kabartangsel · 2 years
Densus 88 Amankan Seorang ASN, Diduga Terlibat Jaringan Teroris
Densus 88 Amankan Seorang ASN, Diduga Terlibat Jaringan Teroris
 Tim Detasemen Khusus (Densus) 88 Antiteror Mabes Polri telah mengamankan seorang Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) yang diduga terlibat jaringan teroris. Kapolres Sampang, Jawa Timur AKBP Arman membenarkan penangkapan ASN tersebut. “Ya benar,” ucap Arman kepada wartawan, di Jawa Timur, Minggu (19/10/2022) malam. ASN yang dibekuk berinisial S. ASN itu berprofesi sebagai guru di Sekolah Dasar Negeri…
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inkcoffinz · 2 months
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This was a quick doodle before I sleep
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yries · 6 months
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im back and i brought girl densus
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jamtland · 1 month
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Late summer nights
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aphpuffinchild · 1 year
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aw man you opened the wrong door at the world conference. get the hell out of there (textless special and nice for @jamtland ! love wins)
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ella-chan-or-evelynp · 4 months
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hap birth to den and swe from hetalia
these Nordic boys got problems
but I love them especially Denmark
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jamtlandsarkiv · 3 months
This is kind of DenSu related, I guess. What are your thoughts on the Scandinavian trio during the Kalmar Union? I have my own thoughts, but would love to hear yours.
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June 6th, 2024 was the 501st anniversary of Sweden leaving the Kalmar Union!
The Kalmar Union era was a fascinating and widely misunderstood period that strongly affected the region. I wrote a list of common misconceptions, a summary of the period plus a thought experiment about how it might have affected Mathias and Björn under the cut!
It really topples my chimney to see people use the Kalmar Union period to justify why DenSu would have an unhealthy relationship. Here is a quick summary of the most common misconceptions in the fandom about the union:
Sweden was forced into the union. No, the union was a voluntary agreement proposed by Denmark to combat a powerful union of German states that would threaten the Nordic states' dominance in the Baltic Sea region.
The union was a period of severe oppression for Swedes. No, the first 50 years of the union were peaceful and the union achieved its goal of creating a unified Nordic region. The conflicts began later in the union's lifespan as the Danish authorities attempted to centralize power under the Danish crown and attempted to introduce laws that the Swedes deemed unfavorable.
The Stockholm Bloodbath was a civilian massacre. No, it was a mass execution of politically influential anti-union aristocrats as punishment for coordinating armed rebellions against the Danish king.
I'll be honest: the way I write Mathias, Björn, their backgrounds and their roles in society, they would have no interactions with each other that were motivated by the union. The idea is that in my Nationverse, all immortals live as unassuming citizens. They could take on political roles, but they'll have to work hard to climb the ladder like anyone else, and they can't hold on to power forever (as they would have to "die"). Björn in particular lives in northern Sweden, very far away from the conflicts that arose as a consequence of the union.
The Kalmar Union was a mutual agreement proposed by Queen Margareta of Denmark and agreed upon by various leaders of Sweden. The union was established in 1397. The goal of the union was to combat the increasingly powerful Hansen union between the German states. The two member states agreed to collaborate economically, establish a common foreign policy and provide military support to each other. Danish King Erik was crowned as the king of the union.
Because Denmark was the most populous member of the union then and the union's leadership was overwhelmingly Danish, the Swedes grew increasingly dissatisfied at the union. They believed that its terms transferred power to Denmark and were unfairly disadvantageous to Sweden. The first protest of the union, the Engelbrekt Rebellion of 1434, was in response to a tax hike across the union to fund Denmark's war against German state Holstein. Swedes were already unhappy at being drafted into Denmark's faraway war, which came with the additional disadvantage that Sweden, as a member state in their union, wasn't able to export to an important trade partner. This pattern of events (Denmark doing something that didn't benefit Sweden, Swedes protesting against it) continued over the next century and built a strong anti-union political current.
The Stockholm Bloodbath was the tipping point of the anti-union movement. Swedes, thoroughly exhausted of the union by the 1500s, protested the crowning of Danish King Kristian II as the King of Sweden. Several influential aristocrats associated with the pro-independence Sture Party coordinated civilian rebellions against Kristian II, but were unsuccessful in overthrowing him. The Danish and Swedish authorities came to an agreement that Kristian II would be crowned King of Sweden, while the Sture Party associates would be granted amnesty. Kristian II invited these aristocrats to his coronation in Stockholm under the guise of a peaceful meeting, only to carry out his true plan to walk back on the agreement and execute them for treason. Unsurprisingly, this only strengthened the anti-union sentiment and Sweden, led by Gustav Vasa, exited the union in 1523. (The remainder of the Party also opposed Vasa and were executed by him several years later.)
Now you all know why I always roll my eyes at the notion that Björn would have been executed at the Stockholm Bloodbath. It explicitly suggests that he was a prominent political figure with anti-union sympathies who had a hand in orchestrating a rebellion against the King of the Kalmar Union. I really do not like writing these fictional characters as having significant influence in a universe that's about experiencing real history. The way I write the characters is that they live as regular citizens unnoticed by humans, while their interpersonal relations with other immortals are partially based on historical events. The character's home region factors strongly into their life story and relationships as well, which is why my Northern Swedish Björn has a much less violent rivalry with Mathias than a Southern Björn would.
The relationship between Mathias and Southern Björn during this period could be represented as them agreeing to work together against a common threat, but their differences eventually tore them apart and made them enemies. They wouldn't be enemies or have a one-sided relationship in the present day. Björn could possibly have participated in some of the many anti-union rebellions that were carried out by armed civilians, although it's unlikely that he would have come face-to-face with Mathias in combat unless Mathias was serving in the Danish Army. Denmark did not have independent civilian combatants.
Many other inhumane attacks against civilians occurred during this period that could justify a more hateful relation between these two, but I do not treat these characters as representatives of their states, leaders, governments, monarchies, authorities and so on. Their beliefs and life stories are a combination of the culture of the people they represent and their unique experiences. Their lives aren't reenactments of their authorities' every decision.
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losnordiquitos · 10 months
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sharing a smoke with the homie (GONE SEXUAL?)
[please click on the pic to look at full the resolution! why do you do this tumblr!!!]
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hws-lceland · 4 months
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Sweden . AndDenmark
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ifindus · 4 months
The Nordics have had a long and complicated love affair with each other, which is why things like SuFin SuNor DenNor work so well. But what about DenSu? Can that work?
Absolutely! I don't see why not that could be equally as possible as the other pairings you mention. Personally, I'll always think of the Scandinavian trio as brothers / more brotherly bonds, but if you enjoy them as romantic interests they all have potential for relationships.
Sweden and Denmark have been closely connected to each other throughout history and are geographically closer than Denmark and Norway. There has always been tension between them as the two major powers in Northern Europe during the middle ages, and they are the two contires in the world with the most battles fought betweeen them. They do give off a bit of France/England vibe in that department, but it's closer and more personal because their heritages are so similar and connected to each others'. There is obvious drama regarding the Kalmar union as well, and the mellowing out in more modern times with closer collaborations as very good friends.
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hiddenromania · 2 months
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The Densus Church
This unique church, also known as the Sfântul Nicolae Church, is a lesser-known historical site in Romania. Located in the village of Densus, it dates back to the 13th century and is one of the oldest churches in the country.
What makes this church particularly noteworthy is its architecture. It was built using stones from the ancient Roman castrum, Sarmizegetusa, and its design resembles that of a fortress, with a square tower and a polygonal apse.
Densus Church is a hidden gem that offers a glimpse into Romania's rich history and cultural heritage.
Photo credit: Chiorean Vasile
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digital999placebo · 1 year
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happy summers holiday or something lets get drunk n kiss
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inkcoffinz · 2 months
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Quick shitpost
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yries · 6 months
densuuuu they kiss
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very true anon
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darcymariaphoster · 2 months
densu and a prompt maybe .. .cooking or baking together...? :3c ❤❤ heehee
It took me a sec to figure out the direction I wanted to go with this, but when I got it, I had a bit of fun with it. lol. The end is blah but I feel like I got away from the prompt a bit and I could very much have just kept rambling. 😅
Anyway, this ended up with a word count of 859. So. I hope you enjoy it and that it makes the prompt! I'm sorry it took me forever.
It’s two in the morning and Mathias can’t sleep. He’s been staring at the ceiling for the last hour, after tossing and turning for the previous three. He’s a little surprised that Björn hasn’t woken up because of it, really. Finally, he carefully extracts himself from the bed and quietly sneaks from the room. Closing the door gently behind him, Mathias heads down the hall and towards the kitchen. 
To be honest, this sort of thing has been a non-issue for him for quite some time. Sleepless nights come with his anxiety, which hasn’t been a problem for him for several months now; Björn’s presence has helped him greatly and he can never show him enough gratitude. But this week has been a sort of hellish week. It’s been one issue after another, and work has been busier than usual. His nerves are pretty frayed. He’s not all that surprised, mostly just frustrated. It’s always frustrating when his anxiety gets the better of him. 
As quietly as he can, Mathias turns on the light in the kitchen and starts pulling out bowls and measuring cups and spoons before heading for the pantry for the dry ingredients he needs for his favorite cookies. These particular cookies have been his lifeline over the years. Half the time he doesn’t even eat more than a few of them; he’s gifted them to friends and family and even coworkers instead. It’s just the act of making them, giving himself something to focus, that he’s found helps a lot. His mother had stuck him in the kitchen a lot when he was younger to help him with his anxiety. The idea of following a recipe, being focused on weighing out the ingredients, making sure that he’s timing everything right -- it all helped calm his thoughts because he has to adjust what he’s thinking about. For some reason, he’d really enjoyed making these dumb cookies, and they’d become his go-to recipe for his anxious bouts. He has the recipe memorized now.
Mathias settles into his little rhythm, measuring ingredients as quietly as he can manage. He doesn’t get far before Björn makes his appearance, watching him in the doorway for a moment before he asks, “Can I help?”
Snapping his head up in surprise, Mathias pauses and then offers a small and sheepish smile. “I woke you up, didn’t I? I’m sorry. I was trying to be quiet.”
Björn smiles softly at him before he goes to the fridge to collect the wet ingredients for the cookies. “You did, but not because you were noisy. I thought I told you that you can wake me when you’re having a hard time…” He sets the eggs down on the counter, catching one of Mathias’s hands. He’s gentle, patient, and kind. And Mathias is sometimes just in awe of him, and in awe of the idea that he’s chosen him of all people to spend his life with. 
“I know,” he sighs, glancing down at their hands. The other thing that grounds him. He feels a bit of the tension leave his chest and he flicks some flour playfully at Björn’s face, who wrinkles his nose and huffs in return. “This will go much faster if we have the mixer…?”
“On it,” Björn replies before dutifully going to get the mixer out and onto the counter. Once that’s in front of Mathias, he sets to getting the cookie sheets ready. When they’re baking for fun, which they do fairly often, they usually each pick something they want to bake and then set a rhythm of working around each other, setting timers for each other, turning off each other’s equipment before something over-whips -- it often feels like some sort of practiced dance. 
But nights like tonight aren’t necessarily for fun, and Björn is here to simply support Mathias. They still get a pretty good rhythm set in a short amount of time -- Mathias loading the cookie sheets that Björn pops into the oven, cleaning up the dishes and the ingredients, pulling out one sheet to start cooling and getting cookies into bags. And by the time the last of the cookies are finished, the kitchen is cleaned up and two glasses of milk have been poured. 
Björn pulls a barstool up to the island, picking up one of the cookies from the cooling rack. “Wanna talk about it?”
Mathias leans against the countertop, picking up one of his own cookies. “No, I want to enjoy the rest of this night with you, indulging in these cookies because I don’t know who to gift them to this week…” Björn laughs softly at that and mutters that he’s sure they can figure it out. “Thank you…”
“It never feels like a job, I promise,” Björn replies easily with a shrug. “I also want to make sure you know how much I love these cookies. I could eat all four dozen of these and never feel bad about it.” Mathias rolls his eyes, but he’s clearly pleased by the notion. “I love you.” 
“I love you,” Mathias replies, tapping his cookie against Björn’s nose and following it up with a kiss.
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aphpuffinchild · 1 year
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@pyrrhocorax as promised
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