#Utility Task Vehicle
the-nomadicone · 2 years
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Camp Schwab // United States Marine Corps
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saibajanews · 11 months
Experiência off-road: Missão do Governo do Paraná no Canadá encerra com parcerias para o turismo de aventura
A comitiva participou de uma experiência off-road onde foi possível percorrer trilhas públicas a bordo de um UTV (Utility Task Vehicle), um tipo de veículo específico para trafegar em terrenos acidentados
O último dia da missão do Governo do Paraná no Canadá encerrou neste sábado (22), na cidade de Montebello, município na província de Quebec e um dos principais destinos do turismo de aventura da região. A comitiva participou de uma experiência off-road onde foi possível percorrer trilhas públicas ao redor da cidade. Durante mais de uma hora ,o grupo conheceu, a bordo de um UTV (Utility Task…
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
okay so im going to orientation for my new job tomorrow (farmwork on someone's semi-urban farm) and im gonna learn how to drive a gator >:D
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fans4wga · 11 months
August 4 - Hollywood Food Insecurity Spikes Amid Strikes
The entertainment industry’s most vulnerable workers are increasingly unable to feed themselves amid a historic double strike with no clear end in sight, according to non-profits tasked with addressing the food insecurity crisis. They describe Hollywood’s ongoing work stoppage — prompted by the contractual impasse between the writing and acting guilds on one side and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers on the other — as a humanitarian emergency broadly affecting the community, not just striking union members.
The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, which runs pantries for those in need throughout the county, attributes a meaningful portion of its nine percent uptick in year-over-year distribution to the strikes’ impact. “When income stops immediately, the demand rises very rapidly,” explains chief development officer Roger Castle.
“This is happening right after the pandemic, which drained a lot of people’s savings,” observes Keith McNutt, executive director at the Entertainment Community Fund, which has distributed $3 million to more than 1,500 workers as of Aug. 1. “So, you have the financial burden on people who’ve already been depleted.” As a result, his organization — whose donors include Seth McFarlane, Steven Spielberg, and Greg Berlanti — has seen an unprecedented wave of immediate requests for basic living expenses, including groceries. “Before this started, we would do about 50 grants out of the L.A. office a week. Now we’re getting 50 applications a day.”
On July 28, below-the-line unions IATSE and the Teamsters Local 399 held a drive-through food drive for industry members affected by the strikes at IATSE’s West Coast headquarters in Burbank. It drew about a thousand vehicles throughout the day.
According to the relief nonprofit Labor Community Services, which helped to organize the event and is planning another in August, the organization distributed 1,740 food boxes, feeding an estimated 8,700 people, that day.
In California, striking workers are ineligible to receive unemployment assistance, while nationally, they cannot receive SNAP food benefits unless they qualified pre-strike — something Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania is aiming to change with a new bill, introduced July 27. One place that striking actors in particular can turn to for help during the work stoppage is the SAG-AFTRA Foundation, which offers emergency financial assistance and other resources, including grocery store gift cards, to union members. SAG-AFTRA made a seven-figure donation to the Foundation early in its strike to assist these efforts. (The WGA West does provide its own members with emergency financial loans from its strike fund and Good and Welfare fund.)
Cyd Wilson, its executive director, has seen an explosion in demand for the organization’s help. “People are making these decisions: Should pay my rent, or should I put food on the table? Should I put food on the table, or should I pay my utilities?” she explains. “There’s a great deal of suffering that’s happening.” By Wilson’s estimate, the foundation is now handling 40 times its typical number of applications per week, and it has already distributed as much in grants since the beginning of the WGA’s strike three months ago as it typically would in the span of a given year.
Meanwhile, Groceries for Writers, a direct aid project administered by Humanitas, a non-profit focused on film and television writers, has distributed more than 1,100 gift cards to WGA members since the onset of its work stoppage in early May. Humanitas executive director Michelle Franke says that “many of these writers have left notes indicating they’re in very urgent financial situations. Writers describe struggling with student debt, falling into eligibility gaps with CalFresh and EDD [state unemployment assistance], eviction notices, writing teams splitting low pay, having only just moved to Los Angeles and not having a large local support network as a consequence, dwindling savings.”
Groceries for Writers is hardly alone in addressing the growing need. In July, L.A.’s World Harvest Food Bank founder and CEO Glen Curado estimated to The Hollywood Reporter that his organization, which is offering free food to striking writers and actors, was serving an average of 150-200 members of this group per day. That effort was inspired by The Price Is Right host Drew Carey’s gesture of paying for all striking writers dining at Bob’s Big Boy in Burbank and L.A.’s Swingers Diner for the duration of the work stoppage.
THR asked both the AMPTP and the talent unions whether they bear any responsibility for the worsening situation. In a statement, a spokesperson for the AMPTP said: “Like those negotiating on behalf of the guilds, representatives from the AMPTP and its member companies came to the table in good faith, wanting to reach an agreement that would keep the industry working and prevent the hardships caused by labor strikes.” SAG-AFTRA didn’t respond to a request for comment, while a WGA spokesperson said in a statement: “The public knows that working people are putting everything on the line in order to negotiate a fair deal with the studios who have caused this strike and the resultant suffering by refusing to address the reasonable proposals that writers brought to the table over 90 days ago.” Neither the AMPTP itself nor any of its major studio and streamer members responded when THR asked if the companies or their philanthropic arms had made any contributions specifically to address the industry’s food insecurity crisis since May.
Support staffers — early-career workers who fill roles such as assistants and coordinators and tend to be low-paid — are especially at risk at this time. “So much of the compensation that they receive is, no one’s going to say it, but it’s implied to be food-based,” notes Liz Hsiao Lan Alper, the co-founder of advocacy group Pay Up Hollywood and a WGA West board member. Alper says that support staffers are often paid the “bare minimum” but access complimentary food through writers’ rooms, craft services on sets or in agency kitchens and conference rooms. And so, when the strikes occurred, the need was “overwhelming,” she explains: “It’s invisible compensation that just went away when the work stoppages happened.”
For that reason, on June 7 Pay Up Hollywood relaunched its COVID-19-era Hollywood Support Staff Relief Fund. So far, the fund has distributed around $45,000 in one-time financial need grants up to $1,000 apiece, according to organizer and support staffer Alex Rubin, who says she’s encouraged support staffers to obtain free food distributed on picket lines. “I think that there is a little bit of embarrassment and insecurity about not being able to feed yourself,” she says. “It is the reason why we give our grants as just like, ‘Here’s a one-time grant. You don’t have to tell us how you want to use this.’”
Helping people in entertainment with food during work stoppages is a “tangible message,” says James Costello, a Teamsters Local 399 driver and an IATSE Local 44 prop master, who was volunteering at IATSE’s July 28 food drive. A second-generation Teamster, Costello still remembers a union strike in the 1980s that prompted his parents to warn their children that their Christmas holiday would be affected that year, and the Teamsters emergency relief that arrived in the fall, offering groceries and a Christmas tree.
As the strikes drag on and both the WGA and SAG-AFTRA have yet to formally reprise negotiations with the AMPTP (although the Writers Guild is set to have a preliminary meeting with the studios’ organization on Aug. 4), the non-profits on the front lines of the industry’s food-insecurity crisis are girding themselves for a long period of need. SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Wilson says it’s pursuing a “very aggressive fundraising strategy” to meet the demand. (Already, it’s netted over $15 million in emergency assistance from stars like George Clooney, Nicole Kidman, Matt Damon and Dwayne Johnson, who are donating $1 million or more apiece.)
The Entertainment Community Fund’s McNutt notes that pocketbook pain will outlast the current conflict. “Just because the strike ends, it doesn’t mean the need will end. Everyone doesn’t go back to work the next week. We’re going to be looking at this [elevated] level of need for months afterward.”
Give to the Entertainment Community Fund
Give to Humanitas' Groceries for Writers
Give to the Green Envelope Grocery Aid mutual aid fund
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aqua-dan · 5 months
What would you write if DC hired you to make a tempest/garth comic? What would be the genre, mood, setting, etc? Would it be plot focused or lore focused?
Hoo boy, this is a fun question! I'll be honest, there are just about a billion different stories that I would absolutely LOVE to write for Garth. He works perfectly in ensemble casts, has such a wide variety of powers and functions, and is fantastic at being the balance to a lot of more hot-headed characters. I also think he works well in introspective works and duo comics. At the end of the day, if played right, I think he could work in just about any story you plop him into.
This is why I have such a difficult time narrowing down just what I'd like to write for DC if asked. But I narrowed it down to three options. I think there are some other Garth fans who have similar-ish ideas (go figure people obsessed with the same character would have some overlapping opinions, hey!), so I'm sorry for anything that sounds redundant.
(1) The first and most challenging thing I'd have to deal with is what to do with the N52 and Rebirth stuff. Since DC isn't at a full reboot point currently, I doubt I'd be allowed to toss out everything from Rebirth… even if I REALLY want to. So I suppose I'd try to do my best to find a way to roll it in without affecting the pre-flashpoint canon. That is a difficult task, and the only way I can really think to remedy it is,, uh… false or altered memories.
I hate doing that kind of stuff, but I swear it would be necessary in this case. Ideally, I wouldn't have to do any of this crap and we could just re-instate old canon fully, but that probably wouldn't happen. Using this, we might be able to work backward in terms of lore for Garth and then move forward once that settles. Utilizing the vague hand-wave-y merging of things due to Dark Crisis, we could give Garth some of his old memories back but still have a whole bunch of things that are purposely left blank for him to go discover. Maybe some things that he thought were his reality suddenly aren't. At least, he can't find any evidence of that being the case. But what he does find are things that keep leading him back into what the old lore established. He could re-meet people he used to know that have been currently written out of canon (BRING BACK LETIFOS, PLEASE) and uncover his full self, as well as all the things that went down before.
I think this series might start out as a solo, but rather soon it would add other cast members. Or a rotating cast, depending on where he needs to go to figure things out. I prefer when Garth has other people to play off of, so these other members would also receive a lot of story and progression.
This wouldn't be played out as a detective thing, however. As cute as Garth would look wearing a detective's hat, that isn't really his thing. This story would take on a bit of a high fantasy, thriller, mystery… horror vibe? It would both re-establish and elaborate on his personal lore regarding Shayeris and Atlantis as a whole, and then go even further and have the story be a vehicle for explaining and adding a lot of extremely cool Atlantean lore.
I feel that this might take on a bit of a… ah what's it called,, Week by Week format?? Loosely, however. I don't need every issue to be a self contained story (although some would be!) But essentially each story is slightly more self contained, but it still builds on the last story (unless it's a multi issue arc!) And then culminates into some sort of big moment that has ripple effects throughout the rest of the DC universe.
The vibe for this would change a little bit depending on the location he's currently in/who the current rotational characters are, but mostly, I'd go for something a little spooky and mysterious. There's danger on the horizon, and you keep swimming closer to it.
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(2) My second idea is also in the vein of working backward. I'm a HUGE fan of prequels and things that fit neatly into blank spots in canon. This is why I think it would be great if I could go back and elaborate on Garth's backstory. There's only been… one canon(ish) attempt at combining the pre and post crisis backstories for Garth (found within Devin Grayson's "Inheritance."). She brings up the idea of combo canons in a similar way to what I have described, where it's a little wishy-washy and false memories-like. But it's also not what I'd ideally do.
On a personal level, I love the "feral child" idea. I'm am a huge fan of the survival genre, and so the whole thought of living alone at the bottom of the ocean and fending for oneself appeals to me greatly! I do not care if that's not realistic to how irl feral children work. I will make it work here.
The whole point of this series would be to be a mirror series to Tempest (1996). It would also be a four issue mini-series that establishes the early groundwork for Garth's story later on. In this, the post-crisis backstory remains largely untouched. He was abandoned to die of exposure as a baby because of his purple eyes. In this version, Atlan would indeed be pulling strings from the shadows and causing certain things to happen or not to happen. Essentially, making sure Garth lives while otherwise allowing him to be a feral child. He might interject random bits of knowledge/influence into Garth's brain as he sees fit to lead him to where he wants him to be later on. However, unlike Devin's version, I want Garth to have (or regain if we are working with the story I mentioned above), as many memories from this part of his life as possible. Different people remember different amounts of their childhood based on a variety of factors, and this often includes how well they are able to communicate with others. I, personally, can remember just about every major event since I was two years old. For Garth, this could be incredibly different considering his only mode of communication was telepathy with fish. Regardless, I think it would be SUPER interesting if he COULD remember this part of his life to a degree. I love the thought of him having emotional guilt later down the line for scavenging already dead fish or other sea life (as I don't believe he'd eat them after he became aware of the morality surrounding it), and carrying that with him. I also want some very tense moments where he is put in very dangerous situations that make you question if he'll survive (even though you technically know he will.) This could be a way to add back in his fear of fish as well if it's due to a traumatic experience with one/a school of them.
I want this whole time period to be very physical. As I said, I LOVE the survival genre, so exploring the different situations he could have ended up in alongside the mystical, otherworldly elements would be something I would adore writing about!
Overarchingly, this would also be very lore focused, and the vibe would be… desolate. I want it to feel lonely, isolating, and frightening.
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(3) Pulling away from the aqua-genre a little bit, I'd love to write a story that is more firmly planted on the surface-world for Garth to be a part of. As I said earlier in this post, Garth has the potential to fit into multiple different places, and I don't think he should be relegated to only things to do with the underwater world. His relationship with the Titans is incredibly important and definitely should not be ignored. This is his most firm connection to things on land, but I wouldn't be against branching out into things such as JLD either!
That said, I think that it would be so much fun to write something for him that expands on those already existing relationships he has with the Titans.
I don't want to say TOO much about it since, well, I am currently writing something using this as a concept, but the general idea behind it is to take already existing relationships he has and expand upon them. If you are already familiar with Garth, you know how important the Titans are to him, …and how unimportant he is to the Titans.
Okay, this is only half true, as Garth does consider these people some of the most important people in his life-- and he is one of the three founding members of the team-- but the unfortunate fact is that they don't consider him nearly as important as he considers them. There's a lot of love and nostalgia, but his relationships to many of them are not very well expanded on simply because he wasn't there for the relationships to develop further.
So, personally, I'd LOVE to see an expansion upon one or more of these relationships he has formed through the team. To do this, I'd really love to see a duo comic. Garth may not work long-term as THE main character, but I think he could be fantastic as a part of a duo. This allows him to have someone to play off of. In my personal version of this, I have him playing off of Roy.
As many know, Roy and Garth have a tumultuous relationship. There are so many misconceptions and misunderstandings between the two of them. They clash in such an interesting way. In some ways, they both think that the other hates them. But this isn't true. (This already isn't as intense of a feeling as they've had in the past, but using the residual hurts could be a great jumping off point.) They have a relationship that COULD evolve, if only they took the time to talk and learn more about each other. This is precisely where I would love to start writing and add to that whole concept. People who are "friends," but… barely friends. People who have such a complex shared history and yet know so little about each other. People who are SO important to each other but unintentionally push one another away. I want the opportunity to expand on it.
In my fic, the two of them end up working together on accident. It's situational. Something that may not have happened if even a moment was missed.
Basically, I would love for it to be a fun duo adventure where plot, lore, and emotional storytelling combine into a unique narrative that helps progress the characters to a really interesting future point while also incorporating all of the important things from their pasts.
As I said, I don't want to spoil things too much. But the vibes are more action-adventure-y. It would mix a lot of physical and mystical elements and rely on flipping the tone back and forth between emotionally heavy, silly, suspenseful, and urgent.
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Basically, I want to figure out a way to have fun with the current version of Garth. I think that SO many of the previous things NEED to be reinstated (and most of the current stuff needs to be tossed out), but at the same time, I want to figure out a way to use what's there to my advantage. It's difficult and not always my favorite, but I still think there is potential!
So uhhh, yeah.. that's what I would do if I had to take things from their current point and create some stories. Sorry for how long this got lol 😅
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yarnlass · 3 months
Magister is a tough gig
Still going through this old DND 2E (or 3E) supplement, and I'm surprised just how much lore Ed is able to fit into this book via the vehicle of the Magister role. It doesn't really relate much to Gale, but as I read this book it's through that filter, and I have found a few interesting things.
The main thing that I didn't realize was how different Gale's life seems to be in relation to the wizards and sorcerers throughout Faerun over the ages -- in a nutshell, they mostly killed each other. The life Gale describes is one of scholarly accomplishment and civilized advancement among likeminded peers -- he attends a school dedicated to teaching novices to advance with supervision of their more advanced masters, he mentions colleagues that he has discussions and disagreements with, hell, the game even implies he has friendly relations with incredibly powerful wizards (that are evil/insane, even!) like Halaster Blackcloak of the Undermountain. It could be because he grew up and lives in Waterdeep, perhaps the most civilized locale in all of the Sword Coast, that shapes his life more than anything, but I have to imagine that since the early days of Faerun it's become safer and more civilized to live as a mage -- it's not the wild west anymore, so to speak.
There's an entire section dedicated to all previously known Magisters, and it's crazy how many of them were just power-hungry muderhobos. Mystra and Azuth favor and prefer those who were good natured and helped others, even doing them favors beyond the usual Magister, but it didn't stop them from choosing some real nasty pieces of work (or preventing the really nasty ones from obtaining the title of Magister after killing the last one). The average lifespan of a Magister in office is bleak -- no more than 4 years, and this is averaged out among some who were Magister for 60 years and some that were Magister for a day before someone killed them, on purpose or accidentally.
It just used to be incredibly common for mages (meaning any magic user) to just hunt down and kill any rival mage to steal their magic tools and spells, creating an environment where if you were studying magic you had to preemptively prepare for someone to come along and kill you, if you got any serious level of accomplishment. I'm not sure if that's slowed down now that the realm is in 1495 DR, but for sure in 164 DR? Mages be murdering each other, all the time, with no legal consequences because even if you're a king or a warlord or whatever, you're not going to get involved in a wizard fight. Mages largely lived in their own strata of society, by their own rules, and this made it incredibly likely that they were all inclined to kill each other in order to gain more power.
So enter the idea of a Magister, a super-charged spell user with game-breaking power if they were clever enough to utilize it, tasked with spreading magic and teaching it, being judged at their end on how well they did so. The weird thing is how hands off Mystra was -- she'd answer prayers for guidance if asked, but most of these weirdos were on their own, unsupervised, getting up to some wild shit. Some did nothing but try to murder their rivals; some did nothing but spread out spell scrolls and assist struggling students; some created new types of magic that still exist today. There was one guy who just liked to blow up castles. He invented spells just to target manmade stone structures to hurl them up into the sky like bizarre stone spewing fountain -- he didn't like killing anyone, he just tracked down old abandoned castles and pulverized them. Constantly.
Supposedly the office was vacant after the Spellplauge, and since only clerics of Mystra and Azuth are told the sigil of the spellcaster chosen for office at the moment of choosing, it's more than likely the Magister is out there walking around, subtly changing the way magic is found or used in the world, and we have no idea who it is.
In regards to Gale, this office seems tailor made for him at this point -- he loves sharing magic, discussing it, exploring it, understanding it. He wouldn't hate the power that came attached to it either. I'm 100% certain that if he hadn't gone after the orb, if he'd stayed in a favored position by Mystra, he would have been Magister in his lifetime.
And poor Tara would curse Mystra all the more, granting her proud little peacock more power than he knew how to manage, fretting constantly about him being murdered by some power-hungry maniac.
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beardedmrbean · 30 days
Bulgaria is embarking on the production of kamikaze drones, which will be priced at BGN 2,000 each and have the capability to destroy tanks valued at 10-15 million euros, according to Kalin Dimitrov, the executive director of a Ministry of Defense company, as reported in an interview with the Bulgarian Army newspaper.
Initially, the assembly of these unmanned aerial vehicles will involve the use of parts from external suppliers, with plans to eventually transition to in-house production within the company's structures. Dimitrov mentioned that the warhead, or ammunition, will be Bulgarian-made and produced at the "Terem" plant in Kostenets.
Meetings have been held with Bulgarian companies possessing experience in drone manufacturing. In Bulgaria, several startups have already made progress in developing unmanned aerial vehicles for commercial purposes. The experience gained from the conflict in Ukraine underscores the increasing utility of drones on the battlefield. They are categorized into various types, ranging from relatively simple drones capable of carrying and launching grenades to more sophisticated FPV drones equipped with RPG missiles weighing approximately one kilogram. At an advanced level are "loitering ammunition" or kamikaze drones designed to target armored vehicles, with a larger version suitable for attacking buildings and fortifications, according to the Information Center of the Ministry of Defense.
Kalin Dimitrov previously announced the creation of a scientific unit within the Ministry of Defense tasked with developing smart munitions and various drone modifications.
In addition to the kamikaze drones project, the Bulgarian military is set to acquire SpaceX's Starlink satellite-internet terminals. These terminals are expected to enhance the effective management of subordinate formations, facilitating continuous, high-speed, and reliable information exchange, as stated by the Ministry of Defense. Notably, SpaceX's Starlink Internet service played a crucial role in providing Internet access to Ukraine during its conflict with Russia, enabling the direction of Ukrainian drone strikes against Russian tanks and positions, thus strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities.
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technowaveblog · 5 months
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masllp · 3 months
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An au where Tokoyami is transported to the SCP Foundation world where none of the few hundred years of evolution happened in that world, meaning there are no things such as quirks or mutants.
However, due to the appearance of his head and the very obvious presence of Dark Shadow pictures had been taken and sightings had surfaced about a humanoid figure wandering the outskirts of Shizuoka prefecture. Even appearing in alleyways and such.
The foundation sent MTF-Alpha 9- the reborn Omega-7. (A Mobile Task Force explicitly intended to train and utilize humanoid SCP objects in the field) that was stationed in Japan before being ordered to scope the areas were the unknown entity is sighted. Ordered to use lethal force if necessary.
Almost a week later they reported the being was very familiar with the prefecture and the forest around it, thus being able to avoid the Team for long periods of time. However, the situation was given light when one of the personnel within the team coded "Vistage" maimed the entity and shot a part of it's leg while fleeing, giving them advantage on the mission as the entity screamed in a way that was almost human.
But before the team could get the upper hand on the situation- a loud, earsplitting roar was heard throughout the forest before a large shadowy entity rose up from the canopies. Whilst the MTF-Alpha 9 had begun fighting off against the other unknown entity they realized that no matter how much they do or how many bullets they shot off, there wasn't any significant effect on the entity even after launching off several grenades; though they noted that the grenades were much more effective on subduing the entity.
Much later another team appeared on the scene as requested for backup- MTF Epsilon-6 ("Village Idiots") soon arrived at the area were the other entity had sprung. Carrying with them multiple explosives, such as AT4S and RPG-7s and other such whilst half of the MTF-Alpha 9 were given orders via radio to locate the previous unknown entity before this one.
Significant aftereffects were soon noted when the MTF Epsilon-6 began to take action; firing multiple attacks at the shadowy entity but otherwise still not enough as the entity begins to act more viscous and lethal.
Large shadow claws descended from the treetops and grabbing the assault vehicles with personnels still inside before thrashing them about, thus as the debris fell from the sky as did body parts and blood. Raining over them in a red sea.
Soon after, almost all of both teams were eliminated on the spot after being thrown or dragged by the larger entity, while what's left with MTF-Alpha 9 still has not found the first previous entity that was originally meant as the main target.
MTF Epsilon-9 (specializes in the use of incendiary weaponry and operations in high-temperature environments) was then sent after the entity after reports of fire being the most effective by the remaining task forces, and thus began attacking as soon as the team arrived as the large entity roared and thrashed around before being almost subdued completely.
Expecting the entity to drop on the ground they were shocked to see the previously targeted entity on the forest grounds instead, curled up on a ball shivering but otherwise did not make any sounds as multiple wounds and burns covered it's exposed skin from the burnt fabrics of what could be a school uniform.
The entity were soon transported and contained on Site-[][][] after the initial event, though the SCP Foundation made sure to track any anomalous aftereffects within the forest and around itself.
SCP-2062 is a humanoid entity weighing around 45.9 kg (109 Ibs) and a height over 158 cm (5'2 ft) with fair skin and lean but otherwise strong build. Although the most distinctive was his head of a black bird, possibly supposed to resemble that of a crow or a raven. He has a tan, yellowish beak which is slightly hooked down at the end, thin, unnatural red eyes with a small black pupil, one on each side of his head, and a red choker, which he rarely removes. Despite the appearance of his head, however, his body looks like one of a normal human, with rather fair skin.
There is another entity that is seemed to be tied with SCP-2062 however, otherwise recognized as the large shadowy entity during the containment procedure of Shizuoka Prefecture. And was classified as SCP-419.
SCP-2062 and SCP-419 seems to be in what it appears to be in a symbiotic relationship as SCP-419 seems to be unable from detaching itself from SCP-2062 during the first attempted experimentation snd research.
SCP-419 is a sentient shadowy entity capable of human speech (mainly only japanese but otherwise shows recognition over English signs and words, but it is not considered if the entity is indeed fluent in English as well). SCP-419 is capable of movement on normal scales, but is fast enough to snap at anyone who dares to draw near it and SCP-2062 protectively for unknown reasons.
The entity also shows signs of irritation and anger whenever it is referred to as "SCP-419" by the researchers and SCP Foundation personnels.
Currently, both SCP-2062 and SCP-419 are both contained in Foundation Site-[REDACTED] for further research, though testing may halt before SCP-2062 is completely healed to undergo experimentation and interview.
Fun fact- I actually love the SCP foundation!!!
I am in love with the way you wrote this! I absolutely love reading entries and I can 100% see this as an AU, be it the result of a quirk or some other force of nature.
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technoscripts1 · 4 months
Navigating the Automotive Embedded System Course at Technoscripts
Automotive Embedded System Course at Technoscripts. This specific program is intended to give an exhaustive comprehension of the unpredictable systems that power present day vehicles.
Submerge yourself in a unique educational plan that joins hypothetical information with involved viable experience. Through genuine tasks and reenactments, you'll acquire the abilities expected to plan and execute embedded systems custom fitted explicitly for automotive applications. We want to grant hypothetical ideas as well as furnish you with the useful ability requested by the automotive business.
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Whether you're an understudy hoping to spend significant time in automotive embedded systems or an expert trying to improve your abilities in the automotive business, our Automotive Embedded System Course at Technoscripts is made to meet your goals. Go along with us and become adroit at utilizing embedded systems to drive development in the automotive area.
At Technoscripts, we are focused on giving an extraordinary instructive encounter that sets you up for an outcome in the dynamic and consistently developing scene of automotive embedded systems. Release your true capacity, associate with industry pioneers, and drive your vocation forward with the Automotive Embedded System Course at Technoscripts.
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wpeventmanagersblog · 5 months
How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search in 2024
In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, staying attuned to emerging trends is pivotal for maintaining a competitive edge. As we delve into 2024, one such trend taking center stage is the increasing prevalence of voice search. This article guides you through the process of optimizing your website to align seamlessly with the evolving landscape of voice-activated technology.
Voice search, fundamentally, involves using spoken language to initiate online searches rather than traditional typing. The ubiquity of virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant has propelled voice search into mainstream usage. In 2024, the significance of this trend is more pronounced than ever, prompting website owners and businesses to adapt their strategies accordingly.
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Understanding Voice Search Trends
Understanding the landscape of voice search begins with acknowledging the statistics that underline its increasing popularity. Recent studies indicate a substantial rise in the use of voice-activated technology for various online tasks. Moreover, voice search is not confined to smartphones; it extends to smart speakers, wearables, and even vehicles, diversifying the devices supporting this mode of search.
Importance of Optimizing for Voice Search
Beyond the statistics, the compelling reasons to optimize for voice search lie in the realm of user experience and SEO rankings. Optimizing for voice search enhances user experience by providing a more natural and convenient interaction with your website or content. Additionally, search engines now factor voice search into their algorithms, meaning websites optimized for this mode are more likely to rank higher in search results.
Key Strategies for Voice Search Optimization
To effectively optimize for voice search, several key strategies come into play. First and foremost is the utilization of natural language. Given the conversational nature of voice searches, aligning your content with how users naturally speak enhances the likelihood of a match. Mobile optimization is equally critical, as a significant portion of voice searches originates from mobile devices. Local SEO strategies also play a crucial role, particularly for businesses aiming to enhance their visibility in local searches.
Structuring Content for Voice Search
Structuring your content to cater to voice search involves incorporating long-tail keywords, crafting content in the form of FAQs, and adopting a conversational tone. Long-tail keywords mirror the way users phrase voice queries, while FAQs and a conversational tone align with the natural language users employee when interacting with voice-activated devices. Additionally, optimizing for featured snippets increases the likelihood of your content being selected as the answer to a voice search query.
Technical Considerations
On the technical front, implementing schema markup is essential. Schema markup provides search engines with structured data, facilitating a better understanding and presentation of your content in voice search results. Moreover, considerations like page speed and accessibility contribute to an overall positive user experience, a critical factor in voice search optimization.
Voice Search and Local Businesses
For local businesses, voice search presents a unique opportunity to enhance visibility. Emphasizing local keywords, creating location-specific content, and ensuring accurate business information online are essential steps for local SEO in the context of voice search.
Staying Ahead with Voice Search Updates
As voice search algorithms continue to evolve, staying informed about updates becomes crucial. Adapting content strategies based on emerging voice search trends ensures that your optimization efforts remain effective and relevant in the ever-changing digital landscape.
Measuring Voice Search Performance
Utilizing analytics tools allows for the measurement of voice search performance. Tracking key metrics enables data-driven decision-making, providing insights into the effectiveness of your voice search optimization efforts.
Challenges and Solutions
Challenges in voice search optimization include overcoming language barriers and addressing privacy concerns. Multilingual optimization ensures a broader reach, while proactive measures to address privacy concerns build trust with your audience.
The Future of Voice Search
Looking ahead, voice search is likely to intertwine with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality. Anticipating this future landscape prepares businesses for the continued evolution of digital interactions and their impact on SEO.
In conclusion, optimizing your website for voice search is not merely an option but a necessity in 2024. From understanding user behavior to implementing technical enhancements, each aspect contributes to a holistic strategy for success. As you embark on this journey, remember that voice search optimization is an ongoing process. Stay proactive, embrace changes, and witness the positive impact on your digital presence.
Q: What are the main benefits of optimizing for voice search?
A: Optimizing for voice search enhances user experience, improves SEO rankings, and ensures your website remains competitive in the digital landscape.
Q: How can local businesses leverage voice search for better visibility?
A: Local businesses can optimize for voice search by incorporating local keywords, creating location-specific content, and ensuring accurate business information online.
Q: Are there any tools specifically designed for voice search optimization?
A: Yes, several tools assist in voice search optimization, including keyword research tools, analytics platforms, and schema markup generators.
Q: Can voice search optimization improve website traffic?
A: Absolutely. By aligning with user search behavior and search engine algorithms, voice search optimization can increase organic traffic to your website.
Q: What steps can I take to ensure my website is voice search-friendly?
A: Ensure mobile optimization, use natural language in content, implement schema markup, and focus on local SEO to make your website voice search-friendly.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Detroit City Council on Tuesday approved a $5 million expansion of the use of license plate readers across the city, using federal pandemic relief funds.
It's the latest City Council vote on surveillance technology that has ignited debate in the community. Other surveillance tools Detroit police utilize include ShotSpotter — City Council last year OK'd spending $8.5 million on the gunshot detection technology amid fierce support and opposition — Project Green Light video surveillance and facial recognition technology
Two City Council members voted against the license plate reader spending: Gabriela Santiago-Romero and Latisha Johnson.
Detroit police have used license plate readers since 2018. But with the city's new contract with Motorola Solutions, an additional 100 cameras will be set up at 25 intersections, according to Detroit police. There are currently 83 cameras set up at intersections, in addition to over 100 mobile cameras.
The vast majority of community members who tuned in to Tuesday's council vote urged their city leaders to approve the $5 million dollar contract in hopes that it could address speeding on Detroit's roads — but using license plate readers for traffic and civil infractions goes against Detroit police policy.
According to Detroit Police Department policy, license plate readers are used in investigations involving auto theft — which Detroit has seen more of in the past year — and violent crimes such as homicides and sexual assaults.
The cameras are focused on the rear of vehicles and photos are taken of license plates, Deputy Chief Franklin Hayes said during an hourlong debate prior to Tuesday's vote. The cameras do not capture the faces of drivers and are not used to identify them, he said. Officials in other cities, like Louisville, Kentucky, have reported otherwise, stating license plate readers can be used to capture faces.
Data retrieved from Detroit's license plate readers is saved for 90 days, Hayes said.
Police Chief James White described license plate readers as "one of the most useful and powerful tools that we have" during Tuesday's debate.
He noted the technology was used to locate Rashad Trice, the man charged in the killing of 2-year-old Wynter Cole-Smith — the child was kidnapped in Lansing and later found dead in Detroit, and Trice, the prime suspect, was located in St. Clair Shores.
"Certainly we don't want anyone to abuse this tool," White added.
Many community members have opposed using more license plate readers. They spoke of civil liberty and privacy concerns amid growing reliance on surveillance technology, questioned the technology's effectiveness and questioned who owns the data, and how it's protected.
One major concern involves potential harm the technology could cause in Detroit's immigrant communities. White said it's against department policy to share data with government agencies such as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S Customs and Border Protection.
Sean Rositano, who works with the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center and is a member of the Detroit Immigration Task Force, said representatives of the task force met with Detroit police and aren't convinced the department's policies provide enough protection for immigrant communities.
"Cities nationwide have fought to limit license plate readers because researchers have shown ICE and Custom and Border Protection regularly purchase access to Motorola’s license plate databases," Rositano said on Monday during the City Council's public health and safety committee meeting.
"We do not want Detroit immigrant families separated, detained or deported because their license plate was stored in a database that immigration enforcement agencies can access. (Detroit police) would need to make amendments to its policies and contract with Motorola to ensure that safety of immigrants comes first."
Rositano suggested Detroit police limit agencies it shares data with, strengthen its oversight and provide transparent reporting to ensure ICE and CBP do not have access to Detroit’s data.
A spokesperson for the Detroit Police Department said the department owns the data collected by its license plate readers.
Santiago-Romero shared Rositano's concern over potential harm against immigrants in Detroit.
And she, among others, also questioned the technology's effectiveness compared with its cost.
Santiago-Romero noted that, according to Detroit police data, the technology conducted nearly 25 million license plate readings in the last 90 days, leading to only 64 arrests.
But White pushed back: Among the 64 people arrested, 16 are suspected of murder, he said.
"Sixteen murderers. That's the cost," White said.
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smosreseo123 · 6 months
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Transporting recreational equipment, such as ATVs, golf carts, motorcycles, and personal watercraft, can be a challenging task for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether it's going on an off-road adventure or enjoying a day at the beach, having a reliable system to load and unload these “BIG” toys onto a vehicle is crucial. Enter the Toy Loader System - a revolutionary solution designed to make loading and unloading more accessible and efficient.
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Read more
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isense · 8 months
Why you should choose GPS tracking and IoT solutions for your business in Qatar.
In today’s business landscape, staying ahead of the competition and keeping up with the demands of customers is crucial. One way to do this is by leveraging technology to improve efficiency, productivity, and customer service. GPS tracking and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions are among the most powerful technologies that businesses can adopt to achieve these goals. In this blog, we will discuss the reasons why you should choose GPS tracking and IoT solutions for your business in Qatar.
Improve Fleet Management: GPS tracking technology can help businesses to track and manage their vehicles and drivers more effectively. With GPS tracking devices installed in your vehicles, you can monitor their location, speed, and performance in real-time. This can help you to optimize your routes, reduce fuel costs, and improve overall fleet efficiency.
Enhance Asset Tracking: IoT sensors can be used to track and monitor various assets in your business, such as equipment, tools, and inventory. This can help you to reduce losses, improve asset utilization, and prevent theft.
Increase Safety and Security: With GPS tracking and IoT solutions, businesses can enhance safety and security measures. For example, IoT sensors can be used to monitor workplace environments for hazardous conditions, such as high temperatures or toxic gases. Additionally, GPS tracking devices can be used to ensure the safety of lone workers or employees working in remote locations.
Enhance Customer Service: GPS tracking technology can help businesses to provide better customer service by improving delivery times and tracking shipments. This can help to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Improve Efficiency: By using GPS tracking and IoT solutions, businesses can automate various tasks and processes, reducing the need for manual intervention. This can help to save time, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency.
Gain Competitive Advantage: By adopting GPS tracking and IoT solutions, businesses can gain a competitive advantage by offering better services and products to customers. This can help to attract and retain customers, increasing revenue and profitability.
In conclusion, GPS tracking and IoT solutions are powerful technologies that can help businesses in Qatar to improve efficiency, productivity, and customer service. By leveraging these technologies, businesses can gain a competitive advantage and stay ahead of the competition. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, it’s time to consider Best GPS tracking and IoT solutions In Qatar By Isense The Best Temperature Monitoring Solutions In Qatar & Best Humidity Monitoring Solutions In Qatar.
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