#V1: Main
phoenix-of-jade · 10 months
(Jihyun) Strawberry, Watermelon and Tangerine
Send Me A Fruit!
Strawberry - I’m in love with you.
Watermelon - I think you’re good looking.
Tangerine - We have a lot in common.
"Hmmm, it that a confession I am hearing, midnight photographer?~" Xuan snorts and grins mischievously. "I must admit that I too am starting to feel something.... But I think I'll need to take you on more dates and kiss you some more to make sure, so what do you say, want to go out with me again?~"
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onegatorartist · 7 months
V1: - Main setting. Highschool senior. Troubles a plenty and expect a chilly aloof dino gal. She’s a nice girl under how she acts though one could be forgiven for not seeing such.
V2: - Older. A few years older, but almost non-the-wiser. A small time artist who works with a local art museum. Deeper than normal bags under her eyes along with a more presumptuous appearance to follow. Miserable, lonely, unsure of who she really is even. Too afraid to reach out and yet strangely comfortable with how her life is.
(More to be added in the future.)
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lettucefather · 7 months
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this is gay sex btw
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make him pray
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
:) teehee.
Original post (has transcript if you need it)
Twitter version
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dissentersrising · 10 months
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eclipse of your own making
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voltaic-resonance · 5 months
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listen.. yea i got nothing to say for myself . he sucks i hope he dies i want him carnally
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bunnysnared · 4 months
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irt my last post, i did manage to finish ghost's art after all! i am doing a very small test batch of the pins in a pr3order here, right now. if theyre successful and im pleased with how they turn out [will make tweaks if needed] then i will finish the rest of T141 & relist more ghost's for sale, likely in late july/early august  ദ്ദി ·ᴗ·)♡ thank you guys for the interest so far!!
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nite-starry · 5 months
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gabe/v1 jumpscare lol
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puterwantsyou · 9 months
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strawberryaeris · 6 months
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Happy Easter, I supposeeeee
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phoenix-of-jade · 10 months
In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song.
Song number 12: Love the way it hurts by Cloudy June
Oh, your demons match my ghosts
Twin spirits... That was the conclusion the raven haired had came to after listening to Minjun's story about his past and the unfortunate love story he'd gone through. It was interesting how two seemingly completely different people, with completely different backgrounds, could share soo much in common, from a complicated family background characterized by messy games of power and the iron fist of parental authority, to the tragedy of losing their first loves in an unfortunate turn of events that would make said people haunt them to this day (even if the circumstances were different for each one of them, as well as the nature of the "haunting").
I'm sad as fuck you know
When Minjun told him that he couldn't let go of Joowan because he was his very first ever love, the information kind of struck a sensitive chord buried deep within Xuan's heart and soul. He could relate in a way with the lawyer's pain and struggles with moving on, because he too was haunted by a similar ghost: while he didn't lie about Cheng being some sort of 'ex', the man wasn't Xuan's only friend he'd ever gotten involved with in a seemingly romantical way.
The two had another friend with whom they both were very close, a boy named Xia, and while Xuan didn't love Cheng in a romantic manner, he did bear this kind of feelings for this boy; feelings he was too young back then to be able to fully understand what they were or what they meant, but which made Xia be the closest thing to an actual crush Xuan had ever experienced. Unfortunately, Xuan lost Xia when they were still kids, the young man dying at the ripe age of 13 and leaving the at the time 12 year old Xuan with a grueling sense of survivor's guilt. And to this day, the green eyed man blamed himself for Xia's death even if it wasn't his direct doing, living under the impression that anyone he'd grow to love ever again would end up suffering a similar fate, which made Xuan swear that he'll never love again.
You can always make it worse
Yet, cut to the present, and the time spent in the company of this stunning and clever lawyer made Xuan feel a kind of tingle he hadn't felt in literal years, something he never thought would be possible ever again. That strong feeling of compassion and empathy he felt for Minjun, paired with his respect for this handsome man's strong will and determination, had made Xuan develop a keen liking for his new business associate. In other words, he was starting to develop a new crush. But was he ready to accept this kind of feelings in his life? Was Xuan ready to allow himself to love again and welcome this still unknown feeling to nestle into his stone cold heart?
Baby I need you I need your claws on my neck I need your bitter red wine lips and dirty regrets I need your hunger Feels like you're tying me up I'm begging you for your love Begging you for your love
Before he realized it, Xuan had already started to slowly fantasize about him and his lawyer, and that did not include the business framework in the slightest! He couldn't take his mind off of Minjun's charming smile, his charismatic voice and the way his pretty lips looked soo kissable! It was strange feeling like this for someone so suddenly after he hadn't ever caught any semblance of such cravings for anyone else in literal years, not even for Cheng, with whom he had an intimate relationship after all...
Maybe it was the fact that Minjun kind of reminded him of Xia, in a way? It was true, he had black hair and brown eyes like his long departed friend, but so did many other people he'd interacted with in the past and he hadn't developed any displays of lust like this for them. Or maybe it was Minjun's charisma and very kind and selfless nature that reminded him of the young man? Xuan didn't know, but it frustrated him nevertheless. He wanted something from Minjun, that he could tell, but what exactly that something was, heck if even he knew!
Interesting enough was that the lawyer seemed to be interested in him too, or that's what Xuan thought from watching him closely during their conversations. It was bad! This only served to fuel those weird feelings and desires he was having even further! Should he even try to initiate something...?
Xuan shook his head in frustration, sighing and leant back into the chair, staring at the ceiling. Was it even worth it? What if he tries to initiate something romantic with him and Minjun rejects him? Not only would he end up hurt (especially his pride and ego), but that would also risk ruining their business relationship as well...
The raven haired heaved a deep sigh, wondering why things had to be soo complicated? And even if let's say, Minjun were to actually return these feelings of attraction, there was still the issue of his stalker ex boyfriend... Xuan furrowed his eyebrows remembering about what Minjun had told him: Joowan was a murderer and if he'd deem Xuan as competition, he might attempt 'eliminating' him the best way murderers know...
But how can I make me not want you now? Can I make me not go to your house?
But when was he ever afraid of death to begin with? Xuan let out a self-ironic snort. The idea sounded soo stupid in comparison to his lifestyle: he was dealing with the threat of death on a daily, such was the life of a powerful mob leader such as himself. So what was one more assassination threat on top of the already long list looming over his head? Xuan wasn't a scarredy cat. He'd never fret in the face of danger and that wasn't something that would change now. If he wanted Minjun, he could've as well gone for it! Xuan wasn't going to let anyone get in his way and if worse came to worse, he was sure that at least he could rid the lawyer of this annoying pain in the ass.
Baby I crave you I crave your taste in the night (...) And it's rushing from my feet to the back of my head
That thought in mind, Xuan smirked to himself a sinister smile. Yeah, he wasn't going to back down and give up that easily! When he wanted something, he was the type of man that wouldn't refrain from doing almost anything to get that something and if that bastard was even going to think to stand between him and Minjun, Xuan was going to show Joowan what it meant challenging the Green Eyed Death himself.
So yeah, he was going to actually go to Minjun house tonight and finally do what he's been craving to do for quite a while now. Once that decision set, there wasn't turning Xuan back from it and he was going to make sure that nothing, and really nothing, would stand between him and his goal! Those were the very thoughts traversing Xuan's mind as he stared at the shiny revolver glistening in the dim light of the study, before placing it in its holster, concealed nicely underneath his shirt and pants at his back.
Oh, your demons match my ghosts I'm sad as fuck you know You can always make it worse But I love the way it Hurts and maybe that's my curse Come and drag me through the dirt You can always make it worse But I love the way it hurts It hurts It hurts But I love the way it hurts It hurts Oh it hurts
Indeed, they were twin spirits attracting one another and for that reason they should have been together... Xuan wan't one to give up without a fight and even if this would've ended up hurting him in any shape or form, he was more than willing to take that pain. After all, wasn't he the type who liked a little bit of pain anyways?
Cheeky grin played at the corners of his lips and his emerald eyes shined with the glow of a hungry predator ready to go after its pray, as the raven haired exited the office. Let the hunt of the night begin!
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cherubytes · 5 months
one-sided v4v where the v2 fights are just a way to get attention but v1 doesn't care at all
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inverse-problem · 1 year
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speedpaint shading practice while I procrastinate on other stuff
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imagine V1 cleaning in a maid outfit
yeah im normal abt this one. trust me
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
Gabriel : Yes, I do know. It seems like you could even KILL OUR BABY for your career.
Gabriel : AGH!
V1 : What the fuck. How could you?
Gabriel : D-AGH!
Gabriel : Mmm...
End Transcription
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