#Share please :3
toffeebrew · 5 months
I've also always wondered. is the reason error was able to hold darkblitz8's hand (sorry handshake) because they weren't real or can error touch people under certain circumstances?
I had always assumed he could under certain circumstances, because when the anon jumps on him right after, he glitches out again. Or thinks he does? idk if his glitches were imaginary or not. But maybe he can't, given the two things error would never do is 1. cry and 2. touch someone else (this is based on a ask CQ got once). idk?
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                ||RULES||PROFILE||ASK||VERSE||BIO || CARRD||
                   "ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴜᴘᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴇꜱꜱʙᴏᴀʀᴅ."
                       𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐑𝐚 𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. 𝐇𝐨𝐣𝐨'𝐬 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭.
                                   𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
                                   𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦?
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captainbucky-yt · 4 months
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UNHINGED REBLOGS : Benedict Bridgerton Edition [Part 3/?]
(Please credit if sharing)
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mischievous-thunder · 23 days
Why you need to double-check before posting something:
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P.S. The rebloggers:
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fattylime · 2 months
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the full piece for @bg3zine !
I also really recommend checking out everyone's pieces here, there's a lot of really amazing people that helped work on, and put together this zine <33 (also cheers that i finally got to work on a zine which i've wanted to do for ages so thank you for having me :'))
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lieahsblog · 7 months
i’ve run out of smart words and metaphors, just please please help this father from gaza evacuate his son for treatment. the goal is $15k please help them reach this ASAP.
EDIT: UPDATED campaign link for Fadi has been posted so keep scrolling. I also posted the campaign link of razan(see pinned) who’s mother needs treatment. Razan’s campaign has fallen under the radar so please share and donate. Please scroll and read the whole post for the crucial info. thanks for sharing!
edit: are u guys even reading the edits. AMPLIFY RAZANS CAMPAIGN. ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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UPDATE TO EVERYONE REBLOGGING: Fadi and his family have evacuated to egypt now. They still need to cover living expenses AND his medical expenses for his son so this is Fadi’s new campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/brain-surgery-of-a-sixyearold-child-due-atrophy?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=chat&utm_source=whatsApp
this is Fadi’s p@yp@l to help with their living expenses: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=GLVYEA82FPMX2
MORE URGENT INFO: I would like to add that another family needs your help. I’ve made several posts about Razan’s family(including her mother who needs treatment) and this campaign has fallen under the radar. their goal is $50k and they have not raised even half. we really need to pick up the slack, so i would like to please ask everyone to donate to razan’s campaign AND find a friend to match your donation!! one you have done so, please make your own post about razan’s campaign and share it with all your mutuals. we need this campaign to have so much more visibility so please join me in amplifying and #floodthedash4razan!! let’s work together and help razan and her family. give some love, support and donations towards razan’s campaign‼️‼️ I would like to direct everyone to please AMPLIFY and share Razan’s campaign(please also checked my pinned where you can see more about her campaign!!) i will also share her campaign in this post, again please show some support and amplify and donate to her:
Thank you all for sharing!
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d1edre · 3 months
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i saw a lot of pride themed lockers in the locker room lately and they made me so happy!! i wanted to try creating a few of my own :D happy pride !!!
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thebramblewood · 1 month
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BLOODSUCKERS! consists of four separate pose packs created with vampires in mind. Although the poses were made on custom rigs, I've tested and cleaned them up using default rigs. However, clipping is inevitable depending on body type, clothing, etc. Apologies for any slightly crunchy limbs (and any funky closed eyes - though that's on EA, not me). I'm still learning, so they aren't perfect! Previews and details below the cut. I'd love to see how you use them, so feel free to tag me if you do!
Pose Player / Teleport Any Sim / TOOL
TOU: You can edit my poses for personal use, but please do not claim as your own or use in paywalled content!
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc
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Six sets for one to three Sims, making 14 poses total
Sets 1-4: place teleporters in middle of loveseat, facing forward; clipping may occur depending on arm/back height
Set 6: works best with victim leaned against a wall/object
See them in-game here and here
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Four sets for two Sims, making eight poses total
Set 2: place teleporters in middle of lawn ornaments, facing forward (or position Sims using TOOL)
Sets 3 and 4: place teleporters in middle of loveseat, facing forward; Sim A requires both plasma pack (right wrist) and metal straw (left wrist) accessories made by me (included in ZIP or available as individual package files)
Feel free to use the accessories to make your own poses!
See them in-game here and here
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Three sets for two Sims, making six poses total
In sets 1-2, the Sim on the right can optionally be equipped with this tongue accessory (Simsdom/Simsfinds warning)
See them in-game here and here
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Nine sets for two to three Sims, making 24 poses total
Made using the piano from this set but will likely work with most pianos or possibly even tables with a bit of TOOLing
If using piano, place teleporters in middle of bench facing toward keys
See them in-game here and here
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galedekarios · 7 months
i'm reading a new interview tim downie gave about gale and it offers some of tim's own headcanons about gale, as well as tim's thoughts and insights on gale's character:
Nerds & Beyond: I like that you mentioned that the game is full of rounded characters because they are, they all have different aspects that make them feel real. I adore that Gale specifically is so serious and studious, but at the same time he has this really playful side — he often jokes about how he was a mischievous youth, he encourages other people like Arabella to do so, he understands when The Dark Urge first mentions their violent thoughts. There is a lot of nuance and depth there. But the quality that I love with Gale most is that obviously he is very ill when we first meet him – not that we know immediately – and he’s dealing with a lot of chronic pain. I find him incredibly selfless because he takes that day-to-day head on to help the party, which is an aspect I feel continues to show throughout the three acts. What’s your favorite quality of Gale’s, or what did you take away from him? Tim Downie: It’s so interesting hearing you say that, because I had so many different feedbacks about what people take from the character and sometimes things really surprise you. It’s interesting hearing that such and such has taken that particular aspect, because there are broad things like “He’s funny,” and that’s quite nice, that’s a nice trait, though not one you necessarily get to see that much. It’s so interesting hearing other people’s views about what they take from Gale.  The idea of dealing with chronic pain I found really interesting and an interesting subplot to play, and that was the great thing about doing something like this is that it is so unbelievably nuanced. You have so many layers that just keep going and going and going, as much as we all contain multitudes within ourselves. We all deal with these things, but only certain things pop up to the surface at any given point.  What did I take from Gale, though? I liked his studiousness. I would imagine that he was probably bullied as a kid for it, and he was probably a bit of a joker because he was bullied, and he uses that as a defense. But an even bigger defense for him is “I now know stuff that I didn’t before,” and that’s a power. It’s very similar to when you are being bullied and you’re the funny one – that’s your power, that’s your thing. “I may not be able to hurt you in a traditional sense, but I can say things that will make you feel pain,” which is a very different thing because you physically can’t go after them.  That’s the wonderful thing about acting and this character as well is being able to explore all these things that you might not have, that you might have gone, “I’m not gonna look at that again, I don’t want to deal with that,” and then it brings it up again and it’s like, “Oh, this is actually quite cathartic,” to re-explore these these moments of sorrow and loss and how you deal with grief and things like that and heartbreak and how you get over that.  It’s not all just tears, you do try and make a joke of it.
i really like that they are addressing the topic of gale's chronic pain. it's something that doesn't get addressed often, not even in the game itself.
i also found his answer as to why people might connect to gale very nice:
Nerds & Beyond: Gale is the most popular origin character to play as. What is it about him that you think allows so many different players to connect with him to the depths the fandom has? Tim Downie: I really don’t know. I think you’d have to ask the players that, ‘cause I don’t know, to be quite honest with you. He’s a wizard, and who wouldn’t want to be a wizard at the end of the day? I always say the difference between wizards and sorcerers is that sorcerers just pretend – they just assume they know what they’re doing, but a wizard has really learned this trade. And so there’s that kind of weight of knowledge and learning, which I would love to play as and be for a length of time.  I think it’s also the frailties. I like characters, and a lot of people do I’m assuming, that have flaws, otherwise you’ve made them completely unapproachable. To be completely superhuman or completely extraordinary at something then removes the humanity from it because it becomes like, “Well, that’s never gonna happen.” But when there’s a flaw, when there’s, “Oh, I’ve got that wrong, too,” or like, “My knees hurt” as you say, or “I’ve got a bit of a headache. I really don’t want to do this,” “You’re really annoying me, this is very annoying, could you please hurry up?” or “Stop licking the damn thing,” it’s always those moments that are fun because it shows what we’re all thinking at that point, it removes it from almost archetype and stereotype and it becomes human in a way.
gale is approachable and likeable, has flaws, but is genuinely nice. i think that very much sums up his character.
this bit here made me laugh:
Nerds & Beyond: When you’re talking about those different layers in the humanity building, I think one of the most important aspects in this game is the more “background” or passive dialogue, so dialogue that is prompted in the world and not in the cut scenes.  For instance — the first time I made Gale sneak he immediately complained about his knees, and it was such a real moment where he was just like, “Oh, don’t make me do this. This is not what I’m here for, I’ve got bad knees and I’m not made for this.” Did you have any of those background lines or moments that stick out as being particularly fun to craft?  Tim Downie: I remember the first time I ever had to do waiting, I found it infinitely interesting in so many ways. The idea that I did actually just have to wait and just actually, “Hmm…” Those little things I find really funny because they’re probably the closest to me that the character ever gets. His waiting mannerisms are kind of very English – slightly annoyed and I’m not going to show it to you though because we’re all being very nice, but I’ll do it with a huff and a slightly sarcastic, “Well, that’s great. Another 20 minutes. That’s great.” Those kinds of sentiments I found wonderful and incredibly fun, and funny, to do. 
if you want to read the whole interview for yourself, you can do so here!
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chaaistheanswer · 1 year
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Fleeting memories
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ferberus-skull · 4 months
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you WILL look at litebrite btw
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captainbucky-yt · 4 months
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UNHINGED REBLOGS : Benedict Bridgerton Edition [Part 4/?]
(Please credit if sharing)
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undiscoverable-words · 4 months
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otterlyart · 2 years
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A stolen goodbye
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kutyozh · 7 months
raffle for palestine
hi everyone, in an attempt to raise money for PCRF and UNRWA, I am organising a raffle on tumblr.
how do i register?
make a donation (any amount is a good amount) to either PCRF or UNRWA, then send me the donation receipt via email ([email protected]), dm or ask. both organisations accept donations via credit card and paypal.
what's the prize?
tatreez is an important part of palestinian cultural heritage. it's the traditional palestinian form of cross-stitch with different regions, and even different villages, embroidering their own style of tatreez.
some time ago I came across Lina Barkawi, aka @ linasthobe on instagram. please go check her out, she is an amazing artist.
this is what I made using her pattern "I Love You, Oh Homeland"*:
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as it is my first time ever doing any type of cross-stitch, it is far from perfect and more of a symbolic prize—but I hope it will find a nice spot in the winner's home :)
how do you choose a winner?
the raffle will run from today (February 16 2024) to February 23 2024. I will then choose a winner via randomizer and contact the winner.
the winner must be willing to share a valid address where I can send the prize to. it can be the address of someone you trust, too - just please get their consent first. of course I will treat your data confidentially.
i'm willing to ship internationally so as many people as possible can join!!
*btw: you can get this pattern on Lina's instagram page as a freebie ❤
for transparency's sake, I got permission from Lina to make this post beforehand.
more from Lina:
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
Eddie loves calling Steve all kinds of Hebrew pet names. In the beginning, Steve doesn't understand what any of them mean, but the love in the way Eddie pronounces the words is so clear that it makes him melt every single time. As he starts learning more Hebrew, he starts using Hebrew pet names for Eddie too.
While Eddie loves using a wide variety of pet names, his favorite will always be neshama sheli (נשמה שלי), which literally translates to "my soul." He loves it because of how poetic it is, and it's a safe way to tell Steve how much he loves him when it's still too scary to say those things in English. Because it rolls off his tongue so beautifully, it soon evolves into something natural to call Steve.
Steve, on the other hand, starts out sticking to a simple ahuvi (אהובי - my love). Learning the language doesn't come easy to him, but as he grows more confident incorporating some Hebrew words and phrases in his vocabulary, he starts to love calling Eddie ugiya sheli (עוגייה שלי - my cookie). He learned that one from Wayne as a joke; Eddie pretends to hate it, but Steve and Wayne both know better.
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