deweydell25 · 2 months
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Could u tell us the personalities of some of ur dance variants.
Oh, but of course!
Hop: He is a skeleton that enjoys dancing but is embarrassed by it, so he always wears his hood whenever he does it. He knows that he isn't the, like, best dancer, but he's one of the better ones in his AU. Other than that, he's pretty laidback, relaxed, and likes to make puns. He'll even help people find out their dancing styles! If they ask. He used to like dancing a lot more, but something happened, and now he only does it with his brother, or if he's forced to.
Sway: He has quite a few different dancing styles, but all focus on Latin versions. Such as tango, salsa, and stuff like that. He loves to dance and will dance with pretty much anyone just because he knows it's so fun! Plus, it can help you make friends. A lot of people don't dance with him, though, because he has too much energy. He wants someone to be able to match that energy.
Stomper: He dances hip-hop just like Hop, but much more aggressively and loudly. Though he hides the fact that it's him! He acts like he can't dance when he's in his normal outfit, but when he wants to dance, he wears his hood and a mask to hide that it's him doing the best that he can. Nobody knows. He would rather it stay that way. He knows that people are mad that he can't dance, mostly Jazz, but he doesn't want to deal with all of that...
Jazz: He is a very annoying person to dance with because he forces people to dance the exact same style as him, and if you don't, you'll end up getting hurt in his traps. Nobody has ever done the exact same dance as him, until this worlds Frisk came in. But! Jazz is shockingly playful, but still pretty rude and aggressive. He believes that if you don't know how to dance, you're worthless. That's one reason why he's so rude to Stomper.
Flamenco: A smaller skeleton, but with a whole lot of energy! He loves to dance and teaches people how to dance if they don't know... even though monsters almost always know how to dance the moment they're able to walk. He can help a monster find out what their dance style is, which he's happy to do! He always carries around a blue rose, which he gives to people often, though nobody knows where he gets them from? He wishes that Uprock would dance more rather than just play music, but he's happy that his brother is getting out of the house.
Uprock: He has long since given up on dancing. He sees no reason to do it anymore, so he normally doesn't. He does, though, bring music! He always plays the correct song for battles and is the one that plays the 'battle' music whenever people dance. It's pretty funny. If asked why he doesn't dance anymore, he only shrugs. There are a lot of reasons why he doesn't dance anymore, and he doesn't want to deal with answering all the questions. Flamenco trying to force him to dance bugs him a lot, but he loves his brother, so he deals with it.
Ballet: He is VERY shy about his dancing and normally only does it with his brother or by himself. He uses his ability to float with it, and many people who see him dance say that it's... otherworldly hehe. Many people want to dance with him, but he normally tells them no because, well, he can't handle it! The idea of dancing with another person/monster makes his soul pound. Taps wishes that he would get over that because dancing is such an important thing to monsters! Anyway, Ballet is very shy, nervous, yet sweet... He would try to help others if he could.
Taps: He is the type of person who would come up to you and ask if you'd like to dance, even though you guys don't know each other. Taps loves the idea of dancing and is always finding people to dance with! He wants to see all different types of dancing, even if he himself uses tap dancing. He thinks that maybe if his brother sees enough people dancing, he will want to join in. It never works, of course. Taps doesn't let that bug him, however! He's happy.
Waltz: He enjoys dancing and finds it fun to dance with pretty much everyone and anyone. Even if their dances normally get... stopped, he doesn't mind. He wishes to find somebody to dance with who wouldn't stop it in the middle! He knows that his dancing style isn't the most 'sexy', but he doesn't mind too much. It's the one that makes him the happiest. He's playful, tricky, and flirty. He likes making people flustered and enjoys teasing.
Boogie: He wants to find somebody to dance with! And no, I don't mean anyone, but the one person! He wants to find his soulmate; even if the idea of it isn't believed in his AU, he believes in them. He refuses to dance with most people because he's waiting for that one person... It's starting to stress him out lol.
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moncashsurinternet · 6 months
😃La bande passante dormant dans ton réseau : réveille-la et gagne de l’argent sans rien faire !
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ndr8 · 2 months
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Pixel Case study
uxui exercise
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prechy0000 · 3 months
A tope. Premiun
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8no1 · 2 months
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wearemoneymaker · 8 months
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voidbeomgyu · 2 years
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sometimes i lay down and think "DAMN. why am i so tired" DANCE YOU ARE A DANCE MAJOR MF DID YOU FORGET— now listen okay dance is my life ykyk but why did i choose such a stamina reliate style LIKE THERES SO MANY THAT WONT TEST MY BODYS LIMITS LIKE THIS IVE NEARLY SNAPPED MY NECK SO MANY TIMES GUYS IM
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goddess-sareena · 3 months
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GOOD, BUT I wanna see some ca$h before I waste my time to please your fetish. If you're not willing to pay even the slightest amount of ca$h for these soles, I hereby make you an offer you'd have to be stupid to reject: a list of apps, extensions, programs and sites which generate passive income and by using my links / codes to sign-up for these and start using them, we both profit (you get a starter gift, I get a % of your income as a bonus with no deduction on your part) - if I see that my effort is being valued at least in the form of you not rejecting these profitable offers, I'll get back to posting stuff more regularly, otherwise I might delete my Tumblr entirely as it'd seems a complete waste of time; so here's the list:
Apps (Android)
Browser extensions
SMS (text messages)
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djservo · 2 years
hiiii cas getting to that time again. how was your october reading/movie watching and what’s the november vibe? 🤭🙇🏽‍♀️
The Pleasure of the Text by Roland Barthes
Danger and Beauty by Jessica Hagedorn
Lunch Poems by Frank O'Hara
Uprock Headspin: Scramble and Dive by Patrick Rosal
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Tales of Terror by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay
Dark Pool Party by Hannah Black
In my post-travels/daylight savings change brain fog I simply do not have the brain power to reflect deeply at the moment (lest I make you wait another week for this roundup which I'm already late to smh!) & like half of these were poetry/prose which is hard for me to concisely sum my thoughts up on anyway but I enjoyed my time with all of them with the exception of The Cabin at the End of the World which was ultimately a grueling drag 🧘‍♀️
I won't list every movie I watched bc that'd just make this even more overbearingly long BUT I'll say my stand-out favorites were Barbarian (2022), Swoon (1992), Vamp (1986), Diabolique (1955), The Lair of the White Worm (1988), Nekromantik 2 (1991), American Mary (2012), and Triangle of Sadness (2022) 💥 biggest flops were Bros (🫥) & Hocus Pocus 2 (not that i was expecting much in the first place but y'know the hollow bastardization of childhood favorites / all that precious time I'll never get back / blah blah blah I'm a hag whatever 🚬)
as for plans, movie-wise I think I wanna do a loose Noirvember but also it's Nora Ephron fall in my world so I'll probably revisit some of my fav cozy romcoms soon 🫶 book-wise, who's to say anymore!! the world (my pile of untouched books) is my oyster 🦪📚
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c-40 · 2 years
A-T-3 014 Graffiti Rock
Following on from the Beat Bop post yesterday here's a list of personal favourites when it comes to graffiti on records sleeves (it's mostly the classics)
[1981] Tom Tom Club - Genius Of Love James Rizzi did all the sleeve artwork for Tom Tom Club's breakthrough 1981 set and its follow-up in 1983 (A-T-3 002). Not strictly thought of as a graffiti artist he exhibited his work outside though
[1981] Trouble Funk - Pump Me Up single picture sleeve
[1982] Futura 2000 - The Adventures Of Futura 2000 Just one of a series of five records released by Celluloid that fit together to show a complete Futura 2000 artwork. The records were used to publicise the New York City Rap Tour in Europe. The tour featured Rammellzee of Beat Bop fame. More info here A-T-2 388
[1983] Malcolm McLaren - Duck Rock
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Duck Rock insert by Keith Haring
Duck Rock was Malcolm McLaren's first album under his own name thanks to the musicians that would become The Art Of Noise. Nick Egan produces the sleeve and employs Graffiti legend Dondi to create the lettering for Duck Rock and Keith Haring for the illustration. Egan talks about the project here. When talking about customising I'm surprised he didn't mention mods and their mopeds, I suppose that was The Jam's territory https://albumcoverhalloffame.wordpress.com/2013/08/16/interview-with-nick-egan-the-making-of-the-album-cover-for-duck-rock/
Dondi and Haring's work gets used throughout the releases from this set, including print ads and videos. The 12" cover for the single Duck For The Oyster would be even better if McLaren's face wasn't on it. Overpriced and overrated streetwear brand Supreme saw this too and went to town sticking the Duck For The Oyster artwork on their overpriced and overrated streetwear
Here's the long version of Hobo Scratch, check the bit A Tribe Called Quest ref in Award Tour. I write about Buffalo Gals here A-T-2 102 and share She's Looking Like A Hobo because I really like this track!
Malcolm McLaren - Hobo Scratch (She's Looking Like A Hobo)
[1983] N.Y.C. Peech Boys - Life Is Something Special Keith Haring does the sleeve artwork for Peech Boys album, this artwork is now reproduced on all sorts with no reference to the album. Unlike the McLaren album above Haring and Larry Levan were friends, in 1984 Keith Haring would have his birthday party at Paradise Garage where Madonna performed for him
Don't Make Me Wait and Life Is Something Special are released as singles in 1982, the later gets put on the Pumping Iron II: The Women soundtrack. Here's the dub of On A Journey released in 1983
N.Y.C. Peech Boys - On A Journey (Dubmix)
[1983] Wild Style OST with the piece by Zephyr, Revolt, and Sharp on the cover. The film follows graffiti artist Zoro played by LEE. The film is a slice of history, it's clunky but it was how many of us were introduced to hip hop Here's an interview with Zephyr about the animated title sequence https://www.artofthetitle.com/title/wild-style/
...and this is Cold Crush Crew and Fantastic Freaks from the soundtrack
[1984] Digette - Fred From Jupiter The sleeve features artwork by Kenny Scharf. This is an odd one just look at the people involved and the thank yous, it's like a kitchy Club 57 cabaret record. Most importantly though the record is dedicated to the memory of Michael Stewart who was a graffiti artist murdered by the police in 1983 https://www.insideedition.com/the-case-of-michael-stewart-the-new-york-artist-some-say-was-sentenced-to-death-for-drawing-on
[1984] Jellybean - Wotupski!?! one of the best graffiti record covers ever produced which is no surprise as it's by Duster and SEEN. There's a lexicon of graffiti terminology on the inner sleeve. Here's the SEEN and Duster bit from the landmark 1983 documentary Style Wars. SEEN's had heart surgery this time last year, hopefully his health is much better now
[1984] Rock Steady Crew - Uprock Doze from the Rock Steady Crew did the graf on all their sleeves, they are all good but Uprock is a masterpiece (unlike the album by produced by Stephen Hague)
[1984] Subway Art - by Martha Cooper, Henry Chalfant The bible. Martha Cooper's Spray Nation came out last last year
[1985] Mantronix - Needle To The Groove artwork by Gnome & Gemini
[1985] Sleeping Bag Records - Greatest Mixers Collection by Konk (the painter not the band)
[1985] Schoolly-D - Schoolly-D - Schoolly-D 
[1985] MC ADE - Bass Rock Express this is just his logo on the labels but the I want to make a point in saying graffiti and Miami bass/booty bass was linked from the get go, it would catch my eye in shops (it was the graf not the booty)
[1986] Just Ice - Back To The Old School Gnome & Gemini's other classic sleeve
[1986] B-52s - Girl From Ipanema Goes To Greenland Crazy dub on this record. Kenny Scharf sleeve artwork, the sleeve artwork to the album Bouncing Off The Satellites is also one of his
[1987] Street Sounds Hip Hop 17 (to 20, and 22) massively influential sleeves on the UK graffiti scene. The first records in the series to include Miami Bass and the first with a graffiti sleeve by Artful Dodger of The Trailblazers who went on to become The Chrome Angelz
[1987] Bomb The Bass - Beat Dis Who watches the watchmen? also by Artful Dodger, he also did the sleeve for Three Wize Men's 1988 Rhythm King album G.B. Boyz
[1987] Spraycan Art - Hendy Chalfant and James Prigoff The New Testament, Chrome Angelz on the cover
[1989] Unique 3 - The Theme the design is by System. In the UK graffiti also begins to appear on the labels of underground records like Blapps and rave flyers like Sunrise, Dec 89 and Weekend World
[1992] The Pharcyde - Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde sleeve artwork and pissing hydrant by OG Slick
[1993] Alte Schule German compilation with sleeve/label art by Mode 2 of Chrome Angelz
Graffiti Rock was a pilot show made for American television in 1984
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S/o works at one of those scary haunted houses, and skelly was waiting in the back for them and they walk in, holding their nose because someone punched them and now they're bleeding.
Sure! Here you go, thank you for asking :3
I decided to go for a few weirder characters
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Sugar: The second he saw you, he got worried, "Y/n!" He runs over to you and puts his hands on your cheeks, "Oh no, you're bleeding. What happened?" he hurries you over to sit down where he had been resting and starts to wipe the blood away with a paper towel. When you explain what happened, he huffs softly. Of course he's annoyed; that is no way to handle being scared and he thinks that that person needs to get in trouble. If he figures out who did it, he's gonna give them a STERN talking to.
Uprock: Normally they wouldn't be too upset by things, but seeing you bleeding makes them real annoyed. "Y/n, what happened?" They asked and walked over to put a paper towel to your nose. Hearing what happened, they would ask about who did it and go to find that person and drag them back to tell you that they were sorry. Uprock has no time to waste on people that think it's fine to just punch Halloween workers >:( If the person says that they're sorry, Uprock won't be too upset.
Napstablook: They are so worried. They would float over to you and float around you, frowning, "What happened?" when you explain Napstablook would float out to see if the person was still there… just to scare them off on accident. "Oh…" they float down closer to the ground, frowning, "They ran away…" They can't do anything right ;n;
Lady: Well, that is… worrying. She takes care of your bloody nose then walks outside to talk to the person and, honestly, she has a resting bitch face so… yeah, that person says sorry so fast and almost falls over when they run away. Lady is confused but hey! The person said sorry and now Lady is hugging you against her fluffy chest so win win :D
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Glaciers of ideas importing To my friends then exporting To the next keeping it open, We want no closing Even without doubts our thoughts can be dope and This mind trade no one can stop And act of thinking is terrible to stop We just wanna change up not drop And my crew can rock it like uprock Life is tedious if it ain't flowing Copy and paste? constant defaulting? Put my courage to it, begin showing off That's the way we wannna live Keep going, yeah
I love to think through when there's a missing link Scribbling thoughts almost kissing ink Wanna break all bad jinx in one blink Success comes from excess of stinks It ain't easy when you work alone But I got my crew with me to get it on So we keep it rolling rolling on Living so wild like American born I wanna climb to the peak bring everybody with me Everybody with me come on get down Everybody with me come on get down We can really get it done if you get down
What was so much Of blurry vision Turned into bright clear prospection My instinct tells me to keep going forever Going together, going forever
Everlasting moments of life I have a feeling, Minds craving More and more Truly thinking You and I can do anything We can change the world Hey sky's the limit we can spread wings To roadless travel together we go
Anytime you need a hand I will be there I know that you'll be there for me because
It's breathtaking moments in life Addicted to it Minds craving More and more I'm believing You and I can do anything We can change the world Hey sky's the limit we can spread wings To roadless travel together we go
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llusch1 · 4 hours
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romancosblog · 19 days
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8no1 · 9 months
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