#UWO thoughts
pocket-ghostie · 4 months
Ok, I knew that Buff Studio already had plans for Charlie in Underworld when making Underworld Office (bc of conext clues), but I didn't know HOW MUCH they knew what they were planing when they made the first game!!!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!
(Spoilers for UwO/CiU)
First, in chapter 4, early sleep, right before Eugene gets kicked out, Boss says "I hope I never see you again."
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This implies several things, Boss hopes Eugene lives a long life and/or when they die they can immediately go to 'the other side'. This also implies that Boss can't leave. Because of the door that he is in charge of guarding, he can never leave. Of course, at the end of Charlie in Underworld the door gets destroyed so Boss could leave (after a lot of work). However in this game, Boss doesn't know that's going to happen. He is under the assumption that he is going to stay in the office forever.
Furthermore, in the Peace Somewhere Beyond ending, Eugene mentions that Boss might never find peace.
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This could also be because he can't leave due to the door. Although it could be argued that Eugene mentions this because Boss will never be bright, I disagree due to the end of Charlie in Underworld. Boss clearly has a desire to right his wrongs and be bright, however he can't because his duty is to protect the door. So, because of what happens in the Peace Somewhere Beyond ending, Charlie in Underworld doesn’t happen in that timeline, and the door is probably never destroyed. Which keeps Boss guarding the door forever. The door is never mentioned in Underworld Office as an obligation for Boss, as that is only revealed at the end of Charlie in Underworld. However there is plenty of evidence that the writers were thinking about this connection while making this game.
In addition, Charlie gets sealed, leading to the beginning of Charlie in Underworld. Obviously, this is a rather basic connection. However, there is more to it. They could have had Charlie escape or get torn into pieces, without Eugene interfering and letting Joan deal with Charlie. This would get rid of Charlie and give Eugene the opportunity to get Joans help and be able to call the cane later on, because Joan wouldn’t be mad at Eugene. But, Charlie was sealed so that the Office ghosts could easily get to them. It also allows and gives a reason for Charlie to lose their memories, so that the player can slowly learn about Charlie throughout the plot. Because Charlie was sealed, we got the beginning of Charlie in Underworld.
Also, I saw a post in the Underworld Office tag (idk how I would find it now) that said “Eugene choose to be a dark ghost” and it came with this image:
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When I was first playing through the game, I thought this was just a fun design choice, and it might be. But if Buff Studios was already thinking about the plot of the second game and how ghosts actually work, this may be a nod to that. This could be refuted with the argument that Eugene thought he was doing good and should be a bright ghost, however this brings up several problems. First off, Buff Studios wanted to keep the conflict of how ghosts work for the second game, and also Eugene did think what he was doing was wrong. They justified it in their head because Jack was a murderer, but I guarantee that Eugene still thought that murder was bad. In fact, Eugene wanted to stop Jack in part because he was a murderer. So it would make sense for Eugene to be a dark ghost, along with the fact that Susans desire for vengeance was still in the area too.
Next, we have the fact that Boss didn’t explain how ghosts work in the beginning of the game. It was River who explained to Eugene how things work. While giving this explanation, Boss stayed silent. This could hint that Boss already knew how ghosts actually work and was staying silent in the beginning of the game. Although this can be refuted with the fact that in the second to last chapter in Charlie in Underworld, Eugene states that Boss has been getting darker because of his guilt of keeping this secret. Which means that Eugene had to have already seen Boss before to tell that he was getting darker. But since Boss got attached to Eugene, he may have felt more guilty about keeping everything a secret. Thus, making him darker when Eugene was around. Although this is an interesting theory, I disagree with it. I think Boss figured out how things actually worked either in between the two games, or the beginning of Charlie in Underworld when Charlie is unsealed. Despite this however, Boss most likely still had an idea that ghosts did not work the way he thought. I believe the fact that River explained everything rather than Boss was very intentional, and an important fact when thinking about Charlie in Underworld.
Finally, all the ghosts have images of when they were alive. At the end of every chapter, there is an image that goes along with it. (Like this one)
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I believe this image changes depending on what choices are made. Some of these images show the ghosts when they were alive. Like Hayden playing with a cat, or Joan with her gun and in her soldier outfit. Through these images, it is clear that Buff Studios already planned out the ghosts' backstories. They already had their backstories planned, but they did not say anything about them. This is because they go into the ghosts' pasts in Charlie in Underworld. Further proving that they had already planned what they were going to do in the second game, and were planning on making a second game.
In conclusion, these were all the things that I found in the first game. All of these little details show how Buff Studios was already thinking about Charlie in Underworld when making the first game. They put so much thought into these games, how they would work, the worldbuilding, and the characters. Because of their care and passion for these games, it makes their world feel so real.
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cosmic-darikano · 8 months
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New Tav go brrr This is Penance! She's a monk follower of Ilmater who has an enemies to lovers situation with Abdirak (+ also dating @m-u-n-c-h-y tav's Outis)
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inkyu · 6 months
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Hey remember a few seconds ago how I said i'll doodle June Egbert? well here it is now because I'm impaient DFKGBDJHFGB
(this is my second time drawing June, my frist one is unpublished and will never see the light of day unless someone asks to see her X.X)
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fallingflowers0 · 1 year
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Baby, baby boy
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I don't know how to make gifs but I hadn't seen anyone post this, so here's a screenshot of something I noticed in the trailer.
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The left end of the U is trailing away into particles, probably sand
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laughingwith-bluelips · 10 months
I hate being bilingual. I want to write in English but I can't fucking think of a way to express a single phrase in a language that it's not Spanish. However, when I'm writing in Spanish, a random English word will came into my mind and ruin the mood
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kehaisntexist · 2 months
i have a little story time and the reason why i mentioned that
I was chilling in an online game where you can design a character right, and of course i made UWO eugene because i love him, and then someone came up to me and they said oh wait i played that game years ago, and then i went oh that's awesome you know this novel so we went on and on talking about it
I thought that person was like the cool ones like y'all, but deadass guess what
they suddenly mentioned about how they used to PAIRED Eugene with boss......
and chat what's even worse that they did not know there was a sequel of one of the ending ( charlie in underworld ) .......... In CONCLUSION they shipped TEEN eugene WITH boss. minor. Eugene. boss. I'm not kidding. and NO they STILL weren't ASHAMED of it and they talked about the pair as if they still love it.... oh and they also defended that one BossEugene TikTok account
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aeoni-sw · 6 months
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hnnrgh I had to finish this one quick- saw the solar eclipse around 2:20-3:30 and thought: hmm could ghosts go out in the day while the eclipse is happening??
so yeah!! some uwo sillies seeing the solar eclipse! (didnt draw all of em- i was rushes lololol)
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keroradio · 6 months
It's the first of the 10 audio dramas!
This one was originally one track, but the file was too big, and the script is quite long, so I picked an unobtrusive place to separate it. I hope you don't mind it being separated like this, and will look forward to part 2 tomorrow (^.^)
K66: Pekopon Invasion CD, first story: Fight! Pekopon Soldier, complete collection, yes sir!
N: Fight! Earth Soldier, the first is the "Super Natsumi Appears" volume
N: The Keron army base built in secret deep beneath the Hinata house, there and now a fearsome plot was hurriedly, and roughly progressing.
K66: Well then, the me that until now has been spaced out and making gunpla every day has deceived you!
The time to seriously return to invading Pekopon has come
TMM: Mr Sergeant is- M: Uncle is burning!
K66: Eh? Ahh! Hot hot hot!
N: That's burning too much
TMM: Setting that aside, Mr Sergeant, if we conquer Pekopon, I want to ban rice and bread! Then we'll make it all cake, and make cola flow from the taps, I think that would be good!
G66: Well I think P.E. in Pekopon's elementary schools should be made 12 hours each day. Of course, during summer it would be alright to be late or cause trouble, at long you get strong.
966: Ku ku ku, if it were me, I'd teach them evil science and eventually build an army of evil cyborgs.
D66: I, yes, would cultivate bountiful hearts-
K66: Hey, uh! I would, um! I'd add gunpla to the curriculum to teach children the joy of making them! (1)
D66: I think empathy should-
K66: Let's do it!
D66: Uh-
TMM: Tamatamatamatama
G66: Girogirogirogiro
966: Kurukurukurukuru
D66: Well, alright, good sir. Dorodo-
M: Surveillance system anomaly! It's an intruder! They've made it past security systems one, two, and three! You could say, deep infiltration?
K66: No way! Seriously!?
TMM: Is it an enemy alien?
G66: Geh, I'll face it!
K66: Giroro!
G66: You guys, hurry and get out of here!
If it comes, I'll- argh!
TMM: Uwaa! Mister Corporal was taken out before he could do anything!
(Sounds of Giroro being brutalised)
K66: Just what kind of thing is-
723: I see through your ambitions!
K66: Uwo~
723: Today I put a damper on the ambitions of heinous aliens! The mysterious Earth soldier, and that name is: Super Natsumi, appears!
K66: What?
G66: Per Natsumi, is it?
N: The form standing before the heinous alien Keronians is that of the mysterious soldier, Super Natsumi. What is his-that's is, her true identity? If you want to hear, wait for the next part. ------
N: We're back
K66: So fast!
N: Either way, second is "Super Natsumi's Defeat" volume
723: Today I put a damper on the ambitions of heinous aliens! The mysterious Earth soldier, and that name is: Super Natsumi, appears!
N: The form the Keronians saw before them was that of the mysterious Earth soldier, Super Natsumi! Now, with her super powers she'll do what she will to evil doers!
K66: Well, that's probably Natsumi-dono, right?
723: Naive. Aren't you naive? Written as Seven, two, three, and read as Natsumi, no relation to the girl you know
TMM: It really suits you, Natchi
723: Wh-what? Anyway, I won't let you guys just do what you want!
K66: You're so arrogant, Super Natsumi!
723 (mentally): He he, it's just as I thought. As long as I have this shining faster than light power suit I got from Kururu for 3 installments of my allowance....
723: Here I go! Na. Tsu. Mi! Super Natsumi, seven hundred and twenty three special powered, inescapable "rock" punch! (2)
TMM: She's using rock instead of paper!?
966: That one's really earnest, written as earnest, read as serious (3)
723: Tera~
What? No way! I can't move!
K66: Gero, gero, gero, gero.
723: Could it be?
966: Ku ku ku. After all, I'm the top Keronian. The shining faster than light power suit, it was designed so I could freely control it from the outside with one flick of this switch.
Action, cue~!
723: I don't-....My body's somehow-....Stop it!
K66: Gero gero gero gero! How delightful!
723: Hey!...(struggling)...It's embarrassing...this is!
G66: Waugh!
K66: In addition, this month's song, come on!
(Pekopon Invasion Ondo starts playing)
723: Even though I don't want to dance, I'm dancing~!
K66: Gero gero gero gero! It's too bad you can't see this because it's a CD, her pose is ridiculous!
723: Uwo!....Iya!....I'm glad...ugh...it's a CD!
K66: Then, next we'll make you strike the most embarrassing pose in space!
966: Roger!
723: Wait- Stop it~!
G66: Wait, Keroro, that pose is....ah....
TMM: Mr Corporal is bright red, this one too
G66: It's just that pose~!
FYK: Pardon me! I came to- from a survey company!
D66: A marketing survey, good sir?
K66: Or so they say, but there's no mistaking they're really delivering the limited number HG company with missles I ordered from net tsu, yes sir!
FYK: Ah, excuse me, don't mind my intrusion!
K66: Yes?
FYK: On that note. Wait a minute~!
Aiding Super Natsumi, the peace of earth will be saved by this second great Earth soldier, Miracle Fuyuking!
K66: What!?
TMM: Miracle Fuyu
G66: King? You say
N: Coming to Super Natsumi's aid, a second great Earth soldier, it's Miracle Fuyuking! Don't give up, Fuyuking! The future of Earth depends on you!
D66: Saying that, isn't this Fuyuki-dono?
N: To be continued!
1-Like in the intro drama, Keroro uses a younger sounding form of "I" than usual here
2-The words used aren't the normal ones for stone (ishi) and paper (gami), but specifically for rock paper scissors
3-This is based on kanji & furigana, the latter being when kana are put next to a kanji to show how it's pronounced. We usually think of it being used in publications for children or teenagers to help make a word easier to read or look up, but it's also used in cases where a word borrowed from another language is used to tie the unfamiliar pronunciation to the meaning, or a word is said differently from normal, or to add further meaning.
The last is what Kururu is referring to, where you write the kanji for one word that applies, but the furigana for a more accurate word, or one with your additional meaning. This one was a bit tricky since both words can mean serious, but different degrees, so I went with a different translation.
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strgzrcharles · 4 months
Underworld office video essay update 2:
I've made some short character analysisis (that can't possibly be how that word is actually spelt)
This way I'll have my initial thoughts on the characters to refer to when I go through their in-game actions.
I've also added to my overall script and I will have finished my analysis of chapter 1 of UWO soon. :}
(I have quite a lot of work this week so I'll upload some sketches instead of full drawings for this week)
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pocket-ghostie · 4 months
Guys help-
Ghost Eugene is literally So Fun to color... but the implications....
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yallmakemyassitch · 7 months
L K J for the Andromeda bros!
For you, anon! //UwO//
yea I'm on hiatus but I had a rough week so I thought to do these to make me feel better :3
L - What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
Agoti's laughter is cackly, witch-like, and very high pitched and hysterical; being tickled takes him out almost immediately because of how sensitive he is and many compare him to a hyena. If you tickle him long enough, Agoti will begin to snort and wheeze, making the experience all the more adorable.
Aldryx doesn't really have a lot of things to smile or laugh about (excluding his friends and family of course), you'll usually get a soft smirk or a quiet chuckle. But tickling is a different story, it's warm yet throaty and very rough like his voice, once you hear it, you'll know what he's feeling is genuine.
K - As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
Agoti has long, sharp teeth perfect for nibbling away at your sides or neck, worst part about it, he knows how to add just enough pressure for it to feel gentle but overall unbearable. It just sets the nerves on fire!
Aldryx is similar but in a different department. He has claws. Yep the guitar strumming demon has long ass nails that can somehow plan the instrument perfectly without error. Well imagine that guitar is you, Aldryx is aware his nails can hurt someone so he'll be extra gentle and careful with you. He'll gently strum your sweet spots and reduce you to a giggly pile. Of course that's if he's feeling merciless today, he can do much worse.
J - Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
For Agoti it's a goofy, fun activity he can whip out any day with his friends or family. He may never admit it but tickling gives himself a good laugh and it's a better excuse than asking for tickles himself (but he's bad at hiding his lee mood lmao).
Aldryx isn't much for physical contact and is a hard guy to get to know him on a personal level. Tickling is a fun way to connect with his loved ones. It's also a silly way to punish a friend if they get on his nerves without actually hurting them, more of a warning that he'll do something worse if they persist with their actions
Eek the Andromeda bros are so adorable (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+🌸💕 I'm in love with these fuckers and I like the headcanons I wrote for them, brings out more of their personalities, ones I headcanon specifically 🥹
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 3 months
Tumblr is hell, i asked you that some hours ago but i guess my tumblr bugged + for a few seconds i thought i got termed but here we go, i guess
- apple vinaigrette/fritters
nah, I don't think it got bugged! I just woke up and saw your ask, so you probably sent it when I was sleeping ^^;
but ye, Tumblr is hell!
I'll probably remake if good ol tum won't give me my stuff back! because heck- I already have new art ready! (or rather almost ready-)
I won't get stopped! UwO
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kurochi2401 · 1 year
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You can call me Kuro or Kurochii! This is a NSFW DoL forcused blog.
I refer myself as Kuro so don't poke Chii too much, she is quite shy    uwo )
The contents i post may contain heavily forcused angst, mental issues and self-inflicted trauma about everyone in DoL. From my POV, nothing canon but imma go full-core for them.
But i promise a good end for them all! It's a safe room for the healing progress of my own and i appreciate it.
If you do know about me anywhere else, please don't call me out 😭🙏
○ art tag - #kurochii.png
○ thoughts/shitpost tag - #blankcanvas.notes
○ my gremlin pc tag - #Yoai the Scrutinizer
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thoughts on jack uwo?
i hope he explodes (and i do not mean that in an affectionate way) <3
seeing charlie and eugene killing him/attempting to kill him in that one ending is honestly very satisfying <3
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uwowrites · 2 years
sorry if another request is just too much for your health, please take as much time as you want;
i had a weird but still cute dream about uwo, where the whole office wanted probably to kill someone, but they were hiding it from boss so he wouldnt be worried, he seemed so happy, everyone knew about the real rules about bright and dark but noone was mad, eugene and boss seemed like really happy father & son duo playing together and smiling on a swing, boss even put his hat on eugene and i want to cry from happiness since i saw all that and the whole office ended playing together
so after all that, could you do some headcanons with boss spending time with office members like nothing bad ever happened ☹️🙏🏻 living their best lives as ghosts and caring about each other, zero problems and bad thoughs,, please please please <3
im begging on my knees
Of course! Even I like to pretend CIU never happened.
Also, no need to apologize for the request.
So, along with headcanons I though of before CIU came out.
Good god someone help this man handle his chaotic family (Platonic headcanons)
Boss & River:-
They just radiate too much sibling energy.
The bickering, the way they care about each other (Boss scolding Eugene for calling River to a place she couldn't go).
Although they argue and fight, they are the most effective and scariest duo.
Legit, threaten Eugene and these two will throw hands. You have the silent and deadly one teaming up with a carefree and strong fighter.
They have solved the most number of cases together.
And they have competitions about who has solved the most cases in the month.
River has challenged him to flying competitions.
The two have talked about their pasts. Although it took Boss a long time to open up, he started to view her as family (she was the first person for him to see that way)
River has seen Boss get mad before. She has seen him rage to the point where he stopped caring about mortals. It wasn't as though he became a bad person, he was sick of fighting and defending people who did such sinful things. While that time was brief, she admits that she would much rather prefer seeing him care about mortals than not.
He pushes River to solve cases. Not because he wants to overwork her, but because he wants her to get rid of her misdeeds. (I came up with this headcanon before CIU came out. So I didn't know about the whole misdeeds are decided by you thing.)
River speeds him up to date about the world. Even though he knows plenty since he has been a ghost for a long time, there are things which he doesn't have knowledge about (He is a boomer)
Boss & Eugene:-
The best father-son duo.
Boss has trained Eugene to use his fan.
Boss and everyone in the office has attended Eugene's graduation day.
Eugene has definitely asked Boss (and Joan) for help in history.
Boss watched over Eugene for a while after the teen became an official member of the office.
Eugene would come to Boss for advice.
After a while of being in the office, Eugene cracked his first dark joke and Boss laughed, hard. Everyone was shooketh and thought 'Oh damn. World is definitely gonna end today.'
Boss & Joan:-
Boss views Joan as a mother figure. (Now we know the real reason being his mom was hot garbage)
Joan would share stories about her days.
Boss learnt how to knit from her. She nagged at him for not having a life outside the office and he had no idea what to do besides stopping monsters. So she taught him how to knit.
They have visited her children together. She has even remarked how Boss felt like 'one of her own'.
Boss relies on her from time to time when it comes to making plans. Since she has experience in the military and war.
He sometimes asks her for advice.
She ensures he doesn't overwork himself.
Joan has taught him how to use her gun.
Boss & Hayden:-
After Hayden met Eugene, the kid became even more curious about school. So, Boss took him to a small one at night. He smiled fondly as Hayden swung on the swings and wrote on the board with chalk.
Boss would tell stories about kings and queens.
Other than Eugene, Hayden is the only one who Boss compliments openly.
Boss has sung to hayden.
He visits Hayden's parents with Hayden. There will be times where the kid cries and Boss holds him.
He has taught Hayden a few tricks about his fan. Not too much though.
He takes Hayden to the park to have fun in the kid's play area every weekday in the night. Less chances of running into mortals.
Boss would play with the cats Hayden befriends. He is particularly close with one kitten which he nicknamed '어린이' (Pronunciation eolin-i) which translates to little one in korean.
He takes Hayden to cat cafes.
Boss and Everyone:-
Movie nights. At first, Boss objected but he eventually did join them.
He remembers everyone's birthday. And tries celebrating it too.
Overprotective over every single one of them.
Once Eugene introduced them to monopoly, their family nearly tore apart. With Hayden pointing out the unfairness of the game, Boss quietly planning what places to buy, River chaotically buying all of them to piss him off and Joan trying to control her kids while trying to not land in Jail for the umpteenth time.
UNO was even worse. Boss would keep the best cards for last, River would try to trick her way to victory, Joan grumbling about how the game doesn't have proper rules and Hayden just winning without even trying.
Eugene is the poor spectator for both games.
If you think Wii is something they can play peacefully, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. Let's just say, the last time they played it, the TV had a controller in just stabbed in the middle.
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