#Until the Kingdom Comes
punkrockmixtapes · 2 years
Sparta - Until The Kingdom Comes (Official Video)
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bookishdaze · 4 months
So you know how Belle's name means beauty and how she is the most beautiful girl in town? Well, the same goes for Nova's name.
In the original Planet of the Apes novel by Pierre Boulle, the feral human woman's appearance left such an impression on the protagonist that he names her Nova because she was as beautiful as a brilliant star. As beautiful as a supernova from space.
Which got me thinking how in the telescope scene, there are two things that fascinated Noa and left an impression on him. The brilliant stars in the telescope...and this human girl called Nova.
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He was looking at two different types of pretty novas in this scene, hehe
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grimfantas · 8 months
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a kiss for good luck
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gummi-ships · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts - Dive to the Heart
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pomegranatecookiez · 9 months
the genshin impact-ification of cookie run characters is so heinous dude what the fuck happened here
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haunted-xander · 5 months
Respectfully, anyone who believes that Roxas shouldn't have come back in kh3 is wrong and also doesn't know how to make a satisfying end to a characters narrative.
I could maybe forgive thinking Naminé or Xion shouldn't have returned, as they at least got to make the informed decision to return to their counterparts themselves. It would still be wrong but I can at least forgive it.
But Roxas? His entire story is about being allowed to be yourself regardless of what anyone else around you says you should be. It doesn't/shouldn't matter if he comes from Sora, because he is someone else entirely. It's his life, not Sora or anyone elses. Having a story like that end with him being violently forced to return to Sora when he doesn't even know anything about what's going on is flat out bad writing.
Did he accept that he had to die for Sora? Well, sure, but only after getting to beat him within an inch of his life. Only reason he accepts it is because he literally has no other choice but to. He can't keep clinging to the anger and misery at his circumstances forever.
And, you know, it probably helps that the person this was all for also fucking hates it. In no way is Sora happy about what happened to Roxas. Of course he'd bring him back, it's Sora. The situation is so unfair and tragic that having it end with him just staying in Sora forever would literally go against the essence of the entire series.
Kingdom Hearts is, at it's core, a series about bonds. Roxas was established basically immediately as having very important bonds! His best friend literally died for him! He has friends that don't even know it because it was another version of them, but they still feel that bond to him anyway! You really think they should've just thrown away a character whose bonds transcended the boundaries between data and reality just like that? Get real.
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zandraxofnebulon · 1 month
A dungeon meshi rpg-style video game adaptation wouldn't work unless it had extremely dedicated systems for cooking the monsters you slay. I'm talking the ability to cut apart the monster in any way you want, any part of the monster that could conceivably be edible can be cooked if you find the right way to do it, with every part having pre assigned ideal cooking methods to give the best flavor and nutrition. (The cutting apart and cooking would have actual physics and gameplay, no simple cooking animation/minigame.) The better you cook the food, the better your stats are for the next part of your journey.
The actual rpg combat could be fleshed out or barebones, but the meat (lol) of the experience HAS to be in the cooking. Maybe you start out only knowing a few very basic cooking methods and learn more as you go through the game (if you come back to earlier areas after getting far into the dungeon, you can cook parts of monsters you couldnt before, create new recipes, etc.)
Maybe there could be a whole bespoke system for keeping track of/labeling each recipe you make (breath of the wild style), with records on the nutritional values (the stat octagon) for each. The nutrition would generally be enhanced by how good the flavor is, with penalties if things are burnt/cooked incorrectly/etc.
Story wise, maybe you wouldnt play as laios' party during the events of dunmesh, but as a group of adventurers post-epilogue who're exploring a dungeon at king laios' behest, and, taking inspiration from his adventure, decide to survive by eating monsters. Maybe laios would gift them a copy of the Dungeon Gourmet Guide, with notes and corrections from senshi here and there. As the party progresses into the dungeon, they unlock more entries in the guide, adding their own notes as they go. Idk where the story would end up going but if ryoko kui is involved it would probably be pretty sick
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shibee-inu · 5 days
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*twirls my hair* so there's this crack theory I have...
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fourswords · 3 months
i love that one trope that goes like "character wakes up back in time before Big Story Event happens and thus gets a chance to change what happened" and i think that applying it to the fsa manga would be really funny. link doesn't even stop anything from happening he just lets everything play out until he draws the four sword and becomes four again and they all spend the whole time working together to very aggressively make friends with shadow. who has no fucking idea what to make of everything that's happening. he finally turns up to where he stashed zelda in the tower absolutely perplexed like "hey i think your heroes are fucking broken. they keep trying to give me gifts. every time i take a swipe at them with my sword the red one tries to hug me." he doesn't even have it in him to act evil he's just so fucking confused by all of it. and so is zelda for that matter
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hollypies · 3 months
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Zonai Link au ref sheets!!!!
Basically when Link was placed in the Shrine of Resurrection the shrine's settings were set to Zonai! The Sheikah had built over the original shrine, improving upon the ancient technology left behind. Unfortunately when most of the technology was buried so was the knowledge of the shrines true capabilities.
So basically the Shrine is given an injured Hylian, but since it's settings are set to Zonai the Shrine freaks out like "Oh my goddess this zonai is absolutely fucked up 💀" and spends the next 100 years 'fixing' Link.
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quibbs126 · 4 months
Randomly because I’m thinking about it, one thing I think is interesting about the Ancients’ designs is that Golden Cheese, Dark Cacao and Hollyberry all have eye colors that match the colors of their Soul Jam. Meanwhile, White Lily’s don’t reflect her Soul Jam’s color, and she ended up becoming Dark Enchantress
But then we have Pure Vanilla, who has one eye that matches his Soul Jam, and one that doesn’t
I’d argue that this could have a meaning of him being somewhere in the middle, or having to struggle between, but I’m pretty sure nothing like this will end up actually happening with him
But I mean, it’s an interesting detail
Actually you know what, while we’re speaking of Pure Vanilla’s design, he’s weird from the other Ancients in other ways too
Most obviously, his color scheme doesn’t match his Soul Jam whatsoever, unlike the rest of the Ancients. I mean sure, Dark Cacao’s color scheme has a lot of greys, but they’re purple tinted greys, and he does still have purples in his cape. But Pure Vanilla is made up predominantly of yellows with some white and brown, while his Soul Jam is blue
Granted I don’t think that’s an intentional character thing. I think it’s just because they had two Ancients with predominantly yellow color schemes, both of which couldn’t really change too much since that’s what their ingredients typically are, so one of them had to get a different colored gem if they wanted all the Soul Jams to be distinct in color. And you can’t really make blue the predominant color in a vanilla based Cookie, that just wouldn’t make sense. I mean sure, cacao isn’t really purple, but Dark Cacao has the black hair, and his purple leans more on the warm color side, which cacao usually is, so it isn’t as ludicrous a difference
I mean maybe they could have made his Soul Jam a reddish brown or white like Mystic Flour’s, but that’d break with the color schemes of the other Soul Jams, which are all bright, vibrant colors
And then aside from his color scheme, another thing I noticed is that the shape of his Soul Jam doesn’t really feature anywhere else in his design. Everyone else has this to some extent, with Dark Cacao’s diamond shoulder pads and crown, Hollyberry and Golden Cheese’s heart and triangle patterns, and even White Lily in that her dress is like an upside down fleur de lis. Pure Vanilla meanwhile, doesn’t really have the club anywhere
I can’t really give an explanation as to why, other than maybe the club symbol being hard to incorporate, but they were able to put White Lily’s symbol at least somewhere else on her design
Sorry, this pivoted after the first point, but I just wanted to add on more observations I made
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 5 months
Not me saying I was going to take a break and then immediately writing the first chapter of the wesper ketterdam univerity au
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regallibellbright · 8 months
I think it’d be really, really funny if the Civilians of Twilight Town keep trying to guess what Roxas, Xion, Lea, and Isa’s deal is, trying to fit them into SOME sort of even remotely traditional family structure and end up with, like, six different competing rumors even before the polite blonde girl who divides her time between “the old abandoned mansion, which they guess she owns?” and “nowhere in the area.”
And then the visiting scientist.
And the other visiting scientist.
And the scientists’ apparent son (other son?), who spends his entire trip talking with Pence about something they’ve clearly been collaborating on for at least a year despite the fact that no one’s ever seen him before.
Xion introduces a boy who looks nothing like her, currently lives with his family (not, she specifies, her family,) and has no relationship with Roxas or Lea whatsoever. Apparently they’re both the children (okay, he says creations, but Even’s an odd one) of one of the scientists. Technically, they say. They look nothing alike. They’re pretty sure he doesn’t live with the scientist, either. He does know Namine (presumed to be the scientists’ mutual daughter) but they say they’re not siblings point blank. Someone crosses Xion and Namine being sisters off a whiteboard, then considers and puts a question mark there.
Roxas’s incredibly obvious identical twin shows up and they claim to be half-brothers. Roxas will skateboard away from all followup questions. On another trip, he’ll bring a third boy who introduces himself as “the other half of (Ven’s) heart” and then immediately refers to Roxas, Xion, and Ven (but not Lea or the other boy, who nonetheless knows him) as his siblings. He claims to have been born at the dawn of time and just after the worlds shattered and also sixteen years ago. (Vanitas knows exactly what he is doing and is THRIVING off the chaos.)
Based off similar hair colors, her apparent dislike of Lea, and sheer desperation, half the town is convinced that Aqua and Isa are siblings and she sided with him during the breakup. There’s no consensus about how Terra fits into this. (Isa’s not correcting them. About any of this. It’s not worth it.)
Seifer gets back from a journey of self-discovery and asks who the newbies are and gets shown eight different, mutually-contradictory conspiracy boards in the form of family tree/relationship charts. Lauriam and Elrena have been the source of multiple schisms among the gossip mill.
By the time Sora shows up again even Hayner, Pence and Olette are having trouble keeping everything straight, and they actually know the whole story.
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evenmorebeetles · 3 months
Hi welcome to my ted talk on why I think there's a noncis person on the Kingdom Hearts team sneaking easter eggs into the games
This suspicion first came about when I noticed this lovely little symbol on Ven's bedroom wall at the beginning of BBS
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And I was like hey if I didn't know any better I'd say that's a bigender symbol, and I looked it up and people were saying that it's meant to represent the union of Mars and Venus because Ven is an astrology kid and am I still gonna headcanon Ven as bigender? absolutely, but that feels like a fair enough explanation.
And then later on in BBS there was this flower patch in Radiant Garden that was suspiciously nonbinary colored??
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But again I was like hey it's probably just a coincidence even though the colors are the right shade and in the right order. But sure. Just a coincidence.
But just now I was replaying KH1 and you cannot tell me that that's not the genderqueer flag oh my god
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allykakamatsu · 9 months
There's a Misunderstanding Here-
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POV: Scara used to drop by the House of Hearth a lot so the kids started calling him 'Mother', and he forgot to mention this to the others before they got to Fontaine leading to some.... wild assumptions-
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princkleeatscookies · 2 years
Ik i'm busy with school rn but i gotta post these artworks before I go
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twiter api limit lol
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