moonsporemoth · 9 months
UnderPollen AU
Soooo I'm finally uploading the UnderPollen AU I'm making. I kinda lost passion for it immediately but decided it wouldn't hurt to post it. I have no skill at coding so it's in a script format with the main cast as doodles I made underneath it. This is just the first chapter, however. Welp, enjoy!
*You've fallen. Miles and miles of underground had flashed by in a second. You had landed on a lone patch of yellow flowers, the pollen sticking to your hair and face. It burnt! You jumped up, hurriedly wiping the pollen off of you.
*"Oooh, yikes! That stuff hurts, doesn't it?"
*A cheery voice made you look up toward the patch to see a….talking flower?
*"It alllllso stains~," The flower said cheerfully.
*Looking down at your hands, you saw they were now yellow colored, no matter how hard you try to wipe it off.
*"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower! What's your name?"
*You answer the flower quietly.
*"Frizz? That's such a silly name! You know what else is silly? This!
*The flower attacks you, hitting you with white pellets as he laughs. He says something about easy HP, but you couldn't make it out over the ringing in your ears.
*Suddenly, you saw a white light and it was all over.
*"Oh, you poor thing!" Fuzzy hands picked you up and carried you for a while, a soft humming putting you in a pained sleep.
*Almost as quickly, you were woken up by a pleasant smell of butterscotch and cinnamon.
*You looked around you, seeing a child's room dimly lit by a lamp. You get up and exit the cozy room.
*"My child! You're awake!" You see your savior, a motherly goat woman. She is smiling at you from down the hall, beckoning for you to follow her into the kitchen.
*Once you are sat at the table, she pushes a big plate of pie toward you.
*"Please eat my child! You need to regain your strength before you can journey home!"
*You quickly eat the pie before asking the goat woman her name.
*"Oh, how silly of me! I'm Toriel, the keeper of these ruins! I help children who fall down here, though it's been quite some time since the last one fell.
*You ask if they made it home. Toriel looks stiff.
*"Why of course, my child! It is quite safe here in the ruins."
*Her words don't seem convincing, so you ask if you can go home now. Toriel looks upset.
*"You ar-aren't at full health my child! That horrible flower nearly killed you!"
*She grimaces as she thinks about Flowey. "Not everyone is as nice as I am, child. Some creatures are vile, only caring about power."
*You look over at the staircase leading downstairs. You ask where it leads to.
*Toriel looks over you sadly before suddenly changing the topic.
*"My child, you're yellow! We must wash off that pollen before it-oh never you mind! Come!"
*Toriel leads you to the bathroom before aggressively trying to scrub the yellow from your skin but to no avail.
*"Oh….it's alright child. It doesn't seem to be doing any damage…." Toriel seems to zone off as you look at the now yellow hue of your skin. Maybe landing on those flowers wasn't so lucky after all…
*"Alright my dear, it's time for bed. Let's get you situated, hmm?"
*Toriel leads you back to the bedroom you woke up in and tucks you in before wishing you a good night.
*Once you were certain she was asleep, you crept out of "your" room and tip-toed toward the staircase you had been eyeing earlier. You knew from Toriel's reaction that that must be the way out.
*Quickly, you ran over to the staircase, starting to descend it when you heard a whimper coming from another one of the bedrooms.
*Curiosity got the better of you and you slowly made your way to the room. Opening the door a crack, you nearly screamed.
*Inside was a child around your age. They had their legs and arms cut off and were positioned to sit up in a chair. When they saw you peaking in, they cried out the best they could with their mouth sewn shut.
*Terrified, you turned and made a run for it down the staircase.
*Suddenly you heard footsteps behind you. It was Toriel!
*"My child! Get back here! You can't leave! The pollen is worse outside! It's corrupted people! I'm trying to protect you!"
*The goat caught up to you, grabbing you by the collar.
*She begins dragging you back toward the staircase leading upstairs. You pull and fight.
*"You children don't understand how much I suffer to keep you safe! Even if I have to mutilate you to get you to stay, I will! I'm doing this for your own good!"
*Eventually, after enough pulling and pushing, you get free and run full force into the door, Toriel screaming from behind you as you close it.
*"NO! You brat! You'll die out there! Stay with me! Stay with Mommy! Stay with Tori-"
*Silence…You were finally out…
~End of Chapter One~
Here's the cast btw (I will be making better pictures later):
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