chiefdirector · 4 months
It’s opening night of our touring theatre show! 🎭 tonight we’re in Milford Haven, Wales!
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(p.s I designed this poster)
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hannahpaynedesigns · 4 months
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I had a blast designing the official poster for ‘The Admirable Crichton’ touring theatre show!
Official university press release statement:
We’re excited to announce our 2024 studio performance of The Admirable Crichton by J.M Barrie
Directed by Chelsey Gillard and William Kingshott and produced and performed by third year BA Acting and BA Set Design and Production students.
Venue information and show dates and times listed on poster
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don't answer if you don't feel comfortable with it, but what are you studying?
it's not a problem at all!! i'm currently studying an ma in ancient religions at uwstd (online), and i've studied a degree that's only found in one university in the whole country, the uam (i think there's a similar program with a different name in the uab?) that basically combines ancient history, archaeology and classical philology. this is my second ma, as i did one in both the uam and the ucm (it was interuniversitary that's why) that was kinda the continuation of my degree but with a specialization in ancient history (basically after doing my degree you can specialize in one of the three basic areas and i decided to go with history). if all goes well, by march next year i'll start my phd in ancient studies at the ucm :)
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Elanor question on welsh unis, if i were to go to a welsh uni would there be part time jobs around that are willing to hire international students? Im not sure how to say it in english but i know some US unis have university provided part time jobs for students, is that like a thing in wales? (asked by an international student wanting to go to wales but also who has weak international currency and is worried about cash)
The universities themselves don't offer jobs (although some might have some pocket money roles: I know UWTSD has Student Ambassadors who help out with open days, for example, and a handful of sustainability internships, but those are 'extra cash' positions rather than 'pay bills').
But, every international student I've ever had also got a part time job while studying. I'm pretty sure student visas do allow it (although double check that to be sure!) One of my students last year is Angolan, and she worked in a Costa to smooth things over financially. And Student Services in every uni will include a careers service who can help with CV writing and finding a job.
I hope that's helpful!
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immemorymag · 1 year
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Sarah Grounds I am a visual artist specialising in areas of photography and performance. My work is a mix of self-documentation and candid documentary work of my life living on an eco-farm in South West Wales. I explore the politics of modern society and my own feelings about being a woman. I use many experimental techniques, exploring paint, movement, sound, photography and performance. The resulting work is an eclectic mix of video, still image and installation, interlinking through themes of politics, community and personal honesty. My ongoing body of work, The Links Project, explores the structures in our society from a perspective which is at once personal, political and universal. Drawing on aspects of Social Ecology and Permaculture, alongside Deleuze and Guattari’s conceptualisation of the Rhizome, I investigate ideas of isolation, freedom and connection. This transdisciplinary practice challenges and celebrates the links we have with everything and everyone around us. Forming a bridge between photography and fine art painting, I push the boundaries of documentary photography, and view my self-portrait work as the ultimate form of documentation. I am just about to start an MA in Contemporary Dialogues at UWTSD Swansea College of Art.
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swanseastandard · 8 months
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ahz-associates · 9 months
Studying at University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) helps you in gaining insight & experience into one of the world’s most dynamic and vibrant cities.
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nuovos00 · 10 months
UWTSD and Ajeenkya D Y Patil University (ADYPU) sign Memorandum of Understanding
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Avinash Kumar Business Head ADYPU Nuovos, Prof Wendy Dearing, Dean of Institute of Health and Management, UWTSD, Dr Philip Scott; Programme Director, MSc Digital Skills for Health and Care Professions UWTSD and Dr. Aiswarya Dash (Associate Professor, ADYPU School of Engineering).
The partnership between the universities will see the delivery of postgraduate health technology programmes at the ADYPU with the aim of producing health technology professionals to contribute towards the cost-effective delivery of healthcare in India.
The expertise of the Wales Institute of Digital Innovation (WIDI), developed by UWTSD and Digital Healthcare Wales, is central to the partnership. Areas currently being explored include research and innovation, student and staff exchange as well as professional development.
UWTSD and ADYPU are developing a master’s programme in Digital Health and Innovation (master’s in technology) aimed at engineering graduates who wish to investigate technological solutions for healthcare. In addition, the universities are collaborating on an MBA programme aimed at healthcare professionals who will utilise technology to make more data-focused decisions in healthcare institutions across the world.
Both universities will work with students to help them to become better equipped to take on real world problems as well as important research projects. Students enrolled on digital healthcare programmes can access a wealth of resources and information from industry professionals across the world. UWTSD academics are also delivering programmes to students in India.
Professor Wendy Dearing, Dean of UWTSD Institute of Management and Health and one of the founders of WIDI and Dr Philip Scott, Programme Director for the MSc in Digital Skills for Health and Care Professions visited ADYPU and met the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Hrridaysh Deshpande. Discussions focussed on advancements in digital healthcare, new technologies and their usage in both India and the UK, as well as the development of the digital health and innovation portfolio.
Professor Hrridaysh Deshpande, Vice-Chancellor of ADYPU, said: “We are delighted to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David based in the UK. ADYPU aims to contribute to the creation of an innovation-oriented Indian society by selectively developing new international partnerships with academic institutions with the aim of heightening the international profile of the University. We believe that a multi-dimensional dialogue within the global network will enable us to achieve greater impact through international cooperation, better exploit synergies and increase university visibility. The focus is on partnerships that are mutually beneficial, leverage individual institutional strengths, bring value to our students, and are financially viable and sustainable over a long period of time.
“ADYPU is collaborating with UWTSD to solve scientific and clinical problems through the creation of game-changing discoveries and the rapid transfer of these advances into practical applications. To get solutions out into the world, the collaboration aims to build and foster strong teams of innovative scientists and engineers with an entrepreneurial spirit. Assisting with the technical, systems, and infrastructural needs of the Health Technology and Digital Health programmes at ADYPU ensures that the breadth of innovations important to digital healthcare are delivered to the highest possible degree.”
UWTSD, through the Wales Institute of Digital Information (WIDI), has created an innovative and sustainable institute that is able to move seamlessly between the areas of research, product and service innovation. Working in the WIDI Partnership, Digital Health and Care Wales and UWTSD has the knowledge and expertise to enhance digital workforce development in health, care and innovation to establish medical data research projects.
Professor Wendy Dearing said: “UWTSD is delighted to partner with ADYPU on such an important area as health innovation. One of the aims at the Wales Institute of Digital Information (WIDI) is to shorten the time it takes for ground-breaking research to be put into practice. WIDI solves the most pressing problems by partnering with institutions that have a deep understanding of the health technology industry, cutting-edge technology, and a keen eye for sustainable practices.
“In addition, UWTSD has a wealth of experience in delivering postgraduate programmes with international partners and we hope that this partnership will grow from strength to strength and will include other areas of mutual interest in our academic portfolios.
Rashi Jain, Director West India, British Council, shared, “Education is a key pillar supporting ties between India and the UK. At the British Council, it is our goal to promote strong synergies between universities between our two nations, aligned to the vision of Roadmap 2030. This is unique and progressive partnership that will open up opportunities for students; our congratulations to both the universities.”
Know More : https://adypunuovos.com/
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
FYI, ‘Plurilingualism, Pedagogy and Identity: insights into current practice.’
Dear Colleagues, We, Dr. Jessica Clapham (UWTSD) and Dr. Christopher Shank (Bangor University), are calling for chapter proposals for our upcoming edited volume tentatively titled “Plurilingualism, Pedagogy and identity: insights into current practice.” The book will be submitted to Palgrave. Our goal is to bring together researchers and practitioners to the critical conversation surrounding the issues of Plurilingualism in language education. This volume aims to explore research and practices http://dlvr.it/SpdqKj
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guyfrombirmingham · 1 year
I'm living in Birmingham, UK
UWTSD Birmingham campus student
West Midlands , Birmingham
London UK
Searching for slut , whore , milf , wife , cuckold couples nearby Birmingham or London
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "The Effect of COVID on Employees Working with UK Life Insurance" https://t.co/7BgozDyKwJ via @SurveyCircle #covid #LifeInsurance #insurance #UkInsurance #life #uwtsd #study #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/uYBKdFAxtR
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Jan 6, 2023
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I have to write an essay on picture books and you’re telling me I am PAYING YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS and your library is not only a 30+ minute ice cold walk on a tedious pier bridge over a river with NO public transportation access, but your library website can’t even show me picture books when I type in “picture books”?? And your solutions are:
1. Physically comb through every single picture book on the shelf (up two flights of stairs; not even organized by being picture books but by “being about art” so you have to pull out every book just to see if it IS a picture book): I tried. I made it two hours in before frustration won out. I took notes on every picture book I looked at just so I could keep track of what I’m NOT looking for.
2. Search for a specific book in the library database, then go to the “related books” subsection: Tried this as well. It took 5 minutes for anything to load, and when it did it showed only the same books my lecturer gave as examples, which we’re not allowed to use in our essays.
3. Google search: I spent hours trying to do this. It either gave non-relevant results, or gave me the names and covers of books I can’t access anywhere without having to buy and order them, before I can even tell if they’d be good resources. Anything with a PDF I have to make an account and give credit card info to just to access, and even then I can’t until the “request” for access has been granted.
I have been trying to literally just find picture books that I can use for my essay (they just have to be about a serious topic like loss or mental health, that’s IT) for WEEKS. I am so frustrated and burnt out and my essay is due in less than 48 hours and I still don’t have the fucking books I need because there’s NO WAY TO ACCESS ANYTHING. I want to scream.
Anyways rant over fuck UWTSD and their shitty non-existent accessibility
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limejuicer1862 · 2 years
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Jeremy Gluck
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Jeremy Gluck
  https://youtu.be/Zf8KEYzL-tc The Benefactor on Bandcamp -Jeremy Gluck M.A. (Hons) works as a fine artist in NFT art, postdigital visual and sound art, installation, and performance. In July 2019 he presented his paper on Gustav Metzger at the UWTSD Nexus Conference in Swansea, Wales. He has exhibited in London, Sydney, Bath, and Swansea, is a member of Non-Place Collective based at Fringe Arts…
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postgradart · 2 years
Early as usual, but this time it's for the EDD sharing day @uwtsd
Feeling a little more positive about my doctorate due to having a better support system 🙏
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if we're asking questions about academics; I have braces. I need monthly checkups. I have a scholarship for a Swansea Uni. Should I take the scholarship and go fuck it we ball about my teeth
Swansea Uni has an on site NHS dentist that is open to students of both Swansea and UWTSD; it's on Singleton campus. So, take the scholarship! And sign up to their dentist and get your checkups.
Or to answer your question: why not both?
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kurtsigns · 4 years
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COVOID-20 Series I
A manipulated photography lockdown art  series that begins the journey out of my MArts work to new horizons, but absolutely still true to a theme involving light. Images created from abstracted night photography techniques and then processed through multiple app’s. 
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