#Ui Kemuri
One More Visit...
*Monday, February 4, Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital, afternoon*
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Nurse: Kemuri-san?
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Oh? Y-Yes?
Nurse: You have a visitor who’s come to see you.
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A visitor?
Nurse: Yes, her name is...Nijue Iroha? She says she knows you?
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Nijiue, huh? Alright, send her in.
*A couple minutes later*
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Hi, Ui-san!
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Ah. So it is you?
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Yeah, I wanted to stop by, see how you’re doing.
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How have things been?
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Really nice, actually. The hospital staff have been really kind and understanding, and I’ve got a nicer bed than I ever had at home. I’m also...not as jumpy as I used to be.
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You, uhh...you didn’t bring Jataro, did you?
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No, I figured you didn’t really wanna see him.
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Nah. Not yet, anyway...
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Maybe...sometime. I dunno.
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Seriously though, thank you for hearing me out, and having them send me here. I...I don’t even wanna think about what prison would’ve been like.
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Yeah...I’m glad you’re feeling better.
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...Are you okay? I heard your parents got busted.
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Oh yeah, hehe...I was there.
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...I’m sorry you ever had to deal with people like that in your life. I get it, though.
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Yeah. But, Ui-san...I wanted to let you know I took your advice.
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My advice?
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Yeah, I managed to meet some really great people during that event! One of them- you know Fushimi Sakura?- I asked her if I could have a job as a fashion model, and she said yes!
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So, I’m gonna move back in with my brother and sisters, I’ve got a career lined up and I know the man who I wanna marry someday!
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I’m happy for you, kid.
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Why are you here, though?
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I wanted to check on you.
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See...these last few weeks, I’ve had to really rethink a lot about myself and my future. It’s been hard- like really, really hard. I know I’ve accidentally hurt a lot of people, and I’ve only thought about myself a lot of the time. It was wrong of me...especially with what happened to you.
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I...I kinda understand what it must’ve been like for you, having to deal with everything you did...but you did it alone.
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...It’s not a time I wanna think about again.
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Yeah, same here.
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...Do you ever miss Jataro?
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Sorry, but I’m not really ready to answer that. It’s...complicated.
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I get it. There’s always mixed feelings there.
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But, after everything that happened, all the people I hurt, I still didn’t give up. I kept going and tried to make things right with them.
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And it’s made my life a lot better now. Things are really looking up from here, and I...I wanted you to be a part of that.
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...That’s...really nice of you, Iroha-san.
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Yeah! So, do you maybe wanna paint something together?
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Funny you say that. I was actually working on something before you showed up. Nothing much, just a landscape I made with just white and burnt amber.
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Whoa, really? That’s so cool!
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Thanks. Um, do you need any paint or did you bring your own?
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If you can spare some, that’d be nice. I have a piece in mind that I wanna give to someone.
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A shark with laser eyes fighting a robot snake.
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Sounds really fun, honestly. You’re making it as a gift?
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Yeah, it’s for...someone else I got to meet recently.
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I’m sure they’ll love it.
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Yeah, I know he will.
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Is there anything you’d like me to paint for you, Ui-san?
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Me? Well...I dunno.
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If it’s not too much trouble, could you paint me...maybe a field of flowers or something?
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Sure thing!
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But can you do it with opposite colors? Red for the grass, orange for the sky, all that?
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Are you challenging me?
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Cuz if so, you’re on!
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Sounds fun too.
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Yeah. I think my favorite thing about art is when you make it for someone.
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It’s the best part about making something great.
*Iroha gets to work on her gifts to Ui and Noriaki, whistling a happy tune to herself*
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I......spoke too soon. You did gain empathy from seeing what both Jataro and Ui went through, and saw yourself in them. Congrats Kotoko. When this is all over, you'll get a cookie.
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Yeah, honestly I...did realize somethings myself and know now both of them were victims and treating his mom the way I did, it wasn't good...
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Plus given what we did, I'm starting to realize that we are much worse then her; I'm... still confused on why we didn't know this sooner.
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But Jataro, do you understand what I mean; if anyone can expose that bastard, it's you - you resemble him the most as his son, you survive and make it so that he was why all this happen.
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So how about it, you want to expose him for the creep he is?
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*Jataro gets up then looks at the photos* ...Mommy...
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You suffer a lot and for that, I'm sorry you had to; honestly I feel that maybe if I knew this or if Big sis Junko even care about me, then maybe you would of survive and we could of kill the guy that hurt you.
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So uh, I think I'll expose him for what he did to you mommy, that way you can rest in peace and gain closure...
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So I hope wherever you are, I can finally get payback for you.
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Which means I'm gonna make him suffer and teach him a lesson, a lesson of what happens when you hurt others!
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Yeah that's it, that's the spirit Jataro!
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Yeah Jataro, I'm so proud of you! That's the spirit!
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Good, then Jataro will be joining us then, nice work kiddo.
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So then; myself, Mrs. Yonaga, Fiona and Jataro will help expose this asshole and make sure that his reputation is ruin once and for all!
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ALL 3: Right, let's do this!
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Then if that's the case, I think myself, Komaru, Kotoko and Otoha will help with the Monokumas.
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...I...I still want to stay here.
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And no, don't worry - I won't try and confront him; I do want to make sure everything goes according to plan, so I'll stay here.
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Well I suppose that's fair, very well...
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Then we know what do, so everyone - it's time to take down this bastard, let's get to work!
*After that everyone started to get to work and prepare to expose Kota...*
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heykuy · 7 years
Jembatan Aborsi
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sfujioka1 · 4 years
https://ameblo.jp/sfujioka1/ テーマ:ブログ
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NEW!2021-01-01 13:01:16
プラグインで DITA 出版を強化(3)
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NEW!2021-01-01 12:26:03
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NEW!2021-01-01 08:21:54
0 notes
Let me guess it’s Ui.
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*As Komaru rush inside* Oh...Oh my god...!
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*As then the rest of the group saw the whole room, they saw them cover in images of a single girl*
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Wh-What the...is...is this...? Is this Ui Kemuri...?
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I-It is, this was her in high school, I...I can't believe this...!
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*walks over and sees the photo* And look? These photos look like that Ui women had these photos taken without her consent either, he was stalking her...!
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Mo-Mommy...? Oh my god, Mommy...!
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This man, he... he really is the worse type of person, isn't he?
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*Is reading a book* It doesn't get any better, I found this...
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A...A journal...?
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Yeah, look here - seems he wrote quite a bit about Miss. Kemuri too...
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*Komaru takes the journal and begins to read* ...
'A new set of students had arrive for my class, 1 student had caught my attention right away, Ui Kemuri... she was quite the attentive girl and seems like someone that pays attention, while the other girls were fine she was special...
I must learn more about her...'
'Ui has shown to be quite a knowledgeable in the arts, taking up techniques and learning everything I taught her; she truly is quite gifted and I could see her talent being notice by Hope's Peak Academy if she applies herself but she has no interest in the school.
She felt that she wasn't gifted to fit among the elite, which a shame; I think she has shown such talents...'
'Oh Ui, dear sweet Ui... why are you ignoring my advances, why do you deny my love? You know that we are meant to be, she mention she wants to focus on her studies and get into a college...
That girl sure has a goal for herself but I can't say I'm please about this...Shouldn't she be thinking about boys?'
'Ui...Ui...Ui...Ui why don't you love me, why can't you be with me... I want to be with you, so give me a chance...You deserve better, so much better...'
'I was walking by and overheard a conversation, it was Ui and her friends talking about their futures and what plans they had, Ui...she...that bitch... she isn't interested in having children, how...how can this be...? That bitch, women like her piss me off; thinking that they are so much better then...I put that brat in her place...
Mark my words, she will learn what women like her are for...'
'Seems Ui cry to me and scream at me, saying that she just learn she was pregnant with my child, she was freaking out and had no idea what to do; so I advise her to tell her parents about it as this was her fault anyway, and she did...
Good... that brat is going to learn her place, women should only be use for making children, nothing more...'
'I heard Ui had drop out, given that she's went into labor and gave birth to a boy, she is going to drop out by the request of her parents, good riddance if anything... she doesn't deserve anything, she'll have to learn that she'll be nothing but a platform for that child and learn that women like her are only useful for one thing; to be home makers, nothing more...
Good riddance...Goodbye, you cute, adorable Ui - you were the most lovely women I ever met and stay submissive, compare to other women that is...'
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What the actual fuck, this...this bastard...!
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I...I can't believe this, I...I was going to marry this man!
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What a horrible, horrible man... he has truly sinned and doesn't seem to regret it, horrible... I want to make him suffer...!
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He...he really does think of us in this matter, he must be stop...!
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Jataro...? Are...Are you okay...?
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Is...Is this how that man views me, just...just a reminder of all this for mommy he...he did all this because she didn't want kids and he took her future away, I...I...!
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*Jataro falls to the floor crying as everyone watch him cry in the room*
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Pills? Please don’t tell me that this go where I think it goes.
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*In the bathroom, Komaru finds 2 bottles* These look to be sleeping pills and anti-depressants... well, can't say I'm surprise she has these...
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And wait, are these scissors? They look a bit red... did something happen here?
JATARO: Komaru? I got the thing!
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Oh good, just a moment! *Komaru walks out and grabs the 2 bottle and scissors*
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Seems your done now, I got what I came for!
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*pulls out a bag of hair* Monaca told me to keep this with me!
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A bag of hair? What's that for?
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Not sure, all I remember that she needs my hair for something and she got hair from somewhere else.
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But yeah, I figure I give this to Future Foundation since they might need it, anyway... is that mommy's pill bottles and scissor?
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Yeah I just pick these up, figure I take them with me.
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Yeah that might be a good idea; I'm not sure why mommy has those but I did remember she took nearly a whole bottle of sleeping pills and was knock out.
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Huh? Wait she took a whole bottle, say uh... Jataro? Give you kill your parents, how was your mom like?
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My mommy? Well I did remember we all saw them but when it came to mommy she was pretty easy in fact I even remember she didn't put up much of a fight either...
*As then Jataro's mom woke up as she look around to find herself hand cuffed and to see her son standing there with his mask off*
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Wh-What?! What's going on!
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Hello mommy, seems your awaken now or... should I say demon? I guess it doesn't matter, anyway what do you think of my art?
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Wh-What the hell! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Seriously this makes no sense! How could anyone like this sort of thing, I knew you were mess up in the head but now you did all this - your a disgusting little brat!
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Aww, and there's that hatred that I always loved; thank you mommy! I love you soooo much! But sadly, it's time to die but don't worry I'll make sure your death isn't as painful as long as you don't struggle. *gives her a book*
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What's this...?
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Well... given you are gonna die, you can write whatever you want; anything to make this death easier.
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I see... so you intend to kill me...?
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Well... I think this was what I always wanted, I get to finally be free from this damn hell away from you... *sniff* Fi-Finally...
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You have no idea how much I wanted to kill myself and frankly this truly is a blessing in disguise so thank you... truly, thank you...
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*As then Jataro's mother began writing and after a bit she closes the book* ...There we go, everything I wanted to write ever since you existed.
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Well... time to die I guess, finally I'll be away from you, honestly I'm relieved to finally die and no longer having to see your worthless face... goodbye to you.
'I wasn't sure why Mommy seem happy that I killed her, it confused me but the other Warriors of Hope or well... Monaca say and the others follow...'
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Honestly out of the parents we faced so far, Jataro's was weirdly easily; she didn't put up much of a fight.
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I guess given how weak and pathetic Jataro is, his fight would be super easy!
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Yeah unlike me and Nagisa, she gave up and didn't struggle a lot...
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She seems tired and a rather sad women, probably this might be for the best.
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Well looking at her appearance she seems quite young, maybe in her mid 20's? I guess she must be one of those high school drop outs, which means that she must of gotten knock up by some guy and he abandon her.
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Probably she's one of those 'easy girls' I heard about that get with any guy to get her way and is just dealing with the consequences; truly what a pathetic, selfish bitch - I hope that demon rots in hell for what she has done but even then hell seems far too harsh maybe she rather just rot here to die alone, as deserve.
'I took my friends word for it, I figure what a lot of what they were saying was true but now...'
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What is it Otoha?
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Well... to start with, it was only once and that was it so I can't say it was much to go on.
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All I did was dropping something off...
Date: July 1st, 2011
*Walking down the street, Otoha was carrying what look to be a bag*
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I think I saw Jataro went down this way, seems he forgot his lunch bag.
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*opens the door and walks inside*
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Oh hey, that must be his house! Thank goodness, I can return this back!
*Otoha rushes over and knocks on the door, but who comes out is...*
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Huh? Yeah, what is it...? You need something?
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Oh, uh... sorry about that... (I guess that must be Jataro's mom, she seems a bit young...)
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Excuse me but is there a boy name 'Jataro' here? He forgot something at school and I want to give back.
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Oh... I guess you must be a classmate of my son, yeah? Okay thanks for giving it back... *takes the bag which she brings inside then moments later comes out*
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Well thanks for dropping it; I need to get to work, so excuse me. *close the door then heads for the car*
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Wait, work? Shouldn't you be watching Jataro or have someone watch over him? You are aware that he's only 8, right?
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Yeah well sadly I don't have anyone to watch over him, I had some food in the fridge - he can make it himself if he's hungry, he knows how to use the microwave.
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But still, I'm sure you have someone to watch him, right? I mean, you have relatives or maybe your hus-.
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Don't even mention that bastard, I don't have any relatives that want anything to do with me after that son of mine was born so just-!
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... *slowly steps away*
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...Oh uh, sorry about that.
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Look... can you just go home back to your parents or whatever, I really need to get to work so go back home already.
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Sure... *walks away but watches as her car leaves*
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Jataro's mom seems tired, I better head home; mom is probably worried... *walks back down the side walk and heads back home*
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Do your know anything about Ui?
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...Jataro? once you calmed down, would it be okay if I ask you about why you felt Junko was the only one that loved you?
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Good, now Komaru found these journals around Towa City and I'm rather curious of them if you mind. *Sunako pushes the binder and show a page*
Memoirs of Jataro Kemuri Ehehe! Ehehehehehehe! The faces the Demons make when I'm hunting them is seriously always the best. The very top of warmed milk is always gooey. When a Demon is up against a wall they always clench their teeth or open their lips slowly. But in the end, when I kill them, they always open their lips and shudder like crazy.
Anyways, the sound of the bell that rings when you enter a store is so cute sounding, right? People who make those things must have a bad personality. People who make pretty or cute things have bad attitudes. On the other hand, I don't make pretty things, I make horrible dioramas, but my face and my personality is horrible too! Am I the only one whose tummy hurts when they smell rice from a rice cooker?
I always knew it, it's always the best to attack from both sides when hunting Demons. That way, even if they go left or right or go back, they always end up getting killed. The moment just when they all fall into despair and know they are going to die is really, always, splendid.
I Shouldn't Have Had Him There's so much I can do if my son didn't exist. So much I could have done if I never had him. I could have obtained qualifications and licenses, taken lessons, worked more.
Instead, my entire life is just a platform for my son's life. I think about it every night before I go to sleep. If I woke up in the morning and my son was dead, how splendid would that be?
But every time I wake up and see him, I sigh. Why are you still alive? Why do you have a normal life? I yearn for the day he stops being healthy and stops growing and just disappears. That's all I want. Why can't you just do something that simple for me?
I want him to die so badly it makes me cry. And the fact that he has such a worthless face just makes me even more sad. It makes me think I'm the one who's wrong. I shouldn't have had you.
My Invention Ehehehehehe! I'm the prince of Inspiration! The strongest land animal is the hippo. It's decided. The skin is 4 centimeters thick. 4 whole centimeters. That's about the thickness of an omelet. I got it! I totally got it! The sadness I felt was really just not having peace of mind. I'm sad that Mommy hates me because I am not at peace.
Ehehe! If that's the case, it's simple! If I don't want to be sad, all I have to do is change the peaceful place. I just have to believe that being hated makes me at peace. If I can do that, even when she tells me to die, I will alllllways be at peace! I've heard that there will be clear weather after a typhoon, but I don't think they were talking about families.
The more Mommy hates me, the better it makes me feel. Now I can stay by Mommy's side forever! At peace!
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Oh... those were the things me and mommy wrote...
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Yeah and reading this it seems your mom didn't want you but I notice she say 'I yearn for the day he stops being healthy and stops growing and just disappears.' from the sounds of it.
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It sounds like your mother didn't feed you or take care of you, is... is that true...?
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No, mommy never did...
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Mommy's name is 'Ui Kemuri', she... she often came home, slept most of the time or didn't get me any food; she never wanted me or just ignore me...
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She ignore you? But why? In fact why did she force you wear that mask?
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I'm...I'm not sure why she force me to wear it, I only remember she put it on when I was young, she... she just say that my face was too unbearable to look at...
Date: February 29th, 2008
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*As then Jataro's mom put a mask on him* There we go, that should fit you...
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Huh? What's this mask mommy, why am I wearing it...?
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It's... something you need to wear so I can tolerate you, that's all... considering it your birthday gift.
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But it feels weird, I don't like this mask...
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I-It's re-really itchy, I wanna take it off! I want to take it off! I don't like this mask mommy!
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*As then Jataro got smacked by his mom* ...?!
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Do-Do-Do-Don't take that off! I swear to god, don't take off that damn thing! I...I don't want to see your face and unless you want to get hurt, keep that damn thing on or so help me!
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S-So-Sorry mommy...I won't take it off...I won't...! Ju-just don't hit me again!
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*sigh* Then keep it on, that's all I ask...
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I'm going to go to work right now, if your hungry get whatever... see ya... *walks out and closes the door*
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Okay mommy...
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One of the WoH is named Jataro Kemuri, Ui’s son. And he happens to be Kota Hashimoto’s kid, too.
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Wait... you mean Jataro was the child of Ui and Kota? Are you sure...?
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Well as say, we are looking into it and I decided to talk with you about this and figure you want to help with this investigation especially as Kota has a shelter with a bunch of girls in it.
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And if what Kota did to Ui is true then that means he could do to who knows what to those other girls!
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So I was wondering if you want to help with this or not?
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Hmm... this seems important and if Kota did really hurt Ui, then as her former teacher I think I'll need to step in as well...
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Very well, count me in - I'll come tomorrow to pick you all up and we can investigate the home; see what we can learn from this.
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Nice, happy to see you aboard Mrs. Yonaga!
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Nyahahaa, think nothing of it sweetie! If I need to do some smacking around then I'd be on board no problem! Nothing like taking down a cult with a sick bastard!
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We won’t let that happen. None of us will forget what happened with Ui, and we don’t want what happened to her to happen to you
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...As far as I know, he's still out there. He disappeared afterward.
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If I can ask, did you ever go to the police about this...?
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I...w-well, I've consider it many times, it's just...
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Last year, I almost worked up the courage to do so. It's just....I was scared to, given that Kasugano had arrested Kemuri Ui and everything, I was worried I would end up in the same case...
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...He made a terrible mistake. He never should've done that, and I...I think it was because he was just starting out. Even so, that's no excuse for what happened there.
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He probably thought what he was doing was right, and didn't realize there was more to this than he initially realized...and now it's caused all this.
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But if he could, I'm sure he'd apologize for ever putting her through that. And I'm sure he'd never have done anything to trouble you, especially now.
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...Yes. I suppose he would, wouldn't he?
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Besides, you don't need him. He's probably caused enough trouble as it is.
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There's someone here who's better suited to finding that guy and finally bringing him to justice. All she needs is a name.
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Monaca’s beyond redemption.
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Oooh, yes yes! Monaca gets to be seen as a unredeemable scumbag, perfect!
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So you knew who Jataro's dad was? Then why didn't you target him...?
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Well as say, we all convince Jataro to target the person that cause him this much pain and made him want to kill himself; his mom who force him to wear a mask, didn't feed him and even wanted him dead so it was obvious...
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Plus as say, Ui Kemuri couldn't do much given how much the school he was working at was willing to protect him and care more about the teachers then their students.
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Wait so are you saying the school protected him, but why?
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Well again, you can trace that back to Hope's Peak Academy for this one; you see, being a teacher at Hope's Peak gets you lots of money and pays really well and it's really hard to fire one then to hire one.
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So other school took notes from Hope's Peak of how to be a teacher and of course given how filial piety works; that means you must listen to your teacher and superiors no matter what, it's how things are run.
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In fact, a thing that is taught is that as soon as children start school, they better start thinking what talent they want to have as early as 3 to 5 years old. Like for example, Toko Fukawa was recommended to write as soon as the boy she wrote to was going to move, right?
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So isn't it odd that your teacher choose to encourage her to write then to comfort her when that boy hurt her feelings, rather strange if you ask Monaca...
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Hibari was fucking sixteen when she gave birth.
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Sh-Shut up, if they have my journal then that means...I need to stop this!
*Kota got out of bed and rush outside and headed straight over to his office*
*In the closet; Kotoko along with Mio and Jataro were waiting*
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Man, I bet that asshole has woken up and hear all that gross detail, good thing I'm here to watch it all for myself.
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Now we are getting to his final victim, are you 2 ready?
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*has the documents* Of course I do, got everything all set to present everything.
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But Jataro, are you ready?
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Ye-Yeah... I think so, a bit annoying I gotta wear this...
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But I know that if I want to expose him, I gotta do this.
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Well alright but be ready...
*Outside the office, Hitaru speaks up...*
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As you can see, Kota Hashimoto has hurt a lot of women and didn't care who he did, as long as he gets what he wants.
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That's how he views all of you at this shelter, your nothing but sexual outlets and he'll toss you aside like the garbage you are just to get what he wants...
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But there's one more victim that he took and frankly, he was the reason you all ended up in this...
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*pulls out the image* Here, the 3rd victim and the reason that he stop having children - Ui Kemuri!
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Of all the victims, Ui had it the worse of the 3 and barely got any help at all; even his views of her were beyond disgusting...
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And for that, it's time reveal how truly disgusting he is; Fiona...
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*opens the journal* Very well...
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How are the WoH? Especially Kotoko.
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*At the apartment where the Warriors of Hope were at; Sunako had prepare a presentation*
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SUNAKO: So this here is Jataro's suppose father - Kota Hashimoto, He's an art teacher at the school that Ui Kemuri had attended back in 2004 which also Mio Yonaga, the head of the educational Division was a teacher too, he's currently about 37 years old and single or... it was believe as it was discover he is the sperm donor of Jataro Kemuri.
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Whoooa, so that's my daddy...? He looks a lot like me...
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Yeah, nearly the spitting image of you, it like looking in the mirror...
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Yeah and now I'm starting to see why your mom force you to wear that mask Jataro.
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If the kid resemble their women's rapist very heavily, you be traumatized beyond believe, I can't say I blame her.
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And... we misdirected our anger towards her and Jataro killed his mom because we assume things about her. Why... why did we do that?
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Well it's in the past, what happen was unfortunate and while I can't say it was justified for what she did to Jataro, she should of put him up for adoption instead of putting that mask on him; I can at least understand it.
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Just for the record, we are going to help with this; if that man is still out there, he could be hurting others, we can't allow it.
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Had a feeling as much, so I guess Jataro is going to help us?
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Yeah, I...I think so, this man hurt mommy and I feel I need to redeem myself...
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So count me in, I want to help with this one if that's okay?
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Jataro... are you really sure, I mean given what this man would do if he finds out, he might-.
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Oh don't worry, I know he might try to kill me; I'll be careful.
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But if I don't do anything then I would regret it so I wanna help save those girls and help all of them and maybe mommy can finally rest in peace once he's taken care of.
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At least you realize that now but there's something else we need to discuss with you or well, 2 things actually...
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Huh? There's more...
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Yes and I think we need to talk about this regarding what we learn and regarding some... personal matters that I'm concern about and I feel I need to inform you.
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More rape children like Jataro? So he wasn’t even the first? I have no idea how he’s gonna react to this, that he has siblings but not for the right reasons.
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Well yes, or more like 2 of them, a boy and a girl; the boy was born in May 30th, 1996 and the girl was born on December 31st, 2002.
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2 kids...? He had 2 of them?!
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Do you have any information about either of them?
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Well sadly I couldn't find much on the boy; all that's known is his mother's surname is Shibata - meaning the boy was likely place in an orphanage.
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But we got information on the girl; her name was Tsuru Demizu, she was mostly raise by her aunt and uncle and it seems that Tsuru thought those were her actual parents.
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Well I suppose some people aren't ready to be parents...
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Sounds like he got around a lot, had a feeling something wasn't right with him.
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Indeed but here's the sickening part; Kota was 16 when he impregnated and had Tsuru when he was 19 - all of them were likely rape cases.
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And want to know what else? After the situation with Jataro, he got a vasectomy done on himself in 2004 as well.
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Vasectomy? What is that...?
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It's a surgery perform on a male patient which is like birth control that cuts the supply of sperm. It's done by cutting and sealing the tubes that carry sperm; meaning he had to make sure he didn't have kids anymore were cover especially as Ui Kemuri was getting a scholarship.
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So that bastard was trying to cover his tracks, why didn't anyone notice?!
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Ye-Yeah I mean the fact he was able to get away with all this at the age of 16 and is with 3 kids now, how... how was he able to get away with it all this?!
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I think I may have figure what happen, you see - Kota's parents were pretty wealthy, meaning that his parents likely protected him but since he was an adult, his parents couldn't protect him.
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But now we know about this, well... let's say I'm preparing Future Foundation for the attack and make sure this man gets what's coming, so you in?
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But how are we gonna do the channelling? Ui died content so her spirit most likely would have passed on so we have nothing to channel into Komaru.
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Your right, from the sounds of it - she seem pretty happy that she was going to die? How would we connect with her...?
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Maybe we have to say a certain word?
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...Maybe her spirit is still connected to this world? Like a last regret type of thing?
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Wait you think so?
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Maybe it could be it!
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Yeah I mean... given how much she seems to despise this Kota guy, I could imagine that while she is content she'll move on; she might not be happy knowing that he's still alive and not suffering any consequences for what he's done.
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Because if what he did what I think he did, then I would want to stick around until the bastard is gone.
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That could work, hey Jataro - can you tell us what your mom liked the most?
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Oh what she like? I... think it be her couch? She usually would fall asleep there when finish work or is tired before going to bed.
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Okay the couch, alright... that be easy.
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*Komaru walks around and lies down on the coach* Okay, I'm ready...
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Very well, Ui Kemuri... if you are still here; can you please speak with us and help us? We are trying to solve a case and about your connection with Kota Hashimoto - the man that hurt you and is likely Jataro's father.
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Ju-Just get it over with...
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I'm... sensing something, I think she is-.
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...?! *suddenly a spirit takes over Komaru and then...*
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Who...Who is there? I heard that bastards name, what do you neeeed?!
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O-Oh dear, she's angry!
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Jataro... seems that son of mine is here too and his mask is gone... I guess he remove it, well at least I don't need to see his face anymore and I sense others are here too.
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Yes, sorry for disrupting your sleeping - Ui, we are here to investigate and need some help with a few things, if you can help us that be great.
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Help? Ah... I guess your here for what happen to me, correct? Very well, I'll tell you all I know...
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I think she seems a lot more willing to help which I guess that makes sense...
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Yeah and not as angry either unlike Mr. Daimon, thankfully.
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Take a seat Komaru! (Starts chanting and doing a ritualistic dance) OOOOH! I call to the afterlife to speak to Ui Kemuri! Please unleash her soul! OOOOH!
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I don't think it works like that, I just need to find something that they strongly connect to...
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