#Ultraman oc: Reiya
harveyb-wabbit92 · 9 months
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(Link to site if anyone wants to use it) It's my first time using picrew. I used it to make my Ultraman OCs, This it kind of what I'd picture them looking like, not rock solid but close enough, I really got to get around drawing them myself…]
Starting from the top: we got the Morimoto twins: Nayaka (left) and Mile (Right) their ages are equivalent to a young adult in their early to mid 20s.
Nayaka and Mile are two genetically modified clones of two ultramen that were created on Earth as Anti-Kaiju weapons before being rescued by Anne Yuri and the Ultra Guard. Nayaka's genetic donor is Zoffy and Mile's donor is Leo. Of course neither Zoffy or Leo knew about their existence until recently.
Second row: We got Akari Yuri (left)the teenage daughter of Anne Yuri and Dan Moroboshi (Ultraseven) her age is 54 but but due to her being half alien she ages very slowly so physically she looks around 15 years old.
When she was around 6 Anne passed away; no one knew who her father was since Anne kept it a well guarded secret.
Akari was put into the foster system until they found out she was an alien or at least half-alien, when they noticed she wasn't aging like a normal human would; And Akari was quickly transferred to the Alien Refugee District, She grew up in the slum's orphanage where she was often bullied and ostracized by the other kids and staff due to her human appearance. The scar on her face is from fighting with the older kids at the orphanage before running away at 13.
Next to her we got Z's childhood friend Nieve(Right). She's around 5,000 years old. and is a Cyexian-Ultra hybrid but takes heavily after her Cyexian mother. Nieve is Ultraman Hikari's niece and is an amputee she lost her left arm in an accident.
She currently works as a lab assistant for her uncle Hikari.
(My oc aliens: Cyexians are species of of humanoid aliens who are renowned for being for being some of the best scientists and doctors in the galaxy.)
Final row: We got the aunt & niece duo: Shio (Right) and Reiya (left) in their human forms. Shio and Reiya are from almost extinct race of aliens known as the Zodlestials, whose planet was destroyed when their sun exploded leaving the two of them the last survivors they are… or rather were part of the royal family before the planet's destruction.
Shio's age is around 4,798 which is the equivalent to a young human in their mid-teens. While her aunt Reiya's age is equivalent to an adult human in their 30s.
Reiya was a scientist on her planet and briefly worked with Tregear for a solution in slowing down her Sun's expansion years before his descent into darkness. Reiya's alien form is based of the zodiac sign Scorpio.
The scars on Shio's body are from her aunt using her as a guinea-pig for her experiments before she managed to escape. Shio's alien form is based off of the Ophiuchus and Serpens constellations and her Kaiju form is based off of Jörmungandr.
[Another oc species: Zodlestials (I based them off of the constellations and zodiac signs) they were an introverted people who were wary of all outsiders but reluctantly they sought outside counsel when they noticed that their sun was rapidly expanding without explanation; threatening to wipe out all life on the planet.]
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ryuunosenshi · 5 years
1 and 2!
Oh, is this for the OC questions about photography thingy? I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was one of those posts where people could ask you, I thought it was just things you could answer yourself in the tags if you know what I mean ^^’’’
So I answered them all already in the tags but since tumblr has this ‘’wonderful’’ thing going on where, if the first tag is of a certain length, that one and all the ones after it won’t show up on mobile (really A+ work tumblr...), I will copy paste what I said here ;)
1. Which oc gets into all kinds of hazardous positions in order to take a great picture?
- Yve. she doesn't care that that pretty flower is growing out of the cracks on the tenth floor of a structurally questionable building. She will fucking get a helicopter and go down a rope mission impossible style to get a picture of it
2. Which oc refuses to be photographed?
- Reiya. absolutely. I'd like to think that Tiya isn't a big fan of it either but she wouldn't really refuse it if it's asked.
2a. How great or small are the lengths they go to in order to avoid being in pictures?
-  if she didn't like the person trying to photograph her anyway and if the person keeps insisting then Reiya will break the damn camera
2b. Are they adverse to being photographed ever, or just sometimes?
- Reiya always hates it. No exceptions ever. Tiya, like i said, tries to avoid it when she can unless it can't be helped
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 11 months
[Tregear and Reiya got into a spat resulting in Reiya staying at Reader’s house for a while until Tregear comes to apologize.]
Tregear, to Reiya: Reiya my dear, what do you say we just destroy the southern half of the continent, huh?
Reiya: I’d love to!
[R/n and Spark doll! Belial watch the happy couple fly away.]
Belial, sitting on R/n’s shoulder: Ah, I love a happy ending!
R/n, looks at him funny: Happy ending?? They're gonna destroy half the continent!
Belial: Yeah, but not the half we live in.
R/n: Good point.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 9 months
[After Shio got yeeted back in time by Reiya and Tregear.]
Hiroyuki: Well done, Taiga! You’re handling this whole thing rather well.
Taiga: I don't think I am, Hiroyuki.
Hiroyuki: Then you’re freaking out in the most useful way possible. Keep it up.
[A few days later a starving, dirty and dishevelled Shio shows up on Hiroyuki's doorstep. everyone especially Taiga is overjoyed and asked how she found her way back?]
Shio, finishing off her fifth helping of curry: Oh, I didn't.
Titas: Then how are you back here?
Shio: Well, once I figured out I was trapped in the past with no way to return... I had no other choice but to wait it out.
Fuma: What do you mean?
Shio: So, you know how I have 3 forms this human form, my alien form and my kaiju serpent form? *Everyone nods* Well, I took my serpent form; found a nice cave to curl up in and took a very long nap....
Hiroyuki: So you've been sleeping the past hundred years?
Shio: Yeah, I just woke up yesterday... Did I miss anything?
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 8 months
Kidnapper, video calling Reiya: we have your boyfriend.
Reiya: you have Tregear?
Kidnapper: yeah.
{Reiya notices Tregear quietly coming up behind the kidnapper.]
Reiya: good luck with that.
Kidnapper: Wha- *Gets cut off by Tregear's hand jutting out and grabbing his throat*
{The video cuts off.]
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 8 months
Reiya: Wait, how’d you know I was looking for you?
Kirisaki: As your right-hand man, and lover, I’m pretty much always ten feet away. Listening in, watching your every move. Always.
Reiya:....Hmmm, Okay then!
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
Reiya: Sometimes I really regret showing you how to use the blender...
Kirisaki, drinking toast: Why?
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
{A rare moment where Tregear and Reiya argue.]
Tregear: Why do you always attack me with words? 
Reiya uncurling her scorpion tail: Should I use my stinger instead?!
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
[AU where Tregear and Reiya didn’t die, they were just exiled: Takes place a few minutes after an alien Babarue and Icarus just tried to kidnap Reiya and Tregear’s child to sell at an auction, They knew going after either parent was too dangerous (Even with most of their powers sealed away.) So Babarue went after their newborn daughter: Chika.]
Babarue, while being stalked Tregear: What the hell is wrong with this psychopath?!
Alien Icarus: Besides the obvious? I’m pretty sure the fact that you tried to kidnap and sell their child is more than enough to push any good parent to the brink of insanity.
Babarue: Shut-up.
[Suddenly the roof of the building they were hiding in was ripped off and to the aliens horror there was Tregear in his giant form looking  down at them maliciously...
Tregear: Found you!~ *Brings his fist down and...*
(cut to reality)
Kirisaki smirks as he calmly cradles his daughter; they watch as the two intruders scream and writhe around on the floor of Reiya’s testing chamber which was filled with a blue sparkly vapor.]
Kirisaki: Looks like we can tell your mommy that toxin she’s making works just splendidly... 
*Chika sucks her thumb and babbles incoherently as Babarue jumps to his feet and runs for them only to faceplant right into the glass, causing Kirisaki to back away hair as they watch the dazed alien groan and slide down to the floor.*
Kirisaki: Though it could do without all the rabid dramatics... Maybe I should’ve strapped them down before locking them in there, hm?
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
Kirisaki (Tregear), after finding his snacks have been tampered with: Are you the one whose been stealing from my secret stash?
Reiya: Of course not! I like annoying you, not driving you into a homicidal rage.
[Kirisaki’s eyes narrow at her, later after everyone’s gone to bed Kirisaki hears *Snap* followed by a painful yelp...a man’s yelp to be more specific, without hesitation he jumped out of bed and found Reiya coming out of her room looking bewildered.
Kirisaki hissed at her to keep quiet and to stay behind him, even though she insist she didn’t need to be protected and could handle herself! The two cautiously made their way in to Reiya’s living room to find a man in raggedy clothes trying to pry a mouse trap off his hand.]
Kirisaki: Can I help you, sir?
Squatter, jumps back in shock: Ur...oh, th-this isn’t my house!
Kirisaki: Yes, and those aren’t your snacks either....
Reiya: How did you get in here.
Squatter: urm...
Kirisaki: She asked a question...and I suggest you answer.
Squatter: through th-the backdoor.
Reiya: Hm...And how long have have you been in my house for?
Squatter:.. T-two months.
[Kirisaki and Reiya both shot each other a look and looked back a the Squatter.]
Kirisaki: Two months....Hm? And in those two months how much did you see?~
{The squatter went pale they knew he knew about their true forms, Reiya’s lab, He .Knew. About. Everything...}
Reiya: Hm, Y’know... I’ve been severely lacking in new test subjects for my latest project...
{And now he knew wasn’t leaving this house alive, Kirisaki and Reiya chuckled manically as they shifted to their true forms the man cowered in fear under their looming shadows as his terror filled scream echoed in the night.]
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
[Tregear found Reiya’s secret lab he pokes around for a bit and finds this strange ray-gun, Reiya reluctantly explains that it was designed to briefly bond the shooter and the target’s senses together, someone wanted it built so they could take some politician hostage they wanted the “If they kill me, they’ll kill you too.” situation. But, then the client tried to welch out on the payment... Let’s just say, by the time Reiya was done with him the authorities had to use soup ladles to scoop up whatever was left of his body, while she was distracted a curious Tregear aimed the gun at her and fired... 
Too bad Reiya’s menses cycle had just started..]
Tregear, putting his hand on his cramping stomach: Fraking hell! When you said you were always in some form of pain or discomfort, I didn’t think you meant it literally! How am I meant to sleep like this?!
Reiya: ...Starting to regret testing my the shared senses ray on us, aren’t you?
Tregear: I can handle it! …It’s just a little annoying.
Reiya: Pfft, Just you wait until I have one of my bad days, then you’ll understand why I was so against this. 
Tregear, stares at her in disbelief: …Are you telling me this is you on a good day?!
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
[While Reiya is putting some groceries away Tregear curious peeks on what she’s bought and noted a lot packs of Jerky, shake powder mix, instant meals...]
Tregear, taking a pack of Jerky from the bag: You bought a lot of protein rich food...
Reiya: Well, yes, I’m am a Scorpion and like that snake brat I’m carnivorous, I need a healthy protein rich diet...
Tregear, while getting a drink out of the bag: You know an awful lot about Taiga’s little girlfriend, way too much for it to be coincidental..*Take a drink*
Reiya: No surprise there...Shio’s my niece after all.
{Tregear does spit take a gawks a Reiya who looks at him expressionless.]
Tregear: Wh-
Taiga: What did you just say?
{Cut to Hiroyuki’s apartment where where Hiroyuki and the Tri-squad are gawking at Shio in disbelief.]
Shio: I said Reiya and I know each other because she’s my aunt...
Horoyuki: But how??? You’re a snake and she’s a spider?
Shio: Scorpion. Hiroyuki, and my species genetics are... odd, My grandfather was a Dragon and my Grandmother was a crane, when two different types of Zodlestians get together it’s like a slot machine you never know what the outcome will be.
Fuma: Wait, If I recall...Isn’t Reiya part of the Zodlestial the royal family?
Titas: Yes, She’s the current queen...
Taiga: Th- then that would mean Shio is...
{They turn and look at Shio stunned as she winks a gives them finger guns.]
Shio: I’m Shio the 1st last Princess of the Zodlestials  …And Niece of Queen Reiya the 3rd, yadda yadda…
Hiroyuki & Tri-Squad: HA?????
-cut back to Reiya’s pharmacy-
Tregear:...Doesn’t it bother you?
Reiya, cleaning up her kitchen: What?
Tregear: Going up against the girl? She’s your only family is she not?
Reiya: No, It doesn’t ...In fact, My one regret was not leaving her to rot on the dying Zodia with my sister...
Tregear: …Interesting.
--------------------------- [Reiya and Shio’s species are based of the zodiacs and constellations. Shio is based off of both Ophiuchus and Serpens the serpent bearer, And Reiya is based off of Scorpio, Shio’s mother Reiya’s twin sister was based off the chameleon.]
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
[Slight AU: Tregear and Reiya never died they just lost their powers and were exiled.]
Tregear, When he sees Reiya has brought home a mini Pigmon: You really need to stop adopting strays.
Reiya, while carrying her tiny Pigmon in a purse: ...You say that as if you weren’t once one of said strays yourself....Besides You’re not heartless enough to walk away from this little pug face are you?
Pigmon: (Chitters cutely at Tregear) 
[Cut to later pics of Tregear and Reiya’s Pigmon. (They named him Poro.) showing up on the web of him wearing cute little sweaters and playing with toys...]
Hikari: I like Pigmons and all, But don’t you think you two are going a little overboard??
Taro: Hey! Let them spoil their child!!
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
Kirisaki (Tregear), looking at the umbrella prices in Reiya’s shop: Pfft... Who buys an umbrella? You can get them for free from coffee shops in those metal cans.
Reiya, as she’s stocking shelves: Those belong to people....*pause* Have you been taking people’s umbrellas?
Kirisaki, who has like 12 umbrellas in his room: …No.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 11 months
Reiya: You must calm down. 
Tregear: I thought we talked about this. You’re supposed to support me when I want to kill someone!
Reiya, holding Tregear back from harming Hiroyuki, The tri-squad and Shio: Not in this instance, my darling!
{Tregear, Reiya, the Tri-squad Hiroyuki and Shio got trapped in a dimensional rift and Reiya begrudgingly realizes that they all need to work together in order to escape.]
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
[Tregear notices Reiya seemed distracted with a book, he was a bit intrigued by the covers dark illustration of a black feather splattered with blood.]
Tregear: What’s that you’re reading?
Reiya: A collection of poetry by Edgar Allen Poe.
Tregear, scoffs: Human literature...I never thought you’d fall in with their mediocre writing.
Reiya: I wouldn’t call Poe’s writing mediocre...Let me read one to you.
Tregear: Hm...
Reiya: You’ll like it, I promise.
[Tregear is doubtful but listens as Reiya reads the Raven to him. Needless to say, by the end of the day Tregear had borrowed and read nearly every, dark, mysterious and macabre novel in Reiya’s library.] 
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