#Underfell sans x you
-UFSans x Reader
Chapter One
Summary: Moving across the country and starting your life anew on the basis of a rumour may not be the smartest thing you’ve ever done…but, well, you’re here.
If only you could stop running into that asshole skeleton, life would be pretty good.
Tags: underfell au, bara Sans, afab reader, enemies to lovers, fluff, eventual romance, eventual smut, slow burn, swearing, alcohol, smoking, past abuse, plot
Notes: Currently at 84k words and 11 chapters on AO3. Also, objectively bad decision are made below.
Chapter Two: Monsters Don't Like Compliments
2 Weeks Later
“Here is your keycard. The room number is written on the card.  Please use the elevator to your right. Enjoy your stay at MTT Resort.” You finish your spiel with a smile. The monster -some sort of round fish monster- walks away without responding, but that’s okay. They rarely do. 
Even after a full month of working at the resort, the monster guests still don’t seem to know how to actually respond to you. At first, you kinda wondered if they were just being rude, but now you’re not too sure. Chandace explained it was your ‘humanness’ that put them off, whatever that means, but the star monster -whose name you never learned but it’s way too late to ask now- doesn’t act any differently than you with guests. Hm. 
Well, at least monsters have proven to be better guests than humans. Mostly. They do have some odd requests and necessities, but that's not bad. One or two have tried to intimidate you into some sort of upgrade. But, well, you’re hard to intimidate and any yelling in the lobby immediately brings Chandace out of her office, ready to throw hands - hah! One look at her and the monsters quiet down rather quickly. 
You look down at the computer, humming quietly as you watch the time tick away at the top right-hand corner. It’s getting close to noon, when you normally take your break. Woo. 
“Uh, hi.” 
Your head snaps up, surprised at the sudden appearance of someone in front of the desk. Why are they all so damn quiet?! The first thing you notice is his colour: a really pretty blue. Then you fully realize that the monster in front of you is a bunny. A bunny monster. You haven’t seen any of those yet. Huh. This monster does seem a bit familiar, somehow, though you don’t think he’s a guest. 
“Hi!” Your customer service smile comes back full-force. “Welcome to MTT Resort! How can I help you? Are you looking to check in?”
“Oh, no!” The bunny shakes his head, cheeks darkening slightly. Aw, cute. “I’m actually here to uh, introduce myself.” Oh? Your expression turns a bit confused. “Yeah, my uh, partner, speaks of you a lot and, I figured it would be a good time to-” A pause. “Oh, shit. Is this not a good time?” 
“Your partner…?” You press your lips together, thinking. Wait. “Do you mean…BP?” The cat monster had mentioned a partner once, but only in passing. He refused to elaborate despite your prying questions.
“Yes!” The bunny looks happy. “That’s right."
Your customer-service smile turns genuine. “Well then, shit. It’s nice to meet you!” You introduce yourself, holding out your hand. 
The bunny stares at your hand for a moment in surprise before taking it, shaking it softly. “My name is Guy. You can call me, uh…Guy.” 
You can’t help but chuckle at that. Fuck, this monsters is cute as shit. Not exactly who you’d immediately imagine to be with that snarky cat, but you definitely see what BP might see in him. Though, honestly, you are a bit surprised at this whole situation. You kinda just assumed that the cat saw you as an ‘annoying friendly acquaintance’ more than anything. The idea that he spoke about you enough to his partner that said partner went out of his way to meet you is…sweet. 
In the month that you’ve been here, you’ve found it a bit hard to connect with most of the monster staff. You try, but they seem just as confused as the guests on how to actually hold a conversation with you. The only one that you’ve managed to actually get to know is BP. Even though you’ve started bringing your own food, you still often find yourself in the MTT Burger Emporium, chatting with him.The cat might be snarky, but he’s funny as hell. 
Maybe you endeared yourself to the guy last week when you offered to ‘cover’ for him so he can have a quick smoke break. Not that you go and work in the Emporium, but you’ll text him during down-times whenever the coast looks clear and he’ll take the opportunity to go out back for a quick smoke. You keep an eye on the Emporium and let him know if any customers go in. MTT Resort doesn’t lose any money, and Chandace is none the wiser. It’s a good system. 
For now, anyways. You’ve been trying to broach the topic with Chandace of the monster staff having breaks too. It’s been unsuccessful, but you think you might be wearing her down a bit. You are careful not to be too pushy or annoying with her, you are still a rather new employee after all. So you have resorted to being a bit sneaky. You’ve been leaving articles indicating the benefits of breaks pretty much all over her office. Hah. 
“Do you know where he is?” Guy asks. “I don’t see him in the emporium. I can text him but…I don’t want to interrupt if he’s with someone.” 
…speaking of which. “Ah, yes. I have an idea.” You respond. “Just hold out here for a moment.” The bunny monster nods. You turn and head towards the back door. 
You peek out. As expected, BP is there. The cat monster is leaning back up against the building, looking up to the sky with a cigarette in his mouth. He looks like some punk band album cover. You try not to giggle at that thought, muttering a small.   “Hey.”
BP looks over, confusion immediately on his face. His gaze flicks down to the cellphone in his hand. No missed messages from you. 
“Your boytoy is here.” You grin. “He’s cute.” 
The cat monster blinks, dots connecting in his mind. When they do, he frowns, flipping you off with one hand as he throws his cigarette on the ground and stomps it out. Moving quicker than you’ve ever seen him. You snicker as he walks by you, following behind.
The two of you make your way to the front. While he heads around to the door leading to the lobby, you go back to your reception area. “He’s coming.” You tell Guy as you walk back out.  
“Thanks!” The bunny monster smiles. It’s funny, you know the exact moment that BP comes out by how much Guy lights up. It’s like the monster becomes a little taller, a little brighter, his smile a little wider. 
He walks out of view, and you can’t help but lean over the counter -practically laying on it- to watch whatever is about to happen. You’re glad you did, as Guy practically jumps at BP, enveloping him in a hug. The cat monster doesn’t seem shocked at all, just loosely hugging back.
“Hey.” BP says as Guy steps back from the hug, voice softer than you’ve ever heard it. “What's up?”
“Can’t I just come see you?” Guy responds.
“Aww.” You whisper. Apparently not as quiet as you hoped, as both monsters turn towards you. Oh. Exposed. BP levels you with a glare, but you don't retreat, just giving a cheeky smile back. “C’mon. Ya’ll are too cute.”
Guy snorts. “I like her.” 
“Well, that’s one of us.” BP grumbles, placing a hand on the small of his partner's back. “Let's go to the Emporium. There'll be less eyes there.” He gives you a pointed look.
Grinning, you mouth ‘love’ and do finger hearts as BP. His eyes widen and he turns away, flipping you off subtly using the hand on Guy’s back. 
“It was nice to meet you!” Guy calls out, waving as he’s walked away. 
“Right back at ya!” You smile, before standing up.
1 Month Later
“Come on!” You lean against the counter, grinning. “Look alive! This is a momentous occasion.”
BP raises an eyebrow. “It’s fifteen minutes.” 
“-thaaat you didn’t have before!” You continue, giving a big smile. “I expect gratitude in the form of expensive gifts ooor the opportunity to talk to your cute boyfriend again.” You wink. 
The cat monster rolls his eyes, but doesn’t respond, taking off his apron. He grabs a sign from below the counter and places it on top. You can’t help but smile at the -kinda badly, if you’re honest- written message: ‘be back in 15 minutes’.
It finally happened: Chandace caved. Two months of being bombarded with articles and definitely-not-subtle suggestions, and she finally agreed to implement fifteen minute breaks for the monster staff. Not perfect, but at least it’s something, a start at least. 
So, for the occasion, you manage to get BP to agree to spend his ‘first break’ with you outside the resort. You just know that otherwise, he’d spend the entire time on an extended smoke break in the back. Sure, he’ll probably do that most breaks…but why not make this one a bit more special? You had come to BP when the fifteens were announced with a bunch of arguments to state your case, but he gave in surprisingly quick.
Walking out of the resort with BP -during the day- feels weird, but in a good way. It’s sunny and warm out, and you breath in the summer air happily. “Ah, this is life.” 
“ This is life?” BP mumbles beside you, looking around the parking lot. “That’s dramatic as shit, little buddy.” He takes out a cigarette and lights it. You roll your eyes, knocking your shoulder against his -well, his arm, he’s much taller than you. “So, where are we going?”
You hum, looking around. Okay, maybe you should have had more of an actual plan for this grand occasion. “I guess…want to just walk through the park? Fifteen minutes isn’t long but we can get some exercise and, uh, nature?”
BP shrugs. “Whatever. As long as I can smoke.” 
The two of you walk through the parking lot and cross the street to the park. You look both ways before crossing out of habit, but you doubt you’d even need to. There are never really any cars on the street in Monstertown. Entering the park, you follow the little path through it. The cat monster stays in step with you. 
The park itself is a good size, and actually pretty well maintained. You absently wonder who has been looking after it. The grass is green and healthy, and groups of flowers litter throughout. It's pretty busy, with monsters going this way and that. A few stare at you, but not as many as when you first started living here. You recognize quite a few monsters from the resort or just exploring Monstertown. 
In the middle of the park is a playground. It looks exactly like the ones you used to play on as a kid. The only difference is the monster children playing on it. It’s interesting to see the differences in how the monster kids play versus human children. Monsters have so many different…limbs and additions. As you walk, you watch a bird monster kid fly to the top of the monkey bars, grab onto the bars with their feet and start swinging themselves around, gathering momentum. Haha. That’s pretty cool. 
“What were the playgrounds like underground?” The question is out of your mouth before you even think much of it. Oh, shit. It’s always been this sort of unspoken rule to not ask about the underground. Even before you moved here, when you were researching, it was always on those ‘things not to do when interacting with monsters’ lists online. Even monsters don’t talk about it too much. You have the feeling it wasn’t too great of a time. So you look over at BP and apologize. “Shit, sorry.” 
BP takes in a long hit, breathing out smoke that swirls in the air. “There weren’t any.” It takes you a second to realize he’s answered your original question. No playgrounds? At all? 
“No?” You ask. Your friend only shrugs. “Huh. That’s sad. What did you do as a kid?”
“Train, mostly.” BP said. “Always gotta be prepared.”
Prepared for what? You leave it there, feeling like you’re getting into a much more intense topic than the day called for. “Well, what did you do for fun then?”
“Me? Not much.” BP said. “I worked a lot. Too much. Hung out with Guy sometimes.”
You can’t help but snort. “So not much different then.”
“Hm. I wouldn’t say that.” The cat monster replies.
You open your mouth to ask more when suddenly you freeze, your peripheral vision catching onto something unmistakable. Something horrible.
A skeleton. 
No way. That can’t be. You turn your head, feeling almost like the world suddenly went into slow-motion. As your eyes fully focus, you come to a terrible realization. That’s him. There’s no way that’s not him. That asshole skeleton who stole your mustard right from your fucking hands. 
“Oh, fuck off.” You mumble at the universe. 
Sure, it was almost a month and a half ago now. He probably doesn’t even remember you. You should definitely be over it by now. But, fuck that. You ate shitty sandwiches for a week until you finally gave in and went to the human side for another -way more expensive- bottle. Every bite you took of a sandwich that definitely needed mustard, the annoyance came back. Hard to get over a situation when you were consistently seeing that smug-ass face in your head.
The skeleton himself is behind a stand advertising…hotdogs? It’s surprising, he doesn’t seem to be the type to be in any sort of customer service. Who knows, maybe that's' why he was such a dick, finally had someone he didn’t have to be nice to. The guy looks bored, leaning his head against his hand on the stand.
Suddenly, as if aware he’s being stared at, his eye lights slide towards you. They immediately catch your gaze. You watch as his eye sockets widen, and that mouth ticks up into a grin. Oh. He definitely remembers you. Ass. Mouth pressing into a line, you flip him off. 
“The fuck are you doing?” BP asks beside you. 
The skeleton's grin sharpens, and he sits up only to flip you off back. 
Don’t do it. Be the bigger person. It’s not worth it. He’s working. Be the bigger person. Be the bigger person-
“Be right back.”
BP’s complaint doesn’t reach your ears. You march forward, focused and fueled by stored up indignation and embarrassment. Last time,there was nothing you could do. Not really. The skeleton is obviously bigger and stronger than you. But now, he has to be some sort of polite, right? He’s at work. You are not normally the type of person to fuck with someone while working, but this is your best chance. And this guy just deserves it. 
…Not that you’re exactly going in with any sort of plan. You’re kinda winging it. 
The skeleton watches as you approach, that smug look on his face only growing as you get closer. It doesn’t help that even sitting down behind the stand, he’s still taller than you. Tall fuck. 
“I want a hotdog.” You say, crossing your arms in front of your chest. 
An eyebrow-bone raises. “well, yer shit outta luck.” He says, odd tone to his voice. “i don’t sell those.”
That makes you pause. “Wait, what?”
“ya have two eyes. use ‘em. ” The skeleton says, pointing down at the sign. You look down at the sign and groan, whispering a quiet ‘fucking hell’. 
“I’ll have a ‘dog then.” You say through gritted teeth. “With ketchup and mustard.” I’m going to make you give me mustard, you dick. 
…maybe not your smartest revenge, but something nonetheless. 
He chuckles, seeming quite amused as he reaches down to grab a bun. A ‘dog is placed in the bun with a regular amount of ketchup and mustard on top. He passes it over to you. You look down at it. 
This is it, right? It’s done now. You’ve made your point, as dumb and shaky as it is. You can walk away, and forget about all this. However rude this monster was, you really shouldn’t be going around picking fights with him, right? 
That’s your thought process, anyways. So, you really have no explanation as to why you hold out the ‘dog and say. “You really think that is enough mustard?”
The skeleton looks down at the ‘dog and back at you, taking in your expression. He shrugs, and reaches over to squeeze out another layer of mustard. 
Another layer. You feel a bit vindicated.
Another layer. It’s starting to drip slightly off the front and back. 
“More.” You meet the skeleton's eyes, challenge evident. But the look on his face isn’t anything you expected: not confusion, or dismay. The monster in front of you looks completely delighted. That should have been your warning to stop.
“ya asked for it.” As you watch, he easily flips the top off the mustard. The entire container empties itself on your ‘dog. “that enough for ya?”
Shocked, you can only stare down at the ‘dog in your hand. It’s a liquidy mess, mustard sliding down your hand and arm, dripping off to splatter on the ground. You open your mouth, but nothing comes out. What can you say, that you don’t actually want what you asked for? 
That’s it. You’re stuck.
“It’s…perfect.” You choke out, hoping you don’t sound as pathetic to him as you do to your own ears. 
“great. that’ll be ten.”
You tear your eyes away from the horror in your hand to look up at the skeleton, who is back in his casual lean position. “Wha-wait. Ten?! How can this be ten?!”
He shrugs. “extra product. extra cost, dollface.”
That damn nickname again. Desperately, you look back down at the sign. Nothing. There’s no price at all, nothing you can quote to say he’s wrong. He has you. He knows he has you. 
Grumbling, you reach into your purse with your free hand and grab your wallet. You fumble quite a bit trying to open it with one hand, face reddening under the skeletons gaze. But, eventually, you’re able to shove a ten onto his stand. 
As quickly as you can, you turn and walk away. Your face heats more as you listen to him laugh at your retreat.
“...what was that?” BP asks, bewildered, as you step up to him. You just grumble and continue walking. The cat monster gives one last look back before matching your stride. Once out of sight from the stand, you throw the ‘dog away in the first trash can you can find. A waste of food, but there’s no way you could eat it how it was. 
“Who is that?” You ask through gritted teeth, trying to flick remaining mustard from your hands into the bin. 
“The giant fucking skeleton you practically ran at?” BP says. “That’s Sans.” 
Sans. You finally put a name to the face. Grimacing, you rub your hands together to get the last bit of mustard off. Your hands are stained yellow, and you have a feeling they’ll smell even after washing. Ew.
“Seriously. The fuck is going on?”
You take a deep steadying breath, and turn away from the trash. “The asshole stole my mustard.” You explain what happened in the MonsterMart as you both continue to walk. The story isn’t exactly long, but you can practically feel the judgment and stress coming from him as you speak. 
“Shit.” He whispers as the story comes to an end. He pauses to take a deep hit of his cigarette. After exhaling, he turns to you. “You have no idea just how lucky you are, little buddy.”
Huh? You look over. “What does that mean?”
But he doesn’t answer you. “C’mon. The fifteen is almost up.” BP picks up his pace. You have to rush a bit to keep in line with his ridiculously long legs. 
Unfortunately, you do have to pass by the stand again on your way back to MTT resort. This time, you don’t look. 
You marinate in your embarrassment, frustration and regret for the rest of the day. 
Ugh. Why did you do any of that? If it was ‘revenge’ or something, why did you go in without a plan? Why did you even care about ‘revenge’? That’s not like you. Not really. You’re good at remaining neutral, at just moving on from difficult situations, being in Monstertown is a testimony to that. So, why does that skeleton's smug face fire you up so bad? Why do you have such an intense want to just ‘get one over’ on him? Now, all you’ve done is make a fool of yourself again . Fuck.
Luckily the guests don't seem to take any offense to your mood. Even Chandace doesn’t seem to notice that you’re a bit off your game. You still have your ‘customer service smile and voice’ to fall back on, but in your head you’re just a mess.  It doesn’t help that you apparently missed out on some actually good food with your shenanigans. BP doesn’t compliment things often, but even he says the ‘dogs are pretty damn delicious. So you embarrassed yourself, wasted your money and wasted good food. Great. 
When your shift is finally over, you head directly for the stairs. You go straight to your room and flop down on the bed. The plan for the night is simple: drown your feelings in shitty tv and junkfood. It works, for a while. You’re able to get yourself reasonably invested in some random movie and forget your problems. 
But it doesn’t last forever. As the credits roll, your traitorous mind starts to replay the embarrassing events of today. Ugh. You let out a groan and collapse backwards onto your bed. Honestly, you’re still trying to figure out why you’re letting this guy bother you so much. Something about him just ticks all your ‘annoyance’ boxes: he’s rude, smug, and uses his sheer size and strength to win over others. 
… fuck. You know who he reminds you of. You think about this for a long time, staring blankly up at the ceiling. Another movie starts on the tv, but you pay it no attention.
Your phone vibrates beside you. Reaching over, you grab it and hold it over your face. A new message has popped up on your screen.
[BP]: hey
You blink, surprised at the text. Sure, you’ve had each other's numbers for a while now, but your messages have pretty much only been about covering his sneaky smoke breaks. He’s never texted you just to chat or anything.
[You]: Hi! Whats up?
[BP]: Guys having a party at his apartment next weekend. Wanna come?
Well, fuck, that makes you sit up fully. He’s inviting you to a…party? Well, that’s unexpected, but damn it sounds like fun. You haven’t been to a party in a long while. You are pretty sure that you’re working at least one of the days, but you don’t really want to pass this up. Not to mention, you can’t help but feel a bit happy that Guy and BP are even inviting you. 
[You]: yea, sure! thanks!
[BP]: k, i’ll let him know.
[BP]: just dont be weird.
Okay. Rude. But fair. Especially after the shit you pulled today. You respond with an emoji and lay back on the bed.
You’re going to a party. Shit. You wonder what it’ll be like, how big it’ll be. Honestly, you can’t imagine BP of all monsters being comfortable around a huge group, but who knows. Either way, you bet their friends are pretty cool. It’ll be a good time.
Oh. You’ll need to get alcohol. There’s no way you’re going to show up empty-handed.  
Wait. Suddenly it hits you. This will be a monster party. 
You stare at the ceiling. 
I’m going to a monster party. 
1 Week Later
BP only occasionally joins you on breaks going forward, mostly due to timing: when you want to eat, the Burger Emporium is too busy to just leave unmanned. Sure, Chandace has been a bit more accommodating, but you have no doubt she will stop allowing the monsters breaks entirely if they start losing revenue. 
So, today, it’s just you, but that’s a good thing. You have a plan: head to the human side and get alcohol for the party. You’ll need the full thirty for that. 
Heading out of MTT Resort, you breathe in the fresh air and head towards your car. A few monsters you recognize as you walk, so you give them a small smile. You’re in a good mood today. Honestly you’ve been in a good mood since the party invite came. You, at a monster party? How cool is that?! You honestly have no idea what to expect…but you’re excited. 
Sliding into your car, you program the directions into your phone and get going. It doesn’t take long to leave Monstertown, it’s not like there are enough cars on the road to create any sort of traffic. Once you hit the human side, that changes. You almost immediately run into traffic. Still, you’re not going far, so it’s too not long before you pull into the liquor store parking lot. 
It’s…a bit surprising just how weird it feels to be surrounded by humans after almost two and a half months of living in Monstertown. You actually pause for a moment in the doorway, taking it in, before someone walks up behind you forcing you to move. It feels so odd not to be completely overshadowed by beings so much bigger than you. You’re normal here. There are no stares, no funny looks, and no children pointing at you. 
It doesn’t take you long to find your liquor of choice, but you admit that you might walk around the store a bit longer, just reveling in the feeling of being ‘nothing to look at’. You stand in line behind someone shorter than you, and the cashier doesn’t give you a second look as he rings in your bottle. 
Or at least, he doesn’t until the end. As you’re grabbing the paper bag to head out, the cashier speaks up. “MTT Resort?”
Huh? You give the cashier a confused look, but he’s not looking at your face. He’s looking at your chest -which is majorly off putting, but you’re not wearing anything revealing. You look down. Oh. Your nametag. “Uh, yea?”
“That’s…in Monstertown, right?”
“Yea.” You look back up, frown on your face. “I work there.”
The cashier seems to go through an entire range of emotions, all obvious on his face. Eventually he settles on disgust. “But, why?” He asks. “I’m sure there are plenty of decent human places hiring if you need a job.”
“I’m good.” 
The conversation ends there. Only because you make it end. The cashier furrows his brow, opening his mouth for a comment that you are suddenly very sure you don’t want to hear, so you quickly turn and walk away without another word. Asshole.
If you blast your music just a bit louder on the way back to work, only you would know.
Guy’s apartment is a few blocks away. It’s a nice building, and the elevator actually works well, which is great since the monster is on a high floor. If you had to take the stairs, you’re not entirely sure you’d even make it. 
You hear the music the moment the elevator door opens, a deep bass rumbling through the floor. Its a wonder the neighbours haven’t said anything. Who knows, maybe they’re at the party? You wander down the hall until you reach the right door. Even without the number, you’d know which one to go to. 
Honestly, you doubt that you could knock loud enough to hear over the music, so you type out a quick text to BP. 
[You:] here
That done, you tap your foot to the beat as you wait. It’s catchy, though definitely nothing you’ve heard before. As one song ends and the other begins, you find yourself tapping your fingers against your thigh too. 
Shit. You’re nervous. 
It’s normal, you think. This is a completely new situation for you. Despite trying to get info from BP on what monster parties are like, the only response you ever got was ‘it’s just a party’. The useless shit. So you don’t really know what to expect behind the door. 
After a few moments, the door opens. Instead of the cat monster you expect, Guy pops his head out. He smiles and holds open the door, waving you in. “Hi! Glad you could make it!” You return the smile and walk under his arm into the apartment. As you step inside, Guy closes the door behind you. 
You are quickly aware of many eyes staring at you. Looking around the nice living room that you’ve walked into, you quickly note that you are definitely the only human here. Not surprising at all. 
It’s not packed by any means, but monsters of different shapes and sizes litter throughout the living room. The couch and chair are full, along with a monster and a dog (?) sitting on the floor. A few stand a bit further away, chatting in an archway that you’d guess leads to a kitchen. The only one you recognize is BP, who looks up at you from his place on the couch. He raises his hand in a quick, lazy wave. 
“Whose the human?” A buff mer…horse (?) monster says. He’s sitting on the other side of the couch in the living room, hand holding a solo cup filled with liquid. 
“Everyone!” Guy calls out, voice surprisingly loud. He puts a hand on your shoulder and introduces you to the group. You smile -a bit awkwardly- and wave -definitely awkwardly- to the group. 
“Oh shit.”  A mouse monster speaks up from their place on the floor, voice surprisingly loud for such a small body. “You’re that human that works at MTT Resort!” 
“Yup, that's me.” 
One of the two dog monsters -kinda romantically- sharing the chair pipes in.“Didya bring any treats?”  
Treats? You flounder for a second, before remembering. “Uh, I brought alcohol, if that counts?” You respond, digging out the rather large bottle of alcohol from your purse. You hold it up.
“HUMAN ALCOHOL!” Aaron woops. A cheer goes out through the room, monsters raising their cups in the air. 
That was…an unexpected reaction. It’s like any apprehension is instantly gone, the room falling back into what you assume was its previous level of chill.
“Well, you won them over quickly.” Guy laughs. You look over at him, confused. “We can’t buy human alcohol. It’s kinda a luxury.” 
“...really?” You ask. The bunny monster nods the affirmative.“Well, that’s dumb.”
Guy chuckles. “Yea. I think so too.” His voice then gets louder as he addresses the rest of the monsters. “I’m gonna go get more cups. Who wants to try?” A few monsters put their hands up.  
You pass him the bottle, and the blue monster goes off towards the kitchen. You watch him disappear into the archway and weigh your options. After a moment, you make your way towards the group by the couch. They go mostly silent as you approach, waiting. You sit down on the ground beside the dog - or dog monster (?), you can’t really tell- and the mouse monster. 
The group is clearly waiting for you to say something, so you speak the first thing that comes to your mind. “So, what’s all your names?”
Everyone is actually really nice, not that you really expected any different from friends of Guy (BP is a 50/50). They are all big, and a bit scary looking, but you’ve found that’s par for the course with monsters. But, while most interactions you’ve had so far with monsters have been short and stunted, this is really nice. The group here seem to have quickly gotten over their initial surprise, and seem to be treating you like anyone else. 
You’re in the middle of laughing at a rather raunchy story that Aaron -the buff merhorse- is telling, while petting Lesser Dog -still not sure if a monster or a dog- when the door opens again. Looking up from where you are on the ground, you see someone new enter the apartment. 
…a skeleton.
A familiar skeleton.
Aw. Fuck. 
He looks around the room, eyes quickly falling on you. Seemingly as surprised as you feel, his eye sockets widen, mouth going slack as he stares. For a moment, it seems like both of you can agree on one thought: what the fuck. 
He recovers first, shaking his head. Without acknowledging you further, he walks past the couch and through the archway to the kitchen. 
“What’s your beef with the skele-bro?” Aaron asks. BP lets out a groan from his spot on the couch, leaning back to look at the ceiling. 
Turning your gaze from the kitchen, you answer. “He’s just an ass.” 
“I’ll drink to that!” He holds up his cup. 
You laugh, and hold up your own. You have a feeling this monster would drink to pretty much anything. Another cheer goes up around you, and everyone takes another drink. Even BP, who doesn’t look particularly happy to do so. A whimper comes from your lap. You look down, taking in Lesser Dog’s pouting face. 
“Oh, sorry little guy.” Reaching over, you attempt to reach the jar of dog treats on the coffee table. Your arm is a little short, and you can’t reach further without pushing Lesser Dog off of your lap. Damnit. “Hey, Guy. Guy! Can you pass me a dog treat?”
The bunny monster sits up from his spot leaning against BP on the couch. He’s able to reach the jar easily and grabs a treat, tossing it to you. You catch it quickly and pass it to Lesser Dog. The pup gives a happy ‘woof’ and re-settles in your lap. 
Somehow, you manage to practically forget about the skeleton in the apartment. He doesn’t leave the kitchen, and the other monster guests are just too funny -if not a bit wild in their stories- to focus on anything else. You never really know what to expect, but that’s the fun of it. They ask many questions about humans, and have no problem with you asking questions back. It’s nice, a refreshing change of course from many of the monsters you’ve met too far, who are too surprised to hold even a base-level conversation.
Maybe it's the alcohol?  You are for sure feeling its effects. Not too much, just a bit tipsy, a bit more loose than before.
Either way, you’re having a good time. It takes a good hour or so before you’re forced to remember the only thing that could bring your mood down.
“I’m outta juice.” You shake your empty cup sadly. It was bound to happen, with as many times that Aaron tried to get everyone to drink. A ‘boo’ is heard all around you. Chuckling, you move Lesser Dog from your lap -the pup just stretches out on the floor- and push yourself up into a stand. “I’ll be right back.” 
You head into the kitchen, blinking a few times to clear your slightly wobbly vision. It’s surprisingly big, with an island in the middle and everything. The counters are covered with alcohol bottles and snacks -monsters don’t play around, it seems. And of course, the thing you don’t want to see is there. The skeleton is leaning against the island, opposite the fridge, looking down at his phone. 
Why come to a party if you’re just going to stay in the kitchen?
Not wanting to ruin your good mood, you decide to just ignore his presence, and walk over to the fridge. Looking in, you find the remains of your bottle of human liquor. Probably just enough for one more glass. Damn. Grabbing it, and a soda, you place the items on the island and prepare to make your drink in silence. 
It’s then that you notice another cup. It’s on the other side of the island, near the skeleton. Hm. It looks pretty full. Probably just poured. 
Do you do it? Your heavily injured pride wants you to do it. 
Sensing an opportunity, you reach far over the island and grab his drink, quickly sliding back out of reach. 
“the fuck?” The skeleton looks at you. 
“Payback, bitch.” You respond, words maybe coming a bit too easy from the alcohol.
A moment of silence, then his grin returns. “fine. drink it then.” He says it like a challenge, which…frightens you a bit. You look down at the drink. Is it…toxic or something? It looks normal enough, exactly what the monsters had been drinking in the livingroom. A quick shake of the cup shows it to move like normal alcohol. 
You glance out the archway, where the other monsters are. It’ll be fine. Right? Fuck it. You take a small sip at first, just in case. It tastes…delicious, actually. Surprised, you look up at the skeleton, before taking another sip. It goes down smooth, warming you from the inside. 
“Dude, human stuff is way worse than this baby shit.” You say, unable to resist even the smallest jab. “I could drink you under the fucking table.”
“oh yea?” His grin widens, eye lights intensifying “wanna bet?”
“You know what.” You grin. “Sure. Let's go Sans.”
The mention of his name has the desired effect. The skeleton looks actually surprised. Sadly, it only lasts a moment, before his expression falls back into its typical smirk. “so ya asked the cat?” He says. 
You shrug, giving nothing. 
“alright.” Sans places two hands down and leans against the island, his large body allowing him to cover almost half the distance over it. “whats yer name, then? only fair.”
You remain silent, not wanting to give up something you have over him. Even if it's something as small as your name. It doesn’t take long for the skeleton to realize you’re not going to speak.
“well.” He starts, voice rolling deep. “i’m sure i can come up with somethin’ to call ya if you wont tell me.” 
“sweetcheeks, doll, sugartits, bitch, cumdr-”
You jump forward as the names become increasingly insulting, practically climbing onto the island to slam your hands over the skeletons mouth. “No no no! Absolutely not!” You frown. “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”
It’s only then that you realize just how close you’ve gotten to the large monster. You look at him with wide eyes. Up close, you can see the various scratches along his skull, and have a front-row seat to those red eye lights growing in size. Weird. 
There is movement under your hands as he grins. Then, a wet feeling slides across your palm. 
“Ew, what the fuck.” You jump back, just barely keeping yourself from falling. You look down at your hands, noticing that they are wet and tingly.  How the…?! But he’s a skeleton ?! You look back up at that satisfied face. “Did you just...lick me?!”
“What the fuck am I walking into?” A new voice interrupts whatever Sans is going to say. You look over, eyes widening at the huge fish-lady walking into the kitchen. Woah. She’s ripped. 
Sans straightens up, no longer leaning across the island. “why’re you here?” 
The fish monster waves away his question. “Not important. What I want to know is who are you?” She looks directly at you, pointing. “And what, exactly is happening here?”
Feeling oddly intimidated, you give in immediately and introduce yourself. “-and, uh, nothing’s happening exactly.”
“Uh-huh.” She doesn’t sound like she believes you. “Well, I’m Undyne.” Introduction apparently over, the fish monster heads towards the side of the island that Sans is on. “Mind heading back out there for a bit? I need to talk to this guy.” Why does that sound…threatening?
“Uh, yea. Sure.” You agree, sliding off the island onto the ground. Moving quick, you grab the monster alcohol -your victory souvenir, damnit- and head out of the kitchen. As you walk out the archway, you can’t resist a look back. While you can’t see or hear what they are talking about, Sans looks nervous in a way you’ve never seen him. The look on his face is one of dread, and red sweat (?) beats appear on his skull. Huh. 
Well, you decide to not let yourself think too much on that, and head back into the party. The livingroom is pretty much the same, though Aaron is missing from the couch. You plop down beside Guy and BP, happy to not be forced back onto the floor.
“Welcome back!” Guy smiles. “You were gone for a while.”
You shrug. “Did I miss anything?” 
“Aaron got a call from his girlfriend.” BP says, smirking. 
“Oh yea?” You ask. “Is that…bad?”
A chorus of laughter erupts around the room.
“Oh yea!” Dogamy laughs. 
“Shyren’s a bitch.” Dogaressa says. Then she pauses. “Wait.” 
You can’t help but laugh, leaning back into the couch to bring the cup to your lips. The monster alcohol tingles as it goes down your throat. 
In the end, you’re glad you don’t try to go head-to-head with Sans. Monster alcohol, as you find out, hits a bit later. So despite the total of one human drink and one monster drink that you consumed, you’re already quite passed tipsy. Luckily, you’re not a messy drunk. A bit more introspective, sure, but you’re not exactly planning anything wild. 
Still, after a while the heat in the room gets a bit too much. You need fresh air. Standing up from the couch, you mumble a quick ‘be right back’ and wobble your way towards the balcony. The sliding door opens easily, and you walk out.
For a moment you close your eyes, feeling the refreshing cold air hit your skin. Then you open them. 
“Oh for fucks sake.” You immediately groan. 
He’s here. 
Sans looks over at you from his position leaning against the railing, those intense red eyes glance at you. He looks…upset isn’t necessarily the word. But something about him looks ‘off’. 
You briefly consider going back inside, but the fresh air just feels too good. With a sigh, you close the sliding door and step forward until you are also at the railing. “Just don’t push me off.” You mumble under your breath.
“i wouldn’t need ‘ta push ya to hurt ya.”
“Alright, Mr. I’m–so-edgy-and-dark-boohoo.” Too quickly, you turn to face him. You get one brief look at his affronted face before your vision starts to swirl from the movement. It takes you a moment to collect yourself before you continue. “Of course I know that most of the monsters in here could hurt me. I’m not fucking dumb.”
…or at least you think that's what you said. The skeleton doesn’t react to your words, but his eyes move up and down your body. “monster alcohol was too much for ya, huh?”
Completely derailed, and brain simply not backwards compatible at this point, you simply react. You gesture at his large form. “Yeah. Well, I’m not built like a fucking double…double-door fridge.” 
The skeleton snorts, but doesn’t respond. That’s…surprising. Nice, but surprising. You turn away from him and look out. It’s dark in Monstertown, the streetlights don’t remain on after a certain time, but the human side is lit up like a christmas tree. You wonder why. Shit, you really need to do more research into this kind of stuff. 
A shuffling sound makes you look back over. Sans is also looking out, lost in thought, as he flips a cigarette through his bony fingers. Without even really thinking about it, you reach into your pocket and grab your lighter. “Here.” 
“huh?” The skeleton looks surprised by your offer, but takes it. It looks almost comically small in his fingers, but it works. The cigarette lights to life. He passes the lighter back to you quietly.
Sans takes a deep hit, and when he exhales, you’re surprised to see a plume of red smoke go up into the sky. It swirls unnaturally, creating almost sparkly patterns of red in the wind, before slowly disappearing. You watch it with wide eyes, leaning forward against the railing as if to somehow get closer. It's like your woozy mind is completely entranced by the sight. It's beautiful...huh.
You don’t remain on the balcony for too long, but the time you do spend there is unexpectedly peaceful. Neither of you speak another word, too lost in thought.
Oh god, it's way too late. 
You’re in the kitchen, grabbing a snack, when you see the time on the oven. Shit. You really need to get home. It’s either that or pass out here, which, as nice as everyone has been…no. Just no. With an internal groan, you toss your cup in the garbage and head back out to the livingroom.
It’s quieter than before: Aaron left after the call with his girlfriend, and Dogaressa and Dogamy disappeared while you were outside on the balcony. Nobody seems to know where they went, and nobody seems worried. Sans, also, never returned from the balcony, but you didn’t actually see him leave. Must have been when you were in the bathroom or something. 
Undyne had already taken your spot on the couch when you returned from the livingroom, so you took the chair. She’s in the same spot, chatting with BP and Guy when you come out of the kitchen. 
“Hey.” You say. “I’m gonna get home now.”
“Uh.” Guy looks at you, both eyebrows raised. Then he elbows BP.
The cat monster narrows his eyes when elbowed, but the frown on his face was there before. “You sure that’s a good idea?”
“I’m fine!” You nod. 
The cat monster doesn’t look convinced. You’re about to say more, when another voice pipes up. “I’ll take you back.”
You blink slowly, fuzzy brain taking a moment to realize what Undyne had said. “What?” Then it clicks. “Oh. No. You don’t need to do that.”
“I do.” She stands, stretching her back. “I’m staying at the resort anyways.”
Well, shit. With no other reasonable argument popping into your mind, you can do nothing but accept that you’re about to walk home with this monster. You say goodbye to the remaining monsters, before turning to BP and Guy.
“Thanks for inviting me.” You smile at your friends. “It was fun.”
“Definitely!” Guy smiles back. “I’ll let you know when we’re having the next one.”
Fuck yea!  You give a thumbs up to BP, who just rolls his eyes. You don’t expect anything else.
After that, you get ready in silence, sliding on your shoes. With a quick wave, you and Undyne head out. The two of you quickly exit the building and make your way down the dark streets towards MTT Resort. 
You think, maybe if you were sober, you’d be too intimidated to actually speak to her at all. God, you really don’t intimidate easily, but something about this woman has you on edge. 
But you’re not sober. 
“So…are you…working at the resort?” You ask. 
“What?” Undyne looks over. “Pfft, that shithole? No way!”
Oh. Ouch? “Uh, okay then.” You pause, then try another avenue. “So, where are you visiting from?”
“You ask a lot of questions, human.” Undyne responds, looking at you through the corner of her eye. The suspicion is clear in her voice, which you can understand. 
You shrug. “I live in Monstertown with a bunch of unsocial monsters. If I don’t ask questions I never get to know anything.” As you walk, you kick a small rock, watching it roll into a newarby alley. “That’s how I became friends with BP. Just annoyed him ‘till he gave in.” 
“Hah!” She laughs. “Guess that’s true.”  A pause. You look over. The clear suspicion is gone from her voice, though you doubt it's’ that easy to win this monster over. “I live in Ebott.”
“No shit?” You reply. “That’s cool. Why’re you here then?”
“Monster business.” She says vaguely. You know better than to push on that. Luckily, she continues. “I’m here with my girlfriend.”
“Oh?” You smile. “That's fun! How long have you been together?”
Undyne smiles. “Stars, it’s been years now.” Apparently, you’ve found the golden ticket. Asking about her girlfriend is the way to go. Undyne goes off on a tangent, explaining just how smart and passionate her girlfriend is. You get to walk in silence and just listen to her words.
“-and now she gets to work with Asgore on the special projects in Ebott and I can’t be more proud-”
Asgore. You’ve heard that before. 
You blink. “Wait, the King? ” 
She doesn’t seem to care that you interrupted, luckily. She just responds. “The King, yea. Why?”
“Holy shit…” You mumble, eyes wide. The King of all monsters. He looked terrifying in every picture you’ve seen. Definitely a monster you have every intention of avoiding. “That's…really cool!” You try. “You’re lucky to know someone like that!”
She snorts. “Well, I’m definitely lucky, but not because of-” A pause. “...do you know who I am?”
Uh… is this a trick question? 
“You’re…Undyne?” You answer, voice echoing your confusion.
She stares at you, eye wide. “Wait. Did you really not do a lot of research before moving here?”
“...no?” You respond. “I mean, not really. I looked up like etiquette and stuff. Just enough to live here in peace.” 
“Hah!” Suddenly she laughs. “Fucking hell, human.”
You don’t really have a response for that, so you walk alongside her in silence -feeling dumb for a reason you don’t even know- as she laughs. Eventually she calms down. “Well, I can get behind that level of bravery!” She looks over at you. “You got guts, kid.”
“Thanks?” God, are you not following this conversation because you’re drunk or is she just confusing as all hell??
The two of you reach MTT resort not long after that. You pause in the lobby, deciding that for once you might take the elevator. The stairs just…don’t feel like a good idea right now. Not with the way your head spins.You could see yourself missing a step and face-planting on the concrete steps. You do not need any facial bruises. As Undyne goes to walk towards the stairs, you speak up.
“I'm gonna take the elevator." You say, turning towards your unlikely companion. "Thanks Undyne, for walking back with me. I appreciate it."
“Don’t worry about it!” She pats you on the back, hard. Ouch. “See ya later, punk!” With that, she starts towards the staircase. 
“See ya…” 
The elevator thankfully works fine, and you make it to the third floor in piece. Without the cold air to wake you up, you find you are wobbling a bit more on your way to your room. You fumble a bit with your keycard but manage to get in just fine. Once you do, you immediately collapse on your bed. 
 It doesn’t take long for you to fully pass out. 
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kusagrasskusa · 2 years
Fell! Sans X Sick! Reader - “Brompton Cocktail”
This is really different from what I normally write (nonstop Mortal Kombat X Readers lmao) but I wanted to do this because I love this song from Avenged Sevenfold. Obviously you don’t need to listen to it but if you’d like to, go ahead :) Just skip to 60 seconds in to figure out the exact point of the song I’m referencing.
TW: Death, sickness (cancer), drugs, and just a lot of sad shit
So, a brompton cocktail is a mixture of cocaine, morphine and antiemetics to reduce pain and induce euphoria that was used in the 1920s for cancer patients.
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♡❀˖⁺. ༶⋆˙⊹❀♡❀˖⁺. ༶⋆˙⊹❀♡❀˖⁺. ༶⋆˙⊹❀♡❀˖⁺. ༶⋆˙⊹❀♡❀˖⁺. ༶⋆˙⊹❀♡
Humans are made up of cells, and because of which, they are susceptible to diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and most important of all rights now, cancer.
Monsters are made up of magic and henceforth have never had to deal with diseases like such, and so whenever Y/N had been in experiences weight loss, bleeding, and fever, no one knew what it could be.
She began to feel cough up blood, losing weight even if she eats more, and being incapable of breathing. You can imagine how her fiancé felt whenever he could do nothing but watch from the sidelines at her suffering, being so pissed off that he can’t do anything. Why was his beloved Y/N’s chest hurting so badly? Why can’t she barely breathe? Why won’t she eat anymore? Why can’t he do anything to stop it?
They were supposed to spent the rest of their lives together! They were supposed to reach the surface and marry on top of this damned mountain, they were supposed to get a house near a lake far away from anyone else so he won’t ever have to feel close to anyone again. Overcrowding in the underground has always been a big problem so Y/N was gonna show him what it’s like on the countryside with pets, animals, and possibly kids if technology developed enough. So why?
Y/N coughed, wheezing and gasping for air in the bed she laid in. Sans flinched and squeezed her hand, though a little hard.
“Sans,” she weakly whispered, “you’re stressed again.”
Sans softly chuckled, the edge in his voice coming out along with hints of tiredness. He’s been so tired lately and it was killing Y/N more than her sickness was, it seemed like. “Nah, I’m just thinking,” he replied, releasing her hand and repositioning himself on his seat. Since Y/N’s sickness, Sans had cleaned up his room beyond imaginable- no clothes on the floor, no dishes or food spilled across, nothing. Just a bed and nightstand with a lamp on it, and a seat by the bed. Y/N had oxygen being brought into her lungs via breathing tubes supplied by Doctor Alphys, who even she was too scared to be a bitch about given the state of Sans and surprisingly, Papyrus.
Although Papy didn’t like Y/n at first and tried many times to kill her in her sleep, she eventually grew on the family. His excuse for not killing her was that she wasn’t THAT bad at puzzles and people like that should be preserved. And sometimes she was a little funny too- and who’s gonna complain about free cooking? Y/N would introduce foods from the surface that may not had ever been seen before by them… Like toasted raviolli or macaroni! Though he likes spaghetti more, he didn’t mind the other two forms of Italian cuisine.
Actually, Y/N’s sickness had brought out a side of Papy that no one had ever seen before. Whenever Y/N had gone to see Alphys, Papy found Sans crying in his room. Normally he would say something like, “suffer in silence,” but he couldn’t help but sit down by his brother and just… be there. He pat his brother’s back and just sat there until he stopped crying. When Y/N heard of it, the thought hit her- perhaps Sans would be losing her, but he’d gain something he never had before, huh?
Sans sighed, thinking of the memory. “Humans really did get what they deserved, heh heh,” he said in a joking manner, but he meant it. “Humans deserve this for trapping us here. Even if you ain’t all that bad… and you’re basically a monster, heh heh… You guys deserve it.” Y/N raised a brow, weakly smiling after a moment has passed. “By why you? I mean, you’re a fucking angel among us pieces of shit! Maybe we deserve to be trapped here, but you don’t.. You don’t deserve this fucking disease. You guys deserve to get sick and diseased as a fucking karma, but you never did anything to deserve it…”
Her face was gloomy despite her smile and her eyes glimmered as Sans’s head turned to see them. “Hon, you don’t deserve this either,” she weakly replied, “and… I think I know what this is. And I know…” she paused, tears pricking her eyes, “I know a way to make everything better.”
You can imagine the look on Sans’s face whenever he heard her talk. He stood up from his chair and leaned over her, holding her hand tightly to his chest. “What can make you feel better?” He asked in haste, desperation- he truly was so fucking desperate. His voice was so cracked and unhinged, she knew it would hurt so badly to say this.
Y/N pressed her lips into a straight line, thinking about her response. Sans waited patently; his fiancé had to take a deep breath before replying. “Humans can contract a disease called cancer. Our bodies are made up of cells, similar to atoms but… Well, they contain about a trillion atoms per cell haha.. But the cells die so quickly and are reformed, but sometimes.. The cells will mess up whenever they are being created. This is what causes cancer in simple terms haha…”
Sans listened close, trying to understand what she meant. Of course monsters don’t study human biology but he could imagine what she was trying to describe. “Cancer,” she began, “at this point… baby, I love you, but my time is up.”
“No!” Sans yelled, scrunching his face as he hitched out his breaths. But the sad reality was that she was right.
“Sans!” She yelled back, tearing beginning to fall. She coughed out blood from her yell, taking a few large gasps for air- raising her voice was something she couldn’t do anymore, let along yell. Sans shushed her, brushing his skeletal fingers through her hair. A few moments passed of her catching her breath passed before she cleared her throat, continuing, “look at me. I used to be loud at shit at Grillby’s haha… Have some motherfucker wanna mess with the quiet human in the corner, and she’ll have the entire town of Snowden hear about it. But I can’t go above a whisper, baby…” she looked down at the covers and her shirt, drenched in blood from throughout the month.
“Dear, I can’t go on another day like this. You know that… So please,” her last work cracked as tears forcibly poured from her eyes, “I can’t feel my face, baby. I won’t struggle on anymore… This world is so cold, so wrong. I’m not running away anymore from the inevitable, and this pain I’ve been fighting has been going on for too long. There’s a price to pay when living and I’ve been paying it for too long.” She began talking in rhyme, which may sound cliche, but generally it’s safe to assume that’s when people are at their sincerest.
“I lost my final fight to disease, and I wanna feel alive again,” she breathed out, looking deep into the sockets of her fiancé. “There was a common ritual back in the 20s… A Brompton Cocktail,” she shivered, her face turning paler moment to moment. As if his anxiety wasn’t bad enough already, Sans seethed.
“What is-,” he spoke, “what is that?”
Y/N looked so sorrowful in her fiancé’s eyes. “A blend of cocaine, morphine and antiemetics… a shot of them in my veins called induced euphoria.”
Drugs was her final solution. And considering many residents are addicted underground… It wasn’t hard to find. But chit, he felt as terrible as she did almost as he called up Grillby, asking him for the contents he needed and the pay. This was it, huh? He didn’t want to lose her. He didn’t want to lose her!
He didn’t want to lose her.
As Sans returned home with the contents needed, he went into the kitchen and passed Papyrus. “Sans, the fuck!” Boss yelled upon seeing them. “You’re resorting to drugs now you sad piece of shit?” Sans scowled and rolled his eyes.
“No, asshole. This isn’t… This isn’t mine,” he replied though unfocused as he messed with the ingredients. Papyrus would have furrowed his eyebrows if he could, then the sudden realization hit him.
“Y/N!” Boss yelled as he quickly made his way out of the kitchen and up the stairs, “what are you doing!” Sans sighed, freezing in his spot. He remembered the words his girl, HIS girl spoke, as she asked for these. This was really fucking it? He would going to lose his happiness to drugs?
“I have the right to die how I wanna,” Y/N told him, and was now repeating to Papyrus. “And I’m going to take my life tonight, and leave how I arrived… So alive,” her dead, empty eyes sparkled upon the last word of her sentence. Papyrus didn’t have it in him to show that he was hurt, but he did the way he knows how to.
“If you do this, you fuck… you idiot, you’re gonna piss of everyone here. We all respect you! And Sans loves you!” He yelled, clenching his fists. “NormalIy don’t care about him, but if I have to deal with his ass moping around all day,” he trailed off, uncharacteristic for someone like him. But he couldn’t hide how distraught he really felt. “If you do this, Y/N, you’d be the most selfish bitch in the underground.”
“I can die with that in mind,” she replied in a joking manner the way Sans normally does whenever he’s feeling bad. “Can you be there for him? Just for a little bit?”
The request stayed with Papyrus as he sat out in the living room, leaning forward with his arms on his knees. The question of “is this really it” just replayed again and again in their minds of the skeletons, especially Sans’ as he brought the needle in the bedroom. Y/N’s pale smile- the whitest he’d ever seen her, was haunting. She looked a lot like him.. She had dropped so much weight, her skull was poking through her skin and her ribs were visible. Her skeleton hands were so weak and her skin so pale it that it scared him. Was this still Y/N? He couldn’t tear reality from a nightmare and whenever he poked the needle into her arm, it all came crashing down on him.
Y/N gasped as the needle poked into her vein, making her tightly close her eyes and breath out weakly. “I love you, Sans. I wish things didn’t happen this way,” she sniffled, looking into her fiancé’s sockets. He had been frozen in spot there for a moment before Y/n spoke up, making him come to reality. “I wish it could be me who you’d marry, but I won’t ever make it out of this, baby. But whenever I’m in heaven or hell, I’ll see you and I’ll be watching you meet someone else.”
“Shut up,” he whispered almost inaudibly. Y/N started to cry. Tears poured from her eyes and her voice hitched in an almost hysterical cry, but the coughing and blood coming out of her lungs made it so difficult for her to say what she wanted.
“I’ll watch you meet another girl and,” she coughed, growing nauseous as she almost screamed in pain. “It won’t hurt as bad as this!”
“Stop baby,” Sans silently pleaded.
“And when you and her marry, know this is what I wanted.”
“Shut up!” Sans exclaimed as he pressed down on the needle, forcing the drugs out of it and into her veins. She gasped, crying out harder as it happened. But within moments, her head began to turn and her face went limp aside from her wide eyes. Sans just stood there and watched. Watched his hands shake as he pulled the needle out slowly, how his girl’s face and body reacted to the drugs, how she began to laugh and smile and cry as she bleed to death from her lungs. As her body took the overdose, he watched she went from behind happy to just…
Limp. She stopped moving and her eyes remained opened, her mouth a little gap, and her face paler then before. Sans just watched it all. He was so scared, he couldn’t have said anything loving before she went. He couldn’t even say I love you.
Hours passed before Papyrus knocked on the bedroom door. “Sans?” He called out, his voice low while doing his best to hide his real emotion. “Is everything okay?”
“Y-Yeah,” Sans replied as if he wasn’t focused on answering. Slowly Papyrus opened the door, seeing his brother sitting in his chair, just looking at the body of his diseased fiancé. She must have died hours ago since her body was slowly beginning to change as nature ran its course. Her soul was open for taking and this would be the last one needed to cross the barrier, wouldn’t it?
But Papyrus knew he couldn’t do it. Even he couldn’t betray his brother like that. Not now, not with this soul.
“I never thought,” Sans started, “that this… this is how it would all end. She’s so beautiful, even like this. That fucking Brompton Cocktail made her as happy as I had seen her in over a month. And I couldn’t have even said goodbye or tell her I loved her.”
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weirdonumber33 · 8 months
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aylish91 · 4 months
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I've been feeling nostalgic lately for my NagaMafiatale~
Thank you so much @maxbruiser for letting me commission you for this comic of A Den of Snakes! I absolutely love it!!!
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milkybnnuy · 3 months
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I'm not the best at reassuring and kind of awkward to show appreciation, and I think Fell would be the same, he would still try though.
UF!Sans belongs to underfell
(re-upload because Tumblr messed it up)
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skelecentral · 2 months
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hansama · 1 year
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Day 7 - I love you
i cried multiple times while drawing this q///q) even now my eyes are still teary asdlkjfhskdh////// god... I love them sm.... thank you @htsan/@sansxyouweek for hosting this wonderful event!!! my heart screamed and break danced so much during it!!
thank you for everyone who enjoyed my drawings during this week!! Q///Q) ♥
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artale07 · 1 year
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guys, I know you love him but.. calm ur horses down...
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ohgodthevoices · 2 months
he bite
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cannedcrabs · 2 months
Red is kinda ugly ngl don’t be mean to him
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dragonridernoobie · 3 months
Glad to see a undertale au author still up and running.
Thoughts on writing a feral underfell bitty sans (possibly abandoned, escaped from a bad place, neglected? Who knows) the reader finds injured and patches them up + befriends them?
Some bitty fics include feral bitties travelling together, like a horror or classic sans with a fell.
Basically, go nuts, no strict requests. Interpret it how ever you like :)
Hope you like this request, idk just enjoying the fandom.
Enjoy the rest of your day/night ^-^
I am so happy to do this! It reminded me of a picture I found on Pinterest that I wanted to adopted fell san bitty. Here is the picture. Also, I'm gonna do it with fell and horror since they where abandon for there looks and attitude.
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To anyone else reading this: You will adopt him, and if you don't, I will find out where you live and kill you. Then I'm gonna bring you're ass back from hell and make you write a sorry letter to a fictional character.
Enjoy <3
FellSansBitty X Reader X HorrorSansBitty
It was just a normal day in Ebbot city. All you wanted to do was get a coffee and some treats but mother nature decided that you where gonna deal with nature and threw the biggest Strom the city has seen.
You where currently running down the street, you're jacket over you're head to stop getting wet.
While on you're way back home, you ran by a alley you passed a million times. Though, this time was different. You heard crying. You stopped and tried to listen over the heavey thunder and rain but you couldn't.
When you got closer, you where able to hear it clearer. When a loud thundering boom made it's present, you heard a whimper. When you followed the noise, you came across a wet, broken down box. On the front it said "bitty for sale." There were numbers also scratched out.
25$, 15$, 5$, and free. You looked inside and you saw a bitty. Bittys where interduced to human kind when monsters arrived above ground.
Humans took them quickly and made more of them. They are now used for therapy, friends, pets, and teatchers for the disabled.
Though there were times when bittys did stuff they were not meant to do. Like bitting, talking back, and actually running away from their owners. People called then "broken bittys."
When that stuff happened, people would take them and dust them or put them down in human words. You did not believe in that way since it was wrong, and living things should have free will.
So when you opened the soggy broken box open, you came face to face with the bitty. It looked up at you, scared but also hissed at you in fear.
You used your best smoothing voice to calm into bitty and reach your hand out. Showing it that it can get on your hand if it wants.
When another loud thundering boom was heard, it quickly grabbed you're hand and you slowly raised it up.
Now that it was in your hand, you quickly brought it underneth your jacket and got a closer look at it
It looked like....
It looked like a little cherry. It had a big furry black and yellow jacket and shorts.
It had red eyelights.
It looked at you while you stood up and quickly ran to you're house.
Once you reached you're house, you where quick to grab a towel and help the bitty dry off.
It grumble and snapped at you, saying it can do it it's delf
Once it was dru, you interduce youreself. "Hi, my name is (Y/N). What's you're name?"
"....sans...but I like being called red...."
You nod and ask him if he wants food.
You make him some grilled cheese and give it to him.
He complains that the grilled cheese was too cheesy, but he was lying that he hated it since he was eating it faster, then he could chew it.
You had to tell him a few times to slow down.
While he eats, you asked him why he was in that box.
Red stopped eating and looked at the ground.
"No one wants a mean looking bitty..."
Obviously you don't like that so you pet his head and say to him. "I don't think you look mean looking. I think you look tough."
Red looks at you surpised. He looked at you like you were joking, but how you were petting him, you wernt joking.
He blushes and pushes you're hand away.
"I ain't cute."
You chuckle and nod. "Of corse you're not."
"I said I ain't fuckin cute! Now stop fucking petting me!"
You guys are gonna have a instresting relationship.
Pretend that's you're hand.
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When you got a better look at the bitty in you're hand, it looked hurt.
It had a hole in its head, torn up clothes, and seemed to be shaking from the cold.
You held it aginst youreself and ran home.
Once home, you quickly grabbed a towl and help it dry it off, being mindful of its hole in the head.
Once dry, you asked him for a name.
"......sans......but people call me horror."
You nod and ask if he wants some grilled cheese.
His eyes seem to shine at the sound of food and quickly nods.
You make some and give it to him.
You watch him devour the grilled cheese in seconds.
You had to tell him to slow down.
Once he was done eating, you asked the hardest question.
"Why where you in that box?"
Horror stopped eating the crumbs and looked down
"No one wants a broken looking bitty."
You're hurt by his words but after a bit, you take 2 fingers and pet his good side of his skull.
He immediately looked at you surpised but smile and purred.
You just got a skeloton cat bitty.
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darkpetal16 · 1 year
IF - Underverse Masterpost
IF - Underfell - link to game
COMPLETED: Play as a customizable "Frisk" through a kingdom of hostile monsters.
IF - Underswap - link to game
COMPLETED: Play as a customizable Chara who has fallen into a hidden monster kingdom under Lake Ebott.
IF - Mafiafell - link to game
BEING REWRITTEN: Play as a customizable "Frisk" through a mafia-run Ebott City in search of your missing brother.
IF - Dusttale - link to game
COMPLETED: Can you give this story a happy ending?
IF - Slumbertale - link to game
Six human SOULs are trapped in the Realm of Dreams. Your ruler has ordered you to rescue them.
IF - Siren Call - link to game
COMPLETED: Play as a CUSTOMIZABLE scientist who catches the deranged attention of a siren while visiting an Arctic research base.
IF - Horrortale - link to game
Play as a customizable MC who has fallen into a kingdom of starved and half-mad monsters.
The Shadows Are Watching - link to game
COMPLETED: Your sister did not return home last night.You visit the laboratory she works at and find things are not as they seem.
IF - Dancetale - link to game
IN PROGRESS: You don't know where you are. You don't know who you are. All you know is that you have to find [REDACTED].
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Requested Headcanons / Scenarios Masterlist
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Discord link: https://discord.gg/c9ud4X24sz
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if you could do a skeleboys x reader whose gut reaction when the get spooked is to sort of pull their boy back to them not caus they don't trust him their just used to being a protector.
(I request undertale and underfell plus dealers choice :D)
Thanks love your stuff by the way
Waaaa how cute! Ugh I love dealers choice it just means I can write my pookies (today that means the swapfell bros). Yk I always feel bad bc I feel like I write too little. I am used to writing research papers where I just get to the point so creative writing is so painful.
| Ut/Uf/Sf Skelebros x protective reader || super vaguely romantic for a few || fluffy |
Cw/Tw: None
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He’s blushing
I imagine this would be the kind of situation where you two were near some people that got in a physical altercation and you pulled him back. That kind of unconscious instinct both surprises and Greatly flatters him.
He’ll go all wide-socketed and just look at you like you’ve grown extra eyes.
Once the y’all are away from whatever situation spooked you, he’ll start making little jokes non-stop. It’s terrible.
“what was that?” “Wdym what was that?” “were you trying to protect me??” “Tf are you talking about??” “you need a new nickname. i didn’t realize you’re such a guard dog.” “Sans what are you talking about”
Sans tries to keep the energy equal in a relationship. Not one-to-one type of stuff where if you do one chore one day he’ll do it the next, as much as if you put in a lot of work he’ll try to treat you or do something that shows that he knows you did it and appreciates it. So now that he knows you’ll jump to his defense at the drop of a hat, he makes it his mission to Not let you do that. He is flattered of course but he just doesn’t want you to get hurt.
In smaller situations where you just got spooked by something he’ll try to calm you down with jokes and puns.
He’s so flattered he’s just a mess.
Papyrus is the type of person that will jump to anyone’s defense immediately, so you reciprocating the energy means everything to him.
He doesn’t spook very easy, so you’ll probably be the jumpier person. No matter what gets you, big or small, you just randomly pulling him behind you has him blushing hard enough to glow.
Emotional bioluminescence never works in a skeleton’s favor.
I fear that you don’t realize what you brought onto yourself though.
If you weren’t already, Papyrus is staying up planning you an incredibly detailed workout plan to make sure you are capable in combat.
The finalized workout regimen is planned exactly to your physical limitations. Almost to a concerning degree… did he do a secret medical exam or something??
No for the record, but he wouldn’t say no matter what the answer.
Red is pretty jumpy himself so his hackles are already raised as he is trying to drag you behind him, but You dragged him back first??? You want to protect Him???
He’s swooning
He still wins this nonexistent battle for the right to protect the other, so he manages to get you close to him. Sorry not sorry but Red’s protective instincts are hard to match, let alone beat.
If the situation was severe enough that you two would need to leave, once y’all do he’s all over you. Laughing and joking about how you’re trying to play guard dog.
He does try to check in a make sure you know you can depend on him yada yada. Please reassure him that you know and whatnot.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you or feels insecure of course��hell one of his many types is strong and forthcoming—he is just also used to being the protector and wants to make sure you don’t burden yourself.
Utterly flabbergasted.
That’s all.
Confused even
Situationally you have two options: either you startled at something he also recognizes as a “threat” or you jump at something that just happened to scare you. Both of these options end with him looking at you like you are some combination of a deity and an oddly shaped cat. Confusion, wonder, adoration, a touch of horror—you get the picture.
More specifically, for the smaller option he will just straight up ask you wtf, but for the “big threat” option he gloats. Loudly.
He is about to get very loud.
Imagine something along the lines of “NYAHAHA YES FEAR ME AND MY HUMAN HAHAHA”
Edge is a skeleton that loves his theatrics what can I say.
You will also be put through a training regimen btw. It’s about the same as Papyrus’ just with more sparring. You did this to yourself.
I’m so sorry but Indi picks fights.
He does
He’s shameless
Maybe you can try to physically pull him away from needling randos? Then again you jumping to his defense might just make him more confident and Worse.
You won’t get a workout regimen out of this guy though! Little victories.
for literally any other time where something just makes you jump and you grab him instinctually, he’ll play into it. You should tell him as soon as you can if that’s something you don’t want.
But he will dramatically jump into a fighting stance the second you start to tug him towards you.
He is always ready to defend his human’s honor.
He let’s you drag him back with very little resistance.
In all honesty he finds you jumping to his safety quite amusing, especially if it was from something small that just happened to make you jump and grab him with you.
If there’s ever a situation where you aren’t in immediate danger but near some (like some strangers getting into an altercation) Cash will absolutely allow you to do whatever you want.
He’s never gonna let either of y’all get into real danger, so as long as that doesn’t happen you are free to your instincts to try and protect him.
Hell, you might not even need to grab him with how much he loves to touch or hang off you. No sense of personal space truly.
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n01r-kn1ght · 2 years
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And then they got married
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I live for the pride and prejudice au
Au by @llamagoddessofficial
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frozrowan · 1 year
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*Y/N vent their worries*
Y/N: Red you should stop smoking, it's kills you someday.
Red: Then stop catastrophizing, also i'm skeleton, have no lungs...
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milkybnnuy · 4 months
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Bang bang
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UF!Sans belongs to @/underfell
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