#Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
laivinduroriginal · 9 months
Amfiteatrul din Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, „restaurat” cu tribune metalice
Lucrările de restaurare care cuprind Amfiteatrul din Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa se apropie de final, dar proiectul are șanse minime de a fi realizat în termenul prevăzut, decembrie 2023. Monumentul antic este dotat în aceste zile cu tribune metalice. Turiștii care vizitează Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, rămășițele primului oraș antic înființat de romani pe teritoriul Daciei, aflate în județul…
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secretsofthegods · 6 months
Dacia preisterică 8. Habarnamus papam
CASA FIICELOR LUI MAGENTA-ÎMPĂRAT – NOAPTE Ileana Cosânzeana, Iana Sânziana și Geta-Daca dau o petrecere la care participă lumea bună a cetății Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa. Și Păcală, care a furat o invitație pentru a i se permite accesul. Ileana nu se simte prea bine, așa că s-a culcat odată cu găinile. Iana și Geta, împreună cu invitații, petrec în sufragerie. Centurionul cântă la țambal iar…
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patfurstenberg · 1 year
Bare Bones, Exploring the Rare and Old Densuş Church
Looking at bare bones, exploring rare & ancient Densuş Church where Roman columns mix with Dacian beliefs, tombstones, and Romanesque influences. Myth & legend!#Im4Ro
I love to discover the bare bones of an old church and the rare and ancient Densuş Church is a treat! The enigmatic Densuş Church is located at a short distance from Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, once the heartbeat of the sprawling Roman Empire in Dacia. Its eons-old presence calls like a closely kept secret, attracting the interest of historians worldwide… Because within its revered walls is a…
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blogpirat · 1 year
About România - Rumänien als ultimativer Tipp für den Urlaub
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Rumänien ist ein Land, das viele Reisende oft übersehen. Doch das Land hat so viel zu bieten, von den malerischen Bergdörfern bis hin zu den faszinierenden Burgen und Schlössern. Hier sind einige Gründe, warum Rumänien definitiv ein Urlaubsort sein sollte.
Rumänien hat eine faszinierende Geschichte und Kultur
Rumänien hat eine reiche Geschichte, die sich in der Architektur, den Traditionen und den Bräuchen des Landes widerspiegelt. Die rumänische Kultur ist eine einzigartige Mischung aus römischen, slawischen, deutschen und ungarischen Einflüssen. Das Land hat viele wunderschöne Burgen und Schlösser, die auf verschiedene Epochen zurückgehen, darunter das berühmte Schloss Bran (hier noch ein schöner Artikel dazu), auch bekannt als Draculaschloss, sowie das beeindruckende Schloss Peleș in Sinaia.
Einzigartige Natur
Rumänien hat auch eine einzigartige Natur. Das Land hat eine malerische Landschaft mit malerischen Bergdörfern und unberührten Wäldern. Der Nationalpark Retezat bietet zahlreiche Wanderwege, die zu atemberaubenden Berggipfeln und Bergseen führen. Auch die Donau Delta, das größte Flussdelta Europas, ist ein beliebtes Reiseziel für Vogelbeobachtungen und Bootsfahrten. eine Wanderung zum Pietrele Doamnei (s.u.) lohnt ebenfalls.
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Pietrele Doamnei in Rumänien
Kulinarische Köstlichkeiten
Die rumänische Küche ist ein Schmelztiegel der verschiedenen Kulturen und Traditionen. Die Gerichte sind oft deftig und reichhaltig und basieren auf Fleisch, Fisch, Gemüse und Teigwaren. Eine der bekanntesten rumänischen Spezialitäten ist Sarmale, gefüllte Kohlblätter mit Fleisch und Reis, die oft mit saurer Sahne serviert werden. Eine weitere beliebte Delikatesse sind Mici, kleine, gegrillte Würste aus Lamm- oder Rindfleisch, die oft mit Senf und Brot serviert werden.
Bezahlbarer Urlaub in Rumänien
Rumänien ist auch ein erschwingliches Reiseziel. Die Kosten für Unterkunft, Essen und Transport sind im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Ländern oft niedriger. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten, von einfachen und günstigen Pensionen bis hin zu luxuriösen Hotels. Auch die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel sind günstig und bieten eine einfache Möglichkeit, das Land zu erkunden.
Vielfältige Aktivitäten
Es gibt viele Aktivitäten, die man in Rumänien unternehmen kann. Neben Wandern und Vogelbeobachtungen im Nationalpark Retezat oder im Donaudelta kann man auch in den rumänischen Karpaten Ski fahren oder Snowboarden. Im Sommer kann man in den Bergen auch Mountainbiken oder Paragliding ausprobieren. Für Kulturliebhaber gibt es viele Museen und historische Stätten zu besichtigen, darunter das beeindruckende Kloster Putna oder das antike römische Amphitheater in Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa.
Rumänien ist ein Land, das oft übersehen wird doch es hat so viel zu bieten und ist definitiv einen Besuch wert. Entdecke die faszinierende Geschichte, die einzigartige Natur, die köstlichen kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten und die vielfältigen Aktivitäten, die Rumänien zu bieten hat. Lass dich von diesem charmanten Land begeistern und erlebe einen unvergesslichen Urlaub. Read the full article
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knowledgeistreasure · 5 years
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Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, Romania.
The city was founded and became a capital almost 2,000 years ago, shortly after the Roman Empire conquered Dacia after two decisive wars (101-102 AD and 105-106 AD). The city was named in the memory of the victorious emperor, Traian, but also after the Dacian capital, Sarmizegetusa Regia, located only 40 km away...
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Special 300 followers post: places to visit while in Romania (5/5)
Part 4
33. Praid Salt Mine
Salina Praid or the Praid Salt Mine is a large salt mine located in central Romania.
Praid represents one of the largest salt reserves in Romania having estimated reserves of 50 billion tonnes of NaCl. People visit the salt mine either for therapy or tourism. Speleotherapy and climatotherapy are based on the inhaling of the mine air, which could be beneficial for respiratory problems. Besides the health benefits, the beauty of the mine attracts tourists all over Europe. Equipped with hundreds of wooden tables and couches, a buffet, many playgrounds for children, a small wooden church, pool tables and even an internet-cafe, the underground chambers see up to 3 thousand visitors per day at the peak of the season.
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34. Turda Salt Mine
Salina Turda or the Turda Salt Mine is a salt mine in northwest Romania.
Opened for tourists in 1992, the Turda Salt Mine was visited by about 618,000 Romanian and foreign tourists in 2017. The Turda Salt Mine was ranked in 2013 by Business Insider as among the "25 hidden gems around the world that are worth the trek". One of the main attractions is the Crivac Room; the octagonal room hosts a winch called "crivac" or "gepel", rudimentary machinery used to lift salt rocks on the surface. It dates from 1881. This machine replaced another, smaller in size, that was installed in 1864. It is the only machine of this kind in all salt mines in Romania and probably in Europe that keeps in its original location.
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35. Sarmizegetusa Regia
Sarmizegetusa Regia was the capital and the most important military, religious and political centre of the Dacians prior to the wars with the Roman Empire.
Towards the end of his reign, Burebista, the founder of the Dacian Kingdom, transferred the Geto-Dacian capital from Argedava to Sarmizegetusa. Serving as the Dacian capital for at least one and a half centuries, Sarmizegethusa reached its zenith under King Decebal. Archeological findings suggest that the Dacian god Zalmoxis and his chief priest had an important role in Dacian society at this time. They have also shed new light on the political, economic and scientific development of the Dacians and their successful assimilation of technical and scientific knowledge from the Greek and Romans. Sarmisegetusa's walls were partly dismantled at the end of First Dacian war in AD 102, when Dacia was invaded by the Emperor Trajan of the Roman Empire. The Dacians rebuilt them, but the Romans systematically destroyed them again in 106 and deported the inhabitants. With that said, if you visit this site, please be respectful, don't litter and do not bother archaeologists if you see them, because the ruins already dealt with some damage from a parking lot being built there without any authorization from archaeologists, endangering the ancient walls. Also, keep in mind that with the resurgence of Pagan beliefs across Europe, this site may be as sacred to Pagans who believe in Zalmoxis as would be Greek temples to Hellenistic Pagans.
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36. Sighișoara
Sighișoara is a city located in the historic region of Transylvania, Romania.
It is a popular tourist destination for its well-preserved walled old town, which is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Sighișoara is considered to be the most beautiful and well-preserved inhabited citadel in Europe, with authentic medieval architecture. In Eastern Europe, Sighișoara is one of the few fortified towns that are still inhabited. The town is made up of two parts. The medieval stronghold was built on top of a hill and is known as the "Citadel". The lower town lies in the valley of Târnava Mare river. The houses inside Sighișoara Citadel show the main features of a craftsmen's town. However, there are some houses that belonged to the former patriciate, like the Venetian House and the House with Antlers. In 2001-2003 the construction of a Dracula theme park in the 'Breite' nature preserve near Sighișoara was considered but ultimately rejected, owing to the strong opposition of local civil society groups and national and international media as well as politically influential persons, as the theme park would have detracted from the medieval style of the city and would have destroyed the nature preserve.
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37. Târgoviște
Târgoviște is one of the most important cities in the history of Wallachia, it was its capital between the early 15th century and the 16th century.
Throughout the period it was the capital of Wallachia, the Princely Court in Târgoviște (Curtea Domnească din Târgoviște) had been constantly refurbished and extended. The compound was surrounded by stone walls and a moat and a new church and a tower had been built. Vlad III Dracula ("the Impaler") later added the Chindia Tower, now a symbol of the city. Starting with 1465, for the next two centuries, the rulers alternated the capital between Târgoviște and Bucharest, often on political reasons, as the former was preferred by the rulers who were more friendly toward Transylvania and the King of Hungary. Throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, Târgoviște was a major trade hub, especially with Poland, Brașov and Sibiu. Târgoviște was the site of the trial and execution of Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife Elena on 25 December 1989 during the Romanian Revolution.
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38. Transalpina
Transalpina or DN67C is a road located in the Parâng Mountains group, in the Southern Carpathians of Romania, is one of the highest roads of the Carpathian Mountains, connecting Novaci, south of Parâng Mountains, to Sebeş in the north.
The road was built under King Carol II over an old Roman road and consolidated during World War II by German troops. The road has its highest point at the Urdele Pass, where the elevation is 2,145m above sea level. Given the high altitude, the road is closed during the cold months of the year. Works began in 2007 in order to transform this spectacular road into a modern highway (148 km), allowing a rapid transit between Oltenia and Transylvania. Rânca, a newly developed resort, is located towards the south end of the Transalpina road.
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39. Transfăgărășan
Transfăgărășan or DN7C is a paved mountain road crossing the southern section of the Carpathian Mountains of Romania.
It starts near the village of Bascov, near Pitești, and stretches 90 kilometres (56 mi) to the crossroad between DN1 and Sibiu, between the highest peaks in the country, Moldoveanu and Negoiu. The road, built in the early 1970s as a strategic military route, connects the historic regions of Transylvania and Wallachia. The road climbs to an altitude of 2,042 metres (6,699 ft), making it the second highest mountain pass in Romania after the Transalpina. It is a winding road, dotted with steep hairpin turns, long S-curves, and sharp descents. It is both an attraction and a challenge for hikers, cyclists, drivers and motorcycle enthusiasts. Due to the topography, the average speed is around 40 km/h (25 mph). The road also provides access to Bâlea Lake and Bâlea Waterfall. Transfăgărășan was featured in a segment of the British TV show Top Gear, in the first episode of Series 14 (November 2009). Host Jeremy Clarkson proclaimed that the Transfăgărășan was "the best road in the world," a title the presenters had previously given to the Stelvio Pass in Italy.
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40. Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa was the capital and the largest city of Roman Dacia, named after the former Dacian capital, located some 40 km away.
Built on the ground of a camp of the Fifth Macedonian Legion, the city was settled by veterans of the Dacian wars. From the very beginning it received the title of colonia and the status of ius Italicum. With an area of 30 hectares (74 acres), a population between 20,000 and 25,000, and strong fortifications, Ulpia Traiana was the political, administrative and religious centre of Roman Dacia in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. The city was destroyed by the Goths. Today Ulpia Traiana remains in ruins, with a partly preserved forum, an amphitheatre, and remnants of several temples.
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And with that, this special series of posts is complete. I am sorry for taking this long to post this, but I had to think hard what to include and not to include, and, of course, to gather all the information and photos. I hope you liked it, and don’t forget, Romania has much more to offer and show than what I showed here. If you ever visit, I hope you’ll like it here and have fun! Otherwise, see you Sunday for a regular post!
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rudyroth79 · 6 years
”Biserica de piatră de la Densuș, unică în țara noastră” de Daniela Șontică
”Biserica de piatră de la Densuș, unică în țara noastră” de Daniela Șontică
”Fără pereche în toată românimea”, spunea Nicolae Iorga că este biserica veche din Densuș, județul Hunedoara.
În secolul al XIII-lea s-a ridicat în localitatea Densuș, la câțiva kilometri de Hațeg, o biserică de piatră cu hramul Sfântul Nicolae. Acest locaș monument istoric uimește și astăzi prin vechimea sa, prin proporțiile arhitecturale și prin pictura interioară. Cu atât mai mult ne…
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edufinonline · 5 years
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Proiecte europene de peste 10 milioane de euro în judeţul Hunedoara, pentru restaurarea amfiteatrului Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa şi Incintei I – Dealul Cetăţii Deva. FOTO Sursa: Financiarul.ro. Autorităţile din judeţul Hunedoara au semnat proiecte cu finanţare europeană în valoare de zece milioane de euro, pentru restaurarea amfiteatrului Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa şi Incintei I – Dealul Cetăţii Deva, dar şi pentru amenajarea unei grădini urbane, precum
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travelwithdrone · 6 years
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Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa #Romania #travelwithdrone Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa - aerials DN68, Sarmizegetusa, Hunedoara County, Romania împaratului Hadrian orasul primeste si numele de Sarmizegetusa, purtat de capitala Regatului Dac al lui Decebal, situata la 40 de km E de noua ctitorie, iar din 222, pâna la 235 va purta si epitetul de metropolis.
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saabvoyage · 6 years
SaabVoyage: Romania Summer Expedition 2018
Will we meet the Romans in Romania(*)? Ne vom întâlni romanii în România? Numquid sunt in Romania Romani?
We’re sure you are curious what we want to see in Romania and what is our plan day by day. So here we go. We hope it will be a good inspiration for you and maybe you will visit Romania too.
Every day we visited a lot and drive a little (besides transit days). For each day we mention only the most important attractions, we plan to see a lot more. Every day we added real photos of the visited places. You should check this note every day then.
Day -1
From home to the wooden house in the middle of nowhere, nearby the Slovakian border.
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House in the middle of nowhere
Day 0
From Poland thru Slovakia and Hungary with closed eyes (yes, we know there's a lot of interesting places) to Romania. Oradea: citadel and… Starbucks. Maybe you already know, we are Starbuck’s mugs collectors.
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Mission accomplished
Day 1
From Sinmartin to Hunedoara
Devi Citadel, Corvin Castle. Is Vlad at home? We want to meet him!
That is all the plan for this day.
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Devi Citadel - admissions: 20RON adult, 10RON kid. Cash only. 45 minutes is enough.
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Must see.
Castle from a fairy tale. Admissions: 30RON adult, 5RON kid. You probably will spend here 2 hours. You should try a nougat from a wooden booth at the front of the castle.
Day 2
From Hunedoara to Sebes
Two very interesting places:
Sarmizegetusa Regia (capital of ancient Dacia) and Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa (capital built by Roman emperor
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Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
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Who knows Latin?
Admissions - adults: 14 RON, kids 4 RON, as usual, cash only. You need at least 2 hours to see everything. Small but interesting museum on the opposite side of the road. Good ciorba de burta at the front of the entrance. No ancients Romans found - probably because of the rain. Who would like to wear wet tunic? ;)
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Sarmizegetusa Regia
Admissions - adult 14RON, kid 5RON. 1 hour is enough. 2km walking from the parking to the entrance.
Day 3
From Sebes to Novaci
Transalpina makes us think about narrow Norwegian roads like the Trollvegen. Expect lots of beautiful photos and videos.
One photo as an example. We will upload later on. One short notice: take care of your brakes. Ours were really tired.
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Transalpina <3
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If help is needed.
Day 4
From Novaci to Bucharest, by Drobeta-Turnau
Ruins of Traian Bridge (bridge built in 105AC by Roman emperor Traian in order to pass Danube river and conquer Dacia. Destroyed by the next emperor - Hadrian).
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Traian’s bridge.
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Admissions (internal and external part of the exhibition) adult 12RON, kid 6RON. Do not expect any single word of explanation or description in English. You should be prepared to visiting by yourself. Sad but true.
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A modern model of the fragment of the bridge
**Day 5 **
The key place to be visited was the Romanian Parliament. If you want to see it, you should book a trip one day before (+40 (733) 558 102). When buying a ticket in the ticket office, you must show your ID. Prices: adult 40RON, kid 10RON. The trip takes 75 minutes. This is a Must See in Bucharest.
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We also have seen:
Stavropoleos Church (https://goo.gl/maps/Y97KozXCmb72)
Patriarchal Cathedral (https://goo.gl/maps/ZRGvtQA7zxB2)
Biserica Sfantul Anton (https://goo.gl/maps/NDbGE7bVe8F2)
Curtea Veche (https://goo.gl/maps/B7B1rUP39f42)
Caragealiana Sculpture - unusual sculpture presenting characters from Ion Luca Caragiale's works (https://goo.gl/maps/UjPZSXG1Nfy$)
Lupa capitolina monument - a gift from Italy on the occasion of the 1800  anniversary of the colonization of Dacia by the Romans in 106 (https://goo.gl/maps/FR7vpAASFxQ2)
We would like to recommend a very tasty Romanian lunch at Hanul lui Manuc. Especially mamalyga with cream and cheese.
Here you can see our route from all day:
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And some photos:
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We extended the Bucharest tour to Friday.
We have seen
House of     Free Press - we can see the similarity to the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.
Arcul de Triumf - hmmmm. Have we seen something similar somewhere else? :)
And the most interesting place: Țiriac Collection. Take a look at the picture. You will understand why we wanted to stay there forever.
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We would like to see more in Bucharest, but we need to continue our trip. We already know we need to go back here.
Day 6
From Bucharest to Constanta
Finally the Black Sea. And of course Constanta and it's an excellent archaeological museum. You should also visit the separate building with Roman mosaics.
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Admissions (museum+mosaics): 25EUR adults, 6.25EUR kids.
Day 7
From Constanta to Tulcea
This day begins with our daughters birthday on Mamaia beach. Next, we will drive towards the Danube Delta. We already have seen the Danube in Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest, so it’s worth to see it's final end.
In the meantime, we’d like to see Cetatea Histria, ruins of ancient Greek colony and Cetatea Enisala - a medieval fortress.
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Cetatea Histria
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Cetatea Histria
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Cetatea Histria
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Cetatea Enisala
Day 8
From Tulcea to Sinaia
Suprise! Bit of Iceland! Mud volcanos Vulcanii Noroisi. We didn't expect that it will be so beautiful! Take a look at this video:
Day 9
From Sinaia to Brasov
Yesterday we have been to Iceland, so today we are in the Swiss Alps.
We will visit two beautiful castles in alpine style, one of them was the summer residence of the Romanian king Carol the 1st
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Next, we went to Bran Castle. Is it interesting? Sure. Is it beautiful? Yes, it is. Did we enjoy it? Not exactly. If you like crowded places, where every moment someone pokes you and trod on your feet - this is the place for you.
Interesting fact: construction of this castle started in 1212, by Teutonic Knights.
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Looking at the castle from the outside, we expected a much more interesting interior. It's better to save 100RON (ticket for 2 adults and 2 children) and go for a coffee and cake for a cafe at the foot of the castle.
Day 10
From Brasov to Curtea de Arges
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A beautiful city, worth recommending. If you have time, it is worth spending some nice moments here, enjoying the peace and aesthetics of the old part of the city.
MUST SEE: Râsnov Citadel. Do not even try to skip this place. You will regret until you come back.
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Admissions: 12RON adult, 6RON kid. The same price for a cable car on the hill. Cash only as usual.
Day 11
From Curtea de Arges to Sibiu
Something special for our car: Transfăgărășan. Second Norwegian-like narrow road.
Like in the mountains, the weather was very changeable. Sun, rain, sun, rain, sun in the rain. At the very top, it was very nice, on the other side of the tunnel - rain and fog. As in the mountains.
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This road is much more popular than Transalpina. There is a lot of traffic. Expect many cars in scenic locations.
Day 12
From Sibiu to Baia Mare thru Cluj-Napoca and Zalau
Sibiu - beautiful historic city surrounded by a defensive wall with towers.
A city in which the houses are staring at people.
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Have you ever walked on a real Roman road that is over 2,000 years old? from the commander's house to the gate in the defensive wall.
Very interesting place outside the main routes, ridiculously cheap tickets (about 16RON for 2 adults and 2 children). Unfortunately, it was forbidden to fly a drone, we do not know actually why.
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Day 13
From Baia Mare to Atea
A uniquely beautiful and colourful cemetery in Săpânța
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Admission: 5RON - adult. Kids for free.
Something characteristic of the Maramures region: a wooden church with a high tower.
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Day 14
From Atea to Muszyna
In Satu Mare, there is the Dacia Museum. It's not so easy to get to him. to get to him, you need to find someone who has a key and opens the door. Inside you will find interesting cars as well as photographs and exhibits from ancient Romanian times.
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The last Romanian melon, the last Hungarian langos, the last bottle of wine in Tokaj and we are in Poland.
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Rakoczi Pince
Day 15
From Muszyna to Warsaw
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secretsofthegods · 2 years
Dacia preisterică 6. Deus sex machina
O CASĂ DIN ULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSA – NOAPTE Un văcar încearcă să adoarmă aprofundând teorema lui Pitagora. Își aude vitele mugind și iese rapid în curte. Observă deasupra grajdului un O.Z.N. cu formă discoidală, din care ��âșnește o rază tractoare care îi fură o vită prin acoperiș. VĂCARUL (strigând) Bă, lasă vaca! Pune-o jos și îndepărtează-te ușor de cireadă! Cu mâinile sus! O.Z.N.-ul îl…
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mosholina-blog · 7 years
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#Paranormal #Bucegi #TheSun #PyramidMiracle #muntii-#bucegi#paranormal #Copyright #© #legends #transylvania #gost #mysticmountain #fatamorgana #naturaldimension #naturaldimensions #portals #gravityanomaly #gravitymountain #Bucegitunnel #mountainstunnel #Romania #TheMysteries - #Page #Two #Background #Information on the #History of the #Region #Dacians - [#Incomplete]#Sargesia - #Notes #Sucidava - #Note #Mount #Kogaionon #Paleo #Balkan #Mythology #Zalmoxis The #BermudaTriangle of #Oltenia and other unsolved #mysteries.... #ROMANIAMYSTERY #BermudaTriangle of #🇷🇴 - #HoiaBaciu #forestmystery #HoiaBaciuForest, #romaniatunnel #sometimes #called the "#BermudaTriangleofRomania #Secretcorridors? #Earth is alive in the #Capital #Bucharest #RomaniaDepartmen#Zero Mt #Olympus of the #Hyperboreans #MysteriousEnergy in #BucegiMountains - A collection of #stories #Significant Find in #Stone at Colt, #Buzau #county, #romaniasecrets #shambalei #nasa #yogaesoterico #yogaesoterica #esotericyoga #yogamountain #yogaintransylvania #yogainbucegi #labyrinth #ufo #energymountain #yoga2018 #Dacians - #Wikipedia #Decebalus #List of #Dacian #towns #photomystery #Gallery #Sarmizegetusa #Regia #PhotoGallery #TheDacianFortress #Romanian #Stonehenge - #Sarmizegetusa #thevampirediaries #DacianFortresses #OrastieMountains #TheDacians - #mysterytour #pictures #fortresses#Orastie #mountainstransilvania #Thracians, the #oldestpeople #Balkans #TrajanDacian #Wars - #Wikipedia #UlpiaTraianaSarmizegetusa - #Wikipediano #Ulpia #Traiana #Sarmizegetusa - #Romaniansite #Wikimedia #Commons #Dacian #Dacians (presso Bucegi Mountains)
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QSL iulie/July 2017 – Cetatea Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa / Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa Stronghold from Radio Romania International on Vimeo.
autor/author: Camelia Popa, foto/photos: Eugen Cojocariu, muzica/music: bensound.com
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archaicwonder · 11 years
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Amphitheater at Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa was the capital and the largest city of Roman Dacia, named after the former Dacian capital, located some 24 miles away. Built on the grounds of a camp of the Fifth Macedonian Legion, the city was settled by veterans of the Dacian wars. With an area of 74 acres, a population between 20,000 and 25,000, and strong fortifications, Ulpia Traiana was the political, administrative and religious centre of Roman Dacia in the 2nd and 3rd centuries.
The ruins of the city are located 8 km from Tapae, a pass between Banat and Transylvania (today known as the Iron Gates of Transylvania in Dacia, Romania.
by Ciprian Radu
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secretsofthegods · 2 years
Dacia preisterică 4. Quo babis, Domine?
Dacia preisterică 4. Quo babis, Domine?
O STRADĂ DIN ULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSA – ZI O bătrână face autostopul. Apare o căruță care oprește lângă ea. CĂRUȚAȘUL Mamaie, unde mergi? Ai pierdut dricul de 7 și bântui pe jos până la cimitir? BABA 1 Merg până la târg, maică, să văd care mai sunt prețurile. Că n-am bani decât să mă uit, la cât de mică îmi e pensia. Mă iei și pe mine câteva stații? Că sunt bolnavă cu toate… CĂRUȚAȘUL Hai,…
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