dimigex · 3 years
3, 12, 15, 23, 25 for the end of year fanfic asks! 🥰
Yay! Thank you for the asks! If anyone else wants to send some, the list can be found here. I love getting these because they make me think. Coincidentally, I usually forget everything when I read a question so here’s my scattered thoughts lol
3. Favorite line/scene you wrote this year - So there is a scene in Fragile Strength that I can’t include because it’s not posted, but it involves confessions and a rain storm and I just love it lol ,Otherwise, I’m quite partial to this bit from Beautiful, Perfect Disaster:
Kakashi knew that he'd made a mistake when Sakura looked at him with a mixture of pain and disbelief. The room spun, and he thought that he might be sick. He fought the nausea down and took a half step in her direction. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Sakura spat. Somehow, she drew herself up, towering over Kakashi in her fury. "For lecturing me about something you don't understand? For acting like you cared about me? For-"
"For falling in love with you." The words hung between them for a moment, louder than the echo of Sakura's anger.
12. Favorite character to write about this year- I’d probably say Tenzo in Healing Hands. This story is very personal for me and it’s been a joy working through the struggle of addiction, ptsd, and mental issues through a character’s life
15 Something you learned this year- The world actually won’t end if I half edit some of my works. Not everything needs a full edit or dozens of hours spent on it. Most people will not know the difference.
23 Fics you wanted to write but didn’t- Gah, there’s been so many haha I was supposed to be working on a Fantasy AU for KakaSaku that hasn't materialized yet. I also have a half finished work for Overwatch that I love but kind of abandoned in my wips. Both deserved my time but neither got it. I suppose Altered Reality should be on this list as well XD
25 a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read - Okay look, the truth is that my to read file in my email is currently. . . over 2,000 stories long and I’m horrible at keeping up with stuff. That said, I do have a few favorites that reminded me why I loved fanfiction (and got me back into fandom). So in no particular order:
- Take My Picture by @kendochick-moor, I literally read all of this at once and avidly waited for the next installments. I didn’t know I needed it, but it reminded me that fanfic is meant to be fun and enjoyable and surprising and just lovely. It’s one of the first stories that actually got me back to reading!
-hope is but a heartache by @uchihasass and not just because you asked me this question. I absolutely adore this fic and it makes me want to write my own time travel and fix it fic. I’ve been hooked since I started it and I’m always super excited to see the next chapter when they come. It’s one I’m always looking forward to.
- actions and consequences by @murd3rm1ttens, this is another story that literally just grabbed me and said ‘hey, do you remember Kakashi and Sakura, let me show you something cool and make you fall in love with them again’. The world building is lovely, it explores a lot of concepts about love, marriage, and expectations and I’m always astounded by how Mittens weaves canon characters and evens into the AU. It’s been a lovely ride thus far.
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petriikore · 3 years
here with my own first date question for you ;) do you drink coffee or tea? both? what kind?
Omgg I wasn’t expecting this haha
I do drink both, though I prefer coffee. If it’s in season, I’m definitely a pumpkin spice hoe 🎃🎃 otherwise it’s a simple caramel latte (hot or iced). I like jasmine, chrysanthemum, or chamomile tea, so it’s more of a “I have this at home” rather than on a date drink.
This was probably more info than you needed but I had fun anyways. Thanks, love!
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amruta1009 · 3 years
5, 11, 13 for the kdrama ask thing!
5- Kdrama OTP(s)- Ko Ji Seok and Yoo Ryung from Catch the Ghost
11- Favorite K-drama cliche- Piggyback ride
13- Top 5 kdramas- Catch the Ghost, Startup, Black Dog, Squad 38 and Hot Stove League.
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uchihasass · 3 years
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Our Souls, At Night by uchihasass (moonoreos)
Sakura goes from nineteen to ninety overnight. Chaos and magic follow. So does a strange wizard with an even stranger castle.
A Howl's Moving Castle KakaSaku AU
art by @thatpinkshinobi
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thelaithlyworm · 2 years
Love Like The Galaxy
“looking forward to your thoughts on 48. see you on the other side!“ ( @uchihasass )
Episode 48 was indeed  a m a z i n g. This visuals, the gathering storm, that tense spoken confrontation at the Marquis’s birthday party that explodes when Ling Buyi throws off his cloak! That they chose some discretion in the fight scene and pulled back to show the blood spattering on the windows (because the big mook fight was not the main event and it gives the audience a breather before the next big gory event. (Good heavens, Ling Buyi’s blood-spattered face.)
And I’d adored the build-up as Niaoniao begins to realise what’s happening and sends out a quiet messenger to confirm what’s going on and, and - she’s acquired a lot of subtlety. And that scene where her mum and dad are talking about how there’s kind of an ominous air about her and at the same time we can see her and the wedding attendants through the window just quietly doing the preparation thing...? They had a really good cinematography team here, a good eye, they take the time to set things up nice.
The bit where I started crying was when Niaoniao is about to head out on a horse - and then her entire family gears up and fights the blockade so she can get through. For a girl who starts the story completely estranged from her family, this is a powerful moment.
I’m now on ep 50 where she has, once again, saved Ling Buyi’s life, but doesn’t want to ever forgive him for, er, not letting her die with him.
And like a lot of conflicts in this story, I can absolutely see where both sides are coming from. He loves her. He can’t give up his revenge. He doesn’t want her to die. Kill his ‘dad’ before the marriage happens so her and her good family don’t get implicated.... it’s an obvious choice.
Whereas Niaoniao, who has been very lonely for much of her life, very disrespected, in situations where people believe the worst of her, all things which scar her soul, wanted him to understand that she was Ride or Die.
There’s some other things boiling out when she talks to various people about things - her continuing frustration that she, a talent just as much as Luo Ben was a talent, is expected to marry and put all her energy into supporting her husband, that this is the only way her culture will let her advance. That she can’t trust his sincerity, because at multiple times it looked like he was doing things for her, but was also using that as a smokescreen for his other matters.
Yeah, Ling Buyi made his decisions because he loved her very very much.
His actions also... made her feel like something flimsy and disrespected.
“Has he ever been of one heart with me before?”
And she still saves his feral bastard life. (Because he saved hers.) Bless her: she’s got a good heart.
There’s... there’s a lot about relationships in this story, the ones that work, the ones that don’t, about loyalty to the family and how they can support you, and what one owes to the family. So Niaoniao, a spiritual loner, interacting with all these issues, is interesting.
Also... so people act out in this story for two big reasons. 1. They have a pretty cushy life but They Want More. 5th Princess etc. Kind of... super-anxious about losing status or selfish, whatever.  And 2. They cannot get justice through the rule of law.  Niaoniao with her 2nd Aunt and, once that woman is gone, her mother constantly believing the worst of her (not without cause). Luo Ben, his career constantly sabotaged by his uncle because the minor family should not outshine the main branch. Huo Wushang, who witnessed murder and treason but he’s a tiny child and the only other witness is mad...
I can understand why people start planning private revenge and crooked tricks when the law fails them. It’s still a dangerous road to start on - once one starts doing extrajudicial violence it’s tempting to keep going. Note the bodycount from Luo Ben’s ploy, or Ling Buyi in his status of a law enforcement officer torturing prisoners.
And I think it’s important to note that Ling Buyi spends more than a decade (mostly) trying to assemble his evidence in a (mostly) legal way. Niaoniao, yes, a trickster, who dares to love and hate, learns not to deny her tricks - and she will ask for clemency for people who have actively tried to wrong her. Somewhere, someone, probably 3rd Aunt and the Empress, taught her mercy as well. Perhaps, through the estrangement with her mother, Niaoniao learnt some of her mother’s ideas on justice, too. (They’re trying, okay!)
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bl1ndbraavosi · 3 years
hello give me a taste of what you’re working on i am craving SNEAK PEEKS!!!
this is my submission for kunoichi week and is also a bit of a follow-up to swapped
“So, you mean to tell me that my apprentice is married?”
“Not—not exactly, shishou,” Sakura answered, ducking her head to hide from Tsunade’s penetrating stare.
“But there was a wedding,” she said. The three ANBU agents standing before her winced.
“Yes, Hokage-sama,” Tenten answered. Sakura had to give her credit where credit was due, they may have all been shitting themselves, but Tenten’s voice was strong.
“And Sakura was in the wedding,” Tsunade continued.
“Yes, Hokage-sama.”
“As the bride.”
pls indulge me @murd3rm1ttens @snickiebear @nekophiliaff @uchihasass @mrssakurahatake
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tagged by @notbang!
Your most popular fic
By hits and kudos, vigil of the loved continues to dominate. Not totally surprising, given that it was a post-canon oneshot posted right when the Naruto manga ended and before the fandom was regularly posting on Ao3. But I'm still pleasantly surprised, given that it's a very quiet gen piece.
Your best fic
oh man...agreed with everyone who says this totally depends on what metrics you choose.
silent but not unsaid - I just think it feels right, and hits the right note balancing the sadness of Fugaku's death with Sasuke's understanding of his father and his family's reactions.
soulmark au - I'm so happy with where I placed everyone's soulmarks, and I think I really got a good chance to dig in and explore the concept in all its manifestations in the CEG verse.
a frozen pond alight with torches - Yu Yu Hakusho has a very specific tone, and even though this story is about characters who are essentially blank slates, I think I managed to fit it pretty well.
Your favorite fic you wrote
the caring and keeping - I love the rhythm of this piece, and I also love how I got to dig deep into Sakura's emotions about Sasuke.
Mukuro's Favor - So this might be a result of getting older, but I was annoyed that I couldn't find many fics that have Mukuro and Kurama interacting one on one. I ended up being really happy with how I wrote Mukuro as a character, and thinking through how she would interact with Kurama.
life's not painless, but he's not brainless (josh chan will be all right) - I worked hard on getting Josh Chan's voice right, and you know what? I think it got there! And I love writing Valencia & Josh scenes.
Your least favorite fic you wrote
The real answer is that there's a lot of stuff posted on ffn that makes me want to dig a hole and hide. But! We're not going there.
So, probably green fairy for Mass Effect Andromeda. Mostly because it's pretty surface level; I'm disappointed that I didn't go more into Rider's relationship with Sloane Kelly, who is one of my favorite characters from the game (and the decision in her mission is the most compelling, tbh, even if the deck is stacked). Ah well, one day.
tagging @uchihasass and @redbelles, if y'all are up for it.
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dimigex · 3 years
1, 6, 7, 39, 42 for the writer ask! 🤗
1. Things that inspire you? A lot of things, but mostly music. I often hear a song and think 'oh damn, that's perfect for x and y' or a person in general. I have so many playlists that it's not even funny, but it helps me. I also write feelings out, there are some scenes/stories that are extremely personal to me though you'd probably never know it. Also, the sound of rain and nature make it easier to shut things out and simply think, which makes writing easier
6. How did writing change you? Writing definitely allows me to explore things that I wouldn't in real life. It lets me get in other people's heads and envision what their life is like. In short, I guess it mostly made me more empathetic and open to things than the way I was raised
7. Early influences on your writing? Tolkien was influential as a reader, but the single most influential author would be hands down Robert Jordan. I started rereading The Wheel of Time series ages ago and was shocked at how often my wording or phrases were similar. The influence is clear. I even sent several screenshots to my beta lamenting the fact that I was a fraud as a writer haha
39. Do you want to be published some day? I would love to be published in theory. I have some original works, short stories and even a fic that's, I don't know, almost 100k words I think? But, I haven't worked on them in a while. I really should.
42. Do you plan or write whatever comes to mind? Both. Some stories have outlines and some just happened. Let me explain by story, but the tl;dr answer is I tend to just write whatever comes to mind
Altered Reality: This literally started with the opening scene, then I started thinking about how that scene could come to be. After a few chapters, I did sit down with my betas and make an outline. I screwed it up with the last chapter (oops). and only loosely follow it.
Fragile Strength: *nervous laughter* This story currently owns my soul and it's taking me on an adventure that wasn't even remotely planned. I'm as surprised as the next person when these things happen lol
Healing Hands: This story started with a scene in the middle and then I built around it. I was shocked at the stuff that happened in this story. That said, it was 75% written before I started posting. Now, I'm editing all the details in knowing where I'm going so it's kind of a mix.
Heart in a Silver Cage: This story is actually planned, but I'm really bad about following the outline, so, um, oops? But it has a chapter by chapter outline with wiggle room.
Losing Control: This story is a train wreck from start to finish. It is part of a series that has literally just been asking myself 'what if' over and over. I wrote the intro to Muddy Water while drunk one night, then asked what would happen if Sakura got pregnant and ended up with Flood and LC as an answer. And I'll be honest, I THINK I know where I'm going with this story, but I have no idea how to get there
Original Work: My main original work is completely plot less, this is probably why I don't work on it often enough. I don't know where I want it go, where it's going, or even where we've been lol
Thanks for the asks! If anyone else wants to send some asks, the list is here!
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amruta1009 · 3 years
soft boy nam dosan mutual 💙
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bouncyirwin · 4 years
Commission for sweet @uchihasass 🌸
Pairing: KakaSaku
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,833 words
In which Sakura decides to stop wasting her prime years pining after a guy who couldn’t even deign her with a letter every now and then.
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bazz-a · 3 years
⭐️ Get To Know You Game ☀️
Rules: Repost, don't reblog, and tag nine people you want to know better. (Or just tag however many you want.)
Thanks for tagging me, @birkastan2018 :D <3 
Favorite Colour: Light blue!
Currently Reading: Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Last Song: Stay by Mac Miller
Last Movie: New Moon ahahahahah
Last Series: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (my guilty pleasure, I love it)
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: Savory!!!!! sometimes sweet, but usually only when I’m PMSing. Absolutely hate spicy food ahahah
Craving: I’m craving KFC burgers like CRAZY!!!!!
Currently Working On: studying for my midterm AHAHAHA I wish I had time to write now :((
Tagging: @heyitswrenn @kuriousaboutuzumakis @tuz-on-ao3 @snickiebear @maraudersftw @petriikore @uchihasass @lilyoftheshadow @bl1ndbraavosi and whoever else wants to participate!!!!
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dimigex · 3 years
WIP Game
The rules: list the titles of your wips - whatever they look like.
The game: your followers (or whomever!) may ask for snippets from any wip and/or they can ask a question about any of them - without knowing anything more than the titles!
I was tagged by @cinlat and I'm not sure who has done it, so I'm going to tag @uchihasass @bouncyirwin @murd3rm1ttens @petriikore @tipsyraconteur if you're interested at all.
Heart in a Silver Cage (Undercover.06 and All Eyes on Me.07 are the current chapters)
Healing Hands.14
Mob/Bodyguard AU
Altered Reality.16 (whose working title gives too much away)
In Another's Eyes
All or Nothing
Fragile Strength
Pirate Nonsense (I'm really good at naming things)
Some Kind of Disaster
[Person A] Killed [Person B], oops (did I mention my names are good in their earliest form)
I have so many more, but these are the ones that have been updated in the past couple of months lol
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petriikore · 3 years
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Thanks for the tag @dimigex​! Hope everyone’s doing well ❤❤ I am not but that’s nothing new lol. Tagging: @mrssakurahatake​ @uchihasass​ @jennity-blogs​ and anyone else who feels so inclined!
(Full disclosure: I have not been writing because I’ve been in the pits of studying for a promotion for the past 2 months. I have one more month before I can even allow myself to look at a WIP again. This is also extremely rough, produced via sprint time brain vom.)
The doorbell rang from inside, and Sakura volunteered herself to answer it, seeing as she was the only one not currently occupied. She took a deep breath before plastering on what she hoped was a warm smile and opening the door.
Sakumo and Kakashi abruptly halted their hushed conversation at her appearance, both giving her more convincing grins (at least, she assumed Kakashi was smiling at her. He still had that blasted allergy mask on) and greeting her. She stepped aside to let them in, taking the plate from Sakumo's hands.
"Hope your mom doesn't mind that I brought the dessert. I'm rather fond of baking."
Sakura laughed. "Well, you can never have too much dessert. Hardly a competition when I'm sure we'll enjoy everything."
"Careful with your sweet talk there," Kakashi warned. "He'll keep baking until all you have to eat are pastries and cake."
"That doesn't sound like a bad deal to me at all," Sakura retorted, leading them through the bottom floor to the backyard.
"Aha! I like the way you think, Sakura," Sakumo exclaimed. "You have a lovely home."
Sakura waved a hand. "All my mom's doing, I assure you. I just live here."
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southsidestory · 4 years
Update for those who may have been worried about me:
I’m doing much, much better. I’ve got a long way to go, but as of yesterday I am in a new place. Because @uchihasass is a damn angel who offered me her spare bedroom, I’m living with a wonderful friend in a lovely house. I also picked up with my old therapist, who is absolutely amazing, and all of my friends and family are supporting me right now.
In short, although my life is still imploding, I’m okay. Largely because of the love and generosity of my support circle. I’m safe, and I have hope that things will continue to get better.
To everyone who has sent me messages, asks, replies, etc. thank you so, so much. I know that we’re mostly strangers here on tumblr dot com, but it hasn’t felt like it for the past few weeks, because y’all have been so kind and caring when I needed it most. ❤️
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bluefurcape · 3 years
reading a hope is but a heartache and
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@uchihasass​ DESTROYED ME
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Get to Know Your Mutuals
I was tagged by @uchihasass! When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, tag people you want to get to know better!
1. People still regularly assume that I'm a fresh college graduate, and are surprised to hear otherwise. I have been mistaken for being younger by people younger than me. Hoping this trend will continue well into my eighties.
2. Because of the pandemic, I've started playing DnD regularly! I've played RPGs before, but this is the first time we're playing consistently, and it's been fun learning how to juggle different characters, though I'm working to improve.
3. I've realized recently that while I do want to have a life partner, I've never felt like I needed one. I only started dating in the last couple of years, and while in some abstract way I feel like it would have been nice to date in school, I also don't regret it? I don't think I was ready, and I'm glad I know that about myself, especially since there are other things I do get really anxious about.
4. I love how makeup looks but I've never learned how to use it beyond the bare minimum lipstick/eyeliner/coverup.
5. Writing is a huge and important part of me, and because of that, one thing I've been trying to do in the last couple of years is make sure it's not my entire identity. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish with my writing, both professionally and for fun, but I'm trying to do other things so I won't tie up my self worth entirely with my writing, especially since how I feel about my skills varies so widely on any given day. So I'm trying to take other classes and do other things to make sure that even if I have a bad writing day, I can do something else to take my mind off it.
tagging @catty-words, @notbang, @redbelles, @desperate-entwives, or anyone who might want to do this!
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