Romería 2023 USACH, a 50 años del Golpe Militar
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seryhumano · 2 years
Ensamble de Percusiones Usach debuta en las Semanas Musicales de Frutillar
Ensamble de Percusiones Usach debuta en las Semanas Musicales de Frutillar El grupo nacido al alero de la Orquesta Clásica Usach se presentará el 1 de febrero en el escenario principal del Teatro del Lago.
El grupo nacido al alero de la Orquesta Clásica Usach se presentará el 1 de febrero en el escenario principal del Teatro del Lago, con un programa dedicado a la música mapuche, que además homenajea a Guillermo Rifo. El evento también contempla dos actuaciones del Cuarteto Vila, que también reúne a integrantes de la Orquesta Clásica Usach. De izquierda a derecha, cuatro integrantes del Ensamble…
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cauquenesnet · 2 months
En Cauquenes se realiza la tercera Convención de Escuelas Transformadoras del Maule mostrará los avances del programa “A Convivir se Aprende"
#CAUQUENES: Este jueves 25 de julio el programa “A Convivir se Aprende” en la Región del Maule liderado por la Universidad de Santiago realizará su tercera Convención de Escuelas transformadoras, ocasión en la cual los establecimientos educacionales que reciben asistencia técnica intensiva serán protagonistas. Continue reading En Cauquenes se realiza la tercera Convención de Escuelas…
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leonardocabezas · 4 months
Bachillerato USACH 30 años: Pioneros en inclusión | Universidad de Santiago de Chile
El año pasado comenzamos a celebrar los 30 años de vida del Programa de Bachillerato en Ciencias y Humanidades de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Entrevistamos a personas fundamentales que ayudaron a formar Bachi y a posicionarlo como pionero en inclusión en la educación superior chilena.
Entrevistas y realización audiovisual: Leonardo Cabezas Providell
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rottenappleusach · 1 year
Honorary Mention:
“Chile, Where do we go now?” by Marina Vargas González
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Have you ever found yourself wishing to bring something from the past to the present? Indeed, at a certain point, everybody has wanted to revive past events, things, or moments, but the question is whether this is worth it. Particularly, the poem Let America be America Again by the English writer Langston Hughes (1935) and my teaching motivation, made me reflect upon the past, present, and future of Chile.
In this retrospection, I remembered what my mother used to tell me about the past in Chile. Life, in general, was tough, especially for women who had fewer opportunities in every aspect of life. For instance, my mom always stresses the complexity of pursuing university studies. Furthermore, families in the past gave a prevalent role to the work of men only. When I hear my mother tell me these things, I feel glad not to have been part of that generation. I say this because today everybody has chances to study, men’s work and time is equally important as women’s, education is more inclusive and the spread and access to communication is faster. Now, as a future teacher and making the connection with a movie I recently watched by a Lebanese filmmaker, the question is what is next or ‘where do we go’ from here. From my point of view, there are three things that I yearn for in the future. 
More supportive families are the first element that I would like to see in future generations. Before moving on, it is important to note that the concept of family will be understood as a person or people who are responsible for and take care of another person. I claim this because as a pedagogy student I see the importance of the family in the students’ lives. A clear example of this is the saying that, in the past
I did not quite understand, states that education ‘comes from home’. If parents disrespect teachers at home, students will do the same in the classroom.
Consequently, acknowledging teachers’ work and supporting their pupils from home will make an important difference in the education of Chile.
I also yearn for a second element for our country: free education. Every single teacher or teacher-to-be is delighted to see how solid public education is in other countries such as Finland, Germany and Denmark. Undoubtedly, as a future educator, I am in the right to wish the best for my potential students. In my view, free education in Chile could end up with the segregated society that characterizes
Chileans. For instance, there is a Chilean educational book published in 2013 titled
“Tell me the school you studied at, and I will tell you your IQ”. This is the clear example of the notorious educational gap today, and therefore, which I would like to change in the future.
A third element would be more counselling. Chile should invest more on students’ and educators' mental health so that we avoid problems that later nobody knows how to handle. When I mean more counselling, I am talking about more professionals or experts since right now this task relies on teachers. It is common knowledge that counselling is part of the academic program of a teaching or pedagogy course, yet it is not enough in the face of the difficulties that both teachers and students go through in a changing world. Thus, I would really like to find more specialized support in the near future in all educational institutions. 
To conclude, it is evident that Chile has progressed in several aspects in the past decades. The Chile of the past is marked by hardness, which is not useful to bring back. Nevertheless, that past is needed to understand the present. In my own experience, I value the things that make our life better such as opportunities and more equality, but I am also aware that there are immediate needs that must be addressed such as family support, free education, and counselling for the school community.  These improvements will definitely lead us where to go and make Chile a better place to live. 
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garadinervi · 8 months
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Cecilia Vicuña, (1984), PALABRARmas, Editorial USACH, Santiago, 2023
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megamifantasia · 3 months
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cheshamoebadraws · 1 month
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weewoo weewoo weaverdice pc weewoo weewoo
Francis Usach aka Bouncer
Power: Can lessen impacts to himself by “banking” the kinetic force of what is hitting him. Has a ceiling where it gets harder and harder to bank the full impact. Can empty the bank to use for enhanced strength/movement, combining use with more banking to get a battering ram effect. Power interacts strangely with glass, making glass become like putty if he pours power into it.
He’s got a very dog-like personality and he’s fallen in with the wrong crowd (he already had a foot in that crowd anyway). Was more than willing to throw away morals to interact with other parahumans. Kind of has crushes on both the bad-luck manipulating lady and the blacklisted boyband idol with mind control he calls team mates.
Got all those scars when he got his powers - frankly he only survived because he got powers.
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Boulangerie pâtisserie qui se trouve à Barcelone
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Architecte Félix Usach 1898
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sevicia · 1 year
Test SUPPOSEDLY starts in 4 mins but the teacher isn't even here -__- momento usach
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seryhumano · 2 years
Minga: la Usach publica un disco, reedita un libro y estrena un oratorio en un encuentro dedicado a Chiloé
Minga: la @usach publica un disco, reedita un libro y estrena un oratorio en un encuentro dedicado a Chiloé Se realizará el 21 y 23 de noviembre y la entrada es gratuita. Una invitación de la @extensionusach
El evento contempla la presentación de Fewla, álbum de la Orquesta Clásica Usach y Claudio Pérez Llaiquel, junto al poemario De Indias, de Nelson Torres. También se interpretará por primera vez La rebelión del Nazareno, de René Silva. El evento contempla la presentación de Fewla, álbum de la Orquesta Clásica Usach y Claudio Pérez Llaiquel, junto al poemario De Indias, de Nelson Torres. También se…
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Top 5 buenas picás de comida en stgo
uffff estamos definiendo pica como el término pa locales culiaos piantes y baratos o buenos datos de comida no más? porque picas no tengo tantas, aparte de las cocinerias donde iba a almorzar en la Usach, pero no sé si siguen abiertas.
pero si es por datos de comida
1. onepizza en av. Italia con Condell. tienen una pizza con pepperoni, tocino y salsa blanca con puerros. la lleva.
2. sushi Bada en merced con Mac iver. mejor sushi de Santiago, la dueña es una señora coreana que crea todas las recetas, y el arroz tiene una receta especial que nunca me ha querido decir. estoy seguro que tiene lavanda. la salsa de soya la hacen en el local
3. kichiro ramen en Holanda, frente al hospital metropolitano, es una galería antigua que tiene un patio al medio lleno de locales de comida. es el mejor ramen que probado en relación precio calidad
4. golfo di Napoli en duble almeyda con Pedro de Valdivia. 7 Lucas por una porción triple de cualquier pasta que quieras con cualquier salsa que quieras. yo como gnocchis con salsa de salmón.
5. esta wea no es una pica porque ahora son cadena, pero streat burger es la mejor hamburguesa de Santiago. esta en malls y weas ahora
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leonardocabezas · 5 months
VLOG: Mi primer día como profe en la USACH 🦁
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rottenappleusach · 1 year
2nd Writing Contest Second Prize
“Chile the Oasis that never was” by Roberto Arenas
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On October 8th, 2019, President Sebastián Piñera deemed Chile a ‘true oasis’ amongst all the instability of the rest of Latin America (Baeza). Ten days later, Piñera’s oasis was —both literally and figuratively— on fire. The discontent over the $30 increase to the subway fare had been ramping up for a week, with high school students jumping over turnstiles in protest, until it reached a boiling point and our country erupted into chaos on October 18th. In the aftermath of the so-called ‘social outburst,’ Twitter users —along with columnists and political adversaries— were quick to point to the aforementioned comment as evidence of the president’s disconnect with the struggles of the people he is supposed to represent, and with good reason: Piñera’s vision of Chile as some kind of Latin American dreamland only served to underscore our country's abysmal inequality and abundant shortcomings.
For over a decade now, Chile’s pride and joy has been its economy. Afterall, our country represents one of the fastest-growing economies in the region, with an estimated GDP per capita of US$24.928 —the highest in South America (Cárdenas). This means that Chile produces over 20 million pesos for each of its inhabitants in a given year; unfortunately, this wealth is not distributed equally across Chileans. The richest 10% of the population concentrates 65% of the country's wealth (Molina). If our economy was a birthday party with ten guests, one of those guests would be eating two-thirds of the cake (how rude!), leaving only one-third for the other nine to share. This is particularly problematic in a highly privatized country such as ours, where people’s financial situation determines their access to housing, education, healthcare, transport, electricity, and water among other basic services.
It should be noted that Chile’s prosperous economy and outrageous inequality are two sides of the same coin, or rather two results of the same historical process; that is, the economic policies implemented during Pinochet’s military regime. These free-market reforms were arguably successful in recovering the country’s economy; nevertheless, this success came at a steep price. For one thing, the state delegated the administration of schools to municipalities and the private sector, granting them subsidies on the basis of enrollment with the aim of making them compete for students just as companies compete for customers. In a similar manner, the healthcare system was divided into two: the state-funded Fondo Nacional de Salud (FONASA) and the privately-owned Instituciones de Salud Previsional (ISAPREs). Apart from this, the pension system was completely privatized, giving way to our current —and much hated— Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFPs).
These measures were at the center of the Constitution of 1980, which was promulgated under the military dictatorship. It is not surprising then that a new constitution became the main demand of the numerous demonstrations that took place amid the ‘social outburst.’ The most notable being ‘La marcha más grande de Chile’ (The biggest march of Chile), which gathered more than 1.2 million people in Santiago alone to express their hopes and dreams for a ‘new’ Chile (Villaroel and Flores). Without a doubt, the images from that day were awe-inspiring. After the rude awakening that represented the events of October 18th, the sight of millions of people from all walks of life marching peacefully together was heartening. It even turned the tide on the conversation around this period of social unrest, since the government could no longer characterize protesters as extremists who wanted to destroy the country when there was a sea of people showing otherwise a few blocks away from La Moneda.
As it can be seen, our country reached a breaking point. To paraphrase Langston Hughes’s 1935 poem “Let America Be America Again”: the oasis never was an oasis for us. Forty years ago, the state took a step back, so to speak, and left the wellbeing of its citizens in the hands of the free market. The private sector was indiscriminately welcomed into every aspect of people’s lives, thus creating an unbridgeable gap between those who could afford to join it and those who were relegated to what little was offered by the state. Just think of how different the prospects of a student in a municipal school in Puente Alto are to those of a student in a private institution in Lo Barnechea. We have endured far too long a system that not only allows inequality but actually encourages it, and so it is time for things to change —or at least that is what the 78% of Chileans who voted in favor of writing a new constitution believe (Labra). This oasis has never been an oasis for most of us, but perhaps one day it will be.
Works Cited
Baeza, Angélica. “Piñera asegura que “en medio de esta América Latina convulsionada, Chile es un verdadero oasis con una democracia estable”.” La Tercera, 8 Oct. 2019. https://www.latercera.com/politica/noticia/pinera-asegura-medio-esta-america-latina-convulsionada-chile-verdadero-oasis-una-democracia-estable/851913/. Accessed 30 November 2021.
Cárdenas, Rodrigo. “FMI: PIB per cápita de Chile es el más alto de Sudamérica y será el primero en llegar a los US$30 mil”. La Tercera, 6 April 2021. https://www.latercera.com/pulso-pm/noticia/fmi-pib-per-capita-de-chile-es-el-mas-alto-de-sudamerica-y-sera-el-primero-en-llegar-a-los-us30-mil/KLVZXGEQKFE2VILZBXDI5YK5LM/. Accessed 30 November 2021.
Hughes, Langston. “Let America Be America Again.” 1935. Poets.org, https://poets.org/poem/let-america-be-america-again. Accessed 30 November 2021.
Labra, Alberto. “Histórico plebiscito y 50% de participación: Chile aprueba por amplia mayoría tener una nueva Constitución.” La Tercera, 25 Oct 2020. https://www.latercera.com/politica/noticia/en-historico-plebiscito-chile-aprueba-por-amplia-mayoria-tener-una-nueva-constitucion/3E4Q4CBD3BCYRMCISEOEII3KXU/. Accessed 30 November 2021.
Molina, Tomás. “Banco Mundial: Chile es el décimo país más desigual de Latinoamérica y el segundo con mayor PIB per cápita”. EMOL, 5 Nov. 2019. https://www.emol.com/noticias/Economia/2019/11/05/966244/Chile-decimo-mas-desigual-Latinoamerica.html. Accessed 30 November 2021.
Villaroel, María José and Jonathan Flores. “Plaza Italia reúne 1,2 millones de personas y se convierte en la mayor marcha en 30 años.” BioBioChile, 25 Oct. 2019. https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-metropolitana/2019/10/25/comienzan-a-concentrarse-manifestantes-en-plaza-italia-para-la-marcha-mas-grande-de-chile.shtml. Accessed 30 November 2021.
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garadinervi · 8 months
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Cecilia Vicuña, PALABRARmas, Ediciones El Imaginero, Buenos Aires, 1984 [then Editorial USACH, Santiago, 2023]
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o7v · 18 days
awante inba awante borgoño awante in awante aplika awante lastarria awante usach awante peda
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