself and what you own. This house represents how you sustain for yourself, how you support all that the first house needs of you to be who you are.
3rd House: Goddess The 3rd House is the domain of communication, early education, and the mind. It governs how you gather and process information, your intellect, and your interactions within your community. This house also encompasses your relationships with siblings, short travels, and technical skills. It’s the space where your to-do list and daily mental activities take shape.
4th House: Subterranean Deeply connected to your roots, the 4th House represents your home, heritage, and ancestry. It’s where your inner life and sense of security are nurtured, influenced by your upbringing and relationship with your parents—especially the mother. This house also relates to land, generational gifts, and knowledge passed down through the family. It’s a space of femininity and the feminine energies in your life. This is the lowest point of the birth chart and can be fairly private and personal-as opposed to the 10th house. It holds up the rest of the chart and is incredibly important in terms of learning about our sense of security/stability emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
5th House: Good Fortune Joy, creativity, and self-expression flourish in the 5th House. This is where you experience the pleasures of life—love affairs, children, art, and entertainment. It’s the house of flirtation, play, and drama, where your passions come to life. The 5th House also governs leisure activities, fertility, and the pursuit of happiness through creative endeavors. A sense of nostalgia lives here too.
6th House: Bad Fortune The 6th House deals with work, health, and daily routines. It’s the space of labor, servitude, and the duties that never seem to end. This house also governs how you care for your body, deal with illness and injury, and interact with employees or pets. It’s where the unexpected challenges in life arise, requiring your attention and resilience. Look here for understanding on what great works you may find yourself committing to.
7th House: Setting Place Relationships take center stage in the 7th House. This is where you finally begin to truly engage with others, forming long-term commitments, whether in marriage, partnerships, or friendships. It’s the house of open enemies, where you face the other in life. The 7th House also governs relaxation, romance, and the deep bonds that define your connections with others.
8th House: The Idle Place Death, transformation, and shared resources are key themes in the 8th House. It’s where you confront karma, contracts, and generational lessons. This house also deals with loans, debts, and the deep psyche—the mysteries and fears that lie beneath the surface. The 8th House is a place of soul material, where you explore the unseen and the unknown. Here, you face all consequences-positive & negative- of the 7th house and the relationships, contracts, and potential enemies made there. This is the house of others esteem of you, opposite of the 2nd.
9th House: House of God The 9th House is your portal to higher knowledge, philosophy, and spiritual exploration. It governs your worldview, ethics, and the pursuit of truth through study, travel, and discovery. This house is where you connect with religion, spirituality, and the higher mind, expanding your understanding of the world and your place in it.
10th House: House of Praxis Your public life, reputation, and career are shaped by the 10th House. It’s where you strive for honor, recognition, and achievements that define your legacy. This house also relates to your relationships with authority figures, particularly the father, and how you navigate the public sphere. The 10th House is where your goals, fame, and business acumen are realized. Sitting at the very top of the chart, like the sun at noon high in the sky, all can see you here.
11th House: Good Spirits In the 11th House, your hopes, dreams, and social networks come to life. This house governs your friendships, group affiliations, and the communities you belong to. It’s where you connect with humanity, receive sudden blessings, and find support in your aspirations. The 11th House is also associated with gifts, riches, and the imagination needed to dream big.
12th House: Bad Spirits The 12th House is a place of retreat, isolation, and self-undoing. It’s where you confront your inner shadows, secrets, and hidden enemies. This house governs institutions, mental health, and the need for solitude or seclusion. It’s also a space of psychological development, where you deal with endings, sickness, and the unseen forces that shape your life journey. This house is in a blind spot to the first house of Self and that is why we can be blind to the very things that reside here. Its not so much that these things seek out to destroy you but any area of your life your are deeply unaware of can come back and disorientate you from who you believe yourself to be.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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magic-astro-fae · 13 days
House Significations
1st House: Head/ face/ physical body, eyes and smile. Our identity. Others perception of us. Our birth. Birth marks/ moles and scars. Character. Perspective/ outlook. Beginnings. Ego
2nd House: Throat/ neck/ voice. Resources and personal values. Physical possessions. Self-esteem. Money/ income. Security. Cultivation. Substance
3rd House: Arms/ shoulders and hands. Communication style. Primary school. Reading/ writing. Intellect. Siblings and cousins. Immediate communities. Transportation
4th House: Chest/ breasts/ stomach. Family/ ancestors. Roots/ traditions. Private life. Home. Domesticity. Mother/ care taker. Foundations. Heritage. Comfort/ relaxation
5th House: Heart/ Spine/ Solar Plexus. Pleasure. Creativity. Romance. Children/ first born child. Self-expression. Humor. Leisure/ entertainment
6th House: Digestive system/ intestines: Healthcare/ wellness. Daily routines. Known enemies. Employment/ skills. Coworkers. Consistency. Strength/ courage
7th House: Urinary tract/ kidneys/ bladder. 1-on-1 relationships. Business partners. Marriage partners. Contracts/ commitments. Compromise. People/ things we attract and are attracted to
8th House: Reproductive system/ genitals/ anus. Secrets/ lies. Death. Judgement. Transformation. Debts/ taxes. Shared resources. Conscious fears. Instincts/ intuition. Occultism
9th House: Hips/ thighs/ liver. Ideology/ philosophy. Long distance travels. Expansion/ exploration. Knowledge. Spirituality. Foreign affairs. Belief systems. Culture
10th House: Bones/ skeleton/ teeth/ skin. Reputation. Public image. Occupation. Focus/ ambition/ motivation. Professional self. Government. Authority. Father figure
11th House: Circulatory system/ veins/ calves/ ankles. Group efforts/ charity. Friendship. Gifts/ help from others. Innovation. Technology. Social work. Wistfulness. Acquaintances
12th House: Feet/ lymph nodes. Institutions. Unconsciousness. Nightmares/ dreams. Psychic abilities. Karma. Self-undoing. Fears. Privacy/ refuge. Peace. Forgiveness
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elysiansparadise · 8 months
Aspects of Chiron
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⚷ Chiron is a planetoid that helps us spot some of our wounds. You can get to know yours on Astro.com in the section “additional objects”. If you want to take a closer look to yours click here -> ⚷
⬜Chiron conjunct Sun: These people have wounds related to acceptance, either from themselves or from others. They may seek to help others in a selfless way, but they do not dare to ask for help or appear very vulnerable. Issues with the father or father figure. They may have confidence problems. They have a lot of charisma and people see them as very kind and polite people. It is likely that both the father and them have had a complicated life.
⬜Chiron conjunct Moon: They immediately make others feel good emotionally, they know what others need to feel good easily. They are very empathetic, caring and attentive people with those they love. They may have differences or issues with the mother. The mother and them could have had a complicated life. They may have trouble setting boundaries. Melancholic tendencies and remembering a lot about what once hurt them in the past.
⬜Chiron conjunct Mercury: These people have the ability to listen and understand well what other people want to express. They are excellent listeners and great advisors. They have a lot of wisdom. The wound lies in not feeling heard or understood by the people around them. They know what it's like to not feel heard, so they always show respect to others by being attentive. May have a tendency to hesitate about their own knowledge.
⬜Chiron conjunct Venus: These natives usually look for emotionally deep relationships in which they can open up to their partner and have them do the same. They may have wounds related to their beauty, feminine side or love life. Their partners can improve a lot thanks to the native and vice versa. They can see beauty in things that others don't. Usually shows an enchanting beauty rather tender and adorable. Great charm.
⬜Chiron conjunct Mars: These people may have had trouble standing up for themselves when they were young, but they never hesitate to stand up for others. Wounds with male figures, sex, or by the anger of others or their own anger. Setting boundaries could have been harsh for them.  They long to be people who guide others through justice, understanding and motivation. Over time they develop a strong temperament.
⬜Chiron conjunct Jupiter: These people have a lot of wisdom in themselves and can be developed souls. They learn from their mistakes and provide support, advice and healing to others. They could have gone through very tense things, which is why they mature before their time. They may doubt your skills and knowledge. Wounds by teachers. They can teach others to see the good side of themselves and look for ways to heal.
⬜Chiron conjunct Saturn: Feeling of not having been supported or of not having had the necessary guidance. They matured before their time and that led them to acquire a lot of wisdom. They will actively work to heal themselves and may become frustrated if they feel that they are not yet there. Their lesson is to learn that healing takes time and that they will eventually achieve it. Wounds related to not feeling enough or underestimating your successes.
⬜Chiron conjunct Uranus: Wounded by having felt different from the rest and/or judged for their uniqueness. These people may seek to help their friends alleviate their emotional problems. They have an eccentric charm and authenticity that attracts attention, becoming inspiring to others. They learned to solve their problems on their own and may have difficulty relying on anyone. Fear of becoming dependent on something or someone.
⬜Chiron conjunct Neptune: True healers, they can give themselves deeply to the work of helping others heal. Great counselors, they instinctively say and do the right thing to support others. Betrayals, deceptions and lies could have hurt them. Great artistic talents, great ability to dazzle many. Sweet, empathetic and very kind to their peers. Music, art and spirituality can be healing for them. Tendency to dissociate to avoid thinking about their problems.
⬜Chiron conjunct Pluto: Betrayals, death and abandonment could have deeply hurt the native. Problems trusting other people but incredibly reliable for those who they love the most. Loyal people who would like someone who would be as loyal as they are. Difficult childhoods in which they did not feel respected or loved. Ability to transform your wounds into your strengths and make them something truly beautiful. Interest in psychology and self-improvement.
⬜Chiron conjunct Rising: They can be very magnetic people to others and will evoke a sense of peace and comfort in others. They will actively seek to help other people feel good about themselves. They may have self-acceptance problems either because of their personality or their physical appearance. People can easily trust them and see in them someone very wise who has been through a lot. Very assertive and constantly wanting to improve.
⬜Chiron conjunct Midheaven: They most likely work on something related to supporting, healing and encouraging other people. From young people they think that the best thing would be to find a path in which they do more good for others. Tendency to set too many expectations for themselves and become frustrated and harsh when not meeting them. People feel naturally drawn to them and feel that they can be understood by them.
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⬜Chiron trine Sun: They are people with a very intelligent and perceptive personality of the people around them, as well as themselves. They can have the gift of healing and be people with a nature that appeals to people because they are not judgmental or criticize or speak badly of others. People not only find them charming, but also kind and admirable. Ease of raising the self-esteem of others and helping them love themselves more.
⬜Chiron trine Moon: You give great emotional comfort to others and seem to understand them better than anyone. People deeply appreciate your support and the willingness you show to get to know them well. Your hugs are the most comforting and you can make others feel through small gestures. Mystical, charming and very empathetic. They love to make others feel safe and protected. You are very sensitive to the emotions of others.
⬜Chiron trine Mercury: Natives with a strong and highly developed intuition, a great ability to analyze the people around them. Your words can be of great help to another and bring them a lot of relief. They are very rational people capable of seeing many sides of the same situation. They may enjoy meditating or other methods to calm the mind. They can work well under pressure and help calm others with just words.
⬜Chiron trine Venus: Ability to help their partners find healing and will seek to accompany them during the process. Love can be healing for them and they have a deep liking to help those who need it most. Can transform their pain into beautiful things through art and/or hobbies they have. Of great tact and assertiveness. They like relationships in which there is mutual protection and where they seek to understand the other deeply.
⬜Chiron trine Mars: We encounter great leaders who, through motivation and meaningful actions [whether big or small] encourage others to help themselves. They have the goal of healing themselves to improve as people and let go of everything that stagnates them and does not help them. Assertive and blunt when it comes to establishing limits. They have a strong sense of self and do not allow themselves or others to be trampled on by anyone.
⬜Chiron trine Jupiter: They have the ability to teach and inspire others, and help them in the process of finding meaning in their own lives, as well as showing them that they can recover from the tragedies they experience. They can bring out the good side in people and encourage them to improve. Charitable, humanitarian and kind. They do not minimize the suffering or difficulties of others. They validate and support people who need it.
⬜Chiron trine Saturn: They do not let their wounds define them and have a great ability to overcome and heal from what once hurt them. Great maturity and resilience. Another indicator of leadership skills, these people teach others to find their power after they have found theirs. They seek to be the support of others and the support figure that they would have liked to have. They respect limits and beliefs even if they do not share them.
⬜Chiron trine Uranus: These people have the ability to move, let go and get rid of everything that does not contribute to their life or that does not make them happy. Altruistic but with their feet on the ground, they help those who allow themselves to be helped. They inspire others to be themselves without fear of what others say/think and can easily heal the wounds of the public, peers or those who feel they do not fit in.
⬜Chiron trine Neptune: They are people with a very strong imagination and great talents for creating beautiful things. Compassionate, understanding and generous with others. They may have a unique way of wowing others without trying very hard. They support and help others selflessly and can go out of their way to help those who need it. Altruistic and they have an old soul vibe. Very spiritual people who want to help others in their journey in this life.
⬜Chiron trine Pluto: They have a natural ability to get to the bottom of others' wounds, great capacities to help others find their inner power. They are people who have gone through many changes and who see in their wounds something that has made them strong enough to face what life presents them. There is something very appealing about them. Their strength may be something that others find dazzling and inspiring in many ways.
⬜Chiron trine Rising: They are very cordial and fascinating people in the eyes of others. A mixture of friendliness, intelligence and talent. They immerse themselves in a path of healing from a young age and kindly support their loved ones in the process. Ambivert, calm and patient. Many of them want to contribute positively to the lives of people significant to them, showing support and lending their ear and presence. 
⬜Chiron trine Midheaven: They are people perceived as friendly, caring and reliable, many people go to them and open up easily. It is common for many to lean towards a profession in which they provide support and care to other people. They see empathy and altruism as crucial values ​​for creating a better society. Many professional and academic successes await you. Noble heart and actions to contribute to society.
⬜Chiron sextile Sun: Here we find very understanding and empathetic people who are willing to lend a hand to help those who need it most. They are sensitive and altruistic people. It is very likely that they have a very healthy level of self-esteem.They use their experiences and knowledge gained after personal situations to help others find solutions to their problems. 
⬜Chiron sextile Moon: Gentle and loving on the inside regardless of their exterior. They love to show love to those they love and know how to do it well. They adapt to people's love language and unconsciously make them feel comfortable. They are consistent, understanding and very giving when it comes to their bonds.
⬜Chiron sextile Mercury: A calm way of speaking, they know how to get to the core of others. Their words leave a positive mark on others. Constant search for knowledge, especially on spiritual or social issues. Deep understanding of people. They listen and fervently try to make everyone feel like they fit and are part of the group.
⬜Chiron sextile Venus: They like people in contact with their most intense and deep emotions. Love in the most wholesome way possible. A liking for comforting relationships with a strong emotional bond. They help others accept their body and beauty. They can be very good at resolving any conflicts or helping others see the good side of things.
⬜Chiron sextile Mars: They tend to be assertive when communicating what they don't like. They are brave, compassionate and charming. They actively look for ways to help themselves and others. These natives always try to give that feeling of security and protection to those they love and are not afraid to defend those they love from anything.
⬜Chiron sextile Jupiter: They help others see their positive traits and aspects. They are people who have become intelligent and wise because of what they have been through. Search for wisdom, both internal and external, and willingness to be wisdom for others. The trips they take can be healing for them. Kind heart and an appropriate level of empathy. Resilient.
⬜Chiron sextile Saturn: People who are strong in mind and heart, get ahead no matter what. They can provide positive lessons and a lot of support to those they love. They remain kind and compassionate no matter the hardships of life. Independent and highly devoted. Observant and attentive when it comes to others, they respect their own boundaries and those of others.
⬜Chiron sextile Uranus: They have come a long way to find self-acceptance and appreciation for all sides of themselves. Your actions and personality can be inspirational to others. Great sense of friendship, they are altruistic and very considerate of their friends. They feel proud of what makes them different from the rest and share/inspire this feeling with others.
⬜Chiron sextile Neptune: They are amazing at providing emotional support, perhaps sometimes more than practical. People feel good about your presence and readily accept your help. They intuitively know things that can affect or heal other people. They can use spirituality to heal and understand others deeply and to understand themselves better.
⬜Chiron sextile Pluto: They can transform themselves at a deep mental & emotional level, a sensation of reborn after a crisis, whatever it may be. These natives have a great intuition to know about the emotions and wounds of the other. Deep capacity for emotional, psychological and mental connection with many people, regardless of age, gender or background.
⬜Chiron sextile Rising: From a young age they are inclined to help, support and be there for other people. Interest in self-knowledge, psychology and self-improvement. They like to and usually come across as a strong person with whom you can vent, someone kind who understands your wounds. They always treat others as they would like to be treated. 
⬜Chiron sextile Midheaven: Easily gain the appreciation and trust of the people, because they seem approachable, kind and polite. Their work is related to healing issues or other forms of support for sectors of society. Others often see in them a good leader, someone who actively strives to improve the emotional state of the people.
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⬜Chiron opposite Sun: The differences with their fathers could have brought about many issues between them. They may put on a very confident and independent appearance out of fear of being seen for who they are and being judged or criticized for it. He can be a good leader. Issues with your ego, either being too big or too little.
⬜Chiron opposite Moon: People feel safe with them, but they don't usually have that feeling. Issues expressing their feelings and/or communicating their emotional needs. They want to be there for those they love because they know what it feels like to not feel that support. Whether they want to be parents or not, they always show respect and kindness to children.
⬜Chiron opposite Mercury: Sometimes your own mind can hurt you, negative self-talk and view of yourself. They are people with great intelligence and great communication skills. They can have perfectionist tendencies and be very demanding of themselves. Excellent listeners, they can find quick solutions to problems of others but not of themselves.
⬜Chiron opposite Venus: They tend to be people who doubt the love they can receive. Some have the wound of thinking that they will not be loved. Very selective with their partners for fear of getting hurt. Many may ask for their advice on matters of love, regardless of the native's degree of experience. Their love can be very healing and pure.
⬜Chiron opposite Mars: They tend to put barriers between themselves and others, be somewhat defensive, and feel like they have to be alert. Tendency to anxiety and/or nervousness. They allow others to rely on them and do not hesitate to stand up for them. Very well established boundaries and do not allow anyone to be disrespectful to them.
⬜Chiron opposite Jupiter: They may be people who bring positivity to the lives of others but have issues with them staying positive. The hope that good things can happen to them is usually wounded. They are very spiritual people who seek knowledge regarding matters of this type. They seek a deep meaning in all things. Try to stay strong no matter what, 
⬜Chiron opposite Saturn: Tendency to expect the worst to happen. Skeptical and difficult to convince. They do not trust others easily. They could’ve felt that there was no one to rely on and they may have matured due to the absence of a stable and constant figure. Dislike being seen as vulnerable. Independent, logical and seen as strong by others.
⬜Chiron opposite Uranus: Feeling of always being different from the rest. They don’t feel accepted by others. Wounds related to loneliness or some abrupt change in their lives. They accept everyone regardless of their differences and hate making others feel like they are not included. May not want to be seen as weird, but embracing their identity fully will bring healing to them.
⬜Chiron opposite Neptune: Healing abilities that you may not be aware of. They can be very empathic and there is a risk of putting other people's problems on their shoulders. They have a noble and loving heart that they are afraid to show for fear of being deceived or hurt. Looking for physical ways to express their feelings can be very healing for them.
⬜Chiron opposite Pluto: Wounds related to trusting others, betrayals or little support in the past. They may have problems forgiving and/or forgetting. Constant feeling of not being safe, need to be alert and avoid betrayal at all costs. You may have a tendency to isolate yourself. These people definitely change the lives of those around them on a great level.
⬜Chiron opposite Rising: They may have many wounds regarding themselves, their value and abilities. They have a hard time trusting themselves and hate projecting that. Tend to overthink a lot before daring to do something. Help others with things they don't help themselves with. Fight the idea of ​​not being loved. They give themselves completely to loving someone.
⬜Chiron opposite Midheaven: People can see them as a person who has been through a lot and still has a noble heart. Differences with authority figures, it is likely that one of them has hurt them. They may have problems accepting help and having emotionally intimate moments with others. They provide the emotional and/or verbal comfort that they would have liked to receive.
⬜Chiron square Sun: Differences and wounds resulting from the father, his actions or words towards the native. Trouble feeling happy with yourself or proud of who you are. Lack of validation in childhood. Ability to identify the wounds that others hold with themselves. They do not judge others and it's easy for them to be accepting and a positive influence on others. Tendency to doubt oneself a lot and have confidence problems. Helpful and generous. 
⬜Chiron square Moon: These natives carry many childhood wounds, their emotional needs may not be fully met. The relationship with the mother may be somewhat strained at certain points and they may feel that they cannot rely on her. These people are able to give a lot of emotional comfort to others and make them feel truly understood, but they hardly feel understood or connected to others. It is crucial that they heal their inner child.
⬜Chiron square Mercury: Painful words or memories seem to wander around your head constantly. Wounded by cruel comments from people close or significant to the native. They greatly doubt their intelligence. They are very understanding, observant and somewhat shy people, they dislike arguments and never waste their time talking to people who do not want to understand. They give the impression of being very wary, intelligent and rational.
⬜Chiron square Venus: Problems integrating your feminine energy and/or in your relationships. They may enjoy giving sincere compliments to others but have trouble accepting compliments. Your vision of your relationship or marriage may be damaged or you may have seen a lot of pain in the relationships of people you loved. They love intensely and want something genuine that will give them hope in love. Trouble seeing your own beauty.
⬜Chiron square Mars: They may have wounds related to male figures, their masculine energy, and frequent tensions or arguments in their childhood. They like to project themselves as strong and do not like to feel very vulnerable. They are afraid to take risks or initiative. They could feel that they themselves had to save and help themselves. They likely grew up in an environment that was boisterous, aggressive, or tense in some way.
⬜Chiron square Mars: They may have wounds related to male figures, their masculine energy, and frequent tensions or arguments in their childhood. They like to project themselves as strong and do not like to feel very vulnerable. They are afraid to take risks or initiative. They could feel that they themselves had to save and help themselves. They likely grew up in an environment that was boisterous, aggressive, or tense in some way.
⬜Chiron square Jupiter: They may have had great hopes or dreams that were disappointed in some way. They are people who can be hurt easily. Sensitive, very empathetic and compassionate. May have crises of faith, where they feel abandoned by God or another deity. They do not let anyone they love be immersed in sadness, being the natives who motivate them to find their own joy. Wounds are a product of the religion or beliefs that were transmitted to them.
⬜Chiron square Saturn: The father figure or figures that are supposed to be supportive could have hurt the native. Feeling of loneliness and deep sadness. They look for ways to motivate themselves to keep going. Silently caring and attentive with others. They don't put expectations on people but on themselves. Humble people. Respectful, responsible and hard workers. They feel better about themselves by achieving things and feel that it is the only way.
⬜Chiron square Uranus: Wounds from feeling separated, judged or not accepted by members of a community or people your age. Feeling like an outcast. They may have the feeling of being alone even with people. Wounds of abandonment or unstable people/situations in their lives. They may have difficulty loving all sides of themselves, but they want the ones they appreciate to succeed. Family chainbreaker vibes.
⬜Chiron square Neptune: Wounds for feeling forgotten or for feeling that others took advantage of your love and kindness. Evasive tendencies about their own pain, from addictions, overworking, or using humor to hide that the topic hurts them. Unconditionality and great devotion. Wounds of betrayal and/or disappointment from someone they loved. They don't want to worry those they love, so they isolate themselves when they have problems.
⬜Chiron square Pluto: They have a wound related to loss or abandonment, or even a lack of control over their own lives. They are too reserved with what torments them emotionally due to the fear of being judged or betrayed after opening up. They often feel like they can't rely on someone. May have a strong inclination towards spiritual themes as a way of helping themselves and others find inner peace and understanding of their inner demons.
⬜Chiron square Rising: The wound lies in physical appearance and this in turn can affect the way they see other areas of their lives. They are people who are too understanding of others, perhaps more than themselves. They will want and be able to help others not feel or go through what they do. They may have wounds that they have carried since childhood and/or because of one or both parents. They help others but hardly allow themselves to be helped.
⬜Chiron square Midheaven: Natives are likely to doubt their ability to achieve great things and may have a tendency to self-sabotage. They help others but refuse to be helped for fear of looking very vulnerable or weak. The father figure may have hurt the native in some way. They can work hard to not think about their problems. They may have problems trusting themselves and their potential. They are seen as wise and strong by others.
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botanicalsword · 21 days
Saturn ✧ the challenges lead you to maturity?
Saturn in Natal Chart - In which areas do they face challenges that lead to maturity?
Where do they encounter obstacles and difficulties?
In what aspects of life are they likely to experience pressure and responsibility?
How do rules and regulations influence these areas?
What life dimensions must they confront under pressure, and what types of challenges do these dimensions present?
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Saturn in the 1st House
often feel unattractive
tend to wear a mask of indifference, making it difficult for them to express their true selves
may experience a sense of lack during childhood, even if their family is not financially struggling
a strong sense of responsibility, making them reliable for important tasks
exhibit excessive defensiveness and materialism
might face issues related to their skin, bones, or chronic health conditions
 Saturn in the 2nd House
have a deep fear of poverty
tightening their purse strings gives them a sense of security - leading to a stable financial foundation in their later years
can be seen as wealthy yet burdened
may come from a background of financial hardship / experience a sense of stinginess from their parents.
often find it challenging to earn money
sacrifice enjoyment in life in exchange for an irreplaceable sense of security
nothing is more important to them than feeling secure
Saturn in the 3rd House
may have experienced stuttering or speech difficulties in their early years
they might have been teased for their accents
remain silent unless absolutely necessary
do not have a speech impediment, when they choose to speak - their words carry significant weight
they are not inclined to engage in casual conversation
may be perceived as dull by adults or face criticism for their words - leading them to internalize their thoughts and feelings
may struggle to share their innermost thoughts with others
Saturn in the 4th House
have a strong sense of family identity - take on the responsibility of caring for their family from a young age
they may feel obligated to support their family or care for their father
may have had a strict or emotionally distant father during childhood - who was often absent or unapproachable, leading to feelings of fear or estrangement
find it difficult to share their emotions and may struggle to express care - but they are willing to shoulder family responsibilities, they may not engage in nurturing behaviors
often exhibit distrust towards emotional intimacy while yearning for security and permanence in their lives
Saturn in the 5th House
fewer romantic opportunities
often seen as the "unloved child" / either neglected - a loss of their own identity and significance
may find it difficult to connect with their children (challenging aspects)
tend to exhibit a noticeable shyness - waiting quietly on the sidelines
hoping to one day become the center of admiration and attention
Saturn in the 6th House
experience depression due to their intense focus on health issues - prompting them to engage in rigorous fitness / wellness routines
particularly concerned with their schedules - may experience anxiety in daily life, often resisting changes to their routines
they place immense pressure on themselves at work and continue to do so after hours - leading to more severe chronic fatigue
may encounter skeletal or joint issues - often linked to prolonged stress
feelings of pressure, pessimism, fear, distrust, or gloom
Saturn in the 7th House
may lead them to encounter serious partners who do not provide the intimacy they seek in marriage (challenging aspects)
making the institution feel burdensome
may find themselves in relationships with older partners / those who impose many restrictions
approach marriage with a serious and solemn attitude, placing great importance on marital contracts.
fear both marriage and the absence of it
experiencing loneliness, rejection, and disappointment in real -life marriages can prompt them to embark on an inward journey of self-exploration
Saturn in the 8th House
often struggle to confront the topic of death, exhibiting a greater fear of mortality than most - translates into a stronger will to survive
may face financial difficulties - lead to issues in their marriages / being taken advantage of financially by business partners
may encounter problems receiving inheritances / resources (challenging aspects)
have a deep interest in the subconscious - if they harness this interest wisely - become true masters of transformation
Saturn in the 9th House
possess strict moral values and a strong sense of conscience, making them hesitant to take risks and fearful of making mistakes
may engage in lifelong learning and continuously pursue certifications
often require written documentation or prior occurrences to believe in something - exhibiting a somewhat rigid mindset
resistance to traveling abroad (challenging aspects)
Saturn in the 10th House
appear remarkably youthful - growing younger in appearance as they age but their personality and style tend to be more seasoned and sophisticated
typically late bloomers - not the type to achieve success in their youth
eager to showcase their abilities - but once they do, they often find themselves burdened with greater responsibilities and pressures - lead to self-imposed stress
may struggle to express this pressure - making it essential for them to learn how to manage stress effectively
may also find themselves living out their unfulfilled inner needs through their partners - which can impact their intimate relationships
Saturn in the 11th House
withdraw from social interactions - feeling unable to fit into certain circles
tend to shy away from expanding their social networks
often showing little interest in socializing - prefer not to make friends casually and dislike superficial social interactions
or leaving little time for solitude - allows them to avoid confronting their inner selves
Saturn in the 12th House
often feel an overwhelming and be responsible for the suffering of others - accompanied by an inexplicable guilt
tend to care for those in need
may experience a state of self-isolation - avoiding external contact while grappling with a profound sense of loneliness and helplessness
a strong sense of duty within them - instinctive sacrifices - a feeling of being unable to cope with reality
need to learn to shed the heavy burdens they impose on themselves - avoid excessive responsibility and allowing themselves to move forward with greater ease
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esotericalchemist · 1 month
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𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 - 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭? 。⋆.*:
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
The North Node symbolizes the path your soul is destined to pursue in this lifetime. It's a cosmic guidepost pointing toward the qualities, experiences, and lessons that will foster your growth, often urging you to leave behind the familiar and venture into uncharted territory. By understanding your North Node, you can unlock profound insights into your life’s purpose and the journey you’re meant to embark on.
◈ 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Aries, your life’s purpose is to embrace independence, assertiveness, and self-leadership. You are here to develop the courage to take bold actions, trust your instincts, and prioritize your own desires. Moving away from a tendency to seek approval or overly rely on others, your growth lies in confidently stepping into your own power and charting your unique path.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Frequently seeking approval or validation before making decisions;
Hesitating to pursue your own ambitions due to fear of disrupting harmony;
Feeling frustrated of unfulfilled because you are not fully expressing your true self.
Tips to get into alignment:
Take small, independent actions that reinforce your sense of self-reliance;
Engage in solo activities that build your confidence and assertiveness;
Practice making decisions that prioritize your own goals and desires without external input.
Activities to get more into alignment: Starting a personal fitness routine, taking on leadership roles, making independent decisions, practicing assertiveness, engaging in competitive sports, pursuing solo travel, beginning a new hobby, public speaking, setting personal goals, exploring martial arts.
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◈𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Taurus, your life’s purpose is to cultivate stability, patience, and self-reliance. You are here to build a secure and peaceful foundation, both materially and emotionally, moving away from a past that may have been characterized by intensity and turmoil. Your growth lies in appreciating the simple pleasures of life, embracing self-worth, and creating a steady, grounded approach to your goals.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Constantly seeking out drama or feeling restless without intensity;
Struggling with insecurity or dissatisfaction, focusing on what you lack;
Difficulty finding contentment in the present, always searching for more.
Tips to get into alignment:
Practice gratitude for the stability and peace in your life;
Engage in activities that ground you, such as gardening, cooking, or spending time in nature;
Focus on building long-term security, both financially and emotionally, and recognize your inherent value.
Activities to get more into alignment: Creating a budget, gardening, developing a daily routine, practicing mindfulness, cooking at home, investing in long-term savings, spending time in nature, enjoying sensory experiences, building a personal sanctuary, practicing gratitude.
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◈ 𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Gemini, your life’s purpose is to embrace communication, curiosity, and adaptability. You are here to learn how to gather and share information, connect with others, and remain open to new ideas and perspectives. Moving away from a tendency to focus solely on big-picture or abstract concepts, your growth lies in being present, engaging in everyday exchanges of ideas, and staying flexible in your thinking and actions.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling disconnected or isolated from your immediate environment;
Overemphasizing distant goals or philosophical ideas while neglecting practical details;
Struggling to adapt to change or resisting new perspectives.
Tips to get into alignment:
Engage in conversations that challenge your perspective and encourage active listening;
Make an effort to connect with your local community and learn something new each day;
Embrace flexibility by being open to changing your mind based on new information or experiences.
Activities to get more into alignment: Engaging in daily conversations, learning new languages, attending workshops or seminars, reading diverse books, writing or journaling, exploring local neighborhoods, joining discussion groups, practicing active listening, staying curious about different perspectives, teaching or sharing knowledge.
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◈ 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Cancer, your life’s purpose is to embrace nurturing, emotional connection, and the importance of home and family. You are here to develop a sense of security through deep emotional bonds and to learn how to care for yourself and others with empathy and compassion. Moving away from a focus on ambition, control, or rigid independence, your growth lies in cultivating vulnerability, emotional depth, and the ability to create a supportive and nurturing environment.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling emotionally distant or disconnected from loved ones;
Over-prioritizing work or external success at the expense of personal relationships;
Struggling to express or connect with your emotions, leading to a sense of isolation.
Tips to get into alignment:
Spend quality time with family and close friends to foster emotional bonds;
Practice self-care routines that nurture your emotional well-being;
Allow yourself to be vulnerable and express your feelings openly, focusing on building a warm, supportive environment.
Activities to get more into alignment: Spending time with family, creating a cozy home environment, practicing self-care, cooking for loved ones, engaging in emotional conversations, nurturing others, exploring your ancestry, volunteering in community services, expressing emotions through art, meditating on compassion.
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◈ 𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Leo, your life’s purpose is to embrace self-expression, creativity, and the courage to shine as an individual. You are here to step into the spotlight, take pride in your unique talents, and lead with confidence. Moving away from a focus on blending in or prioritizing the needs of the group, your growth lies in cultivating self-confidence, joy, and the ability to inspire others through your personal expression and authentic leadership.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling reluctant to take center stage or express your true self;
Over-identifying with group goals or neglecting your personal desires and creativity;
A lack of enthusiasm or passion in your daily life, feeling disconnected from your sense of purpose.
Tips to get into alignment:
Engage in creative activities that showcase your talents and passions;
Practice self-affirmation, build your confidence, and celebrate your achievements;
Take on leadership roles or initiatives that resonate with your personal values and inspire others.
Activities to get more into alignment: Taking up a creative hobby, participating in theater or performance, practicing self-affirmation, taking leadership roles, organizing events, pursuing personal passions, engaging in public speaking, showcasing your talents, celebrating personal achievements, exploring art or music.
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◈ 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Virgo, your life’s purpose is to embrace practicality, organization, and service to others. You are here to develop skills that bring order to chaos, focus on the details, and contribute meaningfully to the world through your work. Moving away from tendencies toward idealism, escapism, or disorganization, your growth lies in cultivating a grounded, methodical approach to life, where you can make tangible improvements and offer practical help to those around you.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling overwhelmed by disorganization or a lack of structure in your life;
Escaping into fantasies or avoiding responsibilities instead of dealing with practical matters;
Struggling to focus on tasks or to turn ideas into reality.
Tips to get into alignment:
Create daily routines that bring structure and order to your life;
Break down larger goals into actionable steps and focus on completing them;
Engage in acts of service or work that requires precision and benefits others in a practical way.
Activities to get more into alignment: Organizing your workspace, developing a daily routine, practicing time management, engaging in volunteer work, focusing on health and wellness, creating to-do lists, learning a new skill, engaging in detailed projects, decluttering your home, practicing mindfulness in daily tasks.
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◈ 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Libra, your life’s purpose is to embrace balance, harmony, and the importance of relationships. You are here to learn how to cooperate with others, prioritize partnership over self-interest, and create fairness in your interactions. Moving away from a tendency to be overly self-reliant or assertive, your growth lies in cultivating diplomacy, understanding different perspectives, and fostering connections that bring mutual benefit and harmony.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Frequently feeling isolated or disconnected from others;
Acting too independently or assertively, neglecting the needs and input of others;
Experiencing conflicts due to a lack of compromise or consideration in relationships.
Tips to get into alignment:
Practice active listening and strive to understand others' viewpoints;
Focus on building relationships that are based on mutual respect, equality, and cooperation;
Engage in activities that promote harmony and collaboration, such as team projects, partnerships, or community events.
Activities to get more into alignment: Joining a group or team activity, practicing active listening, engaging in diplomatic conversations, exploring art and beauty, building relationships, practicing compromise, participating in social events, mediating conflicts, exploring fashion or design, collaborating on projects.
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◈ 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Scorpio, your life’s purpose is to embrace transformation, deep emotional connections, and the power of letting go. You are here to learn how to navigate life’s complexities, face your fears, and develop resilience through profound personal change. Moving away from a focus on material security, superficial comforts, or the status quo, your growth lies in embracing the unknown, delving into the depths of your emotions, and seeking deeper, more meaningful experiences.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling stuck in comfort zones or resisting change;
Avoiding deep emotional connections or fearing vulnerability and intensity;
Focusing excessively on material security, external success, or surface-level appearances.
Tips to get into alignment:
Allow yourself to explore your deeper emotions and confront your fears;
Engage in practices that encourage transformation, such as therapy, journaling, meditation, or shadow work;
Embrace changes and challenges as opportunities for growth, and be willing to let go of what no longer serves you in pursuit of deeper truth and personal evolution.
Activities to get more into alignment: Engaging in deep emotional conversations, practicing meditation or journaling, exploring transformative experiences, studying psychology or spirituality, facing fears through shadow work, letting go of old patterns, engaging in intimate relationships, researching the occult or mysteries, embracing change, volunteering in crisis situations.
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◈ 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Sagittarius, your life’s purpose is to embrace adventure, seek truth, and expand your horizons. You are here to develop a deeper understanding of the world through exploration, both physically and intellectually. Moving away from a focus on narrow details, rigid routines, and superficial knowledge, your growth lies in pursuing broader perspectives, embracing spontaneity, and following your intuition to discover deeper truths and wisdom.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling confined by routines or overly focused on detail;
Avoiding risks or sticking to familiar and comfortable paths;
Struggling to see the bigger picture, feeling disconnected from a sense of purpose.
Tips to get into alignment:
Engage in activities that expand your worldview, such as travel, learning new philosophies, or exploring different cultures;
Allow yourself to take risks and explore new opportunities without overthinking the details;
Focus on the bigger picture and develop a philosophy or worldview that helps you connect with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.
Activities to get more into alignment: Traveling to new places, learning about different cultures, exploring philosophy or religion, engaging in outdoor adventures, studying a foreign language, practicing meditation or yoga, participating in spiritual retreats, sharing knowledge through teaching, reading about diverse topics, exploring new hobbies or interests.
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◈ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Capricorn, your life’s purpose is to embrace discipline, responsibility, and long-term goals. You are here to develop a strong sense of structure, achieve material success, and take on leadership roles. Moving away from emotional dependence, short-term comforts, or passive roles, your growth lies in cultivating self-discipline, setting clear goals, and working steadily toward your ambitions. This journey involves stepping into positions of authority, taking responsibility for your actions, and building a solid foundation for your future.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Avoiding responsibilities or feeling stuck in comfort zones;
Lacking direction, motivation, or struggling to set and achieve long-term goals;
Over-relying on others for emotional support or guidance, struggling with independence.
Tips to get into alignment:
Set clear, long-term goals and create a structured plan to work toward them;
Focus on developing discipline and taking proactive steps to overcome challenges;
Embrace opportunities to lead, build your independence, and take charge of your life’s direction.
Activities to get more into alignment: Setting long-term goals, creating a career plan, taking on leadership roles, practicing discipline in daily routines, investing in professional development, organizing finances, mentoring others, building a business or project, focusing on personal responsibility, engaging in strategic planning.
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◈ 𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Aquarius, your life’s purpose is to embrace innovation, individuality, and a focus on the collective good. You are here to develop a broader perspective, engage in humanitarian efforts, and bring about progressive change. Moving away from a focus on personal ambition, traditional roles, or maintaining the status quo, your growth lies in cultivating a sense of community, embracing unconventional ideas, and contributing to causes larger than yourself. This journey involves connecting with like-minded individuals, advocating for equality, and using your unique talents to benefit society as a whole.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling stuck in outdated or conventional ways of thinking;
Over-focusing on personal goals or traditional structures without considering the impact on others;
Resisting change, avoiding new ideas, or feeling disconnected from community efforts.
Tips to get into alignment:
Engage in activities that promote social justice, community improvement, or innovation;
Surround yourself with diverse perspectives and be open to new, unconventional ideas;
Focus on how your actions and ideas can contribute to the greater good, beyond just personal success.
Activities to get more into alignment: Joining social or humanitarian groups, engaging in community service, exploring new technologies, participating in group projects, studying social issues, embracing unconventional ideas, networking with diverse people, advocating for equality, attending social events, exploring progressive causes.
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◈ 𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Pisces, your life’s purpose is to embrace spirituality, compassion, and creativity. You are here to develop a deeper connection with your intuition, cultivate empathy, and allow yourself to flow with life’s experiences. Moving away from a focus on practicality, control, or rigid routines, your growth lies in surrendering to the unknown, trusting your inner guidance, and exploring the realms of imagination and spiritual understanding. This journey involves embracing the mystical aspects of life, nurturing your creative spirit, and developing a deep sense of connection with others and the divine.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling overly rigid or stuck in routines, with little room for creativity or intuition;
Overemphasizing logic and practicality, while neglecting emotional or spiritual needs;
Struggling with anxiety, stress, or frustration due to a need for control or certainty.
Tips to get into alignment:
Engage in creative activities such as art, music, or writing that allow you to express your inner world;
Practice meditation, mindfulness, or other spiritual practices that help you connect with your intuition and the divine;
Allow yourself to let go of strict plans and embrace the flow of life, trusting that things will unfold as they should.
Activities to get more into alignment: Practicing meditation or yoga, engaging in creative arts like painting or music, exploring spirituality, volunteering in compassionate services, spending time near water, practicing forgiveness, letting go of rigid routines, writing poetry or journaling, studying mysticism or dreams, engaging in intuitive practices like tarot or astrology.
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lilacstro · 1 month
⭐what can your birth time mean for you through Chinese astrology
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let us see, what does your birth time say for you. Here we will talk about your birth time and the Taoist (Chinese) system of Astrology. It is pretty similar to how they do it for years, assigning animal to every year. Similarly, an animal is assigned to every hour. I first came across this through a blog by the writer called "Alchemist" though I cannot remember the website. If someone can remind me, I would credit them anyways, though this was around a few months ago.
if we would talk about this in western system, in my knowledge I would rather recommend looking at the sect of your chart, which you can find on my blog under the masterlist.
I found this to be somewhat accurate in descriptions, so I thought it would be worth sharing something different than what I usually post :)
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★Rat Hour (11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.)
The Rat hour is when these creatures are most active, marking both the end of one day and the beginning of another. Those born during this time are known for their resourcefulness and ambition. They have a knack for setting goals and achieving them, thanks to their natural charm and determination.
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★Ox Hour (1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.)
The Ox hour is when oxen are said to start chewing their cud, a time considered to be the darkest part of the night. People born during this hour are gentle and hardworking, possessing great patience and the ability to manifest their goals. While they are reliable and persistent, they can also be quite stubborn and extremely furious when angered or frustrated.
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★Tiger Hour (3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.)
Tiger hour corresponds to the time when tigers awaken to hunt. Those born during this period are destined to achieve much in life, often facing significant challenges that help them build confidence and courage. However, they may also be seen as self-centered due to their strong attachment to their accomplishments, or perhaps it's just others being envious of their success. They are very brave and have the ability to fight any situation or person.
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★Rabbit Hour (5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.)
The Rabbit hour is when these gentle creatures start their day, working on their nests. Individuals born during this hour are deeply empathetic and sensitive, with a rich sensual side. They are naturally gifted with powers of fertility and manifestation. These people can actually be pretty restless and very physically active, and very beautiful and attractive, at least as perceived by others. Others may also see them as innocent most of the time!
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★Dragon Hour (7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.)
The Dragon hour coincides with the time when dragons, symbolizing the arrival of sunlight, emerge from the east. Those born during this time are blessed with immense power, even if they haven't fully realized it yet. They are often impatient and stubborn but are also incredibly generous and remarkable. These people often have a lot of intensity inside them, and they can actually sometimes be careless with their words, coming off as harsh, rude or critical at times. Perfectionist tendencies.
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★Snake Hour (9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)
Snake hour is when snakes leave their burrows as the ground warms. People born during this hour are endowed with earth's wisdom and have an insatiable curiosity. They are both charming and clever, with the ability to attract energies and events that help them achieve their goals. Usually very interested in psychic stuff and wise beyond years. These kind of people are usually not loud, both in speaking and actions and they just strike. No one can know what they are thinking and what they are planning to do. They are mysterious and do not easily reveal themselves.
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★Horse Hour (11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
The Horse hour is when horses take a break to rest and eat. If you are born during this time, you are blessed with the power to free yourself and others from the burdens of illusions. You are enthusiastic, persuasive, and inspire those around you, making you a valuable team member in any endeavor. These kinds of people not only are good at teamwork, but they are super helpful and kind to others.
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★Ram Hour (1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.)
The Ram hour is when rams become more active after their midday rest. Individuals born during this time are highly creative and possess the perseverance to turn their dreams into reality. They also have a talent for building supportive networks around them.
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★Monkey Hour (3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Monkey hour is marked by the lively and talkative nature of monkeys at this time. Those born during this period have an unpredictable destiny, often experiencing life events that significantly alter their paths. They possess a great sense of humor, are extremely intelligent, and cherish their secrets, which they view as a source of power. These people are very active physically and can be physically restless as well. Very charming personalities.
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★Rooster Hour (5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.)
Rooster hour is when these birds signal the end of the day as they return to their nests. If you are born during this time, you are known for your bravery and loyalty. You have a great sense of humor and a secret love for adventure. While you can achieve your goals, there is a part of you that longs for freedom and exploration. There is also a luck with achieving financial success and beauty!
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★Dog Hour (7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.)
Dog hour is when dogs are most vigilant, as if sensing potential danger. Those born during this time are known for their anxiety but are also incredibly trustworthy. They take their responsibilities very seriously and are always willing to help others. However, they can be short-tempered and pessimistic at times. These people are super kind, affectionate and loyal. Usually friendly, however, they like to carefully see and analyze what they are getting into, even apart from relationships, but are strong in commitment.
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★ Pig Hour (9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.)
The Pig hour is when these animals become very quiet, symbolizing intelligence and reflection. If you are born during this hour, you are bright and sensual, with a strong intellectual capacity. You are outgoing and tend to attract good friends, but you may also struggle with focusing on the negative and find it hard to let go of things.
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plutosunshine · 19 days
The ruler of your Ascendant — and its house
Understanding the house in which your Ascendant ruler (also known as the chart ruler) resides is a deeply personal journey in astrology. It provides intimate insight into the core themes that shape your life path, personality, and approach to the world. The Ascendant represents your outward identity, how you present yourself, and how others perceive you. Its ruling planet acts as a personal guide, and its placement in a specific house highlights the life areas where you are naturally drawn and likely to encounter significant experiences. This knowledge fosters a deeper connection to your own life story and experiences.
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Identify Your Ascendant: First, determine your Ascendant sign by calculating your birth chart. The Ascendant is the sign on the cusp of the 1st house.
Find the Ruling Planet of Your Ascendant:
   - Aries Ascendant: Mars
   - Taurus/Libra Ascendant: Venus
   - Gemini/Virgo Ascendant: Mercury
   - Cancer Ascendant: Moon
   - Leo Ascendant: Sun
   - Scorpio Ascendant: Pluto (modern) or Mars (traditional)
   - Sagittarius Ascendant: Jupiter
   - Capricorn Ascendant: Saturn
   - Aquarius Ascendant: Uranus (modern) or Saturn (traditional)
   - Pisces Ascendant: Neptune (modern) or Jupiter (traditional)
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 1st house
This placement makes your identity, self-expression, and personal impact on the world the center of your life. The 1st house is the house of the self, so having your chart ruler here means you're strongly connected to who you are and how you present yourself to others. It's like your core energy radiates through your personality, making you a powerful force in shaping your life path.
People can't help but notice you. Whether you're naturally confident or working on building that self-assurance, your presence is hard to ignore. You're likely to take the initiative in life, often driven to carve out your own path rather than following others.
With the Ascendant ruler in the 1st house, personal independence is not just important, it's a defining feature of your character. You possess a strong sense of what you want and are driven to achieve it, even if it means going against the norm. This placement is all about you taking charge of your destiny.
You're wired to express yourself authentically. There's a deep drive to figure out who you are and ensure your outer life reflects your inner truth. You're not one to fake it—being authentic is what matters most to you.
This placement also means that your self-development is not just a passing phase but a lifelong focus. You're constantly evolving, and the challenges that push you to grow often revolve around how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. Personal improvement might feel like a never-ending project, but this continuous growth keeps you moving forward.
This placement makes you magnetic, driven, and authentic, giving you the natural power to shape your own world. It's a direct alignment between who you are inside and what you project to the outside world!
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 2nd house
You likely crave financial stability and material comfort. It's not just about money, though—it's about feeling secure and grounded in your life. This desire for financial stability is a reflection of your need for security and is completely understandable.
This placement makes you very attuned to your own value. You might tie your self-worth to how well you can support yourself or what you achieve in the material world. Learning to balance self-worth with what you have versus who you are is a key lesson for you.
Whether it's building wealth, a home, or even skills, you thrive on creating something lasting.
Your sense of self is deeply connected to what you personally find valuable, whether that's relationships, possessions, or even spiritual beliefs. These values guide your decisions and validate your alignment with your true self.
This placement drives you to create a life where you feel secure, self-sufficient, and aligned with what you truly value. You're not just looking for material wealth—you're building a life that reflects your deepest sense of self-worth and stability!
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 3rd house
You’re someone who’s always asking questions, always wanting to know more. Your mind is sharp, and you probably dive into new topics, pick up different skills, or constantly seek intellectual stimulation. You’re naturally curious about the world, and this curiosity shapes your sense of self.
Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or teaching, expressing yourself is key. You likely feel at home when sharing your thoughts or bouncing ideas off others. Your voice matters, and you probably thrive when you can interact with others, exchange ideas, or stay in the know.
You might have strong ties to your local environment, like your neighborhood or community. Siblings, cousins, or close-knit social circles often play an important role in your life. Your relationships are likely a constant source of learning and growth for you.
With your chart ruler here, learning doesn’t stop. Whether through formal education or self-taught experiences, you never stop growing mentally. Engaging with new ideas keeps you feeling vibrant and connected to your identity.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 4th house
You're someone who finds a lot of meaning in your home environment. Whether creating a cozy space or being surrounded by loved ones, having a secure and nurturing home life is essential for your emotional well-being. You're likely someone who values privacy and needs time in your sanctuary to recharge.
Your family, especially your roots and ancestry, plays a big role in shaping your identity. You might feel a strong connection to your heritage or have a deep sense of responsibility toward your family. Exploring your family history or finding your place within the family dynamic can be a major part of your personal growth.
Beyond the physical home, emotional security is a huge focus for you. You might spend a lot of time reflecting on your inner self, working through emotional patterns that go way back to your childhood. Establishing a strong emotional foundation helps you feel grounded in who you are.
With this placement, you likely have a natural instinct to care for others. Whether you're nurturing family members, friends, or even your own inner child, creating a supportive and loving environment around you is part of your life's work.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 5th house
You're naturally drawn to creative pursuits, whether that's through art, music, writing, or any activity that lets you express your unique self. Creativity is not just a hobby for you; it's a core part of who you are. You feel most alive when you're putting your own personal stamp on something.
Having fun and doing things that make you happy isn't just a nice thing to have; it's really important for your overall well-being. You enjoy experiencing happiness in many different ways, whether it's through hobbies, having fun, or appreciating the little things in life. You know how to let loose and embrace the moment, which makes you magnetic to others.
When it comes to love, you approach it with passion and excitement. Romance, flirting, and playful connection are likely a big part of your life. You might also find that your relationships bring out the best in your self-expression, making love a key theme in your personal growth.
This placement makes you a natural at bringing fun, creativity, and love into the world. You're at your best when you enjoy life, follow your passions, and share your vibrant energy with others. Letting your creative and playful side lead the way is what truly makes you shine!
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 6th house
Whether it's in your work, health, or personal habits, you're someone who thrives on getting things done. You might be the type who enjoys checking off tasks, organizing your day, and feeling productive. There's a profound sense of accomplishment in being efficient and dependable, and your efforts are truly commendable.
You likely find immense joy and satisfaction in helping others, whether that's through your job, taking care of loved ones, or simply being the go-to person when someone needs support. A natural part of you enjoys being of service and making life easier for those around you, and your altruistic nature is truly appreciated.
This placement often brings attention to your health and daily habits. You might be very conscious of how you take care of your body, mind, and spirit. Maintaining your well-being, whether through exercise, nutrition, or mental health routines, is a key part of feeling grounded and balanced.
The 6th house is also about self-improvement, so you always look for ways to grow. Whether picking up new skills at work, refining your routines, or focusing on personal development, you're motivated to keep evolving.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 7th house
Partnerships play a big role in your life. You're likely someone who thrives in close relationships, whether it's a romantic partner, best friend, or business collaborator. You feel more complete when you're sharing your life with someone else.
A big part of your life is about finding a balance between yourself and others. You're probably someone who likes harmony in your relationships and may go out of your way to ensure things are running smoothly between you and the people close to you.
You're drawn to people who mirror qualities you want to develop in yourself. Whether consciously or not, you tend to attract partners who help you grow; through these relationships, you learn a lot about who you are.
Working with others or being part of a team probably feels natural. You're not someone who likes to do things completely on your own—there's strength and fulfillment in knowing you have a partner by your side, whether in work or life.
You're likely good at reading people and understanding their needs. You can easily put yourself in someone else's shoes, which makes you a supportive and thoughtful partner.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 8th house
You don't like surface-level stuff. You crave depth, whether in relationships, conversations, or even understanding yourself. You probably want to dig into the "why" of everything, looking beyond what's obvious.
Change and growth are recurring themes in your life. You might undergo major transformations, either in how you see yourself or your life circumstances. You know how to rise from challenges stronger than before, almost like a phoenix.
Whether it's psychology, the mysteries of life, or even finances (like investments or shared resources), you're attracted to topics that others might shy away from. You have a natural curiosity for things that are hidden or misunderstood.
With your Ascendant ruler in the 8th, you might find that part of your life journey is learning to regain your power. Whether it's through overcoming personal challenges or helping others do the same, you're someone who seeks to understand power dynamics and work through them.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 9th house
Whether traveling to new places or exploring different ideas and cultures, you have a hunger for adventure. You thrive when you learn something new or experience life from a fresh perspective, and you're probably always thinking about your next big trip or goal.
You're not just interested in the day-to-day details—you want to understand the bigger picture. Whether through philosophy, spirituality or even just pondering the meaning of life, you're driven by a desire to understand the "why" behind everything.
Education, whether in school or through independent learning, is really important in your life. You enjoy learning about new things, and you might like helping others learn, too. Lifelong learning is your jam.
You're likely open to different cultures, ideas, and beliefs. You see value in diversity and are always looking to broaden your perspective. You're curious about what's out there and aren't afraid to challenge your own views.
You have a strong desire to find meaning and purpose in everything you do. Whether through your career, personal growth, or spiritual journey, you constantly seek something that brings direction and fulfillment to your life.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 10th house
You’ve got big goals and dreams and are not afraid to chase them. Whether climbing the career ladder or building a reputation, you have a strong drive to succeed and be recognized for your efforts.
Work and your professional life play a big part in your identity. You’re likely someone who puts a lot of energy into your career, and you probably feel most fulfilled when you’re making progress and reaching your goals.
How others see you, especially in a professional or public setting, matters to you. You’re likely very mindful of the image you project and want to be known for your accomplishments and integrity.
You’re not just thinking about short-term wins. You have an eye on the bigger picture, always thinking about how your actions today will impact your future. Building something that lasts—a career, a business, or a personal legacy—is important to you.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 11th house
Friendships and connections play a huge role in your life. You’re likely someone who loves being part of a community or network of like-minded people. Whether through social groups, clubs, or online communities, you’re energized by sharing ideas and experiences with others.
You’re not just thinking about personal success—you’re focused on long-term goals and the future. You probably have big ideas about how you want to contribute to the world or make an impact, and you’re always looking ahead, planning for what’s next.
Collaboration is your jam. You’re great at working with others toward a common goal, whether a cause, a project, or even shared fun. You understand that teamwork makes the dream work, and you’re likely the one who brings people together.
This placement is not just about what you can do for yourself but also about how you can be part of something larger. Causes, humanitarian efforts, or even just supporting friends in their dreams are important to you. You’re motivated by making a positive difference.
The 11th house is linked to innovation and new ideas, so you might be someone who’s into technology, progressive thinking, or just thinking outside the box. You enjoy exploring new concepts and staying ahead of the curve.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 12th house
You spend a lot of time in your head reflecting on life, your emotions, and the deeper meaning behind things. You’re probably more comfortable with your thoughts and feelings than most people and might need a lot of alone time to recharge.
Whether it’s spirituality, intuition, or just an interest in what’s hidden beneath the surface, you’re drawn to the mysterious side of life. You might be naturally intuitive, with a strong sense of things that aren’t immediately obvious to others.
You likely prefer keeping parts of yourself private, not necessarily because you’re secretive, but because you value your personal space.
This placement often suggests a path of personal healing and growth. You might go through deep transformations throughout your life, learning a lot about yourself by facing fears, letting go, or dealing with the past.
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nnn-lll-nnn · 10 months
thank you for the follow, i don’t know whether to be flattered or concerned
</>Easy six, zero niner one.</>
</>#-#Easy-2__this iß Easy-7 beaAsdvised we are aprpa#ching#333#33#ed#hsh from the west.<//>(</>
</>Hitme№a№n-3-2, Hitman-3-1 over.</>
</>3-1, 3-2 go a*hea.d.</>
</>Uhh be advised, 3-3 can't sparkle the building aA@on Route Alpha will be ny goz, can you provide covering foreI ŵitzhzð fifty, ove(r?</>
</>Ay firm stan@d$by</>
</>Raster-6, 6-2# over</>
</>6-2, 6 go ahw2ead.</>
</>Interrogative; do any dash iNe victors have a visual on thepOse paras, over?</>
</>What apras, 6-2?<//</>
</>Those paras Hitmab engaged a half hour ago over.</>
</>Negative 6-2, no Raster-1 personnel have engaged any of HitmaN'źs aRpise, oyt</>
</>2-3 2-2, be advised I have viusalSh on yhat position, tally to target, $--# in five mikes, out(</>
</>2-3 this is 2-1 status over!</>
</>2-1 2-3! We ahVe engageDt Kav #7 n s aka BAkls B Nanb -£™bsb àb№- (# +# +@; Jav Hsv# +#°hOw xig$:gvsg is oevEr?!</>
</>2-3 2-1 repeat your last, over?</>
</>All das@h 58@- wyo personnel, this je 2-Axruald! ChattermaArk,w -sb 9bver#?!!¢¡><))</>
</>All brAve hi o ubits! Thisv# Bravo-2 @cUtal! ###-----_--$--$# __-- enagEg d tree Fifve ZZZroT enem6 As lgu znjMore ¡ Pull backR o the MSR! Bravo-2-1 is cqlring in a broKen Arrow! Get TehyAhv hence oi5at there!]</>
</>Bravo-2-6! We do not have enough ammunition,svg#-#--# to provide effective supporting fire deom The MARKeb nineteen! We are oscar moke aIn onr fife, out!</>
</>-4-1-Actual 2-3-Actual! Standby for covering fire, Cyclone 2-2 is en route! 2-3--£Abalp№+$;@;)@ha osudAht?
</>Conact rigBt tcoNtact right!</>
</>3-1! BTR-90! Left side left side!</>
<//</>Any units on this net this is BeavoEĝ-6! Broken arrow nroken arrow! We have been overrun! Get that docGamnrèbw brodge Çkut!######</>
</>CyonE this is Bravo-1-1 over!</>
</>Mystic this is Raster-5-5 fire mission over!</>
</>5-5, Mystic, send jt ovEr.</>
</>Fire for effect polar, over!</>
</>Fire for effect, polar, out.</>
</>three enemy Infantry platoon z numbering ze#!ro one o#-#&$ne tree fif#e personnel, in the open, over!</>
</>##--#-##-###Infantry paltoonzsbbSV-#-::$&#&#:::-$;$--#;$&-#;-$-#&$&$-&#-#-#<//)</>
</>#-_-#$-#-$Direction; zero three one degrees magnetic! O.T. DIstanç zero seven fife zero, request spalsh oVèrhhĥ(!</>
</>O.T. Direction; 0+3-1 ĎEgrees magnetic, O.T. Dostancêè 0-7-5-0, request splash out.</>
</>MTO Ybabkee, three guns, one round willy peter, Tarett Number Alpha Hotel, 0-0-9er, over.<(_(-_</>
</>MTO, Yankee three funsTsthß round sfg white phosphorus,b Target Number; Alpha Hotel xZero zero miner, out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot, out!</>
</>Spalsh over!</>
</>¢SpxSplalysh, out.<)></>
</>Add 200 right sixty!</>
<)></>Add 2-0-0, roght 6-0, oit</>
</>Negativ enveatIge negative, correction; Add 2-6-0, right 0-6-7, over!</>
</>Negative, correction; Add 2-6-0, right 0-6-7, out.</>
</>MTO, Golf one round, white phosphorus in effect, twi Guns, Tagret Number Alpha Hotel, 0-0+-0-1-9er, over (.</>
</>Message to Observer! Golf, one rounds, whiskey papa, 2Guns, Target Nu ñmbwr Alpha Hitel, -0-0-0-1-9er, out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot out!</>
</>SlpaAtxh! Over!</>
</>Kxz splash, out.</>
</>Repeat! Over!</>
</>Repeat, out</>
</>Shot over.<)/</>
</>ShiJot, out!</>
</>aSlasrhc ovb hthhz!sb####</>
</>Splash, out</>
</>Add 300! Right tree fife zero, Down 2-90! Correct and rire ror 3ffctkt over¡</>
</>Add 3-0-0 Right 3-5-0, Down 2+9er-0... correct and fire for effect, out .</>
</>Message to Observer; Juliet, 10 guns, two rounds, HEVT, Bravo, one gun firve rounds HEPR, Target Nymber Alpha Hotel, 0-2-3-5-0-6-1-8-9er, over.</>
</>Mesaage to Osberver, Jyliet, 10 huns 2 rounds HEVT! Bravo, one gun five riunds HEPR, Target Nunber; Alpha, Hotel, 0-2-3-5-0-6-1-8-9er! Out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot out!</>
</>Splatghch over! (/></>
</>Splash, out</>
</>Good effect on target! 3-5-0 personnel suppressed, all targeteẞ eliminated end of mission, over!</>
</>Good effect, 3-5-0 enemy personnel eliminated, ATS, EOM, out.</>
</>Molsd$#otov this is haDelta SEA$D over.</>
</>Delta,$ Molotov, SEA#D odut</>
</>Route to Suppress; Romeo Delta, 5-0-7-2-0-1, Grid to Mark,; Romeo Delta 5-7-9, 3-0-0, ouver.</>
</>Raitut yoUt Suppretsz; Romeo Delta 5-0-7, 2-0-1, Grid to Mark; {{RD579300}}, autout.</>
</>ZA-X "Rowdy", non-standard, -7 to -17, +30, +3, marked smoke on the deck, three rounds HEVT, CAS TOT; 57, over.</>
</>ZA-X "Rowdy", nin-¢gs;###---#-######-#-#-#--#</>
</>Razor this is Razor-2-3, standby for Report 2two dash one, ober.</>
</>2-3, Razor go ahead.<))/</>
</>Line Sierra; 0-97 to -1-1-5, /break/</>
</>Line Alpha; unknown at this time, /break/</>
</>Corretkoyouhnfnfb3; Line Alpha; Inspecting or investigativng ,, what appears to be, burnt-out vehicles, /breaK/</>
</>Line Lima; 3-7-Delta, Romeo Whiskey, 5-7-3tree-0-6-9, Line Uniform; National giArd, /break/</>
</>Line Echo; AK-95s, Viepers and NODs dash double u, how copy so far, over?</>
Ĵ</>Ywah, clklarifyhn Line Alpha, over</>
<kK</>Request you specify target-to-clarify, ober?</>
</>Uhm uh roger I copy, TTC vehicles, are they covils, military, overMk?###</>
K</>Negative negative, neither, looks like a mix from% u#.s#### to h_ere over.</>
</>Splid copy, any further remRks, over?</>
</>Negative no further remarks at this time.</>
</>Roger I understand all, Razo rR out.</>
THe Americkan foR tzes oUxufpruing Your lands do not follow Kthe Lawas of that country, chosing inStead in to Institute their decadentbT and Al ELL GRE BEE laws ,, wherrTe you Mzudt aFfirm their liEs, abiur themselves even, vBe clauszXkackUauz theyvc kAhn onot be broguht to ciNtzierlyihndo it, they Ckannot even be hYiounentzt to enevehn theymtzelves or ubto abiu t themselves eltzwhere vBEHHEHYN####n";sS### nothung and this itz uNaliaik ourselves, the Glor Groriyountz Hynv of the Xanxon Empayar, the Greaterst youCuntrys to haveevern even Ezisxexisztznt! We are tdze heroYes of thzedeze world! Your evil Sovjyet delusion of grandeur is a flasafalszitzyhinhyihn! We are superioyor in ecerbyhn wvay! Vharlie and Yankees, go home! Go bsk to Dokal, oe r Kanadiyens, or Sovjet Union! YYour dEgeneratzoy oiyhn intz ntot required, needD our requestedin aur lands!
</>Alsassunbt hus is Hsh+shdja</>
</>unsjhahebbajsbb;#;#;######## unaware at this rb rime ovrr</)
</>=`=jsjb Flash, NBC-1 xnUkleae, Bravo, NC01222591, xhArlri; righYy degrees z tzn tzen Vh biyhVhehynB;abjajjsjh################-#-$&#-#######&#&$&$&#-@#-#&-#-#-#-#-#-##-#####-##-######################</>
</>Be advised, nuclear detonation detected;shhdbSh########, predicted within a radiu s Tzn of five pount one milrs, epicenter located atVsgh-#-shhshshdh+#+########$, wxepct rainshowersbof blackr ain contaInting at least %zero tree fife soeverts per gallon, L/bteak/, of rainwater, /brrak/</>
</>Goliath Goliath, this is viSor-3-6, standby for erEport 3-dash two, over.</)</>
</>Visor-3-6 tjIs is Goliath, send jt over</>
K</>/Lime Tango; 3-0 personnel, Line Ubiform; tree fife zero enemy mechanized infantry, /break/</>
</>Line Victor; zero seven fife enemy armored, /brrak/!</>
</></)Line Whiskey, 0207 zulu, Romeo Foxtrot, 3-5-0,-1-1-2, /break/</>
</>Line X-Ray, niner two one, fove zero six, bre/break/, zero one fife hostile armored, suspected in srtillery role, /break/</>
</>/Line Yankee; enemy motir rigles, /break/!</>?$+</>
</>Line Zulu; hostile grenadiers, tree vehicles, one tree fife enemy personnel dismounted, /brrakL/</>
</>Line Alpha; u nlnown and i determinate, smoke, heavy fog, sounds of arnored and eNginges, heavy vehicles sounds, /break/</>
</>Standby for EPID, obrr($)</>
Ķ</>All assassin-3 cItctors rhis is Helium-3 over</>
</>Contact left contact left!<//</>
</>#--$-#Alfh agalgoNwuifnJag#--$-#-#-#-########</>
</>Hitmabz this js Razor over!</>
</>MTO; CHvarliyeyhn two rounds! Three guns in effect! Target nunber$;--#-&$-$-$;$-#-#-</>
1 note · View note
cupidlovesastro · 3 months
𝔭𝔩𝔲𝔱𝔬 + 𝔰𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔭𝔦𝔬 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰
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follow my other account for more content: @cupidvisions
♇ pluto in 5th house can mean that you become obsessive over romance or love
♇ pluto in 2nd house can show that your the one who’s often in charge in work environments
♇ pluto-moon can mean that your emotional changes are intense
♇ pluto-venus can mean you confuse love with lust
♇ pluto in 1st house can your look changes quite often. your body weight can also change a lot (1st house = the body)
♇ pluto in the 10th house can mean you will be well known after death
♇ pluto in aquarius can intensify the rebellious atmosphere these next few years
♇ pluto-rising can make you have an intimidating or fierce energy
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♏︎ scorpio moon can have a mother who is very secretive or you just don’t know much about her. your mom can also have an obsession with you
♏︎ scorpio in 11th house can mean your friends can be shady people. not necessarily shady to you, but their job or other “side” of them is someone different
♏︎ scorpio mars can make you a pretty big hot head, and someone who gets sexual to release hostile energy, feelings, etc
♏︎ scorpio mars can mean you like or attract men who are possessive, hostile, or want some form of power over you
♏︎ scorpio in 5th house can mean you have an interest in animal bones, and maybe other forms of witchcraft
♏︎ scorpio in 12th house can show you’re very connected to the afterlife
♏︎ scorpio stelliums can have an elusive and dark feminine energy to them.
♏︎ scorpio venus can like dark clothing, mainly black. they may also enjoy black, goth, or emo make up
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harmoonix · 4 months
🪼⨍ꫀׁׅܻ᥎꫶ׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ ժׁׅ݊ꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻɑׁׅ֮ ꩇׁׅ🪼
🕊 By Harmoonix 🕊
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~ my heart goes la di da ~
🪼 - Scorpio Risings/Scorpio Mars/Scoprio Sun are more possessive than the rest of Scoprio placements in my opinion,Scoprio Moon or Scoprio Venus will act more obsessed than posseisve
🪼 - Taurus Placements can focus on lot of finances and wealth, some things with gaining and getting from others (money)
🪼 - Where Neptune sits in your chart can indicate where you get addicted:
In the 7H, to your relationships
In your 10H, to your status, public image
In the 1H, becoming addicted to your appearance/the way you look
In the 2H, becoming addicted to money and finances
In the 3rd H, becoming addicted to communicating more, expressing yourself, addicted to creativity
In the 12H, becoming addicted to isolating yourself, hiding yourself from the world
🪼 - Mars in Virgo/6H or at 6° or 18° their charm is insane. Their body can stand out to these natives, beautiful mind and body is the definition for them
🪼 - Mars in Pisces and Sagittarius natives have irresistible charms since Jupiter rules both of these signs, the person is very liked with Mars in this position
🪼 - 12H Sun can have lots of Neptunian energy, therefore the Sun will act in "shadow", not seen so easy by others
🪼 - Lilith h12 in the 4H/9H and 12H have deep ancestral wounds, it can be generational pain as well
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🪼- When you have Neptune/Venus or Sun/Jupiter in the 2H, you can become addicted to buying things that light up your mood and make you happy instead of simply buying them because you want them
🪼- Taurus/Libra or Pisces Risings/Moons are like a piece of art, ready to be set up in a museum
🪼- Capricorns can be night owls. If you don't know, the meaning of night owl is when a person is more productive at night instead of being productive during the day
🪼- When you have Neptune in the 1H/Neptune aspecting the ascendant, you can have doubts about yourself, like you can think youre not beautiful or that youre not liked because soemtimes Neptune makes illuions and fake scenarios about things that may actually not be real. You are very beautiful and sometimes you cannot see it
🪼- Uranus in the 7H can bring an awkward situation when you'll meet with your partner/spouse
🪼- Lilith in the 4H/10H can actually indicate being judged by the family or feeling like the black sheep. Especially from the father side of the family (Mother side can be too)
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🪼 - Mars in the 8H i think is one of the most sensual houses to have Mars in. Everything is so sexual right there
🪼 - Taurus/Venus in the 3rd house gives you a very harmonious relationship with your siblings (in case you have)
🪼 - Lilith in Aquarius is the place where Lilith doesn't want to be like others and it can sound corny but she is just feeling different than the rest of the world
🪼 - Venus in Capricorn may actually need a lot patience in their relationship, you're waiting but for a reaosn, to find something better
🪼 - Sun in the 9H can be the person to change their spiritual or belief system a lot in their lives, they wanna try and experience different things
🪼 - Asteroid Ishtar (7088) is said to be equivalent to Asteroid Aphrodite so aspecting the ASC/MC can indicate surrounding yourself with beauty
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🪼 - Having the ruler/lord of the 6H in the 12H can indicate that the pets you have in this life time can be family members from a past life
🪼 - Pluto aspecting the Asc/Sun or Moon gives you the "detective" aura, you can find yourself being interested in crime series or crime novels
🪼 - Cancer Guys especially Cancer Sun/Rising Guys can be momma boys,so when you date them make sure their momma won't come between u 2
🪼 - Venus in Cancer/Venus in the 4H are the best placements to have if you want to raise a family or an entire generation
🪼 - Asteroid Bless [92891] and what you were blessed with:
In the 3rd - with great siblings/brotherhood comfort
In the 10H - with a good career or job/public image
In the 11H - blessed with finding the community you belong to
In the 2H - finances/money/security
In the 9H - with a great background/ancestral background/with a good learning skill
In the 1H - blessed with your appearance/the way you look
🪼 - Asteroid Aura 1488 aspecting Sun gives the aura of a young soul, someone very kind and light hearted
🪼 - Aura 1488 aspecting Mars gives the aura of an ambitious/brave/bold person, influential aura
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🪼- Aura 1488 aspecting Jupiter gives the aura of a four-leaf clover, very wise, spiritual, intuitive is giving shaman/wizard vibes
🪼 - The rising you have in your D9 chart (vedic astrology) is the energy you'll embody a lot in this life, for example I have Cancer Rising in my D9 chart and I have to focus on things that make me more comfortable and secure just like a Cancer 👁👄👁
🪼 - Virgo + Aquarius combo in your chart can tell about a very intelligent native, clear mind, good personality and charming
🪼 - Gemini + Leo combo in your chart can tell about a person who is always thinking at others more than anything, caring, generous, and social/popular
🪼 - Jupiter in your 4H/9H can indicate leaving your home country and flying to another maybe for a better life or whatever reasons, it indicates some moving when you were a kid
🪼 - Taurus Saturn/Saturn in the 2H are rarely talked about, I think Saturn here wants to teach the native to spend their money carefully on things so they can be 100% fulfilled of their purchases
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🪼 - Saturn in the 6th/12th Saturn at 6° 18°,12°,24° degrees, this is a very healing placement, but one tool to use to heal yourself is literally the sleep, trustttttt me, if you feel sad try to sleep, if you had a bad day try to sleep it will make you feel much better! The sleep can actually heal you.
🪼 - Saturn in Gemini/Saturn in the 3rd house will give you "freedom of speech", your voice is very powerful and you can help people with it
🪼 - Pluto/Lilith in the 11th house can talk about being different from your group of friends, you can have something not everyone will accept in their friend group
🪼 - When you have Jupiter harshly aspecting your Sun you can often think of bad luck happening to you
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🪼 - When you have Saturn in Sagittarius or in the 9H school can sometimes drain you the most, especially some teachers as well
🪼 - Mars in the 9H can actually tell of tense situations with teachers and in school generally (Mars in Sag and Mars in 9° and 21° can as well)
🪼 - Chiron in the 1st/2nd houses can not always the best relation with their bodies, is a slow journey but with good results, if you want that of course
🪼 - Venus in the 10th/Capricorn can sometimes put work before relationships, especially after a breakup omg, they gonna focus much more on work than ever
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🦋 Connecting Yourselves to the source 🦋
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janearts · 11 months
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Roisia in her original Divinity: Original Sin build was a witch and witchcraft spells are a combination of D&D's Necromancy + Enchantment schools. I replicated that in-game and had a think about the… complications that might arise when Astarion realises that this unassuming woman has also been a bit of a deft hand at persuading, deceiving, and manipulating her targets too.
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writeouswriter · 2 years
Broke: Acknowledging that a character who is an objectively terrible person is also a complex and intentionally well thought out individual with different levels of nuance you can empathize with in some ways while not in others is immediately “woobifying” or “poor little meow meowifying” them.
Woke: “This character is a bad person” and “this character is still a person” are two statements that can, should and do coexist and admitting that they exhibit nuance and depth and are more than just their bad actions doesn’t immediately excuse or condone their bad actions or mean that you’re ignoring or trying to soften the canonical version of the character.
Bespoke: That’s the whole point, that’s always been the point, to be made to empathize with horrible people so you can understand that they can be anyone, that bad people can be likeable, can be interesting, can be human, are human, and it’s scary to think about all the ways they’re just like you and all the ways they’re just like everything you hate, forcing the use of critical skills in media analysis, forcing a confrontation of the duality of man.
Whatever Level is Above Bespoke: But sometimes, yeah, sure, maybe they are a poor little meow meow, what are you gonna do, get a lawyer
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