#Ultimate Hardcore Multiple Choice
dear-future-ai · 2 years
This question is worth 2 points. Explain your reasoning in the tags for a chance at extra credit (⭐️)
Answer will be revealed tomorrow.
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hopeymchope · 16 days
Emio - The Smiling Man is a welcome return for FDC... but a disappointing one
As I mentioned once before, Famicom Detective Club is BACK. Not just the title, but also its central heroes: Assistant detectives Taro Ninten and Ayumi Tachibana have returned for a new first-person menu-driven adventure game with a new mystery.
This is a much bigger deal for Japanese fans, where this is the first new game in the series (and the first real new adventure for these characters) since 1997 — and that '97 game is pretty obscure/hard to come by (I'll get to that), so it's really the first full-fledged NEW release since 1989! But the rest of the world only had a fan translation of the second game's SNES remake since 2004, which meant it was really only experienced by hardcore adventure game enthusiasts. And we only got our first official release of the first two games in the form of the Switch remakes in 2021.
I liked those Switch remakes a lot. I especially liked how many detailed, fluid animations there were in nearly every setting, which really brought the adventures to life. For any newcomers, I still recommend both of those titles — and in fact, I think The Girl Who Stands Behind remains the best in the series even now. The Missing Heir is full of dated design roadblocks that will almost certainly send you rushing to find an online guide, but The GIrl Who Stands Behind is a pretty easy playthrough for anyone.
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Time has left the third game in the series behind, rendering it to obscurity. It truly is The Past that Disappeared in the Snow.
Though I should clarify that I only mean that The Girl Who Stands Behind is, IMO, the best out of the three games we English-only fans can experience. Because Emio - The Smiling Man is actually the fourth game in the series... and the third one is extremely obscure. That game was only released via Nintendo's Satellaview service in Japan, which let you use download games over dial-up Internet back in the '90s. That third game, titled The Past that Disappeared in the Snow, was the only one (until now!) where you played as Ayumi Tachibana. When her mom was accused of a murder, Ayumi had to uncover a decades-long family feud between her own family and another... and we don't know much more than that, because although the ROM file certainly is out there, nobody has ever bothered to translate this game into English.
But... I digress. It's time I stopped meandering around the central topic and started talking about the newest release: Emio.
In terms of gameplay, this one skews much closer to The Girl Who Stands Behind than The Missing Heir. There's one late-game moment where you're likely to be stymied about what to do or where to go next, because advancement requires some outside-the-box thinking. But otherwise, most players will be able to step through the narrative without too much trouble.
One cool touch that I alluded two a couple paragraphs earlier is that you will actually swap between Taro and Ayumi's perspectives in this one. I quite like that angle, though Taro pretty consistently gets the more interesting parts of the story. Perhaps that's because he still dominates 70% of the perspective.
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The game will grade your performance in each chapter at the very end of the story, so do your best on the reviews and other multiple-choice segments.
If you're just looking to have a new adventure with some compelling late reveals? Emio - The Smiling Man has you covered. The same general gameplay from The Girl Who Stands Behind is back, including the end-of-chapter reviews of information that will ultimately help determine your graded performance.
Unfortunately I also feel that, in some ways, this is the weakest of the stories we've been able to play in English. And I feel that way primarily for three reasons:
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Prepare to spend a lot of time at Planet Coffee, receiving very little information.
The sad truth is that, for much of this game, it feels like you're treading water. You barely ever seem to make advancements in the story until the last few chapters—instead, it's just piecemeal drip-feeding of tiny details that don't actually seem to move the needle. The Missing Heir was dropping new murders and mysteries left and right. In comparison, The Girl Who Stands Behind was more similar to how Emio is structured... but TGWSB had a creepy overlaying atmosphere and sense of dread that helped propel it along. For me at least, Emio is comparatively... well, it's kind of boring. Not much happens for most of the game. The last two main chapters and the Epilogue are all powerfully compelling, but up until that point, it feels more like you experience almost 10 chapters where you learn random facts that don't actually link to one another, and almost no one ever seems to be in any danger?
Worse is that sometimes, some things DO happen that the narrative just kind of... forgets about. One of the most compelling twists in the investigation is never explained in any way! At one point, we follow Ayumi as she follows a mysterious figure and then gets jumped by them... and then this is never discussed or addressed again! It's hard to believe a game with this many staff members involved could see this and shrug these dropped plot points off. Maybe they were all too scared to speak up to producer/writer Yoshio Sakamoto? But it's frustrating.
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Ayumi gets jumped early in Chapter 7. When we next see her, she never mentions that this happened, nor is this ever explained or referenced again for the entire game.
You know how I mentioned after playing the previous two games that I was shipping Ayumi and Taro? Well, this game kind of killed that for me. For some reason, this is the only game in the series where Ayumi is treated as this gorgeous, irresistable being that every boy she encounters (while playing as her) simps for. And our playable hero, Taro, is just such a simp, too! Maybe it just felt overwhelming to me because it's every boy (and a couple girls) that she runs into, while in reality she doesn't talk to that many characters. But for me, it felt exhausting and kind of gross to see a couple of the male characters bicker over who knows her better, get possessively jealous when they have no right to, and basically act like total toolbags whenever Ayumi is involved. Taro, for his part, has gone from "implied to maybe kinda like her" to "acting weirdly possessive and overtly pining for her whenever they interact." Which I don't care for. For Ayumi's sake, I'm glad she seems to be somehow blissfully ignorant of her hypnotic effect. :P At least their boss, Utsugi, seems like he's not gunning for her... ?
So yeah, these are the three things that I think held the game back from being as good a story as the first two for me personally. Yet that's not to say the game is bad, either — I'm still quite happy to be unraveling mysteries with the Utsugi Detective Agency. There are still lots of fluid character touches in the animated scenes, the art is consistently great, the soundtrack is good, and things REALLY get gripping by the end.
If you're wondering why this game has an "M" rating while the previous two had "T" ratings, that's entirely due to the game's epilogue. After you beat the main story, many plot threads remain dangling. And as I stated up above, some will sadly stay that way. But most of them are filled in by the epilogue, which walks you through the incredibly dark, tragic, and disturbing tale of the culprit. The epilogue is more like a 20-minute visual novel followed by a 30-minute anime, because you don't actually PLAY it much; you really just read and then watch it. You are warned beforehand that this tale will be "gruesome," and though it's still far less so than most horror-based video games, it's definitely QUITE gruesome by Nintendo standards. But it's one of the most gripping parts of the whole story, honestly.
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lunanoc · 1 day
hello. i see you enjoy dmbj. what adaptation (preferably available for free but if not that's okay) would you recommend i watch next? I've seen tsop (I'm the tsop rant guy you just reblogged lol) and i think some of explore with the note...? don't really remember much of it tho
hi! uhhh i'm probably the worst person to ask this about oh no fjskds but i'll try my best?
i say i'm the worst person to ask because generally speaking i'm more of a book person for dmbj, as in once i started reading the books some of the adaptations felt like they went from a little lukewarm if fun to this is committing multiple crimes by comparison so i always recommend the books over everything else, but i'm also in the minority in the english-speaking part of the fandom that tends to favor the adaptations so heads up for that. not that that should stop you from watching them if you want to!
which adaptation i'd recommend watching next i feel depends on what you're looking for and where you're coming at them from. reboot/the sound of providence is "good" if you're looking for something understandable as a stand alone thing for example, but it has other issues. in general i think the best approach to the dmbj dramas is exceptions (very rare) aside, it's best not to try and judge them as faithful adaptations, and as long as you don't do that some of them are enjoyable on their own
ultimate note is probably my favorite in terms of the dramas because for the most part it follows the books it's adapting, and even when it tweaks characterization or introduces characters earlier than in book canon, it never does it in jarring ways, and the pacing is also good. it also has gratuitous pingxie (and heihua) it has a special place for me djskds. this one is free on youtube that i know
sand sea (or tomb of the sea) is another good choice even if it's a little bit of an unconventional one. it does have some down sides like the pacing (that's a general issue with dmbj dramas to be fair), some subplots that drag and aren't always that interesting depending on who you ask, and the fact that like its book counterpart, wu xie isn't the main character so he gives center stage to someone else. it's interesting for the vibe alone and wu xie's very specific mindset at this point in canon, and it's understandable as a standalone thing, but it's also very much apart from the rest of dmbj as a whole. this one is also free on youtube
lost tomb 1 (not sure if this one is on youtube but tempted to say yes?) is only good if what you want is to start from the very beginning if you know nothing about the story, but besides that's it's kinda mid? it's ok but it's a but bland. lost tomb 2 is a little similar to me in that it's better (and i do like this drama's version of pangzi) but it drags a lot and makes some weird choices among other things in my opinion
i'm not gonna personally recommend either lost tomb 2.5 (which should be explore with the note? the one where they go to changbai mountain) or tibetan sea flower because those two have committed too many crimes to me personally, but if you want to try them feel free!
for other adaptations, the qinling bronze tree donghua is actually really nice. it's basically the book it's adapting ad verbatim with an added twist at the end that's still plausible, so you get book wu xie flavor which is always nice
plugging the books again because i'm annoying like that but to be fair by comparison to the adaptations they're more of a time investment so i understand why people would find getting into them daunting or not worth it if you aren't hardcore into dmbj
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urdinosaurs · 5 months
-ˏˋ 𝗥𝗨𝗟𝗘𝗦 ˊˎ
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hey! you! please take a minute to read this before continuing further on my page!
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DNI if your racist, misogynistic, islamophobic, homophobic, zionistic, or spread any kind of hate or violence. you will be blocked and reported.
i don't care if minors interact with my non nsfw posts, just please don't be weird about it. the posts will be tagged that way, and warnings will always be there to let you know if it's safe or not. (spice is considered NSFW in my book)
however, do not expect the same treatment for NSFW works. if i see ageless/minor blogs interacting with my smut, reblogged smut, or anything NSFW, your blocked. i have warnings on every post, and by now, you should have seen it on enough of nsfw posts to know that minors aren't allowed.
I may write about mature or heavy topics such as alcohol, drugs, smoking, mental health, etc... please read the warnings and use your discretion. i would recommend that only adults read it, but ultimately, it's your choice. don't blame me.
this is a secondary blog so i can not be your mutual, sorry :(
if you take any kind of inspiration or use any of my characters from my work please credit me! fanfiction takes a lot of time and effort and if your using anything of mine, i would like to be properly acknowledged.
do not by any means bring up topics such as rape, pedophilia, incest, etc...(you get the picture). 
i may write about mental health issues, but that does not mean i want discussions about it. tagging, sending, or texting in my inbox about big trigger topics like suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, and intrusive thoughts is a big no. 
politics and religion, personal questions, or venting are not permitted in my inbox. 
that said, i do very much enjoy interaction and would love to communicate with you all more, so please don't be shy!
right now requests are closed but thirsts are welcome, and if i'm feeling it, i may write something for it, but please don't expect it
my writing is mainly directed toward female or afab readers. I will occasionally do gender-neutral. 
i would like not to write the reader with a specific race, religion, disorder, etc...
i may and will write for characters who are minors, but i will never age them up to write smut about them
i don't write about any hate, daddy kink, scat, vomiting, hard bdsm, vore, feet, gore involved in sex (no blood at all), noncon, incest, pedophilia, piss, raceplay, ageplay, sado-masochism, gunplay, etc... if your unsure whether to send it or not, if it's hardcore or involves some form of violence i probably wouldn't send it! 
if you don't see me currently talking about a fandom, then i am probably not a part of it and have no interest in writing it. 
please remember that i have a life outside of tumblr and i have had requests take months before. patience is all i ask of you. if i can't get to it or for whatever reason can't do it i will pm you or if you're an anon, post it on my blog so you know and can ask another writer if you want.  
however don't send the same request to multiple blogs. i've had it happen before. it's shitty. don't do it. 
that's it! if you have any questions feel free to ask! thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy my blog!
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©urdinosaurs. do not copy, translate, modify, or repost my content onto other sites without my permission
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gizmosunlimited · 1 month
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seostart · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Building a Gamer PC
In the world of gaming, having a powerful PC can make all the difference. Whether you're diving into the latest AAA titles or competing in high-stakes eSports tournaments, a well-built gaming PC can elevate your experience. This guide will walk you through the essential components and considerations for assembling a top-tier gamer PC.
1. Choosing the Right Processor (CPU)
The CPU is the brain of your computer, influencing everything from game performance to your system’s ability to multitask. For gaming, consider a processor with multiple cores and high clock speeds. Popular choices include AMD Ryzen and Intel Core processors. A Ryzen 5 or Intel Core i5, for example, offers a good balance of performance and price for most gamers.
2. Selecting a Graphics Card (GPU)
The GPU is critical for rendering graphics smoothly. For hardcore gamers, NVIDIA’s RTX series or AMD’s Radeon RX series provide the horsepower needed for ultra-settings at high resolutions. If you're on a budget, look for older models like the NVIDIA GTX 1660 or the AMD Radeon RX 580 which still offer decent gaming performance.
3. Memory and Storage
RAM: Aim for at least 16GB of RAM for a gaming PC. If you plan to stream or use intensive software, 32GB can offer more breathing room.
Storage: SSDs provide faster load times and a snappier system response. Consider at least a 500GB SSD for your operating system and games. Adding a larger HDD (1TB or more) for additional storage is cost-effective and practical.
4. Motherboard
The motherboard connects all your components together. Ensure it’s compatible with your CPU (check the socket type) and has enough RAM and PCIe slots. Features like built-in WiFi, ample USB ports, and support for NVMe SSDs should be considered.
5. Power Supply Unit (PSU)
A reliable power supply is crucial. Calculate your system’s power needs (there are many online calculators for this) and aim for a PSU with a higher wattage than the calculation suggests. Look for units with an 80 Plus certification for efficiency.
6. Cooling System
Gaming PCs generate a lot of heat, especially when overclocked. Consider a mix of air cooling (fans) and liquid cooling systems. Ensure your case supports adequate airflow and has room for all your cooling solutions.
7. Case
Choose a case that not only looks good but is functional. It should have enough space for your components and cooling systems, provide good airflow, and have dust filters to keep components clean.
8. Peripherals
Monitor: A monitor with a high refresh rate (144Hz or more) and low response time is ideal for gaming.
Keyboard and Mouse: Look for peripherals that offer durability and responsiveness. Mechanical keyboards and gaming mice with high DPI settings are preferred.
9. Software
Don’t forget to install the latest drivers for your hardware and update your operating system. For enhanced performance, tweaking settings and overclocking software can also be valuable.
10. Budgeting and Building
Set a budget before you start, as costs can quickly escalate. Building your own PC allows for customization and often results in lower costs compared to pre-built machines.
Building a gamer PC is an exciting journey that combines technical skills with the thrill of gaming. By carefully selecting each component, you can create a system that not only meets today’s gaming demands but is also future-proof for new titles. Enjoy the build process and the enhanced gaming experience it brings!
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homemadebeautyproduct · 3 months
Boost Your Energy and Burn Fat with Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Stimerex® Hardcore with Ephedra
Are you searching for an effective way to supercharge your energy levels and burn fat? Look no further than Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Stimerex® Hardcore with Ephedra. This powerful supplement combines potent ingredients designed to give you the ultimate boost in your fitness journey. Let’s dive into what makes this product stand out.
The Power of Ephedra Extract
Ephedra Extract is the star ingredient in Stimerex® Hardcore. Known for its thermogenic properties, Ephedra helps increase your body's core temperature, enhancing fat burning. This powerful herb also suppresses appetite, making it easier to stick to your dietary goals. Each serving of Stimerex® Hardcore contains 25mg of Ephedra Extract, a safe and effective dose for boosting metabolism and energy.
Caffeine Anhydrous for Energy and Focus
Caffeine Anhydrous is a staple in most energy-boosting supplements, and for good reason. This dehydrated form of caffeine provides a quick and sustained energy release without the crash associated with other stimulants. With 150mg per serving, Caffeine Anhydrous helps keep you alert and focused throughout your workouts and daily activities.
Synephrine for Enhanced Metabolism
Derived from the bitter orange plant, Synephrine is a natural stimulant that complements the effects of Ephedra and Caffeine. It works by increasing the metabolic rate and enhancing the breakdown of fat. Stimerex® Hardcore contains 25mg of Synephrine per serving, making it a potent addition to your weight loss regimen.
Green Tea Extract for Antioxidant Support
Green Tea Extract is rich in catechins, particularly EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), which are known for their fat-burning properties. Beyond weight loss, Green Tea Extract offers a wealth of antioxidants that support overall health. Each serving of Stimerex® Hardcore provides 50mg of Green Tea Extract to help you shed pounds while maintaining your well-being.
Yohimbine for Stubborn Fat
Yohimbine, derived from the bark of the Yohimbe tree, is particularly effective at targeting stubborn fat areas, such as the abdomen. It works by blocking alpha-2 receptors, which can inhibit fat loss. With 3mg of Yohimbine per serving, Stimerex® Hardcore ensures that even the most challenging fat deposits don’t stand a chance.
5-Methoxytryptamine for Mood Enhancement
Maintaining a positive mood is crucial when you're on a weight loss journey. 5-Methoxytryptamine, also known as M-Tryptamine, acts as a serotonin precursor, helping to improve mood and reduce stress. This ingredient supports your mental well-being, making it easier to stay motivated and consistent. Each serving contains 100mg, offering significant mood-enhancing benefits.
Chromium Picolinate for Blood Sugar Control
Chromium Picolinate is a trace mineral that plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels. By improving insulin sensitivity, it helps control cravings and reduces the likelihood of overeating. Stimerex® Hardcore includes 50mcg of Chromium Picolinate per serving, making it an excellent choice for those looking to manage their weight more effectively.
Why Choose Stimerex® Hardcore?
With its unique blend of powerful ingredients, Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Stimerex® Hardcore with Ephedra stands out as a top-tier fat-burning supplement. Whether you're looking to lose weight, boost your energy, or enhance your overall fitness, Stimerex® Hardcore delivers. Its comprehensive formula targets multiple aspects of weight loss and energy enhancement, providing you with the support you need to achieve your goals.
Don’t wait to transform your fitness journey. Try Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Stimerex® Hardcore with Ephedra today and experience the difference!
"Transform your life with our website's transformative resources and expert advice."
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thatstormygeek · 6 months
Brannon's description of coming out is so good (it's in the second pull quote if you don't want to click through).
I'm thankful Donna was able to be her true self for some time, but she deserved more. And it's 100% bullshit that MCA organized the funding for her surgery only to die of cancer himself at age 47. The universe fucked up in multiple ways here.
Part of it, of course, is that Donna didn’t have a language to describe her experience, and in fact, she says that it wasn’t until January of 2002 that she first heard the word “transgender.” As soon as she read about it, Donna saw herself—perhaps for the first time—and began transitioning almost immediately. (“I saw the light at the end of a very dark tunnel and I ran straight for it,” she wrote.) Tragically, not long afterwards, Donna was diagnosed with colon cancer. She had an operation to remove the cancer that year, followed by six months of chemotherapy, but the cancer came back. “My understanding was that she was pretty much dying, and that she wanted to live out the rest of the little time she had left in the body of her choosing,” recalls Beastie Boys’ Adam Horovitz in Beastie Boys Book. “So [Adam] Yauch took care of it. He organized it so we gave her the money for the [gender-affirming] operation, but it was under the guise of reimbursement and unpaid back royalties for the Polly Wog Stew record from 1982. Donna got the operation, and then within a year passed away.”
As someone who quit my own band in 1997 rather than come out as a gay musician and make an attempt at becoming whole, I watched Laura’s experience play out almost fifteen years later with both envy (for the strength to do it) and concern (for the way becoming a public trans figure almost overnight could affect her). I was elated by the success of Transgender Dysphoria Blues, which incredibly turns ten this year, but I was also curious about how the pressure and attention was affecting her own ability to process coming out, and more importantly, grow into the person she was becoming. One of the greatest misconceptions that people have about coming out is that simply doing so is an end of some sort when, in reality, it’s a humble beginning. As I say to Laura in our conversation, which will be published in full on Thursday, “it’s more like once you do it, you’re staring at a fucking group of broken pieces all around you, trying to put yourself back together, and trying to figure out what was real and what was not real.” For her part, Laura looks back on that moment knowing that she had just reached a place where—for better or for worse—there was simply no other choice. “Ultimately, I don’t think it’s healthy to come out in the public eye like that. You should not do that, really!” she laughs. “But in a way, it’s almost like sobering up—where you can sober up and you may not be ‘fucked up’ anymore, but you’re still fucked up. And then there’s all this work that needs to be done. One of my therapists told me, very early on, ‘You need to understand that the person you think you’re becoming is not who you’re going to be.’ I think, subconsciously, I realized that before they said it, but that was what’s so ultimately terrifying. I realized that I had no idea what was about to happen, really.”
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cupidzgf · 9 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝗥𝗨𝗟𝗘𝗦
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i am going to make this as simple and easy as possible. if we can all follow these basic boundaries and rules, then this can be a fun place!
first and foremost, minors. i do not mind if minors interact with my non nsfw posts. they will be tagged that way, and warnings will always be there to let you know if it's safe or not. (if the post is spicy but not full smut, it counts as NSFW, sorry!)
however, do not expect the same treatment for NSFW works. if i see ageless/minor blogs interacting with my smut, reblogged smut, or anything NSFW, i'm blocking you. i have warnings on every post, and by now, you should have seen it on enough of nsfw posts to know that minors aren't allowed. you should know better by this point. no excuses.
(also, i curse on this blog. i never met anyone who had a problem with it, but just in case you don't like it, don't follow)
I may write about mature or heavy topics such as alcohol, drugs, smoking, mental health, etc... please read the warnings and use your discretion. i would recommend that only adults read it, but ultimately, it's your choice. please don't blame me.
i don't tolerate any form of hate or violence. whether it be disrespect, racism, misogyny, islamophobia, homophobia, or zionism, none of it is allowed on this page, and you will be blocked and, depending on the severity, reported. 
do not by any means bring up topics such as rape, pedophilia, incest, etc...(you get the picture). 
i may write about mental health issues, but that does not mean i want discussions about it. tagging, sending, or texting in my inbox about big trigger topics like suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, and intrusive thoughts will get you blocked without a second thought. 
politics and religion, personal questions, or venting are not permitted in my inbox. 
because this is a secondary blog, i can not be your mutual. sorry.
i do post or reblog spoilers but i will tag them as such!
on a lighter note, i very much enjoy interaction. tumblr is an incredible space to make friends in a community of your favorite interests, so please don't be afraid to talk!!!
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right now requests are open. thirsts are welcome, and if i'm feeling it, i may write something for it, but please don't expect it
my writing is mainly directed toward female or afab readers. I will occasionally do gender-neutral. 
i perfer not to write the reader with a specific race, religion, disorder, etc...
i may and will write for characters who are minors, but i will never age them up to write smut about them, so please don't ask. 
i don't write about any hate, daddy kink, scat, vomiting, hard bdsm, vore, feet, gore involved in sex (no blood at all), noncon, incest, pedophilia, piss, raceplay, ageplay, sado-masochism, gunplay, (ill add when i think of more. a rule of thumb if your wondering whether or not to send it, if it's hardcore or involves some form of violence i probably wouldn't send it!) 
if you don't see me currently talking about a fandom, then i am probably not a part of it and have no interest in writing it. 
please remember that i have a hectic life outside of tumblr and i have had requests take months before. patience is all i ask of you. if i can't get to it or for whatever reason can't do it i will pm you or if you're an anon, post it on my blog so you know and can ask another writer if you want.  
this brings me to my next point: don't send the same request to multiple blogs. i've had it happen before. it's shitty. don't do it. 
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thank you, guys for all of your love and support. you're amazing. have a great day, lovelies!!! 💗
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dear-future-ai · 2 years
Answer will be posted tomorrow.
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breekelly · 11 months
Enhancing Your Gaming Experience with InjectServer: The Ultimate Gaming App
The world of gaming has evolved significantly over the years, with technology playing a crucial role in enhancing our gaming experiences. From stunning graphics to immersive storytelling, gamers are constantly seeking ways to level up their gaming adventures. One exciting development in this realm is the InjectServer gaming app, which is set to revolutionize the way we play and connect with fellow gamers.
What is InjectServer?
InjectServer is a cutting-edge gaming app designed to provide gamers with a seamless and enriched gaming experience. It offers a wide range of features and functionalities that cater to both casual and hardcore gamers. The app is compatible with various gaming platforms, including PC, consoles, and mobile devices, making it a versatile choice for gamers of all kinds.
Key Features of InjectServer
1. **Low Latency Gameplay**: InjectServer boasts a robust server infrastructure, ensuring minimal latency during gameplay. This means you can enjoy lag-free gaming, even in fast-paced online multiplayer games.
2. **Cross-Platform Compatibility**: The app supports cross-platform gaming, allowing you to play with friends and fellow gamers regardless of their preferred gaming platform. This is a game-changer for those who want to connect with friends on different systems.
3. **Game Library**: InjectServer offers a vast library of games, from popular AAA titles to indie gems. You can easily access and download your favorite games without the hassle of managing multiple gaming platforms.
4. **Social Features**: Stay connected with friends and gaming communities through the app's social features. Create and join groups, chat with friends, and even share your in-game achievements.
5. **Game Optimization**: InjectServer enhances your gaming performance by optimizing game settings to match your device's capabilities. This ensures that you get the best graphics and performance, no matter what hardware you're using.
6. **In-Game Market**: The app provides an in-game marketplace where you can purchase in-game items and currency securely. It also includes a trading feature for trading items with other users.
Benefits of Using InjectServer
1. **Unified Gaming Experience**: With InjectServer, you no longer need to manage multiple gaming platforms. Everything you need is in one place, making your gaming experience smoother and more convenient.
2. **Community Building**: The app's social features enable you to create or join gaming communities. This fosters a sense of camaraderie and allows you to make new friends who share your gaming interests.
3. **Enhanced Performance**: InjectServer's optimization features ensure that you're getting the best performance from your games, no matter the device you're using. Say goodbye to frame drops and stuttering.
4. **No More Hardware Restrictions**: Thanks to cross-platform compatibility, you can game with friends who use different systems, eliminating the need for specific hardware to enjoy your favorite titles together.
5. **Security**: InjectServer takes user security seriously, offering robust security measures to protect your data and in-game purchases.
How to Get Started
Getting started with InjectServer is easy:
1. Download the app from your preferred app store or the official website.
2. Create an account or sign in with your existing gaming account.
3. Explore the game library and download your favorite titles.
4. Connect with friends, join gaming communities, and start playing!
InjectServer is more than just a gaming app; it's a gateway to a more immersive and connected gaming world. Whether you're a casual gamer looking to have fun with friends or a serious gamer seeking optimal performance, InjectServer has something to offer. With its wide range of features, cross-platform compatibility, and vibrant gaming community, it's time to level up your gaming experience with InjectServer. Give it a try and discover the future of gaming today!
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easyshoppii · 1 year
Ultimate Guide to Buying the Right Gaming Headset
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A good audio gaming experience depends on the quality of the gaming headset. Whether you're a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, having a good-quality gaming headset is required to immerse yourself completely in the virtual gaming world. It enhances your gaming experience by providing real-time & clear communication, as well as comfort during long gaming sessions.  
A good gaming headset allows you to hear each detail & allows you to communicate effectively with your teammates. 
But the question is, with so many options available in the market, how do you choose the right Gaming headset for your needs & budget? There are a lot of different types & different brands of gaming headsets, and each has its own features. 
Here we give some valuable tips & tricks to assist you pick the best gaming headset for your needs.  So, get ready to enhance your gaming experience & defeat the virtual battlefield with the best gaming headset. Let's dive in! 
Key Factors to Consider When Buying a Gaming Headset 
When choosing a gaming headset, there are several factors you need to consider ensuring you make the right choice.  
Comfort & Fit: During gaming, if you wear a headset for long periods of time then it’s important to choose one that's comfortable. Long gaming sessions can become uncomfortable if your headset doesn't fit properly. So, look for a headset with soft, breathable, or cushioned ear cups, lightweight designs & an adjustable headband to ensure a comfortable fit. Pick breathable materials that reduce heat & sweat buildup and minimize exhaustion during extended gaming sessions.   
Audio Quality: One of the prior considerations when choosing a gaming headset is the audio quality it offers. A good gaming headset should deliver clear, crisp & immersive sound, that allows you to hear even the faint sound in games. Look for Gaming headsets with high-quality drivers that provide a wide frequency range, surround sound capabilities, excellent sound reproduction, and balanced audio output to ensure that you can accurately hear more accurate sound positioning such as footsteps or environmental effects. 
Microphone Quality: If you engage in multiplayer gaming, effective communication is a must, and for effective communication, you need a gaming headset with a high-quality microphone for clear voice transmission and accurate team coordination. So, look for headsets with clear & noise-cancelling microphones that minimize background noise and capture your voice accurately.  A detachable or flexible microphone is more convenient, as it allows you to adjust or remove them when you use the headset for other purposes, such as listening to music.   
Compatibility and Connectivity: Ensure that the gaming headset you pick should be compatible with your gaming platform or devices, whether it's PC, Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo Switch. Most headsets are designed to work with multiple platforms, including PC, consoles (such as PlayStation or Xbox), & mobile devices. It's essential to verify compatibility to avoid any compatibility issues later. Check for compatibility with USB, 3.5mm audio jack, or wireless connectivity options based on your gaming system's requirements. 
Wired vs. Wireless: Choose between wired or wireless gaming headset. Wired headsets offer a reliable and consistent connection, ensuring minimal latency and uninterrupted gameplay. They don't need to charge batteries & are generally more affordable than wireless gaming headsets. On the other hand, the wireless headset provides more freedom of movement & convenience without the hassle of tangled wires, especially in a cluttered gaming setup. They use wireless technology to connect to devices that allow you to move around without any restrictions. But they require batteries and may have a little higher price tag. Choose based on your preference, budget, and gaming setup.  
Brand Reputation: Choose a reputable gaming headset brand that offers good customer support and warranty. Brand reputation determines the quality and reliability of a gaming headset. When it comes to buying gaming headsets, there are several top brands that are established as leaders in the industry. Some of the top brands for Gaming headsets include HyperX, SteelSeries, Logitech, Razer, Sennheiser, ASUS, Sony, and JBL.  These brands have consistently delivered top-notch gaming headsets that cater to the needs of gamers of all levels.  
Budget: Set a budget for your gaming headset purchase. There are excellent gaming headphones available at various price points, so make sure you find a suitable one for your needs & within your budget. Prices may differ depending on the features, brand, and quality of the headset. So, consider your specific needs first and prioritize the features that matter most to you.  
Comparing prices and deals: When it comes to buying a gaming headset, it's important to compare prices and deals to ensure you get the best deal out there. Different online retailers & computer Accessories Store offer different prices and discounts on gaming headsets online, so it's worth doing some price comparison before making your purchase. Start by checking the prices on different online computer stores and make note of any ongoing promotions or discounts. The most well-known and trusted online retailers are Amazon, Flipkart, EasyShoppi, and Games n Comps. 
By comparing prices and deals, you can ensure that you get the best possible price for your chosen gaming headset online and can save some money. 
Finding the best gaming headset requires careful considerations such as sound quality, comfort, durability, & budget. Take the time to research, read customer reviews & compare prices to ensure you get the best gaming headset within your budget. Consider purchasing from a reputable online gaming accessories store to get a wide range of options & excellent customer support. With the right gaming headset, you can improve your gaming experience and immerse yourself fully in the virtual gaming world like never before. 
So, what are you waiting for? Upgrade your gaming setup & dominate the virtual battlefield by purchasing the best gaming headset for you. 
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marienewton · 2 years
Vanguard Ultimate Edition: What's Included and Is It Worth the Price
Vanguard Ultimate Edition is a special edition of the popular first-person shooter video game, Call of Duty: Vanguard. and early access. In this article, we'll explore what's included in the Vanguard Ultimate Edition and determine if it's worth the price.
What's Included in Vanguard Ultimate Edition
The Vanguard Ultimate Edition includes the following items:
Call of Duty: Vanguard full game
Season Pass
10 Tier Skips for Battle Pass
Early access to the game's Multiplayer mode
Digital Ultimate Edition Bonus Content
Operator Arthur Kingsley
Sergeant Raine Skin
5 Weapon Blueprints
2 Vehicle Skins
2 Weapon Charms
2 Calling Cards
2 Emblems
2 Sprays
Is Vanguard Ultimate Edition Worth the Price
The Vanguard Ultimate Edition costs $99.99, which is $40 more than the standard edition of the game. If you're a die-hard Call of Duty fan who plans on playing the game extensively, the Ultimate Edition may be worth the price. The early access to Multiplayer mode is a significant advantage, as it allows you to get a head start on unlocking weapons and leveling up. The exclusive in-game items are also a nice touch, especially if you're someone who likes to customize their character and weapons. However, if you're a more casual player who only plans on playing the game occasionally, the standard edition may be a better choice.
How to Purchase Vanguard Ultimate Edition
You can purchase Vanguard Ultimate Edition on the official Call of Duty website, as well as on popular gaming platforms like PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. Make sure to double-check that you're buying the correct version, as there are often multiple editions available for purchase.
Overall, the Vanguard Ultimate Edition is a great choice for hardcore Call of Duty fans who want to get the most out of the game. The exclusive in-game items and early access to Multiplayer mode make it a worthwhile investment. However, if you're not planning on playing the game extensively, the standard edition may be a more cost-effective option.
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gertlushgaming · 2 years
Pixel Cup Soccer Ultimate Edition Review (Steam)
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 For our Pixel Cup Soccer Ultimate Edition Review, we take to the field in this retro-style arcade game. Play friendly matches, and tournaments or create your team and lead it to glory in career mode! You can play it alone or with up to 8 friends, locally or through Steam remote, you can choose whether to play competitively, cooperatively or even both!
Pixel Cup Soccer Ultimate Edition Review Pros:
- Beautiful pixel art graphics. - 489.88MB download size. - Steam achievements. - Own in-game achievements. - Steam trading cards. - Full controller support. - Remote play together support. - Graphics settings - zoom level, resolution, v-sync, fps counter, UI speed, and run in the background. - Four difficulties - casual, normal, hardcore, and custom. All relate to assists and player skills. - Football gameplay. - Four game modes - friendly, tournaments, party tournaments, and career modes. - How to play section covering controls, stats, skills, match, penalty kicks, and practice lessons. - A cool pixel art style to the menus. - Steam Workshop support. - Editors for teams, and tournaments. - 15 cups to win both domestic and international. - Co-op mode can support 4 players on each side. - Game settings - match speed (1-3), slow motion, difficulty, super shots, foul chance (1-5), randomize tournaments, reset team database, and hints on/off. - Controller and keyboard settings - pass and shot assists, auto actions, adjust direction to the ball, auto change players, change player mode, manual goalkeeper, and rebind controls. - Sound settings - fx, fx volume, music, and music volume. - The tournament mode has 8 save slots. - Party mode has 4 save slots. - The career mode has 4 save slots. - 44 stadiums each look fantastic and have different grass types and even dirt. - Day and night matches. - Five weather types - are clear, rain, snow, wind, and stormy weather. - 15 leagues including international. - Each team has a rating based on the attack, midfield, defense, and goalkeeper and you get a score out of 100, team formation, and attitude. - Manage your team's strategy with player management, formation, and attitude menus. - A training team with a zero rating. - Simplified controls. - Remote play prompts are baked into the game and are prominent. - Arcade atmosphere. - Goal replays. - The slow motion is brilliantly implemented. - The arrow shows on the active player to show where you are shooting/passing and a power bar for shots. - Has a Nintendo World Cup vibe to it. - Sliding tackles leave a mark on the pitch. - Really easy to get into. - In career mode you create - the team, stadium, club name, stadium name, flag, kit for home and away kits, players, and coach edits. - In-game cutscenes for the career mode. - For career mode, you have a series of factors like how much the fans like you, your financial status, and how the players feel about you. - Players earn exp in career mode and you spend the points on improving their skills and unlocking new abilities. - Has women's football in the game. - Multiple choice encounters in the career mode. Pixel Cup Soccer Ultimate Edition Review Cons: - Not Official teams, players, or stadiums. - The mouse cursor stays on the screen when using the controller. - Doesn't do actual online against randoms, only with remote play together. - Tournament cups have to be unlocked in career mode. - No run button. - The passing and shooting are quite basic so no gimmicks like lobs and power pass. - Steam Workshop loads the steam part meaning you need a mouse if using a controller. You have to restart the game after downloading anything. - Rebinding the controller buttons takes place in the Steam app and minimizes the game and is not baked into the game. - Ai can get cheap in places like double-teaming. Related Post: Dogurai Review (Xbox Series S) Pixel Cup Soccer Ultimate Edition. Official website. Developer: Batovi Game studios Publisher: Batovi Game studios Store Links -  Steam Read the full article
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golf-irons · 2 years
The perfect golf starter set is waiting to be had. Here's why the Wilson Ultra Golf Club Package
Have you ever wanted the best of both worlds? If you're looking for a hardcore set of clubs You might want to try this set of irons from Wilson Golf, the Wilson Men's Complete Golf Club Package Sets are your choice. These complete sets are perfect for those looking to add quality to their game.The Complete Package Carts are meant for players who want a 15 degree lie and fairway profile. They also feature fast swing speeds, smaller heads, and more forgiving performance. As well as the Ultra Plus and Ultra sets, you can choose either the Deep Red Tour set or Red Hot deal package by Wilson.
The Wilson Ultra Men's Complete Golf Club Set is the ultimate beginner’s set, featuring an ultra-light, ultra-thin forged graphite shaft and forged titanium crown. This set includes 2 woods and 1 hybrid golf clubs, as well as all of the essentials you need to get started on the course.
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Golfing can be a solitary affair, and sometimes, you just want to have your own company. This is why Wilson Men's Complete Golf Club Package Sets - Ultra, Ultra Plus, Deep Red Tour were developed. They were packaged up in such a way that they look like something between a birthday present and a toy box. You'd definitely want to receive this as a gift at some point in life if you aren't already set on purchasing it alone.
When it comes to golf equipment and accessories, you need a trusted name that delivers. Wilson has been around for over 100 years, so they aren't new to the golf market. What are they known for?Ball-flight control, durability and innovation.
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Wilson has learned a lot of lessons over the years that any golfer could benefit from. They've learned that golf equipment is not just something you buy once and then leave on a shelf. You need to take care of your golf clubs and make sure they're performing as well as possible.
That's why you need to be sure that you're buying the right Wilson product. When it comes to golf equipment, there are plenty of choices out there – including Wilson.
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This premium set features premium components, advanced materials and the latest technologies that make your game more efficient. The 460cc driver features a large sweet spot, aerodynamic design to improve head speed and deliver greater distance.Deep, undercut stainless steel cavity irons are precisely designed for longer, straighter shots. The lightweight, premium bag features adjustable shoulder straps, a sturdy top handle, multiple pockets and a self-supporting kickstand.
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The Scoring clubs feature a very light weight for better greenside control and better shot creation.
When you are just starting out, it doesn't make sense to purchase a high-priced set of clubs. Wilson Golf's Complete Set of Clubs was created to meet the needs of golfers who are just getting into the game. It is a quality set at an affordable price.
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spitdrunken · 2 years
this is a slightly modified version of an old prompt list from 2013 by (i believe) @/rosehasanewblog. when reblogging the old version, the formatting is pretty bad so just copied and pasted it. these are types of porn and kinks!
1. FIRST TIME: One or Both of you are virgins. 2. WEDDING NIGHT: You've been waiting for this night forever. Or maybe not. 3. MASTURBATION: Put some porn on, get your hand ready, and have a good night with a friend. 4. BLOW JOBS: Sucky sucky, bucky bucky. 5. PENETRATIVE: There's parking in the rear, or drive through the front. 6. MAKE UP SEX: You did something wrong, and you're going to give this person the best night of their lives. 7. UP AGAINST THE WALL: You couldn't wait when they came in the door. 8. IN THE SHOWER: Fun in the tub is something worth trying at least once. 9. GET AWAY: You're on a romantic get away. Beach? Some snazzy motel? Whatever you'd like! 10. BEEN AWHILE: It's been awhile since you've sene each other, so it's time to make up for lost time! 11. BREAK UP SEX: This isn't make up sex, it's goodbye sex! 12. HOOK UP: You don't really love each other, but you are horny and neither of you is bad looking, so... 13. THE BIG NIGHT: You've been dating forever (or maybe not!) and it's time to take the next step! 14. DOGGY STYLE: Sex from behind. 15. FROTTAGE: You don't always need to penetrate! Sometimes grinding on each other is more than enough. 16. SPOONING: Sex while you spoon... perfect way to start the morning! 17. COUCH: Fooling around on the couch! 18. MASSAGE AND MAYBE SOMETHING MORE: You want to pamper your lover tonight! 19. CANDLELIT: Wine, soft music, candlelights... maybe there was even a trail leading to the bedroom! Ultimate cheese. 20. PICK YOUR OWN: Maybe there's something I forgot, or maybe you want to do multiples. Roll a twenty, and go for it.
1. AT SCHOOL: Under the bleachers, in the classroom, in the bathroom... maybe even on the principal's desk. 2. AMUSEMENT PARK: You ran out of things to do? There's privacy on the ferris wheel. 3. IN THE PARK: Always a fun time, just stay away from the washrooms. 4. AT THE MALL: Changing rooms = Happy Sexy Time 5. THE SEX STORE: How people are not caught having sex in here sometimes, is beyond me 6. SOMEONE ELSE'S HOME: You so dirty. Hope they don't catch... or maybe you do. 7. FOREST: camping isn't the only fun thing to do.... 8. IN A CLOSET: seven minutes in heaven? Just no other choice? have fun in there! 9. IN THE WEATHER: Rain, snow, whatever, you just can't wait to do it! 10. HOSPITAL: In the bed, in the restroom, maybe you just need a release from anxious waiting for news on that loved one! 11. IN THE CAR: The backseat and foggy windows, over the hood... maybe the engine's still going for that extra thrill! 12. IN THE WOODS: Camping or on a hike, you though that tree looked mighty friendly. 13. IN THE RESTROOM: You couldn't wait to get out of the restaurant or wherever you are, so a stall will just have to do. 14. UNDER THE TABLE: Teasing your lover (or being teased in return!) under the table at a restaurant. Hands, mouth, whatever you can think of. 15. ELEVATOR: Getting off while you're going up, you just can't wait and you don't care who might catch you. 16. BACK OF THE CLUB: You can't wait until you get out of this club to get your hands on each other... 17. AT A CONCERT: You don't want to miss the show, but you also don't want to pass up the chance to get a little more intimate either. 18. AGAINST A WINDOW: Up against a window where anyone looking could see... 19. PUTTING ON A SHOW: Sex in front of people. Maybe you were really drunk at the bar or someone paid for it... maybe you just want to do it for the thrill. 20. PICK YOUR OWN: Maybe there's something I forgot, or maybe you want to do multiples. Roll a twenty, and go for it.
1. NON-CON: They say no, you'll make them say yes. 2. DUB-CON: They may have said yes, but it's going to happen anyways. 3. BONDAGE: Super tight, hanging from things, unable to move, really hot. 4. FISTING: One, two, three, four, five... and then one again. 5. BLOOD PLAY: Red is a really lucky color... not for someone. 6. POWER PLAY: Someone is in charge, and will make sure that the other person isn't. People in power are crazy. 7. PIERCING/TATTOOS: body piercing can an erotic experience for some. 8. ASPHYXIATION: They say it makes you come even harder, but be careful! 9. GORE: different from blood play, this time it's causing more permanent damage... 10. COCK & BALL/PUSSY TORTURE: Clothes pins, hitting, and anything else you can imagine that can make you hurt oh-so-good. 11. FLOGGING: Spanking, whipping, flogging, and whatever else you can think of. Someone's been naughty. 12. ORGASM DENIAL: They might want to so bad, beg and plead, but you're not going to let the come yet. Or maybe not at all. 13. FORCED ORGASMS: Either made to come multiple times or roughly brought to orgasm despite any discomfort. 14. DOUBLE PENETRATION: Either in two separate holes or the same one. It could be two toys, a penis and a toy, two penises... or the combinations are endless! Either way, you're going to be stuffed full. 15. ICE PLAY: Ice cubes on the skin or even inside to cool you down. 16. WAX PLAY: Wax from candles poured over the skin. Doesn't it burn so good? 17. FIGHTING: It's like Fight Club... only it ends in dirty, dirty sex. 18. ELECTROSEX: Electrical stimulation to nerves for sexual stimulation, in particular the genitals and nipples. 19. SENSORY DEPRIVATION: it can make orgasms even stronger! 20. PICK YOUR OWN: Maybe there's something I forgot, or maybe you want to do multiples. Roll a twenty, and go for it.
1. TEACHER AND STUDENT: Someone needs a better grade. 2. DOCTOR AND PATIENT: Time to give someone the best bedside treatment they can. 3. COP AND CRIMINAL: Those handcuffs are finally coming in handy. 4. MASTER AND SERVANT: Those servants have to serve someone. A housewife and butler, rich man and maid... those outfits are hot. 5. STRANGERS: Oh, you've never met this hot, delicious, naked stranger. Maybe it's time to get acquainted. 6. ENEMIES: Oh I hate you! Oh but I'll have sex with you anyways! 7. ALIENS: Oh, you want to probe what? 8. NON-CON: Oh, no, please don't! 9. SOLDIER: the big, bad soldier wants a minute alone with you... 10. COWBOYS: Or cowgirls. Yee-haw! 11. FIREMAN: or woman. Oh, you're going to be putting out a fire, alright. 12. PIZZABOY: They don't have the money to pay, but you accept other forms of payment, thankfully. 13. GOOD GUY AND BAD GUY: Maybe they're trying to take over the world and the only way to stop the is through hot sex. 14. VAMPIRE AND VICTIM: You're going to drink their blood... only probably not. 15. PROSTITUTE: They paid for you. 16. INCEST: parent or sibling kink? Go ahead and play it out. 17. PRIEST: They need to confess to you... 18. KIDNAPPER: Uh-oh, they got you now! What ever will they do to you? 19. SHY VIRGIN: You're a shy virgin but don't worry, they'll teach you the ropes! 20. PICK YOUR OWN: Maybe there's something I forgot, or maybe you want to do multiples. Roll a twenty, and go for it.
1. DILDO: Simple, easy to use, and goes in any proper hole. 2. VIBRATOR: Tiny and portable, it goes everywhere... and works everywhere. 3. FLESHLIGHT: It's like a hole... but not exactly. 4. STRAP-ON: Girl or guy. Maybe you're wanting one, or wanting a longer one. 5. COCK RING: Basically, a trolling way to make sure someone can't finish what they started. 6. ANAL BEADS/BEN WA BALLS: Maybe a dildo isn't good enough. These toys are balls of fun. 7. REAL DOLLS: they're done to look just like a person... it's like a threesome without the hassle of finding another partner! 8. PADDLES: for spanking, you naughty little devil you. 9. WII HAVE AN IDEA: game controllers vibrate... and they can be used for so much more! 10. FUCKING MACHINES: Machines with one purpose only, to fuck you senseless. They usually have a dildo attached and speed controls. 11. UNUSUAL OBJECTS: Cucumbers, candles, or even electric toothbrushes! 12. CLAMPS: Nipples, labia, clit, penis, there's no limit to what can be clamped in a sexy way! 13. PLAYING WITH DANGER: The handle of a knife, a gun, it's time to walk on the wild side! 14. DOLLS: They make some awfully realistic dolls... 15. SEX SWING: A suspended seat made specifically for sex. 16. WATER: A detachable shower head, jets in a tub, there are a lot of way to be stimulated! 17. PUMPS: Pumps can go over the nipples, clit, or on the penis and create a very stimulating amount of suction. 18. ANAL PLUGS: They vibrate, stimulate, or just keep you ready for fun later. 19. SPECULUM: Want a look inside? 20. PICK YOUR OWN: Maybe there's something I forgot, or maybe you want to do multiples. Roll a twenty, and go for it.
1. DIRTY TALK: Most people like a little dirty talk... either you've determined to get your lover off with dirty talk alone or you're just getting them in the mood 2. THREESOME: Two is fun, three is better. It's fine to play the third person as an NPC if you don't have a third partner. 3. CAN WE PLEASE...: Can we please have a threesome/try this position/do this? Your lover is trying to convince you to spice things up! 4. PHONE SEX: You want to get your lover off, but you're not right there with them. 5. DIRTY PICTURES/VIDEO: You're making a video or taking some sexy pictures for a private collection. 6. LOOKING AT/WATCHING PORN: Enjoying porn together can bring you closer! 7. DREAMS: this is all a dream! Will both of you remember it when you wake up? 8. THINK I CAN: for whatever reason, you haven't felt comfortable being intimate with your partner... until now. 9. GHOST: who says spirits can't get a little naughty? Maybe you're not even a spirit but invisible for some reason or another. 10. SEX DRUG: You've been given a sex drug and you need to get laid right now. 11. CHEATING: You're cheating on your lovers with each other. 12. VOYEURISM: You want to watch your lover have sex with someone else or for someone to watch the both of you together. 13. POSSESSED: Your lover isn't... exactly themselves. Too rough? Too gentle? Maybe they weren't even your lover before this... 14. GENDERSWITCHED: One or both of you is the other gender! 15. GLORY HOLE: Stimulation awaits on the other side! 16. SEX CLUB: You're in a club specifically for sex. Relax, have fun, try not to interrupt any orgies! 17. TEASING: Sending dirty texts, whispering things in your lover's ear, or just bending over a little too much, you're determined to drive your lover crazy with teasing. 18. BLACKMAILED: You were blackmailed into doing this... 19. WEBCAM/IM: You're cybering! 20. PICK YOUR OWN: Maybe there's something I forgot, or maybe you want to do multiples. Roll a twenty, and go for it.
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