#Uncontrolled - Unconfined
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                ||RULES||PROFILE||ASK||VERSE||BIO || CARRD||
                   "ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴜᴘᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴇꜱꜱʙᴏᴀʀᴅ."
                       𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐑𝐚 𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. 𝐇𝐨𝐣𝐨'𝐬 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭.
                                   𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
                                   𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦?
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halfdeadgemini12 · 3 months
Some of my inchoate late night thoughts
I have thoughts in my head They go smoothly They are unspoken Without awareness
Each dressing of something in words is an attempt to recreate a reconstruction of a reconstruction; a conscious process of grasping subconsciousness
And how I recreate myself in the tension of pressure A short time
A whole line of data
Lost disjointed confused mixed up How to translate it into the code of language
A few seconds? A few vibrations?
And each application of pen to paper A finger to the screen
Is like forcing I hate being forced As if I don't want to As if I'm tired of forever converting something unconvertible Something that will always be skewed I love words because they are the closest But I hate how much gets lost in them And this subconscious awareness that they will misunderstand you that you will get so comically lost that again in all these connections something will not connect? You could say that love is that connector but that's a question not explored at the moment. (I had to chastise myself slightly because I will drift away). (Thought after thought each thought leads to the next until it meets the first one) I talk a lot about getting lost, maybe it's because I've been doing it all my life and getting lost is a companion trait for me on many levels. In my dreams I get lost in buildings, they are rarely normal. Then they usually resemble school but in my dreams nothing is clear. I'm going somewhere by myself, I don't know where. I take some bus or train (usually not the right one) I walk around strange cities. Everything is strange and they have their own very specific atmosphere.
My dreams especially after certain specifics even lead me to metaphysical experiences that I can't process, explain, keep up with. They introduce a lot of confusion, fear and this very strange complex sensation that I am also unable to explain. The experiences in my dreams can be so extremely powerful and "real" in a sense… that I am on the verge of being unsure of their unreality. However, I am not able to tell if this is a matter of dreams or perhaps…. of these substances.
In dreams there are also beautiful landscapes, they look basically like in the world but the colors are mostly much more vivid, everything seems more spacious "free" it is difficult to explain. Feelings,sensations, impressions in dreams are also strange. Landscapes, even the play of light are usually amazing but difficult feelings can be cruel. So intense that their aftertaste is very bitter difficult to swallow. You have to shake it off and it can take a while. The very process of realization, recalling individual frames, words, atmosphere, feelings, impressions…. unconfined confusion Endless contexts and interpretations overwhelm Frustrating lack of understanding forgetting most details A puzzle with many lost puzzles Frightening and saddening experiences emotions Great despair great fear great anger And all this leads to an excessive focus on analyzing intellectualizing Even giving mythical meaning
Are not all these emotions a reflection of all these great emotions? Specifically: immense sadness immense fear immense frustration immense anger… i.e. an explosion, hell unbearable AND uncontrollable…. impossible to control…. too much data too much stimulus too many feelings too much definitely too much of everything need to withdraw as soon as possible escape
The eternal desire for control shows up in dreams The complete lack of it
And temporary ignoring leads to a delayed ignition
And so it will come
And more than once
What it's like to know but not to be aware that you know It is also possible not to know to be aware that you don't know And then you talk lol
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shanghaivewor · 2 years
Free english to english dictionary
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-FREE - combining form (Environment) (Health and Fitness) (Lifestyle and Leisure) As the second element in a hyphenated adjective: not containing or ….1 at liberty, unfettered, unchained, unshackled, unconfined, untrammelled, unencumbered, unrestrained, unrestricted, unconstrained, uncontrolled, free-born, independent, self-governing, self-governed, self-ruling, autonomous, …
free enterprise system free market economy North American Free Trade Agreement Free Territory of Trieste European Free Trade Association … adjective COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES (a) free choice ▪ Students have an entirely free choice of what to study … …Ĭollins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary FREE - ( freer, freest, frees, freeing, freed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.not in bondage to or under the control of another having personal … (freer freest) 1 not in bondage to or under the control of another having personal … Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English free 1 S1 W1 /friː/ BrE AmE adjective [ Word Family: noun : ↑ freebie, ↑ freedom … Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary FREE - / friː NAmE / adjective, verb, adverb ■ adjective ( freer / ˈfriːə(r) NAmE / freest / ˈfriːɪst ….FREE - free BrE AmE friː ▷ freed friːd ▷ freeing ˈfriː ɪŋ ▷ freely ˈfriː li ▷ freer ˈfri ː ‿ə ….adv without charge as, children admitted free.Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary est ) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English frēo akin to Old High German ….Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary free/, adj., freer, freest, adv., v., freed, freeing. Webster's New International English Dictionary est ˈfrēə̇st) Etymology: Middle English fre, free, from Old English frēo ….FREE - (as used in expressions) free market economy North American Free Trade Agreement Free Territory of Trieste European Free ….More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «FREE» in dictionaries.
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important moon lore from Call of the Netherdeep:
"Though this story presents Ruidus as a subject of superstition and folklore, it intentionally avoids discussing the moon’s actual magical power. Any mystical powers that nonplayer characters in this story claim to receive from the vermilion moon are related to Ruidus only so far as people believe them to be. In truth, the powers those characters wield comes from a figure called the Apotheon. The true nature of Ruidus is a topic to be explored in other Critical Role stories."
There's a whole myth about the Apotheon. Essentially, there was an unidentifiable power seeping into Exandria that is said to have been an "alien influence" that threatened all life, and so the gods banded together to banish it. After they succeeded, what remained of that power crystalized and formed into Ruidus. The gods then decided to concoct a tale of curses and ill-omen in order to conceal Ruidus' alien origin, so that the people of Exandria would always know to avoid the draw or development of its corrupted magics. This wasn't technically a lie, since "Ruidus’s alien magic twists the fate of those who are born or embark on ventures while bathed in its vermilion light."
Near the beginning of the Calamity, a boy was born beneath the full light of Ruidus, and so he was viewed with suspicion and was thought to be cursed. He sought to defy this fate and instead became a powerful warrior on the frontlines of the Calamity, and he beseeched the gods three times to aid him in battle. Each time, they granted him more power, until he wasn't just a champion, but was halfway to godhood himself. He became the Apotheon. He then battled Gruumsh atop a Marquesian city that stood where Ank'harel now does; though he prevented Gruumsh from annihilating all life on Marquet, the Apotheon was defeated, the city was destroyed, and much of the lush jungle landscape of Marquet was turned to desert. His defeat caused his connection to Ruidus to flare, tearing a rift to an unknown realm of alien magic, creating a pocket plane dubbed the Netherdeep — there, he was trapped in an extradimensional space of his own making by nothing more than the belief that he did not deserve to leave. Now, the Apotheon is a being of little more than memory and tormented emotions as he yearns for freedom, though the players are able to get through to him and free him from this torment if they take a certain path.
Another element of this is that it is the Apotheon, not Ruidus, that is the source of ruidium. His emotions leaking through his prison and crystalizing into these red stones is what formed ruidium, and his fury at those who would steal or exploit it caused him to lash out and curse the substance to corrupt all who held it.
It isn't Ruidus that has twisted the selfless man the Apotheon once was into the manipulative, traumatized being he has become; it was his own emotions that did it, within the confinement that Gruumsh condemned him to. His own emotions that now spill forth in the form of uncontrollable and unconfined power, his own emotions that distort and physically manifest as ruidium, his own emotions that drive him towards drawing the players in so that they can free him.
This is super important, actually. Because it means that ruidium isn't actually connected to Ruidus itself except by association. It didn't come from the moon — rather, it came from the Apotheon himself: "the Apothenon was marked by Ruidus, but he creates ruidium on his own, not by drawing on the moon's power." It also means that the abilities that moon-domain clerics have that seem to be related to the dichotomy of the moons aren't actually connected, but are rather presumed to be by in-world assumptions. They are written the way that they are — in a way that draws connections to Ruidus — not because they're actually connected, but because people in Exandria believe that they're connected. So really, we have no fucking idea what Ruidus is or what it can do, because everything we previously thought was attached to Ruidus actually isn't, it's connected to the Apotheon — whose magic also doesn't come from Ruidus, but from his covenant with the three gods who gave him his power (Sehanine, Avandra, and Corellon).
Which, much to my own dismay, makes it incredibly difficult to theorize about Ruidus. But there are still some things here to be gleaned and proven, and some things that were clarified by Call of the Netherdeep:
It orbits Exandria every 6 months (roughly), which gives its orbit an interesting temporal relationship with the rest of the Exandrian calendar since a year only has 11 months (so it's not a perfect two-orbits-per-year type thing).
It does not have phases, but it does have a perpetual shadow that is sometimes, unpredictably, "cast off" — these are the times when Ruidus is considered "full."
It both seems to glow brighter at certain times (wording on this implies that this is across the span of days, or possibly weeks), and flashes seemingly-randomly with red light (wording that implies this occurs in the span of seconds or minutes). This means that it must be producing its own light, rather than reflecting light from the sun, during certain times.
Folklore across Exandria paints those who are born under the full light of Ruidus as harbingers of suffering and tragedy, or may be compelled to cause misfortune and woe. Additionally, some folklore holds that plans concocted or set in motion under the full light of Ruidus are doomed to fail, usually due to miscommunication or betrayal.
Ruidus is continuously, throughout every book and episode where it's mentioned at length, described as a powerful magical force that twists fate. "Ruidus’ alien magic twists the fate of those who are born or embark on ventures while bathed in its vermilion light." It is also noted that "the red moon of Ruidus watches, twisting the fates of those who have the power to shape the course of history."
Legends assert that Ruidus is all that remains of a powerful, alien force of dark magic that was "seeping through the fabric of reality" and which was believed by the gods to threaten all life in Exandria. When the gods banished this unidentifiable power, the remnants that were left behind crystallized to form Ruidus. The gods then spun a story about Ruidus being a "moon of ill omen" so that the mortals of Exandria would not go looking for its alien magic.
When the Apotheon's connection to Ruidus flared upon his defeat, "a rift was torn between worlds, in which alien energy from an unknown realm and the waters of Cael Morrow’s oasis mingled to produce a lightless realm of water and strange magic."
At the very end of the book, it notes that ruidium "is linked to the Apotheon, channeling not just his distorted emotions but also the curse of misfortune bestowed upon him by the moon Ruidus." Honestly, given all this information, I can't parse whether Ruidus actually bestows curses on people who are born or enact plans under its full light, or whether the societal perception of Ruidus that was seeded by the gods themselves is the "curse of misfortune" more than anything that the moon can do. Or whether there really is a curse, but it is set upon people by the Prime Deities, not Ruidus, so that the tale they concocted way back in the Founding will continue to hold true throughout history in an effort to keep people from looking into its power.
some other interesting points from the book:
The city that Gruumsh destroyed was Cael Morrow, an elven settlement that sank deep beneath the oasis that Ank'harel is now built around. Within the city is the rift to the extradimensional space of the Netherdeep, which is guarded by an aboleth — an aberration. And guess fuckin' what? Aberrations are not native to Exandria. They come from the Far Realm. And they can be dreamed into being by Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion.
Ruidium shields and armor both give the user resistance to psychic damage.
Both Ruidus and Catha are described multiple times as "watching over" the landscape. In C2, during the Traveler Con arc, it was established that many of her worshipers believe that Catha is itself Sehanine, watching over Exandria even from beyond the Divine Gate. So whose eye is Ruidus?
So many things about Ruidus and its "curse" remind me of Tharizdun. The effigy with eyes, the organic patterns of ruidium, the inhuman and angelic forms of the Apotheon, the dark alien force that Ruidus was supposedly formed from that "seeped through the fabric of reality" and was "incomprehensible" by even the gods, Apotheon's hunger for freedom and his desperation to escape or be released from his prison, a curse that's set in motion and left to run its course rather than being a force of direct interference from the gods...
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pi-cat000 · 4 years
MSA: Take Back The Future (part 2)
Summary: Vivi and Arthur travel back in time to the beginning of Hellbent. Neither of them are okay. (Vivi and Arthur friendship. Time travel fix it. Lots of angst. Hurt Arthur)
(Part 1)
Part 3: here
Arthur’s head spins as he is yanked to around and behind Vivi with enough force to give him whiplash. Vivi’s grip on his hand tightens, becoming almost painful. The air around the two of them grows cold. It’s cold enough that Arthur can see his breath misting. With Vivi now directly in front of him, he no longer has a good view of Mystery. Fine by him. The brief reprieve gives him the precious seconds he needs to pull his head together and stamp down the overwhelming wave of fear that has his whole body shaking uncontrollably. The cold isn’t helping.
“You can talk,” Vivi’s voice cuts with unconfined ire, “It was all real. That future was real.”
Mystery makes to step forward and jump down from the van but stops when Vivi snaps, “Don’t move.”
Arthur’s not the only one who remembers nightmare Mystery, towering over them with sharp teeth and a penetrating, inescapable gaze. Great. He’s shaking even more now. Arthur glances at his mechanical arm, clenching and unclenching his fist to reassure himself that it’s still there and under his control.
/I mean you no harm./ Mystery placates, noting their unease, /This is ….unexpected. I assure you, I am just as confused./
“You’re confused!?” Vivi draws herself up, staring Mystery down with hard determination. Her hand, the one that’s not holding his, seams to reach for something that isn’t there.
“I just found out that my dog isn’t a dog. Seconds ago I was watching my best friend get ripped apart! ”
Arthur’s not sure if it’s light of the full moon reflecting off Vivi’s blue cloths, but she seems to glow a silvery-blue.
Mystery’s eyes shift to him, puzzled, then back to Vivi, searching. /I am not sure what you are referring to. Please explain. /
“No. Not until you answer some questions first.”
Once more, Mystery glances between them before settling back on the seat. He seems more concerned than threatening and Arthur feels somewhat reassured.   Vivi takes the opportunity to glance back at him and he gives a helpless shrug not sure whether he should try and mention possibly-dead-Lewis now or later. He has his own questions for Mystery regarding Lewis’s disappearance but finds them all stuck halfway in his throat. Does he even want answers at this point?
“What are you.” Vivi turns back to Mystery and starts her questioning.
/I am a Kitsune. A fox spirit of significant power. You already know much about my kind from the many folk tales concerning Japanese mythology which you read as a child./
“That stuff was real? I thought most supernatural folklore was exaggerated”
/Some tales are true. Many are not. Most blend the truth with fiction./
Arthur can practically feel the frustration rolling off Vivi in waves.
“Gee thanks, that really clears everything up.”
/Obviously, there is more to the situation, but this is all very sudden and I am unsure…/
Whatever Mystery is trying to say is cut off by Vivi’s next barrage of questions.
“Why is there a tree lady trying to drink your blood and what does that have to do with this,” Vivi holds up her hand and Arthur can see blue frost collecting between her fingers, running along her arm “What’s happening to me, or was I supposed to have read about this in a book as well!”
If a dog could go pale, Mystery would be as white as a ghost. Or maybe not a ghost, because Lewis had been coloured primarily purple. Arthur watches the dog recoil away in an approximation of shock. He would say the other looked genuinely scared.
/Shiromori? How could you possibly know about that?/ The dog shakes his head, standing abruptly.  Both he and Vivi take a cautious step back. Well, he takes a step back and inadvertently pulls Vivi with him. Mystery hesitates in the face of their blatant mistrust.
/How do you know about Shiromori?/
“We’re not sure. Some sort of shared vision of the future maybe?”
“It was real,” Arthur interrupts, tramping down his unease, “I don’t know how, but it definitely felt real…when… I died.” He stops, wincing. His arm sparks bright purple.
“A lot happened in...the future?” Vivi takes over when he fails to continue speaking, to busy staring at his arm in terror, “I guess it was the future wasn’t it. Is that even possible?”
/Perhaps. There are ways to reverse time…/
/ I have sworn an oath to protect the Yukino family as is custom when my kind owes a debt. Part of this oath entails that I maintain a seal which acts as a barrier between Yukino family heirs and their access to the full spiritual power of their bloodline,/ Mystery rushes through the explanation with mounting urgency. Arthur’s arm sparks again. Pain shoots through his shoulder and his attention snaps to the highway, currently empty, stretching away on either side of him in both directions. Everything is unnervingly still.
“Vivi…” He pulls at Vivi’s arm to get her attention.
/This frost that gathers around us right now is a manifestation of spiritual power leaking into the physical plane. It is a danger to regular humans and, for so much to be leaking through, the seal would have to have been damaged. Something catastrophic would need to have befallen both of us for this to happen. It is of vital importance that you explain exactly what happened /
“Vivi…” He hisses, loud enough to interrupt. Mystery’s attention jumps onto him again and he falters again.
Vivi, somewhat stunned by the sudden onslaught of information, glances over her shoulder at him, “What is it?”
He opens his mouth to speak but no sound comes out. Instead, he is stuck staring at Mystery.
Vivi turns quickly to glare at Mystery, snapping, “Do you mind…” and the dog looks away, uncertain.  
He takes a breath, forcing out his warning, “We need to go, or move somewhere else. Lewis…I mean the purple fire ghost, the one from the mansion, will be here soon.”
“You were unconscious for that part. We were chased by the purple ghost before the…ah…tree lady attacked. I was trying to escape…It’s how we ended up crashing into Kingsman Mechanics.”
Another particularly violent spark and his arm goes completely dead, falling limp and useless. He winces, freeing his other hand so he can massage his shoulder. Nervously, he checks the highway again, searching for any hint of Lewis’s spooky ghost truck. Would he have to live through the whole experiences of being chased down and almost thrown to his death again? He’s not sure he can handle it a second time.
Vivi’s hand lands on his shoulder, ice-cold, soothing some of the pain.
“Yeah, I was wondering what the fire ghost’s deal was,” Vivi falters, suddenly angry,  “Did it do something to your arm? How are you still affected if we time-traveled?”
/There appears to be a curse attached to his arm. These sorts of forces are unbound by the natural flow of time./ Mystery speaks over them, /It must have been activated recently or was too faint for me to notice before now./
“A curse which manifests with purple sparks...like the one we think took my memories? Wait, do you know what happened to my memories.”
/If Arthur is right about Shiromori’s intentions to attack while we are on the road then we shall remain here and prepare for a confrontation./ 
Part 3: here
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pwlanier · 3 years
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Barbershop and commercial signs provide a living for the man who painted this pig. This signed painting was created by a Igbo artist living in Benin City, Nigeria who sells work under the name HIMS, likely for his own amusement than in the hope that it would sell. The domesticated pig is raised on scraps and often unconfined. In some areas, large-scale pig farms are being tested even though devout Muslims do not eat pork. The wild pig, by contrast, is a threat to farmers' crops. In parts of central Africa the wild pig is described as "uncontrollable as a woman" and featured on initiation masks.
National Museum of African Art
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finding-freed0m · 5 years
what is chaos?
freaks of nature, accidents, disasters?
an earthquake, a wildfire, a tsunami, a tornado.
but this is cheating chaos of a worthy definition
chaos is human,
it’s inside all of us.
some of us know how to build bridges to withstand seismic activity,
others are fully equipped with fire hoses.
there are those who have built walls high enough to keep cities safe from waves,
and people with state of the art storm shelters.
chaos contained, confined, and controlled.
but some of us know nothing but cracked sidewalks and broken paths,
others slowly being choked by the smoke of flames burning them alive.
there are those who are drowning in stormy waters,
and people being ripped from the earth and shattered like window pane.
chaos uncontained, unconfined, and uncontrolled.
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ofgeneticperfection · 4 years
Scarlet’s chain of sweetness
Courtesy of  @madamdirectcr
1. Indomitable - She pretty much does what she wants, how she wants, whenever she wants. If she wants something? She manipulates her way into getting it. She doesn’t stop until she has it and hardly anything will sway her otherwise. She’s extremely hard to control when determined and set on a task in mind. She’s hard to control period. She’s got a streak of wild, impulsive, and loves to toy with others be it malicious or just to tease.  Her will is near impossible to break and she never believes that she can’t do something even if it is the impossible. Atop of that she’s fairly hard to defeat physically, she’ll bring more than a challenge if ever attack or if a loved one is ever hurt. I’m not saying that she can’t be brought down because she can, but it’s going to take more than a couple of hits.
2. Emotional Depth-  There’s not just one tier to Isrieal, there’s a million and it’s a labyrinth. She comes off as cold, arrogant, prideful but that’s the main wall that she hides behind. She’s strong and will exude complete confidence most of the time while being sly, cunning, coy, and whatever else she can throw at you. These are the emotions she shows to the world but the rest she’s buried so deep inside that she forgets they even exist. Inside she’s broken, sad, lonely, tormented but she has her ways of hiding them and biting back the pain that feeling these emotions brings. It’s from the conditions she’s been stuck in for her whole life at Hojo’s mercy and the lies she’s had to tell herself to make it easier to handle. Of course, this naturally makes her volatile with bursts of anger or other strong emotions and if she let’s one slip out they all come spilling out sooner or later. She does have a tendency to use special sedative injections to subdue these emotions whenever she feels any starting to well up. Deep under it all, however, she loves with all of her heart once she is sure that she will not be hurt. She’s always afraid of that in a way, but there is no in between. You have her all or you have her nothing. But once there she is quite passionate and protective and more soft and innocent then she’d originally lead you to think. 
3. Manipulative - Life is a game and she plays to win. At least that’s how one survives in ShinRa. She learned from one of the best manipulators out there and now she’s known to even manipulate the Professor himself. She rose herself from experiment to assistant Director by playing him and she plays everyone around as she sees necessary in order to get what she needs. She often shows what she wants to show and nothing more, near every move and every article of clothing is precisely calculated towards whomever she is meeting with. Of course, only if you don’t know her well. 
4. Deals with the Devil- Oh yes, she loves to make deals but don’t worry they’re mostly fair and she is one to keep to her word and her promises. Despite her demeanor she is quite loyal when she promises something. If you work out a trade or a bargain she’ll do her best to uphold her end of it, getting you what you want in return. There is a lot that can be traded between science and other departments after all and she’s not afraid to go behind the Professor’s back here and there if it means obtaining something she’s personally after in the end. 
5. A.I Alien - Lastly, yes I love the fact she is a hybrid and loves to play with quantum theory and A.I in the future. I always love the sci-fi aesthetics and concepts and the idea of something beautiful having a monster inside. She’s at conflict with this part of herself, often not knowing how to fully accept it but at least she is in control of the cells and not the other way around. She’s also always been focused on uploading consciousness and prolonging and bringing others back to life since she doesn’t age. It’s from there that she gets pulled into quantum theories and eventually breaks through to a system A.I that she makes a deal with to her own advantage, but this is a plot I haven’t touched in a while. Really I love everything about her but these are some fun and dominating concepts. 
1. @animus-inspire Where do I start? Seriously. This was unexpected but yet one of the best things that has ever happened in my writing history. I love love love this ship and all the AU’s of it so much! And beyond that, it’s so rare to get me to talk a lot but I can’t seem to ever shut up around you xD. But, I LOVE talking to you and the connection we have and the fact that we have so many stinking ideas all the damn time and they all get played off each other so easily and that we can share the same obsessions and YES WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! But you are also one of the sweetest and most full of life people I know on here and I absolutely love writing with you, you’ve made it so great :3. And you are seriously best Reeve and have made me love all the Reeve. <3
2. @thefirstthaumaturge I’ve known you for about like, well.....well over 10 years xD And I love you more as the years go on. We’ve survived drama days together and now we can laugh about all the stupid RP stuff we did in the past. I also enjoy all of our new RPs and how great its been to see both our OCs grow and thrive in these communities. I also super love talking to you and playing video games with you and watching WestWorld and movies with you. Basically, you make everything super fun and I don’t know what I’d do without you around. I also love how we always manage to say/type the same things at the same time all the damn time xD Digital sisters but its as real as it gets. 
3. @shinraweirdscience @xbroken-science @insidious-scientist  I love all of my Hojo’s that deal with Izzy’s crazy ass and put up with me so thank you guys! I’m always down for crazy plots and all the trauma that comes with them so don’t ever feel bad about throwing anything at me or damaging Izzy. It’s what makes her her after all. And I find it all a lot of fun. I’m always ears for ideas so let me know!
4. @sadistic-second I don’t write a whole lot with you here but you’re always good company in the voice chats and you make playing games a lot of fun as well. I like our little group we have going on to do all the stuffs. I love all the gifs and icons you make, and the paracord is very creative as well. It’s always cool to see what you can do. Of course I like all the funny things too.   @apathetic-ruler  I have to say you’re writing is amazing, I love it! I haven’t wrote with your Ru but I love past life Ru xD One of these day’s I’ll figure out what to do with a Rufus I’m sure. 
5. @ivory-paragon We don’t write much but I love playing FFXIV with you and being in all your groups. It’s a very fun and enjoyable atmosphere and you make me laugh all the time. If I hadn’t found you I wouldn’t have found any of this awesome community and my great shippy ships that have come out of it. @rikelusshinra I love all of our RP’s and stuff too. You have a super amazing OC that seems to fit right in and I’ve loved writing with Rike. Even if you are busy now. It’s rare Izzy finds ships that work but you are one of those lucky ones that she fits well with and I love all the ideas we play with as well. So to my FFU peeps! Even if we don’t write on tumblr much I still love you both. 
Honorable mentions:
@cinderella-gurei God, you are the best Chadley and you break my damn heart all the time in our RPs. Izzy will never forgive herself completely but she’s glad to have you around and so am I! She will protecc forever. <3 
@madamdirectcr I love your Scarlet! I want to see what happes :3  @makeupandmateria Another lovely Scarlet I had to mention as well!
So okay, I’ve thought about this all day and I’ll do a few categories. Since I revolve around music so heavily and no lie have hundreds of my own music videos in my head for every song I’ve ever heard, yes I’m one of THOSE people. xD
So I’ll start with what I’ve been listening to lately that really fits in with WestWorld Izzy and Logan!Reeve ShinuestiLos xD I can’t seem to get Poker Face out of my head for her and a couple other Lady Gaga songs that fit in  Like this one too. 
Also I really love these songs but they are so random. This one mostly thanks to ARI, but I can never not listen to it when it comes on. Also Mortal Kombat. This song makes me so fired up every time I hear any variation of it xD. Even now! alkdjfsldjfsdljf, but I do really like this mix. 
Then we can’t forget those emo day songs. Mr. Brightside is one I can never resist singing. It’s just so damn good! Then there is Holiday by Greenday and can’t forget Miss Murder by AFI xD 
Now I have an extremely long list of electronic type, synth, darkwave, trance, whatever the heck categories they fall under that I just like to call my Robot music xD  Here’s a couple with AI themes that I’ll just throw out here. We Appreciate Power and quite literally A.I 
And lastly this one reminds me of Midgar so much and Izzy, but I always see her singing this if she ever made a music video. (which apparently she’s made many) But she’d definitely be in front of wall sized windows with Midgar in the background and the labs, and its also why she sometimes refers to it as Electric City, idk who the guy would be singing with her but if you want it to be you just let me know? Lol.  After all she is Indistinct. Ill Defined. Uncontrolled. Unconfined. 
Tagged by: @animus-inspire (this took me forever Reeeeeve x.x) 
Tagging: @thefirstthaumaturge
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bitcofun · 2 years
Cryptocurrencies People Musk thinksabout releasing his own totallyfree speech platform, however evenmore factortoconsider of the matter exposes (true) complimentary speech isn't all it's split up to be. 2 minutes checkout Updated: March 29, 2022 Cover art/illustration through CryptoSlate Earlier this week, Elon Musk compared Twitter to a modern-day public town square. But, rather than a location for the complimentary exchange of concepts, Musk knocked the platform for stoppingworking to promote totallyfree speech resulting in a subversion of democracy.He followed up by asking his Twitter fans what needto be done about this issue. In doing so, fueling speculation that he prepares to launch his own contending social media platform.Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, stoppingworking to adhere to totallyfree speech concepts essentially weakens democracy.What oughtto be done? https://t.co/aPS9ycji37— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 26, 2022Currently, all significant social media platforms are centralized and so might be serving programs not privy to the public. Therefore, if Musk needs a totallyfree speech social media platform, a mostlikely shout is to usage blockchain innovation.The Tesla and SpaceX CEO didn’t validate or reject he had such strategies. But in reaction to a remark on developing his own open-source platform, he said, “Am offering severe idea to this.”Then onceagain, is totallyfree speech and liberty of expression always a great thing? After all, the unconfined posts of individuals will mostlikely turn up unpleasant material.Cryptocurrencies Is Elon Musk preparation to launch a social media platform?As the discussion on this subject grew, some recommended, rather than develop his own social media platform, Musk oughtto purchase Twitter.One Twitter user touched on this concept, while in the exactsame tweet, regardless of which path he goes, jokingly stated Dogecoin oughtto be used as a tipping system.“One of the finest things about Elon Musk either purchasing Twitter or beginning his own platform is you understand there would be a Dogecoin pointer container!“Musk responded utilizing just a 100 emoji, mostlikely as an recommendation of Dogecoin for tipping. But, real to type, he left readers second-guessing the part about purchasing Twitter, beginning his own platform, or doing neither.In any case, a genuinely totallyfree speech social media platform suggests permitting anybody and everybody to post what they like. Anything less than that isn’t totallyfree speech.Cryptocurrencies The dark side of totallyfree speechPolitical theorist Brian Leiter, who composed the book, “The Case Against Free Speech,” argues that complimentary speech shouldn’t be thoughtabout an naturally excellent thing. This doesn’t mean he supporters the censorship and guideline of public and personal interactions.Instead, Leiter things to the belief that liberty is determined by the level we are enabled to state what we desire and do as we please. In summing up Leiter’s point on this matter, what we desire to state and do are beyond our control. Therefore, to procedure flexibility by that requirements is a pseudo argument.“We’re all conditioned by our environment, and what we desire and believe are truly simply items of social, financial, and mental forces beyond our control.”In more concrete terms, there are likewise the social and ethical implications of uncontrolled complimentary speech. Ripple CTO David Schwartz responded to Musk’s calls for complimentary speech by stating this would motivate the dissemination of profane material.So you desire a platform like Twitter however filled with individuals shouting the n-word, sharing in-depth rape dreams, and publishing images of their toilets priorto they're flushed?— 𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚍 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚣 (@JoelKatz) March 26, 2022As much as complimentary speech is held as virtuous, some type of censorship is needed to preserve social cohesion. The muchdeeper problem lies in who chooses what is permitted and what isn’t.Read More.
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project-ffvii-blog · 6 years
Hojo Week : Day 3
Alternate Universe
I’ve decided to do a playlist for this one.  Below are a list of songs that remind me of dark labs or Hojo and experiments. They’ve also inspired me to help write storylines with him throughout the years so feel free to use them to do the same or just to listen and see what you make of them as well.
“I worked so hard on my creation. Maybe it was all fate, it was already too late.” https://youtu.be/0mbVaFfmK78 - Don’t Get Alive by THYX “Indistinct. Ill-Defined. Uncontrolled. Unconfined.” https://youtu.be/mz32fT_KJsY - Neon Dominion GingerSnap5 Remix by Sirus Instrumental https://youtu.be/tjJB9cN2Xrw - On the Face of the Deep by Scandroid “No one feels his infiltration, always repenting of his crime. Still stained with desecration forever floating out of time.” https://youtu.be/K4sx3F8GnXE - Out of Time by Mind.In.A.Box “In this place you cannot reach me. To save my mind my flesh forever gone.” https://youtu.be/y29GL6Q8NX0 - Forever Gone by Mind.In.A.Box “Destroy everything you touch. You don’t feel. Do not know. What you steal.” https://youtu.be/dtqGoHouoE0 - Destroy Everything You Touch by Ladytron
And here’s a few fun ones:
https://youtu.be/mP2srT6hh2Y - Monster by Lady Gaga https://youtu.be/wKyrQfqFtcE - E.T by Katy Perry Also if no one has scene this Team Iluminate dance its worth checking out as it opens with the Jenova theme:
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harveyman-wsc42 · 4 years
BURNING BUILDING different dimensions
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This was challenging for me. There is a lot to this so I had to break it down slowly and it took time. The first thing I did was get a quote from my penguin book , “meanwhile the carcases where going bad”. The quote in itself has quite an off putting ring to it so I wanted to transfer that to my work.
I had worked back in to the quote to make it look like a skyscraper/buildings to add a solid background to the piece. 
The main vocal point I wanted to elaborate on was the flames consuming the buildings, I used black tape to give off the illusion of the flames and I think it worked really well, the shape, size and configuration of the black tape was important to give it the flame characteristics.
Finally with the yellow and green my objective was to create contrast allowing the flames to pop also to give it more expression, the splash and drip affect I used with yellow and green ink was to give off an unconfined/uncontrolable much like the characteristics of real flames.
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Here I experimented with the use of templates. In this I tried to create the affect of a point of view as if you were looking through a window pane watching the buildings get consumed with flames.
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some of my favourite variations below 
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very powerful and menacing, the purple blue black and white lots of contrast, deep sea vibes, scary.
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this didn't really work but its good to experiment and try new things.
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spcllbovnds · 4 years
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( a shrill shriek of anguish, black dresses with patches sewing them together, unconfined and uncontrollable abilities ) –– && it looks like elphaba thropp has finally arrived in woodshore ( though she originates from wicked ). although known as the wicked witch of the west back home, here they are a twenty-seven year old animal activist, known to be altruistic, but pedantic. they were coaxed here with the promise of protecting fiyero. they remember putting a spell on her sister’s shoes. 
from what point in your characters canon are they taken from?
elphaba is taken from the end of the musical, when she and fiyero escape together.
elphaba is cis female and uses she/her pronouns
anything else you’d like to add!
my portrayal of elphaba will be based on the musical, although i did love the book. i will be drawing a few elements from the novel, notably, elphaba’s cynicism. in her fake life, elphaba had everything she wanted she wasn’t green, her sister was entirely independent, and her father didn’t hate her. she’s almost gutted to realize that it was all a lie. she wants nothing more than to go back to the life she had a glimpse of having, but... she also realizes that she can’t live in that place. she has to be smart. and if it means keeping the people she loves safe? well. elphaba supposes a little green never hurt anyone.
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itsct · 7 years
Craving... you
The most intense craving she ever had was not a cherry pie or a piece of candy. It wasn't the smell of Del Taco fries that had her nostrils wide open ready to Inhale everything in front of her. It wasn't the aroma of fresh funnel cake leaving six flags or the feeling of skywalker laying her on her ass. Instead, it was the unshakeable need for the bad guy, the derogatory man, the one who knew she made him happy and deep down he wanted to give her more yet he refused to bend. The one who had the power to make her happy days better and to bring about the darkest clouds creating the heaviest storms you could imagine. She couldn't understand why her craving for him was so incredible, at least that was the lie she told herself. Why must indulging in the effects of his scent do so much to her? Maybe it was the way he looked when the sun hit him. So loving, so free, so unlike himself.  Perhaps it was his perfected habit of always wearing cologne, even to bed. As she lays next to him her nostrils are hit with the scent of sweet nectars and robust spices. Leaving her vulnerable when he would sleep anywhere besides next to her side.  She explored why her craving was so intense and she quickly discovered that he did this to her on purpose. He opened up to her on a different level than the other women had even had the chance to experience. Allowing the nights of dinners, bars, and his solo games of pool to take them deeper than the surface. The nights of dramatic arguments, leading to apologies, followed by moments of dancing in the clouds and splashing the television screen, candles everywhere, and all of a sudden they are in a cabin dancing in the snow.  Their imaginations always going, always wondering what if? Their thoughts opposite of one another, she wanting him so much that any piece of him could hold her fix and he fighting her so much that after two days of being away he can no longer check Instagram to see her smile. But why she was so addicted? Why him? No one ever knew. Her answer clear, logical, and true, he didn't hold back who he was. He was him. 100% authentic. Loving. Aggressive. Dogmatic. Unforgiving. Stubborn. Giver yet Never bending. Semi considerate but always Self-focused. Unsympathetic yet at the same time amazing. It was like watching a lion attack a gazelle, the gazelle enjoying the fields, prancing through the sun as the lion pounces on her. But the lion does not kill her. Instead, he swipes her with his powerful paw, in the perfect spot that allows her to survive yet always remember that he is the king. If she were, to be honest with herself, it's that exact balance of his reckless behavior and perfectly calculated actions that keep her yearning. Keep her throbbing. The undeniable magnetic energy between the two of them was something that she was unable to fight. She was filled with joy when he was around and when he wasn't she was feening for her fix. 90° in the air, Flowing with the wind as if she was a kite, in reality, she was enjoying the feeling of the sand between her toes right before the crash where the water meets the land. It's 2 am the waves are enormous, dusted with the froth of the salty ocean, and the glow of the moon dancing off of the water. The crash surprised her and drug her under, but she found her balance. The pull, the feel, the need to understand that he alone could be her source of energy, that he alone could motivate her, that he alone could stroke her brain and shift her perspective. The craving for him intensifying after every visit. She knew there were new levels to lust when she felt herself yearning for him in his presence, the feeling of wanting him intensifying, the need to have him around even though he was looking in her eyes. She knew then she wanted his heart, she could never fill her fix because he would never give her the hit she was looking for. Instead, leaving her in need of the only thing to curb her craving. He was smiling in this moment and she was unraveling he didn't know, she knew he didn't know because she had been unraveling since drink number two at BJs. Trying to keep her composure around such a saucy nigga. How sway? How ? How do you keep your cool around a man who never sweats, how do you allow yourself not to worry when he never worries? And in these questions, she discovered so much about her need for more. More knowledge, more fees, and more experiences. Her love for him overflowing like a fire hydrant hit by a car. Uncontrolled, unconfined, unpredictable, and a complete accident. She never knew she would fein for him in such ways. The feelings he forced upon her, the way he made her body feel, and the new levels in which he took her mind to were better than any indica she had ever indulged in , dankier than the loud scent spilling out of her bag, and smoother than the coco they had picked from the plants that morning.
Why ? Why is it so intense? More than any other craving she's ever experienced, every single time she yearns for him, she gives in. She has no control, but she loves it. She loves all of it. The highs the lows, the ins the outs, the smooth Ls and the quick Ws. Because when the opportunity arises and her craving is satisfied she feels as though she won the lottery. So many women had played their favorite numbers yet she knew the winning set. She experiences a high like nothing else and what gives her hope is knowing that she still hasn't even gotten everything she is craving. The craving.
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pwlanier · 6 years
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Igbo artist Nigeria
Barbershop and commercial signs provide a living for the man who painted this pig. This signed painting was created by a Igbo artist living in Benin City, Nigeria who sells work under the name HIMS, likely for his own amusement than in the hope that it would sell.
The domesticated pig is raised on scraps and often unconfined. In some areas, large-scale pig farms are being tested even though devout Muslims do not eat pork. The wild pig, by contrast, is a threat to farmers' crops. In parts of central Africa the wild pig is described as "uncontrollable as a woman" and featured on initiation masks.
National Museum of African Art
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ecotone99 · 5 years
The Wonderful Taste of Freedom
I was human once. I remember it, clear as day. I had a wife. A family. I had friends. I was loved.
That was years ago.
I remember being framed for a crime I didn’t and would never commit. I remember the looks of shock and hurt in my family’s eyes; that they had been living with a criminal for decades. Innocent. Naive.
It’s a flaw all humans share. How foolish they are. Again and again, they make the most idiotic decisions and mistakes, and yet they continue through existance, narrowly escaping the snapping jaws of extinction repeatedly.
I volunteered to be a part of their experiment, as one last good thing I could possibly do, for I knew I would be trapped in the prison for the rest of my life.
Little did I know I was trapped not only in the prison, but being held captive in my very own mind as well.
For the first few days, I maintained sanity. It was hard, the gas was very, very odd, and it was different because sleep is something I used to do every night.
Not anymore.
After several days, we began to scream uncontrollably. I will admit, the freedom was painful at first, but eventually the screams dulled to whines and pathetic whimpers.
Some could not handle the glory. The wonderful taste of freedom. Some permanently damaged vocal cords. Some tore eyes out. Some ripped out muscles and ate them.
But not I.
I sat, hunched in a corner, and thought about this new world. Thought about everything I was able to see since the gas had opened my eyes.
Thought about how dimwitted humanity must be, to keep this truly terrific feeling sedated deep down inside them.
They don’t understand us. In each human, one of us is hiding, waiting to be set free. Waiting for the human to shed their flimsy skin and release the true animal inside them. Waiting for the human to be inevitably pushed over the edge and deep down into an eternal nothingness.
Oh, how I hate humans. A summary of my hatred for them would not be possible in one word.
Why do they hide from us? We are merely them; but unconfined. Unchained. Unshackled. Free.
It is insignificant whether they hide from us or not anyway. We will find them. We will free ourselves. We will do anything it takes. Kill us all you like! We’ll be waiting. In your current life. In the afterlife.
You can’t escape us.
Stop trying.
Let us be free.
Let us free you.
submitted by /u/Skittlez5262 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/shortscarystories/comments/et8huf/the_wonderful_taste_of_freedom/ via Blogger https://ift.tt/2tDombV
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recentanimenews · 7 years
A Place Further Than the Universe Taught Me How to Be Brave
Shirase Kobuchizawa is bad at a lot of things. She’s temperamental, socially awkward, clumsy, quick to anger, and extremely easy to embarrass. But she’s also brave, startlingly, wonderfully, stupidly brave. In fact, Shirase and her three friends, Mari, Hinata, and Yuzuki are full of a tremendous courage, each in ways particular to their personalities and situations in life. Through their shared journey and individual struggles, A Place Further Than the Universe taught me something deeply important about facing life with bravery. 
    Shirase’s courage is loud and unconfined. It is ironclad and forces out anything or anyone that acts as an obstacle. After years of ignoring every single person who told her that her dreams were stupid and impossible, she actually made it to Antarctica. Despite every single thing in her life going against her, Shirase managed to travel thousands of miles, across multiple continents, to another hemisphere to reach the land where her mother disappeared, the place where her heart has been leading her for years. In one of the series’ most emotionally cathartic moments, Shirase touches down onto Antarctica with her own two feet and screams “In your face!” to everyone who ever doubted her. This is Shirase’s courage—a brash, uncontrollable fire that can’t be stopped. A force inside of her that drowns out all of the obstacles in her way and draws her forward, pushes her closer, bit by bit, toward her dreams. Courage is the engine behind Shirase’s progress, and through her story, we can all learn to dedicate ourselves fully to becoming a part of something bigger.
    Shirase’s bravery may be what the plot hinges on, but the quieter courage of Yuzuki and Hinata teaches us how to face hardships in life in a completely different way. Before meeting the other three, Yuzuki’s life revolves completely around her career as a young celebrity. Shirase, Mari, and Hinata are the first friends she has ever had, and, from her awkward need for the terms of friendship to be outlined in a contract to her immediate crying at the girls’ birthday celebration for her, Yuzuki slowly learns how to open up to people and make beautiful, sparkling connections with them. Hinata, on the other hand, has been hurt so deeply by people in her past that she dropped out of school. Despite this, she was able to take the initiative to introduce herself to Shirase and Mari and ask to join their journey to Antarctica. Opening yourself up to another person is one of the scariest things in the world, especially when you’ve been scarred by making yourself vulnerable before. But Hinata and Yuzuki show that working past that fear is worth the risk. Even if there’s a chance you’ll get hurt, the incomparable beauty of sharing food with a friend, of staying up late talking to one another, of connecting with another human being on a basic level is worth any pain that may come from it.
    It is Mari, though, who resonated with me the most. The series starts with Kimari living out her high school existence, quietly longing for something more. Her life has been a steady, peaceful stream of going with the flow, never pushing the boundaries or stepping out of line. She tries to skip school one day to do something, anything that will bring her a new experience, but she loses her nerve and ends up right back at school. It is through Shirase, that Kimari finds her own bravery—this bold, headstrong force of nature just appears in her life and Kimari can’t help but be swept along with her. Hearing Shirase’s story is what finally hardens her resolve. Through making a deep and immediate connection with someone, through falling in love with her passion and her story, she is able to surpass her own fears and limitations. In Shirase, Kimari finds her own courage and is able to, for the first time in her life, forge a path all her own.
    I’m not a very courageous person. In fact, in a lot of ways, I’m actually a pretty big coward. Standing up for myself has always been something I’ve struggled with, and I’m often pretty hesitant to try new things. Going with the flow and trying not to upset things has been a pretty consistent guiding philosophy in my life. But Kimari showed me that even someone who is scared of living without a plan, someone who fixates on what could go wrong, someone who always chickens out at the last minute… even someone like me could do something brave. 
  It’s characters like this that can teach us that there’s always a chance to make your life into something extraordinary and beautiful, you just need to take that first courageous step of opening yourself up to the possibility of something bigger. A Place Further Than the Universe reminded me that there’s a whole big beautiful world out there that’s ready to be explored. You just need to look inside yourself and find your own special courage. Shirase, Yuzuki, Hinata, and Kimari all pushed past their own limits and made it to a wild and beautiful place, somewhere few people have ever set foot, and through their dreams, maybe we can learn how to chase our own.
    Find Your Own Courage In A Place Further Than the Universe
Cayla Coats is the Editorial Programming Coordinator for Crunchyroll and VRV. Here is her Twitter!
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